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A thus— the taste for gunmakiug, watchma...
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National Land Company.—Any person wishin...
AN OLD FOE WITH A NEW FACE. In the earne...
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A Thus— The Taste For Gunmakiug, Watchma...
THE NORTHERN STAR . _____ __ - ^ A ™™ ^ i £ f - « i i .-I .. —I ...... .. — .. — — . , . — .. I-., i - »*» - » i-- ¦¦ -- ¦ ™ . . - j ~ ~ - ixiufi i ¦
THE CHSAP 2 ST HJirMX EVEl rCBMSUEO . Trice Is . oil , A new and elegant edition , with Steel Hate of the Author , of PAIHE'S POLITIOAL WDRK 8 ;
TO BE SOLD . A FOUR-ACRE ALLOTMENT , deliglit-J \ - fully situated on the Bromsgrove citato , on which £ 5510 s . has haeu paid . Application to be made to Samuel Boonham , 144 , High Holborn . and of Mr . John Hatch , 3 , Turrille-street , Churchstreet , Shoreditch .
EUPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED WITHOUT ATltUSSl-CAUTIOX .-DR . WALTER BE BOOS , 1 . Ely-place , Ilolborn-liill , London , still continues to supply tlie afflicted with his celebrated CVllE for SLVGLE or DOUBLE RUPTUKES , the efficacy of -which is now too well established to need comment . It is easv in application , causes no inconvenience whatever , and will he scnt 1 ; post ftec , on receipt of Os . fid ,, by Post-office Order , or Stamps . Dr . D . K . has a great number of old trasses left behind by persons cureil , as trophies of his immense success , which he will almost give away " those who like to wear them . Hours—ten till one morniny , and from four till eight evening . "It has quite cured the person for whom you sent it , and you trill he so good as ib send two for other persons I know . "—Iter . iL Watson , Jfighain Ferrers . 2 f . B . _ Inquiry will prove tlie fact that no remedy is employed at any " Hospital iu England , Fiance , or elsewhere , liis being tie only remedy known .
LVSTAXTEASE—LASTING CUKE . Price Is . per Packet BB AXDE'S ENA 3 LEL , FOR FILLING DECAYING TEETH , and HESDERDsG THEM SOUSD ASD l'AlXLES * , has , from its unquestionable ex cellenee . obtained great popularity at home and abroad Its curative agency is based upon a TKUE THEORY of the cause of Tooth-Ache , and hence its great success . Dj most other remedies it is sought to kill the nerve , and so stop the pain . IJut to destroy the nerve is itself a very painful operation , and often leads to very sad consequences , for the tooth then becomes a dead substance in the living jair , and produces the same amount of inflammation and pain as would result from any other foreign body embedded
HALSE'S SCORBUTIC DROPS . A SURE CURE FOR SCURVY , BAD LEGS , AND IMPURE BLOOD . Another surprising cure by means of Balse ' s Scorbutic Drops . DECLARATION- OF THE GUABDIAXS OF BBENT , DEVON ' . We , the undersigned , solemnly declare , that before Thomas Rollins , ( one of our parishioners ) commenced taking "Halse ' s Scorbutic Drops , " he was literall y covered with large running wounds , some of them so large that a person mi ^ lit have laid his list in them ; that before lie had finished tlie first bottle he noticed au improvement ; and that , by continuing them for some time , he got completely restored to health , after everything else had failed . Be had tried various sorts of medicines , before taking "Halse ' s Scorbutic Drops , " and liad prescriptions from the most celebrated physicians in this country , wiihout deriving the least benefit " Halse ' s Scorbutic Drops" have completely cured him , and he is now enabled to attend to his labour as irell as any man in our parish . Prom other cures also made in this part , we strongly recommend "Iia ! se's Seorburie Drops" to the notice of the public . Signed hy Jons Eluott , sen ., Lord of the Manor ; Johs ~ J . MXSI . VG , WlIilAM 1 * £ ABS & llsSSS GoOMliX , aild AjITJIEB XAXcn-oKinr- —June 21 st , JS 13 .
BL AIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS . The acknowledged efficacv of BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS , by the continued series of Testimonials which have been sent to and published by the proprietor for nearly twenty years , has rendered this medicine the most popular of the present age ; and in corxeboration of which the following extract of a letter , written by John Molard Wheeler , Ksq ., Collector of Customs , Jamaica , having been handed by his brother , at Swindon , to Sir . Prout for publication , will fuUvconfirm . "lknow you have never had occasion to take Blair ' s PiUs , but let me emphatically teU you in mercy to any friend who may suffer from gout rheumatic gout lumbago , sciatica , rheumatism , or any branch of that widely-allied family to recommend their using them . In this country they are of wonderful efficacy : notonlyamliEBsoxiiii aivare of their powers , but I see my friends and acquaintances receiving unfailing benefit from their use . I would not be without them oa any account If taken in the early stage of disease they dissipate it altogether : if in a later , they alleviate pain , and effect a much speedier cure thaii by any other means within my knowledge . "
On the 1 st of September will appear THE OPERATIVES' FREE PRESS ; A Monthly Journal of LABOUR , POLITICS , AND EDUCATION . COXDUCTED BY WOHKIXG HEX . Price One Penny . Cambridge : J . Mouel ; London : J . Watson , 3 , Queen ' s Head-passage , Patornoster-row .
rrO BE DISPOSED OF TWO FOUR-- * - Acre Shares in the National Land Company , the holder being about to emigrate . Price £ 8 . Apply to John Broadhurst , 61 , jjfewton-gardens , Newton Heath , Manchester .
NEW CASTLE-Otf-TYNE . —This is to give notice that the General Quarterly Meeting of this Branch wiU be held on Sunday , September 2 nd , at five o ' clock , when business of importance will be brought before that meeting . It is also particularly requested that each member of the district pay his Levy of 3 d . per member , as early as possible , to defray the expenses ofthe Delegates to the last Conferancc , and also it is earnestly requested that all the Branches in the District will at once come forward and pay their arrears to the Conference held in Birmingham , in October 30 th , 1848 , as the District Branch is a long way in debt in reference to that Conference . Thomas Fobbest . Sub-secretary .
R UPTURES EFFECTUALLY CURED -l * WITHOUT A TRUSS !! ! -Dr . GUTHREY having been successful in upwards of 7 , 201 ) cases of single and double } RUPTURE , now offers his remedy to the public . In every case of Rupture , however desperate or long-standing , a CURE is GUARANTEED without the use of any Truss whatever . It Is easy and simple in use , perfectly painless , and especially applicable to both sexes of all ages Sent free on receipt of 6 s . by Post-office order or stamps , byVr . UESRY GUTHREY , fi , Ampton-street , Gray ' s-iuuroad , London . At home daily , Ten tiU One . Dr . G . has received testimonials from all the most eminent ofthe faculty , as weR as from hundreds of patients who have been cured , and who have also left their trusses behind them as TROPHIES of his success , which may be seen by any one ,
HUNGARY and the AUTOCRAT ! DO T 0 U -WISH TO BE ACQUAINTED WITH THE HISTORY OF THE BISE ASD PROGRESS OF TUB HUNGARIAN sinucoLE ? I f so , head nos . hi . and iv . of . the " DEMOCRATIC REVIEW . " fly Xot IV . ofthe "DEMOCKATIC REVIEW " which will b » published early next week , will contain a continuation of the History of the War in Hungary ; also the remarkable Will of Peter the Great , and several other interesting articles on Home and Forei gn Politics , Literature , & c , Ac . Edited by G . JULIAN HARNEY . Fobtt Paces ( in a coloured wrapper ) , Price THREEPENCE . London : E . Mackenzie , 5 , Wine Office-court , Fleet-street , and ( on order ) of aR Booksellers and News Agents in Town and Country .
©0 «Rorre»Ponn$Ni^ T
© 0 « rorre » ponn $ ni ^
National Land Company.—Any Person Wishin...
National Land Company . —Any person wishing to purchase a paid-up four-acre share in tke Land Company , by applying to the Directors or to Mr . Sutcliffe through Mr . Boonham at the office , will receive all necessary information . - HCNGABY . —To THE EDITOR OP THE NORTHERN StIR . —DEAR Sut , —I observe . that throughout England the friends of non-resistance are at much trouble to prove their consistency in holding peace princi ples , and supperting the Hungarians . I would recommend them to bury the word consistency , and substitute the word right . The Hungarian movement is so just that its influence is irrepressible ; then why be so delicate ? Say , at once , "Death to the Co'sacks , and ' success to Kossuth and Bem , " and , auove all , strive to make England do her duty . I also observe that the absolutist journals have published a semi-official
reply to Lord Palmerston ' s speecli , in which they put the question on its true merit-to wit , are Austria and Hungary to be divided 5 Let England , through her Homo Secretary , answer in favour of Hungarian independence , then lier government will be de facto , what , her people recognise de jure . As the question now stands , Hungary is guaranteed to Austria by treaty , to which England and Russia were parties . . Break the treaty ; the step is a bold but a necessary one . As for that bugbear—the " balance of power "—it is high time that it be re-adjusted . It has been a balance on the wrong side for upwards of thirty years , and cannot be too soon put to rights . — Faithfully yours , S . Ktdd . —Carlisle . The Testimonial to the Hu . vgakians—The following appeal was recently laid before the workmen in the Locomotive Carriage and Waggon Department , South-Eastern Railway , bricklayers' Arms station , Old Kentroad : —
" All men are brethren . " xSng-lislimen ; Englishmen , Englishmen , Arouse from your slumbers ! Fifty-five Hungarian ioldiers , who some months ago joined the Italian patriots , and turned their arms against the Austrian tyrant , have been by the reverses of war , cast upon the shores of this country , refugees from tkc vengeance of Kadetski , the fitting instrument of a bloodstained despotism . These brave Hungarians arrived here penniless , friendless , and worn down with hunger , sickness , fatigue , and wounds . Their position made known to tlie public through the press has already elicited considerable evidences of British sympathy , but further pecuniary aid is required to furnish those gallant
patriots with the means of repairing to their native country , whether they desire to return to give the aid of their good swords to Kossuth and his gallant confederates , who at present are nobly struggling to save their fatherland from the sanguinary and bvutalising sway of the Russian and Austrian tyrants . To tes sify your sympathy for the heroic but unfortunate men cast upon the bounty of England , and to thereby express your admiration of the holy cause , in defence of which their chivalrous countrymen are , at this moment , contending against baroamn force . We , therefore , earnestly implore you to contribute your subscriptions , and to do for these men as you would wish to be done for , under the like circumstances .
The following sums , amounting to £ 12 s . 9 d ., were rereccived by Mr . Osmond Martin , and by him paid over to Mr . Julian Harney : —Osmond Martin , Is ; A Lover of Liberty , Is ; W . Chapman , Gd ; George Heather , Cd ; T . Drake , 3 d ; John Hughes , Cd ; J . 13 urton , Gd ; W . Whitehead , Gd ; T . Star , Gd ; W . Mitchell , 3 d ; Henry Burrows , 3 d ; A . Heith , 3 d ; John l'enrce , 3 d ; C . 1 'ish , 3 d ; C . Harrison , 3 d ; E . Sherrington , 3 d ; C . Olten , 3 d ; 11 . Stebbiugs , Cd ; J . Henuess , 3 d ; W . Staples , Gd ; W . Frankum , Is ; Henry Feltham , Gd ; G . Frear , 3 d ; C . Bamett , 3 d : G . Martin , 3 d ; W . YeninE . 3 d ; T . Soles , 3 d ; W . IIo ! lv , 3 d ; J . Welch , Cd ; J . Feltham , 3 d ; Z . Wilkings , 3 d ; Mr . R . Lee , 6 d ; Mr . 3 . Martin , is ; 13 . Searle , 3 d ; E . Doddridge , 3 d ; J . Heading , 3 d ; W . Soans Sd ; L . Casey , 3 d ; R . Burrows , 3 d ; J . Morris , Gd ; G . Kelly , 3 d ; C . Barnes , Gd ; Thomas Leneham , Gd ; R . Swinerton , Gd ; James Riddle , Cd ; J . Childs , Gd ; J . Nicol , Cd ; G . Gray , 3 d ; Mr . G . Dummer , Cd ; W .
Rarnett , 3 d ; . J . Ward , Gd ; J . Young , 3 d ; Mr . Nobbs , Gd ; W . Dickenson , 3 d ; Henry KneU , 3 d ; E . Coxon , 3 d ; W . Feltham , 3 d ; E . Denby , 3 d . ggtT The account of £ 1 2 s 3 d was paid over to the Sun newspaper by Mr . Harney on the 14 th of August , and was acknowledged in that paper . HnxGAitv . — Julian Harney acknowledges the following sums in aid of the Hungarian cause : —Collected at a Public Meeting at Berry-Edge , per Mark Dent , 13 s . ; James Powell , Monmouth , Is . ; " Wallace , " 4 d . J . Sweet acknowledges the receipt of Is 5 d from Retford for Conference expenses . —For Dr . M'Douall , Mr . Smith , Gd For Macnamara ' s Action , New Radford , per W . Smalley , Ss fid . Kirkdale Pitiso . vERS . —Thomas- Ormesher acknowledges the following sums : —Failsworth , per James Taylor , Gs ; Bury , a Friend , per Mr . Jones , is ; Bury , Victim-box , per Mr . Jones , 5 s . Old .
Mr . Hcmm has received , for the Kirkdale Prisoners , from Fadiham , per Robert Dodson , O ' s ; also from Hebden Bridge the sum of os . To the Editor of the Northern Stab . —Dear Sir , —I am requested , by the Colonel Hutchinson locality , to call your attention to an article iu the Nottingham Review entitled , " Work for the Recess . " _ They will be . glad if you will find room in the Star for it , also the following resolution : — "This meeting is highly gratified with the aforesaid article , it being a noble vindication ofthc rights of the working man , and a just expose of the tyranny of tlie ruling class , and a noble call on Englishmen to arise aud demand their just rights , and that we feci grateful for such noble conduct . "—Yours fraternally , J . Wall . We are unavoidably compolled to postpone the publication
sent by the National Association of Trades , and a visit to Clmrterville , through press of matter . S . Mookes . —We must persist in our refusal to give pub-Ucity to an irritating and useless discussion . J . WmcxEV . —You cannot reasonably expect us to publish a comment on an unpublished communication . Mr . Nixo . v , Lecturer , of Manchester , is requested to communicate with Mr . Enoch Sykes , 15 , Lucas-yard , Newtown , lludersfield . Mb . Newtojc , Leeds , has only sent the cost for one insertion of the advertisement . The duty is chargeable on each separate insertion . Ma . Andrews , Terriugton , St . Clements . —You should have remitted 9 s . for the advertisements . E . Remlap . —Declined . W . Monday . —Received . R . BaooK , Huddersfield . —The letter shall appear next week .
POSTMIT OF KOSSUTH , THE HMGAEM CHIEFTAIN . The Portrait of Kossuth will be given with the «« Star" of Saturday next , the 1 st of September , to our Lancashire and London subscribers , and on the following week to the remainder of our subscribers . The price of the Paper will be Eightpence . Agents must send their orders early .
MR . O'CONNOR'S TOUR . Mr . O'Connor will be in jtfottingham on Monday , and 5 n Sheffield on Tuesday next , which will prevent him accepting the invitation of his Loughborough aud Sutton-in-Asbfield friends , but when making his political tour he promises to attend both places .
The .I0bthebi Stab Satvkday. August 35, Is49.
The "Dispatch" And Mr. O'Connor,
While it is an admitted fact that the censure of slaves is adulation , it is equally true that the fair criticism of commentators is not only just , but should ho courted , and we freely grant to the "Dispatch "—not only the privilege , but the right , to criticise and scan severely the acts of every public man , and more especially the acts of him who has been so extensively gifted with the confidence of a large and independent class . With this view , and unwilling to snatch mere sentences from the article upon which we are about to comment , we give in another part of - the paper that article full ' and entire , and to its perusal we invite the strictest attention of our numerous readers .
Our object has ever been the exposure and not the suppression of public opinion , however its growth , or change may militate against our popularity by the exposure of our ignorance ; as nothing can be more essential to the developement of the improving mind , than a know ^ ledge of its results , from a proper direction . Thei " Dispatch " has criticised Mr . O'Connor in his political , and in his social character . In its political review he is placed in tho same category with Oastler and Stephens , with whom he was never politicall y associated , but the fallacy of whose political principles he has
always exposed ; while he is made responsible for every act committed by those professing Chartism , whose acts , however , in many instances , were based upon sordid and selfish motives . But if we desired a perfect proof , and the strongest illustration of the value of that mind which Mr . O'Connor has industriousl y created , could we instance a stronger , a more irrefutable , or more conclusive one , than the fact that the strong party now seeking for political ascendancy is compelled to court that mind , as the only power and means by which its object can be accomplished . But if we required still stronger proof , it will be
The "Dispatch" And Mr. O'Connor,
found in the still greater fact , that the Representatives ' of that ; party , and their Press , although confident of their inability to carry out their object without tho co-operation of the Chartist mind , are , nevertheless , anxious to get rid of him who created that mind ; a circumstance most calculated to inspire the belief that the intention is to pervert it to a class instead of a national purpose . The " Dispatch" tells us : — That we have seen the end if not of the Charter at least of Chartism . It has had a strange aud eventful history . . .. „
We confess our inability to solve the meaninn ; or to arrive at any solution of the above sentence-other than that Chartism , however violent it may have been in consequence of the tyranny of all opposed to it , is now about to accomplish its purpose , namely , the WIARTER ; the only object of Chartism . Further on we are told : — The Parliamentary and Financial Reform Association has now directed tlie zeal of the misguided into a less toituous channel , and made the torrent of Chartism to flow in a steadier , and therefore stronger current .
Well , then , iu the two foregoing sentences have we not the strongest laudation of CHARTISM as the means , and the CHARTER as the end . Not that the Chartists have abandoned Chartism , but that the Reform Association has all but accepted it ; and what , let us ask , has been the great difficulty that has haunted Mr . O'Connor in his varied but consistent political career ? Has it not _ been the repudiation of the sayings , and doings , and declarations , and principles of those who have taken advantage of the hour of excitement and enthusiasm , consequent upon bad trade , to
urge the Chartists on to physical force , in the hope of making profit by madness ? And what now would be the strength and the power of the Reform Association , if Chartism , the master quill , was plucked from its wing ? And if they have been so weakened by deception and deceit , why this laudation at their union with those to whom they were formerly placed in antagonism ? But if we required stronger proof of the justice of the Chartist cause , will it not be found in the fact , that every speaker at the great Metropolitan meeting in Drury
Lane Theatre , not only confessed their preference of , but actually contended for , four of the principles of the PEOPLE'S CHARTER whole and entire , namely : Vote by Ballot , Equal Electoral Districts , Universal Suffrage , and no Property Qualification . So that we may justly turn up on our former opponents and say , " Thank God you have gained wisdom from the past , and have now adopted those principles , the advocates of which \ not long since , you not only despised and repudiated , but persecuted as employers and jurors . "
Has the "Dispatch" ever reflected upon the rugged path through which Chartism has had to pass ? Has the writer forgotten that Church and State , the Queen , the Lords , the Commons , bishops , parsons , officers , soldiers , policemen , detectives , spies , informers , landlords , money-lords , placemen , pensioners , bankers , merchants , manufacturers , shopkeepers , perfumed Atheneeum tradesmen , judges , barristers , lawyers , jurymen , satisfied labourers , special constables , and , though last not least , the Press , and every class that lived
luxuriously upon the unrepresented and unprotected industry of the poor , were , one and all , placed in the most dire hostility to those principles , whose sole and only object was to make the labourer " the first partaker of the fruits of his own industry ; " and when those facts are borne in mind , can a greater tribute of praise be offered to any man than to him , who , in defiance of these repugnant and opposing elements , has so created and organised the reviled party as to make them the terror of oueclassandworthythocourtshipandfrateniisation of tho other ? And however the Chartist
meeting of Kcnnington-commoii may be nowreviled , it was the greatest triumph ever achieved by Chartism , and the greatest blow ever struck , at tyranny : and we would ask what Mr . O'Connor's position would have been , and how loud the " O be joyful'' of his enemies would have been on the 10 th of April , if , instead of sitting in the front ranks of the Chartist troops , and passing through thousands and tens of thousands of policemen , special constables , and soldiers , with the Iron Duke at their head , and the Treasury at their back , he had skulked out of danger and allowed his
companions to be sacrificed to the tyranny of the Government , and the vengeance of their myrmidons , anxious and ready to exhibit English loyalty as a lesson to then revolutionised Europe ? or what would have been the criticism of the Press upon the folly , the madness , and the cowardice of Mr . O'Connor , if ho had brought an unarmed multitude into deadly conflict with armed ruffians panting for their blood ? It is our triumph and not our defeat , upon tho glorious 10 th of April , that our rulers and their supporters lament and writhe under .
We are glad to find that it was the RABBLE , and not the PEOPLE , who combined with the aristocracy to crush the Anti-Corn-Law League , and we would remind the " Dispatch" of the " Great Fact , " that the Chartists' opposition to the League was that it did not go far enough , inasmuch as the Chartists contended that , without Free Trade in representation , the industrious poor , who were tributary to the rich , could derive no benefit from Free Trade in food , as their wages would be correspondingly reduced ; and the truth of which is fully established b y the fact , that
those who then contended for mere Free Trade in food are now recruiting the Chartist force to contend for Free Trade in representation , as the only means by which the anomalous power of monopoly , of patronage , and the feudal system can be utterly broken down . And has the " Dispatch" forgotten that although Chartists were expelled from Free Trade meetings , and treated brutally by Free Trade professors , that the Manchester Chartists , at one of the
largest gatherings ever collected in that hive , passed a resolution in favour of Free Trade the year before it became law , upon the just and honest principle , that if withheld in consequence of their opposition , it would enable the League to create hostility between the starving Irish , and impoverished English , and the Chartist body , upon the pretext , that but for tiifeir resistance they would have had food for nothing . The "Dispatch" says : —
It may be conceded to Mr . O'Connor that he had the merit of organising the power of the labouring classes , and concentrating their strength more effectually- and formidably than they had ever been before ; and whatever maybe our opinion of the total want of sense and discretion which characterised bis guidance of these elements of political effectuality , we cannot withhold our admiration from the unshaken fidelity and trustfulness which has been exhibited by his followers , or the energy and combining skill which ) in his hands , might have better served a better cause .
The above is rather a censure upon the knowledge and discrimination of the working classes , than upon Mr . O'Connor ; but when the working classes still preserve that confidence , as they do , it is a proof that he has not laboured in their cause in vain , for they , ever faithful , grateful , and confiding , will cast their eye upon the past and exclaim , "But for the leadership of this unwearying , this disinterested , reviled , and persecuted man , would the day of auction have ever come when our power , our strength , and our resolution , was worthy the strongest competition of all parties , who now find that without us they are powerless , with us they are powerful ? ' '
Before Mr . O'Connor undertook the leadership of the industrious mind , it was capable of being sectionally catered for for the mere individual purposes of an interested person ; it was scattered like wild heather over the surface of the earth , but by his influence it is now amalgamated as the national mental strength , which no man , or set of men , can or shall scatter or break up . And thoso who vainly imagine , or hope to destroy that mind for the P n f %° i ^ Wt to some class purpose , will find their mistake .
The "Dispatch" And Mr. O'Connor,
The " Dispatch" proceeds thus : — He lias , as he now informs us , taken his leave of puWic life-not until , in our candid apprehension , it to « to *™ leave of him . His influence was great-has been . abused , and has been lost . . , No . Never ! andif , paralys edbyingratitude , grey-headed , and bowed down with h old age , the very rejoicings of his enemies at his departure from public life , has invigorated him , as u oy magic , and taught him the wholesome lesson , that to his abandonment of the cause n ? s enemies attach hope . of its frustration , we will show them , before Parliament meets , whether he has abandoned public life , and ... . _ .. - , . .
notwithstanding the hostility and the rancour of the Press , there is not a large town in England , Scotland , and Wales , in which he will not develope the mind of the people , and test and prove its adhesion to tho present movement , as neither insult , rancour , nor vituperation , shall ever make him an instrument to arrest the onward progress of freedom . Here we conclude our political comment upon the article in the " Dispatch ; " and now turn we to the consideration of Mr . O'Connor ' s much reviled Land Plan . And we think that tho following passage upon this Scheme will be as strong a justification for his social princip le , as the "Dispatch " has furnished of his political consistency . The writer says : —
Yet there is not a kingdom in Europe in which so small a proportion of this whole number ofthc people derive any support from the tilling of the earth as in this realm . ; the male adults employed in agricultural pursuits in Great Britain being not quite one-sixth of tho whole male adult population of the kingdom . Cottages have been pulled down whenever the peasantry have been wheedled into the union or hounded out of the parish by sham Game-Law prosecutions . The Irish landlords have helped thenclearance system by conspiring with steam-boat
proprietors to carry over the Hibernian bog-trotters to Liverpool or Glasgow at nominal fares , and to charge exorbitant rates for the passage back to Ireland again . Small forms have been run into large ones—the rural districts have been desolated and depopulated . The masses of the people have been driven into the large towns , and confined to the pur . suit of manufacturing and handicraft industry ; while the few who have been left in the country to cultivate imper . foetly the soil , have been reduced to a minimum of wages innucnuate to the supply of mere food , and totally incompetent-i tn the acouisition of clothing and other secondary
necessaries . These circumstances have resulted in tlie destruction of a home trade . The equilibrium of occupation between agriculture and manufactures has been altogether disturbed . Mve-sixths of the population have been made producers of clothing and other manufactures . Only one-sixth have been left to be their customers m exchange for food—and the impoverished condition of that one-sixth is so great , that they are all hut profitless consumers of the produce of the towns ; insomuch that thousands of the peasantry go without any new purchases of clothing for many years . Now the object of this Land Scheme is to restore this equilibrium . It proposes to create a large new class of rural freeholders , who , by the acquisition of county qualificationsshall acquire that stake
, in the country , which is the best guarantee tor order , and attain an amount of political power which may transfer the representation of the country from the peers'to the people . It designs to transpose a large proportion of theindustry of the country from the pursuit of manufactures , in winch there is too mnch competition and too little consumption , to a » ricu ) ture , in which there is too little labour employed , and ° too few consumers of manufactures left . It expects , by drafting off the surplus labour of the towns , to raise wages there , and by making these drafted corps freeholders ; to promote the fertility of the soil , and increase the and made
number ofthc poor who are their own employers , independent of wages . No end can be better than this . No scheme for the regeneration of society promises more useful results . No failure has been more complete—no means less adapted to the object . When , indeed , we hear its projector from Drury-lane promising to every working man iOs . a day , or £ 730 a year , we are at no loss to know where the source of tlie abortion is to be found ; and earnestly would we advise his followers to hold him to his word , of retiring into private life , or once move going to law and calling himself to the bar , to which lie has been too often brought up already . "
Letusnow , without ostentation , ask our humble readers how often they have read , though , perhaps in different language , every idea developed in the above passage ? Have we not shown that while the earth is ready to yield forth its abundance , that there is no country in Europe in which there is so much idle land , idle labour , and idle money ; and have we not shown that the system is upheld for the mere purpose of driving the agricultural labourer into the manufacturing town , for the purpose of reducing wages by competition ? Have we not , over and over again , shown that Ireland's great difficulty commenced with knocking small farms into large ones , when- forty-shilling freeholds
were abolished ? Have we not shown to the English working people that one of their greatest difficulties ' was that ' of being obliged to contend against the influx of Irish paupers , disinherited and driven from tlie land of their birth by the tyranny of their taskmasters ? And did we not in 1840 , - in reply to an absurd anti-Irish tirade published , in the " Dispatch , " show that this Irish clearance system had depreciated the wages of English operatives by at least thirty millions a year ? And have Ave not shown that Belgium , with a population , according to extent of territory , exceeding that of England by from twenty to thirty per cent ., is enabled to live and send us immense exports of food ,
by the small farm system , based upon a rotation of crops , and where rent is four times as high as in England or Ireland ? And have we not shown , over and over again , that the surplus population which now constitutes tho competitive power for reducing wages , if placed upon the land , would become better customers to our manufacturers and operatives than if consigned as paupers to the poor law bastile , and better producers of food for those who would then be better customers than any other foreign nation or all other foreign nations put together . And have we not shown that there does exist an
identity of interest between agriculture and manufactures which must one day be recognised and carried into practice by laws made by all ? Have we not contended for a Minister of Agriculture ? And have we not repeated to surfeit every word contained in the above passage , until our folly has become the wisdom of others , and now Mr . O'Connor , the propounder , is the only , man that ' s not capable of carrying the Plan ont successfully . Does not this remind our readers of his inability to carry out Chartism ? And will * they not come to the conclusion , that the dread of him consists in the confidence of the working classes , to establish the political means and the social end which he has so long and so successfully developed .
It is marvellous how newspaper writers , who cater for the morbid mind of a class , will base their opposition to a plan of which they highly approve , upon their hatred , or rather their dread , of him who professes to carry it out faithfully . The writer in the "Dispatch" would prove Mr . O'Connor ' s inability to carry out this Land Scheme successfully , upon the mere grounds that he promised that its developement would give 20 s ., 30 * ., o ;' . 40 s . a day to every labouring man , whereas what Mr . O'Connor did say—or , whaf he must have meant to say , was , that the fair developement of the Labour Question would give
20 s ., 30 s ., or 40 * ., A WEEK—and not a day—to every industrious man , and this is sufficiently proved by the context , as Mr . O'Connor compared it with the 5 s . and 6 s . a week now paid to labourers , every man perfectly understanding that 5 s . and 6 s . A DAY is not NOW earned by labourers .: But the commentator , not prepared to take an average or to measure the aggregate amount by the standard of piety , has forgotten the Fourth Commandment , and that man does not work upon the Sabbath , and is not paid for it , while he has taken the amount of wages at the highest , and made him work 3 G 5 days in the year , as twice 365 is * 730 .
There is something very ludicrous in the notion that the agricultural labourer , like the poet , is born , not made . When Adam delved and Eve span , Who was then the husbandman ? We have paraphrased the line , substituting " husbandman" for "gentleman . '* But we would ask the commentator whether it is more easy to teach a man to make a watch , to make aclc-ck , tomakeasteam engine , tomake a table , chair , or- sofa , to make a candlestick , a musket , or araxor , or to . dig the ground ? Now it may be true , and is true , that
Poeta nascitur , non fit" a poet is born , not made ; " so , in a great measure , is the musician and the mathematician—their organs develope a natural taste for those sciences ; but will the commentator—if he . is a phrenologist—have the goodness to point out the organ that developes
The "Dispatch" And Mr. O'Connor,
the taste for gunmakiug , watchmaking , chairmaking , and candlcstickmaking ? Why there is not a man with common habits of industry who will not become a goad practical agricultural labourer in three months , while ho would find it difficult to make a watch , or become a mechanic in sovon years . And as to tlio tailor not being taught to grow cabbage all at once , CABBAGE is the first thing that the tailor learns . His cabbage grows out of another man ' s coat , the taste for jrunmakiusr . watnl-imalrimr
bnt ho would find it more agreeable and profitable to grow it out of his own land . Surely , Mr . O'Connor has told his readers , over and over again , that house-feeding and soiling constituted one of the main features of his Land Plan ; but here , as with his politics , we have the free admission that both are right ; ihe one if placed under the guardianship of Free Traders , and the other if consigned to the tender mercies of KING HUDSON and a board of HONEST
DIRECTOES . If they held under such trustees of undoubted responsibility , who would soon swallow up the funds in expensive management , instead of placing between 6 , 000 / . and 7 , 000 ? . of their own money in that fund ; then the advertisements in newspapers — no small itsm in the gobbled-up fund—would insure tlie countenance and laudation of the Press ; and if failure , through robbery , was the result , there would bo too many black sheep to cull the real delinquent ; its very developement , though unsuccessful in its infancy , would have been the foreshadowing of England ' s greatness , and
though all were lost , the mere trial would have been a national benefit , and the jugglers would have been handed down to posterity , as the philanthropists of their day and the regenerators ' of their country . But as the CHARTIST DEVIL has done it , and as not a penny , has been paid for advertising , even in the " Northern Star ; " as there is no such item as " sundries , " " miscellaneous estimates , " or even " travelling expenses , " the thing is a juggle , and the propounder is the only living man incapable of carrying it out . And yet the subscribers are exhorted to exempt the fund from embezzlement or dilapi dation .
We here reprint the concluding passage from the " Dispatch : "We entreat the subscribers to the Land Scheme not to lose heart . Let them continue their subscriptions , taking proper precautions to secure the fund against embezzlement and dilapidation . While It accumulates and bears interest , it must he the object of the labouring classes and their friends to bring practical knowledge and business habits to bear upon tlie proper development of a plan which we are convinced , if properly worked out , bears within it the seeds of the regeneration of the peasantry , and , through their elevation , ofthe relief of the toiling millions , and of the enfranchisement of the working classes
through the rapid extension of 40 s . freeholders . It shall be our object to prove by the most incontrovertible evidence , that small holdings arc capable of maintaining millions iu comfort , aud entire independence upon the caprice of masters , or the precarious tenure of inadequate weekly wages . Although we admire the wise dread which the public entertain of projectors and " provincial Chancellors of Exchequer , " we shall not shrink from also showing how the scheme of conferring farms of all sizes upon various classes of agriculturists , may be carried into 2 > ractical effect—and in the meantime we have but to counsel the supporters of the Land Scheme to be cautious , but not desponding , There is hope for them yet , which prudence and ability may convert into certainty and success .
We have shown that the object of the political article upon which we have commented , is to take Chartism out of the hands of Mr . O'Connor , and we could not give a stronger proof than is furnished in the above passage , ofthe ultimate hope and expectation of grasping the Land Plan , which he has been the first to propound and honourably carry out , in the hope of making it a stock-jobbing concern for newspapers , money . mongers , and speculators . But with the political means and the social end Mr . O ' Connor will still keep pace , outstepping his opponents in the race , but not urged to
opposition to the cause of Reform as propounded by the Walmsley association—by insolence , denunciation , or slander . No . All the writers in England will not onl y find it difficult , but impossible , to turn him from his course or hurl him from the watch tower . The ingratitude of those whom ho has honestly served may wound him ; while threat , denunciation , or slander but increases his energy , makes his associates dearer , and confirms his resolve to die in the cause ofthe people rather than abandon their principles , or allow others to scatter that mental force which all acknowledge he has created , but the legitimate and faithful direction of which ALL DREAD .
An Old Foe With A New Face. In The Earne...
AN OLD FOE WITH A NEW FACE . In the earnestness and sincerity of its desire to promote political and financial reforms of a sound and genuine character , the " Times " has continued its criticisms on the united movement of the middle and working classes , and their great demonstration at Drurv-lane
Theatre . It is reall y very affecting to witness the anxious solicitude exhibited by this consistent , unswerving , and trustworthy organ of Reform , lest the movement should fail in consequence of having fallen into bad hands , or because of the difference of opinion upon particular topics , that may happen to exist among some of those engaged in promoting the general objects set forth iu the programme .
Most plaintively and most emphatically it repeats its lamentations , that " by the insincerity of purpose notoriously evinced in such proceedings ( as those in Drury Lane ) , what is good in the cause of the Association is so greatly damaged s" audit proceeds , after the fashion of the precocious urchin who taught his grandmother how to suck eggs—to instruct Mr . CoBDEiy how financial reforms ought to bo set about . It admits " we are now spending too much money ; that , '' it adds , " is admitted on all sides . " Precisely the reason , we presume , that the " Times" ' is so extraordinarily candid-and explicit in the admission . But , then , " the question is , how to effect the largest and most judicious saving ? " and tho
reply of the "Times" to that query is , in effect—sox b y having recourse to Universal Suffrage . The Ministerial journal lets the cat out of the bag . The ruling factions would not hesitate-to give up two or three millions a year , if sore pressed by tho middle classes—much though the sacrifice would grieve them—but they are" mortally afraid of Universal Suffrage , and the formation of a House of CommonS really representing the whole adult population ofthe country . They see clearly that such a change-must inevitabl y take place at no distant period , if the middle and working ^ classes continue united , and hence every ongine at their command will be set to work for the purpose of severing that union
The " Times" insidiously asks Mr . Cobden and his friends , " Does Financial Reform depend upon Universal Suffrage ? or do the men of Manchester really think that such a condition ofihe franchise would promote the monetary prosperity of the country , as understood by themselves ? Have none of Mr . 'C OBden's colleagues in agitation ever found . them , selves opposed to « the masses' whose alliance they-now ¦ accept V and then the worth y Mentof house
or Printing- -square proceeds to assure Ins pupils that ' - tho electoral constituencies arc infinitel y more amenable to their peculiar influence as they are at present composed . When they are indefinitely extended , ao dema * gogic impulse can pervade the vast extent of opinion ; and sentiments more-natural and instructive than that ( query , ' those ) of political ewnomy . are soonfonndto supersede and absorb the teaching of platform agitators . "
TheJast sentence should he hung up in every Chartist Lecturo-room , as the most emphatic exposition that has ever been given of the justice and the desirableness of Chartism * Ihe great ^' Thunderer , " itself , proclaims that a complete enfranchisement of the people would emanci pate them from " demagogic impulses , " that" sentiments more natural and instructive'' than those of political economy , as
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 25, 1849, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_25081849/page/4/