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iMg 8 **- 6j 1845 - THE NORTHERN, sTAR. ...
fumgit i-Hobtments;*
.. * nd I «& war, at leastin -voids, / ....
Extexsive RoMmiiY of Railway Shares. — O...
SUICIDE BY POISON. On Monday, Mr. Wakley...
The booty taken in Scir.de by the troops...
^tmviii Mtliimtu
HouovAT s Ointment and Pills.—Mr. Samuel...
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Img 8 **- 6j 1845 - The Northern, Star. ...
_iMg _** - 6 j 1845 - THE _NORTHERN , sTAR . 7
Fumgit I-Hobtments;*
_fumgit _i-Hobtments ;*
.. * Nd I «& War, At Leastin -Voids, / ....
.. * nd _«& war , at leastin _-voids , _/ . _should mv chance so happen—deeds , ) ( aU trlio _ivar with _Thought' ' - * rtunk I hear a little bird , who sings '' _™ jebyandby will he the stronger . "—Bibon .
Poland And Russia. ¦ J Crime S Of Thb Mu...
_POLAND AND RUSSIA . ¦ j CRIME S OF THB MUSCOVITE MISCREANT . _TVehavcto correct an error in our article of last ' i . for which tlie author of " Eastern . Europe A the _| Emperor Nicholas" is responsiblfe . The S 3 T \ 0 T was in the name of the heroic _abbess of the _^ _fcuted nnns : an eminent Polish patriot informs _Mstliat the real name of this noble martyr is Ikexa MiECzr _sUWSKi , and not _Miecesias _( _JficcesZas is a Slavonian Christian : name givea only to men , and _acver given to women ) . It is necessary that the real name of this brave woman should be known . That nam is now the property of Europe , nay , of the world at large , and will go down to posterity with _tjiatof Nicholas—the former to be revered , the latter to be execrated through all time . * _"VFe now proceed to place on record some further _statements of the barbarous doings of the miscreant
Nicholas-As in Poland _^ Nicholas labours to convert the Catholic population to tne Greek Church , by what _lidlish means we fully described last week , so he pursacs the same object as regards the Protestant population of the Baltic provinces . The latest news fiom those provinces is of a most melancholy nature . The work of Russianising the people is proceeding in spite of all opposition . These provinces were formerly under Prussian domination , and were for some time governed by the Swedes ; but neither Prussia nor Sweden dare to interfere , Russia is too powerful , and every one must take care of his own affairs . It is , therefore , not for one moment to be imagined that thc imperial double eaglo of Russia is to be frightened from gorging himself there in the destruction and
dissection of an old limb of Germany by the very slight clamour that is raised against him . "What are the Russians doing there ? They are attempting to change the most sacred things a people possess—their language , customs , and religion . This they have no right to do , for these provinces were ceded to them by a treaty in whieh they promised to respect and protect old customs and laws , and especially the language and religion of the people . During the first four yearsof theprcsent Eraperor ' sreignthe Germans and their customs there were respected and protected , bat the unhappy fate of Poland seems to draw after it into the same slough the other portions not nationally _belonging to the Russian empire . Everything is to become Russian ,
Let us now return to unhappy Poland , whicli country was visited by Nicholas last summer . To all the evils which continue to afflict Poland these fifteen years , to political oppression and religious persecution , without a parallel in modern _history , a fresh calamity has lately been added . The bad harvest of last year has occasioned a scarcity , and the overflowing of the rivers at two distinct periods , in the spring and immediately before the harvest , has ravaged every habitation and every field in many a district . These misfortunes have been aggravated and prolonged bythe scarcity itself , which prevented ihe sowing of half the land . As to the potatoe crop , the principal food of the poor , its _deficiency in the autumn raised the price of that useful plant so exorbitantly high , as scarcely to admit the possibility of using it for seed _ so that , to the appalling effect of present misery is superadded mest threatening anticipations for the future .
It is more particularly iu the ancient palatinates of _Sandomir , Plock , Lublin , Augustow , as well in part ofthe palatinate of Cracovia , that the famine and all tue evils in its train have been tbe most felt . In those unfortunate provinces entire masses of people , deprived of every necessary , wander about the country , divided into bands , in search of the most loathsome food , which i 3 oftener more adapted to _SMthe their hunger than afford nourishment . Numberless diseases , the unavoidable consequence oi destitution , rapidly diminish the number of these unfor tunate men , and despair sometimes drives them to acts of violence which the authorities are not always able to repress .
At the sight of so much misery who could ' remain nnmoved ? What hatred , be it ever so implacable , could avoid relenting ? Yet the Emperor has remained indifferent . He has seen _nothing , or ho would see nothing ; and he has not even iaquircil into the causes of the calamity , or thought of any remedies by which it might be alleviated . All his time at Warsaw was engrossed by military pomp and parade . lie repeatedly visited the citadel , as if to _convince himself with his own eyes that it is in a good posture of defence ; and he betrayed , in this respect , some of the anxiety usual with one who examines his weapon on the eve of using the same . He also made several trips to Georgiesk ( formerly _* lod ! in ) , situate a few miles from Warsaw , and destined to check the country all around . From
a letter written on the banks ot tue Vistula , ia August last , we take the following description of a visit paid by the great bear to the students of Warsaw : — " One day tiie Emperor , pei _* anibuhituig the streets of Warsaw in his _carriage , fell in with two student * , who neglected to uncover their heads in his presence , lie inihiediatcly ordered his _csaehman to overtake them , aud he himself asked them if'tbev did not know who he was . One of tln . ni having answered , * No , my General . ' He abruptly retorted , 'What , then , not know your Sovereign V This apostrophe struck the two young men with terror , while his Majesty added , ' Look at me well , that another time von may not forget thc person of yonr Emperor ; Irat ' l shall take care , besides , to make mvself known to all the students . " Next
moraine all the schools received an order to appear before his Maiesty , with due solemnity , their governors and professors at their head . The Emperor walked slowlv through their ranks , inquiring of Marshal Paskewicz whether he was satisfied witli thc students of Warsaw . The marshal , always on his guard , and knowing well his master , cautiously replied , ' that he was not altogether quite satisfied . ' The Emperor then cast a frowning look over the poor _s-udents , and fastened hiseye upon one ol them , unlortunatelv a plain-looking youth , whom he pointed oit to * his suite , saving , 'Alark , what mouth , what snout [ rota , tnorda , literally a vulgar and contemptuous expression , applicable to a pig)—I will -wager that he is a wretch capable of any crimes . " _Theunuaiipy student thus described hap r ened precisely to be remarkable for his geod conduct and
proficiency ; and as the professor ventured to whisper thc fact to the counsellor of state , Muchanow , who is at thc head of public instruction in Poland , Muchauow thought it his duty to repeat it to the Emperor , but his Majesty rebuked him in no _^ gei _. tle terms , and told him to hold his tongue , while he himself cave vent to his angry feciiugs , in a lecture to the students , in tone and spirit v « . ry similar io his celebrated speech , bestowed on the municipality of Warsaw . On this occasion he closed his paternal admonition to the students with the exhortation that tliey were henceforward to behave in such a manner as to deserve the good opinion ot the marshal , as otherwise he would close their school and distribute the students without distinction among hisdiifercut regiments , where thej would be obliged to serve as common soldiers and recruiis . It is not difficult to imagine the consternation which this imperial speech has spread in every Polish family . "
To some thc above statements may appear trivial , io us they appear important ; the brutal speech to the poor inoffensive student sufficiently stamps Nicholas as an uncivilised ruffian ; but w « J have now to call thc attention of our readers to horrors alnmst _equalling those to which the nuns of St . Basilius were subjected , described in our paper of last week . The following most impor tant article is translated from a French monthly periodical , an organ of the _working class , and exclusively written by working men . The facts therein stated have not hitherto appeared in anv English journal . V e arc indebted for tlie translation to the eminent Polish patriot _abjvc alluded to : —
Every _dar are we _liear " _ii-j from Poland an account of _an-ocities perpetrated hy Xicliolas against tliat _uuliappy nation . T !_ ls crowned monster is continually putting to deal ! , our _unhappy brothers of tlie north . The Poles , in _£ eyes _<> f tlic tyrant , are guilty of the twofold crime of _l _** _mg Catholics and Poles . He martyrizes the Catholics because they refuse to _al'jure their faith , and to recognise hisi as their spiritual chief ; he puis to death the Poies l » ecause they refuse to acknowledge him as their king-, and so his career as tin executioner never terminates . I > es 5 r « us , on our part , that « ur readers should hare some idea of the _Wocdtiiirstinosb of the Czar—desirous , also , to make known ihe devotion of two of his vicSsns , * » ve here xive two instances of it , not yet published : —
_Onilie-. _Hii of August , 1310 , Charles Irevitoux was arrested on _t _>* charge of heing a conspirator , and imprisoned Is tl _ . -at-sdsl of _VTarsEw . -After _having , in _rain , fur one entire , e £ ! _f . exhausted upon Levitoux , and upon ilurtj of liis frit "nSs , who were accused with _nim , every _Pliysk-al aud mora' * _•<** _* _** nretuat tue unu , an orain cou , d Cerise , life friends _**?« _" « liberated ; Levitoux , alone _susl _»* c . ed of tern- the L _* e _** d of tBc c ° P iracJ '» was detained prisoner . A ° new _i-vesdent having been appointed *» tie committee _On _^^ with lhe P » _sccuS 3 on of the accused , he was - _"<«*'"** _"i * tiiC similarity of
t 5 _* c mode of _lLdr & J < _,, _** re _, and had _unkred _Leviwurs dungeon to be mil _**& ex *™™* ' aM a _9 ie-uud traces of a complicity _, _>*» _' _«» the prisoners and a _f-w ofthe _cities of Warsaw . L _^ _viwix . who was in vain _f *« s »« a , _reived three hnn _*«* ***** oi kuou *» « _" * _. ! him to denounce liis . *« _f- _» n-P h _* ; es- - Phen _f ' _3-V , Ins wounds still bleeding , _ti _, e * _fxet-utioner repeated the a ttw % j . aUo _nireaU ° ei exen \ shll more to _aggtarate and _hxtvta i _^ snffia & g- M * " _* levitoux , n _S _^** _- « _V _« U . I _^«^^**' * _fJ _"reugth , wh . cb he feared might fail **» ¦»* _f J * toeme _HKBoaa- resolved to die . Thedooro * _™ Kassla " _mSL" ?* ' Tect : l » oa ' « " - * 5 _** » * " - _"Wamd _vS _?« _TJ . _;*> S _ike-rf « w ««> of Xovewber as _«»*» " ' _< a _^ _*' If _}?" - 'i or , di He-volution : the _£ 9 this th . _^ _numis _^ ry , nut the 35 th .
Poland And Russia. ¦ J Crime S Of Thb Mu...
™ _T n bM _^ - ° P * _«^ _'i _««* w . through which , _ilZT h ' _** _ntind « n _o _*' _* ™ ' i *« -t * e prifioiur is _aoiti _^ and to .- _< ad stUl m 0 K tQ thfl _tn _* etchednes » of tho unfortunate , U- _, _^ li _& lt _^^^ aU night ; so that even When r _*> _, sjngon his straw pallet , the prisoner Is marteto _ftej _ttot the eyes of a foe are constantl y upon Uim . _Lft ' _rttonx having found means of lulling the Vigilance of a , 9 gentinel , barricaded the door ofhis dungeon , in ord a- to delay those who might wish to open it , then _placing his light beneath his pallet , he wrapped himself i Up iu Ms coverlet , nnd , commending his soul to God , _^ waited for death . The flames being porceived by the soldiers they burst open the door , and found Levitoux burning , yet still alive ; they thwi renewed their threats , when the martyr , transported by a holy zeal , tore open his throat , and expired . Thus his soul alone carried to heaven witk it hie secret .
The second instance of martyrdom is no less remark _, able than the former . The abbot , Seigeuny , whose worth aud noble patriotism are the universal theme in _Kitlcc , was arrested , together witli a very great number of bis countrymen , ahout the end of the year 1814 . Ho was accused of having been preparing an insurrection against the Russians . Having already undergone the horrid punishmemt of the knout , one evening the committee of inquiry , interrogating him about the names of his accomplices , thre _^ teued him with the most terrible tortures . The good priest stretched forth his hand over the flame
of the lamp , aud allowing it to burn , calmly said , " Vou may martyrize me ; my Ufe is iu your hands , but my soul is with my God , and with Poland . Do what you may , no human power shall induce me to perpetrate an act of perfily . ** Whilst tliey were attempting to drag him from t _ i _» lamp , he seized hold of it , and drank the boiling oil . In a few minutes he expired , defying his persecutors , and thus achieved that immortal glory , reserved only for those who sacrifice their lives in vindication of their faith , and ot their _devotedness to the iuterests of humanity .
In its number ofthe 23 rd of September , the journal L'Uniccrs , gives an account of the martyrdom of fortyseven Polish Catholic nuns , who suffered the most horrible tortures rather than renounce their faith to adopt the _relig-ion of the tyrant of their country . Vfe Will not again allude to so melancholy a recital , as it is already known to our readers . L'Uniccrs accuses the Trench press of being , by its silence , the accomplice of Nicholas . We are anxious to prove that this accusation cannot be applied to the journals of the revolutionary party . Our party never covenanted with the infamous Nicholas . There is not u single radical who would not cheerfully sacrifice his life , so that the deserved punishment of Cod might speedily fall upon him who is by all good men called the execrable tyrant of the north .
And itis not us , above all , that they can accuse of holding onr tongues tlirough a miserable interest of antireligious or anti-national policy . _iJeeoliiliontste . ' we will do aU in our power to assist at crushing the tyrant of Poland under tbe chastisement of his crimes . C' _oUioUcs . ' we uould wish to deliver to divine justice the schismatical Pope , xrho , by his abominable cruelties , andhis unheard of persecutions , has sunk into oblivion the names of the tyrants Nero and Diocletian . Oh , tliat it were in our power to aid our Polish brothers , the world would then see ho w great is our detestation of fhemonsters who persecute them . But how is it that the soit disant religious journal reproaches revolutionary France ? Was it not in the reign of Louis XT ., of shameful memory , that Poland
was toru in rags ? lie could have saved her ; 6 he invoked liim , but he shamefully sacrificed her to the infamous debauchees of his royal _seragUo . France ,. on the contrary , when she was delivered from the Bourbons , has always extended a helping hand to Poland . On all the battlefields of Europe , the blood of Poles was intermingled with that of ours ; and the white eagle had never a more faithful ally than the old drapeau of republican France . Was it ns who , in the year 1830 , sold Poland to obtain the good graces of the Emperor of Russia ? Was it us who said , "Orderreigns in . Warsaw ? " If , then , France has not defended her old ally , itis because sho herself was no longer free , that she clso had been sold to conciliate tbe European monarchies .
Whatever the Dhtcers may say , we are grateful to the Chamber of . Deputies for their annual declaration that Poland depends upon us , and the noble refugees of that immortal nation applaud with usthis remembrance , which causes more than one forehead to blush _. It was not the people who flattered our artists , when they were about to prostitute their renown to the caprices of the hangman whose throne is at St . Petersburg . If we were in the place of our deputies , not only would we protest against the oppression of Poland , but we would refuse all credit to the government to entertain ambassadors and agents in Russia . It is a shame for France to be represented at that nation of slaves and executioners , and we sicken at hearing of a ltussian ambassador being at Paris .
The Unicers is right when it says , that formerly the account ! " of so many cruelties would have excited the honor of all Christians , and that no sovereign would bave dared to commit them . It was so , because thc treason < f the name and faith of Christ was not sitting on the throne of St . Peter . It is because we are truly Catholic that we accuse the _hhrh clergy , and above all the Tope , of unworthy weakness towards the tyrant of the north . Now , how is it , that in the sight ofthe horrible persecution which for so many years has decimated a Ca ' tholic population , more jealous of preserving its faith than'its life ; how is it , that the Catholic clergy remain silent ? It is net to obey temporsl power , for , in these days the cross is raised against tl _: e sceptre for much less important causes . If our priests were still solicitous about the Catholic faith , public prayers would be said in behalf of our brothers , the Catholic martyrs , in all our churches ; uo priest would
ascend the pulpit without recalling them to our memory ; the voice of the gathering friar would be heard soliciting alms , and he would exert himself in favour of his brethren by giving them the material means of rescuing themselves from the bonds of slavery and death . If the bishops had not bartered the humble habit of the apostles of Christ for vestments of gold and silk , would they * ot put themselvesat the head ofa new crusade—would tliey not make , by their mandatory letters , a declaration of holy war ? and the spiritual head of the church , Is he then materialised to that point , tliat he should have totally forgotten the energies ofhis predecessors ? Is there uot remaining a single line ofthe acts of Gregory VII ! Is then all remembrance of the Popes , who caused the preaching of the crusade , lost for ever ? The Saracens , who ruled over the sacred earth , did not perpetrate more cruellies , ner more persecutions against the Christians , than Nicholas has , and , notwithstanding that , Nicholas is the ally of the Pope .
Can a more monstrous aUiance be imagined ? What the Pope , thc ally of the head of the ltussian schismatics 1 What ! is the successor of St , Peter almost the bosom friend of the executioner of the Catholics J _Tcrily a strange spectacle ! If the nations lose their faith in Itome , it is because Some has abandoned itself to tinenemies of the faith ! The cause of tliis unworthy abandonment by the Catholic clergy and their head , is , that the head is himself alsothe tyrant of a portion ofthe Catholic family . All the tyrannies , all the _oppressions , are bound amongst them in solido : the decrepit old man , who reigns in the Vatican , wants the strong arm of the Petersburg !! despot
for his own maintenance . More solicitous about his temporal power than of his Christian functions , he turned king . As king , as an unlit and bad king , he oppresses those whom he calls his _subjects ; he cwmpresses their insurrections agaiust his tyranny only b y his hangmen and gendarmes ; being accustomed to see human blood shed around him , how can he feel when a tyrant is about to shed it afar off ? Therefore , good understandings between the Pope aud the Czar are officially and regularly carried on , and it is not impossible , that the day may arrive , when the Koman Pontiff will be surrounded by _Russian soldiers for tlie express purpose of annihilating , in Italy , every Christian idea of liberty .
Like ourselves , lhe Unicers is devoted to Prance , and , like ourselves , does not hesitate to accuse our French rulers of treachery to Poland . Seeing that the Uiuters , like _ourfcives , professes _itseif to be Catholic , why does it BOt unite with us to challenge those who rule over the Catholic community to do their duty ? Why does it uot join its voice with ours , to denounce the treachery of the Chris . ian name occupying the Catholic pulpits f We are we _ l aware that it is but _teo oasy to complain of our press , which has basely abandoned the cause of Poland;—we ar- but too well aware , that people may even have _courage enough to denounce the temporal power which sacrifices to its own convenience the vitality of a nation devoted to Fiance ; but itis , unquestionably , a far more courageous act to manfully break off with the priestly oligarchy , which basely abandons its faith to temporal domination .
France , which , like ourselves , is revolutionary and Catholic , is animated by the same idea , and when s ' -ie is freed from the obstacles which at present oppose her progress , like ourselves will cheerfully offer the hand of brotherhood both to Poland and to Italy . She possesses sn flici : nt generous blood in her veins to he able to shed it as well at Home as at Warsaw . Then we shall see tliat infamous crew of slaves and executioners , who now carry into effect the atrocious orders of Nicholas , expelled into their native deserts -, then we shall also see the temporal power of the Popts broken to pieces ; and tlie successor of St . Peter , freed from the care of maintaining his tyranny , wiU then exclusivelv become ihe spiritual and devoted head of Christians , and wiil once moreirapress ' fhe world with the idea ofthe ancient jdory of tlie _fope , which was to be _tluservan t of the servants of God . _—VAtlaUcr for October , _liy 5 - ' - ( To be continued . )
Extexsive Rommiiy Of Railway Shares. — O...
Extexsive RoMmiiY of Railway Shares . — On Tuesday information was received by the police that between ten and elcTen o ' clock on ihe night of Saturday last , as Mr . Richard Avery , of No . 5 , Pentonplnee , Walworth , was crossing the road from tlie Alfred Head to thc Elephant and Castle , his coat pocket was picked of 685 railway and other shares . The i obbery was supposed to have beeu committed by two women of mean appearance who walked behind Mr . Avery as he crossed . An English watchmaker , named Symington , has taken out a patent for a clock , the motive power of which is the dropping of water . It requires no winding up , and but little attention , and is said to be a verr successful experiment . The Bess _Phtsicja _^ s are Dr . Diet , Dr . Quiet , and Dr , Merrynian .
Appalling Shipwreck. Gbbat Loss Op Life,...
APPALLING SHIPWRECK . GBBAT LOSS OP LIFE , AND FRIGHTFUL SUFFERINGS OF THE SURVIVORS—LOSS OF THE EMIGRANT SHIP MARY , OF LONDON — SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST THE OWNERS . ' The melancholy details of the appalling shipwreck of the Mary , an emigrant ship of London , while on the homeward voyage from Sydney , and the dreadful fate of nearly all the female passengers , havebeen received b y the arrival of thePenyard Park packet ship , on Sunday last , in the London Docks . T « e Mary , which was built at Ipswich in the year 1811 , has tor some years been engaged in thc conveyance of passengers and emigrants between London and New South Wales , and was the property of several persons . She was barque-rigged , and measured 303 tons . On her departure from Sydney , iu addition to her crew , she had on board forty-three passengers . She was also freighted with a valuable cargo _. comprising wool , tallow , oil , and other merchandise , with a case of bullion .
The loss took place six days after leaving Sydney , on a sunken rock off Flinder ' s Island , in Bass ' s Straits , between 300 and 400 miles from Sydney . So sudden was the catastrophe , which happened in the middle of the night , that seven minutes only elapsed from the period of her striking aud breaking up , and _lamentable to state that seventeen women and children met a watery grave . The chief-mate had the watch at the time , and at about eleven o ' clock he called Captain Newby up , saying he thought land was near . The captain , however , was unable to perceive it , and shortly afterwards saw broken water on the lee-beam . Tliere was no wind to make the ship answer lier helm , she refused stays , and drove broadside on the rocks . The survivors will more fully explain the
circumstances attending the wreck . Captain Collins , ofthe 13 th Light Dragoons , gives the following account - . —The Mary sailed from the heads of Port Jackson on Monday morning , the 19 tli of May , and the wind being unfavourable for New Zealand , Captain Newby coasted to the south , and attempted the passage through Bass's Straits . After doubling Wilson Promontory , the wind veered to tho west , and the captain fearing that at that advanced season of the year the wind would continue for a length of time to the westward , resigned all hope of going home by the Cape of Good Hope , and , putting about ship , made for New Zealand . He expressed regret at the disappointment he had met with , as from the leaky state of the ship , which made six inches of wafer per hour , he wished to keep near the
land as long as he possibly could , the rigging being also defective , and not having a second suit of sails on board . At about a quarter past eleven o ' clock , on Saturday night , the 24 th , the alarm ofthe ship being in danger was given by Captain Newby to the cabin passengers , who were all in bed , and he desired them to dress and hasten upon deck . The cabin passengers were : —Mrs . Newby , her three daughters , ahd servant ; Mrs . Turnbull ; Mrs . Collina , four daughters and one son at thc breast , two maid servants , and myself . We had scarcely left our berths when the ship struck upon the reef , and the crushing noise of the timbers was distinctly heard above the roar of the breakers , and in less than three minutes the water rushed violently into the cabin , as high as our knees , when shestruck a second time . The main mast
then sunk through the bottom ofthe ship , its maintop and topmasts being supported by the main deck . The same shock that caused such devastation , forced the cabin door , which opened and shut in a slide , to to close nearly on us , the ship at the time being so much on the starboard side , that it was doubtful whether she would not capsise . Fortunately I perceived the door closing in sufficient time to introduce my hand into the open space so as to push back the door , and with the utmost difficulty 1 succeeded in getting upon deck all the passengers . This was scarcely effected when the bottom of the ship separated from the sides , carrying away . the . lower cabin deck , whieh wehadjustlel ' t , the tons of oil and cargo dashing against the reef , ahd the breakers washing over us with fearful violence . Thc only boats that were available ,
where the whale-boat on the larboard quarter , and the long-boat on the main deck . Some of the passengers were put into these beats ; and I had j ust placed Mrs . Collins in the long-boat when I heard Sarah ' calling for me to take the b » y from her , as she was unable to hold him any longer . I , with great difficulty reached her , and put a rope into her hand , which I desired her to hold by uutil I had put the child into the boat , when I would return for her and my two girls—Auiuiata and Kate . I had scarcely left her when a breaker broke over the deck , carrying me , with great foroe , against a water-but . I effected my way to tho long-boat , and while I was giving the child to its mother the niaintopmast fell oil board crushing the whale boat , which was lying upon the skids alongside of it , and immediately after the fore and
_mizenmasts , with all their sails set , also feil overboard on tho starboard side ; on which the deck righted , but the rigging of these roasts all lying across the deck , intercepted thc communication lore and aft . I was searching for my two daughters , Augusta and Kate , and thc maid Sarah , when I saw the captain , who informed me that he had just put them with his family a moment before in the whale boat on the larboard quarter , where they were all safe , that thc deck was about breaking up , and if I valued my life I would follow him . lie wished to have returned to the whale boat , but the deck beginning to separate , he made immediately for the long boat , which wc contrived to reach . At this critical moment , when all hope of preserving life had nearly abandoned us , the deck suddenly parted between the main and
foremasts , and the long boat suddenly pitched stern foremast into the sea , and notwithstanding thc quantity of water and people in her she quickly righted . We found the water gaining on us , and then discovered that both the plugs were out , on which one of the men tore the sleeve off his shirt , and by its aid partly succeeded in stopping tho water . With thc aid of boots , shoes , and hats , we continued to keep tke boat afloat , but having only one oar , we had the greatest difficulty in avoiding the numerous casks and broken wreck which threatened us on every side . From thc time the ship struck until the deck broke up , only seven minutes had elapsed . While we were surrounded hy the floating pieces of the wreck , a huge wave dashed a cask of tallow over my head against thc inside of the starboard side , near
the stern , and carried away eighteen inches oi the gunwale and upper streaks ; a tun of oil followed the course of the cask of tallow , striking off my hat in its passage , but the cask of tallow hav _" ing already made a breach in the side ofthe bout , it met with ho resistance , and passed into the sea , deluging the boat with oil . One of the sailors , named Todd , swam to the boat from the wreck with an oar , and we then got into smooth water . The sea outside the reef , as well as the wind , being nearly calm , we heard the voices of some sailors , which we supposed to be the men in the whale boat , and we steered in the direction the sound came from . On ncaring theso men , they stated that the whale boat had foundered , and that Mrs . Newby was the only person saved . Ber escape was effected by her
catching a rope alongside the broken deck in the water , when one of the men hauled her on deck . Tlie piece ofthe ship that was afloat was the quarterdeck , on whicli we found twelve men and Mrs . Newby . We obtained six oars more , and two tubs ; the meu also found a cask of brandy , and asked whether they should drop it into the boat , but the sailors , noble fellows , were unanimous in rejecting the brandy , from a sense of the evils it might cause . Nothing could surpass the undaunted self-possession which characterized the conduct of the captain and crew throughout this most fearful night , and the men we rescued from the wreck waited there in the most collected and steady manner until eaeh was called by name , when he dropped quietly into the part of the boat assiened him . The ladies and children were
sitting up to their waists in water and oil , and the boat was stove in tliree places . The large breach made by the tallow-cask the carpenter liad tried partially to repair with his coat , aud some tallow he found in the boat and tiie broken pieces wliich he picked up . In this wretched state , the water gaining on us whenever the least interruption took place ill baling the boat , wc continued for nine hours and a-half , and at half-past eight o ' clock on Sunday morning we landed on tlie island , about eighteen miles distant from the reef struck by thc ship . On reaching thc shore , those who were piously disposed returned their grateful and unfeigned tlninks to the Almighty for the miraculous interposition lie had been pleased to manifest in so signally preserving us froin tbe numetous dangers that had threatened ns .
The day was mild and warm , and we commenced arrangements for our future conduct . Wc found a sniail soring of water ou the beach , and determined to build a small bower to shelter us . The only tool wc _ possessed was the carpenter ' s axe , the edge of which had been broken in endeavouring to cut away the masts , « fcc , of the ship . Some of the party went for shellfish along the beach , but only succeeded in picking up a few limpets , which were divided in equal proportions with a small piece of pumkiii * o eack person . On reckoning the number landed , we found that _fortyvtwo persons had been saved , and seventeen drowned . On the aftcrnoou of Sunday Captain Newby , with five of the crew , left us in search of the settlement , as we knew government had a station on Flinder ' s Island , but we were uncertain that the island we were on was the same . The onlv food thc
party took with them was one slice of pumpkin eaen . All Monday passed over , the ladies and children began to sink , despair was expressed by many , and fervent were our prayers to God for aid ! Never did the words of the _Lord ' s Prayer appear to me so impressive as they then did— ' * Give us this . day our daily bread . " Bereaved of two of my children , and those saved hourly sinking before me , calling repeatedly for bread and nourishment whicli I was unable to give thein ; my wife , endeavouring to nurse her infant bo }* , herself famished ; and , tortured with excessive thirst , almost naked , and exposed to incessant rain , which fell all Tuesday , and continued during the night . On the morning of Tuesday , the third day , my eldest surviving daughter , near seven years old , showed great symptoms of _dcbilitv , ami death seemed stamped in her countenance . I had succeeded in collecting some limpets , and
Appalling Shipwreck. Gbbat Loss Op Life,...
was entering the bower , when I heard ii cheer , _vi I * _minutes a strange mnn and boy , wuii a haversack , made their appearance . Tho man ! i " l l ?* ? llfc supplies of food and clothing , and tl j _"plhgan would send more in the course of the day . Two of the men who had accompanied the captain now made their apptarance ; an abundant supply ot bread and course mutton was spread out before our famished eyes . The distance from the settlement was twenty-five miles , and the road impracticable to delicate females and children . The wind was unfortunately adverse , and we determined to await thc return of the captain , who arrived in the middle of the night . The next mommy , the wind being still against usthe captain sent off the crew
, and passengers capable of travelling by land to the settlement . The rain continued to " descend in torrents , and the wind remaining unfavourable and strong , the communication with the settlement , both by land and water , became impossible for two daysonly the females and children receiving an allowance of'iood . On Saturday the weather became more moderate , the rain ceased , and we received a fresh supply of provisions . On the following morning , the wind being favourable , we , on tlie eighth day from Oil !* landing , , got into a lorn ; boat and proceeded by water towards thc settlement , and reached it about half-past ten o ' clock that night .
Captain Collins concludes by stating that it is evident Irom the manner in which the bottom separated from the sides that the Mary would have foundered in tho first gale of wind , at all events she could no ° e reasonably expected to double Cape uorn . _iile vei . y circumstance of the main-mask sinking and striking through thc bottom proved the reasonableness of the assertion . A sound ship might _onyeXovced a head and got into clear water . 1 am satisfied , that from the facts elicited , an inquiry is ineyitabie , and trust that some measures may be taken , at least m the port of Sydney , to prevent the lives and propert y of British subjects being jeopardized m rotten or broken-backed ships .
In eonhi ' matlon of Captain Collier ' s statement , the carpenter , John Stansbury , observes that before the Mary started , he found she made fourteen inches of water in twelve hours ; but on her getting to sea he aid not think that she would make more . When she got to sea , however , he found that it increased , and remembered some of the steerage passengers expressing alarm at the pumps being so very often at work . There was no log line , log glasses , deep sea lead , or bell to strike the hours on board , like other ships . When she struck she immediately parted amidships , the mainmast went down through her bottom , and the fore and mizon masts followed . The owners of the Mary in the most positive terms refuted the declarations ofthe ship's unseaworthiness , and in proof produced tho certificate of her soundness , as given by Mr . Ashmore , surveyor for Lloyd ' s . By that document it appears that she had undergone
necessary repairs a month or two previous to her departure , and that she was fit to receive and carry a general cargo with safety . The first and second mate also certified that thc ship was stout and strong , and perfectly capable of making the voyage to England , had she been kept clear of the rocks . They also declare that she was furnished with a new and second suit of sails , and everything necessary to secure her safety . As has been mentioned in Captain Collins's narrative , the survivors endured tbe greatest suffering ere they were rescued . After being on Flinder ' s island for eight days they obtained conveyance to Launceston , where the news of the wreck had created the deepest sensation , The passengers , emigrants , and crew having lost all they possessed , several gentlemen formed themselves into a committee , and in a few days succeeded in raising a sum of money for tlieir temporary aid . Most of them are completely ruined by the calamity .
those who perished were Mrs . Heather and two daughters , Mrs . Grey , Mrs . Thurnbull , Sarah Folkes _, the whole family of Mrs . Evans—six in number ; the three daughters of the commander , Captain Newby , and the Misses Augusta and Katharine , daughters of Captain Collins . The ship and cargo were a total loss ; valued between £ 20 , 000 and - £ 30 , 000 .
"•C ' The Attack On The Pirates Of Borne...
" _C ' THE ATTACK ON THE PIRATES OF BORNEO . The following is an extract from a private letter rcceivedfromoKcot the officers engaged in the late affrays with the pirates & e ., at Borneo , and contains a more graphic account of the affair than has yet been published : —¦ " Thc fleet , under the command of Sir Thomas Cochrane , comprising the Agincourt , _t 2 , Vestal , 20 , Dcodalus , 20 , Wolverine , IC , the Vixen steam-sloop , and the Hon . Company ' s steamers the Nemesis and Pluto , started for Borneo , from Singapore , in July last , touching at Serawak , and thenee sailed for Borneo , where tlie Sultan , who nominally possesses the country , lives . This place being situate up a river , thc ships could not get up on account of their great draught of water , consequently the only vessel
that could go up were the tliree steamers Vixen , Nemesis , and Pluto , with the Admiral and all the captains , and about 200 marines on board . The marines were sent as a guard of honour , but , in the end , proved rather valuable coadjutors . They were received very civilly by the Sultan , who appeared delighted to sec them ; not so , however , a brother of his , and who is a sort of pretender to the throne . He sent a message to the Sultan , "that if he ( the Sultan ) did not send thc foreigners away he should most certainly come down , take the vessels , and cut all their ( the English ) throats . " This threat much alarmed tbe Sultan , who , immediately went to the Admiral ( Sir T . Cochrane ) to request he would depart if he had any regard fer his life . The Admiral , however , not being a man to be frightened at trifles ,
laughed at him , much to the perfect astonishment of the Sultan , who concluded instantcr that the English were all mad . The Admiral then sent a message to the Sultan ' s brother , to say that his object in coming there was peace and not war , but that he . was quite as well prepared for one as the other , and advised him , at the same time , to keep a civil tongue in his head . This he would not listen to ; but the next morning he came down , with a number of men , to the two forts , near the position ofthe three steamers , and opened fire upon them , which we ( the English ) lost no time in returning , and , in almost as short a time as I am telling you , the forts were demolished by shells , the marines landed , and the man that would fight , with the miserable rabble tliat composed his army , ran off to the hills ns fast as his legs would carry them . The guns ( brass , and very
valuable ) wove all taken and given to the Sultan , together with everything of value that could be found , and then his ( the Sultan ' s ) rival ' s place was set on lire and burnt to theground . The Sultan appeared much pleased at this , and concluded upon tiic spot a treaty of alliance , & c , with the English . Our loss was only one man killed and two or three wounded ; that of the enemy is supposed to have been very great . Two prisoners , or rather men who had been prisoners to a stt of pirates , and had made their escape , were found here , and , from their information , thc Admiral decided upon proceeding with the squadron to the place pointed out by them , at the north end of the island ( Borneo ) , to exterminate the pirates , and teach them a lesson as to English punishment for piracy . We arrived there on the 17 th of
August last . It was an immense bay , at the head of which was a large river divided at its mouth into several branches , up one of which tke pirate colony was situate . To ail appearance no one ivould suppose that any human being was ever created there , for as far as the eye could reach there was one mass of impenetrable jungle ; nevertheless , in its recesses were concealed a horde of the most sanguinary ruffians , whose greatest pride and glory is the murder of an European . This place , then , it was resolved to destroy , and , to effect a consummation so devoutly to ba wished for , an expedition , consisting of three steamers and about WO men , was dispatched under the command of Captain Talbut , of the Vestal . On reaching the month of the branch of thc river it was found to ba too shallow to allow the
passage ot the steamers , so , as a dernier resort , we were obliged to take to the boats , with about 350 seamen and 200 marines , and see what we eould do with them . This was on the 18 th of August last , about three p . m ., and , as darkness soon set in , it was deemed advisable to anchor and watt for daylight , knowing the treacherous disposition of the Malays , oi ; pirates , and the disadvantage we should be under did we attack them at night , from their superior _knowledge of the country . In the morning we all roused up , and , abont seven a . m . on the 19 th of August last , started up one of the most beautiful rivers I ever saw . There were a great number of monkeys , birds , and alligators , hut no Malays . After proceeding about ten miles up , two boats pulled a-hcad to reconnoitre , and , after pulling for about
tliree miles , on rounding an abrupt point we came in lull sight of the pirates' position , wliich consisted of two batteries of eight very heavy guns on each side of thc river , in addition to several large brass wall pieces , and other weapons calculated to do a great deal of mischief . On coming in sight a tremendous row immediately ensued , calling thc garrison to arms , and in two minutes the batteries were swarming with men , armed a la sauvage , with shield and pear , About 200 yards below the batteries was an immense boom across the river i ' or the purpose of preventing vessels from approaching the town . Having observed all that was necessary , we pulled buck to the other boats , and having made
arrangements for proceeding , the plan was this-. —The smaller boats were to advance and cut away tlie boom , and the large boats ( of which there were ten ) , with carroimtlcs on board , were to cover tliem by their nrc during the operation . This being arranged , off we started . Directly we were seen again a flag of truce was sent out to us , and after a great deal of palaver tono purpose , returned to the batteries . In about five minutes it was again sent , but with no better success ; mid it had scarcely got back when the enemy opened ire irom the three gun batteries , and the action then became general on both sides . The boom was thc great obstacle , occupying fifty-five minutes in cutting it away ; the whole of which time we were under a most galling fire , which killed ten and wounded
"•C ' The Attack On The Pirates Of Borne...
( some of them severely ) fifteen . But amply w ere they revenged , No quarter waa given or asked . Every Malay seen was hunted down and shot . We then landed , and in a short time destroyed all the stores , burnt every liouse down in the place , spiked and destroyed all the guns , and made In the brief space of time—viz ., of twohonrs—what was a flourishing town in the morning a perfect desert . The loss of the enemy was Yery great . "
Suicide By Poison. On Monday, Mr. Wakley...
SUICIDE BY POISON . On Monday , Mr . Wakley , M . P ., held an inquest at the Victoria , Chalton-street , Somei'Vtown , upon tho body of Miss Mary Anne Hunter , aged 19 , the daughter of Mr . Hunter , printer and publisher , in the said street . _Mra . Mary Hunter examined : I nm tho mother of deceased . Last Sunday morning week my daughter was seized with a violent retching , which continued so long that I suspected that she had taken some deleterious stuff . I examined her clothes , and in the pocket of her gown detected a packet of yellow arsenic , when I said to her , "Mary Anne , have you
taken poison ? " she replied , " Yes , mother , I am tired of life , and took poison , " I ( witness ) went to Dr . Delany ' s , who at first denied but afterwards acknowledged that he had sold her a pennyworth of arsenic , and gave me a white powder which I was to dilute in half-a-pint of Mater , and administer to her every ten minutes . I did so , but she got worse . Dr . Delany being present , the coroner asked him what could have induced him to sell arsenic , one of the deadliest poisons , to the young girl ?—Dr . Dekiny : I knew the girl , who told me that she required it to kill rats .
Coroner : Well , and when you understood that she took the poison , how can you account for your conduct in not having the stomach pump applied ?— -Dr . Delany : I sent proper medicines to counteract the effects ofthe poison . Coroner : You might as well have spat upon the poor creature . The carbonate of magnesia only diluted the poison . It did not remain upon the stomach , and therefore could not have acted effectively upon the stomach ov poison . . Dr . Delany : I deemed it a trivial case . Coroner : What ! To take arsenic a trivial case . Dr . Delany : Yes , sir ; her mother told me that she had thrown the arsenic into the fire , and therefore I deemed it trivial .
Mrs . Hunter ; -How could I have told you so when I showed you the remains of the arsenic in paper ? Mrs . Hunter ' s examination resumed : At night I sent for Mr . 'Roper , surgeon , of _Ossulston-street , who attended her until her death , which took place last Saturday morning . She had been ill for three years , and for the last three months insane . She complained of her head , and eould not sleep at night . Her memory so failed her that she could not keep her father ' s accounts , and she appeared melancholy and miserable . Oh ! sir , sho was a good child : if my finger ached , her heart ached . Coroner : Nothing can be conceived more horrible than to sell so deadly a poison as yellow arsenic to a person so diseased in mind . To sell poison to a rational person is bad enough , but to sell it to an insane person is unpardonable . It is putting in such a person's hands , the instrument of death , which she may
turn against herself or ' others . The family had a most fortunate escape . Several jurors : Indeed they have had . It is fortunate she did not poison them . Mr . Gilio Lymond Roper , surgeon , deposed that he was summoned to attend deceased on Sunday night week . She was then very sick , suffering intense pain , and retching . She told him that she had bought the poison on Friday and took it . Too much time had elapsed since she took the poison for the stomach-pump to be serviceable . He applied every possible remedy , but she continued to get so bad , that lie called in Dr . Marshall Hall . Her ease was hopeless , and she sunk gradually until Saturday , when she died . She wassensible , and suffered intensely to thelast moment . Upon a post mortem examination , he found visible traces of the action of arsenic upon thc stomach , which caused her death .
Coroner ( to Dr . Delany ); I sincerely trust this will be a caution to you in future . Dr . Delany : Indeed itwill ; I will never again get in such a predicament . Thejury having severely censured the practice of medical mon and druggists selling poisons indiscriminately or without caution , returned a verdict of —Temporary Insanity .
"W Singular Charge Of Polygamy. At Liver...
"W SINGULAR CHARGE OF POLYGAMY . At Liverpool Police Court , on Saturday , a young woman of handsome cast of countenance and flippant tongue , who gave her name Margaret Daly , was brought before Mr . Rusliton on a charge of _having married four husbands , all of whom arc said to be living . The first and second husbands appeared in court , and eyed each other closel _y from the seats in front of the witness box . The third and fourth husbands were nowhere . The novelty of the case excited great interest , and occasionally , considerable merriment . The prisoner did not seem in the slightest degree abashed .
Thomas Conlan , an elderly Irishman , was the first witness . He deposed that he was the prisoner's father , and that he was at present living in Salthouse-lane . " I was present , " said he , " at the marriage ofthe prisoner , Kitty , to a man ofthe name of Murray ; but Murray , yer honour , was married at thc time to another woman , and none of our family , the family ofthe Conlans , were aware of it . Kitty and Iig were married in Dublin , iu the month of Sentember , 1838 . " " Mr . Rushton : Do you recollect where the ceremony took place . Witness : Well , it was in a church , yer honour , but I ' m hanged if I recollect the name of it [ laughter ) .
Prisoner : It was in St . Michael ' s Church , father : the parish church . Witness : you are quite right , Kitty , so it was . Murray and herself lived together for a short time in Liverpool after the marriage ; and then ho sent for the w _* ife he married eleven years ago , and then , begar , he had the two wives with him in the liouse [ loud laughter ] . Him and them went away , and when they came back to Liverpool again he banished Kitty from him . He banished her last Easter Sunday , of all days in the year ; and tliGn begar , he took another old woman to live with him [ continued laughter ] . Mr . Rushton : What ! another ?
Prisoner : Another ; and the old woman has since poisoned herself . Witness : Yes , she poisoned herself a fortnight ago . Mr . Rushton : If Murray was married to another woman at the time he married the prisoner , he stands in an __ awkward position . But is it not said that theprisoner married a third and fourth husband ? Officer Bates : It is ; but I have witnesses only to the first and second marriages in court . She first married Murray , then Daly , then a man of the name of Brain , and fourthly somebody else .
Murray , the first husband , here stepped forward , and denied that he was oyer married to any other woman except the prisoner . An elderly female had indeed kept house for him twelve or fourteen years , during thc time that he was a bachelor , and , after he married the prisoner , he sent for the female in question to come to htm again . In consequence of the prisoner and her father having both robbed hiin Prisoner : Oh , Murray , Murray ! you ought to bc ashamed of yourself to say sueh a thing , Murray ( in continuation ) : In consequence of this lie was obliged to leave them , and after an absence from Liverpool for three years , he was compelled to allow the prisoner so much a week to live upon . The talk about the second marriage was all hearsay . He was certainly obliged to keep a woman to conduct his business , but he was never married to her .
Daly , the second husband , here said , that at the time he married the prisoner she showed him a letter from Hull , stating that Murray , her iirst betrothed , was dead ; and she went in black for him . Alice lliloy proved that she was present at the marriage of the prisoner and Daly . It took place two years ago last October , at the Registrar ' s office , in Islington . Daly : After she left me , she went to live with another man , of the name of Lawton [ loud laughter _^ Prisoner : I never lived with any man but yourself and Murray , and a pretty pair of i ' eilows I had in you , God knows [ great laughter ] . As for you , Daly , I never wished to marry you . I never liked you from the first , but you were after me morningnoonand
, , night , until I consented at last ; but you knew r . well as I did , at the time , that 1 was married to Murray , for I told you so , and you had months to consider whether you would have me or not . You have been three times before Mr . Rushton for drunkenness , and once for beating the servant . Murray has had three women living with him , and one of them had him uphereforliaviiigacliilil . Oh / it ' s a pretty pair of fellows I got amongst , God knows [ loud laughter ] . Mr . Rushton : The girl has been made a victim among you . That she has been married twice is beyond a doubt , bit _* you , Daly , were perfectly well acquainted with thc state ofthe case when she married you .
Dal y ; Will you keep lier from me ? I know not what I shall do in ( he town if she is let loose . Ml " . Rushton : It is one of the consequences of your vices . You had better take care Murray , what you arc about . Murray : I know well what I am about sir ; she is my only wife . The prisoner was then discharged .
The Booty Taken In Scir.De By The Troops...
The booty taken in Scir . de by the troops under thc command of Major-General Sir Charles Napier , in 1813 , amounting to half a million sterling , is to bo divided amongst the captors , lhe stamp duty paid into the Bank of England on account of the bullion and treasure amounted to upwards of £ 21 , QW .
The Booty Taken In Scir.De By The Troops...
What _NW-We have _written upon paper manufactured from iron , and seen a book witli wta leaves and binding of the same m _& tmal . - > Mimng Journal . . - Ax Example _por thb White Slaves of Esc-iand . -AtDcmerara , Berbice , and Essequibo , the blacks are forming " Joint Stock _Companies , ' and becoming the proprietors of the very soil they once cultivated as slaves . Castor Oa . —It is important to all _iav- _^ gste know that castor oil may be most easily t » pa mingled with _oranaejuice—a little sugar being added to the juice , if the orange be not ripe and sweet . The difference between this and anj ; otlier modo Ot taking this valu _iblo medicine is surprising .
The Gosport Fortifications . —Workmen are employed upon thc Gosport fortifications , putting them iu a state for efficient _defence . Tue Birth Place of Sir Walter Scott , in College Wynd , Edinburgh , is now a public house . Elkciro-macnetism . —A Mr . Richard Whig has invcnt « d a made of applying electro-magnetism to the taking of soundings , by which it is asserted that the great difficulty of ascertaining depths by sounding lead in deep water , and in strong currant ** * will be obviated . No Admission * for Jesus Christ !—Chas . Goddard , D . D ., Sub-dean of Lincoln Cathedral , has directed the officers not to admit to thc stalls or pews any person who has not " the character of a gentleman . "
More Honoured in the Obsektance tuaw in the Breach ' . —In thc days of William III , the House of Commons was accustomed to sit at nine o ' clock in thc morning . E . _vcroaciiments op mc Sea .- —The sea on the coast of Kent is making continual encroachments on the beach . To thc farmhouse called Hampton hill , which lately disappeared , Is to be added tho destruction and disappearance of tho field containing the old footway , iu the district of Studhill , at Swaleelifi ' e . The largest newspaper ever seen was the London Gazette of Tuesday Nov . ISth , which consisted of not less than seventy-three sheets of paper , each sheet bearing tho usual penny stamp ! Worthy of Imitation . — _ £ W 0 and upwards have been subscribed at Cheltenham for the purpose of affording refuge for destitute females . The _Cheltenham Journal says the carrying out of this benevolent Bcheme is thus a matter of certainty ,
The Militia . —It is said tliat the Government has ordered clothing for 40 , 000 militiamen ; and in the metropolis , in circles likely to be well informed , it is admitted that tho militia papeis have been in readiness some time , and tliat the embodiment of a strong corps of militiamon only awaits the sanction of the Queen and Parliament . —Lath Journal . _BiRUisciuii Mmm _. _Mauk-bt . —Tha Birmingham metal market has been tolerably brisk during the last week or . two . Block tin has advanced in price fully £ 10 per ton within the current month , and , from the continued scarcity , a further rise may be expected . Copper remain ' s linn with a fair demand . Tin plates are very dull , and are quoted at 33 s . to 30 s . per box for 1 . C .
_Deathfromthb Lite of a _Sfider .--An _Amcrioan paper records a circumstance of a woman dying , after fourteen days' illness , from the bite of a spider on the lip . The Potatoe Crop . —More than one cargo of potatoes , imported into the Tyne , have been sent out to sea again , within these few days , to be thrown overboard as rubbish , nnd some hundred of tons in warehouse havo been , and are , in the course of being utterly spoiled by tho rot . The Lord Chancellor . —On Sunday accounts were received from Turvillo Park , Bucks , giving the statement that Lord Lyndhurst was rapidly advancing to convalescence .
Miss Buhdbtt Coutts , who has been on a visiting tour in Scotland , before leaving Edinburgh , transmitted to the Lord Provost £ 100 for tho benefit of the poor . Thb Duke of Sutherland has , at length , agreed to accommodate tho Free Church with sites for the building of churches , on his estates in Sutherland . Incendiarism in England . —Incendiarism is again manifesting itself in Berkshire . A serious . fire occurred last week at Wantage . Gret . va Green . —All young men and maidens who wish-to follow the example of Captain Ibbetson and Lady Adela Villiers , must decide speedily , for , by a recent act , all marriages similar to that recently performed at Gretna Green , will cease to be legal after the first of January next .
Beaches of the English System . —A few days ago a vessel arrived at Yarmouth with seventy tons of nutmegs , which , being the produce of Dutch colonies , are _inadmissiblefor homcconsumption . They will therefore be sent to the Cape of Good Hope , and then re-shipped for this country as British colonial produce ! Irish Amusement . —A fiction fight between the Caseys and Garraghrocs took place a few days ago , at Cloondora , when three men were left for dead , _Commissioner ot B _. i . vki . wts . —The Lord Chancellor has appointed Mr . Burgo ( the Queen ' s Counsel , and formerly Attorney-General of Jamaica ) , to the Comniissioncrsbip of Bankruptcy , vacant by . the death of Mr . Botcler . The Lieutenant _Phillpotts , who was killed in New Zealand , was the Bishop of Exeter's son .
Dkftford Dockyard . — Sixty hired shipwrights and twenty sawyers have been entered at Deptford Dockyard , to complete the ships there .
^Tmviii Mtliimtu
_^ tmviii Mtliimtu
The Calamitous Occurrence On The Royal C...
THE CALAMITOUS OCCURRENCE ON THE ROYAL CANAL , IRELAND . Tne proceedings at the inquest on the fifteen persons drowned in the passage boat in the Royal Canal , was resumed on Thursday , November 27 . An immense number ofpersons were present , It was painful in the last degree to witness the visiters examining the bodies—as many persons had come from town and country with the view of identifying their friends or acquaintances , and in two or three instances bodies were recognised , and then arose a shout of grief and lamentation which the sternest heart could not resist . There still remain six persons whose bodies have not been recognised ; one of llicni is a beautiful young girl , christian mime suppposed to be Mary . She from
came Liverpool in company with a person named Morris , and she told him 8 ho was going to a place called Ruesky . A Mrs . Bcatty , who was going to Leitrim , had a most miraculous escape , and gives a fearful account of the accident ; Mrs . Mulligan ( lost ); lived somewhere about Longford , and was returning from Boston , in America , where she had gone to bring homo her daughter , a pretty voung girl , who was saved by the courage and humanity of Jessop , a private belonging to the Sth Hussars , a fine fellow , oi undaunted courage , who saved two or three lives with his own hand 3 , and for whieh the company has rewarded him in a handsome manner . Coffins were provided for all the bodies , and some of those recognised were taken away by their friends in the course ot the day , when thejury wais called over .
Mr . Perry said , on behalf of the company , that they had resolved on sending thc survivors home free of all expense ; the company would make good any loss or damage sustained by the passengers , send them home free and give to each of them £ 1 in addition to their expense and loss . To Jessop they would give £ 5 , and make good his loss , and also recommend him strongly to his colonel , hi fact , nothing should be left undone by the company to make every preparation they could , and as to thc property which was now in possession of tho police and the superintendence of the magistrates the company would givea guarantee to the magistrates for it , in order to bear them harmless if any mistake might occur in the distribution ofthe property or claims to it hereafter by the representatives ofthe deceased parties .
Tho examination of witnesses was then proceeded with . After about half-an-hour's consultation , thejury returned the following verdict : — " We find that thesaid Edward Rutledge , Thomas Bannon , Michael Mur . ui , and Catharine Mulligan , with four men whose names are unknown , and five women whose names are unknown , and two children whose names are unknown , cams by their deaths by being suffocated and drowned in thc passage-boat Longford , in the Royal Canal , near _Clonsilla-bridge aforesaid , on Tuesday , 25 th November , 1845 , and that it was in some measure occasioned by the neglect of the master , Christopher O'Connor , the steersman , James Dunne , and the very culpable neglect of Patrick _Tccling , a free passenger ; and wo further find , that the upsetting of the said boat was occasioned bythe most gross negligence of the said _ratiicu
_' 'reeling after the helm was given in his charge by the said James Dunne ; and we further find the said Patrick Teeling guilty of manslaughter . We also further fmd agreat want of caution in the existing regulations concerning the construction of the passage boats , the regulation of the number of passengers to be carried , and tlie duties of the crew ; and we further find a deodand on the said boat oi £ 100 sterling . " The coroner then made out his warrant , and committed Teeling i ' or trial at the commission for manslaughter .
Houovat S Ointment And Pills.—Mr. Samuel...
_HouovAT Ointment and Pills . —Mr . Samuel ¦ _wouuv _, a carpenter and builder , residing at No . 2-1 l-loug hton-street , Clare-market , was onthe 21 stof uciober last , admitted a patient , with threo dreadim uieers on the back part of hia neck , at King ' s _ooiiege Hospital , and continued so up to the 24 th of _vtarch last , when ho was discharged as incurable l has , however , been radically cured , in a very 3 » ort space of time , by the above invaluable medicines . 1 his is aRothcr proof that any wound or ulcer however dangerous , may with certainty be cured bv their means , when every other means have failed .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 6, 1845, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_06121845/page/7/