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NovemberxM 1845. : -, :" r;!i;.JaE^ : - ...
Itsv. —Two Acms eerfiwFora Acbes .—We ba...
<§>ttmmati> oUI)t W,tt\V$ $eto&
- Monday.—Ireland.—The Potatoe Crop.—As ...
TnE MlLITIA.—We have authority tor stati...
%timiit$, mmit*, &Mqutst& I
The Late Murder in the Parish of Berkswe...
Great Boat Race on the Tyke.—Clasper and...
xJns^Hblished, priceIs;, theFwrth . Bditton^ranslated - * *. _¦„. »],_> jjiiiPtfiMitli French tuition;.
fovt iwmins fRittmsfr
London.—City Chartist Hall, 1, Turnagain...
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Novemberxm 1845. : -, :" R;!I;.Jae^ : - ...
_NovemberxM 1845 . : -, " ;! _i ; _. JaE _^ - ¦ _jy _. jPftTHE _^ W _' _-. _- _. S : _' :: - ' ;; 5
Itsv. —Two Acms Eerfiwfora Acbes .—We Ba...
_Itsv . —Two Acms _eerfiwFora Acbes . —We bave _*^ _^ _^ ed " t _*^ _M _^* _^ _^ _*^' '' _^ _- _^ _-silS «! t .. _S gcan only find room for tiie following extract from _T letter by Mr . J . Gathard , the Lambeth "district secretary , written in reply to the letter of Mr . Samuel Goat , of _Norxvieh _, which appeared in this paper of y 0 v . l 5 th : —I rejoice much in having an opportunity of reading that the working classes are actuall y discussing _xvhether tbey teiUIiateatwo or / _ouraa' _4 farm , OB which to expendtheir labour . I am well pleased also io find that , although the working , or producing classes ,
j , are been cheated _ani disappointed time after time , jet thtre is awakening energy sufficient to adopt the _jrood intentions ofthe last Chartist Convention . I am in favour ofthe two acres . Inthe cultivation of tbe Land ume aad space are in a great measure synonymous -, that is , by spending judiciously your time on two acres you will obtain the same amount of produce as Ihe same time expended upon four acres . The difference _betxveen the spade and plough , in tbe greater amount produced by the spade over the j _dongh is time to better perform the work _, let us consider the extreme variableness of onr climate .
If tbe weather is unpropltious , say wet , for instance , it wiU injure corn crops ; if wet and cold , the potatoes , cabbages , Szc , -will want much labour bestowed to avert or repair damage . If you Lave four acres you cannot , by any possibility , do all in time ; but if two , you wiU have a much better chance of success , and , . recollect , loss of crops is loss of time , season , and space too . I beg of all our friends advocating the four-acr'd allotments to weigh weB tbe subject ; search , and you xvill find , I am sure , more telling arguments than mine to prove my , text The two acres of Land ¦ wiR require aU your tune to develope its resources . The Land ' s xalueis not known , even our friend 2 . eargus O'Connor estimates its value much , very much _beloxv the mart . In fact , agriculture instead of being in its Infancy , is not born yet . Nature has done nearly all , _ vn 1 not art .
roLASD . —A Liverpool correspondent desires to know _-nnettarta era _obtain an impartial _nistoTj of Poland in the English language , and if so , where it can be obtained . We bave made enquiry of an eminent Polish patriot , who informs « s that he has good reason to believe that no such work is in existence . C & IVLISK ; , — - "Wehave receive *! an _account of a . meeting of members of the Chartist Co-operative Land Society , _where held is not stated , but the letter bears the Carlisle post-mark . Most likely the letter would be found unobjectionable , and entitled to a place in our columns could we read it , but that is not possible . We beg to inform the writer of the said report , and other correspondents besides him , that we are not mesmerists , noi have we been mesmerised . We cau only read in tht
ordinary way , and if communications are not written in accordance with ordinary sense we cannot read them , and consequently cannot give them insertion . At the said meeting the following resolutions were adopted : — "That the allotments should be divided according to priority of payment . " *« That the society be legally enrolled according to the opinion of counsel . " " That tlie Chartist Co-operative Land Society consist of an unlimited number of members , to be divided into sections of not more than G , O 00 members each . " " That a meeting of the society be held on Monday , Dec . 1 st , to elect a delegate to attend the forthcoming Conference . " " That the delegate be requested io support the re-election of the present Board of Directors . " Some otherresolutions appear to have been adopted , but their purport it is impossible for us to make out .
Ihe Factokt Sisteh . —A correspondent at Stockport writes tbat one George Pox , an overlooker at Mr . Howard's miU , gave publicity to a scandalous report respecting Uro young women that worked under him . S . Williamson , one of the young women , about fifteen years of age , told the master , and he sent for Fox , but Pos denied having set the scandal about . The employer said if any one said any filing to her about the scandal , tbey should be immediately turned axvay from the mill , because the report was not trne . But mark , in about a week or so _' . after that , S . Williamson xvent to fetch some bobbins , the overlooker caught her out of her" alley , ' and forthwith he cursed her for all that -was bad , throttled her , and dragged her out ofthe room by the hair of her head . For this infamous assault she summonsed him before the magistrates ou
the 5 th of November ; there were three factory lords on the bench , Messrs . Howard , Gee , and Wilkinson , . Mayor . After they had heard the tivo witnesses for the young woman , James Banester was called on behalf of Fos , who said , "he saw Fox drugging the young woman ( S . Williamson ) out of the room by the hair ot - her head . " ( The man was leaving , aud therefore spoke the ' truth . ) The Mayor told Pox his witness had done him no good ; he must , therefore , be fined live shillings and costs . The witnesses returned to their work ; but Fox sent one of them ( Hannah Bradbury ) away , at a minute ' s notice , saying , " He would see that she bad no more work in the toxvn . " She has been to several places in the toira , and they have refused her -wort , because she went against Pox . She has no home , and has been obliged to throw- herself upon the streets to support herself . The other witness's name
-was Elizabeth Lomas , and Fox so abused her , that she has been obliged to leave . The overlookers _hax-e a -union amongst themselves , and consequently are enabled to prevent any worker , male or female , obtaining employment , who may incur the displeasure of any one of this gang of petty , bnt cruel and heartless despots . Haschesiek ' _Tjuio & s . —At eleven o'clock on Friday morning we received a lengthy report ofa public meeting ofthe Manchester tailors , holden on Wednesday evening . It is impossible to give the report this week . Oob Agests _vxtU please observe , that it is only communications ibr the paper that are to be addressed to the Editor . All orders and other matters , not intended for the Editor , are stiB to be addressed as before , Teargus O'Connor , Esq ., _Xortliern Star Office , 16 , Great "Windmill-street , Haymarket , London .
Eeceipts Of The Chartist Co-Operative La...
EECEIPTS OF THE CHARTIST CO-OPERATIVE LAND SOCIETY . YES KB . O _' _COXSOR , . SHARES . £ s . d . John Oades , Leicester .. .. .. . .. 0 10 0 Yeovil , per J . G . Abbott- .. .. .. 500 Huddersfieid , per J . Stead .. .. .. 0 0 £ Oldham , per W . Hanier 4 10 0 Chorley , per W . Wilkinson 1 14 6 Addingham .. .. .. .. .. 110 _Bexxsbury , per J . Rouse .. .. .. .. 5 18 6 E . Xersbaxv , Small Bridge , near llochdale .. 2 12 Q Wigan , per X . Canning 5 19 o Crieff , per D . Crimgeour .. .. .. .. 0 7 C Oxford , per _J-Bridgexx-ater .. .. .. 236 Sheffield , per G . CaviUe 15 12 9 Stockiiort , per T . _Womlliouse 2 0 0 Kotherham , per XV . Ki-. npstou ., .. .. 4 10 0 Badclin ' e , perT . Bouker .. „ „ .. 500 Barnsley , per J . Ward .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 _Ifowden , per G . Smith .. .. .. .. 200 _Norwich , per J . Hurrev „ 110 7 South Shields , per J . Patrick 2 0 o
Plymouth , per E . Robertson 3 17 C Uilston , per J-linney .. .. „ .. 2 0 0 Preston , per J . Brown .. .. .. .. 5 0 2 Wakefield , per T . Lazenbv .. 4 . „ 6 7 11 Hamilton , per Wm . Weir .. .. .. 200 Rochdale , pei * E . Mitchell 4 11 4 _Hudib-rsfield , per . J . Stead 7 9 0 Lix-erpool , per J . Arnott .. .. .. .. 0 16 11 Glasgoiv _. perJ . Smitli .. .. „ .. 13 0 9 Staleybridge , per J . Burham ' .. .. .. 200 _Jfexvcastle _^ upun-Tyne . per M . Jude .. .. 2 10 9 Carlisle , per J . Gitbertson .. .. .. 433 __ Ioln _ nrtl _ , perJ . Clegg .. 0 13 9 William Green . Leicester .. .. .. .. 2 12 0 _Worsboroush Common , per R . Ellison .. .. 200 Leeds , per W . Brook .. - .. -. 10 0 0 Swindon , per li . Morison .. .. .. 500 Manchester , per J . Murray .. .. .. 29 17 3 Jlr . TordifF , Waterloo , Pudsey , near Bradford .. 3 0 o Sir . Sugdeu , Idle , near Bradford .. .. 1 15 6 Bradford , per J . Alderson .. .. .. 546 Artichoke Inn locality , Brighton , per William
Flower .. — .. .. .. .. 561 Ashton-under-Lyne .. .. .. _.. a 19 0 3 ) . P ., Boxvlais 0 lo 0 3 . S-, Ditto .. .. 0 lo 0 Blackburn , per TV . Sutclitf 13 10 7
FEB GENEKAI . _SECUETAEV . SHAKES . £ s . d . £ s . d . rlymouth .. .. 0 2 0 Westminster .. 234 35 a" 5 foTd .. .. 2 4 11 Whittington & Cat 3 13 6 Mr ? Walsh .. .. 030 Sudbury .. .. 4 19 3 James Parris .. 0 5 0 Lambeth .. -. 687 John Donald .. 050 John Bay , Enfield _Ximberhead-greeu 0 0 4 Toxvn .. .. 014 Burnley .. .. 10 0 0 Todmorden .. 020 JL Carman , Long Crirfr o o 4 Sutton .. .. 026 Dudley .. .. 1 11 0 CAEDS XSD _nriES . Dudley .- .. 024 Mr . Overton .. 0 1 G _Newcastle - upon - Hilbaehau .. .. 020 Tyne .. .. 028 Hamilton .. .. 012 Paislev .. .. 070 Bridgton .. .. 00 10 E . dcrslie .. .. 014
_iEVT FOB THE LAND _CONFLUENCE . TElt JIB , O ' _COSSOS , D « r ___ bi * irv , perJ . _Ttonsc o o _s Shefficld _' per . G . Cavill 00 3 Xorwicli . _-ocr 3 . Hurry .. 0 _d o Plvmouth , _. wE . Robertson -. „ .. 0 A b 3
Preston , per . _*• Brown .. _» ° Wakefield , per " T 1 _" * - Lazenby 00 b Rochdale , per E . _^» te » c 11 _® * _? _Lixerpool , per J . 4-rnott .. .. .. .. o i a Carlisle , per J . Gil > rtst , n ° . I l _Holmfirth , perJ . _Cli _^ S _ - . - 2 _= n _HucknaBForkard , p . ' _* J - _' veet £ - r _Sxvindon . per D . Moris on " 2 JJ Manchester , per J . Mur . _** ' _*? . , •• ... - ° o b Artichoke _InTlot-alitv , _Brighton , per William Ploxver HI 3 ) . _T ., Boxvlais .. .. n n « J . X .. Ditto .. .. " 7 , _? Blackburn , per W . SutcliiF *•• •• .. « - _i > PEE GENERAL SI ' c _** r _**> XBasford .. .. 053 s » . _* g _» - "SSI Dudley .. .. 0 0 9 Had _™*» - " 2 V £ Westminster .. 023 Derby \* _, " * ' 0 % s Chorley .. .. 030 Maryh _* ? . _" _£% _, 0 2 S Whittington & Cat 0 12 9 Ditto , ! _* Be 11 " " * " Colne , 2 Jo . l .. .. 003 _Stocfcp"' > " " . Tiverton 0 1 0 Dorking " Aitriuu _*
.. .. n n s e ., .. u x v ___««»• . „ _^ n 0 3 Macclesfield .. 0 6 * 6 H . Carman " " " * * _NATIONAL CHARTER ASS 0 CIA TI 0 X ' EXECCTIVE . 0 10 0 East Ward , Leeds , per G . Williamson .. Several places having nominated members o _JrJLZ sent Board of Directors as candidates for the uua Conference , I have to announce tliat they have _ . j _^ mously declined standin ? for that office . _Having " er informed that bank orders can be procured at a cln
Eeceipts Of The Chartist Co-Operative La...
rate than . . Post-office orders . I hereby request that persons having money to send either-to myself or to the treasurer , will remit it by bank order , they being fjir more ' convenient than Post-office orders . A bank order for £ 5 can be procured for 3 d . = - r The following sums were acknowledged in the later editions of the Star of last week . For the' information of the Scotch and other subscribers to the'Chartist Land Society , we re-publish them this ' week - . — THELAND . PEE MB . O ' COKNOX . Selby , per William Mitchell' .. .. .. 500 Greenock , per R . BurrelL . 115 0 FEB GESERAL SECSETAEr . Parrington „ .. 10 13 6 Bacup 7 0 0 J . BVT , PEE JIB . O ' COKNOK . Greenock , per R . Burrell .. .. .. .. 050 PEE CENEE 1 I . SECKETAKT . Plymouth .. .. 006 Farrington .. .. 030 - Thomas _Mamin Wheeleb , Secretary .
≪§≫Ttmmati≫ Oui)T W,Tt\V$ $Eto&
<§> ttmmati > oUI ) t W , tt \ V $ _$ eto _&
- Monday.—Ireland.—The Potatoe Crop.—As ...
- Monday . —Ireland . —The Potatoe Crop . —As we predicted , it is now discovered that the disease is in the po tatoe , and that the whole crop stands in imminent danger . We have before directed attention to the several recommendations of the . three chemists , which , we suppose , may be looked npon as the Precursor Association in tne potatoe movement . Tliey have contrived to heap such an amazing amount of rubbish together , that the _appointment of a very large commission , consisting of inspectors of constabulary , military officers , inspectors of coast guard , Poor Law Commissioners and their under secretaries , with Capt . J . P . Kennedy as their secretary , has been considered necessary to aid in analysing the said rubbish . * This , like most of Sir Robert Peel ' s measures ,
is a faithful following of Whig practice . The formation of this commission is announced by Sir Thomas Freemantle , the Irish secretary , in a kind of circular to the lieutenants of counties—and the reader may judge of the speed anticipated from its workings from the following concluding passage of the secretary ' s letter- He says : — "Should your lordship be prevented , by absence from thc country , indisposition , or any other cause , from giving your attention , _per-SOnaWy , tO t \ l \ S irapOTt & tvt question , Ms Excellency would propose to nominate one of tho deputy-lieutenants of yourcounty , « _Mi 2 / ourlor ( _fc / i ( p srecojn » _nendation . " Now this panic is called an emergency : all cry speed , and aU complain of the absence of a _iocaJ directing influence to enforce proper economy and a
proper mode of preventing the spread ot disease , while we find the Irish secretary committing a most palpable Irish bull . "He says in his . circular , "If you " are absent from home , " that is , if you are at Vienna , Naples , Rome , or St . Petersburgb , yon are to recommend a substitute to his Excellency . " This is the way that Irish business is always transacted by English officials . Men that never saw a potatoe till it was boiled are appointed as commissioners , and absentees are appointed as the executors of their will . From all parts of the country the prospect of famine increases , while the Government acts upon the old principle " live herse and you'll get grass , " and , reversing the nursery adage , "to shut your mouth , and opex your eyes , and see what God will send you . "
Liberal Corporate _Ecokomt . —Some months ago , Mr . John Reynolds , a repealer , had the matchless effrontery to bring charges of gross corruption against the immaculate liberal Corporation of Dublin . The Liberator ( Alderman O'Connell ) , threatened to annihilate him for this glaring act of contumacy . A meeting of the-Town Council was held on Friday last , at which the Liberator determined to strike the last blow at the presumptuous Reynolds , and Reynolds was determined to nave a kick at San himself , and the whole affair is so funny , and tlie manner in whicli Irish liberals answer charges of corruption with long yarns is so characteristic , we cannot refrain from giving the dialogue just as we find it .
" Mr . M'Loughlin observed that oratory had been very injurious to tliat corporation . Khad given them a thirteen days' discussion , and had been the means of preventing them from getting their i per Gents , reduced to Si . As for the debate itself , it had heen transmitted all over the continent , and the eloquence ofthe members had , ere this , been vfafted up tlie Rhine , and _doxxn tbe Banube , and up the Mediterranean to Constantinople , and across the Atlantic to America . ( Loud laughter ) . " Mr . John Reynolds said thathis friend Mr _M-Loughlin need not be so severe on the debate , since he himself had taken a very active part in it , and his oxvn speech had probably been translated into all the languages in Europe . "Alderman O'Connell . —Tbat is an exceedingly small consolation to a person of his respectability , after being harassed and taunted by persons xvho ought to look to themselves how tbey address a man enjoying the high position of my friend , Mr . M'Loughlin .
" ilr . Reynolds . —I presume xve are all on a level here , andsolongaslamaman _IlVJH notpermit any remarks to be made , no matter from xvhat quarter , that xvill compromise my individual respectability witli that ' of any other man . lam as respectable in every relation of life as Mr . M'Loughlin . "Alderman O'Connell . —Indeed , your are not ; you were never more mistaken in your life . "ilr . . Reynolds . —That is your opinion , not mine ; neither will I permit any one to address such observations tome . "Alderman O'Connell . —As for . permission , that is not required . Let us have no foolish bullying here . •* Mr . Reynolds . —I will not permit it , and"Alderman O'Connell—Thirteen days ought to be enough for you . " Mr . Reynolds . —I would do the same again . <* Alderman O'Connell . —I am sure you xvould .
"ilr . Reynolds . —I occupied a part of that time in _trardui _; off an obnoxious tax xvith xvhich the citizens xvei'e menaced . It is exceedingly improper to introduce this again . "Alderman Keshan said that he would not have allowed the debate alluded to to have gone on had he been in ihe chair , and the housi to have been treated with the contumely wliich had been bestowed upon it . " So then , if the Corporation of Dublin imposes an obnoxious tax upon the citizens , the only penalty to which its members is to be subjected is that of thirteen davs jaw . . O _. v-B op the First Stmpioms op Distress . —It is with sorrow that we find the crime of murder on the daily increase in Ireland , while the government and resident gentry ave c almly looking on with folded aims at the dreadful cause of crime .
Stock _ExenAxen . —The failure of one firm in Dublin has had tho effect of depressing the price oi shares in every line , and to add to the present distress , it is confidently anticipated that many ofthe railway projects must be abandoned . Tbe Tribute . —' This collection seems to have received an additional stimulus from the prospect ol famine , and to the honour of the Irish people they are determined that the Liberator shall come within Mr . Prentis ' s category of those who will find enough in the country if they have money to buy it . The Irish Catholic _Bisiiors . —It a ' pears that the apple of discord has had the intended effect upon the Roman Catholic hierarchy , six out of . eighteen of the bishops having declared tlieir _approval ofthe godless scheme of Government education , while all have agreed to leave the question to the final settlement ofthe Pope , and thus the question may be considered finally settled , as his Holiness will surely vote for Peel against O'Connell .
ExGLAxn . —There is nothing spoken of but the Oregon . It constitutes the conversation of all Circles , and the standard of the Stoek Exchange . Consols are going down , shares are going doxvn , and , in the midst of all attempts to prop the tumbling concern , the leading papers ave condemned to appear without supplements , and are , consequently , one and all furious with poor Jonathan , for daring to assert his right to his oxvn . Our power to crush America is a thing spoken of as if we were in possession of her ashes , while her power to injure us is laughed at ; and the old system of divide and conquer is relied upon . Thus the leading journals of both sides would endeav our to foment strife betxveen the . Northern and Southern States , and sow open their eyes to the abominations of slavery . We will say merely a word here upon the relative destructive capabilities oi the two nations . Our fire ships may , in passing ,
pay their comp liments to Sandy Hook , and may bury New York iif its ashes , it is true ; but it we consign their buildings to ashes , as the old women in olden times cast their tea to the deep , may not their successors consign their conos to the same element ? "PoohJ pooh ! nonsense , nonsense , ' respond the speculator- ? , who know not the meaning of patriotism ; "the Southern States know their own interest too xvell . " True , so thev mav , but a war of prme will absorb all personal considerations and private interests , aud the battle cry will not be " cotton and money , " but "liberty aud vengeance . Moreover , there is no war that would be so unpopular to the English mind as that war in xvhich the hired mercenarv mav be called upon to shoot his lather or his brother , " in a straggle for that liberty which they were denied in their own countiy ; and , thank God , the public mind has sow some influence iu public
matters . .. . , i n t _. F _uiise —Look on this picture and on this . I rom allparts of the country thc daily papers continue to publish accounts of declining trade , mills working short time , hands turned out , provisions rising m price , and distress increasing . ll » t _« one picture . now look on this . We understand tliat when the Court returns from the Isle ot _Wight to _Windsor the entertainments and festivities will be upon a scale of unusual splendour and magn ificence . W e xvill not damagethe contrast by a word of comment . The Stock Exchange . —This has been the dullest day that the banditti has had since the panic , lhe little spec in the west is hourly _bem-j magmnea into a portentous cloud , overshadowing the whole pity , and paralysing every branch of trade . 1 ' rom Liverpool we hear of no fewer than three distressing suicides within the last week , _oxving to disappointment in railway speculation , while every other town in the country contributes its full share to the sad
category . , , _Toesoav . —To-day there is a complete dearth of nexvs , and xve wait for to-morrow's post to bring us our usual amount of fun from Conciliation Hall , tt e
- Monday.—Ireland.—The Potatoe Crop.—As ...
_leSrn that the ' _paniffiiTIreland : has taken _a-frightful turn _ia _^ _roniippathe savings ? . banks , and that _fihe military and police have , been ordered out to _protect the strong box of tlie . Government Trade ' _Absocuv tion . Soinuchforconfidence ; v _ * ¦ _*? Thb _PoTATOB-CROPi—Some'Irish , jobbers , who think that they have laid in a sufficient stock oi sound potatoes , aro beginning to discover that ; the potatoe failure is all romance , and that . -in fact , there never was so abundant-a crop . < This change of opinion has been occasioned by two circumstances ; firstly , the damage sustained from a glutted market
produced by panic ; and , secondly , from an apprehension that their sound potatoes won't keep for a legitimate rise . How melancholy , that a set of speculating ruffians should be thus allowed to regulate the price of the people ' s food . Upon the other hand , the sapient commissioners and professors are coming to our conclusion long since published ) that the disease is more or less in every potatoe . , Molly Maguirb . —We learn that , notwithstanding the " great exertions " of Captain Plunkett and the magistrates , that Molly and her children are making frightful havoc in Cavan .
The TnmuTE . —Accounts daily reach us of the success of the tribute , which promises to exceed any previous year in amount . Who would spoil , such a commerce by making slaves independent ? We take the following from a Cork paper : — "What to do xvith rotten potatoes ? Pay the repeal rent and O'Connell tribute with them as in kind . " England : —Speculators appear resolved to rest upon tlieir oars until the opinion of one little man in America respecting the Oregon territory shall be made known ; and as the herald of war is not likely to arrive here before the middle of next month , xve cannot anticipate a very lively action in the money or share markets , both ot * wliich , in the language of the Jews , are gone to the devil . - . ¦ „ .,
The Railwavs . —Yesterday no fewer tlmn ninety railway survey ore arrived at _Euston-square station from Ireland , to deposit their plans and sections , and a \\ sorts of humbug , in the proper place for receiving them , previous to the 30 th , which is the last day allowed for that purpose . ( Query—Did they bring the necessary deposits in money or potatoes ?) On the 1 st of next month the London and Birmingham directors propose to make a large reduction in the rate of fares . \ Jpon ttie Continent there are hve classes—first , second , third , fourth , and fifth ; The second is made comfortable with cushions and good seats ; the third is covered and spacious ; the fourth has seats , but is not covered ; and the fifth resembles
the old Leeds and Manchester third class , with the exception that there are no holes bored in the bottom , to blow poor creatures who could badly afford to pay third class fare into the ssecond ; and , moreover , those classes are alway attached to every train , and placed most advantageously for shelter , whereas in England * the poor people , whose only property is their time , spend fifteen hours in going from London to Manchester , while the wealthy , who plunder them , perform the same journey in five hours and a half ; and when there is an open third class , it is invariably placed in the " _ivind _' s eye , " that the naked may have the benefit of the breeze as xvell as a smash .
Foreigner ' s " _Opisios of English Distinction . — When upon the Continent , Mr . O'Connor had to present his passport to an official , who happened to be a Frenchman , and well versed in politics , and , upon reading the name , heobserved , " Ah , that's a famous name . " "Ifear , " said Mr . O'Connor , "thefame of mine is only to be found in the prison calendar . " "Ah , that is nothing , that is nothing , " responded the official , ' " xvith all your boasted liberty in England . it is to the dungeon , or the grave , you must look for your great men . _Codbt Circular . —We learn that the unpropitious state of the weather , preventing the Royal , family from taking their accustomed exercise on the slopes and in the parks , the Quee . i has been engaged in knitting stockings and cutting . out warm dresses for the poor of the neighbourhood , xvhile Prince Albert has been engaged in cutting doxvn the usual alloxvance of the Royal stud , and otherwise _econamising the food of the poor .
To Punch . —A friend presents his best compliments to Mr . Punch , and , from a thorough conviction ofthe great good produced by liis inimitable pictorial representations , begs leave to present him with the three following subjects for cartoons : —No . 1 . A group of all the monarchs of the earth , standing xvith their crowns in their hands , and above a largo rotten lumper croxvned , and underneath , these words , " Who _hules the roast now ? ' '—JXo . 2 . A large laundry , with all the necessary utensils and implements of the craft—with the Irish Commissineors and Lord
Lieutenant and suite , getting up the rotten potatoes for use . Mr . Punch may please himself as to costume , but would recommend a pleasing mixture of professional and military , for machinery , vide C 7 th llcport of the Irish Commissioners . —No . 3 . A granary , with _xvheat , and the idle pensioners represented as fat rats , with Starving operatives as ratcatchers , inthe act of destroying them , The costume of the rats we also leave to the acknowledged taste of our valued contemporary . Wednesday . — Ireland . — Conciliation- Hall . —
Mi ' . O'Neil again moved that the expenditure of nearly a million of money upon Irish Railway Committees sliould be . transferred from London to Dublin . In our opinion a very just and proper proposition . Ml * . Smith O'Brien seconded the motion , ami Mr . O'Connell , xvho proposed the Repeal of the Union as a substitute last xveek _, supported it . The _Lireratok and the Gutter Commissioner . —The principal business of the day xvas a Platonic set-to between the Liberator and the Times' Commissioner—the Liberator xyalloping and belabouring the absentee to his heart ' s content , and the aft ' air coneluding by the Liberator _declaiming that he was no middleman , as he only held under a corporation , and only received £ 30 profit rent out of Cahirclveon , and , characteristically enough , called to his aid a publication called the Sportsman , as umpire . Upon the whole , we think Dan had decidedly the best of
every round , and was ultimately declared victor , but a dispute arising , Mr . roster declares that he was up to "time , " so that we may expect another fight for the championship . The performance was meagre , in consequence of the receipts for the week being announced , amid great disapprobation , at the _loxv figure of £ 158 2 s . 9 d . War . —The army is to be augmented by 20 , 000 men , and early in the ensuing year the militia is to be ballotted for ; and we understand that Repealers , or any who have contributed to the Repeal rent , wiil be rejected . Jf so , we are curious to know where the nexv force will come from , and , if not so , xve are yet more curious to see xvhat the " boys" will do with their nexv Repeal _playtliings . England . —For the general nexvs we refer to our more extensive reports , as it is deficient ot that piquancy -which would entitle it to a place in our " smelling bottle . "
The Railways . — Still each train brings its full number of surveyors , and here , perhaps , it may not be amiss to state one of those substantial causes that has led to the embarrassment of several railway companies . Our friend , Clarke , a land surveyor , of Herefordshire , and one of the delegates to the celebrated Conference of 1842 , has for many months past been in receipt of twenty-live guineas a-week in surveying one ofthe proposed nexv lines for seven clays work in the xveek . Another acquaintance of ours , xx * hose instruments xx _* erein _paxx-nat the time of his appointment , has been for a longer period in receipt of t / iirty-iive guineas a-x \* eek , and on expressing our
astonishment at this large salary , he assured us thai it xvas rather moderate as thc service xvas extremely dangerous , one ofthe conditions annexed to the office being that he should knock the brains out of any b y gamekeeper , or clodpole , that atttempted to resist his passage through the Squire ' s land . Two ruffians xvho had particularly recommended themselves by their daring and recklessness at the late fight _betxx _* _een Bendigo and Caunt , xverc engaged at a salary of four guineas _a-xx-cck each , as the lifeguards of a gentleman whose lot it was to survey a line through the estate of a certain pugnacious Squire , a great supporter of the fancy .
Stock Exchange . —Every day our monetary concerns and share market become more and more distressing , and we regret to find that the ignorant poor , xx'ho had lelt good steady employment for the promise of railway speculation , arc amongst t he greatest sun ' _erers . This is always the worst of panic . The poor , the unconscious , and unprotected , arc ever the greatest victims to the rich and privileged . Foreign . —The Oregon spec increases with fearful rapidity , and the prospect of war is the all absorbing topic xvith those who traffic in human blood , at home and abroad . When willEngland be in a situation to keep the wolf from her oxvn door , and when will her rulers be able to conduct our domestic concerns _xvithoufc reference to every Will-o ' -the-wisp that appears in the remotest corners of the earth ? Answer . When the people have the power to appoint the ministry , and when the greatness of the nation shall consist in a community of happy individuals , who , having their rights , will know how to defend them FOR _TUEMSELVES .
Tne Mllitia.—We Have Authority Tor Stati...
TnE MlLITIA . —We have authority tor stating that her Majesty ' s Government have issued orders for 42 , 000 sets of accoutrements for the militia of the English counties , the whole to bc ready by the first of March next . This order is supposed to be preliminary to a change or revision in this department , it being , as xve stated some weeks since , in contemplation to abolish the ballot , and to raise the regiments by beat of drum . We are also enabled to state that the officer in command of the pensioners belonging to the Ipswich district has received orders to select ten
men from this force , capable of giving instruction at drill , to be ready to assist in . training the _Suflolk militia , when their services shall be required . n _ destination of the militias , when embodied , is supposed to be Ireland . —Ipswich Journal . _Fuuit _Murhais . —The murrain , or something like it , has made its appearance among both the foreign and home-groxvn fruits . It is said to be quite evident that the apples and pears will not keep this year , as the rot is making great and rapid havoc among tliem . The fruit-dealers , like the potatoe-mercliants , are hurrying their stocks to market .
%Timiit$, Mmit*, &Mqutst& I
% timiit $ , mmit * , _& Mqutst _& I
The Late Murder In The Parish Of Berkswe...
The Late Murder in the Parish of Berkswell . —Coventry ; Thubsday Night . —The inquiry into t he circumstances attending the death ofthe unfortunate man Tranter , who was murdered in his own house , on the 17 th inst ., took place on Wednesday , and was adjourned until to-day , when the jury returned a verdict of " Wilful murder against some person or persons unknown . " So far it is suspected that a man named Read is the murderer _, lhe government Police Gazette contains the following information respecting the man named William Read , alias James Reed : — " The suspected murderer , who has absconded , and is supposed to be working on one ofthe railways , is described as about 19 or 20 vears
bfage , five feet four inches high , stout made , and when talking has a smiling countenance ; had on a pair of narrow cord trousers , wliich had a hole in the left thigh , and is supposed to have with liim an old pair of plaid trousers and an old dark jacket , which he may be wearing . He is believed to be in the neighbourhood of Birmingham . " A New . Way of _Spheamsg _PopiaATioff .--A young man , named Charles Thomas Knight , a pressman in the employment of Mr . G . Peirce , printer , 310 , atrand , London , was on Monday week brought before the magistrates at Bow-street , charged with stealing at various times from the warehouse of his employer , aboyt 700 copies of a work entitled " the True Law of Population , " which he had sold in sheets to various persons for what he could get . Mr . Peirce bavins :
occasion to bind more copies , was astonished at finding the entire work missing . The prisoner , _how-<^ _criJiaving been seen by Mr . Levi , a Jew , leaving Mr . Peirce ' s premises in a suspicious xvay , with bundles of paper , had watched him , and some of the sheets were traced to , and found in the possession of tradesmen who had bought them as waste paper . The offence being fully brought home , theprisoner xyas committed to Neivgate for trial at the next sessions at the Old Bailey , for this nexv mode of " spreading population . " . Singular Charge of Poaching . —At the last meeting of . the Kingston bench of magistrates , a person of respectable appearance , named William Stacey , attended to answer au information charging liim Vith . having unlawfully trespassed unon the
estate of his Royal Highness the Duke ol Cambridge , atCoombe , : near Kingston , in . pursuit of game . Arthur Dunford , gamekeeper in tlic service of his royal iiglmess , deposed that about nine o ' clock on the evening ofthe I 3 th of November , he xvas on duty in thc game preserve at Coombe Wood , when he observed a greyhound , which , in his presence , turned up a hare which it pursued , overtook , and killed , and xvas about to walk off with it in its mouth , when he struck it with a stick , and it then dropped the hare and ran away . He followed the dog to one oi the entrances of the wood , called the Gravel Pit-gate , where it joined two persons , who walked away accompanied by the dog . He gave information to one ot the horse patrol , xvho followed the parties , and he himself shortly went in the same direction , and came
up with the defendant and another person , and upon his asking who the dog belonged to , the defendant said it was his , and he at the same time gave his name and address . In answer to a question from the bench the keeper said he took the dog from tho defendant and it was still in his possession , lie added that he had no doubt , from the way it xvent to xvork , that it was a regular poacher , and understood its business perfectly well , and lie considered it xvas worth twenty guineas . The defendant , in answerto the charge , said that the fact xvas , he did come out for a walk , and brought the dog with him , and when they got near the wood they missed the dog , and he and his friend weut to tlie gate , where they xvcre seen by the keeper , to look for him , and shortly afterwards the dog came up to them , and they
walked away , not at all imagining that the dog had been doing anything , until they xvere followed by the keeper , and on his stating xvhat had happened , he readily gave his name and address * With regard to the alleged poaching propensities of the animal , he assured the bench that he was perfectly ignorant that it possessed tliem , and he was not even aware that . he was near a game preserve at the time the dog loft him and his friend . lie assured-the bench that if he had committed an offence it was quite unintentional on his part . The magistrates after a short consultation convicted the dedendant , but under the circumstances said tliey should only mfiict a fine of two shilings and the costs . The amount was immediately paid , and upon the application of the defendant the greyhound was ordered to be delivered
up to him . Suicide at Birmingham . —On Saturday last an inquest xvas held on the body of a girl named Ellen Steele , sixteen years of age , whose parents resided in Garrison-lane , and xvho had for five months lived at service xvith Mr . and Mrs . Moseley , in Camden-strcet , from xvhich place she had been for some improper conduct summarily dismissed on the morning of her death . She had appeared somewhat cheerful through the day , and had been into the toxvn to purchase some articles of dress ; but at night went out of the house and threw herself off an adjacent bridge into the canal . A medical examination proved that she was ' enceinte , and some xvords ft appeal's had passed betxveen her and her mother during the day on her altered condition . Thejury returned a verdict of Suicide under
Temporary Insanity . Extraordinary Suicide . —On Wednesday forenoon , William Carter , Esq ., the coroner , held an inquest in the board-room of Newington _xvbrkhouse , Waixvorthroad , on the body of Isaac Drew , aged forty-live years . James Harding , of Brandon-street , Walworth , deposed that lie had known the deceased for some time past , as occupying a small shed in the same yard , belonging to Mr . Riddle , a cab-driver . The deceased was a breeder of pigs , and -was well-known as a most eccentric character . On Monday morning last , be . _tween'six and seven o ' clock , whilst witness was in the yard , lie observed the door of the shed wide open , aud on looking in he saw the deceased suspended to one of the cross beams . Witness raised an alarm and
sent ior inspector Collier , 01 the P division , WM CUt the deceased doxvn . lie xvas placed in a shell and removed to the xvorkhouse . Witness slept in a van thc night previous , at the end ofthe yard , and in the middle of the night the deceased came home very much intoxicated , and caused great annoyance by knocking at the side of the vehicle with a large hammer . He forced in the panel of the door , but xvas subsequently persuaded to go to his bed , which WrtS made ofa blanket placed at the end of a large pig-sty . The deceased was of very filthy liabits , and was very evidently in a deranged state , and generally spoke in an incoherent manner . Inspector Collier , of thc P division , stated that he was called by the last xvitness to the deceased , whom he found hanging by a rope , which xvas fastened to a beam over a nig-stv . The
placelwas in a horrible condition ; and how any human person could exist in such a dreadful den , he could not conceive . The deceased sold his pigs on Saturday for £ 5 . There were only Gs . and a fexv coppers in his pocket . Hannah Drew the wife of tlie deceased , said that she had been in ihe workhouse of St . George ' s Southwark . The deceased was formerly a master butcher , in a large xvay of business , in lligh-streot , Southwark . but from his dissipated liabits had been much reduced . About three weeks since lie called to see her at the workhouse , he was then in an excited state . The jury returned the following verdict * . — " That the deceased had destroyed his own life , be ing at the time , in a state of temporary mental derangement , brought on by his habits of intemperance . "
Dreadful Expl0s1 On At The Bishopswearmo...
DREADFUL EXPL 0 S 1 ON AT THE BISHOPSWEARMOUTH IRON WORKS . Sunderlano , _TnwisoAY , NovEMnER 27 . —Yesterday a painful sensation xvas occasioned in this toxvn , in consequence of an awful destruclion of human life by the bursting of a large boiler at Bishopsxvearmouth Iron Works , belonging to Alessrs . ltichardson and Co . These works , which are situated a x-ery short distance from Sunderland , are very extensive , Upwards of 800 hands are employed , and about 200 men and boys in that portion of the premises xvhere the accident occurred . At eight o ' clock yesterday morning , most of the men employed at the works left for breakfast ; ahout forty ot fifty remained on the premises , the greater , portion of xvhom xvere in the rolling-mill and the immediate vicinity , having tlieir breakfasts brought to them . Five or ten minutes after tho men had left thc boiler burst xvith tremendous force , and xvas shivered to pieces by the explosion .
Some of the pieces struck the _rooti xvhich xvas broken to fragments ; others brought doxvn _alargeadjoiuing chimney , and xvcre throxvn to a considerable distance , doing damage to tlie glass works of Messrs . Hartley and Co ., and the Hatton steam-engine adjoining . Sex _* eral poor fellows xvho xvere in the mill , and at the forge , xvere buried beneath the ruins . Three of them xvere taken out dead . Two or three more xvere so seriously injured , that their Ux-es are despaired of , and fifteen or sixteen received wounds and bruises . A boy , xvho xvas entering the foundry gates xvith his father ' s break _, fast , was struck by one ofthe heavy pieces of metal which xvere thrown' into the air , and killed on the spot . A xvoman who xvas near the place on the same ground , xvas knocked doxvn , and her hand and arm severely cut . Several persons had narrow * escapes from accident ; hut the following is the most remarkable : —The pumping
cngineman xvas sitting near his xvork getting his breakfast , having his txvo children , xvho had brought it , sitting on each side of hiin ; the roof of the building was carried completely off , and yet not one of tliem xvas in the slightest degree injured . The damage done to the premises is x-ery _extensive , and xvill entail a heavy loss upon the proprietors . The xvorks , too , will be necessarily only partially in operation for some time , xvhich xvill be extremely inconvenient , as the company have large orders for iron vails , & c , on hand . We subjoin a list of the dead and xrounded : — Names of the killed—Phillips , a boy ; Comfort !* , a young man j John Sugdena boy ; Oxleya man .
, , | xvounded are as follow- ( 22)—Moxvbray , a boy ; Chapman , ditto ; Pearson , ditto ; _Boswell , ditto ; Metealfe , ditto ; Wm . Can * , ditto ; William Bailes , ditto ; Geo . Liddle , ditto ; Bushells , ditto ; Wm . Bell , ditto ; two gardener's boys ; John Oxley , a man ; Orwin Thomas , ditto ; Lumber , ditto ; Downey , ditto ; Wm . Lewis , ditto ; John Shottin _, a young man ; Almand , ditto ; Cornforth , ditto , * Teg-man , ditto ; Thomas Pearson , ditto ,
Dreadful Expl0s1 On At The Bishopswearmo...
THREATENED INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW POOR LAW INTO OLDHAM . Great excitement has been manifested in this town and neighbourhood , in consequence of a report being in circulation that the Poor Law Guardians have issued nn order to the overseers of the poor of this townshipj for the purpose of bringing-the Nexv Poor Law-into operation in this district . The select veBtry being apprised of it , immediately called a public meeting- ofthe rate-payers , xvhich took place in the Working Man ' s Hall , on Monday , the 24 th Instant , to take into consideration the best and most legitimate means of opposing tbe introduction of such au unconstitutional law . The spacious hall was
densely croxvded , and a more spirited and enthusiastic assembly xve have not beheld for some time . The speakers seemed to vie xvith each other in their determined opposition to that inhuman and degrading measure . The meeting commenced by calling upon the High Constable , Jonathan Mellor , jun ., Esq ., to preside , xvhich office he tilled to the satisfaction of all present . He opened the business in a brief and appropriate speech ; the following resolutions were unanimously passed . Mr . Holliday , Mr . _Tayler , Mr . Bailey , Mr . Quarmby , Mi ; Hirst , and others took part in the proceedings . A vote of thanks xvas passed to the chairman , when the meeting broke up about eleven o ' clock .
1 st . That the New Poor Law being based on centralisation of poxver instead of its proper distribution among the rate-payers , is wrong in principle and at variance xvith xvhat has prex _* a led in England since the time of Alfred—namely the division of England into counties , hundreds , xvapentakes , parishes , and hamlets , each having the superintendence and management of its local affairs , and the raising and distribution of its oxvn rates . 2 nd . That xvhen the Legislature enacted the Nexv Poor _Laxx-, and conferred the extraordinary _poxvers upon tbe Bonrd of three Commissioners , it acknowledged thepowers so conferred to be unconstitutional , and limited the exercise of tlicm tofive year . 'And this meeting is of opinion , that the attempt how making by that unconstitutional board to bring this and the adjoining townships under their control , ought ifo be opposed by every inha-Vitant -xvith all the _iegal meax \ s he has si his _COTnuiand ,
3 rd . That the best and most effectual mothod to pre . vent its introduction , are , for every inhabitant to refuse to give any assistance , direct or indirect , in the appointment of guardians or officers of any sort _xx-hatever , i ' or currying out under the direction of the Poor Law _CommisHonevsttiisnatcM . an ' _iTaostnnjusftna . _'bleiaw , ¦ 4 th . That the experience often years , during xvhich the laxv has been in operation , has tended to shoxv that wherever it has been carried out by the application ofthe self-acting xvorkhouse test , and by the refusal of out-door relief to the able-bodied labourer , it has been the cause of great dissatisfaction to the poor ; of loss of life to thousands , and of destruction of property to an immense amount .
5 th . That under this odious laxv the poor have no appeal , for in its administration the same treatment is insisted on hy the commissioners , xvhether the unfortunate applicant be a deserving or an undeserving character , their only test being destitution ; and that hoxvever caused , they treat as crime , Gth ,. That there has been an increase of rates under the operation of the New Poor Law , and that this meeting is of opinion , that if it be alloxx _* ed to continue , that oxving to its expensive machinery it xvill become , whilst less and less relief is given to the poor , the most costly
mode of administering relief that was ever adopted in any age or country . —That the expenditure for the reliet of the poor of 585 unions and parishes under "boards of guardians for the years ending Lady Day , 1814 , according to the last report of the Poor Law Commissioners , amounted in 1844 , to £ 4 , 370 , 171 , or 6 s . 51 d . per head on the total population of those unions . —The establishments charges and salaries alone heing £ 748 . 9 S 5 . —In 1844 , the whole expenditure of the township of Oldham was only 3 s . 4 _Jd , per head on the total population of tlie Toxvnship .
7 th . That hefore the passing of this laxv , the magistrates _xx-cre charged with being instrumental in introducing all manner of abuses into the mode of administering relief of tbe poor , and their power to grant relietj except in cases of urgent necessity , has been xvrested from tlicm ;—but noxv their assistance as _ex-officio guardians has been resorted to , in order to indroduce the laxv inte the llochdale union , because a sufficient number of elected guardians to constitute a board could not be obtained . 8 th . That this meeting hopes and trusts that the magistrates of this distriet xvill hot degrade themselves hy becoming mere puppets to register the orders and carry out the regulations of an unconstitutional hoard ; but that they will insist on their poxver to grant relief to those they deem deserving of it , being restored to them before they think lit to act .
9 th , That the treatment of the poor under the sanction of the Poor Laxv Commissioners , in the Bridgewater , Andover , and other unions , and the guardians of the Bradfield and other unions , the degrading employment of the poor in _xx * orkhouses , aud in many other ways , together xvith their own recorded blunders in the formation of unions , shows the commissioners to be less fit for directing how relief shall be administered to the poor in Oldham , than thc rate-payers are ; and this meeting , therefore , recommends every inhabitant to be strictly passive , and carefully avoid doing any act calculated to embitter the feelings of the poor , and to endanger the persons or property of those in better circumstances by becoming Instruments to introduce the New Poor Law into the borough of Oldham .
10 th . This meeting most earnestly and sincerely recommends the head ox-erseers to stand aloof from any act or deed xvhich might have any tendency to commit this toxvnship into the hands ofthe Poor Laxv Commissioners , and hereby undertakes to defend the overseers against any action the Poor Laxv Commissioners may venture to bring against them . 11 th , That the foregoing resolutions he printed and posted throughout every _toxvnsliip named ns comprising the Oldham Union . 12 th . That a committee of the following gentlemen be appointed , with power to add to their number , xvhose duty Shall he to carry out the foregoing resolutions : — James Holladay , Robert Yates , Daniel Collinge , Alexander Taylor , John Schoiield , William _Barloxv , J . L . Quarmby _, Kichard Barker , Samuel Yardley , William Knott , James Mills , Ralph Bradbury , Ambrose Hirst , James Bailey .
13 th . That the thanks of this meeting is due to , and is hereby given to all those praisexvorthy _indix'iduals , xvho have and xvho may continue their valuable services in opposition to the Nexv Poor Laxx * .
PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT . London , Thursday , November , 27 wi . — Parlia ment was formally further prorogued to-day by Com mission to Tuesday , the 16 th of December .
Great Boat Race On The Tyke.—Clasper And...
Great Boat Race on the Tyke . _—Clasper and Pocock . — _Newcastle-upoN-Tysu , Tuesday . — The great race betxveen Henry Clasper , of Derxventhaugh , near Newcastle , and Pocock , of London , came off this day , on the river Tyne . the distance being five miles , from the Tync Bridge to Lemniington Point , and the race for £ 100 a-side . Betting on Monday night in favour of Pocock , which changed on Tuesday _morning , and before starting 5 to 4 on Clasper . There xvas a strong breeze from the _north-xx-est _, xvhich made the xx * ater rough , and xvas considered favourable to Clasper , who xvas , of course , well acquainted xvith every inch of the course , and knexvhoxv to take advantage of the sheltering headlands . * The men started themselves , and alter a few strokes Pocock
got a slight lead , but soon resigned it to Clasper , who did the same in turn . Indeed , for the first 200 yards the struggle was beautiful , the tiny skiffs battling with the waves , and the spray dashing ox _* er them , while eacli boatman exerted himself to gain a point over his adversary . After the first 200 yards Clasper got a decided lead , being a full boat ' s length a-hcad , when Pocock went up insido and ran into him . and both became entangled for a fexv seconds , and on getting clear Pocock went away with the lead , xvhich he maintained about a quarter of a mile , till , on reaching some posts in the river a little above the Shot Tower , Clasper came up inside and ran into him , being determined to pay him off in his own coin . Pocock ' s boat had by this time shipped a good deal of water . On getting loose Clasper took the lead , and xvent axvay several lengths a-head , gradually improving his position , owing , no doubt , to Pocock ' s boat
having become heavy and unman ageable from the quantity of water it contained . Pocock , in consequence , xx'cnt ashore , and emptied bis boat—an operation which occupied some time—xvhich afforded Clasper an opportunity , Avhich he _readilv seized , of leaving his opponent behind ; and , when Pocock re-embarked , Clasper was more than half a mile ahead . This Pocock never could recover , so that Clasper had all the rest of the race to himself ; and won easily by more than a quarter of a mile . Pocock ' s boat was open ,. Clasper ' s covered with stout canvass , which kept the _xvater out . Clasper xvon the choice of sides , and selected the north , or Newcastle side ofthe river . A great deal of money has changed hands on the event . The croxvd assembled in various craft upon the river , and on its banks , was immense . The distance was rowed by Clasper in about fortv-txvo minutes .
Lady Holland and Lord John Russell . — We understand that the late Lady Holland has left an annuity of - £ 2 , 000 to Lord John Russell , as an expression of the high respect which her Ladyship entertained for the Noble Lord . On his Lovdship ' s death , thc annuity will be equally divided among the children of her late Ladyshi p ' s daughter . — Observer . A Portrait of Queen Victoria . —A present from her Majesty , was presented to thc Pacha of Egypt by Colonel Barrett , the British Consu l , on the 24 th ult , On the occasion an entire regiment was drawn out under arms , in honour of the Royal giver , and Mobamed Ali received the picture standing , and raised it to his head as a mark of respect . The Beauimrxois Canal , which cuts off a set of rapids in the St . Laxvrence , is completed , and xvill be opened very shortly . It is 113 miles in _length Its width at the bottom is 80 feet , at the top 120 and its depth 10 feet . l ' m
Nottingham Coal Miners . — The Nottingham coal-owners are apprehensive of another strike among then ; workmen , and are preparing for it by laying up considerable stores of coal .
Xjns^Hblished, Priceis;, Thefwrth . Bditton^Ranslated - * *. _¦„. »],_≫ Jjiiiptfimitli French Tuition;.
_xJns _^ _Hblished , priceIs ; , _theFwrth . Bditton _^ _ranslated - * _* . _¦„ . »] , _> jjiiiPtfiMitli French tuition ; _.
_CONSTIPATION DKSTBpYBD : or , _ft . fi _«** W _^ _£ C tural „ Simple , _ABfwUft _' , and . ? irfe _^~ _J »« only of overcoming , , but also of _WWWWj _%££ habitual . Constipation ; _without _^ _mg . eUh « : puJgaUves or any artificial means xvhatever fdiseovery _"P" _® _™™*™ France byM . Wartbn * , ' followejtby " _^ . C _"S S from eminent physicians and-other persons of distinction . Breebypos ' t , ls . ' 6 d . ¦' _* . ¦¦ ,. _- Sold by James _Youens and Co ., Tea Dealers , i 5 , _Ludgate-hill , London , and by all booksellers m the United _Kingdenv , ' .... ' . _- ... _*
IMP O RT A NT T O P O RK BVTCHER S A ND OTHERS . TO BE SOLD , a new CHOPPING MACHINE , xvell made , to be viewed at Air . Piercey's , . Church-street _^ ltothvrhithe . _ The Article is of first-rate Manufacture ; _, the lowest Price is £ 20 .
TEETH MASTICATION and Articulation Improved and Guaranteed , —Messrs . DAVIS , _Surgeon-Dentists , 123 , Pall-mall , opposite the _Haymarhet , and l , New Bridge-street , corner of Fleet-street , continue to supply teeth , guaranteed never to discolour , break , ' or decay , and fixed without springs or wires , without extracting the old stumps , or giving any pain , A single tooth , 5 s .,- a set , £ 5 . Loose teeth fastened . Scurvy in the gums effectually cured . Stopping " decayed-teeth . - Price 4 s ., Davis ' s Hermastican : all persons can use it themselves , as full directions ure enclosed , and can be sent per post .
ROYAL MARrLEBOiVE . THEATRE . LESSEE , Ma . JOHN DOUGLASS . " GREATEST ATTRACTION IN LONDON . Last week of Mr . Canfield , the American ; Sampson , the strongest man in the world . Re engiigement of Mr . Emery ( son of the celebrated John Ehiery ) , xvho on this-occasion wiU portray the favourite character of Giles , ia the "Miller ' sMaid , " the original character of his father . _Eirst night of the " Old Fleet Prison . " On Monday and during the xveek , Wednesday excepted , to commence with the " Old Fleet Prison . " Characters by Messrs . Neville , Rayner , T . Lee , W . Phillips , Harrington , Lickford , J . Lexvis , D . Lewis , Marchant , Polatay , Robberds , and hleadumes Campbell , Neville , Itobberds _, _awHAiSS _teatce , After -wlndi Mr . Ga _\\ fie \ _4 . _vAXl appear . To be folloxved by the Ballet of the " Cobbler and Sailor , " in which Mr . Buck xvill appear . To conclude with the "Miller ' s Maid , " Gilt * , Mr , Emery , Supported by the company .
Fovt Iwmins Frittmsfr
fovt iwmins _fRittmsfr
Chartist Co-Operative Land Society. Meet...
CHARTIST CO-OPERATIVE LAND SOCIETY . Meetings for the purpose of enrolling members and transacting other business connected therewith are held every week on the following days and places : — . SUNDAY EVENING . South London Chartist Hall , 115 , Blackfriars-road , at half-past six o ' clock . —City Chartist Ilall , 1 , Turnagaiu-lane _, at six o ' clock . — Westminster : at the Parthenium Club Rooms , 72 , St . Martin _' a-lanc _, at halfpast seven . —Somers Town : at Mr . Duddrege ' s , Bricklayers'Anns , _Tonbi'idge-8 ticet , New-road , at half-past seven—Tower Hamlets ,:, . at the Whittington and Cat , Church-roxv , Bethnal-green , at six o'clock precisely —Emmett ' s Brigade _^ at the Rock Tavern , Lissongrove , at eight o ' clock precisely—Marylebone : attho Coach Painters' Arms ,. CirCUS-Street , at half-past
seven . MONDAY EVENING . Camberwell : atthe Montpelier Tavern , Walworth , at eight o'clock precisely . _Netvcastle-upon-Tyne : This branch ofthe Chartist Co-operative' Land Society meet in the house of Martin Jude , Sun Inn , Side , every Monday evening , from seven until nine o ' clock , for tho purpose of receiving subscriptions and enrolling members . TUESDAY EVENING . Greenwich : at the George and Dragon , _Blacklieathhill , at eight o ' clock .
London.—City Chartist Hall, 1, Turnagain...
London . —City Chartist Hall , 1 , Turnagain-lane , Farringdon-street . —The public discussion will be resumed at half-nast ten precisely , on Sunday morning next , Nov . 30 th . At three o ' clock the Metropolitan District Council will meet for the dispatch of business at halt-past four o ' clock precisely . Thc National Victim Committee will meet , pursuant to adjournment . In the evening , at seven o ' clock , Mr . Thomas Cooper , author of the " Purgatory of Suicides , " will deliver the fifth of his second course of lectures . Subject , " Life , voyages , andadventuies , genius , and character of Sir Walter Raleigh . " _Mauylebone . —A lecture xvill bo delivered by Mr . Bartlet , formerly of Bath and Southampton , at the Coach Painters' Arms , Circus-street , on Sunday evening next ( to-morrow ) , Nov . 30 th . Chair to be taken at half-past seven precisely .
CAMnERXVELL AND W _ u _ _wOBTn . —A meeting will be held at the Montpelier Tavern , Walworth , on Monday evening next , Dec . 1 st , at eight o ' clock precisely . _HAMMEnsMiin . —A meeting will be held at the Dun Cow , Brook-green-lane , on Tuesday evening next , Dec . find , at eight o ' clock precisely . National Conference op the Land Society . — A Pudlic Meeting of the shareholders residing in the city of London , Westminster , Tower Hamlets , Somers Toxvn , Marylebone , or any other place within the metropolitan district on the Middlesex side ofthe Thames , xvill be holden on Sunday ( to-morrow ) afternoon , at the City Chartish Hall 1
Turnagain-, , lane ; the chair to be taken at three o ' clock precisely , tor the purpose of electing a delegate to attend the ensuing Conference about to be held in Manchester . Shareholders bring your cards xvith you . A Pudlic Meeting of the shareholders residing in the bororgh of Lambeth , Southwark , and Greenwich , and those on Mr . Wheeler ' s list , also all such as reside in the metropolitan district ; , or the South or Surry side of the Thames , will be holden at the South London Chartist Ilall , 115 , Blackfriars-road . on Sunday ( to-morrow ) eveninjr , for the election of a delegate to the Conference , chair to bo taken at seven o clock precisely . Shareholders bring your cards with you .
Agricultural Mutual Instruction Society Meeting . —At the South London Chartist Hall , on Sunday morning , at half-pasc ten o ' clock precisely . The subject for consideration will be , — " The various soils , the methods adopted to analyse them , the properties requisite to insure full crops" die , dec . The members of the Chartist Co-operative Land Society residing in thc metropolis are invited to attend . Maryleiiokb Locality . —A lecture will be delivered by Mr . Auncyball , on Sunday evening , November 30 tli , at the Coach Painters' Arms , Circus-street , New-road , to copmence at half-past seven o ' clock . Subject ;— " The past , present , and future condition of the working classes . "
An Harmonic Meeting will take place at the Coach Painters' Arms , Circus-street , Ne \ v-l'otid , Oil Monday evening , December 1 st , at eight o ' clock . WiiiTECiiAPEL . —A lecture xvill be delivered on Sunday , Nov . 30 th , 1 S 45 , at the _Brassibunders' Arms , Whitcchapel-road , by Mr . C . Doyle ; subject— " The Land and its Capabilities . " To the Shareholders of the City Chartist Hall , 1 , Turnagain-lane , Farringdon-street . —Au important special general meeting wili bc held in thc Ilall on Sunday morning , December 7 th , The chair will be taken at half-past ten precisely . _Lamueth — The Land . —Messrs . Drcxv , Knight , and Hewitt , were nominated as candidates for this district . The election xvill take place on Sunday evening next , at the South London Chartist Hall . The Committee for defraying the expenses of the funeral of the late Wm . II . Bain xvill meet on Sunday next , at six o ' clock precisely , at Mr . Drake ' s , Standard of Libert yBrick-laneSpitalfields .
, , Mr . Christopher Doyle , of the Executive , will deliver a lecture at the George and Dragon , Blackheath-hill , on Tuesday next , December 2 nd ; chair to be taken at half-past seven- ' o ' clock . Subject : — " To enable the poor to live independent of the Poor Laxv Union , and relieve the ratepayers from the present burdens of the support of the poor . " Preston . —A meeting ol the members of thc Preston branch of the Chartist Co-operative Land Society xvill be holden on Sunday evening next , November 30 th , at Mr . Haxvortli ' s Temperance Hotel , at five o ' clock . The ballot for tho district delegate to commence at six o ' clock , and close at half-past seven . _iManchester . _—Mi _* . T . Clark , one of the directors ot the Land Association , will lecture in the Carpenters'Ilall , on Sunday ( to-morrow ) , at half-past six in the evening .
_Feahgus O'CosNon , Esq ., will lecture in the Carpenters Hall , on Sunday , December 7 th , at kaltanst S 1 XP . M . Dewsbury . —A special meeting of the members pf the Chartist Co-operative Land Society in the Dewsbury district , will be held in the Chartist room , on Sunday , November 80 th . The Exiles . —A preliminary meeting of the friends of humanity and justice xvill be held at the Red Lion lavern , Rosoman-strcet , Clerkenxvell , on Monday evening next , December 1 st , at eight o ' clock , to consider the best means of calling a great public meeting to petition for the restoration of Frost , Williams , Jones , and Ellis . All friends are earnestly requested to attend . __ - _
Lancashire Mi / E _^^^ f _^*«\ ene _^ l delegate meeting of _LanM _^^ ii _^ _vifea hda on Monday next , Dec . l | J 3 _$$ fe _ife _^ _M-Bb _^ ing-green Inn , _Halshaw-mfeliS _^ _mffl to fi _^^ _rftK bl taken at eleven _o'cloclQrf _^ _MWenoo _^ _WlieMwill also be a public _meetgp _| cb ; _fiU W _|& ej _$ d by W . P . _^ erfs , Esq ,, _»^ e _»^ % e is is , 2 d , per _mejmsM waj ? . 3 ¦ _^\ d 5 I tf / O i lie .- . Vy'l }
Northern Star (1837-1852), Nov. 29, 1845, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_29111845/page/5/