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- September 30,1848: ~ THE NORTHERN STAR...
that justice shall be done to them here....
go £ea&erg & eomggonzieitt
$S" The Stamp office authorities having ...
DR. M'DOUALL'S DEFENCE FUND. so ths xorr...
Rochdale.—Tbe members of the Land Compan...
DsBBTsmnx. — Mobdkb asd atibuptbd Self-D...
TO THE WORKING CLASSES. ' Words are thin...
LOUIS BLANC. The following appeared a fe...
Noticb has been issued frem the Post Off...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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- September 30,1848: ~ The Northern Star...
- September 30 , 1848 : ~ THE NORTHERN STAR . , " gry ; J
That Justice Shall Be Done To Them Here....
that justice shall be done to them here .-It will be time enough to think of the wholesale expatriation of hundreds of thousands , or mil-Uona of workers from "fatherland , " when all its lands are fully tilled , when each man , frilling and able to labour , shall have been put in possession of an independent Labour Field , and his full participation in tbe fruits of his toil is secured to bim by just and equitable laws , and a fair share of the Representation Itself .
When Labour , under these circumstances , ceases to maintain a family—when tbe soil is exhausted , as compared with tbe people to be sustained by its products—when no more wastea , or partially-cultivated tracts remain to be fertilised by Labour—then we shall approve of the plans now advocated by scheming socie ties , and selfish Land speculators ; but until then , we say to every honest working man : " Stay and try to make the England that is to le , better than the England that is . " He is no true son of tbe soil who deserts her now .
Go £Ea&Erg & Eomggonzieitt
go £ ea & erg & eomggonzieitt
$S" The Stamp Office Authorities Having ...
$ S" The Stamp office authorities having announced their determination to prosecute all newspapers , advertising or announcing racing sweeps , lotteries , raffles , and ballots for any description of property , & c ., the penalty for each offence being . £ 50 , we must refuse insertion to ansouncements of ballots for any and every purpose in future . J . Swset acknowledges the receipt of the following sums for tbe Victim Fund : — s . d . HrBirgin M m „ 0 6 MrCaipendala - „ M 0 6 Mr Shepherd .. ~ - 0 $ Mr Perkins M .. < 0 ! And for tbe Executive , from the Colonel
Hutchinson - - .. 5 0 A . Ckaigie , North Wales . —Mr Harney baa received the erder . and forwardeditto Mr Beberts . 3 . R . —No room . The Lahd Mexbgu of New Hadford . —A Conference has already been called and tbe other resalutions should be submitted by jour delegate to the Conference . D . £ . Morgan . —Address Gaidekeb ' s Chsonicie Office , London . To CorosrosDESTs . —We cannot publish any letters while the trials are on . CCosKoxvatE . —We are requested to give notice that all future communications for tbe allottees of the above location , in thsir aggregate capacity , are to be addressed to the newly appointed secretary , Thos . Ibb-Iaso . 16 , O'Conaorville , Herts . Mr J . Mora , Kettle . —Received . T . A . C—The sixpence sent to Mr Barman , Windsor
Castle , we know nothing of—we are only answerable for monies sent to this office . —Mr Clark is absent from town . —We have not seen Powell , the informer ; therefore cannot give a description of Ma person . Wehave merely beard bim spoken of as' a mean , dirty-looking fellow . ' There may be others of the like kidney , prowling about , and smelling after blood-money . Onr advice to T . A . C . and all other Chartists , is— 'Be wide awake when ameng strangers whose beievoleKce is tendered in the shape of powder and balL ' J . C , Tavistock . —There is a work on Emigration , published by Mr Cleave , Shoe-lase , London . Mr P . CHarms . —The one shining you enclosed in the letter did not come to hand . Don ' t enclose cash in letters , as it may atop on the way . I think a brief memoir of the patriot , J . Mitcbel , ought to be given with the Star the week bis portrait is issued . If so , yon wi 1 perhaps learn the parentage of Mrs Mitcbel . I cannot inform yon her father's name . —W . B . J
Seceipts Of The Natzohax. X>An9 Company,...
SECEIPTS OF THE NATZOHAX . X > AN 9 COMPANY , POB THE WEEK ENDING THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1818 . PERHRO'CONNOB . ibayes . £ a . d . Merthvr , Jones- 5 0 0 Sleaford M 2 19 0 Mossley 912 6 Accrington „ ISO Kendall .. 0 It 0 Hindley , Davies 0 10 Lambeth - 0 2 6 Wootton . under-Abiagdon .. 10 6 Edge M 210 2 Sittingbonrne ~ 012 0 Wisbeaeh 0 13 0 Botherham .. 016 0 Stalybridge - 2 o 0
OswaldtwisQe - 3 0 0 Oldham .. 0 3 0 Littletown M 119 4 Hull .. 2 0 0 "Winlaton „ 13 0 Hanley M 2 6 9 Tewksbury -. 0 6 6 Maidstone m 3 8 6 Morpeth M 13 6 Rochdale .. 16 6 Mansfield , Leicester , Goodby 2 16 Walker .. 17 3 Dundee .. 6 o 0 Crewe ~ 0 3 0 Radcliffe M 18 7 Korthwicb , Bowe 0 15 6 E G Clarke „ 0 5 0 Nottingham , ThosTilby « 0 5 0 Sweet M 12 5 Wm Bailey „ 0 16 Kirkaldy ¦ 012 0 Leicester AstilL . 10 0
£ 5867 3 XPERSE PDBD . Mossley - 0 2 0 EirfcaHy m 0 3 0 Littletown « 0 2 0 Oldham - 0 l 0 Birmingham , Hanley m 0 4 0 Goodwin « 0 3 0 Maidstone M 0 8 6 Mansfield , Rochdale « 0 4 0 "Walker , - Oil 9 Radcliffe - 0 8 0 Crewe - 0 2 6 A Deal « 0 3 6 For thwith , Bowe 0 3 6 EiMison « 0 0 6 Kottingham , T Weckenden „ 0 2 6 ' Sweet - 0 * 4 £ 3 2 1
Land Fond «•• ••• 58 6 7 Expense Fund ... ... ~» 3 2 1 Aid Fond 0 12 m _ 9 10 Wx . Daov . Chubtophz * Doiu , Thos . Clawc , ( Cortes . See . ) PHirip M'G « ATH , ( Fia . Sso . ) THE LTBEBTY FXTfTD . SECS 1 V 2 D BT 3 . H'CXAE . Dean Street .. 10 9 Oxford « 0 7 0 Sittingbotmie , J Nottingham , J Wells - 0 2 6 Sweet « 0 5 0 South Londoa Counties Weir Hall - 0 8 0 Mill , a paper Botherham , per maker M 0 2 6 J Turner » 013 4 £ 2 18 1 K . B—Leeds , H Summersgill , shouldhave been Hecksiondwike . BECEIYED BT W . BIPEB . Radcliffe Bridge , per J Duncalt . .. 0 9 2 FOR FAMILIESOF VICTIMS . BECQVED BT W . BH > BB . BaftcliSe Bridge , Holbeck , per W per 3 Duncalf 01-5 6 Sykes » 15 8 £ 2 12 BECEIVED BT J . X ' CBAE . Botbetbam , 3 Turner „ 016 8 FOB DR M'DOUALL'S DEFENCE . KECETVBO BT W . SIDES . Badcliffe Bridge , per J Duncalf . ., 6 2 6 FOB THE EXECUTIVE . 'Colonel Hutchinson / Kotringhain / per James Sweet n .. .. o 5 0 FOB HBS H ' DO 0 A 1 L . BECIITID BT 3 . H ' CBAE . Bochdale , perL Gleane . M 0 5 6
Defence And Victim Fund. Received By Wm....
DEFENCE AND VICTIM FUND . Received by Wm . Ridxb . £ a . a Trimdon CoUiery , per A . Hope ... ... 0 6 9 S . GreenamabjTunbridge "Wells ... ¦ ... 0 10 Trimdon Colliery , per W . Douglas ... 9 16 P . 0 . Hanlon , Scotland ... ... 0 10 Cripplegate Locality , London , Caffay and other Victims oa trial ... ... 1 2 4 § T . A . CoJeford .. ... ... 0 0 6 Stdcliffe Bridge , par J . Doncalf ... ... 0 9 2 Stokssley . ptrW . Coatea 0 2 0 Total £ 2 13 | Collfcfed is the CrfpBlegate Locality , for defence of Cuf & y , and London Chartists now on trial ;—Messrs Richard ' s and Eesfy Book . £ a . d . BobertEast 0 0 6 3 no . Richards ... ... ... 0 0 6 Geo . Woodman ... ... ... 0 0 6 Jco . Ktag ... ... 0 0 6 Geo . Thompson ... ••• 0 10 — Seymour ... ... ... 0 6 6 Westmoreland ... ... ... 0 0 6 A few friends ... ••• ••• ••• 0 2 11 Collected at a meeting by Mr Bast ... 0 1 Lf Mr Oikley ' a Book . Two Mechanics ... ... ... 0 5 0 One Ditto ... ••• ••• 0 10 Two Labourers ... ... ... 0 0 9 Two Friends ... ... ... ... 0 2 0 A Friend , Hextoa ... ... ... 0 2 6 Mr Gill ' s Book . Mr Jones ... ... .. » ... 0 0 6 Mr Mather ... ... 0 6 8 Mr Jno . Miller ... .. ... 0 0 9 A few friends .. ... ... ... 0 1 10 £ 1 3 0 J By Twelve Memorandum Book * ... 0 08 £ 1 _ 2 4 § Par Heody , carpenter , from men employed on the Bromsgrova Estate ... ... 18 0 3 . Bioomfiald , from men employed onBromsgtove Estate ... ... 0 5 6 £ 113 6
Defence And Victim Fund. Received By Wm....
Accrington Sept . 25 , 1818 . AccamaTO * . —I beg to acknowledge the following sums for defenceefCofiay and others : — £ a . d . Thomas Clark ... ... ... 0 0 6 P . Kilahaw ... ... ... ... 0 0 6 James Wilkinson , Church 0 0 6 James Slater , Great Harwood ... ... 0 0 6 Henry Biding , Accrisgton 0 0 6 Themai BurtweU ... ... ... 0 0 6 Henry Ashworta ... ... ... 0 0 6 And aome other smaller lumi , which amount to ... .. ... 0 2 6 Total ... 0 6 0 Gbbbhwood Haxtist .
Dr. M'Douall's Defence Fund. So Ths Xorr...
DR . M'DOUALL'S DEFENCE FUND . so ths xorroB or thi kobthsbx stab . Dear Sir , —Enclosed yoa have an account of sums received at my Manchester office on account of DrM'DonalTs Defence . These are in addition to what I have received from Mr Aitken— £ 27 16 s . Besides these , I have received ten shillings from the female Chartists of Rochdale , and ten shillings from Mr Alexander CraigJe , of Britannia Bridge , Uaufar , North Wales ( per Mr G . Julian Harney ) both for Mrs M'Dotull . So far as I can learn , the above are all that have been seat to me . If there is any inaccuracy or omission I shall he glad to hear of it .
The money received does not near cover the expenses incurred , and there are still further expenses to be incurred if the country desire tbat another effort should he made for tbe prisoner . I am willing to be the treasurer of any further sums ; bat if tbey are to be of any use . they should be sent quickly . ^ The enclosed account ought to have appeared in the Star a week or two ago ; the continued anxiety and labour I have undergone latterly in defending the London Chartisfs , will , I am sure , be accepted as a sufficient apology ? I am , Dear Sir , Yours very faithfully , W . " P . Roberts . 2 , Rohert-street , Adelphi . Sept . 25 th , 1848 .
8 TJU 3 BECUVXSBT M 8 ROBERTS . Aug . 29 Mr Bsothroyd ... ... 0 4 6 — Mr J . Simpioa ... ... 0 14 . 9 _ Mr D . B . Morgan ... ... 0 7 0 — MrD . Hint . 0 0 6 — Mr Sweet 0 3 8 — 30 . Mr J . Wallac 1 11 0 — MrCsrr 0 2 0 — MrBstterham . ... ... 0 7 0 — 31 MrH . Pritchard ... ... 0 2 0 — Mr J . Fletcher 0 3 0
— MrWm . A ... ... 0 2 0 — MrA . W ; r 7 aHen 0 2 0 — MrJ L 0 10 — Mr M . B . Smith 0 10 — N phew of Dorchester Labourer 0 10 — Mr H . Smith ... ... ... 0 16 — Mr Butterwoitu ... ... 0 4 0 Sept . l MrJ . L . 0 2 6 — MrH . Hsmmln ... ... 0 9 — 2 Mr Addy ... 0 15 6 —12 MrQ . H . Hewen 0 0 8 — MrJ . L . ... 0 10 £ 5 0 11
Rochdale.—Tbe Members Of The Land Compan...
Rochdale . —Tbe members of the Land Company are rfquested to meet at the Chartist Room , York * shire-street , on Sunday afterncos , st two o ' clock , on business of importance . A public meeting will be held at half-past five . Subject ; : 'Co-operation . ' AU parties interested in the question are invited te attend . Norwich —A special meeting of the Land members will take place on Wednesday evening next , at ei <; ht o ' clock , in the Chartist Hall , St Edmund ' s , when important buuneis will be entered upon . The question of sending a delegate to the Birmingham Conference will be discussed . Bristol—Tho monthly meeting of Land members will be held on Monday next , October 2 nd , at Mr Richards ' a , Castle-MUl-street . Huix . — A general meeting of Land members will be held iu the Wilberforce rooms on Tuesdao
evening , Oct . 10 th , at the usual time of meeting , to considerthe necessity of electing a delegate to the ensuing Conference to be held in Birmingham October 30 th next . Bbadfobd —The Land memten are requested to mee % in their room , Butterworth-buildings , on Sunday , Oct . 1 st , for the purpose of nominating a delegate to the Conference . North Shields . —A meeting of this branch of the Land Company will be held at the house of Mr Pratt , Magsesla , Bank , on Sunday evening , at half * past six o'clock . A full meeting is particularly requested .
Nothsoham . —The localities in the Nottingham district of the National Land Company are respectfully requested to teed one delegate each to a meeting , at Mr J . ' . Sweefa , oa Thursday evening , ' October 5 th , at seven o ' clock , for the purpose of making suitable arrangements preparatory to the convening o ! a general meeting of the members , to elect one or more delegates to the forthcoming Land Conference . Bakbuby . —A general meeting of the Land members will be held at the Butchers'Arms Inn , oa Monday evening , October 2 nd , at half-past seven o'clock . All members are requested to attend . Manchester . —Mr Fisagan will lecture on Sunday evening at sixo'cloik , in the People ' s Institute .
Hahlbt . —A public meeting will be held at seven o ' clock on Tuesday evening , in the Christian Brethren ' s room . Market-street .
How Can The Irish Starve When They Can S...
HOW CAN THE IRISH STARVE WHEN THEY CAN SPARE US SO MUCH FOOD ? The importations of grain and general provisions into the port of Liverpool from the ports of Ireland , the produce of the sister country , during the -week from the 8 th to the 14 th instant inclusive , osmprued the following : —5 , 658 firkins , 161 half firkins , 16 i boxes , and 1 , 773 other package ! of butter ; 712 sacks and 2 , 000 bushe ' s of wheat , 803 sacks of flour , 701 sacks of oats , 577 loads and 182 bags of oatmeal , 32 sacks ef malt , 534 packages of linens sad cottons , 24 casks of whisky , 22 sacks of groats , 135 bsg 3 of meal , 34 sacks of farina flour , 36 bags of seed , and several packages of hams and bacon , beef , pork , lard , beans , and other articles . Those at the port of Bristolfroa Ireland during the course of two days up to the same period , included 170 quarters , 294 barrels , and 60
sacks of oats , 75 quarters and 18 sacks of barley , 50 sacks of wheat , 155 firkins of butter , and several packages of whisky , linens , and other articles . The arrivals of such articles at the port of Liverpool during tbe subsequent and last week from the Irish ports consisted ot the following , -viz .: 5 , 239 firkins , 127 half- £ rhins , 153 boxes , and 123 other packages of butter ; 350 quarters and 153 packages ot grain , 350 qaarters and 1 , 355 sacks of wheat , 1 , 394 sacks of Sour , 560 quarters and 745 bigs of oats , 979 loads and 225 bags of oatmeal , 26 sacks of malt , 519 packages of linens and cottons , 52 casks of whisky , 23 bales of hams and bacon , some casks of pork , 39 packages oi lard , 25 bags of feathers , 22 sacks of groats , 5 Q sacks of farina , 347 bags of meal , 59 bagj of seed , aud other articles . Those at the port of Bristol in two days , np to the same dite , comprise 490 firkins and 15 other packages of butter , 145 quarters , 1 , 090 barrels and 213 sack * of oats , 50
sacks and 50 quarters of wheat , 7 casks of whisky , 20 quarters and 40 barrels of barley , 3 tons weight of flour , 1 ton of oatmeal , 79 quarters of malt , and various other articles . The following is a compendium of the importations ef provisiens , & c ., into the metropolis from the Irish ports daring the period from the 11 th to the 25 : h instant , viz ., 21 , 363 casks , boxes , and other packages of butter ; 675 bales aud hampers of bacon , 232 casks of lard , 107 packages of feathers , 543 boxes and cases of eggs , 134 packages of malt , 596 bales of paper . 552 casks ot porter , 110 casks of bams , 133 packages of linens , 33 casks of whisky , 580 packages of soap , 168 of salmon , 272 quarters and 62 bushels of oats , 22 sacks of peas , 16 sacks of tares , 61 casks of general provisions , 11 packages of honey , 169 head of horned cattle , 45 lambs , two horses , and a variety of articles of food of lesser interest and importance , and of general merchandize , xaishdonot require to'be more particularly mentioned .
Dsbbtsmnx. — Mobdkb Asd Atibuptbd Self-D...
DsBBTsmnx . — Mobdkb asd atibuptbd Self-Destruction at Wwstbb . —CeuiuruL of the Mobberess—On the morning of Sunday last , Mr Jamee Bateff . au , fanner and miner , of Winstar , got ap between six and seven fer the purpose of going milking , taking with him his eldest son , a lad of about twelve years oi age , and leaving his wife , Lydia Bateman , in bed with the youngest child , absnt two years of age , three other children being also left in bed in the house . It appears ( that shortly after Mr Bateman had left the bed-room , his wife destroyed the life of the youngest child by catting its throat with a razor , and afterwards attempted the life of another child , which , however , escaped with two or three wonnds about the breast . The woman next
attempted to destroy herself by cuttings severe gash in her owu threat , but not sufficient to produce immediate death . An alarm was shortly given , and surgical and such other assistance aa the cases required was quickly at hand . On Monday morning , Thomas Mander , Esq . took an inquest on the body of the deceased child , aad after tbe examination of several witnesses the jury returned a verdict of 'Wilful murder' against Lydia Bateman . The wound inflicted by the unfortunate woman is so severe tbat it is quite impossible to foresee whether she will ultimately recover ; bnt the wounds on her son are comparatively Buperfioial , the strokes , owing no doubt to the child struggling , have taken effect more on the breast and shoulders than tha threat .
To The Working Classes. ' Words Are Thin...
TO THE WORKING CLASSES . ' Words are things , and a small drop of ink PaUlag—like dew—upon athought , produces That which makes thousands , perhaps millions , think . ' BttoK .
THE FRENCH 'REPUBLIC Brothm Prolmabians , It is not my intention to make the French Republic the subject of everlasting comment in these let ten ; on the contrary , I hope to devote my pen and invite yonr attention to other subjects , ^ "fling homo questions of vital importance . For this week , however , I again return to the passing history ot the French Republic' . .. The result of the late Paris election is , on the whole , cheering for the friends of democracy . It is true that only one of the three democratic candidates has been returned , but , on ihe other hand , the whole of the government candidates have been defeated .
Tha election of Louis Napolsok , and Fotnn , the banker , is as much a protest against the existing order of things-sham Republicanism but veritable despotism—as is tbe election of Raspaii ^ Fovlv has been rafcurned by tha favourers of LegHimaoythe men of wealth , and all whom those sons of Mammon could influence , corrupt , or intimidate . Lows NAPOijjoNhas been returned by a motley multitude , who have nothing in common but their favourites name , and disaffection towards the existing order ot things . The Napoleonists include that portion of the French people who yet blindly worship a phantom of the past ; those Frenchmen who would prefer any kind of regal rule to the reign of the sovereign people ; those who from want of trade or
employment are impatient for a change of an , ^ believing matters cannot become worse ; and lastly , those who desire to employ the ' pretender' pj ? strument for the destruction of Cavaignac and his fellow brigands , with the ulterior design of throwing away the' broken tool' when used up . ' Of a very different stamp are the men who voted for Raspail , Thorb , and Cabet , snd succeeded ia returning the celebrated prisoner of Vincennes * Doubtless different shades of opinion exist in this party ; some assimilate to Babbes , some to Louis Blanc , and some to Cabet and other Communist teachers . But all agree in demanding the emancipation of labour ; all insist that' the revolution having been accomplished by the people shall be worked for the people ; ' all rally to one' cry '— ' the democratic and social Republic !' Mibabbatj divined the secret of Robebpiehre ' s success , which he foresaw , when he observed : — 'That man will succeed for he believes all that he says . '
The same holds good of the ultra-democrats of Paris . They are earnest men . They are men who have a principle ; and to the triumph of that principle have devoted their lives . The Christians who in tha two first centuries of their faith '* hisfory gave up their bodies to the sword , the flames , and the ravenous monsters of the Roman oirons , rather than abandon their creed , were not more thoroughly in earnest than are the men who—in spite of the massacre of Janehave just testified their unshaken fidelity to their principles , and their unfaltering determination to accomplish the triumph of their ideas . Thus viewed , the 110 , 752 votes recorded by the motley multitude ot Louis Napoleon ' s adherents sink into utter insignificance when contrasted with the 66 , 963 votes polled by Raspail . Again , what though Fould was elected by 79 , 891 votes in opposi . tion to the 62 , 476 votes given for Thorb , and the 62 . 375 for Cabst ; the corrupt , cowardly , selfish , and intimidated thsnsands who voted for the
Plutocrat , cannot be depended on in the future ; whereas the devotion of the phalanx who supported the two social reformers is certain , and the increase of their strength is as inevitable-It is true that some of { he royalist papers have attempted to show that the vote of the Red Republican party has fallen from ten to fifteen thousand below the number polled for Lsgbaqhk , Pbotohon , and Pierrb Leroux , in the early part of June last ; at the same time these papers cannot conceal that the ' moderate' vote has in proportion still more ^ -much more—fallen off . But the ten , twelve , or fifteen thousand missing votes of the Red Republicans are easily accounted for . The thousands of workmen massacred in June , or since transported , or still
remaining in prison , will go far towards accounting for that decrease . Again , great numbers of the owritrs who voted in June , have since then been sent into the department ? to labour at wcrk provided for them in their several places of sojourn . Lastly , it must be borne in mind that they have been deprived of the means of organisation wMch tbey commanded in June . The journals devoted to the interests of the working men which were then published , have , with one or two exceptions , been extinguished , and the elubs suppressed . AU these circumstances might account for the loss of a greater number than even 15 , 000 votes . When , on the other hand , the avowed partisanship of the government—the intimidation and corruption employed by the
PiuUeratsthe bitter hostility and lying calumnies of almost the entire press—the state of siege with all its terrorsthe death , banishment , and imprisonment of thousands of the most devoted democrats—when all these adverse circumstances are taken into consideration , the success—though partial—of the Red Republicans must be pronounced wonderful ; as their anion and energy have been most admirable . Of all the democratic chiefs not previously e ' ected to the Assembly , Raspail is the most feared and hated by the bourgeoisie . Though not the chief of any sect , like Cabst , his inflexible devotion to the democratic cause . —his rare talents , —his pore
conduct in all the relations of life , and bis practical and untiring philanthropy , have made him beloved by the men of the barricades . Imprisoned for alleged participation in the movement of the 15 th of May , his return is a 'heavy blow and sore discouragement' to Mlord Mabbabt and the rest of the National gang , whose term of power is apparently fast drawing to a close . In addition to Paris , Raspail was almost returned for Lyons . The proletarians of tbat city voted for him to a man , but the bourgeoisielobtnmng the support of the ignorant population of the rural cantons , were enabled to return their own candidate by a majority of a few votes over those recorded for the democratic chief *
The results of the election have altogether overthrown the calculations of' our best possible instructors , ' who predicted that the Red candidates would be at the bottom of the poll , or , at the best , not obtain twenty thousand votes . The Times , furious at seeing its predictions falsified , raves abjut' a characterless , rebellious , and desperate horde ; ' but dolefully concludes with tho admisaion that 'the insurrectionists of June ate again a power in the state . If the Paris election proves nothing else it proves that ! ' The Chbobiclb is fully as savage , and not less candid . Denouncing tbe Red Republicans as 'Enemiesof God , of justice , and of mercy , ' the calumniator says , 'With their leaders in prison or in exile , decimated by rigours unexampled in tbe
modern times of French history , with their journals suppressed , and their arms taken from them , they hive yet rallied round their favourite candidates , and find that their numerical strength is little im paired since their sanguinary , and , as it was hoped , supreme defeat . ' 'This ' . adds the Chboniclb , 'is surely sinister and ominous . ' The correspondent of the Spectator bears his testimony to the union and devotion of the democrats—' They have , ' gays he , ' been dipersed , | dismantled , transported ; uai , like the earth-worm " cut into pieces , they have reunited and become one again . . * . * They were summoned by their leaders in the same of desolated wives , slain brothers , proscribed children ; and to a man they voted the same list . # *
Fearful anu melancholy to say , nothing has been changed by that terrible battle of June—cothiog . ' ' Brother Proletarians , this admitted dismay of our enemies should make oar hearts leap with joy . Alluding to the discipline and energy of the democrats , the writer in the Spictmob says : — 'What an example , and what a lesson for the other party . ' Rather let it be said : —Mat an example , what a lesson for the working men of every other country I Were the proletarian classes of Europe generally inspired by the lofty virtues and dauntless heroism of the matchless men of Paris , tbey might utterly uproot the existing system of fraud and slavery . The enemies of Labour denounce the proletarians of the French capita , as ' modern barbarians ; ' hut , their much
sublimeheroiem considered , they might with a nearer approach to tho truth , be styled « the Greeks of the 19 th ceutury . ' In one rfspect they present higher claims to our admiration than the followers of either Lbosidas , Milkabm , orEpAMiKONDAS ; they struggle for a greater principle than' nationality — they struggle to establish the sovereignty of JU ^ - TICE-political , social , universal JUSTICE . The Swiss , the Poles , and some othernations , haye presented examples of heroic endurance , and indomitable bravery , in defence of their national independence , which may be not unfavourably compared with the deathless deeds recorded in Grecian story . Bat in what country or time have men been found to match the Parisian combatants for equality ? Frances the teacher and leader of tbe world , -
I make no account of Louis Napousos ' s election for several departments in addition to Paris . Certainly he has been elected by men who are anything but enlightened and sincere Republicans , but the great majority of whom may be converted into ardent democrats . Indeed that conversion would have been effected before now , had the Republic been made a verity instead of a mere name , fhe words 'Liberty , Equality , and Fraternity , ' may excite momentary eathusiasm , but enthusiasm based on such a foundation cannot endare . The suffering
masses require deeds . Let the Republic exhibit the realities of Justice , and forthwith all who have been hostile from ignorance and suffering will become its defenders . The Republic hitherto has been barren of its premised fruits ; and , therefore , it has so many enemies ; therefore the 'imperial' pretender has so many friends . But suppose him President , suppose him even Emperor , and the very name of the Republic swept awa , he will be unable to retain his position . The creature of the lourgioisie , they will not allow him to do sood even should he be so inclined .
To The Working Classes. ' Words Are Thin...
Moreov ^ France must be a Republic . CompleU ? . eJJ and subjugation of the Republicans would be but the prelude to a new series of secret conspiracies and open insurrections , until once more the Re public was proclaimed . Again , a sham Republic , such as at present exists , cannot last for any length < " t , me ; the , real Republic-call it the Red Republic , or the Republic democratic and social , or what you will—the real Republic is inevitable . Ofice that such men as Raspail are at the head of France , the Republic will make itself understood by acts , not words , and then good bye to ' pre ' tenders . '
The admirable speech of Lsnuu Rolun , delivered at the banquet held on the 22 nd inst ., in eommemoration of the foundation ef the Republic of 1792 may be regarded as one ef the signs of the times . It proclaims the thoughts which agitate the hearts of pillions of Frenchmen at this moment . That speech « a voice for the gagged masses , proclaiming their conviction that the counter-revolutionists have been allowed to go too far with their intrigues and their treasons ; and that other men than those who at pre-£ 2 . . jT \ a ? ot ^ f measures than have hitherto ™™ ° Pt «^ moBtbehadrecourse totosave the com-ZmZ » ™ , * f *? , llIIf iB nshb-devoiion , unity , boldness , awl indomitable resolution , wiil save the S ^ n ceiv ; / hi ^ ^ ! , de 8 pair < hat ™ * ts ™ pearls to dareand hands to execute
L ™ ' , , lmKn nTT 8 Mry o l 0 ensnre t ^ public safety will be found . Lbdru Rolun is hardly deep enough in colour for my taste ; but . nevertheless were I a member of the French democracy , I would accept his Programme ^ as excellent for the time being . The leader of 'the Mountain' is perfectly right in saying that , in spite of the pretended poverty of tbe really rich , there is no want of money in France . It is the grand feature of all conspiracies of the rich against the poor , that whenever the latter obtain a temporary advantage on the field of politwal combat , they are almost immediately again overthrown by hunger , the premeditated consequence of the with - drawal of money from public circulation . To find this money there only wants , as Lkdbu Remit has well said , an enterprising and resolute man .
There are certain statesmanlike views broached in this speech of the ex-Minister of the Interior , tbat will go far to exalt hU character as a public man . and rally te his banner those who had abandoned him under the impression that he was not up to the mark . His noble protest against the infamous desertion and betrayal of Italy by the French government will thrill the hearts of millions of Frenchmen . His vindication of the German democracy will be hailed bv a shout of fraternity from the other side of the Rh ' ine . Lastly , his indignant denunciation of the English alliance will find an echo in the breasts of millions both at home and abroad ; not excepting the down-trodden proletarians of this country . We very well understand that the alliance of the . English government with the government ot the Republic , is the greatest misfortune that could befall Europe ; for we know that
the arch-intriguer , Palmbhstoh , never patronises 'the liberal cause' in any country that he does not do so for the purpose of strangling the object of bis pretended affection . If Cavaionao and his Cabinet are not corrupt , they must be mad . Traitors or fools they must be . Whichever they are , they betray the Republic and csnspire the destruction of European freedom , when they ally themselves with the English aristocracy . The heart-union of tbe French with the English people is to be earnestly desired , but the alliance of the French Republic with the English government can only be productive of deplorable results to the cause of progress , Behold the results thus far : — Poland silenced by her assassins , Italy re-conquered by the barbarian ? , and France brought to a state of degradation infinitely more base than that to whkh she was reduced under Gorzor and Lours Philippe . The interests of all nations demand that this perfidious alliance should perish .
AH the infamous journals both of Paris and London , have joined in a charivari against Lbdru RoLLiNfor bis speech—an unanswerable proof of its worth . The Cohstitdti 8 khil and the Journal des Dbbatb , theTiussandthe Morhisg Ghbomclb , join chorus to the came tune of vitupeiation . Even Lamabtibb ' b journal , the Bisk Public , follows on the same side . This last-named journal joins our Grunticle in welcoming ' Count * Molb to a seat in the National Assembly . Molb , the toady , and tool of Napoleon ! the devoted servitor of the restored Bourbons ! and not less the devoted instrument of
Louis Philippe the perfidious ! That Molb who so much admires the blessed despotism of Nicholas , that he would fain ally the fortunes of France to tho ; e of Russia ; that he shonfd be received with acclamations by the ' moderate' majority of the Assembly will net excite se much surprise as regret—regret that the 15 th of May was so sadly mismanaged ; but that Lamartinb eheuld offer' the kiss of life' to this hoary-headed tool of tyranny , proves that the worthy pcet is so admirably versed in ' the art of sinking , ' that even the Dead Sea would not refuse him a congenial refuge at the bottom of its filthy waters .
A great howl is being raised by the press-gang , against Democracy , an account of recent events at Frankfort . I allude particularly to the killing of Prince Lichhowski . The violent death of any man , whether prince orpro'itaire , is to be deplored . But it would be well if the press would stick to facts , and & otout-Grceaacre Gresnacre by telling such cock-ana-bull stories as the Mobbing Post has told of tbe hundred deaths the prince was put to . It would have been well , also , if the press generally had stated certain facts which have been allowed to ooz j out in the correspondence ef one or two papers ; to wit : that' the mob' were in the first place exasperated at seeing the prince riding towards the town ' s gate with the view of meeting the artillery , which
was about te enter for the purpose of silencing the popular agitation ; and secondly , that en being hooted by 'the mob , ' the prince , ' a highspirited and haughty man , ' replied by threats and menacing gestures , and , being on horseback , at tempted to ride down one of the people . Hence the exasperation of the multitude was not altogether without provocation . I lament the death of the prince—whether the stories told of the manner of his death contain any truth , or not;—but I also lament the victims belonging to the ranks of the people , who were torn to pieces and pulverised by grape shot . For these victims the press-gang of course have no pity . Nor have they one word of sympa y for the unfortunate people of Messina—a population of 80 , 009 souls given over to massacre and violation . Think of a large and beautiful city in flames—think that you hear the shrieks of women and children out-echoing
the hellish thunder of cannon balls , rockets , and bomb-shells—think what must havejbeen the damnable atrocities committed by the Neapolitan ruffians , after the city had been captured when a correspondent of the daily journals had to write : — 'For the honour of the axe in which we live , I will not publish the horrors I have learned from one who witnessed them . Every orime we know of was committed on persons of every age and sex . ' Yet for the victims of these horrors the journals have no sympathy . The death of one ' high spirited and haughty' prince is a subject for endless lamentations ; but when thousands perish , or suffer worse than death , at tho bands > f the brutal tools of a bloodlapping king , there are no tears for them ! Why ? Becau ; e ' One murder makes the villain , Millions the hero . Princes are privileged to hill , And numbers sanctify the crime ;' VAm du Pevplb . September , 28 th , 1848 .
Louis Blanc. The Following Appeared A Fe...
LOUIS BLANC . The following appeared a few days since in the Patrib , one of the lying bourgeois-jouinak published in Paris : — One of our friends has communicated to ua a letter , dated London , the 19 tb , from which we make the following extract : — « After having read the letter of M , Louis Blano , addro » sed to tbe Refobjib , in which he denies having intimate relations with Louis Napoleon , I was not a Utile surprised to meet him at Richmond , at Louis
Buonaparte ' s , where I dined with him on Saturday last . He was seated between two Protestant clergymen , who , speaking French , pressed him with qu ? stlons on his syitern of the organisation of labour , He defended bimiel f vehemently against the accusations which weigh upon him , and described himself as a victim offered up to reaction , Notwithstanding the austerity of his Republican principles , M . Louis Blano is not sorry to appear among the English aristocracy , under tbe patronage of Louis Napoleon . He exhibits himself In the carriage of the prince , and takes pleasure in forgtittteg the Ingratitude of bis country in the glided drawing-rooms of Richmond . '
In answer to this vile fabrication Louis Blano has published the following reply addressed to the Patbib : — ' Sib . —A letter purporting to have been written In London , and which you have published , represents me dining at Richmond at tbe bouse of Louis Buonaparte , riding in his carriage , and appearing under his patronage among the English aristocracy . Theperson who is said to have written this letter , says he dined with mo at Richmond . To his allegation ! I reply—that I have never dined with Louis Buonaparte elthsr at Richmond or elsewhere ; that Louis Buonaparte does not reside at Richmond but in London ; that I do not even know whether he has a carriage ; and that I hare never been introduced by him in society anywhere . I should like to know the person who pretends to have dined with me at Louis Buonaparte ' s , and I only wait for bis naming himself to coafound him .
Noticb Has Been Issued Frem The Post Off...
Noticb has been issued frem the Post Office , tbat every money order iwued substqueatly to August 81 st , 1818 , shall be void , unless presented for pajmeut before the end of the twelith calendar month after that in which It was issued . Thus , if issued in tbe present month of September , it wiil lose all value , unless presented for pajment'before the end of September 1849
Extraordinary Disclosures. &N L A Iw!£ M...
EXTRAORDINARY DISCLOSURES . & n a iw ! £ $ T ^ ° . Riebard Orpin , Mary nustate * A mi ¦ Speno Lindfie , d WMe *«*«» » to « f ! ? , 2 n he 8 Ml 0 U 9 cbar « ot endangering the life fiM £ ° » V amed E ! i " Wilri by indue kg ttn I £ ™ ep 810 proo ,, ; abortiM ' The deolara-Senc of MBL 2 lW ^ ^" "" ia the presenceot Mr Samuel Elyard , acoui , ty magistrate , waj handed inbv that gentleman , who occupied a seat on the bench . It was as follows :-' I am in my 32 nd year , and having had criminal connexion with Richard Orpin , and lu ^ Ving Sy selfmthefamiy-way , I mentioned mv LL 2 £ L
nun . ue replied , 'Stop till Monday / and we will go together to . woman in EasUane , \ alwSffiS that I need not trouble myself for three or four months . He went with me on Monday , tfie 4 » , h of beptember , to East-lane , bnt wo could not find out the woman , and en tho following day I went by myself , but did not succeed in finding her . I saw Mrs Urjden , who resides in York-street , Walworth , to whom I mentioned that I was in thefamily-way . and informed her I wished to get rid of it . She said it would bsall right if I would pay her is ., which 1 fi r ! ' . « *«? » veme a box of pilla and a hot . »» ot r ?™ » whl 0 ' 1 d , d cot have the expected effect . Mrs Dryden then went with me on the Wednesday to Mrs Lindfield ' s , in Prior-place , East- ! ane , Walworth , a herb shop . Mrs Dryden said , I have got » friend of mine came to see you . Mrs Lindfield . without ask .
ing any questions , said , ' I will take her upstairs directly , ' and shortly after did so , and told me to lav on the bed on my leftside . I did so , and she then performed an operation with some instrument . 1 went again on the 9 : h , and she used the same instrument again , saying . . I slept there that night , and paid Mrs Lindfield £ 2 10 s , on tbe first day , and she gave Mrs Dryden a few shillings to take me there . 1 went to Mrs Lindfield ' s ayi ' u > on tho 11 th , when she again used the instrument , and when I returned home I was very ill . I told Mrs Lindfield that my father thought I was ill , and she said , ' Nonsense , you are all right . * Richard Orpin promised to pay the £ 210 « . but he has not done so . The yeung man called Mrs Lindfield ' s son was present on each occasion I went , and was ferfeotly aware of the business I was on Eliza Wilson .
Mrs Elizabeth Baker , the wife of a baker , atatcd she resided next door to the house of Mrs Linfield ; that she had seen a number of women brought to the prisoner ' s house in the family way , and all , or at least the great majority of them , left in about a fortnight . Tbey generally came in cabs , and were taken away in similar vehicles ; some of them by gentlemen . Mr Norton—Have you noticed that some of the females were more advanced in pregnancy than others ? Witness—I have , Sir . Mr Norton-and you say tbat all left there in about a fortnight ? Witness—Yes , sir , tbat was about the time . Mr Norton —Have you noticed that infants have been taken from there I Witness—No , sir , I never saw a single baby removed from -the house . ( This answer produced a considerable sensation amongst the crowd in
the court . ) Mr Norton—Did you not observe any of those numerous women take away their infants with them ? Witness—not one of them , sir . Mr J . Clark , a tea dealer , also residing next door to the prisoner Lindfield corroborated the testimony of the last witness , and added that for some considerable time himself and his family were annoyed by a nuisance of an intolerable description , and having strong suspicions as to the cause , he had a drain which led from tbe cesspool in the prisoner ' s garden , and passed under his kitchen , opened , expecting to find something improper there , but did not find any thing of the description he anticipated . He bad a grating placed in tbe drain so as to prevent any substance passing through it , and since then the stench , as of putrid matter , was not so bad . The prisoners were remanded .
MORE STARTLING DISCLOSURES . W . Lindfield , S . Lindfield , R . Orphin , and Mary inn Dryden were again brought up on Saturday on the more serious charge of having caused Elizt Wilson ' s death , she having expired early oa Friday morning . An inquest on the body was held on Saturday , and will be found reported below . Superintendent Robinson said that from circumstances that came to bis knowledge since the last examination , he did not think it expedient to offer any further evidence against the prisoners on the present occasion , but should request a remand to a future day . Mr Robinson added that the premises occupied by both the female prisoners had been thoroughly searched , and nothing of a suspicious character had been
found . He , however , had caused an extract to be made from the' occurrence book * kept at the station house , and found that during the , last twelvemonths the following dead bodies of infants were found in the neighbourhood , viz .: — ' September 4 , 1847 : found , in a ditch in Tarlton-place , Walworth-common , the body of a female child , newly born ; verdict , ' Found dead . '—October 2 ? : found , in Albany-crescent , Albany . road , the body of a newly-born wale child ; verdict , ' Wilful murder agaisst eome person or persona unknown . '—March 6 , 1848 : found , in a privy at 4 , East lane , the body of a newly-born male child ; vardiot , ' Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown . — May 11 : fonnd , in the Surrey Canal , the body of a new-born male child ; verdict , 1
Found dead . —August 2 & : found , in the area of the house , No . 17 , Lacy-street , Penton-place , the body of a male iufant ; verdict , ' Found dead . ' —March 17 : foundi in the garden of No . 20 , Apello-buildings , the body of a newly-born male child ; verdict , ' Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown . '' —Mr Norton , on wading over the above lut , observed that all this was highly suspicious , and tho prisoners were remanded to a future day . Mr Games applied to have the young man , Lindfield , admitted to bail , but Mr Norton refused to grant the application . Since the last examination the case had assumed , by the death of the unfortunate young woman , a more serious appearance . In the course of the examination two numbers of a morning paper , of October , 1826 , were handed to the magistrate , in which were given , under the head of Union Police Court ,
lengthened reports of an investigation touching the parentage of the prisoner , William Lindfield . It appears that a Mrs Burrows , a widow lady of respectability , had , in order to conceal her shame from her family and friends , been privately confined at the house of Mrs Lindfield . Mrs Burrows , shortly after the birth of the infant , felt so convinced that a deception had been practised on her , and that the infest gives to her had been substituted for her own , that she did not pay it common attention , and it was ultimately discovered by the parish authorities in a frightful state of emaciation , with the bones nearly protruding through the skin , and the flesh of its thumbs quite raw , from the little creature sucking its flesh , which afforded it nourishment . Mrs Lindfield ultimately agreed to take the infant and had brought him up as her son *
INQUEST ON BLIZa WILSON . On Saturday , before Mr Carter , at the King ' s Head , Norwood . The jury having been sworn the coroner proposed that they should view the body and hear evidence of the identification , in order that he might be enabled to issue the orders for its interment . After that he should support the propriety of adjourning the inquiry for a lew days in order that the postmortem examination might be satisfactorily completed , and the whole oi the evidence collected . This course would not only lead to a saving of time to the jury , but of expense to the ceunty . — Attended by the summoning oflketa , the coronet and jury then proceeded to the residence of the lather of the deceased in Woodcote-place , and were
admitted into the chamber where the corpse lay . There they found Messrs Chapman and Ray , aurgeous . The visit of the jury interrupted the exami nation of these two professional gentlemen . The face of the deceased , whose features in life must have been prepossessing , exhibited all the manifestations of intense protracted suffering ! and the characteristics of a painful death . Tho forehead was contracted , the muscles ot the iaoe were rigid , and the hands clenched . A short time sufficed to satisfy tbe jury , and they returned , leaving the medical gentlemen to resume their inquiry . On their return to the inquest room the coroner said it would be sufficient for the present account to call a witness to identify the body , and prove the death of the deceased . —John
Benson Wilson , the father of the deceased , was then called . He is a venerable man , nearly eighty years of age , and his distress of mind created a consitletable sympathy amongst all present . He stated tbat he was not in business , but lived on his property , consisting of the house he lived in , and other premises in Norwood . The deceased , whose body the jury had just seen , was bis daughter . Her name was Eliza Wilson . She was thirty-one years of age , and was unmarried . He saw her last alive about eleven o ' clock on Thursday , and saw her dead about six o ' clock on Friday . —The coroner said , it would be useless to carry the inquiry farther , as all would depend on the medical evidence which was not now ready to be adduced . On tbat point , however , he
had to ask the jury whether they were of opinion that it would be desirable to have a second medical witness . He put the question to them because under the law ha had no authority to direct an examination by more than one medical man , but the law enabled him , on a requisition from the jury , to call in farther medical aid . —The jury , without hesitation , consented to a second medical man btmg called in . —One of the jury inquired whether it would not be Eeoessary to have the prisoner brought before them at their next meeting . —The coroner replied in the negative . The inquiry of the jury involved two and secondl
questions ; first , the cause of death , y , the means by which that event had been originated . It was not necessary to have the prisoner in custody , before the jury to enable them to form a judgment on these two questions . Addressing the Inspector , Emmerson , the coroner said that all the witnesses who had been examined elsewhere , as well as Mr Elvard , the magistrate , who had taken the depositien of the deceased in artieulo mortis , must be in attendance at the next sitting of tbe court . The warrant for interment was then perJeoted , and the jury having been bound in recognisances to appear again , the court was adjourned to a future day . && ,
The Powell Plot||G;.T.-; Trials At The O...
THE POWELL PLOT || g ; . t .- ; TRIALS AT THE OLD BAlLEYi ^ APPLICATION FOR POSTPONEMENT , Qf TRIALS . Oa Friday , at ten o ' clock the learned judges , M * Justice Erie and Mr Justice Williams , took their seats oa tbe bench , and immediately aforward * the following prisoner * , accused of treasonable practices , were placed at tbe bar . Joseph Ritchie , 42 , bricklayer ; Alfred Able , 23 , porter ; William Gurney , 42 , shoemaker ; John Shepherd , 34 , tailor ; James Snowball , 32 , joiner ; James Richardson , 30 , ditto ; George Greensladez , 30 , shoemaker ; lienry Small , 31 , joiner ; Edward Scadding , 28 . brass turner : William Burn . 44 , shoemaker ; Philip Martin , 45 , newsman ; William Laoey , 38 , bootmaker ; Thomas Jones , 39 , shoe * maker ; Charles \ oung , 38 , ditto ; WilliamDowling , 24 , artist ; and Henry Argue , 23 shoemaker .
, The Attorney-General , Mr VYelaby , Mr Clarkson , Mr Bodkin , and Mr Clerk appeared to prosecute oa behalf of the crown , Mr Ballahtinb applied for the postponement ef the trials of Ri ; caie , Able , Gurney , Shepherd , Snow , ball , and Junes , to the next session . Mr HrjDDLBsioNE , with whom was Mr Mbtcalpb , made an application of the sama character on behalf of Richardson , Scadding , Small , and Martin . Mr Parry also applied tor a postponement of the trials of Argue , and Young . Greenslade and Bum were ready t-i take their trials at oaco . Upon the Attornkt-Genebal saying it was not fats intention to produce any witnesses from Manchester , Mr Justice Erlk consented to postpone the tria ' a to Monday next .
TRIAL OF BOWLING . Mr Kbnealtst requested that the indictment be read slowly three times , but Mr Justice Eablb decided that it should only be read once , in accordance with the usual form , The Attornby-Gbnbral proceeded to address th . i jury : This was the first case cf the kind that had boen brought forward in an English court of justice under the act which had just passed the legislature , The offence with which tbe prisoner was charged , was
conspiring to levy war against her Majesty , and endeavouring by constraint to induce her to change her measures and counsels ; and secondly , with conspiring to depose her Majesty , and deprive her other Royal style and title of Queen of the United Kingdom ; after alluding to the insurrection in Irelasd , and stating that several documents were found in the prisoners' possession , and a letter addressed to his aunt , tho Attorney-General proceeded to detail the case . C- F . CnuBB proved the handwriting of the prisoner .
_ InoMAS Powsll , examined by Mr B & dkin , made a similar statement to that which he gave before the magistrate . On his cross-examination , Powell said—I have been partly living lately at the expense of her Majesty , but I used to live better before . Money is given to me for my subsistence . The Attorney-General said , be did not consider this was a matter at all relevant to the inquiry , but he had ns hesitation in saying that tbe witness was paid £ 1 a-week for his subsistence . Cross examination renewed . —I did not press my * self forward . I was desirous to get into their confi
dence gradually , in order that I might betray them the more securely . I spoke to two men about 'firing ' the houses and premises , and one of them agreed to do as 1 desired , but the other did notap . pear willing . A man named Djnovan proposed to send a messenger to Limerick , in order to obtain * true version of what was going on in Ireland . When Mnllins said , ' May the bitterest curse ol God rest upon any man who would betray any of ns , ' it was not addressed to me , but I thought a good deal of it . I have not made so much by being a spy as by carpentering .
Charles Tildren deposed that he was amembsref the Chartist body , and attached to the St James Club . Cuffay was their class leader , and he heard him give orders about cartridges to fire upon tho police ; and in June he heard Cuffay say that the time would soou come , Witness told nim he had no gun , and he replied that ho could break linto tha gunsmiths and get arms . The witness spoke to other conversations with Cuffay on the subject , and he also saw a pike at Outlay ' s lodging , which he wished him to sharpen , bnt he refused to do so . On another occasion , he saw him in the act of casting bullets from old type . Witness told him he knew a person who had prepared soma ginger beer bottles filled with rough pieces of broken iron and powder , and Cuffay said they were very good , and would do for the Chartists' wives to oast from the windows on the police , whilst their husbands were fighting with them in the streets .
This witness was cross-examined at some length , bnt nothing material was elicited . Tarns Barm gave evidence of & similar cha racter . A number of police superintendents and constable were then examined , and their evidence went to show the circumstances attending the apprehension of the different parties . The Attorney General intimated that this was the case for the prosecution , and the Court adjourned at ten minutes after ten o'clock .
I Saturday , Sept . 23 . —The learned judges , Mr Jus tice Erie and Mr Justice Williams , oime into court soon after ten o ' clock , and the prisoner Dowling wan placed at the bar . The jury who had been during thai night at the London C-. flee -house in the charge of am officer , were then placed in the box , and the trial proceeded . The Attorney General said he was prepared to caHl a witness or two to speak to one or two minor points ) which it was necessary should be in the knowledge of the jury . Superintendent Evans deposed that on the ISchof August he searched the coffee-house near the Lord ! Denman .
An assistant to Mr Darby , the firework maker , wan called to prove that he had owned one of the fireballs , and found that it contained two ounces and u half of gunpowder and a quantity of old nails . JU dlow match communicated with the powder from that outside , which would burn about half a minute , and ] afford an opportunity for any one to ignite it andd throw it into a window , when , he said , if it oameina contact with a curtain or anything of that descriptions it would in all probability have set the house on fire * Mr Pearse , the superintendent of the F division ^ proved that when the prisoner was before the magis * trates at Bow-street , he made tbe following state * ment : —* I do net wish to stand here as an Englishs factionist , but as an Irish nationalist . My object wass not to disturb English society , but free my own corm-itry . I feel very well my position , and I mean too abide by the consequences . I carried on my business as a portrait painter at No 5 , Nassau-street , Middle *)* sex Hospital . This was the case for the Crown .
Mr Renealey then rose to address the jury for th & a prisoner , lie said ho did so with feelings of suamae and sorrow , but with no feelings of apprehension fow the fate of his client . Ho mast confess , however / that he was ashamed at the strong manifestation < M political feeling that had been evinced by the Attorney General in conducting this prosecution , and he con-asidered that he was practising the system pursued byjj those infamous Attorney Generals who existed in thoe time of the Stuwts and the Tudors , and that he wasa ) as bad as any of them . The laws of this countrjrj were always supposed to be equally administered tctt all classes , and a man was always considered innooenta ! until he was found guilty by a jury , and a true Iaw-w yer had been very properly described as a minister olol
truth , and a false lawyer should be looked upon as a a minister of untruth . He asked them to look at that manner in which the Attorney Genera ! had conducted *! this prosecution . In consequence of the course heta ( Mr Kenealey ) had taken , the Attorney General ^ with an air of menace , had insisted upon trying thihi prisoner st once , on account of what he ( MMi Kenealey ) had done . What had he done hut proteose ! the interest of bis client in accordance with what hi hi considered to be the law of the land , and the conducuc of the Attorney General was the conduct of a falsds lawyer , and not of a true one . Again , he had moaos improperly told the young gentleman at the bar tbshs he was a felon , and in his opinion that obsetvatiotio would have justified him in giving him an answer iri tbe shortest word in the English language , and tbshs it would have been a fitting answer ; o the remark c I the Attorney General . The only precedent for sucuc '
conduct was upon the trial of Sir Walter Raleislifll one of the greatest warriors , statesmen , and philoetoeti phera that England ever produced , when the infatmmct ; Attorney General of that day , whose character natal been banded down to posterity as infamous , upon tb tti prisoner endeavouring to speak in his defence , turnene ! round to him and called him a ' spider of hellell Such conduct had found a parallel in the nineteecfecf ; century , when an Attorney General dared to call til prisoner a felon before he was convicted by a jurjurji The Attorney General had likewise presumed to tattaliii oi the folly of the Cbattist proceedings , and said thtthai he blushed for him ( Mr Kenealey ) in consequencece tc his having presided at one ef these meetings . H HI could tell the Attorney General that if he made bucjuc : an observation in any ether place than the sanutoamaii of a court of justice he would have chastised him fin fii so doincr .
Mr Justice Erie here interposed , and said the eoi com duct of the learned counsel in expressing his inteiten tioa to make a breach of the law was quite nnjctHnBlii liable , and very improper . Mr Kenealey said , be bad stated that he w wn restrained from any such proceeding by the eirenicon stance ofhis being in the sanctuary of a court "t justice , and in the presence of the judges . WbWhi right had the Attorney-Central to say that It 11 blushed for his conduct ? His learned friend h B Bodkin , who was with him in support of the preerwi oution , bad presided at a repeal meeting , and wl w > should he not blush for him ? Mr Bodkin . —I never acted as chairman to S 3 at repeal meeting . The Attorney General—Tha U the saisaii
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 30, 1848, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_30091848/page/5/