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\ THE ¦ NORTHER-W OTA* -*- - October 18,...
ul Tub Present Parliament.—The existing »° ns * of Commons may continue in being till tlie iiutl1 "' of 184?, and from actual appearance there is no rc"s°"
to conclude that it will bo dissolved, m...
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\ The ¦ Norther-W Ota* -*- - October 18,...
\ THE ¦ _NORTHER-W OTA * - * - - October 18 , i 845
A List Of Books, Now Publishing By " -A D Cousins, 18, Duke Street, Lincb- N-Sjnn-Fields. London. '
_TTtSB SHEFHBBD . by the Ker . 3 . Z . Smith , « . A ., ' _{ _^ Tol I , price 5 s 6 d—Vol II , price 3 s—Vol III , rice « s Sd , cloth boards ; or the three -rolumes in one , _fcalfbouna in calf aud lettered , price lGs . ¦ - . Refutation of Owenism , byG . Kedford , of "Worcester ; with a Keply , by the Be v . J . JB . Smith , M . A ., ls , " _ ffew Christianity ; or the Religion of St Simon , with a coloured Portrait of a St . Simonian Female ; translated bv the "Rev . J . B . Smith , M . A _, Is . The little Book , addressed to the Bishop of Exeter _anfl Itober t Owen , by the Iter . J . E . Smith , il . A ., Cd b y _post , " 0 _ _legends and "Miracles , by the "Rev . J . E . Smith , If . A . Cloth bds , Is 8 d .
The Ho—erV Curse ;• or / tot Twin BrolSiers _^ f _? Wliitehall . —An _HistoricabTale . _& epriuted , frem thecolumns of the Penny Satirist . __ < B _ . iee ls ; by post , _Is'Cd . ' ' . J The Rwianccof the IForest , Jby Mrs . * 'Ann : _Rad-i _ iav In Seventeen -P & ny _Cambers ; ' or the wh « le S . titSti | din § neat Volume , Is Gd ; V % post _^ _Ss Gd . f _^ ' \ "' ' . " _" "•¦'" " ' "¦ - The Three'Rivals ' ; ' or , Theodbra , the Spanish-Widow . Also , tbeEnchanteu Horse . ' . ' Price Sixpence , together . The Gipsey ' _s'Warning _;* br , Love and'Ruin :: _a'Koihance of Real Life ; _in-which ave given , the _notorious Parentage , Birth , life , Courtship , and subseguont "Murder of Maria Martin ,. in the Red Barn , by William Corder . Price ls Gd ; or in Twenty Numbers , at Id each . Alf of Muuster ; or , the Anabaptists ; 3 > ranslated from the German of Yanderveldt . 'Being an Historical Romance of intense Interest , . of love , Incoustaucy , Civil War , Rapine , Torture , and Wholesale _lUoodshod . IMqo 9 d ; bypost , ls .
_CAUTION!—tfuprinoipled individuals prepare thtmost spurious _oompounds under the _Ba-mo > name »; they copy the labels , -bills , advertisements , and tastimonials < s € the original _thomas ' _s Suobcianeum . »; 5 t is , therefore , 'highly necessary to _tiee'iha't _tfo ' _worfts " Thomas « _j » _fl _Honjard" are on the " _wwippei \ of each article . _vAJirotberBare . frauduleut'iTniUtions . FOR _STOP-PIK-Cr _DE'CATED TEETH . _PriceSs . Gd .
Just pullisUd , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with eases , and full-length engravings , price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the kingdom , on ( he receipt of a post-office order for 3 s . Gd ,
EXTRAORDINARY _ECONGMSY tt'O TEA _;* . . DRlNi ? _yERS . _\ A _fl i __ _ES » ESlRE OF ENGLAND . _V'The'P . _IQUAPLit _^ T , 3 . " now-sold at 3 s . Cd . per _IbV-is ' three _tinfes tha strength of tea , and is also equal in flavour , more delicaf _^ in taste , _ufirikely more healthy , as is proved by _^ ph ysicians and . che _ ists of high standing-,. also by-persons -in / great num-• bevs with the most delicate lungs and . stomachs . It is unost pleasant and invigorating , and . is recommended to _4 Jie debilitated for its invaluable qualities , to advanced age for its strengthening properties , and to the public generally for its moderate price nnd intrinsic excellence . The Test . —The proof of the efficacy and healthful jeffectof the plant in . preference _to-tast'ov coffee . —Let a ( nervous or dyspeptic patient use two or three cups of strong tea upon retiring to rest , av . d the effect will bc nig htmare , disturbed sleep , aud otlier violent symptoms of indigestions , & c .
THE EARL OP ALDBOROUGH CURED BY HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . TnE Earl of Aldborough cured of a . Liver and Stomach Complaiut . Extract of a Letter from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1815 : —• To Professor Holloway . Sir , —Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in sending me your pills as you did . I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for thcamount , and , atthe same time , to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my liver and stomach , which all ' the most eminent ofthe faculty athomc , and all over the continent , had not been able to eft'ect ; nay ! not even the waters of Carlsbad . and Marienbad . I wish to have another box and a pot of the ointment , in case any of my family should ever require either .
ilARE ON SPJNAL DISEASE , THIS day is puby . sncd , pttce " 3 i . 6 d CASES and OBSERVATIONS _illus tratiye of the beneficial results which . niay be . obtoihedi "b y _cloie attention and perseverance _, in some of the _i ' most chronic and unpromising instances of _tpin ai 'deformity - , with eighteen engravings on WOOd . By _SAHDELrHABB , M . _R-. ' C . S . London : John Churchill , Princes-street ; and may bc had of all booksellers .
CAUTION . —AU Persons advertising Succedaneum for stopping decayed teeth , fraudulently attempt to imitate MR . CLARKE'S ORIfilHALSUCCEDANEUM ; nnd if any Succedaneum than Mr , . Clarke ' s bo purchased , it will be discovered useless . Mr . Clarke can say , without the slightest exaggeration , that he has sold 3 , 000 bottles cf Succedaneum within IC months : and 2 , 800 individuals have been able te use it successfully ; and most of the other purchasers have been to Mr . Clarke , at his residence , 01 , Lower Grosvenor Street , London , to have their
Just rublished , A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on Human Frailly . Price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order for 3 s . Cd , A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ofthe GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into tbe concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and _constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or total
BILEI BILE ! _BILEi * _WORBOYS'S PILLS remove , in a few days „ distressing symptoms arising from a _^ L ' ° ' state of the biliary ducts , viz ., heartburn , sick | i , i " , loss of appetite , fluttering of the stomach , _& c . « ¦ ' free from mercurial and antimonial preparations th _^ may be taken at any time with perfect safety _s ' i _^ boxes , Is . lid . each , by W . S . _Wovboys _, - . _« _, * _^ ° J ' ! Lambeth ; Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-street ; and h most respectable medicine vendors in town and count N . B . —Persons desirous of making trial of these _rui may , by enclosing a postage stamp to the Propria to t * _l , S ' a dose transmitted gratuitously . ' ' av '
ON DEBILITY AND DISEASE . Price 2 s . Cd ., in an envelope , or forwarded to any ndilp free , on receipt of a post-office order fo , 3 Si c ' * TII E MENTOR 01 * HEALTH , a Medical Work Nervous Debility , and the Causes of Premature n " tay in Man , resulting f rom Excess , Infection , or Im „ 6 " dence , Also , OBSERVATIONS ON MAltltlAGK . certain disqualifications , together with treatment " f _^ diseases of thc Generative Organs , by J . S . Tissut Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 6 , Carolincstreet , aKa t _^ t square . ' a _*
WRAY'S SPECIFIC _MIXTUBE for Gonorrhoea , _* ranted to remove Urethral Discharges in fort _u-H ' , hours : in the majority of cases twenty-four , if _arj _^ ' , from local causes . ' - 'g Sold ( in bottles , is . Cd . and lis . each , duty included ) at 118 , Ilolborn-hill , and 384 , Strand , London , J 5 _oltl _, _! - by Sanger , 150 , _Oxford-strcct ; Johnston , fiS _Cm-nlii'i ! Barclay and Sons , 05 , Farringdon-street ; p ,. uicr / Cheapside ; Edwards , C " _, St . Paul ' s Church-yard ' ; amib ' _J all medicine vendors in town and country . ' ' * Advice given gratuitousl y to pciSOIlS falling between the hours of eleven aud one in the morning , , _* iu < hev > and nine in the
'CORNS AND BUNIONS . PAUL'S EVERY MAN'S FRIE . VD , Patronised hy the JRoyal l _^ amily and _ V <* I » ___' y , IS a sure and speedy cure for those severe annoyances , without causing tlie least pain or inconvenience . Uutikc all other remedies for Corns , its operation is such as to ronder the Cutting of Corns altogether unnecessary ; indeed , wc may say , thc practice of cutting Coins is at al ! times highly dangerous , and has been frequently attended with lamentable consequences , besides its liability to increase then * growth ; it adheres with the must gentle pres-urc , producing an instant and delightful relief from torture , and , with perseverance in its application , entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and Bunions . Testimonials have been _received from upwards of one hundred Physicians and _Surg-eons of the greatest mmnence ,
Ul Tub Present Parliament.—The Existing »° Ns * Of Commons May Continue In Being Till Tlie Iiutl1 "' Of 184?, And From Actual Appearance There Is No Rc"S°"
ul Tub Present Parliament . —The existing » ° _* of Commons may continue in being till tlie iiutl 1 " ' of 184 ? , and from actual appearance there is no _rc"s _° "
To Conclude That It Will Bo Dissolved, M...
to conclude that it will bo dissolved , mucii u < _- '*'" time . At mis season ofthe year , we know of no grew ® drawback to our enjoyment than the customary _return of thoseseasonaule afflictions , corns and bini »' _- Pew , indeed , there are , who have not been at ., i time sufferers by these tormenting evils . V _» c know , however , that the number is much less tn formerly , owing to the astonishing cures effected . tho extended use of Paid ' s Every Man ' s Friend ; a » our present object is to point out lo those u » liel
quainted with the good results of this * _M _* P _fX that by its use they will certainly acquire n " » _U ease to their feet , but , from personal experience oi _^ undoubted efficacy , they will derive as perfect am * permanent a cure as though no such disorder hau troubled them . The remedy is simple , and coiw merely of a plaister , renewed as occasion i _^ require , and but few are neeessavy to rid the * of all his pains . Tliev may be obtained ot j »»> . spectable Chemist or Medicine Vender in the m » dom , and at . so reasonable a price that the p _^ person has it in his power . to shake oft tins j ¦ _, and _increasinsi growth . The p laister is s ° ' ing boxes , at Is . iid . each or , in large boxes , _•» _" _*" _> three small ones , for 2 s . 9 d . Be . suro * ° *? V "Paul ' s Every Man ' s Friend , " - which _lS-pvnW _*' - * the Government Stamp .
Holloway _' s Piixs .-Tlie virtue ofthis _niosg _* ordinary medicine , is so admirable and ei ' _^ that it wonderfully preserves man in nca _^ strength of body , and of all the powers and _" of his mind . It is a sovereign remedy tor an " ffer . however bad , that admit of a cure . A W P ? \ et at ing from general debility , nervous affections . _^ bilious complaints , sick head-aches . jna ' . f ' estll |" ' on bj of appet ite , as well as every complaint brougu ... _y sedentary habits , for aU sueh these Pills _\*' found to give Runout' immediate relief .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 18, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_18101845/page/2/