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j V^" \ ' ' '¦" :'SN I . >THE NORTHERN S...
The Irish members are beginning to abusj Em-
»-a at bad as ever. This really holes as...
Thireare fifty-two lkhthouse? 01 the Irish Ofst,
and the annual expenditure for '.he r ma...
A Fick sc?PFcrw) ro be ibb A cr of as Ihcehdiary occurred on WottonK farm, in Minster, Isle of Shep-
pey, about midnight 00 Friday last. The ...
The Dirtiness of Di'.ptfobd has long .oven notorious, and new that h.fluenz* has boen so fatal and
cholera is expect' d, a tew or the medic...
7HE TlN/HOliBS'^iLf^W « Tht^m^rtttarff i...
. I havo also roeeivf d information from...
Wigan.—Distress.—-Numerous gronpa of col...
: FREE TRADE IN BOLTON. The Power Loom W...
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J V^" \ ' ' '¦" :'Sn I . >The Northern S...
j V ^ " \ ' ' '¦ " ' SN I . > THE NORTHERN STAR . Decbmbeb 55 , 1847 .
Tub Greatest Cures Of A..Sy* Hudlclkba Ik The Globe .
HOllOWAT-S OINTMENT . A Very Wonderftl Cure of a , Disordered liver and Stomach . . Extract of a XeHsr / roai JSfr Charles ITBaw , SO , Frbaa Street , Glatgow , dated Ftimargliih , 1817 . To Professor Holloway . Sib , —Having taken vour pills to ren * " !!! ^ ! Ere Stomach and Liver , under which I had long snaerea , ^ and having fott \> we 4 vour printed instructions I nave re- ( gained Out health , which I had thoug ht lost for ever . I Ld previously had recourse to several "" f ^ ¦ " ?»¦ i W !» arcc .-IchatCd forthdr skill , but 'insteadiof . curing » vC , m , ' , au * , it increased to « ' a 0 St rJ » -f ^ f de ^^ otme ^ m « = ^ o ^ u | f tt ^ hu-uWraredeterrcdfrom taHn « yoariiioste « e ^ ' femnnv worthless wretches ; but wtiata p : ty it is that ifeSeonTu scdby others , shouldbe themeans of pre-•^ ri ^ aav unhappy persons , under disease , fromre-SSS Sub " * i « eofyourpai 8 . When 1 cornf ^^ t lie use o * f tout mils I was in a most wretched ^ rd = , titer * was a cousideruble change for the better , » d bvcoiitim : ingto use them for some weeks , I htrc ^ WjpWcc tlv restored to health , to the snrprue of all XlWewtnessed the state to which 1 had been ce-•^ dacea t . v the disordered state of the Lvrcr and StopacU ; would w God that every i » oor suticrer would avail mm- | self of the same astonishing remedy . ( Signed ) Charles WasoK . * * he nlmve gentleman has b « a a schootaastcr tratis now iu a hig hls respectable House , as Comaiercia ClerV . A Fatientin advingstate , Cured of a Disorder in the Chest . Extract of a teller from . Mr Stherl Catttrt , C &« si « t , i'tolwfy , dated JanueeySSth , 1 S * 7 . To l ' rofessor B « Uoway . Sis . —Mr Thompson , National Schoolmasfer of this T * wZ desires jne to send you Site particulars respectinK a sou of his , who had been seriously ill for three years and a half , and who has derwed thegreatestaenefits from die use of vour medicines , after trying all-ordmary resources without effect . The boyis eight-jsars of age . of rtrucwusorsicrofulous constitution . Hcsecmsto nave had a pleurisv . Khich en i 'diu a largecoUaction of matter in ihe chest , which < re : itus 41 y formed a ipessage through the wales of fee chest , w & ich euded = ta three fishuoa ores , wliich t-ontinucftto discharge large ^ uantities of pus uptoMav , « rfe « nhew « 8 iuducedtotry jour medicines ; atthiidnta he was in an apparent dyteg condition , aad in the highest decree of Marasmus or Consumption . He had sev ^ e hecticfever , the urine depositing large quana . tiesof--cdi « ,- ^ Kt-c oiKt 3 « tdKtressm conBh ;; -no fPP ?« p —and the stomach T ^ ccfing nearly everything be took , both t-M and meScIne , he : beganby 5 aking hve ef your tails iiis ' : t andmomin ; , which were gradually increased to ten which iu a s ^ ort time had the effect of completely eurin- the coush , thestoniach aUvctioiis , and restoriug thenriuewi ± sBatt £ r £ l £ tite . HU « treueth and flush aie also restored , andiis nppetitekecn and digestion good . ( Signed ) Sobest Caivest . THE Earl of Airlhorough cured of a . liver and Stomach Complaint . Estrac tofaletter from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 2 ista ? ebruary , 1 S 45 : — Tt > Professor HoHotray . gjg ^ _ V . irio « circumstances preveated the possibi'ity of mv Jhaakv-. ^ l « a b efore this feme for s ^ ur pe-litenes in sending me your pilis as-you did . I now take tids opportunity vt sending youan »( rder for the amount , and , attliesaKie tir .: » , to add Oust your pills have effected a cure of a ruso : dcr in my liver and stomach , which all the most eminent of tliefai-ulty : at h -me , aad all over tbe continent , b .-id wo . been abl-to effect ; nay J not even the wattrs of Carlsbad ami Maiitfiibad . Iwish to have another b > is atii s . v-ut <* : ' the ointment , in case aay of my famity ehou ' uever rtquiry citlier . Your most obliged and obedient servant , Signed ) AissoBOuen . THs Woudfrful J & Jic £ « e can te reeoiasiended tc ^ ft tie greatest coufilence for any p / tte / sUoiciiur diseases •" — ieue Female Irregu- SoreThrua * Asthma Urities Scrofula . orKing ' s BiliousComplaiats Fits Evil blotches on Skin Gout Secondary Symp-Sowel Co : i : p ! aiuts Ilcadache toms Colics Iudijastiaa Tie Dolorcux Constipation of Inuammation Tumours Bowels Jaundice Dicers Consumption liver Complaints Venereal Afiec . Dtbuiry Lubaso tions Droj * y I'Ues 'Worms , all 1 ,-inds Dysentery Rhematism Weakness , from Eiysijidas Hetinti < mofDrine whatever cause Fevers of ail kinds Stone and Gravel £ e ., & e . Sold at the ~ stabHshraent of Professor Holloway , ? 4 t , Strand , near Teiaple Bar , London , and by all respectable Druggists and Bc . ilcrs in Medicines tliroughcut the civilized wurid , at the fol owing prices : —Is . 1 Jd ., 2 s . Sfd ., 4 s . Sd .. 11 * .. ~ v ., and -33 s . each bur . There is a considerable fiavinj : hy t-sfciu ;? t ! te larger sizes . K . 15- —Hirtctions for tha guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box . i
TWENTY-FIFTH EDITION . Jflastrated bv Twenty-six Anatomical Engravings on Steel . On Physical DisjmVjcatiaiis , Generative Incapacity , tad IttjxdixtnU to Marriage . Anew and improved edition , snlarged to IPS pases , price 8 » . Cd . ; hy ; .-o ? t , direct from the Establishment , is . 6 d . in postage stamps , THE SILENT FRIEND ; > medical trork on the exhaustion and physical decr . y of tbe system , produced by excesshe indulgence , tke consequences of infection , or the abuse » f mercury , with observations on the uvrnied state , and the disqualifications which prevent it ; illustrated by ' 26 coloured en gp-aviBHS , and by the detail of cases . By E . and L . IPElUvY and Co , 19 , Beracrs-strcet , Oxford street , Louden . Published by the authiirp , and s »! d by Strange , - . ' 1 , Patcrnoiter row ; ifannay , 63 , and Sanger , ISO . Oxford-Street ; Staric , 23 . Tichborae-street , Uayuiarket ; and Gordon , 145 , Lrade : ih 3 ll-stree ^ London ; J . ai ; d It . Baimes , auu Cu ., Leithwaik , Edinburgh ; D . Camubell , Argyll-street , Glasgow ; J . Priestly , Lord-street , and T . Ncirton , Church-street , Liverpool ; B . H . Ingham , Market-place , iiauohester . Part the First I ? dedicated to tha consideration of the Anatomy and Physiology of the organs which are directly or indirectly engaged in the process of reproduction . It is illustrated by six coloured engravings . P * rt the Second Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced by over indulgence of the passions , and by the practice ofso'ittry « ratilication . It shows ciearly tfce manner in which it- ; baneful consequences of this indulgence operate ou the economy in the impairment and destruction of the social and vital powers . The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity , with their accomp : inyiiig train of symptoms find disorders , are traced by tr . e chain of connecting results to their cause . This se !« -: i : 'n concludes with an explicitdetail of the means bj which these 1 u-.-cts may be remedied , and foil and ample dirv-ctious f . ir t- ' ieir use . It is illustrated by three ¦ coloured engravings , whicU tiiUy display the effects of pbysicaldccr . y . Part the Third . Contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by infection , and by ths abuse of mercury , ; primary and secondary syinpt . iins , eruptions of the skin , sore throat , inflamtnatio :: « f thseyes , diseaseof theboaes , goBorrhoaa . g leet , stricture . & c ., are shown to depend ou this cause . Their treatment is fully described in this sectir ,-. The effects of !! CglfCt , iitierin the recognition of disease or in the treatment , arc shown to be tiic prevalence of the virus ia the system ,, which sooner or later will show itself in one of th ? forms already mentioned , av : d entail disca & e in its most frightful shape , not only on the individual himself- t-nt also on t 5 ie eSsprin . ' . Advice for the treatxsentidUi these diseases and taeir consequences is tendered iu this s » cti » n , which if duly followed up , casnot fail in efifei tiag a cure . The part is illustrated by seventean coloured engravings . Part the Fourth Treats ofth ; -preventative Lotion , an application by the use of which .-. !! dauber of infection is completely avoided , and th * \ taiafiilaud destructive maladies described iu the preeeiiing sections ' thoroughly prevented . Full and explicit duvrtiuns are given for its use , aad its modus operandi clearly explained . Part the Fifth Is devoted to the consideration of the Duties and Obligations of the > inrricil srate , And . of the causes which lead totise happiness or miaeryof those who havo entered into tlie bonds of matrimony . Disquietudes aud jars between married cou ; ks are traced to drpend , ia the niRJotity of instances , oa causes resulting from physical imperfections and ernirs , avd the means for tkeir removal are shwvu to tw within reach , aud effectual . The operation of certain distjualiSc-itions is fully examined , and infelicitous and UJiproductive unions shown to be the necessary cuU'Wra-.-iiee . The causes and remedies for this cteti ferai aa important consideration in this section of the work . THE COBDIAL BALM OF SYBTACDM expressly em ^ l « ycd to renovate the impaired powers of Jife , when exhausted by the influence exerted by solitary indulgence on tUe system . Its action is purely balsamic I its power in ranvi & orating the frame iu all cases of ueious and sexual debility , ohstiaate gleets , mpotency , b .- ! rrenuess , anq ct-jbiiitics arUiug from veiiereal exeessvs , has tx-vn djjnu «? tr : t * d by its uavaryingsuccess in wuu-Eauds - f cases To those persons who are prevented enerbtg the icarrie ! state by the consequences of early rrors , u is . uraiuaWe . Price lis . per bottle , or four quantities in one for 33 s . THE COX-. ENTBATBD DETERSIVE E 3 SESCE An anii-syphilitic remedy , forpnrifjing tke system from vcucrcal contamination , aud is recommended for any of the varird forms of sccon arysyinptf > ms , such aseruptions an the skill , blutchesontnclcadand faee , enlargement of the thr-aat , toasHs , and uvula ; threatened destrurfiau cf the i-ose , palate , < tc . Its actios is purely deterasfe , end its beaaScial influence on tke system is undeniable . Price 1 is . aud 33 s . per bottle . The 5 » cases of Sjriacum or Concentrated BeterMre Esse : ii-c canouly be had at 19 , Berucrs-street , Oxford-• trect , L-jndaa ; wherelir there i * a sarins of U . lis ., and the patient is entitled to receive advice without afee , which advantag ? is applicable only to those who remit 51 . for a pack-t . PCfiKY'S BURIFYIKG SPECIFIC PILLS Constitute an effeotcal remedy in all cases of gonarrhoja , gleet , stricture , aud diseases of the urinary organs . Price fs . 3 d ., is . sd ., and JJ & j « r box . PEUilY'S P ? . EVESTAT 1 VE LOTIOS Is a never-failia ? jrcvesfive of infection . Used in accordance with tit" ! printed grecttons , it affords a safeguard against tlie apj # mach ip * disease . Price 33 s . a bottle ; or in SI . cases . Sold by a & 3 iedici « e vendors ia town and Country . Consultation fee , if by a « £ ter , it—Patients are requested to be as minute as pWtfible in the description ot their cases . Attendance daily , at 13 , BenKts-street . Oxford-street , london , from eleven to two , andfeom five to eight ; on Bundavs from eleven to ose . S « ld bySutbm and Co ., 10 , Bow «& areh Yard ; W . Edwards , 67 , St . Paul's Church Yard ; . Barclay and & ons , larrin-ioo-str . et ; Butler and Harding " . 4 , Cbeapside ; K . Johnson , 63 , Cornhill ; L . Hill , New Cross ; W . B . J . aes , Eing « tan ; W . J . Tanner , Egbam ; S . Smith , Windsor ; J B . Shillcock , Bromley ; T . Eiche , ' , Londonetreer , Greenwich ; Thos . Parkes , Woolwich ; Ede and Co ., Dorking ; and John Thuricy , Illgb-etreet . B *> mford , Of whom may be had the 'SILEXT FRIEND . *
The Irish Members Are Beginning To Abusj Em-
The Irish members are beginning to abusj Em-
»-A At Bad As Ever. This Really Holes As...
» -a at bad as ever . This really holes as if they inu-ndei ni ' , kipz spp ' jcatioa for an-tier Joan . —
Ark Acksowiikd 6bd To Be The Best ¦ ' ¦ ¦' ,
| ! ^ i | . MEDICINE is THE WOULD . In introducing th , efol' lowing Testimonials t » thenotic *; of tlie public , it may not be 0 ut of place in p ring a few observathius rcspectir ig parr's Life Pills . This medicine has been before the I jritisU puVlic only a few years , and perhcpsinttieanna iS ol - tno world was never seen sue cess equal to their progress ; the virtues of this Medicine were at oace ackr . owledged wherever tried , ini recom mendation follow edrecommendation ; hundredshadsoon to actawvledfce that Jarr ' s Life Bills had saved them , and were loud ? a their praise .. The startling facts that were continual" $ brought before the public at once removed any pr < ^ adice which some may have felt ; the continual good w fcjca resulted from their use spread their fame far aud ,- « ide , at this moment there is scarcely a country on t uofoce of tho globe which has not heard of their benefit * , and have scugtt for -supplies , whatever might be t ^ ieoost of traiisinh-suin . The United States , Canad , I adi « , and even China have hid immense quantities shipp « d to their respective couutrios , aud with the ' same ref ^ Uas in En gland—U . vrvsssai , Goop . - The p eueral use of this medicine , having been the result of the benefits exourienced by thousands of persons , rod that the knowledge -of such be useful' toall , we re totacasui a careful perusal of the following Testimoni aJs . Tl ' . es * te of Parr ' s Life Pills amounts to upwards of 30 , 0 M bases weekly , more than all other patent mediciii ts pat together . " Tids simple fact needs no turther «» ' nsacat y s tells >! ainly that the PiUs ^ of Old Parr are The 3 isr , alediciue in the World . ! The following , with many others , have beea recently r-jeejwjd ;—r " " : Communicated b y Mr Jnn . v IIeatok , Leeds , Gentlemen , —I am happy to inform you that w « are dx % hearing accounts of the good effects of Parr ' s Life l * slls : to enumerate the cases would be a task too formidable to me , and which has prevented my writing to inenn yoa before as I-ean hardly tell where to begin . te « mia said , he wanted a box of Life Pills , for Life Kile they were *> him , they hid done him . so much Sood in relieving him of an obstiuate cough aud asthma . Another said they were wohth their weight im < sotD ; * s he was not like the same man since h » bad taken than . I Another said his wife had had a bad leg for years , bat : ettcr taking ene smnll box , which was recommenced by his Class Leader , her lq ; was much better , and when she had takttt the second box , it was quite as well as i the other . . •'" ., " A very respectable female said her husband had been aSictcd ab-ive two years , and had tried many things , but sinca he had taken Parr's Life Pills he was quite a new man . You will please send immediately , thirty-six down boxes , at Is . ljd ., andsix dozen at 2 s . 3 d . I am , Gentlemen , yours respectfully , 7 , Brijgato , Leeds . John Heatow . BEWARE OP SPURIOUS IMITATIONS . Sone are genuine unless tne words " Parr ' s Life Pills ' are in White Letters on a lied Ground , on the . Government Stamp pasted round each box ; also the foe simile of the signature of the proprietors , "T . Roberts and Co ., Crane-court , Fleet-street , London , " on the Dircctions . Sold in boxes at Is 1 Jd .. 2 s . 9 cL , and family packets at lis . each , by all respectable medicine venders throughout the world . Full directions arc iriven with each box .
OS THE CONCEALED CABSE THAT PREYS O . V TBE HEALTH AND SHOBTESS THE DURATION OF HUMAN LIFE Ili . ust 8 i . teo w : tu Coloured Es-cbavisos . Just Published , in a Sealed Envelope , price 2 s . Cd ., or free by post , 3 s . fid . CONTROUL OF THE 1 » . ' . S * 10 XS ; a Popular Essay on the Duties and Obligations of Married Life , tho uuhr . ppiuess reiultittg from physical impediments and defects , with directions for their treatment ; tlie abuse of the passions , tbe prenjatu-e decline of lie-ltu , aud mental and bodily vigour ; indulgence in solitary and delusive habits , precocious exertions or infection , inducing a Ion ? trainof disorders : ift \; ct ; ng the principal organs of the body , causing consumptions , mental and nervous debility and indigestion , with remarks on ironorrhcea , gleet , stricture , and syphilis . Illustrated with Coloured Engravingsund Cases . CONTENTS OF THE WORK . Chap . 1 . —The influence of the excessive indulgence of the passions in inducing bodily disease and mental decrepitude . Illustrated with Coloured Engravings . Chap . a .-Encrvati : ig aud destructive effects of the vice of se ! tindulgence , inducing a Ions train of diseases , indigestion , hysteria , insanity , mupiiig melancholy , consumption , stricture , impotence and sterility , with observations on the purposes and obligations of marriage , and the un . happy consequences of unfruitful unions .. Chap . 3 . — Seminal weakness and generative debility : the nature of impotence and sterility , and the imperfections in the performance of the principal vital function consequent jamal-praetices , the treatment of the diseases of the * i : ad and body which result from these causes . Chap . 4 . . * Geiorrhoea , its symptoms , complications and tveat-. ncnt , gleet , stricture , and inflimmation of the prostate . Chap . 3 . —Syphil's . its complications and treatment , Oases . Concluding Observations , Plates , & c . By CHARLES LUCAS and Co ., Cousultinj Surgeons , CS , Newman-street , Oxfurd . street , kLondon . Member of the London College of Medicine , & c ., £ c . Sold by Brittsin , 51 , Paternoster-row : Hannay and Co ., 63 , Ox ord-str < : et ; Gordon , 146 , Leadunhall-street ; Maosell , \ 1 \ Fleet-street ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street , London ; Winnell , " 8 , High-stre r , Birmingham ; H'hitmore , 119 , llarket-street , Manchester ; Howell , 51 , Chinh-street , Liverpool ; Robinson , 11 , Greensidesrtreet . Edinbursh ; rowell , 10 , Westmoreland-strect , Dablin , and all booksellers . Tr . e t « sk of preparuig aud producin ;; the work entitled 'Ci'iilrouloftue Passion * , ' by Messrs Lucas , though apparently nutoue of magnitude , demands a most intimate acyuaititancewith the mysteries of a profession of the highestcharacter . To tay that the author has produced a volume which cannot be otherwise considered than as a treasure , aud a blessing to tfee community , is not saying too much ; and being written by a duly qualified medical practitioner , its pages give evidence of tue results of much personal investigation , aud great researches in the stud y of medicine . In a word , the work I as merits which deve " !<> pe no superficial attainments , and w .-curdially and most earnestly recommends it for general perusal . —Weekly Chronicle . The press teem ? with volumes upon the science of medi cine and the professors of the art curative abound ; hut it is rarely even in these days , when ' intellect is on tke march , 'that we find a really useful nedical w . ork . It was with no small gratification that we have perused the unpretending , but really truly valuable little volume , entitled , 'Controulof the Passions , ' by Messrs Lucas . The awful consequences of depraved habits , early ac quired , are set forth in language that must co ~ . e home with harrowing force to the parent and the victim . We regard this publication as one of a class titat is most productive of benefit to humanity . The subjects , h glily important aud delicate , aretreated in a style which at once exhibits the possession of great scientific knowledge , combined with tbe fidelity of truth . Tiieauthor ofthiswork is a legally qualified medical man , and we most cordiallv recommend it . —Coiisereatttifi Journal . Persons desirous of obtaining the above work , and not w a shing to apply to a bookseller for them , may , to ensure secrecy , have it direct f om the authors , by enclosing 3 s . Gd ., orjiostsge stamps to that amount . At home from ten till two , and from five till eight ; imwedwterepliesscnttoainetters , it containins the fee ef-Si . for advice , & c ; 60 , Newman . street Oxford-strtet , London . '
^^ - Instant IltUsf speedy E ^ P ^ I ^ S ^^^ COTJOES , COI . DS , Isij §& W . ^* if ? H ?* Hoarseness , Asthma , Hooppe ^^^ M ^^ S ^^ k » ng Cough , Influenza , Couw ** ** * " ^* ^ ^^ sumption . ic „ bj BROOKE'S MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM . EVERY family ou : ; ht to keep a constant supply of the medicine , wlii ^ i i ? prepated from ingredients of this Most hearing , softening , and expectorating qualities , is a rich and plesautpsctoral balsam , aud has been givtniu numerous cases with singular success . Tho eztraordi nary power wiich it possesses in immediately rc'ievinjr , and eventually curing , the most obstinate coughs , colds , : hoarseness , asthma , and all complaints of the breath , is almost incredible , bnt will he folly pi oved on trial . In that unpleasant tickling cough , which deprives t ^ c sufferer so constantly of rest , it will be found invaluable , as it instantly allays theirritttion , a binr , le dose affording immediate relief , and in mest cases a single bottle effects a permanent cure . For the hooping coush , it will be fou > d an invaluable remedy , depriving those harrassing spnsmodic paroxysms of their violence , and from its powerful oxpectorr . nt aud healing qualities , speedily effecting a comp . ' ete cure . Daring the periodical attacks of the influenza , which have so often occurred during the winter , many individuals h ive expressed to the proprietors that they have received material relief from its use , and it may be re » commended as a remedy of the first importance iu that disease . Its effects in dissolving the congealed phlegm , and causing a free expectoration , is truly wonderful , » nd to persons afflicted with asthma , and chronic coughs , which render it difficult for them to breathe in a rceurcbent posture , a single dose has been found to enable them to rest with comfort . If given ia the early stage of consumption , it will speedily arrest and ultimately entirely remove the most dreadful malady . A single bottle will effectually cftaMi' . h its superiority over every other kind of cough medicinein repute . EXTRAOKDINAEY CASE OF CDEE . Dewsbury , Dec , 1815 . Messrs Brooke , Gent ., —In consequence of the decided benefit which ray family have experienced from the use of your' Cough Balsam , ' I beg to add my testimony to iu excellence . My son Frederick , after an attack of measles was kit with a most distressing and fevers cough , which almost deprived him of rest . His appetite forsook him , his breathing became very difficult , and many friends considered his recovery perfectly hopeless . After using 2 . great variety of medicines without any relief , we were iadeced to make a trial of your invaluable Balsam , which produced a change very speedily , and eventually effected his complete cure . Since that time , whenever any of my family have been afflicted with a cough or cold , a d » se or two of the medicine has sever failed to effect a cure ; aud I caa confidently recommend it as an excellent remedy in such-esses . You areqaiteat liberty to publish this case . Yours respectfully , Wi Haimswortb . INFLUENZA CURED . Genflem . ee , —Tlie great benefit I have received from the use of jour . Mellifluous Cough Balsam for the Influenza induces me to add my testimonial , so tha ' , should another universal vfrftatum of that complaint occur , man . kind may know the best remedy . I can assert what per . baps no other individual can , that of beinjr witness to the cure of a great number by your medicine , which all would do well to try . —Yours respectfully , Geo . YYmnnourc . —Dewsbury , 1839 . d , Essex Chamber ? , Manchester , Sept 8 th , 1847 . Deat Bias , —Several of my family have derived much benefit from the use of your valuable Mellifluous Cugh Balsam ; and you will I think do good service to society , by making the * medicine more generally known . Yours vt-ry fai thfuBy , To Messrs T . M . and 0 . Brooke , IV " . P . Bonuws . Dewsbury .
• In cases where the Coug h or Shortness of Breatkis very violent , an occasional dose of Brooke ' s Aperient or AntibuibuJ Pills -will be found to accelerate the cure . . prepared only by T . M . and C . Brooke , cketnists , Dewsbury , in bottles at 13 Jd . and as . 9 d . each . .:. - * V And sold wholesale . by them ; Messrs Barclay and Sons , Farringdonstreot ; . 'Hannay ani Co ., Oxford-strebt ; Davy Mackmurdo and Co ., . Upper Thames-ttreet ; and Thomas Marsden and Sons , Queen-stre *^ London . Thomas Eyre and Co ., Liverpool . Bolton , Blanckard and Co ., York . And retail by all respectable patent mediciris vendors , ..,-.,-
Thireare Fifty-Two Lkhthouse? 01 The Irish Ofst,
Thireare fifty-two lkhthouse ? 01 the Irish Ofst ,
And The Annual Expenditure For '.He R Ma...
and the annual expenditure for ' . he r maintenance is ei & nated at £ * 2 . S 2 ir . _____ ...: __ :
DISPENSARY FOB THE CURE OF . DISEASES OF THE SKIN AND ALL CUTANEOUS AFFECTIONS IlAHTiTEAD STBEET , FlTZEOT SqBAKE . . Ptysfcian—THOMAS 1 NN 1 S , M D . ^ J fi twoy Kfttare , ' : Jfember tf tkt Royal College of Surgeons , London ; late Assistant Surgeon in . xhe ' Hon .. East India Company ' s IT IS a «< range anomaly in the practice au 3 progress of medical science in this country , thatatno » gst nil the bencvo ent and uoblc ia ' stitations established for tha Hllevhttifiu of human misery , there exists but one devoted to the-cure or rtnelioration of Diseases of the Skin ; . It is « truth well known to the-members of the faculty , that the ravages of these stubborn and enduring ' plagues of human life are more extensive than those of any other , known disorder , there bung little shortof half-a-miUioa of patients rtnsually seeking relief . If we turn our eyes toJFrancewe shall find tbo importance of this subject fu ly recognised , and the exertions ot men of science nobly countenanced and encouraged by tlie National Funds . Referring to the Hospital of St ! Louis—a magnificent institution devoted to the euro of Skin Diseases , a clever Surgeon of the present dsy writes thus : — ' Since the grave has closed over the labours of Hatemnn , the culture of Diseases of tht Skin iu this country , as a distinct branch of Medical Science , has slept . Not so „ in ' France : successor after successor , each equally eminent with his precursor , has glided through the moving panorama of life , from the days ot Lorry to our own , - till St . L- > uis Hospital has become no less deserving of fame than , St Louis , the tutelary shade of that magnidccnt . establishment . ' ; ' . Surely here is an example to this country which we are bound jealously to emulate . The writer feeis that the mportance and necessity of a simlar establishment in England can never betoo _ much insisted upon . The peculiar nature of the diseases in question , and the almost insurmouritable difficulty fof acquiring accurate knowledge as to their modes of treatment—connected with tr . e immense numbers of the suffering parties- render this desideratum actually the greatest under which these islands at present labour , inasana '* ry point ot amy . These diseases are so numerous ar ) umltrform in appearance acd elfect , and present such nn infinite variety in diagnosis , that it is hopeless to expect any approach to specific remedies from the uncertain results of individual a . vi scattered practice . Notwithstanding the laudable endeavours of the various British Authors who have written upon this subjectand the highest talent has not been wanting in the respectr-stili , of actual curative progress little or nothing has been achieved ; and this , plainly , from the wnutot a theatre of action , where tho operations and results of curative appliances might be ocularly tested , compared , and treasured up i * tbe garner ot . experience . Hear Dr Watson on this subject : — 'To become expert , ' says he , 'in the diagnosis of these blemishes , and in curing such of them as are curable by our art , you must see them uithgour own eyes . Verbal descriptions of their cftunje . / tilcharacters are of compavat v . ly little service ov interest . They nre among the things feat require to bo ' ocl ( ltsfuo ;« cta / idettt » lw . Even picture * representations convey but an inadequate notion of the morbid appear , antes th-y are designed to pourtray . Tho lecturer on Skin Diseases should have patients before him to whose bodies he could point . ' The opinions of all practical men concur as to the soundness of ilu-so views . Writers may elassify and sub-clxisify , and- arrange under gi nera and species , as the lute Dr Willan and his pupil , Dr Dateman , have done , with consummate skill and unwearied industry , but wanting the means of reference to actual cases and personal ubservatiou and comparison , their efforts arc thrown away , and the ravages of disease unabated . Deeply impressed with these considerations , and anxious to afford an opportunity to all who may bo desirous of co-operating with him in tho advancement of tliis hitherto neglected department of medical science , 'Dr Innis has opened the above-named Dispensary at Hump , stead street , Fitzroy-squarc . Hoping to sec the day when wo sha I mot bo behind our French neighbours in the means of investigation afforded by the establishment of an ample institution exclusively dedicated to the treatment of Cutaneous Diseases , Dr Innis , in the meanwhile , earnestly invites all who feel interested in this important subject not to despise the ' day of small things , ' bnt to unite n ith him at once in carrying out this infant Institution , which has for its immediate and special object the testing of tlie pi-incipVsupon which our foregone practice has been based , with the actual operations of nature under disease . Shortly . KW . be pu & Ks & eo ' , -A TREATISE ON SKIN DISEASES , And all Cutaneous Affections , arising from functional derangement of tha digestive organs , degenerated state of the blood , or other causes ; By TmiMAs Innis , M . D ., itemlerof ( heltoyal College of Swgeons , London Late Afsistant . Siirgcon in the Eon . East India Con awj ' s Service ; Physician to the Dispensary for Ditcaes of the Skin , Ha-. tpskad St ., FHsroy Square ; With numerous cases showing the Author ' s sucegsful treatment of Cutaneous Diseases of the mo ? t inveterate character , and suggesting : treatment whereby many dis-: tri-ssing ar . d disfiguring blemishes of the skin may here , moved , and all painful affections of the skiu alleviated . Dr Innis may be consulted daily , at his residence , 33 , Fitzroy Square , Loudon .
NfXTICE . —ihese Lozenges contain no Opium or any preparation of thai Drxig . COUGHS . HOARSENESS . AND ALL ASTHMATIC AND PULllONAUYC'iMPLAINTS EFFECTUALLY CUBED BY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . Upwards of Forty Years' experience has prowd the infallibility of these Lozenges in the Cure of Winter Coughs , Hoarseness , Shortness of ttrcath , and other Pulmonary Maladies . The patronage of bis Majesty the King of Prussia and his Majesty the Ri ig of Hanover has been bestowed on them ; as also that of the Nobility and Clergy of the United Kingdom ; and above all , the Faculty have especially recommended them as a remedy of unfailing efficacy . Testimonials arc continually received confirmatory of the value of these Lozenges , and proving tlie perfect safety of their u' -e ( for they contain no Opium , nor any preparation oftiiat Drug ); so that they may be given to fenitites of the most d hente constitution , and children of t ! : e tendercst ^ years . withouthesitation . Prepared and Soli in Boxes , Is . lid . ; and Tins , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 S . 6 d ., and 10 s . 6 d . each , by THOMAS KEATING , Che . mist , & c , No . 7 ? , St Paul ' s Church Yard , London . Sidd by Sangar , ISO , and Dictrichsen and Haunny , 63 , Oxford . strect ; Blake , Sandford , and Blake , 47 , Piccadil ' . y ; and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the Kingdom .-Wholesale Agents—Barc ' ay and Sons , 9 s , Farringdonstreet ; Edwards , 67 ; and Neivherry . 45 , St 1 ' auJ ' s Church Yard ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Church Yard . N . B . —To prevent spurious imitations , please to observe that the wonis' Keating ' s Cough Lozenges' are engraved on tbo Government Stamp of each Box . IMPORTANT TESTIMONIALS . Copy of a Letter from . ' Colonel Hawker' ( the leell-fciioioii ^ tufforon 'Gxins and Shooting- ' ) Slit , —I cannot resist informing you of tke extraordinary effect that I have experienced hy taking only a few of your LOZEN GEs . I had a cou ? h for several weeks , that defied all that had been prescribed for me ; and yet I cot completely rid of it by tailing about half a box of your Lozenges which I find are the only ones that relievo the cough without deranging tlie stomach or digestive organs . I am , Sir , your humble servant , P . Hawke * Lorgpaiish House , near Whitchurch , Hants , October 21 st , 1840 . Jcffcr from ifr Wain , Druggist , Listergatc , AbffiiigFiam , Sia , —I feci it my duty to inform you of a wonderful cure performed by your Lozenges upon Lydia Beardsley , serv Jit to a relative of mine . About five or six months since , 1 happened to send one of your circulars to Mr Ford , of Stapleford . near Nottingham : after Mrs Ford had read it , she said to the servant ; who had had a bad cough for many months , and bad tried various remedies , but ail in vain , 'Hereis something that will cure you . ' Mrs Ford sent to me lor a box of your Cough Lozenges for her , and by the time she had lakua it , the cough left her an * has not jet returned , which is now nearly five month since You arc ft liberty to make the above tact known in the must public manner you think proper . I am sir , yours respectfully , W . Wai . v . —Nottingham , Oct . 12 , Uii . Restoration of Voice by Kcatmg ' s Cough Lozenges , Sir , —I have great pleasure in informing you of the great good your excellent Cough Lozenges have done me . In December , 1845 , 1 caught a severe cold from riding two or three miles , one very wet night , which settled in my luugs , and quite took away my voice , so that I could not spe . ik above a whisper from that time until the beginning of December last . 1 tried all kinds of medicines , but they were of no avail . I was then advised to try your Lozenges , which I did only to please my friends ; but befere I had finished a Zs . 9 d . tin , my reice , to my great joy , came back as strong as e * er . I am , Sir , your ' s respectfully , James Maiitin . -Glasgow , January 12 , 1847 . Sir , —I . hava been afflicted with a severe cough and shortness of breath , for nearly eight years , and after trying various remedies , did not find myself any better . " I purchased a small box of Heating ' s Lozenu'es of you , from which 1 found great benefit . The second box , 2 s . 9 d . size , completely cured me , and I can now breath more freejy , and om as free from cough as ever-I was in my life . Hoping that others , similarly afflicted , will avail themselves of so certain and safe a remedy , 1 remain , Sir , jour's faithfully , Watiitt Anueeson . —Birkenhead , near Liverpool , Jan . 8 , 1817 . Put , —In justice to yourself and duty to the public , I am induced to b ar testimony to the efficacy of Heating ' s Cough Lozenges , -which 1 ma in the constant habit of taking , being troubled with a cough and difficulty of breathing , often arising from indigestion , & c . I have also recommended , them to many persons who have boen suffering from coughs , and in no instance have I known them to fail . In one in particular , where the lady had o & taincd the best advice , these L'zenges were found successful . I shall beglad to testify to their merit to any one who m y feel disj osed to make a trial . I am , Sir , yours graWuilv , Susan PiLKiHG-ros .-Manchestcr , St Peter ' s Hotel , George-street , Feb . 18 , 1847 . N . B — To prevent spurious imitations please to observe that the words -Keatikg ' s Cough Lozenges , ' are engraved on the Government Stamp of each . *
A Fick Sc?Pfcrw) Ro Be Ibb A Cr Of As Ihcehdiary Occurred On Wottonk Farm, In Minster, Isle Of Shep-
A Fick sc ? PFcrw ) ro be ibb A cr of as Ihcehdiary occurred on WottonK farm , in Minster , Isle of Shep-
Pey, About Midnight 00 Friday Last. The ...
pey , about midnight 00 Friday last . The properly destroyed consisted of a wheat stack , and a stack of straw , valued at £ 200 . Tie occupier of the farm , Mr Clince , wan not insured . The stacks were situated in a field at some distance from the farmbuildings , otherwise the destmciion of property ess ' . Lave heca much greater . ¦• .- -,
WORWHY OF PUBLIC ATTENTION . _ rno AIL WHO VALUE ¦ IMMED 1 ATB RBLIEF .-JL -MATHjJR'S COUGU-and ASTHMATICiWAFERS , a safe and ligreeable remedy for coughs , colds , ' asthma , iacipient ' eorisumption , hooping cough , hoarsenoss ; spitting of blood , anbV . all disorders of the chest and lungs ;—tiiey promote a free and * gsntle cxpectiration ^ dissolring the congealed phlegm , consequantl y . affordingammediate relief , and in ah incredibly stiort space of time a rapid cure . To public sp ^ iku-s , vocalists , Ac ,, & c , they are i nvaluable , as they cloar tho throat , and render the voice highly melodious . Thty are exceedingly pleasant to the palate , and free from any deHterious ( ingredient . .-Tbo fact that many thousand persons , liuve ; prpved , their high efficac y during the last winter , and the very Numerous and satisfactory . testimonials ,, given , to , the . proprietor , afford the most araples evidence of their excellenie-Sold to boxes at Is . ; and family boxes ot 2 s . Cd . each .-The following unsolicited testimonials' will convey some idea of thetrcel-brity : — , ¦ -- CORK OS COUGH OS TBNVEAK 8 STANDING . " - 1 Mi- Mather , chemist , Hulmo , Manchester . ' < Sir — It is with feelings ' of the sincerest gratitude that I take this opportunity of bearing my humble testimony to the value of your C > ue . 3 i and Asthmatic V . afers . For turn vears I have been annoyod by a cough vtWch reduced me to tha weakest state . In September last , a friend presented me with a box of your very valuable Wafers from which I received speedy and wonderful relief I sentfof another Is . box , and have fast recovered to mv former health -and strength ; I have received so much benefit from the two boxes I have taken , that 1 hope I may jft live to bless my family . —I am , dear sir , yours faithfully , WuiiAH Johnson . -Leeds , November 9 th , 1816 . ' ^ _ 1 ' Sir I am truly glad to inform you that I havo received great and permanent benefit from your Cough Wafers , I have been affected with violent cough f . ir the last eight years / but after takin ;; one box of-your vWqi-bI found immediate relief , and have since continued with a moderate use of the Wafers , id a sound state of health . It'is w ' itk a feeling of gratitude that I bear testimony to their value , aud sballbeglad ifyou will use this letter to bring their merits more fully before the public . I- am , yours respectfully , Jonx Sutton , treasurer to the Manchester Branch of tho National Land Company . —1 , Kingstonstreet , Hulme , Manchester , ' Dec . 6 th , 1847 . Prepared Mid sold wholesale and retail by the sole proprietor , ffin , Mather , ( succcsfor to E . Stanton , } chemist , 105 , Chester-road , corner of llradshaw-street , Holme , Manchester ; and by Messrs Sutton and Co ., Cow Churchyard ; Mr C . King , 34 , Napier-street , Hoxton New Town , Loh . dun ; Mr R . Sutton , Review office . Nottingham ; and retail by Mr J . Hey wood , stationer , 17 " , Dcansgato , Man-Chester ; Oakley , chemist , I ' reston ; Bradbury , stationer , Bolton ; Lees , stationer , Oldham ; Whitby , druggist , Warrington , and by all principal chemists and medical vendors . CADTIOK . Beparticulnr to aslt for Mather ' s Couzh and Asthmatic Wafers j and bear in mind that each wafer is stamped with the mams . No others are Genuine .
A CERTAIN AND SPEEDY CURE FOR INFLUENZA COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMA , INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION , AND . ALL DISORDERS OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS SPENCER'S PULMONIC ELIXIR , carefully prepared from the receipt of the'late C . Spenoor , surgeon , &<•„ Salfovd , Manchester ; deservedly celebrated as the most successMpractitioneriii all Pulmonary att ' ectibns . Of all complaints incident to the human frame , those of tha Lungs appear to ha most peculiar to this climate , especially in damp , fogjy weather , and during the wint r months j whilst persons of every age and ' station in lifs . are alike the subjects of attack . Spencer ' s Polmonic Elixir is admirably adapted to promote expectoration , ease the breathing , loosen the phlegm , abate fever , allay the tickling sensation which occasions the cough , without tightening tha chest . The Polmovic ELtxin was originally prepared by the late Mr 5 pcncor , whose signal sueecss in ui'pensrg it can havo the ready testimony of thousands , who have expert enced its efficacy . The recoipt is now solely known to the present proprietors , who purchnced it from the widow of the inventor . The two great clnracteristics of tho E'ixir are , the allaying of all irritation in th delicate and susceptible coating of the thrnat rind chest ; and the imparting of tone and vigour to the respiratory organ ? , whereby they areenahlcd to discharge their functions freely , and thus to overcome all difficulty of breathing arising from a cold , fogey , or impure atmosphere , and to throw off those insidious attacks which too oftan lay the groundwork of Consumption . For all temporary and local affections , as WheeziiiR , Iri'it itioa of the Throat , Huskincss of Voice , and Influenza , th * Pulmonic Eliixk gives instantrelief , whilein more Chronic Disorders (•• isperi . dieal Coughs or inveterate Asthma , ) it is equally efficient , though of couvsa requiring a littlo more perseverance in ths u « o of thft medicine . Innumerable cases of well attested cures have been received by tlio Proprietors of Spbvceii ' s Pulmonic Elixiij ; the following is tho most recent : — Messrs MoTTEnsHED and Co .. of Manchester , beg to hand the following testimonial , just received by them , addressed to the Proprietors of Sfencer ' s Pulmonic Elixih . Sirs , —I feel it a duty I owe to you and tho public to acknowledge the great benefit I have received by taking Spesceb s PncMONic Klixie ; I have hsen troubled for the last three years with a severe coush , and a disease on my lungs ; I have consulted some of the ablest medical men in Manchester and Nottingham ; but without receiving any but a temporary relief ; for a short time , and a ' , ways nt a great expense . Mthelatterend rflS < 4 , Iliad occasion to visit London ; before this timo . I never heard of your invsluable Elixir , A friend of mine recommended me to try it . As I found the London air made my cough worse tlian it had over been before , I did try it , and experienced great relief from the first dose I took : I persevered , and one small b ttlc of your Elixir , price ! s . ljd ., . did me more good than I have ever received for twenty times the amount , f r which Heel vory grateful .-I remain , Sirs , yours thankfully , M . F . As this person docs not wish the name to appear in print , any one doubting the nnthenti ity of this , mayapply to Messrs Mottershead and Co ., Chemists , Manchester , who will vouch for its genuineness . CAUTION . Persons desirous of testing the efficacy of this medicine , must observe that on each bottle are th words 'SPENCER'S PULMONIC ELIXIR , ' and that each wrapper has a fac-similo of ttc f roptiotors' signature . T . ROI 1 ERTS and Co . ' Prepared only by T . Roberts and Co ., Crane-eourt , Fleet street . London ; and So'd Wholesale by Edwards , 67 , St Paul ' s Churo ' iyard ; Barclay and Sons Farringdun . street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Singer and Co ., Oxford-street , London ; Mottershead and Roberi ? , Manchester ; Raimes and Co ., Edinburgh ; and Noble , Boston ; an- ' Retail by all respectable Medieino Venders in the Kingdom . In bottle ? , at Is . Ijd . and ? s . 9 d . each-The bottles at 2 s . 9 d . contain nearly three small .
The Dirtiness Of Di'.Ptfobd Has Long .Oven Notorious, And New That H.Fluenz* Has Boen So Fatal And
The Dirtiness of Di ' . ptfobd has long . oven notorious , and new that h . fluenz * has boen so fatal and
Cholera Is Expect' D, A Tew Or The Medic...
cholera is expect' d , a tew or the medical men ot the locality have partially succeeded in attracting the attention of the townsfolk to the necessity of sanitary reform . One mode adopted for drawing notice to the question has been the exhibition on the walls of the foil / wins joke on a serious subject : ' At the annual ueneral meeting of the Fever Club , 1847 , the grand prize for filthy streets and sanitary neglect was pre sented to the successful candidates , the parochial officers of St Nido ' as and St Paul ' s , Deptford ; Malignant Typhus , Esq ., the cknirman . on presenting the prizes , expressed his admiration of tbe misconduct of the recipient ? , who , he declared , had reached the
acme of paroch'al uncleanliness , and were therefore entitled to the best thanks of himsel / and all . other diseases . — Messrs Scarletina , Intermittent Fever , Consumption , Influenz a l , Small Pox , and a number of other epidemics and diseases , also warmly euloriscd the recipients of the prizes , and bore strong testimony to their merit .- — 'the Chairman then read a letter from Asiatic Cholera , Esq ., in whi « h lhatsentleman expressed his sorrow at not being able to be present at the meeting , having been delayed longer than ho expected on his journey , but promising to pay his re . spects to the successful gen'tlemen immediately on his a ' rivai . This announcement was received . with loud cheers —A deputation of undertakers who were in waiting then presented an address to the . fortunate
parochial functtonnnes , thanking tfiem for their exertions in behalf of their tradu , and begging a continu » Rce thereof . The prope
case you are indemnified . ' ' By no . means , for my house and all my money have been destroyed by fire . ' ' Alas ! this was a dreadful misfortune . ' ' Faith ! not so dreadful , for my wife and my house were burned together . ' A French paper says that a few days since the town-crier of Cherbourg , beating his drum , went through the town proclaiming the following : — 'Notice to yfcung girls ! Four young carpenters , who have arrived from Havre , and are employed at tbe military port , ( here their names and ages were given , ) being tired of a single life , wish to pet married . To see them , apply to M . Soin , innkeeper , Rue du Chanticr , ' Two of the would-be husbands accompanied the drummer , who , in showing them to the crowd , cried— ' Here , young ladies , is a specimen of the young men who want in get married . '
¦ A RHWARD OF £ 50 HAS BRKN OFFKBFD FOR ME Apprehension of Lord William Paget . —It appears that a true bill was fcundby the grand jury , at the Central Criminal Court , on Sept . 20 ,-a gainst' Capt .. Lord William Paget . R . N ., for obtaining money under false pretence s , ' and the reward is advertised to be paid to any person who will apprehend and lodge , or cause to be apprehended and lodged , in any of her Majesty ' s gaols in England , the said Lord William Paget , who was lately M . P . for . "Andove r , His personal appearance is described . The solicitors to the Society of Guardians for tha Protection of Trade are announced as the parties seeking his apprehension . Tipnus FhVER . —Thetyph « g fever is carrying off the people rapidly at Todmorden , there is scarce a house but that has one or more in the influenza . The mills are all running either ten or eleven hours per day e-. w , and it is expected the works on the branch line of railway to Burnley will be commenced again b f . nelong . "
Royal 1 ark at BA Mmm—Tho Commissioners of Woods have now commenced the purchase of land ri qnind for the formation of this park ,
7he Tln/Holibs'^Ilf^W « Tht^M^Rtttarff I...
7 HE TlN / HOliBS' ^ iLf ^ W « Tht ^ m ^ rtttarff ii ' ihtif djrjyworl ^ agaw . ' TO THEvF / A ' OToi * WbBKEBS OF ^ BKatAK ^ . IKILAND , asd ScoTJiABD . —Mi EftsHDS . -thb TeniHours' Bill , which , for / thirty-two ysars , you and . tbe . p , i > biic had constltutloFAlly-boen ^ trugi ' lmg to , obtain at tbe hands of Parliament ; ' was passed in the last neshon by overwhelm , ing majorities on every division , In both bouses , and tVe royal assent . ofher most gracious mr . j ^ s ty the Queen was klveu to it oh tho 7 tlniny ft June , 1847 . Oa tbe 23 rd of July , 1847 , the da / of prorogation , the Speakar of tho House of Commons , surrounded by a vast number of the members of both'Houios ot Parliament , in his'address to the Queen on the throne , when taking a . . retrospective view of the business of tbe session , spoke of the lea Hours'Bill as follows : — .... , .. ,. .... .. . .... 1 Wo havo found it necessary to p lace a farther liroitation on tho heurs of latour of young persons employedin factories , and by-g ivlngmbre time a > . d opportunity for their religious and moral instruction , for-healthful recreation , and tbe exerclse . of their domestic duties , we have elevated the character and condition ef a large and Indus trlous class engaged in mariufHCturing operations . Will it be believed that this Ten Hours' B-ll , so struggled for , so obtained , so approved , and so characterised bv the'highest authority in the House of Commons in his address to the Queen , —will it be believed , I say , that an insidious attempt Is now being made to cause you , the' Opsratives , ' to bo tbe instrumonts : to get that righteous measure repealed 1 Be on your ? uard , my friends ! Such is tbe fact !!! A hole and eorne ' r meeting of tho ' Associated Mill-owners ' ( I should like to know whothayare , In ordtr that pub . licity might bo given to their names ) , was hold in Man-Chester , on Tuesday , the 7 th instant , at which the follow , ing resolution was passei ? , a printed copy of wKich , as annexed , | I havo to-day received irom Mr William Hir . n , Secretary ,
Association Of Mill Owners. Sib,--T Bag ...
ASSOCIATION OF MILL OWNERS . Sib ,--T bag to inform you that the following resolution was passed at a meeting of the association , held on Tuesday last . * It having been reported to the meeting , that the operatives , employed in some mills , had expressed their de . sire that the hours of labour in factories should not bt restricted to ten hours , but should be continued at eleven hours as at present allowed by law . . 'Itwas resolved ;
« That iii tbe opinion of this meeting it is desfrablt thatsome steps should be taken by the master spinners and manufacturers , for the purpose of correctly ascer taining tho opinion of tke operatives employed in the different mills , as to t' < o expediency of endeavouring to limit the legislative restriction of the hours of labour in factories to eleven hours—and it is tbcAfore recommended that " such Stops be accordingly taken , but that the time and the w » y iu which it -shall be done shall be kft entirely to the discretion of ssch employer . ' . If the opinion of the operatives , fhjuld be in favour of tbo above limitation , a petition to the HoueeofCom . mons , praying for a Ripeal of so much of the last Factory Act ' as restricts tbe hours of labour to ttn hcurs per day , would probably bathe best mode of expressiagand giving effect to that opinion . I send you forms of petition which may be easily altered to their pleasure ..
When the petiu ' on has boen . ifjrned , it may be returned to me , or you can forward it direct to yaur member for presentation . In the Utter case , I shall be obliged by your Informing me of tbe nnsiber of hands who have signed it . Yours , most ob » dif . ntly , William Hebok , Secretary , 21 , Princes . otreet . Manchester , 10 th Dec , 1847 .
. I Havo Also Roeeivf D Information From...
. I havo also roeeivf d information from other sources , on which , implicit reliance rosy oe placed , that some masters have themselves notified to their hands , that pethlons f > r thcR < p « al of the Tt-n Hours' Bill were in preparation , andI that they would all be expected to hign them;— -that other masters had caused their over lookers to » sk their hanoX this question , ' ' Would you rather work tan . eleven , or twnlve hours at corresponding wanes 1 'evidently intending to make the hands beliere , that the rate of wages p-.: r hour must necessarily be the samt whatever number of hours per day they worked . This is the tr ^ p that they hsve hid for you , but I have not any fear that jau wilt be caught in it . You know , by painful experience , that wa . ? es do net depend on the hours of work , but that they depend on tbe demand for lab > ur . You know , that if your master * can , by emplojing ten bands with an Eleven Hours '
Bill , do as much work as it would require » ler < n hands to do undern Ten Hours' Bill , the demaud for your labour would b « less , ani that jour wages could not b sustained . You know that y .-ur wageo were reduced vdh'U you were workim * twelve hours , before tbe Eleven Hourt' Claussin the Factory Act came into operation ; and you know that they have been more recently and more generally reduced since the Eleven Hours'Clause has bc « n in force . This plainly shows you that yonr la haw was not required ,- that an advantage was taken of the opportunity , and your wages w < n reduced , And now . forsooth , when then . ' is som * appearance of jour labour b : coming mora valuable , these associated bole and comer gentlemen , with unblushing and indicenteffi'ou tery , set to work to compel you to petition for a Repeal of the Ten Hours' Bill , and thereby prevent f <> r a longer P 'riod " , that rise in wages of which you stand so much in need .
Be ' not deceived by them . Le . tteach , one and all , of you refuse oithcr to -use p . 'n , ink , or paper , t > sign your masters , or any other petition Cora repeal of the Ten Hourt , ' Cluuse . Tell ttum that you will hold to the law ; and if you arc dismissed for doing no , the public will support y u . If you do this with firmness , you will be safe , the Ten Hours' Bill will be safe , and no one will have tfcp hardihood to ask for leave to brin ? in a bill into the House of Commons to repeal it . But if you V > e timid and submissive , your masters may triumph , and rivet the chains of slavery on you and your children for generati-ns to come .
These associated mlllowners might seem to think that there had boen no public mind created on this subj-ct . Hare they forjotten the numberless petitions that have b-en presented in support of the Ten Hours'Bill ? If they have forgotten them , and dare venture to introduce a bill into the House of Commons to npeal the Ttn Hours . ' Clause , I promise you and them that that public which supported you in obtaining the Tea Hours' Bill , shall , if you be firm , give you their suppjrt again . But I am anxious to save you and tbe public thetrouble , the loss of time , and tbe expense of agitation , and I therefore , again ur , ; c on you , one und all , not to sign one single petition for tin repeal of the Ten Hours' Bill . Should any of you , from fear of offendingy < ojr tmploycr , have already signed such a petition , go to him and Fay that you withdraw your Hume .
Is not a lack of wisdom on tbe part of these bidden associators quite as conspicuous a » is their disposition to enslave tbe women and children to support them ! Do they not know that their oracle , Mr Cobden , said at Stockport , on Friday last , that they , the manufacturers , 'had been suffering in the cotton districts , quite as much from n f imine in cotton n « in corn during the last year ; and if corn wcro ever so clioap , mid if the demand for cotton goods were ever so great , tliey could not have employment ' , their mills and machinery could net go , if there was not cotton to keep the mills employed . ' A pretty bard bit , this , at the long hour men , c . njiderln ^ the quarter from whence it came . Have not your body , too , through your Short Time Committees , bten importuning tbo masters'to closo their works far a month , in order to prevent a rise in the price of cotton , and in order to prevent a reduction in the rate ef wapes , but without success ^ although the Free Trade press lauded y « u for your patient endurance of severe privations ,
and for maniftating so sound a view of what ouxht to bo done . Would the famine in cotion be ovirifthese men were allowed to have their way % Certainly not , fur no one believes them when they allege , in their form of petition which tbey wish you to sign , ' Jhat both the employers and tbu operatives would take ' a limitation of eleven hours , as a final settlement of the question . When dH they say this before 1 They are gifted with short roe . mories , sttd mteht appear to have forgotten that when th » Ttn Hours' Bill was passing through tbe C . mtnons , a deputation from their body presented a most audacious protest to the first Minister of the Crown tip dim any alteration of the Twelve Hours' Bi 1 , and said in their protest tbat thpy would throw the whole reepiinsibilitj on hor Majesty ' s advisers , if they suffered any reduction of hours to be conceded by the legislature ! Depend upon it , their aim , in the first instanc ? , is to get you , bj petitions , to reopen tbe question ; and their aim nil ! then be to get a repeal of the whole bill , and drive you back to twelve hours .
How stand the facts , then , as to this cotton famine V In tbe year 1817 , the mills on the avenge have not worked eight hours par day , and the consumption ot cottos has been only about 20 . 000 bales per week , against upwards ol 30 , 000 bales per week in each of the . years 1845 and 18 i 6 , when twelve hours were worked ; and the stock In Liverpool , as' reported on Saturday la » t , was onlj 3 CC 060 bales against 420 , 310 bales in tbe corresponding week iu 1810 ; that . is , 51 , 050 bales hss on Satutday last and itcannot be disproved , that the increase of mills and machinery , since 1 S 44 , has been so great , that were tbs \ nil brought into full action , more cotton would be consumedtol 848 , the factories only working tenhoursa day than there was consumed in 1845 , or in 1846 , when tw . lvr hours were worked . Let these wiseacres , then , show , if they can , that th « cotton famine would not be « perienced next year , if they could succeed in obtaining a repeal of tho Ten Hour , ' Bill , and that tbey , as well a « you , would not be great sufferers by working either clc ven or twelve hours ptr day .
Be resolved , then , in order to save your masters as well as yourselves , not to petition for a rfpeal of tho Tin Hours' Clause . I am , factory workers , With respect for you all , Your faithful friend and servant , Centre-vale , Todtnor ten , John FieldjX 14 th December , 1847 .
Wigan.—Distress.—-Numerous Gronpa Of Col...
Wigan . —Distress . — -Numerous gronpa of colliers , hand-loom weavers , and factory operatives , ate coing tho round of tho town and neighboureobd soliciting jiltns . and giving pitiful statements of their distresses , lhero must ba great numhers out of employment in tho district—net less limn fiom two to three thnu . tand persons—and pa » t of tho ^ e engaged in the mills we only on about half- ffork .
: Free Trade In Bolton. The Power Loom W...
: FREE TRADE IN BOLTON . The Power Loom Weavers of Bolton ( whom Ve Bowring , the M . P ; , for that town , says he repre sents . ' ) have issued a lengthy address Irom which we ijivo the following , extracts : — 'Inhabitants of Bilton ! are the ¦ triumphs of Pre & Trad * , one « so leudly vaunted ; to end in a result so i gnoble ? Is the downfall of monopoly , then , to be attended with tbo deeper degradation of tbe producers of wealth ! Is the advent of commetcial froidom to beheralded by renewed and redoubled iniarics on the
Uhourers ! Has frordom of trade , indeed , rendered the artisan unable to maintain even the questionable independence and doubtful comfort cf his past position ) Ha * it armed tho employe is with power to itflict a new and capricious , because uncalled for injury ? Havo our fiscal fitters been removed , only that we may be bound with a heav ' er chain ! Has the loaf been untaxed only that wa maybe subjected to a huavier impost ? And has tbfr power of the aristocracy been overthrown that we may jubmit to tho diublo-thenged scourge of commercial des potism ?
' Inhnbitsnts of Bdton ! tho promises of ' highjwage 6 > cheap tr ^ ad , and plenty to do , ' made by the advocates and supporters of 'the Leajjue , are still-fresh in yonr memory . They alio promised that if the working classes would but assist them ; that they fn return vould join will * them , tbe woiking classes , for the attainment of the Suffrage , the Ten Hours' Bill , & c But how have these promises been fulfilled ? Instead of suppotting , they opposed the Ten Hotr , ' Bill , by evtry means , both fair and foul , in their power ; end even now they are getting up petitions for its repeal , by means which show that they are anything tut philanthropists . On the establishment of commercial freedom we were to be secured ngaifutfutoi'd reductions ; moderate labour was to bo
rewarded by abundance ; the destruction of monopoly was to bo the destruction of every form of eppressitn independence and comfort were to be the common lot ;; but how miserably we are disappointed . ' Yuu heard the promises—you see the result . The period of commercial depression is nearly past , and the wcrU of oppression l » already begun . The conil . inatiot , of the aristocracy h « s » becntrjken ; but is aucooided by s combination rf ma . nufactur . rs . Tho tax has been taken from cur loaf , bnt a heavier tax is to be put upon our' labour . Commerce-Is nil but freo , but labour still finds an inexorable enemy . The advocates of Free Trade are foremost in proposing : ta take from us a large portion morj of the Jittie we have left .
* These lines are written morain sorrow ' . ban In suffer The character of the advocates of Free Trade U deeply involved iu this question of reduction ; it is an act porf .-ctly uncalled for ; acd it is an act which even necessity would scarcely justify . Therefore , they ought to ralsft their voices against it ; they ought to have been tbe first to' expesa its wistence and denounce its olj-cts . They may at some future period require the assistance of the working claseos ; but if they do not abandon their pre * JontcourAe they will fiad , instead of support , their stern opposition , B y « rdtr of the Committee of the Powt r . loom Weavers ' Association , ' LordCiIIingwood , Bolton , Dvr . I 6 h , 1847 . '
To Tbe *Dit;>£ Or The Sohtiubn Stab . S'...
TO TBE * DIT ;> £ or THE SOHTIUBN STAB . S'R , —In your paper of December 4 th , appeared a letUr addressed fb ' tlit me-mbirs . f tho Journeymen S-. eatn Engine Machine Maker ' s and Miilwrights I ' riep . dly Society , signed , D . Morrison , of Swindon , in which the conduct of Mr Srlsby and myself are animadverted upon . » t gruftt length . That portion which professes to state proceedings that took place at the London branch is an ontirc misrspressntatiiin , for I did not reed two or three columns of tha JUnchesteb Examines , nor did any pir . ion attempt to reply to what I said . The fasts being thuso : —After tbe appeal from the Executive Cauncil , and tbe defence from the Alanchester Fourth Branch , bad been read , a member requested to read tho
letter of Mr O'Connor , in that week ' * ST 4 B , this before any peison had spoken upon thu subject , and before I r , a 1 anything from : ny public journal whatever , I objeated to reu-ive any extraneous communication as a communication ; but any members who were desirous of speaking in favour of Manchester Fourth Branch could quote from , any paper to confirm the arguments they used . This was done , and this 1 did when I spoke by quoting three paragraphs fcm the Manchester Exi » mikeb , til of which nre not half a column . Aftir I bad done * o no person rose to read anything , nor did any person attempt to reply to what I had raid . Your correspondent Kill no doubt tee that he has been led into error hy paying ' attention to ' what persons
sny without taking the trouble to ascertain the facts of the case . If auch necessary precaution had been taken , his trouble of writing had been saved ; yonr trouble , and , I may say , annoyance at printing personal statements oniy to insert their contradiction , . would have been saved . I may not occupy your columns with-noswering tho rest of D . Morrison ' s letter , but . I ma ; bo allowed to remark that so much abuse indicates a want of argu . ment . Our members are 'ignorant ' ; ' our officers are 'ignorant ; ' all ate 'ignorant , ' but your correspondent . It is the concluding word of almost every sentense . Then there is thfi ¦ would-bs dictator . ' tha ' uno institutional intarferonces , ' the ' pnjudictd and ignorant , ' and ' aristocratic dandies . '
It' D . Morrison will condescend to use argument instead of abuse , and thereby evince the great Intellect * , ¦ •' . litj which a person so censorious upon others ignorance must pnaicsj , he rnigh t d « himself credit and us a service . You know the ar . ecdote of tho attorney , who having nothing to offer in defence of his cli < nt , instructed counsel to abuse plaintiffs attorney . f fear this is D 0 Morrison ' s position , and as your renders may not of themselves take abuse for anything but abuse , the matter may be safely left with them . . i am , yours obediently , Wh . Kewton . 12 , White Horse-terrace , Stepney , December 14 tb , 1847 .
Capabilities Of The Land . To The Editor...
CAPABILITIES OF THE LAND . TO THE EDITOR OP TUB NOBTHEBN STAB . SlB , —If you have room you will insert the following without my urging yon to it . It is from the Penny Ctclop / eoia , article , Garden Husbandry . ' My own rcmnrks Oiall be few , TWo value of the produce in one year from an acre of garden ground , in t e most favourable situation , as stated by Mr Middleton , from the account which he receivedfrom a market gardener is almost incredible . It is as follows : — Rndidics ... ... £ 10 Cauliflowers ... ... CO Celery , first crop ... ... 50 Celery , second crop ... 40 Cabbages ... ... 30 Endive ... ... .. 30 Total f .-om one acre ... £ 220 I will not , need not , make any comment , farther than to point to tho source from whence this information ie : taken , to provo what the land can do , has done and will do , when under proper management . Lodge Mill , near Durham , Fbamcis Sunn . Diicembor 12 th , IS 17 .
F-Xtraordisant Fl/'Ods I!F Sooth Wales.—...
F-XTRAORDISAnT Fl / 'ODS I ! f SOOTH WaLES . —Tb . 6 periodical recurrence ot extensive ! fl ods in the valleys of Son th Wales , more especially in the agricultural districts , at this period of the year 13 by n > means uncommon , and , perhaps , usually expected . But we were quite unpropared for tho extraordinary delugo which manifested itself in the valley of the lowy during the whole of Friday , Saturday , and bunday last . In crmfcqne co ef tho heavy rains the various mountain streams had becorna swollen and tni ' sid , and rushing down with great impetuosity speedily catuing the placid strenms of tho vallev to assume . 1 similar appearance , and to burst their banks n every direction . The prospect trora Carmarthenbridge ! on Saturday last was trnlv butawfollvcrand .
A . vast sheet of anjry rushing water spread itself out far beyond tho ken of human eve , leaving tho village 'if Aliergwilly , with the Bishop of St David ' s palace , standing prominently out from the centre of the liquid plain . Tho various roads on the southern side of the I owy and m close proximity to the river were almost : mpassab ! c , the water havinjr covered them to theextent of eijjht or ten feet . Boats were plying upon the Pensarn and Tyllwyd roads , being continually in active requisition to convt-y the farming population 10 enr market . In one instance , a magistrate for the county was compelled to desert his comfortable car-Mace , and to cr . 89 tho water in tbe old-fashioned Welch coracle , made of willows covered with tarpawl . tng . Messrs Brigstoclce ' s brickyard suffered severelv
¦ r om the inundation-no less than seventv thousand brick ? , being spoilt by the flood ; Bi lie Vue-house , the residence of the Rev . David Evans , curate of St Davuis , had its-lower apartments completely inundated ; the furniture receiving considerable damage , and the occupants sustaining much personal inconvenience . The Sit-ansea mail , for the first time doring sixteen years , hud to desert tbe usual route , and , with six hcrse ? , had groat difficulty in making its my along Pcnsarn , and thence to the Crocsllwydoad-the inside of the vehicle being completely filled * tiR water . The Lampeter mail-cart ard driver were in great danger on Friday morning , in
consequence ot tho flooded state ef the roads , and the Lampeter and Absryatwith letters and newspapers were not , therefore , forwarded through their usual ehai . nel , but were transmitted through Llandovery ov tho northern mail on Saturday morning . The v ? j C 0 BtlIlU ( ' wit " scarcely any abatement until Monday , when it in a great measure subsided . At one time fears were entertained for the safety of the Urmarthen-bridge , but the old structure stood firmly amidst the warring elements . \? e are happy to say that . no loss of Ufa occurred , notwithstanding consideroble damage must necessarily have accrued on the lowlands . —JKefcAmanol Friday
CnlMB lit THE MaNGFACTBMKO DlSIBICTS . -Afc Ihouch trade throughout the whole of Lancashire was never before known ¦ o be in to depressed * state , yet , to the credit of the whole comraunitv , but particularl y the hungered and half-statved working po « pulat ; on , critne sensibly diminishes .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 25, 1847, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_25121847/page/2/