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H/TBT^^NORliHEIlN^STAR. Novembeb 11,1848...
NATIONAL LAND COMPANY. Atthe Conference ...
Thk HawtKAD Gang. —In consequence;of the...
miite jRWix
WOBSHIP.STREET. —JuvsiHiB Thief Catohws....
i^t^olftan foitempnctt
Caution to Naphtha Buhners.—On Wednesday...
ArpEdiNa Incident.—A Waterford paper rel...
€4>arttet~ MttilMtiiu
Nkwcasilb upon-Ttbk.—Mr J. West having d...
¦ Ar^yy ' /^^. -•^* S«*'"''vy<*A-^* Rational £an& etompanp
The National Land Company.—The operative...
THE CHOLERA. Cholera.—On Wednesday, the ...
i ut BIRTH. A Todno PmioT.—Born on tho 23rd uf Septem* bor, and christened oa the 22nd of Oetobsr, Andrew
«»»>-,ouaw, son ox jonn and misa wnaw. "...
"Muted by WlW.lAHRIDER . ofNo.S, Macclesfi^' ttreet, Ik the carish of 8t. Anne, Westminster, »* tm
r enting Office, 16, Brest Wlnamiu-stree...
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H/Tbt^^Norliheiln^Star. Novembeb 11,1848...
_H / _TBT _^^ NORliHEIlN _^ STAR . Novembeb 11 , 1848 ,
•General Conference Of The Members Of Th...
BIRMINGHAM . ( From our own Seporter . ) SATURDAY , Tha Conference reassembled thia morning ; at _¦* 2 _lw ? 5 *» « w Tt sr _. f _^ _S ' when the minutes of the preceding day having been _" _mtWhbhss moTed , —* That the allottees on the estate ! at present located , shall receive a life interest snd a lease for ninety-nine yean , for their _respective holdings , on or before December 25 h , 1848 , unless the non-registration shonld render it impracticable within that period . Mr CBrbh seconded the motion . Mr Ktdd supported the proposition . Mr DoKOTA-r said , that it wonld prevent confusion if the period of granting leases were not Btated .
Mr Wbxzixs said , that a deed of lease to each allottee would give a confidence which was wanted at fiie present time . Ihe motion was carried . In the case of Mr Donaldson , the oommittee appointed to consider his case came to the decision that If ha _ceold produce proof that in the Nobthbbh Stab he was informed by the Executive tint purchases of more than four shares might be made by sn _indvidoalf compensation should be made to him , snd if no snch proof could be adduced , then h is claims to be dismissed . _MrKsoD moved , — "That tha next * Conference shonld _be-held on the last Monday of August in 1819 . ' Mr Eswaeds seconded the motion , which was earned .
After some conversation the Conference was appointed to beheld at Nottingham . Mr Whieleb moved , and Mr _O'Ban *** seconded , * resolution , — ' Th a t the d ir ec tors be recommen d e d to _takeeteps to insure the property on the various location !' , ' which was carried unanimously . The Conference , having recorded a vote of thanks to the Chairman , then broke np .
To The Delegates Of The Late Conference....
TO THE DELEGATES OF THE LATE CONFERENCE . _Gbstleubs—In compliance with your instructions , I have arranged the several votes of the Conference under their proper heads , distinguishing between those rejected and adopted . Tour resolution went to the effect that this report *& ould be printed and circulated throughout the tranches , but there being no fund available at present to meet the expenditure which the publication snd circulation of the report would entail , we have obtained the consent of Mr O'Connor to its appearance in the Northern Star . The Directors therefore venture to hope , that the insertion of the report in the organ of the Company , will be taken by yon as the fulfilment of the duty imposed on me by yonr tote- Tours faithfully _. Pump _M'Gjuih .
Busdness Regulations. Mr J. Sweji, Of No...
BUSDNESS REGULATIONS . Mr J . Sweji , of Nottingham , w a s un a nimousl y _fleeted to the chair . Mr P . M'GsAiHwas e ' eoied to fill the office of Secretary to the Conference . Mt Clash moved , and Mr Dons seconded , * That the Conference assemble eaoh morning at nine O'clock , ait fill one , re-assemble at half-past two , and jit till six . " _MrLwssr moved , and _MrEnwmns seconded . * That speakers be limited to five minntes ; movers of ¦ notions to bs all o wed t e n minutes on introducin g their subjects , and five minutes to reply . '
Mr _Xehbbwods moved , and Mr _Turseb seconded , Tha tno . member ba permitted to _epeak twice on fits same subject , while others who have not spoken are desirous of addressing the Conference . ' Mr _Surros moved , and Mr White seconded , ' That an authentic report of the resolutions ofthe Conference be printed , and that such report be circulated throogh ihe branches . ' Mr D o n s m o ved , a n d Mr _Euwabsb seconded _Thfltscammittee of five be appointed to settle cases of disputed elections . ' . Th e Mow i n g mem b ers were then a pp oin t e d to form the Election Committee , namely : Messrs O ' Brien , Linney , Edwards , Jude , and Holloway . Mr Class moved , and Mr Dixon seconded , 'That the Election Committee report on Taesday morning . '
Mr _Lottst moved , and Mr Yates seconded , — ' That no committee be allowed to at during Conference houra . ' Messrs "Wheeler , Brums , aad _Rbhshiw , fearing handed in credentials from _O'Gennorvillo , Charterville , and Lowbands , it waa resolved npon the motion of « Mr Jude , seconded by _, Mt Nisbsit _, * That this Conference do not recognise the elections Of Messrs Wheeler , Beattie ,. and Kershaw , bnt that they ba allowed to sit aa deputies from the estates , io give their attention to the interests ofthe allottees whom they respectively represent / Tha aforesaid business regulations were carried S & anunoasly . AID MONEI .-MR . BRADSHAW'S CASE .
Mr Fussell moved , and Mr _Lunrrr seconded , * That Mr Bradshaw be allowed the Aid Money , upon . entering into a written agreement with Mr Sykes , which agreement shall be subjeot to the approval of the director ? , and be deposited in their care . ' Mr Jude moved , and Mr Nisbett seconded , the following amendment , 'That the rules of the _Company shall ba abided by , and that no aid shall be given in Mr Bradshaw ' s case . Mr _O'Bbiss mov ed , and Mr Kkbshaw seconded , ' That purchasers who are shareholders , be entitled to receive Aid Money . ' Mr Shkreihsiok moved , and Mr _Besilet seconded , "That a loan be granted to Mr Bradshaw , equal in _ameont to the Aid Money , he giving the directors a guarantee that it shall be repa'd in a time to be by them fixed . *
Mr Green moved , ' That this Conference is of opinion that no allottee should be allowed to sell his tight to location , and if he does not choose to occupy himself , thai snch location shall be disposed of by the directors in the best manner possible . ' Mr _Savsdsbs moved , ' That the sum of £ 30 « -Aid Money , due to Mr Sykes—be banded over to Mr'Bradshaw , who has taken to the allotment , in _aeeerdanoa with the rules of the Company , which give aid money to every allottee . ' This motion fell from want of a seconder . Messrs _Fosssll , Jude , and O'Bbib ** . withdrew their _Botisns , wben the sense ofthe Conference was taken npon thn motions of Messrs _Shkbbxsgxok , Gases , and Whit *; , The chairman declared Mr _Shermkq ton ' s motion carried .
FINANCIAL AND GENERAL REPORT . Mr O'Cosnob having given a very minute account ef the financial and general position of the Company , Mr _Skevrgtos moved , and Mr _Aeqtjtth seconded , ' That the report made hy Mr O'Connor be received . ' Carried unanimously . Mr Millwood moved , and Mr _Tohkis « wn ee * sonded . ' That it is the opinion of this Conference that all future locations take place on or before the 1 st of March , being the most favourable for agricultural pursuits ; and . that each allottee have one quarter of his allotment sown with what by the Company , and one quarter well ploughed , bo that the _sllotteesmay immediately o ? mmenee planting their _Eitatoea and other crops , the remaining - part of the nd to be dag or ploughed at the expense of the allottees . '
The consideration of this proposition was postponed , that the programme might be proceeded with .
PRINCIPLE OF LOCATION . Mr O'Cossos moved , and Mr White seconded the following proposition : —• ' That future locations of members shall be decided upon the principle that those who have paid the highest amonnts into th 9 fond * of the Company shall be first located-Mr BBirrxEr moved , and Mr _Millwooi seconded , the following amendment : — ' That when the _allotments _sh * m be ready for location , the directors shall give notice to the paid-up members ofthe Company , requesting them to write an estimate , and forward it to tbe secretary ofthe branch to which they may
belong . The secretary shall take down the estimate in the branch book , and shall make a return of the Whole of the estimates which he may have received , according to the instructions ofthe directors—and when the directors shall have reoeived the returns of the whole of the branches , they Bhall notify the same to one of the trustees ofthe Company , when he shall transmit to the directors his estimate , to which he shall affix Ms seal . The directors thai ! then call a meeting of the members , and in their presence the « atimate of the trustee shall be unsealed by the Chairman , and ( he amount of the estimate declared . '
Mr _Htait proposed the following : — ' That location shall take place by bonus , and that the oountry shall ie divided into fh % equal districts , eaoh district to select from ita j * _aid-up members their portion of allottees to be located npon each estate—that is to say—suppose there are 500 acres of land ready for Io * cation , that will amount to ten acres for each district —which shall be put to the highest bidder in each district , who shall pay part ef the bonus money—• which snail be sent to the directors , withthenameaof the bidders , and they shall pay the remainder of the bonus money before Mssession is taken .
Mr Wsxitts moved , 'That W-ien 100 allotments are ready for location , fifty of them shall be disposed of by bonna , at the rate of £ 15 , £ 2210 a ., _and £ _^ _, fOTt wr _^ three , aiidfoHacre 5 ; if more than fifty bid , ths bidden to be taken by priority of pay * meat , and that a Loan Fund shall alio be established , ani a ballot tajce place fox fifty of its members , and
Busdness Regulations. Mr J. Sweji, Of No...
the sums raised by bonus shall ba lent to the fifty successful members , to enable . them to purchase , for which money they shall pay interest in tbe shape ' of rent . ' Mr Babsbttmoved , 'Thata bonus be established in the following manner : suppose a member to advance £ 100 for location—this £ ino to lay blank for five years _without interest , at the sarnie time to pay fall rent for aw allotment , which ia five years would realise a bonafide bonus of £ 40 . Then at the end of five years , the £ 100 to be reckoned off the cost of the allotment , and the rent lowered accordingly . Smaller sums as bonus in the same ratio . ' Tbis proposition was not seconded .
Mr _Southehwobb moved , and Mr Ibhebwood seconded , ' That the future locations of the Company shall be by bonus , the highest bidders getting the preference , * Mr Whshsr , withdrew his motion , as did likewise Messrs _Hurr and BAtursrr . The vote was then taken , when there appeared for Mr Bentley ' s motion none ; Mr Southerwood ' s motion , i ; and for the original motion , 31 .
APPLICATION OF SURPLUS CAPITAL . Mr O'Cokkob moved the next proposition in the programme , namely , ' That the amoant paidinto the funds of the Company over and above the pries of two , three , and four acreB respectively , shall bB p lao e d to the credit of the members , and shall be employed in the liquidating of their liabilities to the Company , and that the paid-up capital ofunlocated members shall bear interest at the rate of fonr per cent , per annum . ' Mr Mitchell seconded this proposition . Mr Millwood moved , ' That if a member bid for an allotment , and send Ms money for that purpose , and he is unsuccessful , his moaey shall ba returned , if he requires it . ' This motion was not seconded . The original motion was carried .
PAYMENT OF _ARREARS OF SHARES . Mr Wheeler moved , and Mr Greek _seoonded _, That all subscribers to the _National Lsnd Company whose shares ara not paid-up , shall , after the 13 th of November , 1848 , pay on their respective shares the sum ef threepence per month , and in default thereof shall no longer be eligible to enjoy any benefits frora the Company . ' MrSAusDSHS moved , and Mr _Mexdat seconded , 'That all unpaid members Bhall , from Nov . 20 th , 1848 , pay the sum of twopence per week for two _shsres _, threepence per week for three shares , fourpence per week for four shares , and those members
who shall be tbree months in arrear , shall be fined sixpence ; and should the fines amount to as mnoh as had been paid in on shares , such persons shall forfeit tbeir right of membership . ' Mr RTDERmoved , and Mr AEturrHseconded , 'That ihe directors be empowered to make , according to the Joint Stock Companies Aot , a oall of ona shilling per month upon each defaulting subscriber , the same to bo paid by weekly instalments of threepence ; subscribers not complying with the Baid call , within the time that the oall if complied with would have liquidated their shares , their claims on the Company to be forfeited . '
Mr Jons moved , and Mr Nisbett seconded , ' That the directors shall make a call npon allunpaid-np members , of not less than one penny per week , per share , commencing Not . 2 _fr'h , 1818 , and when any Buch subscriber shall neglect to pay at the above rate fer three months , they shall be oharged five per cent _, upon the amonnt unpaid , and when tbe amonnt shall be equivalent to the sum originally paid by suoh _shareho'der , he shall cease to have any interest in the Company . '
Mr Holloway moved , and Mr Yates seconded , ' That all members of the National Lsnd Company , who have not paid up their shares , Bhall pay 2 d . 31 . and 41 . per week , respectively , for two , three , and four shares ; and when any member shall have allowed his contributions to go mora than three months in arrear , he shall forfeit all claims to the Company , or sell out during that period . No person to be erased from the Company's books if out of work , ill , or unable to pay , but wishing to remain in the Company . This rule to eome iato operation on November 13 th , 1848 . '
Mr O'Cotxob moved , and Mr _TonsiirGroir _seconded , "That each subscriber pay 2 d . per share , per week , till all arrears are cleared up . ' Mr Mobbeon moved , and Mr Babnstt seconded , ' Thatall subscribers who have not paid ap their shares , shall commence on the lst ef January , 1849 , to pay one penny on two shares ; three halfpence on three shares ; and two pence on four shares ; until the whole shall be paid up . ' Mr Flood moved , 'That all subscribers not paying two-thirds of their shares by the lst of November , 1849 , shall forfeit what they may have paid into the funds of the Company . The payments to make the aforesaid amount to be made weekly . '
Mr _FoisxLLmoved , 'That the subscribers toth 9 Company eball pay ail demand " , on their shares on or before December lst , 1849 , or forfeit all interest therein , ' Moved by Mr Holloway . and seoonded by Mr Tubser , 'T hat an y mem b er a l lowi ng h i s weekl y contributions to go three months in arrears shall forfeit all claims to the Company . Carried . Messrs Flood , Fuseeli ., _Mobbijou , and Saunders [ withdrew their propositions . The Chairman then took the vote npon those before the Conference , when there appeared for Mr Wheeler ' s 11 ; Mr Ryder _' a , 6 ; Mr Judo ' s , 10 ; Mr Holloway'd , 6 ; Mr O'Connor's , 12 .
LEGALISATION OF THE COMPANY . Mr _Fcsbsll moved , and Mr Shaw seconded , ' That this Conference do authorise the directors to obtain _legal protection for the Company as speedily as pes * Bible , and in the most economical manner . ' Mr Clabk moved , and Mr _Asqtjith seconded , ' That the rules of the Company shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Stock Companies Act , and shall ba immediately registered under the same . ' Mr _Edwabbs moved , and Mr Saunders seconded , ' That the Company shall be registered nnder the Building Societies Act . ' Upon the sense of the Company being takes , there appeared for Mr Edwards ' s motion 2 ; MrFussell ' s , 4 ; and for Mr Clark's , 22 . LOAN SOCIETY .
Mr Clabk moved , and Mr Kydd seconded , ' That a Loan Sooiety shall be established by the members of the Company , for the purpose of making advances of money to the located members . ' Carried unanimously . Moved by Mr Mobsisoi * , a n d eecon d ed b y Mr At Quira , * That a committee of five ba appointed to draw np the details of the Loan Fund . ' Motion carried . The following gentlemen were then constituted the committee : —Messrs Clark , Brooks , Edwards , Taylor , and Shaw .
CLAIMS OF BALLOTED MEMBERS UNLOOATED . M r Ktdd move d , an d M r Shkrrisgtoh seconded , "That compensation be [ paid to the balloted members unlooated . The sum of compensation to be paid at the time they would have been located . ' Carried . g Mr O'Bnnw moved , and Mr _Tobsikqtos seconded , 'That one-fourth of each estate , when ready for location , be allowed to the balloted members till all are located . ' Carried . Mr Whits moved , and Mr Saunders seconded , _< That the _anmnts of compensation be respectively £ 15 , £ 22 Mb ., and £ 30 , to two , three , snd fouracre allottees , and that the share money in eaoh case be reckoned in the compensation money .
Mr O Bbien moved , and Mr Grekn seconded , That the compensation ba £ 15 for two acres , £ 22103 , for three acres , aud £ 30 for four acres , without depriving the shareholders of scrip . Mr Edwards moved , and Mr Turner seconded , 'That the amount of compensation be £ 5 per share , sac k compensated members not to be deprived cf their scrip . The price of shares forming no parti of suoh compensation . ' M r Edward s ' s proposition was carried by a large majority .
CONDITIONS UPON WHICH SUCCESSFUL MEMBERS SHALL HOLD POSSESSION . Mr Edwasd 3 moved , and Mr Green seconded , ' That no allottee be _permitted to let or sell , unless all demands due to the Company be paid . ' Carried unanimously . MrSAusDERB moved , and Mr _Musdat seconded , ' That the agricultural operations ba performed at the Company's expense , and be reckoned inthe general outlay . ' Mr O'Bribn moved , and Mr Flood seconded , ' That three acres ont of every fonr , two and a rood ont of every tbree , one acre and two roods oat of every two acres , on each estate , be pnt into a proper state of cultivation aud well cropped , prior to the allottees taking possession . '
_ Mr _Grksjj moved , a nd Mr White seoond ed , 'That the cost of all agricultural operations performed by the Company be added to the rent chargej and that no allottee be allowed to take possession , until his land be cropped . Mr Welm moved , and Mr Tram seconded , 'That all agricultural operations performed by the Company Bhall be paid for before possession be taken , aud in ease any member not belonging to the Lean Fund , having no mora than sufficient for the bonus , that tbe oust of such operation shall bB included in the rent charge . ' The chairman pnt the proposition to the __ vote , when there appeared for Mr Saunders ' s m o tion 8 ; Mr Green '? , 22 Mr Wells ' s , 4 .
Mr Morrison moved , and Mr _Edwabds seoonded , ¦ That the amonnt of rent be five per cent , per annum npon tbe outlay . ' Mr Whbslbb moved , and Mr Ktdd seconded , That the allotments upon the various estates , according to their respective values , bear interest at the rate of four per cent , upon the outlay . ' Mr Holloway moved , ' That the rent ba fonr per cent , the first two years , and five per cent , afterwards- ' Mesm Mosbiboh and Holloway having withd r a wn their moti o ns , Mr Wheeler ' s wa s a do p ted new . con . ; Mr _WasBtsa moved , and Mr 0 'Biue « _Keonded _,
Busdness Regulations. Mr J. Sweji, Of No...
' Tha > the allottees at present , located shall have a life interest , snd a reversionary lease of _hinety-hine years , granted them by December 25 , 1848 * unless the non-registration of the Company renders it impracticable within that period . ' Carried .
TIME OF LOCATION . Mr Tcbneb moved , and Mr Wells seconded * , That all future locations shall t & keplaceon the 1 st of August . ' Mr ' HoiiowAT moved , and Mr Asqcitb seconded , Tbat the time of location be the lst of June . ' Mr Soon moved , and Mr Sherwood s econd ed , 'That the time of location be the 20 th of May . ' Mr _Fujbill moved , and Mr Shaw seconded , ' That the allottees shall not be allowed to take possession until the cropsnre ready for their use and support , and that the directors shall inform the allottees one month prior to taking possession . ' Mr Whxilxb moved , and Mr Yaws seoonded , 4 That the time of looation be the 20 th of April . '
Mr _Bahsikt moved , and Mr Svttox seconded , ' That the time of location be old _May-day . ' M o ved b y Mr Sherrington , ' That arrangements be made by the directors to ascertain whe are to _h p the successful members three months previous to the time of looation , and to give notice to the allottee that he will be required at his Land between the lst efAprilandthelstof Jane ; the directors to have the power to name the dsy between these periods —according to the state ofthe crops—when he shall oome ; and not to be allowed on any account to take possession until the day named by the directors . ' Mr Barnett's motion was carried .
ELECTION OF DIRECTORS . Mr O'Bbien moved , and Mr Green s e conded , 'That seven Diieotois be elected , one of whom shall be a ' p ractical . agriculturist , and another a praotioal builder . ' Mr Ktdd moved , and Mr Whim seconded , That the Board of Directors be reduced to three in number , te consist of one practical agriculturist , one bui l der , and one man of genera ] information . ' M c Barneti move d , an d Mr Wells secon d ed ' That the number ofDireotoa be five . '
Mr _Rtdir moved , ' That the Board of Direotors eonBiatof four practical men—one agriculturist , one mason , one carpenter , and one praotioal accountant . '• This motion tell to the ground for want of a Si * conder . . ' _" ¦ The Chaibuan having put tbe several propositions to tbe vote , their appeared for Mr O'Brien's , 4 ; Mr Kydd's . 8 ; MrBarnett , l _& Mr _Fusssll moved , a n d Mr Ishsbwood seoond e d , ' That as the present Directory have discharged their duty faithfully to the Company , they be re-elected by their Conference . Mr Sodthwokth moved , and Mr Krab seconded , ¦ That the Conference nominate tbe Direotory , and that they be eleoted by the suffrages of the Whole Company . ' After considerable discussion , Mr Kydd withdrew his motion , and Mr Fnssell ' _s proposition was unanimously adopted .
Mr Morbison moved , and Mr Edwabds secon d e d , 'That this Conference eome tb the following conclusion after a long and patient investigation , viz . —that the oharges made against the Direotors _. of wasting the Company ' s property oa some of the estates , are _irivolousandvexatiouB . ' The Conferettee passed this motion unanimously . ELEOTION OF TRUSTEES AND AUDITORS . Mr O'Connor moved , and Mr _Shebbisstok seoonded , 'That Thomas _Allsop , Esq ., Thomas _Sliageby Duncombe , Esq ., and John * Sewell , Esq ., be the trustees of the Company . ' Carried unanimously . ' It was next resolved on the motion ef Mr O'Connor , ' . That Messrs Grey and Finlaison be the auditors , ' . .- REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE UPON TH _^
LOAN SOCIETY . ' That the ' value of shares ahall be £ 5 each . ' 'That no member shall be allowed to hold more than eight shares . ' That the members shall be allowed to borrow upon good security , sues in proportion to the shares held by them ; but that no advance be made to any member who may be in arrears with instalments upon shares . ' * That loans made by the society shall bear iaterest at tbe rate of five per cent , per annum , and shall be repaid by annual instalments of twenty-live per cent _, upon the unpaid capital suoh instalments to commence twelve month ' s from the date of the loan . ' 'That the Managing Committee of the sooiety shall be the Directors of the National Land Company . ' *
'That the sooiety shall be enrolled under the provisions of the Joint Stock Loan Societies Act . ' TIME AND PLACE OF ANNUAL MEETING ; Mr Ktdd moved , and Mr Edwabds seoonded , ' That in future the annual meeting ba held on the last Monday in August , for the settlement ofthe Company ' s affairs . ' Mr O'Brien m o ved , and Mr _Isbbbwodd s eoonded , ' Tbat it be held on the second Monday in July . ' - Mr Kydd ' s motion was carried .. It was then unanimously resolved , 'That the next annual meeting be held at Nottingham . '
I am instructed to remind the delegates that eaoh district stands indebted to the general fund tothe amount of three shillings for Conference expenses . Itis hoped by the directors that eaoh delegate will take the neoessary steps to ensure , the remittance of his portion of such expenses next week . By order of tbe Directors , Philip _M'Gbath .
National Land Company. Atthe Conference ...
NATIONAL LAND COMPANY . Atthe Conference _lajst week , it was resolved tbat the expenses of the Members of that body should be paid by the whole Company ; and that a levy of one penny should be levied npon each Member for . that purpose . The Directors have , therefore , to request that the Members , in the different districts , will fo rthwith pay into the h an d s o f th e sev e ral branch Secretaries , the small sum required to defray the expenses of their Representatives . It will not be necessary to urge upon the Members the propriety of immediate compliance with this demand , as its justice must bB apparent , to all concerned . . By order of the Directors , Thomas Clark , ; Corresponding Secretary .
The Scotch Chartist Trials. Trialop Cumu...
THE SCOTCH CHARTIST TRIALS . Trialop Cumuiko . —Edinburgh , Tuesday . —James Cumming _, ahoamaker , was charged under the late Crown . and Government Security Aot , commonly called the Gagging Bill , with sedition' in so far as in the months of April , May , June , and July , 1818 , or one or other of tbem , the said James Cumming did wickedly and feloniously compass , imagine , invent , devise , or intend to levy war againat the Queen , in order by foroe and constraint to ohange her counsels , er in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses , or either House , of Parliament . ' He was also oharged under the common law of _Scotland with ' wiokedly and feloniously combining and conspiring , _wifc a
number of persons calling themselves Chartists , to effect an alteration of the laws and constitution of the realm by force and violence , or by armed resistance to lawful authority . ' Mr Logan , advocate , counsel for the prisoner , addressed the oourt at some length , objecting to the reievancy of the indictment . His first objeotion was , that the indiotment did not libel in a sufficient and competent way any overt acts te show the felony the statute creates . There was a necessity , he said , for libelling the overt acts in connexion with the felonious intent , and for tha purpose-of showing the existence of that intent , aud this had not been observed in the present indiotment . If suoh overt acts may be found
in other parts of the indictment , they have not been brought forward for the purpose of showing the existence of the . felonious design on . the- part of the accused ; ' Mr Logan wen ton to object to the oharge at common law' ef conspiracy , which he maintained was . vaguely and insufficiently set forth / and then prooeeded to object ta the charge of _eeditionV on the ground that the overt acts set forth in the indictment amonhted to treason , and the panel conld not-therefore be tried for sedition . He submitted that under a oharge for high treason the jury could not return a verdiot for sedition , and so , if the overt aots here set forth amounted to treason , the jury oould not give a verdiot for sedition ..
_, The Court overruled the first of Mr _Loan ' s objections , and tha Lord _Jaatfca Clerk Btated two QUestiOnB at _« J _J- ih _6 c _^ tV ° l tho Proration to _awwer in his address ; The first was , did the charce of conspiracy , being in itself in substance a charge of treason , not merge inte treason , and if Bo , could it only be tried by the treason law of England The second question was , whether they oould try under the common law , a particular mode of offence , which had by the late aot been made a statutory offence ? Mr Crawford addressed the conrt in reply to Mr _xiugau i aflHon
, -uu » u , u «» ugg suggested by the Lord Justioe Clerk , and was followed by the Lord Advocate , both of whom entered at some length into the history of legislation on the crimes of sedition and treason , and contended that the late _actliad changed the orime of treason into that of sedition , ana left them at liberty to obarge as _aedition , what had formerly been treason ; but that it by no means prevented them from returning to the common law , and under that law to _proseoate any one guilty of conspiring to levy war agaisat the Queen ;
The Court , _havinghfiat-lboth parties , thou g ht thb objection sufficiently _impertant to be reserved for _£ ? _"f _^ _™* _. _&«!» » _l « of the judgeB , and delayed the case W > . Thuraday at tea o ' olook for that purpose .
Thk Hawtkad Gang. —In Consequence;Of The...
Thk _HawtKAD Gang . —In consequence ; of the revelations of the oonvict Bryant , three more ot this sang have _bwn apprehended * . William Riohtot ; for sacrilege at Little MapleBtead Church , and _com-SSSi _' h andH * _™* w w «
Miite Jrwix
miite _jRWix
Wobship.Street. —Juvsihib Thief Catohws....
WOBSHIP . STREET . _—JuvsiHiB Thief _Catohws . —Two s tout young fellows , George Mason , alias Jo _* eph Hodge * , alias V _** hi ** he » a and Thomas _Jobson , alias Whitehead , and a young woman , _namod Aon Roily , wera Charged with stealing : two pieces of cslloe from the _soopfloor of a draper in _CUwofc Street , Bisttrori Green . —Tbe prlioners had been seen in company , and when the robb « ry was cemmiWed the female took off her shawl to cover the stolen properly , whioh tbe _prUonsr George _Uuon carried nader hit arm . They were observed , however , and followed by tbree boys , ono of whom , a boy fourteen ye _»» of age , named J _* mes Brook-, ran up to the prisoner , and , laying hold ef one of the pieoes of oalioo welaimed : Tou have stolen this from my uncle . '
The prisoner looted round and Instantly dropped the _pleoe that had been laid hold of , and ran off with the other-but the other boys still _purined him for three quarters of a mile , whea one of . thorn oaught holl ofthe _remslnlng pleee of goods , and oalled ' Ssop thief J' upon whioh a milkman and aaother man laid hold of the pri . loner . The latter , _^ however , made a most desperate re * _slatanca against them and a police constable , and when he was at length subdued , it was found heoesBary to strap bim down upon a stretcher to convey him to the stat ! en _. boHBB , and be was then so oompletely prostrated by the violent _exertlens he bsd used that the police surgeon was sent for , and upwards ot au hour elapsed
before the prisoner was sufficiently recovered to . support himself . Sinoe then , however , he haB made several desperate attempts at escape . —Tha two pieces of calico were produoed , and identified by the _tradfimsn from whose shop they had been stolen . The male prisoners were recognised as brothers , of tbe name of Hodges , They bad been repeatedly in custody , and only liberated from priBon about a week before the _oeourrenoe , and another brother had already been transported . —Mr Hsrdwiok remanded all the prisoaers preparatory te _oommlttal , and was so pleased with tbe courageous _henesty of the boys _whohadesuud their apprehension , that he at onoe gave them a pecuniary reward .
MARLBOROUGH STREET . — Abutocsatic _Moea-Hir . —A Suabbi Fbliow . — -Col . Bisne wassammonei before Mr Bingham to oause against an order being made on hira for the support of an Illegitimate child , of whtoh he was sworn to bs the putative father by Sophie Merti , a young Frenchwoman . —Mr Bingham said , la this case Sophie Merts , a Frenchwoman , residing In Lendon , seeks to affiliate on the defendant a ohild born iu Franoe , after an Interoeu-se alleged to have taken place In England . It is objeoted to the jurisdiction ef this court that the statute 7 th and _Sth _. Yiotorla _, chap . 101 , does not apply to suoh a ease . That aot , however , witbout referenoe to nation or plaoo of birth , glvts . the mother of a bastard child the right to apply to a magistrate of tbe distriot wherein sbe resides for an order of
affiliation ou the putative father , who If tbe case be established against bim is compelled to pey her a sum not exoeeding 2 s . 6 d . a week towards tbe support of suoh child . And it seems to me that this payment must be considered either as a statutory debt in the way of compensation to the mother , or as en indemnity to the _psrlsh where she resides , whlob , in case of her falling into destitution , is clearly bound to assist her as ene of the oasuat poor . If it be a debt a foreigner may sue for it In our country as well as a British subject , it U be an indemnity to the parish , it is necessary that the parish should bs indemnified against a foreign as muoh as against an _Eogllsh ohild . I think , therefore , that tbe statate applies to a oase like tbe present , and tbat the objection to the jurisdiction is hot well founded . It bas been proved In this case that the defendant oobablted with the complainant lor some years ,
and that she has been delivered of a child , which Is pro . daoed in court . No proof has been given , such as is fnq-iently given in bastardy cases , that the complainant has cohabited with any other man or men . Nor , although ample time haa been afforded for tbe purpose , haa an ; witness been brought from France to contradict any part of tbe detailed statement made by the com . plainant a month ago of her proceedings in Franoe . In suoh a state of the evidence the burden of providing fit this child , according to tbe statute , falls under our law dearly and _nneicsptlon & bly on the defendant . An order will be made , tber store , for the usual weekly allowanoe _, and fer the expenses of the delivery , and the expenses of her witness , —Hr Billsntinegave notice of hts Intention to appeal . —The order for payment toward the support ef the child is only 2 ' . 6 d . per week ; the expenses of tho defence are supposed already to be likely to amount to fifteen or twenty years payment at tbis rate .
Dasihq Hiobwat _RobbeiT . — JameB Harris was brought before Mr Hardwlck , charged with b & ving robbed M . _Usurlce Oa * _sel , a French gentleman , residing at the _Sablionlere Hotel , of bis watoh , value fifty guineas . —M . Oubel stated , that about eleven o ' olock on Thursday night be was standing in the Hiyraarket , walling for a friend , when the prlsoner . came np to bim and requested him to say what o ' clock it was . Prosecutor took out bis watoh for that purpose , when the prisoner immediately seized it and by main force tore It from the chain and then ran off . Prosecutor followed and called for assistance , ond the prisoner was stopped by a con . stable in Pall Malt with the watoh in his band . _—Ipsper . tor Hall stated that the prisoner had been several times in custody for similar robberies . —The prisoner , in defenoe , said be was ' hard up ; ' and this Induced bim to commit the _offence . He was fully committed , '
MARYLEBONE . —AaTror , and Extensive Sister of _Robbebt . —Oa Thursday the court was crowded in conseqienoe of Us having beea the day appointed for the further examination . of the young man , Charles Cepe . land , ' who was brought before Mr Long on Thursday , tbe 2 nd instant , oharged with havin ; stolen a quantity of plat * the property of Dr Savage , of _Dorset Plaoe , Dorset Square , when a remand , after hearing the evidenoe , took place , upon the application of Inspector Porker , whe expressed an opinion that , in the course of a few days , many otber oases of robbery would bs made out against the acoused , who , from information commuulcated from time to timo to the different divisions of polioe , had no doubt oarrled on Ms nefarious _priotioei to a very considerable extent , tbe sufferers being chiefly gentlemen
of tbe medloal _profeision , The facts elioitod on the first Inquiry are brt . fiy these ' . —Between seven and eight on the morning of the 2 d _InBtant , the prisoner went to Br Savage ' s house and asksd if he ( the Sector ) attended a lady named Jaokson in Portman Street , saying that if he did he was required to make all possible haste to her dwelling , as she was takes suddenly 111 , The maid servant went upstairs to speak to her master , leaving the prisoner in the hall , and on coming through the dioing _> _rosm to give him aa answer , sbe missed from the table four silver spoons , and also a pair of silver sugar tongs . With much presence of mind she closed the doer , which she looked , so that It was impossible for the prisoner to make his egress , and having at onoe taxed him with having the articles ot plate in bis possession , , be at length gave up to her t . e whole of tbem , saying he was a very uofortunate man . She gave an alarm , and . on Sanders , 221 D , being
called in , the prisoner was conveyed to the station bouse . —The prisoner admitted having tho plate upon him , but asserted that it was not his Intention to take It away . — Several additional cats-were proved against tho prisoner , who has plundered Dr . Wells , 96 , Warwick Street , Belgrave Road ; Mr Smith , surgeon , 3 , Bennett Street , St _Jamea's ; and Mr Angero , 11 , Upper Kennington Green . Inspector Porter said that there were five or six more parties who had been robbed by the prisoner under _clrcumstances similar to those already related . —Mr Long asked if in any of the otber oases mentioned by the inspector any of tbe stolen property was forthcoming , and _ffefsald that some ofit had been traced , —The magistrate was of opinion that , as that was the case , it was sot worth while te go Into more evidence , Four cases had beeu heard , and upoa them he shonld send the prisoner for trial , —Tho _prisoner , who denied all knowledge ofthe patties , except in the oaie or Dr Savage , was fully commit ' ed _u-ion four charges _.
THAMES . _—CaoELTir to a Step _DADQUTia . —Harriet Archer a respectable-looking , well-dressed woman , about thirty years of age , was brought before Mr Ballantine , oharged . with cruelty - to her step-daughter , Hanna Archer , a diminutive girl , aged nine yeari . Thii WAS ths third time the caee had came before the magistrate , and _itoscited great Interest , —The evidenoe which was brought forward in support of the caarge proved that tho woman Aroher had for some time past used the poor child in a most brutal manner , net only by "objecting her to ovary kind of privation , but by unmercifully . beating her to suoh an extent as to cover the person ofthe obild with sores and bruises , —Mr Adolpbus BarnettM . D ,, medical officer bf the Stepney Unlet ) , proved that _abcesses were forming on various parts of the body ,
and that part ef the skull was denuded of hair , in conse . qaenooof a severe _wosnd receved there . —Inanswor : tothe magistrates , Mr Barnett said the injuries could r . ot bave been inflicted by a caue ; a large stick must b avo been used , and used heavily too [ sensation ] . —V . r Hooper said the ohlld told him that she had been se at to school whilst her mother was alive ; and , there is v _\; ood evidence of that , for ihe is exceedingly intelligent , and reads very well . When _heBskedberhowshsgottha outonherhead _, she said her step-mother did It with th ? g treet . door key . The part ofthe evidenoe whioh _exolf . d the greatest disgust was the following : —Some tlmr _, g ) ncB j > P Strong , another of the medioal officers of tl ie parieh _, war . oalled in by the parent to see tho eWj- _wjj 0 was in a very weekly state . He ordered b « t , } Jaif-pound of meat per diem , whloh » was allowed by _# parish , bnt the poor little creature never got aa tv _ _ a mouthful of h .
Her father and mother-la Jr -, eat the meat , giving her two _Bllces of dry bread , par day , though the allowance of meat was given for- Ate- weeks . Tho girl was questioned at some length fey' Mr Ballantine , and stated that her mother was In tb e habit of beating her severely with a thick stick . P _, _overal of the neighbours gave evidence to tbe _efcettfjat they had frequently heard crle ° of distress prow » _0 . from the hou * e , and that the sttp . mother had _heeii ' . spoken to on tbe subject . —Mr Ballantine : I am obli _ged to say the prisener is a most orurl and vindictive woman , and quite unfit to have theeare of children . I shall not send this case to the sessions , _because Af ro are difficulties in the way of a successful protecntlc- _. n _, hut I shall exerolae all the power with whioh tr . o law has entrusted m . _* , and I fioe the prisoner £ 5 , ar , in default of payment , she will be committed to the ' House of Correctloa for two months .
GUILDHALL . —Tbi Loan _Mayoa _' s Show . —There were no lees than twenty-two thieves brought up for picking pockets during the Lord Mayor ' s prooesslon , and , with the exoeptlon of one , they were all _sestenced to various terms of imprisonment , varying from seven days ( _Bltji a whipping ) up to tea days , twelve flays ,
Wobship.Street. —Juvsihib Thief Catohws....
fourteen days , ' one month , * and two months , There wera between _thirty-slx and _thlrty-seven charges altogether , which ocoupied _thotims of the Alderme _^ some hours , independent of the summonses and application " . ,
I^T^Olftan Foitempnctt
i _^ t _^ olftan _foitempnctt
Caution To Naphtha Buhners.—On Wednesday...
Caution to Naphtha Buhners . —On Wednesday evening a very dangerous accident occurred to Mrs Price , No . 19 , Liison Street , Paddington . Mrs Price , who -was filling a lamp with naphtha with one band , and holding a candle in the other , poured the naphtha in till it overflowed , and ran on her dress , when the candle coming in contact with it , ahe was suddenly enveloped in flames , and flew into the street , still holding the lamp . A boy , who was passing , ran a g ainst her , and u p setting the lamp the violence of the flames was increased ; and but for the timely assistance of . Mr Hodges and another man , who rolled her over upon the pavement , and used the promptest efforts to extinguish the flames , she must inevitably have been burnt to death . Soiomis at a _SHOorisG Gallsbt . —On Tuesday af . ternoon _M'Doney , a well known _eteeple-chase rider ,
committed suicide in a shooting gallery in Leicester Square . The deoeased entered the gallery , and called for some duelling pistols . They were loaded by the boy engaged for , tbe purpose , and be fired several shots at the target . Snortiy afterwards the _decayed direoted the boy to deliver a note ior him . When the boy was gone he loaded the pistols himself , and was seen to approach the target . Hethon plaoed _thetnurz _' eofoneof the pistols to hU forehead , and fired it eff . A surgeon pronounced life extinct , the ball having lodged in the brain . —An inquest was held on Thursday morning at Green ' s Shooting Gallery , Leicester Square , before Mr Bedford , the Coroner , en the body , and a fter th e ex a min at ion of several witnesses , the jury found that the deceased had shot himself , being at the time of _unsonnd mind .
_Smciws by ma _Isvubiob of thb _Divino Appa ratus . An inquest was held by Mr Baker , on Thursday , at the Lird Hood , Richard-street , Limehouse , on the body of Mr O . A . Dean , aged 53 , who committed » uioide at 5 , Providence Place , Commercial Road East . Deceased waa by trade a caulker , but did not follow hiB business , and applied himself entirely to study . Some years since he invented the diving apparatus which was used in examining the wreck of the Royal George . ¦ He had also invented a new propelling steam beat , the prinoiple of which is described as an hydranlic squirt , and he took out a patent for the aame . Constant study had so affected his mind that he was for some time confined in a lunatio asylum at Peokham . For several
daya past he had appeared very low spirited , and had a dread tbat some _perssn was coming to take him away . On Monday evening last he went to bed , and wasin his usual health . Next morning he requested hiB wife to get him eome water . The moment she left the bed , he opened a rezor andicflioted a fatal wound on hie throat , lie was engaged in perfecting an improvement for paddle-wheels op to the time of his death . Verdiot , . 'Temporary Insanity ' . _Smothebed i » a Cow _Yabd . —By Mr W . Baker , at the David and Harp , Narrow Street , Limehouse , on the body of Mr James Watson , aged _fifty-four _. an extensive cowkeeper in Fore Street , in tbat neighbourhood . The deceased was last seen alive on the Wednesday evening previous . He was some time
afterwards heard to go out , and thenextthat was seen of him was about six o ' clook on Thursday morning , when one of his men _iopassiog by the cows' lair , ebierxedthebodyof a man embedded in a quantity of manure , hiB head and shoulders completely covered , and on his being got out it was fonnd to bs deceased . A medical gentleman was Bent for , and on his arrival he found the deoeased quite dead . There being no evidence as to how the deceased got there , the jury returned a verdiot of 'Found suffocated in cowmanure . ' Fires . —From eight o'clock on Thursday night until nearly five o'clock on Friday morning the engines were kept in continued movement throughout the metropolitan distriot , there being during that
period not fewer than seven alarming fires . One outbreak ocourred between twelve and one o ' clook , upon the premises in the occupation of Mr G . Wilton , the extensive contractor , _Stansfield Cottage , Elizabeth Terrace , Islington , The flames were first observed in the back buildingB , nsed as warehouses and store rooms , and owing to the highly ignitable charaoter of the stock in trade , the flames made suoh rapid progress , that they completely illuminated the distriot , and the glare could be distinctly seen from the metropolitan bridges . The warehouses and workshops were partially burned down , and some adjoining premises damaged . 'Fortunately Mr Wilton waB insured in tho Pfcceaix Fire Office . A fearful explosion of gas ocourred on the premises nf Mr
fidward Farley , a general dealer , No . 6 , Salmon Pises , Grange Road , Bermondsey . Such was the force of explosion , ' that tho flooring in the passage was blown up , the furniture in the back room demolished , . and the whole of the windows in the shop front and baok parlour were broken . The persons who were in the shop and upper , part ofthe building were thrown down , but fortunately none of _thvrn reoeived any serious injury . The third fire broke out at No . 1 , RatoliffeSquare , CommercialRoad EaBt , belonging to Mr Jobn Harley , greengrocer . By cutting away the bond timber * in the walls and eome ofthe stairs , the fitmes were soon extinguished . This fire was barely subdued when information wai reoeived of another _outbreak at No ; 222 , High Street , Poplar , in the tenure of Mr Lewis Cbilles , a fishmonger . It began in the first floor , and serious
damage was dona to the buiding and its contents . Shortly before five a . m ., a fire broke out in the basement floor of 7 , St Ana ' s Court :, Soho , belonging to Mr G . Morris , grocer . The fire was oonfined to that portion ef the house in which it commenced . The other two fires were inPemberton Row , and Lambeth , but the damage done at each waB trifling . Suicidk . —On Friday evening an inquest was held atScBartho ' onew ' _s Hospital , on the body of Wm . Edmonds , aged 36 , a watchmaker , of No . 1 , Sun Square , _Bishopsgate . Thomas Rice , w ho resided in the same house , said that on the night of Saturday last he heard from the room ocoupied by the deceased loud cries of' Murder , ' and , on eoing down , he found the deoeased and a man named James nowe fighting . With tho assistance of two neighbours the parties were separated . The wife of the deceased was present and also the ohildren . Tha deceased acoused
his wife ef having broken his peace and doing more for Howe than for himself . Some time after that the deceased and Howe met in the yard and they fought again , bat the deceased said he was not fir for the work then , but if he liked he would fight him for a sovereign the next msrning . He complained of the treatment he had received from Howe- The quarrelling lasted from half-past eleven on Saturday night till two o ' clock on Sunday morning . Mrs Edmonds , d ur i n g the interval , h a d left t he h o us e , and deceased ran up stairs and talked to his ohildren . After which he slimmed the door with such violenoe as to shake the house . He saw nothing more of him until he was called to his room _oie Sunday morning , when he heard that
he had taken poison ; City policeman 646 said that on Sunday morning last he went to tho deceased ' s residenon and found him lying on the ground and complaining of pain . The daughter told him that her father "had taken poison . Witness , without loss of time had him conveyed to the above hospital . Catherine Edmonds , widow of the deceased , Baid that on Saturday night last ahe had some linen to take to a person for whom she washed , and Howe , who waa present , said , pointing to deceased , Let that fellow take them home . ' The deceased ; then got up and struck him . He then took the linen home , and , on hi 3 return , he fastened the door , and witness
_perceiving a knife in his hand sue ran out of the house . She returned with a neighbour , and deceased promised not to hurt her . Having gone to bed she was called by the deoeased , who told her that he had taken poison . She found then that he had drunk _Bomo liquor used by him for lacquering his goods . Mr Fredariok Wolf , apothecary , proved that deceased expired on Thuraday . The cause of death was inflammation of the bowels , produced by corrosive _buolimate . The bones of his nore were broken , and he had two blaok eyes when admitted . He said be was intoxicated when he _took the poison , Verdict , , Temporary insanity . '
Arpedina Incident.—A Waterford Paper Rel...
ArpEdiNa Incident . —A Waterford paper relates the following : —During the lata famine many a _respectable _roechanio was reduced to destitution for want of employment . Amongst the number a slater , with his wife and five children , had to seek a temporary asylum in the New Rosa Union workhouse . About seven months since he left the house , but minus two of his ohildren , reported " dead . " The poor man was lately employed in the workhouse , when a lovely child eagerly clasped bis knees , _exclaiming . O ! daddy , don't you know your little Mam Moore ? Sure they tell me my name is Mary Roaohe , but I am your own little daughter . " Poor John Moore fainted—his wife was sent for , and it was long before their feelings could b . e soothed . It s * em 8 the child had been in fever , and entered nnder a
wrong name . Thb _Coqobsham _, GANG . —On Thursday there was a further examination of the parties connected with the Coggeshall gang , the obarges principally _anting ont of the statements of Wade , the convioted accomplice in the case . . Another of the gang \ William bverett , a dealer in fish , wbb appreheaded en Satnrday , and was charged with the ethers with further burglaries in the neighbourhood of Coggeshall . The examination took place at the gaol , Springfield , The Sf * . nto H" _bnrglariea at Mr Bell's , Mr Smith _s , and Mr _Woou ' _s , at _Graoge-hill , upon which the several Iprisoners , Everett , Craw , Ell i s , an d _lansley _weie r ma ded until a future day . Aimgbd _DwiMHnoKa Dr Ms 0 * _"H * 0 " ** «* a Savings _Bask-A- , Margate , on th e 8 th instant , a ° _4 > S _?*»'* b * _« e chief olerk of the Margate havings Bank , or anted with appropriating the fundo the batk to au tun uw , * committed for trial M being _refcRM ' ,
€4≫Arttet~ Mttilmtiiu
€ 4 > arttet _~ _MttilMtiiu
Nkwcasilb Upon-Ttbk.—Mr J. West Having D...
Nkwcasilb _upon-Ttbk . —Mr J . West having de livewd his farewell _adoresa to the Chartists of thia town , the following resolution waa agree d to : — ¦ iw having had the services of Mr West for several months in this distriot , with a view toaronie tha dormant energies of tbe democracy of this neigh bourhood , we tender him our sincere thanks for bj J a b le a dvocac y of the p o p ula r oause , and r eg r e t t hat the working _olasses have not responded more gen 9 . rally to the endeavours thus made to redeem them frem politioal slivery . '
Leicester . —At a public meeting held in the Hoys' British Sohool , Nor- 8 th , to hear a report from Mr H . Green , delegate to the late Conference , the following _reflation was carried unanimously --. This _meeting after hearing the report of tae dele _, gate , expresses its confidence in the direotors , and tenders its gratitude to _Fear < a ? O'Connor , _issq _., for his almost superhuman exertions ; and this meeting determines to oarry out the resolutions ofthe Coo . ference . ' Notti . igham . —On Sunday last , a c o mmitt ee was appoiited to raise a fnnd for the defence of Mr Rogers , at the forthcoming Liverpool _assizsjjand Messrs Mott , Roberts , Wall and Harrison , were authorised to receive subscriptions .
Shbfmbld . —Gloriout triumph of Chartism —Seven Chartists returned to the Town Council . — On Friday , November 3 rd , a meeting was held at the Hall of Science , in conseqaence of the triumph achieved by the Chartists , in returning seven of their body to the Counoil board in this town . Mr Isaac Iro & nde in the chair . Several speeches were made , after whioh Mr _George White called on to the meeting to Blip _, port 'the friends' in prison , and their wive * and families during their imprisonment , when the follow .
ing resolution was carried unanimously : — . 'That a committee bo formed of tbe Chartist Council , with power to add to their number , for tbe purpose of raising subscriptions , and that the Central Committee be requested to cause a list of the Chartist victims to be published , together with the number ol their families , ao that the national subscriptions may be fairly appropriated . ' Thanks being given to the chairman , the meeting dissolved . —Oa Tuesday and Wednesday evenings , Mr John West delivered two very instructive lectures in the abore hall to
attentive audiences . __ Holmfirth . —Mra Theobald , of Manchester , deliveied three excellent lectures in this town , on the 1 st . 2 nd , and 3 rd inst . _Somkrs Towrr . —On Sunday evening last a meeting , called to take iBto consideration the beat means to ba adopted to procure a remission or mitigation of the sentence passed on tbe Chartist prisoners , was held at Mr Doddridge ' s , Bricklayers' Arms , Tonbridge Street , New Road . Mr Valentine Payne
ocoupied tbe chair . The meeting was addressed by Messrs Wall , Weeks , Arnott , Turner , Garrod , WiU kin , Hornby , and Johnson , and a committee was ap . pointed to draw up a memorial to her Majesty , and also to obtain the uae of the St Pancras Vestry Rooms for a publio meeting to move its adoption . After a vote of thanks to the ohairman , the meeting separated . —Meetings for discussion are held every Sunday evening , at Mr DuddridgeV , Bricklayers ' Arms , Tonbridge Street , Ne w Road , commencing at eight o ' clock .
¦ Ar^Yy ' /^^. -•^* S«*'"''Vy≪*A-^* Rational £An& Etompanp
_¦ _Ar _^ _yy ' _/^^ . - _•^* S _«*'"' _'vy _<* _A- _^* _Rational _£ an _& _etompanp
The National Land Company.—The Operative...
The National Land Company . —The operatives of London , being desirous of giving this project a lift under its new aspect of a Joint Stock Company , we are informed have resolved to hold a meeting in Dean Street , on Sunday evening next , the 12 th instant , at which the Metropolitan Delegates to the Birmingham Conference , in addition to reporting progress , will officiate in promoting the objects of the Company . _Noiiinoham—On Sunday evening , Mr James . Sweet gave hia report to a full meeting at the Seven Stars , Barker Gate , and reoeived a unanimous vote _ofthanhsfranthe members present . Mr Charles Perkins begs to acknowledge the following _snms towards defraying the expenses of _delegates to Conference - —Newark , 5 i . ; Lamley , 3 j . 01 . ; Carrington 6 * . ; Bulwell , 4 * . ; New Radford , 2-. 6 i . The committee request those branobes that have not gent ia their subscriptions , to do so immediately .
The Manchester Victims: To The Chartists...
THE MANCHESTER VICTIMS : TO THE CHARTISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN . Brethren , —We , the Council of the Manchester locality of the National _Charter Association , _eatMialy urge upon you the necessity of forwarding any contributions that may have been _subscribed tor the purpose of defending the individuals included in the Manchester indictment for conspiracy , as we oan assure you , that owing to the heavy expences incurred in _effecting the liberation of the major portion of those arrested , together with the exorbitant oharges for bail fees , and travelling from Liverpool to Manchester by railway , we are unable to proonrefor our friends such a defence as tha importance of their
cases requre . Oar own looality alone has contributed and expended upwards of £ 60 . We ask you , shall so many of our beat men be sacrificed withont an effort to save them ?—we believe your answer will be , No 1 a thousand times , No ! Do not , then , delay in forwarding your subscriptions , aa the Liverooel Assizes is fast approaching , and wa wish to seour 3 the most eminent counsel for the defence . We remain , brother Chartists , The Connoil of tbe Manchester looality . Thos . Orubshbs , sub-sec . Post-office orders to bs sen to ' Thos . Ormesher , 52 , _BnVgewater Street , Manchester , and made pay able to _Tnomas Roberts , 2 d , Mount Street , Hulme . '
The Cholera. Cholera.—On Wednesday, The ...
THE CHOLERA . Cholera . —On Wednesday , the Board of Health received information of the following new cases : —> Stepney , 1 ; Lambeth , 3 , 1 fatal ; Camberweii , 1 fatal ; Greenwich , 1 fatal ; Clapham , 1 ; Swan Street , Minories , 1 ; Billeter Square , 1 ; Sunderland , 1 ; Ingatestone , Essex , 2 fatal ; BIyth , 6 , 2 fatal ; Feltham , Hounslow , 4 fatal ; Edinburgh , 12 , 8 fatal ; Leith , 14 , 5 fatal ; Falkirk , 1 . Total new cases , 45 ; deaths , 24 . On Thursday , tbe Board of Health received inforraatioh of the following new cases : —Stepney , 1 ; Lambeth , 2 deaths ; Greenwich , 1 fatal ; Battersea , 3 ; Hackney , 1 ; Hackney Road , 6 , 3 fatal ;
Sunderland , 1 , fatal ; Edinburgh , 14 new cases , 20 deaths _; Leith , 14 new cases , 4 deaths ; total new cases , 41 ; 31 fatal . —Appointment of Mbdical Officers , — -The board of guardians of Newington appointed five medical gentlemen resident within the parish to attend the poor who might be attacked with cholera . The guardians directed a fee of 10 s 6 d , to be paid in each case of attendence . On Friday , the Board of Health received reports of the following new cases : —Greenwich , 1 ; Brentford , 1 ; Battersea , 1 ; Bermondsey Workhouse , 3 , 1 fatal ; _E'desal Burlow , 1 fatal ; Edinburgh * 9 , 8 fatal ; North and South Leith , 19 , 6 fatal . Total new cases 35 , 16 fatal .
Hackskt . —On Wednesday , Mr Baker , coroner , leoeived information ofthe deaths ol three persons who died at Hill Ferry of Asiatic cholera . The inquiry was thought necessary in consequence of the deaths having b * en supposed to mult from the noxious exhalations of drains andsswere- in the immedia . e vicinity of their dwellings . Woolwich , Nov . 8 . —The number of convicts admitted to the Unite hospital Bhip , on being attaoked with oholera , up te twelve o ' olock _to > _-day , iB 52 * Out of that number 10 have died , 2 % bave been discharged as recovered , and 8 are oonvale-cent , leaving 8 labouring under the disease .
Edinburgh . —The new casea osSoially reported m Edinburgh , on Friday , were 13 . ; Saturday , 18 ;" Sunday , 12 ; and Monday , 25 .. lu Leith , on Friday , 4 ; Saturday , 14 ; and Monday , 21 The epidemic has made fearful havoc at the small village of _Loanhead during the last few days , where the oases reported amount to 23 , of whioh number 17 proved fatal from Friday night to Monday . The viotirns were chiefly colliers , and they all lived within 400 yards of each other- There have also been 7 oases in the parish of
Liberton since Friday , four of which have proved fatal . The _twenty-fonr cases from Leith were ehiefly in the centre of the town . In Edinburgh a great proportion of the viotirns resided in some part of that long line of overcrowded and filthy dtreets , ex * tending from Croft-an righ _, near Holyrood , to the Grass-market and West Port . It appears from the official return of the surgeon of police that the total number of eases in Edinburgh , Newhaven , and Leith , since Ootober 4 , were 432 ; deaths , 220 j recoveries , 64 ; remaining , 153 .
I Ut Birth. A Todno Pmiot.—Born On Tho 23rd Uf Septem* Bor, And Christened Oa The 22nd Of Oetobsr, Andrew
_i ut BIRTH . A Todno PmioT . —Born on tho 23 rd uf Septem * bor , and christened oa the 22 nd of _Oetobsr , Andrew
«»»>-,Ouaw, Son Ox Jonn And Misa Wnaw. "...
«»»> _-, _ouaw , son ox jonn and misa wnaw . _"" days before the birth of the . youwg patriot , W " father , John Shaw , had been convicted o'd a _Whig-mana * faotured chavge of ' sedition . ' Ten d _"> ys subsequent _» the child ' s birth Mr Shaw was _sentenced to two years imprisonment , to pay a flue of £ 3 ) . , and to give bail , _hifflsou in one handred pounds ar _. d two sureties in _bW pounds each , to ke « p the peace For five years . May y *" » * Andrew Marvel' enjoy that 'freedom and right' in defence of which his father— ' fallen upon evil days ' _-ia now suffering .
"Muted By Wlw.Lahrider . Ofno.S, Macclesfi^' Ttreet, Ik The Carish Of 8t. Anne, Westminster, »* Tm
"Muted by WlW _. lAHRIDER _. ofNo . _S , _Macclesfi _^' _ttreet , Ik the _carish of 8 t . Anne , Westminster , »* tm
R Enting Office, 16, Brest Wlnamiu-Stree...
r enting Office , 16 , Brest _Wlnamiu-streei , _«•* market , in the City of Westminster , for _^ the _Propnewjj FEARGUS O'CONNOR , Esq ., M . P ., aud pubh _* _£ by the said _Wiimau Rides , at tho Office , In tba "am " _St-eet and _Parish-Saturday , November lltb , im >*
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 11, 1848, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_11111848/page/8/