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V' : "' "V T-qg wn-ftTHBRN STAB. __ JpLr...
A SPANISH F.XECimOJ*. ^ Madrid, July 6. — Baldomcro Mcndoza, an nu
soldier ot Cabrera's arm}', wiio assassi...
jBaiiftrupte, &*?
BANKRUPTS. (" ¦ ¦From Friday's Gazette, ...
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V' : "' "V T-Qg Wn-Ftthbrn Stab. __ Jplr...
V ' : " ' "V _T-qg _wn-ftTHBRN STAB . __ JpLr 19 184 _\
The Northern Star, And National Trades'journal, ]
ESTABUSHBDfaUed « _inlW , M ( lrfnce _* aienae leading Provincial Journal to the _Kii-gdom , u now , _-nHiArf atNo . « 0 , _StiM _^ I _« ndon . _ . j _^^ obh _^^ _theJ _^ p _AeU _^' mes _^ sh _^ _iheAc _^ rn Star _wastntow * » fearless and fiutiwl organ for the _wnresenttdon _« f the Labouring _Ctasses , whose _interestt . _^• _fiijwtmmi-moridbavebei-aslimd _^^ neglected . The _waoTalof the Star to London has enabled its con- J _aactowWinipply the reader with the latest intelligence , I uweB as the most interesting news ; in consequence of . _^ i _?^ _iUninnberof-i _^ _d--is"haTemateriaUyincrea ! _Md in ' tbe _Metropolis , _andite country circulation can be equalled "by "few , even the most extensively circulated Metropolitan j _mCVupapers . j Prom the extensive circulation of me Northern Star , to- ' gether with tha _factthat it is read byall classes of society _, as the organ of the movement part ; -, Advertisers wiR find it to be a medium of _rommnnicaSon with the public at _BTgewcrth notice . I Books and PulAcationB for review must lie addressed ; ( post paid ) to the Editor , S 4 . 0 _, Strand , London . Adver- ; _isements and orders for paperi to be addressed to Veargas i O'Connor , _SMi , Strand , where aH conunnnicatioas trill he pnnctuaRy attended to . j The following _extractfrsm the Newspaper Stamp "Bo j tarns fer _Otsbaber , "Koven-iber , -and BecemlKC , 1848 ( _ancc lAich m _retarns have been made ) , stow that the Jfoxiiem Star is far at the bead of man ; _ald-cstabliSied _london'W-eel-l y Journals : — NORTHERN STAR *~ M * _j « 0 _Hcws-rftte World .. _SSfiOO United Sec-doe * 8 a-Secord .. _„ .. •• -83 , 500 zetU „ -. -.. -. 19 , 500 _Bnaniner 71 , 000 Patriot _»„ _..,. 60 , 000 "Biitannia 66 , 000 Spectator „ .. ,. 48 , 000 _lfaA 4 ane _* Eniress .. 54 , 000 Era ..-. _„ .. « 41 , 000 _Is & _jlet .. _ 45 , 000 JohnlWl 39 , 000 Observer ., .. - _« 41 , 000 Watch « aaa _,. ... __ 33 , 000 Atlas .... « _- 37 , 000 Age awa Argus-.,. _^ .. 22 , 500 _flonconfoniust .. .. 30 , 000 Sentinel ,. ,. -. .. 20 , 000 Jiell-s "New Weeldy _JounialofComrnorce 13 , 500 Messenger .. .. 32 , 500 *> « •* Observe tbe Office , 310 , Strand , London . The following ' Booksarepublished at the Jferthern Star _officc , _ML _, -Strand , andmay _behadofiiU Booksellers and Nans Agents . ¦
pence each : —Andrew _"Mairel , General Arthur O'Connor , William Cobbett , Henry Hunt , ¦ Richard Oastlw , Thomas Attwood , Jamei Bronterre _0-Brien , and Sir WiUiam Molesworth , Bart . The _abovo porteaite have been given at different times to subscribers of _meJIT ( H _«« m " _' 8 tw , ' anda » _aUowrfto'te the most complete collection ever presented with any ¦ _nOWCTVlVAt _. .
CHAMBERS * PHILOSOPHY _SEFUTED . -Just . published Price Fourpence ( forming a Pamphlet of 56 pages demy 8 vo ., in a stiff wrapper ) , THE THIRD EDITION OF A FEW * , and COMPLETE _HEPOTATIO'S of the _PHILOSOPUT contained in a TRACT recently _published by the MESSRS . CHAMBERS , of Edinburgh , en . _-fifled the _"Emplojer and _EmpteyeaV Thk _-rala-il _. lo little work contains the most complete defence of ac demands of the Working Classes for iheir ihir share of the enormous wealth created by _Machinery , as weU as a justification-of Trades Unions . The numerous appeals that have been made to Mr . O'Connor from nearly every part of the kingdom for the pubUcation , in pamphlet form , -of those Dialogues that iave recently appeared in the Star , have determined him to-gratiiy what appears to be the almost unanimous wish of the Labouring Classes . _"T'tre Employer and _tteE-an _^ otfed , _* 0 * * by Feargus O'Connor , * beats anything even of its author ' s . - _^ -Economist . Complete in one Vol , neatly Bound in Cloth , A PRACTICAL WORK ON SMALL FARMS . Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . t _, BT _FEiEGDS O _' COKKOK , ESQ . The desire of the author has been to furnish a valuable compendium at such a price as would enable everyworking man to become possessed of it . It contains all the practical instructions , _together with Plates , _defimbing Harm-house , Offices , T . -mt , _Pamt-yard , Jfccwlth particular information requisite for carrying ont aU the operations . JOB . —The above work maystiU be procured in num . l ) ers , price 6 d . each , " I have , within the last few months , visited ever ; part of France , and I declare that I have seen more misery > n ' one street in Dublin than in aB France ; the people are treU clad , weU fed , and merry ; they are all employed on Shall Farms of their oxen , or on equitable takings J "Tide Lord CUnxcwrg ' s Letter in Morning Chronicle , Oct . Sft , 1813 . Those persons desirous of bettering their condition and Of becoming "Independent Labourers , " bj entering the - & ouucfive- "taoour- " 3 IarKet , will do well to read "A Practical WorKou Small Farms , " by Feakqds O'Conkor , Esq . It contains much useful information , invaluable to the parties for whom it was written ; and Old Farmers will fiud many useful lessons in the new system of husbandry , which tliey have yet to learn . The work displays great practical knowledge , and is written so tbat any one ivho reads may understand , ilr . O'Conuor seems not to "haveused either the old or ' new nomenclature' in this work ; he has not buried his meaning in chemical tecum _, caiities _, which very few understand , but wluch most -writers on agriculture seem so desirous of using . Perhaps they do not understand the practice of Farming so well as the theory ; and , therefore , mystify that wliich they cannot explain , by some long chemical term , which the plain reader may pass over as a "iard wore * , " hard toprononnce , and harder to understand when it is proiiocnced . The rear . er will find that Mr . O'Connor has avoided ai those bard names , and suited the language to the toiling labourer , whose coUege is generally the workshop , or , at best , the Sunday School . Though the work is written for holders of Small Farms , yet no Allotment Tenant onght to be witliout it ; the valuable information it contains respecting tilling and cropping is alike useful to au \ . "—Extract from a Farmer ' s Letter . " This really useful little volume ought to be in the bands of every one at all connected ivith agricultural pursuits . "—Lloyd ' s Weekly London Newspaper . " Although wc feel no desire , in the language of the proud Peruvian , in contenjplatir . > j what we hope to rejoice an , the contentment , prosperity , and comfort of our fellow men , to exclaim— " This , this is my work f nor is our _ojjjecf , as Ifr . O'Conuor declares his to be , "tliat each man who is willing to work may be independent of every other man in thc world for his daily bread , -- yet we can with much pleasure recognise in the book before us a powerful instrument for aiding in developing in man a -much higher destiny than he has hitherto attained . "Mr 0 "Coniiorshcwsclearly , whatwUlsoonbeapparenl . ¦ to all who reflect deeply , tliat we are not left without the means of obtaining not only all tliat is physically requiste for man ' s progress , but also that wc may readily _prodace what is apparently desirable ; for noue who carefully peruse this work can doubt that a system of small farms , leld by active" aud industrious labourers , would amply return , in exchange for healthful exertion , far more than s requisite to preserve physical strength . '" He also shews that sometliing more than this is requisite to ensure happiness , for lie says in page 121 , " I feei convinced that man can place no reliance whatever upon bis fellow man , or a community of men , when circumstances operate upon bis or tlieir minds , the influence £ nden * ect of which would he stronger than any abstract notions of justice . For instance if a community of la-Ixmriug men purchase a quantity f land , and hire labour for its cultivation , h < -vcvcr just their intentions and pure their motives , they will nevertheless feel themselves justified in raising the price of the land , according to the -improved value conferred upon it by the labour of tlic hired workman . Tliis power of steadily trenching upon the rights of others is one of the greatest disadvantages against which the labourer has to contend and those lured by a community , at the cud of twenty years would bein no better condition than they were at starting , while the community of proprietors would have increased the value of their property tweuty-fo'd ; that is , they would bave robbed those labourers , by whose industry the value was increased , of nineteen shillings in the pound . " "These remarks are powerful arguments iu the sphere in which they are written , and if examined in their relation to the universal , they confirm tbe testimony that •" The earth is the lord ' s , and all that therein is ; be round world aud they that dtrell therein ; " for , after partaking freely of what is good for each order of creation , auy self-appropriation , bv whatever parties indulged in , is from evil , and will produce its consequence , namely , vice , crime , and misery . "We can strongly recommend Mr . O'Connor ' s work to onr readers , containing a great amount of practical information on agriculture , which should be most popularly diffused . ' *' —Coneordium Gazette May be had in Four Xumbers , price Sixpence each ; or neatly bound in Cloth , Two Shillings and Sixpence . Also , Price Fonrpence each , Numbers I and II of THE STATE OF IRELAND . _ByABiaoa _O'Cosnoe . Ko man ran understand tiie position of Ireland , or the bearing of Irish questions , who is not conversant with this -perfect picture of Ireland ' s condition , the causes ofher degradation , and the remedies for her manifold evils . Also , price' 2 s . Gd ., Second Edition A SERIES OF LETTERS FBOM FEARGUS O'CONIfOR , _XSfL , BARRISTER AT AW , TO DASIEL O'COXXELL , ESQ ., M . P . ; ' _UAAU _* Containing a review of Mr . O'ConneU ' s conduct during the agitation of the question of Catholic Emancipation ; together with an analysis of liis motives and actions since nebecame a Member of ParKament . The whole forms a complete key to thepolitical actions of Mr . O'Connell , and reconciles all the apparent contradictions in the acts of one ofthe greatest agitators ofthe present day . This edition contains the confirmation of T . Attwood , * Bsq ., of the princi pal charge brought by Mr . O'Connor gainst Mr . O'Connell . 1 " ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' * . > _s I . t i - I . , > > - > - » t > * * - > ' ' ' > . , i . I i . _> l . . I i _i _: i i ! [ ¦ _: [ . ! . ; ;
All persons desirous of completing their sets of the "LANCASTER TRIALS , may yet do so , as few copies Still remain on Land . PORTRAITS OF POPULAR _CIUIUCTERS . Portraits ofthe following dislinguishei persons , from steel engrariags , and executed in beautiful style , may be had at the Nortltcrn Star Office , 310 , Strand : —Large size—T . S . Duncombe , Esq ., M . P ., Richard Oastler , Robert Emmett , John Frost , Jlr . M'Donall , and Feargus O'Connor ; plate ofthe Trial of Frost and others at Monmouth ; plate of the Firft National Convention , andplate ofthe * ¦ procession accompanying the National Petition of 1842 to (* e House of Commons . The p . _^ ce of ffie above portraits and plates is one shilling each . Half-length portraits of the foL ' oning distinguished _Bracters may be also had at flie Si _& office , price six- 1
. "Price Two Shillings . L FIFTBEN LESSONS on the ANALOGY and SYNTAX ofthe ENGLISH LANGUAGE , for the use of adult pet- S sons who have neg lected the study of Grammar . By Wm . £ Hill . v Fifth edition , mised and amended . s Tfe « Lessons in these works are intended solely for the t _ase-of natives . Thej are divested , therefore , of all those _bair-breadUi distinctions and unnecessary Bubdivisie-as in < Analogy , which , ifataUuseval , can only _beusefiritofo-Kigners . The science of Grammar is _dlsentaagled in _Siem from the folds ofmystfeasmwhichhave so long en- ¦ shrouded it . The absurd aadanmeaningtechBicalities which pervade _aUotfaec _werrks-aa _Grammiir-wecxchanged for terms which bave a definite and precise tBeaning , illustrative of the _-anngs-tihey represent . Tbe Parte of Speech are arranged -on an eatirely ne w principle , founded on a philos «*! i * Jcal _coi = tsiu « ration of th « _wtture of language . The taecessary -divisions and subdivisions are _rationaByaooesanted for , and * _ine principles of Universal Grammar _Jxtaonstmted so fully that the meanest capacity may « _3 _Bderstand them as clearly as it understands that two axd two make four . iriSyn * suc , the formation of the EngUsh Language is exelusive !** ooBsnlted , without any unnecessary reference to other kaguages . A majority of tho numerous Rules given itt _n-tostG-t-ammars are shewn to be little better than a heap -of senseless tautology . The necessary Rules are _demosstratednpoa rational principles , and illustrated by a _vinsety of examples . By _theuse-of the fifteen lessons , and the accompanying exeKases , any-one may , in a few weeks , acquire a good knowledge of Grammar , without any of thedisgusting drudgery which , under the present system , prevents nine oat of tea from ever acquiring a knowledge of Grammar atalL "A competent Grammatical knowledge of our own language is the true basis on which aU literature ought to res - r . " —Bi ** op Loxvth . * " Mr . Hill is evidently an original Hunker . Heattacks with ability and success , the existing system of English 1 Grammar , and points out the absurdities with which it is encumbered . Justly condemning the too frequent practice of making pupils commit portions of Grammar to memory a stasks , he maintains that the only proper way to the memoryis through the understanding Itis but justice to him to say that , in a few pages , he gives a more clear and comprehensive view of the structure of Ihe English language than can be found in some very elaborateworks . ''— £ tterari ' Gazette . _•* Mr . Hill has discharged his task with considerable ability and no person can peruse his books with anything like attention , without obtaining a clear andsufficient estimate of the construction and laws ofhis vernacular tongue . "*—Leeds Times . _fc " A concise philosophical and lucid exposition of the 1 principles on which th ** language of Milton and Shak-1 speare rests . " —Bradfcd Observer . "It is calculated to give the student a correct idea of Grammatical construction—of the analogies of thelan-* guage and ofthe nature of the various parts of speech _. It is simple , but not mean ; . clear , bnt not diffuse ; and there are few works in which the first principles of Grammar are better explained or more ably followed up . " -r-Tork Chronicle . " •—— The method he has adopted to convey his lessons is the least repulsive to a learner that we have yet . seen , not excepting that of Mr . Cobbett the whole > seems to be intended as a mental machine to _abbrevis ate the labour of the mind . "*—Glasgow Liberator . : [ _i | _, _J I 5 e r n o b _6 i . > . _o is a
Price One Shilling-. PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , selected with great care , and adapted to the Rules and Observations respec-. tively contained in his Fifteen Lessons on the Analogy and Syntax of the English Language , and in his Rational t School Grammar . By Wu . Hill . Third edition , revised i and corrected .
. , _, Price Sixpence . THE GRAMMATICAL TEXT BOOK ; forthe use of - Schools , Children , or Private Students . In this little book the principles of Grammar , expressed I with the utmost possible conciseness , are exhibited for the > memory . It contains , in a few pages , the pith and mar-. row of the whole science of Grainniar . , So much are the principles of tliis important science > simplified in these little works , that by the use of them a > parent , having no previous knowledgeof the subject , may , - in one week , be qualified to instruct his children without > other assistance . - All the above works may be had at the _Abrfnern -Star » office , 340 , Strand , London . Of John Cleave , 1 , Shoei lane , Fleet-street - James "Watson , Paul's-aUey , Fatentos-• ter-row ; IL _Hetherin _*; ton , 40 , Holywell-street , London . t Of A . Heywood , 58 , Oldham-street , Manchester ; J . Guest , Birmingham ; Messrs . Paton and Love , Glasgow ; > J . Hobson , Market-walk , Huddersfield ; and of all book-* * sellers and news-agents , who can procure them to order .
- . - , - - - - POPULAR WORKS NOW PUBLISHING BY W . DUGDALE , 37 , HOLYWELL-STREET , 1 STRAND . _IVJEW WORK BY EDGENE SUE , "DE ROnAN ; > 1 \ OR , THE COURT CONSPIRATOR , " in penny ' numbers and fourpenny parts . The first part and num-1 ber seven are published this day . Translated expressly ' for tliis edition , and nothing omitted . 1 THE WANDERING JEW , No . 33 , and Part 8 , is out , and is expected to be completed in forty-two numbers . THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , uniform with the ' above , is progressing . Part 5 and No . 20 are ready . Will be speedily finished in about thirty numbers . * _# * Order the Nonpareil edition . The Mysteries of Paris may also be had in sixty penny numbers , or fifteen parts at fourpence each ; being the first translation in the English language , and the only one that contains all tlic original edition before the author had curtailed it to please the fastidious taste of a too prurient public . This edition has fifty engravings , is printed in good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound in red , in one volume , may be had for 4 s . « * A liberal allowance to dealers . > Also in two volumes octavo , neatly bound , VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , with-. ont abridgment or mutilation , containing every word ot the editiou in six volumes published at £ * 210 s . Tke first , volume has a medallion likeness of the author , and the second a full-length engraving of Voltaire as he appeared i in his seventieth year . To the first volume is prefixed a copious Memoir of hisLife and Writings . ' Every carehas . been taken to keep the text correct , so thai it may remain I a lasting monument of the genius and indomitable persei verance of the author in enlightening and liberating his . fellow creatures . The nniversal fame of Voltaire ; the _> powerful blows which he dealt to superstition and tyl ranny , from which tliey wUl never recover , have long r en-. dei-ed this book _e-debi-aled above all _olliers , as Hie great . advocate of freedom and humanity , and the undoubtable I assailant of tyranny , whether spiritual or militant . For i beauty of typography and correctness of the text , the pub-Usher will challenge competition—and for cheapness he will defy all . The two volumes contain 1276 pages , and i maybe had in 120 penny numbers , thirty parts at fouri pence each , or in two volumes , handsomely bound and ! lettered , price 12 s . Sold by all booksellers . [ The WORKS of THOMAS PAINE , uniform with Vol-¦ _taire ' s Dictionary , to be completed in one volume , or _: sixty penny numbers , each number containing sixteen pages of good , clear , and readable type . The first part . has a bold and excellent portrait of Paine , after Sharpe , from a painting by Romney . Strange as it may appear , ! there has yet been no complete and cheap edition of the works of this celebrated man . Richard Carlile placed them beyond the reach of the working classes when he published tliem for £ 2 2 s , the Political Works alone , and the Theological Works for 10 s . Cd . It is calculated that the whole will not exceed sixty numbers at one penny each , or fifteen parts at fourpence . Eight numbers are now published , aud the succeeding parts will be issued ffitbrapidity . VOLTAIRE'S ROMANCES , NOVELS , and TALES . The celebrity which these famous Tales have obtained in all European and American languages renders all comment superfluous . For wit , sarcasm , and irony they stand unrivalled . This will be the first uniform and complete edition , and will comprise the following celebrated works : —Candide , or All for the Best ; Zadig ; The Huron , or the Pupil of Natu *; The White BuU : The World as it Goes ; The Man of Forty Crowns ; The Princess of Babylon ; Memnon the Philosopher ; Micromegas ; Plato's Dream ; Babebec , or the fakirs ; The Two Comforters , _dtc , & c . Six parts , fourpence each , and twenty-four penny numbers , are now ready . The remainder wiU speedily foUow . The DIEGESIS ; being a discovery of the origin , evidences , and early history of Christianity never before or elsewhere so fiillyand faithfully set forth . By the Rev . ReBEB-r Tatlob . Complete in fifty-four numbers , at one penny each , or thirteen parts , fourpence cach ; or may be had , neatly bound in cloth and lettered , price 5 s . THE "DEVIL'S PULPIT , or the Astro-Theological Lectures ofthe Rev . Robert Taylor , published under that title , complete in forty-eight numbers , the two last comprising aMemoir ofthe Life and Writings of the Reverend Author . This work was formerly published in twopenny numbers—now reduced in price to one penny . All the numbers are reprinted as they fall out , so that sets may be constantly obtained . The MIRROR of ROMANCE , in _s-ne volome , ' containng four hundred pages quarto , with upwards of fifty iUustrations , and tlte following celebrated works : — Leone Leoni , by George Sand , now Madame Dudevant _, one of the most powerful romances ever written . The Physiology of a Married Man , by Paul de Kock , ivith upwards of fifty illustrations , is given entire . Jenny ; or The Unfortunate Courtezan , by the same author , containing a most afTcctiug moral , drawn from real life . Thc Bonnet Bonge , or Simon the "Radical , a tale of the French Revolution , — -a work of great merit . The White House , a romance by Paul de Kock—Memoirs of an Old Man at twenty-five ; a most piquant and amusing tale . Manual or Fbeemasokbv , verbatim from the editions published by Carlile , for 15 s . All the above maybe had in ono volume 5 s ., or in ten Parts at 6 d , each , A liberal allowance to the _tradfo
L S £ v t < ! is - - to is a In one thick volume , pric * five shillings , Tns Ma » 0 _»•< " or Fbieiusohey , Parts I . II . and III . as published by - Carlile at 5 i . each , may now be had uniform in siie vfl _* h " - Chambers ' Miscellany , aud most elegantly printed . This edition contains the prefaces and introduction to each 1 part , which are omitted in tbe _ather reprints . y _* Part I . contains a manual of the three first degrees . with an introductory _^^ _keystone to the Royal Arch . _. Part II . contains the Royal Arch and Knights Temr > lar Degrees , with an explanatory _intreduction to . the Sci « ice . Part UI . contains the degrees of Mark Mace , Mark Master Architect , Grand Architect , Scotch Master or Superintendent , Secret Master , Perfect Master , and upwards of twenty-other associations , to . which is prefixed an explanatory introduction to the science , and a free translation of -some of the _SacredScriptore names . _ The parts way be had separate - parts I . and II ., Is . 6 d each , and pert III ., 2 s . May lie Had of all Booksellers . Paul de Rack ' s Works , toll and free translations : — NEIGHBOUR RAYMOND , price Is ., a most amusing tale . Tbe BARBER OF PARIS , 2 s . GUST AVUS ; or tie Toting Rake , 2 s . GEORGETTE ; or the Scri _** ener s Niece , & . BROTHER JAMES . 2 s . MY WIFE'S CHILD , Is . 6 d . THE MAN WITH THREE PAIR OF BREECHES , 2 s . TOURLOUROU ; or the Conscript , 3 s . Aba , INDIANA , by George Sand , a Romance of Illicit Love , 3 s . FERRAGUS , THE CHIEF OF THE DETOURERS , by M . de Balzac , ls . 6 d . WiU befolbwed [ up _* by others ofthe same writer . ON THE POSSIBILITY OF _LIMITI _*** •¦ _Or'ULOUSi NESS . AN ESSAY ON F 0 PUL 0 USSESS—to wliich is added the THEORY OE PAINLESS EXTINCTION , by Marcus , price Is . # * The celebrated pamphlet where it is proposed to _, forbid the intercourse of Man and Woman when they are _J poor , and to make it felony when a child is the result . B The Theory of Painless Extinction coolly discusses the method of extinguish " _* g Ufe , when the Intruder has not property immediate oi expectant to support that life . The MONK , by Lewis , verbatim from the Original ; I twenty-four plates , price 2 s . 4 d . i MARRIAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . In 5 four parts . —Part I . On the Necessity of Marriage ; e Precocity * . Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions r in Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organizations ; Madness cured by Matrimony ; the Courtezan Reclaimed . Fart n III . Limitation of life justified ; Protectors—then-utility o and general adoption . Part IV . —Real causes of Sterility ; remedies . From _theFreach of Jean Dubois , 2 s . Gd . B FRUITS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , private advice to b young _n-a-fvied people . Containing the various _hypo-6 thesis of Generation ; Structure of the Female Organs ; i . Conceptions ; Remedies against Barrenness and Impo-> . tency ; with a curious anatomical plate . 2 s . Cd . _o AUthe above , and more extensive Catalogue , may be is iad from every vender of periodicals . AU orders punc a maUy attended to . ' . i i ' _, * I t ' , . _s
LIST OF BOOKS , PAMPHLETS , & c . PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY ABEL HEYWOOD , 58 , OLDHAM-STREET , MANCHESTER . London , by J . Watson , St . Paul ' salley , Paternoster-row ; II . Hetherington , Holywell-street , Strand ; J . Cleave , Shoe-lane , Fleet-street ; and by order of any bookseller and newsvendor in the country . PRICE 2 s . _6 d ., in cloth , or in four parts at Gd . each , "A Practical Work on the Management of Small Farms . " By F . O'Connor , Esq . Price 2 s . 6 d ., handsomely done up in cloth , with a portrait of Baron Rolfe , and new title , "The Trials of Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., and Fifty-eight Chartists , at Lancaster , on a charge of Sedition , Conspiracy , Tumult , and Riot . " This edition was _originaUy pubUshed at Gs . Gd . in cloth , or in eight numbers at 7 d . eacl . A . H . having purchased the whole stock , offers them at the low price of Js . Gd . per copy . Parties requiring » dd numbers to make Hp sets should apply immediately , or otherwise they cannot be obtained . Price Is ., cloth , "A Rational Scliool Grammar , and Entertaining Class-Boot-. * ' By "William Hill . Price Is ., cloth , "A Companion" to the above , By WiUiamHUl . Price 3 d ., in wrapper , " The Land and its Capabilities , " and "Repeal ofthe Union- " two lectures delivered at Manchester . By Feargus O'Conuor , Esq . Part I ., price 6 d ., " Biology : being an inquiry into the cause of natural death , or death : ' rom old age , and developing an entirely new and certain method of preserving active and healthful life for an _extraordinary period . " By lr . P . Newbothaui . Price Is ., by post ls . 6 d ,, " One Hundred and Fifty Receipts for making cakes , gingerbread , custards , curds , creams , patties , pies , tarts , puddings , sweetmeats , jelUes , & c , " Bj Miss Leslie . Price Gs ., cloth , 12 mo ., " Mackintosh ' s Electrical Theory ofthe Universe . " By T . S . Mackintosh . For the convenience of purchasers this work is also issued in numhers , at 3 d . each . Price Is . 4 & ., "An Inquiry into the Nature of Responsibility , as deduced from savage justice , civil justice , and social justice . " By T . S . Mackintosh . Price ls . Gd ., cloth , 12 mo ., " The Political Text Book : being extracts from tlic works of scarce and eminent writers , _arranged under various heads . " By William Carpenter . Price 2 d ., "The Labouring Classes . " "An excellent pamphlet . " - —Boston ( American ) Quarterly _Beviexv . Price 8 d ., 132 pages , " Rousseau's Social Contracts ; or , Principles of Political Rights . "
PARR'S LIFE PILLS ARE acknowledged to be all that are required to conquer disease and prolong life . The extraordinary success of this medicine is the wonder of tlte age ; it has been tried by hundreds of thousands as an aperient , and has in every instance done good ; it has never in the slightest degree impaired thc most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and are living witnesses of the benefit reccired from this invaluable medicine . Testimonials are received daily , and it would he impossible in a newspaper to publish one half received ; and the following are selected as people well known in their respective neighbourhoods , and whose testimony is unquestionable . Further sheets of testimonials , and the " Life and Times of Oldrarr , " may be had , gratis , of all agents . The following case of cure by Parr ' s Life Pills is communicated by ilr . CRuiter , chemist and druggist , Shaftesbury , Dorset , agent for Parr ' s PiUs : —* A respectable farmer residing near Shaftesbury , had for years been subject to the most distressing attacks of giddiness of the head , frequently attended with severe liead ache . The various medicines he used at different times did hhn little or no good , till hewas induced to give Parr ' s Pills a trial . The very first dose afforded much relief , and he has found them more serviceable than any other medicine hc has taken . He always resorts to them on finding any symptoms of the complaint coming on , and tbey invariably relieve hini . The attacks have been much less frequent since taking Parr ' s Pills , and he believes by continuing tlieir use his complaint will entirely leave him , Dated Aprii 26 th , 1 S « . From Mr . W . Alexander , bookseller , Yarmouth : — You uill probably remember the name of tiie respectable octogenarian gardener , Mr . Cowles , of Blundorstonc , who stiU ( with his son-in-law ) attends our excellent vegetable and fruit market . Mr . Cowles , when I last saw him , a few weeks ago , was in excellent health , and , although eighty-eight years of age , works at digging in his garden several hours in the day . He still continues occasionally to take the medicine , which he believes , under Providence , to have been the means of conferring on him so much comfort . Since I wrote the above , I have inquired after Jlr . Cand , and learn that he is quite well and hearty .. The late severe cold weather affected him much ; but , having taken your excellent medicine , he is quite well , cheerful , and able to resume his work , WlLHAM _AlEXANOER . Champion Office , March 5 , 1845 . Gentlemen , —I tliink it only fair to mention that a man named Scanlon , residing iu SUgo , porter to the Bianconi Car , on purchasing a box of your pills , declared to me that for the last eight years he has suffered severely from a bad stomach , no food resting on it , and swelling often existing ; and that after finishing one box at ls . lid . lie felt not only better , but well ; can now eat any food , and his appetite and spirits increase . I remain , gentlemen , your obedient servant , C . _Veroon . _Bexvare of spurious imitations . Beware of spurious imitations of the above medicine . None are genuine unless the words PARR'S LIFE PILLS are in WHITE letters on a RED grocnd , engraved on the Government Stamp , pasted round each box ; also the fac-simile of the signature of the Proprietors , " T . ROBERTS and Co ., " London , on the directions . Sold in boxes at ls . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., and fainUy packets at lis ,, by Edwards , C 7 , St . Paul ' s ; Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-street ; Sutton and Co ., Bow Church-yard , London ; Mottcrshead and Co ., Manchester ; J . and R . Raimes and Co ., Edinburgh ; Mitchell , Glasgow ; and by all respectable druggists aud patent medicine retailers throughout the kingdom . —Directions are given with each box .
2 s . 3 d ., 4 s . 6 d _., and lis . each oox ; or , post free , 3 s ,, 5 s ., and 12 s . COPAIBA AND CUBEBS ' ENTIRELY SUPERSEDED . WRAY'S BALSAMIC PILLS , a certain , safe , and the most speedy remedy ever discovered for the permanent and effectual cure of strictures , seminal weakness , pains in the loins , affections of the . kidueys , gravel , rheumatism , lumbago , gonorrhoea , gleets , local debility , irrita . tion of the bladder or urethra , and other diseases of the urinary passages . The unprecedented success that has attended the administration of tliese piUs , since they werc made pubUc , has acquired for them a sale more extensive than any other proprietary medicine extant , and the circumstance of their entirely obviating the necessity of having recourse to those disgusting , nauseous and in many cases highly injurious medicines ( as copaiba , cubebs , & . C . ) , has obtained for tliem a reputation unequalled in the annals of medicine . Prior to being advertised , these pills were employed in private practice in upwards of 1 , 800 cases , many of them most inveterate—in many thousand cases since , and in no one instance known to fail , or to produce those unpleasant symptoms so often experienced while taking copaiba , and that class of medicines usually resorted to in these complaints . The proprietor pledges
" - _* 1 " - " ¦ 1 ; ; himself that not one particle of copaiba , either resin or _balsarj , cubebSi or any deleterious ingredient , enters their composition . Copaiba and cubebs have long been tne most commonly employed medicines in the above complaints ; but , from the uncertainty in their effects , together with their utter inefficacy in many cases , are fast declining in reputation ; and , from the unpleasant symptoms invariably produced from taking copaiba , especially in _uje early stage Of the complaint , many of the moat able modern practitioners condemn it as dangerous , and ft medicine not to bo depended upon . Many persons , after having suffered more from the effects of the remedy than the virulence of the disease , and , after a patient but painful perseverance , have been compelled to relinquish its use the whole system having become more orless affected , and the disease as bad , if not worse , than at the commencement . As regards cubebs , it i true that those violent effects are not experienced as w . uo _mkiiiff copaiba , but they seldom effect a cure , unless more active medicines are administered . The Balsamic "PiUs are free from any of the above _oujections ; they act specifically on the urinary passages : and , from their tonic properties , tend to strengthen the system and improve the _genet-A "heaWi . Tliey _vequwo neither confinement nor alteration of diet ( except aDsti . nence from stimulants , where considerable inflammation . exists ) , and , as experience has amply proved , they mil i effect a cure sootier than copaiba ( the dangerous results of which , in the . inflammatory stages , are too well known to need comment ) , or any other medicine in present use , i and may be justly considered the only safe and efficacious remedy in all stages of those disorders . In addition to these advantages , the very convenient form in which this _, invaluable preparation is offered to the public , must also * a desideratum . Prepared only by M . 0 . Wray , and sold , wholesale and I retail , at 118 , Ilolborn-liill ; and at the West-end Depot , t 314 , Strand , London . May also be had of all respectable medicine venders in town and country . Patients in the remotest parts of the country can be ' treated successfully , on describing minutely their case , , and inclosing a remittance for medicine , which can be for-. warded to any part of the world , securely packed , and _s carefully protected from observation .
FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD . THAT excellent OINTMENT , called the " POOR MAN'S FRIEND , " is confidently recommended to the public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of crcry description , and a certain cure for ulcerated sore legs ( if of twenty years' standing ) , cuts , burns , scalds , bruises , chilblains , ulcers , scorbutic eruptions , pimples in the face , weak and inflamed eyes , piles and fistula , gangrene , and is a specific for eruptions that sometimes follow vaccina _, tion . Sold in pots at 13 _^ . and 2 s . 9 d ; each . Also , his _PILULE _ANTISCROPHULiB , confirmed by more than forty years' successful experience as an invaluable remedy for that distressing complaint called scrofula , glandular swellings , particularly those of the neck , < fec . They present one of the best alternatives ever compounded for purifying the blood and assisting nature in all her operations . They are efficacious also in rheumatism , and form a mild and superior family ' aperient , and may be taken ut all times without confinement or change of diet . Sold in boxes at 13 _""> d . and 2 s . 9 d . By the late Dr . Roberts ' s will , Messrs . Beach and Bar . nicott , who had been confidently entrusted with tlic preparation of his medicines for many years past , are left joint proprietors of the Poor Man's Friend and Pilulic _Antiscrophultc , Sic , Sic , with the exclusive right , power , and authority to prepare and vend thc same . The utility of these medicines is fully testified by thousands of persons who have Been benefited by tlieir aid . Amongst the numerous testimonials received , the followiug is . <; - lected : — To Messrs , Beach and Barnieott , Bridport . Gentlemen , —Amongst the many cures performed by youv invaluable medicines , I may mention one—the person does not wish his name to appear in public print , but you may refer to me for the facts of the case . A man , whom disease had so affected bis face . that it was one complete outbreak , and so disgusting that he was obliged to keep it covered , and , after trying several remedies , but all in vain , was induced to try your Poor Man ' s Friend and Pills , After using a pot and a box of pills , he seemed to grow worse ; but through my persuasion he continued the medicine , and when he had used the fourth pot of ointment , and also the pills , he was completely cured , and has remained so ever since , now nearly six months . Many other remarkable instances of cures I have known , inasmuch as I positively think it is one of the best medicines I am acquainted with , for the diseases to which it is recommended _. Yours very faithfully , _Tnojii-S _SlcAowa , Dungannon , April 6 , 1841 , Beware of Counterfeits . —No medicine sold under the above names can possibly be genuine unless " Beach and Barnieott , late Dr , Roberts , Bridport , ' - ' is engraved and printed on the stamp affixed on each package . Sold wholesale by the Proprietors , Beach and Babkicott , at their Dispensary , Bridport ; by the London houses ; and by appointment by Dr . Butler , Dublin ; Marshall , Uclfast ; O'Sliauglinessy , Limerick ; M'Swecny , Galway ; M'Adam , Dungannon ; G , P .-Atkins , chemist , 123 , Patrick-street , near the Market , Cork .
A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend Human Prailty , THE FOURTEENTH EDITION . Just PubUshed , Price 2 s . Od ., in a scaled envelope , _a-ad sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order . for 3 s . 6 d . THE SILENT FRIEND . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ofthe GENERATIYE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the abiUty of manhood , ere vigour has _estabUsbed her empire : —with Observations on the . baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial ov total EXTINCTION ofthe REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of _Gonorrhtca , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner ; the Work is Embellished with Engravings , representing tlte deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certain Disqualifications : tho whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a "SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of _success . By R . and L . PERRY and Co ., Consuming Subgeons , London . Published by the Authors ; sold by Heaton , and Buckton , Briggate , Lieds ; Strange , Paternoster-row ; -Hannay and Co ., G 30 , Oxford-street ; Purkis , _Conptin-strect , Soho , London ; Guist , 51 , _BuU-strcct , Birmingham ; and by all bookseUers in town and couutry . OPINIONS OF TnE PBE 8 S . " We regard the work before us , the "Silent Friend , " as a work embracing most clear and practical views of a series of complaints hitherto Uttle understood , and passed over by ' . he majority of thc medical profession , for what reason we are at a loss to know . We must , however , confess Unit a perusal of this work has left such a favourable impression on our minds , that we not only recommend , but cordiiiUy wish every one who is the victim of past folly , or suffering from indiscretion , to profit by tbe advice contained in its pages , "—Age and Argus . " The Authors of tlio " Silent Friend" aeem to be thoroughly conversant with the treatment of a class of complaints which are , we fear , too prevalent in the present day . The perspicuous style in which this book is written , and the valuable hints it conveys to those who are apprehensive of entering the _max-riage state , cannot fail to recommend it to a careful perusal . " —Era . " Tbis work should lie read by all who value health and wish to enjoy life , for the truisms therein contained defy all doubt . —Farmers ? Journal . THE CORDIAL BALM OP-SYRIACUM . Is a gentle stimulant and renovator of the impaired functions oflife , and is exclusively directod to the cure of such complaints as arise from a disorganization of the Generative System , whether constitutional or acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from SypliiUtic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debiUty , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the excited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducive error—into a gradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious appUcation of those inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decrepitude , and aU the habitudes of old age . Constitutional weakness , sexual debi . lity , obstinate gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evacuations , total impotency and barrenness are effectually removed by this invaluable medicine . Sold in Bottles , price lis . each , or the quantity of four in one Fannly bottle for 33 s ., by wliich one Us . bottle is saved _. Prepared onh / by Messrs . PERRY and Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Borners-street , Oxford-street _^ London . None are g _« - nuiue without the signature of R and L . PEilRr and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of eaeh wrapper , to imitate wliich is felony of the deepest dye . The Five Pound cases ( the purchasing of which wiU be a saving of one pound twelve shilUngs ) may be had as usual at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London . Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , should send Five Pounds b y letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . May be had of all BookseUers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine Venders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America of whom may be had the " Silent Fbie . nd . " ' Messrs . PERRY expect , when consulted by letter , the usual fee of one pound , without wliich no notice whatever can be taken of the communication , Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail oftheir cases . r PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 3 d ., 4 s . fid ., and lls . per box . ( Observe the signature of It . and L . PERRY and Co on the outside of each wra pper ) are well known through ! out Europe and America , to be the most certain and eftectual cure ever discovered for every stage and svinntorn of a certain disease , in both sexes , including _GonwCS Gleets Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , _Deficiency and all diseases ofthe Urinary P ssal 4 s without loss of time , confinement , or _htadrnnw SS business . . They have effected the most surprising c u _* e " . not only in recent and severe cases , but wl . e _isaUv _; tio . and aU other means have failed- _thevi-emovp _Wv _* m « 7 Affections , Eruptions on any part of Uw bodv Eleei _Z scrofulous or Venereal Taint , bei , ° g _calculatedIt > c se the Wood from all foulness , counteract ever mo ' bid _sasu'siffissir _«^ ic _^ t _^ _£ Messrs . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , mav be _consulted as taSft from ' _EtaoWvh * ' ° _^ t _^ LnZ _$£ tuauj _. trom _Eleicn m tho morn ng until Ehrh tin the evening , and on Sundays from Eleven titt One ? _Owy £
personal visit is required from a country patient to enaWe _Vfis-irs Perry and Co . to give such advice as wdl be the means of efteeting a permanent and effectual cure , after all other means have proved ineffectual . . N B 1-Country Druggists , BookseUers , Patent Medicine Venders , Sic , cm be supplied with _anyquantity of Perry ' s Puri & inK Specific PUls , and Cordial Balm of Syriacum , with _theT usual allowance to the Trade , by most of the orincipal Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in London . P Sold by Mr . Heatok , 7 , Briggate , Leeds , of whom ma be had the "SUent Friend .
ALL MAY BE CURED !! - BY ' ' HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT FIFTY ULCERS CURED . IN . SIX WEEKS . EXTRACT of a Letter from John Martin , Esq ., Chronicle Office , Tobago , West Indies . — February * Hh , 1845 . To Professor Holloway . Sir , —I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island , espocinlty those who cannot afford to employ medical gentlemen , are very anxious of having your astonishing medicines within their reach , from the immense benefits some of them have derived from their use , as they have " been found heve , in several cases , U enve sores and ulcers of tlio most malignant and desperate kind . One gentleman in this island , who had , I believe , about fifty running ulcers about his legs , arms , and body , who bad tried all other medicines before the arrival of yours , but all of which did him no good ; hut yours cured him in about six weeks , and he is now , by their menus alone , quite restored to health and vigour . ( Signed ) Joiik Maetik . Piles , Fistulas , and _bearixigs-dowxx . A Remarkable Coke bv these Pills and Ointment . —A half-pay lieutenant , lately residing at St . llelier ' s , Jersy , whose name by request is omitted , had for three years suffered from piles and fistula , besides a general bearing down , of the most distressing nature . He had twice undergone an operation , but to no purpose , and at last gave himself up to despair . Yet , notwithstanding this complication of complaints , together with a debilitated constitution , he was completely cured of all bis infirmities , and restored to the full enjoyment of health by these justly renowned medicines , when every other means had failed . Extraordinary Cure in the West Indies , of Leprosy , and other direful skin diseases . June 3 rd , 1814 . Mr . Lewis Reedon , of Georgetown , Dcmerara , writes , under the above date , that Holloway's Pills and Ointment have cured bad legs that no doctor could manage , ulcers and sores that were of the most dreadful description , as likewise leprosy , blotches , scales , and other skin diseases of the most frightful nature , and that the cures effected there by these wonderful medicines are so numerous and extraordinary as to astonish thc whole population . Cancered Breast . —A Wonderful Circumstance . Copy of a Letter from Richard Bull , bootmaker , Tatton , near Southampton : —* February 8 th , 1640 . To Professor Holloway . Sir , —The Lord has permitted to be wrought a wonderful cure of cancers or abecsses , of twelve years' standing , in my wife's breast . In the latter part of thc time , eleven wounds wcre open at once . The faculty declared thc case as past cure , several pieces of bone had -loine away , and 1 expected that my poor wife would soon have been taken from me , Itwas then that a friend recommended the use of your pills and ointment , which , to our utter f astonishment , in the space of about three months , healed ¦; up the breast as soundly as ever it was in her life . I shall ever remain , Your most grateful and obedient servant , ( Signed ) RicnARO Bull . Wheezing on the Chest and Shortness of Breath . Copy of a Letter from Mr . Jeremiah Casey , No . 1 , Compton-place , Compton-street , _Brunswick-squarc , London , April 26 th , 1815 : — _•*• _"" ~ To Professor HoUoway . Sir , —I beg to inform you that I believe I had been , for more than three years , one ofthe greatest sufferers in the world with chronic asthma . For weeks together my breath was frequently so short tbat I was afraid every j moment of being choked with phlegm . I never went into a bed ; very often , indeed , I have been obliged to pass the ' night without being able to recline sufficiently to lay my j head on a table , lest I should be suffocated . No one thought I sliould live over the winter , nor did I expect it myself ; but I am happy to say that I am now able to work from morning to night , and that I sleep as well as ever I did in my life ; and this miracle ( I may say ) was effected by rubbing your invaluable ointment twice a day into my chost , and taking ten of your pills at bedtime , and ten agaiu in the morning , for about three months . ( Signed ) Jebkmiah Casey . Ill all Diseases or _iue Skin , bad legs , old wounds and ulcers , bad breasts , sore nipples , stony and ulcerated cancers , tumours , swellings , gout , rheumatism , and lumbago , likewise in cases of Piles , Holloway ' s Pills in all the above i cases , ought to be used with the' Ointment ; as by this 'means cures will be effected with a much greater certainty , and in half the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone . Tlic Ointment is proved to be a j certain remedy fov the bite of _moschetoes , sand-Hies , clliegO-foot , yaws , coco-bay , and all skin diseases common to the East and West Indies , and other tropical climes . Burns , Scalds , Chilblains , Chapped Hands aud Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , will be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment . Sold by the Proprietor , 244 , Strand ( near Temple Ba _^> , \ London ; and by all respectable vendors of patent medicines throughout the civilised world , in pots and | boxes , at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d „ 4 s . Cd ., lis ., 22 s ., and 33 s . eaeh . Tliere is a very considerable saving in taking the larger sizes . ! N . B . Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to cach pot and box
_Jiisi published , Fifteenth Edition , illustrated tvith cases , and twelve fixie engravings , price is , Cd ., in a sealed envelope , ' and sent free to any part of the kingdom , on tiie receipt of a post-office order for 3 s , Cd . BRODIE ON DEBILITY IN MAN . A MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the concealed cause ofthe decline of physical strength and loss of mental capacity , with remarks on the effects of j solitary indulgence , ntgleotcd gonorrhoea , syphilis , se- l condary symptoms , ifec , and mode of treatment ; followedby observations on marriage , with proper directions for I the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with engravings , showing the evils arising from thc use of mercury , and its influence on the body . By Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 11 , Montague-street , RusseU-square , London . Published and sold by the Authors , at their residence also by Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster-row ; Mr . Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Mr . Purkiss _, Comptoiu I street , Soho ; Hannayand Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Barth , 4 , Brydges-strcet , Coven t-garden ; Gordon , 146 , Lcadenhall - street , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , _-ReBtcto-office , Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper ' Cheltenham ; Kecne , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicotf Wolverhampton ; _D'Egville , Worcester ; Jeycs , North ! ampton ; Ouslcy _, Shrewsbury ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , Coventry ; Gibson , Dudley ; Slatter , Oxford ' Newton , Church-street , and Ross and Nightingale , Chro - _iitcte-oflice , Liverpool ; Ferriss and Score , Union-street Bristol - Wood , High-street , Guest , Bull-street , Birmingham ; Collins , St . Mary-street , Portsmouth ; Mendhain , Nelson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , South ! _, ampton ; and by all booksellers in town and country . OPINIONS OF THE _r-KESS . "Brodie on Debility iu Man . " This is a work of great merit , ami should be placed in the hands of every young man who is suffering from past folly and indiscretion . It contains many valuable truths , and its perusal is certain to benefit hun in many ways . Brodie and Co . _Iinva also published " The Secret Companion , " a work of a very valuable character , whicli is enclosed and sent free with alli tlieir medicines . —London Mercantile Journal . The authors of this valuable work evidently well understand the subject upon which they treat ; and this is the best guarantee wc can give those persons to whom it is likely to prove serviceable . It is a publication which can , and ought to be , placed in the hands of ovevv young man to guide him among the temptations of the world to wliich he may be subjected . —Kentish Mercury . THE CORDIAL BALM OF ZEYLANICA ; or , Nature ' s Grand Restorative ; is exclusively directed to the cure of nervous sexual debility , syphilis , obstinate gleets , _irrogularity _, weakness , impotency , barrenness , loss of appetite , indigestion , consumptive habits , and debilities , arising from venereal excesses ,
Sold hy all medicine vendors in town and countr , whom may be had Brodie ' s medical work on Debim ¦" Man . Be sure to ask for Brodie ' s Cordial B _* _, im of J lanica , or Nature ' s Grand Restorative , and Purifjin . _» ' getable Pills . - _" _* * *¦ Messrs . Brodie and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted usual , at 27 , Montague-street , RusseU-square , Lond J from eleven o ' clock in the morning till ei ght in t _* , " ° _** _* ing , and on Sundays from cloven o ' clock till tWo . 'ICountry patients are requested to be as minute ns * _sible in the detail of their cases . The comniuni ' car must he accompanied with the usual consultation fee "" "" * £ 1 , and in all cases the most inviolable secrecy may be * lied on . . "*¦ N . B . — -Country druggists , booksellers , and patent _m-jcine venders , can be supplied with any quanti ty of _Brodv Purifying Vegetable PiUs , and Cordial Balm of ' _AtyX j _^ with the usual allowance to the trad « , by tiie xj ' _ti _^ l wholesale patent medicine houses in London . m Only one personal visit is required to < # ccta pcrrn « netrf oure . _^ Observe!—87 , Montague-street , Russell-square , L onj
A Spanish F.Xecimoj*. ^ Madrid, July 6. — Baldomcro Mcndoza, An Nu
A SPANISH F . _XECimOJ _* . _^ Madrid , July 6 . — Baldomcro Mcndoza _, an nu
Soldier Ot Cabrera's Arm}', Wiio Assassi...
soldier ot Cabrera ' s arm }' , wiio assassinated the " NY tional Guard , Sanchez , some weeks ago in the _\*\~ 1 de la Cebada , was executed yesterday in g < xroto ' _$ outside the gate of Toledo . The only _circumstance that rendered the execution of the unhappv criminal a matter of some interest , was the rumour that had been in circulation since his condemnation to cap ital punishment ,- ' that an attempt would be made bv the Carlists of the low quarters ofthe city to rescue him even at the foot of the scaffold , or at least to cause a movement of some kind . Owing to the pressure of the immense multitude that accompanied the _proces , sion , one or two of the cavalry werc once or twice obliged to charge to keep the people back : ami
which , occurring just at the moment when the act of strangulation took place , and the _criiiiinal ' . vas i tt the agony , caused a short panic . Otherwise _notliinu occurred to disturb the public peace . The prisoner left his capilla at twelve o ' clock , and at the door waa mounted on a small white mule , which was led with a halter by a young boy extremely well dressed , of about thirteen years of age . He was arrayed in the fatal dress , the round cap and flowing gown , which indicated the doom to which lie v _^ destined—its tawdry yellow drapery glaring in tho hot July sun . The animal " on which he was mounted had neither saddle nor stirrups . On either side of him went a priest on foot , one hold _, ing before his eyes the crucifix , and the other re citing , in a loud voice , the prayers for the departin _* -
which were repeated b y the criminal in _sn equally loud voice , whilst lie kept his eyes fixed on a picture he held in his hand of the agony of thc Saviour in the Garden of Olives . Two youths preceded him , one with a black banner , the other with a large crucifix , which he held aloft , and four others carried large lighted torches . A picket of the cavalry of Ahnansa went before , in the rear followed the civil officers of justice , and behind came a battalion of infantrr , with muskets loaded and bayonets fixed . A troop ' of cavalry had been also stationed on the ground where the platform was erected , and the two sides of ' s square were formed by four companies of infantry similarly prepared for anything that might take . The procession moving along thc Callc de Toledo , must necessarily pass by the Plaza de la Cebada ; and as the cortege stopped for two or three minutes on the very spot where the murder was committed _,, thc unhappy criminal was observed to close his eyes , and his frame to shudder His countenance , wliich
was naturally of a most repulsive cast , became of a livid hue , as he was turned round to take his last look on the spot where he had last shed Wood—for I believe it was not thc first crime of the kind hc hail committed ; otherwise he went to bis fate with that sort of sullen courage onc meets with on sueh occasions amongst the lower orders of the Spaniards . On arriving on the ground hc remained at the foot ofthe scaffold a quarter of an hour to take leave of the priests who attended him , as well as of the executioner and the youth who led his mule , mounted the p latform unaided and with a ' firm step , looked his last on the multitude of uplifted faces , seated him . self on the fatal chair , to which the executioner bound his feet , submitted his neck tothe torniqucfc —the instrument of death ; one turn of the handle , and hc was a corpse . Death was instantaneous . He was left two hours in that position , his face remaining uncovered , aud exposed to the burning rays of the sun .
Jbaiiftrupte, &*?
_jBaiiftrupte , _&*?
Bankrupts. (" ¦ ¦From Friday's Gazette, ...
BANKRUPTS . (" ¦ ¦ From Friday ' s Gazette , July 11 J ¦ William Parsley , Woolwich , _hatinaker-SaiiiiicI _Elpliiclt , _Bernioiulsey-strcet , victualler—William _Ilitwaril _lfawo , _Poi-tscn / _IIainjishirc _, currier—Joseph Thorn , Sew Hrent . fOl'd , lllld Gl'Qllt _Ellling , _Middlesscx , -. l umber-John Parrow , Stanton , near Bury St . Edmund ' s , Suilblk , draper—Jolm Sluivlaiid , Bristol , grocer-Thomas hovel ) , Hen . stridgc-marsh , Somersetshire , dealer — John Harvard , Bvook-street , l _"* ond-strcet , lamp-maker—William Burleigh Htirvcrliill , Suffolk , scrivener—The Forth Marine In = u . ranee Company , _Bisliopsgatc-strcet Within , City , under _, writers—John Archer Dow , Romford , Essex , draper—Thomas Eastwood , Brighton , cheesemonger-John Raven _, port , Little _Lovc-lanc ,-- City , wholesale hosier— James Filbey , Eghani , Surrey , _licensed-victualler .
BANKRUPTS . ( From Tuesday ' s Gazelle , July lHh , 1 S 45 . ) Thomas Downcs Taylor , Brooke-street , Holborn , oilman —William Hobson , Chipping Burnet , grocer — I ' enrv Cooke , Liverpool , painter and papci-. linngci--. lo ! m Lea jun ., Liverpool , wme and spirit merchant-John ltobin . son , Beverley , Yorkshire , spirit-merchant—Beii jauiitt _HatgU , Bob Cross , Yorkshire , manufacturer .
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS . C . Murcott , first dividend of lid in the pound tuiv Thursday , at the office of Mr . Christie , Birmingham . a iiurvey "andsacre , Staffordshire , spiriMiicrclmnt , final _drndend of 3 s 3 f . 1 , n the pound , any Thursday , at ( lie olhce ot Mr . Valpy , Birmingham . J . Kirkpatrick , Newport , Isle of Wight , banker , third d i r on « _r ? -. r , n _« ' _01 « _- _* _"nri _* , any Wednesday , at _tlieoilkti of Mr . Whitmore , Basmghall street . Vf . Chandler , Minorics _, City , chemist , first dividend of Is Id in the pound , on Wednesday , July lfi , and two following Vx _edncsdays , at the office of Mr . Turquand , Old Jewry , City . ' T . K . Gorbell Bedford-p lace , Commercial-road , Step _, ncy , bookseller first dividend of Cs fid iu the pound , on Wednesday , July . C , and two following Wednesdays at thc oftice of Mr . Turquand , Old Jewry , Citv . ,. . \ I--1 " !** 1 ' , Colchester , Essex , porter-merchant _, first dividend oils 3 d in the pound , on Wednesday , Julv lit , ana two following Wednesdays , at tho office ot ' Mr .-fur ' qu _.-nid , Old Jewry , City .
/• }'• _-J' | glfe , UuiistCMOurt , Mincing . lanc , Citv , mcrchant , first dividend ot Sdin thc pound , on Wednesday , July 10 , and two following Wednesdays , atthe office of Mr . rurquund , Old Jewry , City . - _" , _* . i T i ' . ' Rt' »< -i » ' ? . Berkshire , tea-dealer , first dividend of 3 s -Id in the pound , on Wednesday , July 111 , ami two following Wednesdays , tit the office of Mr . Tuniuand , Old Jewry , City . , ' J . _Bui-ge , jun ., Weston-super-Mare , Somersetshire , tailor , _llvTitr 4 t !"' * - , _*¦ , " _•* . _'T » ai , y Wednesday , at tlw OillCQ Ot Ml " . _Ivyunstoii . Bristol . IV * . Cai'PCiitoi _' , Cliippeiiham , Wiltshire , innkeeper , final dividend of 3 id m be pound , any Wedncsdav , at the office ot Mr . Kynaston , Bristol . T . Robinson . _Ecclosloii , Lancashire , iime-biinicr , first dividend ot is in the pound , any Thursday , at thc office of Mr . Cazenove , Liverpool .
dividends . _i" , August 5 , W . SGoodcve , Chichester , banker ' s cleric- I Augiistll , J . Pliilh ps and T . I ' cason , _Soutb-placc , Pine I bury , silk dressers-August 0 , B . Kipling ami W . _Atltii :- 1 son , _Wood-s reet Cbcaps . de , _warehouseincn-August S , | 1 . 1 .. _tkin _. _Notungu ™ _, builder-August 7 , T . U . Goll . oinc 1 * " * t , ; , ?? ' L , vc , ; i luo 1 . "• vine merchants-August 0 , | A . A . Dobhs , Liverpool , wine merchants-Augusts , T . 1 lair , Liverpool , plumber-August 7 , C . Mottram , Liver- I pool , wool broker-August 8 , B . Bat-rill , Liverpool , met . g chant-August 8 , D Rowlands , Pwllheli , Carnarvon , dealer in wines-August 7 , R . Shepherd , Liverpool , boot- _makcr-AugBst / , J . Taylor , Wil / owbolme , Cumberland , | miller-August 6 , E . Heron , South Blytli , Northumber- I land , shipowner-August C , J . 15 . _l'igott , Darlington . Dur- & ham , ln-Mi . _nnnutacturer—August S , S . _Kogui-s _" , Uurslem - Staffordshire , earthenware iiiaiiufaetui-oi _'—Au-ust 7 ri ¦ - Bobinson , _Burton-upon-Trent , Staffordshire _, draper- ' * August / , II . J . Dixon , Aldmnaiibtiry , City , carpet n _-nni . '' ! is _^ usust 8 _*' _- Izo 1 _' -- Uttnds « i » _a . SS _Cektii-icates to be granted , unless cause be shown to the l
contrary on the day of meeting . August ., R . Kimble , Great Marylebonc-strect . MmTkboiio , boot-ronker-Augi . st 5 , G . Sheraton , _Hat ' _tle-wol , Durham , corn merchant-August 5 , C . Mart n Diirlisuii . 1 inendraper-August H , II . _Echols ColeC , 6 _> n _S _^ _STi" _^! ' llJ-K Saff _*'****> _«• ' *• _*¦* ¦ • - _<• held , \ orltsliire _, cloth merchant-August 7 , W II _ltubinhVpSiT _m-jreliaiit-August O _, E . T . jonesind Lt _\ T lim 4 _i " n ' - _^ _-WMli-ra . bootaclloH- _* _Wgust _o , J . Hill , Stroud , Gloucestershire , _hntter-Au-mft 5 . Wood _"S ' CI , ' _^• ¦ isto 1 IMOU _aker-Augu t 5 _,-J-? % v _? l iiP' _™ ' ? " _' ' e -. r , nen _maimfacturcr-Auftiis-5 , h . P . Bidder , Fleetwood . on . W jvc , Lancashire slaW Axx _^ t ' xv _Pr , G > J ' _S !' , ' _^ "soy-road a _-penter--facturer-AugustS , N . _Fraley , Bristol , _linendiaper . _PAMNEnsiIlPS DISSOLVED . _ . ' , >' ' a _*\ d J . llelliwell , Wooldale . Yorkshire . « #
1 _« 1 * k _SSrii ' _' i : ' J _* . ' « ' _«»' . J . Bussell , J . J . _Xii'to * 3 w '< s . ; . tfi r _*^' 1 _! ' c-Q _™ nto » ' , J . Gardiner J . C . and I * f \\ Smith , J . _Tajler , R . _l'hillpotts , and W . D-. vn-.- - . jui ! .. a Chenstow , Monmouthshn c , _wincmerchaitts ; as far as re- v > l _Bi j ; . li i i ' h ?? . a » d J _Mwris-K . Jones «» d I i -n ? ' _"" _^ _" sfield , wholesale druggists-J . lion * f I _t . ve ?* _S so _"> " « v sl "' ad . niooi _* , Yorkshire , _cai'iicut- _* _-- ; _? 1 _t" , r- ? . | 'f _^ , mil , ' s- _* _- vara . Mhioriw _, soaiMiiato _? If r , _" _™ Y . " l , _layfol ' d reilt Yarmouth , pawnbrokers _^ ' P I ' !" , ' - ' ' 1 { 0 l ) , evts ' S ; , lt : is 1 ' . Cornwall schoolmaster * - S _* E . Williams and W . Haydon , Queen-street , _Clwai-s " _** t > nierchatits-J Barker and W , Henshaw , Jliiiiclu _*' _* " - ' ! ' ' (• nierchants-W . and V . Margctson , Kew West .. n _* _stnf' I ' _Lermoiulsey , _leather-drcssers-M . A . Moore and T . J ; . _'" ' _^ I ( -Ourweston Mills , Dorsetshire , millers-V . _< S . G . I . _»* . « l ¦ " " f w D , i _\ | i _5-f . !' . cct City _. tt _' . ii _* cliousi'iiicii-li . l " lVlC _'i' I ? _A \ . Reed , 11 . Roskilly , and T . J . Pile , _Bliii-kfri _.-ii's-nr' f _lmendrajii-rs-A . C . _O'Dwyer and Vf . i . Robinson , _^ f field , _-Y orkshire stock-brokers-S . Skuse and 1 . H _* •' 1 _ttttermcrc , Wiltshire , _farniei-s-C . W . _RadclilR- an ' ? f Lvaus _, Liverpool , estate agents-. T . Garthwaite , B . I * ' " ' fl nm * _^ _--fw _* . _MriBhousc , flax-spinners-K . i . Hu ?*?*? and J . whelan , Mniichester , _-jiiKi-avers-G . l _' ur . lv « "ll u i fi s . Fcndt , l'iiich-lunc , Cornhill , _violiiwiiatos-li , - _'•( i !!!! f !! _ii
a . mgiey , _j . ceus-j . _Jitigiies , sen ., and Vf . llu _' - _'li _'" _- * - " ; r _ninighiim , inaltstcrs-lf . Jcmiins , J . _Slieitard , aiid " " 1 ? I grave , Leeds , _stuff-merchants ; as far as ri-ards , 1 . _* -i" _- _'! _' *? _ff -B . and J . J . Silva , P . de Oliveira Chami ' e .., J . _' liil , 1 , va , and F . de Oliveira Chainico , _Crutched-friai-s , < ' li chaiits-E . and Vf Grundy , Biri . _iingbani , _Jncetiitu- " _, " IV and . & . Bennett , _Kingston-npon-lluil , bonded ship _*?' K dealers-J . M . Foster and Vf . K . Bird , Cambrid . _* _* _* _* * . « 'J jj _giir-manufaetuvers-J . l ' eivce and G . _Loinr , _Hi-. _W _** ' " ' Surrey , _u-oimiongcrs .
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 19, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_19071845/page/2/