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- .-:. ¦ - ¦ : ' « ' ;¦ « SeptemBEB -37,...
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ffiMM h\ttllWMty
Liverpool Cattle Market, Mo.ntat, Skit. ...
London Smithfield Cattle Market, Monday,...
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- .-:. ¦ - ¦ : ' « ' ;¦ « Septembeb -37,...
- .-:. ¦ - ¦ : ' _« ' _;¦ _« _SeptemBEB -37 , 1845 _.-THE-W _^ BT _^™** * _gTCTA _' _- R . —¦ == _¦¦¦¦•¦ = —
STRAND _m-rr-w WORK _BT EPGENE SUE , "DE BOHAN ; W OR * ££ COURT CONSP IRATOR , - in _^ peany 11 0 » » _fZjlumtnr-aaits . The first part ana _mnm-SS-S 53 _ff S _^«—« - _»«^ _^ _S E _l S _^ _S and Part 8 , _isout , „ _nd is expected to be comp leted in forty-two numbers . TKE MYSTERIES OF PARIS , uniform with the above , is progressing . _PaxtaandHo _^ _Oarerea-iy . "Will ie _speedUy _finished in about thirty numbers . * # « - Order the Nonpareil edition .
.. CORNS AND _BTJNIOfJS . "PAWS EVERY MAN'S FRIEND , ' Patronised by Vie Royal Family an _£ _XobiUty , IS a sure and speedy cure for those severe annoyances , -without causing the least pain or inconvenience . Unlike all other remedies for . Cams , its operation is such as to render the Cutting of Corns altogether unnecessary ; indeed , -we may say , the practice of cutting Coral is at all times highly dangerous , and has been frequently attended -with lamentable _consequenceSj besides its liability to increase their growth ; it adheres with fhe meet g _* : ntle pressure , producing an instant and delightful reliif from torture , and , with perseverance In its application , _entjr _&' y _erauicates the most inveterate Corns and Bunions . Testimonials have heen received from upwards of one hundred Physicians and Surgeons of the greatest eminence .
the medical profession , always slow and unwilling to acknowledge the yb-tb . es of any medicine not prepared by themselves , _d _*^ ow freely and frankly ; admi t that Aber . nethy _* s Pile Olnknent is not only a valuable preparation , bnt a never-failing r . emedy in every stage and variety of that appaUing malady . Sufferers will not repent giving it a trial . Multitudes of cases of its efficacy might be produced , if * the nature of the complaint did _not-render those who have been cured unwilling to pubEsh their names . Sold in covered pots , at 4 s . 6 d ., with full directions for use , by C . King ( agent to the proprietor ) , _Napier-street , Boston , New Town , London ; where also can be procured every patent medicine of repute , direct from the original makers , with au allowance for taking six at a time . _^ _= Be sure to ask for "Abernethy ' s Pile Ointment ;" and observe the name of C . King on the government stamp affixed to each pot , 4 s . 6 d ., which is the lowest price the proprietor is enabled to sell it at , owing to the great expense of the ingredients .
CLARKE'S SUCCEDANEUM , 170 R STOPPING DECAYED TEETH , however large the cavity . —Patronised by her Majesty the Queen Dowager , her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester , his Grace the Duke of Wellington , and the principal _Mobility . —Mr . CLARKE ' S _SUCCEDAXETJM _, foistopping decayed teeth , is far superior to anything ever before uscdj as it is placed in the tooth without any pressure or pain , becomes as hard as the enamel immediately after application , and remains firm in the tooth for life ; not only rendering extraction unnecessary , but also making them again useful for mastication . All persons can use Mr . CLARKE'S SUCCEDANEUM themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed , price 5 s . Sold by all respectableMcdicine-vcndersin Town and Country ; and can be sent bypost , on receiving a post-office order . _Freparcd only by 3 _Ir . Clabsx , Surgeon-Dentist , 61 , Grosvenor-street , Bond-street ( removed from 53 , Ilarley-
Just Published , A new and important Edition of the Silent Friend on _ETuman Frailty . Priee 2 s . Gd ., and sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Offi « e Order for Ss . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the LNFIRJiITLES ofthe GEJfEEATITE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : —with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and _institutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRI-
BILE ! . BILE ! BILE ! _% . , WORBOYS'S > PIIiLS remoye _r _in a few days , those distressing symptoms arising from a disordered state of the biliary ducts , viz ,, heartburn , sick headache , loss of appetite , fluttering of the stomaohi _& c . ? Being free from mercurial and antimonial preparations , they may be taken at any time with perfect safety . Sold in boxes , ls . l * d . each , by Vf . S . Worhoys , 76 , New Cut , Lambeth ; Barclay and Sons , Farringdon-street ; and by most respectable medicine vendors in town and country . N . B . Persons desirous of making trial of these Pills , may , by enclosing a postage stamp to the Proprietor , have a dose transmitted gratuitously .
PARR'S LIFE-PILLS ARE acknowledged to be all that are required to conquer disease and prolong life . The extraordinary success of this medicine is thfi wonder Of the age ; it has been tried by hund reds of thousands as an aperient , and has in every instance done good ; it has never in the sUghtest degree impaired tbe most delicate constitution . Tens of thousands have testified that perseverance in the use of PARR'S LIFE PILLS will completely cure any disease , and . are living witnesses of the benefit received from this invaluable medicine . Testimonials are received daily , and it would be impossible in a newspaper to publish one half received ; and the following are selected as people well known in their _respective neighbourhoods , and whose testimony is unquestionable . Further sheets of testimonials , and the " Life and Times of Old Fan * , " may be had , gratis , of all agents .
_/¦ «{ published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with eases , and full-length engravings , price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed envelope , and sent free to any part of the Kingdom , on fhe receipt of _apost-offlce order for 3 s . fid .
• ALL MAY _BEIOURED !! ? BY _HOLLOWAY'S : OINTMENT . ? FIFTY ' ULCERS CURED IN SIX ; WEEKS . EXTRACT of aLetter from JohnMartin , Esq ., Chronicle Office , Tobago , "West Indies : — February 4 th , 1845 . To Professor Holloway . Sir —I beg to inform you that the inhabitants of this island especially those who cannot afford to employ medical gentlemen , are very anxious of having your astonishing medicines within their reach , from the immense benefits some of them have derived from their use , as they have beeu found here , in several cases , to _envc soves and ulcers of _Sie most maUgnant and desperate kind . One gentleman in this island , who had , I believe , about fifty running S ers about his legs , arms , and body who had toed al other medicines before the arrival of yours , but aU of winch did him no good ; but yours cured h . m m about six weeks , and he is now , by their means alone , quite restored o health and vigour . ( Signed ) Johk Ma _*«» .
WRAY'S FAMILY MEDICINES . ' patronised by Her Grace the Dowager Sir C . F . _'Willjan 8 , Knt . Duchess of Leeds . Sir Edward _LyttonBulwer Lady Sherborne . Bart . Earl of Lincoln . Captain Boldero , M . P . Marquis of Waterford . Edward Baines , Esq ., M . P Lord Bantry . Archdeacon Webber . Doctor Bloomberg , Vicar of General Maitland , Cripplegate . General Gardner , Mr . Justice Cresswell . General Nisbitt .
Caution!—Unprincip Led Individuals Prepa...
CAUTION!—Unprincip led individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the same names ; they copy tbe labels , bills , advertisements , and testimonials of the original Thomas ' s Succedaneum . It is , therefore , highly necessary to see that the words "Thomas and Howard" are on the wrapper of each article . All others are fraudulent imitations . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH . Price 2 s . _0 d .
PATRONISED by her Majesty the Queen , his Royal Hig hness Prince . Albert , her Royal nighness tlie Duchess of Kent , his Majesty the King of the Belgians , his Majesty the King of Prussia , his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury , and nearly all the Nobility , the Bishops , and the Clergy , Mr . THOMAS'S SUCCEDANECM , for filling decayed teeth , .. however large the cavity . It is superior to anything ever before used , as it is placed in the tooth in a soft state , without any pressure or pain , and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel , and will remain firm in the toeth many years , rendering extraction unnecessary . It arrests all further progress of decay , and renders them again useful in mastication . Ail persons can use Mr . Thomas ' s Succedaneum themselves with ease , as full directions are enclosed .
Prepared only by Messrs . Thomas and Howard , Sur . geon-Dentists _, Ol , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , price 2 s . Gd . Sold by their appointment by the following agents : —Heaton , Hay , Allen , Land , Haigh , Smith , Bell , Townscnd , Baines aud New-some , Smccton , Reinliardt , Tarbottom , and Horner , Leeds ; Brooke , Dcwsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burdekin , Moxon , Little , llardman , Linncy , and Hargrove , York ; Brooke and Co ., Walker and Go ., Stafford , Faulkner , Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linncy , Jtipon ; Foggitt , Coates , Thompson , Tliirsk ; Wiley , Easingwold ; England , Fell , Spivey , Huddershold ; Ward ,
Richmond ; Sweeting , Knareshorough ; Pease , Oliver , Darlington ; Dixon , Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , Snaith ; Goldthnrpe , Tadcastcr ; Itogerson , Cooper , _Neivby , Kay , Bradford ; Bricc , Priestley , Pontefraefc ; Cord well , Gilhlawton , Dawson , Smith , Wakeiield ; Berry , Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley , Parker , Dunn , Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Boroughbridge ; alby , Y _/ etUerby ; Wale , Harrogate ; Wall , Barnsley ; and hy all chemists , and medicine vendors ; or the proprietors will send tlie Succedaneum free by post to any part of thc kingdom .
LOSS OF TEETH . Messrs . Thomas aud Howard continue to supply the loss of teeth without springs or wires upon their new system of _seif-AduesioH , which has procured them such universal approbation , and is recommended by numerous physicians and surgeons as being the most ingenious system of supplying artificial teeth hitherto invented . They adapt themselves over the most fender gums , or remaining stumps , without causing the least pain , rendering the operation of extracting quite unnecessary . They are so fired as to fasten any loose teeth where the gums have shrunk from the use of calomel or other causes . They also beg to invite those not liking to undergo any painful operation , as practised by most members of the profession , to inspect their painless jet effective system ; and in order that their improvements may be within the reach of themosteconomical , they will continue fhesnmemoderate charges .
Messrs Thomas and Howard , Surgeon-Dentists , C 4 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London . At home from ten till four . Those interested in the subject will find this statement of their superiority over all others to be entirely and scrupulously correct . Their new method of fixing Artificial Teeth has oh tained the approbation and recommendation of the following eminent physicians and surgeons : —» Sir James Clark , Bart ., Physician to her Majesty . Dr . _Locbck , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Ferguson , Physician Accoucheur to her Majesty . Dr . Bright , Physician Extraordinary to her Majesty .
Sir B . C . Brodie , Bart ., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty , The late Sir A . Cooper , Bart ., Sergeant Surgeen to her Majesty . R . Keate , Esq ., Sergeant Surgeon to her Majesty . Dr . Merriman _, Physician to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent . Sir CM . Clark , Bart ., M . D . Sir M . Tierney _, Bart ., M . D . Dr . Chambers . Dr . Paris . Dr . James Johnson . Dr . Conquest . And numerous other members o fthe mediea _Jprofession .
On Debility And Disease. Price 2s. Cd.J ...
ON DEBILITY AND DISEASE . Price 2 s . Cd . j in an envelope , or forwarded to any address free , ou receipt of a post-office order fo r 3 s . 6 d ., TH E MENTOR OF HEALTH , a Medical "Work on Nervous Debility , and the Causes of Premature Decay in Man , resulting from Excess , Infection , or Imprudence . Also , OBSERVATIONS ON MARRIAGE , ana certain disqualifications , together with treatment for diseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . _Tissox and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , 6 , _Caroline-stveet , Bedfordsquare .
" The Mentor of Health , hy Dr . Tissot , is one of the most valuable and instructive little works on the subject of disease resulting from early indiscretion , & c , ever perused . Tt contains plain and simple descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of the organs liable tobe affected by such diseases , and every information to guide the unwary and inexperienced from the temptations to which they are exposed . To those requiring a' Mentor , ' we most strongly recommend the work , and it is weU worth the perusal of those who are so fortunate as not to need its advice . "—London Mercantile Journal .
Published by the Authors , and sold by James Gilbert , 49 , Paternoster-row ; Mudie , 161 , Fleet-street ; Noble , 114 , Chancery-lane ; Purkiss , CO , Compton-street , Soho ; Lovelace , 35 , King-street , Regent-street ; Russell , 43 , Store-street , Bedford-spare ; Thomas Kenton , 16 and 29 , Church-street , Liverpool ; Messrs . Robinson , 11 , Greenside-street , Edinburgh ; and by all booksellers . At home daily till three ; evenings , six till nine . One personal interview sufficient . Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms cured without the dangerous use of mercury ,
The particulars of many hundred cures may le had from every agent throughout tha kingdom and on tie . continent . . . . , ,. . Dit Locock ' s Wafers give instant relief , and a rapid cure of asthmas , consumption , coughs , colds , and all disorders ofthe breath and lungs , & c , < fcc . To _Srsoisus and Public Speakers they are invaluable , asiin a few . hours they remove all hoarseness , and increase the power and flexibility of the voice , They have a most pleasant taste . Price ls . 13 d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and lis . per box . Agents —Da Silva and Co ., 1 , Bride-lane , Fleet-street , London . -. _-,,. " ,. CAUTION . —To protect the public from spurious imitations , her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners have caused to be printed on the stamp , outside each box , the words , " Dr . Locock ' s Waters , " - in white etters on a red ground , without wliich none arc genuine . Sold by all Medicine Venders .
Ffimm H\Ttllwmty
_ffiMM h \ ttllWMty
Liverpool Cattle Market, Mo.Ntat, Skit. ...
Liverpool Cattle Market , Mo . _ntat , Skit . 22 . — There was a good supply of cattle at our market to-day , with a numerous attendance of buyers , and but little or no alteration in prices . Cattle imported into Liverpool from the 16 th to the 22 nd of Sept . : — Cows , 2 CG 3 ; calves , 05 ; sheep , 8013 ; lambs , J 9 ; pigs , 33 G 4 ; horses , 30 . London Corn Exchange , Moxday , Sept . 22 . —The report gives but very moderate arrivals during the course of last week , and this includes all grain with the single exception of Irish oats , of which . ibout 11 , 000 quarters arrived , whicli cannot be culled a very limited supply . Of Foreign grain of this description there were but two or three cargoes arrived , in the whole about equal to 5 , 000 quarters . The supply of flour during tho week consisted of 3 , 273 sacK 3
of home manufacture , and 4 . S 12 barrels ot American . There was an active trade done in grain throughout the week , and prices advanced for both wheat and spring corn ; thc business , however , was cliic / ly a consumptive one , comparatively little beiiigpurchascd for speculators' account . Bonded wheat met , how * ever , some attention , unless held at prices above quotations , which , generally spcaking , _ was the case , factors in almost all instances demanding more money . This morning there was a moderate show of wheat samples fresh up from Essex , Kent , and Suffolk , particularly from Kent , the arrival from Yjhicn . county was exceedingly small . "With spring corn there was also a limited supply , although the advanced rates paving for peas brought several samoles of this grain to market . There was a _considerablc advance in the rates for all grain this morning .
Wheat was purchased with some freedom at 5 s . per quarter advance on the prices of last Monday , and ail foreign descriptions were not sold at a less improvement than 3 s . per quarter , Barley is the only article that cannot be quoted absolutely higher , but when purchases were made fully last weeks prices were paid . Oats have made a good Is . more money ; the dealers are , however , but cautious buyers of this grain . Beans ls . to 2 s . dearer . Teas , particularly white and blue , were eagerly sought after , and bough with great freedom at 8 s . the quarter higher prices , this being a fair average of the advance ; in many instances however a greater improvement was readily obtained . There was a ready sale for tares at last week ' s prices . Seeds of all sorts come very slowl to market , and in all instances prices are several shillings higher , with a free sale for the different varieties .
IN MARK-LANE . lUilTISH GRAIN . Shillings per _Quarte When Essex it Kent , white , new . 56 to ( il ! .. in to Ditto , red .. .. .. 52 02 „ yt Suffolk and Norfolk , red .. 05 00 w ! iiteC 3 Lincoln and York , red .. 55 61 white GO Northumb . and Scotch _.-. r > . Rye .. .. .. .. .. •• 29 Baric ¦> .. Malting .. .. .. 3 33 extra — ' Distilling .. .. .. 25 Grinding ¦• .. 2 d Mai .. Shin 5 * 53 Ware CO
Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed . % 2 Ss Od 25 s Od ; potato , or short , 21 s Od to 28 s 0 Poland , * _" 3 s 6 d to 28 s Od -Noitiiumberla and Scotch , Angus , 2 _Ge 0 d to 28 s Oil ; poia 2 _Hs Oil to 30 s Od ; Irish feed , 22 s Od to 24 s black , 22 s Od to 21 s Od ; potato , 25 s Od 26 s Od ; Galway , 21 s Od to 22 s 0 d . Bean ; .. Ticks .. .. .. .. 53 Harrow , small „ .. 38 Peas .. White .. 41 48 boilcrs 5 t Gray and hog „ .. 13 Flour .. Norfolh and Suffolk » -12 Town-made ( per sack of 2802 hs _J 8 Buckwheat , or Brank
ENGLISH SEEDS , iVC . Red clover ( per cwt . ) .. 70 White clover ( per cwt . ) 45 _' Rapeseed ( per last ) .. .. .. .. .. £ 20
FOJIEIGS _GJUIW . Shillings per Q uar Free . In Bon _Wliea .. Dantsic and Konigsberg 60 extra 70 .. 48 — Ditto ditto .. Gl — C 4 .. 42 — Fomeranian _, & c ., Anlialt 59 — 07 .. 43 - ~ Danish , Holstein , & c , .. 07 — C 3 .. 41 — Russian , hard .. .. 53 — 57 Ditto , soft .. .. 53 — 59 .. 3 S ~ - Spanish , hard .. .. 59 — CO Ditto , soft .. .. 61 — 60 .. 41-. lt : ilian , Tuscan , & c ., redC 2 — 48 Ditto , white .. .. 64 — 70 .. 44 — Odessa & Ta _* janrog , hard 54 — 57 Ditto , soft .. ,. 51 — 59 .. 37 - Canadian , hard .. . 57 — 60 Ditto , fine .. .. 61 — 63
Rye .. llussian , Prussian , & c . 28 — 30 Hurley .. Grinding 26 — 31 Ditto , distilling .. .. 31 — 34 .. 19 — % Oats .. Dutch , feed .. .. 22 — 23 Ditto , brew and thick .. 24 — 57 .. 1 " — !> i Russian .. .. .. 21 — 24 .. 15 —18 Danish & Mecklenburg 20 — 23 .. 14 — 17 Beans .. Ticks , 33 to 39 , small .. 37 — 44 .. 32 — 43 Egyptian 80 — _U 5 .. 28 — St Pens _,. White , 40 to 5 C , gray .. 42 — 46 Fiom * .. Dantsic and Hamburgh ( per barrel ) , fine 28 32 , superfine .. .. 31 — S _6 .. 21 — _S 4 Canada , 31 to 34 , United States 32 _ 88 „ 21 - _i'O Buckwheat ., _.. ., „ go — 33 AVERAGE PRICES Of the last six weeks , which regulate the Duties from the 18 th to the 24 th . of September . _Wlveat Hurley , Oats . _IlyeTdkans _. Pcat ' _.. W _« Sk ending s * d * s * d * s * d * s * d s d - s d _- Aug 9 , 1845 .. 55 3 29 7 22 8 33 10 i 11 0 39 0 Week euding j Aug . 16 , 1845 .. 57 0 29 4 22 2 34 4 41 2 3 ? 7 Week ending Aug . 23 , 1845 .. 57 0 29 9 22 S 33 4 41 8 38 JI week ending J Aug . 30 , 1843 .. 56 C 30 0 22 4 35 7 42 1 38 4 Week ending _ Sept . 6 , 1845 .. 55 10 31 8 22 10 33 5 42 0 50 9 Week euding Sept . 13 , 1845 .. 54 1 31 0 22 3 S 3 2 42 10 3 C 5 Aggregate average of the last six weeks .. 55 11 30 2 22 6 33 11 41 10 , 33 London aver- I ages ( ending i Sept . 16 , 1845 ) 5 C C 31 2 22 3 33 10 ) 4 S ft ! 38 It Duties .. .. 17 0 80 6 0 . 9 6 ! 1 iii 4 <
London Smithfield Cattle Market, Monday,...
London Smithfield Cattle Market , Monday , Sew . 22 . — Another extensive importation of livestock for our market has taken place during the past week . We have received 100 oxen and cows , together with 220 sheep , Id lambs , and 10 calves per steamers from Rotterdam , while from Hamburg 26 oxen have come to hand , in , for the most part , good condition . At the outports , including Ireland and Scotland , about 200 beasts and 80 sheep _haYO been imported . To-day there were on offer 164 Dutch oxen and cows , together with 64 sheep , nearly the whole of which found buyers at rates about equal to those obtained last week . By far the largest portion was purchased by the butchers , but a few of the beasts were taken for grazing- ' purposes . From our own grazing _&' _ti'iotu ttin Itnlln / il- , i ,. .. nn r .. _ ,. i ... _ it * ... „ ..., ; . w . w » rfi _uuuuvji uiu ¦
v ..-, „ . « ,. _(« urail UO WHO U 1 U 1 ""' 6 ---again extensive , they amounting to nearly four thousand head , but , comparatively speaking , of middling quality . The primest Scots , Devons , runts , _& c ., moved off steadilv , at prices quite equal to those realised on this day se ' nnight . In the middling a * * inferior qualities of beef only a limited business *«•• - doing , and previous rates were with difficulty supported . The northern droves , viz ., those from Lincolnshire , Leicestershire , Northamptonshire , _& - > amounted to 1 , 800 shorthorns . From the eastern counties about 400 Scots , homebreds and shorthorns came to hand , the numbers from the western an * midland districts embracing 500 Devons , runts _.
Ilerefords , & c . ; from other parts of England , 4 0 * of various breeds ; fro m Scotland , 140 . Scots , and from Ireland 90 beasts . The numbers of sheep were somewhat on the increase , and of improved quality-Prime old Downs commanded a readv sale at fat prices , viz . 4 s . 8 < I . to 5 s . per 8 lbs .,- in other kinds o sheep , however , only a moderate business was transacted , and the currencies were with difficulty _niaifltamed . Lambs , tlie supply of which was bv no mea » extensive , moved off slowly , at last week ' s fi g » r _« - ' : lhe veal trade was stead y , at Friday ' s enhanced rates . The supply of pigs—161 composing wliich were received from Ireland—was good , while the por * trade was firm , at full prices .
By the quantities of 81 b ., sinking the offal . s . d . b _, e _. Inferior coarso beasts , . 242 * Second quality . . . 2 10 3 ** Prime large oxen . . . 3 4 3 <• Prime Scots , & c . ... S 3 f " Coarse inferior sheep . , 3 0 3 . * Second quality . . 3 0 4 « Prime course woolled . . 4 2 * « Prime Southdown , , 4 _» 6 _« lambs ... . , 40 ' i large coarse calves . . 3 . 18 * Prime small . . " - , ' . * 8 _«« n Suckling ealves , each , , 18 0 80 j " large hogs .. . ' . .. . . , 3 0 3 o Neat small porkers ,. , 3 10 * . Quarter-old store pigs , each . _, 16 0 ' - * HEAD OF CATTLE OK _BA _1 E . , ,. , fFrom the Books of the Clerk of the Market . ) Beasts , 3 , 764-Sheep and Lambs , 26 , 780-CaIves ' - Pigs , 300 ,
Northern Star (1837-1852), Sept. 27, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_27091845/page/2/