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4 " THE iSfQiiTHEKN STAR , - — March 3 L...
Sow llcady, a Sew Edition of MR. Q'GONHOa'S WORK 01! SMALL FARMS.
The following fresh cases were reported ...
Co (Eovreftjontrcntt
Caeiioj. *.—Some of our agents and subsc...
THE FIRST MONTH. " The Ides of March" ar...
PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW. Mr. Conn]***? comm...
A considerable amount of miscellaneous b...
EXECUTIVE FUND. Received by ifr. S. Kidd...
Robbery by a Railway Officer. — R- fr< ]...
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4 " The Isfqiithekn Star , - — March 3 L...
4 " THE _iSfQiiTHEKN STAR , - — March 3 j 849 .-
Sow Llcady, A Sew Edition Of Mr. Q'Gonhoa's Work 01! Small Farms.
Sow llcady , a Sew Edition of MR . _Q'GONHOa'S WORK 01 ! SMALL FARMS .
Just published , Xo . II , Price Sixpence , op THS COMGNWULTH : A _MOXrHLY RECORD OF QEMQGMTIG , SOCIAL & INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS " THE _COMMONWEALTH" will be the Representetire » f the Chartists , Socialists , and Trades' Unionists , in the Monthly Tress . _costexts : 1 . The Crime of the Government against the People . 2 . Home Colonies in the _Setherlands . 3 . The Law of Representation . 4 . Louis Blanc 3 . Dream of Liberty . 6 . Renew ofthe Month : I . Fore 3 sn _Affairs-IL Home Affairs . . _t- _hr the Fditor . Hooks for Renew , & c , _te _ffWSR _<*** _« " _««¦* Ha-nnarkct , London- . _„ _ _Passasre , Paternoster-Sold by 3- » . a _»^ _X _£ stre _$ Manchester ; row London A . Il _« _^ Gl asgow . a _?* £ d ) S-in i _***^** _*»*» _= *«* _™« _s-
, _KETKE-VCIDrE _^ J p _KAG | s _-BEFORM ! ' * WHIG This dav , 300 _p-p ., 2 s . & L _, or Post-free , to any part ofthe & om , on receipt of ThirQ-sii Queen ' s heads , _TTXREFORMED ABUSES IN CHURCH U and STATE : with a Preliminary Tractate on the _Vy _^ _WA-tSto rJFthp Productive Classes , & c _London : Effingham -Wilson , Publisher , Royal Exchange .
CROWS _LASOS . This dav is Published , Price Is ., TH E SPEECH OF D . W . HARVEY , E « I ., ( Wiien M . P- for Colchester ) , on _moving for a Select Couraiittee to inquire into the extentand value of the csows _n-orEBTT _. with a view to its public appropriation , -with an isTKODncnoK . . To be had of _Wd _^ _-war , Piccadilly ; wnson , Royal Exchangemid of all other Booksellers .
' SOUTH LONDON CHARTIST HALL , Corner of Webber-street , Blackfriars-road . AN _ORATION will 1 ) 6 delivered at the above-named nail in aid of the _Stand tor _^ the _support of THE WIVES ASH FAMILIES OF THE CHARTIST VICTIMS . On Wedxesdat Evesko . Mjjich 7 th , By THOMAS CLARK ; On thefouovo ' mg subjects . _*—life and Character ef THOMAS JEFFER 30 _? , the Third President of the American RepnMic ; Comparison between * Washin- * tonand Jefferson ; Demoeratic Tendencies of the latter ; Jefferson considered as the jt « t man of his time •" . nd _county . To commence at Eight o Clock . _Adjossios—Twofesce .
_TTJHE FRENCH REVOLUTION FESTI X- TAL . The Democratic _Coi-J-mtteewiUmeet on Mondav eve , March ath . at eight o ' clock , at the Two _Chad-siex , "Wardour-street , Soho , to wind tip the affairs of the late festival , held in the _John-Street Institute , when the sellers and holders of ticket ; must either attend , or send and settle tlieir accounts , thit the business may be closed . E . Gill , Secretary .
NEW WEEKLY PUBLICATION , DEVOTED TO EDUCATIONAL , INDUSTRIAL , AND SOCIAL REFOKM . On SATURDAY NEXT , March 10 th , will be Published Ko . L Price Twopence , ofthe " _SPHUT OP THE TBIES , " a Journal of Democratic and Social Progress . This Periodical , being unstamped , will be necessarily precluded from giving Political Xews ; nevertheless , it will "not shrink from boldly and honestly expressing its senti-¦ ments on the groat public questions of the day ; vrhile in its columns mil be found carefully digested reports of Trades , Industrial , and Educational Intelligence , and all other matters illustrative of the progress of the great Question ofthe _Ase—
LE EDS BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL LAND COMPANY . —At a _meeting of Members , held on Sunday , lhe nth ult , it was -jiiammously resolved _«• That all Members , belonging to the Bi _* anch , who do not pay np their contributions , or make arrangements with the Secretary _respecti-is- the same , on or before the first Sunday in May , will forfeit all monies they have paid , and their names will be erased from the books ofthe Company . "
FOR SALE . A FOUR AND A TWO-ACRE SHARE in the NATIONAL LAND COMPANT . As the party is going abroad , he will take the first _reasonable offer . Apply ( post free * to 3 . Pairbaim , 7 , Rose-street , Edinbursh .
The Following Fresh Cases Were Reported ...
The following fresh cases were reported to the Board of Health on Saturday : —St . George ' s-in-the _East"Workhouse , 3 ; Hexham , 1 fatal ; Edinburgh , 1 ; Glasgow , 23 , 8 fatal ; _Eolmarnock , 4 , 3 fatal ; Riccarton , 4 ; Largs , Ayr , 1 ; Loudon , from 19 th inst ., 24 , 11 Jaial ; Locroft , bv Stirling " , 1 fatal ; Fewton , Dalkeith , 1 fatal ; Stow , 3 , 2 fatal Greenock , 1 ; Hamilton , 2 fatal ; Auchinleek 4 ; GaMon , 2 fatal . —Total , 75 new cases ; 31 deaths . On Monday , the following fresh cases were reported to the Hoard of Health : —Whitechapel , 1 ; Bethnal Green , 3 ; Bethnal Green Lunatic Asylum , __; _Refuse , Hackney-road , 1 fatal ; Kensington , 1 fatal ; Weston Hitchin Union , 2 , 1 fatal ; Carlisle , 1 fatal ; _Edinburgh , 2 fatal ; Glasgow , for 24 th , 24 ,
20 fatal ; ditto , 2 oth , 9 fatal ; Riccarton , 13 , 2 fetal ; Old Kilpatrh-k , 3 , 2 fatal ; Gahmhiels , 2 iatal ; Greenock , 5 , 3 fatal ; Alloa , 7 , 2 fatal ; Stirlins-, S , 1 fat . il ; Kilmarnock , 9 , 3 fatal ; _Shotts , from Dec . 2 ( 5 , SI , 4 G fatal ; Hamilton , 3 , 1 fatal ; Paisley , from lSth inst ., 33 , 1 G fatal . —Total , 22 b new cases ; 109 deaths . On Tuesday , the following fresh cases were reported to the Board of Health : —Bethnal-green , 3 ; _Jfethnal-green Lnnatic Asylum , 1 ; Stepney , 1 ; Kensington , 1 fatal ; Edinburgh , 1 ; Glasgow , 14 , 0 fatal ; Hamilton , 2 , 1 fatal ; Riccarton , 0 , 2 fatal ; Galashiels , 4 , 3 fatal . —Total , 33 new cases ; 16 deaths .
On Wednesday , the following fresh cases were -reported to the Board of Health : —Whitechapel , 3 fatal ; Bethnal-green Lunatic Asylum , 2 ; Hoxton , 1 fatal ; Refuge Hackney-road , 2 fatal ; Dreadnought Hospital-ship , 1 fatal ; Carlisle , 2 iatal ; Glasgow , 12 , 4 fatal ; Riccarton , 13 , 3 fetal ; Greenock , 1 fatal ; Galashiels , 1 ; Dunfermline , 3 ; Girvan , from loth ult , 21 , 19 fatal ; _Xewcastle-upon Tyne , 11 , 4 fatal . —Total , 69 new cases ; 40 deaths . On Thursday , there were fifty-seven new cases , and twenty-five deaths . On Priday _, thirty-nine new eases , and nineteen deaths .
Cholera at tite _Femxle Refuge , _Hackxet-]* boab . —On Saturday last , before Mr . Baker , at thc ILansdowne Arms , Thomas-street , oa Mary Ann "Taughan , aged 14 , an inmate ofthe above asylum , Twho died of Asiatic cholera . It appeared that the < deceased had been some months in the Refuge . ; During the last fortnight she suffered much from -premonitory symptoms of cholera . On Sunday week ¦ she was seized with cramps , and soon after with _* -Asiatic cholera , of which she died soon after . There were nine patients under treatment for cholera , i thirteen have died , and twenty have recovered . The ( other inmate ** , forty-two , have been removed to ' "Walworth . Mr . Ball , the medical officer of the
_inistitution _, attended deoeased at fir 3 t , but he being 1 taken very ill , Mr . Reynolds , another surgeon , att tended her latterly , and adopted the treatment of ' . Dr . Billing , which is recommended by the Colle <* e < of Physicians . Dr . Cobb also saw deceased daily . JMr . Reynolds considered the cholera was caused 1 by thb inmates _sjoing to chapel in the morning at ] lalf-past eight o clock , when it was damp , and of 1 teo low temperature for persons who had just got < oot of bed . The matron also stated that the chapel * i * wa 3 built oh a site that was formerly a cesspool , and the inmates had frequently complained of the i _< effluvia which prevailed inthe chapel , which she 1 believed arose from that circumstance . Verdict , * *• - _Natural Death from Cholera . "
Death from Asiatic Cholera . — On Saturday J last an inquest Was held by the coroner for the _s southern division of Cheshire , in the manufacturing i -village of Gatley , near _Stogkport , on the bodv of J Ann Paulden , thedaughtey of a labourer at that 1 place , reported to have died of cholera . The mother i reported that the girl was taken ill on Thursday - -morning with vomiting and purging . She was very t cold about the . body , ( _particiilarlv so at the extrej mitits of her limbs ) , and the attack was
acconroa-* mea witn tits of _shivering . She continued in this 5 State until within a few hours of her death , which I took place the nest morning ( Friday ) , soon after i ten o'clock . —Mr . Thompson , a surgeon , said he * i -was-sent for to attend Ann Paulden , but on his _ari rival found ahe had expired . She appeared to have i £ unk in a state of collapse ; and he was of opinion , 1 from the appearance of the body , and the state-3 ments made to him on his arrival , that she had died I of Asiatic cholera . —The jury returned a verdict in i accordance with the surgeon ' s opinion .
Co (Eovreftjontrcntt
_Co _( _Eovreftjontrcntt
Caeiioj. *.—Some Of Our Agents And Subsc...
Caeiioj . * . —Some of our agents and subscribers act very foolishlv by enclosing coin in letters , bince the commencement of the present year £ 8 to . -m . ( said to be sent to us , ) has been lost from this cause . Wc cannot be expected to lose sums thus carelessly sent , and I trust the practice will _IcnclfoHh beabandoned for the interest of the remitters . I subjoin the following extract from _Harbis ' s Post-Office Guide :- "Persons having " occasion to forward money by the post are stroncly recommended by the Postmaster-Gene" rai to send it through the Money-Order Office , " and he also advises sol to transmit coin in " letters , under any circumstances . " The Post-Office business is well conducted ; but if people will act counter to the instructions given . they cannot expect protection . Many are penny-wise and Dound-foohsb . or there would not be so
manyconvictions of dishonest letter-carner 3 , nor between £ 40 , 000 and £ 50 , 000 worth of unclaimed property at the Dead Letter Offices . —W . Rider . Mr . J . Heaton , Cawthorne . —The charge will be 4 s ., with which you must send a copy ofthe advertisement Nottisgha _** . —J . Sweet acknowledges the receipt of the follonin-r sums , viz .: —For Mrs . M'Douall—From Becston , 3 s . 3 d . ; the Colonel Hutchinson , ls . 9 < I . For Victim Fra-D , ( sent herewith ) : From the Colonel Hutchinson , 5 s . For IXeee . ce Fund , ( sent herewith ) : Mr . Perkins , 2 d . ; Mr . Knott , 3 d . ; from the Colonel _Ilutcliinson , 3 s . Mr . R . SmiSGi-m Sandbach , and Mr . J . _Goslin , Congleton . —They were sent , on Thursday , to Mr . Heywood . John Abnott , Somers Town , acknowledges the receipt of
the following for the benefit of the Victim Fund , from Mr . James Watson , 3 , Queen ' _s-head-passage , Paternoster-row , for which the committee return their sincere thanks : —Goodwin ' s Political Justice , 2 vols . ; Har wood ' _s Six lectures on the Corn Laws , eight copies ; Taylor ' s Dialogues on Respect for Outward Things , two copies ; Monthly Messenger , three copies ; Thompson's labour Rewarded , two copies ; Sew Age and Healthian ; History of Greece ; _Michelet's People ; Society and Manners in America ; Buxton on Prison Discipline ; Memoirs of Charles Louis Sand ; Stewart ' s Life and Writings of Dr . Robertson ; _Ci-umpe _' s Essay on Employ illg the Poor ; and a l . irge quantity of Pamplilets . The Wat Tvlee _membees . — Your announcement must be paid for as an advertisement .
The Northeen Star Satcltday, Maucii 3, 1s49-
The Minister's " Great Difficulty."
Daring the recess , and previous to the assembling ofthe Collective "Wisdom , our far-seeing contemporaries indulged in most fanciful speculation as to the probable bill of fare of the Session , and the " IRISH STEW , " or , rather , as it is termed in Ireland , the " BEGGARS' DISH , " was announced as the Ministerial head dish ; and , upon reference to the text hook , our readers will find that we established Ministerial title to Irish , support upon Irish dissension .
" We said , that the _2 Joble Lord at the head of the Government would tickle the Irish gentlemen with the " area of taxation , " well knowing that a Committee of Irish gentlemen , appointed to deliberate upon that subject , would have as many opinions as names , each influenced wholly by his own individual interest , and not , in the slightest degree , affected by the wants of the poor , or the pressing urgency of any measure that might be proposed .
"Well , wo were true prophets—the maxim of the great agitator has been realised . " IRELAND FOR THE IRISH , " says the Whig Minister ; " But , no , " say the Irish representatives , " L'eland is your adopted child—we are your adopted cliildren—we feel pride and honour in our connexion with England—we have used our best endeavour , and strained our every nerve , to establish our intimacy and connexion upon our provincial
degradationwe enabled you to pauperise Ireland by persecuting opinion , so long as ignorance constituted YOUR power and . OUR patronage—but now , if you amalgamate the national will , if you enforce the principle of national dependence , tho black North that constituted your Protestant reserve , tho loyal Protestants of Ulster , —ready to wade up to their necks in Catholic blood—will , if you nationalise poverty , proclaim their national independence . "
These inhabitants of the Protestant counties , occupants of Catholic estates , conferred upon them by an English King , have taken the lead in their opposition to the Ministerial proposition of a sixpenny rate in aid , as a means of securing , not permanent , but temporary , relief for their starving fellow countrymen . The Press of the several parties take that view of the subject which is most likely to agree with the interests of then respective supporters—but we take the humanity view , the justice view , the equity view , the life-and-death view of it—and let us call the attention ofthe
reader to the amount of tax proposed to be levied npon the Protestant North , in aid of the Catholic South and "West . It amounts to two and a-half per cent , upon the property- *—that is , the landlord with a thousand a-year will have to pay £ 25 a-year to the support of the poor . There may be a difference between gratuitous and compulsory charity ; or , rather , there may be a difference bot \ veen the landlord ' s declaration that he does give so much , and the legal- obligation that he shall give so much less than he professes to g ive , but that he SHALL GIVE THE ONE , while he only boasts of GIVING THE OTHER .
Let us now review the social condition of an Irish landlord , having a thousand a year , and compelled to pay £ 25 towards the support of tbe poor . "We will not go into his principal items of expenditure ; wo shall not canvass the justice , the propriety , or the decency of entering his kennel , and contrasting the condition of his fatted hounds with that of his lean serfs ; we shall not review his stud , and remind him that one horse , poorly fed , costs more than this Poor-law tax ; we shall not criticise his dress , or the wardrobe of his family , or even the liveries of his domestics ; if he does not keep hounds himself , we shall not enter into a consideration of the cost of his
hunting establishment ; and if he is a bachelor , we have too much modesty too nicely to scan or criticise his delicate casual expences : but , married or single , we will measure the tax by the excise gauge , and to the result we implore the _attentiou _. of the English reader . We will presume , striking an . average be- _, tween the bachelor and the family , thattiiere is _consumeda- pint of wine per day , valued lowly at two shillings—this amounts to - 36 / . 10 s . per year , or the amount of tax payable upon nearly £ 1 , 500 property ; half-a-pint of wine a day , an indulgence which no man of common sense wonld object to abandon for so just a purpose as saving the lives of the poor , . yet 1 this amount of abstinence would be a saving * of 18 L 5 s . a year , or would pay the tax proposed to be levied upon over £ 700 a year .
Jsow , will not those hard-working English labourers , who are not only compelled to forego every description of luxury , but who find it difficult to preserve existence by incessant toil , we ask—wUl they not laugh to scorn and contempt the pitiful northern howl raised against this pitiful dole about to be levied upon the rich to preserve the lives ofthe poor ? "We . think we hear the advocates and apologists ofthe pampered aristocrats exclaiming : "Oh ! their class , is already impoverished , bankrupt , and destroyed by the non-payment of rents . "—To this we answer : — Firstly ' . — -That they are 'the promoters of every grievance , of which they complain .
. Secondly . —That we never hear of a landlord dying of starvation . And , _Thirdly . —That twenty-five pounds a year wisel y , ' , prudently , and economically adminisered , wUl save the taxed landlord more than doubleihat amount . But we take a much more comprehensive view of this subject than our cotemporaries . Ireland requires a domestic eye over her domestic affairs . John Bull has enough to do at home , and could only spare an occasional commission to make a rapid survey , and give an ill-digested report of tho state of Ireland : whilo ,
The Minister's " Great Difficulty."
under this new system , the self-relying North , and portions of the self-relying _Leinster , will keep a steady eye upon the impoverished South and West ; upon Munster and _Connaught , upon Skibbereen in the south , and Connemara in the west . Neither do we agree with those fanciful notions as to Ireland ' s exemption from taxation , as every man must understand that taxation is established b y the Exchequer standard , and that Irish exemption is a consequence of Irish poverty , and not of Ministerial leniency or consideration , as the slightest tax upon ' . ah article , to be paid by an impoverished people , would amount to a total prohibition of the use of that article . The maxim of the
Chancellor of the Exchequer is identical with that ofthe trader , "QUICK SALE AND LIGHT PROFIT , " and , therefore , upon this score , Ireland has nothing to be thankful for . ., So far we have taken the knife-aud-fork the life-and-death , the breeches-pocket view oi the question , and now we shall turn to its political phase . Whenever the slightest manifestation of dissatisfaction or discontent has been exhibited by the starving Catholics ofthe south or west of L'eland , the Orange leaders ofthe loyal Protestants of the North , instantly tendered their allegiance and support to the
English Government to suppress Catholic disloyalty . " Send no more troops , " say the usurpers , the real aliens in religion , in language , and blood , " only give us , the loyal Protestants of Ulster , the word , and we will wade knee-deep in Catholic blood . " But , alas ! how changed the tone , when the taxcollector ' s goad but slightly enters , nay , scarcely scratches their loyal Protestant skin , then , as if by magic , hig h , sheriffs take the chair , magistrates flock round his standard , landlords constitute his staff , and tenant-right farmers his reserve , and avc have the dirge of
Saxon rule , and the chorus of Irish nationality . " If , " say they , " taxation is to be national , let representation be national also . " And we add , «• Thank God , English justice has done for you what English misrule could never accomplish . It has roused you from your lethargy , you noble disciples of the immortal William , of g lorious , pious , and immortal memory , who freed y ou from Popery , slavery , wooden shoes , and brass money , and put the Pope in tho pillory , the pillory iu hell , and the devil pelting priests at him . "
Oh ! verily , ye glorious , pious , and immortal Protestants of the North—ye staunch supporters of the Protestant church , as by law established— you have' abandoned your loyalty , you have forsaken your religion , , as by law established , now that the glorious , pious , and immortal Russell has made you tributary to Popery , slavery , no shoes- and no nioney , and your toast , henceforth , will be , " The _QlTEEN in the pillory , the pillory , in hell , and the devil pelting parsons at her . ''
But , Protestants of tbe North , is sixpence in the pound to he your teat of . _loyaHyr-now ? And has this first prod , to be only skin deep till the year 1851 , and , then , when you are better prepared for the operation , and are used to bleeding , to have an additional thrusthas this experiment convinced you , that Irishmen upon the spot can better manage their own affairs than foreigners , aliens in language , religion , and blood , can manage them ? Russell , you have done more for the cause of Irish nationality than all the Irish agitators that ever went before you ; and when tho Protestant North throws off the Whig manacles your Saxon Lord Lieutenant will find it more difficult to deal with Protestant discontent than
with Catholic starvation . Your suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act is now a dead letter . Enforce it as your ViCEKor may in Catholic Munster and Connaught , he dare not enforce it in Protestant Ulster . It ever happens , a . s in the present instance , that tyranny outwits itself , and we hail the sixpenny rate in aid , as the precursor of Irish nationality and the destroyer of Whig tyranny . ' . - .
The First Month. " The Ides Of March" Ar...
THE FIRST MONTH . " The Ides of March" are come , and can the tax-payer derive profit , pleasure , oi' satisfaction , for the value he has received from the first month's legislation ofthe present Session ? Coercion Bills have passed wiih railroad speed , while Railway Bills , High Road Bills , Small Tenement Bills , and all those Bills interesting to parties and factious in the House , have dragged their slow-length along , spurring the advocates and opponents on to energetic support or opposition . The Financial Reform question was over in a night , and could command but seventy-eight votes , The admission ofthe Jews insured a large muster
of Christians , while the cause of the death of 150 pauper children was discussed in question and answer , and the destruction of eightythree lives in a colliery ¦ _w-asdisposed . Qf in a minute the flippant official , amongst cheers from Coal Kings , telling the House that the means resorted to for the preserva / tioiiiof life in Germany and other countries , were too minute ahd complicated to be adopted by Christian England . But , nevertheless , we have the official ' s assurance that something shall he talked about when some more lives are lost , but at present it is impossible to recommend any plan for tho preservation of life . . ¦ .
Let the labourer turn to tho past month's Parliamentary history , and ask himself what cause for future hope he sees in past legislation . Divided as parties now are in the House of Commons , a large majority , if not all , looking to the possession of a seat as the grand desideratum , this Parliament , if not stirred by the popular will , is not likely to expire until it dies a natural and contemptible death . The Protectionists are in search of a-leader ; the Peelites are in search of a party ; the Irish are in search of a grant ; and the Whigs are in
search of that support " which they can glean from the rankling hostility that exists in the Tory ranks . Peel , holding the balance of power , and justly stung by the ingratitude of those whose properties he saved from confiscation , says "You shall notpass from this tothe othersideoftheHouse ; " _andthePro-bctfonjsts , many of them now acquiescing in the ; _wisdom of his policy , but still adhering to old class prejudices , exclaim , in return , "NOR-YOU EITHER ; " whilo the " _HAPPYFAMIt-Y " smile complacently at those divisions au < j [ dissensions , which perpetuate their power .
There are a few young men of businesshabits—studious , powerful , and eloquent in the House ; and among the first we name Mr . Osborne , the member far Middlcsex--a man of quick perception , apparently accustomed to deep study , possessing powerful concentration , a commanding voice , good address , and flowing , but not bombastic eloquence . Cobden is a close reasoner , a good debater , ahd commands considerable influence . Bright is peculiar in his style of eloquence , which , -fike Osborne ' s , is not bombastic ; he is a close
reasoner , an able debater , has command' of his subject , and brings his facts well to bear upon the discussion . _Gtbokge Thompson is eloquent and powerful , and would be convincing if he became the tool of-a-faction . Fox is powerful , eloquent , sarcastic ( But not illnatured ) , and is well attended- to by-, the House . Milker Gibson is an eh % atiye speaker , a close reasoner , and good debater— -apt at repartee , and always ready , to grapple with the strong as well as with the weak points * of his adversaries . ''" '•
There are many others of the same , class whom we could , name , who , if united upon some _^ defined and understandable popular question , and backed by . the pressure from without , would be too _powerful for , and would assuredly defeat _* all other parties in the House united . But we fear that their dread of the real solution of the Labour Question will pre vent the possibility of a iea . 1 , telling , _andoffec-
The First Month. " The Ides Of March" Ar...
tive co-operation between those parties and the people . However , we would warn them that we live in new times ' —in tho age of progress—and require , if not new men , at least , men with new ideas—ideas adapted to new circumstances , to govern us . Ifthe English people saw a faithful-move made in the proper direction by those parties , they would look upon it as one stepping-stone in the ford , and would trust them ; but if , upon the other hand , the people find them only zealous and energetic in matters connected with their own interests , they will withhold their co-operation and support . . #
There is more danger in withholding what is just than in prematurely or hastily making too great concessions . Iu the one case , a rush of indignation overpowers ahd controls the good sense and discretion of the nation ; . while , in the other case , natural prudence and wisdom would chock and correct national excitement . Tho Reform Bill promised to " _pitHf _? -the House of Commons ; but we unhesitatingly declare , that that process has yet to be performed , as we believe that no Government in the days of rampant Toryism would defend extravagance—annihilate the Constitutionabridge the rights and liberties—tyrannise over its victims—insult the nation—dishonour
its institutions , and disgrace its monarch , as the present Houso of Commons has done . However , we onl y rely upon the policy of the Yorkshire mother , who was obliged to submit to the naughtiness of her child f or a month without correcting him , because she had not time . At the end of that period she whipped him and said , " Now , lad , thou _' st been a long toime looking for that—now thou ' st got it , and howdo'st loikeit ? " So wo _M-ill say to the British
Parliament when they are subjected to that popular scourge which has been too long spared , but which assuredly will , one dayand that ere long—overtake them . " Thou ' st been a long ioime looking for it—now thou ' st got it , and how _dos't loike it *? " And we ferv _" ently pray that the time may not bo far distant when we shall have the p leasure of putting the question to the naughty boys who have richly deserved the whipping .
Parliamentary Review. Mr. Conn]***? Comm...
PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW . Mr . Conn ]***? commenced the Parliamentary Campaign of the Financial Reform party oil Monday night . The motion which he then proposed was , however , neither so bold in its language , nor so precise in its demands , as his speeches out of doors . The Ten Million Budget shrunk into a general resolution , affirmative of the necessity of economy , and the propriety of a diminution of our War Force , as speedily as practicable , to the standard of 1835 . The qualification as to time , deprived the motion of aU immediate and practical value . Who is to judge as to the " speed " with which such reductions are practicable ? Constituted as thc House is , and with the predominance of the aristocratic element in the
Legislature , the real governing power lies with that class . Tho proposition to constitute a Ministry , composed of persons without titles or grandfathers , however eminent they might be as men of business , intellect , and political knowledge , would be scouted as the most preposterous that could bo made to Englishmen . Thus , the real Government of the country is limited to a small class—in the case ofthe present Ministry , to a few families of that class closely connected by blood or marriage . If the final decision as to the time for making these reductions , and the extent to which they can
be made , is to be left to such parties , we fear the nation will only be " led a wild-goose chace" by this new Financial Movement . Again , look at the composition ofthe House of Commons under the present constituency . Of the House of Lords , nothing need be said with respect to any proposals for economy . Their views on such a question may be anticipated by everybody . In the House of Commons , by direct nomination , and indirect influence , they send a very large number of the members of their own families ; thus exercising—despite of the theory of the
constitution—a decided and preponderating influence in that branch of the Legislature also . Besides their wei ght in such questions , we have also to take that of the persons in the House who are either directly interested in maintaining a large Naval and Military Expenditure , in consequence of holding commissions ; or who are connected , in various ways , with those who do so . The " Daily News" gives a list of parties thus interested in the matter , amounting to 125 , out of a total majority againat reduction of 275 ; not far short of one half the majority . With a Legislature and Government
thus constituted , real and effectual retrenchment is impossible . If the middle classes were tb mako such a general and _detei-mined movement , as to frighten those who live upon the taxes irito _' a seeming acquiescence with their demands , it would be only nominal , and of short duration . Tho reductions would be so contrived as to fall not upon the idle sinecmist _, and the over-paid and under-worked scion or protege of the aristocracy , but upon those who really perform the work , and receive the least
pay . So shamefully and shamelessly has this been done in the reductions proposed on tho Army and Navy Estimates , by the Government , for this year , that even the "Times " is obliged to repudiate its Ministerial patrons . It appears , from an analysis of these Estimates , that it is proposed to reduce 10 , 593 men in the Army , and 2 , 870 in the Navy . The total saving in money by throwing these 19 , 4 G 3 men upon an already overstocked Labour market , is only £ -772 , 913 ! On this notable proposal , the " Times" truly says : —
" If it had been desired to effect the least possible saving atthe greatest possible cost , the plan now announced would liave deserved an honourable reception , for it fulfils these two conditions with a . completeness quite remarkable . ¦ If all the more obvious means of retrenchment liad been tried in vain , there would remain nothing to be said . The last pinch is always a cruel one . But a man does not think bf pawning his coat while he keeps his hunters , and is usually content to prune his luxuries before he parts with his necessaries . The framers of the estimates , however , appear to have quite a ditVerent notion of' judicious economy . They commence their reductions where they wiU cost most , and pay least , arid while they retain the moat unproductive superfluities are content to concentrate their efforts on the least dispensable items of expenditure . "
The --most unproductive superfluities" are , however , precisely those things which our aristocratic Government are the least likely to part with , and the whole of thiB proceeding aftbrds an excellent illustration of the spirit in which they would set about more extensive reductions , if they were forced upon them . The men who have actually to do the work in the army , the navy * , and the dockyards would have more work assigned them at diminished wages ; while the high-paid idlers would remain untouched _^ or if meddled with , it would be in the most gentle style , with a hint , sotto voce , that in a year or two , the chances of quietly increasing the taxation , and replacing them in snug berths , . would not be neglected .
Mr . _O'Connob has calculated the exact money saving which would be . realised by every individual in the country if the ten millions wero taken off to-morrow . It is no great sum , even at his estimate , which we think decidedly favourable to the Financial Reformers . But it strikes us that the full benefit of these reductions , whatever they might _uiiawgifily amount to , would hot reach the working-classes . Most of them would be intercepted in their passage downwards by the upper , middle , and
_ti'admg classes . For . instance , suppose the tax upon tea was reduced from 2 s . 2 _£ d- > its present amount , to a uniform rate of Is ., as Mr Cobden , proposes , the benefit of this reduction would be very unequally distributed . The poor man would have to pay Ib . tax on his tea which , perhaps cost originally Is . 3 d . a . pound and the rich man - _* would pay only the samo amount , upon _flw finer Congous , Hysons ; and Souchongs , which cost 3 s . 6 d .- or 4 s 6 d a pound , In the ono case the tax would be
Parliamentary Review. Mr. Conn]***? Comm...
eighty percent , upoa the article , in the other fifteen or twenty per cent . only . An ad valorem duty , beginning with a low duty on the lowpriced teas , and increasing in proportion to the quality and price of the article , would have some justice in it , but the rich and middle classes are not likely to legislate iu that fashion . They will take care of themselves ; and , unfortunately , they are the only parties who have the power of legislating . The poor man is unrepresented , and is therefore sure to go to the wall . Again , the Repeal of the Window Duty constitutes no small item in
Mr . Cobden's out-door Budget . Now that is a tax which presses almost exclusivel y upon the middle and trading classes—tho working classes do not generally live in houses subject to the impost : the aristocracy take care that in p roportion to thc number of windows required in their princely mansions , the tax decreases , until it arrives at a point where it stops altogether . ' As far as they aro concerned , the remission ofthe Window Duty they now
pay , would amply compensate them forthe proposed new tax on Probates of Personal Property . Then the repeal ofthe Malt and Hop Duties , would , in our opinion , ultimately be found to be of very slight benefit to the working classes in towns . It might , to some extent , be of service to the farmer and the agricultural _labourers ; but in towns , the large brewers , who monopolise the trade and own the greater part of the public houses , would take care that the remitted tax should
go into their pockets and those ofthe retailer . It would be discovered that it only made a difference of some such fraction as a farthing a quart , or so , and that it was impossible to allow for it in the price . We might comment upon the practical utility of other parts of the Budget in the same manner , but it is unnecessary for the object we have in view , which is to show , in the first place , that reductions in expenditure , if made , would mainly fall upon the the real working classes employed by Government ; and secondly , that while the upper and middle classes monopolise the suffrage they will take care to snatch the lion ' s share of the
benefits arising from any remission of taxation . We have no objection to see these parties pitted against each other on such questions ; but , at the same time , we . firmly believe that no substantial or permanent relief to the poor man , from the burden of taxation , will ever be secured , until the interests of Labour are as well and as fully represented in Parliament as any of the other interests now represented there . The division on Monday night shows that
the Manchester party will be left—at all events in the mean time—to fight their own battle . The Peelites hold aloof , waiting to sec " what will become of it . " That numerous tribe" the Waiters on Providence" —also discreetly bide their time . ' Out of , at least , 500 members , beforo whom- Mr . Cobden made his speech , only 353 voted , and still more significant was the fact that , on such a question , tlie division was taken without any adjournment .
The conduct ofthe Ministry with respect to Ireland is singularly inconsistent , to say the least ofit . Having no p lan but th © rough-andready one of knocking down the unruly , and giving alms to the submissive , they proposed to shift the responsibility of proposing any better from their own shoulders to that of committees of both Houses . This also is part of the standard policy of a Cabinet , which virtually confesses its inability to discharge the duties it is paid to perform . We do not see that unpaid and unofficial members of either House are bound to provide Lord John Russell and his Colleagues with plans for the Government of Ireland or any other part of the
country . It is their duty , as an Executive Administration , to initiate practical measures ; and if they are incompetent to that task , they ought to give place to those who are capable of performing it .. At all events , when the dutyhad thus been thrown upon Committees , it might have been supposed that thoy would have been allowed time to examine into the actual state of affairs for which they were called upon to provide a remedy . Not so . Lord John , in the meantime , caught fhe idea ( very imperfectl y and erroneously , it subsequently appeared ) from Lord Stanley , of a rate in aid , and forthwith rushed to the Committee ofthe House of Commons with a series
of resolutions , which he called , upon them to agree to as the basis of a measure for the amendment ofthe Poor-law , and for raising the necessary funds to relieve the destitution in Ireland . The Committee stultified itselfby agreeing to this proposition . They , in fact , decided first and heard evidence afterwards . They took upon themselves the responsibility ofa measure which was really proposed by the Minister , and which he alone ought to have fathered ; and having thus "jockied" them into a false position , tho Premier brought forward his plan under cover of their authority . The best
of the story is , however , that the same resolutions were laid by the Marquis of Lansdowne before the Lords' 'Committee , with ah intimation that they were not called upon to decide on them until after they had heard evidence , and even then the Government would not pledge itself to introduce a measure based upon these resolutions ! There must be a singular unity of purpose , and good mutual understanding , surely , in tho Cabinet which perpetrates
such extraordinary freaks as these ! Lord Stanley , in commenting upon these matters , took the opportunity of disavowing the paternity of Lord John's bantling—the rate in aid —and clearly enumerated tho preliminary conditions on which alone he thought such a course might be taken ; Lord John , however , overlooked these conditions , in his hurry to grasp at what seemed , on the surface , a plausible idea . The ultimate fate of the plan remains to be seen .
It appears that the Whigs , yielding to the importunity of their manufacturing supporters , are about to introduce a Bill to undo their own handiwork in 1846 . The millowners of Lancashire and the manufacturing districts , have hit upon what they consider au ingenious plan of evading the provisions ofthe Ten Hours Act . Instead of working young persons under eighteen years of age for ten hours a day only , they havo invented a system of relays , by which they work two sets of hands under the specified age for ei ght hours each , and thus contrive to keep those employed above that
age at work for the protracted period , wliich is the practice in what are called " brisk times . " * The law officers of the Crown condemned this practice as illegal upon being applied to by the factory inspectors , who thereupon brought actions for the penalties levyable for acting in contradiction to the act . The millowning magistrates , however , set both the law , the officials , and the Crown lawyers at defiance , and decided in favour of themselves and class . Instead of being bold and _^ decided , as they have been with Irish Nationalists and English Chartists , the present Government have succumbed to the
millowners . They , only dare to be courageous where their opponent may be safel y grappled with . If there be the slightest approach to equality between them , they are always cowards . Hence , the millocracy , it appears , are to have a measure legalising * relays , and we presume , an act of indemnit y for all past violations ofthe law ! Admirable , impartial , hiah-mmded Government 1
_Meantime , in tiie midst oi » brisk times " and plans to enable the wealth y capitalist to reap , rapidly , a golden harvest , atthe expense of working one set of hands beyond the period at which they can be employed without injury to thou-health , and of working two sets of hands at wages insufficient for their maintenance—What is the actual condition of the working classes ? Tho '« revival of trade" has come , but it brings no " healing on its wings . " It has been publicly stated , at _thq moetihga
Parliamentary Review. Mr. Conn]***? Comm...
held by Mi * . Oastler , in the manufacturing districts , that the factory operatives , when iu full work , receive such low wages that they are absolutely eked out from tho poor rates to an amount which will ensure a bare subsistence . ' In Spitalfields , we know , the silk trade has not been So busy for many years . Yet tho reduction in wages has been so great ( and they are still proceeding ) , that , unless the weavers are strong enough to work on Sund ays as well as week days , they are also obliged to have recourse to alms and the assistance of charitable societies ; ' Such is the state of things to which
Free Trade and an unregulated , rapacious and selfish misapplication of machine ry has reduced us ! In a tew months , at most , the overworking system will again glut all the available markets of" the world , and then the thousands who are iioav over-tasked and under-paid will be thrown entirely on thc rates and on public charity . The best commentary upon the wickedness and the atrocity of this system is to be found in the figures contained iu the annual reports ofthe Poor Law Commissioners just issued . It appears thatthe sum collected for the support of the poor , ending March 1848 , amounted to £ 7 , 817 , 430 , or £ 852 G 05
more than in 1847—nearly a million . Tim is more than has been levied in any year sinco 1834 , the last of the old law , and , iu fat very closely approaches the amount theu raised for poor rates . It has , in fact , been _iiicreasincever since 1838 , and now exceeds by more than two millions , the sum collected in that bad year , 1839 . It is clear that under thc reign of the Political Economists , this country is fast approaching the same general destitution aud misery which has made a desolate waste of Ireland . The cheapness of which they aro so much enamoured , will prove a dear bargain to the nation .
A Considerable Amount Of Miscellaneous B...
A considerable amount of miscellaneous business has been transacted during the week , but as a general feature we may say , there has been , as far as indications yet present themselves , an entire absence of either the comprehension ofthe actual condition of tho country , or the will to attempt the construction of adequate remedies .
Receipts Of T He National Land Company F...
RECEIPTS OF T HE NATIONAL LAND COMPANY FOR the Week Esmxa Thursday , _Mmwju 1 , 1849 . SHARES . £ 3 . d . £ s . d . Ilousell .. 1 C 6 " _S-vindon .. 1 0 tf Stoke-sub-Ham- ' _Dt-rby .. 1 17 0 den .. 10 0 Burnley .. loo _Loi-j-Biic'Jd-y .. 0 12 0 Ashton .. 4 1111 Holmfirth .. 3 8 8 Hanley .. 5 ' 0 6 Merthyr , _Poivcll 2 9 3 WalsaU .. 0 3 0 Market Lavington O S O Coventry .. 1 ft 0 down iini * An- J . tews .. 0 2 9 Chor .. 1 14 0 V , Trumble .. 0 1 o _Holbeck .. 1 10 0 It . Sudbury .. 0 2 0 Stall-bridge .. 16 0 B . Lockwood .. 0 2 0 Manchester .. 1 10 0 J . Vigors .. 0 1 G Nottingham .. 0 15 10 C . _Vigurs .. 0 10 l _' otlieriia-ii .. 1 10 0 C . Mowl .. 0 •> ( 5 Sleaford .. 2 C 0 W . Penny .. 0 !> G Leicester , Astill 10 0 Westminster .. 0 13 3 lloehester .. 0 10 0 Blytli .. 0 17 8 £ 39 13 7 Preston , Brown 13 0 ___ mmns EXPENSE FUND . LongBuckby .. 0 7 0 Carlisle .. 0 2 0 Holbeck .. 0 2 0 Derby .. 0 4 0 Stalybridge .. O 4 0 Hanley -. 0 10 Sottingham .. 0 6 Westminster .. 0 10 Sleaford .. 0 18 ' Kochester .. 0 7 0 £ 2 Iii 0 TOTALS . Land Fund ... 39 13 7 Expense ditto ... ... ... 2 12 0 Bonus ditto 63 2 w Loan ditto ... ... ... 1 12 4 Transfers ... ... ... ... 0 4 0 Rules 0 0 i £ 112 5 1 EnBATCM . —The Gs . 6 d . from Liverpool , in tho Star of the 17 th lilt ., credited to the Expense Fund , should have been to tlie Bonus 1 _'unfl . W . Dixox , C . Doue , T . Clark , Cor . Sec-P . M ' Grath . Fin . Sec .
Executive Fund. Received By Ifr. S. Kidd...
EXECUTIVE FUND . Received by ifr . S . Kidd . —Per E . Sykes , Henley , 2 s . ; Huddersfield , 5 s . ; For Cards , 3 s . 4 d . ; per J . Topping , Crewe , 6 \ L DEFENCE FUND . Received by Mr . W . Hide ** . —J . F ., Eyam , Is . ; J . B ., ditto , O'd . ; Walsall Chartists , per J . Perkins , 0 * 3 , 2 d . ; Lin coin , per J . Budd , Is . ; Nottingham , per J . Sweet , Ss . 5 d . ; Miles Platting , per A . Charles , 10 s . ( id . ; Emmett ' s Brigade , for Mr . Nixon , for Vernon ' s Defence , per S . Mundin , 3 s . ; Birmingham , People ' s Hall , per W . II . KudliaU , 2 s . Id . ; A few Friends , Merthyr TydvU , per M . John , Ss . ; A few Friends , Pratt-street , Kirkcaldy , per J . Syme , 3 s . ——Keceived by Land Office . —Uxbridge , 4 s .
VICTIM FUND . Received by Land Office . —Uxbridge , 4 s . FOR WIVES AND FAMILIES Of VICTIMS . Received by Mr . W . Rider . —An Enemy to Oppression , £ 1 ; Sudbury , per J . Goody , 2 s . ; Nottingham , per J . Sweet , 5 s . ; S . To 2 > _ping , Crewe , 3 d . ; Emmett's Brigade , per S . Mundin , 3 s ,: A few Fiiends , Merthyr Tydvil , per M . John , 6 s . * * M _' DOUALL _' S CASE-FOR WRIT OF ERROR , ( OR _OTHEBWISE . ) Received b y Mr . W . Rideb . —J . Taylor , Stour Provost , ls . ¦ — 'Received by Lasd OFFicB .-. Mcrthyr Tydvil , 'h . li
FOR MRS . M'DOUALL . Received by Mr . W . Rider ;—Lincoln , per J . Budd , 2 s . ; N . V ., \ V . A _.,-County Durham , ls . T . Topping , Crewe , 3 d Padiham , per B . Pilling , 15 s .
NATIONAL VICTIM AND DEFENCE FUNDReceived by Mr . J . AnNorr . —Totness , per ilr . Tanner , 7 a . ; Cheltenham , per M . _Hcrnmin _, 3 s . 4 d . ; Land Office , as per Star , £ 1 10 s . ; Coventry , per G . Freeman , 9 s . ; Hrs . Austin , received at John-street , per J . MUne , Is . ; Mr-Rider , as per Star , £ 2 ls . 8 d . '; Land Office , per Mr . Clark , 4 x . ; Westminster , per J . Grassby , ls . ; Crown and Anchor _, per Mr . Pelteret , 10 s . ; ditto , per Mr . Allen , 4 s . ; Sou "'! London Hall , per Mr . Egerton , Us . - , 28 , _Goldcn-lanc , Cripp legate , per Mr . Brown , 3 s . ( id . ; Globe and Friends , P *' Mr . Thomas , 3 s . lid . Erratum . —Tlie sum announced from the Ernest Jones Locality , in last week ' s Star , should have been Os . 850 ., instead of Ss . 8 Jd .
The Victim Committee being aware that Mr . Tlioma J Caope _* - will shortly visit the North of England , would a * vise their Manchester friends to aolicit his services on _' half of the Victims .
Robbery By A Railway Officer. — R- Fr< ]...
Robbery by a Railway Officer . — R- _fr < _]™ aged 27 , a railway guard , was indicted on Wednesaaj at the Central Criminal Court , for stealing a snutt M * a miniature , a . paper knife , abook , a seal , som epw _^ _- aad other property , belongiug to thc Great " _^ 5 Railway Company , his masters , on the 10 th 01 _"" ' vember . The Steward of the Earl of Craven sent from his lordship ' s seat , Ashdown-park , or " _* Great Western Railway Company , some boxes . inspecting which it was found that one , * Jon » _H the articles . in question , which were about ilu " ' , value , Lad been forced open and rifled of the J ™*'
valuable portion of its contents . Information" * in consequence given to the authorities 01 ' Railway Company , and tho seal was traced to a av named Brooke , distantly related to tlie p _" " _? and who had pawned it at Stratford ( in _w _^ for bim , having first tried to dispose of » _W t raffle . . It was then discovered that the P . oa had been one of the guards of the S * _-- ' . _tra'L | f the night the bo _^ es were brought up . The _st « which was a very rare and valuable { " •' - 'A e seen by several persons to be in the possession < " . prisoner a few days after the'boxes had beeB l « _- up from his lordship's seat . —Thc prisoner- - ™ 1 nollo / I _iinnn h \ a / vtn ..., _* < _*> .. ' * » , _.. _^ _cooac-iim _nt ' _thC"' "
said he had bought it for a few shillingsi w _>* guard on the Eastern Counties _Railway ; JhiJ _\ returned a verdict of " Gtt ' ilty . "~ Mr . _Cisr _kson _^ there were other charges aeainst the prison * some of which he acknowledged his S j' _-rJia scarcely ever had he been guard to the good * " but something was stolen . —The Common _» er -ji ordered the prisoner to be transported for years . j . j * - _. Poisons in _Conj-bctioi-s . —The _^ thJ _purtf _i _^ . that three children wera nearly poisoned *» _„/' borough by having eaten an ornament in the - n > , a fuchsia blossom on a confectionary _cawe . _^ Fergus submitted a fragment of the flower bllB . _Mackflw-t and reduction test , and obtained f aj
dantnng of . metallic arsenic m the re » _v *» ]() Url confirming that arsenic of copper was the c _^ _j _, * matter of the flower , and the cause 0 _*^^ be have heen a * nosi . se _* _-ioHsc- » lamity-- "L " done with the confectioner }] M _^ _Extraordinary Leap of a UaBB - " ? ug h « * morning lately , Mr . George Grate , ot DI > _$ Newby-bridge , waa astonished to find a b * re i 9 about on the warm lime that was burne 0 _^ -r the bottoa of the kiln . How it _haPPeD ff _-Z ie _l puss _feUmisunkaowiu George ¦ _f- _" ' _^ ,, _F scendedwitb th _* intention of secunn _* - P _^ y _-oi _* she sprang _elear out ta the top , ley" _« f _^ W |« mand _* _-unb . ftranded . " The height _IftMJL of * was seventeen feet four inches . i » " r iee . W ' _kSn is lined with brick , and no nsjSttW . P _™ _t _foBesATKtt _& _iottlfla'J _QaaiMx
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 3, 1849, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_03031849/page/4/