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downwards ;- hsvAVt 2. H47. THE NORTHERN...
MR. W. S. O'BRIEN, AND THE RENT. We have...
T. S. DUNCOMBE, ESQ. We have no ordinary...
Extessiox of Liberal Pontics.—We do not ...
Represextatios of Middlesex — Mr. George...
C&arttet hxttllimm
fovUmmim iWtftmus.
Livehpool.—A lecture on the principles o...
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Weekly Revibw. The Note Of Preparation F...
_hald , tier-severing and able Mr . Buncombe may be _js _starcely possible that , constituted as that House is at present , he can do what is absolutely required to g effect to their wishes . He ought to have supporters upon whom he could rely , instead of being _eblig td on aU great questions of princip le to fight dmo-4 single-handed . During the Session , be it _jo _^ _oTshort , we are certain that he will let slip no opportunity of advancing the popular cause , and of _strippingthe Whigs of any disguise they may assame ; but in order to achieve effective measures we must have a dissolution , and at the General Electionbe prep ared to return at least twenty
membars who trill think , speak and vote for the people _gndrr his leadership . If Russell plays tbe game be is suspected of intending , namely , that of coquetting _ffith the Protectionist party , and showing the cold shoulder to the "Liberals , " in order to persuade the fir & t tbat he is a " safer" minister for them than Peel , such a Jesuitical policy mnst be met by determined measures . Protract as they may , by all the arts in the power of the Whigs , the termination of the Session will bring the natural death of the present Parliament , and the country will then have the opportunity , as far as its present electoral constitution will permit , of pronouncing an opinion on their deserts and fitness for office .
The rumours as to the Government being prepared with a series of effective and radical measures for Ireland , have died away as suddenly as they were emulated . The ministerial papers have nothing to say on ihe subject of a definite character , and rapidly as we are nearing the meeting of Parlialiament , that may be taken as an indication that such measures , if contemplated at all , are not yet agreed upon .
The cop ious extracts we have given from the Iriib papers show that the gloom which bangs over tb » t devoted country grows denser and darker-Scarcely a ray of hope penetrates it . Such scenes of wholesale famine and death from destitution as arc now commonly reported _. may well make ns question whether we live in the middle of the 19 th century of _Chriutianity , and whether these are evi-< dences , of our boasted advance in civilization , refine-¦ ment and wealth ?
The worst has evidently not yet come . We have dotig and hard winter months before us . The poor , starving , destitute , and almost naked wretches , whose claims for support cannot be denied , will be , by the present mode of administering relief , exposed to all the bitter inclemency of the season , and will die in yet greater numbers from its effects , conjoined with the want of proper sustenance . It is also confidently asserted that tillage is neglected , and that next winter will be a repetition of the present Oily in a worse degree , and on a more extended scale . One thing is certain , that , at present , the demands from Ireland for food cannot be supplied , the mills working nig ht and day cannot grind corn fast enough .
At home , prices of all sorts of provisions seem on the rise ; an indication of either actual or anticipated scarcity , which , in connexion with the deplorably depressed condition of several of our staple manufactures , cannot but he severely felt by the industrious classes . The agitation for the Ten Hours Bill bas crossed the border . Mr . Oastler has addressed crowded , enthusiastic , and influential audiences in the leading towns ; and what is deserving of remark , although in the first instance invited bv the working classes , his
arrival in each town was the signal for the minister of the kirk , as well as other relig ious denominations , and influential gentlemen , merchants , Bankers , and manu / _acturere , to rally round him . At Edinburgh , where he and Mr . Ferrand addressed a meeting , summoned by the operatives , Sir J . Forrest , late Lord Provost of the City , presided ; and at the earnest solicitation of Sir James , backed by many influential inhabitants , among whom may be mentioned the celebrated Dr . Chalpiers , the venerable advocate of the claims of labour consented to hold another
meeting , principally for the purpose of explaining the question to the upper classes of the aristocratic society of ' Modern Athens . " Mr . Oastler appears to have had a triumphant progress through the country , and to have everywhere put opposition to Sight . A campaign of the same description " wiU , we _understand , * be immediately commenced in Lancashire .
A meeting of delegates from various towns in that county was held last Sunday at Manchester , at which resolutions of a most uncompromising character were passed , and a temporizing letter of Mr . Hindley ' s recommending the operatives to accept an Eleven Hours' Bill" as an instalment" on their claims , was unanimously scouted . In short , there is every prospect of a vigorous and successful agitation of the question . It is in the hands of men who are in
earnest ; who will not stop to consider whether the coarse they are pursuing will suit the interest of this minister , or that party . Oastler and Ferrand will not only teach the operatives their rights and their power , bnt enable them to secure the one and exercise the other . On the subject of the agitation , the Times has a somewhat striking article from which we take the following morceaux . It will be useful afterwards when it mav serve "the
Thunderer ' s" purpose to invoke the strong arm of the law to put down other agitations to which it is not so friendly as the Ten Hours Movement . For instance , a general agitation in favour of tbe Charter or the National Trades Association . When it does so it will be well to answer it wiihits own words : — As for the manner in which the present agitation is likely to be carried on , we presume that must depend very much ou the character of the parties who are allowed to take the lead . F < r onr own part , tee have no objection to a good fervid harangue , or an hour er two ' s party andlocal gossip , delivered in good mother-English ,
with a few provincial decorations . We have no objection to that genial mode of viewing an _interestin-j subject wbich makes it flourish and ramif y into endless kindred , and certainly not less delicate topics . Shade of old Cobbett ! who will say in this day of your prophetic triumph , with Irelaad almost calling you from the grave , thatyour rough invective and home-spun rhetoric were a waste of energy and language ! For our own part , we bave no great horror of meetings to which the predominant fu _« tian gives the tone . How many such bave met , and spoken , asd resolved as became Britons and free men , without doing altogether one-hundredth part of the
mischief perpetrated and bequcated to all future times by the politer encyclopedists and academicians oi Paris ? We have no objection to committees of delegates , or even to conventions , threatening as they seem tothe peace or tranquillity of masters . Such things must and will be . _Masttrg wi _' . l combine , and so will operatives . Union , i ! not always actual strength , is at least the refage of weakness . All tbat we would look to , and further t * the utmost of our humble power is , that such nuttings , such mode of operating , should be purged ab far as possible of dangerous leaven , and their objects should be good .
The italics are the " Times " own , and they help considerabl y to emphasize the passage , as weJJ as to fit it for future use . From the same article we ata take the subjoined : — He is no friend of the higher powers , or of any pow _. _rs , lull or low , who is always for weighting the safety valve of the great industrial generator . The instinct of sellprotection and the law of progress are deep fixed in every _cUtt of human society . Onre suffer the mass to _imagine their " betters" a mere combination against them , and jou have thrown up the reigns to ignorance and
_discontent . Tou have lost your hold on the multitude . You have damaged your _strength , and their guidance . Therefore , ne think tbat nothing contributes so much tothe cumuion weal , to the enlightened control and safe progress of the lower classes , as well as to tbe substantial power and security ofthe higher , as to discuss these delicate , social questions , as it were in the market place , and in the light of day . Submit the whole matter to the ordeal of reasonable argument , and to the arbitration of fiat public opinion wbich has founded and which maintains _, nnder _Prn-riiUnco » U the _tacnnoral institutions .
Weekly Revibw. The Note Of Preparation F...
from the Crown downwards , in the more emitted moiety ofthe world . Therefore imother no agitations , till at least they hare auumed the most violent and incendiary character ; " and evea then , inthe very worst case , remember tbat they are not brute beaiti , but rational beings aad _feUoir-Cbriitians , with whom vou have to deal . " Amen ! But what can have come over our " bully Bottom * " to make him thus" war as gently as any sucking dove-as ' twere any nightingale ? "
With the present paper we close one year and commence another . The past year was an eventful one when regarded in a political aspect , that on which we have just entered promises to be still more fruitful in events of importance . If the flow of the great current of events is closely watched , it will be seen that , however appearances may fluctute on the surface , one strong steady tendency is
observable , and , that is , tbe throwing of more and more power into tbe hands of the masses . We are approaching nearer that great goal of every patriot and freeman—the realization of the princip le of selfgovernment . What 1847 will do for that object , remains to be seen . We hope much ; and looking back kindly and gratefully on the OLD , we heartily welcome the NEW YEAR , wishing that it may prove to all our readers betler than any previous vear of their lives .
Downwards ;- Hsvavt 2. H47. The Northern...
; - hsvAVt 2 . H 47 . THE _NORTHERN STAR . ft
Mr. W. S. O'Brien, And The Rent. We Have...
MR . W . S . O'BRIEN , AND THE RENT . We have given very copious extracts in the columns devoted to Irish affairs , from a letter in which Mr . O'Brien gives a history of his connection with O'Connell and the Repeal movement , with reference to that document Mr . O'Higgins truly says in a letter to us : — Every Chartist in Great Britain should have a copy of Mr . O'Brien's admirable letter . How completely it de . molishes the sophistry of our Irish soi disant Taleyrand ! What a charm there is in troth ! And in Mr . Brim ' s letter the whole truth is simply , plainly aud beautifully told . Mr . _O'Higgins adds it is tobe regretted for the sake of the cause of wbich Mr . W . S . O'Brien is virtually if not really ' . the leader , that he did not add another sentence to the eighth _paracraph in his letter , viz .
« ' Tbat it shall hereafter be an invariable principle of the Itepeal policy to keep tbe Irish nation wholly Hide * pendent of English parties opposed to Repeal . " To this he should have added—that we shall bail with delight the accession to our ranks , every inhabitant of Great Britain who _fhall co-operate with us in achieving tbe Repeal of the _legislative Union . The hearty , sincere , and effective aid of nearly half the male population of Great Britain , was scornfully rejected by the old political knave , who never desired tbe Itepeal of tbe Union ; but merely made use of it for no other purpose than that of promoting the interests of his own family .
It U not possible tbat any man could be the honest advocate of tbe measure , and at the same time reject the co-operation of moremen than there are male inhabitants in Ireland . There are not 3 , 500 , 000 male inhabitants in Ireland ; yet a petition signed by 3 , 500 , 000 inhabitants of Great Britain fur a Repeal of the Union was _contumeliously spurned by tbe great advocate of Repeal ! And why ! Because he knew that the English people would keep him to it whether Whigs or Tories were in power . PATRICK O'HIGGINS . Dublin . Dec . 37 th . ISIS .
T. S. Duncombe, Esq. We Have No Ordinary...
T . S . DUNCOMBE , ESQ . We have no ordinary pleasure in being able to annnonnce , that it is the intention of the Associated Trades of London , and the Chartists , to entertain their noble champion and chief at a splendid tea party , on Monday , the 18 th of January , 1 S 47 , the night previous to the meeting of Parliament , at the Crown and Anchor Tavern , Strand , and that no _Weymouth-claptrap Whigling will be invited , lest intemperance of expression , provoked by unnatural excitement , should render him unacceptable to slaves without principle .
To Feargus O'Connor, Esq., England. Mise...
TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ ., ENGLAND . Misebal Pom , Wiscossw , November 21 st , 18-16 . _Snt , —A pleasurable excitement is always created in the minds of all liberal men , throughout the civilized world , by the reports ofthe progress of the Chartist party , as conveyed through tbe medium of the press in general , and particularly of your own Northern Star . But at no time have our hopes of the speedy triumph of your principles assumed so substantial a character , as since the publication of your " Jubilee" on the 17 th of August last . Now we know that you have attacked the monster" Monopoly" in the right quarter . Get tbe Land—and all turmoil of faction , all the brutality of a bloated aristocrac y , all the cunning * of a erasphie .
monopolizing shopo-millo-cracy , will be unable * to subvert your cause . The Jews will vanish . Your ship will be chained to an anchor , which will neither part , snap , nor drag . Well it is , that this light has broke upon the world' " That all Reiorm must have a solid , tangible foundation ; " tbat the working man ' s cottage , built upon the occupant ' s own soil , is worth a thousand Philosophers' Castles built in the air . The Liberals in these States begin to understand this truth ; and as it is spread ont before the people by their prints ( increasing in number daily ) , you can scarcely bave an adequate idea of tbe avidity with wliich their doctrines are imbibed by all conditions of men . Labourers , mechanics , farmers , professional men—yea , Legislators!—take a pride in professing themselves believers in Reform principles , and proclaiming them to the world . In two years from now . our own Wisconsin , just now forming a State Constitution , will be a reformed country .
There will be a race through the next age , among th * civilized nations ofthe earth , who shall arrive first at the goal of perfect civilization—by giving plenty and contentment to all , and thereby causing good will from each one to all others . All eyes from this quarter are directed to England . There is nene ofthe sentiments proclaimed on your " gala day , " that seems to us as well deserving of admiration as that in which you declare yourselves " Not Levellers , but Elevators . " The distinct declaration of this motto will not only raise the standard of ihe aspirations of the oppressed , but also reconcile those favored ones , who fancy they must loose by a change of system ; dispel their vain apprehensions : and , perhaps , bring them over to your , our cause ! Tou accomplished a great deal , when you spoke those words !
V » e make this sheet the messenger of our heartfelt joy over _' your prosperousstate _. andespecially that most laudable of all undertakings—" The Co-operative Land Society . " May your successes out-number a thousand times your reserves ; may your determined spirit , and that of your "' cooperatives , " move obstacles like chaff before the wind ; may your _persuasion , and your practicable demonstration , encourage the faithful , confirm the the doubters , warm the indifferent—till hymns of joy _. t ' roin the shades of O'Connorville , and its thousands of offspring , proclaim to the world the freedom of England , and the liberation ofthe world . Bless you , O'Connor ! bless all your friends ! and be assured of their good will , and of their sincere and ardent wishes for your welfare and success , by The Reformers of Mineral Point .
L . a . Van Denn , native ol America . Tho . * . A . Turner " America . Stephen Thorns " America . Robert Asham " Ireland . Math . Sehafin ' Germany . Nelson _Angell " Canada . J . S . Walker " Scotland . James Hugo " England . Robert Whitney " America . James Johnstone * ' Scotland . F . Hoffman ' Germany . James Ilitchins " America . James Nixon ** English . Cm . F . Le Mayer " Germany . Joseph Gunery " England . Jos . Williams " America . Thomas Carpenter ¦* England . Joseph Lester •* England . John Wootten " England . Gilbert Bennett " England . Edward Cornish " England . Samuel Jenkin " England . M . P . Silverburgh _«• Poland . James Kenny " Ireland .
Extessiox Of Liberal Pontics.—We Do Not ...
Extessiox of Liberal Pontics . —We do not know a _pleasanter and more convincing proof of the rapid advance of ) liberal politics , than tha extensive and immediate success of our contemporary , Douglas Jerrold ' _a Weekly Newspaper ; and we are glad to see , in the downright principle of liberalism , he is about to enlarge it one-third , aa may be more fully seen by our advertising columns . Nor Likelt . — * " Tom ! you ' re an excellent fellow , brave and reliable , but yeu will get _drunk—yoa must do better Tom , " said a captain down at the Rio Grande to one of hia soldier * . " Captai _^ - _* replied Tom , " you cwnet expect all tbe virtues _of-Uisun nature for _seten __"__ - _ a month . " ~ "
Later News From India." Termination Of "...
LATER NEWS FROM INDIA . " TERMINATION Of _tHE WAR IN CASHMERE . This morning an extraordinary expre _&** , via Trieste , has brought news from Bombay to the 2 nd of December . The Bombay Times of that date says : —The insurrection in Cashmere is now fairly over ; the Sheikh Eraam-ood-Deen surrendered himself into our bands on the 31 st of October , and the troops advancing on the lately disturbed country were immediately ordered to return to quarters . Sir John Littler ' s force commenced their retrogade movement en the 4 th , and reached Lahore on the 12 th—the General himself having quitted them on the march _, and proceeded to Lojdhiana . The troops sent from Ferozepore to occupy for a time the _SeBth capital , moved out on thc 0 th , and took their way in the direction of the Sutlej .
Represextatios Of Middlesex — Mr. George...
_Represextatios of Middlesex — Mr . George Byng , after having represented the County of Middlesex for the unprecedently long period of fifty-six years , has just published an address to the electors intimating his intention of retiring , at the close el the approachiag session , from public life . Pricks of Malt Liquors . —In consequence of the high prices of malt and hops , the Metropolitan Brewers came to the resolution , yesterday , of raising the prices ofale and porter ner barrel to the trade . Of course , the publicans will now raise their prices . Partial Destruction of Queen Assb _' s _Bourm Office bt Fire . —This morning about three o ' clock a destructive fire broke out in one ofthe haver room ; of Queen Anne ' s Bountv Office . Dean ' s-vard . West
minstar . The Chandos-street London Establishment , King-street , West of England , County , and various other engines soon arrived , and water wa * abundantly procured , when every exertion was used by the firemen , but the building was nearly reduce '! to ruins . The documents are saved . A Woman _Fiiozkn to Death . — An inquest wa * held at Broadheath , Worcestershire , on Monday , or the body of an old woman , named Sefton , who Jef her home , to seek alms , at a distance of nine mile _.-, and wandered about in the frost and snow till slit lost herself , and was found dead _on-Sunday , five dayafter wards _, by the side of a "bye-road , iu the parish ol Hallow . The Jury returned a verdict ol " Foum dead , having , it is supposed , lost her way . and beei frozen to death by the inclement weather . "
C&Arttet Hxttllimm
C & _arttet _hxttllimm
Assembly Rooms, Dean Street, S0110 Notwi...
ASSEMBLY ROOMS , DEAN STREET , S 0110 _Notwith-twiling it * _beinc holiday time these rooms were very numerously attended _« n Snnda . _v _Evening . December the 2 ? th , to hear a lecture from Mr . C . Doyle , on " The _Progress of Chartism and the Land Question in Scotland . " Mr . Doyle -.-ave a most interesting and _cheerinjr detail of bis recent tour in that country , and the great progress made in the Charter and Laud movements . At tbe conclusion , Mr . Julian Harney moved tbe following resolution : —* That considering the labours of Mr . Christopher Doylr in Scotland to have greatly advanced tbe Chartist movement , and the objects of the Chartist Co-operativi land Company , we return him our grateful _thanfcs , at the tame time we urge upon our Scottish brethren to make vigorous efforts to establish Chartism in more than its former power .
The resolution was unanimously adopted . Tbe meeting then separated . OLDIIAM . On Sunday last Dr , M'Douall delivered two very interesting lectures in tbe school-room of tin ? Working Man ' s Ilall , in which he shewed the great advantages to be derived from co-operation , both socially and politically . He answered the " Whistler at the Plough " in a masterly style , so much so that the " Whistler ' s" notes will Jose their charm . These lectures are likely to do a great deal of good here . The audience were numerous and respectable . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the lecturer for his able and argumentative lecture , and the meeting broke up _highly satisfied .
OXFORD . Chartist Triumph . —The vacancy for Town Councillor , in the west ward , at Oxford , occasioned by the lamented death of Mr . C . Dudley , was filled up on Monday , the candidates were Mr . William Albutt , tailor , and Mr . Richard Chaundy , seedsman , the former an out-and out Chartist , and the Jatter a Whig ; the polling was kept up with spirit until the last minute allowed by law , and although Mr . Chaundy was well supported by the Conservatives of the ward , Mr . Albutt , at the _closeof the poll , headed him 14 votes , * < he numbers being for Chartism , 190 ; for Whigg " i 8 m , 176 .
TO THE PEOPLE . FaiEWDj . —A number of my old and intimate friends seem to think Oldbam the best town in which to practice my profession , and in accordance-with their views , itis my intention to return to London , and remove my family to Manchester for a short time , until arrangements are made for my settling in Oldham finally . In the meantime . I shall lecture in Stoekport on Sunday afternoon , and in Manchester on the evening of the 3 rd ef January . On Monday , the 4 th , I shall lecture in Roch dale . On Tuesday , tbe 5 th , in Macclesfield . On Wednesday , the 6 th , in Congtetori . On Thursday , the 7 th in Hanley in the Potteries . On Friday , the Sth in _Lonjr Town . The Bilston , Wednesbury , < fcc . friends , as well as those of Long Buddy and Daventry , if they desire me to lecture in these places , will be kind enough to communicate with me , at Mr . Dixon ' s Coffee Ilouse , Great Ancoat Street , Manchester , up to Tuesday , the 5 th . Your sincere friend and advocate _.
P . M . MDOUALL . Manchester . December 30 th . _181 G
GENERAL REGISTRATION . AND ELECTION COMMITTEE . At a very full meeting of this body , at their usual place of meeting , the Assembly Rooms , Deanstreet , Soho , on Wednesday evening , December the 30 th . The Sub-Committee brought np their report with circulars to the secretaries of the various local Registration Committees , and parochial offi cers , but in consequence of the Barrister to whom the synopsis of the Reform and Registration Acts were submitted , not having yet revised it , it was again referred to him , with a request tbat he will have it ready by the next meeting , when the Committee trust they will be enabled to issue it to the public . Mr . J . Shaw reported from the local Committee of the Tower Hamlets . Messrs . M'Grath , Shaw , and Slater , was appointed a deputation to wait on that body .
LOUGHBOROUGH . On Monday a meeting was held here , when a subscription on benalfof the debt due to Mr . O'Connor was commenced , and placed in the hands of Mr . Skerrington , who will be happy to receive subscriptions irom all friends . Ten shillings was voted to Mrs . Ellis , and tbe like sum to Thomas Rayner Smart , and the Committee adjourned . until Wednesday evening , January 13 th . NATIONAL VICTIM , WIDOW , AND
ORPHANS RELIEF COMMITTEE . At a meeting of this body , held in the Assembly Rooms , 83 , Dean-street , Soho , Mr . John Shaw in the chair , on Wednesday evening , December the 30 th . Mr . Merry , of _Hampstead , came forward and offered a waistcoat piece to be submitud to chance , for the benefit of Eliza Jones , the wile of the expatricated patriot , William JoneB , his offer was accepted with thanks , and Mr . Merry has undertaken to make up the waistcoat for the holder ot the ticket . Mr . James Slater also offered a yard of rich Genoa silk velvet lor the same purpose , which was also accepted with gratitude , the time and place will be announced , when it will come off .
AN APPEAL FOR IRELAND . At a numerously-attended meeting of the Metropolitan Committee , held at tbe Assembly-rooms , Dean-street , Soho , on Wednesday evening , December 30 th , on the motion of Messrs . Philip M'Grath and Thomas Clark , the following resolution was unanimously adopted : — " That this committee _heieby appeal to the several Metropolitan localities , and to all the friends of humanity , justice , and Ireland , to furnish funds immediately for the purpose of enabling the working classes of London to assemble ata great Public Meet ' ing , to lift up their voices in favour of their poor starving Irish brethren . " Subscriptions of any amount will be thankfully
received for that purpose , by the Directors oi the National Land Company , at their office , 83 , Deanstreet , Soho . ' . _LEICESTER . On Wednesday , the 23 rd " _uH ,, a meeting was held in the Town Hall , ofthe shareholders of the Chartist Land Company , ro receive the report of the delegate te the late Confeienc ' e , which was well attended . Mr . Smart , _taking- _"Mr , O'Connor ' s lucid commentary for his basis- went _ilyough every article progressively , answering every question , and stating what his opinion and . vote was upon all . The company were well satisfied with what was done generall y , and an unanimous vote _oftbaaks was passed to their delegate for his services ; and _eoncludealsvith thanks to the Mayor for the us * * - of the hall . ' " ? : "i '" ¦
Notice To District Secretaries And Treas...
NOTICE TO DISTRICT SECRETARIES AND TREASURERS . All district Secretaries and Treasurers tothe Chartist _Co-operative Land Company , are hereby strictly enjoined to attend to the following regulations in all transactions- with the Directors . No circumstances will be admitted as a reason for departing from these- , mien ? it any case where they _iddIv .
Notice To District Secretaries And Treas...
_ First . —A scrutineer shall be appointed by each branch on the first meeting night or day in every month , whose duty shall be to attend the branch meetings , and receive the subscriptions . The Secretary shall , before the dissolving of each meeting , sum up the recei pts , when the scrutineer shall immediately hand them over to the Treasurer . He shall keep a cheek book against the Secretary nnd Treasurer , and be present at the audit of the Branch books , * and report to the shareholders as to their correctness . Second- —Everyjbranch shall appoint two auditors , whose term of office shall be six months ; their duty shall be to examine tho Branch books , and report thereon at the first meeting in every month .
Third . —Letters enclosing money must distinctly set forth the respective funds to which the whole amount belongs . Fourth . —In all letters requiring : certificates it must be stated wkether they are for members of the first , second , or third section . And whether the certificate required be the first or second , and if the second , the number of the first must lie given . Tbe certificates will not be sent to the request of letters in which this rul « is not observed . Fifth . —All communications , whether _encliv-ing money or otherwise , must be addressed as follows : — " To the Directors of the Chartist Co-operative Land Company , 83 . Dean-street , Soho , London .
All monies must be remitted in Post Office Oiders , or by Bank Order payable on demand to Feargus O'Connor . All Post Office Orders must be made payable at the General Post Office , St . Martin ' s-le-Grand , London , as none other will be acknowled ged . The person ' s name applying to the local post office for the order must be written at iull length at the top of the order , and who must see the order properly stamped , and the order must be made payable to Feargus O'Connor . All letters containing money inust _* be addressed as follows , for " The Dikectous , Land Office , 83 , Dean Street . Soho . London .
By Order of the _Diructers , Philip _M'Gratii _^ Corresponding Secretary
Rbcbil'ts Op Tue Chakti8t Co-Operative L...
_RBCBIl'TS OP TUE _CHAKTI 8 T CO-OPERATIVE LAND COifFAiVr . PER MR . _O'COHKOR . SECTION No 1 . fHABll . £ » . d Arbroath _.. .. .. 0 7 6 Derby .. .. ,. o 18 0 M . _\ . .. . 1 ,. 0 2 C Halifax .. .. .. 2 0 iVuttingbam .. .. 6 5 fi Cockermouth » ¦• .. 200 Vork .. .. .. 0 19 0 Clitheroe .. .. . 0 lu 0 Addingham .. _~ „ 0 13 6 Limehouse .. .. .. 166 Whittington and Cat .. 017
Hanley .. .. .. 3 10 0 Idle . .. » .. 100 Leicester , per Astill _.. .. 0 2 8 Hamilton .. _« .. 2 0 0 Croydon .. .. 0 9 C Glasgow .. .. .. 4 8 0 _Carrington » . » .. 109 _Sncffieiil • _. .. 183 Ely .. .. .. 4 0 10 Worcester .. •• 1 13 6 Newcastle-upon-Tyne .. .. 320 Chelsea , per Dalebar .. .. 016 Hebden Bridge _.. .. 010 Crieff .. .. .. 0 I G £ 30 1 1
SECTION No . 2 . ( HAKES . W . Williamson , Alferton .. .. 624 W . Ulythe , Bud-haven " .. loo Arbroath .. •• .. I 7 o J . Rouse , Bra iford Wills _.. .. 0 15 o Warrington _« » .. 0 8 o Alnwick .. .. 0 10 4 George Bishop .. - 0 1 0 Mr . Dowling , Helston .. .. 0 5 0 li . Burton , _Swunuington •• „ 5 5 1 W . _Tuynton .. .. 1 0 4 B . Oclgers .. ' „ ti 1 4 I ) . Hughenwood .. _•» ,, 014 Geo . Dunham .. .. 1 0 0 J . Hughes , Buckley .. 0 9 0 Brownham ,. .. .. 5 4 lo Derby •• •• 1 IS 0 Halifax .. .. 74 6 Kennilworth .. .. 552 W . Rogers .. .. 0 5 11 H . _D-ivies .. " 1 10 0
J . Roland , Frapstjne .. .. 0 lo 4 1 ) . _Mcadowi , Do . " .. 0 7 0 Honicnstle .. •• 1 15 g liridgewuter .. .. 3 14 0 Birmingham .. ¦• •• 2 0 0 Nottingham .. « .. 2 0 _c York .. « .. 28 0 0 Clitheroe .. .. 1 10 0 Belfast .. « .. 14 o _Atherstone .. « .. 0 10 4 Market Lavington .. 2 7 0 _Buckfertliegh .. •• 1 0 lo Sto ' _rkton . upon . _Tces « 4 19 9 Chepitow- ,. .. 0 5 3 Greenwich .. _.. 3 10 « _Horsley .. « _.. 0 2 le Mr . liodbourne ~ »» .. 950 Cheltenham .. .. 1 15 0 Somers Town , B . Whitehead .. 2 11 0 Do . Do . .. .. 2 12 2 Old Sheldon .. » .. 6 10 0
Limehouse ., ¦• .. 100 Westminster ., .. .. 1 15 0 Whitting-ton and Cat .. 0 14 1 Bmss Founders'Arms _>• •• 6 7 11 J Manchester » •• 3 5 0 Stockport ., » .. 200 Hanley _ ,., .. .. 380 Bradford .. .. .. 800 North Brierly .. .. M 1 0 0 Bridgewater , Fink .. 0 14 G Leicester , per Astill .. 2 5 lu Devizes .. .. .. 0 13 2 Newport , Isle of Wight .. .. 8 lu 0 Southampton .. » 111 u Leeds .. .. .. 2 17 0 Retford .. .. 255 Tavistock .. .. 0 11 ( _i Peterborough .. _.. .. 2 7 2 3 . Codling , Grantcam .. .. 544 Darlington ,. .. 0 14 0 C . _Naj-p _, Vow Church .. .. 014 Hamilton .. -- 0 2 0
Croydon .. » .. 1 11 0 Shrewsbury Baths » .. 4 19 10 l _' _ortsea .. .. .. 1 10 0 Glasgow ., .. .. G 2 0 Citvrington .. .. ,. 0 9 S She-Held .. .. .. 170 Torquay .. .. .. 1 12 9 Sleat ' ord .. .. „ 12 0 1 Ashburton .. .. tt 17 2 Clayton Wost .. .. .. 0 2 ( J Ely .. .. .. 0 19 2 Exeter ., .. 4 14 ti _Worcotiter .. » .. 5 12 0 Stephenson Cullen _.. .. 0 1 » _Newca-tle-upnu . Tync .. .. 7 1 * 8 _Dalibar .. .. 0 9 10 J . Frtke , Shaftesbury .. .. 300 . 1 . Smith , Hebden Bridge .. .. 4 1 2 Perth .. .. .. 1 17 It Crieff .. .. .. 040 Shoreditch .. .. ., 0 17 8 Ilorsley .. .. .. 030 Finsbury „ .. .. I 16 0
£ 219 5 4 TOTAL IAND FC 7 . VD . Mr . O'Connor , Section No . 1 ... 30 1 1 Mr . O'Connor , Section No . 2 ... 219 5 1 £ 249 G 5 FOB MRS . FBOST . Mr . Winter , _Newcastle-on-Tyne .. 0 10 Mr . Seed , Do . .. .. 0 2 0 FOR _HUS . JONES , _"fewport _. Isle of Wight , per T . Self .. 0 3 0 Nottingham , per J . Sweet ., .. 010 Nottingham .. .. .. 0 2 4 VirBK _^ NS _' , widows ' , and obphan ' s rusDa . Boulogne .. „ .. 0 10 0 Mr . Jude .. ,. .. 010 Mr . Golightly „ .. .. 000
RECEIPTS OF NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . Edinburgh .. .. .. 0 18 2 Boulogne .. .. .. 1 15 0 Glasgow ,. .. .. 08 C Brighton .. .. .. 0 3 0 Newcnstle-on-Tyne .. .. 0 7 0 Westminster , for Cards .. .. 0 1 0 Office Hand-books .. .. 0 0 3 * . £ 3 12 5 J _CuniSTopiii-RjDoi'i . E , Secretary . REPAYMENTS TO MR . O'CONNOR ON ACCOUNT
Ol' DEBT DUE BY DEFENCE FUND . Mr . Mallard .. .. .. 010 A Friend .. .. .. 0 1 I ) Mr . Dowling .. .. .. 010 Mr . Sliarpe , Halifax .. .. 010 Mr . J . Shiirpe , Do . .. .. 0 1 11 Chepstow .. „ 0 3 11 Horncastle .. .. „ 0 5 C Mr . Cameron , Leith .. .. 0 2 0 Mr . B . Fux .. „ .. 0 1 0 Mr . Pocock .. .. ,. 0 0 ( J Leeds .. 170 Miens . .. 170
.. , Portsea Island , Working Man's Association .. 0 lo 0 Exeter .. .. ,. 0 9 0 Todmorden , per J . Witham .. .. 200 Dewsbury , per E . Newsomo „ .. 0 15 0 Lower _Warley , per J . Lawson .. 1 0 9 Nottingham , per J . _Sweetc . .. .. 0 9 11 T . A . Coleford .. ¦ _' _'* ¦ ¦ ' _$ /¦ .. .. 0 0 0 Dudley , per W . _Ranklin if » « 0 10 0 Land Society , CoekcmoniHvyer fi . Peat .. 0 5 2 Mr . R . P . Buttenghai _^ _JEtonioa .. c lo 0 _ 14 6 Eb » ata . —In the 8 UDii _« firriO * . 9 i . acknowledged form SUutlav I ) . *** l ...... al .. . V « -. 1 U ! . _»« \ . _nnK ( . 1 .- . Ta
Fovummim Iwtftmus.
_fovUmmim _iWtftmus .
Livehpool.—A Lecture On The Principles O...
Livehpool . —A lecture on the principles ol Phrenology , will be delivered by Mr . Smith , on Sunday evenine , January 3 rd , at Mr . Ferrall ' _s Temperance Hotel , No . 4 , _Cannenu-atreet . Chair to be taken at 7 o ' clock , Oldham- —On Sunday , ( to-morrow , ) Mr . Daniel Donovan will deli _* rer his third lecture on " Irish HiHtory i the Working Man ' s Hall , at C o clock in the evening . _YoitK . —The members ofthe Chartist Land Company resident in this city , meet even-Sunday , at two 0 clock , at the Blue Bell Inn , FowGato . _CocKKRMonTH _.-The Land cause is _getting on _[ _f _^ wi _& _te _^ _fesaisyr- with _^^ Wffi A Gkhebal Meeting of the Land Company nf Nottingham _an-l county , will be held at the Seven Stars , Barker Gate , on Sunday , Jannary 10 th at C o clock in the _evening , when all the members are respectfully requested to attend .
_Manchkstkk . —On the afternoon of Sunday next , the monthly members _mettinc of the National Charter Association , will be held in the People ' * Institute , to commence at 2 o ' _chek . Un Sunday evening next . Dr . P . M'Douall will lecture in the People ' s Institute . Chair to be taken at half-past 6 . _Beliinai . Gkek . v . —A general meeting of _thes _> hnrehnklcrs of the _Whittington and Cat Branch of the Land Company will be held on Sunday evenine , at six trVlock , on important business * , and also res-petting the case of Thomas Mitchell , and the resolution of Conference tor location , at O'Connorville , on May 1 st , 134 * 7 . All members are requested to settle their lat * t years expenses for directors . Mr . Ernest _Jonrs will lecture at eight o ' clock precisely . Manchesteii Univbhsai . Debating Society . —The
adjourned debate on " Man s i reo Aeeney . " will lie re .-umed on Sunday evening , January 3 rd , at Mr . Dixon '* * , Temperance Hotel , 93 , Great Ancoat- * Street . Chair to be taken at C o ' clock . Bktiinal Green . —Mr . Ernest Jones will _deliver a lecture at the Whittington and Cat , Church-row , Bethnal Green , on Sunday next , January the 3 rd . The lecture to commence at eii * ht o ' clock , r . M . Tower Hamlets . — -Mr . Thomas Clark , one of tho executive committee , will deliver a lecture , at the Pewter Platter , White Lion-street , Norton Folgate , on Tuesday even i ng , January 5 th . Doors open at half-past seven , and the lecture to commence at eiirht o ' clock nreciselv .
NATIOXAL CO-OPESAT 1 VE LaSD COMPANY , —TllC Mktropolitan members of this Company are informed that an ai'gres : ate meeting will be holden in the _Assembly Rooms , 83 , Dean-street . Soho , on Monday evenin ? next , January the -Itli , at eight o clock pn > c ' sely , to hear a report from their delegates to tlie late Conference . _Mabylkbo-vb . —Mr . C . Doyle will deliver a public lecture , at the Coach-painters' Arms , Circus-street , on " the Progress of Democracy in Scotland , " on Sunday ovening next , January the 3 rd , . it eight o ' c ' . ock precisely . Somers' Town . —Mr . C . Doyle will lecture , at the Bricklayers' Arms , _Tonbridsje-street , New Road , on Sunday evening , January 10 th . To commence at eight o ' clock .
Finsbury . —A meeting of the members of the Finsbury branch of the National Chartist Co-operative Land Company , will take pUce , on Tuesday next , January 5 th , to elect officers , and for the transaction of other important business . Mr . John Gathard , one ofthe prize shareholders , will deliver a public lecture , at the Assembly Rooms , 83 , Dean-street , Soho , on Sunday evenim ; next , January 3 rd , " on Chemistry as applied to agriculture " To commence at half-past seven o ' clock precisely . Lancashiri * Miners . —The next general dele g ate _meetin- . ' of Lancashire Miners , will be held on Monday , the 11 th of January , 1847- at the house of Mr . John Miller , Legs of Man Inn , Wigan . Chair to be taken at 11 o ' clock in the forenoon . The half-yearly
conference of the general association , will commence at the above mentioned heuse , immediately after the termination oftlie county business , and will continue sitting each successive day till the _proposine _* _* * - sent from the various districts , are discussed and decided . Deleaates attending the Conference , will be expected to produce their credentials properly attested , and stamped with the seal of the district they represent . They must also come prepared with a faithful report of the present state , and future prospects of their constituents , together with the number contributing to the funds of the Association . All districts who are in arrears with the general board , are expected to pay them , or their right of voting at the Conference may be questioned . Communications relative to the
Conference , and applications from other counties for lecturers , to be addressed to Mr . John Ilall , 10 , Evenham-lane , Preston , _Lincasiiire . Srveral public meetings will be held dur _' ms ! the sitting of the Conference , which will be addressed by W . P . Roberts , Esq , and other _gcntlem- _* n . To J ' _ijk Mixers or Great Britain—Brethren , — The Conference ot delegates , in _connection with tlie Miners' Association , is about to be held in Wigan , and the men of Lancashire would feel proud to see each county represented by men duly elected for the purpose . But as it is not likely the whole of the mining districts can accomplish an object so desirable under present _circumstances , written communications , containing suggestions as to thc best
mode of arrousing the miners irom the apathetic indifference so lamentably prevalent , and inducing them to co-operate with their brethren in _Lancashire , will meet with the most respectful attention of the Conftrence . It is truly painful to witness the disregard manifested by the miners of other counties to their own interests , as if they were determined th * brave men of Lancashire should fight the battle alone , they have done so for a creat length of time , and are still willing to continue the struggle , but they ask , and have a right to expect , the assistance and co-operation of the wfeole ofthe minin ? districts . Let the new year commence with brighter prospects to the whole ofthe mining population , all being fully determined to _raise themselves
by their united enegies to a proper position in society , peaceably enjoying the fruits of their arduous and dangerous toil , anil an adequate remuneration as an equivalent . Your s respectfully , William Grocott . Secretary tothe Miners' of l . ai . c . _ishire . South London Chartist Hall , 115 , Black friara-Rond . —A urand Concert and Ball , for the benefit of Mr . J . French , will be held on Monday next , January 4 th . When the friends of democracy are requested to attend . Tickets to be had of Mr . Stallwood , Mr . May , 3 , _Paget-ph-ce , WatcrJoo-road ; Mr . Edwards , 2 , _Weston-street , _Snowafields . Bermondsey ; Mr . French , 12 , Snowsfields ; and o > Mr . Knighton at the hall .
Mottram . —Tho monthly meeting of the shareholders in the Land Com-any , will be held in the large room , opposite the Bulls Head , Mottram , on Sunday , January 3 rd , at 2 o ' clock . The Chartists of Manningham , will meet in their room , on Sunday , at ten o cl « ck in the morning . City Chartist Hall , Turnagain Lane —A special general meeting of the shareholders will take place at the _Georce Court , Snowhill , on Sunday evening next , atG o clock . A Ball , Concert , die ., will take place at the Rose and Crown , Colville-court . Tottenhanicourtroid , on Wednesday , Jannary _( jth , for the ben'h ' t of a Chartist suffering from extreme illness and poverty . Tickets can be had of Mr . T . M . Wheeler , 83 Dean-street , Soho ; Mr . Parkes , 21 , Windmill-street . Picadilly : or of . Mr . Ruffy Ridley , 13 , Tottenham-terrace , New-road , St . Pancras . O'Connorville _Deuonstisation . —The Committee
forgetting up this demonstration , aro requested to meet at Mr . Wheeler ' s , 83 , Dean-street , Soho . at three o ' clock , on Sunday afternoon , January 3 rd , in order to obtain a final settlement of the
accounts . The Tower Hamlets Play Committee will meet at 6 o clock , on Sunday evening , at the Vi _. lmueer , Limehouse , to settle the accounts of the same . Tiie Commute ! for celebratin- ; the birthday of Thomas Paine , will meet at 83 , Dean-street , 011 Sunday evening , at C o clock , when all friend * ' are requested to attend , Coach Painters' Arms , Circus-street , Marylebone . —The shareholders of this branch of the Laud Company , aro requested fo meet on Monday evening , January 4 th , at the above place on business of importance . Mr . Doyle will lecture a * the Coach Painters' Arms , Circus-street , Marylebone , on Sunday evening , January , 3 rd . _snbjict : " Democracy and the Land Movement in Scotland . "
Siiokkuiicii . —The adjourned discussion will take place , on Tuesday evening next , at Mr . Taylor ' s Railway Engine coffue-houso , 122 , Brick-lane , near Church-street . Sulject— " lias Trades' Unions benefited the Working Classes ? " Chair to be taken at _ci-iht o ' clock . Cm * or London . —The members of this branch ol the Chartist Co-operative Land Company , aro r « - questcd to meet at the Ge _^ ii _^ e , Genrue-cnurt , Snow Hill , on Sunday evening , January the 3 rd , at nix o ' clock precisely .
The Membeus ot the _Spitsilf-cklcs broad silk hand-loom weavers union are respectfully informed that the aiijourned discussion relative to the statement which Mr . Sberrard was _in-tructcd to compile , will bo resumed on Saturday , January , tiie 9 th , 1847 , at the Crown and Anchor , Waterloo Town , at halfpast eight o ' clock , when it is hoped that every member will attend . By order of the Union . A . E . Dklafouce , Secretary . 3 , Thurlow Square , Chester Street , Bethnal Green . Finsbury Hall , GO , Bunhill Row , St . _Lul'e ' s . — On Monday evening , Mr . T . Cooper , will lecture on tho " Conquest of Difficulties in Learning aud Science . " as examplos to _workins men .
The Fbatebnal Democrats will assemble on Monday evonig next , at 8 o clock , at the . German Society ' s _JJati of Meeting , Drury Lane , three doors from
Livehpool.—A Lecture On The Principles O...
Brighton Artichokb Inn Locality . —A special meeting will be held on Wednesday , January 0 th , tn appoint a _scr . iitiner and auditors to this branch of the Chartist Co-operative Land Company ; it is earnestly requested that every member will attend . Hull—The Chartis t * will meet on Sunday .. _Tuning next , at the Ship Inn . Church-lane , at 6 _o ' clork , when a discussion will take place on— " What are the Rich's of Man ?" Old _Shilbon —A branch ofthe Chartist Co-nperntive Land Company has been in existence for two months at this place , which meets every alternate Saturday night , at Mr . Parker ' s house , Old Shildon _, at seven o ' clock . Tun _Easington' Lamb branch of the Chartist Cooperative Land Company will meet at Mr , Htint > r ' s Public-house , every Sunday afternoon , till further notice .
National Trades Association For Thk Prot...
_NATIONAL TRADES ASSOCIATION FOR THK PROTECTION OF INDUSTRY . " Union for the Mdlion . " The Central Committeo of the above flourishing and ranidly extending Association , met at tluir ¦ _dlice , 30 , Ilnlc Street , Bloonisbury , on Monday , Dvcem ber 28 _Ui _, _Tiw minute- ' of tlie _pvevi-nis nwtuiit read and confirmed , the financial account read and received eorrc-pondence was also read from all pnrts ot the Lm oj Kincdom , among wliich was _tme _tr-nn tht * Shoo ranker * of Denl . kh , North Wales , informing the Central Committee thatthe _empl-vers ot that town , taking advantage of the season , nad _' reduced their wa cs as low as they W ,. previous to the latestnlw ; the Central Committee arc sorrv to » ay the shoe-makers of that town havo not kept t . ' eir levie _* - paid up to the Associa ion , although ihe _Assnciiliori at _eon-tiilerablu cxpen > e gained then * an advance in tho suninit _;* _-. The Centra ! Committee lire determined to act with strict justice to all parties ; they cannot possibly uivu assistance to any trade that does not keep their payments up according to rule .
A letter was read from Mr . Peel , the Society ' s Missionary , _givini : a glowing account uf his tour among the Block Printers of _Derbyshire , _e-pecially a meeting held at the Grorge Inn , New Mills He met with a very _enthusiastic reception from a eio *( led meeting . He _addres-cd them for an hour and an half upon the _^ principles ofthe two associations—how they workc-l into each others hands , and the _reas-u for _establishing two as ? . ociatioKs , \ _v ; u listened to throughout with the most profound attention , and was received at its termination in the mo _* t tnthasiastic and _satisfactory manner . A resolution of confidence in the association , and a pledge on tin- part of the _meeting to support and advocate it , was _cariied unanimously : also avote of thanks to our honourable
Piisideiit , for his priceless services in behalf of the working man , when the meetin- ; separated , highly _instructed by what they had heard . He also attended a meeting at Stockport of all trades , at the Mersey Inn . _^ After the meeting lie succeeded in formins ! a district committee ; five trades _agreed to hold a first meeting on Saturday next ; he also . _*> nnonnc » 'd that at the commencement ofthe next quarter , the Central Committee would receive the adhesion of 430 Roller makers , and 200 Cotton Spinners , and other bodies he could not give information of . He isauthorixed to assur _« the Central Committee , that at least 6 , 000 may be _expected within the next quarter ; he likewise proposes to hold a general public meeting of the trades of Stockport on an early i _» ay n the town hall , if the Mayor can bo induced to "rant the _nsn of it .
The following is Mr . Peel ' s rout for the next week ' . — Monday , 4 th January . Burnley . Tuesday , 5 th , Lftve ' _clousih . Wednesday , Cth . _Ramsbottom . Thursday , 7 th , Tottingten . Friday , 8 th , _Edsreworth . Saturday , 9 th . Belmoimt . Monday , Uth , _Edgecr-ft . Tuesday . 12 th . Manchester . Wednesday , 13 th , Rochdale . Saturday , 16 th , Bury . The meeting at Bury will be a general delegate mf _etinu from all the block printing districts
Mr . Jacohs . from Glasgow , reports , on Tuesday _eveninu' the district committee met at Mr . Gelespies , Don Quixote Tavern , Trongate , when he attended and reported the business ofthe late meetin !; of the full committee in London , it was then agreed that a more active agitation of the City he entered into for the purpose ofixtending the National _Associativa . Mr . J . Laurie , ship-can enter , was appointed District Secretary , and Mr . Corregon Dyer , was elected convenor . After the arrangement of other preliminary business , tho Committee adjourned to Monday evenine npxt , Mr . Jacobs has succeeded in establishing _DistriVf . Committees in Edinburgh , Glasgow ,
Paisley , and Greenock . On Friday evenin ? , the 2 oih , Mr . J . attended a meeting of the Trades of Port Glasg' w , held in the Town Hall , on the National Association of Trades . Ihe lecturer set forth in clear , convincing langus . _*; e , thc _nntvirc of thc mamfo ! d erievanoes o the Trades , and the only remedy , the Nati nal Association . The audience were most attentive , and frequently expressed their approbation by cheers at the close . Mr . Johnson proposed a resolution approving ofthe principles and objects of tho Assoei * ti > n , and thata Committee be formed to forward the samo , whieh was carried unanimously . _After arranging the Committee , the meeting separ . ve _* _' .
Mr . Lenegan , missionary , reported that on Monday evenine , he attended a public meeting oftlie file cutters of Warrington . It was a splendid and enthusiastic meeting , he _ft-eh assured much good will arise therefrom . A res dution _waspas-ed to the effect that the fiJe cutters wou'd join tbe _Naional Association as soon as some trade dispute was settled they have on hand . On the 22 nd , he attended a meeting of Tailors . Ifc was very numerously attended , and all parties were evidently deli _.-htcd at his ardent and cntlmsiastio manner of explaining tho principlos of the two Associations . They declared their intention of calling a second meeting , to wbich they invited him . On the 23 rd , he visited the Cotton Spinners , when after an iddrc _5 s of some length , they came to the resolution < d calling a larger meeting on a future day , Mr . Lenegan to be present .
On the 21 th attended a meeting of fustian cutters , hc __ was very well received , and at the close was informed that the fustain cutters were about to join in a body , in a very short time . Mr . 1 . knf . (! an states that in Warrington the trades took _h-ni for a police spy , ( in consequence of the excited state of the trades in reference to the so-called conspirators ) , but after showing them tho signature ol the President , Mr . Duncombe , tohis credentials , they were _perf ectly satisfied , his ( the hon . presiden ' s ) name being a tower of strength to the trades of Great Britain and thc working classes generally . The Central _Co-nmittee then passed a resolution to ths following effect : —
" That quarterly cards of different colours , be issued by the Centra ! Committee to tho different trades , to be by tbem given to the members who aro clear on the hooks at tho end of each quarter , st _» that should any trades dispute , or difficulty arise , no man will be eligible to receive the support of the association who is not in possession of a proper coloured card . " A letter wns read from Mr . Woore , of Liverpool , inclosing n pamphlet detailing the circumstances of tho arrest of 17 mechanics and ovgineors at . Newton _in-tlie-Willows , and expressing a wish for the assistance of the Central Committee in raising funds for their defence . The following resolution was carried , viz : —
"The Central Committee deeply « _,- : > et their brother _workmen of Newton bare neglected to join their ranks , and thereby avail tlnm-olves _> T the moral and monetary power of _ninn ; than 7 _' 00 O men determined to support tlieir rights , lint tbey at thc same time earnestly call on all members ul ' the National Associations , and ihe workmen gem-i-illy of Great Britain and Ireland , to assist them by voluntary contributions , knowing full well that the Newton nrosecntion , is a stab indirectly nt the trades of Great Britain that are organised to protect themselves . Any person or trades body desirous of contributing to " the deli-nee of _thise men , can send th « r money to the office of the United Trades _Association , when they may depend upon it being forwarded to the proper quarter . Thc Committee then adjourned . TUAl _.-KS OF GRKAT BRITAIN RALLY ROUND THK MEN OF _NEWTl-N !
For depend npon it the Free Trade Government of F . nglaud will not be able to carry fully mit -heir darling principle of buying labour cheap and .-filing it dear , until they have destroyed , or mntei i . illy crippled , the only barrier that now stands in their way—Trades _Unii-ns-. Tbe Landed Arisioeiacy of England , when it _posses .-ed a monopoly of political power , invariably used that power t » the _furiin-riince of its own aggrandisement ; hence , ilie laws of IVimogi-uituiv and entail , that enabled tl . em _t-i keep their titles nnd their estate intact for tbeir e ! de .-t sun , generally quartering ihe younger portion of t * e
family upon the nation . What the Landed Aristocracy have done , the Free Trade employing capitalist of Great Britain will do , since they have succeeded in dispossessing thc old party of p ower ; laws of Primogeniture and entail will not suit them , but an abolition of those laws . Depend upon it , brother Unionists , this party will never rest satisfied un il they have completely prostrated labour at the shrine of capital , and that thoy cannot successfully accomplish until every vestige i . f trades combinations ara destroyed , or utterly crippled and hound , as to render them useless for tho purposo for which they were established .
Rally round these men—pour in your contributiona for their defence , that they may have the first talent the English bar affords , aud be enabled to crush tha " monster" indictment . _ Your ' a , in the cause of I tit _-ur's Right * , A « i TTvrA _T 2 V
Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 2, 1847, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_02011847/page/5/