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¦'it '!Ih at ' ¦tte ' tohftfHrilbASl bei...
Co &oi-re*p0n&eM*.
Portbaits.—Seyeral Agents have written f...
measures by which he conceives that the ...
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¦'It '!Ih At ' ¦Tte ' Tohftfhrilbasl Bei...
:: ___ __ __ ____ _______ " ' - ~ - _" ¦' - " "'¦ - _~' - - - - . - . _- _. : Zy . _~ y .: ' ' ~ y -..- - _^^—^^^ _J _, _——^—¦———¦^———i——w _^ mmm _^ _i _^ _^ - __ _^ , _:,.-, . _,. 7 _. _j ' . ' _- . 11 . ¦ .. ¦ _,-. _< i > _rv .. ?•¦¦¦• _*^ . - ' ' * - _' - ' ' . I
" - - y . AN _EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILE !? , FISTULAS , & e . _-, , _- . _,-- / _; _^ . y AB E R _N E T H Y'S P T L E 0 I _^ # * _^^ _^* What a painful and noxious disease is the Piles : and , comparatively , how few of _^ _SS _SK _nenflycuredbTOTdinaiyappeals to medical skUl ! Ihis , no doubt , arises _^ . f _^ yfh _^^ d _^" ll casl f _^ _n _^ fly _administeredby the profession ; indeed , strong internal medicines _^ _" _^^ _'l _^ i _^^^ S _^ Sl ofttu complaint . The proprietor of the above Ointment , after years _«* ¦« _S S _ SS _ and has _^ njojed " it eve ? _ar _^ taent of _ttmteniinentsnrgeo _^/ Mr . - _AbenieUiy _^ _vasby hmMBtoMd _- _^^ t _^^ _S 10 n _^ f _^? l me _^ i _$ _^ _5 _^ _w _& _aKme of them for a very considerable time _^ l _^ n _*^ _^ _^ _^ _T de _^ h _^ been perfectly healed by its _^ _K £ _^ 1 _^ J _^^ I ! S ,,, S _^ 5 eventhe medical profession , « _-EKi „™ SS _^ , r i troa 1 uct ' _»* . me _^ _Sl _^ _Sv mefflSne not prepared by themselves , do _wnrteeOy and always slow and unwilling to acknowledge the virtues of any _^ ' r , ; " ! _PIM . 14 t ; _ biitaWver _falling remedv ineverv fianUy admit that Aberaeflr / B Pfle Ointment is not only a valuable preparation , but a never tailing remedy , w every _^^ _J l _!!^ l _« . appa M _?«™ _* __; „ , rfnI ? the Ointment a trial . Multitudes of cases ofits efficacy might _JplSWn _^ wh 0 _^ e been cured , _nmvillingto _publifh their _TfecoveredPoUat _^ o _^^^ _^^^^^ JS _^ S _^ Sa _^ _MnaCanm _; Sanger , 150 Oxford-street ; _WUlSughby and Co ., 61 ra _^ L _^ _XlJvn _^ S _^^ ' 52 _^ _bmond _^ treet . ' _Burton-crescentj Eade . 39 _Goswellltreit * , Prout , 229 _I _^ _S _^^ _LT _^ . 63 , _OrfSd _' treet ; Prentis , 8 * . Edgeware-road ; and retaU by all respectable Chemists and _Meffiito _VendorsIn I _« _ndOT _. E _^ , . pj 0 IS 1 JMENT . " The Public are requested to be on their gnard « J _?„^ , _^„ _= / _v _^ ™«; tions sold at low Prices , and to . observe that none can possibly be genuine , unless tho name Sg _ Sg ° ! _£ 22 5 _ _S _? _Government Stamp affixed to each pot , 4 s . 6 d . ; which is the lowest price the proprietor Si _SriS to _^ _ifat . Qui , to the great expense ofthe Ingredients .
CORNS AND BUNIONS _, n A U _L'S EVERT MAN'S F R IE N D , . ¥ * Patronised by the Boyal Family , Nobility , Clergy , « fra . ... , Is a sure and speedy Cure for those severe annoyances , without _causiBg the least pain or inconvenience . Unlike au other remedies for Corns , its operation is such as to render the cutting of Corns altogether unnecessary : indeed , we maysav . the practice of cutting Corns is at aU times highly dangerous , and has been frequently attended with lamentable consequences , besides its liability to increase their growth ; it adheres with the most gentle pressure , prod-aces an instant and delightful relief from torture , and with perseverance in its application , entirely eradicates the most inveterate Corns and Bunions . Z Testimonials have been received from upwards of one hundred Physicians ' and Surgeons of the greatest eminence , as well as from many Officers of both Army and Navy , and nearly one thousand private letters from the gentry in town and country , speaking in hig h terms ofthis valuable remedy . . . ' . '' - ¦¦' .. ' ' _Preparedly John Fax , in boxes at ls . I J & , or three small boxes in one . for 2 s . _9 a „ and to be had , with fuU directions for use , at aU wholesale and retaU medicine vendors in town and country . The genuine has the name of John Pox on the Stamp . A 2 s . Sd . box cures the most obdurate corns . Ask for _«• Paul ' s Every Man ' s Friend . " Aberneflry ' s Pile Ointment , Paul ' s Corn Plaster , and _Aberm-tby ' _s PUe Powders , are sold by the following respectable Chemists and Dealers in Patent Medicines : — Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-street ; Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; Butler , 4 , Cheapside ; Newbeiy , St . Paul ' s ; Sutton , Bow Church-yard ; Johnson , 68 , CornhUl ; Sanger , 150 . Oxford-street ; Willoughby and Co ., 61 , Blahopsgate-street "Without j Owen , 52 , _Marehmonn-street ; Burlon . _crescent ; Eade . 89 , Goswtfl . street ; Prout . 229 , Strand * Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Prentis , 84 , Edgeware-road ; and retail by all respectable chemists and medicine vendors in London .-Coustkt . Agents—Bwnes _andNewsome , Heaton , Smeeton , Reinhardt and sons , J . C . Browne , 48 Brigate ; Denton , Garland , Mann , Bean , Harvey , Haigh , late Tarhettom ; Bolland and Kemplay , Land , Hoxom , C . Hay , 108 Briggate ; Shodes _, Bell andBrook , Lord , K . C . Hay , Medical HaU , Leeds - , "Rimmington , Maud . and _"SYUson , Rogerson , Stanfield , Bradford ; Hartley , Denton , TVaterhouse , Jepson , Wood , Dyer , Parker , Jennings and Leyland _, Halifax ; Smith , Elland ; Burst , GardweU _GeU and Smith , Wakefield ; Pybus , Barnsley ; Kno ' wles , Thorne , Brook , and Spivey , Huddersneld ; Hudson , Keighley ; Brooke , Doncaster ; Matthews , Creaser , Driffield . Cass , Goole ; Milner , Pickering ; Stevenson , "Whitby ; Bolton , Blanshard and Co ., Hargrove , Fisher , Otley , Linney , York ; Wainwright , Howden ; Horsby , W rang _, ian , Jefferson . Malton ; BnckaU , Scarborough : Smith , Furby , Bridlington ; Adams , Colton , Pullen , Selby ; Omblier , Market _Wefehton ; GledhiU , Old Delph ; Priestley , Fox , Pontefract ; Dalby , Wetherby ; Slater , Bedale ; Dixon , Norhallerton ; Ward , Richmond ; Ward , Stokesley ; Fogtritt _, and Thompson , Thirsk ; Monkhouse _, Barnard _XJastle ; Pease , Darlington Jennett , Stockton ; Ballard , Abingdon ; . Thompson , Armagh ; Jamieson , Aberdeen ; Potts , Banbury - King- Bath- Winnall , Birmingham ; Parkinson , Blackburn ; Bradbury , Golten ; Noble , Boston ; Beach and Co Bndeewater - Brew Brighton ; Ferris and Co . Bristol ; Haines , Bromsgrove ; Siret , Buckingham ; Bowman , Bm * y - _* Cooper Canterbuiy ; Jeflferson , Carlisle ; Eagle , Chelmsford ; Fletcher , Chester ; Smith , Colchester ; _Rollatan , _Goventr ? ' - Bowman , Chorley ; Pike , Derby ; Bjers , Devonport ; Brooks , Doncaster ; Hollier , Dudley ; Duncan , Dumfries Drummond , Dundee ; Baker , East Retford ; Evans and Hodgson , Exeter ; Garbutt _, Gateshead ; Raimes , Edinbureh ; Henrv _, Guernsey ; Nelson , Glasgow Simple , Greenock ; _Weymss , Hereford ; Butler , High Wycomb ; Cussons , HorncasUe ; Noble , _HuU ; Fetch , Ipswich ; Tuach , Inverness ; Green , Jersey ; Milner , Lancaster ; Harper , Leamington ; Butler , Dublin ; Cooper , Leicester ; AspinaU , Liverpool ; Coleman , Lincoln ; Cocking , Ludlow ; Wigg , Lynn ; Wright , Macclesfield ; Lessey , Manchester ; Larigley _, Mansfield ; ' Butler , Marlow ; Campbell , Montrose ; Bidge , Newark ; Sutton , Nottingham ; Mease , North Shields ; Jarrold and Co :, Norwiek ; Stump , Oldham ; Mennie , Plymouth : Gowans , Perth ; Vint and Car , Sunderland ; Leader , Sheffield ; Deighton , Worcester ; Froud , Dorchester . And by all _reipectable Chemists in every Market town throughout the United Kingdom . _Wholesale Agest _** . —Messrs . Bolton , Blanshard , and Co ., Druggists , Micklegate _, _^ ork .
DU _BARRTS HEALTH RESTORING FOOD THE REVALENTA ARABICA . . CAUTION . —The most disgusting and injurious compounds being sold by unscrupulous speculators npon the credulity of the Public , under close imitation of the name of DU BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABICA FOOD , or wtih a pretence of being similar to that delicieu 3 and invaluable remedy for Indigestion , Constipation , Nervous , Bilious , and Liver Complaints , Messrs . DU BARRY and Co . caution Invalids against these barefaced -attempts at imposture . There is nothing in the whole _-vegetablekingdom that can legitimately be called similar to Du Barry ' s Kevalenta Arabica , a plantwhich is cultivated by Du Barry and Co . on their estates alone , and for the preparation and pulverisation of which their own Patent Machinery alone is adapted , let Corn Chandlers sell their pease , beans , lentil , and other meals under their proper names , and not trifle with the health of Invalids and In . fents , for whom DU BARRY'S REVALENTA ARABICA alone is adapted . _ u Barry and Co ., 127 , New Bond-street , London .
been duly appreciated by , dear sir , yours most respecfully , Thos . Kino , Major-General , Louisa Terrace , Exmouth _, _AugustlTth , 1849 . From the Venerable Archdeacon of Koss . Dear Sir , —I cannot speak too favourably of . the 'Iteva . _lenta Arabica . ' Having had an attack of bad fever about three years ago , I have ever since been suffering from its effects , producing excessive nervousness , pains in my heck , and left arm , and general weakness of constitution , which have prevented me in a great degree from ' foi ! awing ivy usual avocations ; these sensations , added to _restlcsss nights , particularly after previous exercise , often rendered my . life very miserable ; but I am happy to say that having been induced to try your Farina about two months since , I am now almost a stranger to these symptoms which I confidently hope will be removed entirely , with the Divine blessing , by the continued use of this food . I have an objection that my name , should appear in print , which , however , in this instauceis overcome , forthe sake of suffering humanity . —I am , sir , your obedient servant , Alex . Stcabt , Archdeacon of Ross , Aghadown Glebe , Skibbereen ; County Cork , August 22 hd , 1819 .
Spumous Tea . —According to a trade circular , there is a spurious tea manufactory in Jersey , where the bad and damaged tea from the bond warehouses , the tea leaves purchased at the hotels of tho metropolis , and the indigenous leaves of the island are converted into what is sold for tea . It is pronounced that a tree with a green leaf upon it will soon be as rare a sight in Jersey as a May flower _^ England at Christmas .
Education for the Millions . THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED , " ' ¦¦¦ ¦ _' ¦ No ; xvm . of ; ••¦• ¦ . ¦ : ' ¦ _¦;¦ j " HE _MTI 0 N % __ _ISSmtf 0 B . " i r PRICE ONE PENNY . The object ofthe Proprietor , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . „; M . P _., is lo place within the . reach of the poorest olasses that Political and Social Information of which they aro at present deprived by the Government " Taxes on Knowledge . ! ' . _.- / SIXTEEN LARGE OCTAVO PAGES , Price _Onetfenny _, , yk - _.- ' -
HOOP EE »¦ S J O TJ EN A L ; V OB , ¦ - ' . _- •»¦ UNFETTERED THINKER , AND PLAIN SPEAKER FOR TRUTH , FREEDOM , AND PROGRESS . . ( A 'Weekly Periodical . Price One Pehnt . Issued also in Monthly Parts . ) . I beg to inform the readers of the _aboTe-hamed Periodical that the re-issue will commence with Saturday , the 5 th of October next . The Trade can be supplied on Tuesday , the lst of October / _'•* _' - * I have no promises to make of ' great improvements . ' The intelligent friends who kindly assisted me with their contributions before , have intimated their intention to continue their favours . The ' Critical Exegesis , ' and other articles , so far as space will allow , shall be duly furnished by myself . Thomas Coomb . 5 , Park-row , Knightsbridge , Sept . 3 rd , 1850 .. ¦ . _» . ¦
NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . Office , 14 , Southampton-street , Strand . _11 HE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE . - herebyannounce the following meetings : — , : On Sunday afternoon , September 22 nd . the Metropolitan Delegate Council will meet at three o ' cloclt , in the City Chartist Hall , 26 , Golden-lane , Barbican . On Sunday evening ( same date ) a lecture will be delivered at the King and Queen , Foley-street , Portland-place . To commence at half-past eight o ' cloclt . On Monday evening ,. September 23 rd , Mr . Elliott will lecture at the Brunswick Hall , Limehouse . Subject" Society , as it ought to be . "
TO TAILORS . By approbation of Her Majesty , . Queen Victoria , and - ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ II . R . II . Prince Albert :
A Shoal of WnALBS has been seen off tho southeast coast of Northumberland . They are of the finer tribe , and have dono considerable mischief amongst the herring net ? .
_^ _i _^ _^ - __ _^ , _:,.-, . _,. 7 _. _j ' . ' _- . 11 . ¦ .. ¦ _,-. _< i > _rv .. ?•¦¦¦• _*^ . - ' ' * - _' - ' ' , _' . _WEEKLYVwiiRNAtJhr « 0 BERT _^ OWEN _^ ; On Satunifty _^ . _iWind \ _# biv : "••' ¦ * : published the First' Number of f "' - ' ¦ " _, PBICB ONE _FBNHT . i . ., ; ; 0 v : ' ; ; . y < y ; A Periodical intended _to . _instruct all classes in the principles and practical " measures by which alone the * poverty , ' injustice , and misery * of ithe . existing system can . 'be peaceably _superseded ' by universal wealth , justice , and , happiness .. , r To be had of all Booksellers in Town ' and _Ooantrj _* , THE RECENT _WORKSHOP ROBERT OWEM I _& ay be liad of Ef & ngnaifi Wi _Won ' , ' Royal Exchange ; _Watsori , Qu _^ eii ' s- Hoad-j ) a 9 sa '! _fe , il'Paterno 8 ter . row ; . _:-.: _¦ ¦' .. and . _Vickers , Holy well-street / London .:.
POETIMTS _BKMiPMAR . This Magnificent Historical Engraving , printed on a whole sheet , ' containing Portraits of all ; the : American Presidents , ier now ready fordelivery ... _';* _f- ' 7 " i _'">¦¦¦; ' -.. ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦>•• _-- . _< _;¦ •¦ : Agents who have not furnished : the Publisher with a list of the numbers they require , are requested to do so ! at fonce , ' when the Prints shall be immediately ior warded .
Co &Oi-Re*P0n&Em*.
Co _& _oi-re * p 0 n & eM * _.
Portbaits.—Seyeral Agents Have Written F...
_Portbaits . —Seyeral Agents have written for portraits , but have not said through whom they shall be sent . Will they supply the name of their London bookseller ? ... .- ; ,, Mr . P . Snaith , Darlington . —Enclosed to Mr . Stoekdale . ; ' Mr . J .. Bowlev , Gotham;—Yes , two . or more * Postage ' must be paid , which will cost yoii twopence each . S . Samdai , Wisbeach . —The Small - Tenements Rating Bill received the Royal Assent on theday pteVious'to the _$¥ & - rogation of the Session . . " . G . B . —Yes , if posted as stated , but not else .. _. _; The _VicriMSi-rJohn Arnott has received fron Mr . Benjamin Newley the sum of 5 s 6 . Jid , and , as requested , he ( John Arnott ) has given to Mrs . Ritchiei 3 s ; and W . Gurney 2 _s 61 d . ' Tus Laoey Fund . —The following sums have been received , per H . Wilks :-Mr . Roberts ls—Mr . Whitfield 6 d—Mr . Park's book 2 s—Mr . Hunt ' s boolt 2 s OJd—Messrs . Rees , and Paver , per Mr . Phillip 3 : 2 _s—Mr . Arnold 2 s 6 d ; _-fJ . Sewell , Esq ., Treasurer 18—Mr . ' Clarke 5 _s—lii'S . _H . _—^~ Per J . Robinson , Blyth-R . 'W . 8 _d-G . B . 6 d-W " . L _.-6 _d-. ¦¦
G . N . 3 d-T . C . 3 d-H . T . 3 d-J . S . Gd . ' _¦"' - _' . Polish Refugee Pond . —Per W ; Davis—iM > . O'Connor ' s Lecture at Cowper-street 101 lis 6 d—Smith Barber _ls—^ J . Robinson 6 d—Mr . Norman ed—Mr . . Floyd Is—Mr . Cooper Cd—Mr . Davis 6 d—Concert ; Globe and Friends 3 s -Citizen ofthe World 2 _s ' -W , Clark 6 _d-Mr . Fergusson ls—a Friend 6 d—a Democrat Bold ls 6 d—Fraternal Democrats 10 _s—Calendar-yard , per J . Brown _I 5 s 4 id—Mr . '¦; Lunn , per Ji Brown Ss Cd—Mr . Hoare , per J . Brown lsa Friend ls—Mrs . Butler ls—Kentish Town , T . M . Is—Norfolk Arms , per Stevens 5 s 4 d—Mr . Buddie ' s bobk , 5 s—Golden-lane , per Moreing Is 8 * | d—Concert , Old Dolphin , per Mowing 2 s 4 d—G . 0 . 6 di _< ' . 1
_Himgabian and _PolishRefcgbm . — Collected by T . ' M . : Wheeler , at Mr . O'Connor ' s Lecture , on Tuesday , Sep . > 17 th , at Cowper-street , several Friends in sums of 6 d and ls each 15 s 2 d—Miss B . ls—Mrs . Sturgeon Cd-Mrs . Fussell Gd—Mr ! BrowettCd . " . . ' _.. ' _-. . . ' . '' . '"¦' _Arcommob ' ation'Roow for ' _Refbgees , —Per T ; M . Wheeler —A Friend , per Mr . Randall ( agift ) 5 s—Mr . Hampden ( a ' loan ) 7 s fld—Mr . Brook ( a loan ) 5 s . - A . B ., Rotherham . —Starso f any date may be sent to Ireland . ... . y . Mb . Thomas Almond would oblige Mr . O'Connor by forwarding his address to the Land Office , as he wishes to i' correspond with him upon a matter of importance .: _PoETflir . —G . B ., is respectfully declined .
The Nomhem Star Saturday, September 31, 1830.
The War Of Capital Against ; Labour. The...
THE WAR OF CAPITAL AGAINST ; LABOUR . The workmen of Caslon and Fagg , Chiswell-atreet , Finsbury , who are at present out on strike , have published a statement of their case , which embodies much interesting , and , to the . social statist and reformer , much valuable information . f ... The trade of type founding has experienced fewer changes and innovations as to the mode of operation , than almost any other that can be named , The original processes remain nearly unaltered in number and kind . While
machinery has been in every other direction encroaching upon the former occupations of the manual labourer , type founding continues to be in all respects a purely handicraft vocation . A machine for manufacturing type , either byhand or steam power , ' has been invented , and was some time ago exhibited by a French gentleman at one of the soirees of the President of the Royal Society , ; where it , was greatly admired and Bpoketf highly of by the savqns . We have ourselves
carefully examined it , and seen it in operation , and the result is a conviction , that i if ever it is brought . into . use , it will entirely revolutionise this particular department of industry , just a 8 machinery has done in io many other branches of trade and manufacture . Meanwhile , whatever may be the cause , the art of type founding continues pretty much in its primitive state , and requires from thosewho live by its practice , great dexterity in some of the numerous stages through which the article passes before it is fit for use .
These two facts would appear at the outset to be sufficient to ensure at least a fair remuneration , but in addition / the trade is peculiarly unhealthy . "Regulus of antimony , " says the statement before us , " is a rank poison , and enters largely into the metal of which types are ma _^ e . To cast the type this metal must be almost red-hot ; the head of the caster is . within two feet of the crucible containing the metal ; the vapour , partly poisonous , continually exhaling from this red-hot metal , largely impregnates the atmosphere he is compelled to breathe ; add to this that he stands not more than from four to six inches from the cast iron furnace which heats
the metal , and it mil be easily percieved that his position at work is not very favourable to health and longevity . " After the type has left the hands of the caster , it must bo smoothed by rubbers and dressers before it is fit forthe printer . In these processes the roughness and burr incident to casting , throws off a fine but palpable dust , from the poisonous material , which floats in the air , and is necessarily inhaled by all in the workshop where these processes are carried on . Besides these unhealthy influences , inseparable from the occupation itself , as at present conducted , the workmen state— ¦
" Many of the shops in wliich we are compelled to work are dark gloomy places . If the day be dull , we have a difficulty in seeing to work ; and in dark days we ave in a murky gloom —no better than the light of a Kamschatka winter ; the ventilation is invariabl y ofthe most unscientific character possible to imagine . Tho subject , properly speaking , appears never : to have entered the thoughts of employers when constructing the workshops . There are windows , 'tis true , and they open , —but if there is the slightest chill in tho . wind it is impossible to open them without serious injury to some one or other ; to one man
Hie draught gives a stiff neck , to another the tooth-ache , to a third the rheumatism , and so on . Many a man has been laid up up for days , and for ' weeks from the colds , rheumatic pains , tic . ; caught in consequence ofthis bad ventilation , which , in addition to the pernicious nature of the businees , greatly assists to undermine the . constitution , and produce , almost invariably a _pi-emaluve old age and mi early tomb . It Is a fact worthy of notice , that we have but few old men ( really so ) among us ; and if there is a business at which men labour for subsistence which requires a larger rate of remuneration than another , suvely it is the Letter-founder !'' .
It appears , however , * that the low rate of wages paid to Germans , resulted as a consequence of the origin of the art in Germany ; and that it was not until some time elapsed thatthey were raised to the level of . English necessities . Of late years the tendency has been to lower prices very considerably . In 1843 , the masters of both Sheffield and London proposed a severe and . sweeping reduction from twenty to seventy-five per cont . The Sheffield firms gave way , after a twelve weeks '
contest ; but the Londoners ultimatel y succeeded in forcing down . wages to a , rate that would scarcely allow a man to provide oven a pauper ' s subsistence . It was impossible this could last long . In 1845 , the result of a fresh contest with the firm of Caslon was to regain from all the London firms . a considerable portion of the ground lost in 1843 . The settlement made five years ago , was mutually , entered into , and the workmen of Messrs . Fagg and Caslon now simpl y demand that it shall be adhered to .
It ia not necessary that , in this place , we should do more than stato the substance of the unjust demands which the . workmen have re , sisted by the extreme measure of a strike . The whole of thefacts are minutely and circumstantially described : in , their well-written arid forcible statement , and must leave a strong feeling of indignation in ' the mind of every imbiassed reader . .- ¦ _- ; . ¦ ¦ . ' .
The War Of Capital Against ; Labour. The...
- ¦ . '• it _appears ' ! Ih at ' ¦ _tte ' _^ _'tohftfHrilbASl _^ _a _^ M always bee _ looked up to _afl-one of high _respectab'ilu : _^ _Keeentty nowevav'it has . teen joined by M '/ it fdividual . _whoseriamrstands second , and in jbis ; _£ oxie 1 _tjr to get a large per centage _ori'his capital ,, he , has originated , or taken ' _advantage of , ¦ : ;_ series ' -of oecurrences , _witbtthe direct aiid avowed view of breaking the . _settlement 0 _^ 1845 , and _lafgely V reducing the , prices pai _3 under that agreement . Having ' . _' _-. ' "' - .-J ::.. ' _;¦» ' ! " _. _» " '' _t > . _J-. — _~ _S "h ' _l ' _nrnist _JiiiB
nothing in . prospect but continued and indefinite reductions , the type-founders , after-submitting to . several glaring - infractions of the old system , finding that their employers gained boldneflB in proportion ' as , they , sho wed ' a desire for peace , became convinced tiat . they ,-would be reduced to the coriditidn of slop tailors , iif immediate and' general' resistance '• was ' not offered . They ; _'accWdingly " struck ; ' to the number of ninety-six , and still' remain put . .
In the meantime the firm has : ha _, d recourse to every possible means they can devise to procure : workmen' to fill :-the vacant places , but so far without effect , except to ¦ the extent subsequently Btated . ' Tbe Parisian typefounders , at a special ' . iconvocation , passed , a series of resolutions , which do them the ; utmost credit , and demonstrate how rapidly the real fraterhit _^ of nations is progressing . They laid down , broadly that' "in all the countries in the world the maintenanceif of ' wages is , a question of primordial f principle , " equally
vital to the _* working class population in all these CouritvieB ; and they'deprecated the , idea of . the workmen of onei / country " lending their _aidjtO ; lower the wages ., arid deteriorate the condition of thosein another ; c 6 untry , These resolutions were . followed ' upfby others , denouncing any French workmen who might depart for London' as " unworthy - arid false brothers , 'Vand pledging themselves to 'give , besides , such ¦ ¦ < pecuniary , aid to ihe English workmen * as itheir limits would -permit . ¦ We believe these noble resolutions -have been
nobly acted upon , and they constitute one of the redeeming and hopeful features of the present contest . They offertothe thoughtful Reformer one out of many indications , not to be mistaken , ; that the past effort ' s of the proletarian classes and their friends have not been fruitless ,, The workers are everywhere beginning tp perceive , the identity ' of their interests ; and , to use the language of the .. French typefounders ,, that it is their duty , 'by all possible means ,. to exert themselves to bring closer the bonds which unite " _., them as fellow -workmen , ' and to forget , for ever , all those puerile feelings
of nationality , which only bring about division amongst thehi , while ' y ; ' in fact " , they are all brothers in , the worhl ; of labour . . 'Here is the germ of a greater . revolution than any the world has yet witnessed . _; _i . _* .: . 7 , , 7 ,-¦ De spite the cordial understanding between the London and Parisian workmen , the crimps of Mr . Fagg succeeded , however , in entrap _, ping nine men arid two ' . * women , who , with a few persons . from the country , said to be inferior both in practical skill and moral character , are now filling the places of the honourable arid intelligent workmen , who simply take
their stand upon . an . agreement mutually entered into by masters and men a few years ago . The manner in whichthe * contest has been cbnducted : by the firm in question , has teen ; Buipn _. as ' , to / render ; any adjustment of differences , ori equitable or reasonable terms , impossible . ; The ¦ idea of any intelligent or honourable body of workmen , submitting to such terrris as those proposed by the employers to Messrs . Edwards and Catchpool , two independent gentlemen , who offered , themselves as mediators , is utterly preposterous . Messrs . Caslon and Fa gg insisted not only on the reduction—in defiance of the agreement of _1845- _^ but would give no guarantee that others
would riot speedily follow . They demanded the power of selecting arid re-emplpying only a limited number of their old hands , andabove all , beyond all—that those they might condescend to choose , * * should go to them , one by one , and beg pardon for what they had done , promising never to offend so any more ! " The r iionstrous _audacityof such a proposal in this so-called free country throws into the shade even the recent demand ofthe Daily News , that railway workmen should be subjected to martial law . Taken together , they show to what extremes the holders of capital-are prepared to go , in order to perpetuate and to deepen the subjugation and slavery of what 1 b Mockingly termed " ' Free Labour . "
Truly has Caklyle called Modern Political Economy" the Devil ' s Gospel . " It throws a seeming halo over , every violation of the higheafc principles which ought to govern the conduct of individuals and communities . It supplies " respectable" philosophical nicknames for selfishness , plunder , meanness , injustice , and oppression ; and under cover of these specious falsehoods and shams , lets loose upon society , a set of ravening harpies , who go about seeking whom they can devour , and who , if society was rightly constituted , would either be compelled to earn an honest living for themselves , or be securely , shut up , to prevent them from doing mischief . , ,
The strike at Wolverhampton is another powerful illustration of the enthralling and downward tendencies of our modern productive system , and of the utter impossibility of the workmen having justice done to them while it continues . Surely nothing can be more reasonable in itself , or more consonant with the general interests of the community , than that the same price should be paid by all employers for precisely the same amount and description of work upon precisely the same material . The single master who pays smaller prices inflicts a twofold blow upon the trade with which he is
connected . He robs the workman of what is his due , and he places himself ,-b y means of that robbery , in an unfairly advantageous position , as respects the just and honourable employers in the same trade . That any general benefit to the community can possibly arise from such a course wo hold to be impossible . Whatever may be the apparent diminution in the price of the material caused by the competition , it is far more than balanced by the immorality , pauperism , crime , and consequent public burdens to which it gives birth . The pence saved in such . foolish bargains are thecapitalbut of which pounds have to be paid for workhouses and prisons . :
In the case of the Wolverhampton tin-plate workers—as stated in the admirable weekly reports of the secretary to the National Association of United Trades , —the valuo and the necessity of a new and superior organisation of Labour is demonstratively shown ; . All the facts , indeed , connected with our industrial system , point to the same conclusion . We are happy to observe , in every direction , thc growing dislike to have recourse to strikes , and the reliance ofthe workm en , in every branch of industry , upon calm temperate argument and mediation . But they must be prepared to enforce argument and mediation by some more powerful and cognate weapon . Mere violence and intimidation are rightfully and properly abandoned . Their place must be
supplied . . For that purpose we certainly see nothing equal to the National Organisation proposed by that Association . Had the whole of the engine drivers in the country been united themselves , united _lvith every other grade of railway workers , arid these again with a _* l other trades ¦ <¦ . in ..- - Great Britain , how different would have been the conclusion of ih & x strike ! _; Such an Association would become , by its moral arid its tie cuniary power , the supreme , Court of _Judt _catnrem all Labour questions , ; and lit riSt nvariabl y ensure -obedience to _itsrdecre _^ by the simple expedient of withdrawing from the Labour market , ' a id ' setting * to _reproductive _^ yment . those Whos . _SecessSr S _^ and reduce them to tfae deplorable _poaitioft of
The War Of Capital Against ; Labour. The...
being tools for _theprivation and _degradaT _" of their _. _o-wn , ,..,,, ~ . ~ _., _; _,, , , r s * aat , « u > ii We trust that the _lab _^ _urini _aSes tnrn , , out the country ' will h _' eiirtily- aid the * _^ ' founders in their righteous struggle buf pe J hope , above _aH ; . that they will see the _na 9 ' 9 ' mount and the _. enqnriiig . importance of ha l ' an efficient _/* weil compacted , ' and powerful N _^' tional Organisation ' of'Industry , by _wh'Xt such sectional struggles will be prevented converted into victories for Labour . ' Vimnri tonln fnr f _^ _o ' _n _^ _. _ki : ;¦ ___ . _t . > _~* _^ ' *'
Measures By Which He Conceives That The ...
measures by which he conceives that the misery he attributes to the fundamental error of so . ciety may . be entirely ; and _permanentl y removed . Np . one at all acquainted with the bold uncompromising , and consistent career of the founder of Socialism , > will for an instant _ esitate to do honour to the heroic disregard of personal consequences he has evinced throu » . out . The knowled ge that truth might be un . popular , and was certain to be unpalatable to those who lived b y maintaining the opposing falsehood , has never for one moment prevented him from acting , upon a motto adopted by him in the early ¦ stages of his arduous career * . "Truth _without mystery , mixture of . error , or fear of man . " The strongest and most sweepin g _. condemniitions ever passed upon the
BOBERT OWEN . It will be seen , by Mr , Oven ' s " Letter t his Son , " and by the advertisement which a ' _ff" 2 _S an 6 r . ortion ° _{^ Paper , _that , £ \ toe . 8 p . th , year _; of his age , he is about to _cC _raenceja cheap weekly periodical , to _advocatT as he states , his principles in their pnrity a 2 to their full _e-xtent . For nearly half a _cen C the _veterani philanthropist has been conspW _ousl y before the public , and untiring in _ijl efforts to ' convince the world that , hitherto society has been in error both in principle and practice , throughout the whole of its past pro ceedmgs . -He , has also , during that Ion ? period ,, been unremitting and earnest in _hS exposition of the principles and the practi cal
existing state of society in all'its ramifications are to be found in the works of Robert Owe ?* , No living man has done so much to undermine all its existing Institutions—no one has ever dreamed of a more sweeping radical and total change in its foundation and its structure . We , shall , under such circumstances , be curious to learn whether Mr . . Owen has anything new io givei to the world in his forthcoming publication , or y vhether it will be but the _repetition , perhaps , in a varied form , of the premise s and conclusions to which he attaches so deep and all-absorbing an importance , and upon which he bo largely dwelt in his former works .
However it may turn out , the aged patriarch has a powerful ; claim on the attention of all classes of society . He has , truly , " Shunned delights , and lived laborious days ! " for the disinterested purpose of'benefiting * his . fellow men . He might have achieved station and influence , had he chosen to propound his . views with " bated breath and whispering humbleness , " or rendered them the means of propping up a false and vicious system . He deliberatel y " with open eyes , adopted another course . He _haa devoted life and an ample fortune to the great mission of hia life , and not in vain .
Socialism , in some of its many aspects , has become the practical creed of tbe age , and thousands who know little of Robert Owen ' s philosophy are his unconscious disciples . After . the storms of persecution and obloquy through wliich he has passed , and the ridicule or contempt with which the literary men of this country have been accustomed to treat his opinions , his time of triumph—if it has not yet come—is assuredl y not far off . When we read the following conclusion to an admirable Review of "Alton Locke , " in the _Athentrum , ot the 7 th inst .,. we felt that it marked half a century of palpable , positire progress in public
opinion . We believe that in ' association' wiU be found the cure for the miseries produced by ' competition ' -that ' association' is the watchword ofthe new order of things which is beginning . The age of individualism is passing away . Nor was this a mere ephemeral and passing emotion—a slip of the pen hi an . unguarded moment , which that powerful journal—powerful , because avowedly at the head of our purely literary weekly publications—was willing to let pass for once . In the number for
last week , we . find a review of Mr Owen ' s last work : The Revolution in the Mind and Practice of the Human Race , written in a spirit which betokens a real and vital change among those who sway opinion amoug the educated and influential classes . From that review -we quote one passage , which , though slightly inaccurate on one or two points on matters of fact , contains , on the whole , a just and feeling tribute to the pure , unselfish , and heroic character and labours of a . great and good man : — °
* An interesting chapter m the history of social science in England , hereafter to be written , wul be , the story oi Robert Owen-his ideas , hi 3 experiments , his failures , his untiring devotion to what most men , now that they have ceased to cause alarm , regard as his humane crotchets . His schemes were the most important offspring in this countiy-for on the Continent they have been more proli . fie of fruit , good and bad-of the ideas of Bentham and his famous formula . Owen started with ' the greatest Happiness to the greatest number' tlieorv . His instru . ment was education for the masses . In " this respect he W ?; f _t"S _" _****! _fue good which he was the _meansof ettectmg b y his plan bf infant schools will remain for a monument when his name will have ceased to be rememif j as foun ( ler of a sect . Ten or a dozen years ago the -aoclnnes of Owen had numerous _diseiules . Now . they
iiave narajy a follower , because they have been tried and found wanting ., The front ofthis ' National Society * was at one time imposing : —no town but had its hall of scieuce , its social institute . These , however , were not accepted by tho anxious workman who had subscribed his mite to build them , as a solution of the great problem of society . Trial was _urged-prematurelj ns it is said-mid with trial came failure . Ihe scheme exploded nt once , and the disciples were scattered to the winds . But these failures , ii they brought momentary discouragement to their author , caused him to abate no jot ot heart or hope . His enthusiasm has _out-lived alike toil , successes , reverses and negleet . There is something interesting in convictions which keep the heart green in the eve ot life , reposing on the hope that _springs from faith in the power of truth to conquer all obstacles m the end , and in its own time to atone for and explain all seeming failures bv the wav . .
Taxes Upon British Ingenuity. The Din An...
TAXES UPON BRITISH INGENUITY . The din and bustle of preparation for the " Vanity Fair , " projected by Prince Albert , increases . The preliminary operations have become palpable , in the shape of an immense hoarding in Hyde Park ; and the glass houses and foundries in the provinces , are busily preparing the materials for the construction of the Crystal Palace , in which tlie products of the world ' s industry are to be exhibited . We have already declared our opinion of the principle on which this exhibition has been planned , and recorded our views as to its
probable practical consequences . We had no sympathy with the purely selfish and class objections- raised by * the Campbells , Broughams , and Cresswelis , who saw in the site of the exhibition merely an interference with the exclusiveness of the comforts and enjoyments of the aristocratical denizens of that fashion able quarter of London ; t > ut we have all along doubted its utility to the industrious classes of this country . T hese doubts have not been dissipated by the _composition ° f the managing body , and the way in . which , they have set about carrying _tbs project into effect . However important ' d
may have been in this rank-worshipp ing country to throw around the scheme tUe prestige of high birth , rank , and title , wit ! the . influence ofa Royal Commission , it must be evident , that these parties could know little or nothing of the actual business connected with such an exhibition . In Paris , _'¦ _v-iere they take place periodically , the body of management is composed of practical men-- _* ' _nufacturers , aud tradesmen—who , with a _^ knowledge of their respective tra des , bong with them at the . same time , the _advantage of a generous enthusiasm to improve and stimulate national industry , ingenuity , _* ¦
enterpriso . . < . ; " _, The Royal . Commission in this country _™ composed of noblemen and political _celeboWw
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 21, 1850, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_21091850/page/4/