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SPAIN. Disturbances.—Madrid journals of ...
Destructive Fire at Bradford,—A fire was...
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" Rebellion" In The Ministerial Camp. - . ---" ¦ - ¦-¦
" REBELLION" IN THE MINISTERIAL CAMP . - . --- " ¦ - ¦ - ¦
She Cfdipksdfist Unwrn-N J^D Ihk "Isbepb...
SHE _CfDIPKSDfiST _unwrn-n _J _^ D IHK " ISBEPBSBLS _MUflSXEK . _Thr debates caused by Mr . Ddxcombe _' s motions KiktiTe to the Home Secretary and his Po 3 t-office espionage , have be en productive of more results than a mere -Exposure of the infamies practised in the " iimer office , " or by tiie "roving _ainanissioneis : '' ¦ results that are likely to tell with good effect on the position of parties in the House , and lead to a more comprehensive understanding than has hitherto prevailed of the relationship that should subsist between the _Alinister of the day and those who act with Mm as his " o _* fdinary supporters . " It is well known that Sir _Robem Peel ' s Government is one
that is-merely tolerated hy the " predominant interest' —{ thanks to Lord John Russellfor that predomi nance , who purposely -framed the Reform Bill to secure it !) - —because they have no other man fit to occupy the post of leader . Itisaswell"knownthat- _^ most the entire of the party suspect , dread , nay , evenHAiE the man whom circumstances have conspired to force _onthemas"lordandmaster . * " Itisalsoaswellknown , thai with such feelings as these they have been compelled lo do liis biA & Lug—to swallow all their former doctrines—to violateall their hustings' pledges—tosacrificeiheluided interest at the shrine of manuiactur In 2 advantage—to give up that " protection to agri .
culture , " * ' which they held to he _^ dispensable , and to wade with the expediency-monge ' ring Minister through the luire of phee-iradeism , tothe enactment of Kew Tariffs , and thc passing of Canada ComSills ; in whieh every principle on wliich they had prided themselves through life was Tiolatcd , and voted to be unsound and desikucxive ! It is well-known also , that this same high and haughty party have felt themselves so bound to the Minister they detested , — booed from a fear that the Whigs in name should eonie "in , "—that they obsequiously and spaniel-like crouched ltfore him on two memorable occasions , _ai-d _dMhis Insolent and dictaorM bidding , _whence
_ondisghisKily " ordered" them to eat their words , and _awcit-xu their becorded yoies ! All this is now matter of history ; and it had naturally produced a feeling of ineffable scorn and supreme contempt for She lord Johns and the Lord Charles of the most haughty aristocracy in the world , who , Hin >< 3 th * - * plebeian son of a mere cotton-spinner , bowed their necks so abjectly to the servile yoke , and licked the feet ofthe man they so heartily despised . True , this _degrading course has not been pursued without seme little murmuring on the part of some " wiio had acen sent to swell a Tory majority " and there wero even signs of mutiny apparent on the Treasury Benches , when the peremptory " call" to nscind voles was made on the " ordinary supporters
of Goven ; s ; cnt . " It was , however , reserved for Mr . Dbscombe ' s recent motions to fan the incipient _staruiyinto open bkbet _. _t . tos : and it is for the purpose of putting-he _xeaAer in possession of the facta relating to the noble and independent stand now made against _JILasterial insolence and debasing requirements that wc now write : a stand which is sure to lead , cyemiially , not only to the overthrow o Sir Robert _Prni ' s _Government , hut also tothe breaking up of part } and faction as mere party and -taction , and Induce a " feeling of independence in spirit amo 2 gst Members of Parliament , which will inevitably lead to independence of action . This " bebei < - liox , " theivfore , is one that should be hailed by the people as the harbinger of better days and better deeds for them .
It will naturally be expected that It Is the Yovsa _Esqiasd party who have thus thrown off the Ministerial lively : for from the party who had the nianliaess to protest against the dictatorship of Peel , and to _fatly refuse to do his insolent bidding , could such a course as tbat of open rebe ' lijo . _v against his iron party-rule alone be expected . The other portion of Peel ' s * ' ordinary supporters" showed themselves too abject and too servile ever to permit a ray of hope in on the mind , that Utey would raise the standard of _Bebexlios against any demaud-or requirement , however abasing . That natural expectation is the true one . It is the Tocxo England section of the House that have " come out" against the hated Minister ,
and asserted the independence of Members , even though seated on the Ministerial side of the House , from such controul as has lately been attempted to be exercised over them : and that bold declaration of _IsnzPESDEsez has also drawn from ihe ¦ Minister himself a counter declaration of ms independence of "Ids" party- ; a distinct intimation , that in future he wUl follow the bent of his ows _inclination leaving those who date aud serve him _tofoUow , or not , as they list ! Therefore all parties now know their relative position in thc House : a knowledge which rentiers their duties to themselves and the country far more onerous than before ; and for which knowledge we an ? indebted to the debates and explanations that Mr . _Diwcombe lias been the means of raisine .
0 » ihe _iii-si night of the present session that Mr . DtseoJiBK introduced the Post-office infamies , and showed that the Secret Committee , appointed to whitewash ihe Government , had evaded their duty , Sir Robert spoke in a very bitter strain ef tie renewed attack on hia Government , after what he Galled '' a / nil acquittal" lad been pronounced by his own-appointed Secret Committee . Contrary to his expectsiioH , thc debate was adjourned- and on the second _evening , Lord Howick , having cunningly i _^ scovcrcd that there were grounds on which the _IVhigs could support Mr . Duxcombe against the Ministry , _without involving themselves in an open inquiry as to their own practices , moved an
amendment on Mr . _Dpxcombe s motion for a Select Com--fflittee to inquire into the whole question , to the effect that ihe inquiry should be confined to Mr . Dcxcombe ' _s individual case . This amendment—One Tery likely to meet with the _general-support of "her Majesty ' s opposition / ' and of those who were too independent to commit injustice on an individual _Jfcnn _^ rto ' _terveaconfidence- _' vioktbgGoveniment , — was _seconded by Mr . D'Israeu , the talented leader of _theYocscr _£ -MjfciXD section . In the course of his remarks , he thus alluded to the _ifl-at-ease exhibition which Sir Robebt Peei . had jnade on ihe previous _evering : sad thus laid down the grounds on which hi ; vote , mad those who acted with Mm , would be -recorded acainst the _Grovernment : —
? come cow to the political circumstances and considerations _whii-h formed the second head of his defence . Ihe Bight Hon . Gentleman Trill pardon me for observing it , but he _csi- _^ played on that occasion an unusual warmth . ( " Hear , " .-. a a laugh . ) I am aware that it by no means follows that The Bight lion . Gentleman felt it { Laughter . *} The Right Hon . Baronet has too great a mind , and fills too eminent a position , ever to lose his temper ; but In a popular assembly it is sometimes expedient to enact the part cf the choleric gentleman . ( A laugh . ) The Sigh : Hon . Gentleman touched the red box with emotion . { A laugh . ) I know from old experience that when one first enters the House , these exhibitions are rather
alarming- ; and I cdievethat some ofthe younger members were tauch _nighi-mcd ( laughter ! * but I advised fliem _not . to be _terrmed . 1 told them that the Bight Hon . Baronet would not cat them up , wonld not even resign ; the very want thing ~ _zt would do uxndd be to feU them to rescind a vote CLooa _entering , and shouts of laughter . ) * The Bight Hon . _Centli-uian favoured us with his views of fhe _quests ** , legal sad political . I don ' t wish to compare small things _wiiJ- -jreat , but it is not very long ago when the House was favoured by a gentleman from the sister country with a 5 « eech in favour of the income tar , wliich occaaoned coa-dderable comment and amotion . ( "Hear , hear , " and a laugh . ) Sow , I must say , that had it not
_Txen for fhe speech of the Right Bon . Gentleman , I wont say we _shou-d not have had the motion of the Hon . "Mem ber , "but I have a great suspicion that we should not have been favoured with'the amendment of the Noble Lord the _Meaberfor Sunderland . ( Hear , hear . ) But after the speech of the Eight Hon . Gentleman—after having assured US that in ISIS the country was In a state of great _ronuuotion _. —after having told us of the heavy responsibilit-I which then devolved on the Government , —after his hati-gread eiidence which , atthe time , did not receive the credit it has ance obtained ( cheers ) , —after the Bight Hoc . Gentleman had , in fact , more than intimated that it _** _£ possible that even members of Parliament might nave -been guilty of " privy conspiracy and rebellion , " it ¦ _feaca to me quite impossible that t > ie question could have been
left as othenvise it might haw been . ( Cheers . ) I snow that my Hon . Friend the _"JTe-nberfor HuU ( Sir J . - _j-j-aamer ) intended , when this _queition was originally _^•^¦ t forward , to support the report of the _conanittee , "hn * _-t _° taial _* ' not _actaaJl * i pledge innself to do so , out De Had at that time a veiy great bias in their favour . W " _w * after _"* -he distinct assertions of the Hon . _w-w ° I . _V aamr _^ ' _****¦ Ms letters had been opened , « _T « _£ r _^ ono _* _u'k- _* a been cast upon himself and his _^ r _^ _l _^ V * _?« Ksess feelings and duties amilar to those of the Hon . Member for _Rnsbiixy , did consider W " U » a matter which coula not possibly be passed over _Si _^^ i _? eer 5 _' > Of the _ffight Hon . Baronet the g"g" _»« f _S _- _^ _ife _uownomhigbut honour , and have _fenced nothing hut _^^^ ( Laughter from the _OpjHKit-on . ) I am sorry that an eWresdou which is
She Cfdipksdfist Unwrn-N J^D Ihk "Isbepb...
perfectly sincere should cause any ebullition of such a character . ( Hear . ) I have , I repeat , no personal feeling against the Bi ght Hon . Baronet . I should think no one on tliis bench had any personal feeling against the Bight Hon . Secretary . The personal feelings which do exist in this debate , as mentioned by the Bight Hon . Secretary at "War , are a Cabinet secret . ( Hear , and a laugh . ) The Right Hon . Gentleman atthe head of the Government will not , I am sure , be offended at our giving an independent vote on the present question , upon whatever side ofthe House we may sit . The Secretary at War says that it is not a question of confidence . ( Hear , hear . ) If or does any one seem to think that it is . ( Hear , hear . ) As for thc First Minister , he is superior to all parties—be governs by pure reason , not Toy party .
( Cheers and laughter . ) With regard to the secret committee , we know it consisted of gentlemen whom we all respect , and we believe that they performed their duty ; but we regret that the House did not animate them to do more than they did . The circumstances brought before ns at the time , though not in the Shape Of the original motion of the Hon . Member for Finsbury , were deeply interesting to the country , and we might , under such circumstances , to use a common expression , have "hit the nail on the head . " It is useless for a Minister of the Crown to say , " The committee gave us a verdict . " "Nobody accuses the Minister . ( Hear , hear . ) But something has happened which has ' putusfora moment behind the scene , and led us to think that the manner "in which the play is managed is
not the most advantageous to the public . What happened to the Bight Hon . Gentleman might have happened to another Minister , and , if it had , I hope , the question not being a part ; - one , that at whatever side of the House we sat , we would have done our duty . ( Hear . ) We are in the third year of a Walpoleian Adn-diustration ( A laugh . ) Party feeling is extinct , and if we find a great injury and injustice to thepublic exemplified in an instance of on- * of ourselves , let us not hesitate to come forward and take advantage of existing circumstances to put an end to it . The Hon . Gentleman opposite has made an accusation—a very distinct and definite accusation . As far as I am concerned , I should never wish to see an accusation of the kind partake of personal acerbity . We , however , know nothing about that ; we only
suppose the Hon . Gentleman is irritated at having his letters opened . I will not go so far as the Hon . Baronet the Member for the University of Oxford , and say that the Government may open and read all my letters ; biftthis I will say , that they may open all my letters provided they answer them . ( Laughter . ) The amendment which the Noble lord has proposed seems to me to meet the exigency of the case , r am quite persuaded that her Majesty ' s Governmentwill on consideration feel that it is no defeat , no discomfiture , on their part to accede to that amendment . It is not brought forward in a hostile spirit , as they may consider the motion of the Hon . Member for Finsbury . It is not brought forward in a hostile spirit ; aud , as far as I am concerned , it is not supported in a hostile spirit . We are making no attack upon the Government . ( Hear , hear , from Sir R . Peel . )
This "move" on the partof theJWkigs and Mi * . DIsraeli , threw new life into the debate ; and it was again adjourned , in spite ofthe opposition ofthe " strong Government , " to the following evening . It was then resumed , to the exclusion and postponement of other business : so important did the Minister himself deem it to be . In the course of the evening Sir Robert Peel , in atone of suppressed bitterness and evident wounded feeling , which drew upon him the derisive cheers of the whole assembly , thus expressed himself in relation to the speech of Mi * . D'Isbaexi : —
In the course of last night the Hon . Gentleman the Member for Shrewsbury declared liis intention of supporting the motion of the Kohle Lord the Member for Sunderland . During the speech delivered by the Hon . Gentleman , he observed tbat I had with very great apparent warmth addressed tbe House , and that I had been very emphatic in my action ; yet , although he had heard the charges made , that the Government had been the cause Of the spilling of innocent blood—that they had fabricated warrant !* , and exceeded their powers—he undertook to assure the House that , notwithstanding my apparent feeling , my warmth was entirely simulated ; that I was acting a part wliich I found it convenient to actthe part of a choleric gentleman . ( Hear , hear , and laughter . ) It is certainly very possible to manifest great vehemence of action , and yet not to be in a great passion . On the other hand , it is possible to be exceedingly cold , indifferent , and composed in your manner , and yet to
cherish very acrimonious feelings , ( Loud derisive cheers . ) _Notwithstanding the provocation of the Hon . Gentleman , I will not deal so harshly with him as he has dealt with me . He undertakes to assure the House that my vehemence was all pretended , and warmth all simulated . I , on the contrary , will do liim entire justice : I do believe that his bitterness was not simulated ( cheers and laughter ) , but that it was entirely sincere . ( Renewed cheers . ) The Hon . Gentleman has a perfect right—who questions it ?—to support a hostile motion . It is perfectly open for the Hon . Gentleman to let the debate proceed for two nights , and , finding that the motion is not exactly put in a convenient form , to try to ascertain what is the mode of amending it which may be most captivating and convenient . He is at perfect liberty to give a direct support to the motion ; but all I ask is , tliat when he gives that support to the motion , do not let him say that he does it in a friendly spirit . ( Cheers . )
" Give me the avowed , the erect , the manly foe - , Bold I cau meet , perhaps can turn the blow ; But of all plagues , good Heaven , thy wrath can send , Save me , oh , save me , from a candid friend . " ( Loud cheers and laughter . ) Here we meet in debate with our opponents opposite . We enter into conflict with them , mutually attacking and repelling attack adverse _fronte . ( Hear , hear . ) "When engaged in thai conflict , it is certainly not very convenient , though it may be unavoidable , to have a blow aimed at your right flank which you did not expect . ( Hear , hear . ) Be it so . It cannot be helped ; but all I askis , do not let your "balm break our heads . "
After the speech of the Minister , in which he refused the inquiry asked at his hands , the House divided , when the _obsequious and the time-serving went into the lobby against Jlr . Duncombe , and by a "tyrant majority" of ninety-five refused even the modicum of justice contemplated by Lord Ho wick ' s amendment . _Nothing daunted , however , Mr . Bvs combe reintroduced the question on Friday nightlast ; and his motion that the Secretary ofthe Post-office should be called to the bar of the House , to answer why he had stopped and opened a Member ' s letters / was seconded by Mr . D'Israeu , in the following eloquent and masterly speech , * in wliich it will be seen that he pays Sir Robert Peel off with more than interest
for Ms ungracious attack and his bitter taunts about candid friendship . He also descants on the true relationship that should subsist between a Minister and hia supporters ; and he lays bare the system by which it has been attempted to prostrate and annihilate thc independence of Members , to reduce them into the mere echo of the will and behest of the Minister of the day . The speech was one of the most remarkable , and certainly one of the most able , ever delivered in the ehapel of _£ _/ . Stephen ' s ,- and it was received by the House with such vehement ahd hearty applause that an effectual stop was put to all business for some time after it was concluded . Here the speech is in full . It will amply repay perusal : —
Mr . DTshaeh . —Sir , the Hon . Member for Finsbury has brought before the House his proposition in an intelligible shspe . He has laid before the House the statement of a personal grievauee , and he has distinctly affirmed to us that in making that statement he makes no personal attack upon any individual . Sir , I should have hardly thought that it was necessary to make that declaration , hadit not been for the associations crnnected with this motion , which perhaps originated in other debates to which I myself mean not to refer . If the case of the last general warrant that was issued by a Secretary of State be compared with the last post-office warrant that was issued by a Secretary of State , I think wc may clearly in the parallel discover that no personal imputation need be appealed to in order to vindicate a public right . Sir , there is not the slightest doubt that the last general warrant issued by a Secretary ef State was an act of tyranny , an act of oppression , an act essentiauy iniquitous ; but
no one pretends that the Secretary of State who issued that general warrant was a tyrant , an oppressor , a man eminently unjust . On the contrary , Lord Halifax was a very good sort of man . Society under these circumstances steps in and settles the rule which decides these questions . It _acknowleges that usage is the moral vindication of the Minister ; but while it frees the Minister from any personal stigma , it does not emancipate him from the consequence of an illegal act . That is the question which now engages the attention ofthe House andinterests the nation . ( Cheers . ) We are not to seek what may be the cause that has brought it forward . I give the Hon . Gentleman who has brought it forward credit for the same purity of motive as the Minister appealed to ; and I must say I was much surprised that a "Minister of the Crown Should ever have risen in this House and said that die question was only prompted by personal _motives . ( Cheers . ) The Hon . Gentleman the Member fbr Finsbury has placed tie case neatly and completely before us . He
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says , "If my letters have been stopped aud opened by the Government , the officers of the Crown and Post-office have committed a breach of privilege , unless they have done so upon the , warrant of a Minister . * ' If they have done so , let them produce the warrant ; he will then be in a position to appeal to the House and the Country for a vindication of his character , or to the courts of law , to decide whether that warrant is a legal instrument or not . Sir , I am at a loss to comprehend what answer cau be given lo that direct appeal . ( Cheers . ) This is the view naturaUy taken by the Hon , Gentleman in his individual case . He fee ' s the individual grievance—he naturally looks to the individual remedy . All that he wants is the warrant . All * that he wants is au opportunity of vindicating his innocence , or allowing others
to prove his guilt . ( Cheers . ) I believe that the country requires more . I believe that the country is anxious that that warrant should he produced—not merely that it should vindicate the honour and . conduct ofthe Hon . Gentleman , or therererse , - but that an opportunity should be afforded to the subjects of the Queen to try whether that instrument is a legal one ; and how is it possible for any person to have that opportunity unless the House interferes , as it is requested in the present instance ? It is not asked to exercise its prerogative and privilege to vindicate any gentleman who cannot vindicate himself by law . The situation ofthe Hon . Gentleman is that which may be the situation of any member of this House—of any subject of the Queen , to-morrow . Some gentlemen may rise and say that this is a power that
ought always to be at the disposition of Government ; some may say that it is disgraceful to this country that foreign nations should know we exercise it- and others may rise and state that that can hardly be the case since every foreign nation does itself exercise it ; but there is this distinction—though foreign nations always do exercise this power , foreign nations never believed that England did . ( Cheers . ) It resolves itself into this question —are you content to be ruled by a popular Government , or do you wish to be ruled by a Government of police ? ( Loud cheers from the Opposition , ) No doubt a popular Government has many inconveniences . No doubt it would be much better . that the question of . thc sugar duties , for instance , should he settled without any loss of time . It is a great inconvenience to trade , as the
Right Hon . Gentleman ( Sn _> B , . Peel ) has often told us , that there should be any discussion on the subject . I don't doubt that if the question were settled by that Bight Hon . Gentleman huriSelf , iu his cabinet , it would be equally well , perhaps better . This is one of the Inconveniences we eudure for popular Government , and so it is with reference to the correspondence of individuals , You have a popular Government , you have a strong local system ; you may , by not prying into the correspondence of individuals , be _sujected to great _calvon-aics . "You may have Bristol burnt , as Biist » l was burnt ; you may have Birmingham assailed , as you had it assailed —hut the country strikes the balance . It agrees to suffer these great injuries for the -sake of a popular Government , instead of a Government of police : and the
country , after aU , must decide it , ( Cheers . ) Now , sir , I believe that is tiie impartial view as regards the general question . As regards the country , though sympathising with the Hon . Gentleman who presses the case of his individual wrong , they desire also an opportunity to decide whether this warrant of the Secretary of State is a legal warrant . They wish to have it decided as the question of general warrants was decided ; and if it be a legal warrant , then it becomes an open question fit for . discussion whether such a power should be allowed in a free country to subsist . ( Cheers . ) Sir , the Hon . Gentleman who has introduced the question to-night seems , in some remarks he has made , to think that an impartial discussion ofthe question is impossible in . this House . Certainly , when I recollect the last debate , to
which I need not refer , I am not surprised , from the elaborate misconceptions of former debates , thatthe Hon . Gentleman should fear this discussion would not be free . But I cannot believe , although the Hon . Gentleman fears , that any intimidation is purposely enacted in ' this House ; but there is not the slightest doubt that , on bo _' th occasions now before us , and upon others which have occurred within the last two or three years , there have been misunderstandings , founded on the misconceptions , perhaps mutual misconceptions , of the relations that subsist between the leaders of a party and the supporters of a party . Sir , I may allude to these circumstances , because the Hon . Gentleman seems to think that on this occasion he is not secure of a fair discussion of this question , and because , uuless there is a correct understanding on this
head , I almost despair of his receiving that fair discussion , When the balanced state of partieis ceased In this House , it must have been pretty evident to those whohad any idea of the constituent elements of such an assembly , that what we call party feeling , though for a short time from custom preserved , " would eventually evaporate . There were , very fe » - , If any , party questions ; and it was pretty clear tliat , in a popular" assembly of more than 600 persons ,. questions would constantly arise in wliich gentlemen , though sitting on different sides of the House , without compromising the elementary principles of tlieir politics , would very often divide in the same lobby ; and very often in discussions take the same side . ( Cheers . ) Au Hon . Gentleman on the other side gets up and proposes a motion which , at first blush , does not seem to call
in question any of thc marked principles of either partyif two parties indeed still exist . ( Cheers . ) Some gentleman on this side thinks it a legitimate opportunity to express his opinions onthe question , —he happons to support the motion , —thc Government barely attend to the debate—treat it , perhaps , with indifference or carelessness ; the debate trails on , comes into a second night ; certain circumstances occur which portend a division , which I will not say might be embarrassing—that WOUld be impossible—but disagreeable to the Government . Immediately this takes place a certain system is brought into play , whicli may prevent , perhaps , that fair discussion the Hon . Gentleman would seem to despair of , and which I can hardly believe can long be permitted to subsist in this House . Sir , it seems to me that the system is
established on two principles , ov rather _processesiuueudo and imputation — the insinuation of base motive , and the allegation of factious conduct . ( Loud cheers from the Opposition benches . ) Generally it devclopes itself in this maimer—there are some indications of irritability on the Treasury bench—( a laugh)—almost immediately followed by some imputations among the immediate adherents ofthe Government ; and then , as I have observed iu several debates , some gentleman gets UP—an avowed adherent , or perhaps a secret supporter of the Government—and instantly we have imputations of mean motives , of personal motives , I should say of corrupt motives , against every gentleman who is perhaps speaking , or about to vote , in opposition to Government , although the question may not be one
that involres any party principle or any decided principle whatever—a mere matter of practice and detail . Now , Sir , in this state of affairs , probably at the end of the second or third night of debate , when a course so injurious has naturally produced acerbity in many quarters , perhaps expressions of that bitterness the sincerity of which is not doubted —( cheers and a laugh )—then , atthe ri g ht moment , the Right Hon . Gentleman ( Sir R . Peel ) rises to cap the climax , and probably , having just been assured by one of his aide-de-camp that he is secure of a greater majority than ever , he makes a passionate appeal to his supporters , as if the strong Government were in the very throes of dissolution , and uses language which , in my opinion , is susceptible of only one interpretationwould
that some gentlemen on this side of the House , to embarrass Government , descend to political collusion and -Parliamentary intrigue . ( Cheers . ) Now , Sir I protest against the system . ( Cheers . ) The system is not founded in justice or fair play . ( Cheers . ) It is not founded upon a real understanding ofthe principles on which party connexion should exist , It is , in fact , a system of tyranny , and as degrading u / those who exercise it as to those who endure it . ( Cheers . ) I take a recent case , because fresh in our memory . When the Hon . Gentleman ( Mr . Duncombe ) the other night called our attention to theinstance of his grievance , he brought forward a motion which , on the face of it , every one must see would be opposed by thc Government that exists and the Government that preceded them . It was therefore taken out of the category
of party questions . There was a general impression the House that it was extremely desirable that the decision of the committee should be supported . That impression was not peculiar , to this side of the House . An Hon . Gentleman , the Member for Hull ( Sir J . Hanmer ) , the independence of whose character is , I believe , universally acknowledged—( cheers)—who is certainly as incapable of political intrigue as any gentleman in the House , spoke in the debate without concert or combination , forming his opinion merely on the statement of the Hon . Member for Finsbury , and being himself particularly inclined to support the decision of the committee ; but he thought it was impossible that tliis individual instance of the Hon . Member could be passed over . He expressed his opinion _ina frank , manly manner . It so happened , as probably it will often happen in a popular assembly of this kind , that
circumstances change to that degree that there was a chance of a division—circumstances not embarrassing , but probably more disagreeable to the Government than they at first anticipated , If they condescended to think of a division in the first instance . "Well , immediately all the powers of the system were put Into action . ( Cheers . ) The Right Hon . Gentleman was brought forward to sanction it by his great example . The division is called for . Gentlemen were brought up from the country to support an endangered Government that never was in peril , and again a great partyitrlumph , when there was not a single party principle at stake , no single party principle in danger . ( Cheers . ) Now , Sir , I really think there ought to be a more liberal sense of party connexion than that which the Treasury bench at this moment recognizes ; and I think that the Right Hon . Gentleman at the head of the Government is the last _Minister who should assume to be m political martinet , I can conceive a Minister in a posi-
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tion iu winch lie requires devotion from his party—I can suppose a Minister having a . very small majority—I . can suppose he holds power merely in deference to the wishes of his party ; he has a right to say to his supporters , . "I have to fight a very difficult game ; I would much rather give up power j still I will hold on ; but you must be ready at all times to support me with devotion . " That is not the position of the Right Hon . Gentleman . His position is quite the reverse . _Hejha . s a very large party to support him , and an opposition _^ before him which , though distinguished doubtless by very eminent talents , and , numerically , far from contemptible , is not , nevertliless , distinguished for its power of cohesion . ( Cheers and a laugh . ) The Ri ght Hon . Gentiemauis inaposition which really would allow him ' to be indulgent . It is very easy
for him . to . turn round and say , "What can he more treacherous than this—to be attacked on the right flank ? I am prepared to meet the foe before me ; no one ever saw me quail . " ( Alaugh . ) The Right Hon . Gentleman forgets that the foe before never wished to fight him . ( Cheers and a laugh . ) He may sometimes be assailed on his right flank , but while he boasts of his courage and determination to conquer , the Right Hon . Gentleman forgets that the victory is very easy when nobody opposes him . There is another reason why he should not adopt this tone—he should not forget , after all , a great many of his supporters were elected on the hustings under very different circumstances to those under which they sit here . ( Loud cheers from the Opposition benches , ) Really a little philosophical consideration from so great a
statesman under such , circumstances is the least we might expect .. - ( Cheers J I admit that I fos one was sent here by my " _constitdeiits to sit on this side . He njay object to mc , although I think he has no great , occasion to object that I am sometimes in a different lobby to himself ; but I was 3 cntto swell a Tory majority—to support a Tory Ministry . ( Cheers from the Opposition . ) Whether a Tory Ministry exists or not I do not pretend to decide ( a laugh ); but I am bound to believe that the Tory majority stUl remains , aud therefore I do not think that it is the majority that should cross the' House , but only the Ministry . ( Loud cheers and much laughter . ) 1 hope that'the Right Hon . Gentleman , on reflection , will take a ' more condescending and charitable view of our conduct than he lias hitherto been pleased to do . I am sure
myself I never mismterpret the conduct of the Right Hon . Gentleman . I know there are some who think that he is looking out for new allies . I never believed anything of the kind . ( A laugh . ) The position of the Right Hon . Gentleman is clear and precise . I don't believe he is looking to any coalition , although many of my constituents do . The Right Hon . Gentleman caught thc Whigs bathing , and walked away with their clothes . ( Much cheering and great laughter . ) He lias left them in the full enjoyment of their liberal position , and he is himself a strict conservative of their garments . ( Continued cheers and laughter . ) I cannot conceive that the Right Hon . Gentle _, man will ever desert his party ; they" seem never to desert him . There never was a man yet who had less need to find new friends . I , therefore , hope all these rumours
Will cease . I look on the Right Hon . Gentleman as a man who has tamed the Shrew of Liberalism by her own tactics . He is the political PetrucMo _, who has outbid you all . ( Cheers and laughter . ) If we could only induce the Right Hon . Gentleman , therefore , to take a larger and more liberal view of his _ParUamentary position than he seems to adopt in moments too testy for so great a man to indulge in , he would spare us some imputations which I assure him are really painful , If the Right Hon . Gentleman may find it sometimes convenient to reprove a supporter on his right flank , perhaps we deserve it—I , for one , am quite prepared . to how to the rod —( a laugh ) but really if the Right non . Gentleman , instead Of having recourse to obloquy , would only stick to quotation , he may rely on it . it' would be a safer weapon . It is one he always
wields with the , hand of a master ; and when he does appeal to any authority , in prose or verse , he is sure to be successful , partly because he never quotes a passage tbat has not previously received the meed of Parliamentary approbation , and partly and principally because his quotations are so happy . ( Cheers . ) The Right Hon . Gentleman knows what the introduction of ii great name does in debate—how important is its effect , and occasionally how electrical . He never refers to any author who is not great , and sometimes who is not loved—Canning for example . ( Hear , hear . ) That is a name never to be mentioned , I am sure , in the nousc of Commons without emotion . We all admire his genius . We all , at least most of us , deplore his untimely end ; and we all
sympathise with him in his fierce struggle with supreme prejudice and sublime mediocrity-- ( cheers and a laugh ) , —with inveterate foes , and with candid friends . ( Loud cheering . ) The Right Hon . Gentleman may be sure tbat a quotation from such an authority will always tell . Some lines , for example , upon friendship , written by Mv . Canning , and quoted by the Bight Hon , Gentleman The theme , the poet , the speaker—what a felicitous combination . ' Its effect in debate must be overwhelming ; and I am sure , if it were addressed to me , all that would remain would be for me thus publicly to congratulate the Right Hon . Gentleman , not only on his ready memory , but ou Ids courageous conscience . ( The Hon . Gentleman sat down amidst loud cheering . )
It was impossible that such a speech could be passed over by Sir Robebt Peei ..- The "turning of the tables" on him so completely , as to the quotation from _Cassiso about . " candid friendship , " placed him in such an unenviable position before those over whom he " ruled the roast , " that it stung him into the following declaration of ms ows independence of the Tory parly , and into the avowal , that whether his " ragged regiment" would march with him through Coventry or not , through _Coveniky he would go , if it pleased him to do so : — .
Here , Sir , I should close if I had not heard the speech of the Hon . Gentleman who seconded the motion . I do hope , that having discharged himself of the accumulated virus of the last week , he now feels more at case than he was . ( Laughter and applause . ) If that is so he need not be disturbed by any impressions on his part that he has at all interfered with my peace of mind in consequence of the attack he has made . I tell the Hon . Gentleman at once that I will not condescend to reciprocate personalities with him . ( Loud cheers . ) Neither now nor after the'lapse of a week wiU I stoop to reciprocate them ( renewed CheerS)—becaUSe I really feel no inclination for the practice . I also feel , Sir , that in this respect the Hon . Gentleman would have a very great advantage over me , because he has had leisure to prepare his attack . I have
often heard from that Hon . Gentleman observations of a very personal nature upon myself . * I have often heard them made from immediately behind here ( the Government bench ) , but I never felt it at all necessary to notice them , and I should not have noticed them the other night if it had not been that the Hon . Gentleman who seconded the motion , of which he entirely disapproved , had not said he did it in a friendly spirit . _^ And that alone would not have induced me to notice him ; but in thc course of that speech he charged me witii having appointed to office an Hon . Gentleman who had been concerned or connected with a plot . I do not , howerer , make any further reference to that , because the Hon . Gentleman made afair and ample reparation . The Hon , Gentleman having been betrayed into an error , made all the _reparation-in his power .
I at once frankly aver that , and not one word more shall I say upon it . But it was that declaration of the Hon . Gentleman , that he seconded the motion in a friendly spirit , which made me partake of the feelings which ran through the House , and whicli in the French Chambers arc called mouvemens divers . It was reall y the involuntary expression of a feeling partly partaking of the nature of a shudder , and partly of a laugh , when the Hon . Gentleman-, said he seconded the motion in a "friendly spirit . " ( _Loudcheersandlaughter . ) I assure the Hon . GentlemanI have not the slightest wish to fetter his independence , or the independence of any other member of this House . ( Hear , hear . ) Every man must be the guardian of his own independence ; and if the Hon . Member disapproves either of the acts of the Government , or disapproves ofthe
general pokey of the Government , he must censure the act , and he must condemn the Government . ( Hear , hear . ) I have here no rights to exercise by which I can prevent the Hon . Gentleman from exercising that independent action . I court no man ' s favour . ( Hear , hear . ) I think I do understand the relations in wliich a Minister ought to stand towards those who give him their general support . ( Hear , hear . ) I think he ought , while he possesses it , to be proud of their confidence ; but I think lie ought to incur the risk of losing that confidence bv taking the course which he believes to be for thepublic interest . ( Loud cheers . ) That is the course I have taken , and that course I will continue to take . ( Continued cheers . ) If you think that any acts of mine are at variance with the policy which I supported in the year 1831 : in Government , or have supported since , let those acts be examined , vote against them , and condemn them . If you think , in respect to the church , that any course pursued by the
Government has endangered that institution , censure and oppose the particular act . If you tilink we have , at variance with our principles , greatly extended popular _privdeges , or infused the fresh blood of democracy into the working of the _constitution , tell us so , and oppose us . Ii you denounce our commercial or financial policy , _opposite particular act . If the combination of our misconduct is such that you think we are _^ no longer entitled to confidence , mark your want of confidence by a public declaration of opinion and by distinct opposition to us . ( Loud cheers . ) I should regret the loss of that confidence to which the Hon . Gentleman refers , but I freely say that ,, as the Minister of the Crown , I will attempt to do good as far as I c _* _in , and if , in attempt ing to accomplish that , I forfeit the confidence which I have so much prized , I will adopt that course rather than retain confidence at the expense of the public good . ( Cheers . ) If , as I said before , our general policy is objectionable , it is not Conservative , if we are injuring the rights of pro-
She Cfdipksdfist Unwrn-N J^D Ihk "Isbepb...
perty ov the prerogatives of the Crown , if we aye undermining either civil or sacred institutions , prove that we have done so , and withhold your conSdence from us . ( Cheers . ) The Hon . _Gentlemaii has referred to the relations in which I stood to "the late Mr . Canning ; and he flunks upon that account he is fairly entitled to withhold his confidence and respect from me . ( Hear . ) Sir , it ought not to need a quotation from a poem of Mr . Canning ' s to open , the Hon . Gentleman ' s eyes to my misfortune . The Hon , Gentleman must be perfectly aware , in the year 1841 , and subsequently , of those relations towards Mr . Canning , and of tiie course I have pursued with regard to . that most eminent and distinguished man ; and the knowledge of that course , and not an accidental quotation from a poem , ought to have entitled me tothe
Hon . Gentleman ' s confidence and respect ata much earlier period . ( Hear , and cheers . ) But , as I said before , it is not ray intention to reciprocate personalities with the Hon . Gentlemen . I do not wish in the slightest degree to fetter his independence , or the independence of any other man who may sit uppn this ( the Ministerial ) side of -the House ; but again I repeat , that being in the position wliich I hold , I will pursue that course which I believe to be for the public interest ; and if , in the course of pursuing it , I subject myself to the Hon . Gentleman's vituperation , or to the much heavier penalty of diminished Confidence upou the part Of Others , that penalty I am ready to pay , and' submit to the consequences . ( Loud cheers , during which the Right Hon . Baronet resumed his seat . )
There ! Thus the matter stands . ' Yovsa England is in open kebzuioa _* . ' Sir Robert has snapped his fingers in the face of all his " supporters : " he has , in effect , told them that he knows he is hated by them ; that he is merely tolerated , because they have nobody else ; that he will make the most of his position ; that he wiR pursue hia own course , totally irrespective of their Irishes or thc wishes of their constituents ; that they may follow him or not , in his free _teade travels , just as they please ; but that if they don't , ho will place himself at the head of the Whigs , and lead them on against the " predominant interest " ofthe country ! Such is , in effect , the meaning of Sir B , obert Peel ' s speech : and for the ellcltation of this exposition of the present position of parties we have to thank Mr . Duncombe .
And National Trapes' Journal
Tok Viii. So. 362. Londos. Satiibdilt, M...
TOk VIII . SO . 362 . _lONDOS . _SATIIBDilT , MABCH 8 . 1845 . . _. _.. _SXZfSSSSZ-..
Dfcttfgft Entelligttttt
dfcttfgft _Entelligttttt
Spain. Disturbances.—Madrid Journals Of ...
SPAIN . Disturbances . —Madrid journals of the 23 rd of February announcethat a military riot had occurred at Valencia , between some artillerymen and soldiers of the regiment of Lerida , and it was thought that a severe example would be made . The violent declamations from some pulpits had excited the attention of Government . iNriUGu-ES of Christina . —The Madrid journals of the 2 otU ult ., although they do not bring news , show that party spirit is alive in that capital . The late conspiracy at "Vittoria was not , as it is now avowed , either Carlist or _Espartorist ; but if we are to credit
the rumours abroad , Absolutist , for a new watchword has been added to the list . At the head of this latter party is said to be the Marquis de Viluma , sustained by the Queen Mother , who wishes to disembarrass herself of * Narvaez . Through tho mass of suspicion , invention , awd intrigue , of which the Madrid journals bear sueh marks , it is difficult to arrive at even the semblance of truth . The Gastellano predicts another revolution as the consequence ofthe reactionary measures of the Government , of which the Church Property Restoration Bill is taken as the sign . The Spanish Government had resolved upon sending a small expedition to Monte Video .
SWITZERLAND . Opening of the Swiss Diet . —Zurich , Feb . 24 . — " This morning , at nine o'clock , the opening ofthe extraordinary se 3 sion of the Diet took place , but witliout the ceremonial whicli is usual on such occasions . The prodigious number of persons in thc streets adjoining the HOtel-de-Ville testified the interest that the population take in the grave matter wliich has caused this 'extraordinary meeting ofthe federal assembly . The verification of credentials preceded the opening speech . Those of the deputation from Vaud gave rise to a sharp discussion . The head ofthe _ultramont-ane deputies , M . Siegwort , the representative of Lucerne , opened the matter by contesting the" right of MM . Druey andBriatteto
sit in the Diet . To recognise them as deputies of Vaud would be , lie said , to sanction tho revolution of that canton . This opinion _wft shared by the deputies of the cantons of Uri , Unterwald , Sclnvys , Zug , Friburg , and the Valais . They declared that the credentials could not be any longer in force , since the body whieh delivered them no longer existed . According to the deputy of NeufchateJ , the deputation of Vaud could not present itself provided with credentials separated from instructions . The deputies of the liberal cantons opposed the opinion of the ultramontane deputies . In their opinion , Vaud being provided with powers perfectly regular as to the required form , the Diet had no right to demand more ; for , if it had to reject tiie deputation - under
pretext of having violated a cantonal constitution , what conduct would it hold with respect to tho deputation _, of a canton which had violated the constitution infinitely more , that ofthe Valais ? As to instructions , an order of the Diet of 1834 had decided that the deputies were responsible only to their own cantons . The first deputy ofthe canton of Vaud present spoke very strongly against the pretension to exclude him and his colleague from the federal assembly , when provided with powers p erfectly regular . If the powers which he held from the Grand Council did not please them , he could , he said , exhibit those which had been handed Mm % the provisional government . He was thereforeperfectlyrcgularbothinprinci ple and form , and did not suppose that the wish was to complicate the present situation still more , pregnant as it was with tempest , by a decision which , by excluding the deputies of Vaud from the Diet , would
irritate to the highest pitch the people whom they represented . Some deputies , those Of Me-City , for instance , reeommendea a middle _course—» to allow the deputies to take their seats , but without having any right to vote *] until the Grand Council of their canton had been recognised . Had a vote been proceeded to at once , no result would have followed , for eleven deputies and a half had pronounced for the admission , and twelve are necessary to give an absolute majority ; seven and a half had pronounced for absolute exclusion , and three had adopted an intermediate \ ine . In the supposition that a half vote could be detached from the minority—that of Bale-city or Appenzell—if the vote were postponed to the next day , the deputy of Berne formally proposed that course , which , was adopted without opposition , so much did all the members of the Diet dread an irrevocable decision .
The Vorort communicated to thc deputies the Earl of Aberdeen ' s note to D . R . Morier , Esq ., the British Minister . Hia lordship expresses the deep regret ofher Majesty ' s Government at the receipt of Mr . Merier _' s dispatch respecting the recent disturbances , but announces that it does not feel called upon to pronounce an opinion with regard to the causes which may have produced the events narrated by liim . Respect for the nationality and independence ofthe canton would deter her Majesty's Government from any interference in the internal affairs of Switzerland ; but the continuance of the present disorders might ( it is lunted ) lead to consequences whicli Swiss patriotism would naturally object to . His lordship concludes his note ( of whicli the foregoing is merely a hasty and
incomplete analysis ) by empowering Mr . Morier to lay it before the President ofthe Helvetic Confederation . The following passage from the Zurich Gazette lias been copied into several German papera : — " A diplomatic communication , transmitted by the English envoy to the President ofthe Helvetic Confederation ( M . Mousson ) , has caused excessive ( nebergrosse ) joy amongst the Conservative circles-, of our city ; but , on the other hand , has been coldly enough received by the remaining portion of the public , as they discern in it only thc system of the 'Vorort , which sets all kinds of extraneous dangers in the foreground , whereby those with which we are threatened on the
side of the Jesuits are concealed . This mode of proceeding has not been responded to by Switzerland . " A Zurich letter ofthe 25 th says : — " The Diet has this day , in its second sitting , admitted the deputies ofthe Vaud by a majority of twelve and a half to nine ; viz ., "U ri , Unterwald , Zug , St . Gall , Valais , Neufchatel , Friburg , Schwitz , and Lucerne ' . " . The Universal Swiss Gazette has the following from Berne , Feb . 25 : — " We are assured that the General of the Jesuits at Rome has resolved to suppress the Jesuits' colleges in Switzerland , in order to prevent the civil war which is menaced by the presence of the Jesuits in this country . "
The _roiiowiNO is from the correspondent of the Times . •—Lausanne , Fbb . 21 , —We are here in the midst of our elections for the " Grand Conseil , " which have already lasted four days , and the results of which are exactly such aa I foretold in my lastthat is'to sayj that the Radical candidates are all returned by ' immense majorities , and that the Congervatives have no chance except in a few small places in the country , or where the opposite party _chooseto allow them to come in . Tou know that in this can-
Spain. Disturbances.—Madrid Journals Of ...
ton we are blessed with the enjoyment of umversa suffrage , so that there is no means of opposing the will of the mob , when tlieir heads have been heated or turned by any political circumstances , or by any popular cry , as is the case just now . Tin * Discussioxs is the Diet . - The discussion in the Swiss diet on the question of the Jesuits commenced on the 27 th ult . After the Chancellor of the Diet had made a communication of the petitions , signed by 120 , 000 persons , for the expulsion ot tne Jesuits , M . Neuhaus , one ofthe deputies trom Berne , and who is regarded as tlio chief of the liberal party , opened the debate . He * began by observing that it was the business and duty of the Diet to provide tor thc internal and external safety of Switzerland , and
then proceeded to attribute the present commotion m that country to the intrigues of the _Jesuite ana their partisans . He described the Jesuits as dangerous to the state—first , because with their system of morals they-teach a people to commit tranquilly the most culpable acts ; secondly , because they profit by their ecclesiastical character to introduce trouble and division into families ; thirdl y , because the order of Jesuits inculcates blind and passive submission , and thus lays prostrate the human mind ; fourthly , because , having neither family nor social relations , the Jesuits can no longer be good citizens * fifthl y , because they are constantly aiming at power Without compunction as to the means ; and , sixthly , because , as regards Switzerland , the principal
object of the order is the extirpation of Protestantism . M . Neuhaus concluded by reading his instructions from his canton , wliich were to demand a decree for the expulsion of the Jesuits from every part of Switzerland . M . Neuhaus was followed By . M . Siegwart , deputy from Lucerne . This gentleman denied the Jesuits were the cause of the existing agitation , and ascribed it to the irritation produced in the minds of the Catholics by the suppression of the convents . He declared , in the name of liis canton , that it would not subscribe to any of the chimrical ideas about the influence of the Jesuits , and would not , revoke the decree whicli had been issued in their favour . The deputies of Uri , Soliwyz , Unterwald , Zug , and _Frlbsnrg , defended the
Jesuits , and asserted that all that had been said against them was mere calumny . The deputy for Soleure , M . Munzingcr , said that _^ ie represented f Catholic canton , but he was nevertheless _instructs to demand tiie expulsion of the Jesuits , for the clergy of his canton were enlightened , and opposed to the charlatanism of that order . He stated tbat his instructions were voted by three-fourths of the Grand Council , supported by 7 , 000 petitioners , whereas , for the acceptation of the constitutionof the canton there were only 6 , 000 petitioners . This tact , he thought , would show the state of public Iceling on the question of the Jesuits in Soleure . After hearing the deputies of Glaris and Outer Appenzell , who agreed with the deputy for Berne , the Diet adjourned until the following day .
Later _Ind L _\ iponTA _>* i News . _—Decisioh of the Die * against _inu Jesuits . —On the 20 th of February the debate on the Jesuits was resumed ; and , after much discussion , a vote was taken on the main question , which was decided against the Jesuits . Ten cantons and two half cantons voted that thc question should become federal , and that the Diet should pronounce the expulsion of the order not . only from _lAicmic , out from , tiie whoh of Switxerlund . Eig htcantons and two half cantons voted thatthe question should be left for the decision of each individual canton . CIRCASSIA .
More _Thiumpiis of the Fkee Mountaineebs . — More Defeats ov tue _Russians . —Intelligence received this week from Constantinople informs us that theKouban being now frozen over , the Circassians were constantly crossing that river , and carrying their chapols ( military expeditions ) as far as sixty miles across the Russian border , and making great booty . On these occasions they meet with no opposition . Such few Russian troops as are found in that neighbourhood take refuge in their towered forts , constructed to support their invasive operations , where they remain complete prisoners .
llNJJlA A 1 N 1 > U _1111 NA . OVERLAND MAIL . —IMPORTANT NEWS . Tim news received by the present mail is of the 18 th of December from China ; 23 rd of January from Calcutta and Delhi ; 24 th of January from Madras ; and 25 th _,- ' rrom Agra ; and from Bombay to the 1 st of February . The Insurrection in Kolapore and Sawunt Warree continues unsubdued , although 10 , 000 men are in the field for tlio purpose of _suppresshijj it . Three British officers have , in the course otthe month , been slain by the enemy . The roads are everywhere blocked up , and robbery and plunder universal .
Glory !—Fate of the Hiohxam * Soldiers in Scinde . —Thc most important intelligence from Scinde refers to thesLckness amongst the Highlanders The wreck of this unhappy regiment arrived at Hyderabad from Sukkur , whence they had been removed for the benefit of their health on New Year ' sday . ' Of the whole regiment one man only was able toralkto the hospital without assistance . On one occasion ninety-six men had died in the space often days , and seventy had died within a week of their arrival . Eighteen funerals had occurred in tile COUl'Bf ) of -twenty-four hours . They have lost since the beginning of September , 4 . 02 men , thirty-five women , and 120 children—in all 557 . It i 3 proposed to r emove the regiment to Kurrachee for the benefit of sea air—here they are to share the European Barrack along with her Majesty ' s 86 th : Medical men hold out no hope of recovery to the majority until they have been removed as far from the scene of their
misfortunes as possible . Sir Charles Napier , on the other hand , resists all medical counsel ; he will not hear of the return of the sick men to India , for fear of its casting a stigma on . the salubrity of Scinde , This is the fourth European corps that has been compelled to leave Scinde from sickness in the course of the past twenty months , namely , her Majesty ' s 28 th , entirely disorganised ; a wing of the 2 d Bombay Europeans , scarcely a healthy man amongst them ; and the Bombay Horse -Artillery , which regiment has one-third of its men away . Her Majesty ' s 86 th was saved from a similar fate by having been sent in time from Hyderabad to Kurrachee . Half the Highlanders -will leave their bones in Scinde , however speedily they may now be removed , and of the survivors not one man in three will ever be fit for field service in India . They will be sent home as incurable invalids , or drop away one by one ; so that , ofthe 1100 men which were on the musterroll ofthe regiment in October , 1844 , not 200 will remain in December , 1 S 45 .
Sir CnAR-OBS Napier has proceeded into the Bhoogtee Mountains , with a force of nearly 5000 men for the purpose of chastising the marauders , who continually infest our frontier during the hot season , The expedition Is a dangerous one . By the latest accounts they were getting on successfully , the General liimself having arrived at Deyra . Another Revolution in thb _Punwub . —A fresh revolution has occurred at Lahore . Heera Singh , the vizeer , his chief adviser Pundit Jella _t with two other sirdars of note , have been slain . Property to the amount of £ 40 , 000 , chiefly in gold and silver , was found in the house of the deceased minister , and was confiscated and made over to thc public treasury . The entire power is in the hands of the troops , who pull down and set up governments at pleasure . There have been some disturbances of no great moment in Gopal , near Nepaul and Cashmere .
Affohanistan . — The last letters , with news to the 27 th November , make no further mention of the plague , from which we may safely infer that its ravages have been stayed , at least in Cabool , though it is still prevalent to some extent in the valley of Peshawur .
Destructive Fire At Bradford,—A Fire Was...
Destructive Fire at Bradford , —A fire was discovered on Tuesday night on the premises of Messrs . TordofF and Son , tea dealers , of Kirkgate , in this town ; and the result , after energetic and successful efforts to preserve the surrounding pUe of buildings , was—the entire destruction , with its valuable contents , of the warehouse used by Messrs . Tordoff fbr thc preparation of cocoa and chocolate .
The Miners' Magazine.
Edited by W . P . Roberts , Esq , THB Sixth Number will be published on the 9 th of March inst . Price Four-pence . Tiie Lancashire Miners are requested t _» receive their numbers through their Delegates , who will be at tha County Delegate Meeting on the 9 th *> f March , The MAGAZINE and all the back numbers may be obtained from the agents , Mr . Cleave , of London , or Mr . Heywood , Manchester- or direct from Mr . Roberts' Offices , 2 , Robert-street , _Adelphi , London 11 , ltoyal Arcade , Newcastle ; and 8 , Princess-streef , Manchester ,
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 8, 1845, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_08031845/page/1/