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patcdThere is valid June 9, 1849. THE NO...
7)r John "Wehster (Medical Times) remaAs...
at another hour, and tho Dissenting mini...
poor-rate property would reduce tlio nat...
A-LIST-OP THE MlNORl'ii' \vnu_vui^ FOR M...
. Ckaxnki. Islands asd isle of imaa ^u-«...
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Parliamentary Review. The Discussions Ou...
patcd . There is no valid reason -whatever that can lie given for stopping short of that point ; _because , if you enfranchise , say two millions and a naif of the five , you "will only have made the chains of ihe unemancipated slaves more sailing and more "unendurable than before . But , in fact , all the arguments of the supporters of Mr . Hume ' s four-point Charter carry them beyond the point "where they arbitraril y take their stand , Mr . Hume ' s elaborate exposition of the inequalities of the franchise , and his demonstration that a small minority of the nation , in consequence of that unequal distribution , return the maiority of Parliament
, is a direct and conclusive argument in favour of Equal Electoral Districts . Mr . Hume , however , halts , and contents himself "with an indefinite proposition instead . In like manner , if the demand for an extension ofthe Suffrage be based upon the" plain and intelligible ground , that taxation without _representalon is tyranny , and that every man , by the theory of our Constitution , has a right to he represented . in Parhament , Ave cannot see "wh y ' Mr . Hume and his friends should stop at Householders ; "why not adopt a Manhood , instead of a brick , plaster , and wood Suffrage ? Itis , however , an immense _advantage to Chartism to have their
principles and oojects thus discussed , by the intervention ofa " respectable" half-and-half party . The House is so constituted , at present , that" a debate on the Charter itself would he difficult to raise . Either the House "would he " counted out , " or the motion shelved hy a contemptuous and unreasoning majority , after a few brief words . Rut the motion of Tuesday night , while it failed iu its immediate object , helped on immensely the Chartist movement . These repeated failures will make the middle-class Reformers more in earnest with their own agitation , and prove to them not only the strength of the resisting forces which they have to overcome , but , at tiie same time , thnt . in ardor to succeed there must he a
national movement . 1 nat cau never _oe odtaiued until all pattering and compromises -with principles are utterly abandoned , and a stand taken upon a hroad , definite , and intelligible foundation . Sh- Gr . Grey and Lord J . Russell did then- best to drive Mr . Hujie and his friends into this position . They plainly indicated that they regarded the motion as identical _vfitk the Charter , and gave the latter the preference , as being the most plain , honest , and sfa _* _mghtforv . _* ard proposition of the two ; aud —c trust tliat mature reflection -will convince the supporters of thc new Keform movement , that their true policy in future
is , to abandon their temporising poucy , and come out boldl y for a just Electoral system . Any change which excludes a single man of full age , sound mind , and untainted by crime will leave the injustice which taints the present * _"fcsteni untouched , and its continuance we firmly believe the people of this country have resolved not to permit . Every debate and division in Parliament hastens the time when the monopoly of votes must follow in the train of other monopolies already destroyed That this period is not distant may be inferred from the two articles tliat have appeared in the _Ministerial organ since thc division on Tuesday _-nio-lit . . Eehoin" Lord J . Hcssell in the first , it
endeavoured to show thai mere was uu _ccum-m-cu —onnd for change , inasmuch as this year the estimates for the nav . il military , and other services are about £ 000 , 000 less than last year , and that really thc House of Commons does represent the -people pretty * tolerably and reflects public opinion with considerable accuracy . Its pooh , pooh tone m th . * first article , however , subsided , when a more minute examination of the division list" and sundry reflections thereon , brought out the -uncomfortable fact that _eighty-three fewer members voted against _Reform _ai- ' vcar tl , an last . Tbat is a huge body of _waverers aiid waiters upon Providence , and if the defection continues Lord Jons will be left alone _-B-ith his Ton-allies to oppose the _progress of
constitutional llcform . J ? or tins tasfi : ne is ma- »» . _* _£ -fitted . As vears pass over his head , his "finality propensities" develope themselves more and more . 'The speech he delivered on Tuesday was a slavish copv of those in which Cassiso _andPsEi . opposed him * when he was a Reformer . The same old rusty substitutes for _arguments were brought forth , with this difference ; that whereas Oaxxisg had wit , -talent , and intellect , Lord Jons was incapable oi infusing these elements into the rechauffe of sophism and insolence which he served upon thc occasion . 2 Ir . Osuor — : truly designated it" a me-Jnncbolv exhibition , " and wilh equal truth drew thc character of the Whig aristocracv as bavin" heen at all times more anti-liberal than the _~ * f " i -... - cf™— , _™ - nf _tlm ve . _ilm _. In the words of
Swift , tliey " forget the dunghill where they grew , n . And think themselves the Lord knows who . But even the stunted intellect and purblind vision ot Lord Jonx discerns hi the political hemisphere the S 5 "nsofappror . chingcliangcs , 3 _iidtherc-foi-ein-icoW , _htsitatin" * _- , _andvasmc way , he intimated that if ihe pressure became " very strong , he might perhaps favour the country at some indefinite period with some small changes . We thank the little lord-little in all senses—cordially for nothing . _JJefore that time comes thc game will be out ol Ms own haud , and will have to he played i . „ i _.,. i . i « .. - * .,+, >— _, — "Kven the " Times" sees this ,
and counsels his Lordship to _t-Ucctiine uy uie iuic- lock , and follow up his damaging admissions l »} some practical measure . These admissions the " Times" with an engaging candour peculiarly its own , savs , «« are embarrassing , because they are founded in troth and justice . " . How long troth nnd justice" are to be theoretically admitted and prac ticallv denied in Parliament , wc must leave to time to determine . Meanwhdc we repeat , that the debate has given an immense impetus to the question of Parliamentary Keform ; and that _evcijtbuisr whieh tends to promote full and _fiiir discussion _ 01 the question , must inevitably accelerate the p . issuig ,. t * i . „ -p _« n _« i « '« r' * _mi-tor as the law of the hum .
Patcdthere Is Valid June 9, 1849. The No...
June 9 , 1849 . THE _NORTHERN STAR- 5
Receipts Oh The Rati Oral Lahd C0mpah7 F...
RECEIPTS Oh THE RATI ORAL LAHD C 0 MPAH 7 FOR ME "VVEEK EXDIXG TlIiai « DAT , Juxe 7 , 1849 . SHARES . , is . a . - *• * . "; . ai-aford .. _« _20 _^ _'igton .. « <» « - Sorth Shields .. - ' 0 0 1 L * - _" ncU ¦ .. J " " _Invcrlveitliu ! _" .. 1 19 0 J . Stevenson . .. _J _' _- _"Uri-rliton .. 2 15 « JamesCuttns - " _" " _"S oningliain .. 0 18 10 C . _ilowl .- " j , Preston , lira—I " 18 0 J . _"Vigui-5 -- » " _"Brigliton , _> o . - * O is O —— _^ , _WiSiani .. 2 0 0 ____ EXPENSE FOND- _Juvcrkeitlm-s .. <> 1 _« Brighton , So . 2 0 1 0 _Jvewlon .. 036 & b * _¦ * TOTALS . land Pond — 3 a f _Expense ditto — — — „ J f - ft Bonus ditto _M t I Loan ditto ••• • " n 5 0 Transfers ... — "" n n 4 Hides ... - „ •¦• . •¦• u v Kent , Aid Fund , Loan Pund , & c , »> Messrs . Walwork and Bent ... «> ° v £ 603 19 6 TV . Dixox , C . Doxxe , T . _Clahk , Cor . Sec . P . M'Ghath , Pin . Sec . EXECUTIVE FUND . Beceivea by & Ktdd . —Glasgow , £ 115 s . ; Hamilton , 10 s-FOB MBS . M ' DOUALL . "Received by W . ram- ** . —Afew Friends , Hawick , os . DEFENCE FUND . Beceived at Lasd OmcE .-yottingham , per J . Sweet , Gd , FOR WIVES AND FAMILIES OF VICTIMS . " - " Receiveabv -W . Hii >* - — "Balkdth , iMrJ . - _"tamont 2 sGd . ; " _vrt _^ r iwn per J . Sweet , Ss . 3 d . ; Charterville , i » er Glias . *! _2 _SSrSoteT 6 . and W . Mxon , near Melton Mowbray , _^ Hirm _^' _-u _7 reoi _. le ' sHall , l _« r W . HudbaU , Us . 60 . ; - _"Ditto , ditto , Is . Od-NATIONAL VICTIM FUND . _-Rpreivcdhv J . Aesoit . — "Ernest Jones _locality , per Mr . mS 7-. k * part proceeds of Harmonic llectingat T _* _^ n ArhVs " _\ _fcuichk-ter-slreet , per J . _Bonlton , 5 s . ; tthe Argyll . Arms , - _™"' , . , . 5 _^ Golden-lane , per m ° _^* _^ ' 3 i _^^ hrow 7 , Is . ; Mr . lUder , as per m _^ VsT _st _& » S _AuclioV , per J . Pcteet , _^ I _^ turtliS ' l _^ _poustreet , per G . _Bamsden , Ss .-Total , £ 4 7 s . 7 | d . __^ _i __ " -This sum is said to have been sent f _^^ D ° _ltotSse _^ shin lette" as itmay not reach us .
7)R John "Wehster (Medical Times) Remaas...
7 ) r John "Wehster ( Medical Times ) remaAs . How _Ln _^ lnnaev in Paris . Baring the last _rcn-equentis _lmaej _^ _« _^^ _^ toI _^ _LlTofoducS la most lamentable effect ; Zt _^^ e _St _^^ _^ nier times In fflSSto _tfjte'BW * -.
Clialttism. In Tiie City Of Lo"Sdo"St; A...
ClIAltTISM . IN TIIE CITY OF _LO"SDO"ST ; A densely crowded public meeting was held at the City Theatre , Milton-street , on Monday evening , June 4 th . Dr . Brooks was called to the chair . On the platform wc noticed F . O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., and the members of the Executive Committee ofthe "National Charter Association , Mr . Reynolds , fee . On entering the theatre the honourable member for _Nottingham was received with tremendous _cheerins , waving of hats and handkerchiefs . The Chairman called on all to keep good order and attend to that which might be submitted to them . Much depended on the course of conduct pursued . If they fulfilled tteir duty the gentlemen present , as speakers , would , without doubt , do
The Secketakv ( Mr . "Bnowx ") x _* ead letters from Mi ' . J . Smith , on behalf of T . S . Duncombe , Esq ., M . P ., who was confined to the house from illness ; from Sharman Crawford , Esq ., M . P . ; and from D . Wire , Esq ., who said hc was not a Chartist , but was in favour of Household Suffrage , Ballot , and Triennial Parliaments ; and from D . Osborne , Esq ., M . P . The Secretary also announced that Mr . Reynolds had given one guinea towards the expenses of the meeting . Mr . _Eeyxolds then came forward to . move the first . VAsnlnt _' nn ne ¦ fnllmvc —
That as there are seven millions of male aauu population in this Idngdom , and but one . million represented b y the Commons House of Parliament as at present constituted , we , the inhabitants of the City of London and its vicinity , now present , protest against the rii-lit of that Assembly to enact laws whicli all must obey ; and wc earnestly call upon tlie Legislature , _injustice to tiie whole people ofthe United Kingdom , to establish our representative system upon the following principles : —Manhood Suffrage—Vote hy Hallot—Annual Parliaments—So Property Qualification—Equal Electoral Districts—and Payment of Members ; assetfortli in a bill entitled tlie "People ' s Charter , " which , in tlie opinion of this meeting , will ensure a full and fair representation of the whole people . lie said : No one could nossiblv nroposc such a
resolution with more pleasure than _iiimseir . jiow had they lost it ? _2 s ot _; by any misconduct , but by a powerful oligarchy , amongst whom hc classed not only thc hereditary legislators but the landed interests , who were careless of driving you to desperation . "What was the-reason assigned for refusing you the sum-age—ignorance ! But you are not too ignorant to produce them all the delicacies , excellencies , and elegancies of life . Mr . Eeynolds referred to the Estimates , and drew down a burst of laughter at the expense of the Triennial ' Silver Trumpets ; those things were kept up for the Queen , hut she was not to blame , as she knew _nothing of them . ( Hear . ) Ballot was necessary for nrotoction _. Even in America tiicy did not like to
act without it . Annual _rarliameiits were necessary to p revent men voting for suspension of Habeas Corpus , & c . How often had Mr . O'Connor stood alone in that House . ( Great cheering . ) But it would not ue the ease had we Annual Parliaments . The abolition ofthe Property Qualification was also necessary , as it was men not property that should be there * ; and as all men were not rich it was necessary to pay them , besides the present system led to hunting for places . In France the system had led to thc representation of all classes , from the porter on thc quay , and labour now adorned the Legislature of France . ( Much applause . ) Now then for Equal Electoral Districts . "Why should Harwich have as much influence as the Tower II .. _n _> laft ! 2 + _!¦» _.. _nT-. _cfil-iion ™ nf _H-llifth was tOO
_UUniCrous to be made drunk , and too many to ue _orioea . There were 656 members in the House , and he thought it a fair calculation to say , that from a million and a half to two millions was spent iu obtaining those seats , though , of course , there were exceptions . Was it not _> then , hig h ' time that the Charter should be had ? That taxation might be lessened , and the condition ofthe people be raised in the social scale . ( Cheers . ) . Irish misery was caused hy niisgovcrmncnt , and hc helicvcd that neither Irish misery nor English wrongs * . vould he redressed until the Charter became law . ( Cheers . ) Mr . Dixox seconded the resolution . Mr . Thomas _Clauke in rising was loudly applauded . He said : Mr . Chairman and friends , it is my duty to submit to you thc following
_rcsolu-Thatasitis averred uy tlie leamng _i-aruauu-iiuu-v » uu Financial lleformers—that Parliamentary must precede financial Reform—this meeting would submit to that class of _Itcfonners thc justice and policy of adopting the principles submitted in the _j > revious resolution as the oasis of our representative svstem , as we believe , should the _Elective Franchise _ba conferred as ap _. ivilege but to a portion ofthe people instead of as a right lo the whole of tlie . male adult l-opulation , not disqualified by crimeor insanity , there must still be disaflection rankling in the minds of the uuwifnuichised , which will lead to agitation and other evils of civil warfare , which cau only be avoided by dealing out ccpial justice to all classes in the state . When I inform vou that the resolution will be _seeoudorf hvthp . hon . memher for _Nottingham , you
will _a-n'cc Avitn me inai ; 1 nceu _noi say _wmu its support . You will observe that we call upon our reform friends to accept the principles of the People's Charter as thc basis of a combined movement ; and unless they do so their movement will be deprived of much support which it would otherwise -ret , and their present object , if attained , will fall far short of tint justice to wliich . tlie people are entitled . ( Cheers . ) The essential difference between those moderate "Reformers and ourselves is , that wc , the Chartists , demand the suffrage as a right , and thev seek its extension merely as a matter of expediency . ( Hear . ) This difference was made apparent by the hon . memberforthe West Riding , who , i _ _^« . _ __• __„ : _„„ -Rr _... + li « . _UkI-. mnlinn of Mr . Hume
in parliament , for the extension ot tne ir . iucnis . i-, _ai"ued that with respect to the suffrage there was _uo such thing as right , but that its limitation depended entirely upon cspcdicncv . _^ ow _, wc broadlv assert that to tax us without our _consent—and our consent can only be obtained _through direct representation—is to rob us ot our ploperty , and in the language of the lion . memher for Dcrhv ( Mr . L . llcywoith ) _, those who practice upon ns in such a manner arc thieves . Loud cheers and _laushtcr . ) Indeed , the present House of Commons is , tothe six millions of _unrcpret . „ .. _* - „ , _s i » , oti unthins- cither more or less than a
complicated piece ol thieving _ninciiuiciy-TOio —and all the members of that " honourable House partake of the honour of this doubtful morality . _Laii-rhter . ) Perhaps I ought to except the hon . member who isat present on the platform ( Cheers ) If one man were to take the property of his UClghbourasthc Parliament takes ours , would notthfl law treat him as a thief ? ( near , hear . ) Well then what is dishonesty in one man surelv cannot behonestv in six hundred and' _-fifty-eigln * men ( Cheers . ) ' I , therefore , think that all political movements ought to be based upon right and accordingly , have much pleasure m moving thc adop-+ _* _nn nf timresolution . ( Cheers . ) ¦ _
} _^ I c . . 1 , ! * ] "When Mr . _O'Coxxon rose , ue was _reueneu with _several rounds of most enthusiastic applause . He said : Mr . Chairman and my niend- _* , I have left the other House , where ¦ your Ministers aro voting supplies out ot your pockets , and I am conic to this house to consult with you as to tlie means of converting those supplies to a more useful and -profitable purpose . ( Cheers . ) Thcie is no resolution that I could more cheerfully support , or with more consistency , than that submitted to you , and for this simple reason—because it proclaims the only means by which the end that we seek can be accomplished . The means are the People ' s Charter , whole and entire , and the end is an equitable / _lictrilmtian of that nronerty created by the
in-| dustry of the _counfj _*\ Mcheers)—ana , now ever they and their class may he juggled by anticipations of _socisd benefits , arising from any other political measure , he was determined , it he stood alone , to persevere in the advocacy of those principles ,, whicli alone could confer substantial benefit upon the toiling millions . ( Cheers . ) He would now recall their minds to a few simple facts-namcly , to the socia _changes anticipated hy the people as the result of the political changes in the struggle for which they were enlisted , and for the achievement of which many lives were lost , but horn not one of which have the working classes derived one particle of benefit . The first was Catholic Emancipation , and that was resisted _„„ _+, *! + _liAfiphl officers , with whom the Duke ot
Wellino-ton placed himselt m _conunuu-wuuu , informed his grace that reliance could be no longer placed upon the loyalty of the army . ( Cheers . ) Well , that was a sufficient proof that the acts and measures of government were based upon reliance on brnte force , rather than upon justice or wise policy . The Insh , a Catholic nation , thus achieved what . they foohshly considered religious liberty , while -die Catholic people still recognise the conqueror s trophy m every church steeple , and the conqueror s _rnru-n -j ontiitive in cvciT Frotestant - parson .
( Cheers ) The nnpovewsiieQ uamonc _s-a-. _* . the conquering Protestant go to his comfortable place of worship , while his own chapelI was dilapidated or unroofed ; and this in a Catholic country , that had achieved its emancipation from Protestant bondage . But as he had explained , itwas achieved through fear—from the apprehension that it was dangerous longer to -withhold it ; and from this they would learn the important fact—that measures extracted from the fears of the ruling power , may be rendered null and void b y tlie administrators _nftbatnower . while measures based upon the
Clialttism. In Tiie City Of Lo"Sdo"St; A...
united will of the whole people , _"tfoul'l be carried out with fidelity , and '\ _vould confer equal justice upon all . ( Cheers . ) Let them bear in mind , that the task which he had undertaken , was to prove to the working classes , that all promised social changes were based upon the hope of transferring political power from the hands of one party to those of another , and that was a view which they had never yet taken of the question . Well , next came Reform , and could any—the most enthusiastic Chartist , picture to his own mind , more complete social chanarcs than were
anticipated from that measure { ( Cheers . ) And was it not by the popular strength enlisted by anticipation of those social changes , that reform was carried ? There was no " gagging bill '' then ; and what did the people do ? Why thoy earned a full-length portrait of their king , -with his head twisted , and the bloody executioner threatening it with the axe , if he resisted that political change from which the people were led to expect those social benefits . ( Loud cheers . ) There was no loyal resistance upon the _pai't of the Whigs to this democratic insanity ; but , when they had achieved political power , then , to prove their
constitutional loyalty , they hung and transported the very parties whom they had roused to furious madness . by hope of a better social condition . ( Cheers . ) Let him illustrate the popular notions of Reform . Ho sat upon an Election Committee for eight days in the year 1833 . The contest was between Mr . Pugh , a Tory , and Colonel Edwards , a Whig , then changed into a Liberal . A Welsh . carter , who stated that he was made drunk by Mr . Pugh's party and voted for that gentleman , was examined . He , Mr . O'Connor , asked him , "For whom did you vote ? " He replied , ' - For Mr . Pugh , _"hflczniKA T was _marlft drunk . " _Hethon asked
him , "For whom would you have voted had you been sober ? " Ho replied , '' For Eddards , to be sure ! " " Why for Colonel-Edwards ?" " Because he is a Reformer , to be sure !" " Well , arc you a Reformer ? " "Yea , to be sure I am !" . " Well , now , what does reform mean ? . " " Reform , reform , Avhy , I don't know . " ( Loud laughter . ) " Well , but if you stop there for a week you shall answer mc . Now , Avhat docs reform mean 1 " ... ' , "Reform , reform ; why roast beef and plum pudding to he sure ! " ( Roars of laughter . ) Well , but
lot them observe that according to the present franchise , the votes of a few such incapable drunkards may turn the scale ; while , if it was open to all , the ignorance and beastiality . of the few would be controlled by the discretion of the many . ( Loud cheers . ) -. AVell , next came free trade . ( Laughter and "Ay . " ) Ay ! and although that promised the social benefit of "high wages , cheap bread , aud plenty to do , " yet , nevertheless , the people were politically enlisted to support it . They -... _<»•/ _% + _rdrl _'li-it -rim-in hut , Tiiheruls could carry
it , and that none but Tories opposed it . Well , they had that political change , but did they derive the social benefit of "high wages , cheap bread , and plenty to do ? ( Laughter , and " No . " ) Well , then , ( said Mr . O'Connor ) are yon now going to be juggled for tho fourth time , and " again to be caught in thc Financial Reform trap , which is based upon political change ? ( Cries of "No , never . " ) Well , now he would show thorn the _. n-flf ' _ni . mif . _niAo + _'n-oni-i _T-Trnisf" r \ f f ! omTnn * _'is
liberalism and platform _liberality _, uoionei lnompson—( Groaiis and hisses)—stop , stop , he ( Mr . O'Connor ) was not about to make a single comment upon the question , that hc would leave to them ; but , when the question of reducing the salaries of Ministers was submitted to thcHouse of Commons , by Mr . Henley , a Tory ; Colonel Thompson and Mr . Brothcrtou —two platform financial reformers—not ouly voted against the reduction , but spoke against it , declaring that . Ministers were tho last parties whose salaries should be reduced . - ( Continued groans aud hisses . ) Now , then , he had shown them—and he hoped pretty clearly
—how all hope ol social cluuigc tnrougii _iranir fer of political ¦ power from one party . . to another , had been disappointed in their own day ; and now he would show them , that it was hut in strict keeping with the policy of former times . Seventy years ago , when Charles James Fox , and his Whig associates , were looking for political power , they discovered that the force capable of achieving it for them could only be recruited from the popular ranks , and they baited the popular trap Avith every single point of the People ' s Charter . Well , Avhat was thc consequence ? Why , that when Fox and his warty achieved power , through
democratic influence , lie brougnt m a mu io disqualify government contractors from sitting in the House of Commons , and Avhen it Avas passed he triumphantly said , " There is your Charter , now be quiet . " ( Loud cheers and laughter . ) Well , they cheered , but they should not _laii-Wi , for the admission was a censure upon their order . ( Hear , hear . ) AVell , then , having been thus deceived in ancient and -modern times , would they allow themselves to be caught m the financial trap ? ( Cries of "So , never . ) Ho had , and he hoped clearly , expounded the social changes that had resulted from political changes , and he , _™„ i . i nni , f . iii
assertion , that the toiling millions wouiu neverucinc any the slightest , social benefit from any political chan" save and except the People ' s Olmrtcr _, whole and entire ! - ( loud and _long-pontinucd cheering)—a measure to which he had devoted the best days ofhis life , and in the struggle for which he would continue if all deserted it . ( Renewed cheering . ) Let him now call their attention to the manner in which odium had been heaped upon the social and political principles which he and millions advocated In 1793 , when the French _devolution had aflrighted this isle from' its propriety , the "Radicals ot thatday , who , thoueh but few , were active—were ucs _* _^ n _.-. _tn < I " Jacobins ' . " their opponents well
knowins that , although " a rose uy any _or-ucr _u-. u ¦«• would smell as sweet , " that a name given to a political party may confer upon it general odium and reprobation . Thus they designated ltadicals as Jacobins , and manv an honest man with this name affi _** ed to him was ducked and otherwise ill-treated . Well , some time- after , Radicalism' became a little more fashionable , and we adopted thc hated appellation , those who competed with us calling themselves "Liberals , " the odium still remaining attached tothe term " Radical . - AVell _, when . the _proo-ress of the age had wiped the stain off Radicalism ! they gave usTthe name of Chartists , and now _+ _w nail _^ _liomeoiwps _Radicals , and knowing the
importance attached to a political name , » h « . u the Press of faction can . cover with odium , thoy seek to attach to us the new appellation of Republicans , while , if wc accepted it , they would designate us as Devils -thoy would accept thc name of Chartists themselves , but not oui principles , and upon this fallacy they would enlist thc opposition ,-nay , the deadly antagoiusin-of _shopkeeners _, middle-class , and traders . ( Loud cheers . ) Weil , then , wore they prepared , thus warned , to cut their own throats , and being driven to the necessity of _drawing another political name through the _gauntlet of persecution ? ( Cheers , and So . ) t „ f i „ - now illustrate thc legal consequences
attached to a political name , it is always - ivui .. » - representation of a social principle ; thus , v , . hen Lovcttand _Collinsto tried at "Warwick ( andInuid , before a uiry of farmers ) Mr . Justice Littledalc , most unconstitutionally , unjustly , and untruly , to d thoiuryof farmers that the social object . of the Chartists was to take the land from its present owners , and divide it amongst themselves , gouts of " Shame'" ) Yes , it was shame to the judge to tell such _^ falsehood , but wasitupt •\ P _f _o _« 0 _™ ; tion of his argument , that even the law attached ft Sal meanmg to a political name ? ( Cheers . S he would _^ draw their attention to the social odTum that wassought to be attached _^ Chartism , -every man in that meeting was a & ociahst- ( " no no _- r-ies _, Tcs , ~ Iam a Socialist , and you are all _^'• . _fcL . _' in the true acceptation of the term ,
Ih " construction that the writers put . upon the _ermSoeLlists . They , without . any , the slightest distinction , characterise all Socialists as Infidels . Sear hear . ) Sow he .. ( Mr .- . O'Connor , ) , was not pScd _tointerfeic _witlJthc religious opinions of Snv uiin - ( hear , hear , ) -no man _Tiad a right to . , _m-SJw wiiffi > a _^ there was a fair _adjustment of the Sour question , then . all those religious hLrt-burnings would be altogether lost sight of Jhenthe _industrious millions had some better _ntunSn than . preaching religious , antagonism . ? Cheers ) Sow , ho had _nSobjection -in a happy ( Ohee s . ) , Protestants going to the same SS as _^ holies and _Wcnters . The Protetant minister , developing his no ions _f _^ _Kan itvafc one hour , the Catholic minister
At Another Hour, And Tho Dissenting Mini...
at another hour , and tho Dissenting minister at another hour , while the Socialists may devote their hour to recreation ; but in the long run all would come to the same conclusion , that God created all and the earth for all , but not one thousand and one religions to constitute antagonism and deadly feuds amongst all . ( Loud cheers . ) - He ¦ would now show them how a new social principle was sought to he attached to the political principle of Chartism some most enthusiastic fools wore endeavouring to gaiH popularity by proclaiming and preaching thc fascinati ng doctrine , that the land is national property . Well , he ( Mr . O'Connor ) had often declared that God gave us land but the Devil gave us landlords : but thpn see the worse than folly of tryinff
to win tne public mind , or uivme tne puonc nuna , by reliance upon such moonshine . It is the Ycry thing that has . ' always destroyed the popular party . The very moment we are . ripe for moral action , that moment some egregious or enthusiastic fool causes dissension in ' our ranks , by tickling the mind with the hope of attaining -in impracticable object . "Sow , will those preachers , who proclaim the land to be national property , have the honesty or the courage to admit that muskets , bayonets , swords , petards , cannons , bombshells , forts , fortresses , ramparts , men-of-war , ' sailors , and soldiers , are also national property * , and that such national property , like land national property , is not at the command of the neonle ; but at thc disnosal and bock of those
who possess land property , money property , and all property , wrung from the sweat of the poor man ' s brow , and accumulated from a depreciation of w . tges in consequence of the monopoly of class-representation , based upon this monopoly of this physical force , Avhich enables thorn for a time to . resist the progress of mind , until the British minister has discovered that the voice of knowledge has silenced the cannon ' s ' roar ? And although now a mere cipher , a nonentity in the . House ! of Commons , belonging only to the people , who arc not represented in that House , then the . minister will say . * " Mr . O'Connor , is there anything else the people wish for ? let them ask and they snail have . " ( Loud and long continued cheering , ) Let thc
poopie Dear in mina , mac id was more easy to prcuict the coming , events of . one , two , or even six years , in olden times , than it is now to predict the events of six weeks , i yca , or six days . We live in the age of progress , aiid the news of to-day , will be stale upon the morrow ; and yet , in the midst of this progress of mind , bur silly rulers hope to rock their little cradle in the midst of . surrounding convulsions and revolutions ! ( Loud cheers !) . Let thorn contrast the dogged stolidity of English rulers , as compared with the onward march of other countries . Prussia , a despotism eighteen months ago , has proclaimed Universal Suffrage , no Property Qualification , and four years' Pfirlianionts , \ vith many other vital andimnnvtnnfc _ehanwos . as the basis of its constitution ,
while our stupid rulers doggedly resist any , the smallest concession " to the popular will . ( Cheers . ) Well , then he would ask whether ., ministerial acquiescence to the principles of thc People ' s Charter , would be as 'great , or as liberal a change in this countrv , as the change frorii despotism to a . ' . free constitution in Prussia ? ( Loudcheers . ) Did England hope much longer , even under a policy based upon fear of the progress of mind , to remain at pcacc , while her allies were at Avar all over , the world ? and were thcy ' not aware , that the first shot fired abroad would be followed by the proclamation ofthe People ' s Charter at homo ? ( Loud cheers . ) Well , then it was to prepare thc English mind for those enminrr chancres , that he once more resumed
his position as demagogue upon tne platform , ahu no w to make a summary . of this branch of his discourse , he would tell them , that faction ' s only reliance , for resistance to the Charter , was based upon that odium which the industrious Press could attach to the social ends to he achieved by our political moans . ( Cheers . ) Once let the middle classes , thc shopkeepers , and all who have property to lesc , understand that our political principle is , to convert their properties to . the use and benefit of those who have no property ; and then , my friends , they can marshal under such a cry , a sufficient amount of special constable force as would enable them to spare their military strength for foreign purposes . n . nnA _nli—i-s . V What , but the ' odium attached to
the social objects of Chartism , lias filled tneir dungeons and tlieir transport ships ? While , so far from preaching revolutionary doctrines or spoliation , he would now faintly sketch his scheme of Financial Reform , by whicli ho would make the rich richer , thc poor rich , making compensation to all , for the losses they have sustained by misgovcrnment and a misappropriation ofthe national funds . ( Cheers . ) Had thov anv property ¦? ( Shouts of" No ! " ) -Yos , he would show them that they had more than would pay the national debt . The land , or rather tlio encumbrance upon the land , termed poor rates , was theii \ property . It was tho first encumbrance upon every estate , and no estate could be sold ( _lisniiarirnii . frnm that liability . Lord Broiiffham stated ,
that last year it amounted to * . _» , I'lU _. uuu mu , _rawe u , nakedly at _£ 8 , 000 , 000 and at thirty-three years' purchase , which was much under the value , as it was to the land what ground rent was to the house , the first charge that must bo paid . Sow , - in order to destroy antagonism , to do justice to all , and injustice to noue , he would reduce those poor rates to make compensation to the landlords for free trade to live millions a-ycar , and which at thirtythree years' purchase , your property , —always mind yours ' !—after generously giving nearly one-half to tho landlords , would produce one hundred and sixty-five millions . ( Loud cheers . ) Wait a mmute , " this is the labour question—my hobby—tho question to which I have devoted my past life , and to the i . _A-ili « _-. finii nfwliinh Twill devote mv whole lite , if
necessarv , but I hope it will not . ( . . uniu _cnecrs _.-Now with one hundred and fifty millions of your own monev , I would constitute half a million of a yeoman class national militia . And what could I do with them ? Why the one hundred and fifty millions would give to each of tho half million eight acres of land , averaging £ 25 per acre , and £ 100 m cash ; £ 70 or £ G 0 to be expended in a cottage , which could be added to from year to year , according to the requirements ofthe family , and £ 10 in cash to commence agricultural operations . ( Loud cheers . ) Now mind , I am not like a visionary theorist , applying other men's money to labour purposes , but by the proper application of the labour fund I am conferring a large boon upon the landlord and f :. w » iin . r filass . ' Well , each of those 500 , 000
tenants should pnv £ 15 a-yonv lov tlieir oigiu acres , and £ 100 capital , and that would produce ii revenue of seven millions and a half per annum , and leave not a naiipcr in the land . Perhaps the currency gentlemen may tell me that there is not a sufficient amount of floating capital to purchase tins land . My answer is ,-that I do not want a guinea , as everv landlord would hc but too happy to give up a slip of his'property , getting his share of three millions a-ycar as his reward ; while all house property subiect ' to tho poor rates would , even at the present standard , soli like a debenture in thc market , and fetch the amount of ready money required . And now , he would ask , whether any plan projected by ti . n "Fin _.-iiKiial Reformers would , or by any
possibility could , confer-so great a boon upon eye y ow _**** in ' the state , 'from thc manufacturer himself down to the humblest tradesman , operative ,. or labourer in the country ? Where is the man , then , of any trade that would hc out of employment I \ i here is thc shopkeeper that would be without customers . < Where is the man that would dare allow hia child , or where is the child that would dare allow his father or mother , to become a pauper or a beggar ? ( Cheers . ) So much for poor rates property ; and now he would deal with church property , whicli lie would also contend was the property of the state , and that tho labour of . the . , industrious constituted the main prop of the state . _ Well , that nrnncrtv . _tlh'ouffliout the empire , with its
_appendages , contingencies , ecclesiastical courts ,. & , c , ma ) be lowly estimated at £ 10 , 000 , 000 ,. but ho would make the landlords a present of £ 2 , 000 , 000 , thus _rcducin- _'it to £ 8 , 000 , 000 , and that , at thirty-three years' purchase , would soil for £ 204 , 000 , 000 ! but of that fund he would give £ _40 , 000 , 000 to the present incumbents—that is , he would give . to each five years' purchase . as compensation for the . loss of tithes ; so that'a ' -man with a living of £ 1 , 000 a-YC ar , would receive £ 5 , 000—the men with -toOO would receive £ 2 , 500 , and each should pay his own labourer , who does his work—his curate—ten years purchase upon his salary , as his education has cost him as much as that of his master , and the curates , _ani-nrdin ' ir to class , are the worst paid set of men in
the community . ( Cheers . ) flow , no nopeuuiey were following him through his solution , of the labour question ! ( Cheers and " Yes . " ) Up till now he had only presented tho miniature of his plan , but now ho believed the , mind was prepared to receive the fulllength portrait . Well , he had dealt with the property of the people thus : —He had given the landlords five millions a-year ; he had given the parsons forty millions ofthe money of tie people , and lie had located half a million upon eight acres each , with a cottage , and £ 40 to begin , leaving a rental of seven million five humlroi thousand pounds to . be paid by this yeoman class , and after thus dealingwith . the several interests , it left him a . surplus of flfteen millions from poor rates , and two hundred and twenty-four millions from church property , thus _supnlvintf n . _nanital of two hundred and thirty-nine
millions And nOW 1 Come IO US iipj-iwabiuu , _i-amu-jr _, to the reduction of the national debt . Sow , for every £ C 0 _bbrrowc'd / you , the taxpayers of England , are navine the fundholder £ 100 ; while-curious to say —that £ 00 woiild purchase more of your labour than £ 100 would purchase-when the £ 60 was lent . Well then who can say that we commit an act of injustice if we repay the fundholder . now the exact amount he lent to keep " Bony '' out , and save his own property ; and especially mmd , when the £ 60 how would purchase more at thc produce of your labour than £ 100 would purchase when he , lent the smaller suni . ( Hear , hear . ) Well , then paying the fundholder at the rate of £ C 0 to the £ 100 which is a handsome dividend for a . bankrupt nat on to pay , and then sec how wc stand : thc two hundied LW thirf . v-nino millions saved from church and
Poor-Rate Property Would Reduce Tlio Nat...
poor-rate property would reduce tlio national dcht to little " more than two hundred millions , while from the five hundred thousand small . farmers wc receive seven millions and a . half of rent , which , after paying £ 3 per cent ., or six millions a year upon the two hundred millions of national debt , would leave us a million and a half a vear for education , hospitals , and comfortable provision for the old and infirm who may require it though then they would be but few , as the neglect Of parents would then be a national d « - -rracc . ( Loud and continued cheering followed this statement . ) Now , ( continued Mr . O Connor ) , there is my financial budget : I save the nation twent } - _» r _»» millions a vear . as interest of the national
dcht-ten millions m tithes , and eigne minium , --poor rates , making forty-five millions a year , and a million and a half to the improvement and comfort of the people ; every curate may become a schoolmaster , and every parson a preacher , ot Jus own creed upon tho voluntary systcm ; then thoy would he loved instead of , being despised ; then cruelty and drunkenness would bo banished from the land ; the condition of every class would be benefitted , and although he had made no calculation of the abandonment of our war force , yethc ventured to predict , that such a community would not require a soldier , or a policeman , to preserve peace , and that no government need then apprehend the invasion of a foreign force . But ( said
Mr . O'Connor ) , I live before my time , urn speculators ' will toll vou that it would be impossible to find money to eifoct these gigantic changes , while the speculators found no difficulty m extracting nearly three hundred millions , in a few . years , to speculate in railroads nnd other fascinating jobs . ( Loud cheers . ) And , hc it . remembered , that every farthinn- applied to those monster speculations , has been wrung from the sweat of . the labourer . ( Cheers . ) But although every scheme of theirs is not only practicable but patriotic , any , even tlio most feasible , plan suggested for the improvement of the poor , is visionary , . speculative , absurd and impracticable . And why ? Because the capitalist _eontrol of the labour market allows the speculator
to jump from his clogs into jspanisn _icauier uooisfrom the dung cart into the splendid carriage . ( Loud cheers . ) Mr . ' Reynolds , Mr . Clark , and Mr , Dixon , who had preceded him , ' had made very able speeches upon the labour question , and the question of _"overnmcntal expenses . Mr . Reynolds had called their attention to tho gross amount expended upon royal palaces , and other , regal requirements ; but , as was his ( Mr . O'Connor ' s ) custom , ho considered it his duty to analyse those several sums , in order that tho working classes may be perfect masters of the subject , and with that view , he would analyse the several expenditures , and apply them to tlie labour question . In twelve years , ono million and a half , of money had been spent , not on building , but _imnixwimr _"iViiiVlsov nnlnco . and that money if
expended for tho benefit ot thoso from wiiose pocKccs it was filched , would locate fifteen thousand persons , upon four acres of land each , —or , at five to a family , would provide for seventy-five thousand people , and each of those would g ive profitable employment to another family , making a total of ono hundred and fifty thousand people ! ( Loud cheers , and " Shame . " ) Well , not only would those fifteen thousand small farmers give employment , each , to another family , but all would be better customers to everv branch of trade , and to the manufacturers . ( Cheers . * ) Well , now , it was boasted that twelve hundred thousand pounds of English money was expended upon Irish workhouses ; and as , eve long , every Irish landlord , farwr . and shoDkcencr will have to take refiigc m
these domiciles , you -have tnree nuiiurcu _iiioiu-auu pounds more expended upon tho decoration of one palace than upon the erection of habitations for a whole nation . ( Shouts of " Shame" ) I tell you ( continued Mr . O'Connor , ) that it is no shame to ( -hose who did it ,. but it is a shame to those who paid for it , to have tolerated it . ( Cheers . ) Well , as ho never was tired of expounding this labour question , let them now understand that there were two hundred and sixteen thousand pounds expended upon furnishing that palace , and that sum at twenty-five pounds to the acre , would purchase ei'fht ' thousand six hundred and forty acres of land ! There were guts for a palace . ( Cheers , and laughter . ) And that quantity lifi i ,..,-,,, 1 . 1 f .... n ; _uii _tivn thniisnn-l one'hundred
and sixty families with Jour acres oacn , or _prowuc for ten thousand eight hundred peoplo , who would give constant einplovmcnt to ten thousand eight hundred more ; and thus there has been expended upon thc mere renewal of the furniture for one palace , as much as would give constant and remunerative support to twenty-one thousand six hundred people , all of whom would be excellent customers to every trader , and not one of whom would require a fraction of relief . ( Cheers . ) Well , hc believed fcheve were , last vear , one thousand seven liumlml pounds spent upon additional kitchen furniture tor Buckingham palace . ( Shouts of " Shame . " ) Well , bethought he had now clearly expounded the labour _million , and he would recall their attention to a
prophecy ho had made with rogawi to uie _uuocv mat free trade would have upon tho English labour market . He told them that the Irish labourers would come here to compete with them . Well ; what was the fact ? Why that he had the permission of a gentleman , cultivating three hundred acres of his own land in Lincolnshire , to state here , or in the House of Commons , that whereas last year he was payin _" his labourers 2 s . 3 d . per day , or 13 s . 6 d . per week , he is now paying them one shilling per day , or six shillings a week . ( Cries of " Oh , oh , oh . ) And this reduction was solely consequent upon the competition created by Irish famine But -wait until thc regular harvest influx of Irish labourers came here ; then they will neither emigrate nor return , but will work for any amount here that will _nrospr— their existence : —fhcar . hear)—and they
had a perfect right to do so , as they were prcsuuiuu to be _¦¦• ovcrned by the same laws . But what effect would ° tUathave upon the shopkeepers of Lincoln , and thc other towns in that county ? ( Hear , hear . ) Why , simply this . It would teach them that labour was not only the legitimate source of all power , but the onlv source of wealth , and they would very speedily discover that there was very little difference between a landed aristocracy and a monicd aristocracy ; with this trilling distinction , that the landed aristocracy have not thc same power , if thev had inclination , to establish fortunes upon a reduction of wages . ( Hoav , hear , and cheers . ) Mr . Reynolds has stated—and truly stated , —an occurrence which took place in Ireland , with respect to a man having extracted the heart and liver from a human being and eaten it . ( Shouts of horror . ) _i _ . _i i . _ _„ _i „ _t _„ , i _j-i .., f t . _„ .., i _inl . n _nuKsoIl dr > iiied the
assertion . Well , what was the fact' wny , _uiai . uie denial was a more quibble His lordship stated that the circumstance occurred not lately , but last So-Ycmhcr —( laughter)—and that tho Irish cannibal was not aware that the body was that of a human _bcin" _-. Now there was a state of ignorance , for a Christian Minister , in a Christian country , to ascribe' as justification for- such a horrible act . ( Shouts of " It ' s too bad . " ) AVell , was there ever ennh an anomalvas unhamiv Ireland now presented ?
Idle land—idle money—niic- anu starving pwpiuwhile the English consumers are not only compelled to look to foreign countries for their provisionswhich min _* ht he produced auider their nose , hut are further compelled to submit to taxation , to preserve tlie miserable existence of millions of Irishmen , who are ready and willing to procure food for both countries . ( Hear , hear . ) Nothing delighted him so much as thc conversion of opponents , and he sincerely trusted that every man at that meeting had i _ _„„ l , l ,. » . wl _thn ! _ii-iml _<> in last week S
Dispatch , upon " The capability oi tne i , anu , aim tlie distribution ofthe Royal Forests into Peasants Allotments . " ( Cheers . ) Although he mentioned this triumphantly , let it not be supposed that he mentioned it tauntingly . So , no ; he rqoiccd m it as hc courted the co-operation—however lateof every man in developing tlie value of labour , when applied to tho cultivation ofthe soil . ( Hear , hear . ) Thc Dispatch informed them that Ilounslow Heath , not many years since the haunt of thieves and footpads , and ' then a bleak wilderness , is now , bv the application of labour worth £ 3 a year rent per acre . Now he wanted them all to read that article , and all other articles from all other papers in connexion with this Land Plan ; for depend upon it ,
that thc solution ot the question oi lauour is now puzzling all nations . Well , he would ask it it was possible for the British Minister to rock his little cradle in peace , while all foreign countries were convulsed—by not being able to solve the labour question ? But , as he detested cruelty and drunkenness more than any other two crimes , he was not prepared to commit an act of aggression or injustice , much less an act of cruelty , in the practical solution ofhis labour question ; hc would better the condition of all , and thus , when all were comfortable , it would be the means of destroying that blasting , blighting envy and jealousy , which now create such -horrifying and injudicious antagonism . ( Cheers . ) Yes , he did not want to spare one of Nature ' s children from Nature ' s board , as "Natures breast was ample and sufficient to sustain _Mature s fnmilv if nrnnorlv and beneficially applied . ( Loud
cheers ) The mind ot tnis country wouiu aumevu that for the accomplishment of which thepeople of forei » n countries were compelled to resort to physical force , and if ever the English peoplo should ' be forced into such madness or folly , the blame would be upon thc head of the servile press , that catered falsehoods to sustaiu tho ascendancy of faction , by withholding the- enlightenment of the people- from those who should be governed by ' public opinion and live upon the public money . ( Cheers . ) Let them look tothe position into which tho withholding of rights has driven the Hungarian peoplo . ( Tremendous cheering and waving of hats , & c . ) Ay , he heartily responded to the joyous acclamation of the triumph of the _Iliwgarians , and if blood was to be shed hia contest for liberty his hope and fondest aspiration was , that the brave Hungarians would commemorate their triumph by a pyramid of
Poor-Rate Property Would Reduce Tlio Nat...
Cossacks , capped with their Tsar ! ( _iromunaous applause ) And that the brave Romans would imitate their noble example , and commemorate theii * - triumph by an Austrian pile capped with their Autocrat ! ( Renewed cheering , nnd clapping of hands . ) But , thank God , ho spoke to a people who wielded a mind that would never be driven to such sad alternatives , to make tho acquisition of legitimate power . Let them understand how the acquisition of that power altered the policy and tactics of faction . Not long since the Monarchists and Legitimists in France expressed tteir horror of physical force while they governed by thc sword—while the very same parties now are trying to force the people into another revolution , in tlio hope of _destroying that infant mind which time will mntimi into
national liberty , contentment , and pence . ( Loud cheers . ) But not that liberty , contentment , and peace in which the gorged few luxuriate upon the dependence of thc plundered many . ( Cheers . ) Let him in conclusion , caution them against giving ear - to the enthusiasm of the 'TOOR _GENTLEMEN , " but te go on steadily and resolutely in their own beaten track . But in order that they may nofc make a miscalculation of his parliamentary influence , let him assure them that , at present , he was a mere nonentity in that House But he still cherished the fond hope of being able to unmask such a battery of popular mind , and discharge such a volley ot popular will , as would convince his opponents of popular influence when wisely directed . ( Lopd _clinors "i _TTr would - rixnlain his nosition m that
House If any party was about to propose a measure which was likely to receive the all hut unanimous assent of the legislature , and if he proposed tlio samo measure ono day before , it would ho as unanimously rejected . And why ? Simply lost its adoption ' should add any , the slightest weight , to his name , and thus give him more influence with the people ( Cheers , and " Yes , that ' s it . " ) Yes , die was glad it was it , and having suffered cvvry description of martyrdom , persecution , and obloquy , and eighteen monthsof incarceration , he was , nevertheless , resolved that while dread or threat of persecution should not turn , him from his purpose ,
neither vanity , ambition , nor wounded _iceJing _ssiouia . cver goad him or recklessly hurry him into a course which would be destructive to their cause For ifc he had lived , and rather than forsake it , so help him God ! hc would rather perish ; and to repeat his ofttold tale , the fondest aspiration of his mind was to open Nature ' s breast to Nature ' s children , and Lhus promote the happiness and contentment ol . ill and secure thc peace of all . [ Mi' . O'Connor resinned las seat amid prolonged cheering , waving of hats , and handkerchiefs . ] After a few observations from Mr . Flaxsiax , the —cnlntinn ivns nufcand carried unanimously .
The Chairman then called upon Mr . _ai-uiuthio move tho petition , who , on coining forward , was loudly cheered . Having read it , he said , they had that night given a convincing proof that there was some vitality yet in metropolitan -Chartism . It was _stih living , notwithstanding the efforts oH _. _irey , Jcrvis , Powell , and Co . to . crush it , ( Cheers . ) Even Lord John Russell , who thinks that the people arc indifferent to politics , and satisfied with things as thev are might doubt the soundness of his opinion , could ho witness their . numbers , _s-ph'it , and enthusiasm that night . ( Cheers . ) They had assembled once more to launch the bark ot the Charter , and if they would resolve to stick to the ship and never to furl a sail , they might rest assnrnd nf _lining snondilv able to anchor their bark m
the haven of liberty . ( Cheers , i xiic tunc nau comofor shaking off inactivity , and resuming the _ great work of national deliverance once more . Liberty was on the passing breeze , it was wafted fromthe centre to the remotest extremes of Europe ; and surely its invigorating influence must be imparted to the British mind . England would not , he hoped for her honour , consent to' remain a laggard , while other nations wore , by a single effort , rising from the prostration of despotism to the dignity of freedom . ( Cheers . ) Thoy found financial reformers and parliamentary reformers now upon the alert , which circumstance ho hoped would stimulate the real reformers to real and unmistakeable exertion , in thc sacred cause of liberty and justice Just as ho recognised liberty of speech in every man , so ho recognised liberty of agitation in all parties ; but _u-liib _. _l . linv saw others _troinsrfoi' measures of reform ,
which fell short of universal justice , ms _auvit-e » -i- > to ' raise _highly and proudly tho bright banner of the Charter , ; ind to bear it over every obstacle till they placed it in triumph over tho ruins of oligarchical usurpation . ( Cheers . ) They had the power to bo free but wanted thc will to exorcise it . Tho purpose of these meetings was to incite them to an exercise of that power . Did they want stimulants to urge them on in their demands for justice ? They w . _mld find them in the impoverishment and _degradation which wero overwhelming the whole indiistrinl population , without-a shadow of hope , so long as the curse of Whig aud lory domination hung over them . Mr . M'Grath having addressed himself to several other interesting topics connected with the petition , concluded his ) address timid . ¦ the unanimous . approbation of tho
Julian Harney seconded tne adoption oi tue -julition . His speech , which was of considerable length , excited enthusiastic applause ' The petition was then put and _unanimously adopted . „„ _,-., It was then moved by Mr . . Brown , " Ihat ie be presented by Lord J . Russell . " Carried unanimously . A vote of thanks was g iven by acclamation to tho chairman , also to tlie Cripplegate locality for getting mi the mcetiiiff . after which the meeting separated .
A-List-Op The Mlnorl'ii' \Vnu_Vui^ For M...
A-LIST-OP THE _MlNORl'ii' \ vnu _ vui _^ FOR MR . HUME'S MOTION FOR PARLIA-• vn ? v'i * a i v- -Rv . _i- _* m * vr
Adair , II . E . Lushington , < - _-. Adair , R . O . Shnfto _M-Grogw , J . A'dionbv , H . A . Marshall , W . Alcock , ' T . Martin , S . \ ndcrson , A Milner , W . M . E . Armstrong , R . B . Moftatt , G . Bass , M . T . Molesworth , & ir W Berkeley , C . L . G . Mowatt , F . _ijouvcric , Hon . E . P . Muntz , G . P . Bright , ' John O'Comic , J Brothel-ton , J . O'Connell , M . _Callaahan , D . O'Connell M . J . Clav _. - J . O'Connor , 1 . ninv _sii . w Osborne , R .
Cobden , R . " _t , ,, ' n' Cockburn , A . J . E . 3 » eelieU _, Capt , Collins , W . Pilkington 3 . Currio , R . Reynolds J . Diwhvrood , G . H . _t } a l , w Hcvereux , J . T . _kchoficld , W . D'Eyncourt , Rt . non . C . T Smith , J . B . Duke , Sir James Smythe , Hon . & . Duncan , G . Somers , J . P . _Ullis j Strickland , Sir & E van s , Sir De Lacy Stuart , Lord D . ¦ , _E-vnrt , W . Tancred _, . 11 . 1 . Fa "an , W . Thompson , Col . _-pviv W _.- . T . Thompson , G .
Freestun , Col . xnornciy , i Gibson , lit . lion . T . M . _Trolawiiy , J . & . Granger , T . O . Yilhers , Hon . C Greene , J . Walmsley , Sir J Hardcastle , J . A . Wawn , J : 1 Harris , R , _, Wcstheml , J P . Headlam , T . E . _^ dlcox , h . M . Henry , A . . Williams , J - _Hevworth , L . Willyams , If . Hodges , T . L . "Wilson M _Humphcrv , Mr . Akin . W ood , IV . P . Jackson , W . _tellers . Keogh _. W .. _? Ti ' Kershaw , J . Berkeley , II . _Kin-r . Hon . P . J . L .
. Ckaxnki. Islands Asd Isle Of Imaa ^U-«...
. _Ckaxnki . Islands asd isle of imaa _^ _u- «*««¦< -. -General Post-office , May , 18 i < J .-llencciorward tiie undermentioned newspapers priutcd and published in the Channel Islands and m the Isle ot Man respectively , may be transmitted through the post from these islands to Great Britain and Ireland on prepayment of a postage of one penny ; but this pri-• _ilco-e is not to be extended to them if posted m Great Britain or Ireland for circulation within the United Kingdom . British Press , Jersey and ( mmsey New ,, Mono ?* Herald and _Fat her's he of Man Advert ! er , Jersey Times , The _ManxSan , lhe Manx Libera Me of Man Times , Star , Comet . These _news papers , though unstamped , may bo sent hy post to . P _. _? r „„ _„„ i- « S „ h to forcien countries upon the same
conditions as those which appiy 1 »»> _-- »; _CT' ? -,, similarly addressed , forwarded from Great Britain and Ireland . The existing rules contained _mmstructions No . 13 , 1849 , in regard to the transmis- sionbypost of newspapers other than the above- , mentioned , printed and published in the Channel Islands or in the Isle of Man , arc still m force , it bcino- however , understood that such newspapers as aro printed in these islands in the French or m tho Manx language shall in no way he affected by ffi rStr _ictions - . imposed in this notice , or by the in- structions , No . 13 , abovementioncd , but shall con- _tLnue to enjoy all the privileges , so far as their transmission by post is concerned , which tliey for- _mni-fv _possessed . . '' .. « , . --invented ior
Anew machine has been maiung . printing types . The ordinary mode of casting is superseded , and the letters are cut out of a hard and durable metal , b y means of powerfnl pressure _, and the use of steel dies . ¦ ' _ A _hithi-kto unknown race of people has , it is said , been discovered in the interior of Africa . Ihey occupy the kingdom of Ban . They are . black m colour , and very tall , hut destitute of the usual negro features . Another H . B—Thc London Liverpool Albion speaks of a noble and H . B ., who is always drawing his ow thenhurlesq . uiiig that .
, W.^ Correspondent Ot The U, ^'?4'? Un ...
_w . _^ correspondent ot the u , _^ ' ? _4 _' ? un - _p- _" . _^^^^^ . , § iC _ iP- _^ _jspondent of the i _unaov'ountabl' _* i cai'i _ t _uuffiJKl _« _, m _^^ j M _^^ Mh .
Northern Star (1837-1852), June 9, 1849, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_09061849/page/5/