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e ¦ THE NORTHERNn&TAlfe,; ^^ 57 1846,
(From the Morning Chronicle.)
No part of Lord John Russell's powerful ...
Wo regret to state that Mr. B. R. Haydon...
Crane** Jgtofimtntft
Solue -Mdtawe
WORSHIP STREET. The Tables Turned,—About...
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On Tuesday Morning, A Handsome Nnrse, « ...
_[ Contihv _^ fromour lstpage . ) Mr . C . _VVtsxe seconded the motion , and hoped that io would be referred to the same Committee to consider the propriety of continuing the Record Commission , appointed not many years ago , and of _publisb' _mu certain works under its authority which now remained incomplete . The Chance £ i . or of the Exchequer gave his con-Sent with great pleasure to the- motion of Mr . C . "Buller . but expressed an opinion that it would be lb-lily inexpedient to Tefer to the same committee the task of considering whether it was expedient to continue the labours ofthe Record Commission . The two subjects—of building a Record Office and in continuing the Record Commission , were quite distinct from eash other . The motion was agreed to
. . ,... Mr . _SpooxEEwasmovingforleave tobringinabiii for the more effectual suppression of trading m seduction and prostitution , and for the better _prjtec-• fion of females , when an hon . member moved that the house be counted ; and as there were only o , members present _thehouse _stsod adjourned : HOUSE OF C OMMONS , Wedxesd & t _, June 24 . The Speaker took the chair at 12 o'clock .
NEW ZEALAND . On the report of tbe New Zealand ( advancement of Consolidated Fund ) Bill , . Mr . Ilwre objected to the principle of paying those debts which had been incurred by tbe malversation of public functionaries . A sum of £ 100 , 000 was to be disposed of , and he thought the matter demanded explanation . , The _Cdascellob ofthe Exchequer would undertake to enter on a detail ofthe circumstances for the information of the house when a more convenient opportunity offered . The report was then received .
SUGAR DUTIES . On the motion of the Chancellor ofthe _Exchequer , the Sugar Duties Bill was read a second time , and ordered to be committed to-morrow .
PARLIAMENTARY ELECTORS BILL . _SirDc Lact _Etass moved the second _reading of the Parliamentary Electors and Freemen's Bill . One of its objects was to repeal the 27 th clause of the Reform Act . which required , as a _condition of exercising the franchise , that parties should _discharge all rates and taxes due to the 6 th of April , on or before the 21 st of the following July . He wished to mitigate tiie effect of that clause by changing the dates contained in it , so that parties should only be required , on or before the 21 st of July , to pay the rates and taxes due on the 11 th of October preceding . Another object was to alter the 30 th clause of the same act . , - , , ~ „ Thc Attorsey General felt it his duty to offer the most dctenn ' ned opposition to this bill .
Mr . Hcme thought that the matter lay in a nutshall . Tbe qne > -t !« n simply was whether , instead Of three , six months should be allowed for the payment of arrears . ( Hear , hear . ) The hon . and learned gentleman , when he said the time at present granted -was sufficient , did not seem to be aware that people had business to do , and could not find an opportunity of naying up the arrears , aud going through the _tedvnis preliminary process , within so limited a period . lie ( Mr . Hume ) objected altogether to the payment of _taxe _*; connected "Aitli the franchise , and hundreds of pcreons lost their votes because they were unable , just at the appointed time , to comply with the law . ( Hear , hear . ) Mr Williams did not object to the bill as far as lt went ; but be wished it had gone much further . It was most unjust that these incumbrances should hav--. * been left so long upon the elective franchise .
Mr . Escott hoped they would go into committee on this bill ( Hear , Llear . ) There was , he would admit , great inconvenience frequently resulting from the present system , and freqnent opportunity was afforded for bribery . ( Hear , hear . ) Sir J . Graham said , that if any alteration in fhe payment of rates clause in this bill would remove his obieetlon io it . he would not think it necessary to offer any obstruction tithe second reading and the progress of this bill into committee ; but the objection which he offered was to the principle of the bill . ( Hear , hear . ) ne could not consent to any enlargement ofthe period fixed by the Reform Bill with reference to the credit to be given for the payment of
rates . That wns not the time to discuss the question ofthe rate-payment clause in the Reform Bill . ( Urar , hear . ) De did not pretend to say that rating was an infallible test either of the intelligence or ofthe _indepmdeoee of tbe voter ; but he wa < strongly of opinion , that unless they adopted universal suffrage , itwas _indispensable to show some test of intelligence and of independence , and tbat test , he considerei " , -was most frequently to be found in property and solvency . ( llear , hear . ) The question now before them was a question of degree . The time now granted was three months ; and the object of this bill clearly was to enlarge this period to nine months . Sir _G-. _Ghet _supported the second reading of the bill , as it-was intended to meet a practical evil .
Mr . Berxal supported the motion , aud . Mr . Henley opposed it . Colonel _Siuthorp should oppose the bill , regretting that in so doing he should be obliged once more to go into the lobby with "those right lion , gentlemen " ( the Government . ) He protested against it being made a charge against the borough and city constituencies _, that they were open to bribery by the payment of their rates and taxes . He denied the charge on the part of the constituency of Lincoln ; he considered a £ 10 voter of Lincoln equal to a £ 20 householder of St . Giles ' s . He should oppose the measure , because he thought it the beginning of universal suffrage .
Mr . T . Dcxcombe . —I thiuk I heard the hon . and gallant colonel say a Lincoln ten-pounder is equal to a twenty-pound voter of St . Giles ' s ; as I have the honour of representing that parish , as part of the borough of Finsbury , I think it due to that constituency not to allow the observation of the hen . and gallant colonel to pass unnoticed . Perhaps the hon and gallant colonel is not aware how the parish of St . Giles : s composed . ( Colonel Sibthorp—* _'Xo , I am not . " Great laughter . " ) It contains several of tbe inns of court , and tbe residences of many of the most eminent lawyers ; the hon . and gallant colonel may have a different idea of it ; he may , unfortunately , only have visited the lowest purlieus of that parish . ( Launhter . ) 1 confess Inever saw a Lincoln
tcn-pounder ( renewed _laughter ) , but if I may be allowed to judge of tkcm by their representative "( laugb _. ter ) . I can only say , that from one end of Finsbury to the other—from St . Giles ' s to St . Luke ' s ( cheers and laiujhtcr ) , Inever saw , for elegance of diction , mental accomplishments , or personal adornment ( immense laughter , in which Sir R . Peel heartily joined ) , anybody in the least like the hon . and gallant representative of the ten-pnunders of Lincoln . So much for the parish of St , Giles and my constituents . Another extraordinary argument of the hnn . and gallant colonel is , if yon at all diminish the time allowed for payment under thc rate-paying clause of the Reform Bill , it will be tantamount to _univcisal suffrage : then wlrv is it not universal
sufiraee in the counties ? ( Hear , hear . ) Ihe payment of rates and taxes is not made a qualification for vting in _counties , yet there it is hot considered universal suffrage . I want to know why borough _electors are ( tut on a different footing from voting in counties ? I maintain that they ave as respectable as the £ 50 tenants at will , and a great deal more independent ; they ave not the slaves and tools of their landlords , and are iu every respect as much entitled to a vote for members of Parliament , without paying these rates an I taxes , as any county electors . This debate only shows the mischief of at all meddling with what is wrong and rotten in princi ple , like
the rate-paying clause of the Reform Bill ; the measure of the hon . and gallant member for Westminster is good as far as it goes , but still it is but bolstering np a bad system . On a former occasion , wlien the Jion . gentlemen around me were in office , I succeeded in introducing and carrying against them a bill for the repeal i . f the rat-paying clauses ofthe Reform Act ; that bi'l was defeated on a subsequent stage ; the present measure does not go one quarter so far , aud yet it seem- ; likely to be thrown out on its second reading . This proves to me that this house is getting more and more aristocratic every day , more opposed to popular reforms , and is retrograding from public opinion , instead of advancing with it .
After remarks from Mr . W .-iipole and Mr . P . Howard , Sir D . L . Evans said a few _words in reply , and the house divided , when the numbers were—For the amendment „ 04 For the second reading 53 _JUStjijLlvj _¦*•»«*•*•*• _*««•*•••*«* _•*•*•«*••«• _** xX
ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIEF BILL . The House then went into committee on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill . SirR . lxQLisobjected ton recital in the preamble ofthe bill , whereby it was declared expedient to repeal almost all the provisions of the Emancipation Act of 1 S 29 , which were considered at the time securities for the Protestant Lstablishment . He concluded by moving , That the chairman do leave the chair . Mr . Watson defended the hill , and declared his willingness to qualify any clauses in it which might be deemed objectionable .
Sir J . Graham declared his intention of dividing with Sir it . Inglis against tbe bilL So long as we had an Established Church in full possession of its rights , titles , and privileges—titles co-terminous with tnose of the Established Church , ought not to be conferred on any prelates who did not belong toit . Mr . _"VFtse gave his support to the bill , on tho ground that ic was desirable to establish a perfect equality between the Church of England and the Church of Rome . After some further discussion , the Committee divided , and Sir R . Inglis _' _s amendment was carried by a majority of 120 over 10 voices . The House in consequence resumed . _\ . On the motion of Mr . Hawks , the Bankruptcy and In golY § ncy Bill was read a second time , on the _un-i
On Tuesday Morning, A Handsome Nnrse, « ...
dersunding that the discussion should be taken on the bill going into committee on _^ hursday . The House then adjourned at 60 clock . " HOUSE OF _LORDS , _Thd-rsdav , Junb 25 . THE NEW CORN LAW READ A THIRD 1 UJi * TIME AND PASSED . The Earl of Rirox moved the third reading of the Com Importation Bill . - . The Earl of Wicklow , before permitting the last sta-e of the bill to pass , insisted upon knowing what had become of those measures wliich the government had promised should accompany it . and which were designated as compensations to the landed "tnt _^ for the protection which was taken from them ? lne noble earl likewise demanded whether the Government intended to continue the Income-tax , and it not , from what source they expected to make up the revenue . It would be most disgraceful were Ministers to resign and throw the country embarrassed imo the hands of their successors .
Thc Earl of Rifom replied that the Government felt bound to adhere to those measures they had promised should accompany the Corn Bill : and one of them , the Poor Removal Bill , was in the other house . The noble Earl declined to give anypleugerespecting the Income-tax , contenting himself with asserting that the Government had good grounds for anticipating a suffickut revenue from the extension that would be _givi-n to _commerce by the relaxations made . 'fhe bill was opposed by Lord Faversham , the Duke of Cleveland , Lord Gage , Earl Stanhope , and the Earl of Selkirk , and supported by the Earl of Dalhousie .
The Duke of Richmond moved an amendment , that the bill be read a third time that day six months . Ue bad heard the present Ministry were about to resign . Right glad was he to hear the report , because he was of opinion tlieir fall would prove of _service to the nation . The loss of their position would pr . _ive that no party in this country would be allowed to break pledges with impunity , and , as was right , their 110 followers would gain nothing by their sudden conversion . After a remark or two from the Earl of Ellenbokough , the amendment was negatived without a division , and tbe bill was read a third time and passed .
THE CUSTOMS DUTIES BILL was likewise read a third time and passed . After some further discussion their Lordships adjourned . HOUSE OF COMMONS , Thursday , June 25 . THE IRISH COERCION BILL THROWN OUT . The adjourned debate on the second reading of the Protection of Life ( Ireland ) Bill , and Sir TV . Sonierville _' s amendment thereto , was resumed by Mr . Stafford O'Brien , who , regarding the question as one of confidence in the Government , could not do otherwise than vote against the bill . In the county in which he resided in Ireland , he could not , as a magistrate recommend the enforcement of the clause which punished men for being out of their houses between sunset and sunrise ; for the peasantry , who travelled with their wares from Galway to Limerick , were obliged to be on the high road all night in order to reach Limerick market early in the
morning . Mr . Hcme opposed the Bill . He attributed the disturbances of Ireland to the existence of the penal laws , which , though _nominally , had not been practically repealed . The misrule of England had been the cause of the misery of Ireland , and the misery of Ireland was the fertile source of its offences and crimes . Ireland would be a stumbling block to every administration until the axe was laid to ' * its tree of discontent , " and nothing nourished that tree of discontent so much as the sinecures in the established church . " - ' " ¦ *»
---Lord NewportVopppsed __ the Bill ; and Lord C . Hamilton , in supporting it , " charged Lord IG . Bentinck with ' ha ' _ving _' prbmpte'd the speech of the noble lord who had _^ -preceded _* him'iri the debate . ' Lord Newport indignantly repelleU this "imputation . Mr . C . Buller opposed _the-^ bill , but warmly eulogised Sir lt . Peel . The disorders in Ireland were mainly caused by the existing tenure of land in that country . Indeed the testimony of every writer , every traveller , every speaker , and every committee and commission on the state of Ireland proved that the cause of all the outrages of the poor in that country was the outrages committed on tbe poor ; and he was convinced that we should never reach the foot of the evil , if we only legislated
against one party—tbe poor . That coercive measures would not remedy the evils of Ireland , had been proved over and over again , by the experience of * more than SO years . If we wished to remove them , we must give its _Jabourr ing population the guarantee of a Poor Law , and that right of relief which was the palladium ofthe English peasant in all difficulties and hardships Such a measure might , it was true , amount to a confiscation ofthe landed property of Ireland . Therefore he was inclined to modify his opinion on the subject ofthe Poor Law , and to say that we should not be justified In introducing the English Poor Law into Ireland without providing a large fund of
employment for the population of that country _, lie had opposed a bill similar to this in 1833 , although it was proposed by Earl Grey , immediately after he had passed the Reform Bill , * and he must oppose this bill now , although it was proposed by Sir R . Peel , the propoundcr of the repeal of the Corn-laws . His regret , however , in giving his present vote , was diminished by this fact , that this vote would mark an important period in British legislation for Ireland . It was the first time that the House of Commons had ever rejected a coercion bill recommended by the Executive Government , and he hoped that thc establishment of such a precedent would prevent such a demand from ever being made again with success .
Mr . G . Bankes opposed , and Mr . Spoonur supported ihe bill . Mr . Sueil opposed the bill , and delivered a long tirade against Sir R . Peel . The Whigs , himself , and O'Connell , he of course praised as the only friends of Ireland . In conclusion , he argued that this bill was not fitted for a nation of readers like that of Ireland , and that it would stimulate that agitation which Ministers dreaded so much , but which they bad done so little to repress . Tbe alteration whieh the repeal ofthe corn laws would produce in the condition of Ireland ought to render them particularly cautious iu the measures wliich they adopted , for , though the repeal of the corn laws would undoubtedly be beneficial to that country in the long run , its first effect would be to expel many a Cromwellian from his mortgaged estate , and they ought to take every
means in their power to prevent such men , who bad hitherto been their allies , from swelling the ranks of the partisans of repeal . The Solicitor General contended that neither life nor property in Ireland had tbat security which every loyal subject had a right to expect , and that it would be disgraceful to the executive government to sit down in despair of finding a remedy for such a frightful state of things . _^ He then entered into a lengthened defence ofthe bill , amid repeated clamours ofthe house for the division . The Marquis of Chandos could not concur with the party with which he bad been recently acting , in opposing this bill ; on the contrary , he felt himself called upon to support it , as it was necessary to thc repression of crime and the maintenance of law and justice .
Major Beresford , Mr . Newdegate , and Captain Harms opposed , and Mr . Aiwkbley and Captain Jones supported the bill . Mr . Cobden wished to say a few words as to thc spirit of the vote wliich he was about to gire . He believed that he should that evening go into the lobby with a number of thc gentleman below the gangway . He would not put one word of construction on tbeir motives but as the combination was odd and somewhat suspicious , he wished to clear himself by showing that the construction which had been put on this vote by Lord G . Bentinck was not the construction whicli he had upon it . Sir R . Peel had stated that he would stand or fall by thc bill . With that
determination he had nothing to do ; but he would not , like the noble lord , stultify himself by voting black to be wliite to serve a particular purpose . It would be hopeless to keep Sir R . Peel in by a single vote for it was quite evident that the house would soon be put to the test again by the noble lord and his friends . But betore long the state of parties in that house would receive a solution from out of doors . We could not go on with three parties in the house—we must only have two . There was no distinction in the country now between those who followed Lord J . Russell and those who cave in their adherence to the right hon . baronet .
if that fusion had taken place outof doors , and if the rank and file had already fraternized , the batttle between the chiefs must be abandoned , and a fusion must take place in that house . If Sir R . Peel should now retire from oflice , he would carry with him the esteem and gratitude of a greater number of the population of this empire than had ever followed the retirement of any other Minister . Ile tendered his own thanks to Sir R . Peel for the great ability and the unswerving firmness with which he had conducted , during the last six months , one of the most magnificent reforms which had over been accomplished .
The bouse then divided when there appeared—For the second reading ... ... 219 Againstit ... ... ... 202 Majority against the Government 13 The other orders of the day were then disposed of , and the house adjourned . HOUSE OF LORDS . _—Fridat , June 26 . Their Lordships met at half-past ibur o ' clock , when the Royal Assent was given by Commission to CI Bills , amongst which were the Corn Importation Bill , and the Customs ' -Duties Bill . POSITION OF THE MINISTRY . The Earl of Rifon rose and said ; My Lords , it was fully my intention to have moved _tkisercning , on the
On Tuesday Morning, A Handsome Nnrse, « ...
orders Of the day being gone into , the reconsideration ofthe report of Lords Hardinge and Gough ' s Annuities Bills , but circumstances which have since occurred , with which your Lordships are no doubt all familiar , make me feel that in the present position of the" government it will not he ray duty to call your intention to the subject _to-ninht . Therefore I beg to move that tho order for bringing up the reports on those Bills be discharged . The order was accordingly read and discharged .
THE CORN BILL PROTEST . The Duke of Richmond moved that the protest against thc Corn Importation Bill remain open for the signatures of Noble Lords until the rising of the House on Monday . Agreed to . The Il ouse adjourned at 5 minutes past 1 . . HOUSE Ob * COMMONS , Friday , Junk 26 . The Sp eaker took the chair at four o ' clock . CORN IMPORTATION AND CUSTOMS
DUTIES BILLS .-ROYAL ASSENT . Sir Augustus Clifford , Usher of the Black Rod , appeared at the bar , and summoned the House to attend at the bar ofthe House of Lords , to hear the royal assent given to a number of public and private Bills ( for which sec Lords' report . ) On the return of the Speaker , he stated that he had heen to the Upper House to hear the royal assent given to several Acts , amongst wliich were tbe Corn Importation and Customs Duties Bills . The announcement was received with great cheering , in an extremely crowded Ilouse . Sir J . Graham , Lord Linco'n , the Chancellor oi the Exchequer , and all other Members of the Government , with the exception of Sir R . Peel , were present , as well as Lord John Russell and the principal leaders of the Opposition , and Mr . Cobden . FRIENDLY SOCIETIES BILL .
On the motion of Sir James Graham the Lords ' amendments to this Bill were agreed to , with some verbal amendments . The House adjourned at half-past seven o ' clock .
E ¦ The Northernn&Talfe,; ^^ 57 1846,
e ¦ THE _NORTHERNn _& _TAlfe _, ; _^^ _57 1846 ,
(From The Morning Chronicle.)
( From the Morning Chronicle . )
No Part Of Lord John Russell's Powerful ...
No part of Lord John Russell ' s powerful speech ot Monday night is more importantin its bearings on the practical question now before the House of Commons , than that in which he dwelt on the resolute aversion manifested by successive Administrations to the use of extra-constitutional expedients of coercion for the suppression of popular disturbances in this country , aud showed the complete success with which very wide-spread and formidable outbreaks have , from time to time , been subdued , without exceeding tbe ordinary resources of law and government . " In former years , indeed , " new powers" were the cheap and easy resort of Tory statesmen charged with the maintenance of the public peace in times of prevalent disaffection and lawlessness . Among the earliest
recollections of Lord John Russell ' s parliamentary life is his unsuccessful opposition , as a member ofthe Whig party , to the suspension ofthe Habeas Corpus Act , and the enactmentof the famous " Six Acts "the English " Coercion Bills" of the years 1817 and 1819 , introduced as remedies for disturbances in the manufacturing districts . "We have now , however , in this country , long since outgrown all that sortoi _thingl We _haye learned , as a people , to believe in the power ofthe ordinary law for the preservation of the Queen ' s peace—and to this belief all Governments , willingly or unwillingly , conform themselves . No Minister would now venture , to . ask , and no House of Commons would consent . ' to grant , coercive powers unknown to thc law . and constitution , and all Ministers seem to manage perfectly well without them . We had no Coercion Bill in 1830 and 1831 , to suppress agrarian incendiarism and civic riot—nor in 1839 , to put down Chartist disturbances—nor in 1 S 42 , to avert or check what
seemed like incipient insurrection in thenianufacturing districts—nor in 1843 , td repress the Rebecca commotions in Wales—nor in 1844 , ' to subdue agrarian incendiarism ia the ' eastern counties . Whig governments and Conservative governments have seemed to be of one mind . The peace ' of Great Britain has , in every instance , been restored , without troubling Parliament to make new laws for the occasion . Wr have had increased military force , increased constabulary force , special commissions , and state prosecutionsbut' we have not bad the constitution of the country tampered with . There has been no lack of " . emergencies "—many of them of the most formidable and alarming character ; but we have got through them without legislation . The statute-book has nothing to show for the emergencies ofthe last fifteen years , except acts for the redress of grievances . On the whole , we may say , that pro-tempore coercive legislation , as a part of the machinery of Government , has , by common consent , ceased to exist on tbis side ofthe Chaiinel .
Now , if the empire is really one—if the legislative union is to be a union—these analogies must be allowed to have immense weight . One and the same Legislature Biust not have tiro policies , two consciences , for emergencies not intrinsically and generically different . For one and the same United Kingdom , there must be one and the same interpretation of constitutional rights and of governmental duties . Irish Rebeccaism must he dealt with as Welsh Rebeccaism—Irish agrarian crime , as English agrarian crime—the Irish "five counties , " as any English , Scotch , or Welsh five counties , under parallel circumstances of disaffection and outrage , By the publie opinion and legislative usage of this country it has become a settled rule of British policy , that—excepting , of course , those cases of extreme and overwhelming necessity , which make tlieir own rules , and whieh would neither bear nor require half a
year ' s debating to verify their existence—extraordinary outbreaks of crime and disorder must be suppressed , not by extraordinary pro _lictc vice legislative expedients , but by extraordinary vigilance and vigour in the use of the ordinary powers of law and government . More police , if necessary ; more stipendiary magistrates , if necessary ; more troops , if necessary ; more special commissions and state prosecutions , if necessary ;—but not less ofthe common-law , everyday liberties of British subjects , without such a necessity , as on one side ofthe Channel equally with the other , would be instantly recognised by any Parliament , on the application of any Minister . The acknowledged success of the Government ' s vigorous enforcement of the ordinary law in Leitrim , and the fact that we are about entering on the sixth month of our deliberations as to the need of any extraordinary law , afford together a sufficiently reliable measure of the value of this necessity .
_ The perils consequent on the Imperial Legislature ' s dealing more laxly with Irishmen ' s liberties than with those ot" Englishmen , were forcibly suggested by Lord John Russell in his recent speech . As it is a policy whieh goes counter to the idea of Imperial legislation by a united Parliament , it cannot be long persevered in without endangering the continued existence of the fact . It is most dangerous , ' in the present state of opinion and feeling in the sister country , to treat Irelaud with less consideration and less orbearance than England , Scotland , and Wales would receive in analogous circumstances . The legislative union needs all the moral supports that kindly , just , and equal government can give it . The Irish people are acutely sensitive just now — and ean we
blame them ?—to every appearance of legislative 01 administrative injustice and inequality . As Lord John Russell impressively reminds us , we are " legislating under the eye" of parties already widely alienated — we hope and believe not incurably alienated—from the Government that has too long treated them and their countrymen as " aliens" from English sympathy , and from the characteristic benefits of English citizenship . We can ill afford , at this time of day , to give anti-English prejudices and jealousies so great an advantage as that of a marked departure , in the case of Ireland , fremthefundaraental and established maxims of imperial policy . If there really are to be two principles of Government for different sections ofthe United Kingdom , there may almost as well be two Governments . If the voice
ofthe vast majority ofthe representatives of the Irish people , sitting- at Westminster , is to go for absolutely nothing with the British Parliament , there really does not seem much use in the representatives of the Irish people coining to Westminster . And if Ireland is not to he legislated for , by the Imperial Parliament , in thc same spirit in which she would legislate for herself , it will be hopeless to think of persuading Ireland that she would not do hetter to legislate for herself . Certainl y this is the wav Englishmen would reason were the relative positions and the cases of the two countries reversed . We fervently trust that the approaching decision of the Ilouse of Commons , on the grave and
momentous question now before it , will not be such as to supply the Irish mind with new data for this most perilous ogic . The Repeal movement will men become really and imminently dangerous—when it becomes a movement which all just-minded Eng . lishmen feel that they would participate in were they Irishmen . Not for the sake of keeping the verybest of Ministers in office , can it be worth Englishmen ' s while to sanction , or quiescently to tolerate , a policy that _brings into discredit the competency of the Imperial Parliament to do justice to Ireland —and that tends to legitimate , to the public opinion and conscience ol" Great Britain , an agitation for the dismemberment of the empire .
Melancholy Suicide Of B. R. Ila" Ydon The Historical Painter.
Wo Regret To State That Mr. B. R. Haydon...
Wo regret to state that Mr . B . R . Haydon ; thc historical painter , committed suicide on Monday last . . _' '• ¦ Mr . Ilaydon's misfortunes and disappointments in the profession of which he was so distinguished a member , kave not been altogether hidden from tho public . His occasional appeals against the acts' ol injustice of which ( truly or not ) he undoubtedly believed himself the victim , had given to his name a melancholy celebrity , which his last fatal act ( arising as it will be seen to have done , from his latest disapment ) cannot fail to increase in a very remarkable degree . Without dwelling any further on this subject , it may be briefly stated that Mr . Haydon ' s pecuniary-circumstances had been for some time past in a
Wo Regret To State That Mr. B. R. Haydon...
very embarrassed condition . A short lime since , a ; valued friend , to whom Mr . Haydonhad rna deknowr , the state of his affairs , offered to advance the sum necessary to relieve him from some pressing liabilities . On this circumstance ( inasmuch as nis inability to meet the liabilities _* _^*^ _OTT !! him into a very desponding state ) Mr . iiay _* wu built strong hopes , which were , alas ! destined only to meet a more cruel disappointment on his irieno diseovering . that the property from which he haq _infliquidat
tended to advance Mr . Haydon the means o , ing his responsibilities was so _;• looked op thathe could not release it for the desired purpose . Ihere is , however , enough already ascertained tojustify the conclusion that the disappointment consequent . on the knowledge of his friend ' s _Inabilitytp serve kuphn the matter above detailed has been the immediate cause of the rash act which has at once deprived the unhappy man of life , and left an exemplary widow and family of four children to mourn the loss of one of the most indulgent husbands .
The unhappy man , shortly before ten o ' clock , appears to have entered his painting room ( the principal apartment on the first floor of his residence ) and here it was that he committed the dreadful act . It was usual for Mr . Haydon to lock himself into Mb apartment when engaged in painting , and he seems to have done so on Monday morning . In her bedroom , Mrs . Haydon , who was with her eldest daughter ( about a quarter to eleven o ' cloek ) , were alarmed by what appeared to be the stifled report of a gun or pistol . The troops were exercising in the park close at hand , and as nothing particular succeeded the report , both Mrs . Haydon and her daughter , imagined that their alarm had originated from the firing of the soldiers . Within five minutes
a heavy fall on the floor of the room beneath was heard , but as Mr . Haydon was frequently in the habit of moving heavy pictures , and in so doing allowing the corners of them to fall suddenly on the ground , the noise was attributed to that circumstance , and no notice was taken of it . Shortly after eleven Mrs . Haydon left the house and proceeded to Brixton . At a quarter past twelve Miss Haydon , who is only sixteen years of age , prompted by filial affection and knowing the desponding state of mind , in which her father had been for some time , went down stairs and knocked at the door of the painting room _^ Not hearing her father ' s usual prompt reply , she tried the look , which opened at her touch , and a moment ' s glance discovered the body of her unhappy parent ,
crouched up together on the floor . Her first impression was that her father had fallen down in a fit . This allusion was , however , soon dispelled , and the frightful reality made manifest . Miss Haydon immediately rushed out of the house , and ran across the way to the residence of Messrs . Bryant and White , surgeons , in Burwood Place , the former of whom has for along time been the family medical attendant . Mr . Bryant was unfortunately from home at the time , and a neighbouring surgeon was sent for . Without waiting , however , Miss Haydon ,. throwing herself into a cab , directed the man to drive to -Brixton , intending to proceed to Mr . Coulton's , where her mother had previously gone . Mr . Coulton and Mrs . Haydon crossed the unhanDV young lady on her way , and arrived
together in Burwood Place shortly after one o'clock . Mr . Coulton ' s visit merely arising from some matters of business lie wished to transact with Mr . Haydon . On entering the house they learned the dreadful tidings . "Mr . V Coulton , who was a most intimate friend . ofthe ' unhappy artist , immediately proceeded up atairs , where he found the body of the deceased , in the state described , ; and on the table several sealed packets . ' The first of these was addressed to " Mrs . Haydon , my dearest love . ? ' It contained several letters , one to herself , imploring her forgiveness for the additional pang his last act would add to the many he had already given her , and expressing a hope that Sir Robert Peel would consider he ( the deceased ) had earned a pension for her . He also alluded to the receipt of a cheque for £ 50 from the private purse of the right hon . baronet , on the
previous Friday , £ 10 of which he directed should be given to his daughter , £ 10 to his son Frank , nnd the remainder to be appropriated to her own purposes The packet also contained a letter to his children , enjoining them to lead a pious life , and live affectionately _jwith- each ; ther .. Another packet _contained the deceased ' s will , in which he appointed as his executors , Mr . Ser ' g . Talfpurd , Mr . Coulton , and Dr . Dorling . This document is " bf a most extraordinary and elaborate character , and gives a full detail of the unhappy man ' s life and difficulties ! . It also wills his various pictures to different individuals . A third packet contained three letters , addressed respectively to the Right Hon . Sir R . Peel , Sir G . Cockburn , and Mr . Sergeant Talfourd . These Mr . Coulton toak possession of , and immediately delivered in person . No trace was discovered of any letter addressed to the Duke of Sutherland .
Within two hours of the receipt of Mr . Haydon's letter Sir Robert Peel replied to Mr . Coulton , as the principal executor of the unhappy deceased . His letter , after expressing _howpainfully lie was shocked at tho intelligence Mr .. Haydon ' s letter had communicated , went on to state that as he feared the family might be in need of some immediate assistance , he had thought ifc right to enclose a cheque for 200 / . from the Royal Bounty Fund , as a temporary relief _. The Right Hon . Baronet further stated that he supposed a permanent provision for the family would be immediately suggested , and if so , he begged to add that so far as his own private purse and personal influence were concerned , both might be commanded . There was another paper found , headed " The last thoughts of Haydon at half-past 10 o ' clock , " one cf the principal points in which was a comparison of the characters ofthe Duke of Wellington and Napoleon Buonaparte .
An examination ofthe body proves that the deceased must have first fired a pistol into his head , a perforated bullet-wound being visible in the parietal bone . This appears not to have had a fatal effect ; and there are traces of blood about the room where deceased appears to have subsequently walked to obtain possession ofa razor , with which he afterwards inflicted two severe gashes in his throat , and thus caused deatb . The Coroner ' s inquiry is appointed to take place this day ,
CORONER'S INQUEST . On Wednesday morning , at half-past nine o'clock , Mr . Wakley , M . P ., Coroner for tlie western division of Middlesex , and a jury of fifteen highly respectable inhabitants ofthe parish of Faddington , assembled at the _Norfolk Arms Tavern , Burwood-plaee , Edgeware-road , for the purpose of investigating the death ofthe late Benjamin Robert Haydon , Esq ., the well known artist , who . committed suicide on the morning of Monday last . The jury on assembling proceeded to view the body ofthe deceased . On entering the principal room on the first floor ( which was used as a painting ; room by the unfortunate deceased ) a dreadful sight presented itself . Strecthed on tha floor , immediately in front of a colossal picture ( Alfred the Great and the first British Jury ) , on which the unhappy
artist appears to have been engaged up to the _period of his death , lay the _lileless corpse of an aged man , his wliite hairs saturated with blood , in a pool of which the whole upper portion of the body was lying . The head partially rested upon his right arm , and near the lat ' er were tying two razors , the one in a case , and the other smeared with blood half open by his side . There was also near the same spot a small pocket pistol , which appeared to have been recently discharged , though it was on half-cock wlien discovered . Thc unhappy man appeared to have fallen in the exact position in which he was seen by the Jury , He _u-as dressed with great neatness , in the ordinary attire which he wore while engaged in painting . His throat had a frightful wound extending tonearly _stven . Inches in Ungth , and there was also a perforated bullet wound in the upper part ofthe scalp over the parietal bone . The most sin . gular circumstance , however , in connection with the melancholy affair was , the extraordinary and careful
arrangement of the room and the articles therein . The unhappy man had placed a portrait of his wife , to whom he was most devotedly attached , on a small easel immediately facing his large picture . On an adjoining table he had placed his diary—a book of data which be seems tohave kept with much care for many years past , It was open at the concluding page , and the last words he had entered , " God forgive me ! Ainen ' . " evidently alluded to the act he had in contemplation at ' the time they were written . Packets of letters _addressed to several persons , a state ment ( miscalled a will in one account , ) and _another document , headed . " The Lust Thoughts of nay don , at half-past ten o ' clock , A . it ., June 22 , 181 G , " were also placed upon the same table . Thc only other articles similarly _displayed , which occur to the recollection of the writer , were the deceased's watch and a prayer book , which had been secured open at that portion ofthe Gospel service appropriated to the Gth Sunday after the Epiphany .
Miss Haydon , and Mary Ilaskett , cook inthe service ofthe deceased gentleman , were examined , but their evidence was merely a repetition of the account given above , Mr . Orlando Iiyam , step son of the deceased , read several extracts from the diary mentioned above , which described most painfully the mental sufferings of the decensed , arising from pecuniary embarrassments . The jury returned the following verdict;— ' ¦¦ We find that the deceased Benjamin Robert Haydon died from the effect of wounds inflicted by himself , nnij that the said Benjamin Robert Haydon was in an unsound state of ininil wh inhe committed the net , "
Crane** Jgtofimtntft
Crane ** _Jgtofimtntft
Termination Of Tiie Masons* Strike - Tue...
TERMINATION OF TIIE MASONS * STRIKE - TUE OPERATIVES VICTORIOUS . ' This . protracted struggle has at length ceased , both in Liverpool and Birkenhead . Mr . Tomkinson , tho master mason , and well-known contractor for the Assise Courts and St . Gi orge ' s-hall , bas consented to meet the terms of the workmen , by yielding the 27 s . per week and half an hour refreshment time each afternoon . " In Birkenhead tho masters have agreed to concede the advance of 2 s . per week over the previous wages , but distributing the Monday _morning hour over the entire week , by increasing the breakfast time to forty minutes . The resumption of
Termination Of Tiie Masons* Strike - Tue...
employment having now been determined upon , and Jast differences adjusted , the erection of public edices will at brice proceed with its former : briskness . —Liverpool Albion ; of Monday .
FEMALE ASSOCIATION . At a time like the present , when ministers of state announce as a great [ principle of legislation , " the necessity ot promoting the well-being of those who labour , '' it seems to be peculiarly appropriate - to adopt measures to secure to producers a fair share of the profits of their industry . _Forthispurpjse _. afew persons who feel a lively interest in the welfare of the down-trodden and oppressed masses , have united to form an association for the employment of
Needlewomen in the manufacture of Shirts and under-clothing—these persons being among the most forlorn of our fellow-creatures . In pursuance of this object , rooms have recentl y been taken in the neighbourhood ' of Bloomsbury ; and from the experience already ga ined , it is certain that extensive benefit would _rosuit if it wero carried out on a large scale . With this impression , the orignators have been induced to bring the object of tlieir solicitude into public notice , and to state the principles on which they have determined to act .
1 . With respect to funds necessary to carry out the undertaking . It is proposed to issue shares , ot £ 1 each , and to afford the women employed in the establishment the opportunity ol" becoming shareholders , by weekly payments of sixpence on each share . 2 . That live per cent , only shall be paid for the subscribed capital , * and that whatever surplus may remain after the necessary outlay for materials , wages , interest , and other necessary expenses has been met , shall be divided quarterly among the work-people . 3 . The Establishment shall be governed and _^ inspected by thirteen shareholders , including a Treasurer and a Secretary , to be chosen annually by ballot , by all persons holding a shave or shares , each person having only one vote . L The internal management of the Establishment to be intrusted to the care of an efficient person
or persons . It is confidently anticipated that by these arrangements good wages may be paid for labour , and that very superior articles will be offered to the public at moderate prices . The originators of tbis association sincerely trust , that all classes will prove their concern for the wellbeing of their fellow-creatures , . by rendering assistance , either in taking shares , giving orders , or inducing others te do so ; more especially as they will make no sacrifice by so doing , since the promoters of
the association can assure them , they will obtain the articles they may purchase at this Establishment on terms as advantageous as at any other in London . They confidently hope , therefore , that sympathy will not evaporate in words . Further information may be obtained by application at the rooms of the Assoeiation , No . 13 , Denmark-street , High-street , Bloomsbury , near St . Giles ' s Church ; the Treasurer pro tem ., Mr . Peters , Coast Guard Office , Custom-house ; or the Secretary pro tem ., Mr . Slaney , 38 , Lamb's Conduit-street , near the Foundling Hospital .
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNITED TRADES FOR THE PROTECTION OF _INDUSTRY . The Central Committee met at tlieir office , 30 , Hyde-street , Bloomsbury , on Monday last , T . S . Duncombe , M . P ., in the chair . The table was entirely covered with letters from the trades' bodies in different parts of thc empire , all expressing admiration ofthe proceedings of the late Conference , and pledging future aid in carrying out the objects ofthe Association .
: THE BUILDER'S STRIKE . Messrs . Hobson and Bush , who ( in compliance with a desire , expressed by the workmen themselves ) , had been deputed by the Central Committee to visit Manchester , for tbe purpose of endeavouring to bring this long-pending contest to an amicable termination , reported that on their arrival in Manchester they addressed a note , of which the annexed is a copy , to the secretary of the Master Builders' Association ;— Railway Inn , _Deansgata _, - June 15 th , 1816 . Sir , —Messrs . _Rebson and Bush , a deputation from the Central Committee of the " "United Trades' Association for the Protection of Industry , '' : respectfully desire an interview with the Committee of your Association , with the view of effecting ; , if possible , an amicable settlement of the existing unfortunate differences between the Master Builders of Manchester , and their workmen .
The answer they received was the following resolution \ i- ¦ That the masters do not recognise any National _Association , and consider their own workmen are the only parties with whom they should hold any communication . Nothing daunted , however , your deputation resolved to make another attempt at reconciliation , especially as the workmen urged them to hecome mediators on their behalf , and accordingly torwarded a note as follows : — " Gentlemen , —Notwithstanding your refusal to enter into discussion with ub , as regards terms of _reconciliation between yourselves and workmen , we yet feel bouhdto make another attempt towards carrying out the spirit of
our association , viz ., —That we should " by arbitration and mediation , instead of by strikes and turn-outs , seek to settle trade differences . As a reason for your opposition to a general or national association of workmen , you affirm that , " there is no guarantee for taking contracts , inasmuch as men supported by a general union would strike for an advance of wages , upon its becoming known such contracts were in existence . " Now , gentlemen , we are prepared , on the part of the National Association , as also on the part of the men on strike , to give you a guarantee against any offensive measures being taken during such length of time as may be agreed upon by both parties —that is to say , providing you will withdraw the "Document . "
Surely this is all that you in common justice , can desire . We have no wish to be compelled to the neces sity of "lerying" our association for the support of the men on strike , but a perseverance in your resolution of Monday will leave us no other alternative , Gentlemen , yours respectfully , J , Bush . W , Robson . TO this there was '' no answer . '' The report was received , and , after mature deliberation the committee resolved on levying the association in support of the workmen , and in accordance therewith authorised the secretary to issue the subjoined circular to the numerous trades' bodies bf which the Association is composed : — Office , 30 , Hj'de . street , Bloomsbury . London , June 22 nd , 1 S _10 .
Sir , —I am instructed to request the favour of your immediate transmission to this office of the three weeks levy , due on Friday next , of 2 d . in the pound , on the average weekly earnings of your society pursuant to the resolution of Conference , in support of the builders now on strike , and that you will continue to do so weekly . I have further to intimato tbat it is absolutely neces . sary that the levy should be remitted in sufficient time for the workmen to receive the amount in Manchester and Liverpoolby Saturday next . Thomas Barratt , Secretary , P . S . —As the close ofthe present quarter is nigh at hand , itis hoped thatthe statistics of each trade , required by rnle for insertion in the balance sheet , will be forwarded as early as convenient .
Ihe meeting , after transmitting other business of a routine nature , terminated . What will the Dispatch , the Times , aud other iievoe denunciators of the workmen for their assumed " obstinate adherence " to strikes , say to the above correspondence ? _Mm-ciiester Cvupesters' _S-IRU-. E . —Notice . all persons holding Subscription Lists in behalf of the above strike , are requested to forward them , and money in hand , to John Bush , No . 1 , _York-street , Lambeth , as soon as possible , in order that a balance sheet may be printed forthwith .
Solue -Mdtawe
Solue -Mdtawe
Worship Street. The Tables Turned,—About...
WORSHIP STREET . The Tables Turned , —About a month back , a good . looking Irish girl , named Margaret Glynn , was taken be . fore the Lord Mayor upon a charge of robbery , which , as was afterwards proved , had been infamously trumped ' up iiKninst her by her accusers , persons immi'd Dennett and Sharp , thc latter a common thief , who had made her his victim . Sharp , it appeared , had seduced her from scr . vice under a promise of marrying her . and having made away with money which he obtained from her upon ' pre tence of preparing for the marriage , he lived with her for a time iu the house of Bennett , but at length wanted to get rid of her , and as the most effectual means of sendimr her entirely out of the way , they charged her with rob bing them . —On Monday , Thomas Spencer Sharp the person above mentioned , was placed at the bar before Mr . Broughton upon three distinct charges of robbery and a person named Edward Ryan , a sort of tallvshoii ' keeper , was charged with receiving the stolen _prouei-tv hi two of the cases .-The first was a _charce of _stclinuooots
twenty-tire pairs ot _jiiuuiicr . the urouer ' v of Mr Solomon Cowan , a shopkeeper in Goswell-street _-M-ir _" jraret Glynn stated , that twelve months ago she lived with the prisoner Sharp , and was to have been married to him and had , in fact given him £ 10 , all tho money she 1 to " carry out" the wedding . Some months bSforotUat when they were not living together , he took her one _cvcin ing for a walk , and m Goswell-street stopped near the shop of Mr . Cowan , and after looking in at the window for some time , tools : a _pilo of Blucher boots that were just inside of the sliop door , and made off with them . The witness said she was on the opposite side of the street when she saw _tms > but Sharp came afterwards , and desired her to < ro with him to her sister , Mary _Fa-an whi ther the boots had 111 the meantime beeu taken , _isome of them were tf . en _offered to a young man named Bonner who , however , would have nothing to do with them ; u « i
the witness ami Miarp afterwards took them to the shoo the prisoner Ryan , who paid Sharp 17 s " . for them . Shi ; said she _am-nvards saw Hyan sell four pairs of them to -i ilr . Green , ior Is . a _puiv _.-Uv Cowan proved that li " lost a p le of boo , , worth £ 7 , " from his shop door , a stated aiidtroin other evidence it appeared that Sharp took them 111 a bundle hrst to the lodging of _MarKaYet _^ _f'ithoi stating thatit was crockery he hud _Wh"CmbV _^™? The mother , however saw that the _tuid e em ffid boots , aud they were afterwards taken to M irv _Z . _w-The same night both Margaret Glynn a _. _id Sa / p wc » an e _roded upon another char . ™ r obbery ; 'g _^ _%%$
Worship Street. The Tables Turned,—About...
however , they , were discharged before , the magistrate L The second charge agaiust Sharp was for stealing a _oair of shoes from tie shop of Mn Russell , a _pawnbroknf [ n Shoreditch . They were pawned at Mr . Smith ' s , in Bath _, street , and produced and identified , in full confirmation ot Margaret Glynn ' s evidence . In the third case _Marfi-aret Ulynn prored that nine months ago she saw Sham « cni » small timepiece irom the shop of Mr . Cardwell in Exmouth-street , and that it was disposed of to Ityan on whose mantel-shelf she saw it several times _afteri wards . —Sergeant Dubois said that when : he went and questioned Ryan , the latter denied that lie had ever bought anything of Sharp , but had allowed MnVto ' leave goods at the shop , and . has lent him money upon the goods , which were to be afterwards redeemed or forfeited . —Mr . Broughton ordered the depositions to be taken for _gommittal , but admitted Ryan to bail . GUILDHALL .
Violation of a Chilb . —On _Mondaj _' , a man ' , * named George Simpson , aged 32 , but who looked much older , was charged before Alderman Sidney with having violated tlie person of Ann Davis , a child about ten years of age . It appeared from flic statement ofthe child , whose father ia a cork-cutter , residing in Brldgewaier gardens , _lliat tbe prisoner called on Saturday evening , about seven o ' clock , with a truck , containing two large bundles of rough cork , and observing her in the passage , he said ,- " Where ' s your father and mother gone to 1 " She replied , " I think they are gone to NewgatG-inarket . " lie then entered the shop , and she followed to see him put away the cork he hud brought He then shut thc door and locked it , and after desiring her to place a piece of cork against a broken square of glass , he pushed her down on some cork shay _, ings under the bunch in the shop , placed his hand over
her mouth to prevent her calling out , and eventuallv effected his object In about twenty minutes a knot-king _^* at the door was heard , when he jumped up , and said , " Here ' s your father and mother , open the door , " which she did , and immediately told them , in the presence of the prisoner , what had taken place , which lie denied . A policeman was sent for , and he was given into custod y . The parents stated , that they came home and found the door locked , and on its being opened they saw the prisoner buttoning up his clothes , and tlieir daughter black and dirty , and to all appearances as if she had been halfchocked . Thomas Lloyd , of New Easinghall-street , surgeon , stated , that he had examined the child , and there were evident signs of force having been used , and that tho prisoner had partially effected his object . Alderman Sid , ney committed the prisoner for trial .
MANSION HOUSE . Freaks of an Aristocrat . —A person of " high rank" charged with stealiso an Omnibus . —On Tuesday a gentleman who was supposed to be a person of high rank , and whose name according to the station _, house list was John Thomas , appeared before Alderman Gibbs , to answer for the offence , as represented in the sam « list , of having stolen au omnibus and horses . The de . fendiinthad been bailed out of the station house on the preceding night hy two persons of unquestionable respectability . The driver of one of Clark ' s omnibuses stated that he appeared to charge the gentleman with having : taken possession of his ( the driver's ) seat , and driving furiously from the Blackwall station to the end of London _, street , at ten o ' clock ou Monday night without the complainant ' s or proprietor ' s consent . The defendant and some othcrgcntleiiian had evidently come from the Black _, wall Railroad . He moved from the extreme part of the front seat to the place appointed for the driver , whtped the horses , and dashed along at a tremendous pace , witness being on the ground at the time waiting for more
passengers . There was danger to be apprehended from such conduct , and witness ran up and seized the horses , and succeeded after a struggle , in which the gentleman seized him by the throat , shook and struck him . in getting the omnibus into his possession . —Mr . John Thomas : I deny the furious driving . I merely got upon the box aa my friend and I had waited for a considerable time for a driver in vain , and I drove a little way in order to get tlie place of coachman supplied as soon as possible . . I deny that there was any furious driving . If there were , how could the driver have come up with us in an instant ? - _^ Alderman Gibbs : I shall not consider the part ' of this case which charges the defendant with the assault : but I shall convict him for having driven witliout a licence , and foe having furiously driven ; and I line lum forty shillings for each offence . The defendant immediately paid the penalties , Upon being asked for his name and address , as the driver might think proper to proceed against him for the assault , —The defendant said he resided at the Burlington Hotel , and that his name was not John Thomas , but he would answer to that name if called upon .
THAMES STREET . Assault on a Woman by a Prize Fighter . —On Tuesday James Bailey , a tall and powerful man , a pugilist , was brought before Mr . _Ballanrine charged ; with assaulting a woman named Jane Fernanda , in a very savage manner . The prosecutrix , a married woman , was at a public house called the Golden Eagle , yesterday morning , at six o ' clock , with a pint of porter before her , when tee prisoner came in , and was about to drink the woman's beer , When she took tlie pot away from him , and left the room . A few minutes afterwards she returned to tho house , and met the prisoner in the passage . He seized her by the shoulders , applied the most opprobrious
epithets to her , and then kicked her violently . He also , struck her on the chest , and knockedher backwards . He was proceeding to use further violence , when the bystanders interfered and held him back . The police wera called , and the fellow was taken into custody . The woman was attended by Mr . Itoss , a surgeon , and it was proved that she was much injured . The magistrate said , there was a wretched class of women who frequented the houses of public entertainment in the Highway , and they had no other place to go to , and were not to he _' knocked ahout by any _ruffian who got out of humour with them . He fined the prisoner £ 3 , and , in default of payment , committed him for six weeks .
"WANDSWORTn . _ExfuAOKDiNARv _CiURGE .-On Tuesday , "William Elms and R . Lamer , two labourers , were charged with throwing into the river "Wandle , Mr . Samuel Knaggs , assistant to Mr . Chapman , surgeon , at Tooting ; Said Assaiil _, a Syrian , articled to Mr . Walter Chapman , of Tootiug , _surgeon ; and John and Peter Cosciaro , who are brothers , foreigners , and at present pupils in the scholastic establishment of Dr . Lord , nt Tooting . On Monday after _, noon , the complainants Knaggs and Assnid , who aro young men , together with the brothers Cosciaro , who are youths , went to bathe in the river "Wandle , in a retired spot , near to the copper-mills , at Whnbleton . They un dressed in a field , upon which the grass lay cut , but there were no persons turning it , nor could they see anybody near to them at that time . After bathing , they had all come out of the water , with the exception of Said Assaid , and were preparing to dress , when the prisoners and
another man , not in _custody , followed at a distance by seveother men and women , rushed up to them , and after using great force , threw Mr . Knaggs into the water , and then flung a heavy piece' of wood at him . The prisoner , Elms , took the lad , Peter Corsciaro , round the waist , and threw lmu in , aud his brother was shoved in . Assaid being in the water , they could not get at him ; so threw his clothes in , and also the garments belonging to tha other complainant . The consequence of this conduct was that several articles of clothing were lost , as also some money , and one boy lost his gold watch , but which was afterwards recovered from the bed of tlie river by a boy who dived after it , and was rewarded with half a crown . —Said Assaid , who conies from the vicinity of Mount Lebanon , and is receiving a medical education at the expense of the English Government , gave a very graphic account of the whole proceedings , and in very good English . He added that the prisoner Elms threatened if he could get at him to stick him with his hay-fork . —Dr . Lord observed , that he did not countenance his pupils going to bathe without his permission , aud it had not been given in this instance . The defence set up by the prisoners was that the complainants came to bathe to
a place where they could not do otherwise than expose their persons in the presence of females who were assisting in the hay harvest ; that the women were bashful , and several men whom they did not know , went and threw thc complainants and tlieir clothes into the water _. Lamer denied that he interfered at all ; and Elms , who first declared that he was ' not near the spot till all was over , afterwards admitted that he only threw a shirt or towel . On the part of the defence a man named Francis swore that when the . complainants got into the water it was uot deep enough to conceal the persons of tlie two eldest , and that at the time there were women within ;» few yards of them . —He did not see any of the prisoners throw any one in the water . —Four women were afterwards called to prove the insult offered to them ; but they all swore that tliey were in a field more than a hundred yards off , and saw _nothing that could seriously offend them . They did not see the prisoners throw the complainants in the water . —Mr . Clive Said he considered the conduct of Elms to have been the worst , and therefore should fine him 40 s . or commit him for a month ; Laruer would pay 20 s . or be committed for-twenty . one days . The prisoners were both commited .
SOUTHWARK . Charge or _Manslaughter . —On Tuesdav , John Coster , was charged before Jlr . Cottingham with having caused the death of Richard Hutchinson , under the followinir circumstances . Mary Coster stated , that she is sister-inlaw of the prisoner ; aud that on Sunday night last she was walking with a young man named Hutchinson in Wliiteluivt-street , when the prisoner came up and used some offensive _lungivuge to him , and challenged him to light . The challenge was accepted by Hutchinson , and thfty both pulled of their coats and began to fight when Hutchinson received a Wow whieh knocked him down , Witness and SMiie others racked him up ; and as lie complained of being very ill , she railed a cab . anil had him driven to his . mother ' s house . When he arrived he still complained ofbcinir . ill t said that he was kicked when he was down , and thathe knewit would be the death of him . He was then put to bod , ami , as he grew worse , a medical
man was scut for , who pronounced that it was a hopeless case , and the young man died about nine o'clock ou the loiiowing morning . In reply to Mr . Cottingham , thc wit ness said the deceased was not sober at the time , and that she did not observe any person kick him while he was lying ou the ground . She added that the deceased hail been paying his addresses to her before she was married to the prisoner ' s brother , and that she occasionally met deceased after her marriage . The deceased ' s mother was examined , and she confirmed the witness ' s statement as to the words uttered by her son before his death , with respect to his having been kicked while on the ground The prisoner said , that he . wished to make a statement . He then said , that on _Christmas-day he met his sister-in-law ( the first witness ) and Hutchinson together drinking- at a publie-house in the _New-cut , ami that he upbraided her , . " . 'tying , that she ought to be with her husband instead of with that man . Hutchinson was _veted at his having noticed the circumstance , and on that
occasion was going to strike him , and ever since had muni _, tested much anger agaiust him . On Suudav last , he ( prisoner ) happening to meet thc deceased and his sister-inlaw togi'thu \ tlio former came up , and , challemrvd him to fight , struck him first . He returned the bloi ' v , and the deceased tell" down , and was afterwards picked up . llo only struck him one blow , and could declare that ho never attempted to kick him . The prisoner thon called tlie magistrate ' s attention to the marks of punishment visible on the- ' irst . witness ' s , face , and said that it was done by her husband in a lit of jealousy , for _associating with the deceased , whose acquaintance she cultivated st- _tL ' ti ; u-n ; lge l , ° bcr h " sba , ul * The n , c , _^ " > i _wihiMs ran ' T to , _^ . _Jf dcut } _/? S ? fvom _eoiunit-eion of th * nam . Ihere was a mark of _inim-v on the _b-tek nart of his head , which might h _. ve been _pi-odiicci bv foi M ' w ° , n t ft T iX hB Sh ° _- renia " _«« Pvisonei-until th . _lesuit ot the Coroner ' s unraest .
-"^Vmiymuriyct The ^ Skfe 0d , A≫L^6°Wan,Ofi«, U,V.A W-Uumll
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Northern Star (1837-1852), June 27, 1846, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_27061846/page/8/