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August 23, I8 45. TF t, >T ^-p T irj ,Tr...
Supposed Case of Poiso.vi.vg at Bath.—This cityhas been thrown into a state ol'coiis'ulcraljlccxcitciiicnt
especially among the higher circles, m c...
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August 23, I8 45. Tf T, >T ^-P T Irj ,Tr...
August 23 , I 8 45 . TF > T _^ -p irj , _Tr _. _m _Tsj _STAR . . _— _--r _^^ 2 - : — ¦¦¦ - _^ _T i i _- rrirnTn'TPfT parb SLUM ills Mit aUlOUT 229 STRAND LONDON . PARR'S LIFE PILLS
A List Of '^^ Ms^^J B D. Cousins, Is, Duke Street, Uanolk's-Ixx-Fields. Losdom.
THE SHEPHERD . 1 * the Her . J . -b . _* ° " _™> »• _£ ' _% 1 I . P _^ e 5 s _0 , 1-Tol II , pnee os- _^ ol 1 , 1 , nricefis Od . cloth boards ; or the three volumes mone , Llf bound in calf and lettered , price 10 s . _^ fetathm ofOwenism , byG . Bedford , of Worcester ; -irith a Kcplv _. by the Kcv . J . E . Smith , M . A ., ls . Kexr Christianity ; or the Religion of St Simon , with a coloured Portrait of a St Simonian Female ; translated ly the Kcv . J . E . Smith , M . ls . The Little Book , addressed to thc Bishop of Exeter and Itobert Owen , hy the Kev . J . E . Smith , M . A ., 6 d ; by post , 10 d . _Trends and Miracles , by the Rev . J . E . Smith , 5 LA . Cloth _hd _? , Is Sd . Tbe Universal Chart , containing the Elements of Cni-¦ versal Faith , TJnivcrsal Analogy , and Moral Government 3 y the Kev . J . E . Smith , M . A . Price ls ; by post , Is id . — This little work contains , iu the form af articles , tlie ele- stents of universal principles , or , as the title-page ex- presses it , " the elements of universal faith , universal analogy , and moral government . '' It is divided into three parts , and each part into logically consecutive artieles or materials of thought for those who desire to haye a definite and logical idea of universal truth in its _spiritual and temporal polarities , without which two _polari- ties in perfect union , truth can have no being , and any attempt to reduce it to practice must result in sectarian hi- " ¦ otry on tlie one hand , orinfidel anarchy and convulsion on the other .
, . ; | , j j j ; , The Mother ' s Curse ; or , the Twin Brothers cf WhitehaU . —An Historical Tale . Reprinted from tlie « olumns of the Penny Satirist Pr ' we 1 « ; hy post , Is Cd . j The _Rsmance of the Forest , by Mrs . Ann _Sadcliffe _., In Seventeen Penny Numbers ' ; or the whole ' stitched in a ncatVolume , lsCd ; byiM > st , 2 sCd . Thc Three Rivals ; or , Theodora , tlie Spanish-Widow , i Also , the Enchanted Horse . Price Sixpence , together , j The Gipsey's Warning ; or , Love and Ruin :: aRomance j of Real Life ; iu which aregiveu , thc mysterious Parent- \ age , Uirth , Life , Courtship , and subsequent Murder of i Maria Martin , in the Red Barn , by William C ' oidcr . Price ! ls Cd ; or in Twenty Number ? , at Id each . Alf of Minister ; or , the Anabaptists . Translated from j the German of Vauderveidt ' . Being an Historical Ilo- j mauce of intense Interest , of Love , Inconstancy , Civil _] War , Rapine , Torture , and Wholesale Bloodshed . Price i 3 d ; by post , Is . ' Paul and ' Virginia . By _l . _Ticraardln-ne Saint-Pierre . ' Price Cd ; by post . Oi . The Dream of Love ; a talc of the _Passians . Trans- - lated from the French of Frederic Soulie . Trice lid ; by post , 9 d . Tho Convert ; or , The Prior of Red Penitents ; being [ the History of a Thief who was banged , audbrought to j Life again . Translated from the French of M . GuzIan . j Price 4 d ; by pest , 8 d . ( The House of Doom ; or , LaMaisonMurcc , a Talc-of lively interest . Price 6 d ; by post , 9 d . Crime and Vengeance - , a Tragedy of Real Life , translated from thc French of Frederic Soulie . Price 4 ; bypost , S penny stamps . Donalda ; " or , the Witches ofGlciumicl ; a Caledonian Legend of thrilling interest , containing 80 pages of small type . Price ls ; by post , IS penny stamps . . . * Pride and Vanity ; or , The Banker and the Peer , from the French of Frederic Soulie . Price Gd ; if bypost , nine peuny stamps . Tlie History of Nourjahad , the Persian , a beautiful Story . Price Cd ; by post , 0 penny stamps . The Ass iu the Lion's Shin ; a French Romance , translated into English . Price fid ; hy post , 12 penny stamps . Talcs of Yore , containing the Loves and Adventures of Bloomsbury and Felicia , Floris and Bhmchcneur , Anihrosio and Acantha , Lisrader aud Aidina _. and Iheachuian and _Padmanaba . _Fi'ieo Sd ; by post , 12 penny stamps
; POPULAR WORKS KOW ' PUBLISHING-BY W . DUGDALE , 37 , _HOLYWELL-STIIEET , STRAND . NEW WORK BY EUGENE SUE , _« DE ' ROHAN ; OR , THE COURT CONSPIRATOR , " in penny numbers and fourpenny parts . The first part and number seven are published this day . Translated expressl y for Otis edition , and nothing omitted . THE WANDERING JEW , No .-33 , and Part 8 , is out , and is expected to be completed in forty-two numbers . THE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , uniform with the above , is progressing . Part S and Xo . 20 are ready . Will be speedily finished in about thirty numbers . * # * Order the Nonpareil edition . The Mysteries of Paris may also be had in sixty penny numbers , or fifteen parts at fourpence each ; being the first translation in tlie English language , and tlie only _ane that contains all the original edition before the author had curtailed it to _pleass tbe fastidious taste of a too prurient public . This _edition has fifty engravings , is printed in good bold type , and the whole , handsomely bound in red , in one volume , may be had for -Is .
TOURERS ,-by M . de Balzac , _I-s _.-Gd . WiU befolbived upbyothoro- of the same writeffi , ON TUB POSSIBILITY OF _MMlilnw _I'uprjLOUS NESS . AN ESSAY ' OS _POPOIOPSKESS—to which is added _thtfTHEOUY bl ? PAISSLESS _liKTINCTCON , by Marcus _^ price ls . * # * _-The celebrated pamphlet where it . is proposed to forbid the intercourse of Man wnd _Woman when' they are poor , and to make it felony when a child is ths . result . The Theory of Painless Extiaotien coolly discusses tlie method of extinguishing life , when , the intruder has not property immediate oi expectant to support that-life . The-MONK , by Lewis , verbttini from the Original ; tweatv-fcur plates , price 2 s . 4 d . MARF . iAGE PHYSIOLOGICALLY DISCUSSED . In four parts . —Part I . On the Necessity of ' . Marriage ; Precocity ; Effects of Wedlock . Part II . Instructions in Courting ; Sudden Love ; Organizations i Madness cured by Matrimony -, tho _Ouurtezan Reclaimed . Part III . limitation of life justified ; Protectors—tlicirutility and general adoption . Part IV . —Heal causes _of-Sterilitj-. ; remedies . From the French of Jean Dubois ,. 2 s . Gd . FRUITS OF PHILOSOPHY ; or , _ln-ivntc advice to young married people . Containing the various hypothesis of Generation ; Structure of the Female-Organs ; Conceptions ; Remedies against Barrenness and . Impotency ; with a curious anatomical plate . 2 s . Cd , All the above , and more extensive Catalogue , may be _iad from every vender of periodicals . All _orderst-punctually attended to .
HARE ON SPINAL DISEASE . npHIS day is published , price 2 s . Cd ., CASES aud . OBJ . _.-SERVATIONS illustrative of the _bciicnciai-. results _wlnchmay _beottatned by close attention mid perseverance in-some ofthe most chronic and unpromising instances of spinal deformity ; witli eighteen engravings on , wood . By _SAiaiEt Hahe , M . R . C . S . Loudon : John Churchill , Princes-street ; and may be had of all booksellers .
THE-HISTORY OF THE CONSULATE . AND EMPIRE OF FRANCE . XOW PUBLISHING , In _Weakly _lumbers , price Id ., and in Parts , price-6 d ., TIIE HISTORY OF THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE OF FRANCE , under Napoleon , by M . TniER ! =,. Author ofthe "History of the French Revolution , " late President of the Council , and Member of the Chamber of Deputies . CoNcixiOHS . —The work will he neatly printed in two columns , royal octavo , from a new aud beautiful type , and on fine paper .
AMERICAN EMIGRATION OFFICE , AG , Watciioo-road , Liverpool . TnE Subscribers continue to despatch first-class Packets to NEW YORK , BOSTON , QUEBEC , MONTREAL , PHILADELPHIA , NEW ORLEANS , and ST . JOHN'S , N . B . They arc also Agents for the New Line of New York Packets , comprising the following magnificent ships : — Tons . To Sail . noTTiNGOEB .... 1150 Cth September , _Livebpool 1150 Cth October , Who have also , For New York . St . Patrick 1150 tons . „ „ Republic ......... 1100 " , _- , ''¦¦ „ „ Empire ......... 1200 „ „ „ Sheffield 1000 „ „ Boston Lama 1000 „ „ Philadelphia ...... Octavius , 900 „ „ New Orleans Geo . Stevens ...... 800 „ „ „ Thos . H . Perkins ... 1000 „ Passengers going to the Western States and Canada can know the actual outlay to reach any important point on the Lakes and Rivers by obtaining one of Tapscott ' s Emigrant ' s Travelling Guides , which can be had by sending postage stamps for the same to George Rippard and Son , aud William Tapscott , as above .
THE EARL OF ALPEOROUGH CURED BY _HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . TnE Earl of Aldborough cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaint , Extract of a Letter from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Villa Messina , Leghorn , 21 st February , 1845 : — To Professor Holloway . Sir , —Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you before this time for your politeness in sending me your pills as you did . I now take this opportunity of sending you an order for thcamount , and , atthe same time , to add that your pills have effected a cure of a disorder in my liver and stomach , which all the most eminent of the faculty athome , and all over the continent , had not been able to effect ; nay ! not even the waters of Carlsbad and Marienhad . I wish to have another box and a pot of the ointment , in case any of my family should ever require cither .
GOOD NEWS FOR TIIE AEEIICTED . _rrillAT excellent ' OINTMENT , called the " POOR i J . MAN'S FRIEND , " is _conndcntly-a'ccommeiidcd to " ihe public as an unfailing remedy . for wounds of every description , aiid a certain cure for ulcerated sore legs ( if of twenty years * standing ) , cuts , burns ,-scalds , bruises , chilblains , ulcers , scorbutic eruptions , pimples in tlie face , weak ami inflamed eyes , piles anil fistula , gangrene , and is a specific for eruptions that . somctimes follow vaccina _, tion . Sold in pots at 13 iO . and 2 s . 9 d . each . Also his _PILULE ANTISCROPIl'JLiE , confirmed by more than forty years' successful experience as an invaluable remedy for that distressing complaint culled scrofuh glandular swellings , particularly those of the neck , ie . They present one of the best alternatives ever compounded for purifying the Wood and assisting nature in all her operations . Tliev are efficacious also . in rheumatism , and form a mild ' and * superior family aperient , mid may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet . Sold in boxes at 13 Jd . and 2 s . 9 d . By the late Dr . Roberts's will , Messrs . Beach and Barnicott , who had been confidently entrusted with the preparation of his medicines fov many years past , are left joint proprietors of the Poor Han ' s 'friend and Pilul . 'C Antiscroplmhc , & c , & c ., with thc exclusive right , power , and authority to prepare and vend tlie same . The utility of these medicines is fully testified by thousands of persons who have been benefited by tliciraid . Amongst the numerous testimonials received , the following is clected : —
Just Published , A new and important Edition of the / Silent . Friend on Human Frailty . Price 2 s . Cd ,, and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order for 3 s . 0 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ofthe GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire . '—with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on tho partial or total EXTINCTION ofthe REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive clients of GoiioitIkci , Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner _; the Work is Embellished with Ten fine coloured Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode of cure for both sexes ; followed by observations on the obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of certelu Disqualifications : thc whole pointed out to suffering humanity as a " SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of _success .
_T _, i I . i _- rrirnTn'TPfT TO Mit aUlOUT , 229 , STRAND , LONDON . Doncaster , September 26 th , 1844 . SIR — TSe' & Hoiving particulars have been handed to us _witlua request that they mig ht be forwarded to you , with permission for their publication , if you should deem _theiuvi' 0 ' . _'thy of such . . _'¦ . ¦ „ _„ J . BROOKE and Co ., Doncaster . _"Elizabeth-lircarley , residing in _Duke-strcct _, Doncaster a"ed between forty and fifty , was severely afflicted with rheumatism , and confined to her bed for a period ot nearly two ; months , with scarcely the power to hit her arm she was signally benefited after taking two doses of BLAIR'S WJTAJvl ) RHEUMATIC PILLS , and after finishing two boxes was quite recovered . " The above- recent testimonial , is a further proof of the groat efficacy of this valuable medicine , which is the most effective remedy for gout , rheumatism , sciatica , lumbago , tie dolorous ,-pains in the head and face , often mistaken for tootluaciie , und for all gouty and rheumatic tendencies . It is _alsagratifying to have permission to refer to the following . genlie ' men _, selected from a multitude of others , whose skiion in society ii . _ns contributed to advance tins popular medicine in public esteem : —J . R . Miuidall , Esq ., coroner , Doncaster ; the Kcv . Dr . _Bloniuc-rg ; the Chevalier de la Garde ; Mr . Miskin , brewer and maltster , Dartford ; Mr . Richard Stone , Luton ; John J . Giles , Esq ., Frimloy ; Mr . Imvood , _l'erbright ; Wm . Courtcnay , Esq ., Barton Staccy , near Andover'Railway "S tation , Hants ; all of whom have received benefit by taking this medicine , and have allowed the proprietor the privilege of publishing thc same for the benefit of the afflicted .
' W ' RAY'S SPECIFIC MIXTURE for Gonorrhoea , warranted to remove Urethral Discharges in forty-eight hours : in the majority of cases twenty-four , if arising from local causes _. Sold ( in bottles , 4 s . Cd . and lis . each , duty included ) at 118 , llolborn-hill , and 824 , Strand , Loudon . Sold also by Sanger , 100 , Oxford-street ; Johnston , CS , Cornhill ; Barclay and Sons , 95 , _Furriiigdou-street ; Butler , -1 , Cheapside ; -Edwards , 07 , St . Paul's Church-yard ; and by all medicine vendors in town and country . Advice given gratuitously to persons calling between the hours of eleven and one in the morning , and seven and nine in the evening . Where also may be had Wray ' s Celebrated Balsamic I'ills , for the cure of gleets , impuissiincc , strictures , seminal weakness , whites , pains in tin / loins , affections of the kidneys , gravel , irritation ofthe bladder or urethra , ' and other diseases of the urinary passages , frequently performing , in recent cases , a perfect cure in the space of a few days ; they have also been found decidedly efficacious in eases of gout and rheumatism ; and an excellent remedy for thc removal of the evil effects of self abuse , In boxes _; _vt 2 s . Od ., 4 s . Cd ., und Us . each . By post free , 3 s ., " 5 s ., aud 12 s . "A mild ' diuretic—a " soothing balsamic—a powerful tonic — and an cx . ccU . cut invigorating pill . " — Sunday Times . Wray ' s Alterative Tonic Poicders and Pills , a certain specific for tlie removal of pseudo-syphilis , secondary symptoms , itc . 4 s . fid ., lis ., ' and 23 s , a packet . Wray ' s Improved Suspensory Bandages , well adapted for sportsmen , gentlemen , hunting , riding , walking , suu ering from disease , relaxation , local debility , itc , approved of and highly recommended by the late Mr . Abernethy . Host Jean , Is . and Is . Cd . ; ditto , with fronts , 3 s . fid , ; knitted or wove silk , 2 s , 6 d . ; ditto , with clastic springs , 7 s . Cd .
a Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with cases , and [ full-length engravings , price 2 s . Od ., in a sealed envelope , r and sent free to any part of the kingdom , on the receipt Ji ofa _posl-ojkeorder for 3 s . Gd , y THE SECRET COMPANION , f A MEDICAL WORK on nervous debility and the con- J cealed cause of the decline of physical strength and I loss of mental capacity , with remarks on tho ell ' ccts of solitary indulgence , neglected _gonorrhoea , syphilis , secondary symptoms , & c „ and mode of treatment ; followed ¦ _£ by observations on marriage , with proper directions for the removal of all disqualifications . Illustrated with en- c gravings , showing the evils arising from the use of mcr- J cury , and its influence on the body . By R . J . Biiodie and Co ,, Consulting Surgeons , London . 1 Published by the Authors , and sold by Slierwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Patcrnostcr-row ; Mv . Noble , ? 114 , Chancery-lane ; Mr . Piirltiss , Compton- street , I Soho ; nannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; Barth , 4 , Brydges-street , Covent-garden ; Gordon , 146 , Leadenhall- _^ street , London ; Roberts , Derby ; Sutton , _JJeuicic-ofrice , ' Nottingham ; Gardiner , Gloucester ; Fryer , Bath ; Harper , Cheltenham ; Kecuc , Bath ; Cooper , Leicester ; Caldicott , J Wolverhampton ; "¦ Jeyes , Northampton ; Parker , Hereford ; Turner , Coventry ; Slatter , Oxford ; New- ' ton , . Church-street , and Ross and Nightingale , Chrom ' _cle-office , Liverpool ; Ferris and Score , Union-street , f Bristol ; Wood , High-street , Guest , Bull-street , Birming . ' ham ; Collins , St . Mary-street , Portsmouth ; Mcndham , I Nelson-street , Greenwich ; Davis , Bernard-street , Southampton ; and by all bookseUers in town and country . J
_--r _^^ parb SLUM ills PARR'S LIFE PILLS ARE acknowledged to be nil that are required t 0 co _„ . qucr disease and prolong life . The extraordinary success of this medicine is tl 1 L . derof the age ; it has been tried by Hundreds of _ihoua _, _* _, as nn aperient and . Has in every instance . ! yiiU gUU ( l ; it ¦ - has never in the slig htest degree impaired thc _iwat _^ cate constitution . Tens of _« ' ~ f ''"" _, _' «" ¦ _««« th , perseverance in the uso of _PARKb LI _1-I- ! l . 'II . I . S , vill . completely cure any disease , and . ire living witnesse s ut the benefit received from this invaluable uidid _, _^ Testimonials arc received daily , and it would be _impost blc iiia newspaper to publish one half received ; ! mi | n _^ following are selected as people well known in _tlic-ii- re . speetive neighbourhoods , and whose testimony j s _„„_ questionable . Further sheets of testimonials , and the " Life and Times of Old Parr , " may be had , gratis , of _«&
Supposed Case Of Poiso.Vi.Vg At Bath.—This Cityhas Been Thrown Into A State Ol'coiis'ulcraljlccxcitciiicnt
Supposed Case of Poiso . vi . vg at Bath . —This cityhas been thrown into a state _ol ' coiis ' ulcraljlccxcitciiicnt
Especially Among The Higher Circles, M C...
especially among the higher circles , m _coiiscijiieucc of suspicions having arisen that tho late Lieutenant-General George Dick , who died in the month _, of March , 181-1 , had come by his death in an unfair manner . Liciitciiaiit-General Dick was an _oOicer , not only of high rank , but also of ' considerable fortune , and resided at Clifton , Bristol , but previous to his denlh he came to reside in Catherine-place , _lJulli _, where , in tho month of March , 1811 , he died very suddenly , and was buried in the cemetery at Batliwieli , where the remains of the late Mr . lieckford are also interred . The reasons which caused suspicions to
arise that he had come by his death unfairly have not at present been made known , but it appears thai fulsome reason suspicious arose in the minds , of some members of thc General ' s family , and in consequence his eldest son , Mr . George J . Dick , who kohls a _high oflico in the civil service of India , came to England to investigate tho matter , and in the course ofhis inquiries received some information which'increased the suspicions in his mind , and ho waited upon thc coroner of Bath , upon whom he urged thc necessity of holding an inquest . Other inquiries having beeu instituted , and certain depositions made , the coroner felt tliat it had become his imperative duly to commence an inquiry , and issued his warrant for the exhumation of die body , and for tho impanelling of the [ _. r , Ji
jury . The inquest commenced on Friday afternoon , atthe cemetery where the General ' s remains had been interred ; and thc matter having become known , a numerous body ofthe medical profession attended the exhumation . Air .. Barrette attended to make the post mortem examination , and Mr . llci'a ' palh , tho celebrated analytical chymist and toxicologist , attended to receive thc viscera , with a view to asearching examination of their contents . A professional gentleman also attended on behalf of sonic parlies against whom , I understand , a suspicion has arisen . The jury iuvhig been sworn , tlie corouer ( Mr . English ) addressed them , and said that tlicy had been summoned there upon a very ' extraordinary occasion , to inquire how and by what means Lieutenant-General y f I _, , _£ ' c J 1 ? I
George Dick , whose body would be identilied before them , came by his death . There were circumstance * attending this inquiry which were not only of an extraordinary , but of a most distressing character . A considerable period had elapsed since the decease ul * General Dick . Uis body was interred in the _ccinct _eitf , and it was not at that time expected that it would ever be necessary to disturb his remains . Circumstances had , however , since come to his ( thc coroner's ) , knowledge which imperatively forced upon him , iu the faithful performance of his duties , the institution of that inquiry . About seventeen or eighteen months ago General Dick had died in that city very suddenly . It was probably known to them that ihe deceased General ' s son moved in ' thc higher circles | _^ ' . J ' f ' , J
ot society and was much respected . His death did not occur among the nearest members of his family , and his eldest son was at that time in India , 'flic circumstances attending his death were such that at that time an inquest was undoubtedly desirable , and had the parties acted with a . proper discretion one would no doubt have been held . None , however ,, took place . He ( the coroner ) was now acting upon the earnest request of the eldest son ofthe deceased , who , at a great sacrilice of feeling , time , and money , had come irom the East Indies to cause this inquiry to he made ; and upon the solemn informations liw had seen he believed that in ordering the exhumation ofthe body he was only acting in the discharge ofhis duty . Of course there were circumstances besides ( ' ¦ ( i ] , , ' _' ' ] 1 1 i -
the information of Mr . Dick toiustifv his present proceedings . He believed , as he had " said , that . Mr Dick was acting from no improper motives . He believed that he was only anxious to satisfy his mind that his father had died in the course of nature , whose death he stated , on his solemn declaration , he believed to have _bccuothcrwisc . The period which had elapsed since thc death was so long Unit the chances of death from violence being proved would rest on » very remote possibility . Still it . was possible , supposing it to have been caused by some kind of _poi ' _smi , that it might be traced . A" gentleman ofthe very highest . talentand _thcgrealest experience , whose fame must be known to them all—has been brought . over-Mr . _Herapath , and Mr . B & rcttc , deputy-coroner fet
the county , would examine the body . It would be most satisfactory to the feelings of Mr . Dick , and of the parties , who , though not directly , were yet indirectly charged , if the body should be in such a state as to show natural causes of death . There were many minute circumstances upon which ho would not then enter . Certainly Mr . Dick had reason to bc highly displeased with the family' the General lived with , and it should also be stated that the propriety of an inquest being held was stated to them at the _tinif _; but it was objected to , and the body was _hiierrwi withoutinquiry . Two medical gentlemen at t / ioti '" gave a certificate that the deceased died of apop lexy but on those gentlemen being summoned they could give no reason for that oninion . excepting' that the
General died _suddewlv , and with some wicuuicrs of his family . Unless the cause of death could be shown , it would be useless entering upon any inquiry tone iingthc other circumstances , and therefore he sl »» _« have the examination made at once , it was _potsiuuv that the deceased might have died from the _iiecnij of some poison . Ii arsenic had been emp loyed tic } might detect its presence ; he believed , however , _iim where arsenic was used the death was very scWon - sudden as it had been in this case . The jmf _i _" ' proceeded to the tomb , from which the _. «"" » _™ taken and opened in tlieir presence . _Kviucntu •" then given to identify the remains as those o deceased General , and the inquiry was - ° " ' _^ a-Mr . Barrette at once commenced tlie _/«»<»« "' " . '" _\^ ruination , and the stomach and viscera were i over to Mr . Herapath , by whom they will he opt -i upon with a view to the discovery of any P _' " b ] c remains . The inquiry has excited a _^' yi _^ sensation among the fashionable circles o Clifton , & c .
, . A Mam's Hard Smashed ot MaciuS _^ _. _^ CuitED BV HOLLOWAY ' S Oi . MMEXT AND 1 IMA- ' ' _^ Watkins , an engineer , residing »> _° f _* ' _' ,.. „„ . Borough , had his hand and wrist broken b } _iu _^ engine , was eight months at the _liospu-y . . j ) l 0 ti pioposcd to amputate it , which the patient" JcS submit to . Several pieces of bone came aiu _> . _^ J | i ( , the formation of three abscesses on tlie ua ) _., vi \ ia hand . The wrist was perfectly useless , as j . tho elbow joint , which had become _W _^ V these In this dcplorablestate he commenced tiieu . _^ extraordinary medicines , which cficccea - cure in about nine weeks .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 23, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_23081845/page/2/