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SctCDfitt& <P8T«W0, -Enou?0$, *«
Fme.—On Friday afternoon, about two o'cl...
Wnoscs op tue Merchant Seamkst. — A publ...
Preliminary* CoxFimEXCE or TiLinKS.—In p...
j-jporifjeonung cijftttiat -fttrmngw
City of Loxdon.—At the Hall, Turnagain-l...
BANKRUPTS. (From the Gazette of Friday, ...
NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF TRADES. AT a Preliminary Trades Conference, called to consider the nronriety of holding a NATIONAL
CONFERENCE of the TRADES ofthe United Ki...
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Squad Of Savron-Nill Bruisers." T The Pa...
- _^^ _rer _' _a voice being the only Bound hoard . He _jb ? 5 < v _^ _jb in favour of an . equitable adjustment J _»^ . \ L < rl that was as far as the rights of property ( _k _« it ( Exclamations of Ah , ah "— "Oh , * ovhi _^^ _gn you do uot admit tiie Rights of _proei- ' ' _Vjjjud cheers from the Leaguers . ) Some P _^ -v _, -nrotection , what do they mean ? what ?* JwA » ( Crics of - " _^ 2 ? - " ? Suff - _s _PjT ' fhe lecturer , panting to two men who occur 3 _? f « _n- * ofthe front seafe , and who had answered the _P m _^ s q ticrr _¦* - * above » ani 1 _wl 10 _wore perfectiv j _^ _iuTer- _^ « tnoge tff 0 _jjjgQ anj intoxicated " , _^ Seni out , " The "bruisers" above described , _^ Di ed to do the lecturer ' s bidding , when the men tt { t _*] nP i _,-nl-ros and a _rpmilarfitrht _f . i-. _unoil 14
Si the " possec of bruisers" was completely - _^ ned in _bvacircle of Ghartists ; and from this mod all attempts to progress with the lecture 81 l r _fTUtlc 3 S- The chairman in vain tried—order , ' _^ lesclama tions of " they are hired bytke Duke _* v ti _jjjundiam , " from some of the Leaguers ; and - « of " disgraceful conduct of the League , " were _Mndied ab out ; and _Geoi-ge Thompson protested the It fcrcc he ever used was moral force ' . A noise _¦^ _jjjhliiig the roaring of a bull , from the _galle-ry , _•^ t _Tvrtl * tremendous and most deafening cheering ; _^• _jwfnl groans and hisses -were the _e-jly sounds _J-- _ecalu fora long time be heard , during which _| ; ' _^ c Thompson put on his great-coat . " At this _£ , _Air . Doyle had scaled the platform ] and spoke to ! _r . ( jiainnan , with a view of appealing to thc _audi-, _^ io be quiet . The chairman at _length obtained % & _% and asked permission for Mr . Doyle to
_ad-^ - fcw words . Mr . Doyle made the attempt , but _^ r ls silcd with tremendous yelling from the l eagacrs , and great cheering froin the Chartists . In _^ _ia did the chairman , George Thompson , and Mr . _IiotIc attempt to quell the confusion . Disorder _ui _-sed supreme . During this period a member of _f _-j _/^ _arional Association came , accompanied with a _tiioit _, stout dark man , carrying an umbrella , to the tuck of the reporter ' stable , and pointing out Mr . T . (•• ark said , "tnere , rushinandtake out thatman with th e chequered handkerchief round . his neck ;"' but _foe short , stout man evidently thought "disjretioii the better part of valour , " as thc moral _fjHteJ : request was this time unheeded . Mr . _Ruh _' _asi Lovett rushed on the platform , and for
a m oment obtained thc ear of the meeting , _PointjM-to Mr . Doyle , he in the most malignant and _felons manner said , will you allow tint fellow to _con tinue disturbing the meeting . " This indiscreet appeal only made " confusion ten tames worse _con-Hgmded . " Half-past nine had now arrived , and not the least signs of a truce . A gentleman on thc platform tlen -proposed an adjournment of -the meeting which _trsa put by tbe chairman . From the first show of _jajjds he could not say which had it ; he , therefore , pot it again , when he decided the adjournment to be _( arried . It was not stated when or where the meeting _tfasadjournedto _^ Too much praise cannot be given to Jlr . Ashmrstfor his impartial conduct as chairman , and for the excellent temper he evinced throughout the
m _vcecding-Tf e have also received another account , signed by Mesas . Thomas Clarke , Philip M'Gratii , Christopher Doyle , and T _. M . "Wheeler , setting forth , in other language , the above recited facts . We prefer to ° ivc the -report of our own reporter , because it was te _& ed to as above stated . A most pompous , and most siUy , -resolution _respectjrn this mcetmg , has been advertised in thc Tap-tub acd the Sun by "the members of the _National Association of 242 , Holborn . " Only imagine a _"Natiosa . " Association stuck into " 2 = 12 , Ilolborn , " a dancing-crib over a gin-palace ! However , let that pass . It is with the resolve of these " three tailors cf _Toolcj-stncet" that we have to do more than mill their designation . They " publicly declare
_tLor _dimpjirobation of those persons who so _disgiai-cndly interrupted a meeting called ly the friends of Fra Trade , for the hearing of a lecture from Mr . {' . Thompson , conceiving , as they do , that such condart , " and so on _^—all the rest of the old song . In this _disapproiHiiion-we cordially join ; though we may differ with thc " three tailors " as to the parties to whom it ought to be applied . It was George Thonipm and Will Lovett , with their friends , the bullies of Saffron-bill , that interrupted the meeting : and it _ii not the first time that George Thompson has pLiyed such a game . The last meeting of the _Anti-SiaVery Societv , even in the holyprecincts of Exeter
Ball , found George Thompson and "friend" Bright there as "interrupters" and " obstructors , " for which said disgraceful conduct they received a sound rating from Daniel O'Connell . And , if wcrcmember rig hth-, the " _Natio-Vai _. BaW folks themselves " upset , " " in their " oval' Hall , the "Society for the Emancipation of British Industry ! " the Charter , a * an amendment , being moved on that occasion by Mr . George Rogers and carried by the aid of the three tailors ! Really such conduct is "destructive of all free discussion , anti-Demoeratic , and najusE . " lt _wu 3 time that "disapprobation" was " publicly expressed ' against these " disgraceful _intaTupters !"
The conclusion ofthe resolution ofthe conceited prigs cf the Natioxai . Ball we give , just for the fun of the thing . It is as follows : — _•^ "We think it the imperative duty of all honest _ifcartists to come boldly forward , and , for the sake of the cause they have espoused , redeem it from the imputation cast upon it by the conduct of a few intolerant individuals , who , for the last few years , have gone from _play to place to mar every meeting , iowever worthy the _object for which it might be called . " Now , yc _heiucspun , unintcllectual , ignorant working Chartists , that is the way your self-sufficient educated " brethren- ' perpetrate "fine writing /* Tea know that Will Lovett , years ago , discovered
that you all needed "hedication ; " and he tried to get your political associations turned into Dame schools , to teach you the nature of letters . Not being able to persuade you that such a course would bo to your benefit , he opened one of his own accord , where-die '' schoolmistress '' has ever since been practising ; and , in the above , you have a specimen of the prodigious " laming" of the _Natioxai . pupDs . No doubt it will puzzle you to imagine what sort of an imputation it is that has been cast onthe Chartist cause , or howam ' _wpufat / oiican be _cast-oa a cause at all ! bnt if you had been at school , particularl y at the Holborn Naiioxal one , you would have been able to comprehend all about it . As it is you may have the "ignorant" notion that the term
imputation , used in the sense the " three tailors" use it , can only apply to individuals , or to conduct : but thenifyou had been "hedicated" your ideas would have expanded , and you would have learned how to talk line , and to understand what yon said . Probably you may boggle at thc possibility of redeeming anything or person , character or conduct , from " an imputation cast on it . " You may be stuffed full with the old notion , that toredeemis to ransom ; to pay a price ; to free , by paying an attonement ; and how you , as sensible men , can ransom or atone an imputation , _maypuzzlcyou todiscover . Andwhatan imputasoawomd be worth to you , when ransomed , may be a more difficult question still ! But then all tliis arises from " ignorance . Get" hedicated" at" 243
Holborn , " and you will know all about it 2 Tou will , even learn how" a few intolerant individuals '' can " go fromplacctoplace to mar _evjjbt mkbuhg , however worthy the object for whicli ITmay be called ! " . Even tins will be made dear to you : for have not the National Ball folks the benefit ofthe teacliing of Counsellor Parry who knows all about grammar and correct diction !! Therefore go to the schoolmistress . Learn your lessons . Study in the school of priggish _preciseiicss—aiii . all these things will be made manifest and dear . Yon will moreover learn another lesson : you will learn what amount of subserviency and " toouxt . " is required to secure a living as secretary and _"PROPRIETORS i ) of a National Hall ! Will Lovett ; can teach you that ! in addition to all other " larning . " Therefore get to school I
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Sctcdfitt& ≪P8t«W0, -Enou?0$, *«
_SctCDfitt _& < _P 8 _T _« W _0 , _-Enou ? 0 $ , _*«
Fme.—On Friday Afternoon, About Two O'Cl...
Fme . —On Friday afternoon , about two o ' clock , the _inhsrtjiiauts of _Goildford-place , Bagniggc-wclls-road , -were alarmed by hearing dreadful screams _proceedinc from thc upper part of the house numbered 13 . Upon looking at the window o f the first-floor front , a large body of flame conld be seen raging therein . A female instantly ran into the room , when a pitiable sight presented itself ; the wife of the occupier of the room , Mrs . Mary Llewellyn , about 50 years of age , was found lying on the floor , with every particle of clothing she had on blazing away with the greatest fury . The female crying out for assistance , several persons hastened totheroom , andaftcrmuch difficulty extinguished the flames , but not until the unfortunate female was frightfully burnt about the head , face , legs , and chest . She was placed in a cab , and conveyed to St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital , where she remains with hut slight hopes of her recovery .
Scsescted MaiDKK . —Hull . —The greatest sensation was caused in this town on Wednesday , from thc circumstance that a cabinet-maker , named Thomas Mattocks , -residing in Dagger-lane , had been taken into custodvbv the police on a charge of murdering his _-mfc , who had been found lying on the floor ofthe house , dreadfullv burned , and quite dead . The man Mattocks was brought before the magistrates atthe police-court . on Wednesday morning , and sufficient evidence having been heard by them to warrant the -remand of tbe prisoner till after the coroner ' s inquest on the bodv , he was taken to the gaol .
SekIocs FinE at Richmond . —This ; morning ( Saturday ) , between tie Louis of twelve and one , afire of a v « ry alarming character , and which was not extinguished until property to a considerable amount had been destroyed , broke out in the well-knowii and extensive range of premises , termed tic King ' s Head Tavern situate at the corner of Bridge-rise , the propertv of Mr . _Cliarlcs lhirrant . Fortunately the whole ofthe inmates were enabled to escape , without meetiugwith any personalinjury . The total damage is considerable , for several of the adjoining bouses have sustained injury by water , & c . The origin of the disaster is not known . Dreadful Death of as Aged Fxmaee . —On Friday afternoon Mr . W . Carter held an inquest at the
Fme.—On Friday Afternoon, About Two O'Cl...
_SnV _^^? _^ , ' _-Weto , oa thebodv o Mr _^ Eh _^ beth B _^ _aged 58 _years , of No . 13 , Du _' kesteeet , S _^ ord-street . From the evidence it _ap-Sf _W _&? _i eceasea ' was tl » _TridoV of a proctor , hadbeenforsome timepast so low spirited and nervous that she was very seldom left alone . On _fte afternoon of Tuesday , however , her companion went out of her room to carry a message to her brother . She had barely gone down stairs before her attention was arrested by hearing the deceased _callimj _ftfiy' _^ Up ? 1 , eturllul _g to tJ - < - room she found rt nlled with smoke , and flames were mounting over each side of the bed . After looking for deceased , she was found under the bedstead , with the clothes in a blaze . . After considerable difficulty the flames were extinguished , but not before the unfortunate creature was burnt to death .
Obstructive Fire at Gbavesend . —On Saturday morning , at an early hour , Gravesend was the scene ol another destructive fire , which , at one period of its ravages , threatened to become as serious in magnitude as the conflagration in June last . It commenced in the same street , on the premises known as the Kentish Independent newspaper and printing-office situate on the north side ofthe street , _adjoining the Pope ' s Head public-house , within afew doois of _fiiffhstreet . During the early part of the morning thc compositors and pressmen were on the premises , striking off the paper , the Kentish Independent , it being publishing day , and on their leavins at three o clock the lights were safe and extmguMeu ' , and the place was locked up . However , at about ten minutes
Deiore tour o clock : the policeman , m passing alon " the street , noticed an unusual glare in one ofthe con _£ posing rooms . Among the first to eome to his assistance was Mr . Beard , a butcher , living directly opposite , who breaking open the front door with a weight , went into the premises with the policeman , and , ' upon their proceeding up stairs , found the flames confined to one room . Buckets of water being at hand , they exerted themselves to suppress it , but without any effect , and before many minutes had transpired it burst from the windows , creating terror and alarm to the whole people of Gravesend . In the interim information had been sent up to the officers on duty at the station under the Town Hall , who . it is but justice to state , were very expert in turning out the corporation engines . The alarm bell being rung , plenty of aid was soon obtained , and the engines , when got into play , were worked with considerable enerev .
The fire being observed by a sentinel posted at Tilbury Fort , oa the opposite side of the river , notice was given to the commanding officer of the garrison , who immediately dispatched a strong detachment of troops to the spot to do what service they could for tbe inhabitants . B y that time the appearance of the destructive element was most alarming ; it was blazing forth from the roof and everjdnlet that the building contained—firing on one side the Pope's Head public-house belonging to Mr . Gould , and on the other Lambert ' s eating-house , both of which were ftdly expected to be burned down . Very fortunately the firemen obtained a good supply of water , which was copiously thrown into the blazing property in all directions , but for nearly an hour it appeared " to have little or no effect ; ultimately , however , by increased exertions , its progress was stopped , " but not until the Kentish Independent Office was gutted , and the two adjacent premises , as above mentioned , greatlv
damaged . Melancholy Accident ok the River . —Four Lives Lost . —On Thursday morning , at an early hour , an accident of a very distressing character , by whidi four persons were prematurely hurried into eternity , occurred on the river , between Barking and "Woolwich . It appears that a sailing-vessel , termed a hatch boat , the property of Mr . Wm . Byford , sen ., of Barking , Essex , was proceeding up the river , for Billingsgate-market , having on board a cargo offish , and three sons of Mr . Byford , with the owner ofthe fish , and James Leaeh , a waterman , of London . The vessel started on her journey , from Chapman ' s Head beacon , the previous night , at . a late hour , nothing particular occurring until between
ope and two o'dock the next morning . At that time the vessel was nearly opposite the "Devil ' s House , " about half-way between Woolwichand Barking when a heavy squall of wind sprang up froni the west north-west , which struck the boat with fearful violence , so much so , that she almost immediately afterwards fell over on to her side . The water then rushed down the hatchwap . The parties on board clung to the side ofthe craft , but a few seconds afterwards the vessel sank , carrying with it the three Byfords and the owner ofthe fish . Leach , who was on the fore part ofthe vessel , had the presence of mind to throw off his jacket , and kept swimmiug about for the space of 20 minutes , when he was rescued by a sailing-vessel . The name of the owner of the fish is at present unknown .
Pikates in the Mediterranean . _—AdviceB werc received at Lloyd ' s on Wednesday from their agents at Gibraltar and Patras , reporting the presence of pirates in the above sea . The agent at the former port states that the Spanish brig Sorpresa , bound from Cadiz to La Guayra , had returned to Cadiz , the captain reporting that when he had proceeded as far as Cape St . Vincent , three piratical vessels—a barque , brig , and schooner—hove in sight , and the brig gave chase to him ; but he managed , after being chased for some days , to re-anchor in Cadiz Bay . The agent at Patras reports that an Ionian -vessel , with two thousand dollars on board , on her way to the Gulph
of Corinth , to load currants for a British merchant , anchored in a creek through stress of weather , where she Avas waylaid by a pirate and attacked , but the crew repulsed them ; the __ clerk in charge of thc money was , however , seriously wounded . On the above news reaching Gibraltar , her Majesty ' s ship Scout , the Swedish corvette Cariskrona , and the Danish brig of war Mercurius , all proceeded to sea to cruise in the above neighbourhood . In the meantime it will be well if all merchant vessels bound up ihe Mediterranean be provided with arms and ammunition in case they should fall in with them .
Assassination of Captain _M'Leou , R . M . —Dublin , Jan . SI . —Another barbarous assassination disgraces this land . The victim in this last instance was the resident magistrate of thc county Leitrim , and resided near BaUinainore . It is said that in tbe discharge of his duty Captain _M'Leod was the means of bringing to justice several of thc lawless gang in that district , called " The Molly Maguiries , " and for this , it is supposed , he waa murdered on Wednesday evening last . The following is the account of the brutal deed from the Enniskillen Packet of yesterday : —** We stop the press to announce the melancholy and distressing intelligence that Captain M'Leod , R . SL , who was on temporary duty at Ballinamore , county Leitrim , from this town , was shot dead last night at Garradise , near Ballinamore , the residence of Mr . Percy , with whom he was dining . Captain M'Leod left about one o ' clock , on an outside car , and coming out ofthe gate was fired at , and shot dead on the spot . "
_EXTRAOBMNART OCCURRENCE ON THE _SoUIH-We ST-¦ _EBif Railway . —On Monday afternoon , about five minutes to four , the train which leaves Nine Elms terminus for Gosport at one o ' clock , had arrived within a quarter of a mile of the station at "Winchester , when the engine-driver observed a man walk on the railway , and throw himself across the rails . The action was so instantaneous , and the distance so trifling , that it was impossible to stop the train before it reached the man , which it did almost momentarily . The train , however , did not pass over him , but the guard attached in front of the engine to clear the rails from any impediment , struck the unfortunate man a tremendous blow in the back part ofthe neck , and drove hb body several yards clear of the rails . The traii _^ w as stopped as _speedly as possible , and the guard got down to ascertain who the unfortunate man was ,
and whether he was still alive . The man was lifeless , and his death appeared to have been instantaneous . He proved to be one of the Hants rural constabulary , and was stationed on duty in the neighbourhood of Winchester . Thc body was afterwards removed to Winchester . From subsequent inquiries made , it appeared that on tbe same day the deceasedjhad made two previous attempts to get on the line whilst the train was approaching , but was driven away by the servants of the company . On Tuesday afternoon an inquest was held on the body , at the White Swan , Winchester , before J . W . Todd , Esq ., the coroner for the borough , and although the above facts were adduced in evidence , and sworn to by several witnesses , the jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death , with a nominal deodand of one shilling on thc engine . The jury were also of unanimous opinion that no blame was attributable to the company .
Fatal AccroEXi to a Railway Labookbr at Littlebcry . —Ou Saturday last an inquest was held at Addenbrooke ' s Hospital , before Mr . Cooper , coroner for this borough , on view of the body of Robert Glover , aged seventeen . From the evidence of JohnPryor , a labourer , working on the Eastern Comities Railway at _Littlebury , it appeared that the deceased , who was also employed on the same line at Littlebury , was working with the witness during thc night of the 31 st ult ., and was occupied in driving a truck or waggon laden with chalk , drawn by one horse , andrunning on temporary rails laid down for thc purpose , from that part of thc line where the tunnels are constructing to another spot , the night being very frosty , the horse starting , slipped , and the deceased ran forward to catch the horse ' snead ; when he was level with the horse , he also slipped , and fell
onthe ground between the rails . He rolled over towards the side of the rails for the purpose of avoid ' mg the wheels ofthe waggon ; he was , however , unable to do so , and the off- wheels of the waggon passed over his left thigh . He called to witness _^ who was working a little distance from hhn , who ran to his asistance , and carried him to _ one of the fires which are kept burning during the night . The accident happened about one o ' clock in the morning ; a cart was immediately- procured ; and the deceased was brought to Addenbrooke ' s Hospital , a little after five . The thigh was amputated by Mr . Hammond and Mr . Humphrey , and hopes were entertained that the deceased would recover , but in an hour afterwards he began to sink rapidly , and expired shortly after seven o ' clock . The jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death , with a deodand of 2 s . < W . on the horse , waggon , and loading .
Fme.—On Friday Afternoon, About Two O'Cl...
_in _'™!^^ , . _^ - ° Tuesdav : afternoon the mmates of the house No . 13 , Dukc 4 treef . Stamford-? _W _? _?* 2 ** _tok * m > . suddenly alarmed , by hearing _™ _S J * £ PlercinS scream proceeding' from some P « 0 _m . _lJ P ? _* - Tbe parties immediately mstituted a search to ascertain the cause of thehoise , when , after going over different parts of the house , they entered the front room on the second floor , wliich they found filled with smoke . Whilst there they heard akind of half-suppressed groan , which appeared tocome _from underneath the bedstead . Upon looking in that quarter they discovered a fine young W J ,, named Eli- » beth Beard , with nearly the whole of her wearing a pparel burnt off her back _, the bedstead having been drawn away , a moBt mghttul spectacle presented itself .. the _iinfiwtiin-itA
creature being burnt in such a shocking manner that her face looked like a piece of partially consumed leather . _^ Medical attendance was instantly procured , but not in time to be of any assistance to the poor creature , for she had ceased to exist . Destructive Fire at Nottingham . —On Sunday morning a most lamentable fire , for whicli no cause of origin can be rendered , and which , lamentable as it may appear , is considered to be the work of an incenuiary , occurred at the village of Lenton , a large suburb of Nottingham , on the opposite-side of the 1 ark , about one mile from the town . The flames succeeded in their frightful ravages in destroving all within their reach before their destructive " power could be stayed . The building which has been destroyed was a large factory , _belonjrin 2 to Mr . ' Peter
toxon ot New Lenton , liaving been erected about twelve months since , at a large expense . It was fatted up with new machines for the manufacture of lace , and adjoined a splendid new iron factory , worked bj ; Mr . Pegg , of Lenton . It was three stories high , with machinery on eacli floor , and completed with every _requisite for work . At nine o ' clock on Saturday evening , the usual custom of seeing all safe was adhered to by the son of Mr . Coxon , who found a little fire in the grates , which is the custom to leave , to keep the rooms warm for work in the morning . That night , however , the fires were lower than usual , ana he is certain no danger was to be apprehended from them . At half-past two , Smith , the watchman ofthe neighbourhood , heard a dog barkbg inside tbe _factori _' , and , on going up and _makine an
examination , found flames were raging in the interior . He proceeded to Mr . Coxon ' s house , directly opposite the factory , and Cooper , a county policeman ( county constabulary ) , was sent to Nottingham for engines-About four o clock a large engine arrived from the Nottingham Fire Brigade , with post-horses ; but the roof had fallen in twenty minutes after the discovery of the fire , and nothnig but the bare walls remained standing . Water was , however , copiously thrown on to the blazing beams , and by prompt means thc flames were prevented from spreading to the adjoining iron factory of Mr . Pegg . Copious supplies of water were obtained from the engi ne of Mr . Pegg . The whole of his men assisted to the utmost , and the large
population of Lenton , amounting to several thousands , left their beds , although the cold was most intense , and worked to the utmost to save the property . The machinery contained in the building was valued alone at £ 1 , 500 , of which only £ 550 was insured in the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Fire-office . The building was quite new , and cost several hundred pounds erecting , but its exact worth is not known . Not the least sacrifice of life or limb occurred , except in one instance , which , although of little moment as regards the severing of friendly ties of humanity in relationship , yet it is not uninteresting to mention . The poor dog who gave the alarm , being tied fast to prevent his ranging about the factory , fella victim to the raging element ..
Horrible Charge . —Rochester , _Jeb . 1 . —On Friday , the Slst of January , a full bench of county magistrates for the north division of theLajth of Ariesford assembled at thc office of Messrs . Essell and Hayward , and were occupied nearly the whole of the day investigating several charges of the most revolting description-, against Mr . John "Williams , of No . 21 , Gibraltar-terrace , New-road , Chatham ; and who has hitherto conducted an extensive and respectable boarding-school for the education of young gentlemen . The evidence , wluch is wholly unfit even for descri ption , was sufficient to warrant the magistrates in committing thc prisoner for trial at the next Maidstone assizes on several separate charges . As thc prisoner is about sixty years of age , and has moved for some years in respectable circles in the neighbourhood , the court was crowded with gentlemen . '
Dreadful Destitution in the Uxbridge Union . — Late on Saturday , Mr . Waldey , M . P ., coroner , held a lengthened inquiry at thc Six Bells public-house , RuisUp-common , about five milesfrom Uxbridge , into the circumstances attending the death of William Murrell , aged 28 , whose death , it had ken stated , had been caused by thc want ofthe common necessaries of fife . The room occupied by the deceased , his wife , and child , bespoke the penury and destitution of its occupants , and the body of the deceased bore indications of the privations he had endured . Three witnesses were examined , one of whom was the wife of the deceased , whose figure was most attenuated , and who was in so weak a state , that she was accommodated with a chair , and had brandy and water provided for her while giving her evidence . The
deceased was a labouring man , the son of another labourer , residing at Ruislip-common . The deceased married about three years ago , to witness , Martha Murrell , who belonged to Iver , _i-a Buckinghamshire , where they for some time resided . From the month of AugUBt last the deceased had been out of work , except an occasional job or two . About three months ago , in consequence of the serious illness of the wife , they became chargeable to the parish of Iver , which is in the Eton Union , and subsequently orders were given for their removal to the Uxbridge Union , but which were suspended on account of the illness of the wife . About seven weeks since , the wife being rather better , the deceased , to avoid the orders of removal being carried into effect , and their being taken to Ruislip as paupers , borrowed a horse and
cart , and removed his wife to the old workhouse , where they have ever since lived , and in the hope of getting work , abstained front applying for any assistance to the relieving-officer of the Uxbridge Union . After a week or two , not getting work , the deceased , at the earnest request of his wife , applied to the board of guardians ofthe Uxbridge Union for relief , wliich they answered by giving him an order of admission into the union workhouse at Hillingdon , upwards of four miles from all his friends . As he returned home , however , with the order to his wife , he found he could obtain employment at cutting down pea-sticks in the woods , and carrying them out into the road to be carted , and they in consequence determined not to make use of the order . Thc next morning thc deceased went to work at the
emnlovment , but finding that , work as hard as he could at It , he could not earn more than 9 d . a day , and his strength failing him , he was forced to give it up . During the whole ofthe period from their removal from Iver to Ruislip to the deceased being ill , and then obtaining relief , they subsisted alone upon potatoes which the deceased had received while at Iver for doing up a garden , and a few which his father had given him as seed to plant a little bit of garden with . Thc wife declared on oath that she cooked them three times a day , and that , with the exception of now and then half a quartern loaf , and two pennyworth of sprats , they had no other food , which statement was corroborated by the other witnesses . During those six weeks neither the deceased nor his wife tasted either meat or tea . Last
Tuesday week deceased became very poorly , and at the persuasion of the wife consented that she should apply for medical relief . She accordingly on that morning left Ruislip-common , between seven and dght o ' clock , and walked to Hillingdon , to the residence of Mr . Stockwell , the relieving-officer for the Uxbridge Union , where she arrived about nine o ' clock . He gave her an order on Mr . Rayner , surgeon , at Uxbridge , to whose house she proceeded with it , and then returned home to Ruislip-common , which she reached about twelve o ' clock , having in the interim walked ten miles in a very weak state , and without ( having no money ) bringing home any food or sustenance for her sick husband . Soon after her return home Mr . Rayner visited them , and iinmcdiatelv on ascertaining their destitute condition , he
gave them an order for necessaries , which he desired the wife to take to Mr . Stockwell . The poor jaded wife then retraced her steps to Hillingdon , where the order of Mr . Ravncr was exchanged by Mr . Stockwell for an order on Mr . _Crilins , a tradesman in Ruislip vUkge , for grocery , & o . , to the value of three shillings , with which supply she reached her home in the evening , having in obtaining it had to traverse no less than twenty miles of ground . On the following Fridav she went to the board of guardians at the Uxbridge Union Workhouse , at Hillingdon , to ask for more relief , and told them tbat her husband had got a promise of work on the following Monday , and Mr . Pierce , one of the guardiaiw , liaving stated that he had directed his bailiff to set the deceased at work in _p-ubbing , the board ordered
her to have her dinner , and Mr . Stockwell came out and told her to meet Mm at Ruislip Church on the next day ( Saturday ) . On her domg so he gave her three loaves and Is . 8 _Jd . in money , being equivalent to another Ss . On that day ( Saturday ) the deceased was very poody , and on the Sunday he complained that he had knocked his foot against a stump , and as the night advanced , getting worse , the wife called in the witness Hill , who found the deceased lying on the bed ( a chaff one ) on his face , when he complained of Eain in his neck , and his jaw being locked . He was , owever , quite sensible , and could speak to the last of his life . Mrs . Alldav . the third witness , on the
Tuesday morning went to Uxbridge to fetch Mr . Rayner , but the deceased died before he could arrive ; Mrs . Allday stated , that her husband had no employment but breaking stones at the Uxbridge Union Workhouse , at which he could never earn more than Is . id . or Is . 6 d . a day , and to perform that work he had to walk ten miles a day . —The Coroner then said he trusted that the inquiry would produce good results . It was a melancholy and deplorable thing for the poor to have to travel twenty miles before-they could obtain 3 s . worth of relief . It was making their lives a life of toil and trouble , instead of affording theia relief . The room was then cleared of strangers , and on the public beingagain admitted , thejury returned
Fme.—On Friday Afternoon, About Two O'Cl...
ayerdiot _of-4-Diedfrom lock-jaw ; and the foreman said , that the jury could not separate without expressing tbeir great . dissatisfaction and disgust atthe continuance of a system which-compelled the poor , in the hour'of . ' sickness , and destitution ,- to travel-so many miles as it was proved that the _.-wife ofthe deceased man was compelled to walk before she could obtain the relief that was necessar y for their wants . Death _ih-. ; a-Coai ... Pit . —One of-. those dreadful casualties to . whicli . colliers-, are daily exposed happened on Thursday the 30 th ult ., in Cncaple pit , near Wakefield ,, belonging to the Messrs . . Charlesworth . While Amos Pickord _, a coal getter , was in the act of taking out a choke ( which , is used instead of props to support the roof ) the stone fell . and crushed hun , and although help was near at hand , he died before they could g-ethini out . He was thirty years of age ; he has left a wife aiid two children and the wife is near being confined with the third . He bore a good character ,. aiid was a good unionist ..
_Warrisgion . _—Cucex . . _TREAIi £ _EXT Op AS' Apphe-vtick . —On , Monday last , at the Sessions Room , William Henry-Fairhurst , a fustian cutter , was summoned before the magistrates by Isabella Lowton , charged . with ill-using her daughter , who was his apprentice ; . It appeared , from tho evidence , that on tho day-the alleged brutality took . place the defendant had asked thc little girl to fetch a quantity of coals in a wheelbarrow , for the use of the shop ; it was then very [ slippery , from the snow , and she said she could not go , as her shoes were in pieces . Defendant again
asked hei _* j and she replied as before , lie then took a cane , and flogged her tor " about ten minutes , " until her arms were deeply cut with the violence of his blows .. One witness said she met the girl shortly afterwards , crying , and her arms werc running down with blood , her back at the same time being swollen up into ridges , by each blow of thc cane . Thc giri shewed her arm , and the cuts were very visible . — Tho defendant attempted to-justify his conduct , aud said the girl had spoiled the work she bad on hand . — The magistrates ordered him to pay the costs , and cancelled the indentures .
Maks _& augeter at _Bi-rt . —On Tuesday an inquest was held at the Cotton Tree Inn , Moor Side , Bury , before . Mr . Dearden , coroner , and sixteen jurymen-Mr . John Barratt , _dsuggist , Rock-street , Bury _,, foreman—on the body of a boy , five years of age , named Simon , the son of Charles Bamf ' ord , whose death took place under the following circumstances : The first witness was Alice , wife of John Smethurst , carter , who stated that between twelve and one o ' clock on Tuesday ' noon last ,-she was in the street near thc Cotton free public-house , and saw from twenty to thirty boys throwing snowballs at a man named Thomas Booth , who had a spade on his shoulders . They knocked his hat off his head twice . She _sa _* hun take a piece of coal , about half the size
of a brick , from a load of coals near the public-house door ; and he told them that if they threwany more , he would throw the coal at them . _ He walked about thirty yards with the coal in his hand , when another snowball was thrown at him . He turned back about twenty yards , and threw the coal at a crowd of boys : it struck Simon Bamford on his head ,, which afterwards bled , and he was removed home . Booth was certainly in a passion when he threw tbe coal • it broke to pieces on the child ' s head , who was between ten and fifteen yards from him at tlic time . The deceased was near the boys who'had been throwing snowballs . Booth said thc child must be taken home and have its head washed , and it would be better again . —Bv a Juryman : The boys ran away when ot coal in lus
Booth got hold ot the piece : ne new a band two or three minutes before he threw it . —Mary , the wife of Richard Dearden , Moor Gate , corroborated the evidence ofthe last witness ' . —Henry Howarth , a boy , fifteen years of age , said he lived in Bell Lane , and was a powor-loom weaver , at Messrs . Walker and Lomax ' s mill . He was standing near the child when it was knocked down by the coal , and assisted in taking it home . It had a cap on , but the cap was not cut . He was certain the piece of coal thrown by Booth hit the child over the head . Several other witnesses gave similar testimony . —Mr . Wardleworth , surgeon , said he was not called to visit the child until Fridav eveninc when he found it just recovering from
a fit of convulsions . He saw it twice on Saturday ; but it died that night . He had made a post mortem examination ofthe body that day ; he found the left temple region of the frontal bone was fractured ; the surface ofthe brain beneath the wound was higldy inflamed ; the substance of the brain was softened , and contained a small abscess . —The evidence beuig concluded , thc jury returned a verdict of " Manslaughter against Thomas Booth . "—Superintendent Henshall took charge of Booth , who had been held to bail since the death ofthe cliild . The prisoner , who is an out-door labourer , forty-six years of age , and has a wife and five children , was committed to Liverpool assizes for trial .
Dabixg Burglaries . —On Friday morning , about half-past twelve o ' clock , Mrs . Rainford , of the Weavers' Anns , Preston , whose husband was absent from home , was alarmed by a noise whicli she heard in the house ; and , immediately getting out of bed , proceeded down stairs , and found two men attempting to prize the bar door open , while two others were keeping watch outside . She instantly perceived that the house had been entered , and asked those inside how they had got in , and what , they wanted . They wanted money , they replied ; and one of them held a pistol at her head , and the other said " Drop her . " Mrs . Rainford , however , was undaunted , and refused their demand . But they insisted on having five sovereigns ; for , said they , we know the master is
from home . She then told them to wait while sho fetched the key , and they followed her up stairs . Having got inside the front room , she held fast the door , and told one of thc lodgers in the house , who had been aroused by the alarm , to halloo out ofthe window . The men standing outside threatened , if he cried out , to shoot him . Mrs . Rainford then went to the window , and cried out , while he held the door ; and they used the same threat to her . In some way or other , abnost unknown to herself , on account of her alarm and terror , she contrived to make her way into the club-room , and vociferated through thc window with all her might . Two ofthe policemen , hearing the shouts , repaired to the place ; but the depredators had taken their flight down Paradise-street . Thc constables pursued ; and , as we
have been informed , came so close upon their track , that one of the villains turned on Seed , and , presenting a pistol , swore he would shoot him if they pursued any further . It is not known how they effected an entrance , unless , as it is supposed , one of the gang had previously concealed himself in the house , and opened the door for thc others . After committing the above burglary , the same gang of men , as it is supposed , pursued thcirway to Penworthain factory , and broke into the house of Mr . John Breakell , shopkeeper , effecting an entrance by taking out one of the windows . Thc servant man was awakened by thcir noise , ' and was coming down the stairs to ascertain the cause of the disturbance which he heard
in thc house , when one of the gang who was stationed at the stair ' s foot presented a loaded gun at him , and threatened to blow his brains out if he advanced a step farther . He immediately retreated and awoke his master ; but in the meantime the plunderers decamped , having possessed themselves of £ 14 , a quantity of bacon , some clothes , a bottle of rum , and the gun , which was Mr . Breakcll ' s property . No trace has as yet been discovered to lead to their apprehension . The dog , which at other times usually keeps good guard , remained perfectly quiet on the hearthstone while they were in thc house—a circumstance which has led to the suspicion that they were known by that animal , and Must themselves have known the premises . —Preston Chronicle .
Horrible !—A Child _Burni to Death by its Mother . —Penrith , Tuesday . —A most barbarous and revolting murder was committed at a village called Lanimonby , in the vicinity of Penrith , Cumberland , on thc afternoon of Wednesday last . It appeal's that a woman of thc name of Jane Crosby , wno is married and has children by her husband , and now'living with him , and who keeps a small inn at Lanimonb )' j has been very much addicted to drinking of late , and the husband frequently reprimanded her for her misconduct . They have two daughters , about the respective ages of nine and ten years ; the younger of these children was the father ' s favourite ; , and frequently on being questioned by her father on his return from work , informed him that her mother had
been drinking during the day , in lus absence ; in consequence of wluch the mother took a most rooted antipathy against the child , and had determined to put it out of the way the first favourable opportunity . It seems , on Wednesday afternoon she accordingly undressed the poor child , with the exception of its shift , and having first hidden the clothes -in a closet or press in the house , actually made a large fire purposely in the kitchen , aud then took the child up by the legs , held it oyer the fire with its head downwards , and laid it on the top iron grate bar until the poor child ' s flesh was literally burnt off its face , and death put a period to its sufferings . The inhuman wretch then _, it appears , had taken thc cliild off the fire , and called at a neighbour ' s house and stated that the child had been
left i n the house with its little sister only , and it s clothes liaving taken fire ithad been burnt to death during her absence at a farm-house about two miles distant from _Lainmonby ; This story was doubted very much by the neighbours , and on looking at the remains ofthe cliild the shift it had oh had been only partially burnt about the neck and breast , but the back part was whole ; and no pieces ofthe burnt clothes having been found about the fire place in the kitchen , their suspicions naturally became excited , particulariy [ asthe woman had'previously-oidy borne , a very imperfect character in the village . The coroner was accordingly
summoned , and on the inquest these suspicions were communicated to him and the house having been , searched , the child ' s clothes were found wrapped together concealed in a closet , and on further inquiries being made it was found Aat the inhuman wretch had perpetrated the crime in the presence ofher other child ,, who was in the kitchen at the time , and had been soterrified and frightened by . the cruel-threats ofher inhuman mother , that she would burn her also if she revealed the occurrence , that she had in consequence' never mentioned it , till questioned by the coroner and jury . The Coroner , Mr . Carrick , after a very patient and lengthened investigation ofthe
Fme.—On Friday Afternoon, About Two O'Cl...
ease , adjourned - the ' -inquest' until Monday next ; to _giye time to obtain some - circumstantial evidence , and in the meantime ordered the wOmanto'be taken into custody , - and she is now in gaol until _, the verdict of the _joiry is returned . This painful oechrrhhoe has been a source of the greatest alarm and excitement in the secluded village of Lammonby and the neighbourhood ) and it is supposed that sufficient evidence will bo elicited to warrant the coronw in committing tlic wretched woman for trial , for the cruel and unnatural murder .
Apr-ALLiNG' Si ; icice of ax Old _MasvatDepiford —On Wednesday evening Mr . Carttar , the coroner for West Kent , held an _inqucstiat-the Earl of Chatham Tavern , Hughes ' -fields , Deptford , . on view ofthe body of Joseph Goombridge , aged sixty-two , whose death occurred the same morning under peculiarl y afflicting circumstances . From an early hour in the morning a . large concourse of persons collected in New-street , where the'deceasedhad resided with a widowed sister during tho last thirty years . Thejury , on being sworn , proceeded to view the body , which presented ene of the most frightful spectacles imagination could picture . The body lay extended on a bod . In thc . throat there was a frightful gash , severing all the arteries , and leaving but a small portion
ot flesh to connect the head with thc body . VI imam Smith , , 45 , New-street ; knew tlic deceased , and was related to him by marriage . He was a- shipwright by trade . This ( Wednesday ) morning my wile ' s mother came to . me and told me she feared sometliing had happened to tlio deceased , as he had not gone out : iccordingto his usual custom . I . went into tbe yard , aud . thence to thc water-closet , where I found hini covered in blood . He was kneeling on the floor , with his head over the scat . At that time he was quite dead . Had no doubt- whatever that deceased committed the rash act with his own hand . —John Thomas Taylor , beadle ofthe parish , mads search for the instrument with which the wound had been inflicted . Afterwards found the razor down the scat .
The razor was here produced , and was covered with blood . Thc jury returned as their verdict , that deceased destroyed himself ; . but as to his state of mind at the time there was no evidence to prove . Barnstaple . —A . melancholy accident occurred oa Friday last , the 31 st ult . at Mr . Puddicombe ' s limekiln , situate at Fremington Pill , about three miles from this town , whichhas spread a gloom over the whole of that parish . John Faircbild , one of the men employed at the kiln , having incautiously descended without the ladder , soon found that the _sulphiueous effluvia from the culmaffectcdhis respiration , and called to his brother-in-law , Richard Gayion , for help , who instantly lowered a rope , which , in . drawing
him from his perilous situation , unfortunately broke . Gay ton then immediately descended to the poor fellow ' s assistance , but the exhalations proving too strong for liim also , another man , named Shaddock , jumped down ,, and Taylor , a fourth man ,. stood ready to render immediate aid should it be necessary , who , soon perceiving that Shaddock was overpowered , put a board and slid down . He happily succeeded in getting him up , and he ultimately recovered . By this time the neighbourhood became alarmed , and Gay ton and Faivcnild being got out , medical assistance was procured , but lite was extinct . They were men of sober and industrious habits , and have each left a wife with a verv large family .
Murder _asd Suicide . —A dreadful affair occurred at Orleans last week . A carpenter , named _Sesson , who had been discharged from a lunatic asylum as cured , in a sudden return of his malady , rose in the night , stabbed himself with a knife , and then plunged it repeatedly in the bodies of his two children , inflicting upon one , an infant only one year old , twentytwo wounds , and on the other , who was four years old , fifteen wounds . The children died immediately ; but the unfortunate father survived two days , and recovered his reason just before he expired .
The Late Accidext ox the Manchester axd Leeds Railway . —The inquiry as to how thc accident was caused by which the three unfortunate men lost their lives , by the explosion ofthe boiler or fire-box , on this line , was resumed on Monday before the borough coroner and the same jury , at the Palatine Hotel , Hunt ' s bank . The inquiry extended over eleven hours , thejury being six hours deliberating on their verdict , whicli was as follows : — "That , from the tvidence brought before us , we have reason to suppose that the ordinary valve had been closed to facilitate the pressure of the steam ; and that , from some unknown cause , the lock-up safety-valve was impeded in its working . That it is the opinion of tho jury that there was a flaw in the copper plate ,
and tbe upper part of the fire-box , musing from the contraction and expansion of themetal in its ordinary working , which leu , under accumulated pressure , to the catastrophe by which William Stones , George Mills , and William Alcock , met with their death . From these circumstances , thejury lay a deodand on the engine of fi ve hundred pounds , " Thursday evening was fixed for the re-assembling of the jury in order to sign the inquisition . The remains of the deceased were interred on Sunday last , George Mills and WiUiam Alcock atthe _Harpurhey Cemetery ; those of William Stones were conveyed to the neighbourhood of Bolton , where his friends reside .. The procession at the funeral of the two former was veiy large , being nearly a quarter of a mile in length .
Manslaughter at Leeds . —On Sunday morning last the _iiuiabitantsof the upper portion of Meadowlane were thrown into a state of excitement from a report that a . man named Joseph _Nicholis , residing in that nei g hbourhood , had killed his wife in a quarrel during thc preceding night . On Tuesday morning an inquest was held before John Blackburn , Esq ., coroner , at the Shakspeare Inn , Meadow-lane , to investigate the cause of the unfortunate woman ' s death . From the evidence it appeared that the deceased was dreadfully given to drinking , and it seemed that on the [ night of her death she was in a state of beastly intoxication , in which state she was repeatedly struck and kicked by her husband . The jury found a verdict of Manslaughter against Joseph Nicholis , who was committed to York under , tho coroner ' s warrant , for trial at the ensuing assizes . The unfortunate deceased was thirty-six years of age .
Attempted Assassi . vatio . v at _HEBMitf-BniDCE On tlic 4 th inst ., a ball was held in the Democratic Chapel , which was attended by a large number ot persons . All was hilarity and enjoyment until about half-past eleven o ' clock , when the company were horrified by a most dioabolical attempt at assassination . A boy about fifteen years of age was sitting on one of the top seats , close to a window , when some fiend in human shape thrust his hand through the M _* indow , and with a knife , or some sharp instrument , stabbed him in the lower part of the back . The boy fell f rom bis seat , and was taken up bleeding profusely , A surgeon was called in who dressed the wound , and it is hoped the boy is now out of danger . A man named Richard Clegg , of Calderside has been apprehended on suspioion .
The Courrier du Havre announces the stranding , off St . _Vaast la Hougue , of the American packet ViJie de Lyon , Captain Stoddard , which sailed on Saturday from Havre , for New York with a full freight . The passengers and crew were all saved , but a man was drowned in rendering them assistance .
Wnoscs Op Tue Merchant Seamkst. — A Publ...
Wnoscs op tue Merchant _Seamkst . — A public meeting of Shipowners , Masters , and Seamen , was held in the Seamen ' s Hall , Glasgow , on the 22 nd inst ., for the purpose of expressing their disapprobation of the new bill proposed to be passed into a law this session of Parliament , and which , in the epinion of thc meeting , is an encroachment on the rights of seamen . The seamen are of opinion that the widows and children of seamen havo a right to be
supported by the Merchant Seamen ' s Fund , no matter what death , violent or natural , their husbands or fathers may have died , and to get such relief as will keep them above pauperism , or that the poll tax should be altogether repealed . Archibald _M'Intosh was in the chair ; and Mi * . J . S . Fildes explained at . full length the nature of the now bill , wliich he contended , if passed in its present shape , would be a complete Seamen ' s " New Poor Law . " The speaker took quotations from the parliamentary evidences on the Seamen ' s Fund , which proved that justice could not be done to the seamen under the present Act of Parliament . Mr . Fildes pointed out to the meeting the great hardship of compelling a man to pay to a fund , over which lie had not the least controul . He
contended that as all seamen had to pay Is . per month , they had a full right to be supported by that fund , when they arrived at an age to be unable to support themselves . It was a false hope , held out to the unsuspecting mariner , of securing something for old age ; and , after years of toil , he found to his sorrow that the gas-light legislators were a set of wholesale " crimps" of the blackest dye . Launch of the Terrible . —At the early hour of twelve o ' clock on Thursday , numbers of the parties who had obtained tickets of admission to witness the launch of this magnificent war-steamer , arrived at Deptford Dockyard , and occupied the seats allotted to them , which were sheltered with canvas in the rear , and covered with the flags of almost all nations * By half-past twelve o ' clock , the period when the first sounds ofthe hammers on the dog-shores were heard , it was scarcely possible for those who had delayed _arriving until that time , to make their way through
the dense crowd which had assembled outside the barricades surrounding the vessel , all anxious to witness the interesting spectacle . A great number of naval officers assembled at an early hour , and many of them went on board , among whom were Captain Lord Adolphus Fitzclarcricc , G . C . B ., Commodore Sir Charles Napier , Captain George Smith ( inventor ofthe paddle-box boats ) , Capt . Austin , -C . B ., Ca . pt . Otway _, Lieutenant Rivers , and Baron Gersdor t the Swedish Ambassador . Shortly before one o clock Sir John Hill , Captain Supcrmtendcnt ot the Dockyard , arrived , escorting ; his daughter , Miss Lucy Hill , and "having taken their stations on the platform ; Mr . Oliver Lang , master shipwright at the Woolwieh Dockyard , who designed tbevesseJ , presented a glass of wine to Miss . Lucy Hd , and die , drank to the success of : the . Terrible . Ihe bottle , from which the wine was taken , was instantl y attached to a cord , aud Miss Hill broke it on the bows . Mr . Willcox , master shipwright ' s assistant at
Deptford Dockyard ; then gave instructions to . proceed ' with increased-dispatch in loosening the _dog-Bliores , and in a few minutes the majestic war-steamer began to move and glide onwards into her : future elementamidst enthusiastic cheers of the numerous-spectators . - The day was beautiful overhead ,-although * the wind was piercing cold , and there could not have been fewer than ten thousand -persons present on- this interesting occasion—a scene always gratifying , to Englishmen , who pride themselves on their wooden bulwarks , of which this vessel isasuperibr specimen _,, combining all the best qualities of _steam-: Vessels of first-rate character . Some idea may be formed _of-the great size and capabilities of the Terrible , when it is stated that each of herpaddle-box boats _willaccommodateorcarrvSOO men . The engines are to bo fitted by Maudsley , Sons , and Field , who were present to witness the launch , and will be of _800-honse power .- As
the vessel entered the river her form appeared very pleasing and bold to the eye . and the figure-head of Jupiter , carved bv Holyer and Son , had a ' _-very majestic appearance , suitable to the character of the god of thunder . The Odin steam-vessel , another warsteamer , designed by Mr . Lang , will be commenced immediately on the slip on which the Terrible was built ; and the Spitfire , at present constructing on the sister slip at Deptford , will be launched in the middle of next month . The following are the dimensions of- the Terrible * . — Length from the fore part of the fi gure-head to ft . in . the aft part ofthe taffrail 246 0 Length between tho perpendiculars _ooij _n , Length of the keel for tonnage 19 G 10 { _- Breadth extreme 4 'J I ! Breadth for tonnage 42 . o Breadth moulded < n , 2 ; Depth in hold 27 l Burthen in tons . 1 ; 847 7-01 . ,
Preliminary* Coxfimexce Or Tilinks.—In P...
Preliminary * CoxFimEXCE or _TiLinKS . —In _pursuanceofa circular recently issued by the Central Association of London Trades , recommending the Trades to take up the suggestions of T . S . Duncombe , M . P ., in his reply to Mr . John Drury , . of Sheffield ; . the preliminary conference was held in the large room of the Bell Inn , Old Bailey , on Thursday , evening , February thc 6 th ,.. when upwards of sixty delegates were present . Amongst other trades represented were the Morocco-leather Finishers , Dyers , King ' s Arms Society of Carpenters : the Sun ditto , London-wall : the Castle , City-road , Society ; the Bay Malton , ditto ; the Carpenters ' Union ; the Dun Horse Society of ditto , _* . the Running Horse Society of ditto ; the Tin-plate Workers , Bookbinders , Newspaper Compositors , Corkcutters , Ironmoulders , Carvers and Gilders , Spitalfield Weavers , Masons , City Boot and Shoemakers , West End do ., Stepney do ., Westminster do ., the Silkhatters , and tiie- Miners of the North of England . Mr . Robertson ( bookbinder ) was unanimously called to the chair . Mr . T . Barrett , secretary , explained the reasons for calling the present meeting . Mr . J . S . Sherrard rose and moved the first resolution , which was seconded by Mr . Ching , and . carried unanimously . Mr . Dunning moved the second resolution , which was seconded by Mr . Williams , and carried unanimously . Mr . Wilson ( boot and shoemaker ) , moved the third resolution Mr . Wartnaby seconded the motion , which was carried unanimously . Mr . Wartnaby moved a vote of thanks to the ohairman , and the meeting adjourned . The resolutions will be found advertised in our fifth page .
J-Jporifjeonung Cijftttiat -Fttrmngw
_j-jporifjeonung _cijftttiat _-fttrmngw
City Of Loxdon.—At The Hall, Turnagain-L...
City of Loxdon . —At the Hall , Turnagain-lane , the public discussion will be resumed at half-past ten on Sunday morning next . Tho Metropolitan District Council will assemble for the dispatch of business , at three precisely . In the evening at seven , Mr . M ' Grath _; President of the Executive , will deliver a public lecture . Cit y of Loxdox . —A meeting ofthe members of the Chartist locality meeting at thc Hall , Turnagain Lane , will be held on Tuesday evening next , at eight o ' clock . _Marylebosk . —The adjourned meeting will be resumed atthe Coaohmakers' Arms , Circus-street , Now Road , on Sunday evening next , February the 9 th , at half-past seven . Camberwell axd Walworth . —A meeting will be held at the Montpelier Tavern , on Monday evening next , February the 10 th , at eight preeiiely .
Hammersmith . —Mr . P . M'Grath , President of the Executive Committee , will lecture on Free Trade , at the Ship Inn , Bridge-road , on Tuesday evening next , February llth ; chair to be taken at half-past seven * Mr . Clark will lecture at the St . George ' s Temperance Hall , _Blackfriavs Road , on Tuesday evening , February the llth . Subject—Trades' Unions , why they have failed , and the means to be taken to render them effectual . _SouinwARK and _Lambeth . —Mr . C . Doyle will lecture at the St . George ' s Temperance Hall , Black _, friars-road , on Sunday evening next , Feb . 9 th , at seven precisely .
Bethnal-green . —Mr . T . M . Wheeler will lecture at the Whittington and Cat , Church-row , on Sunday evening next , Feb . 9 th , at seven o ' clock precisely . Somers Town . —Mr . T . Clark will lecture at the Bricklayers' Anns , Tonbridge-street , Cromer-street , on Sunday evening next , at half-past seven . Democratic Festival . —A Politico-Social Festival , consisting of supper , song , & c , will be held at Tillmann s Assembl y Rooms , 49 , Tottenham Court Road , on Monday evening next , February the 10 th . Tickets , nine-pence each . Supper on table at eight o ' clock precisely . Chelsea-. —The inhabitants of Chelsea , Brompton , and Knightsbridge , are requested to attend a Public Meeting , which will be held at the Cheshire Cheese , Grosvenor Row , on Sunday evening next , February the 9 th , at half-past seven , for the purpose of nominating the necessary officers of a locality of the National Charter Association .
_Emmeit _' s Brigade . —All persons holding tickets for the harmonic meeting for the benefit of Mrs . Ellis , are respectfully solicited to meet at the Rock Tavern , Lisson-grove , on Sunday evening next , at eight o ' clock . Duncombe Testimonial . —The Central . Committee will meet for the transaction of business , at the Parthenium Club Rooms , Saint Martin ' s Lane , on Wednesday evening next , February the 12 th , at half-past eight precisely . A Delegate Meeting for the » county of Cornwall , will be held at Canborne on Sunday , February the 16 th , to consider the propriety of sending a delegate to the Convention . The North Lancashire Delegate _MuBTirra will be held at Bradshaw ' s Temperance-hotel , _Curzonstreet , Burnley , on Sunday , February 16 th , at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon .
Bankrupts. (From The Gazette Of Friday, ...
BANKRUPTS . ( From the Gazette of Friday , Feb . 7 th . ) John Beard , Deptford , builder—George Haywood , Lutoa , Bedfordshire , bricklayer—William Henry Colt , Long Mel . ford , Suffolk , grocer—Samuel Hugs , Southampton , carpenter—James Bradshaw , High-street , Camden Towncoal-merchant—Samuel Tavcner , Sovereign-mews , Paddington , bricklayer—John Kichardson _, Fish-street-hil ! , City , boot and shoemaker . DIVIDENDS . March 1 , W . and T . Biggins , Old Bond-street , hosiers—Feb . 28 , R . Thelwall , Manchester , silversmith—March 4 , T . Collinson , Wakefield , Yorkshire , _boat-huilder—March D , B . Wright , Liverpool , dealer in paint—Feb . 27 , J . Mal-Ialieu , Highstile , Yorkshire , woollen-manufacturer .
National Conference Of Trades. At A Preliminary Trades Conference, Called To Consider The Nronriety Of Holding A National
NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF TRADES . AT a Preliminary Trades Conference , called to consider the _nronriety of holding a NATIONAL
Conference Of The Trades Ofthe United Ki...
CONFERENCE of the TRADES ofthe United Kingdom , and held at the Bell Inn , Old Bailey , on Thursday evening , February Cth—Mr . Roberts , bookbinder , in the chair—the following resolutions were carried unanimously * . — 1 st . _—Propoiod by Mr . _Subrrard , broad ailk weaver ; seconded % Mr . _Chino , tinplate-worker : — " That this meeting , considering the present position of the Trades an extremely perilous one , that all Trades require a better system of organization to protect their mutual rights and privileges ; and the representatives of Trades now assembled are of opi «
nion that immediate steps should be taken to consolidate the several Trades , that they may be enabled the better to assert and maintain those rights and privileges . " 2 nd . —Moved by Mr . Duxnino " , bookbinder ; seconded by Mr . Williams , carver and gilder : — " That , for the purpose of carrying out the foregoing resolution , it is highly desirable that a Committee should be formed in London in conjunction with the Central Association , or of Associated Trades , to correspond with the various Trades in the provinces , to the end , that at Easter next a General Conference may be held in the Metropolis , to devise the means by which an effectual resistance may be given to any measure introduced in tiie present session of Parliament , tending to injure the interest of the Working Classes . " _..- ¦ ..
3 rd . —Moved by Mr . Wilson , boot and shocmake , seconded bv Mr . Wartuaby , carpenter : — " That the delegates now present , fully impressed with the _unportant ' and beneficial tendency ot the proposed Conference , pledge themselves touse their utmost exertions in their respective societies , to su pporV . the committee appointed by tliis meeting : " 4 th . —Moved by Mr . Berrt , iniher ; seconded by Mr . Bush , carpenter— " That the whole of the delegates now present form the Committee , ' with power to add to their number ; and that the nextmeeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday evening , February the _l' 2 th , at eight o ' clock-prociselv . " -.. -- ; - - ¦ _-. ¦ - : '; ' _- . ¦ 5 th . —Moved bv Mr . Bush , carpenter ; seconded by Mr . Wilson , shoemaker— " That the resolutions of this meeting be advertised in the Northern Star and Morning Advertiser newspapers . " ' : _"i '' T , Barratt , Secretary .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 8, 1845, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_08021845/page/5/