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' *A ~ tQAft v- ;i l ' " ' " *'' '^'' V^...
iiiliiitCal aito -fixtisn*
"^ FRANCE. -few Reform banqoete *re anno...
Form of Habit. —At the Quarter Sessions,...
F xf A MH5-'- ? ; 9 ONNOR .- ESQ. MP.; A...
TO THE WHISTLER. As yoa are so welt vers...
CoMMiirEn io thb Flambs.—Sin: I have the...
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' *A ~ Tqaft V- ;I L ' " ' " *'' '^'' V^...
' * A ~ _tQAft v- ; i l _' _" ' _" *' ' ' _^ ' ' V _^ T _fil _V ¦ ' , T ¦ . _'!• " •' ¦ ¦ ' •• ••• . " . ' _> t _QglOBBB , 30 , 1047 . .. _. - - ¦ - ¦ ¦ - _»• ¦ _•¦• : _•?¦ - _¦ _¦ - - _' - _" - " • • _•^
Iiiliiitcal Aito -Fixtisn*
_iiiliiitCal _aito -fixtisn *
"^ France. -Few Reform Banqoete *Re Anno...
" _^ FRANCE . -few Reform _banqoete * re announoM ia fteParo _-apers , bat the _gorernment is preparing for- any mote _imOgetoua demonstration of public opinion . _« _£ _twontwforts of _Canonrillt , _erannianding the ijuy of tbe Marne , to tbe right and left ef St Mear Jdoseto Paris , ) are nearly _co-sroletei . Moreover , _E flfort of _Genrievilliers , whose fire vrlU cross those r fMont Valeriea ud _LaBriehe , _-riUbeeo-istrncted _ialSiS . « nd cost abont 5 , 000 , 000 francs . When _rteie sball be completed the government may be _ZatobaTe the power of fcermotieaOy sealing np ite IS city of Para , , - -j _[ _Lumartinehu _psblished in bis journal , Lt Se » RtS & e , of Macon . an article entitled * A _Derl-ntion of _Ptvtdpka , which he addresses to the
_formers of Franee , and in which belays down the _irnriroTe-Drnts wbiehtbe people ougbt to demand _, ae following « re the claims which he says the Re _* _ftnneif eiight toin « ist npon : — The _sovereignly exercised by the people ; the - _floralri _ghti extended to all citizens ; primary _^^ _Hiesnominating electors for a temporary _fnnctJMj ; -electors nominating representatives for a _g-ajted period ; representatives , not delivered to the _joerey ef the corruption of ministers , bnt paid by the people , to remote every pretext for their servility ; _gnetionaries at tbeir post , and not in the Chambers . vfe Kntuej pl » I tiro parts Quite _mMm-Aiibk—th & k of persons controlliHg and controlled ; no other law « _s quired to exclude _thsro , that is _emlte sufficient ;
5 national assembly ; mimsters named by ballot by _& _e majority , which the Chamber gives or takes frora tbem ; the dynasty without any other privilege than the throne ; the King inviolable ; the princes , simple citizens ; a real liberty of Worship by the _separation of the church from the state : liberty of association and of voluntary retribution , as tbe only budget of raeTi _' _sconacieneeswheathus disenthralled ; absolute liberty of _icetructim , with the exception of that _surreillanee of morals which the state ougbt never to give np ; liberty of tbe press , by the revocation of the laws of September ; the security of the seat ofthe _natienal assembly guaranteed by a prudential law against any abuse of the fortifications of Ysxh ; a permanent army and an army of reserve ;
a fair and just law equally _distributiDg the charges of recruiting ; peace , but France in her proper rank fn peace as she was ia war ; France the natural and avowed ally ef liberty of ideas and of liberty of nattonithroaglioat theiiaiTerse ; abolition of _-la-reny fherever the French flag floats ; tbe organisation of gratuitous instruction for the people on the largest baas ; progressive free trade ; social fraternity in principle asd in the institutions ; living rendered cheap by the reduction of the taxes whieh press so beanly on articles of food ; a poor-rate , notwithstanding the calumnies with which certain political economists endeavour to discredit ; that institution ;
foundlings to be adopted by the State , and not flung baek ' fo death by an investigation ofthe _circtmstancei er tbe birth , and "by tbe cltsiBg of the turningbaskets ; tbe extinction of mendicity , asylums for the infirm , and publie workshops for those in health ; social charity promulgated in _natneroas laws to aid all the wants , all the sufferings , and all the miseries that fall to the 1 st of the people ; a fixed sum given away each year as the liberality of thestate ; a new office of Minister of Pnblic Benevolence ; a minister of the people ' s living , & c . Let the government enter ca this course of action , and we will follow it freely without asking * ffhether it wears a crown , a tiara , _txihaL'
SPAIN . Queen Christina is making active use of her time at Madrid . She has already got General Falgosio , ihe brother-in-law of the Duke de Riaraires , made Governor of Madrid , and it is said ahe is trying to get Manor _, himself made Minister of War .
PORTUGAL . Count Bomfim and hia companions in misfortune were landed at Lisbon in safety from tbe Terrible , without any demonstration having been made either bythe Cabralists or Patulea parties . The registration , whether by fair means or _foni , is going so hard again tiie Septembrists that tbeir committee bave formally protested to the Queen , and they are discussing the propriety of recommending their adherents not to vote at the approaching election . By the Iberia , which arrived at Southampton on Wednesday , we learn that the municipal elections took place on the 17-b , and the result in the city was in favour ofthe list of candidates , pat forward b y tae Cabral party by a large majority .
SWITZERLAND . Letters from Berne ofthe 18 th inst . contain the result of the first sitting of the Helvetic Diet . M . Fairer , the deputy for Zurich , proposed to the . assembly to send two Federal representatives to each ofthe cantons ofthe League , to address a proclamation to tiie people of those cantons , and to direct tho committee appointed last session to give instructions to the Federal representatives . The proposition of . Zurich , was carried by the ordinary majority of twelve states and two half-states . The assembly next proceeded to elect the Federal representatives ; bnt the deputies of the Sonderbund and Neufchatel took no part in the discussion . On the 20 th , the following proclamation was adopted by the Diet : —
rSOCtAHATIOH . 'Ibe federal Diet to tbe Cantonal Authorities , and to the People of the Cantons of Lucerne . Uri , Sehwytz , Unterwalden , Zu * r , Fribonr- ; . and """ alai * . Faithful and " dear Confederates--Tbe situation of oar country , otherwise- so happy , I * grave , and of a natore to inspire ( erions inquietude . The division which reigns among the confederates threatens to trouble tiie peace . Anxious with respec t to the daty which is Imposed npon it , that of maintaining the interior safety of the Confederation , and penetrated with the sincere desire of preferring the peace of the conntry , the Diet feels the necessity of addressing yoa _torae frank and benevolent words—werd * of confederal friendship .
A _cleardupositaon of tbe federal pact , the 4 th artide is to the effect— ' The cantons cannot form among themselves bonds prejudicial to tho nation , nor tothe right- of the other cantons . ' Nevertheless , the go vernmeatg of the high atates of Lucerne , Uri , _Schwjts , Unterwalden , "Sag , "fribourg , and Valals , bave formed -3 mong themselves a private alliance , whicb , since it has come tothe knowledge ofthe other states , has very froperly earned numerous and vivid apprehensions . After frequent and mature deliberations in the Council- of tbe cantons , and io tbe federal _assenbll-s _, U ae D iet _hapHMionneed th * Hh _« T * _"¦ " _«* ¦ *•» which maket & _silghla aad dude * regulated in the same manner for all the -cantons by the common compact , the object of a separate -compact , and impoies on seme cantons the obligations which in certain drennutanees are incompatible with those which they bave to fulfil towards the confederation —the Diet we say , bas pronounced tbat that alliance is -contrary to tbe not equivocal letter , aa well as to tbe -sense and tbe spirit of tbe federal pact .
lafaet , an alliance which places the contingent of troops of the eantons _' which form part of the alliance -andertha orders of a _' p rivate conncil ef war , supplied with fall powers and withdraws tbo _ n thus from tbe fo _da-al authority , is prejudicial to the first interests , and injures the righ t * of the other cantons . In alliance whicb , according to the declaration * of some of th * seven states themselves , is , thus directed against the Diet itself and _itsreiolutions _, which organises beforehand an armed resistance to its decision * , cannei continue te exist in the general confederation , and by the side of it , without placing in great peril tbe interior eeenrity of the confederation , and without producing tha disso' _otion of tbo common bond which unites the soo"Werates . Itis on this account tbat , by its resolution of tbe 20 th of July , last , « the Diet ba * declared that separate aliilace tobe incompatible witb the pact , and consequently dissolved .
The rnpreme federal authority to whicb tbe Pact _attribute * exclusively tbe rig ht of coming to decisions , * _" »» , therefore , pronounced . Thi * decision must be respected by aU the state * , without wbich anarchy will "ie pouestion in the confederation of the place ot right . _fore-theles- , the resolution of tbe Diet bas not yet keen recognised by the cantons against wbicb it is directed . Persons have even gone so far asto declare , in tee Diet , that they ( the cantons ) will oppose an armed ** _«* 3 _iUuce to every attempt to pat tt in execution , and with that object , they , fora long time past , bare been "Him-- _axt-aordina-y military preparation * . Ths Diet cannot _toUr & to st-eh a state of things , with . _Ost destroying all the consideration dne to the assembly , ** ithout breaking tbe fores of the legitimate power , and tithout * acrincing th * bononr of the confederation .
Wa cannot and will not yet admit that you , faithful « ad dear confederates , shonld percitt in a position irreconcilable witb yonr federal duties , after we have fr * oily exposed to yoa tbe veritable intentions « f onr _resaJntjoa of the _SOth of . Jnly , as tbat sbould be between _^ federates and brothers . Want of confidence , and fears devoid of foundation , **> " » could have led you into the path wbich yoa nave -utter - © followed . Yoa fear a denser for the charters and liberties which ? - ** inherit from yonr fathers , for yonr future position * * -he federal alliance , for your faith , jour religion . tbat in
_Satwe give yon the solemn assurance every - _** _Soaofmmutingagamst these mo * t precious benefits f » far removed from us . They _onght to remain _in-^ - _"e u being your _sanctoary . How could tbe federal «* » -bo-ity reconcile tie derip- of doing an injastice to _^ _--onfederatce , _antojajtice to the _co-ettntet , which ** * - » greater part belong to tha * _no * t ancient members - ear _alluneei _^ Mail _Dielnou not wi _* h eiftM the oppression of ~ _*"> ffl & deralej , BortI ) ede » trn » rJon of the sovereignty _Wttecinton _* , nor the violent upsetting of the cantonal _rj _^ tatlons , nor an unitary government , norths viola * ¦ " *« * your ri ght * or your liberties , nor danger to your _^ _Wn . It withes rather to accord to all tbe cantons , ¦ jw loyall y , the protection whicb they have a right to _^& omthtir eo- » tate * again » tnD _* ajt attach * in the _** ° ner that the dispositions and the object ef the com . - _^• _ffiatiw demandr w _^« " _» tbi * account , ota * confederate brethren , tbat ean npon yoa to retire fjrom a separate alliance , " _^ _aeiwit - atanuing tbat tbe _di-pceKi _aswhfca It
"^ France. -Few Reform Banqoete *Re Anno...
contains ara , in harmony witb tbe common alliance ig not necessary , but which , on the contrary , U iaadmistible in the federal law , en account of all that it contains of a different nature . _DonotfbrgetthatstichMparato alUanw ar * already contrary to the meaning and the spirit of the most _ancienttreatie * between the confederates . The actual _compactgaaraateea _toyon a nmcient protection to your righto . Do not persist any longer , then , ia a position which ups _thefoandatioas ofthe federal righto , divide * the confederates into _twelnijiicalcampi , and thu * com . promises from without our independence and our liberties . Yoa know now the _motivee which bave induced us to adopt our resolution .
rederal repressntativef , whom , according to ancient asage , we delegato to ge amongst you , will expose mor * lolly these motives ia the sense ef tbe preient proclamation . Receive them federately and as _Mends ; listea with confidence to the overtures whioh they will make to yoa ; wei gh well the grave re . _pon-ibUity which yon assume npon yeur beads if you continue to take no notice of resolution * founded on the not equivocal terms ofthe pact , or of the benevolent notice given to yoa by the _eupretae federal authority . The consequence * tbat a perseverance in sueh a potitien nay draw npon yoa and the whole country are incalculable . It depends yet npon yea to avoid thtm . Take _resolntioas cacb as your federal duties and the peace and honour of the confederation , a * well as of yonr own cantons , reqnlra of yon . What we wish is obedience to theliv _^ the _mtdntensnes of tke interior , lecurity of tbe confederation , and order .
Faithful and dear confederate * , give tit fraternally yonr hands to attain this end , whicb ie prescribed to a * by the _dntles which we bave sworn to fulfil . Hay God preserve and prefect or dear coantry I The following instruction * to the delegate * to tbe States of the Senderbuud were then agreed to : — The Diet decrees that the federal representative * who shall be sent to the canton * of Lucerne . Uri , SchwyU , Unterwald , Zug . Fribenrg , and Talals , in virtue of the decision of ths 18 th of October of tho presentyear , shall be charged to demand from the governments of these cantons—1 . Tbat the proclamation adopted in the alt . ting of this day be immediately rendered pnblic—3 . That , on tbe other eide , the authority charged to give instruction * to the deputies at tke Diet be convoked with the briefest possible delay .
The federal representatives bave ia addition , as instructions , to support by their representations tbe cantents of that proclamation in presence of that authority , or in presence of the _landsgemeinde , if convoked without delay , after publicity bad been given to tbe proclamation , and in general to act in tbe spirit of the said _proel-mationwith the authorities to whem tbey sball have access . Finally , tbey are charged to forward with all baste their report * to the Diet . If one of the two representatives conld not or shoald not accept the mission , the preieat maadato is binding and obligatory on tbe other . Tbe member * of the _committee . ( Signed ) Oca wires !*; Dv _Fxaan , reporter ; J . _Meitsu-GSS , Kaeff ; Dr _SJeav- luvr-n ; H . _DBOEI .
On the 21 st , the Diet appointed M . Durbar of Geneva , Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Army . M _" . Frey Uerose , of Aaraa , was named chief of tbe sta £ The cantonal government of Lucerne had . refased to receive the federal commissioner deputed by the Diet to attempt to effect an arrangement with the cantons of the League . Nevertheless , the other commissioners had departed for their respective cantons . The circulatitn ofthe proclamation has been interdicted , and all citizens of Lucerne , who may be discovered publishing it , are to be arrested and prosecuted ! The advice received to the 23 rd brings reports of military preparations in the cantons Tof St Gall , Argan , Unterwald , Tessino , Vaud , and Lucerne . The government of Lucerne published , on the 19 tb ,
the following regulations of police : — 1 . Every one not a citizen ofthe canton , and whe may visitthetown of Lucerne in the quality of atraveller , is to declare thatthe bureau of the cantonal police the motive ofhis arrival at Lucerne , the time be intends remaining there , and the persons he intends to visit ; after which preliminaries ha is to receive bis carte de surete . 2 . It , daring lus stay , be does not act in conformity witb the data he gave in , erifhe make any new connections , and , in general , if he behave in such a manner a * to CTeate suspicion be is to be deprived of bis _eartede tttrele , and treated as a spy , or immediately sent ont of tbe canton . 3 . On bis going oat of the town , after the expiration ofthe time ofhis stay , each _trareller is to deliver up his _earU ae stints to the sentry on dnty at tbe gate of the town . 4 . The direction of the police is intrusted with the execution and publication of the
present order . This ordonnance is copied word for word from the _police regulations of Vienna .
ITALY . Letters from Bologna of the 16 th inst . state , tbat some rioting oeenrred at Ferrara on the 14 tb , and that the Austrians had fired upon the people , without , however , wounding anybody . The inhabitants threatened to ring the toe-in , but the Cardinal Legate interfered , fand having obtained the liberation of one of the citizens who bad been arrested bythe Austrian _soldieis , tranquillity was restored . The protests of the inhabitants ef Fivizanoand Pantremoli , against the arrangement with the Duke of Lucca which transfers the former to the Duke of Modena and the latter to Parma , occasion great anxiety . The people appear resolved to oppose all attempts at possession by the troops of Modena and
Parma , and bave already destroyed the bridges and part * of the roads to prevent the arrival of artillery . As tha Duke of Modena has only an army of 800 men . be cannot venture npon an attempt to subdue a population of 45 , 000 persons resolved upon a vigorous resistance , and relying npon support from Pisa , Lucca , and Leghorn , where the people have been excited in their favour by popular orators . Austria will thus find a pretext for intervention , and a casus belli may arise notwithstanding the efforts of diplomacy to effect a friendly arrangement . __ ___ Savage orueJties continue in the dominions of the King of Naples . Oneof the Romeos , _Jeap Dominique , was executed , and after decapitation , the
bleeding head was presented to his nephew Pietro , who was compelled to carry it on a pole through the streets of Reggio . Jean Andre Romeo , the brother of this victim , was still at the head of the Calabrian insurgents . The royal troops , in bombarding Reggio , threw projectiles ia the Orphan Asylum , where several of the children were killed and _wnanded . Tbe atrocities reported to have been committed by the Neapolitan government against the insurgents produced so mnch irritation at Leghorn that the populace attacked the office of the Neapolitan consul , and tore down the royal arms of Naples from over the gate , and trampled them nnder foot : Repa ration for this was of course demanded of the Tuscan
government . Letters from Lucca of the 12 th say , that the Tusean troops which arrived there from Florence the preceding day werereceired with general acclamations of joy , and conducted in triumph through the city . A deputation was sent to the government to ask permissien to destroy the guillotine , capital punishment having been abolished by the _^ grand duke . The obnoxious instrument was accordingly burned amidst the acclamations of the populace . UNITED STATES AND MEXICO . a Arrivals from America state the revival of hostilities , and represent the Americans to have obtained possession ef Mexico . The fighting recommenced on the 8 th of September . At first the Americans were ) repulsed with great loss . The only report of the result ia contained in the following letter , addressed to Mr Dimond , at Vera Crux : — Orizaba , September 19 .
I bave the honour to inform you that an express arrived here tbis evening ; from Mexico , whicb brings intelligence that General Scott was in the city of Mexico . That on the ltththe American troeps took Chapoltepee and the citadel , and went into the city that night . Oineral Bravo wa * killed , and General Santa Anna was wounded in the arm , and bas retired with the . remainder of his troops , wbicb bare suffered much , to Guadeloupe .
Form Of Habit. —At The Quarter Sessions,...
Form of Habit . —At the Quarter Sessions , Taun .. ton , last week , the learned chairman , Vf . Miles , Esq ., while summing np the evidence in thefirst trial , turned his back to thejury , and addressed himself to the ladies who were sitting opposite . The cries ol the court reminded bim that the jury were on the opposite side of tbe court . The learned chairman had been accustomed at the Wells Sessions to address thejury on the left side of the conrt , and hence the mistake . Railway _SphsdIbdicatob "—An ingenious contrivance for _registering the speed on railway trains has , within the past week , been deposited in the Polytechnic Institution . The apparatus is intended to prove the rate of travelling by railwaysand also the
, time occupied by each stoppage at the various stations on the line . Asa description ofthis invention might be acceptable te onr readers , we give the following account . The paper whicb is to receive the register u a long slip about one inch broad , and length proportioned tothe time the train may be upon the journey . The paper is rolled npon a small cylinder in the irst instance , and one end is made fast toa cylinder of larger size , about eight or nine nches in diameter ; the cylinder is then made to revolve , by means of a clock attached tothe apparatus , so that it tarns round every hall-hour ; conse _* _fuently about three quarters of an inch of tbe paper
passes any given point every minute ; a pencil is bow fixed to the upper part ofthe apparatus , so that it presses on the paper , consequently , aa the paper moves would make a straight line upon it , were it not that the pencil itself had a lateral motion given to it . This arrangement is so attached to the train , that the pencil moves from one side of the paper to the other every quarter of a mile tbat the train travels . By this compound motion a series of diagonal lines are prodiced apon the paper ; the number ef lines indicate time . . As soon as the train arrives at a station , a straight line merely is produced ; and by observing _thaJength ofthe line , it indicates how _Iorig the tram wasat the station . This apparatus is tbe invention da _geaSlesuu . caned _Ricarao .
F Xf A Mh5-'- ? ; 9 Onnor .- Esq. Mp.; A...
F _MH _5- _' - _? 9 ONNOR .- ESQ . MP . ; AND THE _Ra tional land , company , vsmw THE PRESS-GANG . ; : . ' We have 1 received , and continue to reeaive , an almost overwhelming man of communications ; expressing the people ' s _nnboanded confidence in Mr O Connor , and their indignation against his vile traduoors . Some of the following letters were received last week .
THE PKESS-GANG AND MB _O'COHMGB , to t-b _Eorroa or the komhsbm stab . Mr Editor , —Permit me to congratulate our worthy treasurer on tbe numeronsmean and dastardly attach * whicb have recently been made on hio , by the ragged rascal * of the press . Former )* it wa * considered politic by theie charlatan * to give him the cold shoulder , and to avoid giving any ef bis proceeding * a corner in their weathercock journal * , but a change is coming o ' er the spirit of _thtir dreams . They perceive in the _diefance a small cloud , which will toon cover tbe land , and ibower down the _bltssingsaf equality , _causiug the poor , overworked , and ill-paid artisan * of tbis country to stand erect as men , declaring to these unprincipled _JemCtows ,
who fatten on corruption , that they are determined to bave that which God and nature designed for all—tbe land . I have read , ' somewhere , of Sir Robert Peel ' * 'Lady * cuttlng ' out ef the papers inch article * of abuse aa were heaped npon her husband , and palling tbem on a large _boarO , ana _eaulhitiug them to ber friends and acquaintances as a triumphant proof of ber husband '* services to hi * conntry . I would advise Ur O'Connor to imitate'lady Peel' in thi * respect , only instead __ of pas ting the abusive articles on a board , let bim print tbem in a beok , to be exhibited at all Chartist meeting * , a * a proof of hi * extraordinary services to the . working men . We have * en « e enough to discern between onr friend * and our enemle * - ' -enough to discern betw « en the intention * ef a man who i » » pendlng [ the be « of hi * days
in endeavouring to gain for u « oar freedom , aad those of a _satofvoltMe * who are nring their utmost effort * to uphold a _lyftem whieh ie starving and werking u * to death , to « upport themselves In Idleness and luxury . As a member of the society , I wonldrecommend _HrO'Connor to go on tbe even _teeour of bis way , resting assured that the mor * bis enemies abase and vilify , bim , tbe more close we will ( tick to him ; the more tbey attempt to asptrss his character tbe greater reason , we sball have to rally around him , until * _acb time as . bis exertions shall procure n * the enactment of the Charter , which will place all snch tool * as have ' Whistled at the Ploagb , ' lathe _iltttitton of Othello , with hi * ' occupation gone . ' . I am , Sir , A member of the Co-operative Land Company , Penzance , Cornwall . O . Retholos , Jun .
¦ WHISTLE AND I'LL COMB TO YOB" MT LAD . ' TO THE BOITOB OF TBE N 0 BTB 8 _RW STAR . Sa , —Will you oblige by inserting the following in yonr next _nnmfar , as I hava no faith in the E litor of tbe fiwminw doing se , though I bars seat him a copy , with a request for its insertion . Tour * . B _, B .
TO THE EDITOR OF TUB UUiCHXSTSK _BXiHIKER . Sis —Yonr _papsr of Saturday last contain * a mas * of tbe moat low , mean , and disgraceful abu * e that ever appeared ia print , and such ae will give your _readers an idea that' the Whistler * bas spent a deal . of hie time in Billingsgate , or , at all events , he owes nothing to genteel breeding . * _Ona wonld imagine by « tte . Whistler * * ' previo ** letter * thathe _Wseainan . lneapabia of ' substituting penonal abuse for argument—your Saturday ' s number dispelled that illusion . In the first paragraph ' . the Whistler * refer * to his previous week ' s letter in aniwer to M'Douall _' _a , wbich , be state * , contains certain propositions declaratory of the ' question at issue between Feargut O'Connor and the public '
From the above he wonld . make your reader * believe that there wa * a _qnestlon at issue between Mr O'Connor and tbe public . Tbe queition hss been Jone settled by the pnblic—witness the weekly receipts , and it only at issue between Ur O'Connor and a number of addle . headed prostituted editors , and with those parties I feel persuaded he will ioe settle the question . ' The Whistler ' s' charges of dishonesty ( perhap * he will deny calling him dishonest : the public may put thenown construction npon the words 'despoiling and spending property not hi * own' ) he will answer for elsewhere ; bnt what will the pnblic think of hi * consistency aad his anxioac solicitude for the care of people ' s money , when he tells them that he has been in possession of the evidence of Vr O'Connor ' s baseness since 1843 , and yet allowed bim to * < rBpe * ( happy word !) tbem out of £ 100 , -10- ) > I before he made it known ' . It would serve him right if tbe poor' dupes' sent him whistling out of town , witb the 'cat ' s tall to Ms back , ' for not letting them into the tecret sooner .
The peep into the counting-house is a matter for Mr O'Connor to deal with , and whicb , I donbt not , he will do to the _tatiifaction of the pnblic , if not to ' the Whistle- * and his friend Joshua , who , not having the courage himself , gets the ' old soldier" to ihoot his ballets . The Whistler " * 'attempt at correspondence ie a bungling affair ( how longi * it since 'theWhistler' learnt weaving !" . I fancy I see them botb in the same o"Gce _, ming the same pen , and atthe same time , both their minds upon ' votes of confidence , ' £ 100 , 000 , balance ¦ beet * , accounts , & c . As the * Whistler weaver boy' haa aucb a desire to open the eye * of the poor' dupes , ' and bas not the
ability to meet the Doctor and Mr O'Connor—not b : ing aa orator . be will , perhaps—bave no objection to discos * the qnestien with an obscure individual ( the writer of this ) , who cannot boast of tbe power to eaptivate by _eloquence , or ' gull'by a recital ofthe the many sacrifices be haB made , consequently , we sball be upon an equal footing ; and , as' the Whistler ' can boaBt of having discussed the question of physical force in ' 39 , < for three hours , with men gifted to talk ( the Doctor amongst them ) , surely he mast have improved since then , unless they talked him ' dumb . ' Perhaps the bottle of wine prompted himwbich he paid for ! ( Secret service money is of service sometimes . ) If a little wine is requisite to find him words , a bottle is at his service .
If 'the Whistler' will not discuss the question in public , wby does not the 'friend * , behind the screen oome forward aud do « of Truth—truth—truth alarms hira . The poisoned arrows of envy may be shot forth from the editorial battery against tbe Land Company and O'Connor ; but the armour of truth will tnrn the points , and they will fall powerless . It is all very well , Mr Editor , to be ensconced in an office inviting discussion through the press , and then burking the replies of correspondents hy saying tbey are too lOSe , OS * SOn' differ with them . Discussion elU cits truth , aad that is not the object of the Whistler . ' Yours , 85 , Boniall-street , E . B ., a paid-up _Shareholder . Hulme .
P . S . —Since writing tbe above , I think I can discover tbe object of' the Whistler and Co . ' in the letter of Joshua Hobson , in the Examiner of Tneiday , where he says , — 'I-honed bim , 'Mr O'Connor , ' tbatthe Land Plan would ' either make bim or destroy him . " It is the making of him they are afraid of , else , if he was in a wrong path , they wonld hold tbeir peace that he might be' destroyed . ' The Company will go on in spite of fao _> tion . The people bave learned to discriminate between friends and humbugs .
Thb National Land And Labour Bank, And T...
THB NATIONAL LAND AND LABOUR BANK , AND THE MANCHESTER MECHANICS . TO TUB 8 DIT 0 B OF THB _NOBTBBBN STAB . Sis , —There bas been a great deal said abont the mechanics of No . 4 Manchester branch _placing their funds in the Land and Labour Bink , Tbey hare beea heM up to puhlic gaze hy The Whistler * as * dupes , ' and during the past month , the mechanics throughout England , Scotland , and Ireland , bave been holding meetings in their club rooms , to decide whether any of their branches shall be allowed to place tbeir funds in the above Bank . In these discussions , Feargus O'Connor ' s , character , and the character of the 4 th branch have not been spared . Every means have been employed to check or destroy the confidence ofthe members of the above branch * but instead of their confidence being weakened , the panctu « lity of Thomas Price , Esq ., the
Manager of the National Land and Labour Bank , in answer to a request from the secretary ef No . 4 branch , to send £ 30 to Manchester , has increased that conn _, dence . The request went from here on Sunday evening October 10 th , and on Tueiday morning October 12 th , tbe money arrived safe in Manchester . This ha * brought a great many over to ns . I had almost forgot to state that with tbe £ 30 for forty-five days' interest . Mr Price sent 3 s worth of postage stamp * . Let us see wbat It has cost No . 4 branch for sending £ 620 , and receiving £ 30 baek again . It cost * one penny postage stamp , ' to sand ap the money , and one penny coming back . Compare this with tbe following . I was once atone of the mechanic * * branches in England , when I was requested to be oneof a party to take £ 15 to tbe Bank on bebalf of tbe branch , and the cost was £ 110 s , and the interest
they would draw for their £ 15 would be one and half per cent . I think tbe mechanics aHd all other trades would do well to look to this and see tbe advantage tbey would gain by following the example of No . 4 branch . Bat there are greater advantages tban the above . The mechanics bave 926 -aember * out of work , and out of that number , 2 «» are receiving ten shilling * per week each from tbe society ' s fund . Thus you see the expense to tbe soelety is every week £ 1 J 1 M » . paid to men who are willing to work . There are _sixty-threemember * who are not entitled to receive any assistance . Some of these have been in the battlle , and I believe seme of those who are at present _reeeivieg assistance from the society , are just on the verge of entering the same miserable
place . The members ofthe 4 th braneh wish to remedy _tfai * by placing the whole of ihe society ' s funds , viz ., £ _27 , oo » , in tht Land and Labour Bank , so tbat it may be applied to the purchase of Land , and tbns ' ocate someof their member * . There are 600 mechanic * in Manchester who are members of the Land Plan ; now suppose these were located to-morrow , the 826 unemployed would meet with employment , and that save their society £ 13110 s per week , and if there were any of their membera in the bastile , they would , of coarse , come out and live npon their own _inunetvy . By all the trade * doing at the 4 th branch have dene , and are still d _* termined to do , they _woa > d save a great amount of money _, both in their own _for . dt and in tbe poor ' s rate * . Ah _Qrmrive Mechanic .
Thb National Land And Labour Bank, And T...
to TBI _aniTeit . oF th » rioBTHrBii stab ; Sib , —With _psimiiilon , I beg leave to make the fel . lowing statement for . the Information of WmkM D _» moH aid Co . Tou ask , it the money paid by tbe members of the Land Company is safe in Mr O'Connor ' * _bandsy Waiving all your abu » e , hear my answer . If , after the membera are located on the conditions laid down Io the rule . , every farthing of the original capital paid on . hare * were lobe _preiented to Mr O'Connor , it could be done without injury to the members , ' and would be no adeqeate compensation for the benefit _aehievstt . Thus do t exemplify . To obtain perpetual _posseision ofa comfortable dwelling , with outbulldihgi andfouracre . - Pf _grounrj fit for tna 8 pade eith _-r ,, _helder of a lease In perpetuity , at a low rent , or aa a
proprietor permitted to purchase such a retail quantity , at the wholesale price _. _'in small instalment * too ( another impertent privilege ) , enhance * the contract , that if I had it , I would willingly p _„ y S 2 $ in flash tbf * moment tobe _pntlnpoMewion _, and new a « k for a farthing of H again . . And then'I should be a gainer . Herein , _leern the _saperior ,, . value of the national floseme ov * r every ottier . Show me the land agent that bad » uch a lot to offer on such terras that would not pocket mere than £ 5 for hi * trouble . Aa yoa have read _aomuchof . bede . fells connected with the L » nd Company , perhaps you are aware that parties eucces & ful in previous ballets , have b . en _eff-wd premium * for their lots , by praetioal men : « ithera facetiou » pfoofefthein » tabin » , _efovirpro . _ceediogsi I remain , sir , . - ¦ ' ¦ Tour obkdient servant ,
_ . . E . RoBBBMOK . Who has paid tbe full amount of four share * , and is not at all uneasy a * to Its eventual application . Plymouth , October 25 th , 1847 .
Thb^Flogged Soldibr .' To Thb Editor Op ...
THB _^ FLOGGED SOLDIBR . ' TO THB EDITOR OP THE NORTHBRN STAB . Sib , — -Lieut . 'John Shipp , who was first a drummer in the army , and rose by big own merit to an officer , states ; ( in a work published by him , ) that while in the capacity of drummer he bad inflicted no less than twelve thousand floggings , and from hia own experience found 'that when a soldier had been flogged once or more he become so degraded tbat he never-cared abont bis eonduct afterward * . ' -Thi * , Mr Editor , I tbink is very applicable to the case of the degraded Somerville , alias , 'One who h _* 9 whistled at the Rough . ' _Hl « _characler , from the time of hi * en . Hutment in the Scotch Greys , to the year * . 8 S 2 , when he received two hundred lashes by order of Major Wyndhani
for misconduct , ba * been marked as _dleordsrly in the extreme , witb a total disregard for truth . A friend of mine who belonged to the tame company , can bear ample " _eetimony to the truth of this . In a letter in anawer to one I sent bim respecting tbe character of Somerville , he says , 'though at times ofa studious disposition ; it wa * _atrange _.-to observe the sudden transition * f himind , which lod him sometimes to a life of dissipation , hi * moral conduct waa hot sufficiently powerful to guard himagainst that disorderly course of life which , when too late , he repented of . More than ono innocent soldier has suffered from the calumnies and falsehood of Somerrille . ' I can give the name of my informant , if neoessary , who would not be ashamed ' to tell this base Caledonian to his hardened and unblushing face , or
through the medium of the Star , a little more than tho Whistler' would be proud to bear . The Wakefield Jour » _ol is far from being wrong in characterising him as a 8 P * . The fellow is base enough for anything . Have you , sir , read 'Tha Autobiography of a Working M-n , by a well-known popular writer / as the _Manchester Examiner has it heading the first chapter of the autobiography . Ah ! well known he certainly is , and better known h * aeon will be . Take for sample a little of his own telling . In thetixteentb chapter of his famous Autobiography , we bare a specimen ofhis _well-knoTW brutality , and ask yourselves if it doe * not savour much of the man : here lt is in hi * _ownwords : — ' I had heard of Arabian horses being gentlt and affectionate , and frem my etable experience wben a lad , I did not hesitate for a moment to etripoffmy scarlet jacket , put on my fl & _an-l waistcoat ,
and goto work to comb and brush this beautiful stranger of tbe east—gift of a Queen { Queen Adelaide ) . He allowed me to get te his head , but the moment I was there h _» sprang npon me with his teeth , like a furious dog . I perceived the trick in a second of time or loss ; an eld soldier bad warned me against sucb trick * , and bis warning rushed to my _reoollection . Prompted to an action of self-defence , as also with the resolution that the onlookers should not have their expected laugh nt me , I gave the feroeious brute such a blow with my clenched band in the jaw , as to leave bim a tOOtll-ache as long as ho was in the regiment . The veterinary surgeon puzzled himself many a time in hi * endeavour to ascertain what had fractured the horse ' s jaw , and de . ranged his teeth , but the men who knew had the good sense , for their own sake , to hy nothing about it . ' This is a fair specimen of the man in his own telling .
' A man of kindness to his beast is kind , But brutal actions show a brutal _miod . ' And yet this savage is _ellowcd to grace the columns of the Manchester Eaaminer , and abuse a man in every reBpsct his superior . He has forgot the many hard-earned pennies collected for him by the Radicals of 1832 to pur . base his discharge . Has he forgot that there was £ 800 raised iu small sums to enable him to settle In life— £ 30 of whieh was to pny for his discharge 1 ' Oh f thy offence is rank-It smells up to heaven . ' Shakspeare must have contemplated , such . a being when his genius suggested the sentence . Shall such a brutish
scribe _bepwmitted to insult with impunity the char . _ioior of O'Connor ! who , had he not . with boart even beyond his means , stepped from tho idle haunts of luxury and e ase , to tell the toil-worn slaveB of Britain they nilght still be free , and assist them in their glorious _struggkmight now be enjoying the pleasure * of a retired life . But no ! O'Connor saw that his fellow . man had need of his assistance , and with the heart of one who could not bear to see suffering humanity _struggling under thi _groaning load of oppression and want , rose , like a mighty giant , took suffering man by the hand , led him to the smiling fields of nature , aHd told him that by ths sweat ofhis brow he sbould earn bis bread . A FaisHD to tub Cause , asd a Cbabtist .
To The Whistler. As Yoa Are So Welt Vers...
TO THE WHISTLER . As yoa are so welt versed in the science of whistling , you are entitled to the appellation of Whistler the first . Suppose you remember the cat o' nine tails whistling charmingly round your back 15 years ego at Birmingham Yon told the Londoners , at a public meeting , tbat your only crime was writing a letter , and tbo _pHnishnent jou receives you could comparo to nothing but pouring hailing lead down your back , but it seems so great Is your _itchlrig for letter writing , that it would require boiling hot lend poured down your throat to stop it . I do not know the amount of atrocity contained In the letter you were striped for ; but , If I must take your late _tffujions as a specimen , I should come to the conclusion that you only got your deserts . But , however , the public of that day ( myself Included ) thought differently , and _snbscrir .
tions were set on foot to purchase your dipcbarge , and a handsome sum raised to set ynu up in some _respectable buiineB " . The late Ilichard _Carlisle started a paper for you at his own expense , called The Political Soldier . Be generously consented to stand to all the losses , and divide the gains with you . But how did you reward both him and the public ? After the first number came out , yeu hypocritically pretended that your conscience wonld not allow yoa to have anything to do with a man of Car . lile ' e opinions . So very tender and sensitive were you , that you actually hired yourself to murder the Spaniard * , and it is a pity bnt that some of the Spaniards' ammnni . tion had found Hs way to your dastardly _enrcas _* . Tou certainly are a poor , _miserobl ; , degraded tool , tbat can be used to any Infamous purpose . . 1 tbink tbe _millocrats are put to their last shift to employ jioh _; But , I sup . pose , tbey could not find such a _brazen-faeed ass in any other person . How dare either > ou , or your sordid em . ployer pry Into Mr O'Connor ' s family affairs , and
pretend to publish to the world bis family secrets ? How would your master , like bis new wife examined , and then have published how much she added to his ill-gotten gains f But I hope the law will protect Mr O'Connor , an _> l put Its veto on such _proceeding *; or , if not , what is sauce for ths goose is sauce for the gander . Some unpleasant disclosures may be made concerning other parties who carry on at a swelling rate by merely shlft-Ingpegs . I should like te know how it happens that your wicked employers feel sucb an _interestin tho work ing men ' s welfare , and put themselves to such expense to prevent them being _« duped * out of their pence . It is apparent enough to any one that can see beyond bis no _« , They _eee Mr O'Connor ' s plan , if extensively carried out , would tend to dear tbe labour market , of what they call « the serplu * hands , * and that would not do for them . They like always to bave on hand a number of living ghastly spectres , to enable them to keep _wagos at the starvation point , tbat tbey may trample on the wor king classes with Impunity ,
- I remain , Whistling Dickey , not yours . Jobn Waw > , Late secretary to tho Barnsley Land Company
To Feargus O'Conjtob , Esq, M.P. Deab Si...
TO FEARGUS _O'CONJTOB , ESQ , M . P . Deab Sib , —We , the Chartist * of Keighley . hare seen , with feelings of pain and disgust , that a party of unprincipled individuals are making a strong effort to blast yeur character , and destroy that confidence whieh the thinking part of the labouring class repose in you . In trying to _eff-et this diabolical obj-ct , tbey are rssortinK to the most vile and infamous means , _undsr tha usual pretence that they are doing all for the benefit ofthe working people ! Past experience appears to hare eonrino _* d them that all attempts to' put you down by open force , and the arm ofthe l » w , would be _vbIb , and on thin account we find them coming outai _PhUanlhropistsV aud Liberals ( . ' ) _ander the plausible character * of _WhistlKS at _tbePlotub , ' 'Weaver Boy * , ' and other title * most likely to delude , . This plan of operations is quite ia accordance with the obj ct sought _.
Instead of meeting you boldly and openly before a public audience , we find them raking up the whole of yonr past life , and carefully dissecting every remark yoa have made in speech and writing , end even resorting to that rile and _nsta-sln-likt plan of hunting amongst your relatives to find out charges against yenr personal character . We oan , however , assure yon , air , that onr long acquaintance witb you , as the advocate of tbo working
To Feargus O'Conjtob , Esq, M.P. Deab Si...
man ' s cause , your sacrifices and sufferings on their ¦ o _* _cout , seconded by . your late splendid and _iriumphant _repllss to all their _accusatiens _,. have , confirmed n » in our former opinion of your honesty . We ara convinced , al we always have been , that youv motive * are pure and disinterested , and that the labouring , _cla-sit of Britain have already been mora indebted to your exertion * than tothose of any othw - pnUic iead _* r who'ha * _precieded you . Teu _cemmeneed your career amongst us a * an ad . YOcato ofthe rights of man , on the principles ef Onirerral Suffrage , and every day sines that period ha * pror * d your sincerity .
By yonr herculean _efforls and the power ef your mind , we have been enabled to resist oppression , and , for the first time in our history , we present a front of union and intellect which must shortly procure our freedom . Tou have taught us not only the necessity of the Suffrage , but tbe rightof every Inhabitant of a country to a por . tion of its soil , and the mean * of _atUtniug It ; and we believe , sir , that it 1 * to tbis better and most tfleotual plan of salvation , in connection with the Bank , that the rancour of your and our enemies is more particularly directed . So long as the principles of the Charter were
only in theory , tbey depended npon the law for suppression , bnt no sooner did yourIiind Plan begin to assume an appearance of strength , and promise the emancipation of Britain ' s slaves , than they took the alarm ; and began te argue _upsn Its impracticability . They saw that the houseless , landless , and _roteleas , labouring class of England , Whom they had looked upon as goods and chattels , to be worked up like cotton , wool , aid otber materials ' , to create fortunes for _the'detlguusg , would _esoapefrom their bondage , and find out the value and comforts of Independence , and we sincerely believe that the fear of this taking place , has been the cause of the
present persecution . We assure you , _slrj as Chartists and Land members , that you possess our unbounded _cenfidonoe , and that neither « Whistlers , ' ¦ WeaVer Beys , ' '" ' _IUmbl-rs , ' nor ex-editor * , can divert our attention from the Land and the Charter . Ten hava hitherto proved our enly honest guide to the attainment ofour rights , arid trusting that you will be spared to « ee your noble and _gen _* ron * efforts for the emancipatlbu of the labouring class crowned with success , believe us to remain , Tours , mast sincerely , Ths _Cbabtists or Keiqhliy . Working Man ' s Hall , October _Jlth , 1847 .
P . S . —We strongl y recommend the prosecution of the Manchester Eaaminer , and a' levy of twopence each amongst the Land members , towards _defraying the expenses . We are all prepared topay tbat , and nor * if required ,
To Thb Editobs Of The' Dispatch,' 'Llotd...
TO THB EDITOBS OF THE' DISPATCH , ' 'LLOTD'S AND THE ' NONCONFORMIST , ' ATM ) TO ALL II MATC 0 HCEBN . Gb ' _ntibmes , _—Circumst-nces have given rise to a mosl powerful organisation among the workingclasses ofthis country , either for good or for o » il , that ha * hithertc existed in any part ofthe globe—and otber circumstance ! are about to arise whieh are beyond your control , wbich n ill render It necessary for you , and those whom yen may call to your aid or to your councils , toducidt whether this power ehall be directed to produce the good or the evil . The few words ' whlch we submit toyour consideration
contain truths ofthe highest import to you , to en ry member of your families , to every subject of the widespread empire ,, over which you think you have the power of teaching lies . The minds of the people ef this eountry are no longer to be infiuenced by a misconstruction of _wordsj orot Hei of any shade . Truth j sirs , is the gland idea of the thinking and reading portion ofthe working classes ef England how . Therefore , as ' friends , ' we should beg of you todasist making yeur attacks upon us , the working classes , or u pon'thbie on whom wo bave placed our affections _.
Gentlemen , yeu have for a long time been resorting to means the most contemptible to spread abroad lies for those that live by _aweing ns , with the hope of exciting our prejudices and fears . ' 6 ntlomen _, wo are wedded to our objects , and are fully assured that our principles are founded on _justioe , and we set you at defiance . We know , too , when our designs are properly understood , all will see they ere eminently calculated to promote general . happiness and prosperity . Written on bebalf ofthe Chartists of Bilston , Job » Jokes , _Wolverhampton-strect , Bilston , October 2 ath , 1947 .
Commiiren Io Thb Flambs.—Sin: I Have The...
_CoMMiirEn io thb _Flambs . —Sin : I have the pleasing task to inform you that I witnessed the burning of the Dispatch at Spinkwell , Dewsbury , on SuBday night week , for its dogin . the-man _? _er-iike conduct , and abuse of that good man , F . O'Connor , Esq , M . P . Through your glorious Star , please let the world know , and yeu will much oblige a number of your friends , as well as your obedient servant , John Elam . IhDB . —At the weekly meeting of the members of this branch _. the following resolution was carried unanimously : — ' That having heard ' the Whistler ' s ' letter read from the Manchester Examiner , this meeting is of opinion tbat that vile scribbler ougbt to be brought to justice . This meeting expresses tbe fullest confidence in Mr O'Connor . '
A Mbmbbh op ran L * sd Company at Tokqoai has favoured us with a very long letter ; we can find roeai only for the following extracts : — ' That there never was such faith and confidence placed in any one man since England has been a nation ( as asserted in the Dispatch ) , is true , and the subscription of nearly one hundred thousand _'pounds , and placed entirely at his disposal , is such a phenomenon as has never been heard of since the world began . Noiv , wbat has been the cause ofthis confidence in Feargus O'Connor , Esq . ? The ' fiery Feargus' ha ? never in
the course of his whole life betrayed the _smaUtst trust , and that is tbe reason why such confidence is placed in him ; and to think that now , when he has , < i 9 it were , the regeneration of tbe country almost in his _gragp , that he will betray his trust , must be the height of folly . The plain simple fact is , the money grubs see plainly tbat their harvest is almost at an end , and will he completely so if Mr O'Connor is allowed to proceed quietly with his Land Plan , and that there is no other way to prevent it but by fraud and lies .
Borniby . —At a meeting of the National Land _Compsny , branch No 1 , held in the Chartist room , it was resolved that the following address be sent to the Star for insertion : — ' We , the members of tlie Burnley branch No . 1 . of tho National Land Company , having read in the Manchester Examiner a letter signed ' One who has whistled at the Plough , ' and addressed to the shareholders of thc Land Company , are of opinion that the writer of the said letter is actuated by disappointed , vindictive , and malicious motives . But we hope that all such mean and cowardly attempts to injure the _rharsciers of the directors may recoil with tenfold forcoon such sneaking , idle , tinkering , politicians , fer wc are confident lhat the promulgation of their lying and slanderous statements will have an effect on the minds of the reflecting portion of tbe industrious classes , the very reverse
of that anticipated by the _veople ' _a false mends ; especially those attacks on the character of Mr O'Connor . We have also read the article in iho Dispatch attacking the conduct of Mr O'Connor , but we deem such a farrago of abuse beneath contempt . VVe also express our unshaken confidence in the whole of the directors , and hope tbat tbey will persevere in the good cause of labour ' _* regeneition . Signed on behalf of the brancb — John Burrows , IIbW "Smith , _Ilwtai _Cbabnock . ' DKWsnunr . —At a meeting of the Chartiste of this placo , it was _unnniraously resolved , 'That a _uubseription be entered into towards defraying the expenses of . a prosecution against the proprietor of the Manchester Examiner , for his scandalous attack on the private characler of F . O'Connor , Esq . M . P ., the most unflinching advocate of tho labouring people that this country can boast of . '
Chorlbt . —At a meetinc of _shareholders _^ on Sunday , the 24 th inst . a vote of _cenfidence iu their honest , _indefatigable , and persevering champion and leader , FearauB O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., and of censure on his _eaiiimniatf . _rs _, wat unanimously adopted . Malvbrn , WeBCBBTERsuinB , —At a meeting of the shareholders of tbe Land Company , held at the house of James Brownell , Upper Howsell , on Thursday , Oct . 21 ? t , the following resolution was proposf d by Henry Mills , seconded by William Allen , and carried unanimously;— 'That having watched tho course taken by the Weekly Dispatch during the time of the _Anti-Corn Law agitation , wo look with contempt upon its pretensions to the character of a public instructor , seeing that all its predictions respecting Corn-law repeal have totally failed , in addition to which it lacks honesty of purpose , as is evidenced by its refusal to publish Mr _O'CoBnbr's reply to its virulent attacks upon that gentleman . '
Exeter . —At a meeting oi the shareholders of this branch , W . S . P . Wilkinson , Esq . » ud Mr P . J . O'Brien were elected _dolegates for the county meeting to be held in this eity on Monday , Nov . kt ; it was unanimously resolved : — 'That tho heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude of this meeting be presented to Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., our more than father , for hisable and talented refutation of the charges laid against him by tbe numerous hirelings of the half dozen protectors ofthe rights , privileges and pence of the working men—bless tbo mark—and if that were possible , eur confidence in him is strengthened by the attacks of _thosOoirow-Fearted ' IrienuY ef the toiling poor . —P . J . _O'Bribx , Sec .
_NswAiiK-oM-TB-iNT . —At & meeting of this branch of the Land Company , a vote of confidence was passed unanimously , expressive of full and entire confidence in Feargus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P . : and a vote of thanks to Mr Weerth , the Rhenish delegate at the Brussels Congress , for his advocacy of tho canse of the working men of England . _Todmorobi _* . —A crowded meeting of tbe inhabitants of Todmorden took place in the Odd Fellows ' Hall , on Thursday , the 31 st inst ., at eight o ' clock in tbo evening , to hear a lecture on the' Land and _labour Bank and tho Land _Scheme' _-as propounded bj Feargus O'Connor , E * q-by . Mr John West of Maoolesfield , late candidate for the borough of Stockport . On the motion of T . Tattenalof Burnley , - _* Jw » _Sutcliffe was called on to preside . Tho lectuier entered fully into the merits of tho Land _aeheme _, and
Commiiren Io Thb Flambs.—Sin: I Have The...
proved by sound reasoning and undisputed facts , that it w the very best plan to save the working _poouiatiotf of this country from want and misery ,- and place them , in a comfortable and independent position . The lecturer then proceeded to handle the question of the Land and Labour Bank ; proving its superiority over every other bank _incite kingdom , both as regards tbe rate of interest and the security given upon all deposits . He then entered into nn a as ! -sis of the _ejections urged by theprce , and particularly thoso made by 'the _Wjmstlsb , ' showing ihey were flimsy in their character , and Unsupported by argument . He stated that the grand object of these parties _ww not to benefit the people , bnt to destroy the reputation of Mr O'Connor , in order to _descrey his useful *
ness in the House of Commons , and deprive tbe people of tbe services of thoir best friend . _Thelecturer clearly showed that envy and private pique characterised tbe effiisiori * which hate appeared in the press against the Land Scheme and its founder , lie concluded his lecture by calling upon the working elasses to examine both sides of the question fairly , and if they found Ihe Land Plan calculated lo improve their condition and elevate thorn in sooiety , to use their utmost efforts in carrying it out . The speaker resumed his seat amidst thunders of applause _. No one appearing to off « any objections , the following resolutions were submitted to ths meeting and carried unanimously : — Moved ty . ThQ . maa Tattmall , seconded by James _Stansfield : —
. 'Having read the attacks of ' the Whistler , ' upon Feargus O'Connor , E . q ,, M . P ., we are of opinion that the venom of _» the _Whlstlet' has not arisen from any love or sympathy ha may have for the . working classes , or from any anxiety to protect them , but simply and solely at tho instigation of the moneyocracy , for whicb he will be amply . paid . It is pur decided opinion , tbat ' tbo Whistler' cares no more for the wel ' _areof the working lasses than he does for that of Feargus _O'Conner . Tba * he will _eithsr ¦ whistle' hot or cold ; that he'it a mere hireling , and will write anything for which he is i aid . That he ha * convicted himself , as the WolrcjieH Journal ,
» ajB , ( In 1832-84 ) , ' ol being either a spj to entrap tbe unwary , or els * a physical forclst . as bad as anyone . ' That we r _» r * bf opinion tbat tbe object of ' the Whistlor / is to stop the money of the trades from going into the Laud and Labour Bank . W _» can w *) l _imagiee the ne . _csssity for interested parties to o » y up the stability of the local banks , In order to prevent tke _xnose- ; from being withdrawn , and it is our opinion that ' the Whistler' is a tool made use of to try to lessen the _confid-noe in our true friend and champ _. on , _Fearnus O'Connor , Esq ., M . P ., in order to destroy the Land Scheme and briak up the Land and Labour Bank .
Moved by Robert Brook , and seconded by John Kobinson : — That we the members ofthe Todmorden branch ef th ? National L « nd Compiny , do hereby tender our sincere thanks to the directors , for their _exanlons ou behalf of the said company , and that _notwithstanding the foul attempts that have be-n made to _iropewb their _charact « r _* , w « have unbounded confi knee In their Integrity . Moved by Richard Close , and seconded by James Mi _' chell :-That we , the Inhabitants of Todmorden . in publie meeting assembled , do hereby tender our most _sinceie thanks to the electors and non-electors of Nottingham , for _; their patriotic exertions in returning to the Commons ' House of Parliament , that friend of the people ' s rights , Feargus O'Connor , Esq . . Moved by Thomas Tattersali , and seconded by it . Brook :-
Tbat the bast thanks of tbis meeting be given to Mr John West , for his able lecture this _evenin _? . Moyed by Thomas Tatter-al ) , and seconded by It . Brook : — That a report of the evening ' s proceedings be sent to the Northern Star ami Jtfan- &« t «\ E «» mwier for _inneriion . _BARHStBT . —The Irish _Democratic Confederates of ibis town _assembled at Mr Georce Alley ' s large room , on Sunday the 24 th inst . Mr James Flood , a venerable patriot of * 98 , Was called to thechair . amidst the plaudits of his countrymen ; after which Mr Michael Segrave explained the objects of the Association , and read for tbe meeting portions of Irish history , which gave great satisfaction . Mr J _> hn O'Lenry read Mr O'Connor ' s letter to the members of the Laud .
Company , and thon rose and addressed the meeting at great length , and made a powerful appeal to his countrymen to support Mr O'Connor with the sinews of war . Mr Edward Keith addressed the meeting at somo length , and concluded by proposing the following resolution : — ' That this meeting , composed of Irishmen from Cape Clear to the Giant's Causeway , from the Hill of Hbwfch to Connemara , dn hereby pledge ourselves to support Mr O'Connor with the sinews of war , and that we enter into an immediate subscription for that purpose . Mr Michael Segrave seconded the resolution , and was supported by Anderson Coyl and others . The resolution was carried with sreafc applauso . A vote of thanks was given to the chairman _, and the meeting separated highly delighted .
The Lasd . —On Thursday , the 21 st ins ., an interesting discussion took place in the eoffee room of the Temperance Hall ( Broadway ) , Westminster , oa the subject of * The Land . ' Sevtral persons present publicly stated that those who held the allotments e-uld he ejected at a _rooment ' a notice . Mr John Bas * r said , that he wa * not a member of the Land Plan , but that he had every confidence in it , and that it would ultimately be the means of redressing th _« evilB that surrounded the present population . Mr T . R . Reading on being called on to explain theprinciple of registration , said—That he generally found in all _cesses of society persons who opposed all plana brought forward to improve the conditirn of the people ; who , from prejudice , wonld not ,- _> rgnain 4
themselves with the principles they opposed , but who pinned their faith on the sleeves of such _jcurnalsas tha Dispatch , Nottingham Mercury , & q . Mr Reading then fully entered into the various proceedings connected with the _registering ef public companies nt once refuting the charge brought against Mr F . O'Connor ; showing , to the satisfaction ef the persons present , that that gentleman had _notviohtsd one iota of the act of Parliament , but wasdoing everything to carry out its intentions . The paltry attempts lately made by a portion of the press , hired for that purpose , _shored the great progress of the Land Plan . He ( MrR . ) was persuaded that Mr O'Connor was devoting the whole of his energies to the improvement o the condition , and political _reseneration of the
* blistered hands' and ' unshorn china , ' Mr Miles M'Sweenev said , he certainly was not a member of the Land _Comjany , but ho must agree with the last speaker—that ho had now to regret that he had not j « ined . He must acknowledge that " ill the Land Plan bo saw everything that was great and noble . By it the _francbiae would be placed in the hands of those who wenla never bave possessed it , bad it not been for Mr O'Connor . Already had the _auricultural serfs beaan to find that Chartism was ' Douse and Land . ' lie believed that the Lind Plan would , in the end , lead to the regeneration of England , and the _happiness nf tho people . Several questions were then put to Messrs Reading and M'Sweeney , who answered them to the _satisfaction of those putting them . ¦ ____ .
SmxDos . —A public meeting , called hy placard , wns held at the Odd Fellow's Hall , Swindon , on Tuesday evening , October 19 th , to investigate into tho _charges , preferred in the Dispatch newspaper of October 10 th , against tho Chartist brdy aud the Land Plan laid down by F O'Connor . Mr Martin , artist was called to the chair , and opened the proceedings with a few perti _' ncnt remarks , and tben read the leading article of the Dispatch of October 10 th , containing the charges _, lie then cailed upon the defendants to answer the charges preferred against them . Mr D > Morrison came forward to defend himself and othen with whom he acted . IIo entered very minutely into the Chartist agitation .- Inthe course of whioh he gave the Dispatch a severe but well-merited castigation , and ably defended the character of _Fearg _* 8 O'Connor against his foul-mouthed
B ' anderer . Tho _speaker ' _said _, he was _fony to think that a paper like the Dispatch should have sold itself t * the oppressor . A paper that was once held in high estimation by the great hulk of the workingclasses , but was now rapidly falling . Mr Morrison then very cleverly replied to the attacks direct , d against the Land Company and its directors . Mr Bttrtda followed , and made a splendid defence of Chat tisra . Mr G . Barber then eamo forward , and _defended the Land Plan , and _entered very minutely into the calculations trade by the _Ditpaleh . Nottingham Mercury Ac , respecting the cost ot _locating the several members , 4 c , and sbowed the errors of these calculations . _Sevwrtnthersaddressed tho _tue < _- _!!„ g , which waa very attentive . The chairman calif d upon any one to come forward in defence of tho # ispctlc " i , but no one appeared . The following resolution was unanimously carried : —
Thatit is the opinion ofthis meeting , that in the leading article of the Disp atch of Oetober 10 th , and several other article * that bave _appeared in that journal , there hai shown a great _hmonntef spleen , bad _fueling , and utter misrepresentation of truth ; and this _moe'lnff declares that such a journal Is unworthy of the support of any honest working man , and will _henoefortb treat it with the greatest contempt . A vote of thanks was unanimously rendered to the chairman . •'' At a meeting ofthis branch , oft" Monday evening last , the following resolution , was _unanimously adopted : — ..... -. That tbe members ofthis branch outer into a subscription to a _* sist in dofrayinsf any _exp-nses that may bo _inonrred byF . O'Connor , Esq , in prosecuting tha Manchester Eaaminer .
Ma . vchbstbb . -PhomVs I _^ _rruTit .-On Sunday _erening the _meeting commenced by the chairman , Mr GrW roadini Mr O'Connor ' s reply to the Whistler and company , during the reading of which the most profound attention and intense interest was _displayed . The first letter to Mr _O'C _' _s children , elicited great applause . The hall was _literally crowded to excess . Tho reading lasted exactly ore hour and forty-three minutes , and was responded to with unboNnded and enthuaiastio applause . The chairman then immediately introduced Mr Shaw , the ' lecturer , who began his _addri _^ s by showing how ihe gentry of tho press hava neglected to apply theie talents for the real interest of the people—yet tbey now came forward ns tho pretended friends ofthe working dosses . The Land Scheme was necessary '
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 30, 1847, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/ns3_30101847/page/7/