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-^ - * . * - - ^:¦ "' * ¦ •• ¦•- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦...
8=S== ^^^^^^ i,» w. Buinieu, bookselUr and S* ^h Up ^^^S^t^t ,pnceJs.s^hed.,.
2 ipittt iippenm _ ¦¦'.'.'' ¦ __._ ii..*/— *- ¦ i i." * -ji"' 1 - v."*/-:*- ¦¦' - __._ _ ___..
London; Cow*'Exchange," Mow.At, Nov. 3.—...
tendance of buyers was good, the beef tr...
Bankrupts, %u
.A.v Excusable Supposition.—-An editor h...
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-^ - * . * - - ^:¦ "' * ¦ •• ¦•- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦...
- _^ - * . * - - _^ : ¦ "' * _¦ ¦• _- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - v . _| __ . _^ , _. . _^ THE . NORiaai-hRN STAR . | : ; ;> : . . » . _^ . _^ - ' -. , _Nqvembbb 8 ; ia _«
8=S== ^^^^^^ I,» W. Buinieu, Bookselur And S* ^H Up ^^^S^T^T ,Pncejs.S^Hed.,.
8 = _S == _^^^^^^ i , » w . _Buinieu , bookselUr and S _* _^ _h _^^^ S _^ t _^ t , pnceJs . s _^ hed ., .
- * pB r * _55 rt £ V M on CHBOHIC DB" »» »» »» D _*" _Iratheir CAUSES and _CTBX . . _i Z _^' Ju _^ bebaa \ postage free , in any p- _^ _^^^^ Wn R _tteCouutin _^ p _. toDr .
ON DEBILITY AND DISEASE _, _frice 2 s . 6 d ., in an envelope , or forwarded to any address free , on receipt of a post-office order fords . 6 i ., THE MENTOR OF HEALTH , a Medical Work on Nervous Debility , and the Causes of Premature Deeay in Man , resulting from Excess , Infection , or _Imprntence . Also , OBSERVATIONS ON MARRIAGE , and Certain disqualifications , together with treatment for diseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . Tissoi and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 6 , Caroline-street , Bedfordaqnare .
VALUABLE MEDICINE . HUNT'S APERIENT- ' FAMILY . PILLS ; a most _exceUentMedicine for Billons Complaints , ' Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Habitual Costiveness , Indigestion , Heartburn , Pains sad Giddiness of the Head , Influenza , Worms , -Spasms , Nervous ' nnd Dropsical Complaints . : ¦ - _ -- _- .- -- - _* .-- ¦' For upwards ' of'forty years have these Pills obtained the unqualified approbation of the public in general , among whom may be included families of distinction and medical men . Their composition is so truly excellent , and their beneficial effects hare been so widely experienced , that the proprietors feel the greatest confidence in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and - MOST EFFICIENT APERIENT FAMILY MEDICINES
_CAUTIOITI—DBprjncipled / individuals prepare the most spurious ' compounds under the same names ; they _coipy the . laiwls , bills , advertisements ; and testimomnlsof-the original Thomas ' s Succedaneum . " It is , _Iht-relbreji-ghly necessary to _safe that Ul 6 _WOrdg "Thomas and Howard" are on the wrapper of each article . All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . 6 d .
Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with cases , and _fuUlength engraving ' s , price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the kingdom , on the receipt _ofapoiUoMceorderforis . ed .
ilARE 03 _^ SPiN A _^ _DKEASE _^ _i ; THIS day is published , prieej j 2 _i . 6 d ; V . CASE 8 _andOBSERYATIQNS _itlustratife of the beneficial results which may" be obtained byolose atteatvon ' _andperssyeranoe in some of the most chrome nnd _unprordlslng' Instances of spinal deformity ; with eighteen engravings on wood . By _Sahuei . Hase , M . R . C . S . Loudon : John ChurchUl , Princes-street ; and may had of all booksellers .
CAUT ION , —All Persons advertising Succedaneum for stopping decayed teeth , fra-udulontly attempt to imitate MR . CLARKE'S OR 1 & 1 NALSUCCEDAHEUM ; and if any Succedaneum than Mr . Clarke ' s be purchased , it will be discovered useless . Mr . Clarke win say , without the slightest exaggeratien , that he has . sold 8 , 000 bottles of Succedaneum within 16 months : and 4 , 800 individuals hare been able t _» use it successfully ; and most of the othor purchasers have been to Mr . Clarke , at . his residence , 61 , Lower Grosvenor Street , London , to have their teeth stopped , without any further charge than the original cost ofthe Succedaneum , price 5 s , Sold wholesale to all the chemists in town and country : and none is genuine unless had through Messrs . Barclay and Sons , wholesale Medicine Warehouse , 95 , Farringdon Street ; Edwards and Son , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard ; Hanney and Co ., 63 , ' Oxford Street- Colleck and Mostly , 139 , Upper Thames Street , Loudon ; and other respectable wholesale Medicine Warehouses ; or Mr . Clarke cau send it by post to any part ofthe United Kingdon _. on receiving aPo 8 _t-officeorder .
Just Published , c ' A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on , Hitman -Frailty . _, Price 2 s . 6 d „ and sent free to any part of the United - Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Offiie Ordeij for 3 b . 6 d . : A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ofthe GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and tbe ability of manhood , ere vigour has _esta . Wished her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total
¦ r _4 ' _$ \ _' vAli _^ StAT BE CURED ! ! : ki BT _^ _HOLLOWAY _^ S ; OINTMENT . _^ F iFT ? _DLCERS" _CURED' _^ IN : . _SIXJWEEKS . EITRACT of _aLetterfrom . JohnMartin . Esq ., Chronicle Ofnce , Tobago , West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 To Professor Holloway . _Sij . __ i beg to inform , you that the inhabitants of this Island , especially those who cannot afford to employ medical gentlemen , are very anxious of having your astonishing from the immense benefits
WRAY'S FAMILY MEDICINES . . PmOKWKD BT . Her Grace the Dowager Sir C . F . "Williams , Knt . Duchess of Leeds , . Sir Edward Lytton Bulwer , Lady Sherborne . Bart . Earl of Lincoln . Captain Boldero , M . P . Marquis of Waterford . Edward Baines , Esq ., M . P , Lord Bantry . Archdeacon "Webber . Doctor Bloomberg , Vicar of General Maitland . Cripplegate . General Gardner . Mr . Justice _Cresswell . General Nisbitt .
2 Ipittt Iippenm _ ¦¦'.'.'' ¦ __._ Ii..*/— *- ¦ I I." * -Ji"' 1 - V."*/-:*- ¦¦' - __._ _ ___..
2 _ipittt _iippenm _ ¦¦' . ' . ' ' ¦ __ . _ ii .. */— * - ¦ _i i . " * -ji " ' 1 - v . "*/ -: * - ¦¦ ' - __ . _ _ ___ ..
London; Cow*'Exchange," Mow.At, Nov. 3.—...
London ; Cow * 'Exchange , " Mow . At , Nov . 3 . —The arrivals of English wheat for our market during the whole of last . week-were on a very moderate scale , though of somewhat improved quality . The imports of all kinds of foreign grain , as well as the receipts of oats from Ireland , were , the time of year considered , limited . Fresh up to-day very little wheat reached us either by land carriage or sample , yet tbe show of English parcels , many of which were on offer on this day se ' nnight , was on the whole rather extensive . The rumours in circulation , to the effect that an alteration in the present Corn Laws is in contemplation , had a most extraordinary effect upon the demand for wheat of home produce . The attendance of both town and country buyers was large , yet the uncertainty which the above rumour produced caused them to act with considerable caution . * In some
instances the holders demanded , though they did not obtain , an advance in the quotations of English wheat of from 2 s . to 3 . per quarter ; others , on the contrary , were disposed to sell at that amount of depression ; hence it will be observed , we had much difficulty in ascertaining the exact state ofthe trade . However , we may observe that the finest qualities ( though the trade must be called a dull one ) were , in most instances , disposed of at prices about equal to this day se'nnight , but the middling and inferior kinds : must be considered from ls . to quite 2 s . per quarter cheaper than on that day . At the close of business a portion of the supply remained unsold . The show ot free foreign wheat was not large , yet the causes before mentioned operated upon the sale for that article . The best parcels were , however , held at full prices ; but other kinds might have been
purchased on somewhat easier terms , say of ls . per quarter . Holders of bonded wheats were extravagant in their demands , many of them refusing to sell except at 4 s . to 5 s . per quarter more money . So few were the transactions , that the quotations were almost nominal . The supply of English barley was somewhat on the increase ; but that of foreign was small . For the best malting and grinding sorts the sale was very steady , at fully , but at nothing quotable beyond , last week ' s currencies . In other descriptions exceedingly little was doing , yet the prices were supported . We had a fair retail inquiry for malt , especially for pale ware , and previous rates were maintained in every instance ; still a clearance , notwithstanding the supply was comparatively small ,- was not effected . Last week only about 8 , 000 quarters of oats came to hand from Ireland . Since the return
was made up , nine vessels ( allreported this morning ) have come in from Dublin , Waterford , and Cork ; yet the show of samples of that article was small , and unusually high prices were demanded . The oat trade must be considered firm , at , in some transactions , an improvement in the prices paid on Monday last of from 6 d . to ls . per quarter , at whieh nearly the whole found buyers . In bonded oats several sales were concluded at higher figures , owing to the deoline in the duty . "We liad a fair average quantity of beans i n t h e mar k et , while the sale for them was steady , at very full prices . Although the show of peas was on the increase , a large business was doing , and the quotations had au upward tendency . Peas , under lock , ls . to 2 s . dearer . The flour trade was rather dull ; nevertheless , the late advance in the quotations was maintained . In seeds , particularly in canary , rapeseed , and linseed , a good business was doing , at rather more money .
IN MARK-LANE . BRITISH OBA 1 H . Shillings per Quarter . Wheat .. Essex & Kent , whitc , new .. 61 to 71 .. 66 to 76 Ditto , red 57 67 .. 59 71 SuffolkandNorfolk , red .. 60 65 white 68 70 Lincoln and York , red .. 60 66 white 65 70 Northumb . and Scotch .. 60 68 Rye .. .. .. 29 32 Barley .. Malting 33 36 extra 38 — Distilling 80 35 Grinding 27 30 Malt .. Ship SI 58 Ware 60 62 Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed , 28 s Od to
30 s Od ; potato , or short , 29 s Od to 33 s Od ; Poland , 283 6 d to S 3 s Od ; Northumberland and Scotch , Angus , 31 s Od to 33 s Od ; potato , 31 b Od to 85 s Od ; Irish feed , 27 s Od to 29 s ed ; black , 278 Od to 29 s Od ; potato , 28 s Odto 31 s Od ; Galway , 26 s Qd to 27 s Qd . Beans .. Ticks 38 42 Harrow ; small .. .. 38 44 Peas .. White 44 48 boilers 50 54 Gray and hog .. .. 40 43 Flour .. Norfolk and Suffolk .. 45 51 Town-made ( per sack of 2801 bs SO 60 Buckwheat , or Brank ,. .. ... 30 32
BKaLISH _SBEDS , & C Red clover ( per cwt . ) .. .. .. .. 40 to 78 White clover ( per cwt . ) 45 74 Rapeseed ( per last ) £ 26 28 Mustard seed , brown ( per _bushol ) 9 s to 13 s ; white , 9 s tolls . Linseed cakes ( per 1000 of 31 b each ) £ 11 to £ 12
FOXEION GBAIK . Shillings per . Quarter . Free . In Bond . Wheat .. Dantsic and Konlgsberg 70 extra 74 .. 57 — 62 Ditto ditto .. 65 — 68 .. 54 — 57 Pomeranian , _A-c ., ADhalt 63 — 71 .. 54 — 59 Danish , Holstein , < tc . .. 61 — 67 .. 52 — 57 Russian , hard .. .. — Ditto , soft .. .. ( 10 - 63 .. SO - 56 Spanish , hard ,. .. — _.,- ¦ •* Ditto , soft ; - .. .. 65 — 69 .. 55 —59 Italian , Tuscan , & c ., red — Ditto , whit * ... .. 68 — 74 .. 48 — 62 _Odesaa & Taganrog _^ ard — Ditto , soft -.. .. sa — es .. so — si Canadian , hard .. ..
—Ditto , fine .. .. 65 — 67 Rye . Russian , Prussian , i _ c . 28 — 30 Baric .. Grinding 26 — 31 Ditto , distilling .. .. 31 - 34 .. 20 - 28 Oats .. Dutch , feed .. .. 22 — 25 Ditto , brew and thick .. 27 — 33 ., 21—28 Russian > .. .. .. 27 — 31 .. 21 — * s 6 Danish is Mecklenburg 27 — 32 .. 21 — 27 Beans ,. Ticks , 33 to 39 , small .. 37 — 44 .. 32 —43 , Egyptian .. .. .. 37 — 40 .. 42 — 37 Peas ¦ ' .. White , 4 * to 48 , gray .. 40 _ 42 flour ,. Dantsic and Hamburgh ( per barrel ) , fiue 31 86 , superfine .. .. 32 — 38 .. 26 — 30 Canada , 84 to 37 , United States 34 — 39 .. 28 — 33 Buckwheat .. .. .. .. 30 — 35
JOHEIQM SEEDS , -tc . Per Quarter . Linseed ,. Petersburg . ! and Riga ( free of duty ) „ i'i to 15 Archangel , 40 to 43 , Memel and Konigsberg 40 45 Mediterranean , 40 to 48 , Odessa .. 46 49 Rapeseed ( free of duty ) per last .. .. £ 24 26 Ued eiover ( 10 s per cwt . aud 5 per cent , on the duty ) .. » .. _, ; 4 o 62 _JThite ditto 4 S es _farea , small spring ( free of -My ) 31 to 33 , large .. 4 o — Linseed cake ( free of duty ) , Dutch , £ 8 0 s , £ 9 0 s , French , per ton .. £ 8 io , £ 910 Rape cakes ( free of duty ) .. £ 5 q' £ 3 5 AVERAGE PRICES Of the last six weeks , which regulate the Duties from the 88 th of October to the 5 th of November , _ Wheat Barley Oats ., Bye . Beans Peas . Week ending s * d * " a- s * d . _s . d . _s . d . s . d . S-. pt . 2 o , 1845 .. 52 6 30 9 21 7 82 8 42 5 37 0 Week ending _^ Sept . 27 , 1845 .. 53 2 30 2 22 2 33 1 42 5 38 9 Week ending J ) ct . i , 1843 .. 56 0 31 1 23 4 83 8 43 1 42 6 Week ending wtt _^ _JKs" 323 43 i 243 * _¦** * _Weet _^ eading 58 V ° ° _« 5 «* « « Oct . 25 , 1845 .. 59 5 33 0 24 11 34 5 45 5 44 1 Aggregate aver . ' age of tho lust sixweeks .. 56 2 31 4 2 » 1 33 9 43 6 41 7 London aver . " _" ' ages ( ending Oct . 28 , 1845 ) 6 S 4 36 8 29 6 86 9 42 6 49 5 Duties » » 16 0 to sp 9 j * _j » _** » _wi T _-Pu - _? " 9 $ ™* -Market , Monday , t j 2 _* T ? e imPorts _« 1 live stock from abroad into -London during the past week have consisted of about 14 U oxen and cows , together with 240 sheep and 8 ca l ves , from Rotterdam , aud 20 oxen from Hamburg , in , tor the most part , good condition . This moraine we liad on sale 90 Dutch oxen and cows and 130 Sheep , the whole of which found buyers at about _previous quotations . At Hull about 300 beasts and sheep nave arrived . The number would have been larger had not two cargoes of beasts on their way from Rotterdam been thrown overboard , in consequence of the late gales _^ From our own grazing districts the fresh arrivals ot beasts this morning were very extensive and ot lull average quality ; indeed , there were some ottne best short-horns in the market we ever _witnesaed at this neriod of the van * . Alf . l _«___<»__ _*___> at -
Tendance Of Buyers Was Good, The Beef Tr...
tendance of buyers was good , the beef trade was very dull , at a decline in the quotations obtained on Mondaylastof 2 d . per 81 b , and a clearance was not effeco i An l nor , ; neni droves of beasts amounted to 2 , 100 short horns , those from the eastern counties comprising 400 Scots , from the western and midland districts 800 Herefords , Devons , runts , & c , from other parts of England 200 of various breeds , from Scotland 90 Scots , and from Ireland , partly by railway and partly by steamers direct , 300 beasts . The numbers of sheep being on the increase , the sale for that description of stock was very inactive . Prime old Downs , wbich were scarce , produced full currencies ; but all other kinds suffered a decline of 2 d per a C , _™?* _* _f »» moderate supply and heavy demand at Friday's depression . Nearly 250 n _& vara ffihS ? " ? ? * The P 0 rk trade * _&• 2 ? gish state , and prices were not supported .
By the quantities of Mb ., sinking the offal . Inferior coarse beasts , . \ \ l' \ Second quality . S " a 2 S Prime large oxen , \ i I I I Prime Scots , & c .. ¦ V « i | I 2 _sass- " _? _-- : _* Prime coarse wooUed ' . ' ! 2 * i Prime Southdown ' t _Largecoaree _calYoj , * " J Prune small . . _| { » J J
Tendance Of Buyers Was Good, The Beef Tr...
Suckling ealves , each . , _jg n 7 " _^^ Largehogs . . . , 3 in *? 0 Neat small porkers . . 48 *' Quarter-old store pigs , each . 16 n o 3 HEAD Ot CATTI _* OK 8 AJ _* _, l _Q ( Prom the . Books of tho Clerk of the Mart « t . Beasts , 4 , 224-Sheep , 26 , _690-Calves , _lOtSjfl . Richmond Cork Market , Nov l—wi large supply of grain in our market to-dav n , » wheat sold from 89 . 6 i . to 0 s . ; Ww 5 s to U' ° _* 4 2 s . 4 d . to 4 s . ; barley , 4 s . 4 d . to _fe 6 d - £ ' : 0 lt « . to 6 s . 9 d ., per bushel '' beans . _< Liverpool Con ., - Markee , Monday , Nov 3 ¦ _* , demand forBritishgrain , meal , and flour , _durC J . weeh : has been of a very limited character tBn _* * and dealers bavins _nreviouslvstnolmi . _«„ JL . " ? millers
good extent . Prices generally have rS _!™« observe a decline since Tuesday last of 2 d _tip / A ,. _2 ? for old , and 3 d . for _Irishnew wheat ; mT £ l ? sack and 6 d , per barrel ; on oats and oatmeal 1 _^ 2 d . perbushefand Is . perload . The present' 3 of best Irish new red wheat is 8 s . Id . to Ss . 2 d _iT 701 bs . _^ mealing oats 4 s . per 45 lbs . Beans and n P _„ er maintain the late advance in value ; but thp If * havebeen quite in retail . There has been an'JS ? enquiry for wheat and flour in bond , and sevll . transactions have occurred at improving prices ? 1 _iViday ' s market the sales of recently imJ _^ United States flour were at 32 s . to 32 s . 6 d _tW per barrel . ' 0 lJ 3 *
Makchesier Corn Market , Saturday , Nov 1 The tiade during the week has been in a state of great activity caused by the reports in circulation in reference to an intention on tlie part of Government to interfere with the existing Corn-laws , and in thp few sales which have occurred in any article _uriiTe were m favour of thc buyer . At our market thi , morning , owing to the suspense occasioned by the rumours above alluded to , there was almost a total absence of business , and prices were little better than rommal . _tt
Wakefield Corn Market , Friday , Oct . _Sl . ~ _* iVe have had a fair supply of wheat to this day ' s market a great portion ot which , was new . For good old sample tne _demand was moderate , and as the opinion was general that the ports would be open duty free millers bought at a decline of ls . to 2 s . ' per qr ' Barley was one Is . lower , beans steady . Oats the turn dearer . LivEBrooii Cotton Market , Mosdat , Nor , 3 . — To-day 3 , 000 bags were sold , all to the trade . The market upon the whole is more steady than for some days past . On Saturday 3 , 000 bags were sold , and on Friday 2 , 500 .
Bankrupts, %U
_Bankrupts , _% _u
BANKRUPTS . ( From , Tuesday's Gazette , November i , U _15 . J James Reding and William Nicol Judd , of Horseshoe court , _Ludgate . hUl , printers—Edward Speller , of 86 , Ber ' ners-strcet , Oxford-street , tea dealer—William Asheroft sen ., of Bere-street , Butcher . row , Ratcliffe , cooper—John Littlewood , of 23 , New Bond-street , hosier — _Georgo Straight , of 9 , _Skinner-street , Snow-hill , ivory cutter-. John Gadd , of 79 , High-street , Camden-town , baker-John Spott ' ord , of Chatham , Kent , _Unendraper—Edward Turner , of 48 , _Princes-street , Soho , chemist-John White . way , of Chudleigh , Devonshire , miller—Thomas Barnei Voughan , formerly of Liverpool , but now of i _' _oulton-cum . Spittal , Cheshire , fanner—George _GreenstocU , of Weston , super-Mare , Somersetshire ironmonger .
_niviDE-ina » eclaiie _> . Fenwiek Loraine , of Newcastle-upon-Tyne , bookseller first dividend of 5 s 6 d in the pound , payable at 57 , Gre ? _. street _, Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on any Saturday . William Hall , of Durham , fp _* ocer , second dividend of is in the pound , payable at 57 , Grey-street , _JScivcastle-uiion . Tyne , on any Saturday . William Nell , of Manchester and Ardwick _, common brewer , first dividend of 4 s in the pound , payable at 35 _George-street , Manchester , on November 11 , or any subs * . ' quent Tuesday . James Knight , of Wigan , butcher , first dividend of 4 s Cd in the pound , payable at 72 , George-street , Mao . Chester , on November 11 , and every following Tuesday . Charles Parker , of Bristol , migrcer , second dividend of SJd in the pound , payable _atl'J _, St . _Agustine's-placo . Bristol , on November lo , or any subsequent Monday . William Barrett Briddick , of Durham , dealer in iron first dividend of 4 s in the pound , payable at 111 , Pilgrim ! street , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , on November 8 , or any fol . lowing Saturday .
DIVIDENDS TO Ut _MOtABER . At the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Thomas Palmer , of the New-road , Whitechapel _, soap maker , November 25 , at twelve—Wilson Wood and Jolm Holmes , of Maidstone , tea dealers , November 25 , at half . past eleven-Sarah Jevous , of iiineoln _, shoemaker , ' Na . vember 25 , at two-Stephen Fawcett , of 68 , _Chisnell . street , linen draper , November 25 , at half-past one-Jamei Edward Smirk , of Broad-court , Bow . street , Covent . gar . den , Hcensed victualler , November-28 , at eleven—John Richardson and James Griston , of Norwich , _brieldayara Novembor 26 , at one .
In the Country ... Griffith Vaughan , of Llanedy , Carmarthenshire , innkeeper , November 27 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Br istol-John _HodgSQU _) of _Uverpoal _, _sccwenw _, November 28 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—Thomas Robson , of Liverpool , soap ' manufacturer , November 25 , at twelve , atthe Court of _Bankruptcy Liverpool—Thomas Danson , of Liverpool , merchant , November 25 , at half-past eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—George Gilchrist and John Macquay Gilchrist , of Liverpool , merchants , November 28 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—George Charles Crofts , of Liverpool , corn merchant , November 28 ,- ut twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—Nathan Litherland _. of Liverpool , aud of Bridgetown , _BarbauQfls , merchant , November 25 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool—George Lawrie , of _Fleetwood-upou-Wyre , Lan . _cashire , chemist , November 28 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , Liverpool . _Cebtificates to he granted , unless cause be shown to liu contrary on the day of meeting .
William Mossman , of 14 , Clarke ' s-place , _High-strcet , Islington , stationer , November 25—John Reay and John Robert Reay , of _Mark-laue , City , wine merchants , Novem . ber 26—John Mears , of Leeds , grocer , November 28—Thomas Sanderson , of Liverpool , coal merchant , Novem . ber 25—Matthew Murphy , of Shrewsbury , haberdasher , November 26 . Certificates to be granted by the Court of Review , unless cause be shown to the contrary , on or beforeNovember 25 . James Driver , of Slawston , Leicestershire , victuullDr-Benjamin Ling of Fore-street , Limehouse _. _timbi'r dealer-Wheatley Kirk , of Leeds , piano-forte manufacturernenry Cook , of Liverpool , paper hanger—Thomas Jones and John Jones , of Liverpool , tallow chandlers-Joseph Glass , of White Hart-street , _Drury-lane , victualler-Joseph Lazarus , of lo , Marylebone-lanc , aud 2 " , Wigmorestreet , _Cavendish-souare , dealer in clothes .
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVE !* . Elizabeth French and Beal French , of 51 , Crutched . friars , City , cork manufacturers—Matthew Brook and Joseph Waterhouse , of Gildersome _, Yorkshire , coal min ?* . —John Smith Harlow and Thomas Barlow , of Lesis , list manufacturers—G . Taylor and Joseph Parkins , of Swallowplace , Hanover-square , envelope manufacturers—Henrj Jackaman and George Knight , of Birmingham , builders-Edward Fellows and John BandeU , of Old Broad-street , City , silk brokers—Philip Joues and Charles Mortimer , of Bristol , and at Keynsh . im . Somersetshire , _drysalters-Walter Watts , John Galsworthy , and William Galsworthy , solicitors ( so far as regards Watts)—Peter Joynson and Co ., of Manchester , silk manufacturers—Richard Latham , Peter Simpson , and Richard Latham , jun ,, of _Baliifi _, mer « chants ( so far as regards l ' eter Simpson )—George Wilson
and Joseph Porter , of Salford , Lancashire , machino makers—Thomas Hart . and Henry Hart , of Barking , Essex , basket makers—Joseph Humbley and Lewis Rudge _, of Great Barford , Bedfordshire , surgeons—Peter _Clirirues Edward Chrimes , and Richard Chrimes , of Rotherham , Yorkshire , plumbers—Charles Wilson and William Townrow , of Luton , Bedfordshire , straw hat manufacturers-Richard _Greenwell and Bailey Sacker , of Sunderland , timber merchants—Leon Marks aud Jacob Israel , of Liverpool , watch makers — Henry Lipscomb and Frederick Lipscomb , of Wytham , Berkshire , farmers—Joseph Brock _, well and Thomas Jones Reed , of lo , Great Russell-street , Covent-garden , grocers—George Smith , George Knights Smith , Edward Horatio Smith , and _IVilliam _Wilthen Smith , of Gough-square , wholesale furriers ( so far as regards George Smith )— Cookson Stephenson Floyd and Harry Booth , of Holmfirtlt and Huddersfieid , attorneys .
.A.V Excusable Supposition.—-An Editor H...
. A . v Excusable Supposition . — -An editor having read in another paper that there was a kind oi tobacco which , if a man should either smoke or eliew , he would forget that he owed a dollar in the world , very innocently concluded that many of his subscribers had been furnished with the article . Piling up Jokes . *—Speaking of wags—what is moro waggish than a dog ' s tail when he is well p leased .-Speaking of tails—we always like those that end well , Hogg ' s , for instance . Sneaking _ofthogs-f fle
saw one ol those animals the other day lymgin _« gutter , and in the opposite one a well-dressed man ; the first had a ring in his nose , the latter had a rug on bis finger . The man was drunk , the hog wa 3 sober . " A hog is knownby thc company he keeps , " tlioup we ; so thought Mr . Porker , and off he went . Speak * ing of going off , puts us in mind of a gun once we owned . It went off one night , and we haven't seen it since . And speaking of guns reminds us Jf " " obsolete idea . " We had one—a gun ; not the obsolete idea—and it burst . —N . 0 , Picayune .
Fomification of the Coasi —Within the last fortnight several Government officials have been examining the state ofthe ramparts and other defences of Berwick . Itis known that Government have m contemplation some extensive plan for the imoxo _^ _- ment ofthe means of defence of our coasts , in the view of hostilities breaking out with tne United States , w consequence of the grasping aggressions of tnat Power , and its infringement of our territorial _ng' 1 _^ 11 the North American coutinent . It is not improbable , therefore , tbat at no distant date _thefortiucaUona O 1 Berwick may be put into a state of efficiency , tlie batteries mounted with cannon , and sufficient force » military lodged in the barracks to repel temporal " . the attack of an euem . v . ~ _Bei-wiclc Warder .
Not merely a Cure , but almost a Mirac _^ if , fkcied by Holloway ' s Pills— Mrs . Curley , _«' ' , in g at .. 15 , Green-street , Bonner-street , aw ** green , had been dangerously ill for two years , w *> patient at the London arid Bartholomew _liospjw _i and told that her stomach and kidneys were m diseased ; she could keep nothing whatever °° _^ stomach ; besides this she was likewise a _orj _"* , . suffererfrompiles . Finally , shegotso bad _»*» _w _£ her bed for nine months , from which dangerous sw she has just been restored to the full enjoyD 1 ( : alu health by means of these extraordinary P _- _*
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 8, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_08111845/page/2/