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J. Sweet acknowledges the receipt -of th...
North-street, Tredegar Iron Works,, Monm...
inn TO OUR AGENTS. Notice is hereby, giv...
IRELAND. Oil, BE JOYFUL! Talk no more of...
PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW.. " Itis a long lan...
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The Iacquired By The Performance Of Offi...
4 ' ¦ ¦' ¦ ' _THJ _3 _ NQJ 1 T _TffKR-N STAR . ___ ____^ _ — — , JuLY _^^^ 1 ¦ " _* " _** li ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i i _liTiiiaii in - ¦ ¦ ' """"" l _* " "" _""" 77 ¦¦¦¦ i
THE CHEAPEST EDITIOX EVER rCBLISIIED . Trice Is . GA , A new and elegant edition , mill Steel Plate of _iht Author , of _PAINE'S POLITICAL WORKS ,
Sow Ready , a "Sew Edition of MR . _O'GOHWS WORK OH 8 MA . ll _fffllMS
Vols . 1 , 2 , % i , may still he _fcud , neatly hound , - price 5 s . 6 d . each "Kb . 4 , -flic "Jfuniber contaMng " 2 b . O'Cossoa _s "Tpeatise « cn the Naiional _i / aad Company ;" 2 fo . 10 , 'the one _con-taM _*** - _* - * "Sis . ¦ 6 , 0 _o _" _n * xob . 's Treatise ** On the National _Lessd _-aed Labour Bank ¦ co-Qneclion with the _Lsm-i Company : ""Have -lately -been reprinSed , _anil-na _*** be had ou applica-¦ fion ,-3 > iieeCd . each . Imp _« rfe ; tions of tlie ' Labourer Magazine' mar still be "had at ths Publishers .
Ia a neat V _^ l nine _, Price Is . Ci - * " -3 hc Evidence taken by the Select Com-* _- _* mitfe ! " _-3 of the House -ef Commons appointed to _^ ettiuiremto the National Laud Company , " -T & is Volume ought to be-in the hands of erescy ifembcv of * It _3 _Con-paiiy , as it _sbakingly illustrates the care aud _economy that hare been _practised in the management o " _ibcvFunds of thc _CompanS * and proves , beyond contrailic-¦ fiOE , the _yracticability -of ihe Plan which the Company -was _^ established to carry out .
Just published , Nos . I ., II ., and III „ Price _Sitrekce Each , OF THE COMMONWEALTH . Sold "by J . "Watson , Queen ' s "Head Passage , Paternosterxotv , London ; A . Uey-ffood , Oldham-street , _Manchester and Love and Co ., 5 , Xelson-street , Glasgow . And by all _B-wfcseUers in _Toith and Countrr .
TOO MAY BE CUBED VET HOLLOWArS ~ OIXTMEST . CUKE OF KnEUMATIS _) _TAXD RHEUMATIC GOUT . Extract ofa Letter from Mr . Thomas Bruntoa , Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern , Coathain , Yorljshlre , late of the " Xife Guards , dated September 28 th , ISIS . Sib , —For a long tune I was a martyr to Rheomatisni and -Rheumatic Gout , aud for ten -weeks , previous to Wang your medicines I _vasso bad as not to be able to walk . 1 had tried doctoring aud medicines of every kind , but all to no avail , indeed I dally got worse , and felt that I must shortly die . From seeing your remedies advertised in the paper I take in , 1 thought I would give thein a trial . I did so . I rubbed the ointment in as directed , and kept cabbage leaves to tlie parts thickly spread with it , and took the Pills night and morning . In three weeks I was enabled to walk about for an hour or two in the day with a stick , and in seven weeks I could <* o anj-wherewitlioutoiie . lam
PROTECTED J 1 V ROYAL LETTERS PATEST . DTL LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS , Hare no Taste of lie-Heine , And are the only remedy recommended to he taken hy ladies . TUey fortify the " Constitution at all periods of life , and in . aU _JJervous Affections act like a charm . __ They remove Heaviness , Fatigue on Slight Exertion , Palpitation of thelleart , lowness < £ Spirits , Weakness , and allay Fain . They create Appetite , and remove Indigestion , Hcart-Inn-n , _'ft'lna , Head Achee , Giddiness , « fcc . In Hysterical Diseases , a _projicr perseverance in the use of this Medicine will be found to effect a cure after all ether meanc had failed . _Htgj * PuU Uireclions aregi-ren with every box . "Note . —These Wafers do uot contain any Mineral , and may be takeE . _titlier dissolved iu water or whole .
THE POPULAR REMEDY . p AIR'S LIFE PILLS . L Wliich are acknowleged to be all that is required to conquer Disease and Prolong Life .
TO BE DISPOSED OF , AT A A REDUCED PRICE , a Certificate of the NATIONAL _LAKD COMPANY , ofthe full paid up value of £ 5 4 s . - Apply to P . H . Pearce , So . 3 , Boizer ' s-court , Totteahanicourt-road .
OS SALE , AT GREAT DODFORD , NEAR -L \ BROMSGROVE , a beautifully situated FOUR-ACRE FARM . Price . £ 80 . The amount to be deducted from the rent charge . This sum includes crops . AU applications to be made to tlie Directors , at their office , 144 , High Holborn , London .
ON THE 1 st OF JULY WAS PUBLISHED iro . ii . of THE _DEMOCRATIC REVIEW Of "BRITISH and FOREIGN POLITICS , HISTORY , and LITERATURE . Edited by 6 . JULIAN HARNEY . _contests : 1 . The Editor ' s Letter to the Working Classes . 2 . Letter to the Trades : The Laud . 3 . Letter from Paris : Present Political Aspect and _Trospects of France . 4 . Our Inheritance : The Land common Property , Letter II . 5 . Political and Historical Review—Domestic and Foreign . 6 . "Manifesto ofthe German Red Republicans . 7 . Monarchy . 8 . Speech of ArmandBaTbcs . S . literature : Milton ' s Prose Works ; Humboldt ' s Cosmos ; rolitics for the People ; < kc , Ac . Torts Pages ( in a coloured wrapper ** , Peice
FATHER MATHEW , Who addressed the crowd of Irish surrounding the vessel when he left Ireland for America a short time since , said : — " You do not reflect , my friends , that whilst you are in thc tavern or tap-room , indulging in drink , that you arc at the same time drinking down the food of the hungry , and thc clothes of the naked . " And may not the same be said to the people of Bridgwater ? How many are there , men and women , more to their shame bo it said , who drink thc food and clothes of the hungry and naked ? How many are there whose homes are void of every comfort , whilst tliey help to support the publichouse-- and beer-shops in the town ? NO WONDER TIMES ARE BAD . If people will drink , and be idle , they are sure not to be well off , and they deserve to suffer ; they do no good to
A Cnic KET-Bii-cr . _, measuring fourteen'inches in . eir cumferencc , was found in the stomach of a fine bei fer _slaughtered last _wee % by _abuser _$ t Rotheram
'"¦" ¦"' "" " "-'*-• """""" ®O "©Oiwponunus.
'"¦ " ¦"' "" " " - _'* - """""" _® _o " _© _oiwponunus _.
J. Sweet Acknowledges The Receipt -Of Th...
J . Sweet acknowledges the receipt -of the foao * . ving = _sums ( sent herewith ) , for tlie Victim 2 Wn & , viz . ;_ SIr . Daltoil , Gd ; Mr . Knott , 3 d . _ . . : _* Mhs . M'Douall . — Mr . -Andrew Watts , Liverpool , _-Bslmowleases the receip is of 10 s . from sy few 0 _hattasts . « t . Oeorgie Mills , Scotland , per A . M ' Donald WIVES OF THE Victims . _—lTJomns Urmeslier has received l " s , per James Drown , Preston , to be divided between the wives ofthe Kirkdale prisoners . Manchester . — We have received twelve quarto pages from the Manchester Chartist . . Council , ¦ . purporting to he a reply to Hie letter of Messrs . white , West , Leach , and Donovan , which appeared in last Satin-day ' s Star . Having a press of matter ou hand , and receiving the said . communication on Thursday , under any circumstances we could not find room for it this week . Had it been a communication of an ordinary character , we would have
promised its insertion in next . Saturday ' s Star , but taking into consideration its tone and intent , ne must decline taking upon ourselves the responsibility of giving it publicity . The Manchester Council ' s letter , if published , couldnot so much hurt Messrs . White , West , Leach , and Donovan , as it would injure the Chartist cause . Of the Manchester Council we know nothing personally , . but wc take it for granted that they arc Chartists , and have the confidence of their fellow townsmen , and as such wc respect tliem . Messrs . White , West , Leach , aiid Donovan , are known to us ; they are also well known to , and honoured by , thousands of their countrymen in all parts of the country . We think the Chartist causo cannot afford to lose such men . We think that proscription of Chartist leaders upon trivial grounds has been already carried far enough—perhaps too far . We flunk that it would conduce to the success of our movement , to win back a few old friends , rather than drive away any of those
who are still struggling and suffering in our cause . Messrs . White , West , Leach , and Donovan are true men , and staunch democrats ; their talents render them an honour' to their class , and their past services and present sufferings should' endear them to the people . AVe must say , it would only he fair that those who have , aught to allege against them should have the decency to keep hack their accusations until the men are at liberty , and in a position to defend themselves . Taking . this view of the question , we have resolved to forward the Manchester Council ' s letter to Mr . O'Connor , that he , as proprietor of this paper , and principal representative of the Chartist party , may determine upon the fitness of its publication . Should the said letter appear in the Star , ofcourse the same channel of communication with the public will be open to Messrs . White , West , Leach , and Donovan . ' V The letters of Messrs . Smith aiid Grocott we . have also transmitted to Mr . O'Connor . I _* Ii * ddeesfii * ld . —Tlie notice is an Advertisement .
The _Maschester Codscil recommend Mr . Peter Hcnrctta - as a lit aud proper person to deliver lectures on Chartism . Localities desiring his services must address , P . llonretta , V 2 , John street , Ancoats-strect , MimchesWr . W . Greenwood . — Respecting the "Illustrated r Atlas , " write to the publisher , 100 , St . John ' s-street , London . C . _Hepwoutii . —Thirteen and two tellers make the fifteen who voted for the Charter . . . __ . __ J . Lenxok . —It is impossible to give your communication this week : it shall appear in our next . Mr T . _SuMMEitsGiLL , Woolwich . —Write to Mr . D . W . Rutty , 13 , Tottenhani _^ court _, New-road , St . Pancras . We do not know tlie price . '' •' , _BonsLEv . —All correspondence for the Burnley Chartist Association , must be addressed to Mr . J . Suttliftc , ; grocer , Goodham-liill , Burnley . The Victims . —Mr . Fisher , of Great Yarmouth , is informed that John Arnott has not received the stamps alluded to , . and J . A . requests tliat , for the future , all communications relative to the Victims will be . addressed , to hiin at ll , Middlesex-place , Somers-town .
To The Chartists Of Lancashire And Yorks...
TO THE CHARTISTS OF LANCASHIRE AND YORKSHIRE . Mr Friends , As you will see in niy Letter to the Working Classes , I have been very , ill indeed : for the last ten days , and I know of no medicine that is likely to relieve me , hut the glorious sight of the Lancashire and Yorkshire men , women and children , that I expect to see on Sunday next . I hope that the platform—or , rather , the speakers , will not be placed with theirfaces to the sun and I hope that the meeting-room in Manchester will he well ventilated . Your faithful friend , . Feargus _O'Connor .
North-Street, Tredegar Iron Works,, Monm...
North-street , Tredegar Iron Works ,, Monmouthshire , July 9 , 1849 . Honourable Sir , If any . four acre allottee on the Bromsgrove Estate , is wishful to let his allotment , I shall be glad to take the House , Land , and Crop , at a rent of £ IG a-year , for a . term . of three or more years , payable half-yearl y , and to have possession next month . lam , honourable sir , Your humble servant . Samuel Armstrong . To F . O'Connor , Esq .
Inn To Our Agents. Notice Is Hereby, Giv...
inn TO OUR AGENTS . Notice is hereby , given ;; _that-the "Papers of every Agent , who does not forward the amount ol his account in the following week , will be stopped , and no excuse will be taken ; as the . Proprietor cannot supp l y those who do not pay their accounts , anil for whose paper and stamps he is obliged to pay . This resolution will be criticall y observed .
The Lobthebi St As. Saturday, July 14, 1849.
Ireland. Oil, Be Joyful! Talk No More Of...
IRELAND . Oil , BE JOYFUL ! Talk no more of famine , ye base degenerate Irish . - Has it not achieved for you the greatest triumph that any nation upon earth can boast of ? Are not four years of famine , destitution , decimation , weeping , wailing , and gnashing of teeth more than compensated for bythe promised visit of her most gracious _Majestv ? And will not every banner belongin g- to the Loyal Royal Repeal Association be
unfurled , and flutter before the breezing cheers of a starving people , whose every recollection ofthe past must be buried in oblivion' ? ' Is not your ancient castle to he furnished , decorated , and perfumed for the reception of royalty , and has not the loyal enthusiasm of your Loyal Reform Corporation hushed every murmur and put its veto upon every demand , save and except the conferring of titles upon your Catholic brethren , at length admitted within thc corporate pale ?
You got Emancipation , which gave you patriotic representatives , generous , learned , and ingenuous Queen ' s Counsel , and , though last not least , just and impartial judges . Those great boons were only for the benefit of a heretofore excluded class ,, while the mag ic , visit of Her Most Gracious . Majesty will lead to national exultation , from the conviction of the national benefit it will confer . St . Patrick merely drove the toads down in the bogs and bothered all the vermin ' ; ' hut Victoria , with her ' magic wand , will banish hunger from the land and bother all starvation . What a picture . ! . A merry Queen , with a merry court , surrounded , hy her merry phalanx , revelling in the midst of famine .,
What times we live in , ' and how depraved is the mind of man , when , he reflects that the amount expended upon this royal bobbery would preserve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people ! Will Her Majesty visit the ; system-made rebels ? No . They are banished tlie land . Will she condescend to visit the loathsome charnel houses where her loyal subjects are penned up , like sheep in Smithfield Market ? Will she visit the mud hovels of her loyal subjects and distribute alms amongst the dying ? No ; in faith , the veil will be drawn o ' er Ireland ' s woes , and the cry of famine will he hushed in tho bursting cheer of the loyal well-fed livers upon the people ' s destitution .
. But heed it not , ye starving Irishmen , ' it will furnish the Minister and the royal cori % e with tne strongest proof of L'ish , loyalt y , and the 'wrongest ' - refutation pf ; Irish suffering , and the -dp-necessity for doing anything for Ireland . From the ' Castle banquets , and the . cheers that follow the loyal toasts , the royal visitors will draw then' conclusions of L'ish prosperit y . Victoria is the first English Queen that has condescended to visit her Irish territories . Slie is a woman , and " , af " a woman _shoul _^ be courteously- ; aiitl . respectfully received , but her ministers use her as a puppet , ¦ upon reverence and devotion to which , they may Hereafter-be
Ireland. Oil, Be Joyful! Talk No More Of...
able to base the loyalty ofthe Irish people and their own popularity . ' _.,,,. ' . What ragamuffin , Avhat half-naked female , will bo allowed to pass the barricade of torncheons , b y which majesty will be surrounded and what channel is there through which the real state of the nation can be communicated to the royal ear ? _^„ T _-mr a -v- c In 1321 , the FIRST GENTLEMAN of the age , hut the biggest blackguard mthe world ( George the Fnmmi ) , visited his - " .
Irish subjects ; Daniel 0 ' _Cornell , ihe leader of the Irish people , presented his Majesty with the olive branch upon his knees . His footstep has been carved upon the L'ish shore * he condescended to shake hands with an Irish peasant , who never washed his hand from that hour to the day of his death , least it mig ht lose the royal perfume : all was hilarity and joy , sumptuous banquets , though a vear of surpassing distress , and the magic wand of loyalty was to banish disloyalty for ever from the land .
Ireland was then blessed ; Catholic and Protestant were to be for evermore united in the bond of fraternity . Howbeit , in the winter ofthe same year , Captain Rock and the White Boys , having discovered their share of the royal visit , broke out into all but open rebellion , and the promised measure of Emancipation , to expedite which was the main object of the royal visit , was postponed for nearly half a score of years . What measure , let us ask , is to be the result of the present royal visit ? Is it to be the endowment of the Catholic priesthood ? Is it to be the release ofthe Catholic people from
the gripe of the Protestant Law Church ? Surel y it is not to be the Repeal of the Union , or the holding alternate parliaments iu Dublin , based upon the magic influence that its scenery and the loyalty of its people has had upon her Majesty . Our rulers * are not aware of the anticipated effects from such a charm . They imagine that kni g hthoods , titles , honours , and distinctions , bestowed upon those who can raise the breeze
of exultation , will be afterwards able to calm the hurricane of disappointment ; but they should draw wisdom from tho past . Can they have forgotten the mag ic results anticipated from Her Majesty ' s visit to the present King of Claremont , then the King of the French , when the old woman ecstatically hugged the young lad y , aiid conveyed her with firm step , in locked arms , on board tho royal yacht ? This was to have cemented an indissoluble union between the two nations . The
loving cousins were to be for ever allies , " and no distant erruption could ever destroy the halcyon calm . Now , how changed the scene . The then monarch is now the subject of the then rebel—a fugitive seeking refuge under Her Majesty ' s wing , and tho then _rebebher dearl y beloved cousin and ally . Will our rulers never gather wisdom from the past 1 And will they still hope to govern the growing mind ofthe age by the fusty records of barbarism ? Will they withhold what
is due to justice , and might be prudently conceded , until it is extracted from fear , and surrender to force , when ah evil use may , perhaps , be made of it ?* Do they imagine that the statistical folly of a Chancellor of the Exchequer , and the crafty defence of _an-Ex-Pbime Ministeb , will stand for a moment before the evidence of increasing Poor Rates to support increasing pauperism ? Do they imagine that the mind of England is now so stolid and obtuse as to admit ofthe
measurement of prosperity ' by the increasing wealth and consequent satisfaction of a single class ? When they boast of the cheapness of the people ' s food , andthe comparative iricrease in the monied wages of tho workman , based upon the comparative cheapness of provisions are they foolish enough to imagine ' that the enlightened people of this country will take such a squinting , one-sided view of the question , as to base national prosperity upon class
satisfaction ? Upon the contrary , will not the people , and naturally , say , in reply , "If your £ 100 will now do as much as , £ lo 0 formerl y did , are not £ 8 , 000 , 000 of Poor Rates , now measured b y the same scale , equivalent to twelve millions in former times *? " And is there any one who doubts that the greatest economy "will be practised in the expenditure of the money of the rich upon the preservation of the lives of the poor ?
The Session of 1849 is now drawing to a close—it will havo cost the people nearl y half a million of money in blue books and other rubbish ; It has been one weak , wash y , everlasting flood of incoherent-rubbish , which in less than three years from this day the enli ghtened peop le Avill look upon as the stereotyped ignorance of . their -predecessors . Six mortal months have been spent in jaw and clatter , aud will any , tho greatest statician , the most
powerful analyser , or gifted prophet , point out one single benefit that has been conferred upon the people . A heap of hills havo been introduced , some mutilated , some passed , some withdrawn , and the most useful rejected . The interests of class have been advocated , while a measure for the bettor preservation of the lives of those who suppl y us with one ofthe greatest elements —fire—has been contumaciousl y cast in oblivion . But no matter , thc Queen is going to Ireland . We trust that she will be received
with that courtesy and gallantly for which the Irish people are distinguished , while we warn both English and Irish not to expect any , the slightest , benefit from the event , beyond the anticipated popularity expected to be redeemed b y the English minister , aud the hope that her magic breath will dispel the anticipated potato blight .
The Bankrupt Brothel Keeper. It Is A Ver...
THE BANKRUPT BROTHEL KEEPER . It is a very remarkable fact , that those who have led tho most depraved and dissolute life , are in the habit of most rigidly scanning the acts of others . In "Lloyd ' s Newspaper" ( thc ¦ Threepenny Trash , " as tho peoplo now call it ) , of last week , there is , what we cannot call an article , but an emission of _tyle against Mr . O'Connoiv , for daring to advocate the People ' s Charter in the House of Commons , and in which Mr . O'Connor is _chare-ed with once
having advocated p hysical force , and having thus estranged the affections and support of the middle classes . Lot us , however , see -whether we can measure thc integrity and consistency . of the writer by ail undeniable standard . He makes reference to the Conference of 1830 , and speaks of the transactions ofthat body in thc most reprobatory terms , while lie forgets that he was one of that bod y , receiving six guineas a week—that he was the liiost violent until thc exchequer was emptythat , as a member , of the Lumber Troop , iu "whose guardroom the Conference sat , he , as Chairman , pointed to the sword , the musket , and the blunderbuss , represented behind him
as the arms of the troop , and told the Delegates and the audience that those were the weapons b y which alone thoy could obtain the Charter . He forgets that when the petition was presented , he took the chair at the "White Conduit House , at a public dinner , and got so beastly drunk , that the well-conducted ' men left the meeting in disgust—that he then hugged Mr . O'Connor , who sat next to hini , and vomiting over the table , distinguished him as the Man of the People . And this is the beast . who would .:. iiow "base his opposition , : or rather ; his wrath , for opposition he is not capable of presenting , upon the pretext that some other man should have taken charge of the question , of the Charter . ,
This spotted aebra , " this political renegade , this moral ; moiiitor , who is such an enthusiastic admirer of popular rights , is not only tlieEditor of poor "Lloyd ' s" LAST WORDS , but he' is ; als ' p the _pei'fumed _,. editor of the "Court Joiirna , " in which the looks , the winks , thc _sipinta , the _^ sneezes , the hems , th ©
The Bankrupt Brothel Keeper. It Is A Ver...
haws , and the coughs , the dresses , the petticoats , the bustles , the bosoms , " the necklaces , the bracelets , the lockets , and the rings , the shoes , the stockings , and the ancles , the carriages , tho horses , the liveries , the perfumes , the pocket handkerchiefs , and the reticules of the nobility , are faithfull y described ; and m which this blaring , wide-mouthed , ' waddling frog eaters fov a little hit of aristocratic sentimentalit y , to relievo him from the Chartist stink , and the still more execrable effluvia from which even the Court of Bankruptcy cannot cleanse him . , ,. . ¦ _- , . i '_ " _jj ! _^ .- * + lin _« nffi _
However , as this fellow caters for the aristocracy upon the one hand , and for the frequenters of . stews , brothels , and gin palaces upon the other ; aud as now but few read his rubbish , wc consign him to that oblivion for which nature designed him : we leave him to the cheering reflections of his gayer days , aud trust he will find consolation in tho reminiscence and if he does not , we commend to him the perusal of the following article , taken from the Dispatch " of last week , and which , ere now , has heen read by hundreds for every one who peruseshis trash ; and which , instead of perverting tlieir minds , will enlighten their genius . It is an admirable article , and . we commend itto the perusal of aH parties , and all classes ;
THE CHARTER . ( From the Dispatch , of July 8 th . ) Mr . Feargus O'Connor has this week brought the " Charter " before the House of Commons , in the shape ofa resolution approving of its principles . Formerly such a motion , treading on the hools of Mr . Hume s , and ofthe various attempts to secure Triennial Parliaments , fhe Ballot , and such reforms as unite the goodwill of all the friends of progress , and sure to be supported by a very small minority , would have been inopportune , as showing a division in the camp . That danger is past . Our legion is a serried p halanx . Mr . -Hume and his more immediate followers admit the whole Charter in principle , and only defer parts of it , on account of
expediency and the chances of present success . The Chartists , on their part—no longer obstinate to claim all or none , no longer bent upon enforcing extreme _rio-lits bythe physical force * ybich puts all right out of the question , and leaves might as the sole arbiter of justice—are disposed to help all who will frankly help them , though it he to but a part of their claim . They not only agree in action with such men as Mv . _lliuae , who , allowing their natural right , think it unwise at present to prosecute it to the utmost , but even with those who act upon the minor principle , that , for the people tobe well governed , thev must be represented , though not in full
proportion to their numbers . The experience of defeat when tho entire party is such ii national majority as , united , must insure victory , has taught the wisdom of union . Therefore it is that , atthe great Marylebone meeting , in the Princess ' s Theatre , we find Mr . O ' Connor , and oven Uethcrington , side by side with Lord Dudley Stuart ; and that on the same night , in another crowded assemblage , at Hackney Sir \ V . Clay stands on the same platform , for the same general purpose , as his much more liberal colleague , George Thompson . Even the "Premier himself disclaims thetitleof "Finality John . " because he declares he never used the word
" finality , " or intended the idea , and indignantly says "No ! no ! " to the assertion that he means the representation to remain as it is ; and distinctly states , in the discussion on thc Charter , "I believe that it would be advantageous to the country , if a greater number of tho working-classes were in possession ofthe Suffrage , and able to take part in the choice of representatives ; but I maintain that that _vhject can be attained without sacrificing all the mam princip les of our constitution . " Thc necessity , or at least , the " advantage" of change is therefore admitted by all , from thc most lukewarm to the most ardent among Liberals ; the only questions arc those of time and degree . Therefore , though the Charter had hut fifteen supporters against 224 , tiie
cause was advanced , rather than deteriorated by its discussion . Lord John , indeed , in combating its principles , was obliged to resort to very stale tricks . Thc old folly , that if all men are entitled to vote , women must be also , was raked up by the Premier , with'tho instance of'Miss Harriet Martineau as a political reasoner far superior to many men . "Nature is very bountiful ; the offices of thc two sexes are often interchangeable . A poor widower often makes an affectionate and successful nurse ; a widow or a wife , whose husband is incapacitated , takes the office of a man , thinks for the family , works for it and maintains it . Miss Biffin , having no arms , cut out and painted watch-papers with her toes much better than many artists could-with their fingers .
But the two sexes are mainly divided in their functions , mental as well as bodil y . The observer , p hysiological and phrenological , sees that this is intended . AVomcn have no such stupid advocates aa those who wish to make men . of them . If they he equal , they _xire not identical with men . As wc do not wish thorn to bo _oloetoi ' S _, neither do we * wi _<* k them to dig , or to go to sea , or to go to battle . Even in our monarchy , the English prefer a Queen to a King , because the regal office should be rather female than male , rather a benevolent influence , rather an elegance and a grace , than a stern power . Lord . John ' s argument is nonsense , and ho knows ifc ; but then hc also knows that bespeaks to those with whom nonsense will do better than sense . Just so
with the plea against Universal Suffrage , bythe example of France . True , the minority most unadvisedly rebelled against a criminal majority ; but had they had any less authority than the representatives of Universal Suffrage to oppose , they would have triumphed . Iu one breath , he calls this suffrage dangerous ; in another he calls ifc ineffectual , because it will return Conservative representatives , and not such as arc expected from ifc ! Which does he mean ? No one can havo the benefit of two opposite arguments . It is Democratic or Conservative , - dangerous or safe , and not both and all . But the time is at hand when better answers must be given . Lot all do their work to hasten it ; ifc cannot come too soon for those who think soundly and mean uprightlv ,
Parliamentary Review.. " Itis A Long Lan...
_PARLIAMENTARY REVIEW . . " Itis a long lane , " says tho old saw , " which has no turning . " Even Mr . Joseph Hume , who some years since estimated the political value of the "Whi gs so high , that he franklv declared , ' hc would vote white was black in order to keep them in office , has become disgusted with tlieir reactionary policy . Few of the readers ofthe " Northern . Star" caii have forgotten the columns of abuse whieh were showered upon " the Tory Chartists" bythe Free Trade Press , when the Anti-Com Law
League was inthe ascendant , on the ground that , by opposing the so-called " Liberal party , " they wero playing into . the hands of the Tories .. That policy was , it may be recollected , deliberately adopted and in several instances carried out , even to the . length of giving a nominal Tory tho victory over a nominal "Liberal" at the . hustings . At that time the middle-class ' ., reform party did not understand the tactics pursued- h y the Chartists . It appears , however , ' from Mr . -Hume' s speech on the second reading of the bill for shortening the duration of ¦ Parliaments ,, that the adoption of that identical policy is not at all unlikely by the party of whom the venerable Reformer is the acknowledged leader .
In spite ofthe opposition bf tho Prime Minister , Mr . D'EvKCOUUT carried his motion for the introduction and first reading of his bill . On the next stage being moved on Wednesday , Sir George -oriiEY repeated Lord John ' s arguments in a worse spirit and manner , with greater flippancy and greater disregard tothe actual facts of the case . It certainl y does require considerable . hardihood to assert - 'that tliere does not exist iii the country any practical discontent or dissatisfaction witli regard to the duration of Parliaments . " . Notion a- but the aptitude of not blushing acquired b y "
_ofh-cials'Mn tho course of practice , could have sustained the Home Secretary when venturing upon an assertion so wide ofthe truth . But Sir George , of all the party , exhibits thc greatest predisposition or capacity-for reaction . Most of his colleagues may be said to ho " negatives , " but ho has a positive affinit y towards Toryism—or absolutism , ' rather , which colours tho whole of his public conduct , and has been so frequentl y and prominentl y displayed in Parliament , as to leave no doubt in the mind of any close observer as to the party with whom he reall y sympathises . -
¦ < -The true " moaning of the fondness' of certain Members for Septennial scats , was explained by / a late colleague of the . Home * ., _Secretaiiy whom- the people of Manchester—not improperly—wished to-be an _independent member , intead of * a mere echo of ministerial decisions . But Mr .. M . Gibson , in resigning his seat at the Board , of , ; _Tradci ; , _did- not atthe same time part with the experience necessarily
Parliamentary Review.. " Itis A Long Lan...
acquired by the performance of official duties and the . peep behind the cm-tain which they gave him . When , therefore , an authority thus qualified , openl y and gravel y declares that the inducement now for members tp re * present a borough , after previously narsing it , and spending large sums of money in it , is to be found in the fact , that they knew there was a copious fountain of good things supplied nnniini / i / 1 l > _ir + hn _lini-fi-lI'lllJllinn of nffin . _' . J / I .. * , ' ., ™
from the Treasury , to make the money they had spent a good investment—we may fairly take it for granted that such is the fact . _!* £ so , it forms the strongest of all arguments against the longer continuance of that corrupt , demoralising , and most mischievous system , which Ministers and Members thus agree to perpetuate , at tlio cost of the money , and the material , and moral well-bein g ofthe whole
commun ity . Mi- . Hume has had pretty considerable experience of the stand-still and re-actionary qualities ofhis quondam friends this session , and , as we have already said , begins to get tired of supporting a nominal" Reform Government , ' ' but really an obstructive one : therefore , he emphatically declared , that unless they were prepared to accede to measures of reform , he could no longer give them his support ; considering that any Administration would be preferable to the present—hoioever ultra-7 ' ory it might prove —r because , in that case , there might
possibly be a chance of a large and united Opposition , determined to carry out the reform which the country required . At present , cut up as the House now is , into sections , the friends of reform are , in fact aiding , abetting , and supporting a Non-Reform Government ! We know not whether Mi ' . Hume in these sentiments gave utterance to his individual convictions , or to those of the powerful party with which he is connected ; but , in either case , we have no hesitation in saying , that however much the purely Whig journals and Ministerial hacks may abuse it , as a Tory policy , it
is the onl y one that promises to bring the great questions between the people and the oligarchy to a real and bona-j ide issue . At present the industrious and unenfranchised masses are plundered and oppressed by the privileged classes with impunity , in consequence of the manner in whieh thc hall of power is tossed from one faction of the oligarchy to another , whenever circumstances appear to threaten that their longer retention of office would damage the permanency of aristocratic
domination . If tho policy so often explained and recommended by Mr , O'Connor , in former years , and so forcibly enunciated by Mr Hume on AVednesday , be vigorously carried out , tliere will speedily be an end of all shams , and the people knowing the nature and extent of the resistance they really have to encounter , will be enabled to bring a proportionate attacking power to bear upon it . In the meantime—thanks to the Whigs—Parliaments are , at present , not to be less in legal duration than
seven years . The resistance of the Ministry to the repeal of the Septennial Act , however opposed to the early practice of Parliament , and the proper carrying out' of the . representative system , may , hi some degree , bo comprehended , when we remember that the Whi gs , as a party , are the parents of that Act . But no such palliation or explanation , either hereditary or _iman-inarv , can bo su _^ estcd for the _** - O » ' ' OQ wholesale and unblushing apostacy which characterised their conduct in the matter of
the Irish Church on Tuesday nig ht . If there was any one political principle or question to which the Whigs were pledged , as a party , it was this Irish Church Temporalities question . - Ever since 1823 , when Lord J . Russell supported Mr . Hume ' s motion , they have in office and out of office made this their cheval de bataille . In 1833 , Lord Ghe y ' s Cabinet brought in a measure , which distinctly embodied the _principleof secularising the surplus revenues ofthe Irish church , in other word s , of taking public property from useless and bloated bishops , deans , rectors , vicars , & c , and making it available for the
education and social improvement of the people . Two years afterwards the Melbourne Opposition proposed their famous " Appropriation Clause , " whichbroke up SirR . Peel ' s Government of that day , and seated them in power on the foundation of that very clause . For somo years they played the game , so common to them , of appearing to keep their promises , while , in reality , they were determined to break tbem . They sent up * - Appropriation Bills" to the Lords ) whicli were as regularly rejected , and , at last , public opinion having been directed to other subjects by other parties , they let the matter quietly drop as a Government . But even then'it was not
given up as a . party question . Mr . Smith O'Brien mooted it iu 1843 , when hc was supported b y seven members of the present Cabinet . The year after Lord J . Russell himself renewed the attack , and was backed b y all the members of the ' present Government then having scats in the House ; and in 1845 , the question was opened once more , by Mr . Ward , _lato Secretary to the Admiralty , and now ' ¦ Lord Hi gh Commissioner of the Ionian Isles : on that occasion Mr . _Macaulay —breaking through . the measured phraseology of Whigs —distinctl y denounced the Irish Church itself as - ' a bad institution . "
Mr . B . Osborne , who re-introduced the question on Tuesday ni ght , gave this history ( which we have condensed ) , and illustrated it by copious extracts from the speeches of all the leadiug Whig Ministers and orators , before proceeding to explain the grounds on which he made his motion . It was in one aspect a humiliating exposure ; iu another , a severe , but most just , castigation of the faithless and unprincipled party . whoso career he . Mowed step b y step . From- whatever cause it happened we arc unable to say , but Lord J . "Russell absented himself . Is it stretching the imagination too far to suppose that somo lingerin g remains of honourable consistency and of conscientious feeling
forbade him to make an . ostentatious proclamation of his recreancy *? The CHANCELLOR ot the Exchequer , too , left his seat vacant . On the Home Secretary , once the most spirited and vigorous assailant of the Irish Church , devolved tho duty of .. _opposing a motion he had so often supported , and he did it in a way which , we imag ine will , on cool reflection h y the Cabinet itself , be seen to be the worst he could havo tried . Defence he made iione- _^ his- whole speech beinsj confined to a most disingenuous , we might almost say , " Old Bailey trick , ' ? of _luwriL m tho Roman Catholic Endowment _Queftiont which had nothing to . do with the motion , and then arguing that appropriation , must , from , the nature of the case , be _postponed until
tlio _ixoma-n Catholic Clergy aud , Laity can be persuaded to accept of tho surplus revenues of tlieEstabhshed Church .- , This , we repeat , was one of the lamest and most transparent _subtcrsSJ ° _S ¦ _J _^™ c _t ° _W a Minister of himself . He _knoNvthatthe Whig party had _always _treated the Chureh _Tempoi-alities _^ _uestioir as a totally independent one , and _aigueu that the surplus . revenues ' , - of that ¦ " - _-liui'ch shouId _* be , appropriated . 'ia . afr . ' _Osiioiine
again proposed they should—namely , tor purposes ot general and unsectarian education . ; At the conclusion 6 f the debate , many members sittingon the Ministerial side ot the House hastily . rushed . out of the House to avoid voting ,: amidst the ironical cheers of the _^ Opposition benches ; hut the _™™ and . ie Tories _musteiM _strong enough to defeat the ; mbtidh ,. and to stamp upon the present Government au ineffaceable disgrace . ' . ' - _* - ¦
¦ Mr . Disraeli ' s motioii , ' on the _Stato _' of the JNatiou , _ci-ided ' in smoke ; aiid how heeds no comment - -from- ns . It was a sham fi g ht . wither of the contoiidins parties cared fivo
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 14, 1849, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_14071849/page/4/