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^ N< ' JfrTQBER.30, lt47» _ ^ TOE 3RtPHE...
w^ ^
: BASOK BBAEUAR . 'I*mIi«riof theeorrie,...
¦ _ .im.- ^ awww*y-""* -i**-- -i-n*t*t- --i-
, The Use op Ansmcic.-Asmany sad catetro...
THE MONETARY CRISIS. gag?* " « ; I- *^J*...
IRISH CONFEDERATION. . . The decision of...
Dkwsbury.—A meeting was held at Dewsbury...
, , , w ^h^pfej ded ^6"re"3^gS^: ff SP*-...
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^ N< ' Jfrtqber.30, Lt47» _ ^ Toe 3rtphe...
_JfrTQBER . 30 , lt 47 _» __ _^ TOE' N < 3 _RtPHER _^ ST M . ,, , _ , : __ .,, . __ , „ , _,,...:,.. _,-.. - : ¦ _¦¦ * _- ¦ ¦ _^ , _^ _im ,, _~ _- ~ _fr .
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: Basok Bbaeuar . 'I*Mii«Riof Theeorrie,...
: BASOK _BBAEUAR . 'I _* mIi _« riof theeorrie , I'm chief of tha ben , I role like * kaiser o ' er mountain and glen ; let the people go pack into dtj aad town , Ihey shall not encumber my moorlands so brown , Tbeir preae-c * _waold frighten my _ewift-footcd deer _. So Iho grouse , and not nica _, shall be denizes * here , As long at my title holds good agaiait bar , And all for tn j pleasure , ' quoth Baron Braemar . I ' ve drained off the peasants , each Mao hai gone forth—-There is scarcely a Celt on the hills of the _Nerth—To Canada , Sydney , Now Zetland , the Cape , Wherever it pleated them to make their escape ; And left , as I wished , all tin acres I own To the sheep , and the grouse , or tbe red deer alone . And I roara o ' er my -notmtaint supreme as a &» r . ' And meet not a creature , ' quoth Baron Braemar .
. Theland is a lovely land—green are its paths , Sublime are iu mountains , its _gltns , end its straths , And fair are the torrents that scatter their spray , Or dash down in foam o ' er the crags in their way . -That matters its beauties to cockneys and snobs , To Jones or to Jenkins , to Smith or to Dobbs t The region is mine , both tha near and the far , They shall not beftld it , * quoth Baron . Braemar . If alone In my woods _apailoiopher dreams , Or tourists snd sightseers follow my streams , Or seek for mtghificenee , beauty , end awe , In the deserts I ' ve made I wiU show them a law .
Sot » crag shall tbey ndt , no ben shall thoy climb _, _-ffor gaze at a prospect , bo wever _rottUMIt they get but an tntraace , TO went them afar , And hunt thera with pflies , ' _onoth Baron Braemar . Tis true that a murmur is raised from the crowd , They eallme unfeeling , aggressive , and proad ; They speak of entaa , ' ** wimogenIt-ire _,- * r ight , ' And raise ugly questions of'Justice'and ' might ;' And hint that'twerebettersuch questions should _slsep If those who stiH held ara desirons to keep . Bnt let them rail on , if their words are tbeir war , The dispute wiU outlive them , ' quoth Baron Braemar .
Gn J mignry lord baron , great dealer in deer , Croat owner sf moorlands , a word ia your ear . Wonld you like ia your fullness of insolent pride , To farm oat the sea , and take rents for tha tide ! - Would jou like tho earth ' s fatness to grow bat for jou *' Would youshntrisfrc _^ funshine , the air and the dew ! Or prohibit onr gase at the moon or a star !—Ton weuld , if yoa could , my Lord Baron Braemar , One word as a warning . I think ' twould be wise If you'd come from yonr desert and open your eyes . free foet in the wilderness , -mail U the boon , But great is the right , as _yoall know very soon . To day for the grouse , bat to-morrow for men ,
Ana tbe day after that for the corn in the glen . Oar isle is too narrow for Kimrod-by far—We cannot afford them , my Lord of Braemar . Were eostmtrce extract , were onr trade at a stand , Were the months to be fed growing few in the land , Were we back to the point of a century gone _. We might leave yon year moors to go shooting upon . Bat ev * h in such esse ' twould be worse than insane To refuse as a tight of the bills where you reign . Is it safer jast now I Look at things as tbey arc _. And be wise while there ' s time , my Lord Baron Braemar . _CBASLXSMlCXtT .
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A Practical System Of Spade Husbandry. B...
A PRACTICAL SYSTEM OF SPADE HUSBANDRY . ByJoH * SiLLEtT . LondnB : _Jv * _brtter » Star Office . Manchester : Heywood , Oldham-I street . - The _antherf nf this pamphlet will be rernembered by onr readers as _fhesnen who long ago proved , by the work of his own hands , the practicability of the snail farm system ; the capability af two acres of land to supply a man and his family with the neses -aries and eomforts of life ; aod the truth of all that Mr O'Connor baa argued , and asserted in soppert of the Land Plan . Before Mr O'Connor can ne ' pnt down , ' or the Land plan * blown up , ' the vile pressgang mast first prove the non-existence of John Sillett , and John Sillett ' s farm . We _ouete the' introduction' to Mr Sillett ' s treatise :-
The motives , which induce me to present this pamphlet to _thepablie , arise from thefactof two letters beingpab"" -bed by a friend in thc _PecpWs Journal , and copied into several papers aad periodicals . Frem the publication of those letters , I have received numerous _applicationt from various _ptrtsoftheklugdom , _xequestxngxao to give them fall pmrtlculsrsof jny system of Spade Husbandry , and _feriieg it impossible tn answer each application separately aod satisfactorily , I bave reluotaatly adopted this coarse as the only means of answering those applicants ; and rightfully belonging to that great fraternity of workinr mon , although , op to thsperiod of my commencing Spade Husbandry , ! was associated witb the middle classes ; and , being eonvinoed that the interests of aU were identical , and that Labour , whether on land , at the loom , or
behiad the eotmter ( which was _myoccapailoaj , was an honourable mark set on aB , and ought to bind the great interest ofthe masses together ; I resolutely resolved to apply my attention to tbe land , and after four years' experieuce , ! amina posrcioB to give to the public _thobsntfit _tf my _ertrtious , trusting that many now sceptical as to the capabilities of the soil , will Rive it a fsir trial , aad remove their _doabts ; feeling folly convinced that the land is the only thing that ean permanently place man in a eomfortable and happy condition , provided he is inda * - trious and frugal . Bat , before I begin to detail my ex . penance of Spade Husbandry , I deem It necessary to give tne _inaocements that led me to adopt it as a means of o _* 3 taJuing a living , although I was at thc time carrying on another aveeation which produced a comfortable
subsistence , I could not help comparing the advantages of a rural life with these of any other occupation , and feeling convinced , from observation , that the land offered many advantages which could not be enjoyed by men engaged in other pursuits and feelings , its superiority in point of health , and believing that in the cultivatioa of the land rested * mach ofthe elements of happiness , I resolved , as soon as an opportunity offered , on purchasing a teaall plot of land . Sot mere than six months had elapsed before ray mother ( who was possessed of some property , ) died , and the consequence npon her death was the selling of the property , according to my father ' s wiU ; a portion of the property sold , was the land £ now hold : it was a small meadow of two acres , abutting upon
_theestate of a gentleman , who was anxious to become the purchaser . But , being determined to become the proprietor , I gave £ 118 per acre , or in othei words , £ 286 , and also the necessary expenses consequent upon such sale ; but , cherishing a leeling of independence , I was not daunted at the outlay , and as none can bo said to enjoy freedom of thought and action who are carrying on any business where they earn their bread by tho favour of the public , I felt encouraged at the thought of being independent , free from thefetters oihtuiaess andlocging for the day to eome for me to take possession , that I might be removed from thoso collisions of interest which _aroase the worst pat-ions of onr nature , and wore so detrimental tothe happiness of the gresthnman
family . Removed from those conflicting interests , I was beset by men of every grade , full of denunciation , at the time I commenced breaking up this beautiful pasture ( as they en-Jed it . ) Some said I was mad , others tbat I was a fool , and . that I shonld soon get tireu , and I believe all were anxiously waiting to see the day when I should lay down my implements , and _saj it was impossible to carry ent any such system as I had contemplated ; bnt the more they denounced thegreater my faith , and I hare to thank no one for my success , but the _aU-ruliog and aUbonntiful Providence for the health that I have beenpermitted to enjoy , which has enabled me to carry out a system of which I am exceedingly proud . offered £ 58
Soon after I had purchased my land I was ever and above all easts , and aUe fl per rod . or £ 180 per acre , and not long since £ S per rod fer _h-flting purposes , bat os each occasion I gave a prompt denial , and an as-Hirasse of a firm determination not to sell , adhering to my former eeavictione , and having a great taste for reading works on husbandry , which added a fresh soma-Us to many previously formed opinions of the pleasures _sndadvaaUgesofanagri-ulttirallife . Maysncbmotixes ss incited me to adopt tbe coarse lam now pursuing haves good effect npon others , inspiring them with a spirit of emulation , and by unrelaxed perseverance , tbey may overcome many appareat difficulties , which wili bring them to the goal of happiness so anxiously looked for by tbe many thonsands of my fellow-coaHtry-Ben . . _
We _giva the titles of the several subjects embraced in this pamphlet : — ' Breaking np Pasture , '' _Buildin _^ _s _. ' Liquid Manure Cart . ' 'Keeping Cows , 'Dairy / 'Keeping Hogs , * Manures , * "Onthe Economising * Labour' * How to produce several crops off the same piece of ground within the year & c , * _'Time ot sowing , transplanting Ac . On all these subjects , Mr Sillet has written like a practical man , witfaonfc any waste * f words . It . _» f ™** for ns to quote farther from a pamphlet whichmay be _possssal entire by any person tor « W _* _JJj _Silietacknowledges that he has _towdr _** M _»^ efit from Mr O ' Connor ' s work on SmaUFarms . Through his farming he has been enabled to _achange a _^ sickly Mtt & te a state of perfect heal _^ He predicts , that in three years more his k ?« J » _2 _£ nearly donble ite present produce . He prophecies _mccis to all parties who take to their mother Wk . " ' provided , ' says Mr S ., 'they haveBide np tbeir minds to live asI do . npon the produce of tbeir
land . ' ... _Alktteesand membera of the Land Company , will fo well to purchase Mr SiHet ' spamphlet .
, The Use Op Ansmcic.-Asmany Sad Catetro...
_, The Use op _Ansmcic .-Asmany sad _catetrophes ]« veb > en caused by the use ef arsenic inadvertently » _ken for flow , in addition to the use made of it tor we co * Dta ? gsion # f crimes , it is proposed by the Council of Salubrity of Paris , that aU _-Mirsons who , " raetber for tho destruction of vermin or otherwise , _"ep arsenic an their premises , shonld mix with it _ttnasian blue , to change the colour , and nuevomiea _•" _* - bitterness of which woold immediately eaase the P _^ _seneeof arsenic to bedeteeted bythe taste © - " that _-- _'Stedieat . _—QOianamL ~ -
The Monetary Crisis. Gag?* " « ; I- *^J*...
THE MONETARY CRISIS . gag ?* " « ; I- _*^ J _* BT bS „ . , _^ _wnlagalreet October 35 184 ? _XSTrf muVt _^ _e-imenThave _s _^ n , with the deepest regret , _thepress ur . whMi has existed _forwrneWMtaunon tha _Wmmerclat _intent . _tftbe _ZSSSStE _*** _- * * " _» « _eg- « aUd Sy !¦ _T _^ _lif * ? , eac _« " _•* - * . ¦ necessary forcarrylnj oa the ordinary dealings of trade . ¦ They have bean In hopes « ,, t the eheck given to transactions of a speculative charkcUr , the transfer of _capitalsfrom other countries , the influx of bullion , and the feeling ; which a knowledge ef these clreumstanc-s might bave _be « . expected _tapreinw _, weoll have Kmeved _theprcvailla- ; distrust . ¦ ' - .
They were enoouraged ia this expectation by the speedy cessation of a similar state of feeling in the month of April last . These hopes have , however , been disappointed , and . ber Majesty ' s Government havo come to the conclusion that the time has arrived wben they ought to attempt by some extraordinary and temporary measure , to restore confident * to the mercantile and manufacturing community . Por tbis purpose they recommend to the Directors of the Bank of England , in the present emergency , to enlarge the amount of their discounts and advances , upon approved security ; bat that , in order to retain this operation within reasonable limits , a high rate of interest be charged . Ia present elreamstances they would _snggett that the rate of interest shonld sot be less than _oiebt per cent .
if tbis couiso sbould load to any iafringement of the existing law , her Hajeity's Government will be prepared to propose to Parliament , on its meeting , a Bill of Indemnity . They will rely upon the discretion ofthe Directors to reduce as soon as possible the amount oftheir notes , if any extraordinary issues shonld take place , within the limits prescribed by law . Her _"tf-jestj ' * Government are of opinion that any extra profit derived from tbis measure shoald be carried to the account of the public , bnt the precise mode of doing so must be left to : future arrangement ,
Her Majesty _« Government are not insensible of the evils of aay departure from the la w which has placed the currency of this country npen a sound basis ; bnt they feel confident that , in the present drcumsUmcei , the measure which they have proposed may be safely adopted ; and that , at the same time , the main provisions of that law and the vital principle of preserving tbe convertibility of the bank note may be firmly maintained . Vfebave the bononr to be , Gentlemen , Tour obedient humble servants , J . Rnisin , _C-usua Wood . The Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank of England .
Bank of England , Oct . 25 , 18 t ? . Gentlemen , —We have the honour to acknowledge your letter of this day ' s date , which we have submitted to the Court of Directors , and we inclose a copy of its resolutions thereon . We have the honour to be . Gentlemen , yonr most obedient servants , "f'HseHeMis . Governor , H . J . _fszscoxr , 'D _enaty-Gorernor . To the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Eiehequer .
At a Conrt of Directors of the Bank of England . Monday , 25 th Oot ., 18 * 7 , _B-solved—1 . That this Court do accede to the recommendation contained in the letter from the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the _"Sxcheqner , dated this day , and addressed to the Governor and Deputy . Governor ofthe Bank of England , which hu just been read . 2 . That the _txiaraHii- rate of discount on bills aot having more than ninety . five days to run be eight per cent . 3 . That advances be made on Bills of Exchange , of Stock , Exchequer Bills , and other approved Securities , in sums of not leu than £ 2 , 000 , and for a period to be fixed by the Governors , at the rate of eight per cent _, per annum .
Tbe immediate effect of this measure has been to restore confidence , to send prices np , and tojimprove the state ef the markets . The Chronicle of Tuesday says : — * In the produce markets increased animatien has been apparent to-day . As will be observed by the quotations below , the sugar Bales went off with more ) spirit at an advance in prices . Coffee was firmer , bnt vithont material change . The tea market iB firmer ; and tallow has partaken of the general improvement .
The general subject of conveisation in the City to-day has been the order in conncil suspending the Bank Charter Aet of 1844 . Although it ean hardly be expected that those who have hitherto violently supported the measure should express much satisfaction at seeing it so completely set aside , yet the ge neral feeling is that an important benefit has been conferred on commerce by tie virtual repeal ofthe enactment , and that a highly satisfactory result will follow . The large body of London bankers _whesigned the memorial to Sir Robert Peel at the time the
Bank Aet was nnder discussion , earnestly recommending him not to pass the bill without a 'safety valve , ' are of course satisfied with the result oftheir prediction , and the event justifies their confidence in a reliance on experience and a prudent foresight , in preference to the promises of an untried plan . The author of the measure no doubt regrets that he did not listen to the suggestion which was then- offered ; and which if it had been incorporated in the bill , might hare preserved its principle intact . No one supposes now that an attempt will be made to renew tbe measure in its present form .
' The best proof of the effect ef the suspension ofthe act will be found in the reports from the several important commercial districts of the kingdom . In all ef them immediate relief had been experienced ; aid it will be observed from our quotations ofthe fands that the improvement in the City is very decided . It is true that after the close of the market , as noticed above , a decline took place from the higher quotation * ofthe day , but tbis was an operation that might be confidently expected , in consequence of parties realising in ordinary course after such an
extraordinary rise in prices . We understand that the applications at the Bank to-day for advances have been very few , and the total amount asked for , particularly on loan , was remarkably small- Some curious instances of theeffect of returning confidence in bringing oat the money that had been hoarded have bfen mentioned . In one oase , a large amount of money whieh had been withdrawn from one ofthe banks 'fora 8 peci * l purpose , ' was returned to-day in the identical notes whicb had been given to the party some weeks back !
' We hare no further disasters to record in the City to-day . Advices from Manchester , however , report tbe failure of Messrs Fairbridge and Co ., in the East Inaia trade , and of Mr Lambert , a firm engaged in the heme trade . Neither of them are at all important . From Manchester it is said : — - ' Our Exchange has be-n in a complete commotion this morning by the news that government has at last infer * ered to assist the commercial classes in tbe present emergency . As it regards the effect it ie likely to produce , opinions are varied ; but the general aspect of things , np to the moment of writing , must be deemed as favourable , though few , if any , heavy sales in cloth or yarns have been reported , Both spinners and manufacturers are asking fully as high rates as on this day se ' nnight , and from appearances it is probable tbat a decided improvement
in the demand will have to be reported before the close of the day . The hesitation shown by both sellers and purchasers seems la arise from the difference of opinion as to the ultimate effects likely to be produced by the relaxation of tbe stringent act of 1844 ; so that perhaps another week must elapse before prices ean assume any settled point . * It is understood that extensiveorders are in town from all parts of the world ; but , in many cases , the assets wherewith , to purchase are not available unless at a ruinous rate of _discount , which has induced all that could to wait a little , in order to see whether the rate of interest _wilinot decline : but now that the Bank ' s minimum rate is to be 8 per cent ., it is fancied that merchants will commence operations , seeing that there exists no prospect , for some time to come at least , of turning their bills into cash on easier terms . ' ' ¦ __ _-.
_^ _ „ It is stated that the position of the _Soyal Bank of Liverpool ia still one of much uncertainty ; but the opinion which has hitherto _prevailed still existsthat the ultimate termination of its misfortunes will be a wind up . An investigation into the accounts is now being prosecuted , and on Tuesday morning the following circular was posted on the doors of the bank : — * KoyalBank , October 25 , 1147 . ' The committee of the shareholders , in conjusetion with the directors , are engaged in the examination of the position of tbe Boyal Bank , and will be prepared witb a report on Saturday next , at eleven o ' clock , when the shareholders are requested at the bank .
' Various speculations upon the propositions which will be submitted to tbe shareholders have been current during the day , oneof which is that a proposal to resume _operations will be made . It is said that the accounts to be submitted will show a much better state of affairs than is generally expected , and that it is not unlikely an endeavour will be made to a « ain open the bank , with the assistance which it is now presumed may be obtained . A few days , however _, will suffice to clear up present uncertainty . Much sympathy is expressed for the North and South Wales Bank , aod the scandalous reports which are said to have been the cause of its temporary toppage are universally condemned . _¦"' ' "'•" ' . ' _*'; ¦
s We understand it is the inteation of the _direcjwrs to wind up _ita-affaira as speedily as _possibIe" ;« the previous suspension ofthe bank , and the fears of its pr oprietors ! that more sen-ma losses may be inowied than those they are sow liable . for ,, _havwir determined the directors to make no further effort to
The Monetary Crisis. Gag?* " « ; I- *^J*...
carry on tbe establishment . From what we learn It •» _wpwtedtte concern will be ; wound up speedily and without ultimate loss . b _fThe wtto ' a market on . Tuesday at _iivei-pool ,- _" * decidedly batter , ' and although the sales extend to only 1 , 500 bales , a better price was obtained , and holders seem inclined to look for a further advance . ' 'The Times is exceedingly bitter , npon the subject , and would , rather evidently have Been the commercial world at large go to ruin than have its crotchets disregarded , and its influence so completely set at nought as it has been . _-
Ihb Failures in Maxchesibk . —Weregrettebe under the necessity of announcing the suspension ol payment of two mercantile honses in this town , of very great respectability , both of which became known on Tuesday . Thefirst , which was announced atthe commencement of _bHsiness _. _is thafcof Messrs R . J . _Farbridpe and Co ., East Indiam _« rehants , 8 nd the second , whioh oily becameknown late in the day , is tbat of Mr Robert Gardner , ' who , as most of our readers are well aware , in addition to a _largespinning aud manufacturing business , was engaged in extensive mercantile transactions with different parts ofthe world , and particularly with South America . We understand , however , that the amount of Mr Gardner ' s present liabilities is by no means so large
as might bave been expected from the extent of his dealings ; . and net the slightest doubt is entertained that his property is amply sufficient , not merely to meet all his engagements , but to leave him in possession of a large surplus . Therefore , " although somo inconvenience may result from the suspension , there will certainly be no eventual loss . Of the extent of Messrs Farbridge and Co „' s liabilities we have not heard even a conjecture ; but we feel _perfeot confidence in the anfficiencyof their property to answer all the demands . upon it . Our correspondent adda : —It was rumoured in Manchester that Mr Gardner ' s engagements did : not exceed £ 80 , 000 , an amount very considerably below what people supposed to be acquainted with his wealth had set them down at . — Manchester Guardian . '
. . The Lancashire Cotton Spinners. A. D...
. . THE LANCASHIRE COTTON SPINNERS . A . deputation from the operative _cetton spinners of _Laneashire had an _interview on Tuesday , at one o ' clock , with Lord John Russell , in _Dewning-street . They were introduced bj ; Mr Hindley , M . P ., who stated to hia lordship their sense ofhis kindness in consenting so promptly to receive them , and ex * pressed the hope that if no immediate practical result took place from the interview , its effect would not be without benefit , as it weuld give the government an opportunity of understanding the present views and position of a great portion of the working elasses . Mr G . Johkson . of Manchester , then read tbe memorial , to whieh his lordship listened with great attention , making remarks upon one or two matters of fact during the perusal . Te the Bight Hon . Lord John Russell , First Lord of Her _Msjestj ' s Treasury .
The memorial of the undersigned delegates of the operative cotton spinners of Lancashire ond the neighbouring counties , Humbly showeth , — - That the operative cotton spinners constitute a numerous body of skilled workmen employed in the cotton factories of the United Kingdom , whose livelihood and Well-being depend entirely upon the prosper !? of the cotton manufacture , That your memorialists feel , therefore , a lively interes * in everything affecting this great staple trade of the country , and have for several years past been _accattemed to observe and reflect Upon the various circumstances influencing its prosperity ;
Thatyour memorialists _havehad to _suffer for the last two years , in common with the rest of her Majesty's subr j-cts , from the high price of food , of wbich , however , they would not complain in as far as It may have been occasioned by the dealings of an all-wise Providence , though they think this evil has been much increased by tbe grasping cupidity of man . That in addition to the suffering occasioned by the dearnessof provisions , yonr memorialists fonnd iu tbe autumn of last year that they were tbreatened with an evil of no less magnitude to themselves and tbeir employers tban a failure of tbe cotton erop of tbe United States , in consequence of which the prioe of the raw material was greatly advanced . i
That your memorialists were not surprised to find that no adequate advance la goods toek place in the great mart ofour manufacturers—vis ., Manchester , because it was evident that if the great body of consumers wtre obliged to devote nearly the whole oftheir wages topay for high-priced food , it was not likely tbey would have much left to spend ia the second necessary of lifevis ., clothing . That , under these _cireumstances , your memorialists endeavoured to eall public attention to tbe position ofthe trade , by holding publio meetings at rarioos places , and addressing memorials to all their employers , recommending aa immediate and general adoption of shorttime in the eotten manufactories . That little attention , however , was paid to their representations , and cotton continued to advance withoat goods proportionately rising in value , thereby increasing the perilous position of all parties engaged in the manufacture .
That in the course ofthe present year short-time , which your memorialists had hoped would bave been adopted last year , as the result of intelligent choice , began to be adopted by lndividnal manufacturers as a matter of necessity , and for many months past the labour of the workmen has been reduced to three and fonr days a-week , whilst in many instances it has been entirely suspended , which facts are attested by the weekly returns of factory employment , published in the Man-• better papers , ana also bythe Liverpool circulars oi tbe _cou'umption of cotton , which show a decrease of 10 , 000 bales weekly , orabout one-third of tbe consumption of the previous year .
That in the month of September last , yonr memorialists , finding the position of their employers and themselves becoming dally worse , and fearing aa aggravation ofthe evil daring the winter , began to consider the question ofa general cessation of factory labour , as the best means of bringing about adne proportion between the price of yam and cotton ; and , believing it would be a better alternative to adopt this plan , than to mn the risk of a stagnation in trade daring an inclement season , met together at a special meeting , on the 28 th of August , and passed the following resolutions : — [ Here follow the resolutions , which we inserted at the time . ]
That these resolutions were sent to the meeting ofthe associated masters by tbe gentlemen to whom they were _intrast-d , and the following reply was reeeired by your memorialists .. 'That this meeting is of opinion that the plan proposed by the operative _cotton-splnners is impracticable , or if practicable , would aggravate Instead of mitigating the sufferings tbat at preient exist among tbe working elasses of the manufacturing district ! . ' __ Thatyour memorialists , not wishing to act in any apparent hostility to their employers , took no farther coarse on the subject ; That the alternative long apprehended by your _memoriaiistsin the event of short time not being universally adopted , at length occurred , by the announcement ofa redaction of wages in several districts , a reduction which now threatens to become general .
That your memorialists are by no means insensible to the difficulties in which their employers are placed , and trust that tbe facts stated in the preceding part ofthis memorial are sufficient to prove tbeir readiness to cooperate in any general attempt to remove them , but the ; do not see how a reduction of wages at present is at all calculated to strike at the root of the evil wbich now paralyses this branch of our national industry ; Inasmuch , as it does not arise from the high cost of prodne tion , but from , a diminished supply of raw material , the price of which has been moat fearfully and artificially enhanced by the . _fscilities which have been given to speculators in Liverpool .
That while your memorial ' sts have had to straggle ior the last twelve month ' s with the difficulties occasioned by the high priee ef cotton , enhanced by the improper facilities , of credit wbich bave been afforded in Liverpool , tbey are now overwhelmed with the almost inevitable reaction wbich has taken place , and wbich has paralysed tradej almost entirely destroyed credit , and produced a a want of confidence unparalleled in the history ef
commerce . Tbat whilst yonr memorialists feel that from their limited sphere of observation and intelligence they are entirely incapable of pointing out tbe details of measures calculated to relieve the present embarrassment , they would humbly request your lordship to direct your attention , and that of your _cellesgues , to the necessity and justice of so framing our monetary laws and those affecting commercial securities , that wild and extravagant speculations may be as much as possible prevented , and that when unavoidably arising , the honest , bard . working men ofthe empire , who have no share In the cause , may have no share in the calamitous consequences which experience has shown inevitably must ensue ,
Yonr memorialists , in conclusion , express their earnest hope thatyour lordship ' s _Cabinetnwy be enabled to grapple with , and to overcome the present difficulties ; that tbe peace of the country may bo preserved ; and thatthe clouds which now hang over all classes may , by the blessing of Providence , be mercifully dispersed . And your memorialists , on behalf of tho operative cotton-spinners of Lancashire and neighbouring counties will ever pray , & o . . At the close of reading the memorial , his _Lonnship , referring to tbat part relating to the law affecting commercial _securitus _, inquired what was particularly alluded to ? On which The deputation replied , thatit referred to tne Li
vicious Bystem of credit which hai obtained in - verpool , * by which a speculator could buy _-SW . 000 worth of cotton by the deposit of £ 1 , 000 or £ 2 , 000 , giving acceptance to the broker for ihe whole amount , which was discounted by the banker , by whom the cotton was held as security . It was s » ggeted that speculation would be much checked if the security were to be invalid beyond one-half or two-thirds of the value ofthe produce deposited . Tbe deputation recommended the encouragement of Manchester as a dep . Ct for cotton as well as Liverpool ,- wbich now _efjoyed' a Virtual monopoly . The evil effects of these fluctuations in trade , whicb seemed , to affect the cotton branch more than any other were then dwelt upon as being most _destrua
. . The Lancashire Cotton Spinners. A. D...
fcwtothe _ewMttical habits of all partie * engaged in the tirade . The deputation stated , that in _advoeating the suspension oflabour in the factories for a nor t period they were not acting in a spirit ef hostility to their employers , who were equally interested in rectifying the ruinous disproportion which had so long existed between the price of goods and cotton , and which , in the opinion of the deputation , wns only to be removed b y diminished product ion . On this opinion they had _aated in encouraging a cessation frem labour , which cessation . would have been more , _general had they encouraged any attempt to produce it by drawing nines or anv other
_nhvsimLuA i h _* s ' _** ow « _Wft they had not done , nor woum they do-moral means and appeal to reason - _^ _foewoalymeanB . They felt confident of the good feeliag and right intentions of their fellow ops * noZWi . _"P _***? _^ a strong conviction that the S L lt couat _F " _^ - _* _-nanofaotuting districts ym \ A be preserved . They stated the lamentable position in which thousands of their fellow work * men were now placed who had been long placed _. in a state of great privation , and trusted tha t the whole subject would receive the kind consideration of Wa Lordship , and the other members of the Cabinet . ¦ His Lobb-hip stated this should be the case , and expressed a hope that the friendly feeline manifested j ineir
« _empl oyers would continue , and that they would in no case encourage anyeonduct whieh was in itself improper , or might lead to a breach of the peace . Ihe deputation thanked his Lordship for his _wiKeturvkw . _and ' _- _»& . deli d
Thb Importance Of National Organisation....
LBTIIRHO . I .. . _Bebthsbn , —The daya of futile agitation , pro * duced by mere temporary excitement , are now gone , and a spirit of calm and serious intellectual inquiry now pervades the minds of the masses . The people are now more willing to think , to inquire , and to examine , before they decide on any question of importance , tban they have ever been in any previous epoch of ourcou ' ntry-s history . We do _notnewsee long processions of working men dressed out in all the gaudy robeB of princes , parsons , kings , and _cairneillors—rthe very men who have been the bane of labour . We do not now see banners with deaths ' headsand cross bones , and exceedingly warlike inscriptions . We do not now gee a disposition to
extravagant and riotous violence on persons or property , as in the fiery days of reform agitation . All this _uselessparaphernaliahaB ' passedaway _. atidmany , therefore , imagine tbat the spirit of liberty and progress has been entirely _suUdueeU But they are , indeed , mistaken . The very fact that these things do not exist , is a demonstrable proof that the ' march of mind' has made considerable progress . The working man at his own fireside is reading the record ofhis country ' s wrongs , and studying tho progress of events at home and abroad , the dark _deedsof tyranny in other lands , and all the acts of oppression at home are known and remembered by bim . He rejoiees over every oirenmstance which tends to aid the progress of democracy : he _sichs fer
'he sorrows of 'thegood and the brave , _'antTevery untoward event but tends to deepen his love of liberty , and his hatred of tyranny and wrong . The minds ofthe masses sre not idle , neither are their principles dead within them . Like the deep smooth flow of the majestic river , intelligence is silently spreading . As the tree grows day by day , imperceptibly spreading its roots and branches , so grow the principles of eternal justice , and immutable liberty . The light of thought is rapidly dispelling the darkness ef ignorance throughout the land . The light of knowledge uo power can extinguish—none control—it will radiate and increase for ever . It will radicate the principles of freedom in every land .
In former times , the feelings _altne were excited by t emporary agitation , but . now the principles ef liberty are indelibly engraven on the minds of her votaries by . cairn and deliberate inquiry . It is true that , in the days of excitement , we had many mere empty professions of attachment to the _principlesmenwliese hypocrisy but _served to mislead men of honesty and principle ; men who made merchandise ofthe movement , to serve their own ambitious or selfish purposes ; but the movement has been purged of these , and we may rely on those who remain . In the calm moments _ofserieuB thought , in _theabsenoe of excitement , when nothing but the _loveofprhaciple remains , those who avow themselves friendsof democratic liberty , are alone ' the good and true '—
the mainsprings of the movement , the gap which nourishes the tree of liberty . Tbey are tne men who love liberty in spiritand in truth , ' and they will love her for ever . They have passed the ordeal , tbey have come through the crucible , like fine gold , pure and bright , honest and true . I am certain that there is a noble veteran brigade of tbis stamp in every town in this country , and I only regret that they are not united together under a proper system of national organisation . Who can tell what the . rapid march of time , the progress of events , may bring forth ; or how soon the friends of freedom may require to show a firm phalanx of united democrats to the sudden attack of the common foe ? 'No man knoweththe day nor the hour w hen the enemy cometh . ' At the late ceneral
election , I am aware , that in many towns the Chartists were taken by surprise , and almost entirely unprepared for the struggle . Consequently , their plans were hastily formed , their resolutions hastily matured , and much time was loBt in organising , when they should have been in thefield _. fully equipped , and prepared for the fight . In many towns , awolately nothing was done . Many regretted that they had not previously prepared for _suoh emergency . But very few . . think ol this until the time for actual service has arrived , and then some very far-seeing councillor discovers how well they might have been prepared , and what they might have done , and how strong their funds might have been , had they been but organised under a system of regular payments , even for the previous six weeks . I am sorry to discover that even now—when the temporary
excitement of the last general election has subsidedthere ii no appearance of any preparation for a general organisation . I am aware that many arc earnestly longing for such a step being taken . Where is the man who is foolish enough to imagine that a disunited army , entirely unprepared , however numerous , can rush on the ranks of a well-organised foe with any chance of success f There must be preparation—there must be organisation I My object in writing at present , is to arouse my _countrymen to a sense of duty ; to tell them that now is the time to organise ; now is the time to collect funds—the-very sinews of war—now is the time to prepare for any emergency . ' Now is the accepted time , now is the day of salvation . ' 'Put not off tor to-morrow what can be done to day . ' Organise ! organise !! organise 1 ! ' .
It will not do to stand idle in'fancied security until the enemy ' s armies are rushing like a torrent down upon your disunited ranks . It is long since they made a proclamation of open war against the friends and the principles of liberty . They are ever on tho alert , they are ever ready , and it is tithe you were preparing for the struggle ; Be up and doing , show them when they come tbat you are ready to receive them , that yeu aro determined to act your part like men . It is true the people are numerous , in the aggregate—a mighty army . But where is the advantage of numbers , if they are scattered over the country in single isolated individuals ? .... Where would be the powerful irresistible strength
of the ocean's mighty . mountain waves , if they were scattered over the earth in simple drops of dew f Where would be the sublime beauty , the romantic grandeur , or the mighty force of the name that bursts irresistible fromthe burning volcano , if it were scattered over the world in simple isolated sparks which soon disappear ! Where wopld be the mighty power of gunpowder , which no fortress ean withstand when heaped together in a single cwt ., and touobed but by a single spark ?—where would this power be if it were scattered around in simple isolated grains ? How weak , and how easily snapped is a single fibre of hemp ; but when many fibres are united firmly together , how strong is the cable they form ,
how easily the proud ship ia held in check , and how _enormeus the weight that is raised by a union of these single fibres . Thus itis with the people when disunited ; how weak , how powerless , how puny their efforts , to resist the armed hosts of their well organised oppressors . How easily they are pounced upon ; how easily they are persecuted ; how easily tliey are victimised ; how soon are their resources exhausted . But , on the other hand , how mighty is tlieir strength , how irresistible their power , how ex * baustless their resources , when they are really and truly a united people . We are all ready to exclaim , ' Union is strength ! united we stand , divided we fall !' and yet we are not organised .
With what confidence can the most ardent friends of the people ' s cause enter into any important undertaking _, or adopt any efficient measure to bring our principles to a consummation , if the people are callous and indifferent , disorganised and without
resources . ... .. . . What guarantee have they that they will be properly supported , or that they will not fall victims , even inthe very sight of thoso in whose cause they are so nobly struggling ? I call upon you to give them confidence by taking immediate steps to form a _nationalorganisation . Look tothe miserable state of our victim fund in England ; if the widows and orphan ehildren ofour exiles ,, of our _martyw , had not obtained other aid , they must bave gone to the detested poor houBe or perished ! We ought to have been fully prepared to support them from our ordinary funds , ' even without being in the least degree _in-conveuienocd . But in Scctiand there is no victim fund whatever , this is a matter that is left entirely to chance . Good God ! is this gratitude ? Is this all the return we make to the helpless widows . and . orphans of those noble-minded patriots who have suffered so muoh for us ? Alt the noblest aspira ' tionB of the mind , all the bright anticipations oi future joy , have been seared
Thb Importance Of National Organisation....
tawith the lightning ' s shaft , by the hand ef unrelenting despotism , and yet the great body of the peep le treat them with the most cruel neglect , the blackest ingratitude . The voice | of justice and of liberty , the vbiee of God himself , calls upon you to arou * _e and do your duty . I am aware that some will say national _organisation has been tried already , and it has failed . But strange as it may seem , this is the very reason which I would give for the certain _Bucoess of a
general organisation n-iw . The late national organisation has failed , and we know the reason , the causes , and we can now avoid them in forming a new national union , I would , therefore , recommend that in every locality immediate steps be taken te form a branch ofthe National Charter A sssoiation as it exists in Englad , with such by-laws as will best suit the different cireumstances ofthe several localities . I would particularly press upon your attention the absolute necessity of making these by-laws as efficient , as operative , as possible .
I am convinced that the want of attention to this is one of the principal causes ofour present disunited state . It is not in the general laws that tbe error lies it is in the practical working out of the minute details . One great error into which the people have fallen , is the want of punctuality and regularity in their local associations . The working men of Scotland have never looked upon their associations as being very important auxiliaries in the cause . They have looked more npon the number of their
members than npon the manner tbey proved their attachment to the _eause . The . only test of every man's sincerity is , not what he will profess , bat what be will do , for the cause . Mere _^ _profesBora—main who attend our meetings wheu there is ' very great excitement to induce them —men who . come among ub when they expeot an angry discussion , or the bringing up of personal quarrels—these are of little use to any movement ; they only deceive us , as to our real strength , by ' swelling our ranks with men of straw . ' These are the men who raise the noise , who hiss and hoot , who vote away the funds , bntwho are particularly _aarefui of their own cash .
. You may depend upon their clamour , but you need not reckon upon a penny of their money . These are the very men who have helped to make a noisy meeting , who disgust the good , and drive them from our ranks ; and then tell yeu , when you speak of payments , ' Who would pay te support such clamorous meetings as such aad such ? ' What I would recommend , therefore , is tbat the associations , and the meetings of the associations , be composed exclusively of regular paying members . Do not be discouraged though , at first , your numbers may be limited , beeause ten men who will pay to support the cause ,
are better than ten times ten men who give us nothing—but noise . The meetings will then be conducted as they ought to be , and those real friends wbo seldom attended our irregular _noisy ; meetings , wiil once more rally round the flag of freedom . Of course this wili be a work of time , but it will come . But we must hasten the time , by our judicious , untiring , and energeticexertionB . It wilinot do to . wait in complete idleness until the world shall reform itself , for that will never be . It must be done by true hearts and willing hands .
Our motto Bhould be ' _pmmrandovinces . ' md it Bhould be eur motto practically also . Remember , that those beautiful ocean islands which adorn the Pacific , were raised up from the bosom ofthe sea by the little coral-insect , which deposits but one single grain at a time , till the whole of those piles were reared . I have often thought of the motto of a very distinguished writer of America , as peculiarly appropriate . Itis the picture of a mountain , with a man at its base , with his hat and coat lying beside him , anda p ickaxe in his hand , and as he digs , stroke by stroke , his patient look corresponds with his words— 'pen etpeu '— ' Little by little . ' Thus itis witb tbe people ; it is by patient united exertions alone , that we can ever bring about the fraternity of nations—that freedom of the world . 1 When man to man the warld o'er Shall brithera be an' a * that . '
In my next letter I shall point out what I conceive to be errors in the practical workings of our local associations ; and some suggestions as remedies . I am , brethren , firm and faithful , Oct . 21 th . Pro Patbia .
Irish Democratic Confederation. At The M...
IRISH DEMOCRATIC CONFEDERATION . At the meeting on Sunday week , at Cartwright ' Coffee-house , D . 'Dwain in the chair , a letter was read from Mr Segrave of _Barnsloy , announeing that forty-three Irishmen in Yorkshire , had declared in favour ofthe Democratic Confederates . The following resolution was adopted :- , That Mr Segrave and the Irishmen of Barnsley , who have so nobly come forward to sympathise with _thsir Irish brethren in tbe cause of democracy are entitled te our warmest thanks and gratitude . And as tbey have been the first to acknowledge the right * _n-narted by the Irish Democratic Confederation , we bail them as eur best friends , in propounding the glorious principles of democracy in England . The following is a copy of Mr Segrave _' s letter : —
Sib , — I reeeired yonr letter , and In accordance with your request , I Immediately set about the work which I had promised to perform , I aucceded in obtaining fortythree _, names and _seenred a large room , where wo met together on last Sunday evening . I shonld bare stated tbat some absented themselves , but I believe It was In consequence of tho inclemeney of tbe weather , but we had a rery good meeting to start witb , as tbere were several whom I did not expect , together with a cumber of English Cbartists . We made arrangements for our future proceedings , and passed resolutions , wbich I expect will appear in tbe Star of Saturday nest , I can assure you that each Individual present took a lively interest in tbe proceedings , but I am sorry to inform you , that in consequence of tbe depressed state of trade , we
will not he enabled to send our six months _contribution for a few weeks longer , as they are nearly all very poor men , and will have necessarily to pay it by instalments , however , I will send a remittance ae soon as possible , together with the names of subscribers , in order to increase the number on your boobs . I b ° g to return you and yonr brave co-patriots , ray sincere tbanks , for admitting me a member _' of the only society ef Irishmen now in _e-istence worthy ef sspport . I believe it to be the height of folly , nay , it is absolute madness , for working men to rely en the too-often broken pledges of the richer classes . Ko matter how liberal their professions may be , if they are placed _lu uncontrollable powar th » j at once become a part of the system , and prove tebe the greatest enemies of those who struggled to place them
in their , elevated position , As a proof of what I state , it is not necessary to refer to tbe Whigs and the "deform B' 11 , sb I know magistrates in my nathe town , Drogheda , who were seated on tho bench by virtue of Catholic Emancipation , to be invariably on the side of the rich oppressor in preference to tbe poor oppressed . ' A few instances wiH . suffice : the ship carpenters in tho employ ef Henry Smith , resisted a reduction of wages , but afterwards went to work at tho masters' stipulated price j and in order to deter the men from resisting future encroaehments of their hard-earned pittance , they wire bronght before a bench of magistrates . A Mr Chester , Whom theise very men assisted to place in power , told them nith all the air and impertinence of a haughty tyrant . That as their employer bad _forgare them , thev
would be set at liberty for the present , but if ever a similar circumstance took place , be would take core tbat they should be severely" punished . Such was tbe language ofa bench of Catholic magistrates , whom the people looked to as their natural protectors : and bear tn mind that the only offence charged against the men was peaceably decl ' _iDiuj tor a few days to work , I bave attentively listened ,, when a lad , to tha _electlenaerleg speeches oi professing Liberals , and my youthful mind oaught the popular enthusiasm in favour of Catholics obtaining power by means of a reform of the IriBh Cor . poratlons . A William Campbell , of _Anti-Chartist notoriety , was then the favourite orator , not that he was possessed of superior ideas , ' for he had none , but simply _becausehe could shout loudest against tbe rotten
_eorporation of Drogheda , particularly when Mr O'Dwyer , another of Ireland ' s modern patriots , stood behind him in tho capacity of prompter . However , _tbercquirtd change ? ook place , and Mr Campbell recently -occupied the proud position of mayor of the above-named town , surely then the working-classes , wbo used to shout and throw up their bats for hira when he talked of having satisfaction for' 98 , roust be really happy , but shortly afterwards he became _mayor , a case camo before him of a ' poor weaver who had summoned a manufacturer for robbing him of half his wages , on the pretence ofhis work not being properly finished , and the liberal Repeal Mayor at onco dismissed the caw , by stating that he could not interfere between a workman and his employer . Had it been ono of the old Orange mayors , tho weavers in that
perticular case , might have got fair play , but the Liberal manufacturer and the mayor frequently walked arm in arm together , and took tea with oach other , and , therefore his conscience would not {[ allow him to decide against tbe gentleman who was bis friend . I may as well state tbat some few months ago , Mr Jobn O'Connell placed Mr Campbell , the thorough Repeal ex-Mayoi , in a comfortable situation , to tbe tune of £ 800 a year ia the Kilkenny post-office . Such le a fair specimen of the men who are to win Ireland for the Irish . I mention these facts In order to show that it is worse than useless for tho people to waste their energies in seeking for an * thing _iess than a full measure of _iustiee , and thoy
ought to tsKe particular care , when engaged in expelling old tyrants , that they do not receive new task _, masters . I have _. read the letter of a Mr Comerford . that appeared in a late eopy of the Nation , exposing the wholesale plunder of the people ' s money by O'Connell . ' A . portion of tbe letter very justly accused O'Connell of one ot his blackest _trimes , namely , denouncing tho patriots of " , of whom the writer ' _states his father was one J but he ou _< _-ht to know that there was no more criminality in Old Ireland ' s leader denouncing the ; men , tban in Young Ireland ' s official _orgori the Nation , de . nouncing their principles as' abominations . ' ' He ought alsotoknow tha \ MrIte . Sher , tbo flippant tonguedpatr . o who talks so often of ' the star-spangled banner of
Irish Democratic Confederation. At The M...
_Ameriss , performed the same service at a publie meeting in Dublin . If Mr Comerford be no * a degenerate son tie matt'join the Irish _Demotrstic Confederation , tho , oc _# _society of Irishmen bow fn existence that advocates Mb father ' s principles , and those of his eo-patriots , what braved every danger to establish democracy in their native land . However , Sir , our course mast bo a straightforward one , and by neither turning to the light _, or » o the left , we may hope shortly to attract tbe attention of such men a » the Rev . Mr Kenjor , who will not long drag in the train of hypocrites and _knarss , as he has done before ; and by steady and determined perseverance , we may } etbridgo over tbegu ' ph by _creating ' guch an union of the toilln - millions of England , Iretand , and Scotland , as will mske the tyrants of tbe earth tremble , I remain , dear Sir , yours _veryrespectfolly , Mr I . T . Clancy . _Micuabl Swam .
Ths following aro tbe names of the _ofBcers appointed at our meeting : —Robert O'Neill , John _O'Leary , Edward Keeth , William Henry , ' John Trafford , John M'Coy , _Thomas Crick , Patrick Gonnor , _sub-treasurer ; Michael Segrave , sub-secretary . Barnsley , .. . __ . A highly respectable and numerous meeting of in ' * body . was holden on Sunday evening , at Oartwrighl _** The Vice-President in tlie chair , _Pwob-beooinq . —Mr _Clanot rose to bring _beftwe the meeting the case of Mr Hanail the secretary of the Irish Contederation , wbo bad accepted the office of Sub-Inspector of Irish Schools , under the Board of Eduoation in Ireland . Be ( Mr C . ) considered he
would be shrinking irom the performance of his duty - were he to allow a transaction of this description to pass unnoticed . Mr G- entered into thc history of the Confederation from its formation up to the present time , showing tho appointment bythe counoil of Mr Hamil as secretary at the salary of £ 100 ityear payable monthly in advance , with furnished lodgings . They have clubbed their pence to aid in paying Mr Hamil eight pounds per month as secretary . But wbat must ba their astonishment now to hear that Mr Hamil never was secretary : naymore , they hive actually _diseovered that he was not even a member of the body ! The following ap . peared in last week ' s Nation .
• _Rbsoldtiob ov Coohcil . — That Mr Hamil _nover was the secretary of the Irish Confederation ; that at the time he was doing business in our office , it _WB 8 under the honorary secretaries , Messrs O ' Gorman and Meagher 1 that he became se disconnected from us on the 17 th of June last , since when the council have had no control over him , and that tbe situation Mr Hamil bas obtained was not given him , at the recommendation of any member of the _Confedeiation . ' gThis was a very short paragraph yet it _contained no less than three false statements . Either Mr Hamil
was secretary or he was not ; if he was _secretarj their repudiation of him is as baso as it is false ; if he was not secretary then it was a misappropriation of the funds to pay him . In June last the editor ofthe Pilot asserted that Hamil had got this situation . Mr Magee , _atja public meeting the following week in Dublin , stated that was a « reat big He ofthe Pilot's i that the poor dear gentleman was lying sick in tlie country & c . ; but after all it turns out that _' the great % We had some little truth in it . ( Cheers . ) MrC . concluded by moving the following resolution : —
Tbas tbis meeting having duly considered the conduct of the Council of the Irish _ConfederatiodWith regard to the appointment of Mr Hamil as Sub-Inspector of Irish Schools under tho Board of Education , deomfc our duty to express our disapprobation of tbo conncil in repudiating their paid secretary , aftor receiving the sub . _seripvioniof many members oi this body towards hta support hs an officer of the Confederation , and that we have always _aonsldered their rules , which they call fun . damental principles , as vague , abstruse and _unaatiafactory .
This resolution was adopted . A resolution was then proposed and carried , _espressure of confidence in Feargus O'Connor , Esq ,, M . P . __ ; denouncing his enemies , and calling upon the working classes to repudiate the villanous journala which have assailed ( bat gentleman . Several speeches were delivered in support of this resolution , in which the speakers expressed their enthusiastic admiration of Mr O'Connor . Mr M'Cartht , in the course of his address , said tbat when his trade was out on the strike they went to the Dispatch to get an article inserted , and they had the modesty to demand £ 3 ; they went to the Star where they got the whole for nothing at all . ( Oheers . ) Mr John Cleave , oi _Shoe-lano , paid in a year ' s subscription and was enrolled a member amidst mucb applamo . A vote of thanks moved by Mr Sullivan and seconded by Mr M'Carthy was unanimously awarded to that gentleman for 50 copies of Emmet ' s speech which he presented , to be sold for the _benefit of the society . -
Irish Confederation. . . The Decision Of...
IRISH CONFEDERATION . . . The decision of His Holiness , the Pope , respeofc . ing the Irish Colleges is looked upon by the _Confedarates of this metropolis as a good omen , with respect to Ireland . As it is now generally believed lhat Pope _Piub will not grant one concession to the English government without they commence a liberal policy towards misgoverned Ireland , that will ultimately load to its regen _< _-pation . Lord Minto will , in that event , bave to return to England , just as wise as when he left it .
Tab Westminster Confbdiratbs , on Sunday evening last , the 24 th inst ., held their weekly meeting at the Ch ? rter Coffee-house , _Strutton Ground . Mr Miles _M'Sweeney in the chair . Several extracts from Primate Boulter ' s letters to English _statesmep with regard to establishing English interest in Ireland having been read , the Chairman said that he was happy to state that Mr Johnson , from Brighton , was present , and that gentleman had informed him that Confederation meetings were held in Brighton , as also wore meetings for the Repeal of the Scotch Union with England . The Jast announcement was received with loud cheera .
Chelsea _Cohpbderates . —At a meeting of this body , held at Mr O'Donnell ' s , 4 , Sydney-street , _Fnlham-road , on Sunday week , Mr Dunne , ex-repeal warden , delivered an eloquent address . A number of new members joined the Confederation . At th ? meeting of this body on Sunday last , Mr Wm . Dunna having addressed tha meeting in his usual eloquent style . Several persons were enrolled , and the meeting was adjourned . Thb Davis _Coi-FBDBRAia Club —It having been announoed for the last three weeks that E . Kenealy , Esq . was to deliver a lecture : — ' The Vindication of tbe Irish Parliament . ' On Monday evening , tha 25 th inst ., but whioh had beea postponed to the fol . owing Monday , owing to that gentleman being de
tamed in the country by his professional duties . The Assembly Rooms , 83 , Dean-street , Soho , were crowded to an overflow . Mr T . _O'Mahoney waa called to the chair . The meeting was amply compensated for the absence of the lecturer by listening tothe proceedings ofthe late meeting of tie Sarafield Club , at Limerick . Dr O'Connor , M . D ., on rising , said that he had been induced to come forward that evening on account of reading that their meetings were bold in this metropolis in private houses instead of public houses . He had not become a confederate without weighing in his own mind the principles of both old and young Ireland , and when he saw such men _asDr Cane , of Kilkenny , presiding over the meeting of the Contederation in Dublin , and IV . S . _O'JBrien , Esq ., M . P ., ia Limerick , he could no longer withhold his support
from a body which he believed had the cause of Ireland at heart . The learned Doctor continued to address the meeting _' nt great length , denouncing the cringing polioy ofthe Irish place-hunters , and showing that the Confederates , by pursusng their present policy , would ultimatel y bring into their ranks those who had kept aloof from the moral force party on account of its sectarian character . The learned gentleman , during his address , was received with rapturous applause . Mr T . Daly tben announced to the meeting that as soon as tho committee had received answers to ce ' rtain questions put to Mr C . Anstey , meetings would be held in the City , Clerken _* well , St Luke ' s , and several other districts , where hearts were panting to commence the good work ot Ireland ' s regeneration , and England ' s prosperity ; Several persons having enrolled themselves , amongst whom was Dr O'Connortho meeting adjourned .
, Oobrak Club . —At a meeting of this body on Sunday week , at tho Charter Coffee-house , Strutton Ground , the correspondence of the London Confederates was read from the Northern Star . The letter of Mr O'Mahony was received with loud applause _.
Dkwsbury.—A Meeting Was Held At Dewsbury...
Dkwsbury . —A meeting was held at Dewsbury on Wednesday evening , October 20 th , to hear a lecture from Mr J . West , on the Chartist Land Plan and Labour Bank . Mr . West delivered oneof the most _maBterly and convincing lectures oyer heard in _Uewsbury . Cn . 0 Ri . HY . —Oa Friday evening , tho 22 nd inst , Mr Clark , one of the directors delivered a lecture in the large room ofthe Fazakerley Arms Inn , on tbe Land in connexion with the Land and Labour Bank , to a crowded and enthusiastic audience .
Macoleshblo . —Mr John West delivered a most instructive and entertaining address to a numerous and attentive audience , on Sunday evening last , in the Chartist room , Stanley-street . He went into the charges of the -Whistler , ' and one after the other demolished them , to the entire satisfaction of a crowded meeting . After an unanimous vote of tbanks to Mr West tor his talented address , the meeting separated . Westof aeolesfleld
flKBDBN BWDOE .-Mr J . , M _- delivered a leoture on Friday , the 22 nd instant , in the Democratic Chapel . The lecture , which took two hours and a halt in its _deliveryWMliategBiLia _* with breath _^ _sileuco , The room of holding 500 persons , was orow RociinALB . —On Sunday evening _tist meeting-room , was crowded to leeture from Mr T . Clark , on the National Land Company . A great had to go _awsfy , not being able to Mr Clark spoke at considerable . dress _gaye much satisfaction .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 30, 1847, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_30101847/page/3/