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London, Thursday Night' MyFriekhs, Here ...
Messrs need and WebsterauditorsThis bran...
m^rnm- L ond on, Saturday, October its, ...
Lbsds Nbw Gaol —This building was opened...
•0a$jonai toft Company
Bolton—Thk iatb • Brussels Cobjbbenck.'—...
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Tq-The Members Of The National Land Company
London, Thursday Night' Myfriekhs, Here ...
London , Thursday Night ' MyFriekhs , Here I am once more , and I find that no fewer than , six of the PRESS GANG _ha-re been building apon my longer absence . If a big boy - is attacked , at school by five or six LITTLE _OflJiF-sV he cries oat "Fair play—ONE DOWN AND THE OTHER COME © N ; " bat , as I feel quite able for . all at once , you shall hare the result of _fte
first five rounds next week with " THS GLOBE , " "THE MANCHESTER EXAMINER , " "THB _NOTTINGHAM : MBRC 0 EY 7- " THE DISPATCH , and poor Me Miall of " THE _NONCONFORMtST ; - and I promise you sudi a dainty dish of Editorial fricassee as vou never _tastfeo . It appears that Sommervilie _,- " IBE OLD SOLDIER , " alias « ONE WHO HAS WHISTLED AT THE PLOUGH / ' declines lo meet me ; ho werer . I shall be at Manchester , on Tuesday , the 26 th , to meet y ou , and his emp loyer will
he compelled to meet me m open court . His plea is want of eloquence , bnt plain charges only require plain words to substantiate them , while no eloquence can sus tain . falsehood . I trust proper arrange ments will be made fora meeting on Tuesday nig ht , tiie 26 tbj atthe HALL OF SCIENCE ; mind , the HaH of Science , as it is the largest p lace , and the managers of the Chartist Hall shall nave ALL THE PROFITS , but it must be in the Hall of Science , at eight o'clock preci s el y . Tou will see by the papers that I brought Cobden home , so that my tour was not unprofitable . This will satisfy you till next week ; meantime , I must , beg . -your strictest attention to the- , _directions ef the
Manager of the Bank ; and , during the present frightful crisis , money or post-office orders , and not even conntry notes , must be remitted for both _JLand and Bank , and if bank orders are sent they must be payable at sight . Your faithful Friend , Feargus O'Connor .
The Chartist Land Scheme. (From The Wake...
THE CHARTIST LAND SCHEME . ( From the Wakefield Journal , ot Friday , October loth . } _Somementhsagowedrew attention to the Land 'Scheme , ss propounded bj Mr Feargus O'Connor . At that time , the press of the country observed a dignified silence npon the subject . Certain whisper _injsbad been heard fromthe employee of Mr John Bright , M . P ., signed , ' One who has whistled at the plough . * This man , who had forsome _tene previously been engaged to do the dirty work of the honourable member , was , about the time to which we allude , sent into Ireland to hunt up evidence against the private charaeterofMr O'Connor . It was thought by this means , to damage the Land Scheme through the character of its champion . The Whistler is now weekly writing in Mr Blight ' s paper , letters of attack upon Mr O'Connsr and his pet undertaking .
__ . „ _....,, Since our last allusion to the Chartist Land Scheme , not only has Mr Bright ' s paper , but also a portion ofthe press , opened its fire upon it . In once more alluding tothis subject , we neither intend to be the apologists of the Chartists nor Mr O'Connor . "We are no admirers of Chartism , as we bave seen it exemplified in this , and many other towns in the north of England , and as for Mr O'Connor , he is well able to defend himself without our aid . Bnt we look npon the Land Scheme apart from politics . We see in the support tendered to it by the
working classes , _anpnxiety evinced to better their condition , which is highly creditable . They very properly look npon the land as the only resource for a nation ' s wealth . They know that the manufacturer of cotton pieces and woollen cloths may add to the wealth of afew— yea . may , perhaps , raise some men from indigence to affluence ; but they __ also see everyday bring fresh proofs that cotton pieces and woollen clotUB cannot , in a time of dearth or scarcity , be made to fill the _starving stomachs of their wires and children . They see that a nation ' s wealth and independence consists in
making—Every rood of ground support its man and seeing this , they have resolved to render support to a scheme , which proposes to place our population npon small portions of the soil and those portions to be the property of themselves . by the payment of a weekly , or monthly _instal-• ment . 'The support which the working class has rendered to this scheme , has now assumed a shape which strike ? terror into the Moneyocracy . At first the weekly amount of money received in its favour , and announced ia the Stab , _vraa _trifling , —then it increased to hundred-, aad now thousands of pounds are generally acknowledged as having been received , since the preceding number of that _publication .
What then is the course of these men who dread the intelligence of theworkini * man ? Atfirstthething was laughed at , then sneered at and ridiculed , bnt now it is abused . Feargus O'Connor is represented as a great cheat who is robbingthe poorfor personal gain . Confidence in him is to be _destroyed as a means of _breaking np the society . Column upon column is written fer the newspapers—all tbis is suspicious ; so long as the working classes were spending their earnings at the beer shop , the dram shop , or were the
frequenters ofthe prize ring , the cock pit , or the bull bait , ( thus men conld lift the white of their eyes and lament the gross ignorance of their fellow creatares . They could talk of Temperance Societies and Societies for the Suppression of Vice , but now tbat the working man is clubbing his pence to purchase a little soil to provide himself with the staff of life for himself and children , temperance societies are for . gotten , and the brains of prostituted hirelings are racked to keep them in abject slavery and debasing ignorance .
When we find a powerful confederacy wbo boast of being able to raise one year its hundred thousand pounds , and the next its quarter of a million , for tbe purpose of being enabled 'to buy in the cheapest market and sell in tiie dearest . ' When we find that rich men thus combine , it is time that poor and honest men should unite , so as to be placed in a position to sell their labour at a fair remunerative price .-These men . if they were sincere in their profession of respect to the working classes , instead of causing divisions , and envyings and jealousies , ought to be assisting Mr O'Connor to place the undertaking upon a proper footing . Instead of abuse and vile inuendo , argumentshould be used , the errors pointed
ont , and imperfections remedied , and if we found Mr O'Connor refusing aid honestly offered , and advice properly given , then it would be time enough to attempt to thwart bim in his object . We look upon Mr O'Connor as a visionary in some of his political notions . Many of his views are the very antipodes of our ? , but we believe him honest both in his political faith and his private dealings , and the same credit which we ask , for good intentions and liberty of conscience to ourselves , we are prepared to extend to bim . When we differ with an opponent we do so boldly , bnt when we agree with hia we are not afraid of lending him our meed of support . We look upon the Laud Scheme of Mr O'Connor , if properly and earnestly worked out—and _"fesee no reason to donbt the _honssty of purpose—as one of the most valuable engines to improve the _condition of the labouring population of this country which has ever been propagated , providing the men
are industrious , sober and provident . If we were disposed to go into calculations upon the subject we believe we could prove that by proper management , _* nd a fair distribution of labour , that the present rents , and taxes , of every description , migbt be paid by six hours' work instead of ten or twelve , and that the abominable system of Poor Laws with all its _expensive paraphernalia might be -abolished , and a great portion oi our police and criminal establishments a 3 _well-These views may be laughed at by many , but the Present system is tottering toitsfoundation . Wehave been going wrong for some time . Our plans of currency and trade are dragging their votaries by _wholesale into the meshes wbich blind legislation has prepared for them- Our merchants are trembling upon the brink of rain—a ruin which may perhaps be postpo ned fora time , but which will inevitably come _. _unless that selfish and reckless course is changed wbich the great men ofour land have been following for many ,
many years . We have frequently before alluded to that noble sentiment of Lord John Manners , at the Bingley Allotment dinner ; ' That the man wbo had a slake in the hedge was abetter citizen and better member of society than he wbo had none . ' This principle appears by modern legislators to havebeen lost sight of . It is that we are believers in that doctrine , that we are disposed to give our humble support to any plan springing from whom it may , which tends to increase the stake which the working classes bave in the country . We believe the Land Scheme will _t-nd to that , if properly worked out . To inereasethe happiness ofour population we must improve their physical condition , and if their physical condition is bettered , their intellectual and moral ones will also follow in a greater ratio . _"WesetoutwithaUnding to the 'Whistler . ' In our sixth page will be found some extracts frem bis letter to the Manchester Examiner * of Saturday * -at . We wonld call especial _utteatiou to the _fol-i
The Chartist Land Scheme. (From The Wake...
lowing extract . ItisinananswertoachargefromDr _M'DouaVtlfattinB Whistler" was advising physical force in ' 80 and then instructing tbe magi-trates how they could batcher the people by thousands in the streets . _* The yen-1832 preceed the year 18 SS _» by seven years ; the year 1831 preceded 1839 five years . In 1832 , a man , to prevent tbe bloodshed of the people , dared to ran the risk of his own lift in Birmingham ; and whea he taw other men in danger of punishment for the aot which he had done , he did not , like & cowardly O'Connor , ov physic-ill doctor , slink from the front of danger , ant let other men lie punished . To save them : be put himself inthe front , took all the consequences upon himself , and suffered the severest punishment which soman beiog can suffer—death itself not excepted _. With tliose consequences before bim , tbat man , to prevent the bloodshed of the people in 1832 , -dared to do what he did ; was he likely to ad vile physical force and blood _, shed when he was seven years oUer , in 18391
[ In 1834 , a conspiracy to take the cabinet minister' , the government offices , the barracks , the palace , the sovereign in the palace , the Bank of England , the Tower and all London , and after London all England , by one great and sadden stroke of " physical force , ' was prevented by that same man . The afiTair at Newpert _, in Wales , in 1839 , was an affair of shuttlecock compared to it ; and nerer while England ia England will a nation ' s existence tremble in the balance as it did on that day , when this man dared to avert the terrible attempt . Was he likely to do that in 18 Jt _, and advise physical ' force in 18 S _9 ! ' _-. " . - . ¦ _, ' ' _^ _itflVou r : r _^ _era * carefully _?* e * d over tb « extract given , and we ask them if they can « _im « . to any other conclusion than one ; that if tbis ' Whistler * speaks the truth , he must have been either a spy to entrap the unwary or a physical' forciat' as bad as auy one . We require ne ether evidence to judge the mau thau that furnished by his own pen .
The Fr A Ternity Of Nations . Great Meet...
THE FR A TERNITY OF NATIONS . GREAT MEETING AT THE TOWER HAMLETS . An immense assemblage of people at the call ofthe Chartists , and other democrats , met in that splendid edifice , 'the Eastern Institute , Commercial-road , to express their sympathy with the men ef Italy , and their hatred of despotism , whether of Austrian or other tyrants . The hall was densely crowded long before the hour arrived at which the chair was an nouced to be taken . At a quarter before eigh clock , t Mr Dei-sis Dwiike was unanimously called on to preside , and in ai excellent speech opened the business of the evening . After which the secretary , ( Mr John Shaw . ) read letters of apology from several members of parliament , clergymen , and other gentlemen , apologising fer their non-attendance .
Mr Ebnest Joxes who was received with protracted cheering , moved the first resolution as follows : — That this meeting , composed of persons of various religious denominations , do hereby express its unfeigned delight and gratification at the accession to the Papal Chair of Pope Pius IX ., sincerely believing that his ex emplary piety , his patriotism , and extraordinary talents , wilt be directed ta the enactment of wise , just , and merciful laws , for the benefit of bis subjects , and the establishment ef the glorious principles of Constitutional Liberty !
Mr E . Josks then said , Sir . —When I look at this meeting , and the individual by whom it is presided over , I feel proud , as a democrat , to partake in its proceedings . I see a numerous assemblage of men convened here , not for a selfish purpose , not to further their own end and | aims , but to render help to men of ether lands , strangers by clime , country , language , and tradition . And whom have we in the chair ! Not an aristocrat , not a man of wealth . Yes ! an aristocrat , for be belongs to the nobleorder of the working men 1 Yes , a man ef wealth , because he earns what little he possesses . Time was , when snch a meeting would not have been held , had not a . lord , baronet , or squire , been in the chair . Times are changed . We prefer the man with the coronet inside ofhis head , instead of outside . The
working classes have learned not to be ashamed of their own order Resp ct yourselves , and you will make your rulers respect you . ( Cheers . ) We may , however , naturally ask , why are not the members of parliament , and the ministers of tbe gospel here , whom the bill states to havebeen invited ? Where is Bowring , who announced himself . at Brussels as the representative ofthe English working classes ( laughter , )—but who , at a previous democratic meeting held at John-street , refused to take the chair or attend , because the men calling the meeting , were not of influence sufficient . ( Hear , hear . ) They were working men . More shame then ts such as he , who withhold their just influence from working men . Why do they not try
to make them influential ? But we spurn such representatives . We have learned to speak _forourselves . We no longer go cringing to a purfled peer , or pursue proud _' _eommoner , saying : ' God gave us a tongue , but we don't know how to use it . ' We no longer want them to lisp' the rights of the poor ' . 'when there ought to be no poor among such mighty riches ; or' the throne and the altar ! ' while the cottage hearth and threshold are a ruin ; or the peace of the coantry ! ' while more men perish io their peace , than by the pike in the people's wars . Let the pensioner * represent the plunder he has gorged , the soldier the blood he has shed , the lawyer the fees he has pocketed ; bnt the hardy hand and the hearty shout shall represent tbe working man ; he
shall speak fir himself , and thank God ! he need not be ashamed of his identity . ( Loud cheers . ) But where are the' ministers of the Gospel ? ' Bribing sister Rome with _^ Maynooth Grants and Church Endowment to become the tool of power as they themselves have done , and sssist them to keep down the enlightenment of man . Rome spurns the degrading favour . Rome does well in rescuing the Church from ihe State . Chartism does better in defending the people from the undne influence of either . ( Hear , hear . ) Now . friends , it may be said as Englishmen , what do we here to-night ? Do ne serve ourselves , or do we aid onr foreien brothers ? We do both , and that essentially . We are informing ourselves of foreign
policy . Government are turning foreign policy against hs—we will turn foreign policy against bad government * Had wc attended to this , we should have known why Minto is sent to Rome , selling England ' s protection , tbat Pius may command his priests to preach slavery to the Irish . Had we attended to this , we shonld have knewn that Free Trade cannot better tbe condition of the English poor , any more than Protection can do . We should hare known that foreign people were fighting for bread , while forced to send us food . We should have known that foreign competition was rising against English enterprise . For in France , Italy , and Germany—there , too , tha money-grubs are * eating the I fruit of the people ' s labour ; there , too , aristocracy ,
the wolf , is poisoning the stream of their prosperity ; there , too , the worker pines an exile from his rights , till we cry in the words ot the hunted heretic : ' How long ? 0 , Lord ! How lone V As long as the tyrants can / no longer than the people will . ( Applause . ) We are rendering essential service to you as well _^ my foreign brethren . Some may smile at our meeting , because the ships are not freighted to convey our bayonets to the shores of Italy . But , remember , the _strength of Chartism is growing , and when the people of England are free , the people ef the world will not be slaves . Men of Fiance , Italy , and Germany-Liberty is a tree of long growth in England . It was planted at Runnymede ; it was sunned by the fires of Smithfield ; it was watered by the blood of _Marston
Moor , and the veins of Charles ; it was fanned by the prayers . of the Puritan , aud dewed by the tears ofthe Exile—and now it is beginning to bloom beneath the fostering hand of the Charter . ( Immense applause . ) Therefore , we have won experience . We now give the fruits of that experience to you . Men of France , Italy , and Germany ! send the voice of this meeting over the waters . We come not here to congratulate you , but to warn . We have passed through the ordeal yon are now entering , and we wish to point out _theerrorsyouarecommitting , and thedangersenyour path . There is much to regret in the present movement in Italy . The courage is there , the power is there , the energy is there , but the direction is wanting ! They trust—not in their own arms—not in their own hearts—not in their own canse : —they pnt their trust in princes . Alas I alas 1 when will you learn to realise the Bible warning , ' put not your trust in princes '
Again and again it is verified ; again and again thepeople go blindfold into the snare . ( Hear , hear . ) Thus the men of Germany trusted the word of a tyrant , abandoned their advantage , and found liberty strangled by a constitution . Thus the men of France resigned the tricolour to a king , which , had they guarded it themselves , would now have waved alike over Notre Dame and the _Tuileries ! They put their trust in princes , and where now is the tricolour of ' 30 ? ( Hear !) And you , men of Italy ; you , who are the first to draw the sword in this new struggle , what are you doing ? You , too , are putting your trust in princes , aud already they ' are betraying you . What are the men of Sardinia doing ? Already _CharleB Albert shrinks from the supposed authorship ofthe letter to his secretary , and imprisons men who dared to think him honest ; yet the people shout Cta-les Albert i * instead of * Italy ! ' What
The Fr A Ternity Of Nations . Great Meet...
are the wen of Tuscany and _Loeea doing ? They cheer a prince who after twenty-four hours breaks his _promises and runs away . They trust in their Duke , because he grants them freedom of the Press . But what is tbe freedom ? They must not write against the Dake , er Duchess , or little _DukeKngs ; they must not write against the ministers , the aristocracy , or the officials ; they must not ; write against the police _, the magistrates or tbo monks ; tbey must not write against the clergy , the array or tbe nary ; thero is only one thing left for them to write ; to write themselves down as asses if they bear it . ( Leud cheers . ) The people of the Two _SieHies * _. under the Roraei , what do they demand ? Now that the king trembles , a crowned murderer , in his palace , and refuses his
dying mother to see her favourite son ; now that tbe capita ) heaves sullenly under bis feet ; now that his troops object to execute- h » butcheries ; now that he is reduced to ask Austria for help , and Austria dare not help him ; now that he is forced to evoke the northern bayonets of the Caar . to . come tike an iey avalanche on the bloom of Italy , but they are frown fast in Poland—now what do the people ask ? A change ef minister *! Shame ! shame , Italians ! if you waste your fine energies on this . Shame ! Shame ! if you neelect the golden opportunity ! Take example by Poland . Thiukbf tbe glorious manifesto of Cracow . Therefore , we sympathise with her generous hearts—therefore the _Den . ocracv of Europe owe eternal gratitude to
Poland . Net because in olden time Bhe saved the west from the barbarous Han , tobe crushed by tb > no less br _^ _bwrous . _ttristycrat 5—but because her « _jhave written equality on their banner _, - and tried to build their constitution on the free soil of their native land . Think of this , Italians ! Think ! why has Italy fallen f She once was free ; when the first peasants founded their agrarian republic on the-banks of Tiber . But the Caesars defaced her—building the palaces of kings , which are the _erave-stones of liberty . Then , when these sunk before the northern swords of stillI more potent tyrants , forth from their ruins crept priestcraft like a bloated spider , spreading its slimy web around the growth of ages , and hiding the light of truth , not under a bushel , but
under a mitre . ( Immense applause . ) Is there a change ? Is the web broken ? Does the light flash through ? There is a man named Pius . Why do we honor him ? Because he is more of the Roman than the priest , more ofthe Italian than the Roman , more of thejman than the Italian . Now , then , if he means well—now , if he is in earnest , why does he not speak the kindling words , tbat should fall like drops of fire upon the thrones of Italy ? Now tbat Calabria is in arms—now tbat , greater than its _iEtna , Democracy flames in Sicily , now that Tuscany rallies her Etrurians , now that Lombardy wrestles with her Austrian gasler , now that Sardinia rises in her Alpine girdle now thatit is the hour , wby is he not the man ? Why—why does he not pronounc *
those raagiral words : THE REPUBLIC OF ITALY ! I bid him remember ! a half-reformer is worse than a whole tyrant . You have begun—you must go on—or you must fall . There _isnohalf-way house npon the toad to liberty ! ( Continued cheering . ) Democrats ! The task is yours . Unite . You have heard of the famous balance of power in Europe . Tbere ate two scales—princes' a nd peoples ' . Fraud holds the beam and rapine loads the weights : render . ing continental Europe as one empire of four kings , with minor satraps , whose crowns their jealousies keep floating in the balance . There stands the fourheaded monster—Louis Philippe , the royal auc tioneer , bringing his own children to tho hammer . Nicholas , the angler for German states , baiting his
booh witb Imperial Grand-Duchesses . Frederick William , giving his subjects a Diet so poor , one would have thought Soyer had been his minister . Ferdinand , an imperial Jack Ketch _. reducing _' murder to a science of government . ( Loud cheers . ) Mark how , if the one is endangered , the others come to the rescue ; so that the odds are always four to one against the people . Wherever liberty rises , one , or all ef the hellish four are on the spot . Austria , like a beaten hound , may slink from Ferrara : like a crouching tiger she pours her 15 000 _Croats on Pied * mont . That is the balance of power . ( Hear , hear . ) France may fear to march her troops to Switzerland , _lestthey should bring back freedom like an Alpine flower , and plant it in the gardens of the Tuilleries ;
but she sends money , guns , and muskets to the Jesuits there . That is the balance of power . ( Cheers . ) Thus the armies ef the four monarchs threaten the Ebro > nd the Vistula—the Tiber and the Rhine . If one suffices not , the others are ready , and as each isolated people rises , it _stiil finds four to one . That is the balance of power . ( Loud cheers . ) How shall we remedy this ? What must we do to equal them ? Combine ! Let democracy , too , organise its European system . Tbere has been a Free Trade Congress at Brussels—a conspiracy of the money bags , ( hear , hear , )—why not a democratic congress too f ( cheers . ) Foreign democrats ! Be this your mission : from Hanover to Hellas , 'from Poland to Portugal , organise one army;—look on the nations as its
battalions , freedom as its general , equality _' _as its watchword , and Europe as its eamp ; put ail in motion on one grand field day against tyranny , and each tyrant will bs forced to stay at home to put the fire out in his own house , which will burn but the brighter when stirred by bis bayonets . Then let Austria pour its hordes on Italy : they will pause when they mark tbe distant roar of Galicia on their rear , Then let Prussia march its guards on Switzerland * . they will fall back when tbey find the people proclaiming a republic at Berlin . Then let Russia launch its Cossacks on Germany : they will turn aghast when they feel the lance oi Poland on their flanks . Then let Philippe send his armies on Spain : he will call them home when he hears the Margeillaise in the Tuilleries .
( Continuous applause , ) Thus will each people gam fair play , and that is all it asks for victory . Thus may Europe win its liberty—by general union —whenever it will . By local insurrection—never ! Fellow-countrymen ! I have been speaking of waryet would that liberty could be achieved by peace . Happy you , my countrymen ! that you may pluck the flowers of freedom en its placid paths ; that you have learned they cannot be found in the money chest of _themonopolist , nor in the coronet of the noble—but in the soil of your land ; not with the strong hand of rapine , not the red sword of war , but with the sinewy arm and the thinking brain , the creative spade and the untiring heart . ( Loud applause . ) But now , what you have gained in power , do not lose in caution . Brother Chartists ! We
have told foreign democrats not to put tlieir trust in princes ; do you net put your trust in every man who throws up his hat and shouts , 'The People for ever !' You have returned some good men to the House , look well after them that you may keep them good . If they are honest they will like it—if they are not so , tbey must expect to be found out . ( Hear , hear ) Happy is it , I say again , that you can progress in peace -, but abroad it is not thus . There we call the nations to arms , and where is the Blave who cries ' Down ! Sheathe the sword . ' What ! sheathe it in Poland ? Sheathe it in Italy ? Sheathe it in Switzerland ; What , warriors of Sarmatia ! while your plains are light with the fires of yonr burning cottages , and ringing with the shrieks of your violated
women , shall we bid the husband , father , brother , cringe like a cowering wretch before the spoiler . What , mother of Messina ! shall you wail unavenged oyer the noblest of your murdered citizens ? What , man of Taruow I shall you not strike a blow for your poor young wife , whom the Austrians impaled alive before your eyes 1 And shall we he such dastardly cravens—shall we be such a nation of shop keepers , so sunk in our dirty gains and miserable ledgers , as not to fire at the sight ? Shall we not compel our government to aid you & i tliey compelled us to aid the tyrant of Portugal ? If we are to pay taxes for an army , we ought at least te make it do some good . ( Hear , hear . ) They may say * Would you plunge Europe into a war ? 'I answer : Yes , I would ! Better
war than slavery ; better die by the bayonet than by hunger ( Immense cheering ) . Or they may say , ' Would _joh burthen the English people with taxation ? ' I answer , why did you burthen us with taxation for Portugal ; or to resist the Bourbons ; or to quell America ? I answer , we would sooner bear taxation for such a purpose , than to pension a harpy like the king of Hanover ; or the concubine of a regal dnke ; or the traitors who have sold the people ! I answer , the liberated nations would repay us tenfold our expenditure . What ? would you not fight for the good cause abroad , as you have fought so often for the bad one ? Where are you , Puri tans of Scotland ? Where are yon , men of Marston ? Where are yoa , soldiers ol Limerick ? Is there no heart among your children ? No spirit in your posterity ? No sharpness left iu the old _swordaof your fathers ? Yes !
nnd where isthe middle-class sycophant slave , who will now come and cry * Peace ? ' ( C ontinued applause ) No , men of Italy and Poland ! perish the slave , who bids you sheathe tbe sword ! Perish the slave , who tells manhood to unman itself , and not strike a blow to save the grey head of a father from the lash , the honour of a wife , or tho life of a child . Perish tbe slave , who thinks an English hand should not be on the hilt for Poland ; or that an English tongue should falter at the war-blast when the liberties of Europe are imperilled . No , we will not treat you thus , men of Italy , ner you , heroeB of Poland \ first warriors of the 19 th century ! No , glory to you ! Thanks ! Thanks ! for having lavished your precious blood on the ramparts of western civilisation , cementing its old stones ; and may you never , never , _sheathethe _. _BffOirdtiUyoMcountryiafree _^ ndNioho _' . _aa
The Fr A Ternity Of Nations . Great Meet...
a whining captive , chained to the very pillar ho has raised rn Warsaw ; ( The- speaker resumed his seat _amwprotracted cheering and waving ol hats . ) Colonel Oborskt , in a speech delivered with great earnestness of manner in tho French language , secoaded the motion , which was carried * unanimously . Mr J . B . _O'Brikj- rose amidst considerable cheering _, to move the second resolution as follows : — Tbatall men are brothers of one human family , and in fraternally and fervently irtdult * _int * in aspirations for the triumph of the people over their foreign oppressors ; 'tis with heartfelt sorrow we turn to unhappy Ireland , ' _whicbhas forages been the sport of factionsand kept
, in _section by a * unfeeling oligarchy .. "We find our Irish brethren in a state of _famlise and pestilence , and pining to ' wretchedness unparalleled In the history of _nations The cauBe ol all this human misery we teal convineediis the result of class legislation .- : we therefore _pledge ourselves never to cease agitation until the People ' s Charter _betoraes the law o' _thesevealms , which document would confer the elective franohlse on every sane man , _thepeor-as well as the rich , _anti render complete justice to Ireland by the repeal off that accursed act of Union , effected by a corrupt and _trackllng legislature , for- the profit and aggrandisement of themselves , and the _ntter _destruetien of the rights of their
countrymen . Mr O'Brien said , he perfectly agreed with the resolutions ; they bad just passed , and _aa-kings formed a species of . freemasonry amongst themselves for the purpose of upholding despotism , so should the people of all nations fraternise in support of Demoora & _yv . ( Loudcheers . ) He thought tbat patriotism , like charity , shonld begin at home , but not end there , ( hear , hear , ) and hence we should sympathise with unhappy Ireland . True it was tbat the Bourbon police waB chiefly manned by Irishmen—so was the army—and the writers on the base venal hireling press , were also chiefl ) Irish—( hear , hear )—but he blamed . the system , not tie men , they could net get an honest living at home , and were compelled either
to starve there , or to go abroad and accept snch _eraploymentas offered itself . ( Hear , hear . ) He believed every honest rational being woUld sympathise witb the natives of unfortunate Ireland . ( Loud cheers . ) That country had at least hirne _bIx centuries of oppression , and there was not a single acre of land throughout her broad domain , but had changed hands three times by confiscation since the invasion of Henry the Second , who presumed to take possession of Ireland under the ptetence that the Pope of that day had made him a present of it . Mr O'Brien then ably traced the wrongs of Ireland up till the present period , and contended for the repeal of the legislative union , and the adoption of a democratic form of government based upon the principle . ) of the People ' s Charter , as a panacea for the oppression under which they groaned . To obtain a popular
opinion Btrong enough to carry this , it would be necessary to point out what should follow in the shape of change in the laws relating to land and commerce . Without the Charter , ho would not give a fig with this , the people of Ireland might be enabled to werk out their political and social redemption . Mr O'Brien resumed his seat greatly applauded . Mr Philip _M'Gbath , who was loudly cheered on risinr , in-seconding the motion , said , they were sot hereto express sympathy for Italy and Poland alone , but to extend a little to Ireland also . He believed the ills of Ireland could be traced to bad laws . We had people in Conciliation and other halls , advocating a simple Repeal of the Union only , and their hearers , the people , seemed to forget that the Irish Parliament , when in existence , was but an assemblage of the enemies of Ireland , and that the very blackest deeds stained the character , of that
Parliament ; hence , he did not like simple Repeal , but wished Univeral Suffrage with it . ( Loud cheers . ) He , like the late Mr O'Connell , wished to bave Ireland for the Irish , not in name only , but in reality—( cheers ) . When we saw a people sinking into the grave from want , the thought the . sooner the constitution that permitted it was annihilated , was abolished , the better—( great cheering)—and before that event took pace , the People ' sOharter must become the law of the land—( immense applause )—which eould not be accomplished by talking only , but must be the result of united action . ( Hear , hear . ) And he believed the time had now arrived , when no man need fear to express his love for those great principles . ( Cheers . ) Mr M'Grath then forcibly and clearly demonstrated the fallacies put forth by the political economist , and asked if the thingBthat were how of daily occurrence ,
did not prove the truth of his position . ( Loud cheers . ) So muob , then , for Free Trade fallacies ( Hear , bear . ) No . no ; nothing less than the' People ' s Charter , ' can remove the monster evils under which the people groaned . ( Rapturous applause . ) Then let tfie people be invested with political power , and they will work out their own redemption . The Tower _HamletBand Nottingham had nobly done their duty at the late election —( greatapplause)—and he believed that Mr O'Connor would lose no opportunity of benefiting the people so long as he held a seat in the Commons' House of Parliament . ( Loud cheers . ) Bui he , and other friends , must be supported from without ; therefore , remember , said he ( quoting at some length the words of Mackay ) . 'Action is the wise man ' s part . ' ( Rapturous cheering , during which Mr M'Grath resumed his seat . ) The resolution was unanimously adopted .
Mr Tfiujiu Dixon moved the third resolution , as follows : — Tbat in order to guard against an unholy alliance , deceitful and un » _crupuious ' Princes , or corrupt and crafty governments may endeavour to effect , with the secret view of prostrating and riveting the chains of the peoplo , and destroying tbe spirit of freedom which animetts the brave sons aad sires of Ital y , and which formerly glowed in the hearts of the ( not yet extinct ) race of nature's nobles , whe could once proudly boast of home on the beautiful and ftrtile plains of unhappy Poland , wbose ureea fields were so oft' soaked with tho gore of their kindred . We , therefore , reverently warn Pope Pins to use the utmost caution , and while contending for political and religious liberty , place confidence ooly in the people , and tbat Omnipotent _Being of wbich he is the humble earthly representative , _Suceess tben to the God-like cause , we feel assured wiil ultimately be the result .
He said , whilst tbey rejoiced at the wise steps Pope Pius the Ninth had taken , they ventured to warn bis HolinesB against his ' trust in princes , or his confidence in kings , ' or in crafty diplomatists , lest he sbould be drawn into their wily snares , and I e turned aside from that reforming path he had so wisely entered . He must confess he did not like the mission of Lord Minto to Rome , he much feared it was for the purpose of inducing the Pope to take such steps as would cause the Catholic Priesthood ef Ireland to enlist under the banner ot the English government . ( Hear , hear . ) We possessed privileges here which were not permitted in continental states ,
amongst others that of assembling together in meetings like this , and he trusted we should make a good use of them , and that we should not be censured for offering advice to Pope Pius , as he believed there was as great an affinity between moral and physical force , as their was between man and wife , and that self defence was at all times justifiable . ( Great applause . ) He would reiterate the advice so properly and earnestly given by previous speakers , and shout , _< Action , action , action ! ' Remember that admirable poet , Byron wrote Who would he free , Himself must strike the blow . '
( Great cheering . ) The resolution was seconded by Ernest Jones , and carried unanimously . On the motion of Messrs _O'Briex and M'Grath , a vote of thanks was carried by acclamation tothe chairman , which he acknowledged , and the meeting was dissolved .
Messrs Need And Websterauditorsthis Bran...
_" _^ _Sm \ W _* . / s Reed and
. ,,*Jtsl) National Tmdes' Journal. " ^S...
. ,, _* _JtSl ) NATIONAL TMDES' JOURNAL . __
M^Rnm- L Ond On, Saturday, October Its, ...
m _^ _rnm- L ond on , Saturday , October its , iw . w , _^ _S'JSS _!^ _u , m _^^^^ mm _** m * mm _^^^—_ w _^^~^^ _y _^^ _^—~^^~^^^^^ m _~—m _~ . _—~~ m _^^^ m _^^^^^ m _^ mt _^ _ma _*^^^^* m _^^^ m _^^ _„ m _^^ _^^ .
Lbsds Nbw Gaol —This Building Was Opened...
_Lbsds Nbw Gaol —This building was opened for the reception of prisoners on Monday last . The ' separate system , ' which obtained so much favour in the recent Congress on penal discipline at Brussels , is the s ystem which will bo adopted , as well as at the House of Correction , in Wakefield , and the most favourable results are anticipated Irom this mode of prison discipline , which frees the prisoners from the con tamination of the society of the depraved . The Lords Commi 38 ioser 3 of her Majesty ' s Treasury have directed that lentils and yams be added ts the list of articles with regard to which the navigation laws have been suspended until the 1 st of March next .
MAnttEBOSE . —Tho Working Man's Association for the promotion of Useful Knowledge , held its weekly meeting on Monday , October llth , at the Princess Royal , Circus-street , New Road . After the admission of twenty five new members , and a considerable addition to the library , it was resolved , 'That the handsomo bookcase purchased by the society , capable of containing two thousand volumes , be paid for , and that the rules be printed . ' Persons desir ous of assisting the above object are invited to attend on Monday evening next , at eight o ' clock . The Northern Star , Advertiser , Hewitt ' s Journal , and the Weekly Times are taken for the use of members .
A vessel lately arrived iu Leith from St Petersburg , encountered several hurricanes , and the cap . tain _. _somewhatinthe spirit of the 'oldest inhabitant , ' declares thatduriBg the 145 times that he has , in the course of the last twenty-five years , crossed ( he North Sea , he never experienced _suoh weather .
•0a$Jonai Toft Company
• 0 a _$ jonai toft _Company
Bolton—Thk Iatb • Brussels Cobjbbenck.'—...
_Bolton—Thk iatb Brussels Cobjbbenck . '—At a meeting of this branch held on Sunday last , after reading the discussion at the Brussels Conference , the following resolution was passed : — That we tender our best thanks to Mr Weerth , the Rhenish dVlegate , for his _able-and manly defence of the Chartists of England amidst a league of thoir enemies whioh defence proves tbat , though a foreigner , ho understands tbemind . of the _Engliah working classes better than the party who would have-assumed to he their representative , and for which Jfr Weerth is entitled to their unanimous thanks . And , furthermore , we deny the assertion of Dr Bowring ; neither he nor any of bis school were delegated by tho working classes to represent them at that or any other Conference , because his and their opinions on the Labour question are strictly opposite . The following resolution was also passed : —
That we- , the members of thl » branch , take this opportunity of expressing our utmost confidence in the board of directors- , and hope and trust tbat any opposition they may meet with , instead of damping their ardour , will rather , stimulate them to . greater exertions in thegood woih of _labour's emancipation . Oboyboh—The Land and . ms _CHAarEs . — Messrs E . Stallwood , H . Bobs , and William Dixon , attended a * the large room of the Rose and Crown , Chnrcb . street on Tuesday evening , October the lath , to address apabl Uo meelrh f * convened by tbe good men and true , whe . bold tho political opinions contained in the People ' s-Charter- ; and the doctrine of Social Amelioration , as enunciated in the constitution of the . National Land Company . As those veteran democrats approached the
place of meeting , which was , close to the church , the bells ] were set ringing , and rung a merry peal . Mr William _Westoby , was _calledito the chair , and opened the meetri-g with a brief , trite , and pitby speech , introducing Mr Stallwood to the meeting , who entered at length into the origin and progress ofthe Laud Company , and defended it from tbe charges of the ' Whistler , ' aad its other calumniators , detailed the _principles of the _Peoples Charter , anithc Land and Labour Bank , and resumed his seat amidst tbe 'loudest applause . Mr Henry Ross showed , that whilst the Land Company improved tbe social and physical condition of the people , it would also prove an able auxiliary in working out thehr _polttto-1 redemption ( much applause ) ,. Ur Hodges moved , and Mr Frwt seconded , _the _' . ollowiag re . solution , which was carried unanimously , ; ' That this meeting having heard _thoprinciple of the National Land Company , tbe Land and Labour Bask , and tbe People ' s Charter explained , fully appreciate their merits ,
and resolve to give its cordial support to the same as , tbe surest means of relieving the working classes fsom the thraldom of capital and political tyranny . ' Mr William Dixon tben rose , and gave an able _exposition ofthe present state of society , and showed from indubl . table evidence , that tbeir was land enough in Great Britain , if properly cultivated , to feed twenty times the amount ofits present population , and that the National Land Company ' s plan was thu only means cf effectually removing the surplus labour from our over crowded ma . riufacturing townB _, and furnishing it with a healthful and beneficent employment , alike beneficial to those who migrated and those who remained behind . Mr Dixon _r-sumed his seat amidst great applause . A vote of thanks was then by acclamation _glcea to Messrs Stallwood , Uoss , and Dixon for their attendance , whicb was acknowledged by Mr . Dixon . A similar compliment was paid to the chairman and tba friends who got up the meeting , and the assemblage was dissolved ,
Cbippleoatk . — At Cartwright ' s , Coffee-house , Red Cross-street , on Tuesday evening last , a crowded meeting was held to hear a lecture from Mr M'Grath , on the National Land Plan , Mr M'Carthy was unanimously appointed to the chair ; who , after a few brief remarks concerning the subject lor which the meeting had been convened , introduced Mr M' Grath to the meeting . The worthy lecturer was received with loud and enthusiastic cheers , after which he entered into a clear , lucid , aud eloquent exposition of the origin , principles , objects , and resources _, of the National Co-operative Land Company ; demonstrating that tbe Land Company ia the only company in existence , calculated to regenerate the horrible condition of the degraded and ill-used
working classes of this unhappy country : that is the only society in existence , professing to improve the condition ol the toiling slaves of Britain that has carried its theoretical professions into practical operation , and conferred great and tangible benefits on ita members . The lecturer directed the attention of the sceptics who doubted this fact , to the estates of O'Connorville and Lowbands , both of which are now inhabited by the successful members of the Company , and likewise to the other estates which aro now the property of the working classes . Mr M'Grath in eloquent strains and convincing terms , showed the superiority of thc condition of the free _, unshackled agricultural labourer over the condition of the factory slave , who , under the present
demoralising system , is compelled to sacrifice his feelings and opinions , and submit to become an animated machine subservient to the will and caprice of a despotio employer . He showed that an industrious man with a sufficient quantity of land as a resource for the application of his labour , would always be surrounded and blessed with an abundance of the necessaries of life , and stated it to be his firm conviction that God and Nature designed the surface of the globe and its _resources not merely for a select few who have to all intents ar . d purposes stolen it from the people—but for the use , behoof and benefit of tbe whole of its inhabitants , irrespective of their creed , colour , or religious opinions , and that no man has a just right to monopolise more land than isade
quate to supply the wants of himself aad family , so long as any of the human family are destitute of thc means , whereby to support themselves by their labour . ( Tremendous cheers . ) # Mr M'Grath next adverted to the mean , unprincipled , and unmanly opposition , which had been offered by'Theflogged soldier , '' The canonised ape , ' and __ several other scribblers who are ever ready to sacrifice every feeling ofjustice ( even conscience itself at the shrine ef filthy lucre ) to oppose the rights ofthe oppressed operatives , in order tbat despotic , immoral , and unprincipled idlers may continue , as they have hitherto done , to oppress , { plunder , and enslave tho class , whose industry has supplied them with , not merely the necessaries , but also the luxuries , which they
enjoy . The lecturer not only dissected and disproved the flimsy reasons and arguments of the opponents ofour glorious Land Plan , but _alss proved , in the clearest manner , that if Mr O'Connor , or any other of the Company ' s oflicers , were disposed to defraud the Company , they could not possibly do so without the knowledge of the whole ofthe noting body ; and stated that it was an unlikely thing that tho directors , treasurers , and trustees , would all combine to rob tbe Company , and damn the fame which their former services have procured tor them . He called upon tho defaraers oi Mr O'Connor present , to adduce one single proof ofhis dishonesty ; _butthedastardly wretches did not make the attempt , because it was not in their power to do so . Many
questions were asked , evidently with the hope that they could not be answered , but the individual who put them was disappoint d ; they were answered in terms , so clear to be understood , that the answers elicited the mo 3 tenthusiastic anddeafeningapplause . Three persons were present , determined , if possible , to damage , not only the Land Plan , but the oflicers in the estimation of the meeting , or in other words , they would damn the plan by defaming and bringing the officers inte disrepute . One of these individuals declared , before the commencement ef the meeting , that he neither could nor would be satisfied , and that ho would move nn amendment if a vote of thanks was proposed to the chairman . This is a specimen of the lair nlav we have to expect from the opponents
ofourbeneficient plan—a plan which bids fair in a shirt time to exa . lt the slaves ofthis country from a state oi misery and degradation to an exalted , free , and independent position . Mr M'Grath begged to draw tho attention of the audience to the fact , that the Land Plan originated from a Chartist _convention , and adverted to the fact , that the Chartists are the only political body in existence who have produced any real and substantiate good for the working classes . He contrasted their acts and conduct with those of the Corn Law repealers , and proved to the satisfaction of the meeting that the former is a great and indisputable reality , which is already partly , and will ultimately , be fully carried out , whilst thc latter has been proved a mockery , a delusion , and a snare . That the one bas fulfilled more than it promised , whilst the other has completely failed , and verified the prediction of its opponents . The
lecturer wished to know where the high wage , great prosperity and plenty to do were to be found . Was io in Lancashire where the people were actually starving for want of employment ? A vote of thanks wa 9 proposed and seconded ; and an amendment made that no thanks be given . The amendment was put first , when only the proposer and seconder supported it , and when the motion was put every other hand in the meetiug was held up fer it , the result of tho factious opposition offered to the meeting was that a great many new members were enrolled . _Dusdbb — TWb branch of the Land Company hold a meeting in _Pular ' s Close School-room , on the _2-l » t of October , when the auditors gave in their report , which was adopted . The following office-bearers were elected : —William Beattie . secretary ; Thomas WMtton _, treasurer ; James GbristbuL _seoretwyi
Bolton—Thk Iatb • Brussels Cobjbbenck.'—...
Messrs need and Webster , auditors . This branc meets in thei above room every Monday night , at eight o clock '' toreceiye reports and enrol members . DuKiNFiBL » .-Thedelegates from Hyde attended this branch last Sunday , _brinuing with them a number of pamphlets , written by Mr Candelet , of . Hyde entitled , 'Important to Benefit Societies , ' explaining ithe workings ofthe Land and Labour Bank , its _preference to all others for security and interest , when ithe members immediately purchased a number for _idistribution in this locality . Mr Candelet also stated _, ' thathe had no donbt but that another remittance ' will be made next week of £ 100 sterling by another 'benefit society of fiyde . We have also been informed _, of another society in onr immediate neighbourhood , lie the course of a month , making a remittance ot i _Messrs _Wnbsf _p- _> or ,. * : *™* ti ,:. k . _nn .
£ 150 te tbe Land and Labour _Uank . bo much for the * Whistler / The quarterly report of this braneh _jwas audited last Sunday , and found correct , for _jwhich great praise is due to Mr James Locket , _secretary . All paid-up members are requested to pay * their levies on or before the 31 st instant , or they will ; not be returned te the ballot . _Exbtbr—At a meeting ofthis branch , ( in consev ' quence of articles appearing in some of the provincial journals ) it was unanimously resolved , regardless of the observations of delts or knaves : — That we place tbe most unbounded confidence in the
integrity and judgment of the working man ' s sterlingfriend . Feargus O _' _Cennor , Esq ., M . P ., ia his management of the affairs o _8 the National Land Company , believing , as we do , that tbe parties now encouragingwriters against this holy plan , hare beea tie veriest eDemies of the toiling millions . The members of thk branch are _requested to pay up all expenses , qaer before Saturday , the 30 tb inst , otherwise they will he disqualified fer the ballot , which is te take plaee on the fth November . Thia branch meets every Saturday , at eight o ' clock . Gboboib MiliiSv—At a meeting of the above branch , the following resolution was unanimously passed *—¦ That we _disappre _» _s-of Mr Thomas Cmrk _' s decision , in answer to a _correspondent , that a man and bis wife cats hold four shares eaoh , aa it is unjust and contrary to the principles of equality .
Gufoow . —Mr Kydd ' s tour in Scotland has beeu very successful for the interests of the Land Company . Many of the newspapers in the north have given favourable notices , and in some cases , lengthy reports of his lectures . Amongst the members of the press bo acting , I may mention the Dundee Advertiser , _DunaTee Warder , and Arbroath Quids . Mr Kydd ' s first lecture in Glasgow was quite a treat , ' replete with argument and fact , and the subjoined report , which we copy from the _Glasgnv Examiner , verba 'im , will give the readers of the Skr an ides , of its worth : —
LECTURE—BATIONAL LAND ASSOerATIOIf .. On Tuesday evening , Mr Samuel _Kjdd , of London , delivered a lecture in the Chartist ChHrch , _Kagent-atreet _, explanatory of tbe principles of the National Co-opirative Land Association , Mr Sherrington being _called ' to the cbair , introduced Mr Kydd to the meeting , which was well attended . The lecturer commenced by saying that the bill announcing the meeting stated tbat tbe land was the only remedy lor the grievances ofthe workingclasses . Though this country is said to be a monarchy , it is in reality an aristocracy—though it is honoured with a crown , it is governed by the escutcheons ofthe nobility ; and by the aristocratic monopoly ofthe land , the country has been breught to the condition it now is . Within the last few years we bave had a vaBt
manufacturing dewlopement . While property has been increased ' to an extent almost incalculable , the- condition of tho people has become more aud more deteriorated . The _lBHdacracy and moneyocracy ofthe country have _beoome richer , and the people bave become poorer , and this the statistics of the country will prove . From the year 1811 to 1841 , the _populationofEnglandalonehasincreased 49 per cent ., yet the people on the land bave not increased ia the same ratio * on tbe contrary , there ba _< been actually a decrease of the working agricultural population to tho amount of 287 , 808 . This increase , then , has entirely been thrown on tbe manufacturing districts—competi . tion bas been tbe result—workman has bade against _workman for _employment—and misery almost universal has ensued . He would lay it down as a principle , that
tbe capital of all classes should increase in a proportionate ratio . Though there bas been a decrease of the population on the lind , there has been an increase of rental derived from the soil , from the year 1815 to 18 * 1 , to the amount of £ 8 , 809 , 000 sterling . This he could prove from tbe income-tax returns of the respective periods . With this Increase of capital , there bas been a rapid and steady decrease of tbe wages of the wo'king classes . This position he illustrated by the enormous reductions of the rates of weaving . But by the _differences of prices of articles in 1814 aud 1841 , he considered that tbat £ 8 , 000 , 000 bave in effect beea doubled to the wealthy classes . He ci ntended that articles consumod by the working classes were not low in proportion , as tbe articles most is consumption among
them were of a different character from those used by tbe rich . What is tberemedy we propose for this _stn * eof things ? We have went sufficiently frequent to the Home of _Commons to demand justice . We asked for tread , but they gave us a stone . He would now briefly call the attention of tbe meeting to the plan of Mr _Feavgus O'Connor , as developed in tlie National Land Association . We find that land which will sell for JE 65 inthe neighbourhood ofa large town , maybe had for JE 20 in a more remote district . As . we cannot bring the land to the people , we proposo to take tho people to the land . How we propose to do this , is a most important question . We say to you in the first place , we want your money , and if you do not _giveus your money , we cannot do anything for you . We ask for the men
wbo want a cottage and a piece of land . A subscription of £ 212 s . 4 d . will entitle a member to two acres of land and a cottage , and se on iu proportion . On tbis land isterestwill ba charged , with thc power of buying ic up by instalments . He eaid ihat the cottages in point of neatness and convenience , were of a description that not one man ofa thousand in Ghisgow bad ever slept in . A member possessing two acres , receives £ 15 to begin with ; for three acres £ 20 ; four acres £ 30 . This does not require to be repaid , but simply tbe interest of 5 per cent . There was no end to the resources of land , asd two acres would find profitable employment to a man and his family . He was down at O'Connorville lately , and ho found the thirty . _flve alletees in possession of 105 pigs—no mean
possessionas anybody who knew their value would readily acknowledge . These allottees belonged to various trades , and be stated it as a fact that the shoemakers among ihem bad actually their _allo'ments in finer coadition than those brought up as agricultural labourers . He was certain if bis hearers were on the land they would be bappy , and if they were in ' _ustrous and frugal , they would soon be enabled to clear their little properties of all burdens . The lecturer then alluded to the advantages to be derived from the bank about to be started , and the opportunities which the members would enjoy of borrowing money from the loan society to purchase lire stock , which they might repay oh effecting sales .
He then referred to the statement of Mr _Alexandt r Sommerville— ' One who bas whistled at tbe plough '—as to the property being ia the legal possession ot the society . He ( UrK . ) affirmed tbat the property belonged to the association , and net to Mr O'Connor . Witb r < gard to its not being registered , it cannot yet be done , but itwould be registered as 8 _« on a" possible . Mr O'Connor could not sell or alienate tbe land , but he ( Mr K . ) would procure the acts affecting this question , and study it for himself . After a few observations on tbe dishonesty witb wbich trade is conducted , as exemplified more especially in tbo case of _MrBannatyne , Mr Kydd concluded bis lecture amid loud and enthusiastic approbation .
Tbe _Cuaibmak having intimated that Mr Kydd was ready to answer any question that migbt be put to him on the subject of tbe lecture . Mr _Jasies Adams requested tbe lecturer to give a distinct answer ns to whether Mr O'Connor waa the legal possessor of tbe land or no . Mr Kydd replied that Mr O'Connor was nominally , bnt not in reality the possessor . He was only the agent of the association in tnvcting tlio purchase , and he would remain in nominal possession till it was registered . Mr Adams said , Mr Kydd has told us that Mr O'Connor is purchasing land for the society , because tbo society , not being eniolled , cannot legally do so for itself . If , then , it cannot buy for itself , how cimita agent , acting in its behalf , legally do so . He thought _theznemlsrsof the society should endeavour to place this part of their affairs beyond editorial attacks . In bis opinion Mr O'Connor was at that moment tho real proprietor , while the members were only the nominal possessors ,
Mr Kydd said the land can be legally purchased in tbe name of Mr O'Connor , and ho retains it till the registration is performed . The members aro proving their confidence by their indifference , while tho _dirtotors are doing everything in their power towards registration . The _Cuairsun said , the members ot the _Lsnd Society bad full confidence in tho directors . It was to them _, selves that blame could be ascribed ia not coming forward with their signatures . They are well aware that every measure is being taken to bave the matter set at rest .
Mr Ktdd _« second leotwro was delivered in the Mechanics Institution , Cowiedeans , on the even-W of , Thursday , the _fih . Subject :- Banking , ita 1 rinoiples , Land and Labour Bank . & c ., ' and was honourably reported in the Daily Mail . Ilis lectures , n tbe districts adjoining hare been of great value . And altogether I may safely affirm , that the meet"JS have been the best we have had on the subject . Mr Kydd ' s excellent reception must have been as pleasing to himself as it has been gratifying to his old friends .
Laioii . —The paid-up shareholders of the National Land Company _neglecting to pay their local and general levies on or before the 18 th Oct ., will _nst have their names placed on the balot list . _,, _ _,,.-LiMEiiousK .-Bronswick Ilall .-Rssolved That we the members of the Chartist Association and _JNational Land Company , do repose the greatest confidence in our patriotic leader , _Feargus O Connor Esq ., for his able exertions m our behalf and for the emancipation of the industrious _classes , and admire his conduct in not being turned , from bis noble purpose by the abusive ravings , of a few _scribblivg parasite- who strive to get a living on the destruction and ruin of tbe industrious classes of Great Britain and Ireland , and we hereby p ledge ourselves to render him every support iu obtaining jrstice againat his enemies ,
Rw Vi V \ V
rw vi V \ V
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 16, 1847, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_16101847/page/1/