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K^^'""i^W ^frm ^^^^^^^J 5> AND L.EEDS GE...
Vofc. I. No. 3. SATUROAY, DECEMBER 2, 18...
FACTORY QUESTION. The discussion of this...
. to seek its repeal? Let the world spea...
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K^^'""I^W ^Frm ^^^^^^^J 5> And L.Eeds Ge...
_K^^' _""i _^ _W _^ _frm _^^^^^^^ J _5 > AND L . EEDS GENERAL ] ADVERTISER .
Vofc. I. No. 3. Saturoay, December 2, 18...
_Vofc . I . No . 3 . SATUROAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1837 . rice TWrpehce Halfpenny , Or Five Shillings Per Quarter .
Factory Question. The Discussion Of This...
FACTORY QUESTION . The discussion of this important question of domestic and ( . ¦ ommereial policy _hns been revived by the very parties who have most of ali decried its agitation . For some monfhs , since the unsuccessful attempt of Government , at the instigation of _llie MiU _owners to undo what they had previously done for ( he protection of the children , the _qncstion lias been at rest . The operation of the present Act is , no doubt , attended with some inconvenience to tbe Masters , for whielt , as a . body , they may tlrank themselves , and have therefore no _right to comp lain ; uud though the portion of the Act which . _pToteefb children under thirteen from more thai ! eight hours' labour has beeti shamefully _evaded—though doctors and _indpectors Lave _combined with the _mitmifeefcurers to defeatits operation . —though to our certain knowledge , hundreds of children have . been certified thirteen years of age at eleven—though we know that the _jn-ni- , _tore have practised the utmost forbearance
towards offendingMill-owners—though they lave , in some instances , even withdrawn their charges after having preferred and proved tiipm before the magistracy , rather than subiait the _resp _& tpbie culprits to the inconvenience oi' punishment—though we know all this , and _chough the friends of the factory child and of Immunity have known it Iong > and witnessed with _biirniag fecliuge the disposition of tlie whole crew to render nugatory and _useless the just shield thrown over _helplesn innocence by the law ; _they _sttilL determined to give the law a fair trial . We have thrown no obstacle in the way of flic working of the law . Our only complaint _, lias been th » t BBflieieat vig _ilanc-f 1 was not used by those whose duty it was to carry it into operation . We had , in-¦ doed , as was well observed by a speaker at the Hudderefield meeting , great reason to suspect the sincerity of the Government in their professions of desire to protect the Factor ) - Child when we saw the extreme latitude of construction allowed to the law iu many instances- —¦ _conplei with'the _tiirdinnss anil evident resolution _, of tlic well paid functionaries in its enforce meat . But wheu we found a base conspiracy on foot to get altogether rid of this partial interdict on child murder \> y « side wind . We thought it time that we should again bestir _oni'selves , that we should unk _ilie -people of Yorkshire and Lancashire whether auy new lig ht had been lee in upua tiiis subject which should cause them to espouse an opinion , ihe direct converse of that wliicb tliey have _liitlierto holden as the
result of bitter and sorrowful experienci ! . We thonght it right to enquire whether any new argument had been recently adduced which proved that to be healthful , and _inmifetit , and . beneficial if J 837 , which hail been denounced in _lt ' - _'iS ns _murdurous . and horrible , and destructive by authorities whose competency was fully admitted ( and who were , in point of feet , appointed ) by the very parries who now labour to reverse their decisions . The people nobly answered inir enquiries . The meeting at Leeds a short * tiine ago bore testimony to the determination of the Factory operatives , that no new law for tho more effectually slaughtering of their "Ettle ones shall be enacted . At Hudderafieldy last Monday evening , a _. _similair nuaiitcstijtion of -public feeling and opinion was displayed . Tiiat large building , the Philesopfcical-hull was eranraied to overflowing with au-n ( itidwoiueiiof _allranks and grades from , the first rate merchants and manufacturers to the poor Httle picoenera , and we never witnessed a more _beautiful disof orderl but determined
play y , peaceful , _feeilng than was manifested by that meeting . The vast assemblage . seemed f <> Stink and speak as one man : on the several speeches it j a unnecessary for us to comment , as they _sre-given at great length , in another portion of the paper . Suffice it to say they are worthy of the men who delivered tiiein , of die audience , before whom they were spoken , and of tbe cause hi _which theywpre spoken , and that they give the fullest and the roust satisfactory contra diction to _thestrangely sophistical reflections of _onr hononrable eon temporary , the Leeds Merettry on the subject ! which reflections , however , we cannot allow to pass without some litile . Further tittle parley . Our contemporary in bis f reflections" on the Leeds meeting , is p leased to say tiiat " the existing act , _reconimendod b y the " Royal Coininission" is seemingly _apjirowd of by Mr . HOHSOX , and tfae Gtner speakers , who led _tSie meeting to so erroneous _conclusion , " It is somewhat difficult to aeleraiue whether the _approlwfierf of of Publisher and bis _friendg is
our here referred by our contemporary , to tho ** existing act , " or to the " Royal Corumissiou ; " in either case we must beg to apprise him tUot he labours under u mistake , a mistake into wliicb wo cannot avoid feeUns some litde ivoiidor that he should have _falleu . We believe that few men in Yorkshire liaye been more permanent in the discussion of the Factory Qaesrion than Mr . HOBSOKf , onr worth y Publisher , and we ask the Mercury to shew us any single act or word , either of Mr . HoBSON , of ourselves , or of any other _recogm 7 ed' friend of the Tkn HOURS ' CAUSE" that can be fairly constraed into an approbation either af [ be ' -existing act" or of the "Royal Commission . " Did we not invariablprotest against the " Royal Commis
y - sion " as a wantoa waste of the public money —as a foolish mockery of ( m enquiry into that wluch vfim already known , and as a wicked artifice to procrastinate a ri ghteous measure ? Did we not from the first _denouce the " existing act" as a piece of dishonest jugglery _innended to sicken the people of al ' Fmctory Legislation , and ko to put down the _Btraggliogs of the helpless infant against its iron-hearted and villain-charactered oppressors ? Did we not always denounce it as a humbug measure which would never work to flie satisfaction of any party P Did we not from the first deolare that they who procured its enactment would be the firs 1
. To Seek Its Repeal? Let The World Spea...
. to seek its repeal ? Let the world speak , before whom our speeches , our _resolutioBs , our _petitious , onr remonstrances , our tnpniorials , and our firmly expressed resolves have been laid , times without number . Let the world , we say , testify whether the heeds Mi / _rri _/ _ri f does us justice in affirming that WS seemingly approve either " the xistiug act , '" on the " Royal Commission /' Our opinions upon the subject are identical with those of our publisher , Mr . Hobson , as delivered in his speech at tlie Leeds meeting , and therefore , in attacking him , * the Mercury attacks us , and we hold ourselves bound to- give him the information , that however unintentional on his part it may have been , his _insimmtiiius ari ! untrue . Bnt Mr . _MofiSON and the other spankers ed the meeting to " a most erroneous tidndusfon . " They induced the meeting to _souelude that children of eight yeara eld were too vonug to labom , mi that children _iif My age ought not to labi . mr tayre _tlmii on hours ihtily _, exclusive of reerention , rest , _ind food !! The writer who could suppose t . possible for Mr , Hobson and other _speakers to lead a meeting of English men _jnd winin'ii Id a conclusion lite _tlus mast have previously supposed tliat they were _iljing to couelude tiiat iniants of ei ght , -ears were able to endure excessive toil , and hat , in the words of that strange libel 011 _ldjnan _ftppeaHBicft , Mr , Wrig 6 l £ S _\\ - orth , _hildi'en of eleven years are us well able o endaro eleven hours' dnily . toil , a full grown man ; and the
writer who could suppose a large meeting of English lathers and mothers capable of this ; must have estimated l / ieir natural affection rud sensations by the demoniac quality of his own mind . We are unwilluig to believe hat our contemporary is actuated by nay tlicr than the kindest feelings towards his _fellgw-ereatares , and we _mtiql therefore , in nstice to our opinion of his benevolent nd kindl y disposition believe that ot the moment when he wrote this base Ijbcl on he _hunitui character , " _Ricliard was not Himself . " The warm feelings of the man had , for the moment , been displaced by those if tlie coW , calculating politician , or _rather 10 Iitical economist who sees nil tilings swimming in the narrow circle of his own conracted _vision . We mast think that reason had for a brief period left her seat , and dis-. ppciintcd _anger had made ruthless havoc _imong the tools of onr contemporary ' s inellectual workshop . We are yet more horougllly convinced of this when we find him afterwards asserting _that—¦
Every child and ever ) " adult in ; i factory will _bisUCBfurtli recollect , in the hour between half-past six und _lialf-past _seren o'clock every night , that they ore working that hour lo _gratify Lhe " . Old Ten-hoar _SAort Xirau Cnnimittee , '' who would scum to be more fitly de _? _ignatod , if they would ch : 4 _tigc Ihcir iame to—ihir " ! Xew Twelve-hour Long Tini « _OBioiiWae , " No . v , if lliis _seiiteiKii ) _meaii _^ any liiiDir , h means tiiat the Leeds " < > _ld Ten Hour iSfcuj _* Time ( Jo . uimittee" are desirous that twelve hoars should be the minimum of _lubour in actories . Fortunatel y , it is needless to replv to this . The exertions of the Leeds Old Short Time Committee , as well as ; hose of all the other Old Short time Committees in the conntry are too well known o need recounting . Every body knows _hirt that _theae active and excellent bodies iiave done great service to the public , but nobody , except the " _Merrrir- y" has mj idea uf _tlieir wishing ti > inflict 12 _htrara lubour . pou their _follow-mea , much less upon little _chilil-« a . Thn Old Siiorl Time Committee leave to Me . _iVrciiifiiKswoTmi _aud his _acciiHipliccs , the _eaiiablu _ind _distiligaUheicoHsinttHc _;/ af Jubbing _momseWs t _"S / iurt Time Cuam < i < tise'' which they endeavour to idd t . hrui ; long hours of daily toil ( o ilio _burth ™ of _liltlo _dulcinm .
One contemporary goes on ( o furnish other and itill _mnru _conclusive testimony of the lamentable ihmatiou mukr nlitch alouu tliis article conld have _jeen written by one so humane—so _benevolent—so ueical ami consistent , and so generally _clcnr-lieadad is ire know our contemporary to be . lie _tnya " We ¦ : ee it stated lhat Mr . _BakEh , the _Faclorj' Super- utendent , has promoted _tlie _£ propo _? ed ainendintQt . '' rVe hope thid is true ; and if such be the fact , we _iu-b _couvinced that he could" not have fuIKlled thL 1 _functions of his important -office in any way more _tnmourable to _liimself , or Biore kind towards those whom itis the dntyof Factory Inspectors and _tlmir Superintendents to serve and protect . " Now wo itre quite sure tlutt _, at any other time , our excellent contemporary would have seen the duty of Mr . . BAEnK , as a Factory _SuptrinreniWnt , o he _i ' _. i : it of enforcing the _luiv against its violatorsrf _attt-uding to the iuWr *» J _3 of _wliojuhi _! was appointed t" protect , _infitt'iij of winking at the _violators i _> f the princbplo ami even _tht letter of tlie law ; and _intriguing with _tlioxe who wished to get rid of iW _aunuymice- 'tb throw _overboard it _^ _protecdon 'to _tliose _hi-lplues _iufants of wbosc lives and interests _, the _Litthi' made him a _mos tub worth ; guardian . - We bave no _doulit , _hewever , that ery now our contemporary has recovered frorn this fit of mental indisposition , nnd is , enabled agaiu to givehis _nativii kiadlieart and _. clear head fair play . Indeed we are aure of ihtH because we have bail the inexpressible gradficadoa of seeing his . sign maniiHl affixed to a petition for a good and efficient " TEN IIouhs ' Bill . "
This is as it should be- Good men Kbouid aim at ibe _satae object , and their efforts are then irresistible . We congratulate our contemporary itiost cordiall y on the spirit maulfestad by the _Huildersfield meeting , in furtherance _af that same ! object for which we have so much pleasure iu recognising bim « _s a brother petitioner .
Tho tone which the men of Lancashire aad Yorkshire have assumed upon the all-inipor ? taut question of labour and capital , and _thStr firm resolve to do their on-n work will we trust , iustil some spirit into the Whig-ruUlsn working raeu of the Metropolis . We chdleng them to action . We ask them for wo _^ k not words . They are a century behind us . What they talk about , we do . What tb _. ey leave to others , we do ourselves . While they throw theniBnlvesintn thearmsof Aristocratic leaders , we in Yorkshire and Lancashire wish to wee the work done by the people themselves .
To The People Of Halifax And Its Parish.
Pound—flood . 6 s . Od . m _IJi'iiftira _iirisinj-If asjtetl how we prow this pstei r . _nx , \ v « reply that [ be _liulk « f Blaci _Tfiia latel y _Imnoctcil bav ,. - . Id _uoi hi g hi ' -r iliimTHiiEE _asi > _Sisphnce to _rociiSmu . ista n Ponuif , _DntyinclnJi-d— and the fcw sulj : tl . ( m- _ihiw Pnces . iiD _iinke Drop-in ftp _OceanUMhe ujiolc . Then vby u Flfwh I ' _rk- _^ : And _Tienre _nSS _^ _nniBtl , i , i atJoa , _Wliatareyo « giving ! _HtoaWliiowstaflijo _^ _rjLSCR'rEA , 4 s . Od . _FinBituqEHeiniirki _& lT _^ od _ttBvourcJ . Is . _SJt and tliu l « st , ( for . Cm- ) _importsJ _. hi Si , Od ., Ss . ml . _tuni C-. Od . n . Poi ' ' ' GRF _. EX T 1 SA , ( H y soa ) 4 * _« d .. l int- _Cowslig _Bjhiiq , 6 * . -ill ., : B , _d _Ffas tiun Powder Tea , as . Oi a Pound . — _i'he . w _-fisp Teas _ni th _? se lav Prices ace but a _Punrios of the Beu « l _Irom au _Establishment like this , _na the same _Ptinoinla is _apjilied to COFFEES , LUMP SUGARS AND SPICES . SGVKN _Teaiefiave _witnessed in na tlie _CiqpplafB Bnroess Of a new _gysf em , tie . Ill 1830 we _pierce *) onr _si'lvea to mike » _sniiill Profit _[ _ti-niuucmtive _iritli a Ready Money _Trftdfi Tliis lain been effected ami we Ore at tds Time _couductinf ; one of the _LARGEST TEA AND COEEEE TRADES IN YORKSEIBE . We started . on the Rigid Principle of _wnrrantiiiir no Goods bur _[ liosc in which CHEAPNESS was conspicuous . _Qanlity _aiul _thit _suiallcst _Ilf . _inunerotinf ! PrcHt _ujjttu it _coiutiluli's thL , _—Industry—prncticnl Knowledge—Kill iimple _Capitnl with _illis _Printiplt- have ui oni Case _nrurconiP _evtrv _Obstiicfe . " A want _lufiinuation on yonr Part , aud _< S > _nuii' >! i I ( on « tj en tlal of the OM _Dijalers , has been ran ! grail anM _^ r Higli Priced . We vem the lint _lit-rc _indrnw the Corfu ; u _betwin-n you , by _imbhshiii _^ tho Cost _Hnn-E _ul'Toiia lit ttitf East _IndinCumpiiiiiy ' s _SiUi'stuid uur _Priti's . Tiwsvclearly proved " : Uiir £ _fromOiieto Two ShilliiiBs n Puuiid above : i fair Profit . _( _Jfurarse _tfe _inaimi Hie old Eight mid Tea _ShiliiujiS a l ' ound Mt-n ; bnt on ihp oil _dn-ir t .. iTK rueiomrr . _- " "" ' " " ' " '¦" _Kiui of _giiiisj Bia Bin rti . Tins siilntiiry _PracLire we _sh _: i ]] cont _niahiiiE _Strote to tlie _Monopoly of High _Dfisjnrstj _ivu int » mrd tlie _v-verliialing Hated of _iho ¦ oilier IliiniL fit 1 livel y _ENiiressiua i > f ( Jrntitn . le uf _continus _' . 6 ir _thd _Procection of Ibe ( _oi ' _-ConfidiWFPulilic were lased e f Prices .
TWO _HUNDEED AND THIRTY THREE CHESTS ATO BOXES OP TEA II we been received into owr _Stoct _rinra Ibe _Krst of _Joljynfwerj Gr _< ui _« and Flavour , bo Ihut Purchasers ( _laryfi _oruniall ) can _alwnys buy _thi : eMict Thine they wujb . Thi _? _Mr _* xsby whifili eji Extensive ft _Tritdo is done in n _iium _pilleu _h-itb Tei _Dealehs mn % a mine her limn _CHEAPNESS IN THE ARTICLES S " - 1 other SOLD . LTHE COFFEE _, TRADE . We haw done as much , _aa any E * o ( _Tfea "f thu _tim'st < _jniH' _* hji impn House ill _Kiigland to _lirjjiS il' . is Trade to P _« rfectioi >; __(! rBP _% _electing Haw _rowths imported into Europe , and seci _>; iti j , _roasting ( _hesc dailv by tin' lic _^ t Metliod Our Pricta ari :: I _' orgood _Jiun-iicn , 13 . t ! i , ; very _Fiue . Is . Hid . ; th _« _liuest imported , liiGicrto distorer _^ d . . _ . . _ . 2 s . Od ., and _jiuro Turkey and _Mochn . ( nothing like it ) 3 s . 2 d . _ii ' _Ponml . Your _vdy _tibediimt Servants , November SO , 1837 . OTTLET _AND COMPANY , 2 , SOUTHaATE _, HALIFAX .
LONDON AND _PARISIAN FASHIONS . % ion _& ou & e , _^ y of _Htb & xte , ? Jtcc » _j 3 " _, EMPOKIPffl FOR SUFEKFIiNE WKST OK _ENGLAND CLOTHS AND _KERSEYMEliES ¦ GENOA SILK _VELVETS , richly-figured FRENCH SATINS , SILK , & e . & _c . BJ 0 S E P H , _Tiii-oa , WnotESflLE and RetaiI _Dhapeb , and _GeneiUI Ot / _t-FittKr to China and all P _\ ftTs _nf the Globe . B , J . begs to . tender his sincere _AckiioKIcdgmenis tu the Nobility , Qentry , and _iHbabitanti generaJty of Yorkshire and the adjacent CoantJes Dm She eery liberal an | _exteOHive Patronage his Establishment has received ! : mdlie begs _"lfli'fci infanta them , _thiit , nwingto _theticrere an _3 unprecedented Pressure on the Money Market , _* Eiph obliged _ManufiictiuT : rB to sulimit to unheard of _S-aerific _<( S in ( he Sale of their _Gouds , thai rhev might meet Obligations incurreil during Prosperity , he has Ire-en _enaiilal to _purcfiasB Goods for Caih at _Prices _whoily _unpnrrrtileted _, aarl he is determined his _Tjihi _^ jlc and _estonwive _Ci > unesion _sbaU enjoy ibe _AdTiuitagfs _whifh b « has been enabled to reap , _thrnivji _IltodK the Ability to _putohflsc Goods " from Persons who _hai-c _hscn ohliged to iiifi | ii > se uf them at unrein 1- , - . tnru : l'rieas , —he solicits the _FaVunr of _Iik , | _rt'clioa , and he . is _ffluliikn'it _tfiil U- thunil . tbai h » - m ' - ' ¦ — - _^ ¦• ' r -.- _>—tv ~ . _•>^* "nni _Pi-ofes ? ii > n Due what _mf-y r > e realized ai Iii _? _JCjluluHliTn _^ _iu . ¦ The Proprietor _tiJtes the Libert } " of drawing the _A-writirii , v" tiiose _Geutleiueo who have _liithrrto _fomiri it _net'essary to pay estravi _^ antly _highPrieud for their Clutlriiijf _, <<> tbe < uniexcd List of l ' nlc ; ES , and whic h hi' _guarouttea to be of the best \ iest of England ; mJ Saxony CLOTHS , wool-dyed , and warranted not to spot , of any Colour : us _slt / liah hi Millie , iin _tttstefiit nnil tafcnttd in cttf , mid us good in _ptaUl y _, as anv _hearing the names of the _musl e \ f _elwive and { _asKiouHbie Houses of the West Eud of t ) _it Metropolis , acid ut less th _' . iii _one-third uf their Charge . B . JOSEPH'S LIST OF PRICES , FORGASHPAYMENTS ONLY . Gentleman ' s Clothing made tu order , in the most fashionable ami elegant Style . COATS . , E . s , d . _( _ientkmeii _' s Fine _DressCoiits , in > m 1 12 ( I Saxuny Do . a 2 0 _Itnjieiiitl Do 2 S U Estrn Imperial Do . besl _iiuylity _luiutiilaflural :..,, 2 12 0 1 _-uire _fiinjiiri _fimiiirfiiic _l- ' nick coals , _orSiutouts , nitli _Mjlk ¦; _l-Viii"s . "" :..:... ; 1 j . i HaxonvBo 2- G _IinjioriV i > o n 2 12 Extrn _linperidl Do ,, the best qualify _manufiictoied _..... _; . _' . 2 16 Ladies Riding Habits 3 15 _?& it Clo ( h Pea Cunts ' 1 10 " Gentlemen ' s Petersham Groat Coats ( Double Breasted ) I 12 Superior _QniJityDo . 2 2 Siiperfine _Qunlilj- Di ) 2 2 ' _ltDo .... 2 8 . _ til ( irent ConM , ( of any Colour ) ... 2 3 ' _Snpertine Do . ( Doable milled )' . 2 15 Mackintosh and Co . _'s Patent _IV _' _atCqitoof Grcal Coals , madu Iu _Mtiisuree 1 13 _TROlVSEJiS . I * riiici _] i ! e of CntiinB , especially _reoommeuded W Spor ting _liiintleinen _Kerseymoro _Trowserd , from : 'imj ( Juality Do „ „ 'ery Bunt ' . BREECHES . _JeulJemKU ' _g Cotton Cord Breeeiies Do . Woollen Cord _... _^ , he Estimation , of- th'e highest _Cireles , where nothing jshor ( ol « rated . _Biicksltin _Twwsers , on B . Joseph _'; _N _' ew 1 1 0 15 _1 a 1 4 0 8 0 14 £ . s . o . Do . Kerseymere { r > f noy Colour ) 0 15 0 l ) o . best manufactured 0 IU 0 Kersepnere Suiters 0 7 0 WAISTCOATS . - . _Sijk'mtiil Milt _ViileOtio , Ten _ShiBiugs each , or" £ h » e for . _" . I 8 0 _Kii-. _i'VHii-WlVm _.-icoaf . _" . Irani ' . 0 S - K _l- _'ine & al ! ty Do .....:: r . Silk H ' aisicOal * . _froltt .:....: 0 10 0 II ' CiO- \ KS . Clolh Opera Clooke from 1 HI _fl Sufuiisll _Ualf _Cirualur Do , 2 . 5 . 0 llu . « _complete Circle of _iJJ _Vnrdsrouuii thu butwm ..,. _; .: ... 3 3 0 _Viilvet t ' ollnrs . Ac . _exlra . Youth '* Cnmblet Cloaks fr . Hu 0 9 0 Do . _CIolhDo . £ _thb : ¦ ¦ 0 11 0 HVKKIES . _Suilsof _livBrr 2 IB 0 . Best _ClplliiIJo- 3 10 0 Ijirge Size _eiitro . CHILDREN'S MISSES . Superfine Plain Cloth DresS , consisting of a , _'I ' uaic , Vest _itnd Trowsers 110 Ditto , superior ( _Juu-lity , | _buDddoniely braided , 1 _' _ocpiI « ith Silk j l . 1 8 0 Yuuths Dress , of _ivny Colour , _roisistiuj * of . _Intkei , Wnistcoai . and _Trowser . _" , mado _tonuyPHHoni 14 0 Dii- _^ _"ti erinr Quality , uentl » - braided i 12 0 _^ _Thrae v _> m be found of _that _^ _Chmcter which _hte raised B . J , ' _s _EstaiilJAniant to apch Eminence in ofeasy Gentlemanly Elegance could _fiu _CONTRACTS by _tlie Year , ori ginally _introiiueedliy B . J ., _;\ nd haviag _gaiueijiim sucb unequalled Fame his _Pricos being the _^ . _owcat ever offered , he still _ri-eonunends it to every Crentlfemaii to whom Fasbion , EeonDniy , and Regularity , are au'Object . SecomO Qdm . Jty .-TVo Suits of _SuperSue _Clotbesj any Colour . £ 6 . 10 a .. Threu Ditto Ditto , £ S . IDs . ; Four IKtto , Ditto , £ S ' J . li ) . Hest Quality--Two _SuiS of West of England- Wool Dyed , £ 7- 16 s-,- the _bsst _QuaJitvtliat esn bo made ; Three Ditto , Ditto , , £ 10 . 10 a . ; Four Ditto Ditto , £ H . _fl _§~ Velvet Collars , & c ., Extra , and so da in Proportion for each Suit . Each Suit to be returned on-the Receipt of _itd _Suucemer . Gentlem « H Contracting for three or more _Soita , are allowed Two Suits , in Wear during the whole Term . The largest and most extensive Stock of Mackintosh and Go's . Patent Waterproof _Clpak _? _, Cape < , Nursing Aprons , & c , 15 per Cent , under the regular Price . i _^^ _H Hi ' . B . A SyiT OF CLOTHES MADE AT FIVE HOURS NOTICE .
ADVERTISEMENT . to the edit 0 hs . 0 f the _jfoilthebk star . Gentlemen , A FALSE and grouiidleds Btatement having appeared in the last Numlier of lhe " Leeds Times , " under the Head of an " Affair of Honor , '' in which I am _represonted to have acted ; _t _diahuiniurable part _; I _tiavia lo request you wiK _tet the Public right on the subject , by Publishing iny Aasuranc * that no ChallencE was either g iven or received , and of course no Meeting took place . The fects of the cues are simply these : —A misunderstanding having occurred between Mr . Il-ll-nd and myself , and thai Gentleman having discovered that ho was under > . wrong _iu'prertsion bji to my conduct , immediately , in the most gentlemanly manner , wrote an Explanation and Apology , Tho Editor of the . " _Tiuiet , " has informed me , that Mr . Wm . _Heury Perfect , of _Cobourg-street , in his authority ; hut I cannot discover that individual : unless he prodncc him he is still actionable and I shall proceed forthwith against him or the Printer . If the Address W not fictitious , the Editor will now _haye the _opportunity of either establishing the truth'of , the Paragraph referred to , or acknowled ge himself guilty of the Falsehood by mi ) tine a suitguilty able Apology . by making a suit-Sir , Your obdt . Servant , A . F . MACAULEY .
_STEPHEN DICKINSON , _FOUNTAIN HEAD CLOTHES WAREHOUSE , No . 42 , _XiNG-StBEET , _HuDDXliSFISU _) _, RE TURNS his sincere _Dhantfl to his onmeroua Triend ? and the Public , for the Liberal _EnooutHgenient since he commenced in tic Read )' Made Clothes Tmdc , and solicits a continuance of their support , being determined to supply good Articles at Reasonable Prices . N . H . All kinds of Men and Boys' Clothes made to _Ordur , on the shortest notice , nut to be surpassed by anv House in the Trade .
, SEW TEMPEEANCE JOUENAL . IT 1 BE HULL _TEMPERANCE PIO . _XEEK X Edited by Robert Firth , in Published _oi the _1 'irst Saturday of every Mouth , Price Om Penny ; and may he had at Mr . Nobles , Bookseller Market Place ; or at the Temperance Hotel My ton Gate , Hull ; or at the Free Masons' Lodge _Siytoa Gate ; after the Weekl y Meeting of thi _Temperance _Societj , on th _^ Tuesday _Eveninj next , after publication . This Work contains mueh general matter _aa < local information on the subject of _Temperance It ftfao contains Weekly Reports of the Speeches o Reformed Characters and others , _nt the _severfl Temperance Meetings in Hull , _including th _Speeches of tha F _^ _'maies . Agency baa been _Established fur lb * _"Ptonhkr _, nt Mr . PiscoK'S , 90 , Bartholomew . CJosg , T , oi doO , from wham it will be supplied to any p » _i-t i the _Conntr ? thrgugh the _laedium of the _Boolts-llur
- , SOUTHLANCASHIRE MEETING . DELEGATE A MEETING of DELEGATES from tb various TOWNS in Sopxh _LAscssBtBE was held at tte Commercial _luri . _> Ij ! _i . ' _-htt ? _i- _ , T " _-i Rev . J . R . Stephens , in the Chair , at which ft'llil _KlBolccd " That the Central Committee sitting in Man chester , bo empowered to send out Bissioaa _^ ej to Organize the Towns and Ti 11 age _» to _ax \ np Petition ? In Support of Mr . John Fielding ' s Mofion for a REPEAL of the Pdob _Ltw _AHenhmknt Act , iu whitb ho has given Notice foe the _24 t ! _Frbruaiy . _1 _S 38 . " R . BICHAED 30 _X _, Hon . Secretary .
MORISON'S PIXLS . PUBLIC CAUTION . BEWAR-E UF IMITATIONS . 'TIHE _Origiffnl ; and Only _genuihi _MQRreDNJS X . I'lLI . _S a * _tmupoundttl hy tin .- _lale Jir . _MubI . up tu _Aimiu . IS 30 , _itle alone prepared _bj-SA ' and HALL , _ij . _FaniugdoB-aaai _. Uuiiloii , - _.. - > Proprietors . _ITmbI ; md this alooe , " ii tile Modidnt whi . _oh effected _tliev _cxtraordin _.-m- Crtrai no Sir Richard Sutlon _, Ladr Sophia Grey , Count Pasfcan , and _inntnnerable Others . ' * . * Let _Purchasen" louk on the _Sfamp , ; md observe the Signature of Mr . Salmon ; tlie Hygeisi _tlii-rc ™ , in 2 . _"Frtc-Sitnile of bis ¦ Htvnd-Writin < r;—nil _ottn-Ti _, let what will "bo on tlie Stamp , are base Counterfeits . _t-i-t Agents trill ljc up ]) ointed _upoa Application , wherever _thei-e is not one _established .- —1 _'hose Persons who arc _veodin _^ any other _Eisandfor the genuine , are injuring the public _jis _tvell as themselves . TESTIMONIAL . " a , _Elii ; _ibtt . h-PUioe , Bulls' Bond , Oct . 2 S , IS _3 T . ' TO THE EDITHS OP THE MILTON ~ ADTKi ; - TISElt . " Sir , _^ _Perceii-ins ttat Messrs . Snlmon anil Hull , the Proprietors of _thu 4 _Oriftin : i ! Morifmn _' _s PiMp _/ ftrc in the constant Habit of ad _> _- _<* rtismg in your Paper , 1 beg _Ib _& ve to su \ U ! wim Ik _^ ovr to be the Fact- —and it is , tiiat the two _vounger Morrisons have _nsitr , _uince decease of Mr . Moat ; in August , 1 S 3 B _, prethe Medicine aa . it _ouyht to be , and was prepared before his death . Indeed , 1 have long since discarded the Use u : their Medicine in my Family , and _Jiitve availed _myself oi' the superior compound abovy referred to , and ean gh-e inj testimony to its perfect identity with Morison ' s Pills as they were in Mr . Moafs Time . I consider it but « duty due to the Public thus to declare it ; and I ain . satisfied , that w . ere they more generally acquainted with the great _superiority of the _Medierne compounded by Salmon anil Hall , _orer the wretched _stuiT made up by the present _Moriuoas _, they would , one and all , use the lorincr , and' _reject the latter . However , it is a Consolation to tiWrve , from the increasing Sale nl ' _MflSSrS . Salmon and _Hall ' _ts Medicine , an extraordinary failing _i _* ff iu _ths Sale of the present Mori ? son ?' , ihai the eyes of . the Public are being dolly opened . " I am , Sir , jour obedient Servant , ' ' / ' THOJJIAS . CHAKLESWORTH , ¦ " Upw . arda . Qf Five Years ChieE Clerk to _Morisoa Si Co . " We have received several letters _tliis month of a similar nature ; nnd feel happy in . giving publicity to such Impositions as ate . now being _fostored upon _ihv unwary . "We caution all Pfy _> on _^ to observe the the name of Mr . Salmon , the '' Hypeist _, " upon the Stamp , without which the " _OrigiiiaJ _Morison's Pills , '' as cumpounded by the lute Mr . Moat , cannot be obtained . LEEDS—ME . THOMAS PEACOCK , . 42 , Weilington-Strcct _j _Bol _« M . _'hM . _- -iM > 3 A _^ _r" _^ ' _" _V _^ _rkiriuip and _Lnnfln-^ _fiirt _, ta u'hom : _llI applications fct _^ v _^ _eiitiej mu . se he made . ¦ _urnplcj , Mr . Ray , stationer , Market-place _, edale , Mr . John Slater , Martr t-plnce . crerley , Mr . W . B . _JuhuMn , etationer , Marketplace . oston , 3 tr . Dalby . radtbrd , Mr . Thomas _Fisher , druggist , New-st . _rirllington ? Mr . William _Sou'den , _dmggist . _' _ewshury , Mr . T . S . Brook , _statioucr . ' oncaster , Messrs . Brook and Robinson , printer * _, ' riftield , Mr . Edward _Creaaser _, druggist , _Murker place . asingB-old , Mr . T . W . Wllley , Market-place . _Illana , Mr . Walter Smith , draggtot . _Guisbro , Mr . _DHuiol Duck , Market-place . "Itilil ' _ax , Mr .. Thomas _Uentun , Old Market _, f arrogate , Mr . John Richsnison , druggist _, lawra , Mr . John Kidd , draper . Hclmslcy , Mr . _Kted _, druggist . Hornsea , Mr . Wm . Henderson , _Post-Oflico . _rlowdeu , Mr . W . T . Pratt , stationer , Bridge . _gati .. _rluddersfield ,.. Mr . John Leeob , Shorehead . Hull , Mr . Thomas Aldcroft , Prospect-Street , Mr . Samuel Fisher , North Bridge , and Mr . Thomas Eyder , grocer , Seale-lane . ci | ih ) ey , Mr . _ThomitJ Spencer , 101 , Low-street irfebjvMoor-Side , Mr . Julia Lustier , How-End . _Cnarwbro , Mr . Henry Fall , High-Street . ' , eeds , Mr . _TB . C . Flay , Medical Hall , llon _. _ltftruet , Mr . Joshua Hobaon , 6 , Marketstreet . _laltou , Mr . Win . _Horrley , Butcher-corner . Vlasham , Mr . John Hawkin , _drugsist , _Maikptplacc pliddleham , Mr . M . Eongbrttham _, drnggisc ¦ forthallerton , Mr . C . _Langdalc , _Btationer . ) tley , Mr . Wm . _1 'roater , _KirkgnW . _"" ateley-Bridge , Mr . Henry Webster . Pickering , Mr . Wm . Ashton , Borough-gaie . ~ _S _* 41 ington , Mr . John _Buliner , Market-plscc . _Poiitetiaotj Str . James Brice , _Market-plaee . TCeetH , _y _^ _i-. Me ( . _' ifi _' . _r'fi and Di _^ _bton . / Richmond , _Mesant . J . and C . Wara Market-place . RIpou _, Mr . ¦ J . L . _Linoey , stationer , Marketplace . _Icarbro' , Mr . S . H . Turner , 64 , Newbro-street . _jelby , Blr . E . Adams , grocer , Market-plate . Sheffield , Mr . George Slack , druggist , _Churchetrect , Mr . Anthony " Whittaker _, _Jcisaflice , Fargate , and Mr . G . V . Wreaks , 2 j Angel-street . Skipton , Mr .. Thomas Wilkinson , _3 Iarket-pltiee . " stokesky , Mr . _Thots . _Taylor , _druggist-Tadcsster , Mr : Wm . Car butt , stationer , _Kirkgate . Thirst " , Mr . Thomas Foggit , Market-place . in \ > Thorp-Arch , Mr . Dalby T ' " _tVakefield , Mr . Frauds Cardwell , drng _^ st , Mr . Richard Nichols , stationer , Market-place' . Wetberby , Mr . Bamabus Dalby , druggist . Whitby , Mr . Thomas _YeomaUj silversmith , Bridge-street . Tarm , Mr . K . H . _Jaeksnn , druggist . York , Messrs , Deighton and Bloxon , _sfati 6 n 4 rt , Pavement . Sold in I J .: _\ r ; at Is ., 2 s . ii i , i > ., and IDs . each ; nlso the _Vegeiable _Powdere , at la . per Bos . DECLARATION BEFORE THE RIGHT HON , THE LORD MAYOR _, r , JOHS HALL , oF No . 7 , Lady % *'« rruve , _Milu _, ' End , in the _Couoty of MidillcEvx , Manufacturer of t 6 e Vegetable Universal Medicine , do hereby sdluuinly declare , that I was assistant to the late Mr . MOAT , of No . 1 , Hamilton _Plao-, King ' s Cro _^ s , for the _spact ; of four years and upwards , during which rime t regularly assisted lhe said Mr . Moat , in ¦ mixing and compoundini : tire Mtdicine called M prison 'a Pills , and AptrKut Cleansing Powder , and thereby became po _^ _its _^ ed of the secret of mixing and compounding the _Kiid Pills and Powder , as correctly in every part slid _Sroportiiin as the same was known to the _naid 5 Ir . _loat , who _orgioally brought the Medicine to Btrfection . That the said Universal _Vegetable Medicint _, anil Vegetable Aperient _Cleansing Powder , comlioundcrt and sold by the firm of SALMON and HALL a the Original Morison ' s Pills , are made from _precisely the same drugs , and contain the same _ideptical quantities as the Pills and Powders prepared mid Fold under the firm of _Morison and Moat , up to thi period of Mr . _Muat'a decease in August 1835 . JOHN HALL . I , ROBERT SALMON , of No . 8 , Farr ingdo Street , in tha City of London , _Hygeist _, and Utel
. _, _iit - , np i . _, Aeent to Mensrs . Morton and Moat , for the sale of their Pills _aad _I _' owdpr , and carrying on business as mob , under the firm _« f 8 & LMON cod HALL , _do'herebj- _solomnty declare . Thar I _hsrn been we ! I acquainted with the slid Madicine _upwirda of six : _yeiir _^; _h-iving _deri _* e . _d _^ _reat benefit mvflelf _therefraiu _, aiiil at _aLI _rimte- _jnibnequeDtly have _iavarj _^ biy adininf _^ _lercd'the same in- my family , in _tfrery case , fy- 'in the infant of a day oLd ,. j _n . i _upwards , and _alsa * pcn the henoflctal _eHeeta lo manj hundreds of _persouswho have taken the * sirf _Mvdicine under my direction , and that sfWr Miv Jimit ' _a decease in _Augast 1 _S 3 G , ( viz . _as . _soon « a i , _iigftjited any Medidine from the pvewMit _Jleasr- _" .. Mwiann ' _^ , of their _f-ciiini-iiijding ) I _discovered the M _" _ediL-ii ] _C so _compoundeit by them to be ( _BflrrunC ih it ? nature _» nct _eftesfa in the MediriHe ill tba late Mr . Moat s \ mfl That the Medicine now compaunderf by me , in Conjunction with roj partner , fcnorrn as iim Original _tyorimm ' * V \\ _lf , , to thn best of my . _belief , _ideutially the same » s compoundcii hy the lete Mr . Moat . _IMlliKKT _SALMON . Aud _tti ! du severally eisd _naptetivelj miike those ¦ 'i mrr _dechiratTons . c _* n _^ _fentiotis ! v _belie _^ _'ini _; tin ? ¦ t r _rtn _» , and liv virc _»« c- th 1- _provL- _^ ns of Ba , mrt _^ c and _pajsisl in the 0 ' .. I I 6 th _ycam of th _« I _::.- " ... '¦! _i-, _' -iy . \ " _[ llii . n -lie _JVth . _inlituli'd an Act tn repeal nn A « of the _presnjnt Se ; _- - sion of _Pariiament , _intituitd _nn Act for tha mor « _L-iTi'tiu _.-j ] _aJwKtion of _oatfis and _nfflnnation ! _,. _tnlren . and made in various departments of the ftate , an 3 ' to _suhptiiuto _declarations in liim thereof , aud t ' _ir iI _. _lmore entire _FamtrtSaoa of _iroiutftnt _^ and _^ Ttrajudicial Oaths nnil : i ] lidaviw , and tu _roako _other-pro-Tisiuus for the abolition of unnecessary oath * . " In virtue of the _flnid . Act We have _respeulivery _afctiched our names . Declared by the s » id JOHN HALL , and ROBERT SALMON , before me , one . of the Justices of the Pence for the City of London , tEi _* . 31 st urn- of August , _IP 37 . THOMAS KELLY , Mayo it ;
' . THE BREWERS . "MALT , HOPS , BAEM . AND GRAINg _. " Mil HENRY _BENTLEV _, MOST _Big , and Potent , Ponderous , Lusty , anil _OvBratown , _Orncioas Sirs , maj I he _pennitted to-approach thu Serene _Highness of your Scientific * and Imperial J'erson , iti tu * : niime of O . I ' . < _J ., since I fiiid you have a distaste to the communication ot an "Old Brewer . " Is it thus , Mr . Ecmhw , tlint _yoof _attempt at j _» _uirui _ h _: i » so wonderfully Tailed , 3 tuI _£ o deservedly _subjecred you . U > ridicule , contempt , anil _ielf-iliibaaeiuent ? la it thus your attack upon Mr . _Spone ' B _abilities , as a Brewer , and your malicious-and lying statements _iigainsthiu ) , " ' Uttcily _Oome'to an _ond for evennure ? " It id even soyour insiduuu . d iri _^ _inuatioiis , : md ingenious artifice , have failed to establish tlic _projet-t you set uut nt the first to accomplish . Mr . S ., 1 am persuaded , baa escaped uninjured , ¦ and the _catliga / _Sni you have _alrecdy _auflei'fd ia a _$ _muchsia " rou ean bear . Courage , Mitoliness , und _Hfinour , evc-n self Esteem . are your repro Lit- hes . Ifi your Second Letter concerning the _flatter , yoa say not a _single Word about Brewing ; alas ! how fallen and confounded ! Still , Sir , you peraisfj I perceive , in _retainin" the _iSota written to M r . Frost , hy _liis Emjloyer ; although yon have _lieeB publicly requested to TG & tattt it to "its legitimate Owner , Viz . ¦ Mr ; Frost : how _^ rtaitlcnianly" ! And you promise Mr . Spong and the Public , (» E lenst , such 1 infer from your last Letter , ) to withdraw from further contention : how unexpectedly ! _Aa for Mr . _IFrost _, you _call him impertinent ; inigbty discovery ! Mr-Frost has , I pit-Fume , s [ i » £ en so true and Imnestly , that your _concentrated _AbiliiieK of lying , slandorni _^' _, and feaclibitin [ i _, cannot , in combined force , overcome him ; thouph , 1 _ailow , you arc eminently _jrofloifent , in each of those scientificjJly _knavish _Acquirements .. _Sir . I mu sorry for the punishment you have _buffered _alreaidv : _Though , from " -hilt hns . appeared ia _Pilblic- _^ I tce \ _fbsttM _^ _auy . _Henjiilile of its ju _* t _IuHicriun . Yon fl _^ cgSH flm ¦¦ _nui _IM'in-r , " ( ieazlii | _foW _Dog _^) could not you bave _anfiftr-rcd wilb c : t : _idour _becjiaiiig the Matter his F ; _ilschoods _orTHiarcpreacntatioiMjif he hadmadeany ? Ah ! Mr . Bcntley , youarc _signally undone ar _. A defeated i not by shouting , or _Falwi . _oad , or evil Design , hilt by _cahnJSesson and . Eiiiilanation ; by Truth and Candour ; by good Direction and-manly Integrity , void of Meanness _atnl Boinbdst ; and you piss tacitly into that- ' _ohliviou . that follows those Persona _capable and qu 3 liticd for practising Falsehood , _Misrepresentation , Scandal , and Cowardice . Your obedient Servant , O ; P : Q . Leeds , Nov . 20 th , 1837 . ' . BOOK SHOP . _"T _^ _AVID GBEEJN _n'spet-tfuliy _iiforroa _LL _* \ J Friends . ; md _tfe Public that he has Opened lhe SHOP , 1 G 6 , Briegatc , next door above the Golden Canister , for the Sale of New and _Second-Hand BOOKS , SCHOOL BOOKS , MAGA-31 N _SS , and PERIODICALS , of all descriptions , to order or _othurivise . The _l'ictorial Bible , History of England , and Prayer Book , _supplied ; jiisa all _^ _EWSl'APEJta to Order ; and' the London Penny Satirist ; and other general _AriT .- _' _.-i of the Trade . The _Noi-fAem Stnr mny he hr : d on the "Day of Publication . Leeds , Nuv . 17 th , 1837 . ! iw
\ T day is published , _nrfco One Penny , TH E _UiBOl REIl'S _RBWAlUJj or , TUG COARSER-FOOD DIET-TABLE , as promulgated b y _rhel'OOil-LAW COMMISSIONERS . *• Tliis Table is _published on it broad sheet , iind cmitains _nn "Appeal to thj ; Labouring Men . of Englnnd , " that should ho read in evi _^ py _cottitge and workshop in the Kingdnm , ; , , , . - - _igEtherwiili Miss Mortuifmu's Account of Commnitiesin _Atnjuri _& _b Just published , _prico _'ITireepetire . TRACTS on REPUUlICAN GOVERNMENT nd _NATIONAL EDUCATION . Hy II . D . wejj and FitAM ; iJi _M rkiht . . . Price _Twiiptuce _eaah , HOPES and DEST 1 _MES of the HCMAM PEG _1 ES . By II . D .. Owes . ADDRESS ON FItEE _lSQUIllY . By . ft .. D . _hroi . FACTS verms riCTION ; an _Esaay on tia unctions of iJie Brain . CHARACTER of COBBETT . By _Haiiitt _Frice _Sixpencu . PLAIN ADVICE for the TREATMENT and : UKE of most of the DISEASES of tlie HUMAN BODY : fanning a _complete Medical Guide to the Utjsan , the Labonrer , and the _Ulaotvuodiman _, uid by ffbir . 1 i means iuo . st Families may save _iiilnnillr man _^ - _Pouuda ; lo which ie added , tile _compoition ol mfluy Patent _Slediciiics . By J . _ijiesB . Bahev , Stiff- _^ urgeoii in the _1 , _'niteil States' Army . RE-ISSUE of OWEN'S SIX LECTUKES . This . ay ii _pnblished , No . 1 aud 2 , prico Twopence , to be bnipleted hi seven _Nnmbrrs , the SIX I-ECTCRES . elivured by Mr . OWEN , preriolis to thi } _Diuussion . Also , price _8 d . stitched , and Is . cloth-A New . Kdition of OWEN'S ESSAYS on the _FORMATION OF CHARACTER .. _Frii-n 5 _is » _euce . WILLIAM TELL ; or , _SIVITZERLvUVD DELIVEKKD . And , price One Shilling . A PRIZE ESSAY on thi- Comparative Merits of _OMPETION and _CO-OI'ERATION , a * tlie teat principle for the Basis of Society . Also , complete in 2 vols . wuli Memoir of the Anflior , price 7 s . HA . THE SYSTEM OF NATURE . Bv M . OeMibeaud . ' The work of a . great writer it unquestionabl y is : its merit lies in the _eloqneuce of tlui _eompoeition . " —Lord _JlTVVgliatn ' s Natural _Theulogf . l ! i . ¦ d Jlniugham ' s _Natitrnl _Thtvlogy . _AJsOi price Threepence . VISION of _JUDGMENTS Bv Lonii _Bvrom . TiiU edition 14 _finricht'd with valuable notes by _Itobert Hall , IV . Smith , Esq ., Profeasor Wilson , & c . _iVc . ASK FOR "CLEAVES LONDON SATIRIST , " WJTll _CinkATURES , bv c . i . urast . _phice ose _rasrnr . It Cuntaiiu lots _uf B thing .- and roading foe everybody , with Engravings . , _Loi-noN : —Cleave . Shoe-Lane ; _HobaiHi _, Northern Star Office ] Leeda ; and ail _Uealera iu CEkea , Pipcrj .
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 2, 1837, page 1, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/nss_02121837/page/1/