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brought to bim, and on which he swore bt...
„ ... .:. . .. ~ -HnrtTO. JffiSl&_
TIIE MUSICAL HERALD. Patt L London: G-. ...
PUNCH- PartLXII. London: Punch Office, 8...
raterat jmmiiffeittf
Loud John Russeu, has taken a residence ...
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Brought To Bim, And On Which He Swore Bt...
_fl _srnam 5-1846 . THE NORTHERN STAR . _"" _** . _^ = _sS 5 gBg _* ! g _!>!*> _MMM _^« 1 _.. . 1 1 d _»¦——¦ —¦——»— _--- ¦— _o I . t ' . _^ _o——¦»—^——
„ ... .:. . .. ~ -Hnrtto. Jffisl&_
_„ ... .:. . .. ~ -HnrtTO . _JffiSl _&_
The Better Hope. Bt Laltsst Johes. £ Chi...
THE BETTER HOPE . Bt _laltSST JOHES . £ child of the hard-hearted world was I , And a worldling callous of heart , JIB * eager to play— -with the thoughtless and gay , As thi lightest and gayest , a part . VF'th a rich old name , and a passionate thought , Thc brightest or darkest to span _; l ? ut a ¦ truggle to fight—for my natural right , Of a place iu the homes ef man . _JJv fathershonse . In the lordly square , Was cold in its solemn state , A"d the sculpture * rare—on the walls ao bare , Looked down with & quiet hate . * Sy father ' s haU was a dark old spot , With a dark old wood around , A « _d large quie * streams—like watery dreams On the _vergft ofa haunted ground .
And the dwePera were filled in that solemn place , "With the trance ofa sullen pride ; For the scntcheoned grace—of a titled race , Is the armour the heart to hide I Oh ' . The eye sees but half , through a blazoned glass _. The smile of the sunshiny earth , ** And a laugh cannot pass—through a marhly mass , Bnt it loses the pulse of its mirth . Jknd I thought : there "bBjona ia * he"broad , laughinjj world , Men are bappy in life's holiday ! And I passed one and all—through each oldfashioned ball , And wandered away and away ! The _tMes , they shrank back—on my venturous track .
Old trees that my childhood had seen ; And the mansion looked dun—ia the light ofthe sun , _ISkc a grave 5 ts long ? _grasses _oarsveen . "Bat alas ! for the change of what might have ham fair , And the gloom of what should bare been bright ! The wind weltered by—like one great swelling sigh , And the noonday was darker than night . 3 _N » r a giant had risen , all grisly and grim , With his huge limb 3 , loud , clattering ana vast : And he breathed his steam-breath—through long channels of death , Till the soul itself died on the blast .
And fibre and flesh he "bound clown on a . rack , Flame-girl on a factory-floor-And the ghastly steel corse—plied _xUhorribleforce Still tearing the hearts ofthe poor . Like a wine press for mammon to form a golddraught , Tt squeezed t > elr _Irest "blood _throsgb its £ _uigs ; And he quaffed at one breath—the quick vintage of death , "While it foamed with humanity ' s pangs . Oh ! then I looked back for my cold , quiet home , As the hell-bound looks bark for the grave ; But I heard my goal cry—who but cowards can fly , While a tyrant yet tramples & slave 1 Then I bound on my armocr to face the rough : world , And I ' m groins to march with the rest , Against tyrants to fight—for the sake ofthe right , . And , if baffled , to fell with the best .
_& ttjm _$
T3e Aristocracy Of England. A History Fo...
T 3 E ARISTOCRACY OF ENGLAND . A HISTORY FOR THE PEOPLE . Br Jons Hampbk _\ , Jon . London : Chapman , Brothers , 121 , "Newgate Street ; Effingham " Wilson , Royal Exchange . This is a most important hook _. The reading publie hare" lately been startled * with the " Revelations of Russia , " " Revelations of Spain , " Stc , hut this Work _contains revelations of ihe history of England so astonishing as to render it a question of serious donbt -whether the worst governed country on the face * of the earth has ever been made to endure sufferings and horrors such as England has _passed -through , nnd which are detailed , or rather sketched , in . ''the work before ns . "Verily " troth is _strarger -than fiction , " the revelations contained in this vo * kana prove that .
The author ) , whoever le iv has read English _lif-tory to some purpose . "We" have heard " some of the " more nice than _wisa" critics complain that the author ' s language is coarse , and not sufficiently refined for this fastidious age . The fact is onr author calls _things by their right names ; if he has a scoundrel to describe he introduces him to the reader by his right name , that of " scoundrel . " jNow we cannot say this particularly shocks us , quite the contrary . We remember the great enemy
of corruption and villainy , Gobbet ** - , and we are gbd to find that ODr anthor dares to Imitate that great _"Englishman in boldly denouncing the vultures of rapine , and the carrion crows of corruption , in that _language which is alone applicable to them . Indeed we think , had the author of ibis work called himself " William Cobbett , junior , " instead of "John Hampden , " he would have _siven himself a i Kfle whieh _wBiild have well fitted Mm , ana which le _misht have worn without any disparagement to the illustrious original .
The author of this work is evidently a free-trader , int he is " a free-trader and something more . " Thu ? , St the very outset , in his preface he says : — "Time "will show that cheap bread alone wiil not enable us to remedy all the mischiefs . Onr debt is eight hundred millions ; our annual taxation fifty millions ; and three will lie as an incubus on our _manufacturing exertions , and on the cheapness of everything In _England , Let the people remember that aristocratic corruption , and the sources of its corruption , still remain in the state ; that the root ofthe mischief is still there ; that the franchise is still restricted to a few . " Aye , that ' s the root of the evil ; John "Hampden , junior , has there hit the right nail upon flie head .
We might claim John Hampden , junior , an a _Fraternal Democrat , for he heads his first chapter with "God has made of one blood all the nations of the earth , " a truth . which _. if understood by mankind , would have prevented the majority crouching _beneath tha feet of the usurping minority , and prevented the shedding of those seas of blood which lave flowed over the soil of every country on the face of the earth—blood ignorantly and madly shed to _gratify the devilish Insts ofthe brigand few . ThB work consists of nearly 350 closely-printed _pasres . every page occupied with au account of some act of fraud , rapine , murder , or other kind of scoundreVism committed by our rascally aristocracy . In the _limits , therefore , to which we mnst confine ourselves , w-3 can merely _^ ire a few extracts las specimens * f what the reader wil ! find by wholesale if he trill buv the book and read for himself .
Everybody knows that the English aristocracy pride themselves on being descended from the ruffians " wh _;> came in with William the Norman . " Who Ihe _Normans Teally were , and the sort of scoundrels which composed the army of William , is admiraWy shown in the following extracts : —
TBZ 5021 IAXS . "Were , in fact , a swarm ofthe most desperate aid needy adventurers ; " a rascal rabble " of vagabond thieve 3 and plunderers . They were not , in fact , one-half of them , what tbey are pretended to be , _—Sorroans ; but collected bv proclamation , an 1 bv lavish promises of sharing in the plunder of conquered _England . — vultures from '• _^ _rerj- wind of heaven rushing to the field of British carnage . We shall nnd that , _allowiag tbe chums of such families as now csn trace a clear descent from these men —anil these are very few indeed—even such of them as were Xomtans , were of the lower and more rapacious . grade . The great -vultures -fleshed themselves to the throat with thc first spoil , and _returned hom « , while thai ? places were obliged to be repeatedly supplied , through re sewed proclamations , aud renewed offers of the plunder ofthe Anglo-Saxons , from th e still bun-fry tribes of knights -who -rvere -wandering and fighting anywhere fbr bloody "bread .
Onr proud nobles are forsooth descended from the _gallant and chivalrous Normans . Thev will be descended from them and them alone . There is not a soul Of there that will claim the honour of descent from the Danes . Ok no ! Tbe barbarous and blood ; Danes , ! be . v are a Scandal and abomiuation * Thev are thieves , pirates , plunderers , and savages . _JTobodj- is descended from , them , oiceptsome plebeians in _theSorth of England , and except tliat the rabble rout of the common people are contaminated wiih their Mood . And yet , who are the _Nor--ffiaws ? _vrbr , the Danes '
Yes J the proud iu-huoeracy of England , * uch ofthem as hare anj long known _descent at all , are actually descended from tbe Danes I The ; are the legitimate issue of this bloody and barbarous people that nobody wishes to acknowledge as ancestors . The _Djnes , driven from "England , fell on the shores of France , and amid the distraction' : Of that _kingdom , laid Paris in _ashea , an < _l £ eiz «< l on that district which thence received from these _Iforthmenners or Uormans , its name of Uormandy . Here , _though fettled too comfortably for their desert ! - , tbev _mever ceased to keep an eye on the far richer piize of ¦ Eng _k _' _-id , from which , for their cruelties and fiery _otvasrations , ther had been chased away .
After the battle * of Hastings , and thc death of "Haarld , William made his way through the country _pilla-jinj , plundering , burning , massaereing and _destroying like a wry dcviL We pass over the long history of these atrocities to come to the crowning hormr , his devastation of the entire mrth of _England , and extermination of the whole of tiie inhabitants . The descriptions of * his laying waste of the north of "England by all the old chroniclers , Xonnaus and _Freush as well as English , are most _hori-jfjinj , at the same time that th ; re is nothin _? in history more thoroughly proved . The Conqueror is said to have been hunting in the forest of Dean when news of disturbances in the north was
T3e Aristocracy Of England. A History Fo...
brought to bim , and on which he swore by the splendour of . theAlmighty ,. thathe would exterminate the whole of the Northumbrians , and neW iajhislance ~ ih ~ reat ' tiQ he had done the deed . The implacably Danish and savage nature of his mind Li shown in this , tliat though it _required _tima to march northward , and to put down all the disaffected people , he never departed from his diabolical purpose , but after be had _enforce-i submission , he sent out his whole army in exterminating columns to sconr the whole country , aud destroy man and beast , town and tower , before tbem . This array of human fiends , of what an old Norman calls a host of " JJormans , Burgolouns thieves , and _falons , " went on in a fury of earna » e over brought to him . and on which he : i » _nrni » _»* .... _« _i- „ _j
all _Xonhumbsrhvnd , burning towns , villages , houses and cr--ps . and _slmyins men . women , children , and cattle . Tvith indiscriminate rage . "Monasteries and churches were laid in ashes ; amongst them Jarrow , famous as theformer rcsidenoe of the venerable Bede . The monks and clergy of Durham fled for security to Holy Island . When the rumour of tiiis terrible work of destruction spread , the minds of men were stunned as it were with the horror ot it . From Durham to York , a space of sixty miles , the whole coantry was so thoroughly desolated that not an inhabited village remained , and William of Malmsbury , who wrote eighty years after this period , says , that fire and slaughter had madea vast wilderness there which
remained to that day . From Durham north to Hexham , from the Wear to the Tyne , the remorseless Couqneror continued the same infernal process . Orderic Titalis describes the "feralis occisio , " the dismal slaughter , and say 3 that more than ahundred thousand victims perished . " It was ahorrriblespectacle , " says Koger Hovenden , "to see on the high roads and pnblic places , and at the doors of houses , human bodies eaten by the worms , for there remained no one to cover them witb a little earth . " The author of this work proves beyond doubt that the boast of descent from the Norman conquerors , that is the _s firat horde of ruffians who came over with William , is all fudge . These were destroyed , or driven out bv William and his family , or voluntarily abandoned the country after they had glutted
themselves with the spoil of the unfortunate English . He proves that where onr present aristocrats ean really show anything like descent from the brigands ofthe jNorman _' time , that they aro really descended from a spawn of miscellaneous , nameless , obscure , unhung ruffians , "who followed in the wake of the first horde- Ds For . in his True-Born Englishman gave the same account of the pure , high-blooded " rascals . We quote from that once famous satire : — The _sreat invading Norman let us know , What conquerors in after times might do ; To every inusqueteer he brought to town , He gave the lands which never were his own _. When first the Euglish crown he did obtain , He did not send his Hermans home again ;
So re-assumption in his _reiif n were known : _Davenant might there ha' let his book alone . No parliament bif army could disband , He raised no money , for he paid in land . Ha gave his legions their eternal station , And made them all freeholders ofthe nation ; He _cantoa'd out the _country to his men And every soldier wa » a denir . en , Tlie rascals thusenrich'd he ealVd them Lords , To please their upstart pride with new made words Aud Doomsday-Book his tyranny records . Andkere begins our ancient pedigree That so exalts our poor noillity : _"Tisthatfromsome French trooper Vbey derive , Who with the Norman . Bastard did arrive :
The trophies of the families appear ; Some shew the sword , tbe bow , and some the spear Whichtheirgreat ancestor , _ftrsootii , All wear ; These in toe herald ' s _register remain , Their _nolfle _m-ian extraction t » explain ; Yet who the hero was , noman can tell , Whether a drummer or a colonel * , The silent record _blushes to reveal Their undescended dark original . Here is a picture of
THE _FAMILT OP THE CONC ; CBr . Otl . In the affections of his own family William was not more happy than in those of his _peopl- ? . He was _obliged to arrest his turbulent half-brother Odo , and imprison him during the _remain-ier of his re _' gn . Hi * eldest son Robert , was almost continually in rebellion against him for _possession of "Sormandy _. and showed more disposition for a dissolute lift-, and for thi company of guzzlers , _jugilers , danceis . lewd women , ami _-jatnhl . rs , than for any rational pursuit . His second son , Richard , was gored to death with a Jtaf in the New Fore < t , where afterwards a son of Robert also was killed , ami bis third son ,
WiUiam _Rufus , —a judgment , ai the people b-lieved , from God for his atrocities tbsre . His Infer d : ijs were embitMc _. * hy tht- ivrai _. gl : ii :: « and _jertloinies of bis tw _> . _JOUll-ieSt SOUS . "William _^ ml II nvy . " _fpcl : _sli-wed him horrors in p erspective ; and in his las' moments these sons forsook him , as did alibis followers , to secure what he had left . " BaTons _, priests , anddukes , " sayshisown secretary , " mounted their horses and rode away almost before he was dead , to serve their interests with the living . The minor attendants rifled the apartments , and even carried off the royal clothes ; and the body was left almost naked on the bare boards fbr a _whola day . "
This is a melancholy unveiling of tho motives which keep up the farce ofa royal state . But this was often thc case in this family . Rufus _wasli-ft in the forest where _hfell tiU an old charcoal-burner picked up his body , Jind _carried it , like the carcase ofa beast , in bin cart to Winchester . Tbere , the next day , the body , all covered with blood ar . d dirt , and still lying in the man ' s cart , was carried to the cathedral , and buried . Henry II . suffered similar neglect at _Chinoa , where be died . The desertion of nobles and attendants which occurred to his great _, grandfather , the Conqueror , was acted again ; » o that it was with difficulty that anybody could be found to wrap bis body ia a winding sheet , aud carry it to 1 ' ontevraud for burial .
The character of Rufus , as drawn by the old chroniclers , f a that of rapacity and the most infamous dissoluteness , which spread through his whole court . He was at war , first with one brother and then with another . Henry Beauclere , his successor , was a man ofthe roest cold and unprincipled cunning . A more striking proof of this conld not be given than tbat he not only usurped the rig _hts ofhis elder brother , Robert , and making him pri . soner , confined him for life , hut destroyed his eyes with the app lication ofa basin of red hot metal . What puts the crown to this diabolical deed is , that this same good _natured Robert had , on one occasion , when Rufus and he
were in arms against tbis Henry , and had shut him up in the castle of Mount St . Michael , in Uormandy , refused to suffer him to die of hunger , as Rufus would hare done , but sent him wine and food , saying— "Where shall we find another brother when he is gene V Scarcely less horrible was his allowing the eye 3 of two ofhis granddauzbtrrs to be put out , and their noses to be cut off , by One Ofhis own officers , for which their mother , his own _daughter , attempted to murder him . Well has the family of the savage Conqueror been styled the family of Atreus and Thyestes . There seemed scarcely to be a spark of natural feeling , much less of natural affection ,
in it . The history of the aristocracy from the time of the " Conqueror , " to the time ofthe eighth Henry , is one of the most horrible records of hellish crimes to be found in the annals of the human race . _Occasionsllv the head of all these assassins , the king , exhibited in his own person tbe quintessence of all the _miscre-i & iism ofhis baronial grandees , this was preeminently shown in the person of
THE INFAMOUS _JOHX . This John crowned all the villainy and crimes of his _jamiiy , and became the most contemptible and diabolical scoundrel tbat ever wore a crown . There is no portion of bis life which is not covered with infamy . Treachery and rebellion to his father ; treachery and rebellion again _^ his brother and kin _^; _stirrinjr up foreign powers and a « _sssina ag _.-unst him , marked his earlier progress ; _an-5 thc character thus acquired was amply maintained by becoming the undoubted murderer of his n phew , the Prince Arthur of Brittany , the orph : n son o' bis elder brother , _Gsoffrey , and true heir to the irowa , who , there ii every reason to believe , perished , by his own hands . Shakspeare has stirred tbe blood of ages against him , by j his description ot the burning out of the eyes of this orphan aud unprotected youth ; but not even tbe powers I of tbat marvellous dramatist , could add an atom to
that load of contempt and indignation which his own and succeeding times heaped upon the head of this royal monster . There is no crime againstheaven or humanity of which he was not capable or of whieh he was not accused . He scorned all the bonds of family honour and anection ; he deSed and outraged all those of social lif e and of government . He led amongst tlie most infaniou * companions the most infamous _existence . He defied Ids nobles , and trampled on their privileges . He stripped _i-is subjects with a robber * shaud , and let loose on sbesi the most diabolical horde of wretches that ever _nSlicted this much-enduring nation . He gratified his lust by tearing wives from their husbands ; and , as we have seen , when tha barons and people attempted to bind him by the Charm , he marched from place to place , all over the kingdom , with men whose very names are a horror : " ? and , to the very day of his ignominious deatb , carried _ihruujjh this devoted realm , fire , murder , anarchy ,
and _iliisol-llioil . In a chanter devoted to the history of the struggle for Magna * Charts , our author incontestibly proves thatthe glorvof wringing that measure from the twant John , hitherto monopolised by the aristocracy , _brfo-lgS reallv much more to the people than to tue nobles , who without the people had been nothing . It was during the reigns of Richard 11 ., Uenry \ . and Ilenrv VI ., thatthe feudal aristocracy attained the height of their insolent domination . their tuiiblovn pride , however , proved theirruin . __ Having the whole _« f the countrv in tlieir possession , they now strove to eflect the ruin of each other , each , an < i all being bent only upon getting possession ot tue lands and titles of his brother baron . Hence tne endless plots , intrigues , rebellions , wars and massacres which render memorable these reigns , tue whole tenninating in the long and frightiai _ciy-i war between tbe partisansof " York and Lancaster . We L'ive an extract illustrative of the horrible
butcheries in the _WAHS OF TnE ROSES . _Opposed to the Yorkists and Warwick was the queen , * Such as _"Talco without Bowels f " Mauleon , tbe Bloody ;** " Walter Buch , the "Murderer ; " Sottim the Merciless ; " and ** _Godeschal , the _Iroa-hearted !"
T3e Aristocracy Of England. A History Fo...
rather than the poor feeble-minded king ; and Margaret had spirit enough to have propped her husband ' s throne , had her conduct been as unimpeachable- as her - heart was bold . But her _bloodshiroty disposition completed the popular hatred which her shameless amours had begun . She had with her the Dukes of _Somerset and Buckingham ; the Earls of Northumberland , Devon , Pembroke , De Roos , Stafford , and Shrewsbury ; Lords Clifford , Dacre , Beaumont , Egremont , Audley , Sudely . and many others . Of these , the greater part fell in the battles of St . Alban ' s , Bloreheatb , _Morthanipton , Wakefield , _MortimcrV-croas , Barnet , and others of those .. « - .. ... . ..
bloody and monstrous battles in which quarter wns refused , and the contending parties seemed fired with a more than infernal animosity . The Earl of Warwick made it a Standing rule to give no quarter to the nobles of the opposite party , and this lopping _sytteui , hy wliich he hoped speedily to deprive the Lancastrians of leaders , was soon retaliated on him and his friends . His father , Salisbury , was taken after the battle of Wakefield , and beheaded at Pontefract . The Duke of York was killed in that battle , his Second son , the Earl of Rutland , a boy of twelve' or thirteen years old , was met on tha _bridue , by Lord Clifford , and brutally murdered .
Warwick himself perished , with his brother , Lord _M-mtacute , in the last horrible battle of Barnet , where Edward put in practice the bloody rule which he himse had taag ht him , of giving no quarter ; Warwick fell , the just vietim not merely of his reckless ambition _, but of his _implacible and sanguinary policy , little in accordance with the fine character which _ITume has drawn of bim- But , in tbe meantime , Warwick had set np Edward IV .. and pulled him down again , had made Clarence a rebel against the king , his brother ; had set up ilenry VI ., whom he had before dethroned ; had en _« tored into a league with Margaret , whom he had pursued for fifteenyears , and who had pursued him with so much hatred that she had even sent his own father to
the block ; had not only married his eldest daughter to Clarence , while Edward had no son , in the hope of Clarence thus succeeding to the throne , but had again agreed to come forward for the support of Henry TI ., and married his second daughter to Prince Edward , the only son of Henry and Margaret , so aa to secure to his posterity the throne on that side ; and , finally , fell _fightinjj against Ed war J IV ., for whom he had broken up the peace of the realm , cut off ruthl « ssly so many of the chief nobility , and such thousands of the people , and far the king whose throne he had overturned , whose life he bad so thoroughly embittered , and on whom , and hii only son , he eventually brought bloody murder , thus annihilating his Hue for ever .
But the aristocratic ambition had , in fact , laid suicidal hands on itself . Betides the battles we have mentioned before the accession of Edward IV ., there followed tbat accession the still bloodier ones of Towton , Hedgeley Moor , Hexham , Edgecote , _Erpingiiam , the second battle of Barnet , and Tewkesbury . In ths _battlas and on the block during the long course of this contest , f ; _-ll the Duke of York , his son Rutland , tbree successive Dukes of Somerset , the Dukes of Exeter and _Buckiagham , three Earls of Northumberland , the Earls of Salisbury , Devon , Wiltshire , Shrewsbury . Pembroke . Rivers , Warwick , Monlacule , WoTcestpr , Leeds , Audley , Beaumoat . Egremont . Bonvill , De Roos , _Hungarford , Cromw . dl , Saye , _Wenloclt ; Sirs Kyrit-1 , Grey . Woodville Lisle , A . _» dley , Rose , Clifton , dry , Tresham , Owen Tudor , who are more particularly named , besides a whole host of QtfWW _, 10 . the battle of Northampton alone , _30 Okuights and gentlemen falling ; and six barons being beheaded with the Earl of Northumberland after the battle of Towton .
Of the people it is calculated that not less than 100 , 000 wer _? sacrificed . In the battle of Towton alone fell ' l 3 , 000 * ill the last bloody battle of Barnet 10 , 000 ; at _Ed-iecote fell of Yorkists , alono 5000 ; in the first battle of Barnet 2009 ; and of the Lancastrian ? alone at St . _Aihaii _' s 2000 ; at Mortimer ' s Cross 3600 . Rut besides , the private murderous crimes were numerous and mo t revolting . In the beginning of Henry VI * s _r-ism , 1 is uncle the good old Humphry of Gloucester was prtr to ' v murdered . King _"Minry was privately murdered as is believed by Edward IT " ., or by the
hands of his brothers Clarence and Richard of _Gloucester . H-nrj _' _s only son Edward , a stripling , was stabbed in the _presence of Edward IV ., as again said , by Clarence and _GlOU' _-csi r , thc latter murder , r aft-rwards marrying the youth ' s vidow , Anne , _dauether . of Warwick . As foully bad Edward his own brother Clarence murdered in thi Tower , _according to tradition , drowning him in a butt of Malmsey . Scarcely was Edward himself dead , when his own brother , the infernal Gloucester , had his two s . « i ?—two iiinoooiit boys—smothered in that old _= l : _i _«; 5 ) _t-i--bouse the Tower .
For a mo ™ extended account of these horrors , md an _rxposure of thu unnatural intrigues , and _shanK-fiil indecencies of the royal and ar ' stocratieal brutes of this period , we must refer the reader to the work itself . The reign of kingly despotism now commenced , and continued to the time that the hypocritical Charles was made a head shorter . Tlie bulk and the greatest feudal aristocrats had perished in the wars of the Roses . The cold-blooded , avaricious tyrant , Henry VII , contrived , under various pretexts , to chop off theheadsofmanyof the survivors ,
at the same time confiscating their estates to the crown . His son , the horrible and ever to be execrated Henry V 2 II ., destroyed almost the entire of the _remaining members of the old aristocracy . With one or two exceptions they well merited the destruction which fell upon them . They showed themselve _« the vilest panderers to the brutal tyrant on the throne ; for instance , the Duke of Norfolk presided at the trials both of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard , ( two of the King ' s wives ) both his own nieces 1 We give two extracts , illustrating the character of
TUB SOTaL BLUE-BEARD . It has been admirably said of him , " that he spared no man in his vengeance , nor woman in his lust , " Of his six wives , two he divorced , and two he beheaded to make way for fresh ones . One " escaped him by dying soon after child-birth ; and one had aWr-breadth escape for her neck . Before the divorce of the first , he had actually married ths second . Ou the morning of the execution of this second , tbe beautiful Anne Boleyn , whom he _mored heaven and earth to obtain , he went to hunt in Epping "Forest , As he sat at breakfast , he listened for the signal gun which Should _announce her death . On bearing it , he started up joyfully , exclaiming — " Ha ' . it is done J the business is dona ! Uncouple ths dogs , and let ns follow the sport . " lit the evening he
returned gaily from the chase , and the next morning got married again . This Lady , Jane Seymour , died , as we have said , a natural death , aud his next , Anne of Cloves , the unlucky Flanders mare , being a great horror to him , he tolerated but about four or five months , and took a birth , Catherine Howard , as he could not enjoy the decapitation of Anne of Cleves , he celebrated his marriage witb Catherine Howard by cutting off tho head Of bis minister , Cromwell , as well as that of Lord Hungerford , and burning alive three heretics , and hanging , drawing , and quartering three deniers of his supremacy—a very suitable mode of celebration of such a marriage by _SUCh a king , ne wound up his honeymoon as characteristically with hanging the Prior ot Doneaster , and six others , for defending the institution of the monastic
life . In one year he was tired of his wife , and within two years and a half from their marriage he had her head off , with that of Lady _Rocbford , at the same time . The marriage ofhis last wife , Catherine Parr , he may besaid to have eelobrated in his usual way ; for Catherine being a good Protestant , during her honeymoon , that is only sixteen days after their wedding , he burnt three Protestants alive in Smithfield . He was a monarch of so lusty a humour , that he did not fancy himself properly marriedwithout he amused his people with the fallen head ofa wife , a minister , or with the flames and cries of a few heretics . Between tlie accession and the death of this monster , " some thousands of individuals" were executed . Lord Surrey , the brave poet , was bis last victim ; at the time of his decapitation , thc royal wretch was breathing his last . Here is an account of his last moments : —
The picture of the Bluff Harry , in his last year , is a fine example of what a loathsome piece of carrion pure blood may become . " Tbe most wretched being in this wretched state of things was the king himself , whose mind and body were alike diseased . In the absence of other pleasures , he had given himself up to immoderate eating ; and be had grown so enormously fat , that he could not pass through an ordinary door , nor could he move about from room to room without the help of machinery , or of numerous attendants . The old issue In his kg had become an inreterate ulcer , which kept him in a constant state of pain and excessive irritability . II was alike offensive to the senses , and dangerous alike to life and property to _approach this corrupted mass of dying tyranny . The slightest thing displeased him , and his displeasure was a fury and a madness ; and nothing on earth could give him a wholesome , agreeable feeling . How his last wile Catherine Parr , escaped destruction , appears almost marvellous * , she was moro tbau once in imminent peril .
In the reign of this royal devil , commenced the Vise ot the pew church-plundering aristocracy , ; but of this disreputable gang we must defer saving _anything until our next number .
Tiie Musical Herald. Patt L London: G-. ...
TIIE MUSICAL HERALD . Patt L London : G-. Biggs , 421 , Strand . This part contains ' . a choice selection of musical compositions , and well-written and interesting articles on "Old _English Plays , " "Sacred Music , " "The Beggar ' s Opera , " "Scottish Music , " & e . Ac . ; also biographical notices of Haydn and Madame Camporese . This publication IS a _bOOH tO the lovers of Music , and well deserves their support '
Punch- Partlxii. London: Punch Office, 8...
PUNCH- _PartLXII . London : Punch Office , 85 , Fleet Street . Both "Old Ireland "ami "Young Ireland" are _accommodated with a well-merited flagellation in this part of Punch . Thc "begging impostors" of Buckingham Palace who want £ _lS & _. ODO to enlarge their very small and inconvenient premises are exhibited in their proper characters as " cadgers . " VVe wish this exhibition could teach the Royal paupers modestyi but _fto very _wudj fear that they are _lucorrigibh .. _..,,
W&^C ^Krold's Shilling Maga-.Zlnh.. Sept...
_W _&^ c _^ _KROLD'S _SHILLING MAGA-. _ZlNh .. September ; London : Punch Office , 85 , : -Fleet-street .- ; _¦— . _-...,, .., . . _ . 1 ' ' In the absence of " St . Giles and St . James , " w e are sorry to see an announcement that "the writer has to plead indisposition in excuse of tho omission of hwstory , lrom the present number . " The place ofthe editors rtonr is , however , well supplied by _anowertruetale _, " from the pen of l William Howirr , illustrating , by the veritable history of rentable _personasfes , the mournful truths ol Goldsmith 3 ' Deserted Village . " The story is prefaced with the following excellent observations , which will speak to the hearts of our readers . _^^ rT _/ -, r . c _„„ ! _ ' _"_ T .
ROBBBRY . OF THE _LAJJD FROM THB BNOLISH PEASANTRY . It is a fact , that , within the last two hundred years , almost every acre of land in this country , except the large entailed estates of the aristocracy , have quite changed hands . There is quite a different race and class of men now living on all the small possessions of hind , or on what has been formud out of those small possessions ; but the greatest and most rapid and striking alterations of this kind have taken place within the last fifty years . The French _Involution , in fact , introduced an Eng lish Revolution , which , if it did not shed so much blood on the British soil , it thoroughly altered the title and holding of property , and pressed the blood as . porfectly out of thousands of oppressed h ear ts .
Tbat possession of small portions ofland by the people , which now so strikingly distinguishes the people of the Continent from those of England—which makes , indeed , property so different a thing there and here—would seem at one time to have boeii almost as general here as any where . If we still go into reall y _old-fashioaed districts —into those which the modern changes have not yet reached , where there are no manufacturers—into the obscure and totally agricultural nooks—wo see evidences of a most ancient order of things . The nottages _, the farm houses , the very halls are old ; the trees are old ; the hedges are old ; everything is old . There is nothing that indicates change or progress . There is nothing , even in furniture , tbat may uot hare heen there at least five hundred years ; there is much that induces you to
beliere that eight hundred years ago it existed . In common labourers' cottages , before the late rage for old English furniture , whieh led the London brokers to scour thc whole emp ire , penetrate into every nook , and bring up all the old cabinets , ball tables , old carved chairs , carved presses aud wardrobes , and retail thero for five hundred percent ., besides importing great quantities of similar articles from Holland , Belgium , ' and Germany , I have myself seen old heavy ample arm chairs , with pointed backs , in which oue might imagine an Alfred or an Edward the Confessor sitting , with the date in great letters on their backs , of 1300 or 1100 . There , are plenty of houses so ancient , that in the roofs and woodwork the , endsof the great wooden pegs with which their framing is pinned together are not cut off . But without , how old
is everything ! The trees are dead at top and hollow at heart ; tbere areaucient elms and oaks standing , whose shadow is said to have covered their acre of ground , but which have now neither head nor heart ; huge hollow shells , so capacious , that whole troops of children play in them , and call them their churches ; and whole flocks Of Sheep Or herds of cattle seek shelter from the summer sun under them . These old villages too , are lost , as 11 were , in a wilderness of ancient orchards , where the trees produce apples and pears totally unlike any now grown in modern plantings . The villages are surround , d by * maze of little crofts , whose hedge * have evident "} - never been set out in any general enolosure , for thej do not run in regular squares and straight lines , but form all _imaginable figures , and witb the line of beauty go waving and sweeping about in all directions . They are
manifestly the effect of gradual and fitful _inclosura from the forest in far-ofc times , many of them long before the Conquest , when this dense thicket and tbat group of trees were runup to and included as part ofthe fencing . These old hedges have often a monstrous width , occupying nearly as much in their _aggregate amount as the aggregate amount of the inclosed land itself . They are often complete wildernesses of stony mounds , bushes , and rank vegetation . The hawthorns of which they are composed are no longer bushes , but old and wide-spreading trees , with great gaps and spaces often between them having ceased to be actual fences between the old pastures , and become only most picturesque shades for the cattle . In the old _crufts still flourish the native daffodils , and the snow-white and pink _primroses , now > _xtirpated by the gathering for gardens everywhere Ise .
Such , there is no doubt , were our villages generally all over the country formerly , and for at least a thousand years , The whole country seemed to lie in a long and sunny drenm . _Sc-liitle did population seem to increase , that rarely a house was built . The army and the dist mt towns took up tbe small surplus of psopl « that there was . So little did the land seem minted thut the forests ami wastes lay from age to age unchanged . Erery man had his little plot , or eould inclose it for a small acknowledgment , and the rural race lived on with little exertion anu
uo care . The first shock to this state of things was the Reformation . The breaking up ofthe monasteries at once turned a vast amount of monks and nuns on the country , nearly destitute of means of existence j and a still vaster amount of poor people , who had to In ; supported on the third of the church revenues , given expressly for the poor . These , suddenly deprived of all other resources , were converted into a monstrous mass of beggars and thieves , tbat overrun , from the days of Henry 8 th to those of Elizabeth , the whole land , and bade defiance to constables , stocks , and gallows . Never were there such swarms of misery and vice and terror known in England , even in the fiercest heat ofthe civil wars . Henry himself hanged , of these wretches , his thousands annually , without at all sensibly diminishing the misery or tbe terror . This ,
however , was only the pressure on one side of the case : thnt on the other was as great , The people , greedy courtiers , gamblers , commissioners , and speculators , whogot hold , by a variety of means , but seldom by any bone » t ones , ofthe church and abbey lands , rose , or wished to rise , into the ranks of the aristocracy . -They wsuld have their halls , their parks , their chases ; their children would no longer follow trades ; they , too , must he provided with land ; and hence came the growing jealousy of all encroachments by the poor on waste lands—nay , the violent disposition to encroach , on one plea or another , on the small proprietor . Then , in fact , began those scenes so well described by Goldsmith in his "Deserted Yiilage . " Every one of these iio « l homines would have an establishment like the ancient aristocracy , " Thc man of wealth and pride
Takes up a space that many poor supplied ; Space for his lake , his parks extended bounds , Space for his horses , equipage and hounds ; The robe that wraps his limbs in silken sloth Has robbed the neighbouring fields ef half their growth ; His seat , where solitary sports are seen , Indignant spurns the cottage from the green . " But when we had discovered and civilised new countries , so fur from giving relief in this respect , the grievance was rapidly augmented . Those who emigrated were chiefly those who had no land here ; those who stayed were those who had it and wanted more . With colonisation and improvement , manufactures increased , and this gave additional population and higher value to land . The story of Auburn was acted over and over , more frequently , every succeeding generation . But after
the French Revolution broke out , and tlio flames of war spread nil over Europe , then how did this system progress at home ! Every inch of land _becamo a lump of gold . Forests and wastes were inclosed , but went only to the rich . Thc selfish absurdity by which the rich managed to claim every inch of waste laud , on tlie plea that it was held by feudal tenure from the days of the Conqueror , and therefore belonged to tlie lord of the manor , came richly into play ; as if by their pieces of parchment these men could justly hold in fee all England : us if they hnd not by ages of neglect and _non-occupancy forfeited every pretended title that theyonce might hare _liad to wastes that never hud been delved or ploughed since the days of Adam . But this was recognised by the rich as law for the rich ; and " unto him that had was given , and from him that hud not was taken : iuay even that whieh he had , "—the custom of turning bis cow and _gee . _iu upon the wafite .
Well : but it had been tolerable had the mischief stopped here ; but it did not . Such was thc value ofland , and such the number who had made money by trade , by ? _nanufactures , by government contracts , & c , & c , that the pressure on the small proprietors became like an _orerfl'iring-nood , and In a great measure swept them _, from the face of the earth , and English poverty became what we see it now—the most frightful poverty in existence . The poverty of the Continent is tho poverty of mm who have all their little portions of land and nothing _niord They and theirs by industry ean with frugality
live on this land . It is a constant support , a constant sheet-anchor ; and though they have poverty tkey have no fear . That horrible condition of total destitution , of total dependence on the employment by others—the total dependence on the labour of their hands—which , when that employment is not given , drops them at once iuto the bottomless pit of pauperism , and makes the lives of millions one great heart-ache , ono great agony of tho vultures of necessity audi uncertainly gnawing at times vitals , i 3 only known in the midst or * this land of luva ?} and unexampled wealth .
Wilh what monstrous strides lias this great English Revolution stalked ou since the impulse ofthe French Revolution , which gave a tenfold life to our manufacturing and to all sorts of jobbing and speculation ' . T . _lie men who had made large sums by government c outracts _, stock . _jobbing , lotteries , corn dealing , and by the legal operations which all these things brought into play , were all looking out . for lauded investments , espec ' _ially in oldfashioned places , where land was still cheap - and where , therefore , a large tract eould be purchased , for a trifle , and a great house be built and a park laid _t > ut , III many eases , nay in few , could these swelling- fellows Bnd a piece of earth large enough for them , _aivd soon began to cast greedy eyes on all the little inclcsi \ c <<; s around them ; and in a wonderfully short space of _tiuxa did their great Aaron ' s rod of money raaiinge to swallow up all the rods and roods of their lesser neighbours . Oh , many apiteous tale Of hugO oppression , chicanery and violent or treacherous wrong , could the history of these things unfold ' .
I _« or tlio story itself ( "Sampson Hooks , and his man Joe Ling , " " ) wo niu _* t refer our readers to the magazine . The other contents are good readable article _^ but do not call for any conuuwit _.
The Almanack Of The Month. Soptember. Lo...
THE ALMANACK OF THE MONTH . Soptember . London : Punch Oflice , 85 , Fleet Street . The fun- " grows fast and furious "in this month ' s number . "The Lord Mayor ' s Visit to _^ Oxford , " "The Constant Header , and H Voices . from the Crowd in Fleet Street , " a _* e capital specimens ofthe sublimely ridiculous . Gilbert a Beckett ' s parodies " of Charles Mackay _' s poems are really " rich and _iacy . "
Raterat Jmmiiffeittf
raterat _jmmiiffeittf
Loud John Russeu, Has Taken A Residence ...
Loud John _Russeu , has taken a residence for the season near Rickmansworth , Hertfordshire , and the same is now being prepared for the reception of his Lordship and family . [ Neighbour to the Cliartists at O'Connoryille !] Loud Panmurb , father to the Right Hon . Pox Maule , Secretary at "War , has given the sum of £ 1 , 000 towards the infirmary for tho Relief of the Sick Poor at Arbroath , North Britain . Tuk DAMVAnLE Gamr Laws . —In the year I 8 i 3 not less than 4 . 529 persons were convicted of offences against tbe Game Laws , had suffered fine or imprisonment ; from 1833 to 1844 , inquests were _helil on ihe bodies of forty-one gamekeepers , and in not less than twenty-six cases verdicts of wi . ful murder were returned .
Answer to a _Challukob . _—Throuehsome mistake , a gentlemen in the South of Ireland led off the dance at a country ball out of his turn . The person appointed to the post of honour challenged the intruder , and received the following reply : — "Sir , I cannot understand why , because 1 opened the hail at night , a ball should open me in the morning—Yours , & o . " March of Shopocbact . — "Assistant , "Jike"ahopman , " having been common and low , a _LincoJnshirecstablisliment has dubbed itsyoung men " coadjutors !" Rights op Women . —Tho Indian Examiner says , that females hold nearly one-fifth ofthe votes in the East India House — that they generally vote at tbe ballots , and never attend at the debates .
Wbstjiinstbk _BniDOR . —The work of dilapidation upon this old a _» d dangerous structure has . been carried on _during tlie week v ? itli great rapidity , A large portion ofthe masonry down to the parapet over the arches , on the cast side , has been removed . Thc intended new bridge is the topic of conversation in most parts of Lambeth . It seems the bridge is to be carried over the Thames in a new line , diverging to cannon-row , and the opening into Parliamentstreet will face Charles-street , According to this design more site will be given to the Houses of Parliament , and the noble buildings which distinguish Westminster will be seen to greater advantage . Miiitary Brutality . —There are cases on record , in the office of the Judge Advocate , wherein delinquent soldiers have been sentenced to receive three thousand lashes !
Mk . _Stijutt , M . P ., for Dbkby , has accepted the stewardship of the _Chiitren Hundreds , which was preparatory to his appointment as Vice-President of the Railway Board , au office created _bj-t _' _. e Railway Commissioners Act . A _Larob _Gathebiiwj ox tjik _Pbotkctionists in the East Riding of Yorkshire is said to be in _contemplation during the Parliamentary reces * . at which Lord _George Bentinck , the Marquis of Granby , Mr . rXswe ]}; Mr . Hudson , and other leaders will be present .
TnE 6 _ovBiMtOR-Gi * Ni * nAL of India . —We understand that , whatever doubts may be entertained as to the successor of the present Governor-General of India , there 13 none" whatever as to the fact of an early vacancy in that high , office _beinj * all but certain . We hear ihat the latest le ' . _ters from Lord _liardinsjecxpress his fixed determination t » retire into prirete life as soon aaitcan bedmc without detriment to the public service . Traveluso . —In 171 * 7 , thejourne . ' from London to Worcster wns performed ( "if God permit" ) , by Eiiz . Winslow and Thomas Wingfiehi _' s stage coach , and able horses , in three days . —Old London Paper , Freak of Nature . —Among a litter of piss , a few days ago , from a sow _belonging to Mr . Joseph Wliite " . Bislow , waB one presenting a n ost extraordinary
appearance . It had one eye , and that a _lawe one , i " the middle of the forehead ; it had a natural mouth ; f our " wattles" on one side of its head , and one ear nmch larger than the other . Over the eye wns n round trunk , about two inches Ion ? , a » d the thickr . es of a man ' s finger . It lived some time , but was killed by the sow laying-on it , Coins Fovsn —During the excavations in _Saltersjnte , Chesterfield , a _shillin-r , of the reign of Edward VI .. wa 3 discovered amongst the mould . The coin is in a perfect state , and cool aim on the obverse the full i :: ce and bust ofthe King aad on the reverse tlie arms of France and England quartered _together , with the well known _leg-nd "Posui Deum Adjutorcm Meum . " Several coins of later date have also been found
, __ _ _ _Lrncn-LAw Ladies is Michigan * . — On Friday mornins , the 10 th of July , between the hours of one and two . about forty ladies , from the village of Vtica , Michigan , secretly assembled , proceeded to abowliiig-: il ! ey . armed with axes , hatchels , hammers , Ac , and completely demolished it . __ They had viewed this insidious foe to their domestic peace for some time with an anxious and a jealous eye ; and , having waited in vain for some legal proceeding against it , determined for once to take tlie law into tlieir own bands . They went at it with much spirit mil energy , hacked the bed of the alley , tore down the walls , razed the roof to the ground , and finished with trampling upon and _breakine ; the roof to pieces . The building was eighty feel long , and this work of destruction was accomplished in a little less than-an hour .
Hop Picking . —On Saturday and Sunday , the leading roads in Kent were literally thronged with _persons from London wending their way to Maidstone and other hop districts . From the metropolis alone _npwards _. ' of _^ OOOare annually employed in hop pick - ing , who , from tlieir abstinent manner of living : whilst engaged in the occupation , generally manageto take home a onmfortnWe competence , in the _sariio manner as ihe Irish reapers on their return home from the harvest in this country . _Raoical Patriotism—Tub way _-ritE Esousu _PearLE'sMosHY'sSQUANDKRltr ) . —A Letter from Cannes , says : — " Lord Brougham and Mr . Lkader have just afforded us a spectacle quite a lusual in this country . It may , be remembered that t _' iree _ye-irs back these Croix de
_eentlcinCM purchased thc fine forest of La Gardy . The whole of it has since been surrounded with a high wall in thc _Eneiish style , and fourteen stags , as many does , and a number of young fawns have arrived here from Sardinia , and are to be immediately let lose in the forest . They -were under the care of six keepers , in handsome liveries of maroon coloured velvet , with gilt buttons , bearing his _Jordi-hip ' s crest . A ; aek of hounds arrived here from England three months back , and everything for a hunting establishment is to be sent to Paris , It is Said that a number of sporting men from England arc to arrive here this year . Indeed _tliia plaee is becoming quite an English colony . On every side ave springing up handsome habitations , built with English money , combining British comfurt and Italian elegance . "
Elopbmp . _sts . ~ Last week two- young ladies , one from Penrith and the other from Clifton , eloped to Gretna with two " navvies . " _Snocicixo Cooe . — -Most people have heard the story of the Irishman who , on being awakened one night with the intimation that the honso was on fire , cooliy turned himself , and as coolly replied , * ' It is nothing to me , I am only a lodger . " "" The anecdote has been generally looked upon as a joke , but the following incident may prove that it may have been uo joke after all . One day last week , as the _stuge coach was being rapidly driven past a small village between Ayr and Mnybole , n child , apparently between four and five yo _ivs of age , was observed
playing in the middle of the road , unconscious of the approaching danger . The driver-, having given thc alarm without eftect , succeeded in pulling III ) just in the nick of time . A woman , who was observed lazily resting herself against tlie wall of a house , and looking upon the whole transaction with the utmost composure , while every person on thc coach was painfully alanaed , on being asked by the indignant driver why she Had not rushed to the rescue- of a child in such imminent danger , replipd , withalook of surprise , and in tones of- innocent simplicity , " The bairn's no-mine . "' Improbable as this may appear , it is ne-sertheless a fact .
The Suicms : ov Sir _Jus-ritUix _Vunu Ismam , Barfc . _Tl-.-e inquest ou the remains of this urifortunfi _' _wgentloman took place on Thursday . It appeared from the evidence that the death of deceased ' _^ father , whicli occurred about eighteen months ago ,. ereatlyi affected him , and during the last eight months his spirits beeame more depressed , He avoided society , and hia manners were exceedingly eccontric , He had recently purchased a Quantity of mu 3 ieal mstru * nicnts , comprising a piano , violins _. _flutes , flageolots , nnd cornopeans , which was considered somewhat remarkab le , as he could play but little on any of them . He also _bought a stock of * boots and shoes , amounting to upwards of 100 pairs . No letters or papers were found to show that the deceased contemplated suicide ; but the evidence went to show that his mind was deeply affected . Tho Jury returned a verdict of "Temporary Insanity . "' The body was removed to Lninpton Hall for interment in the family vault .
KtMvDALK . _—Attrmi'T to "Burn tut . _Gaol . —A prisoner in Kirkdale Gaol a few days since set fire to the lodge ill Which the wardens of the gaol slept , j and , but for a timely discovery , tta _prUon might I hare boon entirely destroyed . The object of the incendiary was to get transported . Another Fatal Accident at Loxoton . —On Wednesday a most lamentable accident occurred at Mr . Sparrow's , Gould Street , Coal-p it , Longton . Some boys were playing _together on the pit-bank , when the clothes ol' one ot * them , named John Ford , about eight years of ago , became entangled with the chain attached to tho engine drum , which , in revolving _, drew the child with great force against a portion ot tlie machinery , and crushed his neck and ono arm in a frightful awnnw . _Theunfortuusit Q boy survived
Loud John Russeu, Has Taken A Residence ...
the accident only about two liours . An inquest was held at the Three Tuns Inn , before W . Harding , Esq . ; _and-a _Yerdict of '' Accidental -Death" returned i 1 iik Ocean . —The deepest part of the ocean which 3 _f _^ e " _s ° » _Pded , isonein 51 eand ; 8 ixtv . Bix feet in i \ v il wesu PP _se its medium depth to be two miles , the water _init would cover all the dry parts nL \ i Ti . A ' " U 1 be s P read over them-tothe deptli ot about 81 , 680 feet , or six miles . - ¦ _h-i _!^^ _Tw _^ PA _" ° B .-Thelate fine weather H 9 tnSa ; fL ? rece ( L ented number of visitors to ow _, _K ~ _f- PlaCe of P o _- recreation , and on the whtha _^! afatlT 7 S T V _Mi { he numbe " wno nave availed themselves ef recreat on in its agreeable domains , have not been less than from five to six thousand . The price of' grain is still _increase in the north of France . The i-c / io de _Lawibve n _Mtuse attributes this rise to speculators hoarding up large quantities in their granaries .
An Advemturk . —In the beginning of last week , a sloop employed in the herring fishery left Wiek with ft cargo of herrings for a enrer in Kirkaldy . On Wednesday afternoon the vessel wa 9 hove to off the Aberdeen coast , about ten miles south from Buchan Ness , where tbe captain took the . small boat , and , accompanied by a boy , went on shore to visit some friends , leaving an individual named Roper , belonging to this place , in _charge of the . vessel durinsj his absence . In the mean time , tho breeze , whieh was northerly , began to freshen , when , in order to avoid danger , the man who was left on board of the sloop stood out to sea . The wind , _howerer , still kept
increasing in strength , while the sea , was becoming more boisterous , In consequence of which the seaman found it impossible to regain the coast to take tha captain and boy on board . Thinking it tho safest plan—hazardous as the attempt _w-rn in his unaided condition—to proceed on the voyage , he did so , and arrived at Kirkaldy in perfect safety , h-. vin < r been sixty hours on deck , during which time he had run a digtance of 130 miles . The captain has since armed at Kirkaldy , happy , no doubt , to find h ' s vessel _, whicn he had last seen on the Aberdeen coast with a solitary individual on board , safe in harbour . — Witness .
- _WrrcncttAFT _jx Scoti . _ani > . —The following extr * - otdinary statement is from a report ( just printed by rarliament ) on the state of prisons in Scotland . — '' The connection of _icjnorance with crime is shown in the present report by the general low state of education among the prisoners , already descibed . and bv somespecialcases . In particularl would refer to the following . In the report on thp Dinjrwall Prison , and to the subjoined notice of a late riot at l > unr fermline : —W . G ., aged twenty-four . I live _nea-Tain , and am a fisherman . I am in prison for assaulting a woman named M . M . She is about sixty years old . I assaulted her because she was"b witflhinjr _'* everything I had . " She prevented ma from catching fish , and caused my boat to he upset . " The other fishermen said they should have no chance of catching any herrings whiie I was with them , and
they would not let me go out with them . M . M . is " known" by all in the . ' neighbourhood "to be a Witch . She ha « heen seen a _hundred times " milking the cows in tJfe shape of a hire , " though I never ? saw her do so myself . People believe , in my neighbourhood , that if any one " pets blond from _awitch " she can do them no _harmi and that is the reason that lent M . with my penknife ; but I hold tho kniie so that it might go into her as ' short * a way as possible _. All I wanted was to get blood I was net ' the first _per-, son who wanted to draw blood from her . Those who advised me to cut her told me that if I did not she would drown me , and the rest who were in the boat » _-ith me . _as sure as any man was ever drowned . It is hard that I should be put in prison , for the Bible orders _ua to punish witches , and there was not a man on the Jury who did not know M . to be a witch . " :
_Akbcdotus oj ? Babbixcton , the _Famoits Pickpocket . —Atone of the music meetings in St . Martin ' s Church for the benefit of the Leicester Infirmary , I noticeri a tall , handsome man , in a scarlet coat , with a _goldbution-hole in a black collar , the fashion of the day , movinjr with a _gentleman-like air . This person proved to be the notorious Barrington , the pickpocket . In coin ? up the middle aisle he was invited _intothe Mayor _' _apew , and sat between Mi » s St . John and Mr . Ashby of Queeuby _, our lata member of Parliament . One of the j _late 3 was held at , the door by this lady and gentleman , nnd when Mr . Barrinafon laid his guinea upon the plate , he whs kindly thanked by hia new acquaintance , and pa ? sed on with a graceful bow . The sentry who held
the plates retired into the vestry to add their contributions , and when Mr . Ashby would have placed his ten guineas on the plate , to his utter astonishment they had flown from bis pocket . After considerable amazement , the mystery wa- - explained by one of the company remarking that Miss Ft . John ' s pocket was turned inside out , and that the . gentlemen who sat between them had helped himself to the subscription he had put on the plate , and something else besides . It is said that "Barrington facilitated liis operations by instruments , which he had made for 'hat purpose .. Irecollect a circumstance of thii kind . He waited on a surgical instrument maker and ordered a pair of scissors ofa curious form . A few days afterwards he called for tbem . liked them , and _pVid two guineas which the maker charged . After he had left the shop , the cutler's wife said . " My dear , as the gentleman seemed sr > much pleased with the scissors ,. I wish wo had asked him what
use they were for . He _roiaht recommend us . Do run after him . " The cutler tramped out of _ttie shop , and overtaking tbe gentleman , _hoped he would excuse bim , but would he tell him wha * use he intended to make of the _scisssrs ? " "Why , my friend . " said _Barrim-ton , cntehinjjhim by the button of his coat , and starinc him in the face , " I don ' t know whether lean tell you ; it ' sa greaisccn . " "O pray do . Sir . it may be something in one way . " Upon which , Bnrringtnn . _pressing bard upon bis shoulder whispered in his ear . "They are for picking of pockets . " In the utmost consternation- tf ; e scissors maker ran back , and the moment besot into the shop " My deir , "'hecried , " will you believe it , they are for picking of pockets . " " Yes , my dear , " cried the wife , " what is the matter with your clothes ?" The cutler _loolied , and presently discovered that the scissors had extricated the two guineas he had just received for tiiem . —Gavdimrs Music and Friends .
Plague ox Board ah EjfiGRAsr Ship . —The following melancholy intelligence has been received at Lloyds ' , by the last mail , brought bv the Ilibernia , relative to a _frightful fever having broken out on board the Elizabeth and Sarah , emigrant ship , _beloneing to _Ivillaln _, Captain 0 . Simpson , master , by which upwards of 'forty-six of tbe passengers had _fiii ! e : i a sacrifice . Tlte notice in question runs thus : — " Quebec , August 6 .: —The barque Elizabeth and . Sarah , Simpson , bound from Ivillaln , with passengers , has arrived off the Basque Islands , and is reported to have lost a great number of the passengers
also the commander , a _contarious fever having * broken out about a week or ten days after _ths ship quitted Kill . ilsv . " There were sixteen other cases of fever , said to have been brought on by bad water and the filthy state of the vessel . Tim _Quebee Mercury , of the Sth of _August , confirms the above . It states that the vest-el had been eight weeks en her _passnae frem Kallala ; and also that forty-two had died on the passage , and that the captain and two more _passengers had expired since her arrival at the "Basque Islands . It mentions not whether any medical assistance had been sent to the relief of tiie unhappy sufferer ** .
_Fiui * iy Holborn . —Wednesday afternoon , between the hours of four and five o ' clock , considerable aiarni was created in the _neighbourhood in consequence of the great volume of smolie which issued from the ri-ar of Mr . Sparrow's , tea ,. < offer , nnd pepper dealer ' s _, establishment , 95 , Holborn , ar . d which extends into Dean-street . Thc fire originated in the wood work _| at tbe back of the cylinder , while coffee was being ' roasted . The speedy arrival of two engines _fmm the 'London Fire _EstabJIis-bnient foi-tunnt «! y _prevfntcd the spreading of tho Humes , ami therefore the damago to property waa very tritliuti . Serious and Fatal _Accidents , —On "Wednesday--morning , whilst _waitin _** - on the pier st _Ilunaerlord-Bridge , for a conveyance down the river , Mr . " Jamc _»
MHclwl , a solicitor ' s clerk , was thrown off the bargs into the river . Ile was standing _tr-o r . csr the margin , _and-the swell of the water , _occasioncd by she Princess steam-boat passinv ; at the moment , caused the accident . Mr . Mitehel attempted to _s- * im back again , but w _» 3 driven by the water with great violence against the keeliif n steamer . It was with the utmost difficulty that he was enabled to sv > ii * 3 . clear of the numerous steam-boats on the river ; bufrhaving done so , he succeeded in reaching the _opposite shore , after remainin" in the water very nearly twenty minutes . On the same day , between eleven and twelve o ' clock , a lad ,, aged twelve _ye-u-. s , e _.-sp _' oyed as an errand boy to a tradesman in the _Wftlv-wM-tu-road , Oamberwell , was knocked down in the ' _-Sewington .
causeway , by one of the Peckham Rye-omnibuses , and , in consequence of the injuries _sust-wned , he waa . conveyed to St . Thomas ' s Ilospital . On Tuesday evening , about nine o ' clock , a youth im drowned ia the river , near the Thames Tunnel i ? _iii-. Tha decased , it apepars , together with a . _wawniaa , was proceeding up to London Bridge , vy \ en , _tluou-: h the darkness of the night , tkey var _* t ' oul <> i * a heavily laden coal barge , nearly opposite _^ he Tlianns Tunnel Pier , tho boat half _tm-iie . _1 ov < _r . _-, '> , ilirowir , _, ' * the hoy into the water . The _watermria-sui _- ceedc _^ in saving hia own life . Terrific Fire . —On Sunday _mornine . between cr . e
and two o ' clock , a very destructive fire broke out ia the huge _looking "tra _manufactory belonging 'Si Mr . Voletti , situated in _Bat-irsnan ' s Row , Curtain Koad _, Shoreditch . The fire c _^ tiimeiical in thc lower floor , and owing to tha cnmW . s 7 . iblc nature ot" thc stock-intrade , thev extended , with more than iiMial rap idity . The _engines of th * _Ui-ii-iide , West of England , and County _Coinnaiii-s * _wcroVoinpt * " _iheh-attriKj-nice , and aa soon aa a sufliciencv uV water could 1-0 _cu . tained , thev _scttn -work , but floor _afteru- > ov eii a prey to Uic ' fiKv of thu flames , so _thst by tin ee 0 clock the who l e & f the * _stiH-H-iii-trade was destroy oil , aud the _factwy cowplclelv gutted . 'Ihe tota _* loss must be very _w _. _^ _eraWe .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 5, 1846, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_05091846/page/3/