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five armed entered^ bouse Anns Simmons, ...
ffliHetropolftait iHtefligenm
xxqrxsro; MisitfMiEBions Dbath. —At the ...
mmnt *%ms*
UKCASH1RB. RoBBBRT.—A farmer, not far fr...
^^*^v*t^-*>^w^w^i^^s»—'> ¦**« ' ¦ v*vvvw Scotland
Tm Grand Tobkof Scotusb.—We have heard t...
m\m &t$m
BOTf-STRJET.;— Caution to Pawkbbokrbs. —...
Suddbn DaATH—On Wednesday, inthe Sess«u%...
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Five Armed Entered^ Bouse Anns Simmons, ...
- ¦ „ ,. —* . .,.., * ; . ?*^ T 4 V .-3 T ' OCTOBE 1 V 80 , 1 S 4 ? Q Q THE NORTHERN STAB . -- ^ -- ——— = ~ ==== ^^ * * __ .. . ,.,., ^ . ^ ,, ^^¦ ^^¦* : ^ . ^ — ¦ - ¦ i I
Fflihetropolftait Ihtefligenm
ffliHetropolftait iHtefligenm
Xxqrxsro; Misitfmiebions Dbath. —At The ...
xxqrxsro ; MisitfMiEBions Dbath . —At the Falam , Fetter-lane , tore lore Mr Joseph Payne , deputy ceroner for the City , to theo the cause of death in the case of Mary Pawsoa , turriedrried woman , wife of Mr John Dawson , hnen iiper ^ per . ofEly . ia Cambridgeshire , who died at the uuse ouse of her uncle , Mr Worcester , of 31 . Fetter-lane , Moi Monday , the 19 th inst . Circumstances of sus-:: ion : ion haying been attached to this case-, from the J 3 t thut that the deceased had eloped from her husband . Juu June but , and gone to reside in Devonshire , with ipartnartylatein the employment of her husband , and ait slat she Tiad been visited only the day oefore her tt & th atn by that person , much , interest was exhibited in tie cats , case , the inquiry being called upon
theapphca-( on oon of Mr Muriel , surgeon , WellMgton-. treet , Lon-BBn-hsn-bridge , who had for some years attended the eeceaeceased in the capacity of medical adviser . Mr Jluriiuriel . of 4 , Wellington-street , London-bridge , decosedosed—That he had professionally attended deceased iixccsxcceajesr * Ife knew her at £ Iy—saw her in June iist , ist , "' not ' in E <» d health . On the Saturday iretiretioas t o ! her death , aha called upon him , rrheshenho gaye her some pills . List Sunday he was lallaallad upon to see deceased , in Fetter-lane . He went therehere . She said that she thought she was in labourlie ole observed that she was not . She said that she bad Hieeneen fire months in the family way . He asked her Ef sh / she had not taken anything , which she denied . He Ibseibserred that he was afraid she had . lie saw her
jgwgua on the Monday morning , when there were no ; ymjymptorasofany thing serious about to take place . : Ie la left , and called again between twelve and one , irherhen he found that she had been dead about an hour . : iy 6 y the Coroner : I assisted inthe pott mortem examiiiatuatien , and agree with Mr Digby , that there was uothotbing discovered to lead him to any conclusion as , ft w what was the cause of death . I looked about the : wroom , and could not discover the remains of any ; 3 oiDoison . Mr Worcester ( ancle of deceased ) said , that ileoJeoeased wag his brother ' s daughter ; A few months iuotzo he saw her , when she said nothing about leaving iueroer husband . Three weeks ago she came again . He ut at that time knew that she was living in Devonshire 'wirffithanotherman . Beforeshecametohimshehadretn
i ill ill of an intermittent fever . After being at his house : a fa few days she got worse . . On Friday , finding that lahaae was very bad , after a conversation , she asked niihim to go to Mr Muriel . On the following day she sasaid that she was in thefamily-way , arid thatshe would gogo ft Mr Muriel She went in a cab . On Sunday shshe got worse , when he procured aaurse , who said ' th that she thought the pains of labour were coming on . SIShs had four cbiidren . She has been living during ththe last few months in Devonshire with a person who wiwas in her husband ' s service . She left her husband inin June last ; On the Sunday before she died the peperson be referred to called npon deceased . Witness rerefased him admission , bat he subsequently had an ininterriew with deceased for an hour . Be has not bebeen seen : since . Mr Digby , surgeon , Fleet-street ,
aiand Mr C . J . Hodgson , practical chemist , stated they fcfcad made a postmortem examination of the deceased , aiand had found no traces of poison . ' . They could form H SO idea of the cause of death . Mr Hodgson and Mr BPisby were here both called , and stated that no doubt c <« onld exist but tbat deceased died from anxiety and eexhaustion . Upon the nurse being called , she stated tlthat the deceased , before she died , exclaimed , * I am C crazy—my head is fall ; ' and thenshe { deceased ) went 0 off ; The following verdict was returned—* The jury ssay that the deceased died from exhaustion , but that tj upon an analysis of tha medical evidence , they are 1 not able to state the Immediate cause of death , and t therefore they do net feel themselves justified in leaving whether it was occasioned by natural causes 4 « rnot /
Chisbb abakst a 0 HKmsr . —Before Mr Mills , at Ihe Seymour Arms , Seymour-place , Brvanston-! square , by adjournment , on the body of Emma JSucabeth Tomer , aged two years , the child of a dairyman in Adam-street West . The case at first appeared to be an ordinary death from scarlatina , which was proved to be present in fie house , some - other children ofthe same family being afflicted with it ; bat itassumed anew feature in consequence of the assertion of Mr Moat , a surgeon in the neighbourhood , that , on a postmortem examination , he had found A considerable portion of morphia ( the principle of opium ) in the fluid contents of the stomach . This , involving as it did tha charter of a chemist , named Squire , who had prescribed a powder for the child , led to the adjournment « f the inquest , in order to apply further chemical tests . Mr Theophilus Redwood , professor of chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society , analysed the remainder of
tbe fluid found in the child ' s stomach , and found morphia present , but in such very minute portions , as scarcely to be distinguishable . This opinion led to a long discussion between the two gentlemen , Mr Kenwood declaring that iodic acid was a very uncertain test of the presence of morphia if putrescence had commenced while Mr Moat contended , that poisoning by the use of opium would , for a time , preserve the body from decomposition , and thus enable a fair test to be made by that acid . Amidst this difference of chemical opinion the jury retired for a considerable period , and then returned a verdict * That the child was found dead , with certain indications in the heart and brun ; but whether from the effects of morphia , or from natural causes , there was not snmcent evidence before the jnroiato show , accompanied with a strong expression of opinion by thejnryof the danger and illegality ofthe practice of chemists in prescribing for ailing persons without seeing them .
ICSCELLiSEOCS . Deskhub Lstxr ? boh Wssxunrsrss-BsroGi . --On Saturday last , about eleven o ' clock in the forenoon , considerable excitement was created amongst the persons passing over Westminsterbridge , by an attempt at suicide . The nnfortonate individual is named Crawleyshire , and has long ciuwiibu an extensive building establishment in Derby . Uariaf & e past few days he has been visit-. Ing tbe metropolis . At the hon ? . above stated , he was observed to mount one of the pier heads of the bridge ; and before he could be stopped he leaped head-foremast into tho river . An instant alarm was Btreu , and in tha course of & few seconds , a son of William Campbell , and another waterman , rowed to
the unfortunate man , and at great risk succeeded in polling him into their boat . They then conveyed Sim to Watrninster Hospital , where he was put into a warm bath , and everything done for him that the nature of his case required ; and it is to he honed that he may recover from the effects of his submersion . Not the least idea can be formed aa to what induced the party to make such a desperate attempt vponoisufe . Fkosbbss of thb Nkw Hotjses oe > Pahliaubkt . — Since tbe date of the architect ' s midsummer report , -considerable progress has been made with the upper part of the central , hall ; The groined vault , seventy feet over ( an immense work ) is nearly finished , and over it has been built a brick cone , to cany a spire oaV recently determined on , if we nnaersfand
rightly . This cone will be faced with masonry Standing on the scaffolding here , it will be observed that the whole of the roofs are now nearly mushed . These roofs are wholly of iron , including the external covering . A peep inside the House of Commons is not satisfactory ^ The ceiling , it is true , is finished , ready for the painters , and the stone screens at the north and south ends ofthe house are completed ; butin other respects it ia as it was long ago , —the wallsare bare , and thefloor , even that which is to carry it , not commenced . The explanation of this seems to be theold story ; no certain decision is yet come to respecting Dr Reid ' s plans for warming and ventilating it , andifthe architect were asked to state
when the house will be ready for the members , he vrould probably reply it was quite out of his power to do so . The Victoria Tower will be a grand thing when finished : the ninety feet whichit baa attained trafc of the 8 iB to which it has to rise , afford enough to jndeeby . With tbe Clock Tower at the other end of the pila . and the spire on the Central Hall , it wiU entirely alter the character ef the building externally , andremove the objection of want of variety of "ratline , which is sow occasionally urged . Oa a turret behind the Victoria Tower the model ofa short spire is set up , terminated with a large crown and vane , the effect of which is unsatisfactory ; the vane is too large , and the outlke not harmonious . Fortunately , it is but a model
_ Fire ahd xabbow Escape . —A fire that at one time threatened the most disastrous consequences to life and property , broke oat on Monday evening last , in the midst ofa clump of houses , situate at « , Ww 6 " * nlace East , Upper Whitecross-street , St . Lake ' s , in the tenure of several poor families . The Jiames commenced in the back room first-floor , bat from whatagency could not be ascertained . At the time of the outbreak one of the lodgers , Mrs Green , with her two children , were in the upper part ofthe bailding , and had it sot been for the opportune discovery and the praiseworthy exertions of a neighbour , it is quite probable that a loss ef life would have ensued . The Brigade engines from Whitecrossstreet station , with MrMallett , tho head engineer , quickly attended , but owing to the distance of the burnine hoisting from the public thoroughfare , it
waa found necessary to attach nearly 300 feet of hose to tbe engine before tbe firemen could reach the burning property ; that having bsen accomplished , the flames were happily confined to the premises in which they originated , bat they were not extinguished until the whole ef the families residing in the place had lost their furniture , wearing apparel , and other effects , thereby leaving them without a place to pat their heads in for the night . A more abject ' scene of misery can scarcely be conceived ; one poor woman and a child , stated . that she had not only lest all she possessed , but also the-work she Bad in the room belonging to her employers . Her escape was most miraenloES , flames having mught ber dress , and consumed nearly the whole of the sack portion before she could get into the open air . We quote the following letter as illustrative of Mtropoiflan misery
;—HisEiTW SotJTBvua * . —Sis , —Public attention U « aieljr been somewhat directed to toe sanitary condition if $ 2 » BstisVmert especially to Thru Tuai . Coart ,
Xxqrxsro; Misitfmiebions Dbath. —At The ...
White-street . At pr « ent , however , only tie general statement has been made , that much necessity - exist , ' , for Military improrsmsnt , and area this has been qqtg . Honed bj the parish ' authorities . Tfce following State . meats may be relied on . Tbey oome from one who bat carefully and miaately inspected the court , for the purpose of ascertaining tbe real fecit of the case . Tbeto Tuat-court consists of eleven houses , but some of them are wholly and others partially inhabited , on account of their dreadfully dilapidated condition . Each house contains three rooms , of about eight feet square , with no back entrance to any . There is bo wafer in the court and but one . privy , which is in a Horribly filthy condition , the soil from it running over and saturation the pavement aronnd , whilst from its broken , dilapidated state , together wch the ruinous condition of all the houses , a dreadful stench pervades tbe atmosphere of die
whole court . There is no inhabited bouse which does aot contain some one infected , more or less , with fever . There are now about one hundred persons , including children living in tbe court . In one of the roams there are nine adults living , In throe Of the houses tha groundfloor Is entirely gone . In one of these bouses , in the lower room four adults and tiro or tbr « a children lire , having no bed , but all sleeping on some straw laid on tbe earth . ' One of those in this room is a woman who ? as confined two or three days sinoe ; she lies , like the others , on the straw , and her child appears completely naked . The room contains no furniture ; a large stone is used as a seat . There are only three bedsteads , and scarcely any other article of furniture , except a f » w broken chairs' in the court . Tbree deaths have lately occurred ^ from fevsr . Other places in this neighbourhood are very little better than Three Tuns-court ; indeed , many are store thickly crowded . —J . C .
Mmnt *%Ms*
mmnt * % ms *
Ukcash1rb. Robbbrt.—A Farmer, Not Far Fr...
UKCASH 1 RB . RoBBBRT . —A farmer , not far from Fazakerley , hearing of the' panic , hurried into town on Monday , and went direct to Lejland ' 3 Bank , where ha had £ 2000 . -They asked him what he wanted , and he said he mast have his ' mooney . ' Tbey said he need not be alarmed , he had better let it remain . This roused his anger . 'No , by gor , he said , 'his wife told him to mind and get it , and he would have it / It was given to him , and he returned home . It would have been safer in the bank , however . That night some of the Liverpool thieves paid him a visit , who had doubtless heard of the transaction , which bad excited some amnsement in the town .
Chibob of Krojf appinq has come under the investigation of the . magistrates at Manchester , of which some of the circumstances will be read with interest . The charge was brought by an Irish pedlar , named Grinan , and the prisoners ( who , however , were not placed in the dock , ) were a Mrs Jackson , wife of a beer-house keeper , and her two maiden sisters . In 1839 , Grinan ' s wife bad two children at a birth , both ot which were boys , and one of them , in a very weakly state , at the age of seven weeks , was taken by Mrs Jackson ( with the consent of her husband ) to nurse . For a couple of years , or rather more , Grinan told himself liable to a payment of 4 ? . per week for the child , but being very poor , and Mrs Jackson being in more thriving circumstances , she offered to
reduce the charge for the child to 2 s . per week , and this was accepted . At the end of about four years the Jacksons having grown very fond of the child , the child exhibiting more affection for them than its parents , they ( having no children of their own , ) agreed to adopt it , to excuse any further payment for it , and tbe parents appearing satisfied , ' the child , now eight years old , has been regarded by the Jacksons as their tiwn , and well attended to ' and educated . A short time since , to the astonishment of the Jacksons , Grinan laid claim to the child , and they , with the fear of the law before their eyes , suffered it tobe borne away . Taking courage , however , after a week ' s reflection ( and probably some legal advice , ) Mrs Jackson sought out the child and
enticed it bacK-again . The father took it away a second time , and to prevent further difficulty , was taking it to the station of tbe Birmingham Railway on Menday evening , intending to place it under the core of some person in the country , when , strange to siy , the maiden sisters of Mrs Jackson set upon him with such energy that he was obliged to relinquish his hold and let them carry away the child . Subsequent ' y he got the assistance ef the police , and it was for this aot that he brought tbe charge of kidnapping . —Mr Harding , on behalf of Crinsn , attempted to support the charge of felony . —Mr Pollock , in defence , examined the prosecutor , and showed , by his evasions and falsehoods , that he was not trustworthy , but failed in showing ground for
belief that the parents were not able to identify the child from its being taken from them at such an early age . lie contended , however , tbat there was no ground for a charge of felony , denying that the magistrates had any jurisdiction , —Mr Harding : Then do you mean to say we have no remedy ?—Mr Pollock : If you have any remedy , it is by habeas . —Mr Harding : That will require money . —Mr Pollook : Which I sincerely hope you will not be able to raise . The object of attempting to reclaim the child is one of the grossest superstition ; and one which , for the sake of renrion , I should not like to state in
this court . —Mr Mande , tbe chairman of tha magistrates , intimated that he agreed with Mr Pollock in thinking there was no pretence for the charge of felony , and dismissed the case . The superstitious motire ( alluded to by the learned cocnsel ) which had impelled Grinan to reclaim his child and manifest so much affection for it , after the passion had Iain dormant for eight years , was that Grinan ' s wife , who is a Catholic , having let it slip at confession that the child was in the keeping of Protestants , and was receiving a Protestant education , had thereupon been dismissed ; with the threat that no absolution would be dispensed till the child should have beearcdaimed and should have been brought to tho truechurch .
T 0 BK 8 HIBB . Bsat & vcrtox or i Mill nr Fish at WaKBrastB . —At about two o ' clock on Satod & y morning last a most destructive fire took place at Wakefield , on the extensive premises of Messrs W . and W . Lake , situate . in jTnorn ' a lane . The proprietors are bone and cake crushers , and agriooltural seedsmen ' . The premises which they ! occupy are situated in the midst ofa large number of com and flour mills , the safety of which , was much endangered by the flames trom . the burning pile . The mills of Mr George Sandars , M . P ., forthe borough , ofthe Messrs Fernandez , Mr Thomas Haigh , and other large firms , Were with difficulty saved , and the dwelling-bouses of those who reside in the vicinity were placedin imminent dagger
iJerore the arrival ef the engine the building .. was a mass of flames , and the front part of it was completely gutted ; The Whole of the machinery was comptotely destroyed , as well as the large stock of oats , beans , unseed , Indian corn , ' and cake . Nothing more than the bare watts of the mill itself are left , standing . No portion of the" stock was saved , although the whole ofthe books of the firm were safely removed from the counting-house . ' The building was insured to the extent of £ 1 , 009 , a sum much below its real value . The destruction of property is estimated at £ 2 , 500 . Of the origin of the fire no accurate idea' baa be formed . There was happily no loss of life / although one of the firemen met with a serious accident .
GWUCKBIERSHIBB . Thb Jesuits . —It is said the order of Jesuits are about shortly to assume the management of church matters amongst the Roman Catholics in Bristol . They have , undertaken to liquidate the existing debts on the Roman Catholic places of worship , and likewise to advance the necessary , fundsto the bishop of the' western district , ' for building a ' cathedral ' in Bristol—for which the purchase of a site has already been concluded .
OXPSBD 3 B 1 HE .. ... FxEB . —On Tuesday , soon after eight o ' clock , an express reached Oxford with the intelligence that the homestead of Mr Gale , a large farmer , residing at Guddesden , was in flames . In a short time . two engines were on the spot * but before they conldarrest the progress ) of the flames , four large ricks of corn were consumed , and other property was also more or less destroyed . . There is too much reason to believe that the fire was caused by an incendiary .. . «
KESX . Ravaoks OF tire Sba . —At Dover , during the whote of Saiuiuav , it blew a heavy gale from the S . W ., with rain and thiok weather . The continental traffic was , consequently , partially interrnpted . while the outward-bound vessels , and coasters fer the west ward , were compelled to take shelter in the Downs and East Bay of Dungeness . Considerable damage has been done to the works at Dover by the extreme violence ef theses , there being an unusually high spring tide . A strong wooden wall , inclosing the offices and workshops connected with the Dover Harbour of Refuge , was completely knocked away : while the wooden frames and other moveable articles f the Lord Warden Hotel were strewed in all
directions ; -but-the greatest proof of the resistless force ofthe waves ( which were at this time making a clean breach over the pier-heads ) , was , that about a dozen of the iron stanchions , three inches in diameter , to which the chain railing round the basin within the south pier- it *' attached , were-snapped asunder , as it they had been so many reeds ; To the eastward of the harbeur portions ofthe soil at the extremity of the sea-wall opposite the esplanade were swept away . The only portion of the works in progress that stood the test was the new inclined plane betwesn the south pier-head and Cheeseman ' s head , which was subjected to a very rude proof of its powers of resistance , bnt it stood the trial with comparatively trifling injury .
SUSSEX . AsotHM Yachi Sbized . —Much interest has been excited at Littlehampton , by the seizure of a small yacht belonging to a member of the Royal Yacht Clubh and which has just arrived from a port in France . The seizure was made by reason of the stores , including about five gallons of bottled spirits , a quantity nob larger than yachts of the Royal Yacht Club are privileged to hare , ' under a proviso that on voxwg bit British , port , tli « same , wepU csmqp .
Ukcash1rb. Robbbrt.—A Farmer, Not Far Fr...
able quantity for immediate use , shenid within a given time ( which had not elapsed ) , be deposited at the custom-house until the sailing of the ) yacht , when it might be legally reshippgd , tree of duty . The decision of the B-iard of Customs in reference to the seizure is not known .
WILTSHIRE . Debtors tbeated as FxiiONS .-rAt the Michaelmas ssssions for this county , Mr Smith said he had a subject to bring before the court with reference to the treatment of persons committed for the non-payment ef orders made in the new county courts . In visiting the Marlborough Bridewell , he had seen that some of the persons had been cropped by the gaoler , just in the some manner as if thoy had been felons . This he thought by no means tight , and he therefore requested thegaolor to write to the Home Secretary for directions as to the manner in which . these prisoners ought to be treated . He had done so , and a letter was received , directing him to apply to tho visiting justices for orders ; He ( Mr Smith ) thought
he had better lay it before the court to know the opinion of the magistrates . The clerk said that he had a copy of tbe regulations for the treatment of f ersons committed under the small debts aot . They were to be treated in the same manner as persons committed under the bankruptcy and insolvent laws , similar to those convicted of fraudulent or dishonest conduct , under the previous acts . They were to be separate from criminal prisoners , they were not to maintain themselves , but were to be restricted to the prison dietary , they were net to receive spirituous liquors or tobacco , and were made subject to the various other restrictions placed upon the class of prisoners . Mr Smith : Then it ' s no use to send them to Marlborough , for we have no means here of
Emting them into separate confinement . We have ad six committed , and there is one here bow . That which called- my . attention , was seeing their hair cropped off . In bringing it forward , I am not at all blaming the governor , only I wish to know if it is right they should be sent oat of the prison , as if they had been common felons . ' In Salisbury it had not begp done so ; I da'not know how it is at Devizes . Mr Haywood said they were treated there just the same as untried priRoners—their hair not being cut nor the prison dress put upon them . ' They never cut the hair ot untried prisoners , except it . was found absolutely necessary for purposes of . cleanliness . Lord Radnor read the act , directing them to be placed in different confinement . Mr Smith : Then it is no
use sending them to Marlborough . Lord Radnor : The act says they must be kept apart , ' so far as the construction of the prison will allow . ' Mr Smith said be did not read the act in the same way as Lord Radnor . Ho read it that they conld not put them with common prisoners at all . Mr Sotheron : Then an older must be made that they shall not be sent to Marlborough . Mr Jacob said the s & me difficulty existed in Salisbury ; tbey had there no means of keeping them apart . Mr Smith : There will be no difficulty in requesting the judges to send them to certain places , and not to send them to others . I de not see that they can be put with the other prisoners . Tbe Chairman said he looked upon it in the same way . His opinion was , that the practice of cutting
the hair was not in conformity with the rales laid down for their treatment , Although he considered them as fraudulent , and therefore , to some extent , criminal , yet that waa provided for by a certain amount of punishment to meet the justice of the case . Beyond tbat he did not think they had any right to go , Mr Goddard : If these men are not to have their hair cropped , why should it be done to a man who is committed for an assault ? Mr Smith : I think no person ought to be treated as a felon , when his offence is such as can be satisfied by paying a certain pecuniary amount . Lord Radnor expressed a Strong objection which he entertained towards ' cropping'under any circumstances whatever . "The matter was then oidered to be referred to the committee for conferring on the dietary question . '
^^*^V*T^-*≫^W^W^I^^S»—'≫ ¦**« ' ¦ V*Vvvw Scotland
^^*^ v * t ^ - *>^ w ^ w ^ i ^^ s »— ' > ¦**« ' ¦ v * vvvw Scotland
Tm Grand Tobkof Scotusb.—We Have Heard T...
Tm Grand Tobkof Scotusb . —We have heard the particulars of an extraordinary circumstance that happened lately in Glasgow , which may almost be denominated a romance in real life . A person in business died lately whose life was insured for £ 30 , 000 . Immediately after his death this sntn was laid claiu to by no less than three families , consisting each ofa wife and children ; and what is singular , ihe one family seems not to have been cognisant of the other . Which family is the legitimate one nobody at present can say , until further inquiry is made ; but it seems that each marriage was celebrated by clergymen in this city , and the wives have been maintained in a respectable manner . It appears that he was in the habit of living a fortnight at a time in each house successively .
Irdaittr .
Klsblt Add Ahabobt—Bmsd Os Blood !—Anti-...
KlSBlT ADD AHABOBT—BMsD OS BLOOD !—ANTI-BENT AND 1 ATSS XOVEKENT—THB FBIESTS AND TBE PEASANTS—THE LAW IN TlTPEBABI . ( From our own Correfpondenf . ) Dobuk . 25 th October . Ireland ! land of misery and of blood 1 ho who would chromVe thy story at the present hour Should write with & quill plucked from the wing of the destroying angel , and dipped in human gore . This is no poetic imagining—no flight of fancy . Ireland , at this moment , presents a spectacle such as may not be seen within the precinct * of ' the ereat globe , 'such as hone , but those who' live and move' on this
luckless land can well comprehend or accredit , Blessed with the beet gifts that a bounteous God gan bestow ; her haggards and her granjiriga teeming with food and wealth ,, end yet four-fifths of her population are on ' the borders of starvation ! — all classes Verging quickly to ruin—no sound heard but the wail of the dying pauper , or the ' crack' ofthe murderer ' s carbine , and no hope with the millions but what is associated with revolution , and a total subversion of law and order , and tbe existing constitution of society . The events ot the last fortnight , though individually not of unusual or very striking interest , ) are very significant of impending changes , and fully corroborate what I affirm . The country newspapers
give fearful testimonyofthe sad ; cendition of the provinces . Throughout almost every district of .-the south and west , the howl for 'bread' has been raised more lustily than ever , and the temporary lull experienced during the early harvest months , seems to have only made men more desperate ; and , like a giant arousing renovated from his slumbers ! halffamished millions start up , evidently determined to starve ho longer , and ' vowing before high heaven that British laws or British bayonets shall no more deter ; them from seeking food for their families where food can be found , and that ( hey will rathei fall beneath the steel or bullet , than drag out a miserable existence through the coming winter , ae they did during the memorable yearwhioh has passed
over . A determination to resist the payment of rents and poor rates , seems to pervade the peasant masses throughout the greater portions of these districts to which I have referred ; and though I am not one of those who would incite resistance to just claims , still it must be admitted , that there are eases when patient endurance becomes but another name for paltry cowardice , and when stern resistance to oppression is a duty , not a crime . The time has now arrived when people cannot any longer 'bear the Uis they have . ' With abundance of food around tbem men will not , and ought not , continue to starve ; and those who rule the destinies of Ireland may rest assured , tbat the Irish peasantry will not any longer be either cajoled or intimidated into a quiet '
submission to that draconian fiat which consigns them to tho most horrifying of deaths , whilst the ' stranger * fattens oh the wealth which their toil and industry has raised . Government would , therefore , do well to look to the wants of our vast ' population of paupers ere yet it is too late , for in addition to the extreme poverty of the people , Ireland at this moment nurses elements , which , if once . fanned into outbreak ) will not be extinguished without the massacre of thousands , and the expenditure of more treasure than would , rescue , our unfortunate people from the horrors of mad insurrection , or the more dreadful and degrading , alternative of a slavish submission to another year ' s famine and pestilence . - Inced not observe that the Irish peasantry have
ever been remarkable for their attachment to the Roman Catholic priests , and tbe implicit obedience which they paid to their teaching . political as well as theological . But even here 'achange' is coming over the spirit of Paddy's dreamings . . He appears how to think that , he ought not to die of hunger , even " at the bidding of his ' riverence , ' and stoutly denies that the priest is justified in preaching submission to . the law , whilst that hated law starves him and his children . 'Faix , ' cries the pallid , cadaverous-faced peasant , " lis easy for a man to talk of quietness and patience , who has no wife gaspin ' wid the hunger , and whose ears are not moiderred widthe cries of his childre ' shouting for what they have no chance of getting / ' Live horse , and you must get grass , 'is poor comfort for hungry Christians , and though .-we may be tould of -what good tines we will ; have when our own parliament Is
sitting in Pa Win , a loaf , or bread , or a pottle of'Indian buck , ' would be more in our way now , than a shipload of such fine promises ; We have been living on hope until we are nearly dead on that sapless diet , and faix , if we don't get more substantial food now , we will have it by hook or by crook . ' Such is the language now becoming rile amongst the poor Irish , and by way ofillustratien , I may add , that iaxhe course of the last week , two different Catholic clergymen in the South have been attacked by their own parishioners , and had their corn and cattle carried away perforce , to allay the hunger of their unfortunate people . Templederry , nearNenagh . in the county of Tinperary , was , last week , the scene of « a bit of asnvee ' which , for a moment , seemed likely enough to turn out , » Irish - slapg phrases , •* meMy . flfvme . . row . ' lUppearathattUeBOT , Mr KenV 0 . C , iSSSSS : ^ ^ h . 'Wedsuehno . tosfoty waaa wlwUBtyoniim to & e O'Connell
ivnastv . had constructed a wallor fcat * e -. of fflason-Sk adjacent to the high road , near m > residence . Ft w hapSd that this wall at boundary , at ; ended STr ' s width or so beyond ihe toto JF ; scribed by law , and was accordingly . ' condemne d « a ' nuisance'by Mr— , the county surveyor , "e priest was summoned before the magistrates' co . "" atNenagh , when the decision of the surveyor wV-e confirmed by their worships , who fined the revereno trespasserin thesumof one pound , pronounced the obnoxious wall a 'trespass ' on her Majesty ' s highway , but left it optional with the surveyor to have it remov ed or otherwise . The worthy official deeming the affair a 'god-send , ' and that he would be ingratiatinglhimself with the 'Powers above' by annoving ' his fighting reverence' as the
gallantminded Mr . Kenyon . isfacetiously (?) termed , proceeded immediately to demolish the unfortunate little wall . But lo ! « the matchless men of Tipperary , ' amid all their privations , have ' the heart in the right place . ' They assembled to the rescue , armed for a sortie on the surveyor and his 'levellers . ' and quickly compelled them to ' make themselves scarce , ' atd relinquish their attack on the wall ! The surveyor , however , would not be humbugged ! lie applied to tha local authorities for aid and assistance ; these authorities hearkened kindly to his ory , and accordingly , on Thursday , the 2 lst instant , he again made his appearance before the wall ; leading to the attack a strong party ofthe 77 th infantry , and about one hundred and twenty
policemen from different parts of the country , together with a goodly force of sappers ' , and miners ! provided with the requisite implements for the demolition of the bit of masonry . The priest happened to hold a ' station' in the neighbourhood on that ¦ day , and hearing of the siege and apprehensive of fatal results , in case the peasantry should assemble , gallopped to the ground . Here he found about one hundred ofthe 'boys ' , of the immediate neighbourhood , with a proportionate sprinkling of old women , taac & eens , and children , in angry altercation , with the magistrates and military officers . The priest , after silencing the clamours of the populace , and avowing his determination to allow the destruction of his property , or even his life , rather than that any opposition should be made to the authorities , appealed to themagistrate in command of' theforces , ' and with
his usual eloquence , pointed out the unjust and unmanly persecutien to which he was subjected . It was in vain , however . He . would not be heard ; like Shylook , the surveyor was inexorable , and would slut his vengeance on the lime , and stones of the ' rebelly' clergyman ' s wall . The work of dilapidation went on , andj in a few minutes the < tood ' father ' s' ill-fated walls were a heap of ruins . Having completed the work of destruction , the triumphant party marched away , leaving father Kenyon in possession of the field , whilst execrations * loud and deep- were hurled on their heads by the maddened peasantry , who , although far inferior in numbers to their opponents , and totally unprepared for an affray , would have shed their blood before the destruction of the wall would have been effected , had it not been for the exertions of the rev . gentleman to maintain order and tranquillity .
There is scarcely any matter of importance going on this week in the metropolis , if we except the sit . ting of the Synod of the Catholic Hierarchy , which commenced on Tuesday , the 19 th . They have as * sembled on this year nearly a month earlier than usual , and their motive for this departure from established usage appears to be to address the govern * ment on the present dreadful situation ofthe Irish people , and to implore that some plan may be adopted , which may check the torrent of ruin which is driving over the country , and preserve society from final destruction . This memorial , or address , is to be laid before His Excellency the Lord-Lieutenant . ' onthis day ( 25 th ) , by a deputation from tho Synod , consisting ofthe four Archbishops of
Ireland . One very remarkable circumstance connected with the meeting of the Synod occurred on Tuesday , the first day of the sitting . Four of the leading ' stars' ofthe 'Young Ireland' party waited on their Right Rev . lordships , with a memorial from themselves and certain other influential Roman Catholic members of the' Confederation , ' complaining of' frivolous and vexations'accusations , made against them by certain right rev . and rev- clergymen of their church , branding them with infidelity , apostaoy , 'Voltairism , ' and with endeavouring to enkindle the flame of sedition and rebellion amongst her Majesty ' s subjects , and traitorously striving to drive the people into crime and violation of the laws , with many other grave charges against their moral
and religious characters as respectable members of society and good and faithful Roman Catholics . The deputation bearing this memorial consisted of Rer . Mr Kenyon , Rev- Charles Meehan , of Dublin ; C . Gavin Duffy , Esq ! , of the Nation ; and J . Pigott , Esq ., barrister . Their lordships declined giving these gentlemen an interview , and even refused to read their vindication , but returned the document unopened . A report was current in town last week that the Archbishop Murray had resigned his office as one of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland . This , however , is , I think , rather premature ; but it is certain that the Catholic bishops are dissatisfied , with certain alterations made by the board , in the system of instruction to be taught in schools . Nay , more , they insist on having these defects remedied forthwith , or they will repudiate all
connection with the board in future . Some think the commissioners will nail their colours to the mast , but better informed people aver that they must yield to their Roman Catholic lordships . A rescript from his Holiness , Pius IX ., bearing date 9 th October , has beenjaid ; before the Conference , also , emphaticay ^ and uneo uivocally denouncing and condemning the ' Infidel Colleges' Scheme of Education in Ireland . This important rescript was received through the Most Rev . Dr Mac Hale , R . C ., Archbishop of Tuam , and has diffused general joy throughout Catholic Ireland . lean only merely refer to the great 'Tenantright' demonstration at Kilmacthomas , in tho county Waterford , on yesterday . It appears to have been well attended , considering the alight knowledge tho peasant-farmers possess respecting that question , but there was little trace of that enthusiasm , always so conspicuous at Irish popular political assemblies .
National Education—The Roman Cateoliq Bl...
NATIONAL EDUCATION—THE ROMAN CATEOLIQ BlSKOfS . This day an adjourned meeting of the Roman Catholic prelates , was held in the Presbytery , Marlborough-street . . Unexpectedly , a resolution was proposed for a petition to Parliament , requiring certain modifications in the National Education system , to remove objections against parts of that system , which the resolution describes as ' serious and dangerous . ' There was a very small attendance of the prelates ; and the Primate , Dr Crolly , objected , in toto , to the lnf . VAilnnfiAn t \ t frVin Iahia aI XT **!****! t ? J .. M- & :. u « ..
contrary to the explicit direction in a rescript from the Holy See , which directed that the subject should not again be opened at the . general meeting ofthe prelates , and that if discussed at all , it should ba in a provincial synod . The majority ofthe prelates present , however , declared their intention to per ' severe . Herepon the Primate , with the Right Rev . Dr Denvir , and tho Eight Eer . Dr M'Grcttegau , and others , protested against the course about to be pursued , and withdrew from the meeting . Subsequently , the resolution was adopted bv the prelates who remained , consisting . of Archbishop M'Hale , and seven or cit * ht other bishops . .
If all the prelates had been present , there would have been a considerable majority against the resolution , .. A National ModblFabm . —Mr Rawsen , treasurer to the county of Kildare , a gentleman well ae-Suainted witb the social economies of Ireland , adresges the Royal Agricultural Society on tbe improvement of the small farmer and labourer . For the first , he suggests the allocation of 350 acres of the Gurragh , now separated by the Cashel Railway , and the property of the crown . Here he would established a national model farm , on a sumptuous scale . Aa to the labourer , he recommends : — ¦
' , Let every married labourer , have from half an acre to an acre of land , divide this into four partsit must be fair , good land ; not as it is now , the worst on the farm ; let it be cultivated with the spade , and raise a rood ; of potatoes , same of cabbages , same Of turnips , ^ arsmps , carrots , and pease , The fourth pari here , or oats ; and if he has not an abundance of winter store for what is called the dead time of the year , my fifty years' experience go'for nothing . The , acre cultivated as a garden , according to the above , will produce at least 201 . worth of food ^ whereas , the labourer at present is depending on the casual day ' s . employment , and , of course , discontented with his situation . Give him no reason to complain , and you will find him always ready and willing . STATE OP THE O 0 USTRT .
Notices were posted over the county of Limerick , calling oh the peasantry to repair to Rathkeale on Monday , the 25 th , to finish the work they commenced on Tuesday last , by utterly demolishing the workhouse . , Subsequent advices show , that the attack aid not take place , the authorities had taken adequate precautions for Us defence . On Friday nigWMast , four cows , belonging to farmers on the landa of Pallas and Ballygarrett , parish of Irrimore , Kerry , were cut and maimed in the most cruel manner . The tails were out off the sides
ripped open , wounds inflicted on every part of their bodies , and in this situation the poor brutes lay . enduring most painful torments ; and still alive when found stretched on the ground next morning . . . Mr J . Robb , of kiltanwra , farmer , holds 210 acres of land from James Molony , Esq . iD . L . onhW with 2 , 000 ! . worth of stook onit . U \ t been there seven years , and until hfs cattle were shot , new ? received any annoyance , but on the contrary , K ft , „ gn . » ff ? L ? ^ Th ° «* <** . therefore , % Mr Robbshfe having been attempted , k weareiiad to hear , quite unfounded ; , and he re Arnnfuoe iVhw protection . Mr lierbsrt , nuderTRS ? SKKr ^ wnlw pewott ** « W
National Education—The Roman Cateoliq Bl...
, Sunday evening five armed men entered ^ bouse of a farmer nameS John Gormack . whilst be and bis family were at dinner , and handed hun a notice . Oat Jr Upgan or any tenant * of ™ fi ^& * $ Bt £ l rent ! this year to the . landlord , William j Mriey , Esq ., thoy would assassinate them . The rumans fired five shots in the hense . - .. t vi * . ™* Two sheep were stolen from Mr V altar , 'of Fmjw , a few nights ago-one was killed on the land ol Mount FaK , the property of Mr Holland rand on Saturday night , a fat sheep was taken from Mr rSulph , ofConger House . On Monday night , two Set P were stolen from Johr . Hayes , of K . lkeary ; So & om Cornelius Brien , of Cfrnga * oher ; and one / w Henr y Trendl , E « q .. Sopwell Hall . Potatoes , S , Sps , vegetables , and poultry , are carried off b 7 'Ssd » - , tbe haggard of Rev . Maurice Fitzgibbon , PP atAi dnaorusha , was entered by a number of pe ' rson * vSf threshed and carried away a stack of W ttKffAr Barry , collector of poor rates , was flSTS on . Thursday , at Abington , twice , but fortunately escape-d . , ^ 7 , ' Vf t , „
TVBllC OKBWI IN VVBlVt . The Mercantile Advertiser contexm J »« jww « B ^ All things considered , n » Wic credit is in a sound and satisfactory state , in DnWin , ^ T There what exists in England , or even in Scotland . _ inere never were fewer bankruptcies There has been a number of small ; stoppages-le » *\ j >**®\ " £° during the spring and summer-iut they have been arranged without the striking of Joe-Rets . No doubt , the pressure for money is exceedingly aerm ,. and very high rates must be paid towiMwl * :, Onefaet will strike the reader « J e em " * f ft b e ' ah ti n ™* tbanrassure . the Funds bare stood at a ,
. hialier figure here than in London , in corjeeijueBee ot ffi jar ^ eaMateiiiws ^ tat . ^ . ^ ff ^ w reached by the Government Securities ? and we know that a considerableambuntof stock has been transferred to Dublin from London during sh * past si months . Taken altogether , onr position » eomnaratively satisfactory . To . be sure , the honted amount of our transactions is one of the roam causes , - but the very prudent conduct of our banking estab . . lishments has also had much influence in producing this gratifying state of affairs . ' . . Yoone Ibkiawd MBBTiK 6 .-Ri 0 TS .-The Limmel Chronicle saysi- 'The members ef the SaraBeld Confederation Club , held their first meeting on Wednesdav . at the Theatre , Henry-street . William S . ivR-iAti : TZsa .. M . P .. in the chair , who opened the
Droceedings by explaining tbe objects for which the S had been founded . There was a platform con-Bttucted on the stage , for the accommodation of the speakers , who were loudly cheered by the auditory , which did not exceed 300 persons , including several ladies who occupied ' seats in the boxes . A large crowd of spectators assembled in the vicinity of the theatre , and , notwithstanding the vigilance of the police , a few of the Young Inlanders '' were assaulted , amongst them Mr J . Corbett , Dr Kidd , Mr Hayes , of Rathkeale , and Mr O'Connell , of Lookquay , when leaving the place of meeting . POOR-LAW PBOCKEDIKOS .
The P « or-Law Gnardians ofthe Limerick Union have appointed a committee to select a capacious dwelling in which the children * at present in the workhouse , will be domiciled . They also intend to take sufficient land forthe purpose of an agricultural and industrial school , which will enable the' Guardians to train up the young paupers to habits of providence and self-reliance . . ' ,. . In this union 3 254 applied to the relieving ofheer last week , and but 331 accepted admission into the in the
workhouse , one of the best regulated , kingdom , where the food ij good , clothing comfortable , clerical , medical attendance , and scholastic information are imparted . . „«• ' . The Poor-Law Commissioners request the finms Guardians to admit no more paupers until the number in the workhouse is less than 800 . There are at present 1 , 092 in the workhouse . . At the weekly meeting of the Eilrush Guardians , Dr Foley in the chair , Mr Hynesand Mr J . Shannon represented the miserable condition of the people without food or employment . ....
The Belfast Vindicator gives the following account of the causes which have revived' Mr Tommy Downshite , ' as well as the eddeto be administered by that famous legislator : — ? Tommy Dowmhire , ' a gent nearly related to 'Miss MoUy Magnlte' ot the south , and 'Miss Rebecca ' of Wales , has made his appearance in this locality , after having laia dormant for a length of time . He has posted notices discountenancing the payment of poor rates , where tbe rate exceeds tenpeace in the pound , which is the highest rate be will allow to be paid . lie threatens to lay a desdly hand on each and every one who disobeys his command . Any person violating his injunctions is te be ' burned to the ground . ' This is one of his mild MproaiBTiB . He has never before interfersd in any matter but in defending tho tenant against bis erne !
landlord—his principal creed tbe profession of tenantright . TFbatbas turned bis attention to tbe poor rate I have been at a lots to divine , except that ofthe glaring frauds of tbe landlords , ia aot allowing their tenants to deduct their ( the landlords' ) periion of the rate paid by the tenant oat of tbe rent , unless the tenant is able to p » y the entire arraars due . This hat been almost 1 mpossible for the poor ( enant to do for some time past / owing to the unfortunate potato blight , In consequence of this unjust resolution of the landlords—a resolution which they strictly adhere to—the entire burthen of the rates fall npon tbe tenants , who have no redress unless having recourse to such characters as ' Tommy . ' This swindling practice of the landlords is , without doubt , the tras cause of tbe . tCuarrecuon ot ' Tommy Downshlra . '
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Botf-Strjet.;— Caution To Pawkbbokrbs. —...
BOTf-STRJET . ;— Caution to Pawkbbokrbs . — T , Baker , pawnbroker , of Stanhope-street , Clare-market , was charged with demanding more than the legal in . terest . —Mrs Bniver stated that oa tbeStn of April she pledged articles at the shop ofthe defendant forti . 6 d „ and On the 9 th Inst , redeemed them , and paid 3 ja . demauded by the defendant as interest . She applied to this court to know if the charge , was not unjust , and discovered that she had been charged a halfpenny more than she should bare paid . —J . Simpson said that tbe complainant called on him , and he accompanied her to the defendant , who said he knew be had charged beyond tbe legal interest , and wished be had charged more-This the defendant denied . —The defendant was fined £ 5 ; and expressed a determination to appeal against the decision .
Thb Police Aouh . — ( 3 . Humphrey , 153 F , was charged with wilfully neglecting his duty , by being abs » nt without leave , from 13 o'clock at rfgb . tun . tU 6 o ' clock In the morning , to which he pleaded guilty . —Mr Hall said It was a breach of discipline with whieh a magistrate could have nothing to do . —MrPearcessid that the defendant took the case out of the bands of the commissioners , by insisting tbat be should bo dismissed for an offence which he should be fined for . The defendant maintained that he bad leave from 7 o ' clock tt itll 12 o ' clock , and then inspector Logan , who was on doty ,
allowed Wm another half-hour . The impector denied tbat be did any snob thing , but ordered him to apply to the superintendent . —Mr Hall considered that the definf & nt had conunUte & a very serious offence , for no person would bt oa beat if men were allowed to leave their boat at will . —Mr Pearce said he offered to fine him , but be refused to submit , and being sent before the commisaloaers be set tbem at defiance . —Mr Hall was of opinion that such conduct would be attended witb the greatest danger to the public , and as the defendant bad treated the authority of his superiors witb contempt , be should order him to pay a fine of £ 8 , or 14 days'
Imprisonment . CHutaa os ; a . sbatji . tutok a Goa * dbhak ..-A , gentleman residing near Storey ' s Gate was passing towards Storej ' e Gate oa his way home , when the prostcutbr said , « Good n % ht ; stop—where are you going f What money have you got ? ' and hs replied , "That be bad none for blm , and that he did not know what he wanted of money . He made the same demand three different times , and while they were arguing two boys came up . Seeing that they took notice of them , the proaecutor sent for the sergeant , and seeing a constable they both called him . He was positive had he delivered up what money he had in his possession previous to tho arrival of the boys , he would never have heard any more Of such a charge . —Mr Jardlne said ne should send the case before a jury , and ordered the prisoner to put in bail , himself in tbe sum of £ 50 , and two sureties of £ 25 each , to answer tbe charge at tbe Middlesex sessions .
SOUTH rTARK . — BioAUi . —D . A . Brown was charged witb intermarrying with Elisabeth Quennel , his former wife bring then alive . —Baker , 72 M , produced the evl . deuce of the first and second marriages , < nhen Mr Cottingham said he should commit him for trial , —Mr Games , on the part ofthe prhoner , asked for a remand , as she should be able to prove that the first wife was one ofthe worst of characters , —One of tbe bridesmaids proved the first marriage . —Mr Cottingham said that he could not let the esse escape tbe present sessions , which w « e now on . He would , however , remand him for a few days .
THAMES , —SCAHDAIWS CONDUCT OV MS PotlCS . — Neless than eight charges were brought forward , one after the other , in which no individual appeared to prosecute , and on Inquiry neither of tbe policemen who took the various parties into custody knew anything of the matter . On the eighth charge being brought for . ward , two very respectably dressed females were placed in the deck , ona tf vrhom had been balled out , but tbe other not , and pollce-coustable H 135 stating there was no prosecutor , and tbat be did not see the assault com . plained of , MrY / ardlay observed , ' Thisis not . the first time
X have had to complain of tbe conduct of ptllcemsn »» . taking parties Into custody without being acquainted with the real . fa . c'ts .. of the case . Here have Ihsd rioless than ten Individuals brought before the this morning i charged with frivolous offences , in wblcb it Is more ( ban probable , * from the non-appearance of . the parlies charging ; that tbey wtre thsmseluei tha aggrt « i 6 » s , and tU » a double injury hag been Inflicted . I hopo ibis will act occur ! again , or , I shall be under th » necessity of adopt , ing some steps ito put a step to a practice so highly r » . I prehenilble . ' : I iUKYlKBCWfr-ROBCEfil BT A SfiOFW 01 MJKV- > ,
Botf-Strjet.;— Caution To Pawkbbokrbs. —...
Anns Simmons , riopwoman to Messrs Marshall „ . Stinton , Vere-itiraer , Oxford street , was charge ' . ' * having plundered her njployew to no hi . „ » ' » than £ 2 , 030 to £ 3 , 080 . TUeevldencs given went teT ** tbat the prisoner had been nearly three years la « , ' ° * vice of the prosecutors , who at length bad some n ! !'' cion with regard to her honesty , and gave her into *" custody of Allison , D division Ho , « , who , after , ha » locked up , searched her boxes , and found therein an h !' menie quantity ef silks , satins , muslins , gloves , „ ^* logs , and other costly articles , together with numerflr letters and papers . The property was identified a , J longing to Messrs Marshall and Co ., and the p riso ° * was therefore remanded . I * would seem that a mZ systematic system of robbery had been cauied on by Z orisonertoan almost unparalleled extent , conaid ^ Anna Simmons , riopffoman to Mem , Marshall ^
the situation in which the nan oeen placed , and thB i ? raited opportunity which , as might be imagined , Dy be afforded her for carrying on her depredations . j £ offlcr , Allison , brou ght forward fonr Jmga box eat 0 I 1 . taining valuable goods worth nearly £ 1 , 000 , * hiCh h , found at the chambers of Mr P . D . Hickman , lg , ^ cola ' s-inn . fi » lds , bis attention having been attract ^ thereto by a letter found in the possession of the prt . soner , and which bore the address ia question . jfr Hickman admitted to tbe officer tbat he bad been ac qualnted with the prisoner Simmons for two years , aaj that she had been in tbe habit of coming to him oco , sioaaliy at his chambers / and had slept with him there on th * Saturday before » be was taken into custod y , ^
, MrHlobman , who , it was understood at tbe outset 0 f the proceeding * was in the neighbourhood of the conrt , was sent fev , and brought to by Allison by direction o { Mr BroesjbtoD , and he is atpresent under « r » riJ ! an during tho investigation ; It was stated that be ww earning oa bu » ta « M te the tfrtj , and that he had a brother who was a clergyman . The prlsener wag . manded till TiMidaynext , and Mr Hickman was ordered to enter into his own recognisaane In £ 200 , aad find two sureties te £ 150 each , for M » befog forthcoming on that day . Vr Hickman said tha * be should be quite prepartd to prove his entire innoeeaee with regard to anv guilty knowledge respecting the- property found at bis chambers , Iflrs inquiry excited a considerable de .
gree of interest . MANSION H 0 F 9 R—Bobbbbt , — William Adams , s well-known convicted thief , was brought before the Lord Mayor , charged with having robbed a lady of her purse , containing two sovereigns and five shillings . —Mary Ana Wariniald : While I wasonMonday in the Custom , house Queen ' s Sale-room , at two o ' clock , I felt a band in my pocket , and seixed the prisoner , who had drawn roy purse from my posket . He quickly passed it to an . other man , whom 1 could also have detained if I had had assistance from those aronnd me , bat nobody was disposed to interfere , and the fellow walked away . From the moment I gripped this man I held htm fast . —The lord Major : — I am very much surprised at your state , ment , that nobody would give you help in tbe room . I
should wish to have an < explanation of this , —Miss Tfarin : If I had received any help , I could have stoppsd the man who bad my money . Although there were several persons in the room , they allowed him to retire after s pretended search . I should know blm anywhere . He just opened his waistcoat when the alarm was given , and said I have been searched , and the gentlemen ore satisfied that I have got nothing , and away he walked . — Jordan , a revenue offiosr and constable , said that be was called from the quay to take the prisoner into cus . tsdy . There were twenty or thirty persons appointed to attend the sale-room , for tbe express purpose of protecting tbe public from the ingenuity of thieves . —The lord Major : It would rather appear from tbe conduct of the persons ' in the room that they were disposed to assist tho prisoner . Are these twenty or thirty persons who protect the room in this manner constables {—Jordan : No , but they are in the rooms to prevent robberies , I am a
constable as well as revenue officer , but I was not pre * sent at tbe time , Two or three other persons lost their purses on'Monday in the sale-room . — The prisoner said : I assure your lordship the lady wakes a mistake . My band accidentally touched ber , and she seised me and held me till I was searched . Nobody could find any . thing about me , but sbewould not let go her grip . —Tbe Lord Mayor :-Ton are commlttsd for trial . 1 wish the revenue constable would mention to the authorities that if on a sale day they kept a couple of city or metropolitan poncemea on duty la the Queen ' s sale-room , pick , pockets would not gain admission . Fellows of this de . scription , if by any chance tbey should get in , would be speedily recognised and kicked out . It is most diicrs . ditabls to the persons who were present when this lady was robbed , that , they declined to render her the assist . ance sbe required . Tbe prisoner was sent for trial at the Central Criminal Court .
Thest bv a Secretary . —Edward Probert , tbe secretary to the Silk Hatters' Trade Society , held at tbe Black Bull public-house , in Upper Thames-street , was brought up charged with having stolen £ 20 8 i . Ojd , eat of tbe box . To the box it appeared there were tbree locks , which required three different keys , one of which was kept by the president , another by the vice-president , and the third by the secretary . It was necessary , ac cording to the regulations of the society , tbat the three persons should be present upon the opening of tbe box . The secretary , however , determined to dispense with the preieace of the two other officers and then- keys , and with the assistance of a blacksmith possessed himself « f tbe whole of the contents of the box , with which bo went off to Bristol , where , bowaver , before he spent all tha money he was apprehended and conveyed to prison . The sum of five pounds and ioarpence was found on his person , and when he was asked what he had done with all tbe rest he said It was spent . The prisoner was re . manded .
Cauxtir or A Bigqab . —Thomas Moore , a sturdy beggar , who has been for several years begging about the streets with a child in his arms , wasohsrgil bj agiutle . man , named Bell , with having solicited alms . The com . plaioant would in all probability hare allowed that offence to pass unnoticed , if he had not seen the brutal fellow treat the posr child with great cruelty : The Lord Mayor said a great deal of advantage was derived from prosecutions of this kind , and sentenced the prisoner to imprisonment and hard labour for fourteen days ' . j Bridewell .
WORSHIP-STREET . — Diabolical Ooiiaob upon ihc Eabtebn Coohiixs Railway . —A well-dressed , middle aged man , who gave the same of William Jameson upon the charge sheet , but now statsi it to be William Ash . croft , 8 , AlberUsquare , Commercial-road , was placed at tbe bar before Mr Arnold , charged with having wantonly and maliciously thrown a number of large granite blocks upon the rails of the Eastern Counties Railway , whereby the lives of nearly two handred passengers by the down train to Broxbourae had been placed inlmminent danger . Immediately upon taking his place in the doek tbe prisoner , addressing the magistrate with perfect coolness and composure , said , ' I admit at once having placed tho stones npon the line , and , to avoid giving unnecessary trouble , will plead guilty to the charge . ' But the magic .
trate observed , that the confession of seriousoffence was insufficient , and ordered tho evldensto be proceeded with . Mr Charles Johnson , a gentleman residing at Layton , then stated that while fishing in the river Lea , near tha Stratford marshes and about 200 yards from the railway , between four and five o ' clock on the preceding afternoon , he saw tho prisoner climb over a side gate and approach a pile of large granite paving stones contiguous to tha rail , several of which he deliberately picked np , and pitched them over the embankment on to the line . Ho distinctly heard the clatter of their descent , aud the pri . SOner , after thus lodging there a great number , clam . bered over the embankment after them , and repeatedly steeped down , apparently to arrange them in a certain position . After remaining about a quarter of au hour a
his employment he again got over the gate and advanced to the witness who asked him if he bad been clearing the rails , to which he briefly answered In the negative and turned , tbe conversation to thesubjest of the sport he was engaged in . Almost immediately afterwards a London train appeared In sight , and witness significantly pointed It out to the prisoner , who without any observa- ¦ tion walked hastily awayin tbe direstion of themarshes . . Before he bad time to give any alarm tbe train passed I over the spot where tho obstruction had been placed , but t immediately afterwards stopped , and the engine diiver r ran back , and was throwing the stones off the line , ; , when tho witness tan up and pointed out the prisoner as s the author of the mischief . The instant he had done so o the prisoner commenced running across the marshes , i ,
but was pursued by two of the guards , who tookhim into , o custody . —Thomas Davidson , tbe stoker , stated that the . a down train to Broxbourae , consisting of eight carriages , s , and containing nearly two hundred passengers , had d nearly reached the Leaferidge station , at the rate Of 3 t twenty miles an hour , when he observed a number ot ot large stones lying across the line . Ha instantly let off > ff the steam and blew the alarm whistle-, but although tho so breaks were immediately applied , tbe impetus of tha oa train carried it violeptly up to tha stones , which were re displaced by the iron guard and many of them com- opletely crashed . As soon as tbe train was stopped he he hastened back and picked up fifteen paving stones of tha ha average weight of lfty pounds , and about eight more ire were also found scattered ovex- the up line . The-witness ess added , that had not the speed of the engine : been slack- ckenen on the stones being fortunately perceived , the train ain wwld have been suddenly checked and ta » most fearful ful consequences probably easued . —Abraham Kilbarn , tbe tbe
guard , stated that after tbe train had been stopped the the prisoner , who was running rapidly across the marshes , ics , was pointed out to Vna lay Mr Johnsoa , but was instantly rily pursued by witness and another $ uua \ who had nearly a » ly reached him , when the prisoner suddenly turned round , und and advancing towards them ashed what was the matter , iter . Witness seissdhlm by the collar and accused him of m of having placed tbe stones upon the Hoe , apon which hflj he answered * Yon did not see ms do it ; ' and on resjsrking king that bft must be intoxicated to act in such an infamous nous mannw . he denied that he was so . —In answer to the , the charge the prisoner said that he was sauntering along iaig in tha neighbourhood oi the line , when be observed oneo » neo » | two stones lying upon the rail ? , and he thoug htlesslyiessly ' picked up some others from an adjoining heap , wblen ., blen he flung there also , without reflecting at the momenwnt upon tbe probable consequences which would tesaUbo &\ itota . suck an inadvertent act . —Mr Arnold ordered the ds P ° t P ° t sitlons to be at once taken for his committal for trial ft % l « the sessions of the Central Criminal Court .
Suddbn Daath—On Wednesday, Inthe Sess«U%...
Suddbn DaATH—On Wednesday , inthe Sess « u % ioi Court , Liverpool , a prisoner named Jano Smith , wn !\ j ™ was arraigned on a charge of having stolen &» " , ?"• . ? the 12 th Oct ., suddenly dropped down dead WWQwiW 4 hoeYideug « wwbQingoro ^ wlyiiW » x
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 30, 1847, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns2_30101847/page/6/