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4 r: THE -^Q^^ ^E^^ .If^ R..2.:il . -- ....
N ATION A L BE N E F I T SOCIET Y, uiui tuiu
CO ®tnrtmQ\m\M
Gf. Gatxasd, Mortack.—No room. ROBERT SH...
A veby extended plan forthe prombtibn'of...
THE LAND PLAN. No doubt the unlocated Me...
-.;s atio i a L ' jyi jocip A.Tlo-il " "...
NOTICE. ' . : ::* .. - Many of our Agent...
.Thia is the legislation of the nineteen...
; EiDMBMiNsm ; EtHOMOM.—The Committee o ...
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4 R: The -^Q^^ ^E^^ .If^ R..2.:Il . -- ....
4 r : THE - ^ Q ^^ ^ E ^^ . If ^ R .. 2 .: il . -- ... — - ^ __ Apri £ 27 , 3 $ S 0 : : '
N Ation A L Be N E F I T Societ Y, Uiui Tuiu
N ATION A L BE N E F I T SOCIET Y , uiui tuiu
. Enrolled , p ou « . «» um jjtruna , c si .. . THE ABOVE SOCIETY , as amended and legalised , was formerly known as the ^ KATIOXAL CO-OPEBATTVE BENEFIT SOCIETYjtiie managers of which have long seen the necessity of legal protection fer the security of its members . In framing the new rules , caro has been taken to equalise the expenditore nith the receipts , so that the permanent success of the Society should he beyond all doubts . Tie Society is divided into three sec tions , to meet the necessities and requirements ofaU classes of mechanics and labourers , from eighteen jears of age to forty . T 3 E r ^ JJOWtSC IS THB SUB OF rEES TO BE PAID AT WKEEK ALLOWAKCE IS SICKNESS . v X 5 T 2 AXCE : — . S . d . j | e . Istsection . 2 ndscction . SndsecBoa . First Section .. .. .. :, . s . d . s . d . s . d . SecondScction 10 ' J FromlSto 24 .... 3 0 .... 2 0 .... 1 0 Third Section .. .. .. 5 0 — 24—27 .... 0 0 .... 4 0 .... 2 0 — 27—30 .... 9 0 .... 6 0 3 0 HESffiKBS DEATH . WEE ' S DEATH . — SO—S 3 .... 12 0 .... 8 0 .... 4 0 £ s . a . £ s . d . . — 33—36 .... 15 0 .... 10 0 .... 5 0 FirstSecHon .... 15 M J 1 *? ° — SG—33 .... 13 0 .... 12 0 .... 6 0 SecondScction .. 10 0 0 5 0 0 — 33—40 .... 21 0 .... 14 0 .... 7 0 j Third Section .... 6 0 0 ...... 3 . 0 0 MONTHLY CONTHIBDTIOSS . . n . First Section , 3 s . 60 . Second Section , 2 s . 4 < L .... Third Section , 13 . za . The Society meets every Monday evening , at the Two Chairmen , Wardour-street , Soho , Middlesex , where . every information can oe had , and members enrolled . Country friends , applying for rules , can have them forwarded , oy enclosing four postage-stamps . . . _ , Members of the late Cooperative Benefit Society , who have paidaU dues and demands up to the 2 atn December , 1 S 49 , cariatuice he transferred to either secOonefthe Na tional Benefit Society , without any extra cliaree . Agentsand suh-secretaricsof the late SaUonal Co-operative Benefit Society , are requested to immediately inform tile General Secretary of the number of members likely to transfer to the National Benefit Society ; and parties wishing to become agents , or to form branches ofthe new society , can he supplied with every information , on apphcationto the Secretary , by enc l osing a postage-stamp for an answer . ., * ... JasiesGrassbi , General Secretary , 93 , Regent-street , lamoeth .
• THE CHEAPEST E 3 JT 10 S EVE & rCBLBHED . Price Is . CO ., A new and elegant edition , with . Steel Plate of the Author , of PAIHE'S POLITICAL WORKS . Now Heady , a New Edition of MH . O'GONNOR'S WORK ON SMALL FARMS Sold by J . Watson , Qaeen ' s Head Passage , Paternoster row , London ; A . Heywood , Oldham-street , Manchester , and love and Co ., 5 , Nelson-street , Glasgow . And bj all Booksellers in Towa and Country .
PROCEEDINGS IX PABLIAMEXT . A PUBLIC MEETING , Convened by the PaovHtoxn , Cohhteiee of the JTATIOSAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION , will be heldfct the LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC ESSTITOTB , JOHNSTREET , TOTTENHAM-C 0 UUT-ROA 1 ) , on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT , Aran . 30 ra , 18-50 , for the purpose of Beriewing the Psoc £ EDiscs is Pabuahest during the past vgpb G . Julian HarneT , G . W . H . Reynolds , W . J . Vernon , Gerald Massey , and others , are expected to address tiie meeting . Chair to be taken at eight o ' clock ; ADMISSION FREE .
DE AENESS . — Important Notice . — Mr . FRANCIS , the eminent anrist , who has devoted his attention solely to DISEASES of the EAR , continues to effect the most astonishing cures in all those inveterate cases which have long been considered hopeless , and of thirtv or forty Tears standing , enabling the patient to hear a whisper , without pain or operation , effectually removing deamess , noises in th » head , and all diseases of Uw aural canal . Mr . F . attends- daily from io until 6 , at his consulting rooms , 6 , Beaufort-buildings , Strand , London Persons at a distance can state their case by letter . Advice to the poor , Monday , Wednesday , and Friday , from 6 tiU S in the evening .
TO THE EMBARRASSED . THESE are thousands of persons who have long struggled against the force of misfortune , but few are aware that , bv very recent Acts , all small traders owing debts not exceeding JB 00 , farmers , private and professional gentlemen , and all others , owing to any amount ( the latter without any publicity ) , can be entirely raised from their difficulties at small expense , and without imprisonment or harikrupicy . All such Mr . Wesiw begs wHl apply to him at G , Ess ex-street , Strand , by letter , or personally . Office hours from 10 till 2 , and 6 -till S . S . B . —The above Acts stay aU Palace Court , County Court , and other proceedings . Clergymen need not submit to sequestrations .
EMIGRATION TO XORTH AMERICA . W TAPSCOTT AND CO ., SHIPPING and Emigratien Agents , Iiverpool , continue to despatch First Class Ships—To NEW YORK—every Pive Days . To SEW ORLEANS—every TeuDavS . To BOSTON and PHILADELPHlA-every Fifteen Days . And occasionally to BALTIMORE , CHARLESTON , SAVANNAH , QUEBEC , and St . JOHXS . Drafts for ar . y amount at sig ht , on New York , payable IB any part ofthe United States . Tapscotf s "Emigrant ' s Guide" sent free , on receipt of Four Postrge Stpmy . s . IS ? " About twentv- & i 2 ht thousand pers ailed for the Kew World , in Tai & L-uifsIiiie of American aeKets . in 1 S 19 .
T AND AND COTTAGES , XJ The property of an independent gentleman . There ia now a cajjial oppwtnnity on the Diane . Dili , estate . Chalfont , St . Giles , Bucks ( tnro miles from O'Connorvifie } , owing to the removal ofthe principal tenant to the new estate near London . Eight acres , well known as the -verv best field in the parish of Chalfont ( as will be certified by those excellent judges , Wbitsey , Roe , and Page , from Northampton ) , with extensive right of Common , together with two four-roomed cottages , built against each other , may be had wnoiediatcly for £ Z 2 sl year . But the freeholder being anruo-js to honour labobs ( being himsebT a wosKixc GEs-rxEaAXl and to see as many happy families as possible on his esuite , he will accept nothing short of £ Si for twelve mouths' rent in advance , if a rich man -wants the whole ; but he will require - only £ S for half year ' s rent in advaixe , ifa man takes only four acres and four rooms ; while he will he satisfied with only £ 2 , for one quarter ' s rent as a security , from any sober , honest , industrious , agricmroral labourer , takingonly two acresand two rooms .
A BLESSKG TO THOUSANDS' . RUPTURES EFFECTUALLY AND PERMASEXTLY CURED TYITHOUT A TRUSS !! BYEEY SUFFERER FROM RTJPTUBE ( Single or Double , and of every -variety ) is earnestly invited to write , or pay 3 Jr . BARKER- a visit , as in every case he guarantees them a perfect cure . During an extensive practice his remedy has been entirely successful , as in many thousands of cases , he has received from patients , and many eminent members ot the medical profession , amply prove . It is applicable to both sexes , old and young ; easy and painless in use , and most certain in tirect The remedy is sect post free on receipt of 6 s . 6 d . by post-o & ce order , or cash , by Dr . ALFRED BARKER , 48 , Liverpool-street , Kings-Cross , London , where he may he consulted daily from S till 1 , and a ffll 9 , Sundays , 9 till 1 , only . Hundreds of testimonials and trusses have been left behind by persons cureii as trophies of the immense success of this remedy , which Dr . Barker wnl willingly give to any requiring them after a trial of it . la every case , however bad smdlong standing , 9 Cure IS guaranteed Post-Office orders to he made payable at the Bloomsbury Postoflice .
• The skin , thongh lovely fair , May quickly fade for want ot needful care . ' THE * PIMM ART CAUSE of the numerous DISEASES and Affections of the Skin is an impaired condition of the health , arising from a disordered state of the stomach , liver , and bowels . From these causes the biool becomes corrupt , digestion impaired , the liver inactive , and the bowels constipated . Hence arise blotches and eruptions of the skin , bilious affections , heartburn , sick headache , irritability , spasms , flatulency , pain after eating , nervous debility , & c To correct all the crudities ofthe-vital fluids , strengthen the stomach , remove indigestion and liver complaints , relieve the bowels , in--rigorate tbe svsttvn , and tranquilise the nerves , DR . SCOTPS PAMLLy APJJRIEXT TABLETS will be found
YOURSELF!—WHAT YOU ARE , AND WHAT FIT FOR ! 1 To see ourselves as others see us . '—Bras ? , MISS GRAHAM continues with amazing success to delineate persons ' characters from their bandwriting , pointing out gifts , defects , talents , tastes , affecHons , andmany other things hithertounsusyectea . Persons desirous of knowing themselves or their Jnends , must send a specimen of the writer , mentioning sex and age , or supposed agej of the -writer , and inclosing thirteen uncut postage stamps , to 3 HSS GRAHAM , C , Ampton-street , Gjsy ' s-inn-road , London , and they will weave a graphic , minute , and interesting written delmeation ofwhat the writer reaRy is , and for what pursuits guaufied . The numerous testimonials daily received , and thefa--vmroble notices pf tiie public press , establish the accuracy ofMissGraham ' ssystem . ¦ *'• ¦ ' The following testimonialhas just been reeeivedfrom an eminent phrenologist : — ' ! consider your delineation oi character aperfect masterpiece . Had yon been a phrenologist , and examined hishead , it couU wrthave . beenmore accurate - ¦¦ - -..- «« . > ...-. ;; ., i
NATIONAL CHARTER LEAGUE . The Friends of Political Progress are informed that A PUBLIC MEETING J \ Will be held in the NATIONAL HALL , 242 , HOLBORU , On . Wednesday Eyesdsg , Mat 1 st , For the purpose of promoting the objects ofthe League . Chair to be taken at eight o ' clock precisely . Several able and tried Friends of Popular Reform will be present , and address the meeting . DECLARATION . The League rejects all other than Moral agencies for the accomplishment of its designs . ' ( JST The League will co-operate with other Societies for the promotion of such Reforms as may seem to it likely to hasten the final accomplishment of TOE PEOPLE'S CHARTER . Committee Rooms , 5 , SuowHiU . City , April 23 rd .
On Monday next will be published , with . the Magazines fob Mat , No . XII . or THE DEMOCRATIC REVIEW Of BRITISH and FOREIGN POLITICS , HISTORY and LITERATURE . .. ' Edited by G . JULIAN HARNEY . contents : L Refusal of Parliament to repeal the iniquitous Taxes on Knowledge . 2 . Rural Slavery—A Voice from the County of Kent . 3 . Democracy defended in reply to the ' Latter-Day ' ravings of Thomas Carlyle . { Continued . ) , 4 . Universal Suffrage and the Ordermongers . 5 . Two Years of a Revolution . 1 S 48—1849 . [ Continued . ) C . De Flotte , Tidal , and Carnot . 7 . Birthday of Maximilian Robespierre . S . " Respectable" Journalism . ,-9 . Literature : —* 'Historic Pages from the French He-Tolution . " By Louis Blanc . 10 . Letter from France . 11 . Editor ' s Address on the conclusion of Vol . ' I . 12 . Title Page , Dedication , and Index to Vol . I .
National Charter Association. Ofpices, 1...
NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . OFPICES , 14 , SOUTHAMPTON STREET , STRAND , LONDON . The Provisional Committee of the NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION hereby give notice , That those friends who are desirous of forming localities can be supplied with Cards of Membership and Rules , by applying to the General Secretary , John Arnott , as above , from nine till two o ' clock , daily ( Sundays excepted ) , and on ilonday evenings from seven to nine o ' clock : if by letter , prepaid . All applications by letter will receive the . most prompt attention . Notice is also ( j iven that all the receipts for the Cards issued , must be forwarded monthly , per Post Office Order , made payable to John Arnott , at-the Post Office , Strand , nnd addressed to him at the Office ofthe Association , 14 , Southampton Street ; Strand , London . 14 , Southampton Street , Strand , April ICth , 1850 . - Signed on behalf of the Committee , John Absott , General Secretary .
Co ®Tnrtmq\M\M
CO ® tnrtmQ \ m \ M
Gf. Gatxasd, Mortack.—No Room. Robert Sh...
Gf . Gatxasd , Mortack . —No room . ROBERT SHAWCEOSS , AND TIIE SECBETABV OF THE VfEST Hiding of Yobkshtbe , are requested to correspond with James "Williams , 9 ,: Duke-street , Back Sandy Brow , Stockport . R . H , Tavistock . —We cannot answer your questions , being totally unacquainted both with spiritual and temporal turnpikes . Ifottinghah . —J . Sweet acknowledges the receipt of the following sums , sent herewith , viz .: —Fob the Honesty Foot . —Mr . T . Scothern , Kirkby-in-Ashfield , Is ; Mr . W . Lee , Is ; Mr . Chipindale , Is ; Prom Carrington , £ 12 s ; Mr . S . Hudson , 2 d . ( Mr . J . Robertson , Landemeau , Prance . —I received your letter in which you state that you sent the sum of ' lis for the Honesty Fund , and lis for Northern Star . There
must be some mistake ; as the letter contained only a Post Office Order for six shillings and sixpence , obtained , at Dalkeith , Scotland , Your friend who obtained the order does not furnish his name or address , otherwise I would have wrote to him . Will you make inquiry ! WH . RtDEB . BftBOB . —YTe are requested to correct an error'in tho advertisement , which appeared in our last , headed ' Land and Cottages near London . * Instead of ' apply to Mr . Hallett , Shimmer ' s Farm , Colney Hath / read 'apply to Mr . Hallett , Hummer ' s Farm , opposite the Orange Tree , Colney Hatch , Middlesex . ' Hesm WflirTAKpn , Bury . _ We cannot answer your question . Mr . Dean , Belper . —The notice would be charged as an advertisement .
Mr . T . HiHSlEBSLET , Bilston . —The 20 s was acknowledged on the 13 th as from 'Bristol , " instead of from « Bilston . ' It was received on the 10 th inst . T . Habsett , York . —Yes , the whole . Thojias Dickenson , Manchester , informs his friends in Northumberland and Durham , that ^ although he is well employed at his trade , he has already addressed six meetings in the People ' s Institute . J . B ., Heywood ; J . Tatloe , and The Operative Tauoiis , Hanley . —Next week . HABTtEPoot . —W . Hall , of this place , is requested to send his address to Mr . Wm . Norman , of 292 , Wingate Grange Colliery , County Durham . Honesty Fund . —Julian Has received , and paid over to Mr . Rider , from a few friends of Barnstaple , per John
Bowden , the sum of 12 s . ~; Geokge Mawbei , Chesterfield . —Wo have forwarded your - letter to the ' Weekly Tribune' Office . Julian IIabnee has received from Win . Davies , of Edinburgh , t . 2 5 s . Cd . for the following : —Macnamara ' s Action , ffl lsl Oakum picking money , lis . 6 d . ( contributed by some Chartist friends ) : for Mrs . Jones , 8 s . Gd . ; for tbe Monument Fund , Is . 6 d . ; for the Fraternal Democrats , 3 s . The above sums have been paid over to the persons authorised to receive them . Fbatebnal Deuocbats . —Julian Harney has received from G . Mawby , Chesterfield , Is . 2 d . ; and W . Cosline and J . Skyllicorn , Liverpool , 2 s . 2 d . ' Mebcubius , ' Dundee . —The trade price of the large lithographs is Is . Cd . each—the portraits Is . each .
National Charter.League. The Council Met...
NATIONAL CHARTER . LEAGUE . The Council met at their business rooms , 5 , Snow Hill , City , on Wednesday evening last . There were present , the President , Mr . M'Grath , Mr . Side , Mr . Robden , Mr . AUnutt , Mr . Nobbs , Mr . Fairchild , Mr . Dixon , and the Secretary , Mr . Clark . The principal business of the evening consisted in preparations for the approaching public meeting , all of which were most satisfactorily completed .
British College Of Health, New-Boad, Loh...
BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTH , NEW-BOAD , LOHDON . TO THE FINANCIAL & SOCIAL REFORMERS THROUGHOUT GREAT BRITAIN . FBLLOw-CoMTBTMBjr , —Prove , as most easily you can , how the doctors tor ages cheated the people on the question oi their health , and all the reforms that you demand must follow , and that , too , in quick succession . The dishonesty of the medical body can be most easily established . Weare , Fellow « CountrymeDJ ., ! * Yours in the cause 01 Salutary Reforms , Thb Members of the British College April 11 th , 1850 .. < -r - ' er-HuuRr ^ " ¦" - - O ' :: ¦¦ -- "• » • — - •¦• ¦ •' - ¦¦ ; : . ; . ; >!; ; r ; .- ' :
A Veby Extended Plan Forthe Prombtibn'of...
A veby extended plan forthe prombtibn ' of native education in- the north-west provinoes ' of India has been promulgated by the gOYenuaent .
A Veby Extended Plan Forthe Prombtibn'of...
STAFFORDSHIRE 'POTTERIES . Mr . W . P . Roberts will fee at Hauley on Monday next , the 29 th of April ;
Meeting At Hanley In The Potteries. My F...
MEETING AT HANLEY IN THE POTTERIES . My Friends , —Although not very strong , I will make it a . point that you . shall not be disappointed at the opening of your new Hall on Monday next ; but I have to request that all parties wishing to see me , will do so before the Meeting , as J cannot stand the fatigue of discussion when it is over .
My friend , Mr . Hopkinson , has requested me to state the train by which I shall arrive . I shall start by the ten o ' clock train in the morning , arrive at the Stoke station at three o ' clock ; and as soon as I get well and strong again , I will give them another Chartist breeze throughout the country , as I am resolved neither to be snuffed out nor extinguished . Your faithful Friend , Feargus O'Connor .
The Land Plan. No Doubt The Unlocated Me...
THE LAND PLAN . No doubt the unlocated Members will read with p leasure the Report of the Arguinemt which took place in the Court of Queen's Bench on Wednesday last , in connexion with the complete Registration of the Land Company : as , notwithstanding the violent opposition of the Attorney-General , 'the opinions of Lord Campbell and of the other Judges , appeared to be decisive as to the complete Registration of the Company .
The Judges have , however , and very properly , deferred giving judgment until ' they have maturely considered the case . "While , if the opinions foreshadowed in their comments upon the speech , of the ATTORENY-GrENERAt are conclusive of their legal . opinions , we may hope for complete Registration .
-.;S Atio I A L ' Jyi Jocip A.Tlo-Il " "...
-. ; s atio i a L ' jyi jocip A . Tlo-il " " TO THE PEOPLE . / My Friends , —As the Government ; bases its power upon your ignorance , while it refuses to open the channels of information , I beg to inform you that , in the ensuing month , I will bring out a cheap unstamped weeklyinatructor , to be called
" THE NATIONAL INSTfiUCTOS . " I will engage the ablest writers belonging to your order to supply me : with materials '' ; ' , I . will pay them , well ; and . I will open its columns for fair—but temperate—discussion . I will allow the several contributors to propound their own views and doctrines , but without one word of personal anger or hostility : and , although it ! may he vanity to assert it , I undertake to say that it-will contribute more to the
enlightenment of your order than any paper that has yet been published . And as it is necessary 16 blend amusement with instruction , I . will give you , weekly , "A True and veritable History of the Life , and Adventures of FbarguS O'Connor , from the days of his Boyhood ;•' and Lam no judge of numan nature if the history of my life does not amuse and instruct every man , woman , and child in the empire .
The publication shall be so managed that my life and adventures may he separately bound up in volumes , apart from the remainder of the work . All persons in Lancashire and Yorkshire , and the Northern districts * must send their orders through Mr . Abel Heywood , of Manchester : all persons in the Midland Counties must send their orders through Mr . Guest , of Birmingham ! all Scotch Agents must send their orders through Mr . Love , of Glasgow : and all . other Agents in the kingdom must send their orders through Mr . Pavey , of Holywell-street , Lpndoii . The publication shall be got up in the most finished style . ; - ¦ ¦ Your faithful Friend , Feargus'O' Connor .
Notice. ' . : ::* .. - Many Of Our Agent...
NOTICE . ' . : :: * . . - Many of our Agents being in arrears , and inattentive to our applications for their outstanding debts , we are compelled to announce our determination to discontinue , after - this date , all further supply of-the paper to such Agents , unless their accounts be discharged early in the ensuing week . Subscribers , will therefore know the reason should they be disappointed on Saturday next . We wrote to each ofthe Agents a week ago ; consequently , they have had timely notice .
The Nobthebn Stab Sa1tkdat, Apkiti Sti Is30.
. The National Reform. , Conference. *, ...
. THE NATIONAL REFORM . , CONFERENCE . * , ' Periodical Conventions , or Assemblies ,, of the friends of any public movement in the Metropolis , or other central locality , are a portion of the . machinery of public agitation . Next month , the Religious Societies will pour their tributary streams of pilgrims' pounds , shillings , and pence , from all quarters of the Kingdom , into the great central lake at Exeter Hall . The Charitable Societies have long since commenced ; their annual dinner conventions at the London Tavern , Freemasons ' , or the Albion . The yearly trips of Friendly Societies to Rosherville , or Southend , and the Nore , will put forth their attractions as the . days lengthen ' . ' . The National Reform Association has taken time by the forelock , and held its first Conference .
One ofthe objects of such an assembly , is to ascertain what progress has been made during the past agitation ; a second , how to make the strength and the experience obtained conducive to farther progress . In the first point , we think the Association has ho cause for complaint ; in the other , the proceedings of the Conference do not appear to us quite so satisfactory . The attendance of so large a number of delegates , from so many different quarters of the country , may be . fairly taken as a proof that the movement is reall y spreading , and exercising a steady and substantial
influence upon public opinion . At a time when parties are in a state of decomposition ; and when , in all other directions , sighs of stagnation , indifference , 'or political paralysis , are manifest—to have done this is something . We do not see many new converts to the cause of Parliamentary Reform in the list of members ; but it is fair matter of gratulation to the old friends of that cause , that they have been enabled , at last , to bring their whole power to bear in a centralised form , and to draw together , from remote parts of the country , those who entertain similar views and ¦ ¦ ¦
opinions . . - ••• It would be a piece of hyper-criticism , to analyse too minutely the proceedings of so / miscellaneous a body at its first meeting , bjat we confess that one defect has struck us forcibly . There have been far too many long speeches about generalities . That the delegates should have liked to hear Messrs . Cobden , 'Bright ^ Hume , and other : Parliamentary luminaries , was
natural enough . . That these said Members of Parliament should , when once on the platform , have been excited by applause to deliver themselves at length upon the leading political questions of the »' ., day ,, is equally a matter of course . ' But we submit , with all deference to both speakers and hearersj : that iSuchexbibitions were a little out of place . The Confer * ehce met to work ndtto talk-r ^ t least the talk might to have been" Moment W & 9 -work ,
. The National Reform. , Conference. *, ...
which at tne time we wr »» uue » uuu aywiu . ty have been the case . At the , various . meetings which the Association has held , Messrs . Cob-DEN -BBIGHT , ' Hume and others , have been very chary of their presence and speeches—no doubt for good reasons . ;; . It was desirable that they should openly and ' unreservedly identify themsel ves with the movement in the presence of the representatives of the Association , and therefore of the country ^ -but that ought to have formed a . less prominent part ofthe proceedings than it has done . What was really wanted was , that the delegates should have
set to work in an earnest spirit , to ascertain what the strength at their back really ^ was ; what obstacles—if any—prevented their gaining more—what modes should be adopted for removing these obstacles , and by . what means the whole ofthe Reform party—by which we mean the whole of the excluded and voteless adult males of England , Scotland , Wales , and Ireland , could have been combined in one , irresistible phalanx—for the accomplishment of a practical measure of reform . Tjp ! to . thei time at which wo write we have seen ; to oiir regret , few indications of this practical , workmanlike , and earnest spirit . There has been far too much time taken up by speechify ing ahout the abuses which exist in
our national institutions . It might fairly be presumed . by the gentlemen who delivered themselves of these orations , that the delegates from the members ; of the National Reform Association required no such information , or incentives to action . ; Their presence there , in the capacity of delegates , was a proof that they were fully cognizant of these abuses , and anxious to remove them . The . only question was , how the work was to be done ? And to that they ought to have confined themselves . Tiie' " eloquence" part would have been . far more appropriately reserved for public meetings , where converts were to be made , or the cold and apathetic to be roused from indifference , into active sympathy and ; cooperation ; ¦; . " V ; . ' ... ' ' - ,
'; ., Among the questions which might have formed ' the : subject for a longer and more thoughtful debate than they , appear-to have ? been honoured with , were those submitted on Wednesday , by Mr . Reynolds . W ; e d o . ' no % [ fp % a- ' moment , mean to impugn the right ofthe Association to lay down certain fundamental ^ princip les for its own guidance , and to say- ^ Wre ' we take our stand , as being what w ^ ioon ' ceive the only attainable and practical measure under present circumstances . Not at alhSSuiwe h ' aveon former
occasions askedithaieAders of the association some serious questions :, upon the very , points mooted in theresolutiori ^ proposedbyMr . Reynolds . Most of theleaders , qf the Association—^ nearly all ' the speakers we have ever . hearii at any oi its public ^ meetings— -avow their preference of awawJoorito a ; rating suffrage . Lord John RussELL ' -has declared , that he top would prefer a ' . rflanhpod . suni'ageto such a compli- ; cated , if not confused , suffrage , as that proposed by Mr . -Hitme and the Association . . As far as the House . of Commons is concerned ;
the one proposition is considered nearly tantamount to the other ; and therefore , until public opinion becomes top strong for it . to ' resist , will be doggedly refused . On the other hand , hundreds of thousands—perhaps we might say millions—remembering how In former times the working-classes were deceived b y the middle and upper classes , after having aided them to acquire political power , not , unnaturally hang back from the new Association . Under the advice of Mr . O'Connor and the
Chartist leaders , they refrain from offering any active opposition ; hut . that , ill compensates , for the negative effect of their standing aloof . : Why should Sir Joshua Walmsley and his friends , throw away the immense strength they might derive from this quarter , when the concession of a principle they themselves approve of , could be met by no more strenuous hostility among the privileged and ruling classes , than that which" is offered to the more modified one they have adopted ? ,
. Upon the fair , open , and honest settlement of this important point depended in our estimation the real value of the Conference . Had it brought about a genuine cordial union between the ; middle and the whole of the . working classes , by which the latter , instead of being content to stand aside as neutrals , would have been converted into hearty , active , and hardworking allies , the cause of Parliamentary Reform would have made more progress in one year than it can do in three , with the present elements at work .
As to the second question , the Payment of Members , it was hot of so pressing or important a nature . If . the Non-Property Qualification be carried , the Payment of Members will follow in due season as an inevitable corrollary "; but ' we must express our regret that the Conference threw away the opportunity of cementing a , cordial and effective junction between themselves and the operative classes , by declining to substitute manhood for rating or residential suffrage . The Common Sense of
the country cries for the vote to be given to the man , not to the bricks and mortar , or to the rate-book ; and though we shall continue , as heretofore , to offer no opposition to the Parliamentary Association , though we shall on all proper occasions aid them wherever that can be done without compromise or sacrifice of principle , still we cannot help feeling that the cause is placed in a less advantageous and powerful position than' it would have occupied had a contrary decision been come to .
, It is the more to be regretted , because , the signs of political decrepitude are visible . among all existing parties . The frequent defeats of the Ministry indicate their tottering and helpless position , arid their loss of all hold over a Parliament , formed under their own auspices . Their continuance in office under such circuhir stances proves t heweaknessandtbeincoherence of the Parliament , and any parties opposed to them . What an opportunity for the formation of a NATIONAL PARTY , and the final suppression of theFactions who have so long alterr nately preyed upon the people !
" The Beneficent Whip » Question. ..What...
" THE BENEFICENT WHIP » QUESTION . . . What to do with our Criminals is a question which very much puzzles our Legislators , in both Houses . The ^ Colonial Minister in the Peers , made a lengthened . exposition , recently , of the very complicated and . elaborate contrivances which have been devised for what may be called the adult and matured criminal population who have been sentenced to transportation . From thai , statement , it be gathered that very little satisfaction has the and
resulted from protracted expensive experiments th at have heen made on this class of . ' criminals , and that very little more is expected from the system now pursued .,, In the Lower House the class of juvenile criminals—those who are graduating in vice , the candidates for transportation—have been the objects of attention , but we regret to : say with no better result . Our law makers ' are one and all . terribly , afraid of dealing with first principles . If any body proposes to them , as a necessary part of law-making , for any particular evil or grievance , that it would laceto ascertain the
be well ,, in the first p , ' cause of the evil , they shrink from , ; the suggestion as a revolutionary one . According to their theory—or at all events their practice—of Legislational duty , the less a- man knows about causes the better , The only things he should deal with are effects , ; these can be seen and felt ; but an inquiry into causes , pre-supposes a habit of abstract reasoning , 'of close obseryatioh ;' and a logical capability of deducing conclusions . froiri premises ,: to which . ninety-nine " put ¦ bf . ev ^ ryhiindredrof our Senators can lay Declaim . >>•; » Yet ; the question which . reall y . liescat -tiie root of aU these meRBures , igihitself a simple
" The Beneficent Whip » Question. ..What...
one , u tnere were but courage to . attack it . It does not involve that recondite knowledge which-might be mentioned as belpngihg to other political , cbmmercial , and social questions . ' T 6 the 'iquery , ^ what ar e the-main causes of juvenile crime , it . would not ' be . difficult to give an answer , based upon demonstrable facts of the most conclusive descri p-
tion . ; ' Want of proper training and' useful occupation—these' lie at the root of the social disease called crime—these annually furnish their contingents to swell the vast army of criminals , which not only eats up a large portion of the wealth of the country , but does far worse than that , which infects the : whole body-politic with a moral leprosy , from the taint of which no class is perfectly exempt .
The question that follovrs the ascertaining of that fact is equally susceptible of a distinct reply ; Have we—has England—the means of providing proper training , combined with useful occupation , to the growing population , or to that part of it which , from the ignorance ,, the vicious habits , or the poverty of their parents—or which , , from the ' . utter want of parents and guardians , is peculiarly liable , and . almost certain to become criminal ? But at this question our
legislators take fright . It ' involves , to their apprehension , an alteration of the existing social arrangements , than which nothing can be more dan gerous . Tliey are afraid that ithe loosing of a single '; brick of the present crazy and artificially propped-iip edifice will bring the wh ole about their ears ; and they prefer rather to let things ' , remain as they are , than to . risk that' possibility , accompanied ; though it might be , by great goPd to them , in common with the rest'ofthe community . .
Lord . ' Ashley had a distant glimmering of the right sort of cure , when he proposed , in connexion with Ragged Schools , a limited and regulated emigration of the pupils previously trained to orderly and industrial habits . Our only objection to the plan isj ' -, that it . was : too limited , and went too far a-field for what could be done more ch ^ aplyyand effectively at home . The' records' of numerous Industrial
Schools , in connexion with the administration of the Poor Law in this country , and of others set on foot by enlightened and practical persons , demonstrate ¦ that , by means , of spade cultivation , and school training combined , we possess the-means of bringing up usefully , morally , and profitably , the rising generation . Why , we should expend the money in sending the unfortunate children abroad who have been
bereft of the nurture and tenderness of home and parents , we do not understand—though , as an auxiliary measure to a large and welldevised system of Home Education and ^ Emp loyment , there-might be no ; objection to it . :., But , even to that schemer-defective as we think iti and limited as its operation would have been , compared with the extent of the evil requiring a ' remedy—the Government turned a deaf ear . They gave , one year , a few thousands to aid it , and they withdrew all assistance tha next .
Still , however , the ranks of the juvenile criminals grew thicker and thicker ; the . Government and the Legislature had ignored the remedy , but they could not so easily ignore the evil . ' Thereupon , Sir John Pakington , overflowing with "the wisdom of our ancestors , " proposed a return to that cheap , easy , and efficacious remedy- of Squirearchy—the . whipping post . What had mocked" the efforts of philanthropists ' , , moralists , and benevolent experimentalists of all kinds , \ yasto be forthwith and summarily . accomplished "by what Mr . Cablyle calls " the . beneficent whip . "
Mighty are the virtues of whip-cord , or , better still , a knotted'cat o' nine tails ' . Sir John ' s Larceny Summary Jurisdiction Bill was , in effect , a Bill for . abrogating the British Constitution as far as all' offenders under sixteen years of age were concerned . It gave to two Justices of the "Peace—everybody knows the equivalent of that ' title—the power , at their will and pleasure , of flogging without limit , and which they " might have exercised so as to make it extend to a power of life and death .
Juries are , Heaven knows , quite subservient enough as it is , but we are not yet prepared to see them abolished , arid uncontrolled and irresponsible power given to a couple of fox-hunting Squires , or game-preserving Parsons . The House of Commons . was of the same opinion . Powerful as are its , affinities to the Squirearchy , the pill was too strong for it , and the essential clauses of the Summary Whipping Bill were rejected , and the Bill , in other respects , so mutilated that it may be pronounced one of the failures of the Session . That it was
rightly condemned , may . be judged of by the facts stated . at the Middlesex Sessions , on Wednesday , by . Mr . Sergeant Adams . James Cook , aged , ten ,: was brought up for a petty theft . He " had no home l and no means of subsistence . " " In little more than twelve months , he had undergone seven sentences of imprisonment , and six whippings . " "And yet , " said the Judge , "here hew-as
againand still he was not-more than ten years of age—what was to be done with such a child ?" Unhappy little victim of bad societariau arrangements , driven to crime , because deprived of a home and the means of subsistence , whipped and imprisoned ^—imprisoned and whipped , hardened in cihrie , and tortured into revengeful and vindictive feelings against those who , though they . have neglected , have not forgotten to punish ! " The history is that of thousands .
But the House of Commons having rejected the Whipping Bill , was the more bound to provide some other remedy . Mr . M . MlLNES gave it the opportunity on Wednesday , when the second reading of the Juvenile Offenders Bill came on . It Svas founded upon an official report , and based upon the reformatory principle of action . It combined the establishment of asylums , with a moderate degree of corporal
punishment , and the responsibilit y of parents . Incomplete as this Bill was , it was still a step in the right direction j and especially in the proposal to establish county or district industrial ischools . -. Sir . J . Packington , however , who had so much faith in the whip , had none in the'schools / ahd ' gave utterance to this solemn piece of "just-asses ' * wisdom : — "If industrial schools of reform were established
in every county in -England , he feared there was great danger that they might prove to be a premium ^ rion' vice ! " Upon this , and similar valid gr § i | nds / the Bill was rejected . "• In the matter ^^ f criminal jurisprudence the House has resolved tb let bad alone . They will not assist Lord Ashley ' s , ragged protegees to emigrate—they will not allow the Squires to flog young men upr to the ; age of sixteen , « 7 a
discretion—mi they , refuse that education and industrial training which can . alone offer an adequate counterprise to the temptations which surround the ignorant , the neglected , and the destitute children , whose condition is a disgrace to the country , and whose moral and mental degradation constitutes a , heavy accusation against . those classes , who , with the power , have neither the know ledge nor the will to grapple with a question of such magnitude and importance .
.Thia Is The Legislation Of The Nineteen...
. Thia is the legislation of the nineteenth cen tury of the Christian Era I
PARLIAMENTARY REYIEW . AUSTRALIAN COLONIES .-THE UNIVERSI-¦ ^ E & d ^ JF ^ VW - - " THE STICKET MINISTER . " The week has been mainl y occupied in discussing in Committees the details of various Ministerial measures , upon the , principles ^ of which we have already expressed pur opinion . The Australian Colonies ; Bill drags " its ; slow length ' through Committee , as though it-would never emerge from it | i-though . so far Ministers haveifeeen enabled <» hpldtheir own against , a nbstbfassailants . ! "m , . ; . ¦ -. jw i ; .: <; .: ; . •;¦ -i : i < ir ¦ re-It does aot ' appear . to ns , ; however , ! that ithe real defects ofthe measure harobwa touched
.Thia Is The Legislation Of The Nineteen...
by any of its opponents /; Instead of dealing with the tangible and practical . griev anCpf which it will perpetuate ; ' th ' e !! debates hav turned upon purely fanciful or theoretic points . /•'; ' It is a question of far less imporian to the Colonists whether they shall have onn Legislative Chamber or two , than it is whether they shall really , truly , and practicall y hav f the power of taxing themselves , and of annrn priating that taxation . in the way best adapted to promote the interests of the Colony , w have no abstract lore for two Chambers lit ! Sir W . Molesworth and some of his friend The example of the French Single Chamber '
snows tnat one can be re-actiohary and ol » structive enough , without putting an extra drag chain upon the wheel of progress There is always a sufficient preponderance ofthe Conservative element in society to prevenf too rapid change , and we see no reason what ever for artificiall y augmenting its power Besides , in such , thinly peopled districts as o » Australian Colonies now are—and as they & Z likely to continue for a very long time to cor ™
- —there is much force in the mere technical oh . jection , that there is not sufficient material to form two Legislative Chambers , and the whole contest about the question has been a pedan tic and unpractical one , which could have been entered into only by speculative theorists Un acquainted with the actual conduct of puBK affairs . r The real defects of the measure are in ifa limitation to the : free and full exercise of the franchise , and in the power which it still re . serves of taxing the colonists to pay the salariesof officers appointed by theHome Go ' vernment , and who are not responsible to
those who pay them , but to a distant , audit may be in many . oases , a hostile authority The bill is in these and many other respects adverse to the principles of true constituti onal Government , and our so called Philosophical Radicals , and Colonial Reformers , would have shown themselves more adequate to the task they have undertaken , if , instead of advocating favourite crotchets , they had tried to render the measure intelli gible and coherent and to expunge those portions which militate against the full operation of elective and responsible constitutional Government .
• The question of the ' Universities , raised by Mr . Heywood , on Tuesday , is one upon which the great majority of our readers can be expected to take but a remote interest , and yet the reflex action of the mismanagement of those noble , but sadly abused institutions affects them most injuriousl y , as ' well as other portions of the community . It is of the most vital importance , that facilities for acquiring knowledge , accompanied with honourable dig . tlncHon in consequence , should be freel y thrown open to men of all ranks , sects , and classes . The enlightened founders of the
Various magnificent colleges at our two Universities , fully comprehended this fact , and , had their endowments been applied in the ^ same spirit as they were made , the whole intellectual character and standing of the nation would have been incalculably elevated , compared to what it now is . But ,, instead of promoting know * ledge , . the course of study prescribed at these highest academies has obstructed its attainments . Instead of marching with the pro .
gressive discoveries of science , it preferred to tread the old , narrow , and circum scribed routine bequeathed from an age when it was in advance of what was generally known , and comprised all that could be then taught . Instead of being natural they became the heritage of a dominant sect , the snug nests wherein corruption reared her unclean broods , and masters and teachers were paid magnificently , who never taught , or whose part in the business of tuition might be expressed by the lowest sign known to algebraists .
Mr . Heywood ' s motion was certain to have been negatived , for the House of Commons is full of aspiring barristers , Iordlings , and others who have a strong affection for alma mater ; but the Premier astonishes all parties , by taking the opportunity of declaring that he meant to propose a Royal Commission to inquire into the management of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge . That rather took away the breath of . some of the sons of Cam and Isis ,
and an adjournment was requested and agreed to . The Commission , it is understood , is onl y to have power to receive such evidence as may be voluntaril y tendered to it—not of compelling the productionof " papers , books , and records ;" and , under the circumstances , perhaps very much information may not be expected from it . But it is the thin end of the wedge inserted , and by and bye we trust it will be driven home . The state of the whole of the
educational Charters of this country , from the Universities downwards , is disgraceful to the Government and the ruling classes . Immense sums ' are annually absorbed by Masters , Wardens , Trustees , and other Officials , which of right . ought to be expended in educating the poor ; and which , if so applied , would provide schoolrooms and masters for hundreds of thousands of children , who are now suffered to grow up at once the pest and the disgrace of society .
Mr . Page Wood's Bill for extending to persons who conscientioutl y object to oath taking the same privilege as that now enjoyed hy Quakers , Moravians , and Separatistsnamely , of giving testimony in Courts of Law upon evidence , has been thrown out by a majority of nineteen . The old stale and threadbare objections were repeated by Mr Goulbourne , and they were as successful as they have been on former occasions , when this melancholy badge of bigotry , ignorance , and alone moral feeling has , been attempted to be removed . The Founder of Christianity said— " Swear not at all . '' Orthodox
Christians compel their fellow citizens to swear at every turn , under penalty of losing their ri g hts as citizens , aud forfeiting the protection of the law in case of injury to their lives or property . It is one consolation , however , to see that the defence of this antiquated and unreasonable practice is growing gradually weaker ; nineteen of a majority , in a House of nearly 300 Members , was scarcely worth the " Loud cheers " with which its announcement was received . Another . " Strong-pull , and a pull altogether " will abolish the grievance , arid with it the wholesale perjury and Wide-spread demoralisation of which it is the
source .... *—— - Sir Charles Wood has . tried his hand at another edition of his Stamp Duties Bill , and is as far from being right as ever , He had better give up the scheme entirely , and , put * ting the three hundred thousand pounds to the sevenhundredahd ft ^ thon ^ andp ounds , reserved ' 'to advance the landlords' money tot drainage , employ the whole for the repeal of the Window Tax , with such savings as he may be able to effect in other , quarters . He may not be Chancellor of the ! Exchequer another year , and , for his own sake , he should try to do one solitary thing by which he may be fo * vourably remembered . We fear , however , that
his case is a hopeless one ,, and that he ie » sembles a character formerly ( perhaps now ) not unfrequent in Scotland , called " a Sticket Minister . " The "Sticket Minister" was 3 person whose ambitious , but injudicious frien dS i had determined to make a < clergyman , but who , after / all the drilling he could receive , waS found ^ to be totally destitute of all the natural faculties requisite for the office . Sir C harles W 6 od ? s . frienda and' relatives have acted sS unkindlyj by pushing him into a place for which he has not a single quahficatiph , and exhibiting him to the ' , world 'in the character of a VSticket Minister" of Finance . ; 1
; Eidmbminsm ; Ethomom.—The Committee O ...
; EiDMBMiNsm ; EtHOMOM . —The Committee o * the-HoviseflfComiaws hay * dwlwedr Mr ,, BeptW ha 4 w elected ^ - ;~ . ' "•
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 27, 1850, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_27041850/page/4/