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MuitnER nkar Lisnuns (Ireland).—We regret to state that information reached our office in the course I* I 1 111 HI . . 1 . . « i ¦ ¦
or yesteroay to tiie enect tliat tjic de...
mttet fctteUfffma*
Los** Com! Exchange , Monday, Nov. 24.-D...
AVERAGE PRICES Of the last six weeks, wh...
London Smithkii-d Cattle M.MiKur, Nov, 2...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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- •' . _.- .-.. . • - - _,.-,, • - „ ,. _*; ' vcr . r _^ : ' . -y . > _m- _> - \ •• • _< m- - _•> . * _% ,., , - r , ' , ' - ¦ . - _> ,-....... ¦¦ - ' ¦ - _¦^ _.- ¦ ¦ : -:: ' ¦¦ .-: ¦ _' , ' '" ' _^ ' ' * : '" " _. ' '• _^ V _^ _^ _^\ _^ ¦ 4 _f- ' _^ _^ ' _^" ' '' ' /' ' _' - _^ ' V ' _^ h " " ' ' i . _' _* . _^ ' j ? . _&" ¦ . _£ : . '' ' * _: _V _± [ ' _-- . . ' '" ' ' * - ' U \ _* r _V- 'M ' . M ' _'Jftim & _- _- _^ i '«« »" _-l \ ' « '¦ H : - _^ - ¦ ' K _;; ' ' " _- _^ : _U : _% l ' ¦ ' i ' _'¦&' . : V _$ - _•» , ¦¦• ¦ - r _' _: ' * - _TETTEi _. _^ _QRlME'Rffl _^ _oTi _^ _. _i _^ _ti _^ _v _^ i . _^ : _^ _, _;>^ :. _^ % ¦ V ; _mr-m- _November _qq 184 .
Osd£». Koyal ' Patb*^ Kage
_OSD £ » . KOYAL ' PATB _*^ KAGE
DR . T . OCOGK s _TPULMOXIC " _vTATERS . _TWTO _MEDICIN _tifor the CURE of _AS'i HMA and _N C 0 XSU _14 PTI 0 N , COUGHS , & e ., was ever _»* pndcd by _inchspeedy and unfailing sue * ess as Dr . LOCOCK'S P JLMOKIC WAFERS ; In erery newspaper and . publication throughout the kingdom _, nay be see » testimonlalsof _theirwbnderfrlpowers . _^ _ieki the frjlowing recent cures in _Manchester : — . From _Messrs . Lynch and Butterworth , _Cheetha . m ffisC datv _ d September 9 th , 1845 . —Gentlemen , —" the increasing demand for ; your wafers speaks greafly in favour of their being a most excellent medicine , and the enclosed is one of tne many convincing proofs we Lave had of their efficacy .
THE EARL OF ALDBOROUGH CURED HOLLOWAY'S PILLS . THE Earl of Aldborough cured of a Liver and Stomach Complaisit . . Extract of a Lvttcr from the Earl of Aldborough , dated Yiila Messina , Leghorn , 2 Ut February , _ISiS;—To Professor Holloway . Sir , —Tarious circumstances prevented the possibility of mj _thankinj ; you before tliis time for your politeness iu sending me your pills as you did . I now take this opportunity of sending you nu order for the amount , and , at the same time , to add tliat your pills have effected a cjire of a _disoider in my liver and stomach , whieh all the most eminent ot the facility at" , orae _, and all over the continent , lad not been able lo _efrVct 5 nay' not even tlie waters of Carlsbad and Jlarienbad . I wish t _« have another box and a pot ofthe ointment , in case any of ray family should _eicr ivquive eUV . er .
This day is _published , by H . Baillieu , _booksellsr and ' " publishe _r . * , No . 219 , _Regent-strett , price 2 s . stlched , DE . DC PttATI on CHRONIC DISEASES of the SKIN , their CAUSES and CUBE , Tne above work may . be . had , postage free , in « ny part of the ' Kingdom , " by remitting the amount in s tamps to Dr . dePrati , 4 , Mortimer-streetj Cavendish-square . '
ON DEBILITY AND DISEASE . Price 2 s . C < 1 ., iu an envelope , or forwarded to any address free , on receipt of a post-office order fo i 3 s . 6 d ., THB MESTOIl OF HEALTn , a Medical Work on Nervous Debility , and the Causes of Premature De-: ay in Man , resulting from Excess , Infeetion , or Imprudence . Also , _OBSERVATIONS ON MARRIAGE , and lertain disqualifications , together with treatment for _diseases of the Generative Organs , by J . S . Tissot and ' Jo ., Consulting Surgeons , _fi , Caroline-street , Bedfordiquare .
VALUABLE MEDICINE . _HUNT'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS ; a most _excellentMedscinc for Bilious Complaints , Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels , Habitual Costiveness , Indigestion , Heartburn , Pains and Giddiness of the'IIead , Influenza , Worms , Spasms , Xervcus and Dropsical Complaints . For upwards of foriy years have these Pills obtained the unqualified _approbation of thc public in general , among whom may be included families of distinction and medical men . Their composition is so truly excellent , and their _beaafieial effects bave been so widely experienced , that the proprietot's feel the greatest confidence in recommending them as one of the MILDEST and
CAUTION!—Unprincipled individuals prepare the most spurious compounds under the same names ; -they copy the labels , bills , _advertisements , and _testi" monials of the original T homas's Succedaneum . r It is therefore , highly necessary to see that the words "Thomas and _Howar- ' i" are on the wrapper of each article . All others are fraudulent imitutioiiB . FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETIL Price 2 s . Od . .
Just published , Sixteenth Edition , illustrated with eases , and _full-lengtii engravings , price 2 s . 6 d ., in a sealed _emielope , and jent free to any part of the kingdom , on the receipt of a post-office order for Ss . 6 d ,
ilAKE ON SPINAL DISEASE ' . THIS day Is published , price 2 s . ud ., CASES and OBSERVATIONS illiistrative _. of the be neflcial , r <_ 8 ults which-may be obtained by close attention and perseverance insomo of the-most chronic and" unpromising in-, _sUnccs of sp inal deformity ; with eig hteen engravings on wood . By SAMOBt , Hake , M . R . C . S . Londou : J *> bn Churchill , Frinccs-strect _j . and may be had of nil _booltscllers .
Tumours , iin'lg _htlj' _Escrcscencci , _ntovi materni _, ( oi Mother's iliu I * - " * . ) noli me timgere , and indolent Ulcen _rcMcdhible . Just 1 ' _ublislied ( third edition ) price 3 n . ( id . CANCER iiC EXTIRPATED WITHOUT THE KNIFE * , being a new , safe , and efficacious mode of treating scirrhous and glandular Diseases . By P . BATTYE , JI . U . C . 3 ., 0 , _Wobmu Place , lateM , Finsbury _Squar _* . London . _*—Simpkin and Marshall , Paternoster Row .
WRAY'S SPECIFIC MIXTURE for Gonorrhoea , warranted to remove Urethral Diseharges in forty-eight hours : in-the majority of cases twenty-four , if arising from local causes . Sold ( in bottles , 4 s . Cd . and lis . each , duty included ) at lis , Holliorn-hiU , and 334 , Strand , London . Sold also _bV _' siinger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Johnston , 68 , Cornhill ; Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farringdon-street ; Butler , i , Cheapside ; Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church-yard ; and by all medicine vendors in town aud country . Advice given gratuitously to persons calling between
Just Published , A new and important Edition of the 5 Bc . it friend on _jBuman _Frailly : Price 2 s . 6 d ., aiid sent free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a' Post _Offise Order for 3 s . 6 d . A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES ofthe GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both sexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed cause that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour bas established her empire : —witli Observations on the baneful _effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRI-
CORNS AHD _BUNIONS .- " ' PAUL'S BYERY MAN'S FRIEND , / Palronisid , iy Vie Royal Family and Nob 3 , i hj , 1 3 a sura and _sptedy cure for thosa sovwe annoyances , without csintiag the least pain or _inconreiiicnce . Unlika all other remedies for Csriu _, its operation is such as to render tha Cutting of Corns altogether _uunaesssary ; indeed , we may say , the practice « f cutting Corns is at all times highly _dsngorous , and has been frequantly attended with lamentable _gonseq ' uenees _, besides its'liability to iuerimse their growth ; it adheres with the most gentle pros < ui' _« , _produaitiff an instant and delightful relief from torture , and , with perseverance in its application , entirely eradicates the _mosiiuTcterate Corns and Bunions . Testimonials haTe been received from upwards of one hundred _Phyticiaas and Surgeons of the greatest eminence .
Muitner Nkar Lisnuns (Ireland).—We Regret To State That Information Reached Our Office In The Course I* I 1 111 Hi . . 1 . . « I ¦ ¦
MuitnER nkar _Lisnuns ( Ireland ) . —We regret to state that information reached our office in the course I * I 1 111 HI . . 1 . . « i ¦ ¦
Or Yesteroay To Tiie Enect Tliat Tjic De...
or yesteroay to tiie enect tliat tjic dead body ot a man named James Ootney had been discovered on the Moiraroad . It wassupposed that a dreadful struggle must havo taken place before the murder was accomplished , as deceased was a large and powerful man , and that more than one or two persons must have been engaged in it . The spot where the murdered man was found , and for several perches round , was covered with blood . —Belfast News Letter .
_Melaxciioi-y SmciDE at Edmonton ;—On Saturday , Mr . Higgg , coroner for tlidlhichy of Lancaster , held an inquest at the Angel Iiin , Edmonton , on tlie body of John Joshua Stephens , aged 50 , late a noncommissioned officer in \ the'East' Ihdia : Company ' s Service , who destroyed himself under'the subjoined circumstances : —From the evidence of Mrs . Jane Bennett , a . widow , residing in Fore-street , Edmonton , it appeared that the deceased had lodged in her house abouttwo months _. and for the last fortnight ho had been in a very desponding state , which was attributed to his not having received a sum of money that ho expected from his brother , who was out in India ; and on the faith of which he had borrowed a sum of money from a loan society , which he had expended in taking a house , and was about marrying his landlady . Since the arrival of the last mail irom India , without any news from his brother , he had
been in a very , agitated state , ami suffered from violent pains in . his head , ' in which he had received several wounds inaction , and he was fearful he was _gb ' mg to bave a _velapse of brain fever , " winch be nad in India . On Wednesday he was busily engaged packing up the goods for removal on the following morning , and went to bed about ten o ' clock ; on the following morning about eight o ' clock , Mrs . Bennett went to call him , and receiving no answer at his bedroom dour , she went to the bed-side , when she was horror-struck at finding him lifeless , and his throat cut from car to car ; a razor , open and _bleotiy , was lying close to his ri ght hand , with a piece oV tape tied tightly round the blade and _hniidlc to make it more firm . The jury , after consulting together _, returned the following singular verdict , " That the deceased was found dead with his throat cut , but there was not sufficient evidenee to say by whom the wound was inflicted . "
Ihe Island of Bariudoes and Holloway ' s Pii . ls and Ointment . —The Cth of Dec . last , William Gassett , a groom , of Bridgetown , Barbadoes , solemnly declares that for two years he suffered with fearful ulcerations , which no medicine or treatment in that island could cure . That he was in the service of Mrs . M'Caskey , who caused him to be attended hy Dr . John Bryant , whose skill of healing wounds is well known , but failing to cure him . gave up the case _, lie , as a last resource , used Holloway ' s Pills and Ointment , which has completely cured * him , tothe astonishment of all : the cure being so astonishing and extraordinary , that J . Young Edghtll , Esq ., proprietor of the M ' cst Indian _Newspaper , caused the particulars to be advertised in all tho papers of Barbadoes .
Ihe following are reasons why the Piqua Plant is superior to Tea , viz : —1 st . Because it is beneficial to health . 2 nd . It ( loos not injure the _norvos 3 rd . Children may use it with advantage to health . ith . It does not prerent sleep . Cth . A quarter ofa pound will go as far as three quarter ofa pound ofthe best gunpowder tea . Cth . it is strengthening and nutrition ? . 7 th . It is recommended by Physicians , and tea , is disapproved of by them . It greatly improves the voice ; it is recommended to singers and public sneakers . —Sec Advertisement .
AmmxETiiY s Pilk Oixtmkkt . —One of the greatest legacies bequeathed to human kind , by the immortal Abernethy , was , no doubt , his wonderful discovery ior the niiiilliblo cure of that most loathsome and painful-disease—tbe piles . ' -The proprietor of this valuable remedy , though under the treatment of several tloetors , suffered intensely i ' or many vears with the piles , and occasional bearings-down !" " vet was nothing better , but rather grew worse , " until he anp . ieu to that eminent surgeon , Mr . Abernethy ,-whose prescription completely cured him , and has sircc _P' _-ovcd its powers to heal in thousands of cases oi ' Piles , fistula , Ac . I „ Ut , the medical profession , a . ways slow and unwilling to acknowledge the virtues ot any medicine not prepared by themselves are now unanimous in recommending " The Pile Ointthat departed wonder oi the age , Mr . Abernethy . bold in covered pots , at is . Cd ., by ail respectable chemists and dealers in patent medicines in everv market town throughout the United Kingdom .
Mttet Fctteufffma*
mttet _fctteUfffma _*
Los** Com! Exchange , Monday, Nov. 24.-D...
Los _** Com ! Exchange , Monday , Nov . 24 .-During lust week the arrivals of Euplwh wheat , malt and flour , were rather limited ; those of barlev ' , oaS w _«^„ Peas f . ' 0 f _' lri 8 h oats _«¦•* ¦ _kWs ! lul xtcnsiv _? SCil ! e ; while the _agaregatin ports ot foreign . grain were largo , _espedallv 0 _SSr _iSJSft , _*^ _*^ . _^ a moderate quantity ot wheat oi home produce reached us . citl . _**
«« Ti _« v ge S r sam ' lles J he , _* < - tho stands were on the _wiole , rather scantily filled with parcels of bat description of produce . Tlie attend : nee of buyers being numerous , the demand for English wheat was somewhat active , at an advance in tho quotations obtained on Monday _lastof com ls _01 per quarter and at whicli a good clea _anceTwJ _effected by the factors , who appear to expect eve ; higher currencies . The dim , of lroe _foXnvliea was by no means large . This nroduccd _imilfi !! _nessou the part of _theTimpor ! ci | , and _^ 0 5 _sedt sell except at an iniproved _' _ralue of fiom is to 4 J ? quarter . In some few instances _tEadVanctwTs paid ior very fine qualities of r _* d and _S " vet i cannot be _considered general . \ _Notwhhs _^ SI
wiiir _^ ioW _^^ rvt Tln ! nn el r ; T _Prawut _' _-auwuhton Thursday _SnatheS _^ _f e J ™ _™* _S rat s * AlS . 1 , _W _° i nt i m E _, _= ' ' ex ( x _^ at _"igher barSv on offer _tlPh _'f * _&*& * _UM ]* of E _» _S ] hh seareitv nn , n o _? _j be 5 t maltln _? l iavcels » fw > n » their •¦ Lnuf _5 p _* 1 ' In other kint | s onlv a moderate bS wi ¦ ff _* _" , V * ** _V _> at late _™^ - _FordS of 2 ii , * _!*^ not eUea P - Tht ! bcst P _» " _^ B w ,. « 4 * m . T _^^ _est , and last week ' s prices _* ere well supported . In the value of the middling olid inferior qualities we can notice no alteration .
Los** Com! Exchange , Monday, Nov. 24.-D...
fhe show of oats , both English and _IrUhTj _^ r free foreign , was large ; nevertheless , as _filfc * dealers Were short of stock , thc oat ti _r _$£% * and the quotations obtained on this dajS 0 _* 1 were well supported . Tlie supply of beam * n „ _^ t owing to whfch the B _^ _tor _^ _LSSSS _^ barely late rates . White peas were in 3 * hut grey and maple were a dull sale . _LliS _^' wellascaW sold freely at M prices . ' _oK _'* _* the seed trade was dull . _utueny , _^ CURRENT PRICES OF GRAIN , FLOUR , 4 \ n _< __ ,. IN _JIARK-LANE . h _^ BRITISH GBilN .
Wheat .. Essex & Kent , whito , new _ _Ss toM Q " ?«» . Ditto , red 58 « a " '' ¦ * 07 g Suffolk and Norfolk , red .. 61 _ucwMtecS 3 Lincoln and York , red „ 61 « 7 _ivhfoRr , l Northumb . and Scotch . u ' "i"tec « n Rye ' .. „ _** 6 || Barley .. Malting .. .. .. 32 85 extra » _« Distilling _**• " - Grinding ™ 3 ; Malt .. Ship .. .. .. .. 53 57 Ware * SS Oats .. Lincolnshire and Yorkshire , feed _sj s / ., 28 s Od ; potato , or short . 27 s Od to 31 . „! ° Poland , *_ 6 s fid to sis ud ; NowhumWi i and Scotch , Angus , 29 s Cd to 31 s od . J ?* 82 s Od to 13 s Od ; Irish feed , 25 _sOd to ' 27 _! . _' ?> black , 25 s Od to 27 s Od ; potato , _itu , ' 20 s 6 d ; Galway , 24 s ud to 25 s Od . M ' Beans .. Ticks .. _« Harrow , smnU ., „ 4 Q « Peas .. White .. 42 47 boilers , _S Gray and hog ., .. £ « Flour .. Norfolk and Suffolk .. 45 V Town-made ( _jier sack of _2801 b 5 50 t Buckwheat , or _Brnnk .. .. .. 30 ' 9
ENGLISH SEEDS , & _C . Red clover ( per cwt . ) „ ., .. . „ . ,, White clover ( per cwt . ) .. _.. .. _. " _! 2 » Rapeseed ( per last ) ' '' £ ., q ' A Mustard seed , brown ( pev bushel ) 0 s to 13 s ' ; white i _£ tolls . .. _' * Linseed cakes ( per I 0 O 0 of 81 b each ) £ 11 to £ 12 FOREIGN GJIAIN , ' Shillings per Quarter . , „ , . ti x • _,,-., i , ree In Bon < l . _nncat .. JJantsic and Konigsbcrg 70 extra 74 .. 57 — «•> _Mtto ditto .. _C 5 - es .. 54 _ 57 Poincraninn _. _& _cAnhaltd _^ — 71 .. 54 _ 59 Danish , Holstein , & c . .. 61 _ ( j 7 02 _ 57 Hussian , hard .. .. Ditto , soft „ ,, ( jo _„ 63 _ _. 50 - 5 _fi Spanish , hard .. „ ' _ Ditto , soft .. .. G 5 - 09 .. 55-5 _S Italiaii _. _Tuscanj & c . _jred — Ditto , white .. .. 68 — 74 .. J 8 — _«•» Odessa * Taganrog _, hard
—Ditto , soft .. .. 58 — 63 „ aO — 57 Canadian , hard .. . _ Ditto , line ... .. C 5 . — C 7 Rje . Russian , Prussian , & c . 28 SO Barle ,. Grinding ..- .. ,. 26 — 80 Ditto , distilling .. .. SI — 33 .. 20 _ 28 Oats .. Dutch , i ' ecd .. .. 24 — 2 S DittO j bro «* and thick .. 25 29 .. 20 — _•>« Russian .. .. .. 25 — - _fi „ IS - . 3 Danish & Mecklenburg 25 2 S .. IS — - ; _i Beans .. Ticks , ' i ' i to ' 59 , small .. 37 _ a .. $ 2 _ 43 Egyptian ' S 7 — 41 .. 3 tf — -io Peas .. White , 44 to 54 , gray .. 40 _ 42 flour .. Dantsic and _Hniiiburph ( per barrel ) , line 31 86 , superfine .. .. 32 — 38 .. 2 fl - _jg Canada , ol to 37 , United States 34 — 89 .. 28 - 32 Buckwheat so — 85
FOREIGN 6 EEBS , d _ C , Per Quarter . Linseed .. _Petcrsburgh and Riga ( free of duty ) .. i : ' tu _ 5 Archangel , 40 to 45 , Memel undKoiiigsherg 40 47 Mediterranean , 40 to 18 , Odessa .. 47 50 Rapeseed ( free of dut _* y ) per last .. „ £ 24 -J « Vied Clover ( 10 s per cwt . and 5 per cent , on the duty ) -so ta White ditto .. .. .. „ .. ,. .. 45 IS Tares , small spring ( free of duty ) 31 to 33 , large .. 40 — Unseed cake ( tree of duty ) , Dutch , £ 810 s , £ 10 ' 0 s , French , per ton £ 1110 , £ 1010 Rape cakes ( free ot * duty ) .. .. .. .. £ 5 0 . £ 0 5
Average Prices Of The Last Six Weeks, Wh...
AVERAGE PRICES Of the last six weeks , which regulate the Duties from lie _SOtli of November to the 26 th of November .
WneatJiarlcy Oats .. _Jiyc , _Jimiis \ J \ _ur , Week ending s ' " ' ' ' _AJ » n TIj" _^ Oct . 11 , 1845 .. 57 9 31 3 23 i \ 34 2 43 li 4 . 4 4 Week ending 1 Oct . 18 , 1815 .. 58 2 & 2 0 S 3 S 34 5 44 5 45 0 Week ending . | 1 Oct . 25 , 1845 .. ! 59 5 33 0 24 11 ] 31 6 45 Cj 44 1 Week ending ! f Nov , 1 , I 345 .. 60 I 34 3 2 G 2 ! 33 2 45 3 15 10 Week endingt ! 1 Nov . S , 1845 .. _J 59 7 35 1 25 2 ! 35 7 45 1 44 9 Week ending- I 1 Nov 15 . 1845 .. j 58 C 35 0 20 3 38 2 44 51 15 7
Aggregate avc ' r . l j age of the hist ) ' | six weeks .. j 58 11 33 5 ' 24 10 35 O 44 8 44 Z London aver-j 1 ! ages ( endiii . , ' 1 ! j Nov . IS , lS ' u ) . C 3 3 3 G 1 ; 2 S 6 JS 7 _< 4 :. 2 , 50 1 Dulies .. .. I H ill 5 0- 4 0 7 6 _' 1 Oi 1 0
London Smithkii-D Cattle M.Mikur, Nov, 2...
London _Smithkii-d Cattle M . _MiKur _, Nov , 2-1 . — Since Monday last thc import :, of live stock from abroad into Loudon have consisted of 23 oxen , per tho Caledonia , from Hamburg , ' and 180 oxen and cows , together witk 7 < JO slicep and 4 . 0 V'S > P cv _*" c Columbine and _Ocuiiu , from Rotterdam . To-day wc had on oiler _l'JO foreign boasts and 400 sheen , in for the most part middling condition . The whole found buyers at full prices . At iiuU about ISO beasts and sheep have come to hand from Rotterdam , but their quality is represented as by no means good . From our grazing districts the receipts of beasts _fresh _i : n this morning wen : ou tho increase , and of considerably improved quality yet , owing to tlie unusually _lai't'C attendance of country buyers the beef trade was
active , at au advance in tlie quotations of 2 d . _prr S lbs ., thc primest Scots producing 4 s . Cd . per S lbs ., and at which a good clearance was cftectcii _, The bullock droves froiu thc north comprised 1 , 000 _shnrlhorns , from the _cnslSUO shorthorns , from the western and midland counties 000 llerefords , Hunts , _Itevmis , itc * ., trom other parts of England 400 of _varini _. s kinds , from Scotland 00 Scots , and from Ireland HH beasts . Tho numbers of slicep being rather more than equal to meet the wants of the ' butcher ; , lhe mutton trade was in a sluggish state , and yu _* vvi « _i'S figures were with _dilUwilty _supported , l _' rinic Hindi calves sold freely at full prices ; otherwise ihe _icnl trade ruled dull . Tho pork trade was again stead . - ' . _, out no advance can be noticed in prices .
By the quantities of 8 lb ., sinking the offa * . T _ . . . s . il . s . d . Inferior coarso boasts . ... 2 10 3 0 Second quality . . . . 3 2 3 _'"• Prime large oxen . , , 3 8 4 " Prime Soots , . tc . . , , , _^ •„> 4 ii Coarse inferior tsliccp ... 3 4 ' - ' » il Second quality . , _, _^ , 40 4 G IMnie _ceiirse wooilcd ... 4 8 4 ' 10 Prime Southdown . . , 4 10 5 ' _Lai'fc'fi course calves . ... 4 0 4 i ) Prime small 4 8 5 0 Suckling calves , each . . . 18 0 SI 'i Large hogs 3 10 4 fi Kent small porkers . , , 4 8 5 2 Quarter-old store-niKs , eack . le o 21 0
_HEAO Ot * CATTLE ON SALE . ( From the Books of tlic Clerk of the Market . ) Beasts , 3 _, 5 _i 4—Sheep , ' 27 , 010—Calves , 8 S—l ';_ : s , 3 _'iO . _RiciiMO . ND _Coiin Market , Kov . 22 .-YVC hail » large supplvof grain in our maiket to-dav : — _"Wiir-at sold from 5 s . to Ids . ; Oa * s , 2 s . Od . to 1 » . ft !* : Barley , 4 s . to 4 s . Od . ; Bcuns , 5 s . Od . to Os . Oil . tcr _busliel . Maxchester Coax _Makkp . t , Saturday , Nov . 22 . —During tlic week the trade has been railicrct _* quiet character , bnt , holders of flour liavins ; cviiisxil
no particular anxiety to press sale , tlio previous c _* " rency was fully supported , especially for extra _sui 11 /" fine qualities , which , in some' instances , _owing i « ' stocks of this _description being in a narrow coi !' . l _'" -- * ' commanded a _slight improvement in prices . '< i '! ' . was a moderate consumptive demand for a ;>! " _f ' " ' _- _] and oatmeal , and the Jailer articlefiini ) ym ; ii'i !;' : ii : t late rates . At our market thJ . s _luoriiirig- thtru v "' not much activity in the demand hv wheat , noaJter _- * - tion in value can , however , be reported . I _it "' " _' _- " _^ in steady , but by no means extensive _request , n | _- choice superfine sorts m «? t be noted Use turn dean- * Oats met a slow sale , and the currency of this 'A sc- _' nnijrht was with diliicultv obtain ' eii . Uai _«'*' _- [ moved off in retail quanliiies only , at previoaspvi' _* - _* Liverpool _Coux _Makket _. Monday , _^ - - ? _" _~
, there is a good supply of grain , meal and _&'¦•¦< - _' ? Ireland , and wc continue to receive large importatio _* . of wheat and Hum * from t ' r . c United States _S ' - < . Canada . The wheat trade _dnrins the week lias _s- _'" been so active as of late , ar . d the buyers have ! ;'" rather the advantage as _regards Irisli new , at J " same time _hoklci-s have evinced much " _' ' n ; . '* f Sales of flour have proceeded slowly _, it tlie _^•^ v _' Inst Tuesday . Oats and oatmeal have bi * o _«"_ _- » ; , prices , but the demand has been ofa retail Ci _> a _. _;« \ ' ; 'j _Bsans have declined Is . per ouarter , with RliV ' _'il sale . Peas support Jatc rates ! Malting w « _V-vr ' bund a _rcaciv sale at ftiil prices . Tlic n » rkc _. _ - bonded « rain and Hour lias been quiet ; no tnm _o - tions in wheat have transpired , and a decline oi per barrel lias been submitted to on flour . Wakefield Couk Maiiket , _Fbiday , _^ _L _* . , _J . j ; . The arrivals of all grain are very limited . l | , _,, a , hpttniMlicnncitiiin in _( _hr > _wl-. pfir , trade tO- " . _*! . ' i ' .
prices of all descriptions must bc quoted tuu . _^ per quarter dearer ; extra samples in some _'" _^'" _^ j made Is . to 2 s . more money . Good _oal' 1 ; - «" . _;_ _ readily at Jasfc week ' s prices , but common _Q « f v . . were unsaleable , excc |> fc for grinding _purpO-C _*' beans no alteration . Wc liavc more lnquir } w and shelling at previous rates . Malt as Letoic . _Livekpool Cattle Market , Moxda . ' _^ ov " _Vvj Tlie supplv of Stock at market lias _^™ ,. ¦ * _£ « , than of late , whiihmct witli _ouiek sale , atliis » _t Beef oid . to 5 Sd _., mutton Gd . to 7 d . pei ' _* _Salfokd Niiw Cattle _Mapkst , h _uuxrsn . , Id . —The show was very great- to-day , am » u y ] f . though numerous did not buy overirccly , _—v » * 11 _« ever , had a slight advantage , but not su « _'* , f . il alter ouotations , fay prime liecf , 5 d . t ? * - '•? . jB i mutton old . to 0 d _. per lb . A number ot bc *» sheep unsold .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 29, 1845, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_29111845/page/2/