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2 THE NORTHERN STAR. April 4, 1846. —— ....
CAUTION!—Unprincipled individuals prepare the mo3t spurious compounds under the same names; thev eopy the labels, bills, advertisements, and te5t * ; monials of the original Messrs. Howard and Thomas's Succedaneum. It is, therefore , highly necessary to see that the words "Howard and Thomas" are on the wrapper of each article, All others are fraudulent imitations. FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH, Price 2s. 6d. pATItONISED hy her Majesty the Queen, his Royal J- Higlmess Prince Albert , her Royal Highness tha Duchess of Kent, his Majest y the King of the Belgians, his Majesty the King of Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and nearly all the Nobility, the Bishops, and the Clergy, Messrs. HOWARD and THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM , for filling decayed teeth , however large the cavity. It is superior to anything ever befor* used, as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in the toetn many years, rendering extraction unnecessary. It arrests all further progress of decay, and renders them againuseful in mastication. Allpersoas can uso Messrs. Howard and Thomas's Succedaneum themselves with tase, as full directions are enclosed.
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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2 The Northern Star. April 4, 1846. —— ....
2 THE NORTHERN STAR . April 4 , 1846 . —— _.. _. - __ _. — — T __ —¦———
0 Couglis, Iioarseiness, And All Asth Matic And Pulmonary Complaints Effectually Cored By
lvEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES . " 1 TTPW ARD 5 of thirty years' experience has proved the I % J infallibility of these Lozenges in the Cure of Winter C Cough , Hoarseness , Shortness of Breath , and other Pul-I monary maladies . The patronage of his Majesty the King of Prussia has 1 fceen bestowed on litem ; as also has that of tha nobility _i > _« d _ckrgy of the United Kingdom ; and , above all , the i faculty have _especially recommended them asa _iwnedj < « _f uufailing efficacy . Testimonials ara _continually re-( oeived confirmatory gf the value of these L _» zenges , aiid ] proving the perfect safety of their Hie , ( for they contain _a > opium , nor any preparation of ( hat drug ; 1 s * that they may begiven _tofewalesof themostdeUcate _cansiitution , _Md children ef the _tenderest years , without hesitation . Prepared and sold in Box ? s , Is . 1 Jd . ; and Tins , 2 s . 9 d „ 4 s . 6 d ., _and 10 s . 6 d . each : by THOMAS KEATING , Chemist , Ac ., So . 79 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard , _Lwdon . Sold retail , by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Vc _. ders in the Kingdom .
TO THE AFFLICTED . ME SSRS . BRUCE and C _» ., Co . _nsbltino Surq -ens , So 19 Cranmer-p lace , WaterI . o-road , Lond . n , Sole _Piiis of BRUCE'S SAMARITAN PILLS , irUch for seventeen years have effectually _eured every aso _brought under their notice during that period , amounting in all to upwards of 50 , 080 patients , _coatinue to be consulted at then-residence , as ab » ve . Bboce ' s Samabitas Pills , price ls . 3 d ., 2 s . 4 d ., Is . Gd ., Ss . Cd ., and lis . Cd . per Box , are the most effectual remedy in every form of the Venereal Disease , in either Sex , curing in a very slnrt periot with case , secresy , and safety , and without _fheslightestconiineinen _* or iujury t _« business . They are likewise a utst efficient remedy for all eruptions of the Skin . Their unrivalled efficacy in Scrofulas and Scorbutic affections , and all is purities of _tlm blood , beiug well known throughout t ' Suited Kingdom .
fust pv ' i ' Jshcd , Sixteenth edition , _illustrated reif _/ i cases , and fu ' -length engravings , price 2 s . Cd ., in a sealed envelope , a > ¦¦ I sent free to any part of the kingdom , on the receipt oj c j _ost-offlce order for 3 j . Gd .
with the usual allowance to tho trade , by the principal wholesale patent medicine houses in London . Only one personal visit it required to effect a permanent sure . Observe!—27 , Moatagae-street _, Russell-square . London ,
HEALTH , LONG LIFE , AND HAPPINESS , SECURED BY THAT POPULAR MEDICINE NO _Mediciie yetoffcred to the world ever so rapidly attained such distinguished celebrity : it is questionable if there be now any part ofthe civilised globe where its extraordinary healing virtues have not been exhibited ,
Just Published , A new andi mportant Edition of the Silent Friend on Human Frailty , Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent freo to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post _Offioe Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ofthe GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in botli sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRI-
Price lis ., or four bottles in omi for 33 s ., by which lis . is saved , also in £ 5 cases , which . saves £ 112 s . Venereal contamination , if not At first eradicated , will often remain secretly lurking in the svstcm for years , and , _althoigh for a while undiscovered , at hmgth break out upon the unhappy individual in its most dreadful forms ; or else , unseen internally endanger the very vital organs of existence . To tliose suffering from ' the consequences which this disease may have left behind in the form of secondary symptoms , eruptions of the skin , blotches on the head and face , ulcerations and enlargement ofthe throat , tonsils , and threatened destruction of the noso , palate , & c , nodes on tlie shin bones , or any of those painful affections arising from the dangerous effects ofthe indis-
TO THE AFFLICTED PUBLIC . " j VfOTICE . —Th « following Complaints and Diseases 11 may bo radically cured for 5 s . by Messrs . BRUCE and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Crainner-plaee , Waterloo-road . Adviee gratis every morning from ten to twelve : Ague _^ Inflammation of all kinds Asthma Jaundice Bowel Complaints Liver Complaints Bilious Disorders Lumbago and Sciatica Consumption 'Measles Costivcness Purgiugs and all kinds of Colics Fluxes Coughs Piles and Fistula Croup Rheumatism Convulsions and all kinds of Scarletina
TIIE EARL OF ALDBOROUGH CURED BY HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . T IIE Earl of Aldborough cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaint . Extract of a Letter from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1815 : —
UNDER ROYAL PATRONAGE . PERFECT FREEDOM FROM COUGliS IN TEN MINUTES AFTER USE , AND a rapid curs of ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION , COUGHS , COLDS , and all Disorders of the Breath and Lungs , is insured by DR . LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS , The truly wonderful powers of this remedy havo called forth testimonials from all ranks ef society , in all quarters of the world . The following have just been received : — CURES OF ASTHMAS , COUGHS , AND COLDS IN
_ABERNETHY'S PILE OINTMENT . WHAT a painful and noxious Disease is the PILES , and comparatively how few of the afflicted have been permanently cured by ordinary appeals to medical skill . This , no doubt , arises from tbe use of powerful aperients too frequently administered by the profession ; indeed , strong internal medicine should always be avoided in all cases of this complaint . The Proprietor of tho above Ointment , after years of acute suffering , placed himself under the treatment of that eminent surgeon , Mr . Abernethy , —was by him restored to perfect health , and has enjoyed it ever _sinco without the slightest return of the disorder , over a period of fifteen years , during whieh time the samo _AbernethiaH prescription has been the
Johnston , 1 G , Greek-street , Soho , and 08 _CornhiUSanger , 150 ; O . _vford-street ; Willoughby and Co « ' _Bishopsgate-strcet Without ; Owen , 52 , MarchmonU street , Burton-crcsccBt ; Eade , 33 , _Goswell-street Prout 220 , Strand ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , _Oxford-street ; ' llunter and James , Webber-row ; and Retail by all res pectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors in London , and through _, out the United Kingdom .
Caution!—Unprincipled Individuals Prepare The Mo3t Spurious Compounds Under The Same Names; Thev Eopy The Labels, Bills, Advertisements, And Te5t * ; Monials Of The Original Messrs. Howard And Thomas's Succedaneum. It Is, Therefore , Highly Necessary To See That The Words "Howard And Thomas" Are On The Wrapper Of Each Article, All Others Are Fraudulent Imitations. For Stopping Decayed Teeth, Price 2s. 6d. Patitonised Hy Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal J- Higlmess Prince Albert , Her Royal Highness Tha Duchess Of Kent, His Majest Y The King Of The Belgians, His Majesty The King Of Prussia , His Grace The Archbishop Of Canterbury, And Nearly All The Nobility, The Bishops, And The Clergy, Messrs. Howard And Thomas's Succedaneum , For Filling Decayed Teeth , However Large The Cavity. It Is Superior To Anything Ever Befor* Used, As It Is Placed In The Tooth In A Soft State, Without Any Pressure Or Pain, And In A Short Time Becomes As Hard As The Enamel, And Will Remain Firm In The Toetn Many Years, Rendering Extraction Unnecessary. It Arrests All Further Progress Of Decay, And Renders Them Againuseful In Mastication. Allpersoas Can Uso Messrs. Howard And Thomas's Succedaneum Themselves With Tase, As Full Directions Are Enclosed.
CAUTION !—Unprincipled individuals prepare the mo 3 t spurious compounds under the same names ; thev eopy the labels , bills , advertisements , and te 5 t _* ; monials of the original Messrs . Howard and Thomas's Succedaneum . It is , therefore , highly necessary to see that the words "Howard and Thomas" are on the wrapper of each article , All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH , Price 2 s . 6 d . pATItONISED hy her Majesty the Queen , his Royal J- Higlmess Prince Albert , her Royal Highness tha Duchess of Kent , his Majest y the King of the Belgians , his Majesty the King of Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury , and nearly all the Nobility , the Bishops , and the Clergy , Messrs . HOWARD and THOMAS'S SUCCEDANEUM for filling decayed teeth , however large the cavity . It is superior to anything ever befor _* used , as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state , without any pressure or pain , and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel , and will remain firm in the _toetn many years , rendering extraction unnecessary . It arrests all further progress of decay , and renders them againuseful in mastication . _Allpersoas can uso Messrs . Howard and Thomas ' s Succedaneum themselves with tase , as full directions are enclosed .
Prepared only by Messrs . Howard and Thomas Surgeon-Dentists , C 4 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London _, price 2 s . fid . Sold by their appointment by the following agents;—Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townsend , Baines and Newsome , Smeeton , Reinhardt , Tarbottom , and Horner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Den . nis and Son , Burdekin , Moxon , Little , _Hardman , Linney , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Co ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doneaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , _Ilipon ; Foggitt , Coates Thompson , Thirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold : England , Fell , Spivey , Iluddersfield ; Ward ,
BLAIR'S GOUT AMD RHEUMATIC PILLS . A severe case of Rheumatism , communicated by Mr , Allen , Proprietor of the _Abttimifitim Mercury , Mercury Oflice , Nottingham , March I " , IS 45 . Sib , —I have tbe pleasure of forwarding you the par . ticulars of a casein whicli BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS have pvoved eminently successful . A young woman , named Mary Wain , accompanied by her parents , who reside at Watnall , near this town , called upon me on Saturday last , being desirous of making her case known for the benefit ofthe public .
_^ ose _Seed ' bb Sick . —Read the following Case of Cure by Holloway ' s Pills : —Mrs . Jessie Anderson , living near tho Fountain Bridge , Edinburgh , _suil _' ereil from lowness of spirits , sick head-aches , dimness of sight , together with a want ot" strength and appetite . These symptoms were accompanied with a cough and a spitting of phlegm , and likewise much windy spasms . Ko medicines bad been of any service to hor , until a lady advised her to try Holloway ' s Pills , whicli gave her immediate relief , and in a fortnight made her as well as ever she was in her life .
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 4, 1846, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_04041846/page/2/