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he tried ten hourslabour d societyfewer ...
Cflitral &riimnal Cmi#*
Solice Intelligpwe*
GUILDHALL. ITo.vdat.—•"Window Bseakiso. ...
#Drttwmmg illeetuigs
Chartist Hall, 1, Tcknagaix-laxe.—The pu...
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN, of 1G, Swat WindniW street, Haymarket. in the Citv of Western ar a \:
OEice in the same Street and Parish, for...
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He Tried Ten Hourslabour D Societyfewer ...
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Cflitral &Riimnal Cmi#*
Cflitral & riimnal Cmi # *
S ^ anvMr . -A ssiCi . r e . v the H . c-u SEA ^ . -Alexauder Gordon and T . Gummhis . the captain aud ch-. rf mate of Srau " -M , ttl , CSis , were iudicted f .. r assaulting Jolm Srottoa the high seas , withiu the jurisuicaou of the ItoLjtvof EasL-md , in the month of June last . Mr . Parne stated the case to the jury , aad made some remarks relative to the case which was tried in the Aew Conrtduricg the week , when , owing to some techmcalitiej , the prisoners were acquitted , and the prosecutor aud witnesses erdered to go again before the grand jury . John Scott deposed that he is apprentice to the owners of the Matth esis , 3 ndin that vessel ho crossed the line on tin , 20 th of June last . He was fetched ( ordered ) from btlow bv the mate , who ordered him to go aloft , hut as he was quite naked , excepting ha shirt , he refused to go up tarhe had himself
ing the ring ing until " rigged" . He was forced to obey , hut Define he did so he received several « tastes" of the rope ' s end from Cummins . On going up inhis hurry to getfrom him he ( the boy ) spilt some tar on one of the lower sails . The mate after many threats , came aloft and rope ' s endsd him . Witness attempted to get away bv descending a " baric stay , " but he missed his hold and fell into the sea . The vessel was going atabout < even knots an hour , but she was "backed"in order to pickhim up . He was hauled on board in an exhausted state . After the lapse of an hour , Captain Gordon entered him to be tied to the " mizeu , " and the mate ( Cummins ) then gave him "two dozen . " The captain then ordered him to be taken down , and then commanded tritnessto fall on his knees , and begins ( tlie captain ' s ) pardon . Witness did so and then he was tied up to tht
misen , and ordered two dozen morefor his obedience and seeming contrition . The mate wanted to " cat ? ' him asain . but tiie captain would not al : ow him , hut he ( the captain ) ordered one of the apprentices ( a lighter hand ) to do it . The boy was encouraged to "lay on , " and Wood fiowed fwm ' the back of witness . In the evening of the same day Captain Gordon called him into the poop , andfaidtohim , "Scott , I want to speak to you—take off jour jacket . " The captain then took outa phial , and said "I'll blister this boy ' s hack assure as he has hurt my feelings . " He said it contained vitriol , andhe tubbed some on witness ' s hack . The mate then took Ihe phial , and emptied iton his hack , which made witcess sore and hot , and painful . Witness had to watch four hours the samen : ghtonthepoop , withahandspikeonhisshoulders , which was not the usual practice . When the mate came
round and sang out " aU well , " he desired witaess to tell the strings of the cat which he brought with him . Philip iforris corroborated the above . The boy ' s bsck was cut across , bruised , and bloody . Saw it after the vitriol was poured on , andit ( the back ) smoked Hke a cup of coffee . It was in a fire state , red all over , aud smoking —Mr . Ballantine commenced a long address to the jury on behalf of Captain Gordon and called taeirattention to the evidence of the witness Morris , and tha flippant manner in which it was given , hut he should probably have to advert to his testimony again by and by . The gentlemen might probably fea aware of the great dangsr incurred by vessels when near the Equatorial line , in consequence of sudden gusts , squalls , and storms , whereby the utmost tlilHgence of every person on hoard was required . It had been stated that the boy ( Scott ) was found asleep below ,
when probably he ought to have been on deck or aloft . If this was so , there was no harm if the mate drove hhn np ¦ wi th the rope ' s end . His conduct had provoked tha mate to followhim to theyards , from whence he casthimself into the sea , and what of that ? A good deal had been made of it ^ hu t the boy could come to no harm , for he could swim like a duck . He ( Mr . Ballantine ) felt a little alarmed when he heard Mr . Payne dilating on the great liberty which he had exercised with the " cat , " and his terrible inflictions . The jury had seen the instrument of torture , and found it to consist of nine pieces of thin twine , and used without a handle . It was a proper weapon to flog a lazy hoy with , without inflicting serious injury . Much had been said about the vitriol , which one of theni called simple cerate , which is composed ot spermaceti , and is
one of the most simple remedies . It had not been preved that any corrosive drug had been applied to the boy's back . He ( Mr . Ballantine ) should call witnesses to prove that Morris was not to be believed on his oath . Mr . Bud & cstone then addressed the jury at some length on behalf of Cummins , and then Mr . Robinson called several witnesses , who stated the captain to be a very humane gentleman , and to prove that the punishment under the circumstances was not too severe . They all -appeared to be of op inion that Morris was a person ou whose word little reliance was to be placed . After a long consultation the jury returned a verd ' -ct of guilty against Captain Gordon on the second count ( for ordering the eecond dozen ) , and acquitted the mate Cummins . The judgment of the court on Gordon , was respited to Monday .
Uondat . —Judgment on Captain Gobdon . —At ten o ' clock , Alexander Gordon , the commander of the barque Matthesis , was brought into court to receive hisjudgment . Mr . Commissioner Bullock addressed him at some length , and observed that he had been tried for , andfonnd guilty of aw assault , after a . patient hearing and due consideration . It appeared that the defendant had paid £ 10 into court , in order to meet part of the expenses consequent on this prosecution , therfore the fine about to bs imposed would he reduced in its amount . The ju-igment of the court therefore was , that he do pay a fine of £ 10 , and then , andnot till then , be discharged .
Solice Intelligpwe*
Solice Intelligpwe *
Guildhall. Ito.Vdat.—•"Window Bseakiso. ...
GUILDHALL . ITo . vdat . —• "Window Bseakiso . — Eliza Jones , Mary Tfay-= s , Eliza Montague , and Martha Pike , who had just been released from ten days' imprisonment at Brixton , for -window breaJanir , were charged with wJlfuUy breaking t jree panes of glass in the chop of Mr . Inglis , the biscuit baker in St . Paul ' s Churchyard . The officer produced the stones with which the mischief was effected . They weighed nearly a pound each . Mr . Aid . Hughes Hoghesmquired the value of the glass . Mr . Inglis said the panes cost him about £ 14 , and he could get them replaced for £ 12 . One of the virls eaineinto the shop , and begged for a few stale
buns before the attack was commenced . He had no stale buns to give them . The prisoners ( who were vagrants ) Said they had no home , nt > parish , and they were hungry . Mr . Alderman Hughes Hughes observed that they had wantonly inflicted a grievous loss on a tradesman , who 9 ras contributing largely in rates to the support of tlie poor : and if their object was to be in gaol on Christmasday , and to make sure of being committed , he would take care that they should be disappointed . He would give orders that they should he strictly excluded from partaking of the Christmas fare , aud that they should be kept to bard lsbsur for two months .
Assaults ok the Police , —George Macfciy , JohnMur « ray , Edward Joyce , James Lawler , and John Howlcy were severally committed to Bridewell for a mouth , without the option of paying a fine , for committing assaults upon the police .
BOW STREET , Mosdat . —Robbert . —Richard Steele , aged twentyeightyears , was placed at the barbefore Mr . Hall , chanred on his own confession with stealing sis letters , one of which contained a £ 1 > Bank of England note , and another a bili of exchange for £ 232 , the property of Messrs . Lawrence , Spencer , and Co ., cotton merchants , near Preston , in Lancashire , his employers . The prisoner was remanded . Tbesdxv . —Dorkest bX a Letter Cjhsies . —Thomas Bannett , an assistant letter carrier in the Camberwell district , was placed at the barbefore Mr . Jardine , charged with stealing two letters containing money , which came into his possession for delivery , the property of the Postmaster-GeneraL After the evidence of several witnesses had been taken , the prisoner , who declined making any defence , was fully committed for trial .
WORSHIP STREET : Moxdiy . —A Mischeakt . —Thomas Goodwin , a young man of rather smart appearance , described as a stonemason , was placed at the bar before Mr . Broughton , cha-ged with having- assaulted and craeily ill-treated a young woman named Anne Harris , under the following aggravated circumstances : —The complainant ' s fnce was greatly disfigured with recent marks of violi-iice , and she had an infant in her arms , whose forehead aud the front of its dress were also covered with congealed blood . It appeared from the poor creature ' s statement thai she was the daughter of a respectrhle tradesman residing at Chelsea , but that her father had utterly discarded aad turned her out of doors ia consequence of her having formed an unhappy connection with the prisoner , who had effected her ruin , and afterwards deserted her . Since the birth
of her child she had made repeated endeavours to induce the prisoner to contribute a trifling sum towards its suppart , but he treated aU her importunities with derision aud defiance , and & iding that her incessant labour * at the needle were insufficient to procure them the bare means of subsistence , she was at length obliged , a few days since , to apply at this court for a summons to compel him to make some permanent provision for its maintenance . Feeling reluctant , however , to enforce Mich harsh measures if they could possibly be avoidtd , she resolved to trythe effect ofalast appeal to iiis feelings , and far that purpose repaired with her c !; ihl oa Saturday evening to a public-house in Shoreditch , where she found him , drinking with several of his low associates , and baring described the starving condition to whieh his child and herself were reduced , implored some assistance .
The prisoner answered her application with a burst of Iiughter , and pulling out a handful of silver from his pocket , told her in a tantalizing manaer that she might take what she pleased of the money , and he would instantly call in a policeman and give her in charge far felony . After abusing her with the fouJc-t language for venturing to take out a summons against him ,-aud stat . ing that he would be four hundred miles awav on the day appointed for its hearing , he commenced an " unmerciful attack upon h * r , and continued beating her about the face until his own comp-. nions re-noastrated with b : m upon his brutal hehariour , aad compelled him to daskL The prisoner afterwards approached her with an air of affected contrition , and re 3 a-.-stii ! g that she would "Hiss and be friends , " suddenly fcwd his teeih
ia her under lip and bit itnearly through . He thea flung fcervioleatl y from him , and she immediately hastened into the street and obtained the assistance of a policeman , who took him into custody . On being called -upsn for his defence , the prisoner said that he certainly struck the woman several times , but that he acttd under strong provocation , as she was always foltowrn ? him about and pestering him for money . —Mr . Broughton said that a more cruel and cowardl y outrage than the prisoner had commuted had seldom beea brought under his notirc ana it was only out of consideration for the feelings of tue unfortunate woman , -whom he had involved in dish ^ rCt ? ; ' ttat he suonl -l abstain f : oa committing th emnS 5 1 . ! h 0 uW order h " ™ . bowev , r , U pay month * Vo twi ? ' ° r commit n 5 , n > in default , for two * » tu e House of Correction : aad he sLould re-
Guildhall. Ito.Vdat.—•"Window Bseakiso. ...
quire him further , at the expiration of his imprisonment , to find bail for his good behaviour fjr the next three months . "
CLEBKESWELL . TcssPiV . —Bpiing a Child . —Anne Lincoln , a young woman , with an infant in her arms , was charged with stealing a gruat ceat , pocket-book , and other articles , the property of Mr . Daniel Williams , a copper-plate printer , residing at No . 30 , Cheapside , under the following singular circumstances : —Mr . Williams , an elderly gentleman deposed that on tiie previous night he was returning home through Saffron-hill , when , he met the prisoner , who asked him if he would buyMier child . Having no child of his own he was anxious to make the purchas . -, and , as the night was cold , they went into a public-house to have some refreshment . The prisoner told him that thechild was in bed at her lodging-, in Stanleys-court , and thither both of them proceeded . Mr . Combe inquired witness ' s occupation , aud he handed in his card , on which was printed the above address and trade . Witness then proceeded to say that the prisoner asked one shilling
for her child . Mr . Combe—Are you a child dealer % Mr . Mould ( the clerk)—He is not so described on his card Witness—I never bought a child before . Mr . Combe— . They seem to be down ia the market just now . ( Laughter . ) Witness added , t ! iat he went into the room in which the child slept with the prisoner , and , after examining tho child , gave her the shilling . She then asked another j he g . ive it her . She demanded another—he gave her that too , and then wrapt tho babe up in his great coat , for the purpose of takiug it home and adopting it . The mother asked him to give it her , that she might wrap it up properly ; hut had no sooner got it in her arms than she ran out with the child , coat , and money , slamming the door in hie face . He called in a policeman , and gave the prisoner into custody . The coat was found and given up to him . He did not wish to prosecute . Mr . Combe advised Mr . Williams to confine his dealings to ths ordinary articles of commerce , and discharged the woman .
1 IARYLEB 0 NE . Mosdat . —Extensive Svstem of Swindling . —An uausualdegres of interest was excited at this court , in consequence of it having been the day appointed for the re-oxaminalion of Frederick William Kelly , alias Captain Kelly , who on Tuesday last was brought up on the charge of having obtained fraudulently a sum of money from Mr .. Oakeley , a dressmaker , residing at >* o . 70 , Lisson-grove north , The prisoner is , it is supposed , one of the most expert swindlers who for some time past have infested the metropolis and various parts of the country . He has several times figured at this and other police courts , and information has continually been forwarded to the several st . uiou-liouses with regard to his Hilarious practices . From what transpired on the first inquiry ' a few particulars connected with which
have been given ) it appeared that iu July last the prisoner occupied ready-furnished apartments at Mrs . Oaktlej ' ii house , and tiiat ha had not been there many days before he induced her to cash for hint- a hill for £ 13 on the London and Westminister Bank ; she gave him £ 12 , reserving the other £ 1 for tha accommodation . The said bill was signed "MT ' .-V . C . Kelly , " and in order , as he stated , that she should be satifised that she might consider herself perfectly free from loss , he gave into her hands also a bill purporting to be drawn by him upon llohert Glenister , Esq ., Marine Villa , Marino-parade , Brighton ; the amount of it was £ 100 . - The name "R . Gienister , " was written across it , audit was made payable at Jones Loyd and Co . 's . The two bills upon being presented turned out to be entirely worthless , and as she had thus been swindled out of her money by the prisoner ,
who suddenly abscouded from her house soon after the advance was made to hhn , she gave a description of his person to the police , by whom he was at length apprehended on the morning of the 16 th instant at a house in Boyle-street , Regent-street , where he was liviug with a young female who there passed as his wife , as she did at her ( Mrs . Oakehy ' s ) dwelling . Mrs . Oakeley was with tlie officers when they captured him , aod she accused him of having stolen a razor of hers , but he denied that he had cone anything of the sort . The razor was found hi the apartment , and also twenty-four duplicates relating to plate and other valuable articles of different descriptions . Mrs . Curridge , Do , Brook-street , Lambeth , said that about three months ago the prisoner took a furnished room of her upou the first floor , and that after remaining a week he went away , saying that he was obliged to go off
by the railroad to see an aunt who was very ill , He paid her for his lodgings , and directly after his departure she missed a silver caddy spoon . —Feodore Shaw , a very genteel looking gill , 17 years of age ( the companion of Kelly while pursuing the system of victimising ) , said that she was now living with her aunt and ancle at Kenning ton . She first became acquainted with the prisoner about six months ago , aud they had since been together as man and wife . After leaving Brook-street , they went to an hotel near the Great Western Railway , where they stayed two days ; while there he ( prisoner ) gave to her a silver spoon , which he desired her to pledge at JTeatt ' s , Duke-slreet , Manchester-square , and she did so . He told her that he had brought the spoon from his -former lodging by mistake . The spoon was produced and identified by Mrs . Curridge as having bseu
stolen from her house : it had been pledged by the prisoner in the name of Anne King . Mr . Rawlinson ( to the prisoner ) —I am about to remand you ; if you wish to say anything I am ready to hear you , Prisonei —I did not steal the spoon , nor did I give any authoritj to the woman to pawn it ; and if you will call her bach she will do me the justice to say so . Mr . Rawlinson—What . ' debauch a young girl like this , and then talk about the questioning her again with the view of doing you justice ! She has sworn that you told her to pledge the spoon . Several respectable persons who had been listening to the evidence adduced , here pressed forward eagerly , at ths same time expressing a desire to state what they knew of the prisoner and his practices , some of them having been sufferers to a considerable extent . Mr . Cazotte , of 10 , Mount-street , Grosve ' nor-square , said ,
that about eight mouths ago the prisoner engaged of him a furnished first-floor , at one hundred guineas per annum , at the same time stating , when called upon far a reference , that application with respect to him might be made at Eustone-park , Oxford , and that he had a great deal of property in tha' - neighbourhood ; he ( Mr . Cazotte ) being unable to go down immediately , repaired thither as soon as he was able , and on his arrival he found that the representation * made to him were false ; on his return hoine he turned out the prisoner at the early hour of five in the morning . Another person here stepped up iu the witness-box , and said that about two months ago theprisoner , while living with his lady at Vine Cottage , Babbicombe , Devonshire , succeeded in obtaining from Mr . Hodge , a draper in an extensive way of business at Torquay , silks , satins , table
linen , & c . & c , to the amount of between £ 39 and £ 10 . Mr . Hodge subsequently received information from a solicitor that the prisoner was a well-known swindler , and acting npon tbat information he ( Mr . Hodge repaired to the prisoner ' s dwelling , when he broughtaway aportion of the articles which had been sent in . Mr . Patterson , landlord of the Green Man and Still , Oxford-street , stated that the prisoner had lodged at his house , aud ran up a debt amounting to £ 3 . He offered to deposit with hi ; n some wine in payment thereof ; but he refused to receive it , imagining that he ( prisoner ) was engaged in swindling transactions . Ha had since understood that the wine was obtained
fraudulently from Messrs . Fortnum and Mason , Piccadilly . The prisoner , who seemed completely astounded at finding so strong an array of evidence against him , and who merely repeated his denial of having authorised the girl Shaw to pawn the spoon , was remanded till Monday next . Tradesmen aud ethers from Devonshire aud Kent , and also many more in London , will , no doubt , appear against him on that day . It may be weU to state that the prisoner is a mau apparently sixty years of age , of sallow complexion , and about five fest eight inches high ; he wears a brown great coat and black trowsers . This brief description of him may cause other parties to prefer charges .
LAMBETH . Tuesdat . —Gaoss Ootbage and Impodent Robbeht . Thomas Smith , a notorious thief and desperate character , and Ann Joues , a middle-aged female , were placed at the bar before Mr . Henry , the former on a charge of stealing a £ 10 note under a threat of assassination , and the latter receiving the note , well knowing it to have been stoleu . Mrs . Frances Gallehue , a widow lady , deposed that on the evening of Sunday week she was at the house of Mr . Jlambliii , of 3 , Crayford-road , Culdblow-lanc , Camberwell , and at about tea minutes to eight o ' clock , hearing a double knock at the door , she went to answer it . Upon opening the door , a man instantly slipped into the hall and handed her a letter , whieh he requested she would give to the mistress of the house . She asked him where he had come from , and he replied , " It ' s all right . " She
told him she did not think so , and that he must have come to the wrong place , but his only reply was as before . She again asked him who he ' had brought it from , upon which he got up close to her , and in a menacing and commanding tone said , " Bo you choose to take it to the lady of the house 1 If you don't , I'll shoot you . " The man at tlie same instant put his hand towards his trousers pocket , and drew out something which she believed to be a pistol , and which she subsequently saw to be one . At this time Mrs . Hauiblin came into the hall , and witness handed her the letter , with which she retired into the crAwing . rooni , leaving witness stiUstanding at the bottom of the stairs with the man . While she was thus situated she ( witness ) saw that the man held a pistol in one hand and a dirk ordagger iu the other . Soon after Mrs . Hamilton had entered the drawing-room , Mr . Phillips , her
brother , came to the hall , and addressing the man , said , " We live in a free country , and what right have you to co-. ne and demand money V The prisoner made some answer to this which she ( witness ) did not recollect , but she heard him say to Mr . Phillips , "If I have £ 10 I'll leave quietly . " Mr . Phillips told Mrs . Hamhlin what the man had said about the £ 10 , and thelattc-r replied that she did not know she had £ 10 . Mrs . Hamblin went up stairs , and Mr . Phillips immediately after gave the m-jn a £ 10 note . Mr . Phillips was following the man to the door , when the latter told him that if he attempted to foUow him , he would blow his bia ' ns out . Mrs . Hamblin corroborated the above evidence , aud on being questioned as to the contents of the letter ( which was in the hands of the police ) , said it was in the following words , or as near so as possible , aud addressed " to the lady of the house ; "
' Me lady , Im sent by a gentleman to demand your money , which if you don't deliver immediately , I have twelve men outside who will j hinder the house , * aud your life be put in great danger . " Mrs . Hamblin then proceeded to say , that upon taking
Guildhall. Ito.Vdat.—•"Window Bseakiso. ...
the letter she went into a room in which her husband has been lying for several months from an attack of paralysis , and calling her brother , Mr . Phillips , on one side , read to him the contents of the letter , aud Mr . Phillips went down to the mau . Witness at this time got out at the hack way , and requested the servant of her next-door neighbour to go at once aud bring a policeman . On returning into the house , her brother told her tbat the man bad offered to go out quietly , provided £ 10 was given to him . She replied she did not know whether she had £ 10 , but she should go aud see , and if she had alio should give it . She was then about to go out by tho back door , when the man placed his hand upon it and said , " You don ' t pass here . " She then went into tbo drawing room , and was about to gut out of tlie window the back way , when the man who was
then outside presented a pistol at her , and she desisted . Immediately afterwards she heard the man exclaim . "Is that lady coming ? two minutes more is the utmost I can give . " Mr , Phillips then came to her , tuid he had a £ 10 note in his pocket , and asked if he should give it to the man . Site gave her immediate consent . Mr . Phillips gave the note to the man and he left the house . The female prisoner said she got the £ 10 note from her hus * band ou the night of Saturday week , and changed it at the pawnbroker ' s on the Monday . Heo husband was a bricklayer , and worked it Uxhridge , but whoia for she did not know . 1 'he male prisoner contented himself by saying that he knew nothing about what he was charged with . Mr . Henry , in remanding both for a week , remarked that the robbery was one of the most daring and impudent he had heard of for some considerable time .
Great Banquet In Favour Of A Ten Hours* ...
GREAT BANQUET IN FAVOUR OF A TEN HOURS * BILL On Saturday evening , the operative spinners had a public dinner in the Hall of Science , Camp Field , as a demonstration in favourot ' a Ten Hours' Bill . There were upwards of 600 persons present , and amongst the invited guests were Mr . John Fiofdun , M . P . for Oldham , Mr . Feargus O'Connor , and Dr . John Watts . The room was tastefully decorated with evergreens , and hung round with placards , on which were printed , in large characters , the following , amongst other mottos and sentiments : — " Live and
let live ; " " Lord Ashley ' s three majorities against Ministers in 1844 ; " " More time for rest , mental improvement , and religious exercise ; " " Manufacturers , lessen the hours of labour , and thus add to the domestic comfort of your workpeople ; " " The clergy of all denominations who support the Ten Hours ' Bill . " A band of musicians were stationed in the gallery , opposite the proscenium , on which the chairman's table was placed . The chair was occupied by Edward Worsley , an operative spinner . After the dinner .
The Chairman rose and said , tho present meeting had been got up that they might express their sentiments on the great object they had in view , namely , the Ten Hour ' s Bill . The question had been agitated forthe last twenty-five or twenty-six years , but there had never before been so bright a prospect before tliem—never such a prospect of obtaining the measure . ( Hear , hear . ) Successive governments had often been ashed to pass a Ten Hours' Bill , but instead of doing so , they had enacted that no child under thirteen years of age should work above sis hours and a halt per day , aud this was an enactment which neither masters noroperatives desired to see passed . This relay system , as it was termed , had been the cause of loss to both employer and employed ,
because mills had frequently been compelled to stop through want of hands most essential to spinners , that was , hands under thirteen years of age , Both masters and operatives were convinced of the disadvantages of this system , and he believed that mas ters would not on that account oppose the Ten Hours' Bill at the present time , though he had no authority from them to say so . In his opinion an efficient Ten Hours' Bill , with arestrictior upon the moving power , would be beneficial for'bjth masters and operatives . ( Cheers . ) Since the relay system had commenced , some manufacturers had commenced working eleven hours a day , with bench ! both to themselves and their workpeople , and that was a powerful argument in favour of this cause . Then a considerable body of persons in Manchester had got a half-holiday , and the press had assisted them to obtain it : and certainly , if it was essential for them to work a less number of hours in
the week , it was essential for the factory operatives to do the same . ( Hear , hear , and loud cheers . ) Then manufacturers had subscribed , and government had granted money , for public parks ami walks for the benefit of health ; the press assisted in accomplishing that object also ; and that led him to think that there was a growing feeling in favour of shortening the hours of labour ; tor , if factory operatives were to continue to work twelve hours a day , those parks and walks would bi of no benefit to them , and their having been asked to subscribe would be a mere mockery . ( Hear , hear . ) If the press would only do as much for the factory operatives as it had done for othei parties , he had no doubt they should attain theii object . ( Applause . ) After requesting that the different speakers would confine themselves to tht question on which they were met , he concluded bj proposing " The health of the Queen . "
Some other loyal toasts were . then given , after which—William Arrowsmith , secretary to the Spinners ' Union , read letters which had been received from Mr . Thomas Duncombe , M . P ., Mr . Richard Oastler , Mr . W . B . Ferrand , M . P ., and Mr . Sharman Crawford , M . P ., te whom invitations had been sent , but who were unable to be present . The Chairman then proposed the following sent ! ment , "May the factory workers be united in one firm bond of union , and never relax their exertion * until the Ten Hours' Bill becomes the law of tinland . " ( Applause . )
Mr . Mosley , spinner , said : —Mr . Chairman , —It i > with feelings of great pleasure I rise to respond to tin toast announced from the chair , because it appear * to coutaina principle vitally interesting to the factory workers . Being one myself , it is a sentiment peculiarly gratifying to my feelings . It is a well known fact , that the working . classes have been often taunted with being ignorant ; so much so that they are said to be totally unfit to exercise the least control over those who make the laws by which this country is governed ; and if the working classes generally are so ignorant , how can the factory workers be expected to be stherwise , who have to work longer , and have , in consequence , less time for instruction ? It is Oliv bounden duty , then , to use every exertion to obtain the Ten Hours' Bill , in order that we may have time to enlighten our minds , so that we may understand and perform our duties as good husbands and fathers , and set an example to our children worthy of
imitation . When we have become enlightened , we shall probably ask how it is , notwithstanding tlie vast increase in the powers ot ' production , that , according to the statement of Sir James Graham , one-tenth of the population ara in a state of pauperism ? Wt shall mostlikely ask ourselves the reason of our continuing to work long hours , when it has been admitted that the wants of the country can be supplied with six or eight hours' labour a-day . We shall then begin to inquire what is meant by the law of primogeniture and entail , by which the land of this country is monopolized by a few aristocratic families . We shall then make ourselves acquainted with the laws and institutions of our country , so that we may respect all good laws ; and , on the other hand , bv able to bring the whole moral power of an enlightened public opinion to bear upon all bad laws , and remove them from the statute book for ever . I heartily respond to the sentiment proposed from the chair .
Ihe Chairman said : Now , gentlemen , I have the pleasure of introducing to your notice one of the most able and consistent advocates of our cause out of the House of Commons , Feargus O'Connor , l £ sq . The instant the Chairman made the announcement every individual in the body of the hall rose at once , and the cheering and waving of hats lasted for a considerable time , while the handkerchiefs of the fair sex in the galleries waved gracefully , and bore testimony of the affection entertained in that quarter for Mr . O'Connor . As soon as the applause had subsided , he said : —
Mr . Chairman and kind friends , —To what am I to attribute this cordial , this flattering , this move than enthusiastic reception ? Is it that you know me better than when you despised my co-operation , or that you stand more in need of my assistance now ? or is it because you have ever found me brave , consistent ,- and zealous as labour ' s advocate i ( Cheers . ) It was not with you I commenced labou r s battle ; it was with the " fustian jackets , the blistered hands , and the unshorn chins . " ( Cheers . ) Andhavo you at length discovered that the sword that piero .-d the sides of the handloom-weavers has reached your bodies ? ( Cheers . ) But , sir , whatever has elicited this boundless applause , I am happy , most happy , to meet the champions of labour of all classes , creeds .
and politics upon this neutral ground , where "domestic comfort , " that motto upon one of your placards , is to be the subject of discussion . ( Cheers . ) What but that have I been contending for , and struggling for , all my life ? ( Cheers . ) 1 agree with the last respectable speaker as to the uses to which tiie profits upon increased machinery should be applied . 1 object to all that should be national going into one protected channel . ( Cheers . ) But , sir , I have more honourable cause of quarrel with the system than even the excessive toil it imposes . I quarrel with the effects of that toil made manifest in you , sir . ( Loud cheers . ) Yes , sir , when I see you , with a freeman ' s head and a slave ' s body —( loud cheers}—
-when I feel that nature intended you tor a philosopher , and find that you are inade . a cripple —( great sen nation)—then , sir , I must be pardoned if my feelings carry me beyond the bounds of mere argument . ( Cheers . ) I further object to a system which stops the current of humanity in the hearts of philanthropists . We have now upon the platform a gentleman whom nature sent as a picture of her proudest work , as an honest man , into the world ; but whom the system has compelled to be a thief amongst thieves . We have Mr . Fielden , with his venerable grey hairs and venerated old principles . ( Loud and continued cheering . ) Yes , sir , he is not a mere theorist ; he was ready , not only to preach , but to
Great Banquet In Favour Of A Ten Hours* ...
practice ; he tried ten hours' labour , and society drove i'i " fromtms moral position ; as he could not live and compete against the abominations of system ( cheers)—but he is here to-night , standing out boldly from his order to proclaim the workman's title to his share of national wealth —( great cheering )—and , while he is hsre , I may take the opportunity oi charging him as the author of all my misfortunes . When I came from my own country , fresh caught from the mountains —( cheers and laughter)—I could not be supposed to understand much of an English operative ' s life , while I was strongly imbued with national prejudices against England and everything English . I had not learned how to discriminate between the English people and their oppressors then , but i have now —( cheers)—and who first opened my eyes to the sufferings of the English people ? Why , John Fielden . ( Cheering . ) In his celebrated .. ,.. . ;_ „ ,.... ; , , _ _ .,,. »»»; ..
speech in the House of Commons , wherein , while Malthusians were boasting of your independence , he proved your slavery and poverty from documentary and statistical evidence which statesmen denied , but never fiave yet refuted —( cheers)—he set me thinking thought set me acting : I came to the manufacturing districts ; I saw that he had not exaggerated the picture of your sufferings , and 1 vowed that eternal hostility to the whole system which has since cost me so many pounds of money , aud so many trials and hours of suffering and anguish ; but I look upon this night ' s balm as more than recompense tor all . ( Tremendous applause . ) I have had many differences with Mr . Fielden , but I have never altered my opinion as to his humanity . ( Cheers . ) In 1 S 39 , when ire hoped that labour ' s cause was strong , I attached paramount importance to lessening the hours of labour , and Fielden , being then , as he is now , the champion , I said of him , that he found you poor till
• ' Greatly rising in his country ' s right Her hero , her deliverer , sprung to light : A race of hardy northern sous he led , Guiltless of courts untainted and unfsc , Whose inborn spirit spurnod the ignoble fee ; Their hearts scorned bondage for their hands were free . " ( Loud cheers . ) Why did I entertain this opinion of him ? Because I heard him in that house , where aristocratic blood is the best recommendation , pleading the cause of the infant from what , as an infant factory worker , he had experienced himself—( great applause)—and , aristocratic as I was , I honoured him who was the architect of his own fortune , and who had the pride and manliness to admit it , amid titled fools , more than my Lord Stanley and his class , who
are born with golden spoons in their mouths . ( Loud cheers . ) I was sorry to hear your respected Chairman enter upon the question of infant labour as a mere abstract question . ( Hear , hear . ) I protest against infants under thirteen years of age working at- 'ill —( loud cheers)—at alt events at .-uch labour as is calculated to twist their grissel into deformities , and deprive their young minds of those early impression * which they ought to receive , and which ought to be the foundation of that knowledge to make them pass respectably through life . ( Cheers . ) Would Peel , would Russell , would any who could prevent it , allow their children under thirteen years of age to work six and a hdf hours a day at factory labour 1 ( Cheers amino . ) Then why should you ? ( Renewed
cheering . ) Are not your children as dear to you —( cheers ) —aye and dearer ? if you were allowed tho legitimate training and management of them in youth , and their dutiful support and comfort in old age . ( Cheers . ) But they'll work you , and exercise you , and give you mental recreation . ( Laughter . ) I nave no confidence in the theorists who would give you parks to expose your crippled limbs in —( cheers)—out they are right to keep you from tho light of day . I have no respect for those who would toil you all the week and wash you on Saturday night . ( Great cheers and laughter . ) I have mi confidence in those who would fain improve your minds , but so weaken your bodies as to impair your intellects . ( Cheers . ) Working men , 1 am for every man having his own
park to walk in—( tremendous applause );—1 am for every man being his own washer-woman —( cheers and la : ighter)—I am for every man having books of his own , ind lime to read them —( cheers )—and that ' s the tea-• on why I agree with Mr . Mosley when he says , ' That , if you are ignorant now , your ignorance is a charge upon those who deprive you of the means of instruction . " ( Cheers . ) You don't know yourselves f . hat it is that is fighting labour's battle . It is their •^ as , steam navigation , railroads , the printing press , die penny stamp upon newspapers , the penny postage , and all those improvements which are national t iroperty , but which by bad legislation —( tremendous oiiceringj—have been converted to mere class gain , i Hissing . ) If political economists will measure
r . iieir philanthropy and your condition by landlord tyranny and agricultural wages , they must consent io hear argument ou both sides of the question . You ire to the agricultural labourers precisely what the , aee-horse is to the sIony and sleek waggon-horse . t Cheers , and hear , hear . ) Your life is onecontinums " nLoon-RUN , " aud you ought to be remunerated accordingly . ( Cheers . ) Who ever heard of a race iorso bving sound and supple , at ten years . if age , or able to run well at seven ? ( Cheers . ) No me . He has been " used up "—worked out in youth , ilut how often will you see a steady old plough-horse , r a waggon-horse , in spirits , heart , and flesh , ai twenty-five or thirty . ( Cheers . ) Then what I con-: end for is , that if , like the race-horse , you give your
whole lite s blood in a tew years , that , during those few years , you should not only have as much as the dull husbandman can earn through the whole of life , out that you shall also have wherewithal to make the remainder of your days happy , without labour , upon a better provision than the tender mercies of a " Poor Law" hostile . ( Great cheering . ) Whoever saw a cotton spinner of eighty-four working ? while I have now working for me men of that age , who are the ninth generation ; that have worked for nine generations of my family . ( Cheers . ) Their life is more calm—their death will be more easy—than that of the artificial slave . ( Cheers . ) I tell you what 1 recognise as the two great elements that you should contend lor—bestbiction and distribution-. ( Cheers ,
and " that ' s it ! " ) Reducing the hours of labour is the only legitimate mode of restriction . ( Cheers . ) It is neither legitimate , just , nor humane , that you should be compelled to give your heart ' s blood to system , and then , out of jour poor pittance , to ward off competition by supporting system-made idlers . ( Great cheering . ) COO men are to 500 precisely what twelve hours are to ten —( cheers)—and , by the Ten Hours' Bill , there would be employment for GOO , where there is' now only employment for 000 . ( Cheers . ) And is this not necessary , nay indispensible , - when the hell-born Secretary of State told us that one in every ten of your order were receiving parish relief , and living a pauper's life in mem-England . ( Cheers and laughter . ) In Sheffield ' ,
many trades had reduced their hours of labour to eight . ( Cheers . ) Aye , and quite enough , too . ( Cheers . ) He was for good King Alfred ' s divisiou : eight houi' 3 for work , eight for rest , and eight for recreation . ( Loud cheering . ) The Sheffield men soon brought the Home Secretary ' s paupers into requisition , and there was no fall of wages ; they literally got more for eight hours than for twelve . ( Cheers . ) Oh , lie wanted these two hours for study and thought , very much ; it would soon lead to philosophy and knowledge , and good government would be the result . ( Loud and long-continued cheering . ) to
He objected any man being called upon to pay a farthing to ward off the abuses and blows of system ; it was actually a tax upon industry and kindly feeling . ( Cheers . ) He had no respect for the drones that would preach food and starve the bees iu tho midst of their own honey . ( Cheers . ) He had no respect for those who would create misery , and then sympathise with the unfortunates . ( Cheers . ) Sympathy was , no doubt , a vc . y good thing in it * wav ; but liberty was better . ( Cheers . ) Those who hiul assembled there were fighting labour ' s battle most gloriously , and let him remind them , that labour ' s battle was freedom ' s battle —( great cheers ) -and
" labours' battle once begun , Bequeathed from Weeding sire to son , Though baiHud oft is ever won . " ( Tremendous . applause . ) He would now explain what he meant by distribution . He would suppose a master cotton-spinnor to commence business with £ 100 , 000 , and to realiza £ 1 , 000 , 000 in any number of years . What he considered equitable distribution of the proceeds , and , to wwieh no master could well object , was this , "That if the master had augmented his £ 100 , 000 to half a million , and made £ -100 , 000 profit , those whose labour had realized it should have tho other half million . ( Great cheering . ) Then , if 100 men had been engaged in amassing tins fortune , the master would have £ 500 ,
000—a very nice retiring salary —( cheers)—and the bee * would have £ 5 , 000 each ; if 200 were engaged , thev would have £ 2 , 500 each ; if 400 , they would have £ 1 , 250 ; a fair , but not an over , remuneration , and a better retiring salary than a kick and " I have done witii you ; go , slave , and make another tyrant ' s fortune , or take shelter in the bastile . " ( Uproarious applause . ) That ' s what I call not equitable distribution , as tlie bees would not have their share ; but it is better than labour share at present . No * v I onlv ask comparative improvement for your order . 1 ask , that if the Queen is not satisfied " with the palace her ancestors lived in ; if the master is not satisfied with the cottage his forefathers occupied ; if the banker is not satisfied with the mansion his sires lived and amassed wealth in , that you , who have produced all that has led to those aspirations should
not be removed from the cottage to the cellar but that you , too , should be elevated bv the same graduated sliding scale . ( Great applause . ) See what a struggle labour is now maki . no- for the acquisition ot its just share of national wealth , and see what advocates it has « 6 t . 1 was delighted to hear the response you gave to the letter of your champion , King lliclmrd . ( Loud dicers . ) He is a man who , I believe , would die on the floor ot the House rather than abandon the position he had gamed tor labour ; and if vou are sincere in your professions , and mean to be true to vours .-Ives , one of your principle objects should be to place llichard Oastler in Parliament to tight vour buttle . ( Great cheering and waving of hats . ) ' l will now call your attention to some of those anomalies which put society out ol joint , Mow is produced , but
Great Banquet In Favour Of A Ten Hours* ...
fewer hands are required in the production , therefore more profit is pocketed by the employer of the fewer number of hands . For instance , one man upon the platform worked one wheel ten years ago , now he works four , and receives ten shillings a-week less forthe fourfold labour . ( Cheers , and "Its true . " ) Another person on the platform worked two wheels six years ago , and now works six , but receives no more wages . ( "True . " ) Well , then , who pocketed the additional profit f or is this not the most dangerous and injurious competition ?—( cheers ) —far more dangerous than the cows afar off with long horns . ( Great cheering . ) He asked this question , and one day it must be answered . How happens it that those with political power have r < , ™ ,. iioiwU fli-B reouired in the production .
amassed fortunes , while those who make the fortunes for them are not able to bear one week ' s idleness , or to stand one season ' s scarcity ? ( Cheers . ) I ask how it happens that a system is tolerated which enables some to live a life of idleness , a long life upon the profits of the three last years roaring trade , while others are compelled to petition for the means of preserving a mere existence . ( Cheers . ) lie would say of Lord Ashley , that lie was glad to find his name so honoured ; aud ho only trusted that he would reap his reward in the blessings of the future he was endeavouringto create . ( Cheers . ) Of the giorious champion , King Richard—( ioud cheers for Oastler)—he would say that he was delighted to hear the way his letter was received , and
if the committee took his ( Mr . O'Connors ) advice , he would recommend them to strain every nerve to put their cock in that fit where lie could best fi ^ ht labour ' s battle—in the House of Commons . ( Tremendous applause . ) lie asserted , without tear of contradiction , that Oastler would die upon the floor of the House rather than yield an inch of the position labour hadaehievedtolaboui ' soppressoi's . ( Li ) udcheei's . ) IIe had now shown them that they were race horses , and as such they should put on speed to win the race . Itussell was pledged to a Ttjn Hours' Bill , but then he was on the promise side of the house —( laughter and cheers)—now he was for a bit at the performance side , and let them test his promise . ( Cheers . ) Where is the hale and healthy spinner , who has worked for seventy years , as you find agricultural labourers , ah ?
Ran apparent nantes m gurgite vasto . Few appear swimming oa the vastdeep . ( Cheers ) . He looked upon the shortening of the hours of la . hour as the right arm and best leg of the thing he nad spent his best days in working for , but which just now should be nameless . ( A tremendous burst of applause . ) Mr . O'Connor thtn drew a brief picture of the difference between the slave who worked for another , and the freeman who works for himself ' . The one , he said , works according to his strength ; the other , according to his wants ; which the largest amount of labour cannot more than cover . The one has something of his own to love , the other has everything to hate . The one lies down , if sick , in his onvn bed , surrounded by his own family , the other takes
shelter in a Poor-Law bastile , and is thrown upon the tender mercies of one who considers the labour of attendance a task of labour , not the labour of love . ( Loud cheers . ) The one poekets every farthing of his own earnings , the other humbly takes what the lion pleases to offer . ( Loud cheers . ) The one enjoys life ; while the other prolongs a wretched existence , through a life of misery . ( Cheers . ) Mind , if you have £ 2 a-week , and if tiction raises the price of every article of life , you are , after all , but comparatively less miserable than your less fortunate neighbours , ' while I seek and demand positive , not comparative comfort , for those who live by the sweat of their own brow . ( Loud cheers . ) I have no confidence in those who would starve you , and then
preach the blessings ot abundance . ( Great cheering . ) I have no respect for those who create misery , and then sympathise with the unfortunate . ( Cheers . ) I have no repeet for those whose theory is justice , but whose practise is tyranny . ( Loud cheers . ) But , in conclusion , I have confidence in what I now see around me ; I have confidence in the rising genius oi liberty—( cheers)—and in the growing aspirations fur liberty . ( Loud cheers . ) I have confidence in that self-esteem and that self-reliance of which I see so strong an illustration before me . I have reliance upon your own order , and I feel convinced and assured , that the attainment of that knowledge which
two hours' additional time for education would give , would finally realise all my fondest hopes of protection for the benefit you had achieved . ( Great cheering . ) When you have time to think , you will love me better —( great cheering)—because you will then UXDERSTAXD MY MOTIVES BBTTER . ( CllCCrS . ) Bllt 1 must be social on this neutral ground , and , therefore , conclude by tendering you a continuation of my best exertions on behalf of your just and noble principle , observing that—there has been a dark eloud o ' er the destinies of your country , but in the distant horizon 1 see the dim shadow of liberty , and my heart
gladdens—In my ecstacy , I exclaim , " Can it be !" And a voice responds , " cxios asd liiie « tx !" It would be utterly impossible to give the faintest notion of the manner in which Mr . O'Connor ' s address was received throughout , or of the applause evinced at the close . The Chairman proposed the "Health and long life to Lord Ashley and his illustrious family . " William Arrowsmith , as an instance of the devotedness of Lord Ashley in the cause he had espoused , mentioned his refusal of office when the Conversatives came into power , whereby he had sacrificed emoluments four or five times greater than his own ineoine . Mr . John Teer responded , and said , I regret very much that I have not the ability to do full justice to
his lordship ' s character . The conspicuous part which that amiable nobleman has taken in furtherance of the Ten Hours' Bill reflected the highest credit upon him . He was ever foremost in advocating every measure which had for its object the amelioration of the lot of the toiling millions . In the Commons House of Parliament he stands the brilliant and powerful advocate of the rights of the factory children , and his mode of advocacy was always successful . I am glad to find that so great a number have attended here this evening . It is by meetings like this that public opinion will become concentrated relative to a reduction in the hours of * your labour . 1 am happy to find that there is amoiigst the working classes an evident augmentation of
intelligence ; that there are many amongst them who , notwithstanding their long hours of labour , have found a little time to acquire solid knowledge . I hope that this disposition for mental improvement will go on progressing until tha working classes shall have acquired that amount of enlightenment which will be the best weapon they can wield for improving their moral , social , and physical condition . I am glad to find such men amongst you as the first speaker , Thos . Mosley ; he is an ornament to your body—he has nobly advocated the cause this evening . I hope , however , that no undue advantage will be taken of him for having honestly and energetically expressed his sentiments here . I say this , because I hear that some men have been sacrificed for having
pleaded the cause of the factory children at a meeting on this question , which was held a'fortnight ago , at the Corn Exchange . Three men , who were zealous in this cause , and bold enough to stand on the platform and avow their sentiments on that occasion , have , since that meeting been sacrificed ; they have been discharged , they are now destitute of employment , and I fear that their discharge has arisen from their connexion with the Ten Hours' Bill question . This shows with what alacrity we should aid and assist suck noble minded men as Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., John Fielden , Esq ., M . P ., and all the other talented advocates of this important measure . There is nothing can prevent you from obtaining a legislative
enactment for a curtailment in the hours of your labour , except your own apathy . The mill owners may tell us that they could not compete with foreigners if this measure were carried into operation , but this is a false argument , they could do . I'hey may tell us that we should not work less hours than the workmen in America , but I believe we work longer hours than the Americans , and even if we did not , we are justified in setting the example of working short hours to all other nations . I hope , in conclusion , that Lord Ashley and the friends of the Ten Hours' Bill will soon have tho happiness of congratulating each other on the passing of this humane and benevolent measure .
ihe Chairman next gave , "The health of John hielden , Esq ., M . P . ; Charles Ilindley , Esq ., M P and all our friends in parliament . " Mr . Fielden , on rising to respond , was received » -itli repeated cheers . He said he should have pref erred the meeting without the dinner , because the imposing of a tax of Is . Gd . per head upon everv individual coming there had made the meeting in his opinion , less numerous than it otherwise would have been . (" Hear , hear , " and "True" ) There were very many persons who worked in factories , and who ielt a deep interest in the passing of a Ten Hours ' bill , who were unable to pay Is . Gd . in order to attend fi , T i " ^ i ^ the P re 3 ent « and it was but right that they should nave an opportunity of showing that they were in favour ot such ai measure . In 1844 this cause fv u TW" ^ Sir £° l > ert Peel and Sir James Gra ham declared that it Parliament passed the bill ot Lord Ashley they would retire into nrivata lifo
» h » ni i . II 7 A i ? f KOue int 0 P " vatc life—\ v / . ie : il , » J » e , a' -, and laughtcr ) ,-and the Ten Hours ' uiu would be obtained if the factory operatives would onfy persevere . He had said in the House of Ummons , and he repeated it now , that to labour ten Miirs a day was too long ; and he regretted , exceedh * ' « -n r £ c h ? y ? saythat J » o wanted a Ten Hours * Bill for both children and adults . He ( Mr I-iclden ) didnotwantit . ( Hear , hear \ 'iw ,, got a six hours' bill for children ! and he \ L nofw , ' n t to go back to ten , because he believed that ixhouS Ld tint wtth tK ? . aPPlam »» He was quite satisnedtiiat , with the increased power of production fortfve ^ 'Svi ^ accom l « witlKKS to -in Tm « Sdnfinl WtoM * of increasing it , \ Jc 11 til n te cxt ent as much could be produced b } working three hours a day as would be necessary to supply tlle wants of the word . ( HeV ) R £ ^ ifhtifnV DiV 0 « " * IU £ thelX In 1 ' ' r 111 ? obJect s ! l ° « l « bo to rei-uco tht , hour * ot labour of adults from twelve to six .
Great Banquet In Favour Of A Ten Hours* ...
( Hear , hear . ) He should be charged with asking tn „ that which nas impossible , but he ift j which was right ; and succeed or not , it was his , i „ I to sow the seed and let it take root ; and he had , m doubt that U they persevered they would , in a f ™ years , not only get , a reduction to ten , but to ei ,-i l hours a day . But they were asking fora Ten Hog Bill , and he was glad that they were determined to have it ; but let it be a Ten Hours' Bill for thoabove thirteen years of age . Bo not bring those below thirteen years up to ten hours a dav , ( Hear hear \ Could any man who was worthy the name m Englishman , declare , in the face of his country that human beings ought to work more thin ten hours a day iu a factory ? He knew auu - t ' " ( Hear , hear . ) Ilo elmnM l > n « i . „ . „ ..., i .. . .,
, meeting knew also , that twelve hours of actual labour iu a factory was destructive of life and limb the pro tection of which ought to be the first consideration of the legislature . He advised the meeting t 0 supuor * Lord John Russell ' s return to office , for he aud hj colleagues , from the part they took in opposing Sir Robert Peel ' s government on the question , were pledged to a Ten Hours'Bill . ( Hoar , hear . ) After reading some extracts from a speech bv Lord J olin Russell , in order to convince the meeting that there was ground for hope that a liberal government would cany the measure , Mr . Fielden said the question i . «
wished to put to the meeting was , —Were thev sincerely deairous that , the legislature should pass a Ten Hours' Bill , regardless of the effect it mi » ht have upon wages ? ( "Yes , yes , " ) He might state that as being the sentiment ot the mule spinners and self , acting minders of Manchester ? ( " 1 ' es . " ) Then hB would do so . ( Applause . ) Mr . Johnson was called upon to speak to this sentiment . He said—Mr . Chairman , tho regret expressed by this meeting , on hearing the letter read from our beloved Oastler , stating that it would be impossible for him to be v » ith us this evening , is not more sincerely felt by any one present than by myself . There was another regret expressed by Mr . fielden , that this hall was not more crowded than it was . Allow
me to tell Mr . 1 < widen , that this is not a public meeting , but a private trade festival . As one of the preceding speakers said , we want the Ten Hours ' Bill in order to make certain inquiries , which he enumerated . There are others of not less importance wii'sli wilt ongage our attention . Mr . Cobden has told us that the Duke of Richmond is a man of average intellect , and a fair sample of his order , and that tliis duke is , iu every respcot , as respectable a man as he wauld give 30 s . per week to , leaving his hearers to infer that he wan not a very wise mau , or he wou . d not oppose the repeal of the Corn Laws . Mr . Fielden tells lis that , in tlie years 1 S 20 and 1827 ,
She Americans , with the proceeds of 3 U 0 lbs . of cotton , could purchase only Mi yards of domestic or stout cloth . But , in 1835 , they could purchase , for the same cotton , 504 yards , being an advance of sixty-four per cent , flow , for our manufacturers to do this , we know tlutf we must either work harder , or work for less wages ; and we want the Ten flours ' Bill to give us time to inquire into the wisdom of such proceedings , and whether the extension of trade is for our benefit or no . Therefore , it is that the Use thanks are due to Messrs . Oastler and Wood , of Bradford , from the operative factory-workers , for their exertions in endeavouring to obtain an eh'iuieitt Ten Hours' Bili .
The Chairman proposed , "May commerce flourish and manufactures prosper , and labour meet its reward , " Dr . J . Watts being called upon to respond said , Mr . Chairman , ladies and gentlemen , I rejoice to sec such meetings as this , they . nil ' o , d an opportunity for advocating tne cause of humanity , and the object , which this meeting is seeking to attain is purely a humane object all parties can join in promoting . 1 have often been am .. sed , in going through a cottonmill , in viewing and examining the complicated machinery , and how every crank , lever , and pulley works harmoniously together . I observed that great care was taken iu protecting that machinery ; that it was not over-worked ; that nothing was done to impair it ; that the machines did not do too much work , whether they were self-actors , double deckers , or any
other sort oi machines . It the iron or wood of which they were made goes wrong , or suffers deterioration , the loss falls upon the employer , and , therefore , lie has a direct interest in preserving them . If a thread breaks it is immediately pieced . The inanimate part is strictly attended to ; but , I regret to add , that it is not so with the live part . If an arm or a leg gct 3 iujured , /> r destroyed , it can readily be dispensed with , for there are plenty of others waiting to supply their place . There was every protection forthe iron and wood , but none for the flesh and bones of the factory operatives . The speaker here entered into the disadvantages under which mill-hands laboured , who worked twelve hours a-day , and showed the impossibility of their moral and physical advancement
under the present system . The men who were must forward in promoting the halt-day holiday , were unwilling to co-operate for a reduction in the hours of labour , yet the factory-workers required this reduction more than they . Some ot those who advocate a repeal of the Com Laws arc against the Ten Hours ' Bill , I consider both measuresgood , and both parties might consistently join to obtain them . I am a member of the Mechanics' Institution , and also of the Atheneum ; but I have not had a book out ot either places during the last six months . 1 have but little time lor reading , and if this be the case with me , how much more so must it be with those
employed in cotton-mills . Tho speaker hero forcibly described the influence of the factory ayatcmupon the female character , and especially upon those Who had children , and , alter a few more " appropriate observations , concluded aaiidst great cheering . Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , when the room was prepared for dancing , which was kept up , under excellent arrangement , until it was time for the mirthful group once more to don the slave ' s apparel , to spin , that others may make the rule , what , with thorn , was but the exception , a iiiglii festivity . Nothing could give greater satisfaction , or go oS better , than the whole proceedings .
#Drttwmmg Illeetuigs
# Drttwmmg illeetuigs
Chartist Hall, 1, Tcknagaix-Laxe.—The Pu...
Chartist Hall , 1 , Tcknagaix-laxe . —The public discussion will be resumed , at half-past ten o ' clock precisely , on Sunday morning next , December 23 : h . In the afternoon , at three precisely , the Metropolitan District Council will meet for the dispatch of business . A full attendance of delegates is requested atthepvesent crisis . In the evening , at seven o ' clock precisely , Mr . Thomas Cooper ( the Chartist poet ) will deliver the ninth and iast of his second course of lectures . Subject— "Discoveries , life , and character , of Sir Isaac Newton . " Mauvlebose . —On Sunday evening next , December 28 th , at seven o ' clock , Mr . Alfred Hunnibell will deliver a public lecture " On the advantages arising from , National Trades' Unions , " at the Coach Painters ' Arms , Circus-street .
City of Losdon . —Mr . Robson will attend at tiie Bell Inn , Old Bailey , on Sunday evening next , December the 28 th , at seven o'clock , to explain the objects and enrol members in the National United Trades Association for the Employment of Labour . Noiuii West or London . —Mr . John Storey will attend at the King and Queen , corner of Clevelandstreet , Fitzroy-squ ' are , at the same hour for a like purpose . Wkstministkb . —The secretaries will , for the future , be ready to enrol members in the Chartist Co-operative Land Society , or in the National Charter Association , at the Parthcnium , 72 , St . Martin ' s-lane , every Sunday e vening from seven until nine o clock precisely . Camuhrwell axd Walworth . —A meeting will ho held at the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth , on Monday evening next , December 29 th , at eight o ' clock precisely .
MARYLEmNK Locality . — An harmonic meeting will take place on Mondav evening , December 2 Sth , at the Coach Painters' Arms , Circus-street , Auwroad , to commence at eight o ' clock precisely . Laxcashihb Miskrb . —The general delegate meeting of Lancashire Miners will be held on Monday next , December 29 th , at the Unicorn and Park Iun , iloyton , near Oldham . Chair to bo taken at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon . There will also be a P " " meeting , whieh will be addressed by W . P . Ro berts , Esq and several other gentlemen . The levy tor the fortnight , including general contributions , is " > per member . Manciikstkr . —Mr . Ambrose Hurst , of Oldliani , will lecture on Sunday night next in the Carpenters Hail , at half-past six . Mr . John West , of Macclesfield , will lecture on Sunday , January 4 th , 1 &<»» a , half-past six in the evening . Subject— " The Land and its capabilities . "
Macclesfield . —Mr . Joliu West will address tho C ! artists of this locality in their room , Stanley-s troet , on Sunday , ( tomorrow . ) at halt-past six o'clock iu die uviming . Special West Riding Delegate Meeting . — A special West Riding delegate meeting will bo held at Halita * . on Sunday , Januar y 4 th , in the Working-man ' s Hall , " - closu-lane , to take into consideration what course ougM to bo taken by the Chartists of this Riding in case of » general election , to commence at twelve at noon . Misers' AssocuTioN . —ln conformity with the rules and objects of the Miners ' Association , the conference ffiU commence its sittings in Mr . Aldred ' s large room , Queen * Head Inn , Ilkeston , Derbyshire , on Monday , January 5 tH , 1816 , when delegates from most of the raining district * ill England , Scotland , and Wales are expected to attend . Blackbckn —A tea party will be Iiolden on lVfi , v Year ' s Day , January 1 st , at Mr . G . Xurton's , Temperance Hotel , Whalley Banks .
Oldham . —On Sunday ( to-morrow ) Mr . Daniel D ° * van , of Manchester , will lecture in the school-rouui ot the Working Man ' s Hall , at sis o ' clock iu tho evening .
Printed By Dougal M'Gowan, Of 1g, Swat Windniw Street, Haymarket. In The Citv Of Western Ar A \:
Printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN , of 1 G , Swat WindniW street , Haymarket . in the Citv of Western ar a \ :
Oeice In The Same Street And Parish, For...
OEice in the same Street and Parish , for the rr- >* priotor , FEARGUS O'CONNOll , Bsq ., andpublished of William Hewitt , of No . 13 , Charles-streat , £ rasuoa « street , Walworth , in tho Parish of St . Mary , J >«' "" ton , in the County of Surrey , at the Oiriea , •> - - ' " ' Strand , iu the Parish of St . Mary-Ie-Strand , » w " City if Westminster Saturday Deoomber 87 . 18 i 5 »
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 27, 1845, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_27121845/page/8/