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Sbopwemant9' ^Maiibaii October 30, 1847....
^UtropKtait IttteUigeme^
' '—*\"V*»-Tr* rtrv%*»»*r»<*rv*r»y <***w...
" gome *£Uaf5.
isngiantf. IAKCASHIRE. Robbbbt.—A farmer...
Scotland. Thk "Gr asd Turk of Scoimud.—W...
pfltrc fttprt
BOW-STBHET. * — CiDTioK aro Pawhbbokiis....
Sudden Dbath. —On Wednesday, in the Sess...
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Sbopwemant9' ^Maiibaii October 30, 1847....
October 30 , 1847 . THE NORTHERN STAR . ¦¦¦ sss = s = gasafS _^ - ~ f _^
^Utropktait Ittteuigeme^
_^ _UtropKtait _IttteUigeme _^
' '—*\"V*»-Tr* Rtrv%*»»*R»<*Rv*R»Y <***W...
' _' —*\ _"V _*» _-Tr _* rtrv % _*»»* r _»<* rv _* r _» y _<*** w _*»* _T-rt IW ~ _; _"JK 8 To . _"Misiemous Dmth . —At the _Falean , Fetter-lane , Ijefcre Mr Joseph Payne , deputy coroner for the City _, into the cause of death in the case of Mary Dawson , married woman , wife of Mr John Dawson , linen-? _Jraper _. of Ely , in Cambridgeshire , who died at the house of her uncle . Mr _Worwater , of 31 , Fetter-lane , na Monday , the 19 . fa inst CircumsUnces of suspicion having been attached to this case , from the fact tbat the deceased had eloped from her _btuband in June last , and gone * to reside in Devonshire , wrtn a party late in the cmplovment of her husband , and that * hs had been visited only the day before her < Ieath by that person , mueh interest was exhibited in tiie case , tbe inquiry being called upon the application of Mr Muriel , surgeon , Wellington-street ,
Londen-bridge , who had for some years attended the deceased in the capacity of medical adviser . Mr _MarieliOf 4 . Wellington-street , London-bridge , deposed—That he had professionally attended deceased _ffliteen year * , lie knew her at Elj-saw her in June last , not in good health . On tha Saturday previous to her death , she called upon him , when he gave her some pills . Last Sunday he was called npon ta see deceased , in Fttter-lane . He went there . She said thit she _thought she was in labour-Be observed that she was not . She said that she had been five months in the family way . lie asked her if she had not taken anything , which ahe denied . He observed that he was afraid she had . He saw her again on the Monday morning , when there were no symptoms of any thing serious about to take place _. He left , and called again between twelve and one , when he fonnd that she had been dead about an hour _.
By the Coroner : lassisted in _taepost mortem examination , and agree with Mr Digby , tbat there was nothing discovered to lead him to any concluMon as to what was the cause of death . I looked about the room , and conld not discover tbe _remainsof any poison . Mr Worcester ( anele of deceased ) said , that deceased was bis brother ' s daughter . A few months ago he saw her , when she said nothing abont leaving ber husband . Three weeks ago she came again . He at tbat time knew that sha was _living in Devonshire _withanotherman . _BeforeBhecametohitBsaehadVetn ill of an intermittent fever . After being at _hishouae afew days she got worse . On Friday , finding that she was very bad , after a conversation , ahe asked bim to co to Mr Mariel . On the following day she
said that she was in _thefe-nily-way , and thatshe would go to Mr _MnrieL She went in a cab . On Sunday she got worse , when he proenred aaurae , who said that she thought the pains oflabour were coming on . She had four children . She has been living during the last few months in Devonshire with a person who was in her husband ' s service . She left her husband in Jwe last . On the Sunday before she , died the person he referred to called npon deceased . Witness refased him admission , but he subsequently had an interview with deceased for an hoar . He has aot been seen since . Mr D / gby , surgeon , Fleet-street , and Mr C . J . Hodgson , practical chemut , stated they had made a post mortem examination of the deemed ,
and had found no traces of poison . Thsy could form so idea of the e » use of death . Mr Hodgson and Mr _Dighy were here both called , and stated that no donbt could exist but that deceased died from anxiety and exhaustion . Upon the nurse being ealted , she stated that the deceased , before she died , exclaimed , ' I am erasy—ray head is full ; ' and thenshe ( deceased ) went off . The Mowing verdict was returned— " Thejury say that the deceased died from exhaustion , but that upon an analysis of the medical evidence , they are notable to state the immediate cause of death , and therefore they do net feel themselves justified in saying whether it was occasioned by natural causes or not . '
_Chaege agawst a Chemist . —Before Mr Mills , at the Seymour Anns , Seymour-place , Brysostonequare , by adjournment , on the body of Emma Elisabeth Tamer , aged two years , the child of a dairyman in Adam-street West . The case at first appeared to be an ordinary death from scarlatina _, whieh was proved to be present in fie house , some otber children ofthe same family being afflicted with it ; but it assumed a new feature in consequence oi _theaisertlonofMr Moat , a surgeon in the _neighboorhood , that , on a post mortem examination , ha had f onnd a considerable portion of morphia ( tbe principle of opium ) inthe fluid eontenta of the stomach . This , involving as it did the cbarseter of a chemist , named Squire , who had _proscribed a powder for the child , led to the adjournment of the inquest , in order to apply further chemical tests . Mr Theophilus Redwood , professor of chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society , analysed tbe temainderof
the Said fonnd rathe child ' s stomach , and fonnd morphia present , but in such very minute portions , as scarcely to be __ distinguishable . This opinion led to a long discussion between the two gentlemen , Mr Bed wood declaring that iodic acid was a very oncertain test of the presence of morphia if putrescence had _eammenoed ; while Mr Moat contended , that poisoning by the aw of opium wonld , for a time , ittu _aerve the body from decomposition , and thus enable a fair test ta be made by that acid . Amidst this difference of chemical opinion thejury retired for a considerable period , and then returned a verdict 4 That the ehild was found dead , with certain indications in the heart and brun ; but whether from the effects of morphia , or from natural causes , there was not _suEsient evidence before the jurors to show , ' accompanied with a strong expression of opinion by _thejuryof the danger and illegality ofthe _p-acticu of _ehemists in prescribing for ailing persons * _ntbont seeing them .
MBCtlLsXBOCB . _Destekatb _Lkat F 80 M _WEsnrursKB-aHiBos . — On Saturday last , about eleven o ' clock in the forenoon , considerable excitement was created _anviDgst the persons passing over Westminsterbridge _, by an attempt at saicide . The unfortunate Individual -is named _Crawlevshire , and has long carried en an extensive building establishment in Derby . During the past few days he has been visiting the metropolis . At the hour above stated , he was observed to mount one of the pier heads of the bridce ; and before he could be stopped he leaped
head-foremost into the river . An instant alarm was j given , and in the coarse of a few EecoRds , a son of William Campbell , and another waterman , rowed to the unfortunate man , and at great risk succeeded in pulling him into their boat . Thej then conveyed Aim to Westminster Hospital , where he was put into a warm bath , and everything done for him tbat the nature of his case required ; and U is to be hoped that he may recover from tbe _effeets of his submersion . Not the least idea can be formed as to what induced tte party to make such a desperate attempt npon bis life .
Progress of tea New Houses cs Pahlumkst . — Since the date of the architect ' s midsummer report , considerable progress has beea made with the upper part of the eentral hall . Thegreined vault , seventy feet over ( nn immense work ) is nearly finished , and over it has been bnilt a brick cone , to cany a spire « ft > recently determined on , If ire understand ' rightly . This cone will be faced with masonry . _Standing on the scaffolding here , it will be observed that the whole of tbe roofs are now nearly finished . These roofs are wholly of iron , including the external covering . A peep inside the House of Commons is not satisfactory . Tho ceilinp , it is true , is finished , ready for the painters , and the stone screens at the north and south ends ofthe house are completed ; bntin other respects it is as it was long ago , —the walls are bare , and thefloor . even that whieh is te carry it , not commenced . The explanation of this
seems to he the old story ; no certain decision is yet « ome to respecting Dr Reid _' _a plans for warming and ventilating it , andif the architect were asked to state when the house will be ready for the membera , he would probably reply it was _qnita out of his power io do so . The Victoria Tower will bs a grand thing when finished : the ninety feet which it bas attained ont of the 846 to whieh ic has to rise , afford enough to _jndee by . With the Clock Tower at the other end ofthe pile , and the spire on the Central Hall , it will entirely al _' er the character of the building externally , and remove the objection of want of variety of outline , which is now occasionally nrged . On a turret behind the Victoria Tower the model ofa short spire is set np , terminated with a largo crown an _! vane , thc effect of which is unsatisfactory ; the vane is too large , and the outline not harmonious _, _f ortunately , it is bnt a model .
_Fibe a « d _itahrow Escape . —A fire that at one time threatened the most disastrous consequences to life and property , broke out on Monday evening last , in the mid-t ofa clump ol houses , situate at ( J , _Wood _' _a-place East , Upper _Whitecross-streat , St . Luke ' s , in the tenure of several poor families . The _flames commenced in the back room first-floor , " but from what agency conld not be ascertained . At the time of the outbreak one of the lodgers . Mrs Green , witb her two children , were in the upper part ofthe building , and had it not been for the opportune _discivery and the praiseworthy exertions of a neighbour , it is quite probable that a loss ef life would have ensued . The Brigade engines from _Whitecrossstreet station , with ifr . lfalleft , the head engineer , ; quickly attended , but owing to the distance ofthe i burninr building from the public thoroughfare , it
was found neces sary to attach nearly 300 feet of hose to the engine before the firemen cou'd reach the burning property ; tbat having been accomplished , the flames were happily confined to the prernisesin which thev originated , but they were not _extinguished until the whole ef the families residing in the place had lost their furniture , wearing apparel , and other effects , thereby leaving them without a place to put their heads in for the night . A more abject scene of misery ean scarcely be conceived ; one poor woman and a child , stated that she had sot ouly lest all she possessed , but also the work she had in the room belonging to her employers . Her _escape was most miraculous , flames having eanght her dress , and consumed nearly the whole of the back portion before ahe conld get into the open air . We quote the following letter as illustrative of JHetropolItaa misery : —
MisEat m 8 o-rrawA « a . _^ . _* 3 ir , —Public attention has lately _bted somewhat directed to the sanitary condition ef thi * garish ,. more especiall y to Three Tuns-Court ,
' '—*\"V*»-Tr* Rtrv%*»»*R»<*Rv*R»Y <***W...
White-street . At _pwieat , however ,. onh » tte general _ttatem-ut-hM- _beenn » a » - that * mtchnecessity exUt , for _Mnltary _iraprovimtnt , and even tali has been que * _, tionedby the parish authorities . Tbe following state _, ments may be relied on . They com * from ono who has carefully and minatory in-petted the cout , for the purpose of _ascertaining the ml facts of the _eass . ' The s * Tuns-court consist * of eleven _boutes , but soma of thtm are wholly and ethers partially inhabited , oh aeconnto ' f their dreadfully dilapidated condition , laoh house contain * three rooms , of abont eight feet square , with no back entrance to any . There Ib bo water in the court and bat ono privy , . which is in a homely filthy condition , th * soil from it running over and saturating th * pavement around , whilst from its broken , dilapidated state , together wth the ruinous condition of all the houses , a dreadful _iteaoh pervades tbe atmosphere of < he
whol * oourt . There ls no inhabited house which doe * aot contain some one infected , more or les » , with fever . There ar * now about one hundred parsons , including children living in the court . In on * ofthe rooms ther * are hum adult * living . In three sf the houses the groundfloor I * entirely gon « . In one of these houses , in tha lower room , four adult * and two of thr «* children live . having no b « d , but all » leeplngou some straw laid on th * earth . One of those ln this room is a woman who ras confined two or three day * * ln _* e ; fhe lie * , like the eth _* _n , on the straw , _aniaerohUd appears completely naked . Tha room contain * no furniture ; a large stone U aud a * a mt . There are only three bedstead * , an * arcely any oth « r article of furniture , except * few broken cha ' ir * in the conrt . Three deaths have lately occurred "from fer « r . Other place * in this neighbourhood are ' very little better than Three Tun « . conrt ; indeed , many ar * more thickly crowded . —J . C .
" Gome *£Uaf5.
" gome * £ _Uaf 5 .
Isngiantf. Iakcashire. Robbbbt.—A Farmer...
isngiantf . IAKCASHIRE . Robbbbt . —A farmer , not far from Fazakerley , hearing of the panic , harried fate town oa Monday , and went direct to _Leyland's Bank , where he had £ 2000 . They asked him what he wanted , and he said he must have his 'mooney . " They said he need not be alarmed , he bad better let it remain . This roused his anger . ' No , by gor , he said , 'his wife told hia to mind and get it , and he would have it' It was eiven to him , and ha returned home . It would have bean safer in the bank , howerer . That sight some of tho Liverpool thieves paid him a visit _, who had _donbtless heard of the transaction , which had excited some amusement inthe town .
C * iae « e of _KroKAFPiKohas come under the investigation of the magistrates at Manchester , of which some of the circumstances will be read with interest . The charge waB biongnt by an Irish pedlar , named Crinan , and the prisoners ( who , however , were not E laced in the dock , ) were a Mrs Jackson , wife of a _eer-hense keeper , and her two maiden sisters . In 1639 , Crinan's wife had two children at a birth , both ot which were boys , and one of them , ia a very weakly state , at the age ef seven weeks , was taken by Mrs Jackson ( with the consent of her husband ) to nurse . Fora couple of years , or rather more , Crinan held himself liable toa payment of 4 s . per week for the child , bnt being very poor , and Mrs Jackson being in moro thriving circumstances , she offered to
reduce tha charge for the child to 2 s . per week , and this was accepted . At the end of about fonr years the Jacksons having grown very fond of the ehild , the child exhibiting more affection for them than its parents , they ( having no children of their own , ) agreed to adopt it , to _excaie any farther payment for it , and the parents appearing satisfied ; the child , bow eight years old , has been regarded by the Jacksons as their own , and well attended te and educated . A short time since , to the astonishment of the Jacksons , Crinan laid claim to the child , and they , with the fear of the law before their eyes , suffered it tobe borne away . Taking courage , however , after a week ' s reflection ( and probably some leeal advice . ) Mrs Jackson sought ont the child and
enticed it back again . The father took it away a s-cond time , and to prevent further difficulty , was taking it to the station of the Birmingham Railway on Monday evening , intending to place it under the core of some person in the eeuntry , when , strange to _s-iy , the maiden sisters of Mrs Jackson set Upon him with _euoh energy that he was obliged to relinquish his bold and let them carry away the ehild . Subsequently he got the assistance ef the police , and it was for this aot that he brought the charge of kidnapping . —Mr Harding , on behalf of Crinan , attempted to support the eharge of felony . —Mr Pollock , ia defence , examined the prosecutor , and showed , by his evasions and falsehoods , that he was not trustworthy , bnt failed in showing ground for
belief thatthe parents were not able to identify the child from its being taken from them at such an early age . He contended , however , that there waa no ground for a charge of felony , denying that the magistrates bad any jurisdiction , —Mr Harding : Then do yoa mean to tay we have na remedy !—Mr Pollock : If you have any remed y , it is by habeas . —Mr Harding : That will require money . —Mr Pol kek : Which I sincerely hope you will not be able to raise- The object of attempting to reclaim the child is oneof the grossest superstition ; and one which , for tke sake of religion , I should not like to state in this court . —Mr Maude , the chairman of the magistrates
, intimated that he agreed with Mr Pollock in thinking there was no pretence for the charge of felony , and dismissed the case . The superstitious motive ( alluded to by the learned counsel ) which bad impelled Crinan to reclaim his child and manifest so much affection for it , after the passion had lain _dormant for eight years , was that Crinan ' s wife , who is a Catholic , having let it slip at coniessiori that the child was in the keeping of Protestants , and was receiving a Protestant education , had thereupon been dismissed . with the threat that no absolution would be dispensed till the child should have beea reclaimed and should have been brought to the true church .
TOBHSHIR * . _DasiEucnos op a Mm , bt Fibb At _WAsarisLs . —At about two o ' clock oa Saturday morning last a most destructive fire took plaoe at Wakefield , on the extensive premises of Messrs W . and W . Lake , situ * ate in Thorn ' s lane . The proprietors are bone and cake erushers ; and agricjltnral seedsmen . The premises which thpy : occupy are situated in the midst of a large number of corn and flour mills , the safety of which- wss much endangered by the flames from the burning pile . The mills of Mr George Sandars , M . P ., for the borough , ofthe Messrs Fernandee Mr Thomas Haigh , and other large firms , were with difijenlty saved , and _thedwelling-houses of those who _rceide in the vicinity were placed in imminent danger Before arrival of the
th * engine the building was a mass of flames , and the front part of it was completely gutted . The whole ef the machinery was completely destroyed , as well as the large ' stock of oats , beans , linseed , Indian corn , and cake . Nothing more than the bare walls ofthe mill itself are left standing . No portion ofthe stock was saved , _althottgh the whole ofthe books of tho firm were safely removed from the counting-bouse . The building _waainanredta the extent of £ 1 . 009 , a ram much below its real value . The destruction of property is estimated at £ 2 , 500 . Of the origin of the fire no accurate ilea can be formed . There was happily no _los 3 of life , although one of the firemen met with a serious accident .
_auUCBBTSBSHIBB . Thk Jesuits . —It is said the order of Jesuits are about shortly to assume the management of church matters amongst the Roman Catholics in Bristol . They have undertaken te liquidate the existing debts on tbe Roman Catholic places of worship , and likewise to advance the necessary funds to the bishop of the * western district , ' for building a cathedral ' in Bristol—for which the purchase of a site has already been concluded .
0 XP 8 BD 5 HIBB . Fibb . —On Tuesday , soon after eight o ' olock , an express retched Oxford with the intelligence that the _homestead of Mr Gale , a large farmer , residing at _Cuddesden , was in flames . In a short time two engines were on the spot , but before they couidarrest the progress of tbe flames , four large ricks of corn were consumed , and other property was also more or less destroyed . There is too much reason to believe that the fire was caused by an incendiary .
KEKT . _Rayaoss of ihb Sea . —At Dover , during the whole of Saturday , it blew a heavy gale from the S . W ., with rain and thick weather . Tbe continental traffic was , consequently , partially interrupted , while the outward-bound vessels , and coasters for the westward , were compelled to take shelter in tbe Downs and East Bay of _Dungeness . Considerable damage has been done to the works at Dover by tbe extreme violence ef the sea , there being an unusually high spring tide . A strong wooden wall , inclosing _, the offices and workshops connected with the Dover Harbour of Refuge , was completely knocked away : while the wooden frames and other moveable articles ef the Lord Warden Hotel were strewed in all
directions ; but the greatest proof of the resistless force of tha waves ( which were at this time making a clean , breach oyer the . pier . headB ) , was . that about a dozen of the iron stanchions , three inches in diameter , to whieh the chain railing round tho basin within the south pier are attached , were snapped asunder , as it they had been so many reeds . To the eastward ofthe harbour portions of the soil at the extremity of the sea-wall opposite the esplanade were swept away . The only portion of the worka in progress that stood the test was the new inclined plane between the south pier-head and Cbeeseman ' s head , which was subjected to a very rude oroof of its powers of resistance , but it stood the trialwith comparatively trifling injury .
SUSSEX . I Another Yacht Seized . —Mueh interest has been excited at Littlebampton , by the seizure of a small yacht belonging to a member of the Royal Tacht Club , and which has just arrived from a port in France . The seizure was made by reason of . the stores , including about five gallons of bottled spirits , a quantity not larger than yachts of tbe Royal Yacht Club are privileged to have , under a proviso that on arriving in a British port , the same , except a reason *
Isngiantf. Iakcashire. Robbbbt.—A Farmer...
able _,, fli » _ntityvfor ; Jmm _^ i » te use ,, sheuld within a given time ( which had net elapsed ) , ba deposited at the _cuitem-hoase until the sailing of the : yacht , when it might be legally reshipped , trw of duty . The decision of tke Board ef Customs ia reference to tha _siiture is not known .
_WltTSaiRE . Debtors _thbakd as Fewks . —At the Michaelmas 8 _assioB 8 for tbis county , Mr Smith said he bad a subject to bring before the court with reference to the treatment ef parsons committed for the non-payment ef orders made in the . new county courts . In visiting the Marlborough Bridewell , ho bad seen that some of the persons had been cropped by the gaoler , just in the same manner as if they had been felons . This he thought by no means right , and he therefore requested the gaolor to write to the Home Secretary for directions as to the manner in which these prisoners ought to be treated . He had done so , and a letter was received , directing him to apply to the visiting justices for orders . He ( Mr Smith ) thought
he had better lay it before the court to know the opinion of tbe magistrates . The clerk aaid that he had ft copy of tha regulations for tbe treatment of _rersons committed under the small debts act . They were te be treated in the same manner ' as persons committed under the bankruptcy and insolvent laws , similar te those convicted of fraudulent or dishonest conduct , under the previous acts . They were to be separate from criminal prisoners , they were not to maintain themselves , but were to be restricted to the prisen dietary , they were not to reoeive spirituous Jiquors or tobacco , and were made snbjeet to the various other restrictions placid upon the claBs of prisoners . Mr Smith : Then it ' s no use to send them to Marlborough , for we have no means here of
putting them into separate confinement . We have had six committed , and there is one here now . That whieh called mv attention , was feeing their hair cropped off . In bringing it forward , I am not at all blaming the governor , only I wish to know if it is right they should be sent out ofthe prison , as if they had been common felons . In Salisbury it had not been done so : I da ' net know hew it is at _Deriies . Mr Haywood said tbey were treated tbere just the same as untried _pri-oners-their hair net being cut nor the prison dress put upon them . They never cut the hair of untried prisoners , except it was found absolutely necessary for purposes ef cleanliness . Lord Radnor read the act , directing them to be placed in different confinement . Mr Smith : Then it is no
use sending tbem to Marlborough . Lord Radnor : The act says they must be kept apart , ' ¦ ' so far as the construction of the prison willallqw . * Mr Smith said he did not read the act in the same way as Lord Radnor . He read it that they conld not put them with eomraon prisoners at all .. Mr Sotheron : Then an older must be made that they shall not be sent to Marlborough . Mr Jacob said the . sitae difficulty existed in Salisbury ; they had there no means of keeping them apart . Mr Smith : There will be no difficulty in requesting the judges to send them to certain places , and not te send them to others . I de not see that they can be put with the otherprisoners . The Chairman said he looked upon it in the Eame way . His opinion waB , that the practice of cutting
the hair was not ib conformity with the rales laid down for their treatment . Although he considered them as fraudulent , and therefore , to seme extent , criminal , yet that was provided for by a certain amount of punishment to meet the justice of the case . Beyond that he did not think they had any right to go , Mr Goddard : If these men are net to have their hair cropped , why should it be done te a man who is committed for an assault ? Mr Smith : I think no persen ougbt to be treated as a felon , when his offence is such as can be satisfied by paying a certain pecuniary amonnt . Lord Radner expressed a strong objection whioh he entertained towards ' cropping ' under any circumstances whatever . The matter was then oidered to be referred lo the committee for conferring on the dietary question . _ _W _* t __ l ___ r __ r __ r __*__* _if _ci _. _________ W \ W \\\____\ m \ . \ ll . _mn-i _.-j m _ % _ _t
Scotland. Thk "Gr Asd Turk Of Scoimud.—W...
_Scotland . Thk "Gr asd Turk of _Scoimud . —We have heard the particulars of an extraordinary circumstance that happened lately in Glasgow , which may almost be denominated a romance in real life . A person in business died lately whose life was insured for £ 30 , 000 . Immediately after his death this sum was laid claim to by no less than three families , _censisting each of 8 wifeand children ; and what is singular , the one family seems not to have been cognisant of the other . Which family ia the legitimate one nobody at present can say , until further inquiry is made ; but it seems that each marriage was celebrated by clergymen in this city , and the wives have been maintained in a respectable manner . It appears thathe was in the habit of living a fortnight at a time ia each house successively .
Jwlafflj. H16esi Ahd Akascht—B»Bad Ob Bm...
_Jwlafflj . H 16 ESI AHD _AKASCHt—B » BAD OB BMOD!—AKTUBUHt AMD BATI 8 _HOVIHIBT—THI FHIEITS AND THB HA . . AXIS—THB IAW Iff _TimBAXX . ( From our own Correspondent . ) DtJBiJW . 25 th October .. Ireland ! _hmd of misery and or bloed ! he who would _chreHsfe thy story at the present hour should write with a quill plueked from the wing of the destroying angel , and dipped in human gore . This is no poetic imagining—no flight of faBcy . Ireland , at this moment , presents a spectacle such as may not
be seen within the precinct * of ' the great globe , 'snch as none , but these who' live and move' on this luokless land can well comprehend er accredit , Bleesed with the best gifts that a bounteous Gedean bestow ; her haggards and her granaries teeming with food and wealth , and yet four-fifths of her population are on the borders of starvation ! — all classes verging quickly to ruin—no sound heard but the wail of the dying pauper , or the' crack' of the murderer ' s carbine , and no hope with the millions but what is associated with revolution , and a total subversion of . law and order , and the _existing constitution of society .
The events ot the last fortnight , though individually not of unusual or verv striking interest , ' are very significant ef impending changes , and fully corroborate what I affirm . The country newspapers give fearful testimony of the _sadjeendition ofthe provinces . Throughout almost every district of the south and west , the howl for ' bread' has been raised more lustil y than ever , and the temporary lull experienced during the early harvest months , seems to have only made men more desperate ; and , like a giant arousing renovated from his slumbers , halffamished millions start Hp , evidently determined to starve no longer , and vowing before high heaven that British la _ws or British bayonets Bhallnomere deter them from seeking food for their families
where food can be found , and that ihey will rather fall beneath the steel or bullet , than drag out a miserable existence through the coming winter , as they did during the memorable year whioh has pissed over . A determination to resist the payment of rents and poor rates , seems to pervade the peasant masses throughout the greater portions of these districts to which I have referred ; and though I am not one of those who would incite resistance to just _elaims , still it must be admitted , that there are cases when patient endurance becomes but another name for paltry cowardice , and when stern resistance to oppression is a duty , not a crime . The time has now arrived when people cannot any longer 'bear the ills tkey have . ' With abundance of food around them
men will not , and ought not , continue to starve , and those who rule the destinies of Ireland may rest assured , that the Irish peasantry will not any longer be either cajoled or intimidated into _aquietjsubmission to that draconian fiat which consigns them to the most horrifying of deaths , whilst the 'stranger ' fattens on the wealth which their toil and industry has raised . Government would , therefore , do well to look to the wants of our vast population of paupers ere yet it is too late , for in addition to the extreme poverty of the people , Ireland at this moment nurses elements , which , if once fanned . into outbreak , will hot be . extinguished without the mas-acre ef thousands , and the expenditure of more treasure than would rescue our unfortunate _neoole
from the horrors of mad insurrection , or the more dreadful and degrading alternative of a slavish submission to another year ' s famine and pestilence . -1 need not observe that the Irish peasantry have ever been remarkable for their attachment to the Roman Catholic priests , and the implicit obedience which they paid to their teaching _. political as well as theological . But even here ' a change' is coming over the spirit of Paddy _| s _dreamings . He appears now to think that he ought not to die of hunger , ev 9 n at tbe bidding of his ' riverence _, ' and stoutly denies that the priest _ib __ justified in preaching submission to the law , whilst that hated law starves him and hiB children . * Faix / cries the pallid , cadaverous-faced peasant , " tis easy fora man to talk of
quietness and patience , who has no wife _gaspin ' wid the hunger , and whose ears are not moiderred widthe cries of his childre' shouting for what they have no chance of getting . ' 'Live horse , and you mutt get gracB , ' is poor comfort for hungry Christians , and though we may be tould of what good times we will have wben our own parliament is sitting in Dublin , & loaf , or bread , era pottle of Indian buck , ' would be more in our way now , than a shipload of such fine promises ; We have been living on hopeuntii we are nearly dead on that sapless diet , and faix , if we don't get more substantial food now we will , have it by hook or by crook . ' Such is tho
language now becoming rile _amongst . the poor Irish , and by way , of illustration , I may add , that in the course ofthe last week , two different Catholic clergymen in the South have been attacked by their own parishioners , and had their corn and cattle carr / ed away perforce , to allay the hunger of their unfo - tunate people . Templedewy , nearNenagh , in the county of _Tioperary , was , last week , the aoene of ' a bit of a spree ' which , for a moment , seemed likely enough to turn _otjt , ro Irish Blanf * phrases , _« _marry-come-sor-S _^ _T * _? H ° lattet -y has attained sueh no . tonety from his _twlenfe antagonism to the O'Connell
Jwlafflj. H16esi Ahd Akascht—B»Bad Ob Bm...
dynasty , had con » tructed . a . _faJlot-fctW : 91 WMOnwVrk adjacent to the high wad , near hw residence . It so happwed that this wall or _^ boundary , extended a hair ' s width er bo beyond the _hmite prescribed by law , and was accordingly condemned as a ' nuisance' by Mr — , the oounty sumyor . The priest was summoned before : the magistrates' court atNenagb , when the , decision of the surveyor , was confirmed by their worships , who fined the reverend trespasser in the sum of one pound , pronounced the obnoxious wall a 'trespass' on her Majesty's highway , but left it optional with the surveyor to have it removed or otherwise . The worthy offioial deeming the affair a ' god-send , ' and that he would be in * _uratiatine . himaelf with the 'Powers aboTe * by an _«
Boying his fightm | reverence' as the gallantminded Mr Kenyon is facetiously (? ) termed ,, proceeded immediately to demolish tbe unfortunate little wall . Butlo ! ' the matchless men of Tipperary , amid aU their privations , have ' the heart in the right place . ' They assembled to the rescue , armed for a sortie on the surveyor and his ' levellers , ' and quickly compelled them to ' make themselves _soarce _, ' acd relinquish their attack on the wall ! The surveyor , however , would not . bo humbugged ! He applied tothe local authorities for aid and assistance ; these authorities hearkened kindly to his cry . and accordingly , on Thursday , the 2 lst instant , he again made his appearance before tbe wall : leading to the attack a strong party ofthe 77 th
infantry , and about one hundred and twenty policemen from different parts of the eountry , together with a goodly force of sapper *! and miners . ' provided with the requisite implements for the demolition ofthe bit of masonry . The priest happened to hold a ' station' in the neighbourhood on that day , and hearing of the siege and apprehensive of ' - . tal results , in case the peasantry should assemble , gallopped to the ground . Here he found about ene hundred ofthe ' boys' of the immediate neighbourhood , with a proportionate sprinkling of old women , ihaekeem , and children , in angry altercation with the magistrates and military officers . The priest _, after _silencing the _clamoura ofthe populace , and avowing biB determination to allow the destruction
of hiB property , or even his life , _ratbor ' tban that _atiy _oppositionshould be made to the authorities , appealed to the magistrate in command of' the forces / and with his usual eloquence , pointed out the unjust and unmanly persecution to which he was subjected , lt was in vain , however . He would not be heard ; like Shylook _, the surveyor was inexorable , and umld glut his vengeance / on the lime and stones of the ' rebelly * clergyman's wall . The work of dilapidation went on , and | in a few minutes the good ' father ' s' ill-fated walls were aheap of ruins . Having completed ,. the work of destruction , the triumphant partj marched away ; leaving father Kenyon in possession of the field , whilst execrations * loud and deep' were hurled on their heads by the
maddened peasantry , who , although far inferior in numbers to their opponents , and totally unprepared for an affray , would have shed their blood before the destruction of the wall would have been effected , had it not been for the exertions of the rev . gentleman to maintain order and tranquillity . There is scarcely any matter of importance going on this week in the metropolis , if we except the sit . ting of the Synod of the Catholic Hierarchy , which commenced on Tuesday , the 19 th . They have assembled on this year nearly a month earlier than usual , and their motive for this departure from established usage appears to be to address , the government on the present dreadful situation ofthe Irish people , and to implore that some plan may be
adopted , which may check the torrent of ruin wbich is driving over the country , and preserve society from final destruction . This memorial , or address , iB to be laid before His Exoellency the Lord-Lieutenant , on this day ( 25 th ) , by a deputation frem the Synod , consisting ofthe four Archbishops of Ireland . One very remarkable circumstance connected with the meeting of the Synod occurred on Tuesday , the first day of the sitting . ' Four of the leading ' stars' ofthe 'Young Ireland ' party waited on their Right Rev . lordships , with a memorial from themselves and certain other influential Roman Catholic members ef the' Confederation , ' complaining of * _frivoleue and vexatious' accusations , made against them by certain right rev . and rev . clergymen . of their
church , branding them with infidelity , apostacy , 'Voltairism , ' and with endeavouring to enkindle the flame of' sedition and rebellion amongst her Majesty ' s subjects , and traitorously striving to drive the people into crime and violation of the laws , with many other grave charges against their moral and religious characters as respectable members of society and good and faithful Roman Catholics . The deputation _bearing this memorial consisted of Rev . Mr Kenyon , Rev . Charles Meehah , of Dublin ; C . Gavin Duffy , Esq ., ef the Nation ; and J . Pigott , Esq ., barrister . Their lordships declined giving these gentlemen an interview , and even refused to read their vindication , but returned the document unopened .
A report was current in town last week that the Archbishop Murray had resigned his office as one of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland . This , however , is , I think , rather premature ; but it is certain that the Catholic bishops are dissatisfied with certain alterations made by the . board , in the system of instruction to be taught in schools . Nay , more , they insist on having these defeets remedied forthwith , or they will repudiate all connection with the board in future . Some think the commissioners will nail their colours to the mast , but better informed people * aver that tbey must yield to their Roman Catholic lordships . A
rescript from hia Holiness , Pius IX ., bearing date 9 th October , has been laid Ibefore the Conference , also , emphatically and unequivocally denouncing and condemning the ' Infidel Colleges' Scheme of Education in Ireland . This important rescript was received through the Most Rev . Dr Mac Hale , R . C ., Archbishop of Tuarai and has diffused general joy throughout Catholic Ireland . I can only merely refer to the great ' Tenantright' demonstration at _Kilmaethomas , in the county Waterford , on yesterday . It appears to have been well attended , considering the slight knowledge the peasant-farmers possess respecting that question , but there was little trace of that enthusiasm , always so conspicuous at Irish popular political ajsembiies .
Naiiotlja, Bducatlon—Tbk Somas' Cirhomf ...
_NAIIOtlja _, BDUCATlON—TBK SOMAS' _CirHOMf _BIBBOTS . This day an adjourned meeting of the Roman Catholic prelates , was held in the Presbytery , Marlborough-street . Unexpectedly , a resolution was proposed for a petition to Parliament , requiring certain modifications in the National Education system , to remove objections against parts of that system , which the resolution describes as ' serious and dangerous . ' There was a rery small attendance of the prelates ; and the Primate , Dr Crolly , objected , in tot * , to the introduction of the tonic of National Education , as
contrary to the explicit- direction in a rescript from the Holy See . whioh directed that tho subject should not again be opened at the general meeting ofthe prelates , and that if discussed atal ) , it should be in a provincial synod . The majority ef the prelates present , however , declared their intention to persevere . Herepon the Primate , with the Right Rev . Dr Denvir , and the Right Rev . Dr M'Gtttegan , and others , protested against the course about to be pursued , and withdrew from the meeting . Subsequently tbe resolution was adopted bv tbe prelates who remained , consisting of Archbishop M'Hale , and seven or eight other bishops .
If all the prelates had been present , thero would have been a considerable majority against the resolution . A National Model Farm . —Mr Rawsen , treasurer to the county of KiWare , a gentleman well ae * _Suainted with the social economies of Ireland , adresses the Royal Agricultural Society on the improvement of the small farmer and labourer . For the first , he suggests the allocation of 850 acres of the Curragh , now separated by the Cashcl Railway , and the property of the crown . Here he would established a national model farm , on a sumptuous scale . As to the labourer , he recommends : —
'Let every married labourer have from half an acre to an acre of land , divide this into four partsit must be fair , good land ; not as it is now , the worst oh the farm ; let it be cultivated with the spade , and raise a rood of potatoes , same of cabbages , same of turnips , parsnips , carrots , and pease . The fourth part bere , or oats ; and if he has not an abundance of winter store for what is called the dead time of the year , my fifty years' experience go for nothing . The acre cultivated as a garden , _according to the above , will produce at least 20 / . worth of food , whereas , the labourer at present ia depending on the _ORsual day ' 8 employment , and , of course , discontented with his situation . Give him no reason to complain , and you will find him always ready and willing .
STATE OF THE C 0 _UNTBT . Notices were posted over the county of Limerick , calling on the peasantry to repair to Rathkeale , on Monday , the 25 th , to finish the work they commenced on Tuesday last , by utterly demolishing the workhouse . Subsequent advices show , thatthe attack did not take placo , the authorities had taken adequate precautions for its defence . On Friday night last , four cows , belonging to farmers on tho lands of Pallas and Ballygarrett , parish of Irrimore , Kerry , were cut and maimed in the most cruel manner . The tails were cut off the
sides ripped open , wounds inflicted on every part of their bodies , and in this situation the poor brutes lay enduring most painful torments , and still alive when lound stretched on the ground _aext morning Mr J . Robb , of Kiltannon , farmer , holds 270 acres of land from James Molony , Esq ., D . L .. on lease with 2 , 000 " . _worthefstockon it . ffi ' _lfiCSw seven years , and until his cattle were shot , never received any . annoyance ,. but on the contrary , the \ _teS-. Sfai .. S _? _r Th f re P ° ' tneref 0 ' e > ° f _^ r Robb _' _s life having been attem pted , is , weare _slad ; 0 . hear , qmte unfounded ; and he _requires no polioe br to _Protection . Mr Herbert , under steward to _^ ' 5 _™^ Bs < _l- » was the pe _^ on fired at , and iot A , V Robb ,
Naiiotlja, Bducatlon—Tbk Somas' Cirhomf ...
;; . _Sundayevening _ftwanmdweii _^ . _'J _^ Jg of a farmer name ! Joh » _^^^ _JSg _^ Si family were at dinner , and handed him a notice , sua [ f Hogan or any _twaablf BalIyho | han , _¦«» " _» W rentthis year to the _to _^ _X _***!* Esq ., they would assassinate them : Toe rattans fired five shots in the house . ¦ _- _ ¦ , ' -. _„„„ , Two sheep were stolen from Mr Waller , of Fmuoe , a few niehts ago-one was killed on the -and of Saturday night , a fg _^^^ Jfi _ft- two _Biddulph , of Conger Heuse . On _^ _fH _^ _' _^ ° . sheen were stolen from John HayeB , of _Kiiaeary , XK . Cornelius ' Bg _^ _a _^^ _iSbtt from Henrv Trench . Esq .. Sop well _Uall . r _-oiaioeg , _^ . £ !! i _^^ _«&* . camed off by T « sda y the haggard of Rev . Maurice Fitsgibbon P P _^ at ardnaSha , was entered by a number of _pefsoC who tSshed and carried away a stack of W 5 _yjBSfc B * ry , collector of poor rates was fired at oh Thursday , at Abington , twice , but fortunately escaped . .. .
_FIBHO WWTOT IS DUW . IW-• AU things considered , public credit is in a , souna and Story state in Dublin , _-JSgrtg * what exists in England , or eyen in Scotland , lnere never were fewer bankruptcies . There has _beeir a _nuE of smair stoppages-less _^ . _P" _^ b _^ during the sp ring and summer---but they have been Seed without the striking of dockets . No doubt . _thTifessurrfor money is exceeding /* terete , and _SvS rates must be paid for accommodation . Kfaefwnf _& _thaFun _£
All throughthe pressure , _** _$ _*** biffKer fkure here than m London , m consequence or _thfllrS demand for investment at the low _nricea eaUed ; by the Government Securi les - and we Sow that a considerable amount of stock has been KfeK to Dublin fm _^^ M _^ j } six months . Taken altogether , our position is comparatively sati sfactory . To be - ¦«"» «» J _^ J _?" _amountofourtransactwns-so _^ but the very prudent _coaduct of our banking _estab _* _lishments haB also had much influence in producing this gratifying statepf affairs . ' „ TheMmmck
Iowa lREUHD MaaTi » o .-R » M . _* - thronide says :- ' The members ef the Sarafield Con-Sation Club , held their first meet <* o * _Wednej * day . at the Theatre , _Henry-street . William S . O'Brien , Esq ., M . P . -, in the ehair , who . opened the P _^ _Sn _gs _ny ' _explaininglhe _objeets for _^ _whkfrthe _ffhad fcen founded . There was a Pla _£ _™ _« 0 . _astructed on the stage , for the _acwmmodation of the SE , who were loudly cheered by the auditory . _whbhd 1 dnotexcee 4 S 00 _« pe « 0 _^ ladies wbo . occupied , seats in flie boxes . A large crowd of spectators assembled in the vicinity of he theatre , and , _notwitbstandng the vigilance of the _policeVa few of the' Young Irelanders : Vere assaulted , amongst them Mr J . Corbett , Dr Kidd , Mr _HayesTof Rathkeale , and Mr O'Connell , of Lockquaywhen leaving the p lace of meeting .
, WOB-LAW P 80 _OSBDIKOB . _. . ' ., _- _ . The _Peor-L aw Guardians of the Limerick Union have appointed a committee to select a capacious dwelling in which the children , at present in the workhouse , will be domiciled . They also intend to take sufficient land forthe purpose of an agricultural and industrial school , which will enable the Guard * ians to train up the young paupers to habits of providence and _self-rehaBce . _„ In this union S . 254 applied to tie relieving officer last week , and but 331 aeoepted admission into the workhouse , one of the best regulated , in _thening . dom , where the food is good , clothing comfortable , clerical , medical attendance , and _scholastio
information are imparted . . ... -r - The Poor-Law Commissioners request the _Imms Guardians to admit no more paupers until the number in the workhouse is less than 800 . There are at present 1 , 092 in the workhouse . At the weekly meeting of the Kdrush _GuardianB , Dr Foley in the chair , Mr _Hynesand Mr J . Shannon represented the miserable condition of the people without food or employment . ' " . . ' IThe Belfast Vindicator _giveg the following account of the causes whioh have revived' Mr _TommyDownshue , ' as well as the code to be administered by that famous legislator : — : _« TommyDownihlre , ' aRent nearly related to 'Miss Molly Maguire' of the south , and , * _Mlsi Bebecca' of Wales , has mado his appearance in this locality , after
having lain dormant for a ltngth of time . He ha » posted notloes discountenancing the payment of poor rates , where the rate exceed * tenpeace in the pound , which is the highest rate be will allow to bt paid . He threaten * to lay a deadly band on each and every one wbo disobey * hta command . . Any person violating his InjunotlonB i * tef be * _barned to the ground , ' . Thi * is one of bis mild expressions . He has never _twfore interfered in any matter but In defending the tenant against bis * rnel landlord—hi * principal creed the profession of tenantright . What has tamed hi * attention to the poor rate I have been at a loss to divine , except that of the glaring
fraud * of the landlords , In not allowing th « ir tenant * to deduet their ( the landlords' ) portion of the rate paid by the tanant out ofthe rent , unless the tenant is able to pay the entire arrears due . Thi * ha * been almost impos * ible tor the poor tenant to do for some time past , owing to the unfortunate potato blight . In consequence of . this unjust resolution of the landlords—a resolution which tbey strictly adhere to—the entire burthen of tbe rates fall upon the tenants , who have no redresi unless having ; recourse to such characters a * ' Tommy . ' This 8 _i-iadllBg practice of the landlord * if , witbout doubt , tha true cause of the resurrection of' Tommy Downshlre »
Pfltrc Fttprt
pfltrc _fttprt
Bow-Stbhet. * — Cidtiok Aro Pawhbbokiis....
BOW-STBHET . * — CiDTioK aro Pawhbbokiis . —T , Baker , pawnbroker , of Stanhope-street , _Clare-mark « t , was « harg « d with demanding' mora than the legal interest—Mr * Enlv « stated that oa the 8 th of April she pledged articles at tbe shop of the dafendant for Jg . 6 d „ and on the 9 th Inst , rodeemad them , and paid 8 jd . demanded by the defendant as interest . She applied to this court to know if the charge was not unjust , and discovered that the had been charged a halfpenny more than she should hare paid . —3 , Simpson said that the complainant called on him , and he * cc _* m p » nl « d her to the defendant , who said he knew he bad charged beyond the legal interest , and wished he had charged more . This the defendant denied . —Tho defendant was _nnsd £ »; and expressed a determination to appeal against the decision .
Thb Potica Aouk . — G . Humphrey , 155 P , waa charged with wilfully neglecting hi * duty , by being ab-*« nt without , leave , from 12 o'clock at night until 6 o'clock in the _mornlng _. to which he pleaded guilty . —Mr Hall said it wa * a breach of discipline with _whith a magistrate could bave nothing to do . —Mr Pearee said that the defendant took th * case out of the hands of the commissioners , by insisting that he should he dismissed for nn _offence which lie should b « fined for . The defendant maintained thathe had leave from T o ' clock until 12 o ' clock , and thon inspector Logan , who was on duty , allowed him another half-hour . The inspector denied
thathe did any _suoh thing , bnt ordered him to apply to the superintendent . —Mr Hall _considered thst the de . _finiant bad committed a very serious offence , for no peraon would b * oa beat if men were allowed to leave their beat at will . —Mr Pearee said hs offered to fine him , but ha refused to submit , and being seat before the _commissioned he set tbem at defiance . —Mr Hall was of opinion tbat such conduct would be attended with the greatest danger to the public , aad as tbe defendant bad treated the authority of hi * superiors with contempt , he should order him to pay a fine of £ 8 , or 14 days' imprisonment .
Cn . _Kas o _^ AmoiT uroiU Qci . * n 3 auii .-A . gentleman residing near Storey ' s Gate was passing towards Storey ' s Gate on bis way heme , when the prosecutor » aid , ' Good night ; stop—where aro you going 1 "What money have you got t' arid he replied , « That he had none for him , and that he did not know what he wanted of money . He made the same demand three different times , and while they Were arguing two boys came up . Seeing that they took notice of tbem , the prosecutor teat for the sergeant , and seeing a constable they both called him . ne was positive had he delivered np what money he had In hi * possession previous to the arrival of the boys , he would never have heard any more of such a charge . —Mr Jardine said he should _> end the case before a jury , and ordered the prisoner to put in ball , himself in the sum of £ 60 , and two Sureties of £ 36 each , to answer tho charee at th * Middlesex _ledsion _* _.
SOUTH rTABK . —Bio AHI . —D . A . Brown waa charged with Intermarrying with Elizabeth _Quermel , bis former wife being then nllre . —Baker , 72 M , produced the evidence of the first and _eecond _marringee , when Mr Got . tingham said he should commit him for trial , —Mr Games , on the part of tbe prisoner , asked for a remand , as she should be able to prove that the first wife was one ofthe worst of characters . —One of the bridesmaids proved tbe first marriage . —Mr Cottingham said thathe could not let the oase escape the present sessions , which wore now on . He would ,. however , remand him for a few _deys _.
THAMES _—SCAHDAtOUS CONDUCT OF IBB PoMCB _Ifoless _^ than-ei ght charges were brought forward , one after the other , In which no individual appeared to prosecute , and on Inquiry neither of the policemen who took the various partieB into custody knew anything of « he matter . On the eighth charge being brought forward , two very respectably dressed females were placed in the deck , one of whom had been bailed ont , but the other not , and _policccoustable H 135 stating there was no prosecutor , and that he did not see the assault complained , of , MrYardl . y observed , This ia not thefirst
time I have had to complain of the oonduotof _pellcemen in taking parties into custod y without being acquainted with tha real facts of the oase . Here havo I had no leas than ten individuals brought before me this morning charged with frivolous offences , in wWch it is more tban Probable , from the non-appearance of the parties charg ing , that ihey were _themselrei the _oggrcsiors _v and thus a double _Isjury has b « en inflicted . I hope this will not occur _aga n , or I shall be under tho necessity of adopting some steps to put ' a step to a praotice so highly re-F «» _euslble . ' . . ... MARYLBB 0 . fI ! , — "Jobbbbi ur a SHorwoMAH . —
Bow-Stbhet. * — Cidtiok Aro Pawhbbokiis....
_^ _lDne ~ SlmmoB » , ' _Sbopweman-t 9 > _- ' » MW _^ _Maiibaii . _< n _4 f Stlnton , _Yere-strett ,. Oxford-street , was-cbargia _wkh havin g plundered her employers to . no wit an _amo _^ than £ 2 , 0- _» *> *»» . 00 O .. ' _Theerldence given went te _^ 1 , thatthe p risoner had been nearly -MM _ysus In th , vice of the proi _« _ou . _ers , wbo at length bad IOme id * - - . olon with regard te her honesty , and gave her into _ikt SyofAW , _*^ locked up , searched her boxes , and found , therein an ha . memo quantity •! silks , " tins , muallus , glove , , . took _, _ines and other costly articles , together . with numerou _, Sr _' and papers . The property was , identified a . be . _onglng to Messrs _Mar . ball and Co ., and tbe p-i . 0 _** - wa . therefore remanded . It would , _seenv that a most 9 tematio system of robbery _*» _" _££ " - ' « _£ the ; _. , __ , . _^ .. _^
,. _-uL-i . m an almost unparalleled extent , considering _StJJS _mStJwWoJi . as might be imagined , oonM _^ afford _^ »• _t . rAlH . e-, brought * _" * » " » _$ > _*««« - _talnlng _valuable _goods . worth _-f'frggj _J * _f found at the chambers of Mr P . - > ; Hio J . ni 8 n _' , f 8 _' icom ' _.-inn . n _* ld ., hi . attention having been a _traeted thereto hy a letter found in the _pos _.-Mlon of the pri soL , a / d * , hleh b _« - tbc addrus in question . Mr Hickman admitted to the officer thatJte had been a * . quainted with th * prisoner Simmons for two years , and that sbe had been in th * habit of coming to him _octasionally at hi * chambers , and had stops with him tbere into
on the Saturday before » he w a * taken custody . — Mr Hickman , who , it was understood at _theoutwt of the proceedings wa * in the neighbourhood of the conrt , wa _«^ ent for , and brought iri by Allisonby directionof Mr _Broughton , and he is at present under _turtetUom during tbe _inve » tigation ; It wa * stated-tbat be was arrying on _businei * in the city , and that he bad a brother who wa * a clergyman . The prisoner was re . manded till Tuesday next , aad Mr Hickman was ordered to eater into bis own _recognUance in £ 200 , aad find two sureties In £ 150 each , for bto being forthcoming on that day Mr Hickman said tbat be should be quite _nrenartd to prove his * n * ir _« innooence with regard to anvKuilty knowledge respecting th * property found , at bis _chnmbers . Tho inquiry excited a _coniidwrabto
dearea of interest . _, MANSION HOUSE . _—Bo-anr _, — William Adams , a wall-known convicted thief , wa * bronght before the lord Mayor , charged with having robbed a lady of her purse , containing two sovereign * and five shillings , —Mary Ana ¦ fl arin said : While I was on Monday In the Custom bouse Queen ' s Sale-room , at two o'clock , I felt a band In my pocket , and « _elzed the prisoner , who had drawn my parse from my poeket He quickly passed it U an . othw man , whom I could also have detained if I bad bad _assistance from thoso around mo , but nobody was dis * poied to interfere , and the fellow walked away . Twa th « moment I gripped this man I held him fast . —The Lord Major : —I am very , much surprised at your state _, ment , that nobody would give you help in the room . I
should wish to have _anjexplanatlon of thi * . —Mia * Warm : If I had received any help , I could _bavs ( topped th * man who had r ay money . Although thera were several ptnonB in tho room , they allowed him to retire after a pretended search . I _ihould know bim anywhere . He just opened hU waistcoat when the alarm was given , and said I havo bean _searchad , and the gentlemen are satisfied tbat I have got nothing , and away ba walked . — Jordan , a revenue officer and constable , laid that be was called from the quay to rake tba prisoner into _enstsdy . There were twenty or thirty persona appointed to attend tb * sale-room , for tbc express purpose of protecting the public from tbe _ingenuity of thieves . —The lord Mayor : It would rather appear from the canduct of tho person * in the room that they were disposed to assist the prisoner . Are these twenty or thirty person * who protect the room In this manaor constables t—Jordan : Mo , but they are in the rooms to prevent robberies . I am a
con » tabl _« as well a * revenue oflcw , but I was not preient at the time . Two or three other persons _loatthefapuraes _on'Monday In the » ale . room . —The p-Uoner said : I assure your lordship the lady make * a mistake . My hand accidentally touched her , and » he aeii-d me and held me till I wa * « earched . Nobody could find anything about me , but * hewould not letgo her grip . —The lord M ayor : Tou are committed for trial . I wish the revenue constable would mention to the authorities that if on a sale day they kept a couple of city or _metropoli . tan policemen on duty ia tbe _Qusea ' f f ale-room , pick . pockets would not gain admission . Fellows of thit de . scrlption , if by any chance tbey shonld get in , would be speedily recognised and kicked out . It Is most discreditable to the person * who were present wben tbis lady was robbed , that they declined to render ber the assiBU anee ifae required . The prisoner wat tent for trial at ihe Central Criminal Conrt .
Theet bv a _Skcbetaxy . —Edward Probert , the _ncret » ry to the Silk Hitters' Trade Society , held at the _Blick Bull publichouse , ln Upper Thames-street , wa * brought up charged with having stolen £ 20 8 s . Ojd . eut of tbe box . To the box it appeared there were three locks , which required three different key * , one of whioh was kept by the preiident , another by the vice-president , and the third by the secretary . It wa * necessary , according to the regulatioas of the society , that the three persons should be present upon tbe opening of tbe box _. The secretary , however , determined to dispense with tbe _presesce of the two other officers and their keys , anel with the assistance of a blacksmith possessed himself of the whole of the content * of the box , with which he went off to Bristol , where , however , before he spent aH tha money he was apprehended and conveyed to prison . The turn of five pounds and fourpence wat found on hia person , and when ho wat _atked what he had done with all the rest he said It wa * spent . The priioner was re . manded , _<
Cxuxltt op A Bbooab . —Thorn a * Moore , a sturdy beggar , who has been far several year * begging about the streets with a child in his arms , wascharged by a gentleman , named Bell , with hating solicited alms . The complainant would In all probability have allowed tbat offence to paBB unnoticed , if he bad not teen tbe brutal fellow treat the _poar child with great cruelty : The Lord Mayor said a great deal of advantage wa * derived from prosecution * ofthis kind , and sentenced the priioner to imprisonment and hard labour for fourteen dayt ; > Bridewell .
" _rfOBSHIP-STBEET . — D / _ifloiicii Or / _rsiea crox tbc Eastern Cooktim Railway . —A _well-drened , middleaged man , who gare tbe name of William Jameson npen the charge sheet , but now stated It to be William Ashcroft , 8 , Albert-square , _Oommereial-road , was plaoed at the bar before Mr Arnold , charged with having wantonly and maliciously thrown a number of large granite blocks upon the rails of tbe Eastern Counties Railnray , whereby the lives of nearly two hundred _pastengera by the down train toBrotbourao had been placed _inimminani danger . Immediately upon taking his place in the doek tbe prisoner , addressing the magistrate with perfect coolness and composure , said , ' I admit at once having placed the 6 tones upon the liar , and , to avoid giving unnecessary trouble , will plead guilty to the charge . ' But the _magif .
trateobserved , tbatthe _confsislonofseriousoffencewas insufficient , and ordered thc evidene to be prooeeded with . Mr Charle * _Johnten , a gentleman residing at lay ton , then stated that while fishing in the river lea , near tbe Stratford marshes and about 200 yards from the railway , between four and five o ' clock on the preceding afternoon , he taw the prisoner climb over a side gate and approach a pile of large granite _paviBg- atones contiguous to the rail , several of which he deliberately picked up , and pitched tbem over the embankment on to the line . He distinctly heard the clatter of their descent , and tke prisoner , after thus lod ging there a great number , clambered overthe embankment after them , and repeatedly stooped down , apparentl y to arrange them in a certain position . After remaining abont a quarter of au hour a
his employment he again got over the gate and advanced to tha witness , who asked him if Ue had been clearing the rails , to whieh he briefly answered in the negative and turned tbe conversation to _thesubjeotof the sport he waB engaged in . Almost immediately afterwards a London train appeared in slsht _, and Witness significantly pointed it out to the prisoner , who without any observation walked hastily away in the direction of the marshes , Before he had time to give any alarm the train passed overthe spot where the obstruction had been placed , but Immediately afterwards stopped , and Ihe engine driver ran back , and was throwiug the ttones off the line , when the witness j an up and pointed out the priioner 8 » the author of tho mischief . Tho instant he bad done so the prisoner commenced running across tho marshes
, but w » _s pursued by two of the guards , who took him into custody . —Thomas Davidson , the stoker , stated that the down train to Broxboume _, consisting of eight carriages , and containing nearly tivo hundred passenger * , had nearly reached . the _leabridge station , at the rate of twenty miles an h « ur , when he observed a number of large atone * lying across the line . He instantly let off the steam and blew the alarm whistle , but although the breaks were immediatel y applied , the impetus of tbe train carried It violently up to the stones , whieh were displaced bythe iron guard and many of them completely crushed . As soon as the train wat stopped bo hastened bacfc and picked up fifteen pa-lng stones of tbe average weight of _ifty pounds , and about eight more also
were found scattered over the up line . The witness added , that had not the speed of the engine been slackened on the stones being fortunately perceived , the train would bave been sudd enly checked and the most fearful consequences probably ensued . —Abraham Kilbarn , tbe guard , stated that after the train had been stopped the prisoner , who was running rapidly across the marshe ? , was pointed out to him by Mr Jobnson , but was instan tly pursued by _witnoss and another guard , who had nearly reached him , wheu the prisoner suddenly turned round and advancing towards them asked what wa » tho matter . Witness seized him by the _oellar and accused him of having placed the stones upon the line , _apon which bo answered ' You did not see me do it ; ' and on remarking tbat bo must bo intoxicated to act in such an _iufomoni
manner , he deuied that he was so . —In answer to ihe charge the prisoner said that he was sauntering along iD the neighbourhood of the Hue , when he observed one or two stones lying upon tho rails » na ho thoug htless' '' picked up some others from an adjoining heap , _n 1 "" * he flung there also , without reflecting- at the moment upon tho probable _cousiquenoes which would result fr * * such an rnadvertentact .. —Mr Arnold ordered the _d-p _"" _Bitions to be at onco taken for his committal for trial a * the sessions of the Central Criminal Court .
Sudden Dbath. —On Wednesday, In The Sess...
Sudden Dbath . —On Wednesday , in the Session * Court , Liverpool , a prisoner named Jane Smith , _ffB « was arraigned on aoharee of having stolen a mat ?" the 12 th Oct ., suddenly dropped town dead w- _* - ta g _evidencewMbeingpriiceedwlffHli .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 30, 1847, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_30101847/page/6/