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R bo long will we support himas fur as i...
Land Fund ]59 9 6 l wW 8 3 0 RuleB 10 8 ...
RECEIVED AT BANK . From Alva „ .. 0 n 10...
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¦nembcrs of the Lind Company ararl^i-pH ...
The National Assembl y having balloted f...
Hyde.—The members of this branch of the ...
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minrter-Saturday May, 18th.lM8.1 ttu Ci ...
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Mr O'Connor And His Accusers. The People...
• a tne _dair . after a long discussion oa _^ _^* - eabl ? and Mr O'Connor ' s letter the Wo ™ * Solutions were unanimously . greed to :- Jhat _« e the Chartists of Preston , consider _Jat be _langoage _us'd bv some ol the delegates in the Isationa / - semblv , _letpecting the character and condunt of Mr _O-CcSorf is a cowardl y , unmanly , and ungenerous atuck upon that gentleman . We und -Blood that the Assembl y met for the purpose of promoting the cans- of _lihe _' nv , not to throw the firebrand of discord in our ra nks . If Mr O'Connor ' s op inion had heen disapproved ot bv the Assembly , he ought to have heen _trea _' ed as a gentleman , by being called oa to defend tbat opinion . If he had committed an
error in judgment ( which we are inclined to question ) his _long-tried services 2 s leader of the movement ought to have induced the Assembly to have treatpd him with more courtesy and respect than it has thought fit to do . '— 'That tbis meeting , having watched " the conduct of F .: argus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P .. _during tbe long period he has been strugglmg for the rights and liberties of the labouring classes of Great Britain and Ireland , be is justly entitled to occupy Uie position he has so proudly filled as _lesder of the _democrat of Great Britain ; and this meetins ; having the greatest confidence in bis honour , _integrity , and judgment , consider that he _\? onld not " in justified in resigning the trust reposed in bim , at the call or bidding of any Assembly but
one called for the express purpose . Manchester . —Tne following resolutions were adopted bv the Chartists of _Manchester on Sunday last : — 'That the best thanks of this meeting are due , and are hereby given , to F . O'Connor , Esq ., for his untiring and persevering conduct in the ad . vocacy of the peop le ' s ri g hts - , and that we have every confidence in his integrity , and wiil continue to give him our undivided support as lung as he Continues to pursue the same prudent and manly policy which has hitherto characterised bim . And that we further look upon those men wha have attacked him in his absence , in the National Assembly , with d ' _ssust ; and that we respectfully
request the chairman of the said Assembly not to allow in future any friend , or friends of the People ' s Charter , to be again attacked during their absence ; and tbat we sincerely request the Assembly te draw up a practical anti intelligible plan for tbe speedy ob tainment of the Peopfe _' s Charter . And be i t further resolved , that we look upon the Northern Star as tbe harbinger of truth and freedom , and which ought to be supported by every lover of liberty throughout Europe ; ? nd that the best , thanks of this meeting are hereby given to those gentlemen connected with the Star establishment , or tbe noble and able stand made by them in defence of the people ' s rights , against misrule and oppression- And we fiually avow our fixed determination not to give any more support to the
National Assembly if its members persist in a course calculated to injure the real friends of the people , ' ' That the thanks of this meeting be g iven to F . O'Connor , Esq . M . P ., for his manly and patriotic conduct on the 10 th of April , and for his subsequent policy in conducting the Chartist movement . ' Signed on behalf of ihe meeting , Wm . Groco tt , chairman ; Thomas Ormersher , sub . secretary .. P . S . —On Sunday last z very able and eloquent lecture was delivered here by J . G . Clarke , on the ' English Aristocracy , ' which elicited repeated app lause . Mr Grocott occupied the cb ? ir as usual , and by his _excellent readings contributed to enli ghten and please the meeting . After the cl se of the lecture more thau forty new members came forward to be enrolled . Everything looks bright , if we onlv remain tiue to our friends and ourselves .
Sunderland , West-street branch , National Charter Association . —Believing that itis the right and duty of Mr O'Connor to counsel the working classes against any proceeding which he considers detrimental to their interests , and believing the counsel which he tendered relative to the meeting of the National Assembly , was wise and judicious , * ffe cannot but express our- surprise ihat any individual should have the folly and presumption to dispute that rig ht , or censure its exercise . We likewise feel called upon to profess our entire confidence in the judgment and integrity of Mr O'Connor , and to express our determination to work with him for the attainment of our political rights , as leng as his actions _continue to merit our approval and app lause . To _Feibgcs O'Coskor , E ? q . M P .
TiLLicnci / rRY . — At a public meeting of this braneh of tbe Land Company , it was unanimous _' y resolved— ' That we have the utmost confidence in your management of the Company ' s affairs , and we repudiate the foul and unfair means that unprinci pled and selfish individuals have taken to destroy the character and usefulness cf one wbo bas served us so disinterestedly . ' Likewise , we have unanimously agreed , that the unnecessary expenses lhat you have been put to in defending your management of the Company , be paid by the Land members ; and we earnestly request you to state the sum , that it may be paid . We remain , your sincere and loving children . Signed on behalf of the meeting , May 9 , 1848 . John _O'Connor .
ErKKALDr . _—Theqnarterly meeting of this branch ¦ wss held on Monday , the Sih _instant , in Purvis ' s school-r <> _9 ni , Links . Mr Alexander Beattie in the chair . The Committee gave in their quarterl y report , which was approved of , and all t he books found correct . The depositors in the bank met at the same time , wben the committee reported progress in tha t deparrmen t , to the satisfaction of the meeting . The following resolution , proposed by William Hepburn , and seconded by _Wiljjam Anchtertonie , was carried unanimously : — 'That having from lime to time seen attacks made upon our friend and benefactor , Mr O'Connor , by unprincipled men , calling themselves patriots , and more particularly assailed
SS to his mismanagement of the Land Company ' s affairs , while the charges have never been sustained , thoug h dared to the proof ; therefore we , the members o tbis branch , express our utmost confidence in our father , 2 nd trust he will prosecute his noble undertaking to a successful termination , heedless ot the taunts of pretending friends and snaring enemies . Bbadford . —I he Chartists of little Horton held a public meeting on Sunday evening , at the York shire Divan . The following resolution was unanimously adopted ;— ' That we , the Chartists of Little Horton , do solemnl y declare our entire and unabated confidence in Feargus O ' Connor ,
Esq ., M . P ., and do pledge ourselves to a _' _lide by his council , and will support to the utmost of our power the Northern Star , and will not sanction the ests & lisument of any paper having for its object the putting down of tbe Star ; and we further dedare the divisions in the National Assembly are seriously injuring tbe cause of democracy , and giving a . triump h to our enemies ; we therefore call on the Assembly to _dissolve its present meeting , and retire name . At a public meeting of the Chartists f Bradford and Land members , held in Butterworthbuildings , on Monday evening , the following _resolution , moved by Mr Luke _Rannsi y , seconded by Mr John Smyth , was carried
unanimously;—— » That the thanks of the Chartists _axd Land members of Bradford are tendered to _Feargus O'Connor , Esq . M . P ., for his untiring and humane exertions is the peop le ' s cause , both politically and sociall y ; and we most solemnl y declare our increased confidence in his wisdom , skill , and enterprise , on behalf of the suffering operatives of tbis country ; and we further declare our aversion and disgust " at the manner in which a few disappointed patriots and mock philanthropists have attempted to injure our goed cause by their unmanly attacks on the man of the peop le ' s choice . That we , tbe Land memoes , consider O'Connor , E ? q ., M . P ., has a full aarl clear right to discharge or to set work what workmen he _thinks proper for the advantage of the Company , without being called on to answer to anv man or Eet of men for so doing .
Wellington . —At a meeting of the Chartists _sndmembeisof the Land Company , it was unanimously resolved : — 'That-we hare " an entire conndeuce in Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., notwi thstanding the ravings of untried and mouthing patriots , and we pledge ourselves to suppor t Mr O'Connor and the Northern Star , by every means in our power . OvEXDON . —At a general meeting of the members of the Ovendon Branch , a vote of confidence in
Feargus O'Connor , M . P . was unanimously adopted . Liverpool . —The _follow ing resolution was passed at a meeting of the members on Tuesday evening , May 9 ih . Resolved : — 'That we approve of the conduct of Mr O'Connor in the political events of the last few weeks , and we are sorry to see the unmanl y attacks made on that gentleman . A meeting of the members of the Chartist Association will be held at Mr Farrall ' s , Cazneau street , on Sunday evening , at ei g ht o efeck _, May 14 th .
Stroud . —At the weekly meeting ni g ht ( Monday ) , of the National Charter Association , a vote of confidence in Mr O'Connor was carried unanimously . _Xheltebham . —At a meeting held last evening , Hay Sth , the following resolution was passed . — 'That we , the members of the Cheltenham branch tf the Natioaal Charter Association , gratefully ap-
Mr O'Connor And His Accusers. The People...
_preciate the almost superhuman exertions of that _never-tiriug and persevering friend of the _troddendowu and oppressed millions of the United Kingdom , Feargus O'Connor , and beg to tender our sincere and heartfelt thanks to him for his patriotic and disinterested perseverance in the cause of human redemption ; and that we place unbounded and unshaken confidence in him , and shall so continue until we see just cause for its withdrawal . ' Cirencester . —At a special meeting of the Chartists , held on Monday evening last , the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — 'That the best thanks of this meeting be g iven to Feargus
O Connor , Esq ., for his steady and c onsistent opposition to tyranny and oppression in every shape and form , both in and out of Parliament , and for his superhuman exertions in the peop le ' s cause . ' ' That we feel confident ( by his extraordinary prudence and _forr-sight ) . he will " lead the people on to victory ; and we do hope he will not be for a moment diverted from his great and holy purpose , by the inconsistent and uncalled-for opposition either of inexperienced and enthusiastic friends , or spies and traitors , who are for ever attempting to tarnish the fair fame of the peop le ' s best friends , and who would , at anytime , gladl y sell their fellow countrymen ' s birthright for a mess of pottage . '
Plymouth . —At a general meeting of the Chartist bod y , the following resolution was adopted : — _« We , the advocates of Chartism in Plymouth , having read in this week ' s Star that some of the delegates in the National Assembly have thought it rig ht to abuse and denounce Mr O'Connor , for the course he has pursued , do humbl y declare that our confidence in Mr O'Connor , as our political father and guide , is perfectly unshaken , aud that we have no confidence in the Assembl y , so lung as it tolerates such proceedings . That assuming that tbey were
acting right in summoning 100 delegates , still , as liberty of thought and action is every man ' s right , Mr O'Connor is , by that rule , perfectly justified in refusing to recognise the Assembly , or to sit in it , if , by so doing , he rendered himself liable to legal results , most especially after tbe explanation he had given . ' 'That we have read , with the utmost disgust , of the insolent attempt made at a meeting , b y tne examination of witnesses , to call in question our leader ' s integrity in his management of the affairs efthe Land Company . '
Exeter . —The following resolution was unani . mously agreed to at a meeting of the Chartist body , on Saturday evening , Mr George Wilkinson in the chair : — 'That Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P . for Nottingham , is entitled to our warmest gratitude for his past services , and tbat we feel perfect confidence in the soundness of his advice , regarding the National Assembly ; alsu cheerfully hear him out in the opinions expressed b y him , with respect to the preparedness of the country—that is , so far as the West is concerned . We cannot refrain from expressing our disgust at the conduct of parties who style themselves Democrats , but of whom the country know little , towards that truly great and good man . '
Huddersfield . —At a public meeting held in the Christian Brethren ' s Hoom , Albion-street , on Monday evening , Mr Richard Brook in the chair , Mr W . Murphy , delegate to the late Convention , gave in his report' of the proceedings of the late Convention during its sittings . Mr James Hall moved the following resolution : — That this meeting tenders its best thanks to Mr Murphy , for the strai g htforward consistency with which he adhered to the instructions of his constituency , during the , sitting in Convention . ' Mr Josep h Ives seconded the
motion , which was carried unanimously . Mr Joseph Ibetson moved the second resolution : — ' That we cannot find words sufficiently strong , to express owindignation and { ahhorrence _, of the _. line of policy pursued by some of the delegates in the National Assembly , b y endeavourin g to throw obloquy on tbe conduct of Mr P . O'Connor , and we further state , that we have the fullest confidence in Mr O'Connor , as being the unpaid , unflinching , and self-sacrificing advocate of the universal rights of mankind . ' Mr John Roberts seconded the reSO . _lu t ion _, which was carried by acclamation .
Carlisle . —At a special meeting ef the Land members in this locality , held on Tuesday evening , May 9 th , at No . 6 . John-street , _Caldewgate , Mr Robert Gaddes in the chair , the following resolutions were unanimously adopted ;— ' That we , the members of this braneh of the National Land Company , deem it our duty now , to come forward and express , most unequivocally , our disapprobation of the conduct of certain parties who , from other motives than to promote the cause they profess to _se-ve , seem disposed to do all they can to bring the character of Mr O'Connor into disrepute ; and also to express our disgust at the treatment be lias received at their hands—treatment such as would not have heen awarded to our bitterest enemies .
And we take this opportunity of letting the calumniators of Mr O'Connor know , that we still have the utmost confidence in the honesty of his intentions , to do all he can to promote the cause of Chartism , and better the condition of the people . And further , we most distinctly assure those parties , that it will require something more than raere assertion - it will require good substantial proof of his delinquencies , before we , either for the upstarts of _yesterday , or the disappointed persons of any descrip . tion , cast off such a well-tried faithful friend as he has proved himself to be . ' * That we hereb y pled ge ourselves to pay our proportionate share , or more if necessary , of any expense which Mr O'Connor may be put to in defending bis character against tbe accusations of his enemies . '
Dukinfield . —At a meeting ofthe Chartists and members of tbis branch ofthe Land Company , held on Tuesday . May 9 t h , the following resolutions were agreed to •— ' 1 . That we view with surprise and disgust the conduct of a number of the gentlemen composing the National Assembly , in trying to throw discredit on the character of Feargus O'Connor , M . P . ; and that we assure that gentleman that we entertain the hig hest opinion of his conduct and character , and treat the man with merited and unmmgled contempt who could dare to have the presumption to talk of' driving' hira frora the head of either the . Lasd Company or the Chartist movement . ' ' 2 . That while we should hail
with pleasure the establishment of a newspaper , toco-operate with the Northern Star ; yet , if any one should establish a newspaper as a rival to overthrow the S t ar , we would do whatever lay in our power to hurl such a paper into everlasting oblivion . * ' 3 . That , as Mr Candelet , the delegate for Hyde , has shown a very bitter spirit towards the Star ., we , as a portion of his constituents—Dukinfield being included in the Hyde districtcall upon him to resign his seat in the National Assembly at once , as we shall not hold ourselves liable to pay any of his expenses ( not having heen consulted in his election ) for any services that he may render in that capacity . —On behalf of tbe meeting , William Leach .
TO F . 0 CONNOR , ESa _., M . P . Manchester , May 10 th , 1848 . Honoured Sir , We bave thought it our duty to apprise you of the feeling which exists in your favour throughout this locality , and we can assure you that the conduct of certain parties in the National Assembly is looked upon with feelings of disgust . The general wish seems to be that you should come and see us at your earliest convenience . Men who formerly looked upon you as a destructive , now say , that you have been grossly calumniated by the press of this country , and you are fast training friends among the
_shopkeepiLg classes . Chartism is rap idl y progressing —our numbers are greatly increasing ; men who formerly kept aloof from us now offer us the ri g ht hand of friendship , and we entertain no fear of tbe result . _Ypu have often witnessed the devotion to principle and the affection for yourself , as evinced b y the Chartists of ihis city , but on your next coming we shall be prepared to g ive you , if possible , a greater proof of our attachment to your person , and our _determination to be guided by your council , despite the denunciations of men , whese names we never beard till they had an opportunity of acting tbe part of dastards by calumniating you in your _absense .
We remain , Honoured Sir , Yours respectfully , Wm . Grocott , President of the Manchester Locality of the National Charter Association .
Thos . Obmesher , Sub-Secretary . TO FEARGUS O ' CONNOR , ESft ., MP , Cleckheaton , near Leeds , May 10 t h , 1848 . Respected Sir , —I have forwarded , t hrough Mr Wm . Rider ' s hands , to the editor ofthe Northern S t ar for insertion , a report of the late West Riding delegate meeting , held on Sunday last , at Bradford . A resolution was there passed on your public conduct , which I think it my duty to inform you of . The delegate from Huddersfield proposed a vote of confidence in Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., which was immediately seconded . The delegate from Halifax proposed a ; i amendment , that no vote be taken , which was duly seconded . A discussion ensued , one of the delegates declaring that his constituents ,
Mr O'Connor And His Accusers. The People...
having heard that & vote of censure was going to be proposed at that meeting , had instructed him to move a vote of thanks . When the seconder of the amendment had heard this , and other information , he withdrew his support ; and when the motion was put from the chair , an unanimous vote of confidence was awarded to yourself , in which I cordially agree . Thus , sir , though the press may be in ecstacies at the votes of censure attempted to be proposed , perhaps by designing men . yet , so far as the West Riding of Yorkshire goes , you have the . unanimous vote of confidence from the delegates representing Leeds , Huddersfield , Bradford , Bingley , Bowling , Queenshead , Dewsbury , Keighley , Bradshaw-iane , and Elland . I remain , respected sir , Yours , in the cause of the Charter , Wm . Lacy .
Great Tabhouth—The town of Yarmouth , hitherto inactive , has made a movement in favour of the principles of the People ' s Charter . A few persons met about two months since for the purpose ot determining tba best mean * to ha adopted to obtain signatures to the National Petition . A publio mt eting was held on Wednesday evening , May 3 d , in the Market-place , which was attended by about one thousand five hundred persons , at which Messrs Kobert Rous , and Henry Edwards of Bradtord attended . Mr Ross explained the principles of the _Charter in an address of an hour ' s duration , in whiob he proved beyond contradiction that the People ' s Charter would benefit ; all classes and injure none . He was listened to throughout with breathless attention j and , at the
conclusion of bis address , he moved the following resolution : —* That this meeting adopt the principles contained in tbe People ' s Charter , and will not cease agitating by every constitutional means in our power until it _becsmes the law of the law . ' The resolution was seconded by Mr Edwards , who attacked the law of primogeniture , in a masterly style , tracing it from the time of William the Conqueror up to thu present time , and showing its r / vil effects ' ; upon society at lar _^ e . At tbe conclusion of his address , the chairman , Mr J . L . Blow , put the resolution to the meeting , and , at the same time , called upon the
persona present , if they had any objection to offer to come _forward and state their objections , and not so away finding a fault with a principle they dare not oppose . No person coming iorward , the resolution was then put to tbe meeting , and at least five-sixths held up their hands for it . Ao Election Committee lor the members has been formed . Theeomrnittee held its first _meting on _ThiMaday evening , May 4 th , when it was agreed that the _Chartiats should have a candidate at tho next _election . It was likewise moved that Mr Ernest Jones should be written to , for tbe pnrpose of ascertaining whether he would come _forward in tuatc _& pacity .
Northumberland and Durham —A district delegate meeting of the Cbartist Association was held in the house of M . Jude , Cock Inn , head of the Side , Newcastle , on Sunday , May 7 , and these resolutions were passed - . — ' That the remaining delegatea for the counties of Northumberland and Durham , to tho National Af _serably , ba sent on Monday , May 8 * , h , if there aro _sofficient funds to do so , and if there are not the necessary funds in band for tbat _purpose , that Mr Thomas Richards , tlw delegate far Durham , be sent . ' ' That the secretary be instructed to write to the various branches «< f the National
Charter Association in these counties , to request them to collect subscriptions for the support of the delegatea to the National _Asfembl y , aad to transmit the same to M . Jude , the district treasurer , as soon _aspossible . N . B . —It ia hoped that every true Cbartist in these counties , wbo is able to do so , will subscribe 6 i . per week for that purpose . ' 'Thatthe next district delegate meeting be held at No . 5 , Nombera Garth , Sunderland , on Sunday afternoon , May 14 th , at two o ' clock . James Nisbeit , district secretary .
Bibmingham Branch , 111 , _Rea-street—Resolved : That we tbe Laud members meeting at tha above branch , view with _unmitigated disgust the base attempts o f pretended _frieods to sew the seeds of discord in our ranks , and believe that the concurrence of attacks upon Mr O'Connor , upon his _sugestion in regard to Chartist policy and his Land Plan , to emanate from an under current at work to destroy the position of that gentleman , thereby tu weaken our powerful organisation ; bat we hereby _assure all enemies to our glorious cause that tbeir evil designs shall be frustrated by our determination to sustain Mr O'Connor , while pursuing a _straigbtfarward and honourable _oMirse , and we laugh to _scora tbeir futile efforts to displace him from the aff < : ctiona of the people .
_KtBDKBMXNST & R . —At a numerous meeting of the Chartists and Land members held at the Falcon Inn , on Monday _evening , the following _resolutions and address were unanimously adopted : —• ' 1 st . That in the opinion of this meeting a most flagrant and unjust attack has been made by certain individuals in the National Assembly on the character of the Northern Star , and its proprietor , in hia absence , which is unmanly , and unjust from a democratic body , and tends to deteriorate the usefulness of such an assembly ; and we hope tbat thoBe districts who
bave sent those individuals will cause them to return , and send others in their places , to represent their feelings . ' ' 2 nd . That this meeting tenders ita best thanks to Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., for his manly and patriotic exertions on behalf of the whole human family , and more especially forthe advice contained in his letter , and published in the Northern Siar ot the 22 nd of April . While factions are raving witb disappointment , ve have the satisfaction of knowing his advice will be like bread cast upon the waters —found after many days . '
TO _EEAKGUS O ' _COKKOR _, _IS _« . M , P . Honoured Sir , —We , the members of the Kidderminster branch of the National Lind Company , beg to ex . press our most unbounded confidence in yon , and boj > e you will continue to hold the situation of Father to your humble , but affectionate children , regardless of any obstacles tbat the disappointed may attempt te throw in the way ofyour regenerating the tolling millions from their pieoent state of bondage . Hoping , honoured Sir , tfcaty ' eumay soon bo restored to the full enjoyment of health , and tbat you ns ; lire to seo all yonr tft _* rta crowned with success , is the sincere wish of your devoted chUdren at _Kidderminster . Signed on their behalf , Geo . Hoiiowat , Secretary to tbo _Kiddertninater branch , Derby . —At the Cbartist Association held on Sunday evening , the following resolution was unatiiraously adopted ;— That we , tbe members of the
Chartist Association , look upon the conduct of those _lewona Who nave endeavoured to cast disrepute upon the character of Mr O'Connor , with disgust , indi gnati in , and abhorrence ; and tha * . we have bad , and shall still place , entire confidence in Mr O'Connor , and so long as he conducts our affairs with that strict integrity and gentlemanly consistency which di gnified him through life , bo long we will acknowledge him _bb our leader , and him only . ' - On Monday evening , at a meeting of the Laud members , the following was unanimously adopted : —Resolved ; « That we , the members of this branch of tho National Land Company , know tbat the attacks so frequently made upon the character of Mr O'Connor , with respect to tbe misappropriation of the people ' s fuEds , and likewise the waste of materials , are totally without foundation , and is decidedly unjust , atid rr . _oit disgraceful . And vie hereby tender to Mr O'Connor our hearty thanks , for the _atraightforward and fearless manner with which he has conducted
our affairs ; and _likewise for the strict economy he bas observed in disbursing our funds ; we therefore recommend that gentleman to take no notice what ever of the say _ingB of a few _diaat pointed individuals who scribble for pay , but to continue to act as our bailiffandleader , and notto entertain the idea ot resigning his honourable ( rust until called upon by such a number of the members as would warrant him in so doing . ' _Bakbdbt . —At a meeting of this branch held on Monday , May 8 th , the following resolution was carried _unanimouslj : — ' That we , the members of thi * branch , have full and entire confidence in Feargus O'Connor , Esq . M . P ., notwithstanding tbe foul calumnies of a debased and hireling press , and the unfounded and malicious insinuations of certain parties , enemies of the Land Company . '
_BaoMSQROvu . —At a meeting of the Land Company of thia branch , together with the CbartiBta of this place , the following resolution was passed unanimously : — 'That in the opinion of this meeting the base , scandalous , and calumnious attack made by certain members of the National Assembly on Feargus O'Connor , Esq . M . P ., waa brutal in character and unmanly in spirit ; and we beg to express our unbounded confidence in him . as the father and leader of the movement ; and we likewise _pledge ourselves to support tfee Northern Stab , to the utmost ut our power . '
A rnold , Notts . —A vote of thanks to and confidence in F . O'Connor , Esq ., waa unanimously passed by the Chartists and Land members residing in this village . Nottingham . —At a numerous meeting ol Land members and friends , held at the Fox Inn , on Sunday evening , May 7 th , J . Bostock in the chair , the following resolution was passed unanimously : — ' That this meeting is of opinion that F ; O'Connor , Esq , is tha man above all others in whom the working classes oi this country ought to place implicit confidence , inasmuch as he has for a number ot years devoted his time , his talents , and his purse to
their service , and wo believe that the alander which has of late been heaped upon that gentleman , was got up for the sole purpose of creating division in our raQks with a view to retard our onward march to the goal of our political salvation ; but so long as he perseveres in the same honourable and straightforward course he has hitherto done , we promise bim our _unqualified confidence and support . 2 nd , That this meeting hereby expresses its _Burprise and regret that _theDirectors oi the Land Company should sit in the National Assembly and hear tbe sneers thrown out against Mr 0 _'Conner „ _iiud _notraiae their _voioea in bis defence in hun _absenoa ,
Mr O'Connor And His Accusers. The People...
L _orjGHBtROUQH . —Th © following address wss presented to Mr O'Connor ;—WORTHY AND _RssPiCTED Sia , —Wo the united boet and shoemakers , forming a section of the National Charter Association of the Loughborough district , in meeting assembled , take this opportunity of presenting to yo u this letter of congratulation , for jour manly and straig _htforward conduct , in cleariog your character from tbe base und fallaclohs charges brought aga ' _nit you by the National Assembly , and further that wa pledge ourselves to stand by you , and be directed by _counsels and advices , bo long as yon pursue the _samt _^ _zzz = _s- ___
your norl * line of conduct you havo hitherto done , not only In thia movement , but during the whole of your career ns leader oi the Char tist movement . Go on , then , noble Uader , _fearlessly advocating those principles you have 80 long let have first place In your heart , hoping that erelong we snail seo realised , through your noble and staunch _advoeacy of those prinoiples , the _bleBssngS _, the comforts and happiness they will confer on all classes of society- In conclusion , we subscribe ourselves your devotid followers , in behalf of the above section : T . Gilbert , _pres ident ; Joseph _Scattergood , secretary ; John Farrow , W _. ' _Brown Jjhn Harrison , and Thos _Sansom _,
Committee . _Pkrshobe . —At a public meeting of the Charlistt and Other _inhabitants of this town and neighbourhood , held in tho Temperance Hall , on Monday evening , the 8 th instant , a vote of unbounded confidence in Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., and of hearty thanks to that gentleman f _.. r his past super _, human exertions on behalf of the people , was carried unanimously . Tho Chartists of this locality are unanimously of opinion that Mr O'Connor ' s advice to the country , respecting the meeting of the National Assembl y was well timed , and they deeply regret that the good counsel of the People ' s Cham > pion , should bave been disregarded—4 We'll rally around him again and again . '
_Lokgiok . —A numerous and influential meeting of the Chartists of this town , was held in the _Working Man ' s Hall , oh Sunday evening , May * 7 ch , to examine the accusation preferred against that distinguished Champion ot Liberty , Feargus 0 'Connor ) E 8 q ., M . P ., by _members ef the present Assembly . That gentleman ' s spotless character aad unwearied _txertionsin thc cause of the People , has excited tbe admiration of his friends , and the dread of bis enemies . He lives in the heart and affection of tbe working classes of this great empire . The extent of his deminion ia only exceeded by the boundless confidence which his devotion to the cause of the people basin _, sp ired . Mr O'Cennor ' _s lucid and unanswerable defence , contained in bis letter to the National
Assembly in tho Northern Stab of the _6-. h instant , was read amid protound _uilevice , aud cheerfully and rapturously received . _** Afcer a most careful and _iraparfial investigation , the following resolution was _unanimously passed : — ' Having viewed with deep _regret the conduct of the enemies of p rogressive reform in attempting to throw odium on _Fearsiua O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., as leader of the Chartist movement ; and believing there is no other man in this emp ire so competent to give proper effect and direc ion to the public mind ; tbis meeting therefore unanimously caused tbis vote of confidence in that gentleman , for bis manly and straightforward conduet in the cause ot liberty , and desires to accompany the fame by a vote of unbounded confidence in the editor of the Northern Star .
Lhahington . —At fl a general meeting of the Natior < al Land Company _. heldattbeirroomiOn Monday , the 8 th instant , the following resolution was passid : — ' That , having heard of tbe ungenerous ond uncalh d-for attack on the character of Mr O'Connor , by ftraeofthe members of tbe National Assembly , ¦ Me beg to assure that gentleman and the publio that we have the utrwBt confidence in his integrity , prudence , and foresight ; and we think that his _traducers are deserving of i ublic censure- ' High _Wtcombb . —On the 8 th inst . Mr T . Clark delivered a splendid lecture in our Town-ball , on the principles of the Peop le ' s Charter . The chair was taken by V 7 . J . GeakelJ , Esq ., a gentleman who has lately purchased an estate fonr miles from Wycombe . The meeting was large and enthusiastic , and the vehement cheerirg we fear almost frightened the good fofks of Wycombe frora their propriety . A considerable number of new converts was made . Mr Burning also addressed the meeting .
_Nottznghah— A pnbiic meetine was held on Monday evening last , at the Seven Stars , Parker-gate . Mr Saunders of _Radi ' ord having beea called to the chair , the meeting passed an unanimous resolution , _pledninu _ituelf to _Bopport the delegate to the National Assembly . A vote of confidence in Mr O'Connor , as leader ofthe ChartiBt movement , was passed with three times three tremendous cheers . Messrs Mott and Sweet , Goose gate , and Mr Saunders of Radford , were then appointed to receive 8 _ub-c « _iptwa 8 for the _support of tbe _delei-ate to the Assembly . _Birmingham , May 7 . —Resolved— That we , the Chartists of Birmingham , view with feelings of indtgnation and regret the conduct ofa few individuals in '• w . don professing Chartism , for their unmanly danunciation 8 of F . O'Connor and the Northern _Staf .
We can assure Mr O'Connor ' s _tradueers , that we hi ghly approve of his letters of which they complain , and that _g-ntleman n t enly _enjojs our confidence , but we under him our hearty thanks and _gratitude tor the n any sacrifices he hia made in our cause , and for tha disinterested perseverance and courageous conduct he has ever displayed from the commencement of bib political career ; and we look with suspicion upon those men whu avail themselves of the present opportunity to destroy the character of Mr _O'CoDnor , and thereby create divisions among the _prt-p _' e _, when all sheuld be united for the _obtains ent of tkeir freed m : and , further , we p ledge oursdvec to support Mr O'Connor and the Northern Star to the utmost of our power , so long as he pursues the honest straightforward course that has hitherto markf d his long career .
Ouvehtbt . —AC a f ull meeting of the Chartists of this place , on Monday _evening May 8 , Mr Wood in the chair , the following resolution was adopted : — ' That we . the Chartists of Coventry , have the most unbounded confidence in Mr O'Connor and the Nobthbbn Stab , notwithstanding the attacks ma < ie upon them by some members of the National Assembly . _yiiooiEY . —The Chartists ef Halifax and Hebden Bringea'e informed that a camp meeting will te held at Foster Clough _DdlveB , near Midgley . to . morrow afternoon , at two o ' clock , when Messrs
Rushton , Chackleton , _Clisset , Taylor , and others , are expected to address the meeting . A district delegate meeting will be held in the Association Rom , Smithy Fold , at eleven o ' clock in the forenoon , when each locality in the district is r < _qusBted to send a delegate- The pai ty from Halifax is expected about iwoo ' clock , in procession , headed by a band of mmic . They wiil assemble at tbe room . Bull Close-lanp , at tw * lye o ' clock , and start at a quarter to one o ' clock precisely . All persons whoare intending to speak at this meeting , are to meet in the room at half-past one o ' clock .
Bedworth . —The raembersof thc Bedworth branch of tue National Charter Association are requested to meet , on _Sui . _dsy next , the 14 th of May , in Grip . lane , at ten o ' clock in the morning . GrA _^ _oow . —The following letter has beea received by Mr O'Connor : — Respected Sib . —It wa » with feelings of extreme _sorrow and regret that we read jour letter in the No & Tnebh Stab of tho C : b Inst ., in reply to the National Assembly , from whioh it appears that a portion at least of that body have indulged in a course of conduct not at all in accordance with , nor _sanctioned by , _thoae they rferecfcoBeo to represent . For what , we would ask , did _thtse men censure yeu f For what did they _deneunce jou i For what did t hey threaten to turn jou out of the movement ? And last , though not leant , for what do tbe ; propose to start another paper in opposition to tho
Stak , thereby to overthrow , as tbej suppose , jour power , and destroy for ever your influtnoe as a leader in th _« movement , and as ihe advooata of tho rights of the suffering millions ? Is it becauso you have delivertd an oplnlun on the _praprlety of that _Asosembly meeting at the time it did , or respecting the number ot which thxt Assembly should be composed , or of the manner of conducting the b \ _i » l «» 6 » i of % hw body _i This appears to utt at least to be tbe sum total of what they ohargo you witb , and which tbey denounce you ior . Now while we acquiesced in the meeting of that Aeaembly , and sent men to _represent u » in it , we at the same time declare , that we never _authorised our representative to sow the aeecU of dissensions t > _y attacking tha cbiract . ro / _irtdivi'luale cooneute < l with the _people ' s cause . Far Use did we ever _^ _JJ-peet any of out delegates would bave acted in tbe manner one of them is reported to bave done towards
you . We beg to assure you , that so far from representing the Chartists of GIuSjow , or meeting with their ap . _prosatioo , hia conduct , in tbis respect , has called forth public _indignation , so much so , tbat be bas been re . quested to resign his seat as a representative of Glasgow in the National Assembly . While wa have the pleasure _ofeotamunicatinK that which we trust will be to jou at all times , aud more _osp . oiolJy nt tho present moment , the cheering _imelllRence of the unshaken _confidence <•' the _Cnartists ef GUegow in you , as the _ULfllucnlng friend and _unpurchasable advocate of the working classes . Sigued on bebhlf f the C .. mmitt _9 e , _ViLLiiii _Doeuemi , Chairman . _Democratic Hall , « , _Trongate _, _Qlangev , , May 6 .
__ _fiN _* BURYLocAiaTY .-A pril 30 th . Mr T . Salmons in tue chair . A resolution was passed _approving of the proposal of tbe Ashton _CuartirtV resptxtine the getting up the _Democrat in shilling _ahareB wuen _asveral were taken up . A debate then arose as t » the policy to be pursued with respect to any new scheme brought forward by any other party when n _resolution was moved :- That we om o-e anv ida which permit * the property qualification to stand ** at present , ' _fhefoilowing amendment _« as _proved . « / hat wei agitate _/ _crnothiDg less than the Ckar ! but do not , nterfera with any one party , who mav fee _uieined to go for less than the whole ' , i ™ ? ' After a spirited debate the further _couaideratioD ol the question was adjourned . The _followina Sut . ° was adopted :- ¦ That this meetins consider that M 0 _Connorlis'tully entitled to , and p _^ _ewe _, tho utmo t confidence o the _membeis of this locality ; and tha . so long as Mr O'Connor perseveres in the same mideviating line of oonduot , aud _aoctiiude of purpose ,
Mr O'Connor And His Accusers. The People...
bo long will we support him , as fur as ifc ia m our power , against his enemies . ' - Mat 7 th . —The adjourned debate on tbo Chartist policy , was resumed by 'Mr Allnutt , when an amendment _ww moved by Mr Fennell , lhat any meeting being called for any thing short of the [ Charter , we recommend the Chartists to attend , and move the Charter as an amendment , and endeavour by _peroDflBi ' _ve means , to _^ bow the inutility of agitating for anything less than the Charter / After a good discussion the amendment was carried . Wr Noibbs moved and Mr _Cafer seconded , the _following resolution : —* That we recommend the National Asnnwort him , as fur as ifc ia in onr
sembly to adopt a firm , steady , and vu » e line of policy , and to discountenance all private and personal _tqnabblcs among themselves ; since the people are looking up to them as a body who may , with tbe assistance _« f tbe people , obtain the Charter , and we beg to assure the Assembly that _unlecs they unite aa one man tbey vili most assuredly fail in their object , and that tbis locality are of opinion , that were tbe National Assembly to agree upon the means to be adopted to obtain the Charter , their time wend &> e ranoh better occupied than in abusing Mr O'Connor and the _Norihkbn Stab , and we are further of opinion that a committee of the Assembly is not the most prop'r bodv to conduct a daily paper , and that as Mr O'Connor ban announced that it is his intention to publish a daily paper , that this locality support bim in that enterprise to the _utrroat of their power , and that a copy of tho resolution be sent to the President of the National Assembly . ' Mr Fennell moved and Mr _Gower seconded , tho adoption of the following _addpats to Mr O'Connor : —
Respected Sib , — We address you on this occasion with feelings of sorrow , since we have learnt that some parties , who hava not the experience or been so long in the movement , and con . sequently cannot be _acquainted with the feelings of the Chartist body in general as you are , endeavouring , con . trary to the wishes of the Chartists , to put aside those leaders who hare so Ion ;; conducted the movement through difficulty , paril _, and danger , until at _length it becomes the all-absorbing topic of interest in this empire , and all men begin to inquire into the doctrines taught in the Peope ' s Charter .
Rest assured , " sir , that we do notrecoenise or trust these new comers , who endeavour to outvie each other in Hie violence of their _languiijie ; but class them as men who , although they maybe well meaning men . yet are unknown among us , and must be proved longer before we trust them in preference to you . We do not intend to forget the manifold dangers that our tried and trusted leaders have bo long conducted US thraui ; h , with equal safety and honour to both parties ; wo do not forget your services in 18 » 9 and 18 _i 2 , when , but for your wisdom and foresight , the movement must have infallibly been brok _. n up , through the treachery ot those who goaded the people to a pitch little short of insanity . Years , long past , has your directing spirit guided the movement , and we will be no parties to casting you off in favour of men who , whatever othermerits tbey may have , prudenee and discretion enter but sparingly into their
composition ; these are not the men to lead a nation to victory , but those who have borne the burden and heat of the da _, y ; who have stood steadfast to their principles when others deserted them , and , therefore , ill J'OU , sir , we have still the utmost confidence . _IZIir These opponents , sir , are men who , with the usual ardour of enthusiasts , imngine that the cause of Chartism does not progress fast enough , _forjrcttinir that tbo whole of tho people are not so _entbufciastic as they are , ana that time , prudence , and tact are required to enlighten the understanding of many who are now hostile to the principles we advocate , and , we hope , when they have teen a little time in the movement , that they will see the necessity and policy of using less violent language , and exerting themselves more in _thowayof action , and act inac cordanccwith that advice which you have so often given to the Chartists , nor , we trust , given in vain .
We thank yc . u for the advice _t'ivsn tothe Chartists in your last two letters , and fully coincide with you , that Wisdom , and discretion are qualities now above all others required , since it is only by adopting a conciliatory yet firm policy , that we can obtain tbe result ive so _ardently wish for _. In conclusion , sir , we have only to express a wish that you may long live to wield the battle axe of democracy in its attack on class legislation and aristocratic misrule , which have so long cursed th < _s empire ; that you may outlive the puny attacks of those who try ta vilify your cbaracter ; and live to seo the enactment of the People's Charter , and the adoption ofthe Land plan , byagovernment of people , and lonp ; live in the enjoyment of health
and happiness , ia the earnest wish of , Sir , yours , moBtrespectfulij , and faithfully , On behalf of the Fiasbury locality of tho National Charter Association , Wm . 8 ALMON . CbalrmaB . Elijah Nobbs , "J David Carte ' s , 1 Gbob & k Fox , | Wh Alinott , \ Council . HV . tlVESAT , John Simms , Wm . _Hiooikb . _Aifesd _Fehhsia , Sec
Carried with two dissentients . It was then resolved that the address should he sent to Mr O'Connor , and a copy tothe Northern Stab , when the meeting adjourned to May 13 . N . B . —After May 13 th th « meetings of tbe Fins . bury locality will be held on Wednesday evenings , at eight o ' clock , instead of Sundays . Towbr HAMLBT 8 . —At the weekly meeting ofthe _mim-jers _afthe Whittington and Cat Land branoh , the following resolutions were passed : — ' That a vote nt confidence bo given to Mr O'Connor fer his _tersevering _energy in hiB endeavours to ameliorate the social condition of the working _claBBes by his Land
Flan , thereby proving that the people are prepared for their political rig hts , and tho amelioration of tbeir social condition . * 'That this looality recommend to the Chartists ofthe country at large , tnaC the Executive ef the National Charter Association have no connexion whatever with the Directory of the Land Company . '— On Wednesday it was resolved— ' That after a striot investigation as to the statement of the _pres _< relative to our delegate , Mr John Shaw , we consider that such statement waa false , and calculated to bring hira into great _disrrptst , and tbat this meeting pass a vote of confidence in Mr Shaw , ior his conduct on thb and all other _occaaione , '
R Bo Long Will We Support Himas Fur As I...
THE _NORTHED Sj _^ R _____ _ ,. _ ___^_ _^ _^ . __ JjL __ jtoj _^ jgg _ - -t- 1 ' " - _" '" ¦ ' "'" ' _~ _^ i
Receipts Of The Natioka1. Lans Company, ...
RECEIPTS OF THE _NATIOKA 1 . LANS COMPANY , FOR THE WEEK ENDING THURSDAY , MAT II . 1848 . PER MR O'CONNOB . _HABEB , £ S , d . Gloucester .. 1 0 o Lambley ,, o 11 0 Somers Town c * 3 6 0 Bolton .. B 0 6 _Totness „ 2 15 1 Newton Ayr ,. 4 4 0 Southampton .. 7 0 0 Todmorden .. 7 Q _( _,-Truro .. 0 13 0 Leicester , Bar-Lambeth .. 8 1 * 3 row „ , 8 2 0 Westminster .. 0 1 o Stafford ., 4 13 e Mottram .. 6 10 Manchester .. 9 18 8 Chepstow „ 2 19 0 Daventry .. 6 19 0 Hammersmith .. 0 7 0 Haswell .. one iHiuiuicramiiu „ u / u jiasweil 0 8 (
.. Rochdalo „ 19 2 Atraham _Mor-Bending „ 5 0 0 cott „ o 0 « Done-aster „ i IS O Winiam Morcott o o t Bristol „ 6 0 0 Eliza Arundell .. o 5 C _StoneyBtratford lo 1 o Wary Ann Cul . Brighton ( Arti- leu „ 3 o ( choke ) .. 5 19 6 Edward Smith .. 0 10 ( Congleton „ 6 17 6 Samuel Milner .. 0 2 « Birmingham , Thomas Robert Gray M 5 0 0 Turner „ 0 8 t Nottingham , Wm . Baillie » 0 1 { Sweet ., 8 10 G John Hefferman 0 1 i Edinburgh .. 6 0 0 John Raspberry _« i o _Easington Lane l 16 o Charles MiwI „ o I fi Banbury . „ 10 13 0 Ann Watson ,, sou Mosley „ 6 17 2 Edward Barlow e 5 a . £ 159 9 i EXPENSE FUND . ™ *~" Preston , Brown 1 0 0 Nottingham , Totness ., o 10 6 Sweet „ 0 9 6 Southampton .. 0 10 0 Coventry .. 2 0 Q Truro .. 0 8 6 Banbury .. o 9 fl Westminster .. 0 3 0 Mosley „ o 7 fl Mottram „ 0 4 0 Lsmbley „ o 11 6 Blackburn .. 0 6 0 Daventry M 0 4 0 Doncafter „ . 0 4 0 Mory Ann Cul-Congleton „ 012 0 len „ o 2 o Edinburgh „ o 6 o Thomas BakcrM o 2 c £ 9 8 0
Land Fund ]59 9 6 L Ww 8 3 0 Ruleb 10 8 ...
Land Fund ] 59 9 6 l 8 3 0 RuleB 10 8 Rfi „ t £ 368 13 1 cams „ , „ , „ , §§ f 342 19 9 -- . « 511 12 10 " Wit . Dixon , Christopher Doile , Thos . _CtAaa , ( _Corres . _See . _Ji _Pfltur M'Gstm , { Fin . Seo . )
Received At Bank . From Alva „ .. 0 N 10...
RECEIVED AT BANK . From Alva „ .. 0 n 10 e T . Pkice , Manager . RECEIPTS OP NATIONAL CHARTEH _ASSOCIATIfiN-£££ ¦ - :: _; i u _ss ster ° ' _^ _wshaw * , uc £ S _8 y „ i' 013 S Qu _' _enlhead " { J } _JX _&* - 0 7 2 _HudUersneld .. 0 0 0 " _SSdwihe __]_ J { 6 1 ft
Awdeeu Ce " M ° 'C ° Nn0b'Fl Sut »* ««"«...
AWdeeu " ° ° NN 0 B ' _SUT »* _«« _" _««* . - 0 15 c _« Botle , _Secretary
¦Nembcrs Of The Lind Company Ararl^I-Ph ...
¦ _nembcrs of the Lind Company _ararl _^ _i-pH \ Z It a _sxres at Mr _- ¦ _'fi _& _sssasK C ,, fe . ho „« , B , _ctl , ne .. „ si ? _^ _SaT _^ l
Valuable Investment Fob Small Capitalists, Valuable Investment Fob Small
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION , on MeSDAT , the 23 2 of Mat , 1848 , at twelve precisely , in allotments ts TWO and FOUR ACRE 3 _eat-h , all that valuable ana highly improved estate b 'BED H ALL , * consisting of 333 acre 6 of the first quality land , beine freehold and tithe frve , situate within one mile of ttf City of Lincoln , on the _h'Vh road to _Qranthara , The pr < p perty of _Theraas _Allsop , Esq . Tbe proprietor of thie estate , conceiving that the salt j ! tion of this country depends npon the better cul tivatioti of the soil , and sonsideriug the above magnificent esta ( t / as peculiarly adapted for Spade Husbandry , has venturen upon the experiment of thus testing the great princi ple de manual labour , by wbich means alone England can bi en 1 bled to support her increasing population . The _spirited proprietor looks to the success of _tli _' _tl great national project , rather than to profitable _specie lation . The estate , for situation , fertility of the soil , and _capnj bility , requires no comment , as from its proximity f market towns , and the _facility of procuring manure , aca building materials being on the spot , with which eaela purchaser trill be supplied With an _aoundance , it is ner to be surpassed by any estate in England . Every acre has been thoroughly di-ained . Tbe proprietor has erected thirteen splendid _cottagesri each standing in the centre of four acres , and whicii ' for simple elegance and convenience are not to b ! surpassed , no expense being ( pared to secure eeonomicac comfort . The several allotments are cropped , and the purchases will be thus accommodated at a price much lower than that at wh . ch _iiidividuxls could secure these advantages * We may assert that never has so favourable an _invest ment been offered to the small cnpitalbt , or the tradese man , who may wish to embark his capital in a proiitablit ) and wholesome speculation . It would be impossible to describe the beauty ofthtl situation ofthe above property , while its proximity to tort City of Lincoln , renders ita most desirable investment ! in fact sueh an opportunity may never again be _presented to those living in NottinKbam , Gainsborough , Hull , and the adjacent towns , of becoming small proprietors in thei * immediute neighbourhood . The soil is a rich friable loumi capable of being worked iu any season , and producing tod most luxuriant crops . The best water may be had 6 y sinking ahout twelvi yards , and each allotment has a h ' gh road frontage . This splendid estate has been purchased by the spirited : proprietor , in order to carry out the Land Plan _eatftt Wished by MR . FEARGUS O'CONNOR , And who , in return , has kindly consented to officiate aa auctioneer on the occasion , in order to explain to the meu of Lincoln , andthe several strangers who may attend . ! the advantages likely to accrue to tho shopkeepingj trading , and working classes , from a system which hasi never before been attempted in any country . The whole will be sold without reserve . The auction will take place at the mansion , on the estate , and rull particulars of sale will be furnished , _a-. d may bchadou ' Monday , the 2 Jnd , at the Saracen's Head , Lincoln the . Ram _Uutel Nottingham : and at the principal Hotels afc Hull , Orrantbam , Gainsborough , and the several towns in the distriet ; and at tbe National Land Companv ' _ai Office , H 4 , High Holborn , London . * _- < _""P « " * y oi
JVST PUBLISHED , Price Threepence . ( Forming 32 large 8 vo . pages , ) A VERBATIM REPORT OF THE PROCEErJ ! NGS OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION . Including full particulars of the Meeting at KenniBgton Common , and the ptoceedings of the People and the Government on this momentous subject . Northern Star Office , Great Windmill-street , J . Watson , Paternoster row London ; Abel Hey . wood , Manchester ; and all Booksellers in Town and Country .
JUST PUBLISHED PRICE SIXPENCE . NO . XVII . OF " THE LABOURER , " _CONTBKTS , 1 . The Soug of the _Gaggers . by Ernest Jones . 2 . Reform and Reformers , 3 . St Jehu ' s Eve , a Romantic Drama . 1 . Sell . Reliar . ce . 5 . The Wife , by Jane . 6 . Pride and _Prtjudioe , or the Martyrs of Society , 7 . The _London Doorstep , a true story , 8 . The Fe _sant Oir ) . 9 . National Literature . —3 . Germany . 10 . Monthly Review . Letters ( _pre-midl to be addressed to the Editors , Iff * Great Windmill Street , Haymarket , London . Orders received by all agents tor the " Northern Star * - and all booksellers in town and country .
_xs _^^ _TPS _^ . X and a Stamp to J . ff II » , _g _*||| $ _M _^ gj _$ _ft _^ LB , 4 , Bell ' s Buildings , / £ _jSI _& _7 _^^ _C & M _« v _Salif't , ur ¥ Square , London , IM _^ _I / __^ 3 l * a 5 K _« a 8 >» ft an < 1 receive by return ( with-* £ lf _AuB & l ) \ _UHl out fail 1 _"KANDE'S _ENIralll _*&^ _-k 1 IEi 3 AMEL f or filling the dec ayed lHHl _/\^? _Tvil Ht _$ rl "P - 4 " instant and per . _yHs _» i / W \ J & 7 _o _^ t ! mar , en ' cure . _Charged by \ 8 li _!?» of lA _^ _% r / Dentists vs . tid . Enough for _' _^ rffg _^ C _?^ tl , ree Teetb - 0 ne Thousand _^ S 8 z 2 nl [» _£ 25 ' Boxes posted weekly . Agents
TO TAILORS . By approbation of Her Majesty Queen "Victoria , and H . R . H . Prince Albert . NOW READY , TUB LONDON AND PARIS SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS for 1848 . bv Messrs BENJAMIN _REAB and Co ., 12 , Cart-street , Blooro _^ _burj-snuare , near Oxford-8 _ti-eKt , London ; and by Q . _BeRhBB , _Hoiyivell-stFeet _, Strand ; and all _Booksellers , an exquisitely exeewted ani superbly coloured PHINT . The elegance « f this Print excels 3 ny beforepublisbed , accompanied with the Newest Style , and _extru-iitfiiig Frock , Hiding Dress , and Hunting-Coat Patterns ; the ovist fashionable dress Waistcoat Pattern , and an extra . fitting Habit Pattern of he newest and most elegant style of fashion . Every particular part explained ; method of increasing and diminishing tho whole for any size fully illustrated , manner of CuttiBg and Malting up , and all other information respecting Style and Fashion . Priee Kls . postfree lis . READ and Co . ' _s new scientific 8 } stem of Cutting for 1848 is ready , and will supersede everything ot the hind heretofore conceived . All tliePlatts are numbered and lettered , and on the scale of _Eighteen Inches . Whole sire , never before attempted , containing twenty-three square feet : particulars , post free , _l-atent Measures , with full _explanation , 8 s . the set . Sew Patent Indicator , for _ascertaining proportion and disproportion , illustrated with Diagrams , price 7 s . Patterns to _frleasura ( all registered according to Act of Parliament ) , post free , Is . each The whole sold by Read and Co ., 12 . Hart-street , Bloomsbury-square , London ; and all Booksellers . Post office orders , and Post Stamps , taken tis Cash . Habits performed for the Trade . Busts tor fitting Coats on ; Boys ' figures . Foremen provided . — Instructions in cutting complete , for all hinds of Style an _^ . Fashion , which can be accomplished in an incredibly short time .
NOT 1 CB . mHE _COUMONWEALTH-Jor / _HHAt of Bights-A JL New Bill of Rights—A Fkee Irish Parmahent . The publication of the above weekly newspaper is ( owing to the non-completion of preliminary arrangements ) , postponed till Saturday , May !!¦• . Office , 2 , Catherine Street , Strand .
BRONTEURE O'BRIEN'S LECTURES . At the request of numerous friends , a course of Lectures will be delivered « very Sunday _Eveiuiig , at eight oVock , by Mr _O'Bbien , at Mr Ellis ' s Rooms , 8 , George-street , Euston-square , New road , on the progress of the _Revolutionson the Contim-nt and on the Rtform Movement of Great Britain . In connexion with these Lectures , a Reform Club is _instituted , which meets _c \ cry Thursday evening , ut eight o'clock , _samt place . Admission free . J . S , Ecus , Sec .
The French Republic.
The National Assembl Y Having Balloted F...
The National Assembl y having balloted for the election , of the five members to form the Executive * Commission of Government , the following was the result :- _j _, _^ Arago 725 Gamier Pages 715 Wane _fy 2 £ Lamartine 683 _ . _. Ledru . Roilm 45 U , These five are the government , with puwer to ap . point the members of the different government departments .
Hyde.—The Members Of This Branch Of The ...
Hyde . —The members of this branch of the Land UOBiDany havum suctee . ied in tbtainbg the wh . de of that commodious building , near the church , in _Hydeano , together with an aojoming plot of ground , oa lease , for the tetro . of two years , the members ot the above branch are requested to meet in their rcom , on Sunday next , atoneo _' clock i .. the afternoon . ltEiom , Ky . _ A Chartist camp _meeting will be held on _Sunday , Msy 14 < h , on Farnhill Moor , beueen _iS | fid J _, Ski it 0 D ' at two o ' clock- Mr J . aa ' l Bradf " ,, « . and several other speakers will address the meeting . Birmingham . —A district delegate meeting will be held at tho Ship Inn , _StoeJhouse-Jane , on Sunday ( to-morrow ) , at two o ' clock . Reading . —Mr Thumaa Clark , director of the National Land Company , will lecture at ihe ab _^ _vo place on _Ti-esday evenin next , May 16 jh , in tfio . Necessity ofa union between the middle and working classes . '
Meetings will be held at Roehampton , Bucks , on M * c ' day evening , Mr Gammage wiU _nttviui at Hanley , in _»*« Christum Brothers Room , on Sunday _evening . Mr _liradley will lecture ; at Yeardenmoor , _ncur _Ytardon , ou _S . UB " day , attw () o ' clock ; at Farnell , near _lvilnwick , onSutf day . at two o ' clock _; at Oldham , ou Sunday _eveniut ' , Ut Finigan will lecture ; _i . t Bradford , audits neighbour _^ - the usual meetings will be htld 011 Sunday : at Accrington , at the Land Office , on Sunday evening . A camp meeting will be held ou the Cat Hock , Cloud End , . Ve * _liosley , Cheshire , on Sunday May 14 th , at twelve uYlu <* at noon .
,A,Alk '' S ' "•- «*•« *«^* '
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Minrter-Saturday May, 18th.Lm8.1 Ttu Ci ...
_minrter-Saturday May , 18 th . lM 8 . 1 ttu Ci _*^ "
Northern Star (1837-1852), May 13, 1848, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_13051848/page/8/