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-tf-e "FlUESDS, -i- - T have just return...
¦ 1 - - ' - """ ' --''• ' - - --• •' • -...
HALIFAX. On Monday, at about noon, a dep...
SHEFFIELD. In accordance with a requisit...
efl&arttst JhtttHtgjmw
CRiri-LEGATE Ciiaktisi Hall.-—On Sunday ...
>h ~r'# -i
TO THE CHARTIST BODY. Among the many com...
Tim?- UliAJJ-TIST -VICTIMS-- .y.X ' ^ >^...
DR. M'DOUALL. Brother Democrats,—The Yis...
BitiTisn collect: of health, Nkw-roah, L...
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To The Wokking Classes
-Tf-E "Fluesds, -I- - T Have Just Return...
_-tf-e "FlUESDS , -i- - T have just returned from my first tour , a 1 find that 1 , like many others , -was in -r anee of the state of tbe working-class ' _fSfr _\ _^ j rejoice very much to have seen _T" rotrress it has made . One of my reasons - tin g np my travelling agitation latterly _^^ hAcause trade was , gooa , and formerl y , **} _^ _chcircnmstances , the cry _-tYas _ _"TVE f-S VERY _^ ELL OFF . LET TJS _•^ nVP " However , in the course of this ¦ _^? I have viated Bradford , Halifax , Shef-* _w nd Derby ; and although I understand , _tiie working classes themselves , ihat _* _" _? was never known to be so good in those _^ towns I never ,, during the times of the
V frade witnessea so iuucu enmusiasm , _v _flXn _' a resolution to adhere to , and _^ Srtbe PEOPLE'S CHARTER . "" _# ??» _^ end , and mine , Mr . _Retxolds , _^ anied me to Bradford , Halifax , and _* i _° ffield and is a powerful auxiliary to our i like hina because he is an honest * _** BSft a zealous man—an energetic and _eloy _* U 7 man—and a most agreeable compa-1 . *; travel with . He made admirable _** _niO-0 ' _^^ ***** _•^^ _jfS _' aSve at Bradford till ei ght . xl on Sunday nig ht , and , for some hoars Wow , the spacious pl _* _r _^ of meeting was ded to suffocation ; while there _werethou-^ ds outside anxious to he admitted . The _Mtin" was most enthusiastic , but orderly . im _5 onaaywewentto HALIFAX The _streete o _« _«* _5- _^^^ _# _" _«^^^^^ _fe _ZiLrfJo £ in feet , _Vnmet _view-Md ; _sncWS _fS _^ _F _snhnati on . There ; _Mlie imwas tt
_^ _e _bmlding crowae _wsanocatten _^ H -Was presided over by your -veteran fiiend -rev / amis Rushion . All that I need say of -Se s peeches is , that they appeared to give _General satisf action . At the close of my soeech a man came forward , professing tobe -member of the Land Company , te ask me _Wto _fluestions , all of which I answered . He l eaned very hostile to the Company ; bnt
« men are best known in their own locality , _tSed out that this GENTLEMAN never had been a member of . the Land Company . He had purchased an allotment from a balloted member for £ 30 , and sold it for - £ 70 ; -that was his solemn position ; and when it was { -fated to the meeting , Ihe women hustled him from one to the other , knocked him abont , -nulled his hair , and scratched his face .
There _vas as fine a woman as ever I laid my -eyes upon , sitting npon the platform , and a son of fourteen years of age , the picture of health and strength , sitting beside her ; she came to jne , and requested me to state her case to the meeting , which , was as follows : —She and her husband had left business and taken a little more than five acres of inferior Land , near Halifax , for which tbey paid 20 " . a year rent , nearly 81 . in rates and taxes , 11 . los . for water rates ; making very nearly 301 . a year . _2-To buildm- _" - whatever upon the land they built a
_cottage themselves , and upon the hve acres the v had four good cows and nineteen pigs , besides the other produce , and she said she would not leave it to go to any business ; and many a noble lady would give half her fortune to have such an appearance as this woman las ; and many a noble lord would give half his fortune to have snch a son . At the close of the business one paid-up Land member moved , and another seconded , a resolution , that all the members present would cheerfully
surrender their shares to me , to do what Jiked with , and make them my own property . The resolution was only to be voted on by the Land members ofthe meeting , and there being between 300 and 400 present , every hand was held up for it , and not a hand against it ; a circumstance whieh , I think , is capable of overpowering the ingratitude of the most fortunate ruffians . A deputation from the Short Time Committee at Halifax attended the meeting , and presented me with the following -resolution , unanimously adopted by the
Committee : — Committee Boom , Labour and Health , Southgate , Halifax , March 13 th . "Resolved , —That the best thanks of this committee he tendered to Y . O'Connor , Esq ., for the noble manner in which he supported the Ten Hours Bill on Thursday Evening , the 14 th inst . in the House ef Commons , and we humbly beg that he will continue his support of that measure through all its stages . John * _Scxdeblaxd , Joseph _CnossLixn , Deputation from the Short Time Committee . On Tuesday morning my Mend Mr . SeynoM ' s and I proceeded to
SHEFFIELD , and there we had snch a gathering as I never before witnessed in that town , nor I never witnessed better order , or greater enthusiasm at a meeting . Mr . Town Councillor _Haeyet was in the chair , and discharged his duties admirably ; and when Mr . _Reynolds and I had concluded onr speeches , Mr . Town Councillor
Booth moved a vote ot thanks to Mr . 3 l £ rxoi . » 5 and myself . Mr . Town Councillor _Otilet made an admirable speech , and con--cludcd with a witticism which actually convulsed the audience with laughter . The following resolution was proposed by Mi * . _AfaciiEix _, in an admirable speech , and was a 3 ably seconded b y Mr . Buckle y , and was -unanimously carried amid loud applause .
" That it is the opinion of this meeting , inasmuch as we have read with great pleasure the complete failure of the late _proccedin-js in the Court of Exchequer , backed by the whole of the prejudiced press of England , to injure and ruin the honest reputation of 3 dr . O'Connor , thai that gentleman is still worthy of our confidence , and we take this opportunity of expressing our warm approbation of his unwearied exertions in promoting the happiness of tie working people of this _couuiry . "
After this resolution was earned , a fine young fellow , apparently a countryman , and paid up shareholder in the Land Company , « ame in front of the platform , and stated that he saw around Mr . O'Coxxor many Land members who had attacked him in his absence , and he dared them , if they were not cowards and liars , to come forward before that
audience and charge him wiih any dishonest or ungentlemanlike act , as they had done behind his back ; they were also invited b y the audience , but none ventured to appear . The Whole proceedings at Sheffisld , and _everyyhere else , gave me more than delight , and -inspired me with the strongest hope . On Wednesday morning I proceeded alone tg
DERBY , _| lr . _Reynolds being compelled to be in London on particular business , and , I assure y ° n , I missed his company very much ; and now for the worst part of my tale with reference to myself . "When I arrived at the station at Derby , a deputation of fine young fellows waited upon me , and accompanied me to the Royal Hotel . About four o ' clock , a few * _aunntes after I arrived , I _ivas goino- to sit down to my dinner , when , all of a sudden , 1 " * as seized with the most violent attack of
"Spasms , which excitement always brings on . I _la _< l three doctors attending me , and was _roll-•^ g _u \ ion the floor till eight o ' cloek ; the "fleeting _-a-ag to commence at half-past seven , _•^ d th e chairman and others ikfit were with I * - * - proposed to put it off . However , I _****• * " resolved , that many having come " _^ immense distance , they should not _^ . disappointed , and I walked , or rather ¦ _"oi-bM , to the meeting between two working
- _^ i- Tho imm ense place was crowded to _^ cation , and I think thc appearance ofthe _faience , their enthusiasm and kind and _hearty reception , did me more good than all _^ e doctors . After my speech , thc address , inch you wiU find at foot , was presented to _™ _£ 1 was obliged to return to the Hotel in a _*• " * , though it was not more than a hundred _T- _^ d s . and from the hour I returned , till past
-Tf-E "Fluesds, -I- - T Have Just Return...
twelve o ' clock , seven or eight of yonr good fiiends and mine remained with me , "with a doctor administering medicine and emetics every five minutes , while I was rolling upon the floor , and roaring with pain that would have killed another man . At that hour I went to bed , and till 1 rose in the morning , I was in a state of most excruciating torture , with a very kind old nurse-tender attending me , applying pans of hot water and hot flannels to my stomach all night , and , according to the doctor ' s direction , giving me hot brandy and water ; and when I started from Derby on Thursday morning , I was obliged to take a carriage to myself in order that I might lay down .
I have now said as much as I have space for in the second edition ; and I will conclude by telling you that , in my opinion , the spasms were produced by the delight and excitement I experienced from the enthusiasm , the affection , _amL m _**^ _*^ _s _j- _^^^*? y _^ _^ tinr thei moat papy days of agitatibn , I _neyerlltuytl such receptions after so much reviling , and I never witnessed so firm a union amongst the working classes . Tour faithful and uncompromising friend , Feargus O'Conxor . ¦
TO _YEMJOCS O _COSSOB , ESQ ., M . P . Hosourkd _Sia , _^ Seven years having elapsed since your last visit to this town , it is' with no small degree of exultation that we hail your presence here this evening . During your abs _' ehce tho Chartists of Derby have not retrograded one single iota from the cause' of human redemption . If , sir , progression means onward—progression , in reference to our principles , has attended our labours . A glance at the recent election , connected with this important borough , affords ta signal proof of this assertion ; though thc gentleman who reigns paramount in the breasts of a large maiority of the inhabitants of this town was not returned , owing to a combination of circumstances , still one who has since voted for the People's Charter was returned to serve in the British parliament as one of
the representatives of Derby ; this , sir , we consider to be a great and important triumph . Bute-fall triumphs , your own election for the town of Xottingham we consider to be the greatest . Would that we had more O'Connors within tho walls of St . Stephen ' s . When we look back and behold the multitudinous difficulties that have beset your twenty-eight years advocacy of the people ' s cause , we marvel that you should bave been able to secure to yourself auy victory , however insignificant . In your presence , this evening , we desire to express our public thanks for every exertion you have made for an equitable administration of Justice , both iu and out ofthe House of Commons . We tender to you , in spite of corrupt governments , a libellous press , and prejudiced juries , our undiminished confidence in your faithful competency to carry out , by proper support , the social and political regeneration of mankind .
" We congratulate you , sir , on your recent conquest in the Court of Exchequer over the conspiracies of your enemies ; notwithstanding their every exertion to impugn your character , they were compelled to admit that your personal honesty as a gentleman stood unimpeached . Go on , dear sir , in the good cause—continue to act as our . leader , and advocate ofthe poor man ' s interest , until complete victory shall have crowned your efforts , and an united and happy people declare they are free .
¦ 1 - - ' - """ ' --''• ' - - --• •' • -...
' - "" " ' -- ' ' ' - - -- • ' -.- . ; _t _ , . .. __ . „ _.-,. _ . — ..-, . ... ., „ _, ....,-. .- _^ - ¦ -- _* .- _»»* »; _---.- _;^ - _* - **' V - - ' _»*«>"*^^ ' 7 "'\ _rril ' : _H !;„„ .: _„^ > -. _~^* mrxAr * _z 3 _j _. _>? . r AND NATIONAL _TRAJP _MlRJl § §
• Wtm H ° * •«. Loudon, Satdbday, March ...
_WtM H ° * •« . LOUDON , SATDBDAY , MARCH _^ _, 1850 : - I'i _¦^^ _rJSBSSt'UJ
Chartist Agitation In The Provinces. Bra...
CHARTIST AGITATION IN THE PROVINCES . BRADFORD . On Sunday evening a grand demonstration was made by the Chartists of Bradford , in the Temperance Hall of that town . The spacious building was crowded to excess , upwards of two thousand persons being assembled , while hundreds went away unable to obtain
admis-. At about eight o ' clock , Mr . Feargus O'Connor , M . P ., and Mr . G . W . M . Reynolds —•* ftho had just arrived by the train from Loudon—entered the Hall , and were received with the most enthusiastic applause . Mr . Lightowler—who represented Bradford in the National Convention of 1848—was called to the chair ; and , after a few eloquent observations , he called upon
Mr . Reynolds to address the meeting . This gentleman was sainted with great applause , and , when it had subsided , he proceeded to touch upon the various social and political abuses which characterise the present institutions and condition of the country . His speech was received with much applause . Mr . O'Coxxor was then called upon to address the meeting , and , upon rising , he was welcomed with tbe most fervid enthusiasm .
He said , that some years had elapsed since he had told Lord Campbell—then p lain John "Campbell—that Chartism might be stricken down by tyranny and persecution , but , within itself , were those vital elements which guaranteed its resuscitation ; and this prediction had been fulfilled before , and was receiving a farther fulfilment at the present time . The Chartist movement had been re-organised in London , and , by God's blessing , it should be established throughout the country . Much as he ( Mr . O'Connor ) had heen reviled , persecuted , and maligned , he had never deserted the Chartist cause , and never would :
and , after the Easter holidays , he would make a tour in England and Scotland , to revive the agitation—and he would then proceed to Ireland , to cement and consolidate the union between the democrats ofthe two islands . ( Loud cheers . ) Mr . O'Connor then proceeded to touch upon the affairs of the Land Company ; the exact position of which he explained in a manner satisfactory to all present ; and , having dilated at length upon the condition of the working classes , the Ten Hours Bill , and the principles of the Charter , Mr . O'Connor sat down amidst long and enthusiastic cheering .
Resolutions in accordance with the object of the meeting , were duly proposed and adopted . It was resolved to join and support the National Charter Association , and thanks were voted to Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds , for paying the people of Bradford the present visit . Mr . _O'Coxsok expressed due acknowledgments for himself and Mr . Reynolds . Thanks were then voted to the chairman , and thc immense meeting separated in the best possible spirits at the prospects of Chartism .
Halifax. On Monday, At About Noon, A Dep...
HALIFAX . On Monday , at about noon , a deputation of the zealous and enthusiastic Chartists of Halifax arrived at Bradford , with a postchaise and four , to conduct Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds to their own town . The carriage was drawn b y four splendid greys the postillions wore green jockey livcrie 3 ; and on the box was seated a staunch friend , bearino- a flag with this inscription : — " Feargus O'Connor—the Charter and no Surrender . '' An immense crowd was collected opposite the hotel at Bradford , to behold the departure of Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds , and the carriage drove rapidly away , the streets being lined with spectators .
On arriving withm a couple of miles of Halifax , several vehicles , filled with friends of the cause , met the carriage , in the rear of which they formed in due order ; and the entrance into Halifax was a perfect scene of triumph . The road outside the town was crowded with spectators , and the streets ofthe town itself resembled a busy . hive . The reception was most enthusiastic , and nothing
Halifax. On Monday, At About Noon, A Dep...
could exceed the animation ofthe whole scene . Amidst the dense multitudes which lined the streets , and , accompanied by an immense concourse , the carriage passed on to the Swan Hotel , at wliich Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds alighted . In the evening a tea meeting took place at the Odd Fellows' Hall , when several hundred persons partook of the festivity . At about
seven o ' clock , Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds appeared on the platform , and were saluted with loud cheering . At half-past seven , the tables wore cleared away , the benches arranged , and in a few minutes the immense Hall was crowded to excess . Nearl y four thousand persons were thus assembled , and , throughout the proceedings which ensued , the utmost enthusiasm and the best possible spirit prevailed . ' -: ; :... _'
Mr . Benjamin _Rushton , a veteran Chartist—one of the staunch " Old'Guards '"' —was _sj-J _& jjj _^ _JR- _^^ Mr . Webber moved , and Mr . Sutcliffe seconded , thefirst resolution , which was in favour of the necessity of joining the new Chartist agitation . Mr . Reynolds was called upon to support the resolution , and , on rising , he was greeted with great applause . In a long speech , which was frequently interrupted by loud cheering , he sketched the condition of the industrial
classes , showed the incompatibility or the existing institutions with the interests and wants of the present age , and pointed out the remedies . On resuming his seat , he was again saluted with loud cheers . Mr . Marsden and Mr . North proposed and seconded , the next resolution , which was in accordance with the objects and spirit of the meeting ; and the chairman then called upon Mr . O'Connor , who was received with prolonged and enthusiastic applause . The honourable gentleman proceeded to expatiate upon the Labour Question and the Land ,
showing how the Charter , if gained , would operate to the benefit of the working classes . Mr . O'Connor called upon the people to unite in behalf ofthe new organisation ofthe Chartist movement , and warned them against the consequences of any division in their ranks . He showed how that division had , in former times , tended , to the weakening ofthe Chartist movement ; and he drew a picture of the condition of the working classes in the manufacturing districts , which produced a great and powerful
effect upon the audience . Having expatiated upon the present aspect of the political world generally , Mr . O'Connor resumed his seat amidst a , furor of applause . A _deputation-from the Halifax Short Time Committee , was introduced upon the platform , to express to Mr . O'Connor the cordial thanks of that committee , for the able , manly , and straightforward speech delivered by the honourable gentleman in the House of Commons , upon the Ten Hours Bill .
A person ofthe name of Nuttall , asked Mr . O'Connor some antagonistic questions relative to the Land Company , and which Mr . O'Connor answered in a manner that elicited bursts of cheering . It subsequentl y appeared that Nuttall was not at present a member of the Company at all , he having given 30 / . originally for his land , and sold it again for 70 " . This announcement produced an immense sensation ; and Nuttall , utterly discomfited , slunk away from the platform . A resolution of confidence in Mr . O' Connor was then unanimously adopted , and a collection was made on behalf of the Honesty Fund , the proceeds of which are acknowledged elsewhere . Thanks were voted to Mr . O'Connor and
Mr . Reynolds , for their visit , and to the worthy chairman , for his conduct during the evening ; and the immense assemblage quietVv separated .
Sheffield. In Accordance With A Requisit...
SHEFFIELD . In accordance with a requisition signed by several Aldermen , Town-Councillors , and members ofthe middle class , as well as by the Chartist Council , Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds visited Sheffield , ou Tuesday evening . The Circus Theatre had been taken for the occasion ; and immediately the doors were opened , the rush to obtain admittance was
tremendous . Long before the hour announced for the commencement of the proceedings , the spacious theatre , which holds as many persons as Drury-lane , was crowded to excess . The place was literally paved from floor to roof , with human faces ; and a most enthusiastic welcome was given to Mr . O'Connor and Mr . Reynolds , when they appeared upon the platform .
Councillor Harvey was unanimousl y called to the chair , upon taking which he made a fewappropriate observations , and then called upon Mr . O'Connor , who was greeted with several rounds ofthe most rapturous applause that ever welcomed the people ' s tribune . "When the cheering had subsided , Mr . O'Connor said , that he had heard , with pain and sorrow * , of the persecutions to which Councillor Ottley ,
of that town , had been subjected , on account of his Chartists principles ; and as he ( Mr . O'Connor ) understood that the objects of that meeting were to express sympathy with Mr . Ottley , and raise a sum adequate to the removal of those pecuniary liabilities , which persecution had entailed upon him , he ( Mr . O'Connor ) hoped that these objects would be fully attained . Mr . O'Connor proceeded to show how Chartism and the Chartists had been
reviled andpersecuted , in all partsof thekragdoin , and how the Government based its power upon the disunion that existed amongst the people . He showed that Chartism was truth and justice , and not spoliation and wrong ; aud as a proof of how the veritable principles of democracy are always reviled aud scouted by | ho se who fatten upon corruption and abuses , _TVlr . O'Connor pointed to the slur that was attempted to be thrown upon the Red Republicans of France . He showed thatthe name of " Red'' had been given to them in a spirit of calumny , and to impl y that they were a
bloody-minded set of men . But they were not so ; they were , on the contrary , opposed to the punishment of death altogether , and were neither the advocates of cruelty , nor the supporters of any system of spoliation . [ No part of Mr . O'Connor ' s speech was received with more enthusiastic cheering than this . ] Thc hon . gentlemen then expatiated at great length , and in a most impressive manner , upon the principles of Chartism—the antagonistic attitude of the government towards the working classes—the necessity of supporting the National Charter Association—and the
inevitable tendency that Chartism , when established as the law of the country , would have in knocking down tho monopoly of the landlords , and bringing the land into thc _^ retail market . Mr . O'Connor resumed his seat amidst cheering which lasted for several minutes . Mr . Reynolds was then called upon to address the audience , by whom he was received in a manner which must been hi g hly gratifying to bis feelings . After thanking tho meeting for that demonstration of approval , with regard to the course ho was pursuing , he proceeded to paint a vivid aud graphic picture of the intelligence , honesty , and humanity of
Sheffield. In Accordance With A Requisit...
the industrious millions general _^ : " . ' and t & e ignorange _^ prejudice , cruelty , _ao'l ui _^ _oaeajgr of their _oj % e 83 ors and _tyrants in j _aiWpiu-ts _* _, of the world . He showed how ' _thV a « tioni _*/^ f Europe had evei 7 thing 1 nthefr : owB : * litodsi _% the commencement of _thenar ; 18 i _&; a _* _aft * nb- _«* - tbey act _^ 'with too . 'great - ra & i _&^ ea _* anoe towards their ; oppreasor 8 _firHeI _(^ _jReyB ( _Sld would nofc advocate the -raising of-the ' political scaffold : j he was opposed t _^ the _' punismnen _^ of death _i-altogetfier ' _( Lbud % 5 _heer _^) _BuB _M would _have'tHeMatloS ' s _SfMurope , wheii _? W i j
M uu , u "of » _gu «~ aB _-cnexiavoweaiy wettia '~ adopt such . _mWsurea _^ a ' i ' _-woW ' tneiij tyrants ) _feweriess fo _^ _milfeMef _^ _efwtMwWamt Mr . Reynolds _thenlJihl _^ of _thovvpping classes in 1 EnMahd , ; the _„ abaiie _Y _^ * lfe _^> J # ¦ ' 8 cl _^ d _*^^;* mr _^ c « i » li _systemsJPie _- in _^^ tyranny . practised by the rich towards the _poenr He . concluded by showing how the People _' s-Charter would lay a solid foundation for remedial measures ; and he sat down amidst loud and prolonged applause .
Councillor Ottley , in moving a vote ot thanks to Mr . O ' Connor and Mr . Reynolds , stated , that the results of the meeting would be to relievo him from all his
embarrassments . Mr . Buckley seconded the vote of thanks , which was carried unanimously . Councillor Boom and Mr . Mitchell , moved a rote of confidence in Mr . O'Connor ; and this resolution was ably spoken to by a paid up member of the Land Compauy , who rose from amongst the audience , and ascended to the platform , in order to express that tribute of his regard and attachment to Mr . O'Connor . The vote waa carried amidst tremendous applause ; due acknowledgments were made , and thanks having been decreed to the chairman , the immense meeting broke up in the best possible order .
Efl&Arttst Jhttthtgjmw
_efl & arttst _JhtttHtgjmw
Provisional Committee Of The National Ch...
PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . This body again met at their . office , 14 , Southampton-street , Strand , on- Wednesday evening , March 20 th . Present — Messrs . Miles , Milne , Arnottj Stallwood and Reynolds . Mr . J . Milne was called to ; the chair . Cheering correspondence was read from Belper , Elderslie , Leicester , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , and Stockport , on behalf of the South Lancashire delegates , & c . & c . A deputation , consisting of Messrs . Pattison and Woodcock , attended from Bermondsey , and reported that they had enrolled forty-two members , and that they were making rapid progress .
The Secretary reported that the men ofthe Brunswick Hall locality , _Limohouse , had ' made an application , setting forth that they had spent one hundred pounds in tlie improvement of their Hall , that they had a suppl y of cards , were already enrolling members , and were desirous that the Provisional Committee should hold a public meeting in their Hall , on Monday night , the Gth of April . The Secretary also _renwtedw . that-the Working S hh _^ S _^ SH _^ b _^ nW o _^^^ Co-operative Store , had resolved on starting a locality with every prospect of success , and that they had received cards for tho purpose .
Mr . Stallwood reported , that the Emmett locality would commence re-organising at the Rock Tavern , Lisson Grove , on Monday evening next , and that their was a considerable number ready for that purpose . Mr . Reynolds reported , that himself and Mr . O'Connor had held immensely largo and most enthusiastic meetings , on the evenings of Sunday , Monday , and Tuesday last , in the towns of Bradford , Halifax , and Sheffield , and that in response to the joint appeals of Mr . O'Connor and himself , the people were most enthusiastic iu favour of tho National Charter Association . Mr . Reynolds wishes it to be understood , that whilst travelling in behalf of tho Democratic cause , he travels at bis own expense .
The Secretary reported , that Mr . B . Fullam had done tlio Association the honour of forwarding a copy of the * ' Irishman , " when it was resolved that this courtesy be acknowledged , and that the Committee do take tho " Irishman " for at least one quarter . Mr . Reynolds then submitted tho address of which he had given notice , which was discussed , unanimously adopted , and ordered to be published , and widely distributed .
The HaU of Science , City-road , was ordered to be taken for a public meeting on' an early day , and the Committee adjourned until Wednesday evening next .
To The People Of Great Britain And Irela...
TO THE PEOPLE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND . The Provisional Committee of the National Charter Association , appeal to you for support and encouragement , iu their endeavours to obtain every point specified in the People ' s Charter . They rely , with confidence , upon your patriotism , your desire for freedom , and your consequent adherence to tbe Chartist cause . Be assured , that no measure of good will ever be obtained from any Government so long as the people remain dormant and apathetic to their own interests .
The Prime Minister , himself , tells you that he is unable to discern any wish amongst tho people' for further reform , that he sees no symptoms of agitation indicative of discontent ; and makes this assertion an excuse for denying an extension of the sufirage , and other measures calculated to relieve the people from their thraldom . 3 "he masses of this country , living , as they do , by manual . labour , havo no time for prolonged agitation , or perpetual demonstrations .
Lord John Russell , fully aware of this fact , turns it to his own purpose , and triumphs in his antagonistic policy . He appears to entertain an opinion , that the working population of Engl and are not only unworthy of tho rights of citizens , but also of thc name—for this reason wc suppose , that tho agitation , so long and so unweariedly continued by the immense numbers coastituting the Chartist body ¦ —being materially a demonstration of labouring men—counts for nothing , in Lord John Russell ' s estimation .
Convinced , that if the sense of tlio nation were taken , a vast majority would bo found advocates of those doctrines contained in the People ' 3 Charter , we , the Provisional Committeo of the National Charter Association , call upon tho people to exert themselves , to shake off the enslaving domination ofa factions minority , and to accomplish this dosirahlo object , join with tho Association in making thc utmost use of those limited moans tho law lias yet left within their reach .
But , let each person also act , as though the success of the cause depended upou his individual exertions ; for it is unity , energy , perseverance , and zeal , that can alone conquer . These have been the weapons so effectually wielded ., by the Republican Socialists of France ; these are tho wcapoii 3 . that have triumphed . ' over" the brutal force at the command .
To The People Of Great Britain And Irela...
; _jsfiyrai _^ - _-tkeMtedP-W _^ | _**« nwje _% Qh _^^ it _^ _itfcjne _JR _^ _i _upfeicii ] - _£ _^^ / _jpeedifyi ' _jjiffii _$ etonous , v _^ will _befyv _& _IM _^^ ' _^ _ieVl _^ i _^ _S _rlwfefeh wtf so > justly ?& Sm _fmsp ; s _^^ x : m _^ m 4 s _'!• . _* . ¦¦• = _;¦" : ' _^ _- _'' g _^ no _Thnceffi _iftitimM _^ ¦ _—*> _/ _# MHiiuta ' _vflKJBU la _etlC
.-., _' _, ; « , -TVB _VUU _vKUDU _\^^ _0 _^ J _^ _m _^^ _:. _labour , _miif ¦ « lftMio = . the--world ; b _» t it is-oal y such a condition as-can be expected , whem the govern . _Iment of a country . is vested in the hands of
afew-, To the people of Ireland , tlie Provisional Committee of the National Cliarter Association address themselves , imploring them to J oin the Chartist ranks- , as the only' effectual method of obtaining by moral force , those rights towhich they are so justly entitled , and which are so cunningly and cruelly withholden from them . Let them not be led away and deluded by a miserable extension of franchise , promised by the English Government . It is never
contemplated to ameliorate their _, _condition ,, but only to swell the parliamentary ranks of their oppressors . . The visits of Royalty—from which the Lish people were taught to expect so much—were mere idle pageants , contrived and calculated to divert the attention from wrongs of a tremendous magnitude . Until tho Charter becomes . the law of the land , Ireland must . continue in its present debased , unhappy condition ,
Finally , it is the intention of the Provisional Committee of the National Charter Association , so long as their functions continue , and calculating upon the people ' s support , to maintain an energetic and unceasing agitation , until they convince our rulers that the sentiments of a nation cannot be scorned witb impunity . Their policy is to remain within the bounds of the law , and riot infringe that law , as it at present stands , " but'they denounce its injustice , repudiate its absurdities , and protest against its flagrant inequality . Edmund ' Stallwood , Edward Miles , G . Julian Harney , James Grassby ,
George W . M . Reynolds , Thomas Brown ,. William Davis , John Milne , Chairman * . John Arnott , General Sec . Office of the National Charter Association , No . 14 , Southampton-street , Strand , March 20 th , 1850 .
Criri-Legate Ciiaktisi Hall.-—On Sunday ...
_CRiri-LEGATE Ciiaktisi Hall .- —On Sunday evening Mr : W . J . Vernon was announced to lecture , but from somo unknown cause he did not fulfil his engagement . Mr . Brisck then announced that Mr . Tomlinson \ vas very ill and weak , from the effects of his imprisonment , but would per'taps be able to say a few words . Young Tomlinson spoke for a few . minutes . I _^ t _^ iclqicss _api _^ _W _3 _? _$ fb' *"* * _3 _^ Brisck then addressed the meeting until Mr . Tomlinsen again made his appearance . He commenced by an examination of the motions brought before the House of Commons during the past week—Fox Maule ' s title of Religious Congregation Bill . The Bishop of London ' s motion in the Ilouse of Lords , for a new court of heresy ; this eminent physician of the soul—as Mr . Tomlinson named him—came
in for a most satirical lashing , lie then alluded to the due observance of the Sabbath Bill , and in an eloquent strain , proclaimed his own religious views , in a powerful peroration , he showed himself to be a true worshipper of Nature ; his religion , he said , was love , his temple the wide universe , and he worshipped his God in beholding' the fair and sublimo works of creation , better than he could in any of their gaudily decorated churches or chapels ; and he wished to hasten the day when every man should become his own bishop , the parson of his own family , the interpreter ot his own religious opinions ; then there would be no necessity to pay the bishops or an archbishop , so many thousands of pounds for preaching their mischievous doctrines . Mr . Tomlinson then commented upon Lord Ashley ' s
motion for the Ten Hours Bill , and censured , in strong language , tho speech of Mr . Bright . After Mr . Tomlinson ' s address , several discussions took place upon the remarks of the speaker , which , in all probability , will have a good effect . Uaslixg _' _den _* . — On Friday "evening , March loth , Mr . R . G . Gaminago , editor of the _Progressionist delivered a lecture in the Chartist Reading-room , on Labour , its Origin and Importance—its Natural Tendency to Promote the Happiness of Mankind , and its Claims upon Society . On Sunday , March 17 th , he delivered two lectures ; the first on the Lamentable consequences of popular ignorance , and the second on the Benefit which a diffusion of Knowledge would confer upon mankind , physically , mentally , morally , socially , and politically . The lectures gave general satisfaction .
The IVilliaji and Sharp _Commitjee met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday evening - "VV . Davis in the chair- —when the following resolution was unanimously adopted : — " That this committee believing that the widows' and orphans'' of Joseph Williams and Alexander Sharp have a primary claim on all lovers and friends of democratic progression , their husbands and fathers having been sacrificed in the causo of truth and justice . This committee , therefore trust , that tlieir brother and sister democrats in the metropolis , wiil aid tlie fund , now raising for their support , by _attending the tea meoting , whicli will bo hold in the National Hall , Holborn , on Wednesday evening ,, April 10 th ; and that the friends , throughout the country , be hereby specially requested to devote- tlie said memorable day to tho above laudable object . " The committee then adjourned to Monday evening , April 1 st , then to meet at the Chartist Office , 14 , Southampton-street , Strand .
Rochdale . —Mr .- 3 > . Donovan ,, of Manchester , delivered the fourth and concluding lecture on the " Organisation of Labour , " on Sunday last . Mr . D . showed the advantages at present obtained by the various co-operative societies cstabilished in various parts of tlio country , and what they might bo if the -working classes had a thorough , ' snowledge of their own rights and is [ crests , and wouid work in unison ono with another . Mr . D . also took an examination of tho Free Trade _measures , and said , liis system of free trade was thai the worXmg classes should havo the means to purchase both food and clothing when they required it ; tho present free trado exported the clothing , while , at the same time , the man ' who mads tliem was _aiaked . Mr . D . concluded by thanking his audience for their attention , and thc meeting separated , highly satisfied .
Padiham . —The friends of Mr . O'Conaor held a meeting in tho Odd Fellows . * -Hall , on Sunday night , March 17 th , to devise tho- best mode of _obtaining funds to help to defray tho _expenses incurred by hat gentleman in defending his character ; Mr . J . Pate in the chair . A collection wp _* j made , _aiuauntin _^ - to 13 s . id ., and it was agreed jhat the subscription should be kept open . A _letfcer was thea read from Mr . 0 . J . Hamey , _accepting an invitation to visit Padiham in the course of six or scvoa weeks . _Bslpeu . —At _« meeting held on Sunday evening , at the Angel Inn , Market-place , tbe following persons wero elected to servo on tho Council for the
next three months : —William Vavdy , Joseph Cfre gory , John Poxon , William Buxtoii ; Joseph To « _* Ss , treasurer ; John Dean , secretary . All communion- _, tions to bo addressed to John Dean , Wyvev-lanc , Helper . After which it -was agreed to meet every Sunday evening , at seven o'clock , at tho Angel Inn . The South Loxdox _Ghabtists held their weekly meeting at tho Ship and Mermaid , Snows-fields , Bermondsey , on Tuesday , the 10 th of March , when it was resolved to open a subscription for the Honesty Fund ; and to remain opon for two months ; and that the money in thc treasurer ' s hand belonging to the National Charter Association bo forthwith paid to tbo General Secretary .
_Sih-ffiku _) . —On Sunday last , Mr . Buckley delivered a lecture ih tho Democratic lemporanco Hotel , ' - -SS , Q ueen-street ,-on « " The advantage of
Criri-Legate Ciiaktisi Hall.-—On Sunday ...
a _concwtf & tVfeiJ ! wnibri ofr England " with , Ireland , in theobtainmohfrof the-People ' s Charter . " The lecture ga _^ _o- _^ g _*» erul" satisfaction , and at tha elose _., Mc .-M'it 8 ue ; ir _'jpfajSivceqliestel to . _-ajuress the members _aiiij _^ h _^ SAii _, thp \ abpye room-next _S _f _tpd _' ay _^ vchiiig , _ai _' eMt ' q ' cJocK _* ' A cons ! 4 _graWe Somber of _^ rMMmemership . lwere takeftout , _2 _ft _* _- _* Y _*^ ¦ _1 Shefflold'ff _&^^^! f _# 'i « ' ' ' •• _fia '& r'i' Xi _¥ _& _M- _» i _^ h -HtUi . _'iiAi _^' B _^ _bii _^ y meeting , held atthe - _-Mrrt ShhV _** , _*^^^ and Mrs . GrasBby , two well known Chartists , ' ntade > known their intention of making a collection among their female friends in aid . ofthe Honesty Fund . They were' furnished with collecting botii £ _' and no doubt will serve as a worthy example to ihw _femalea vn _nflio * _+ < v » n .. «« ...-. _-. ¦ - ' _t » _ A - l , ----a ¦ jt ¦ _»»¦¦¦¦¦¦ _vanruuurnoDiecnamnioui
_ r _~** r r . _v * _, - ¦ _£ f *» rs ? . * - _> _Cimnor ; _fi-onf _vboing rnihea * byt ? tbar _Melbonriw _^ policy . : Thanhs Wore : given to the Wo mawdi _<™ _$ _heQin _^ ntg ; _^ ; _^ _3 _M _^^ _m _^;^&;^ . _;' , _iv _^ _-.-: ' , _i-, _2 -insmBmimor . w _^ mjS _^ omMd 3 : and _avroxid _!«* _P ! _MlM 8 * _hMg _<^ _hbM _^ _sMiWmi _^^ ; _^^ huV , _^ w 6 vd meetiiiS _shraidlSj'heltf _^ I _' _or-ihopurjwse' _^ j _$$ _^ o _Wi _*^; oj _9-i _| 6 _«^ re principles ; of uUra _^ ri _^ g * ' _ai _^ ' _^' _Xm' _) i _^ alievwir . ds resolred r i ' . Tnafc ' tm _£ _mwt & g " s " _* » _utif 8 t _^ t ill Monday _eyenme n' _^^' s _^^ _- _blwi _' _at'Nd . 105 > . Tavern-yard _** _uaKeneta jDr
JJtoom _« streeT ,: Broomoe _^ Ets , ' _-roaa , - rato _^ i _^ _whehfaWpersoha _' an invited te * enrol tbem- ' s # res' mehibef a " of the _^ _Hational Charter _AasoeiH _* _Wtrf'X- _^ _-i _^ : 'i / U :: ¦ : ' ' . _-.:: _¦' '
>H ~R'# -I
_> h ~ r' _# -i
_^ _"miT'N'ATIOSAlj . VICTIM _COMMlTTSlEi ' TOr :-.: ' i _^ _ffsh _^ THE' _^ ARTI & T PUBLIC ; - - - '<• ¦ ¦ ' _Msni-z-- } _M , ? '¦' :: ;' $ _& zs . _& _jgju , s _^ _v , ;' ¦ ' .- ' . _j _ : o _; _ri ® fc _* fiHM _* ' _^^ _treme regret that we aire- compelled to again address 1 you ( we trust inis will be- the last time , } m order _W state the very , unpleasant position in which we areplaced .. ,- While _vre most _eer-Saly thank those who _> havo generously supported ; the- fundv wo cannot but express onr deep and heartful disgust at the- baso apathy of the _thousands , who ,, by their _bawlingand shouting , deceived the imprisoned _patciots , thereby robbing then * wives and _fiimilies of their natural , projector ; and after beiag the cause of dooming thee men to dungeons , leave- those -who looked to
themfor . support to linger on in misery and destitution . Shame 1 . 0 ! shame on such conduct ; especially ' when vre are aware , that if only 10 , 000 had ' subscribed one half-penny per week , it would" have--placed them in a very different position . - - _;¦ ' X . But as it is useless to _address those who bave . ndi sympathies , -we appeal to those who have _liearts t ** j ) feel for suffering humanity ; and I trust we shall nobplead in vain , when we state that there is now ' m . \ E-. TEKN . wcekly' recipients on the fund , many of'theni ' with large families , and that two shillings each isr all they haveTeceived for thk last _jtortjuoht _.- ' ; l Subscriptions will be most thankfully received by-William Rider , Northern Star Office ; and by JobB ' Arnott , 14 , Southampton-street , Strand . , Signed on behalf of the Committee , 14 , Southampton-street , Jons Auxoir ,. Seo . Strand , March 21 .
P . S . — -We learn that tbat energetic and worthy body of men , the Metropolitan Boot and Shoe-Makers , who have rendered such valuable assist-- ' ance , are still doing their utmost to aid the-fund , byholding harmonic meetings every Saturday evening-.-atthe King and . Queen , Foley-street , and _also-afc " the Rising Sun , Calendar-yard , Long-alley .
To The Chartist Body. Among The Many Com...
TO THE CHARTIST BODY . Among the many communications received , of a ; similar tendency , tbe Provisional Committee of thc _National Charter Association select the following for publication : — 20 , Dunkirk-street , Leicestcr , _lfai ? chl 9 , 1850 . Sib , —I have sent an ordar to Mr . Rider , inade payable to you , for II . 15 s . 2 d . You will please to receive 10 s . for the Executive ; 7 s . for tlie General Victim _fana ; the other portion you will be kind enough to attend to in the following manner , viz ., 17 s . towards the Honesty Fund , and Is . 2 d . for Dr . M'Douail's Family . I am requested by the committee here to assure you , that it is our intention not only to assist the Executive to the uttermost , but to carry cut its instructions likewise , so long as it adheres firmly to the People's Charter . There has been too much cant and wavering of late ; but it will not do ; firmness and perseverance must be the order of the day , if the Charter is to become the law ofthe land , llespectfully and truly yours , To Mr . John Arnott . 'Wm . _BHAnswniiTir . ,
Tim?- Uliajj-Tist -Victims-- .Y.X ' ^ >^...
Tim ? - _UliAJJ-TIST _-VICTIMS-- . y . X _' _^ _>^^ i _^^^ ! _?^^^^^^ _S _^^^^^ £ _^^ ' ' _^^^^' > _- TO MR . WILLIAM _niDER . SiB _,- —I herewith send you and order for the sum of £ 613 s . 6 d ., being a portion ofthe proceeds arising from a public distribution , hold in Barrhead , in behalf of the Wives and Families of the Chartist victims . In distributing- the money , you can divide the sum of £ 5 between Mr . Ernes _' t Jones and Dr . M'Douall , and hand over tlie remaining £ 113 s . Gd . to the fund for the families of Sharp and Williams . There is a good deal of money to come in yet , which , as fast as I receive , will be forwarded to
you . The following are the names of the places -which . have paid * . — Gatcsidc Mill Printworks , £ 2 ls . 3 d . ; Gateside Field , 17 s . 9 d . ; Crossmith Printworks , 12 s . 9 d . ; Boyd's Shop , Ss . Cd . * . Factory and Friends , los . _Cdv ; Barrhead Foundrv , 3 s . 6 d . ; Low Mill , 2 s . 9 d . ; Collected in the Hall , 13 s . 3 d . j Paisley Distric-i . Kenn ' s Printworks , 5 s . Od . ; A Few Friends , Paislev , 3 s . ; Ciimpsio District , Bellfield Printworks , £ -1 2 s . Gd . ; Busby District , per Andrew M' Liiuoek , _"Seatherka Printworks . £ 1 .
In the item marked Factory and Friends , the sum ought to bo ISs . 9 d . ; bat iis I received 3 s . 3 d . of that after getting the order at the Hank , and as tho alteration would have cost Cd ., I trust oar friends in that quarter will rest satisfied till the appearance of the next Star , when the remainiag portion will be accounted for . For the satisfaction of all parties , I may state _tha-i tho whole amouat , which I have as yet received ,, is £ S 4 s . 9 d ., -idjiuj ! £ 17 s . for expenses , to what isas been sent to the Victims , leave in band 4 s . 9 d .. Yours respectful !* * * , Neilston , _Mareh-Wth . - T . F .
Dr. M'Douall. Brother Democrats,—The Yis...
DR . M'DOUALL . Brother _Democrats , —The Yistim Committee of the Manchester locality wish to call the attention of all true , democrats to the following remarks : —At the release of the Chartist prisoners , from Kirkdale Gaol , the _""J ictimGomrmUee appo ' mUd for their sup . port , _ceased to exist . That Cuiaaiittee very wisely placed the Doctor on the same footing as the other _pt-isonetfs—viz ,,, hy allowing ihe "Doctor ' s famil y five shillings per week . The Doctor ' s- case was re-considered . We knew tbat the _doctor vas still in prison , suffering for the advoeaey of our principles , and : that his family was left unprovided for ; and we believe it is the _bounden _dut'A <» f the Chartist body ,
to support and protect than-- during his _i-apnson ment . Under these views , ssotber Victim Ccmmir itee was appointed , and siim & the 13 ih of _November , - 1 S 49 , ws have been able to , remit one _sovereign per mouth . This has been _collected from a faw friends , but we are sorry to . say that our funds are exbauste-3 , and unless friends in our own locality , and the surrounding districts , bestir _thems-eives , we shall not be able to remit to tbe Doctor ' s feaiily even Ihat _saiuJl pittance . Charti & ls of Manc _* j » ier aud its vicinity , to you we appeal ; you wha have read in the _'NorthernStar' tlie distressed _a-ondition of _tho-Boctor ' s _fanaily t yc-u who bar . - contributed _t-a ; generously to the _Kjskdale pri > or . _3 Bs . It is you te
whom the- Doctor Looks to be _ftiends and sympathisers with the prosecuted—ia be _fathr-rs to iis dearly _beloved _children , to _provide for his wife— -ihe choice of his bear!—you who love your wives and _children , will _yo-fl allow the _jjioctoi _' s itmccejiS ones to sailer hunge ? anil thirst when so small _aatffort on vour part vunild relieve _aaa cheer the law-made widow ? We . think we hen ? the echo •• No , we will do our duty , our mites $ J > all he remitted . ' It ' so , this appeal If the _comaiittee will not te in vain . We will _cliserfully _perftwm our duty , if yoa do yours . Donations or _subscriptions will he thankfully received hy the _treasuBw-HoinsnT _Su-vwcnoss , 15 . Chatsiwrth-street _* Boundary-lane , _CJioilton-upon _Medliji-k , _Manclisffier . _ .
T 5 > a _commits * are in _atten- ' _anee , every Sunday _evening , in t _^ i People ' s Institute , Hey « oo _»! -street , Ascoats . Robkkt _Sha-sv-juoss , _treasurer . Samuki . Jonus , secretary . p _. S . — _"tVe are glad to announce the receipt of four _sb . _^ _iju-s _, from John Gaskill , Leveushuhue .
Bititisn Collect: Of Health, Nkw-Roah, L...
_BitiTisn collect : of health , _Nkw-roah , Loxdox . TO Till-: _FINANCIAL & SOCIAL KEFO ' HMERS T 11 KOUGI 10 UT CHEAT-15 UITAIN _.-Fkllow-CountiiyMKN , —Prove , as most easily you can , how doctors hnvo for ages-cheated tlie people on thequestion of their health , and all the reforms that you duniand must follow , and , ihat , too , in quick succession . The dishonesty of _tUs medical boJy can be most easily established . - We are , Fellow _^ _C-Juhtrynien , Yours ,. in the cause of Salutary "Reforms , _Tuk Mmbkus Of sub _BnitiMi' College oe Maroh 20 th . 18 ( 30 . ..-.-7 . . . ilsAj . ni . -
Northern Star (1837-1852), March 23, 1850, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_23031850/page/1/