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THE NORTHERN STAR, Au ^st^jrj, 1 -^———--...
_^_, i, • Address* adopted io Tiverto* t...
11.W1CK. * «,nvincine proof that Whiggez...
SHREWSBURY. The election of two members ...
Rational %m\n ^rmipanj).
Accbisoiok.—AJrBeesley is nominated as o...
Bbrmonbsbt.— The shareholders of the Ber...
bueui ui ai v printed by DOUGAL M'GOWAN , of 16, Great Windmill-
, » •»""" »««•» me uity or Westminster, ...
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Rfa» » Lord Palmewton 1 * Speech Occupie...
j— The _** m reason , want of room , «* pets _^ _tT _^ H _oimrM _^ ey ' _aaeeondspoeeh .
The Northern Star, Au ^St^Jrj, 1 -^———--...
THE NORTHERN STAR , Au _^ st _^ jrj _, 1 - _^——— ---- _•—^—^——^™^^———^ _*^^—^—^ _M _^——^—*—^^——*™^^^^^ _.. — ¦¦¦¦ i . , _. " . _ _ tit- ** _YmJHas n *\ A nihil * _tftAnifill I _/*•»* *« . <* _.. - * ! . >_ — _. •* . t __» * _*»« .. _£ _ _~ _~~^^^\ Hi and West Indiesand other trepical * of _timewitboot confiaemeat
_^_, I, • Address* Adopted Io Tiverto* T...
__^_ , i , _Address * adopted io Tiverto * to Mr Karcey ; _JESUeeftw of _thatboroogb . must , through _iSUstandoveriill ouruext .
11.W1ck. * «,Nvincine Proof That Whiggez...
11 . W 1 CK . * _« , _nvincine proof that _Whiggezy is at a great diseount here _^ _^ wndMlte for when tbe _» on- _^; _*• b addressed the electors from the county of _Kflxourg _^^ _^ . _^ R ( wm 0 n the windows ot we 0 CC 3 S j 0 M the hon , gentbe . two P re _*? _£ _* _£ webeered , buton this occasion _, although be _uscu _^ _^^ ftr bwught promin _^ ( the 8 * . duty , ) an d pro-S 3 _SSS _& SEW- * M government in rosea to _supf _ure , be conld not raise a single 3 Ilthe « r _/^ Sb one of the town ' s subordinate _«& in a _^ of inebriation , acted _asfuale roan , ? _£ \ _KTwou ld not raise their Bwcet voices to cheer * _tf _fc _^ _nnnible gentleman . This was so discouraging ghtShe _L » dehis know _brief _. U ended by stating that he was ready to answer
anv nnestions , but not a single question waa put to him . This is a most gratifying change in public opinion since last election , when the big loaf was carried on the end of a pole ss his emblem , amid the hurrahs of the multitude . The election is fixed to take place on Sitnrday first , the 7 th inst . The news of Mr _O'Connors triumphant return for Nottingham has gratified a far larger number here than could have been anticipated , and proves that the principles Mr O'Connor has so long , so ably and disinterestedly advocated , are makitijg a silent , but sore progress . A subscription towards the Election Fund _iusbeen commenced , the proceeds will be remitted in due time . —Correspondent .
Shrewsbury. The Election Of Two Members ...
SHREWSBURY . The election of two members for tha _barongh of Shrewsbury commenced on Wednesday , July 28 th , by the nomination of three candidates by the Tory , Whig , and Protectionist parties . MrTomline the old member , was put forward by the Peelite Tories ; Mr Slaney , who bas contested this borough five times , waa brought forward _ky tho Liberals , heaven save then ; and a Mr Baldock , an importation from London , hawking 'High Church , * No Popery , ' and Protectionist wares , was proposed by the Protectionist party , who are in high rage with Mr Tomline , be having , with Sir R . Peel , struck a _treacherous blew at that oatriotio and disinterested pirty . MrSlaaey , who by the marriage of his daughters into some Tory families of local distinction , _£ » ingratiated himself amongst that factionwas proposed by the Hon . 1 .
, Kenyon , Tory , seconded by Mr Wm . Clement , a Mice flaming radical , and won the show of hands by a iaree najorifcr . Mr Tomline nest ; andMr Baldock , of wonderful oratorical powers , of ilign Church , '' No Popery , ' and Protectionist principles , received but a small share of public favour . The rolling commenced on the following morning , and after a keen and unscrupulous contest , bribery and treating bang the order ofthe day , Mr Baldock , the hero of protection , was at the head of the poll by a majority of 33 . Mr Slaney winning his election by the small number of -i votes over Mr Tomline . Mr Slaney , who professes great regard forthe welfare of the working classes and ia favourable for all safe reforms , hada great number of plumpers , and numbers of split votes from the Protectionists , who would do anything , however inconsistent , to onst Mr Tomline .
DERBY ELECTION . The nomination of candidates to represent the booughof Derby in Parliament , took place on Friday week , in the Guildhall , at nine o ' clock . MrD . Fox proposed , and Mr Saunders seconded , the nomination of the Bight Hon . Edward _Strutt , amidst great nproar . Mr Wm . _Eviss proposed , and Mr Mos 3 seconded , the nomination of Mr Glower , amidst great confusion . Mr Lewis _nroposed , and Dr Heygato seconded , the nomination of Mr Raikes , Conservative .
Tbe Rev . W . F . Poms ( Baptist minister ) rose to propose Mr Philip M'Grath as a fit person to represent the borough . Mr Poile spoke in a very animated _manner fer some time amidst load and _geneyil cheering . Mr Grose _recomed the nomination , and delivered an excelientspeech , exposiBjr tbe villainous doing 9 of the Whigs in general , and Mr Edward Strntt in particular . Mr Gawthohse proposed , and Mr Spurgeon seconded , the nomination of Mr MorZey . Mr Sihott _theaaddressed the electors amidstcons : derable confusion . He was received with cheers from his own immediate party , and with groans and hisses from the body of the hall . Ue delivered one oi his usual Whig speeches .
Mr _Gowxn declared himself in favour of vote by ballot , extension of the suffrage , and of shortening the duration ot parliaments , but added that the Chartists nnd Tories-were united , and the political ingrat tade tf the former waa proverbial . Mr Raises rested his claims to represent Derby chiefly on bis determination to resist the endowment of tbe Roman Catholic Church . Mr M'Grath , on rising to address the meeting , was received with tremendous cheers . He said at that late hour he did not deem it prudent to occupy their _timeatanylengtb , butashe appeared before them ss a candidate to represent them within the walls of St Stephen's , he hoped tbey would bear with bim for a few moments , whilst he endeavoured to explain
his political opinions . lie came before them with a slur on his character , having been charged -with comingto Derby for the purpose of aiding and assisting the Tories , aud having been brought thereby Tory gold , which charge beindignautJy repelled . ( Cheers . ) Se migbt impute tbe same motire to Mr Leveson Gower . ( Cheers . ) He came there as the advocate of civil and religious liberty . _^ He did not want time to consider his principles ; his mind waa made ap on that point He had stood in the gallery ofthe House of Commons , and heard speeches delivered which contained neither wit , reason , nor common sense , and the speeches delivered by the two Dissenting minister tnat day . contained more eloquence and reason , and displayed more intellectual power , than any score cf
speeches delivered in the House of Commons ! He then alluded in strong terms to the separation of Church and State , and made some remarks on the ambiguity ot the observations tbat bad fallen from Mr Strutt and Mr Gower upon thia point Ue went onto say that the fundamental doctrines ofthe Church of England were entirely opposed to compelling parties differing from them upholding that church , and he hoped , ere long , that the walls of St Stephen ' s would ring with that topic . ( Cheers J The Soman Catholic asserted his infallibility , but the Protestant did not , and allowed any one to read the Bible , be his religion Catholic , Jew , or Mahomedan , or any other , and draw from it their own conclusions : and he wonld pat it to Mr Strntt . whether a
system which compelled one portion of the community to pay for tiie maintenance and support of the religious opinions of another , contained either equity or justice . ( Loud applause . ) Mr M'Grath then went oh to notice a speech of Mr Struttfs which he had made a few evenings previous in the Mechanics' Hall , npon the principles of Church and State , stating that the cause of purity of religion of the Established Church was in consequence of its connexion with the State . He , for one , considered that a greater insult could not beoSered to the Deity , than to maintain such an opinion . He contradicted MrStrntt ' s remarks , that , if the Church of England was separated from the State , it wonld entail more misery on tiie people- He was opposed to the
Educational Scheme proposed by the government , and firmly believed they had no right to interfere with the education ofthe people ; maintaining that parents ought to have the same octotrol over the edacation of their children as they had in food and raiment . ( Cheers ) They had heard a good deal about slavery in America , and he deprecated this horrible system ; bat whilst they taxed the Americans with upholding it , they should not forget that this country taught it to them . The . Americans were getting heartily sick of this system , aad within the last few years several of the States had abolished it . ( Cheers . ) In alluding to the deplorable condition of the people of Ireland , who were boasted of as being a free people , and living under the sway ot a
nation which was landed as being the admiration and glory ofthe world , Mr M'Grath said the slaves of Antigua had susbcribed money for their relief . The next question was the suffrage , the right of enjoying which had been most beautifully and even sublimely argued by the rev . gentleman wbo had proposed Mm ( Mr M'Grath ) that day . Mr Strutt , ia common with other Whigs , argued that the fran chise was a trust , and not a right , but be ( Mr M'Grath ) contended it was a right ; and he had never heard it proved that all men were not born equal—were not accounted equal—by God , or did not stand equal in the eye ol the law . ( Cheers . ) The Whigs contended that the franchise should be extended to the people only in proportion to the advancement of education and knowledge , but he ( Mr M'Grath ) had stated on previous occasions tbat the intelligence of the people was often in advance of the would assert that it
government ; and he again was _h , instancing , as an example , the Cathoie Emancipation and the Free-trade Bills , which were conceded fo by _Tarytabinets ; but the people wereconvinoed of the inutility and injustice of those laws for some time previous to their _abalition- ( Cheers . ) He was prepared to vote for the mitigation of the criminal code , for be wasconvinoed that it waa harsh and unchristian ; ani ho was decidedly adverse to the use of the gallows . ( Cheers ) Mr M'Grath then went on _b > speak of the New Poor-law , saying that he could not understand Mr Strutt when he said he was opposed to ihe aged people in the workhouse being separated , and yet went to the House of Commons and voted in favour of it . ( Crirs of Yes , yes , d 'that ' s * settler Neddy . ' ) Another thing which . he thought very wrong was , _thatthediseenting minis" er # re not allowed to have free _tcoesslto the work-
Shrewsbury. The Election Of Two Members ...
honse ; and be wonld not leave anything to the discretion of the guardians . After dwelling at considerable length upon the propriety of extending the suffrage , and indignantly denying the calumny propagated by his opponents , that he was a Socialist , Mr M'Grath concluded , amidst tremendous applause , by saying that he hoped and trusted that the manner in which tbey fulfilled their duty in sending a representative to the House of Commons would redound to thoir credit , and that tbey would send a man who would advocate measures which were calculated to advance thegreat cause of human progression . The Rev . J . G & _wthoixb having withdrawn Mrttorley whom he had nominated : —
The _Matob called for a show of hands , cautioning all present wbo were not electors not to interfere . 'We made , * fays tbe Derby Mtrtwrg , ' a very careful exami . tion ofthe Hall , during this proceeding , and we give tho following as the decided conviction of our own mind : — For Ur Strntt about 80 banda were held up . For Mr Gower about 70 . For Mr Raikes at least ISO , and For Mr M'Grath about 180 : And yet the Mayor chose to declare tbe show of bands to be iu favour of Mr Strutt and Mr _fiower . We will venture to say there was not an individual out of the immense assembly present—whether political friend or foe—who was not utteriy astonished at the decision , so thoroughly contrary as it was to the fact . A poll was demanded on bei . alf of Mr Raikes and Mr MGrath , and the business of tho nomination terminated
Tbe polling commenced on Satorday , and terminated in tbe return of Messrs Strutt aad Gower . The fol-Iciwin .- are the numbers polled according to tbe mayor ' s declaration : — Mr Strutt 880 Mr Gower 852 Mr Raikes 800 Mr M'Grath 318
SOUTH LANCASHIRE . Mr Yijlleri , late member for Wolrerharapton _, and Mr Brown , the late member , were on Wednesday elected for tbis division of Lancashire . Mr Bro * n _, in the course of his . speech , argued long aud strongly against tbe Ten Hours' Bill , To him and tii > claso 5 per tent , constitutes the be-all and end-all of human _society .
_DUMFBIBS DISTRICT OF BURGHS . Mr W . Ewart was re-elected on Monday without opposbion . In answer to questions put by an elector , Mr _Ewart stated tbat he was not , uader existing circumstances , disposed to vote for the People ' s Charter ; tbat he would vote against any further endowment to religious bodies ; and was _favourable to a gtadual change of taxation by customs an 1 excise to property and income . BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . The election took place un Wednesday , when Mr Bu Pre , Mr Cavendish , and Mr Dismelr , were declared to be the members . Mr 3 . Gibbs . auctioneer and farmer , was proposed , and made a speech , but did not demand a poll . O YES ! O YES !! O YES ! J ! To all whom it may concern !
' We are requested by Ur Marcus _Merryweather Turner , late candidate for ihe representation of Stroud , to state that he is not a Chartist . '—Timet . We have hot boen requested by Mr Marcus Merry weather Turner to insert the above , but gratuitously do so , in order that Mt Marcus Uerryweatber may have the benefit of our large circulation , and bs known by Chartist * not to be a Chartist . It may be , by and by . useful .
WIGAN . At the nomination of candidates to represent this borough , Mr W . Dixon was _triumilantly elected by show ofhands . We must postpone particulars till our next .
_*** < ¦ CITT OV DUBLIN . The election has terminated in the return of Mr _Grogan and Mr Reynolds , ( Repealer , ) the latter having a majority of 200 , it is _balieved , over Mt Gregory . A petition will be presented . The defeat of Mr Gregory is owing to the number of plumpers given for the Repealer . Among those who io voted was Mr Joseph Napier , the candidate for the University .
THE ELECTIONS . At the conclusion of the elections wc shall supply our readers with an accurate list nf tbe Members returned to sit in tbe ensuing Parliament .
Rational %M\N ^Rmipanj).
_Rational % m _\ _n _^ _rmipanj ) .
Accbisoiok.—Ajrbeesley Is Nominated As O...
Accbisoiok . _—AJrBeesley is nominated as one of the three candidates to be elected to the _Center ence for the Blackburn district , _comprising the following places : —Blackburni Oswaldtwistle , Clithero _, Barnley , Colne , Preston , and Hindley . Blandfohd . —On Tuesday evening , July 27 th , a public meeting was held at Hinton St Mary , about 11 miles from Blandford , _asraallagricultural village , to hear a lecture from Mr T . Saunders , jun ., subsecretary of the Land Company at Blandford , on ' The Land and its capabilities / in conuestion with the great question of Home Colonisation , which was now so efficiently being carried into operation by the National Land Company . Mr S . was accompanied
by Messrs Milford , Hillyer , and Marshall , from Blandford , and were nobly received by their brother landsmen at Hinton , who exerted themselves to the utmost in preparing for them . The _meeting was held in a large shop , which was fitted up for the oceasion with evergreens , & c . Upon the motion oi Mr Hillyer , seconded by Mr Moore , of Hinton , Mr Milford took the chair , which he filled in an able manner , and introduced Mr Saunders in a neat brief speech . Mr Saunders then came forward and ad . dressed the meeting for one hour and three quarters , in an enthusiastic manner , nhich was only interrupted by the applause and loud responses of the working dosses , wbich cheered on the lecturer for a lonrer period than was intended . Ho challenged opposition from any one , but especially invited those who had busied themselves in circulating calumnious reports respecting Mr O'Connor and the Land Company , to come forward and let the corking men
present be thejury to decide ; but no one had the temerity to come forward to taint thc pure atmosphere of liberty with his wretched calumnies . At the close Messrs Marshall and Hillyer proposed a vote of thanks to tbe lecturer , and three cheers for Mr O'Connor , which wero enthusiastically given , again aud again ; the meeting then broke up , and Mr Saunders enrolled several new members , which now makes upwards of twenty members in that little village . Too much praise caBnot be given to Messrs Meore and Harris for their exertions in getting up the meeting , nor to the others who assisted them . The responses of the working men corroborating _whatfthe lecturer advanced , were such as would have cheered the heart of our General O'Connor . Mr Saunders , jun . is unanimously nominated as a delegate to Conference for the Brighton district , and _respectfully solicits the suffrages of his brother landsmen of the district . Eleven shillings and threepence was sent in the last week for Mr O'Connor ' s
election expenses , and two shillings and ninepencc was collected last evening for the same purpose . Boot . —The members of the National Land Company met on Saturday evening last , when Messrs John Jones aud Jonathan Berry were nominated as proper persona to represent the branch in the forthcoming Conference . Aoommitteeof five was elected to be in attendance in the meeting-room , Clarkestreet , on Sunday morning , August tbe 8 th , from nine o ' clock in the morning to twelve at noon , and from two o ' clock to fonr o ' clock in the afternoon , and from six to eight o'clock iu the evening ; and on Monday , August 9 th , from _six ' o ' clock to eight in the evening , to take the votes for the delegates torepre sent the Bui ? branch in the forthcoming Con ference .
_CBipPtaaATK . —At a numerora meeting of the members of this branch , held at _Caitwrighfa Coffee _, house , Red Cross-street , City , on Monday evening , August 2 nd ., 1847 , it was proposed , seconded , snd carried with acclamation : ¦—That the electors and non-eiectors of Nottingham deserve onr warmest thanks ( as well as of all true patriots in the kingdom ) , for their assiduity and indefatigable exertions in securing tbe return to Parliament of tbat indomitable friend and benefactor to the toiling millions , Feareus O'Connor , Esq .
After passing a vote of thanks to the chairman , the meeting separated with bright hopes for the cause of Democracy . Dundee . —A meeting of delegates ofthe northern district was held in the Camperdown Hall here on Wednesday , 28 th of July , Mr William Davidson in the ohair . Credentials were banded in by the following delegates : —David Mitchell , from Perth ; Mr John M'Leod , from Crieff ; and Mr William Beattie , Dundee ; the following resolutions were agreed
_tot-That we recommend our delegates to the Conference to urge on tbe Directors the propriety of purchasing an estate in Scotland as soon as possible consistent with the objects ofthe company . Thst it is eur opinion , that the delegates tbat represent Scotland in the forthcoming Conference should be _ingtrncted to more and support a resolution that the directors keep one of tbeir number constantly In Scotland . That we recommend our delegates to move or support a resolution tbat two persons be appointed at each ballot , whose dnties shall be to take a list ofthe names , mtb tbB number of certificate as drawn from the ballot box , and a . separate Ust of tbe names and numbers left _aftsr the list prize ic drawn , and that the said list be printed and forwarded to tbe different branches immediately after each ballot , so that all members may see that full justice bas been done tbem .
Tbat it isour opinion , that to exclude minors from ballotting on family tickets is unjust , as we consider that parents are fittest to superintend them _. That tbe selection of schoolmasters being of first rate importance , it is our opinion that a majority of allottees _shouldhavepower to engage « r dismiss them , Tbat as the speedy working ont of the Land Plan without sale or mortgage , depends on the accommodation the bank is enabled to give , we strongly recommend to all the branohe * to give that establishment their most strenuous support , Tbat we recommend ta an tbe members of tbe Laud Company in our district _unsubscribe sixpence each , to be
Accbisoiok.—Ajrbeesley Is Nominated As O...
sent to the Central Electioneering _ComoiMea to be applied by them in the manner they may deem most beneficial . That we instruct our delegates at the Conference to movo or support a resolution to tbe effect , lhat the Directors , as soon as fonnd practicable , take steps for enabling the shareholders at moderate premiums , to Insure the stock , and that an office in connection with tbe company be opened for thatpurpoBe . Thatoer delegates move for a committee to enquire into the case of J . Beattie , F . Beattie , and B . Lang , in order tbat justice may be done to all parties . That our delegates move a resolution t o tbe effect , tbat tbe directors adopt means to raise a fuad to carry shareholders to then * allotments free of expense . That the district delegates meet at least once every six months , and that a levy of one penny on e « eh member , or moreif required , be collected previous to the meeting to pay the necessary expenses . '
Air William Beattie nominated Mr Thomas Whitton , as a fit and proper person to represent this district in the forthcoming conference , »» _£ Jol , B _MILeo ( 1 after Pawing a highelogium on Mr Donmgeour of Crieff , nominated tnat gentleman as a fit and proper person to represent this district in the forthcoming Conference . A vote of thanks to Mr _Feaigus O ' Connor , and his brother democrats , and of confidence in tlieir skill , ability , and integrity , in carrying outthe Land Plan , was then agreed te . _GiAsoow .-The members of the Glasgow branoh met in Murdock ' _s school room , St Andrew ' s-square , on Monday , August 2 , to make arrangements concerning the election of a delegate to the forthcoming
Conference . The following resolutions were agreed to : — "That as mauy of our members reside at a distance from Glasgow , they be allowed to send in writing , to the secretary of ths branch , the person for whom they vote , and all such votes to be forwarded by Tuesday , the 10 th inst . "— "That we meet on Thursday , the 5 th , and on Monday , the 9 th , to receive the votes of those residing in Glasgow for the delegate . "— " That the thanks of this meeting are due to the electors and non-electors of Nottingham , for their praiseworthy conduct in the triumphant election of Mr O'Connor for Nottingham , and that we return Mr James Sweet , in particular , our warmest wishes for hia great exertions on behalf of
our glorious principles at this time . " We wonld call the attention of our members at a distance to iaBt week ' s Star , for the name ofthe person nominated in this branch . Hammersmith . —MrJames Grassby has been nominattd as candidate to represent the Westminster district in the ensuing Conference , by the members ofthe Hammersmith branch . The members residing in the Hammersmith district are requested to attend at the office , 2 , Little Vale-place , to-morrow , ( Sunday , ) August 8 th , to record their votes . N . B . —Those members on the office ( Wheeler ' s ) list , residing in . tha Hammersmith district , must vote at the same plaee .
Hon . —At the meeting ofthe Land members on Monday evening last , the result of tbe Nottingham election was received with great applause , when Mr Sweet ' s letter was answered by a resolution being unanimously passed : — That the sum of £ i out of the _Losal Expense Fund be sent to Mr O'Connor , to assist in defrajing the _tipenseB of his election . Also a vote of thanks to the brave men of Nottingham who havo seleoted so noble , so uncompromising , and honest an advocate of the people ' s rights , as tbeir and onr representative in tbe Commons' House of Parliament .
_Laans . —A meeting of the members of the Land Company was held on Sunday evening , to nominate a delegate to the Conference . Mr Brook was proposed , bat he declined , as it would be out of his power to attend the next Conference . Messrs Farrar , Shaw , and Ilewitt , were proposed , and when put to the meeting , Mr Hewitt had the greatest number , he was consequently nominated for the Leeds branch . The votes will be taken , on all the candidates who may be nominated , to-morrow afternoon at 2 o ' clock , and instructions will likewise be adopted . Mamibbone . —At a members ' meeting of ( he Land Company , held at the Coach Painters' Arms , it was unanimously resolved : — Tbat a vote of thanks be given to the men of Not ting _, ham for their strenuous exertions ia the late election , and also s vote of confidence ia Feargus " O'Connor .
MBRr aniiTiimi .. —The usual weekly meeting of this branch was held on Monday eveaing last . The attendance waa numerous . After transacting the business of the company , the two auditors reported that they had audited the books , and found them 4 rreefc . An unanimous vote of thanks was tendered U Mr D . R . Morgan , for his gratuitous and honest services as secretary to this branch , which was duly acknowledged . There were also the warmeBt thanks of the Chartists of this locality tendered to the noble and patriotic men of Nottingham , for their untiring exertions to procure the return of the Champion of Liberty within the walls of St Stephen ' s . We are busily engaged in collecting subscriptions towards the expense oi tbe election , and wijl send it to them nex
week . There was likewise a vote of thanks tendered to the electors and non-electors of Finsbuty , for their honesty in re-electing their two noble , unflinching , patriotic members ; and our warmest thanks are also given to Mr Wakley , for his noble defence of Mr _Dnnc . imbe ' s character in his absence . The next buBineBS was the nomination of delegates to the Conference to be held on the 16 th inst ,, when Mr D . R . Morgan , the secretary , was proposed as a fit and proper person to represent this district in the Land Conference , _ashe was one of the first that subscribed to the Land in Wales , and has served our cause honestly and faithfully for many years . Wm . O'Neil was also proposed as a delegate .
Nottingham . —A meeting of Land members belong ing to the Nottingham branch , No . 1 , was held on Sunday evening , at the Seven Stars , Barker-gate ; Mr Bostock in the chair , when the following business was transacted;—Messrs James Sweet , bookseller , Goose-gate , and Benjamin Douse , lacemaker , Carrington , were put in nomination as delegates to the Conference , to be held on the 16 th inst . John Wall was appointed district secretary , in the place of Mr Sweet , the latter having been put in nomination for delegate . Messrs Wright , Sissling , and Jacob Bostock were elected scrutineers ; after whieh a vote of thanks was _uuanimsusly passed to the electors who voted for Mr O'Connor , at the late election for members of parliament .
_NawcAsn-a-upoN-TxnE . —The Chartists and members ofthe Land Company of thia town , at their usual weekly meeting on Sunday evening last , August tbe 1 st , came to the following resolution : — That this meeting begm » st respectfully to asrardto Hr Sweet and the noble men of Nottingham , their deep sympathy _atid congratulation , for the brave manner in which they have done their duty in returning as a member of Parliament for that town P . O'Connor , Esq , ; and that each member here present is determined to use his utmost endeavours to preveut any undue share of the expense from falling upon tbem , The members of the Land Company are informed that at the meeting on Sunday next , it will be proposed : — Tbatthe members of this branch get up a public dinner or supper , in commemoration of the allottees talcing possession at Lowbands , on the 16 th of August next .
St Ives—On Friday evening last , Wm . _B-jrton , from Lynn , attended here and gave an exposition of the principles of tho Land Plan „ and as soon as seven o'clock arrived the Market-place was well filled with railway navvies and other working men , who listened with great attention to the soul stirring appeals of tbis talented young man ; and after tbe lecture was over , although little or nothing was known about this important institution , many were ready to pay their entrance money , but the lecturer said that he was not authorised in forming tbem into a branch , till he knew whether or not the compwy waa closed . After three cheers for the Land Plan , which he elicited with great spirit , the meeting separated iuto smaller groups , discussing the speech , till a late hour .
Towib _Haulkts . —Whittington and Cat . —At the weekly meeting of tbe members of tbe above branch of the National Lind Company , on Sunday evening last , the minutes were read and confirmed , _ltwos tben agreed : — That a general meeting of the members of the above branch be held on Sunday ( to-morrow ) evening , at six o'clock , to receive tbe opinion of Hr Wm . Lawrence and Or Wm . Tapp , in respect of the business to bo brought before tbe ensuing Conference , and then to proceed to the votes for theseveral nominated persons to represent tbe district , as appeared in the Northern Star . A vote of thanks was given to Mr Sweet and the
l / hartist committee , and tothe electors and nonelectors of Nottingham , for their arduous exertions in returning Mr O'Connor with Mr Walter to repre . sent their borough in the next Parliament . A vote of thanks was also given to the electors and nonelectors of the Tower Hamlets and the committee , for their arduous and liberal exertions which they have performed in returning Mr George Thompson by tbe immense majority as announced by thereturning officer , beingat the head ofthe poll by 3 , 646 over the poor Whig candidate , . Fox , who has had this time _hisbrush cut off for his tergiversation . Moved by Mr Uhngworth , seconded by Mr Kelt —
That the sum of ten _shllbngs be voted from the funds of ths above National Charter Association locality to the Central Election Fund Committee , towards defraying the expenses of tis . various electionsfor _burning Chartist candidates , and that a subscription be opened on Sundav evening next , andremain open for one month , to receive _SernSta ; . ' ffi , rabmwho are re _* w , tcd Fifty-seven members were enrolled , and other important business having been transacted , the chairman vacated thecbair with a vote of thanks . rl _^ L i _M 5 brancb of the Nationo 1 Lantl _2 ff * heMoB J ft ** ' , a 8 t _« _Mr J ° _fcn _Keadrick _, _sub-t _easurer , and Mr John Shaw , were duly nominateu as lit and proper persons to represent the Tower Hamlets district in the next Conference . W « D « KBHRT .-. On Monday evening last , at the weekly meeting of the members of the _Weduesbury branch of the National Land Company , Mr Fairburn . t
Accbisoiok.—Ajrbeesley Is Nominated As O...
moved , and Mr B . Dank * seconded , the following resolution :- " That the best thanks of the members of this branch are hereby given to the electors and _non-eleetors of Nottingham , forthe noble services they have rendered to the cause of Democracy , m securing the election of Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., as their member to serve tbem in Parliament" Carried by loud acclamation . Jt was also agreed that a subscription be set on foot towards defraying the expenses of the election . , . WioAN .-The members ofthis branch held their weekly meeting on Sunday last , when Mr Nicholas Canning was nominated a fit and proper person torepresent this district in the forthcoming Oonterence . The members are requested to attendon _Sunday evening next , at the Bear ' s Paw , when business of importance will be brought before them , me meeting will commence at 6 o'clock .
Bbrmonbsbt.— The Shareholders Of The Ber...
_Bbrmonbsbt . — The shareholders of the Bermondsey branoh of the National Land Company , are _reeuested to attend a special general meeting to elect a delegate to the forthcoming Land Conference , on Monday next , at eight o'clock , at tho New Tanners Arms'Grange-road . A vote of thanks was given to the brave men of Nottingham for returning that noble of nature , Feargus O'Connor , to Parliament . Mr Bird handed in 2 s . 2 d . from a few friends , and a general subscription waa entered into , amounting to 10 s . forthe election committee , 7 s . being previously _loknawleiiged . _ . . „ .,.., , ofthis branch
FORTHCOMING MEETINGS . _Barnslbt . — The members and friends of the National Land Company are requested to meet at Thomas Acklam _' _s lar _« e room , at seven o clock , on Monday _evening August 9 th , in celebration of Mr and Mrs Acklam's departure to Lowbands . A public procession , with a carriage and pair , and a band ot music , will accompany them down to the station _, early on the following morning . Men of Barnsley ! demonstrate by your attendance that you are alive to the interests of our glorious cause .
Blackhubn . —The members are requested to attend their weekly meeting at the usual place next Sabbath night , August 8 tb , at 6 o ' clock , to consider the instructions to be tendered to thc delegate representing Blackburn at the next Conference ; and to _transact other business connected with the branch . The members are also informed that an Election Society has been formed , and officers appointed to conduct the-business . -All the members are now called upon to come forward and subscribe their names to this society , the weekly instalment is only one penny per week , and Burely members considering their own interest , will aid in tbe landable project to further the return of our own
candidates to represent us in Parliament . They are also in formed that a list of the electors who voted for Mr Roberts is now being printed , to show to the working classes who are our friends and who our foes ; they may be bad at the Temperance-hotel , Whalley Bank . A vote ef thanks ftas given to those who voted for Mr Roberts at the late election . Bolton . — A delegate meeting from all the branches in this district will be held on Sunday , August 8 th , at the house of Mr John Coulter West , baok of the Squire , Bury , at ten o'clock in the forenoon , on business of great importance . —A Land members' meeting will be held in their Room ob Sunday evening next , at six o ' clock . Every member is expected to be present .
BBi 8 TOL .-The members of the Bristol branoh of the National Land Company are requested to attend a meeting , to be held en Monday evening next , at their rooms in Rosemary-street , for the purpose of electing a delegate to the forthcoming Conference . It is expected tbatall the members will attend early , as business will commence precisely at seven o ' clock ,
P U ' ' Bcrnlbt . —The shareholders belonging to No . 2 branch ofthe National Land Company are requested to attend a general meeting on Monday evening , August 9 th , at eight o ' clock , at Bradshaw ' s Temperance Hotel , Curzon-street ; Carrington . —The members of tho Carrington branch are requested to attend at the New Inn , at six o ' clock in the evening , to ballot for delegates for the forthcoming Conference and disouss tbe programme . [ Our correspondent does not say what evening . —E ., N . S . ] Derby . —A general meeting of the Derby brancb of the National Land Company will be held next Monday evening , to elect delegates to theConference at Lowbands . All the branch secretaries in tbe Derby district are requested to direct their _correspondence to Wm . Crabtree , Hatter , Derby . _DfiwsnuBT . —The members of the * National Land
Company in this _distriet are particularly requested to attend in their Room , Bond-street , on Saturday evening , August 7 th ,. at seven o ' clock , as business o great importance will be brought before the meeting Finsbury . —At a meeting of the members of the Finsbury branch , on Tuesday last , Mr Edward Wright was nominated as candidate fur delegate for tho ensuing Conference , and a general meeting of members will take place on Tuesday next , at eight o'clock precisely , for the purpose of electing a delegate fer the Conference , to be held at Lowbands on the 10 th of August . Halifax . —A meeting of tbe shareholders jof the four sections of the Land Company will bo held on Sunday , August 8 th , for the purpose of electing a delegate to represent thera in the forthcoming Conference to be held at Lowbands , on the 16 th instant . A full attendance is requested .
Hevwood . —A general meeting of the members of the Land Company will be held on Sunday , August S ; h , at two o ' olock in the afternoon , in the Chartist room , Hartley-street . Limehouse . —The members of this branch are requested to attend at tho Volunteer , Mill-phce , Limehouse , on Sunday evening next , August 8 ch , at seven o ' clock precisely , to pay up their local dues , as the books must be audited that evening . Sixpence is dne from each member , and if they cannot possibly attend tbe same must be forwarded .
_Manchester . —A general meeting of the shareholders in this branch of the National Land Company will be held in the Hall of the People ' s Institute , Heyrod-street , on Sunday ( to-morrow ) Chair to be taken at nine o ' clock . _Nbwoastle-wm _»> Tyse . —The members of this braneli are requested to attend a meeting to be held in the house of M . Jude , Cock Inn , Head of the Side , Newcastle , on Sunday evening , August 8 th , at six o ' clock , to appoint two scrutineers to scrutinisethe return of the votes ofthe branches forthe election of a delegate to the Conference ,
Nottingham . —A meeting of Land members residing in the Nottingham district will be held on Sunday evening next , at seven o ' clock , at the Seven Stars , Barker-gate , to _discasB the programme put out by the directors , and to give instructions to the delegates , who are respectfully requested to attend . Pbebiox . —A meeting ofthe Land Company wil take place oiuSuaday evening next , August 8 th , in the Largo Room , back of Mr _Hool's , Temperance Hotel , Lune-st ., for the purpose of electing a delegate for this district to the Land Conference . Business to commence precisely at eight o ' clock . Strqoo , _RocaitBiBR . — 'the members of the Rochester Land Company are requested to meet at
tueiroffice . _MrFurraingerfynext door to the Five Bells , St Margaret ' s Bank , on Monday evening , at eight o ' clock , oa important business respecting the coming Conference . Mr C . Willis has beea nominated as a delegate for this district at the coming Conference . N . B . £ 1 la . bas been subscribed by tbe members for tho Election Fund , The return of their noblo champion , Feargus O'Connor , to Parliament has created great _sensation . Tower Hamlets . —A general meeting ofthe Globe and Friends branch of the National Land Company will be held on Sunday evening , at eight o ' clock , to ballot for the delegate of the Tower _Uamleta district for tho ensuing Conference .
The Greatest Cure8 Of Any Medicines Ik The Globe,
HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT . A Cure of a Desperate Scorbutic Eruption ef long Standing . _Sxlrcxtef a Letter , dated Wolverliampton , the _lOthoffcb 18 * 7 , confirmed by Mr Simpson , Stationer ' To Professor Holloway . Sia , —Having been wonderfully restored from a state fgreatsufferlng , illness , and debility , by tlie use of your pills and ointment , Ithink it right for the _sttko of others to make my case known to you . Por tho last two vearc I was afflicted with violent Scorbutic _Eruution _wWiX
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ON THE CONCEALED CAUSE OF CONSTITUTIONAL OR ACQUIRED EBILITIES OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM . Just Published , A new and mportant Edition of tbe Silent Friend on Human Frailty . rice 2 s . 6 d ,, and sent free te y part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Ofileo Order for 3 e . fid . 4 MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of tbe GE ft . NERAT 1 VE SYSTEM , in botb sexes ; being an en ( _uirytnto the concealed cause that destroys _pbysicaenergy _, and the ability ef manhood , ere vigour has estal _olisked her empire : —with Observations on the banefusffects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION 1
_/*•»* *« . <* _.. _-. * ! . >_ — _. •* . t __» * _*»« .. _£ _ _~~^^^ or * space of time , _witboot confiaemeat to « , 7 _^ Posure . _"« Mk The above medicines are Md on i _ and L . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , _rJL " ' . l _Oxford-stt ? et , London . OBrn «» _-st _, _^ Hears , PERRY expett _tV-htnemtulledbj . . t ,... fee of One Pound , leilhont _wMeh no notioe ufa ! _""t & _e < afc _« no / Meoommtmtflatfon . Irtt ' _^ Patients aro requested to be as mhmte as _s he detail of their cases , as totheduratlonof _h _*^ _lalnt _, the symptoms , age , habits of living , and _° a > ccupation . Medicines ean be forwarded to _ao _» _^ "l he world ; no difficulty can occur , ae they win be i ' *• acked , and carefully protected from observation WUttl J N . B . —Country Druggists , Booksellers , Pa tent Mo < n Venders , and every othershopkeeper , can be sum . r _^ t , any quantity of the Cordial Balm of Syrlacum tk _^ centrated Detersive Essence , and Perry ' s Purifvin _^ Ific Pills , with the usual allowance to the ft _^} m _ost 0 thc principal Wholesale Patent Medicit _^ jp ° l London , of wham mav be bad he "Silent _FriM _^* " _**
GOUT ! GOUT' ! GOUT ! !! The New Specific Patented Medicine for Gout , _PatronijM l the Faculty , Nobility , and Gentry , ic _^
THE POPULAR MEDICINE . The following important testimony to the efficacy oj PARR'S LIFEPIJiLS _hasjustbeenreceivedb ; the Proprietors . TO MESSRS T . ROBERTS AND CO ., LOND 0 S . Athlone _, December 7 th , 18 ) 5 , Sirs , —Yon will please to send me six dozen more Part Life f ills ; I am just out . I can _aKifre you they an doing an immensity of good ; every one who has tritd tliem in affections of the Liver and -Stomach derive a greatdeaiof benefit . Yours , ic , Wim . uk _GiicnnisT _, Apothecary and Surgeon . Tbe extraordinary properties ofthis medicine are thi described by an eminent _pliysicinn _, wbo says , " Aftet par , ticular observation ofthe action of Parr's Pills I am de . termined in my opinion , that the following are their true properties : —
FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH . Price Is ljd per box . THIS _excellentFamily PILL is a Medicineoflong . hwd efficacy for correcting all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , the common symptoms of which are Costiveness . Flatulency , Spasms , Loss of appetite , Sick Headache , Giddiness , Sense of Fulness after meals . Dizziness ofthe Eyes , Drowsiness , and Pains in the Stomach aud Bowels ; Indigestion , producing u Torpid state of the Liver , anda consequent { inactivity of Uie Bowels , causing a disorganisation of every function of the frame , will in this most excellent nreuamtimi . hv _.-i !¦ _»?!« _nUrc « _vMi- « nce .
Bueui Ui Ai V Printed By Dougal M'Gowan , Of 16, Great Windmill-
_bueui ui ai v _printed by DOUGAL _M'GOWAN , of 16 , Great Windmill-
, » •»""" »««•» Me Uity Or Westminster, ...
, » _•»""" _»««•» me uity or Westminster , » Oftco , in the same Street and Parish ; for the _W ' urietor , FEARGUS _O'CO . NKOH _, Es _?' and pub" ** Z , ! _S w _" f T' of No- 18 _CUaries-street _, B »* don-street , Walworth , in tho parish of St . M _« iy , _^ _' p .- J ™ - \* . ? _, 0 , u , tJof Surrey , M tl _» Office , _*«;• • weat _Windnnll-streot , Jfaymarkst , iu tlie City of _n _** _inmater . Saturday , August 7 th , 1 : 17 .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 7, 1847, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_07081847/page/8/