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6 ^ THE NORTHERN STAR. Sepxembeij N, mo....
mt fftetropoita
The Health of Losdon. — Eight hundred an...
®t,t mouumz.
Firing Parkhurst Prison Again.*—An attem...
The Game Laws.—A fow days since Thomas B...
More Eyicnoss.—The sub-sheriff of the Ki...
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6 ^ The Northern Star. Sepxembeij N, Mo....
6 _^ THE NORTHERN STAR . _Sepxembeij _N , mo .
Mt Fftetropoita
mt fftetropoita
The Health Of Losdon. — Eight Hundred An...
The Health of _Losdon . — Eight hundred and ninety-nine deaths and 1 , 474 births were _registered in the week « nding September 7 . The mortality is , therefore , near the average _; and the births registered exceed the deaths by 575 . —In the first week of Septemher last year , 3 , 183 persons died in London ; 272 by diarrhoea , and 2 , 026 by cholera . It was the week in which the mortality was highest , In the corresponding week of the present year the deaths hy diarrhoea have been To , by cholera 8 . The deaths from _diarrhosa are now rapidly declining ; cholera was fatal in eight instead of fonr cases , the nnmber registered in the previous week . Two of the deaths from cholera were in the parish of Mnrvlebone . 35 persons ( chiefly children ) died of scarlatina or putrid sore throat , 43 of typhus . The deaths from the latter disease have been 35 27334048 in the five > st weeks .
. ,,, 66 males and 49 females died in public institutions , Which is less thau the usual proportion . —By the Greenwich observations , the mean reading oi tne barometer was 30-198 inches ; the mean temperature of the air in the shade was o & . o deg through the week , 2 . 4 deg . less than the average of the last seven _veis ; the mean temperature of the Thames was 59 deg . _Xearly an inch iof ram fell on Sunday and _Tuefdav . The wind blew chiefly from the west and north , and passed over Greenwich at an _average rate of 59 miles a day . Brutal " Treatment of ax _Ijjsaue Pauper . — On Monday an adjourned inquest was taken by Mr . H . M . Wakl <* y , depu y-coroner , at the Elephant and Castle , Camden-town- on the body of Louisa Grey _, aged forty-two , an insane pauper in St . Pancras _workhouse , whose death ** as alleged to have resulted from the ill-treatment she had undergone whilst an inmate in thc above workhouse . The evidence of a
daughter of the deceased went to prove that her mother had been in the workhouse near twelve months , and that in March last she w _> s placed in the iusane ward by the surgeon , on the ground that she was not right in her intellect . Deceased made frequent complaints of ill-usage from the nurse ofthe ward _, and a patient named Ann Bryan . On one occasion , on visiting her mo'her , she said sbe was a murdered woman , and that Bryan bad brutally struck her over the body and legs with a large stick ; she was covered with broisesall over ; deceased also said she hid been repeatedly kicked by two of the male pauper assistants whoca-neto remove her from one ward to another . On one occasion she took deceased some food , when the nurse threw it , and other things
belonging to her mother , on the sanded floor , the appeared to be m » der the influence of liquor , and it was remarked by persons visiting the ward that she was consiantlv drunk . Deceased was not right in her mind , but after the ill-usage she received from the nnrse and Brvan she became _yery much worse . —Mr . J . Erichsbn , surgeon to University College Hosnital said , hehad made an examination of the body of deceased . There were bruises on the shoulder , back , and legs , together with some large bed-sores on the posteriors _a-. d back . On opening the head , he found the brain much thickened , an appearance usually found in insane persons . The other organs of the body were _generally healthy . In his opinion the deceased died from exhaustion , from
the bed-sores , and disease of the brain . Tbe marks of violence en the body had nothing to do with her death . —Mr . C . _Robinson , surgeon to St . Pancras workhouse , said he had attended the deceased since March last , when he had her placed in the insane ward , which is occupied by refractory , idiotic , and epileptic patients . Whilst an inmate of the ward , a quarrel took place between the deceased and a person named Bryan , when the latter seized a stick , and struck deceased repeatedly over the legs . On the occurrence coming to his knowledge he instantly removed deceased to another ward , and had Bryan placed under restraint . Decessed was afterwards brought back to No . 1 , the insane ward , which contained twentv-six patients , with three nurses . The
nnrse of which deceased had complained is named Marlow , and he must say that she is not a Tery eligible person to fill the situation , as she is given to drink . He had frequently written to the board of guardians on the inefficient manner in which the duties of nurses in the infirmary were performed , and the propriety of having ; paid servants . Marlow was discharged from her situation in a day or two afterwards , on account ef her conduct . He saw deceased daily , and was aware she had some bed-sores , but he coufd not prevent them , not having a water-bed in the workhouse , which he had frequently asked for , and the subject was now under the consideration of the board of guardians . The coroner observed that there , was something wrong in the management of
St . Pancras workhouse , it was quite evident , as incompetent nurses were employed , and from what had lately come under his notice he thought it Irish time that a system of paid nurse 3 was introduced . The jury , after a short consultation , returned the following verdict : — _"Th-U the deceased died from eihaustion , and the jury cannot separate _without expressing their opinion thatthe deceased has not been properly treated while in the insane ward ; that sbe las been -violently assaulted by the nurse , and also hyoneof the insane persons ; and the jury recommend the guardians to furnish more efficient nurses , and a separate ward for the refractory patients , and also that water-beds should be provided for patients bavins bed-sores . "
Manslaughter against two Men and a Woman . —On Monday afternoon Mr . _Bedford held an inquest at St . George ' s Hospital , on view of tiie body of George Foi , aged thirty , who died ia cm-sequence of injuries received in a desperate attack which was made npon him by several perse ns , two of whom , Robert Hayes and George Stevens ( moulders at a factory ) , with the wile of the latter , are in custody on the charge of having been accessory to his death , and have been remanded by Mr . Barrell at the Westminster Police Court . On the 3 rd inst ., about half-past five o ' clock in the evening , the deceased was on his way h- _ eto Eccleston-place , when the little girl of Stevens happened to bowl her hoop against the deceased , who took it up . Stevens went np to him and threatened to punch his ( deceased '
head , who replied that if he did he ( deceased ) would serve him in the same way . They then exchanged blows . While this was taking place Steven ' s wife rushedoutof abeershop and struck at the deceased right and left . The deceased , in his defence , gave Mrs . Stevens a severe blow in her face , which caused the blood t _* j flow . She instantly seized hold of him by the hair of his head with both her hands , and dragged him across the road . At the same time . Stevens , Hayes , and two other men at once struck the deceased about the head and body , from , the effects of which deceased fell back over the shafts of a cart . When on the grouid Mrs . Stevens repeatedly dashed his head against the ground . He succeeded in getting up , when he was again attacked by Hayes and Stevens . The former knocked deceased down , -who again rose . The - assault was continued and eventually Hayes seized hold of the deceased round the waist , and flung him to the ground , at the saaie
time falling upon him . Wbile down Mrs . Stevens held his head , and he was _strack under the right ear by Hayes . Some one said deceased was insensible , when Hayes observed that he was only faint and that whea he go up he would serve him oat again . _De-Ceased was taken to St . George's Hospital , bleeding from the ears and month . Both deceased and his antagonists had been drinking . Mr . Henry Gray , house-surgeon at the hospital , said that deceased was insensible when admitted . He died on Friday morning . On a post mortem examination ho found a fracture at the base of the skull . The brain was bruised on both sides , and there was a large quantity of blood effused in the membranes , which were the effect of external injuries , and the cause of death . Verdict , ** Manslaughter against R . Hayes , George Stevens , and Catherine Stevens , his wife , " who were committed on the coroner ' s warrant , and the witnesses were bound over to prosecute .
A Wife Killed bt her . Husband . —On Monday Mr . Payne , the City coroner , held an inquest at the Fox Tavern , White-street , Borough , onthe body of Catherine Collins , whose death was caused by the violence exercised towards her by her husband , R . Collins , on the previous Wednesday . The inquiry was commenced pro forma , on Friday , and adjourned in order that a post mortem examination might be made ; the man being in the meantime taken into custody . Agreatnunaberofwitnesseswereexamined , from whose testimony it appeared that the deceased resided with her husband in New-alley , White-street , Borough . On __ Wednesday morning ; about seven o ' clock , the neighbours heard a noise of quarrelling in Collins * room , and heard him demanding money from her . The noise _wasrepeated about nine o ' clock
when straggling and cries of murder were heard . Several women entered the room , and they found the woman , who was in the family way , lying on the floor , with her husband _Btanding by her and dragging her dress . The woman immediately became very ill , and died in about half-an-hour . Mr . Morgan , a surgeon , who was directed to make the | xw { _moi-tem examination , said that he found the eye of the deceased -woman braised , but the rest of the body was so discoloured that it wonld be impossible to tell a bruise from the surrounding parts . On opening the body he fonnd that the cause of death was the rupture of a large vein in the vagina . The vein wa 3 diseased , bnt would not have burst without considerable external violence , such as a blow or a fall . The jury after some deliberation returned a verdict of manslaughter against Richard Collins , and he was committed for
Fatal Effects of Intemperance . —On Saturday last an inquest was held by Mr . W . Garter , at the George Tavern , Bermondsey , on the body ofa single woman canted Sarah Barber , twenty-nine -yeare of age , who drowned herself in the river Thames . —Henry Wainwright , a currier , said he had been acquainted with the deceased for three or four ? ears . She had latterly led a drunken life , and sold and pawned all her clothes and furniture to get drink . She had attempted *** _destroyierself on two _prauras occasions ; hebelieved that drunkenness bad driven her mad . —Another witness said the deceased hid teen drank for three weeks before he committed
The Health Of Losdon. — Eight Hundred An...
? uicide .-Alfred J . Walker , a boatman , proved , find-V the body of the deceased in the J _? hame 8 off Bermondsey , and bringing it ashore . Verdict , — " That deceased destroyed herself whilst in an unBonnd state of mind , resulting from J habitual and excessive indulgence in ard _* _Mt spirits . " _'_'• _Mblakcholt AcciDiHiT _^ On Saturday afternoon last , a boy , carrying a box , hailed a Paddington omnibus at the corner of Little Queen-street ,- and as two omnibuses belonging to rival companies were on the look-out for passengers , they both drew tip together in front of the path , He got oh the one nearest to him , and was in the act of seating himself upon the roof , when the sudden jerk ot driving on threw bim over the railings on to the ground , had time to
and before he get up , the otheromnibus , which had drawn in behind the first , also started off , and all the four wheels passed over the poor fellow , two over his chest , and two over his legs . He was placed in a cab as speedily as possible , and conveyed to King ' s College Hospital , where he remains in a very precarious condition . _ESTUAORDINAKV DURiVriON OF LlFE WITHA BROKEN Neck . —An inquest was held on Wednesday by H . M . 'Wakley , Esq ., at the Royal Free Hospital , Gray _' s-inn-road , on the body of William Glover , who died in that institution on Monday last . The deceased , who resided at No . 40 , Laystall-street , Gray ' s-inn-lane , was a carman , and had been for upwards of fifteen years in the employment of Mr . Limpus , dust contractor . On Saturday evening he
and another man were going homewards with their carts , the deceased riding on the tail board , which he bad let down to form a seat for that purpose . When they got into the King ' s Road the horse in deceased's cart started suddenly , by which tho deceased was thrown with violence to the road . His companion immediately went to his assistance , and he was driven to the Royal Free Hospital , where he was promptly attended to by Mr . Jackson , the heuse surgeon . That gentleman made a minute examination , but could discover no further injuries than a few bruises on the back , "for which he prescribed . On Sunday Glover complained of pains , and was seen by the surgeon two or three times , who considered that his illness was but slight , and that he
would shortly be sufficiently recovered to leave the hospital . On Monday morning , however , he suddenly expired , no dangerous symptoms having previously been apparent . Mr . Jackson then made a post mortem examination of the body , and discovered the cause of death in the neck , which had been completely broken , tbe result of the fall . During the whole of his experience he never knew so extraordinary a duration of lifo under such circumstances . It was his opinion that there had been merely a fracture in the bone , until tho deceased - became restless in bed , which moved the bone from its former position , and so caused immediate death . The ¦ jury returned a verdict of " Accidental death by a broken neck , caused by a fall from a cart . "
Suicide of a Child . —A boy named Wm . Perceval , between nine and ten years of age , whose parents reside at Garden-place , Bell-street , Vincentsquare , Westminster , died on Wednesday under the following circumstances . On Saturday afternoon he asked his mother ' s leave to go out to play , and on being refused he said he would go and hang himself . He went put , his mother taking no notice ef his threat , but a short time afterwards she disovered him hanging in a back shed . He lingered till Wednesday morning at eight o'clock , when he died of lock-jaw .
Lamentable Accident . —A distressing accident occurred on the river in the course of Tuesday afternoon . Mr . Allen , a shoemaker , residing in Union-street , Chelsea , was taking a walk with his wife on Millbank , when he observed a number of little boys playing upon some logs near the Equitable Gas Works . Suddenly he heard a cry that one of them had slipped off into the water , npon which he left his wife and ran to save the child ; but unfortunately he got upon the same log , and slipped into the river also . Both man and boy perished together . The drags were quickly got into requisition , and af ter searching for upwards of an hour , the body of Mr . Allen was brought out , hut that of the boy has riot yet been found .
Extensive Fire . —On Sunday morning between two and three o ' clock , a fire , which at one period threatened the Royal Pavilion Theatre , broke out on the premises belonging to Mr . "William Jones , a dairjman , carrying on business at No . 9 , Pavilionyard , Whitechapel , immediately contiguous to the theatre . An alarm having been raised , a man who slept on the premises was aroused , and he effected a retreat with some difficulty . Several horses and cows which were kept in the stabling underneath were also extricated . A nnmber of eDgines were promptly in attendance , but the fire was not extinguished until the _portion of the premises in which it began was destroyed , the contents consumed , and some damage done to the premises on either side , numbered 8 and 10 . The window glass in the saloon of the theatre was also broken by the action of the fire , and tbe side wall damaged . " The origin of the misfortune is unknown .
Alarming Explosion of Gas at St . Michael s Church , Corshixl . —On Sunday evening , shortly before the commencement of divine service atS _* Michael's Church , OornbHl , an occurrence took place , which , had it been a few minutes later would , in all probability , have been attended with disastrous consequences , " it appears that at the usual hour the men proceeded to light the gas preparatory to opening the sacred edifice . After some of the lamps had been lit , it was found that the flare was not equal in height to what it had previously been , and a strong smell of gas having attracted the attention of one person , he traced it to the churchwarden ' s pew , when he incautiously lighted a candle to the spot _, ho had no sooner done so than the light came in contact with the gas that was escaping , and an explosion _toi _* k place , which knocked the man down , and set fire to the flooring of the pew . Fortunately , the damage done is not very considerable , but the churchwardens issued a notice , that no service would be performed in the church in consequence .
AlarmisovFirk . —On Monday morning , shortly before eight o'clock , considerable confusion was created in the vicinity of Salmon-lane , Limehouse , in consequence of a fire breaking out in the works belonging to the Patent Metallic Composition Company , in Gloucester-place . The flames ori * ginated in the mixing shop onthe ground floor , and owing to the combustible nature of the stock therein , the Sre travelled with great fierceness , at one time threatening destruction to the surrounding property . The mixing shop was burned out , and the contents consumed ; part of the roof was also destroyed .
FinE asd Suspected Incendiarism . —On Tuesday afternoon , between two and three o'clock , a fire broke ont in tho premises in tbe joint occupation of Mr . Child , a private gentleman , and Mr . S . Stern , an . importer of foreign cigars , in Matthewterrace , Hackney-road . On the neighbours entering , they found one of the rooms on the second floor , which was used as a warehouse , and ' filled with cigars , in flames . The fire was not extinguished until- Mr . Stern's property was nearly all destroyed , and the building partially gutted . From the inspection since made , it is the opinion of Sir . Stern that the premises were' wilfully fired by a person in his employment ; Fortunately his loss will be covered by an insurance in the Scottish Union fire-office .
Funeral of the late Baroness Rothschild . —On Monday the fuueral of the late Baroness Rothschild , the widow of the late Baron Rothschild , took place . The remains were , brought from the deceased ' s late residence in _Gunnei'sbury-park , near Ealing , in a hearse drawn by four horses , followed by twenty-two mourning-coaches , . containing the principal members of the family and a number . of friends . The funeral procession was closed by a great number of private carriages , which were joined by others on the road to the Jewish cemetery in North-street , MHe _^ en d-road . The shops in Houndsditch and the vicinity were closed , out of respect to the deceased . " The delay beyond thc customary time of interment is said to have been at the express wish of the deceased . *
Death of Mrs . W . Clifford . —We regret to announce the death of this actress , after a long and painful illness . This melancholy event took _. placeon the evening of the 5 th inst ., at the residence of her son-in-law , Mr ., W . Harrison , Frith-street , Soho . Exhibition ev 1851 . —Thb Building . —The first castings for the iron columns were delivered on the ground on Saturday last , having arrived the previous day at the Kensington Basin , from the foundry at Dudley . Thesashes are being made in London , and it is expected that several hundred hands in a very few days will be encaged on the works .
Seizure of an . Illicit Spirits of Nitre Mahufactoht and Two ; " Stills . —On Saturday last Messrs . Elwy and Pargeter , detective officers of Excise , made a seizure of an extorsive illicit establishment , No . 1 , Cook ' s Grounds , _Qhelssa . On _entering the house they discovered that it was fitted up as a chemical manufactory , with two stills in full operation , each capable of containing about seventy gallons . Besides the stills were several carboys , containing spirits . About 200 gallons of molasses wash were in a state of _preparation for continuing the operations of the stills .
The officers found thrcepersons ih the house , one of whom , upon seeing them , seized a large iron chisel , and struck a carboy with it , breaking it to pieces , and the . whole of . the _cantents were lost . . He would have destroyed . the . resthadhenot been" prevented . The persons found in the house gavethe names of Sawyer , Smith , and White , who were , ail giv « i , into custody . 1 hese stills , if kept at work , it was estimated , would defraud the revenue of up wards of £ 5 , 000 annually . On Friday the same ofKoers seized another still at a house in _Yorfc-street , Bethnal-green .
The Mabilbbosb Joint Stock Bank . —The affairs ofthis bank , the stoppage of which , it will be recollected , caused considerable sensation , are now under the jurisdiction of tbe Winding-up Act . The Master in Chancery , Kindersley , having ; settled the list of cnntributorieB , a callhas to be made to defray the liabilities , r _, : ¦ „' ¦; v . -j . ; j _* , . Thb Statue to the late Professor Samuel Cooper * F . R . S ., is completed , and a public meeting of medi-
The Health Of Losdon. — Eight Hundred An...
cal men will shortly be convened , to decide , where ishall be placed .- Opinion appears " to be divided between University , College Hospital and the Royal College of Surgeons . " : ¦ ¦ ¦ _'¦ ' ¦¦¦'> ¦•'¦' ¦ The Governors of the London Hospital have elected the Duke ot Cambridge president of the institution , in the room of his late father . < New Mode of Advertising . — The inventive genius of the advertisers has adopted a rather novel and amusingmode-of bringing their wares' before public notice . On the 6 th inst . a dog , covered over with advertising placards , perambulated the Strand , and Fleet-street , attracting , particular notice , and exciting : much amusement ;* > The-quadruped appeared to be fully conscious of the importance of his office , and marched along the street with great dignity and grav'ty . A Runaway Horsb . —On Sunday forenoon , as Mr . Thompson , the wholesale shoe manufacturer of Church-street , Spitalfields , was proceeding down
Snow-hill in a four wheeled phaeton , accompanied by his wife , another lady ; and one of his children , bis horse took fright , and ran away at a furious pace . Thc animal was not stopped . until it dashed with great violence through the shop front of Messrs . Emery , _linendrapers , at the corner of Farringdonstreet and Holborn-bridge . . The amount of damage caused by the collision was very considerable , ) the plate glass windows being shivered to atoms , _: and the stock and fittings mm h injured . Mr . Thompson received some severe bruises . The horse was badly cut , and the phaeton was dashed to pieces ; but the females fortunately escaped with very trifling injury . A New Place of Amusement . — Mr . Batty , of Astley's Royal Amphitheatre , has succeeded in obtaining premises and land in the neighbourhood of Hyde-park , wbich , during the Exhibition of 1851 , he intends converting into a Hippodrome , on precisely the same scale as tbe one in Paris .
®T,T Mouumz.
_® t , t _mouumz .
Firing Parkhurst Prison Again.*—An Attem...
Firing Parkhurst Prison Again . *—An attempt was made on the ' 4 th inst ., by the convicts confined at Parkhurst , to burn down that portion of the establishment recently erected on the northern side of the bridge , upon Horse-bridge Hill , which is known as the Juvenile Prison , and is generally occupied by the younger scions ofthe pilfering community . The endeavour -was first discovered , and their intention frustrated , by one of the warders named Wilson , whose attention was drawn to something extraordinary occurring by a strong smell of burning linen . On entering one of the wards , the sleeping berths , which are constructed of thin and light wood similar in shape and appearance to those iu the C ward
dormitory , which was consumed a few weeks since , a amass of fire was discovered in one of the cells , the flames from which were then reaching the ceiling , * the surrounding partitions were scorching with heat , and the whole would have been ina blaze in another five minutes . Assistance being procured , thefire was prevented from spreading , and ultimately quenched before it occasioned further injury . A strict examination was then instituted , and it was found that about a shovelful of live cinders had been obtained from one of the stoves used for heating irons in the tailors' shop contiguous , and placed on the floorings of the ward . Over this the . prisoners had placed their sheets , clothes , and bedding . The fumes arising from the ignition occasioned the alarm , and this prevented the building , or a great portion of it from being destroyed . ;
Attempted Assassination of a Clergiman . — Hull , Sept . 6 . —An attempt was made this morning upon the life of the Reverend R . Atihill , curate of Holy Trinity Church in this town , which has created considerable excitement . The reverend gentleman was conversing in the market-place with a friend whom he had met , wben a respectable man came up , and , holding a pistol within two or three inches i of Mr . Atthill ' s head , pulled the trigger . Fortunately , although the caD exploded , the pistol itself hung fire ; . upon which the fellow walked unconcernedly away , saying , " It doesn't signify ; we shall meet again . ' Atfirstthe reverend gentleman thought a rather extraordinary joke had been plajed upon him ; but , recovering from his surprise , he followed the
man , who was then taken into custody , upon examination , the pistol was found to be loaded with ball and a proper cliarge of powder , and a powder-flask and another bullet were discovered upon his person . Had thepistol not providentially been prevented from going off , Mr . Atthill mast have been killed on the spot , so close was the weapon held to his head . The prisoner was taken immediately before the magistrates , who were sitting at the time of the occurrence , and ,. by them he was committed to York for trial at the next assizes . Hisname is EdwardfKelass , and , from statements made before the Court , he appears to be insane , -and to be suffering under a religious monomania / He assigned no motive for the outrage ; A WoMAM KILLED BY HER HUSBAND . —At tllC
narrow ' petty sessions on Saturday last , Benjamin Dorviile , a labourer , aged thirty-one , was brought up for final examination , before B . Rotch , Esq ., charged withthe murder of his wife , Louisa . Dorviile , a » ed thirty-two , by wounding her with a scythe . —Tins . Watson j a labourer , said that for some days previous fo tbe occurrence he had been to . work , w _. ith the deceased mowing . On ihe evening of the 9 thfof August . witness , prisoner and deceased were returning from their daily employment when they stopped atthe Marquis of Granby beer-shop , where they had some beer . While they were there some angry words ensued between the prisoner and deceased , in _consequence of the latter asking her husband for some money . The prisoner offered her 5 s . Deceased said
os . was not enough , as Ue had received a . sovereign , and she arid the children had had nothing to rat all the day . They left thehouse , when , as the altercation continued , witness walked some distance behind them . Whilst they were proceeding along'the road deceased ran away from the side of the prisoner , and crossed the road holding h ' _.-r hands up to her head ; she exclaimed , " You have killed me ! " The prisoner , who had a scythe in his hand , followed the deceased , and when he got np to her he made use of the remark , " My God , Ihave wounded her . " Blopd was flowing largely from her head . The prisoner made no attempt to escape . The prisoner and the deceased had both been drinking , and the latter made , use of very exasperating language towards the prisoner . From the evidence of Mr . _O'Callaghan , a surgeon , it appeared that he attended the deceased from the time she had the injury , until she died . The wound
inflicted by the scythe , which was four inches in length , penetrated the bone . Upon a post mortem , examination , it was found that not only was the scalp ; injured , but on Ihe brain there wasan abscess containing pus . These injuries caused the death of the deceased . —The Prisoner said ; All I can say is this I was the worse for liquor and my wife . was quarrelling with me , which cauBedme _: to strike ; her , not recollecting I had the scythe in m . v hand .. 1 had no , interest in killing her . —Mr . Rotch observed that' he had no other alternative but to commit the prisoner to take his trial at the Central Criminal Court on the capital ; charge . The prisoner was conveyed to Newgate , and the witnesses bound over to prosecute . —Mr . H . Wakley ,. deputy-coroner , resumed and concluded an inquest on . the body Of Louisa Dorvell . The jury , after a short consultation , returned a verdict of '• ' Manslaughter " against Benjamin Dorvell .
Miraculous _Escapbs . —Two most remarkable escapes from immediate and sudden death took place onthe South Shields branch of tho . Yorkand Berwick Railway last week . A journeyman hatter came down to Shields from Gateshead on what is familiarly termed " a spree , " and after getting drunk had been put into the last trainat the Low Station to go home . He had , however , manaqed , to tumble cut at the Hig h Station at Shields , and staggered up the line in the dark was met by a coal train , the engine of which knocked him on the head , and took his heels from him . Ho fell , and the waggon wheels passed over his right foot , mutilating it in a severe manner . He wondered about , poor ' _, wretch . , in a state of stupor , until a man , picked him up between five , and six o ' clock the next morning , and took him to . a pub ' . ic house . A . policeman-was sent . for , who , seeing . tlie state be . was in , bound : up his foot . and head , arid took , him in a cart to Newcastle Infirmary . : 'Ihe
medical gentlemen there , upon examining hini , found that the . whole of , tbe toes _« n bis right font were cut off , and his scull fractured . Two days after an aged person of the name of Sarah _Quibba , very deaf , was crossing the same line at Shields , where she had no right to be , when she was struck by a coal train , and knocked between the rails in front of the engine . She lay . on heriback untilthirty-threecoalwaggons passed over her ,. without doing her the least injury , except grazing her ancle ., ; , * Destiujction of Farm- Produce , ' ¦ by Fire . —A fire broke out on Saturday night last at Gadbiidge Farm , near Maidenhead , which ended in the destruction often corn ricks and a large double-bayed barn , which was ; filled with unthraghed corn . The engines from Maidenhead and Bray were quickly on tbe spot , and by great exertions succeeded in saving the farmhouse and other , buildings . The farm' is in the occupation of . Mrsi Hamaton , whose property is insured in the-Roval Exchange . .
Lamentable Occurrence . —Last week , a melancholy accident , which arose out of the _reprehensible ' practice of discharging fire-arms near a public thoroughfare , took place in the nei ghbourhood _; of Richmond . ; : Ayoung gentleman , the son -of a publisher , currying on business in the vicinity of _Coveiitt'arden , and who resides at Hichmpnd , w _, s amusing himself by firing off a duelling pistol loa ded with ball in Black Horse-lane , Marsh Gate , in j ' , ne immediate vicinity of the Richmond Railway , ar . d across whioh lane the line is onalevel . _.. A . gater _/ iari named William Newman is stationed there . , ty . \ s stated that the yonng gentleman asked Newman to let hini put a mark in the post of one of tbe g % tes for him to fire at , _whick Newman consented ; ' od , and the first ball ; the gentleman ; fired missed tb ' j mark , passed through the hedge on the oppogita . yde , and lodged in the elbow of Charles Howse , a groom , living in Grosrvenor Mews ,. Richmond Hill , who was at that time i talking to _avo-aag . woman * The boncsof the _' arm
Firing Parkhurst Prison Again.*—An Attem...
were completely smashed , the ball being bunedun _theTlarger . bone . _Thcyoung gentleman being informeJ of ihe mischief lie had caused , procured a fly , and proceeded with tho wounded man to Twickenham , attended by Mr . Wellington _^ wil d , was of opinion that amputation should be resorted to , and recommended his ; removal to Bartholomew ' s Hospital . This was done on Thursday night , and it was found necessary to amputate the arm from the shoulder . Ths wounded man still remains in an uncertain state . . ' - ¦ •'' ¦ _•¦ ' i ¦ ' •• ' ' ! - ; . ¦ ¦
According to the NorfolkChronicle , the Protectionists of _Cambridgeshire have resolved to recommend Mr . Sergeant _Byles to the electors , as a suitable candidate in the event of ayacancy . _'"¦[ Ths * Rate- Payers in Lancashire , with whom originated the movement for applying the _Representative principle to the nomination ' and ' election of county financial boards , fare * preparing tdjtake the field , with a view to renewing the agitation of tliat . question . ¦• ; ¦ ¦ ' _'* f _- •'" . ' , ' ;; „ _,,- " Thb Vacant Seat for Herefordshire . —The remains of the lamented ; deceased member for . Herefordshire were last week conveyed from-London to their final resting place , near Grickkowel , in . South Wales , where Mr . Bailey , sen ., the member for Breconshire , and the father of the deceased , owns extensive estates and mineral property . The deceased hasleftawidow and six children . It is rumoured that a brother of the late member will be put in
nomination . "' ' " . _"''¦' , ' , Poole Election . —It was supposed until lately that the contest forthe representation of this borough woutd lie between Mr . Savage , Mr . Seymouf , and Mr . Turner , of Woodcote Surrey . A fourth candidate , however , has appeared in the person of ! Mr . James Adam Gordon , from whose address to the elRctors the Hampshire Advertiser publishes the following extract!— _"' I am a free trader , on conviction of some years' standing . I am not in despair for agriculture , although my fortune depends entirely upon it ; I look to the prosperity of other great national interests to aid in relieving it from a temporary depression ; increased by panicmongers , and which , on my word
and honour , I do not believe protection can do . If returned by you , I will , for my own sake as well as yours , look sharply into the national expenditure . I think I may assure you , that it will take a very sharp flogging indeed before I vote for keeping up the ' expensive farce ofan African squadron , or approving of Earl Grey's colonial blunders . I fear lam old enough to have had _experience , and to know the gentlemanlike-relations which should exist between a member and his constituents , however the strictness of jthe laws may require a most respectful and Ruarded respect for their enactments , and you may depend upon it I will not give one drop of beer or wine to any voter whatever . "
_Maciiiaert Acciobnt . —An accident of a ' vary shocking kind occurred on the Gth inst ., to a boy about fourteen years old , named George Fortund , who is employed at Mr . Lambert ' s factory , Two Mile Hill , Birmingham . He was engaged in making screws , and was in the act of _parsing the engine strap _otfer the wheel when he was caught by the wrist , his arm broken and twisted backward , and his body doubled up and drawn round the shaft five or six times before he could be extricated , his person being compressed each time under a beam which reached to within six inches of the shaft . Mr . Bigg , surgeon ! of Kingswood Hill , was sent for and found him all biit dead , with the side of his chest forced in ; both his arms and thighs fractured , and with his face quite black from the blood having been forced into the capillary vessels . Mr . Biggs caused him to be conveyed to the infirmary , where he lies in a hopeless state .
Child Murders at Liverpool . —About ten days since the body of a female child was found murdered in a field , at Halewood . On Sunday night , the body of an infant was found near Warwick-street * , on Tuesday the body of another _in'fant was found in a midden , in Crown-street ; and on Thursday , the body of a child , two months old , was found' in a midden heap , in a field at Kensington . There is little doubt of these infants _havinc been murdered . _ACCIDBNT ON THE EASTERN CoUNTIKS RaH / _WAT . — On Monday as the train from London to Enfield , which left Shoreditch at 101 i . 30 m . a . m ; , neared'the terminus atthe Enfield station , through some _mismanagement ofthe driver , who neglected to shut off the steam in time to check its progress at some 250
or 300 Tards , at which distance from its destination the tic _k ets are collected , an alarming accident occurred . Fortunately it was attended with less serious consequences than might have beeri anticipated . The train , urged by its unchecked momentum ; swept on , and coming in contact with tbe safety buffers at the extremity of the shed , forced them down , despite their massive construction ; The fehock was of course severe , and we regret to say that twelye pa seni ; eis were more or less injured , two severely ; Two gen tleracn He in a precarious state . The carriages were literally smashed , and the female occupants suffered severely in person and dress . The guard and fireman both leaped from the tender , and were much cut aboii _* - . the head and face . On the transmission ofthe
intelligence to Stratford , ' another driver wa 3 sent with an engine to take eharge'bf f the . train ; when , by way of climax to the migchance , the . locomotive , instead of . being checked before coming to the platform ) was run clean through the shed , carrying away a considerable portion of its f-rther end . TnE Strike on tiie Eastern Counties Railway ' . —At the Towuhall , Colchester , on Monday , a charge of _assault was preferred by James Home , a fireman in the service of the Eastern Counties Railway Company , against George Baker , a fireman formerly engaged by the said Company . It appeared that both complainant and defendant were among the number of hands whofsent in their resignation to the railway board a short time ago , and subsequently the
complainant ( who had been twelve years engaged upon the railway ) gave the matter a second thought , and succeeded iii getting himself reinstated in his situation ; which it appeared caused the displeasure of the defendant , who met him at the Albert beerhouse , near the railway station , and without any apparent provocation , first taunted and insulted him , by pushing him about the room , and afterwards struck him ; violently in the face with his fist , which was the assault complained of . The magistrates fined the prisoner 40 s . , and 15 s . expenses ; in default he would be committed to the County House of _Correction for Uvehty-one days . Defendant paid the money . Singular Funeral at Harwich . —On the death of Captain Deane , who was formerly ' a commander of one of the mail packets that sailed from this port , it soon became generally known that lie
had given certain instructions relating to his funeral . Peculiar in his life , ho exhibited this trait in his last moments , by directing tliat his remains should be conveyed to their last resting place , three days after death , , in his farm' vvaggon , - arid that four seamen and four farm servants should , act as bearers , * consequently , on the 3 rd inst ., great _numbers of the inhabitants assembled to witness the singular cortege ; which was arranged in the following order ' . —Coach ,.-with two curates of the parish and doctor ; waggon , lined with black serge , containing the body of deceased , drawn by four horses , _driyen by two of his peasants ; mourning coach , with' members of the family ; and a fly , with the nurses and servants . The singularity of the scene appeared to engender other feeelings than those usually attendant on I his solemn rite .
The Poisonings at Clavering . —Sarah Chesham , tho alleged poisoner , was again brought up at Newport _gaolboioro . Mr . Birch Wolfe , one ofthe county _magistrates , , 'for re-exmination , on the charge' of having destroyed her husband , Richard Chesham , by administering arsenic to him . The proceedings lasted nearly five hours , and twelve or fourteen persons were examined . A mass of circumstantial evidence was adduced as . to procuring poison and administering it , and one witness , it is said , swore positively to the _prisonor having confessed giving poison to tlio child of Lydia Taylor , and her intention of destroying the-mother .- -At the close of the proceedings . tho bench determined on remanding tho prisoner , in order to prooure other important evidence .
Death on a Railway . —The dead body of a respectably dressed man was found on Monday morning , on the Liverpool branch of the London and North-Western Railway , between Eccles and Patricroft . Both his legs had been' cut off by a train passing over him ; biit , whether lie was a person who had been crossing the line , or thrown himself in the way of a train " , with the view of suicide , cannot be ascertained . Thero wero' no papers in his pocket which could lead to . _afdiacpvery of who he was , nor has he been identified by any friends ., It was at first thoug ht he might havo been ' a ' passenger , and had fallen off a train , but no ticket was found upon him . The driver of a late train on Sundav evening recollects feeling a jerk of the engine
on or about the spot , and says he looked behind as well as the darkness would allow him , biit , seeing nothing , concluded that one of the _^ whee _^ s had comp in contact merely with a blid Joining of the rails _. The unfortunate man appeared to havo been , dead some hours when found . Tho body has sihoa been identified . It was Mr . John' _Peet , _formerly in a respeotablo position of life in Manchester , but latterly much reduced in circumstances ; and there is too much reason to fear that he had sbaght _destrinctioh . Two acquaintances met him on Satwvday , when he exhibitod , the .. only shilling ho had lefc , observing to them , " ' This is the last of . tho Mohi cans ; " The unfortunate gentleman was about sixty years of age . ' !
_Submmunk _TBioBOBApn , LivBnrooi . —Experiments , are about to be made on the Mersey , with tho view of carrying an electric telograph line across tbo river to Birkenhead . j Price of Gas . —The directors of the Sunderland Subscription ' Gas Light Company havo announcod that , from the greatly increased consumption of that article , they have been enabled to reduce the gross price of gas from five shillings . tq four shillings , per ono thousand cubic feet , subjeot ; to a discount of _twenty-fiyo per cent , for payment during ihP month after the " close of eaoh _quartjer _^ roaltfhg tlie ' net _^ jpleq threei shillings , at whioh prico they are _prepaje-J to treat with _wuBwiisetB for a \ „ ia of years . _,
Firing Parkhurst Prison Again.*—An Attem...
A Woman op Spirit ' .- At the Liverpool' police court ,, a few . days since , a charge of smuggling was preferred against ' a respectable looking _yqung _womaiii , named Bridget Loftiis , a _pasfsenger by the Duobess of Kent ; from Dublin that morning . ; The rotundity of her figure attracted attention , and on examination it was found that seven . bladders , containihgfsix gallons ' - and a ,. quart of whiskey , were concealed around her person , f Tho prisoner , was ordered to pay £ 10 , or in " default to be imprisoned . f Sbbioos AcoinKNTS on CnATnAM Links;—On Monday afternoon a coroner ' jury assembledat the Queen ' s Head Inn , Brompton , _touohing the death of Hugh _M'Grath _. _-a pensioner of the 66 th ' regiment offoot / yhich was caused . by falling into the trench
_surroun-dingthegarrisori _v ; The , deceased had been toftheraces ' on Friday , " and , after the races were over ; ho , like many others ,-. went to a drinking bootb ,. and remained with others drinking and seeing , the dancing until night , when he left to go home to . his . house at Brompton . Thenight was very dark , and he must have mistaken the road , as he'waa found the next morning by some workmen _lyingatthe'botto m'of the . trench hear the Sallyport , apparently dead . Information was given to the sentinel , and assistance given , and the man : was removed . He di 4 _** . few hours afterwards . Upon examination of L -arson hia ' shoulder was ; found to be out of place , several of his ribs broken , and he was _otherwise seriodsv injured . A verdict of
"Accidental death" was returned . —The same night that tlie above accident occurred , Serjeant Powell , of the Royal Marines , _whof is pay Serjeant ofthe division , was also found lying in the trench . By his fall his right shoulder . is djslocafced , and three of his ribs are broken . ' He was conveyed to . Melville Hospital , and faint hopes are entertained that he will recover . —Several other accidents' occurred , and Mrs . Green , of Wood-8 tree ' t , Brompton , had her right leg broken , and a young woman , whose name is unknown , broke her leg , and she was otherwise very seriously hurt . It is evident from the
occurrence of so many ., accidents , that something is required , to warn-persons of the dangerous position of the trench . ' The ' depth varies from twenty to thirty . feet , and there is-no . railing to prevent persons falling in . " _Supposko Incbnmakism . — On Sunday morning a destructive fire occurred in the farm-yard of Mr . , Fellis , innkeeper ,. Ruthcrglen-bridge . Much was done in checking and confining the progress of the flame ' s ; notwithstanding , a considerable amount of damage was inevitably effected by them .,- ' The ' origin of the disaster is imputed to incendiarism . ;
. Poisoning bt Eatino FnKOi . —On the 6 th inst . nh inquest was held at tho Commercial Tavern , Hotwells , ori the bodies of Caroline , aged thirty years , and James EeesV aged three years . The de-Ceased persons wero the wife- and child of Mi * . James Rees _, carpenter , : ¦ Merchant ' _s-parade , Hotwells . —Mary Jane Jones , his servant , deposed that Mrs . _' Rees and the apprentice went . to Abbot ' s Leigh on business , and . the apprentice -brought some mushrooms home m his apron , _andMrs . Rees desired her to cook them fbr her ; by her directions they were broiled on the gridiron , without peeling them . When they were done Mrs . R _6 ss put pepper , salt , and butter on them , and , she and three of the children , James , Ilenry , and William , partook of them . _'Thoapprentice ' said _^ he had eaten some of them raw as he walked home , and he-had some also after they were dressed . They were quite a
plateful of large mushrooms in : pieces aftey they wero dressed . Mrs . Rees said , she liked .-thern so well that she had eaten thpm all . Next morning found her mistress very ill . ' ' Took the children ' s dinner to _' _school , and found that two of them were sick . At half-past four they came home very sick . James was ( brought home ; . in the > afternoon , and died on Thursday evening , —Richard Gill , the apprentice , aged fifteen years , . _deposed , that by Airs . Rees ' s directions , he gathered some ' large mushrooms , three in all , and carried them home , where they were dressed for . supper ; and ho had a little , but was then called _awayi He had previously eaten some in a raw _stateron his . way : home :, lie ivas taken ill with pains in his head , and ; was sent home afcer having a dose of castor oil . ne had been ill ever since and confined to bis bed . —Tho jury returned a verdict of _^ Acciden tal killed by eating poisonous fungi . " . . ; . . ' _.-..
Poisonous Ponoi . —In _consequence of the late shocking case of poisoning a family at Bristol , and of representations made- to the magistrates of that city ; thafc persons ; were iii the . habit of bringing poisonous fungi into tho public market and palming them pffiipon the " unwary as mushrooms , an examination was ' made on Saturday last , and the oflBcers succeeded in seizing a basketful of socalled mushrooms , which presented a suspicious appearance . They were taken to the station-house and submitted to the-examination ofa competent judge , who found that , only , twelye ofthe whole lot were veritable' mushrooms , tlio remainder being cheshrooms , which , although ' sometimes used in making' catsup , ' aro very- dangerous to persons eating them . Tho . parties ' exposing them were taken before the ; justices , but it turned - out thatthey had merely , acted aa agents for another person , and wei'd ignorant of the true character of the fungi . ' - . _* ' "' : _'f ' - . ' ' i "• ¦'
HionwAt 'Robbery and 'Violence . — At the Borough Court Manchester , on Tuesday , three men , named William Biggies , Thomas . Exton , -. and Andrew _Mflntre , wore brought up , on remand , charged with robbing and ill-treating- an old man named Thomas W _^ hitehouse , on the night of Tuesday week . The prosecutor had been in the hospital at . the Manchester workhouse , and was unable to appear against tho prisoners until Tuesday . It appeared that he resides at Birch'Heath , near Tarporley , in Cheshire , and had been harvesting in Yorkshire , and was on his return'home at the time of tho , robbery . He had , however , como into Manchester in the morning of the day named , and unfortunately fell into the company of the three prisoners , who induced him . to accompany them to several publichdtises , whero ho paid'for "drink . The last placo
visited , was the Fox Lin , Jackson ' s-row , where he left between ' eight and nine . o ' clock , and went- on the Chester-road . When near the Bull's Head Inn he . stated that he was . attacked . ' by . the three _prisonfers , two' of whom carried ; him through some railings , into a field ,: the other covering his mouth to prevent him giving an alarm They then ill-used him and took 12 s . Gd . from his pockets . Ho lay there'foi * a' while until he was discovered by . a soldier . Mr . Hardin' appeared . for tho prisoners . It was elicited from the landlady of the last public 1 house they were in that the : prisoners did hot leave the house foi * some , time ; after the prosecutor had gone , The old man ; however , distinctly swore to the prisoners being the men who attacked hini , aiid they were committed to the assizes .
Poaching . —William . Rowley , ; John Rowley , and Ilenry Rowley , father and , two sons , wero charged on Monday last with poaching on lands in the , occupation of n . Russell , Esq .,. near Little liloxwich , Walsall . It appears that for some considerable timo . past ' great . hayoc has-been made amongst the game in the . preserves belonging to tho various gen tlemen in that part of the country , inconsequence of which they _agreed to issue a tiumber . of placards offering a . reward for the apprehension and conviction of persons implicated . In many parts .. where the gamo . was most abundant a number of bushes h _.-ufbeen placed for ; tbeir protection , and on the evening of the 29 th , whilst going over some of the grounds , one of the keepers observed that a number of fcliem had , been _venioved in the place where the partridge most abounded , which gave some suspicion that there was something iutended at hioht .
During the evening ho obtained the assistance of j several others , who , along with him , planted themselves near the spot where- the bushes had been removed . Late in the night tho three prisoners made their appealance , when . they all three commenced placing a . net , and in a short time they started some partridges into it , it being plaqed where tho bushes had been removed . The . hidden party then advanced and secured all the prisoners . On examining . the net there were found six partridges , wbich ; they ; had caught . Tho prisoner _jHcnry _^ _Rpwley _,-is a . teacher in a Sunday ' -schoolfbelongingi to . , tlie . primitive m ' ethodist connexion at the , place where he resided They ail three were then committed foi- * three months' hard labour , and . aftoawavds to _findvbaiLfor twelve months , themselves in £ lf > and two sureties of £ 5 each , or to be ! further . . imprisoned for * six months . ' , . '• ' .. .. '
_^ _fpnaius _.
The Game Laws.—A Fow Days Since Thomas B...
The Game Laws . —A fow days since Thomas Burnet , gamekeeper' to his- Grace the Buke of Roxbourghoat Greenhlil , fall in with three poachers upqn the Duke ' s landa of ; _Blaokdean _, <\ n the paris h . of _^ _prebattle , . , Xhei refusod to leave _tho ground when ordered -tMo . so , andone of them _; Shot a blaekcock in , his _pyesehce , which another of them Disked-up . Burwrt , ; who was riding upon a pony , continued to f © lfc > w them , _aadj . on his calling to some shepherds at a short dista _ ee , the poaohlers mad & . © ff f re tlio _B-URe ' _silanda , ana went ovev the hill on to Auchopcv _,, The gamekeeper still followed , Una on coming nop , saw * , thosv , squatting on .: the _vmku _uuiuu _uttsmfin
_a _^ , uu _ uuarer -. _tnuysprang io spwrfcet , and o & q of * them presented nisgun-and f _$ ted , when the , shot * took effect on tho pony . _^ ¦ Burnet then _turn-j _^ , to , leave , there being no ono to _. asajst him , _ttten tho other two shots -were fired , both of whioh tw > k . effect on the pony ,- and ' partly on one . . of . thegamftJKeeper _' sarms . He'is ¦ _v . but * slightly injured ; hut tho , pony : ha 8 received- _^ considerable number of ; the shot in Me neck and shoulder , JBuv _* . net know ull the three . men , whose names ave John Taylor , William Taylor , and ; Andrew . Young ; all from , \ _stholin . ; John * Taylor ; has _fiinoeibeeivappre- ' _bende-d aad lodged im gaol ,: aud warrants are out agaiustttie . other two ;; ' . Warrants . have ; beon * out _against _Villiam Taylor for . the last . year or two for _pt _> a 3 hingand a 8 sault ; upori , tho _parties-. who detectod _llSSiS ' 1116 _^****!!!* _*•
The Game Laws.—A Fow Days Since Thomas B...
" Religious iNTOLEnANcjj .- _^ Wo seldom meddle with the conduct of local public bodies not of _.- ' our own neighbourhood , but we icannothelp . fnoticing the proceedings of the Greenock Parochial . Board when _considering the religious _privileges ' , ' of _paul _persi'as reported in _^ he Greenock _Advertiser bf Priday , -Amotion to the following effect was brought bef 6 re the » meeting : " That permission be given by this bbard _, for the Catholic children , and , others of the same persuasion in the poor ' s house , to assemble in a room set apart , on Sundays ; or oii any other day _thougbt-most convenient ; for the ' purpose' of
receiving religious instruction-orphans and deserted children included-and tbat-the , religion , professed by the parents of orphans and , deserted children be registered agreeably to the 23 rd rule of the house _regulations . " It was met . by ah amendment in these terms : — " That all the children in the poor ' shouse . be brought up in accordance with the religious persuasion of the majority , of the heritors and ratepayers of this community . ' . ' The amendment —we are sorry for the tolerance and good . sense of our countrymen to say it—was carried by a large majority . —Scotsman . " ,.
Birth _ExTBAonDiifABT at -Wombwell _' s Royal Menagerie . —Another . of the splendid lionesses contained within this collection gave birth tptwo remarkably fine cubs last week , and , strange to say , they are pure white ! Mr . Wombwe ;! states that he hns bred lions , _ c , for upwards of forty years , but never knew or heard of such an occurrence previously . Increased Value of Landed Property . —We ( Edinburgh CourantJ are glad to find that there 13 an increasing demand for investments in landed property at improved prices . The fine estates of _Calrossie and Glastullich , in Easter Ross , have just been purchased by Sir Charles Ross , of Balnagowan , Bart ., at the price of £ 00 , 000 .
Working of TnE Factory Act . —A singular meeting was reported in Tuesday ' s Glasgow Mail—the first meeting we have observed . The Factory Act does not directly interfere with adult male labour . Operatives falling within that description are supposed to be able to make arrangements with their employers , regarding hours of labour and wages f or work , although no statutory obligations exist . Ono houso in town determined to dismiss their female and juvenile operatives , and work _twelve hours daily . The experiment , if correctly described to us , is , we believe , quite legal , although it may hot be profitable ; on the latter part of the subject the gentlemen interested must judge for themselves . In the meantime their adult ¦ male operatives have struck work , and appeal for aid to the trades . We doubt how far the trades generally will be inclined to assist them . Thenew ; arrangemcnt 8 would
so evidently correct various evils charged upon the factory system , that manv individuals may be disposed to see affair trial of the scheme / We do not fully comprehend the plan , as hitherto tho labour of comparative children and females has been considered necessary in . the business , but tbe practical department is for the judgment of interested parties alone ; while the morai result , in thesubstiution of a certain quantity of adult male labour for that of females and children , must be favourable in a short period to the factory districts and their population _. The Duni > ee . Short , Time Committee has been dissolved ; but it is alleged that the ; factory opera ** tives _' of that place are dissatisfied witli the compromise of which the act of last session is the result . The Dundee Advertiser says tbey aro preparing to agitate again forthe shortening' of the factory- labour to its former limits . ¦¦ : '
Fatal Surgical . Operation . —A few days since a workman named Mungo Campbell met with hia death under the following circumstances : _—^ Deceased had upon his neck a wart or protuberance of considerable size , the situation and appearance of which gave him much annoyance , but in » no way impaired his general health . It appears that he had applied , from time to time , to several medical men , with thc view of having the grtfwth removed , but they all declined the responsibility of performing an operation ,: as . the-protuberance lay immediately over , or contagious , to , ' the carotid artery , and was the growth of seven years .- Disappointed in these applications ' , ' Campbell waited upon a young Irish surgeon in Cowcaddens
District , at the date of which we have referred' to , who-at once undertook ¦ the operation . Campbell accordingly submitted , the cutting process was per * formed in the back shop of tho young doctor , . 'the protuberance was removed ; but the carotid artery being injured , the man died in about twelve hours afterwards , having literally bled to death . The case was reported to the authorities , the doctor has been apprehended , find is now undergoing anesamination , with a view to being committed for trial . The Officers of the Orion Since _inEiR Conviction . —On being removed to thc Calton gaol , Williams appeared to be in extreme dejection , and submitted in silence to the usual operation of-exchanging , his own clothes for the prison dress ,
which consists of a coarse suit of dark grey cloth and canras shoes . His conduct since his incarceration has been exceedingly exemplary , and has enlisted the sympathies of all who conie in contact with him . We understand-he is mild , civil , and not a little communicative , now that the first shock of his unexpected sentence is somewhat deadened . He has given an account of his feelings on becoming aware of the perilous course of the Orion , and immediately succeeding the wreck , which cannot fail to be interesting to our readers , ' 'He states that he had not the slightest idea of . danger till tho land was seen right ahead , when he instantly became aware of the impossibility of escaping it . Nevertheless , he immediately ran to the wheel , and
endeavoured to give another direction to the vessel , but the fruitlessness of all efforts to prevent the approaching catastrophe he saw at a glance , and the agony of his mental suffering at that moment , and ever since ,. has been of the most intense description . He is much calmer now , however , and feels much relieved when ail opportunity presents itself of giving expression to his " feelings of mortified professional skill ; and of deep regret for the awful catastrophe he unconsciously occasioned—for he fully admits the possibility of hia having given an erroneous course to the steersman , although how he could have done' so i 3 a mystery everi to himself . Captain Henderson , we regret to say _^ has not conducted himself in so becoming a manner as the inferior officer . He displays more impatience
and moroseness than vexation at the severity of his sentence , or the loss of reputation and position in * society ' . The regulations ; of the prison , 'we understand , were _enforcr-d in his ca ' so with as much gentleness as they ; admit of , and regard for his feelings , required ; but tho painful duty of the officers _wsis rendered still more unpleasant by the ill-considered behaviour of the unfortunate man himself . . We have received some further particulars respecting the conduct of Captain Henderson _^ . but what wo havo given will suffice' to show his demeanour after his conviction . On a medical certificiite from the surgeon of the Calton Gaol , Captain Henderson was , on Friday , removed to the General Prison at Perth , where he is to undergo the remainder of his sentence . _—Ndrth British-Mail . . ' ¦ _> . :. . ¦ >
Sale oi- Tits Stsaxded Wjjaxe at Musselburgh . —The huge carcase of the whale stranded and captured at Musselburgh oh Tuesday afternoon , has been exposed to public roup on the Links there . The competition was not very spirited , and the animal was ultimately purchased by Messrs . Miller and Arthur , Leith , for £ 26 . _
_jsreianp .
More Eyicnoss.—The Sub-Sheriff Of The Ki...
More _Eyicnoss . —The sub-sheriff of the King ' s county , with a strong party of police , proceeded last -week to evict eleven families on the lands over which the late Mr . Pyk . e was agent . It was tho case of the same ejectments , on account of which that unfortunate man is supposed to have been murdered . Seven of the evicted families were-readmitted to possession . . ' ¦ ¦ !; :. Murber of a _Cask-ukbr . —Tho : Tipperary 'Free Press , states that a _eaye-taker , named Thomas , Battens , was fired at . oii ithe road near _. Emly , oathe 29 th ult ., and di _^ d tlie following day _lroia tho wounds inflicted on him .
Incendiarism . _—^ The King s- County C / irom ' cfcs states that a hug " bouse , which had been used fo : ; a barn , and contained _sorn that . had been seized , by . Mr . James Enragbfc , of-Lusmagh , was burnad to -the ground ori Monday last , and a large _quasiity of ithe corn _consumsd : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Tub _Pota-sob _Diseas-s . —The _LimeriiA Chronicle says : —From Tralee to iiYaterville _, _nsar Cabichveen , there is , not one field , garde *} , or plot of ground under potatoes free from . _disaase . Tenants * . have ruinsd themselvesi by ' this precarious crop , and many o £ them pawned their beds _fco get seed .. '
_Dkchsask in thu ' ' PoPULATioK _^ -The effeoti ot _famine emigration , and clearances , _^ aro ¦ mnfij _* fe ' in all the accounts from , the _southern and _wsstern distrists . _i Mr . James . _jSimpsoa _^ practical _instructor iin _& r the Irish _Agridult ' uralf Society , in the' _wellkae-wn union of _Sclnill , cbnaty of 'Cork * says , his last report , " From e « e » _yiiiformatioal could wllect during the last _aem . months ; * t » _fr number of inhabitants in this union , has d _ecrqnseil nearly { onehalf •" . but , after going through a variety of , details as to the past and -present' condition of . the . _upiou , he say ' s—¦*« Agricultural improvement _isprogressiag steadily in this poor union ! " > ¦
_iCboflifiiko is .- _'WicKLow _,-T-A-ewiespond _»? st of the Carlow Sentinel . thus writes from Tullow _. in the county of Wicklow — "I beg tocommunieato the particulars of , ani . outrage _^ which took place -a fe ff days since in this district . / It ' appears' thnta con-Bidcvablo amount - ' of- property belonging to a man _uanied 'Miobaol Tracy , of . _Liscoleman , county of Wicklow , wasunder . _seizui'e by virtue of Her _-M ?" jesty ' s writ . of . Jieri facias , addressed to tho ..-Shout of Wicklow , at the suit of Bridget Brannon ana Edward Byrne , the property consisted of eleven aores of oats , four acres of burley , three a ° . _*" ' _xneadowing , . twenty-seven cooks : of bay , . with , _quantity . ; of turnips , household furniture , « _* . _* bailiff _was _. placed'iu charge o _£ th _^ _property '
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 14, 1850, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_14091850/page/6/