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t y/b December 2, 1837. THE NORTHERN STA...
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T Y/B December 2, 1837. The Northern Sta...
_t _y / b December 2 , 1837 . THE NORTHERN STAR
Original Correspondence. Th» Editors Of ...
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE . Th » Editors of "The Korthern Star " wish to be distinctly understood that Id affording a vehicle for the _discumion of great , public _Questioan . _tftey _»*• not to he _^ Identified with the Sentiments or the \ _fi _~^ y _linngusge of their several _Co-respondents .
The Right Hon. Low) John Hussell. Loedj ...
THE RIGHT HON . LOW ) JOHN HUSSELL . LoEDj —I _uro now an old man , and have n aSar _^ ioup ht much on the situation of the la- _« bouring classes ; I have , _tefore this , written three letter / to your Lordship uuun the subject , to which , I am sorry to cay , 1 have not received one single line frum your Lordshi p's pen . From tlie important rituatioE which your Lordship _holite , I wish von were tbe tcisest and the best of men : I wish _vou were the opponent of oppression , in all its _variou * shapes ; and really and truly the guardian mi protector of the poor aiill _iiicity . I wish your _ ¦ . I 11 .. I .. _ll A _ — —1— ---- —F . L _iej -wonor make " unrig hteous _, _decrees to take away , _tna rig ht from the poor peoplK " We are told , my l _^ ord , thHt for Adam ' a Gin , it no * _declared , " Id the sweat ( if tliv fate _ehalt thon Bat _hrtad until 'thou return to the ground . " If _thie dennneiation applies to Adam only , then have wb _nothiiin to do with it : bat if his posterity be involved therein , tban no me of as can chiim exemption . — Supposing ( he litter S 3 be the c ; is > , then , mv Lord , ne have to discover what _quantity of labour the princip les if _naturf require at our bands , for all lieyond that _quantity in imposed liy man , un his fellow man . I _undVtatand , my Lorn , _tnat it is now _experiinuntally _proviii that : ¦ . full' grown labourer chu , un fne _averagi _" , produce _aWut five bushels of wheat in about sixty hours , or in -a week " , which is now worth about thirty-five 6 biUin | a , and that the five bushels will amply _supply Ehe wants of a man , his wife , and three children . Now , then , my Lord , one _nian can produce just _enough to maintain such a family of fivi ; _pEtsoua , what occasion in there for any putt of the ueople of England to suffer _wnnti ? but if this quantity he necessary for ( he support of such a family , in what a dreadful situation must such _famireshe in , as have not three fourths , half , or tven one fourth of that quantity ; and yet , owiii _^ to _Witnt of regular employment , or inadequate wages , I knew many such families ; and should suchfr . tuiliei } bo placed , be _obliptd to sell their little all , go into a workhouse , and there be geuarated from all that tkrj hold dear on earth , _btfwre they can obtain ; _t morsel of bread ? I hope , my Lord , you will swear that such _thmun _should _ntverbe whilstjou hold * et _efseatin the _Jlritieh . Cabinet . Again , my Lord , ii five bushel * of wheat per week , or 260 per year , _anongii to supply the wants vf ' such a family , what need ean there be for any such family to have two , four , eight , sixteen , ftirty-twoj or sixty-four time * that quantity P Yut , my Lord , ffouie of ourpublie _servants have _nuire than any of these sums , which are nil taken out of the taxes paid by Lhu poor out i > f their single shares- I hope , my Lord , you will again _i-wear _, that _auch _enormous _injustice ajid ceuelty shall u <> lunger be _practiced iu England . 1 can assure your _Lordship that employment liecomes more and more precarious ; and chat _iraftet are gradually reducing , without any correspond hi ;; _reduction in the price of the _ncatenaries of life . Hoping your Lordahip will become u real protcctur of tht pour , mid procure for them & greater proportion of toe good things which they _prodace , I reiunin , forthe fourth time , your Lordship ' s very huruhle servant , JOHN KNIGHT .
_To The Bd1to Rs Of The Nokthhrn Star. G...
_ TO THE BD 1 TO RS OF THE _NOKTHHRN STAR . GENT . —I was about to have addressed myself io BAKER , to have asked him a few _hamc questio _« s : for the present , however , I will leave him to his private _mediations ; at the sane time I would assure him that , if he performs hia duty , hewilt cease to intrigue with Baines and _GlnXET —he will relievo the Leeds Common Council from listening to bis perpetual prosing—he will let other people peep into the Beer Shops and Dram Shops—he will leave the rest of the"Crauneil" to " spy " the Leeda Police ; and will at once betake himself to that _oceujiatiou far which the people jMy him—ilie clow _aud-constant inspection of me Factories . My attention was drawn from Baker , by Ihe sweet melody which , lust Monday , charmed our legislators ; as the soothing Bonnet flowed from the lips nf our most graduus , and _mostloveiy , butj » o » t deluded virgin _Qiieen . "THE _IKTEItKit " PEACE A \ l > CUMfSTIC _THANGUILLITY WHICH AT FREE 6 ST _HiPPJLY _PbEYait ,, " being uttered in such " cle « r , impressive , ani dignified" ttyle by onr Fairy Queen , must _havp _fallen on Hie ears of her listening Senators , like Uie words of a charmer . For a moment they would all forget the scenes of misery they had left in their different localities , and _hehuliling tlic real sincerity with which the words were uttered by our virttious » nd _confiding Queen , ihey would anticipate a _prosperous and pleasant Session , and resolve to bury every factious feeling at the foot of a Throne adorned by so _nv-ch loveliness , and filled by the reality of Jto ) ai and _vinuous innocence . _eineere sh
Yes , Gentlemen , Queen was iu all e said—she had just _witnessed the loyalty of _hundreds of thousands of her devoted subjects ; a loyalty nearly allied to adoration , _lieeause _xhe is young , snd heauteous , ; ind _virtuouj , niid _fcinil , and _eoiidesceuiJing ; she had just _withdrawn herself frnm the rapturous )> budits of a million human _beingn , who gloried in iheic tkivereign _Lidy , nnd who each possessed a he ; irt warmeil by biood of loyalty—readj to _-iir . i that blood in her defence . She had Keen nu misery , nor heard . of any . She was herself : l brigln sun , _illuniinudng , as _che thought , a _haft _/ iy _uphcre ; no Toice fold her of Britain's Borrow , though she is Britain _^ ' Queen ! She believed _thHtwhatshc _said was true , "that iiileraai peace _nud domestic t , ti ! itji « ltity at present happily prevail . " Her Sena tors were either bewitched by the _presence of virgin _inujesly , or _fearful to undeceive her ; she still _btlii-ves tbat she _atoends the _Tiirone , _mrronndpd by u hujiiiij ami a contented , as well as a . loyal and uu uffeetiouale people . Bnt , Gentlemen , fi this lie fuel f That her people are loyal , nnd brave , snd _afrectionate , she may well believe ; hat arc they _luij / _j / t / t Are _tjitr ctmlCHted too ? Jf uot , then it it nut treason , high , treason , against her Majesty , to withhold Che _fciet ? Let us enquire then , are tbe people hdjip _: / and rnittetttetl _? Hnd fihoulrl we find they ar « not , then lei us devise some plan to _saie the _Queen from future sorrow , by tolling her the tru'h . . ' Hushhush ! That id that noise I heareven
, . , while the Queen congratulates her Senators . The name breeze _hrioss _Bounds of doleful import . Tin din of warriors _hors * s trampling on her . subjects The groans and- yells of _Englishmen goaded to despair by hunger 1 The clanking sound of sabres , mingled with the crash of stonee nnd brictbats followeiJ _. by peals of musketry ! Uronucd by the oafclis _aud _eursee of ten thousand Britons ! nnd then _dejitfi like silence ! broken at intervals by curses loud and deep , _lirenlhfUir out iiijH revenge on the bp . "u _tniikirrs _nf that _blcotfy _tregeriy ! These notes ol discord mingle but _hnrihty with lh « _Jtoyal strains . lf . is however true , that whilst our deluded _Qtietn was _congratulating herself on ¦' _peaee anoViTanquii lity , " at the same moment , " The Three .. Kings , '' had commenced It _-eitil vrai in hor _flQuiinioiiS . It _is _nttessiry now to ask , who are the _iinroediitti authors of tic Bradford riot ? 'Tin oasj answered . On _Sunday , the Vl \\\ instant , s meeting _eampoeen of Poivku _, the-Poor Law assistapt _Coairaisjioner ; "WAaBTAFF . _rhc _Clfrt _td the Bradford Union , Leah , the Chairman of ihe _Briidford _^ Union _, and other Guardian ;' , ( Whose names I will very soon learn , ) toot place it the _Sif « Inn , _BttiQFonii . That ineeiing wan iliegul , boli i _' U > time anu object . ' Its members were agp * pir 4 _ttort-. iig ! Bast the peace of our _Sovereign _Ladjthu _Queen—againet the lives and peace _of ' her _subjfcib , and , _against the rights ot the _Guardians . Let l / iciii loot to it . The _cfiiispirators resolved , that thw adjourned meeting of the Ruarnium , - ( _whiili wns- _( o have been held the following tljy _, _MonJay " , the 13 . th iiiat : iiit , ) should lie further adjourne <] to Mondaj , _tho _2 nti _iostanC , to give time for Mr . _Conspir'tur pGWEft to write to the _Thhee _KiKOS for _BEa Majest y ' s troops id be sent to UbaovobT ) , to force the _dainnabje Ken- Poor _La-. v down the _throats of tlic _ptojjle with bullets anJ sabres ! The London police were thought , by these _eonapiritors , to lie _in-BvSicient .
The Three Ivailar Kings applied to htr _Miijes _^ r _' sHome Secretary , who { _reuxyiial / t / joined iu the Bradford conspiracy , atid sent the " necessary orders for tbe _Brifieh _m-my to _snarch on _Brailfcrd under the direction trf Mr . Caatipirator _Powns , _^ 11 Uiiswaa il one _etnitiiiry to / he advice of the _tesident _magistratea . Mr . LiSTKB , beintr in London may have been consulted _bj LoBn Johk _Kussell ; thin we shall , of course , very soon know—res nr no . What Lobd _Jokj _( " _Rt-iSEi . i . will say to her Majesty . we shall also soo .
_To The Bd1to Rs Of The Nokthhrn Star. G...
wae in _posgeiwion of these facts . He had _piteu orders for the Quean's troops tn man * ( o th * Batt ) e nf _BitiDFuEP , at lAe linn- whea he had put into her Majesty ' s h ; _inds the Royal" _Speseh about ** infernal peace and _rfwnKslit _: _tmriyiiiHily . " Surely some Member of the House of Commons will enquire into all these matters . If not , ( he people must . Tkt _KM _' iity chief Conspirator Power , being afraid of the iirR which he had kindled , dared not to face the people ! Like a _cuwavd , he _aluuk from tie Geld of BghC This wretch , who pockets £ 1 , 600 I year from the _pablie , left tbe _iusnltud nnd unpaid magistrates , lehtae advice he hud rejected , and whose BfRee he had _degraded , to face their neighbours . it the head of _^ he Queen ' s Troops against the peopTe . ( How wonderful that gentlemen will thua become the se ; tpe-gon . M for tnavel . ) He left _the poof _aiUy unpaid Guardians to get out of : he acrape , into which he had . / ms / _ied them , as well n they could . As for the paid _ciurkj poor wretch , [ would be a p ity to tell how his heart beat _whilst be was aloft , in ' he false roof cf the Conrt House , ith tbe _latidtir after him , panting and bawling for a _t-haise , in which to make a safe retreat . British blood has been shed 1 Ballets hare _entcr--tl the houses of the peaceful inhabitants of Bradford Her industrious and peaceful sons have been suhred n her streets ! ami all tMs in defiance of _tne advice of the magistrates ! The Queen's troops have been _issanlled ! and yet ihe ljueen _te taught to _tait ah out "Internal Peace nnd domestic _Traiti _/ _talHty !" on the Wry day when her Majesty ' * Ministers hnd liven orders for tru _? lipginniog of a civil war I The _Magisrrateg have _lieen _insulted and hetrayed * 1 The Guardian ;; have been set at nought' . and the ri ghts of thb _people of England have l > ven trodden under foot ! and nil _Ihjs has been effected by the ™« - i _/ _iii'u (« ri _| at the Sun Inn , Bradford , on Sunder Ihe ! 2 th November ! It is time to enquire , whether , in addition to every other evil connected with the _aoearetd New Poor 1 j » w , this nation a «¦ v- to endure , that a trampiug _toittpiratbT is to be salaried by the Crown , with power to turn our peaceful aud itidtistrious manufacturing towns into ntdds of battle P It is time'that we ascertained whether the reformed laws of
England allow a Sliniswiof the crown to send it handitti of London policemen , with orders , to change tlieir dresses and to become ipiisia any town t ile Minister mny cheese ! It is hfgh time that we now Itnow whether t & e lives and the property uf her Majesty ' s subjects are only held _sulijvet to the whim and caprice of a trolling _Cunspirntor . ' It is indeed'time that we know the worst—then we can tell our beloved Queen the real trutb , aiiii thus sa . ve her from the snares wlu ' ch hei" . Ministera are laying for her . How all this shall be accomplished I will infunn you in raj next letter . It is _diflieuU tu blame En _^ _Vishmen who were indignant at the _proceedings of _conxpiriitor _Powek ; but it is much to be regretted that the people incut ted and maltreareJ the troops . They ought to have remembered thai the sotdien were / Itcir / _rieadt ; that they are brave men , and _eiuisiiqucTitiy AumUKe . None of her M _^ _ajesfy _' s subject ) are more decidedly averse to violence trim the members of tlie army . Norm are mure npa & aed to llii interfereuce cf the military in support of the New Poor _IjSt . _v than the _soldiers themselves . They know that it is a law which is intended , w * h en tlieir services expire , to rohihcni of their _jieitiians _, shut than up in _liastiles , _^ od to sopurate them from their Wives and tbeir children 1 They know that niimy old soldiers and sailors « bo have bled for their euontry at "Wb . tebi . oo , and Trafaj _. gab , aud other fight ! , have , by the officers of this uccuratJ _fttip _, licvn robbed nf their pensions , _ttn / l _Jtaue been imprisoned in tinion _hftslHes ! ! They have read my leftera in the Lonrt / ni Dispatch ; an _< 5 I tnow thiit they hate the accursed law . They know full well th _;> t the & _II 1 M- principle wbi « h enables _thePoiirLaw Commi . _^ oners to sell the _hospitals , and alms houses , and _toun's cottages of the poor n * orn out labourers , must , when Et carried out , " enable these three men to dispose nf Chelsea and Greenwich Hospitals ! ! and they know also , that the fiends who could be so cruel and hardened hs to sell and dispose of thu former , would have no _releniings whtn the retreats of the worn-out brave soldiern uud sailors were sold by the hammer of the auctioneer . The soldiers know nil these _thinjni , and they have no wish to look to a cursed bastiie , as ( _Ae / rretreat , in lieu of 'Chei _. _kea . I have conversed with privates , and with officers , ( from generals to corporals , ) and I have registered their opinions . They knuic that they have not sworn _allegiance to the tubes fibres ; they know their duty to the Queen , and they will save her and her loyal people from the power of nil _cottspirntors . Ttiov arc hoc tfbasc _, bloody aud brutal Whigs" —nor _itill they submit to _bo their _tools . Their conduct at _Bkadfobi _) proved how _uuwilliug they were to _use _Tiolenee towards the _people—» " } " , it ia on record , that _britks and stones could not provoke them to retaliate . Bnt the Whigs were bent on blood , plied _sotttc vf _tJtcni with drink ; yet even then they almost sued for _quietness . The "base , bloody , and brutal Whigs of _Uradford , " trere like the one from Barnsley which I met with at Mam chest EH yesterday , who , when we ware conversing alioiit the Bradford _Kiot , nnd the
_oppo-! - nents of the New Poor Law , exclaimed " Damn the bej _^ _-ars _, bullet them ! " Hut the soldiers , even when stimulated by insults and drink , and _theurgings on of the Whigs , were very ohary of their " bullets , " else mote serious damage would have been done . In _Huddersficld the people have learned to respect and h'liiinir the soldiers . They a / no receive- anc cheer them as brothers . It is the London polict whom they detest- The Lon'lvn spies are the beings whom they abominate . Yet evon they were _trcatet with civility ko long aa ihey kept tfie peace ; hoi when th « audacious scoundrels broke the law , ant cut the heads of thu people , they were then " market men . " And it was soon found that their heads wore assoft as other peoples . ' When this discover ; was made , they were immediately ordered back to London _J One spy now only remains , and he is _ssnt by _tiitte Lord John , to look after great . " King Dick ! " When the London Police retnraed with marts of the love which tlie _HuddeisliL-ld _people bon towards them , the Whigs of _Hudderslicld , In prove that 0 'CoNKEi . t . knew them thoroughly , presents _^ their " captain" _wftli a silver _snuD bos , and thi gang cf bloody butchers with a purse of gold ! Onct for all , I advice the people every where to treat tt . e _tefaieri \ _oitli _Uiittatai and resjjeot , TJttg are tfie people ' s friends . Thev are SO * Whigs ] The point _thfe Whig * are aiming ivt , ia _, to mate the psa j ) k _ :: nd tie ujdicrt enemies . Do not gratify them _, with a _thild in my arms , and my wife by my _siilu , I dnre face a . ] whole battalion of _Bririsli wBrriors ; ¦ vc , if the tbrcp _Satanio Monsters , and nil their Hellish Crew , were driving us to _Keparation and _bacfilempnt , I _tf-ould rush with my wif » and my babe into the arms of the soldiers , and I _knuvr where rheir "bullets" would find a resting place ; and so does conspirator Poweu _, cl _^ e _na wouid havt _toramanddl at tho Bailie of Bradford . " The London _p-ilice must , however , be well marked wterevet they m : ij be stationed . Let evory man , woman , and child hunt' tieir figure * " and iheir features j so that , _tyautOer they > nuy he _dmsitit , they maj he _rcciigtiis _& _ilrs all . ' If they keep ( lib peace , let them he treated " with civility ; but _iEtheV jrej well acquainted _witi the _figurcs and _features of all the officers of Llie t _^ _nions , ( rhosc , I mean j who are wiEtru ! to force" tho law of the Three _Kinjifl , " down the _tliri'iita of ite people with bullets an . I sibres , ) from the _clerkaand chuirmen , down to the most menial sen-nut .
Aud us to iho . Assistant _Ci'tuniissionere , a full and |) artlc [ ilur _description of their persons , feiiLiires . and gait , _should be inserted in every London and provincial newspaper weekly , so that the whole _Qutrndoin might know _ibnn . ¦ L et-me heg uf _;¦»« _, _GeotSeniHn , to begin . Ami - ¦ ' _-- ¦ : ¦ . ¦ ; us have _nivuulitr _rvccuuut . > f _PoivehV movemenlfl weekly . Tell us how he travels , uherc he _ttaveb _, and at tc / _iat Aettses be takes up bis abodealso , what company he keeps . In my neit letter I n ill tell you trhy I am wishful that these oflioera shoiild b _' e so well _ifftWH . I may as _wiJl tell the Wbig _^ _ihat thev have _mado ' a great mistake , about this Bbadfokd . _tilair . remember the GbRES Meetin
' ' You Peep _); _ugafnst the New Poor Law , and you remember the _likm _!) - Whig riot at _Wakeflelil ! The truth is , that _1 \ k Whigs faiieid ! that after they bad deluded the people at Wak eeielp , nnd had got them entrapped . ( o fight / or the Sew 1 _'oarLaw there , that chat " _qnestion _vius for ever settled , and that _thepeon \ v ol tbe _W' _^ _t-Riding would no more resist the New Poor Laiv . A few days nfier that bloody . Whig riiit , I wbb in the eompony of a _Huddeistield Whig : be said to me , very bosstingly , " Well , 0 * stlks , you have had yaur Peep Greek _Meeting againxt the New Poor Law , sind _h'p have bad vnr _Wakefteld meeting in favour of the Xtw Poor Lnw _, and _urc have beat you , so that _Ur ! sine _? _sicsct < leg . " I p itied his delusion . _Iknew
_To The Bd1to Rs Of The Nokthhrn Star. G...
very well that the Whig ? hnd _deluded the people , but then I saw . thst th _' e Whigs were themselves deluded . The _WKijJs were _wtll aware that I went to the Wakefield _nomiimtion for the purpose of _opposite the New Poor Law . _Tluty _daretl sat periiiit ( heir Candidates to ht examined un that _j »» tf , _beeaiwe they well knew , in ( hat case , ihnt they would lose the show of hand * , so they conspired and hired a ta » dtf assassins " tn mirrfer me and the _HuDi'EUSPiELi ) mm , and Io take the PaDDOCK _Flao . " 'Die deluded people wio were on tlie Whig aide of the _hristinjra , thought that they were lighting for "Yellow , " and being _lei on by a hired gang nf assastins , then joined in the riot , being little aware that the Whigs intended hereafter , to claim their Services on that day , on behalf of the New Poor Law . Yes , _Whigs , ye have deceived _yourselvej ' _, : hough ye _Jiave paid the price of blood ¦ The death of the two _victims skin in Wakefield is on your leads-, and some day ye shtr / l _aobwer for it . But , through the special favour of God , I am still alive , and die people are still resolved _Jtot to _eabtnrt to tour aecursGtt A > u' Poor Law . You may " _Dt \ mn and Bullet the Beggars" if ¦ ¦ ou please j but remember the game uf " Bullets" is one that lico parties ean phiy at . If you wish to make Englishmen into _assassins , try to enforce your New Poor Law and " hitttct the Beggars . " If r ou wish to Diake your Factories , and _Workshop , ind _^ _WarehoutM into Barracks arid _Hospitals , try to mfprce your New Poor Law _iinil " Bullet the Beggars . '' Merchants , if you wish to destroy the tade of these districts , to enforce tils Mew Poor Law and " IJn . Uet the Beggart . " Shopkeepers , if yon wish to ruin your customers , try Io enforce tbe _N _^ _evr Poor Law and " Bullet the Beggars . '' Fuud-: olde _« , if you wish to lower the funds and _bood to tbolish [ hem , try to enforce the New Poor Law Bnd " , Bullet Ihe Beggars . " Landlords , if you wish ¦ o turn the fields uf Yorkshire mid _Lriuca _^ _hircijnto _ietds of battle , try to enforce your _Sejr'Foor Law , and " Ballet the Beggars . " WhigSj il you _B-ish to dig your owngraves aud to _introduoiihc Irish systems of murder iuro _England , try , _n > enforce the _Kcw Poor Law aud " Bvllel-the Beggars . " Wilcuok , f wish to _desimction
you secure your own , try enforce the New Poor Law- and tl _BuU' _-i the Beggars . " But , remember the _Lundom Pni _. icK _Ciinnot enforce it for you ; remember flint the British Akmt _fill not . Ko , _nu . Ye "Base , _liloody , a ; id bruwl Whig ) , '' _j-oii innst do it yourselves , or send over for a _milliouof your friendNicani . as ' s Russian barbarians j and Uleu—what then ? Wait till I tell you . Whigs , you have eternally degraded _yourselves ; your " blood money" fcaa purchnsi _.-d for you eternal infamy , and tout self-delusions " about the People Of the West-Riding , and the New Poor Law , " stamps you forever as fuols _. So , for the _present , farewell . Gentlemen , I _wns about to conclude , but this moment the postman _liits arrived , bo I must look dver my papers and letters . * * " " I have done so . They contain _strange tidings . The _IVhigs propose that our young Queen , God bless her , shall have £ 600 , 000 a year You knoir that I am tbe _last mau in the _Queeniiom , to wish to deprive ber Majesty ' s wardrobe of a single pin—or her kitchen of a single skewer—or _heritable of a single straw . But then , her _srtlijet'ls offght not to starve an < t p ine to devth _j whilst she is receiving _fi-om their tail . eUOO , OBO a year ' . Truly , these "bigs are comical hlades !—How like the _ehamelion \—one day , when they have apuint to gain , they ll _groan at the Quceu ! " —They [[ refuse to pay Taxes ! —They talk of u _cutting off the _Roj- ; ilhi : ad _!"—nestday—" presto—an ick— -b _egone , " and they seem an loyal as other folks . Their poiut then nas " Me _si-fi / _ngatimi nf the Throne ; " —nmt ; their point is " the ftcrratiun -i f the people . " But the Queen shall know all alioul it . Ebe _A / irt / _Caavi : a
a copy of this letter . The same post ' which tells mi .- that tcr Majesty U to have £ 0 () U , 0 UO a year brings me word "that _tens of _thousands of her faithful , loving subjects , are now- pin ing , " il from One to _Tu-o Pennies a day !" " Tbat industrious _Euglbhmcn and Englishwomen arc taken before die _magistrates for fagging , and are praying _tha magistrates to * etid _tUemlo common prisons , rather _ifcan immure tlicm iu Poor Law _BasSles ! ! " —Tfiia is all true—but the _Wh-gs _tlo not tell" h » r _Majesty tliese trulhsl K thi- _} - did , she would * coni to receive thtir golden bribe !—shu ¦ _ould discharge them from her Roya ] presence _!^—she would indignantly exclaim " fihbt , _I . ET MY Loyal _Pbople Live I " Though tiie Whiga Mile the truth from our lovely _Quecs , she shall know it all . Yes , she shall know , that wethers , her faithful _snlijeefs , lire imprisoned for _tieggiug a piece of bread for tccir _famtahiiig children ! —tbat _tnttiherS _jin England , hoTe _liUed _tii _^ iasclvM , _because they cnuld not bear tu _OnfcOV I _*™ _^ pcn , lftt \ _iMU _^ b * _. nnfl lie i _^ _pr-. T & t _^ _iIItc from _tbeir babes ! She shall _kTjnw [ hat the ioen j « _feff _ofterber _Mujtstr £ B 00 , Un 9 ; _i-year knnw all this , and still refuse t < i give the people liread ! She will then " be every inch a _Queetl , _s . ud make licr _deiudcrs leel her power . I rru -. T _, _howevor _, conclude , or you will be angry . So no more at present , from a re * l haier of treason and bullets
. RICHARD OASTLER . _FL-cby Hat ! , near _Sinlttersfielll , Nov . _Si , 1837 . P . S . Do _excuie me ; another word and for the present I have done . My letter * also inform mo , " that file Poor Law Comiuif _^ _ioiiers have made _hunonrable inenEbu of my name in their third Report . " How I wish for a copy 1 Had they been gentlemen , they would have sent me one . I wonder if " King Lewis '' has reported his correspondence with a friend of mine , " about dejrrmng me and hi * tenants _ofbrestf , if we still dare to resist his infernal majesty P" I shall aee sometime . Or , if the "Three _Kingfi" have " reported "' all about the [ iiSpy _, " which Iheir infernal _Majesties have sent to watch my _muvemenLs I * I shall soon l ; now , , if they have " _reported" till _converse lions and correspondence , _behveeu themselves Misd Squire _Swiix , alii ) Constable _Mnliinson , _aliout tbe LoBdvn Police being sent to _Huddersficld , and about forcing that union to yield to the triple beaded monster V If they have net— -I must try to _iret it nut of them some how . So Swain and _Malltnson must look to it , aud so must t _\ : n _Ctiinniisf : ] oners . By the bye , I see _SIaines says that the _HcqoeBs . field Poor Law _Unionisio lie given up . Thank God fur that ; and that the _ilillerent districts in that " Union arc to be " _attached io the Halifax , Bradford , and Barnsley Unions . " More thanks for that . _Thope three Uninns will then very soon be dissolved ; that is certain ; for it is still true , _thf . t ¦ ; a little leaven le ; tvcneth the whole lump ; _' ' ¦ at though Mr . Conspirator PoWEitruns up aud down , _amongst the Whigs laughing itnd chuckling over poor Oiieilor . with . — ii The _CommissiouergLuve out _^ witted fjASILEU , and _haya contrived to introduce _ihc New Poor Law into Hndileisfield in spite ol bint . " Power , ' t shout just now—you ure not yet out of the wood . R . O .
To Tub Editors Ov Thk Xobtbees Stab. Gen...
TO TUB EDITORS _OV THK _XOBTBEES STAB . _GenTj—3 rjn an old , ninn xnd have known Leeds _longer than either of you . I t an remember wliou , under the old " rottcii system " a man might walk _ahout his buiriiu . ') _is witlmut bei _; _ij _; " spy-ed" after by ' blue-coated gentry . When a mail , in those days- , _hsd paid the ! f ( iverniBeiit for thu " right " to tell n glass of ale , he v » s not hound io _inijuire into the " moral character of bis customers . _Jf he or sbe behaved correctly all _waarjght . But _«<*\? _. 3 wben the ¦ _rcMi'tientious people have got the _leail , If L vriilt aUoutmyl « _miitcss , Ijnust ) _iavforii '' spy" _towatcKine and tell the " _pious " Bc _^ ird . wbut I am doing . Anil if I happen to be a publican , _before I sell thrcehulfpemiy worth of ale , I must know whether my customer he a good "moral ' character ; and Oil Police are to be the jud ( := ; ! The , Police _Juiiges o moral character ! ! _Gotiil Gi »( l , what are we come tu 1 Set a thief , to catch a thief , if an old proverb ; but now , iu these " _nsw " ' days , when we _bwe paid the _goYcmment _fiir our riuht to sell a _gla-w of nle , we ftre _ohliged to ask the tliief-cateher whether oar customer be faoneit ! ! Ton mar stare gentlemen , hut this is true , ; dthougb tlie " ;> ious conscientious" _"VThi _^ _f h » vo , in this rown , _roiltran * to law , a " Hull" of theli own . Surely , silme day , ptopit ! will come in ilieir _senses . _iHagUtrate . = T _supporting a - " HeLL '" and _tilling a _Beershop-keeper , because he is " told bya thief-ealcher _tlisit _his onstmners have a bad ehiirae . tef . Ileally ¦¦ ito » is tod bad ; " _toobad even for _Leeils . Read , _Kt' _^^ mtn , a landlord named _CoX had beendeurivtf _* f iiis license . Ho _takts a liter . shop license—he . jells ; i glass of a . lc , or porter to a woman . Two police _iueti enter aud say , 41 Sir , Has _wouian is _^ of _bua character . " He , or _LU servant _replirH— " I now _nothiagabrat _eifuer her eharacler or roars ; slie tiSaves civilly _bt-TO , and that ' s all 1 know about , her . " . " I will report you , '' says ihu > Whig in IiUlp . Re does so , _i ' u 4 Cox ia flneS 40 _.-i and _cspenses . But _f . fierwards tbe pious saints on _liie lunch read tt « S _Northern St / ir and Snd thst yon haie told the _y'ublic of their own " Hei . L . " ' 1 _'hey brash , for tlie _firrt time in tbeir lives : They _fisd that _iligir canting _hypoftiw wlllnot bear the test " of you !'' eiainiuation : and what ou they
To Tub Editors Ov Thk Xobtbees Stab. Gen...
do ? THEY _BETtfRN THE FIXE ! T ! and thus think to preserve their own Hell ! 1 fancy , however , that you _» _ilj not lot them . _Professions of extra ordinary " piety / ' and reform , '' and " eon'ficntious scruples , " rio not well match with a real anil _swl ' ul (¦ _aMtilinq Hell I Do they , gentlemen . Now , gentlemen , do not _bh-me me ; lam u old-fashioned fellow , that hates cant and humbug . May yint prosper , if your ways be straight ; but crooked ways I abhor . Look nfter the liELL . Yours obediently , AN OLD MAN , That loves Faicplay . _Ptee-Martet , _Lenls , Xou . 27 , 1837 . '
From Nuday Skiht's Gazette, Nov.S4. ^ N ...
FROM nUDAY _SKiHT'S GAZETTE , Nov . S 4 . _^ n re la patios a or insolvency . LEAVY , JAMES , of tho _Keuc _Hutel , HcmeBay , _Ki-m . _Innkeeper . LAYMAN . JAJflES MILNER , of Sheffnrk , Bedforilshire , Surgeon . E _^ NKRlprtV A X SULtED . THOMAS , BENJAMIN , offirove-stre _^ _f , _Lissoii Crove , tow-keeper .
BA _\ _snurTa . JOBS MOORE , uf 14 , Leatlier lane , IlotWn , builder . Nov . 30 . at 2 , nnd Jan . 5 , at 12 , at _ths LYmrt of _Bankni ]) tcy : Mr . Abbott , _official u _^ aiguce ; and Messrs . liadham and Dowiicr , solititurs , 4 , Vemlnin-builtlifigii , Gray ' s ii \ h . JOHN W 1 I , UAM ARNOLD _PARSONS , of 36 , "W _igmoro-su-uet , ( _"an ; iidisli-s _;) uiire . hosier , Nov . 2 . 9 , st li , and Jan . a , at _U , at the Coprt of Bankruptcy ! Mr . _( _roldsmid , official _assignee , _Ironmunaer-liiin ' , and Mr . Snrcl , _lierkfley-siiuBre . _WILIJAaM I _1 ADNUTT , of _Williiim-street , Lam . _beth-marslih carpenter , Dcc _^ 7 , at 12 , aud Jan . 5 , as 11 , at the Court uf _Baiikruplcy _; Mr . G . ( _insai , _oIKeial as ? ij ™ es , IS , _Aideniiaubury ; aud Mr . Harpur , wj'ieitor , _KenniugtoD-cross . WILLIAM _-MAI-I-ET , of _Lan-teiice-laur , C ! _ianp-^ ¦ ! ' / , City , _warchoust'inaii , Dec . 5 , at 1 J , atiu Jan . 5 , at li , at the Court of HBnlirnplry : Me G . Gibson , official _useiiJiee , 72 , _Basing hi _Jl-sUe * _rt ; and Messrs . Frj and Loxiiry , solicitor , ,
Cheaii-J ( K ! N JLOliKlVl" CLAltK , of _CarltoO , _Kojiiftaae _, _YnrMiiru , erocer , Doc . ' 3 , ut the Court house , Leeds , ajid J ; iu . _^ at _IhsX' _ourt house , _Wakefield : Mr . ( _ieorpe Keir _, _jjoiicitor _, _llanisleyi and Mr . _IVuitp ; , _liutierneid , solicitor . Gray ' inn , Lr ) iu ]< ni . _FRA _^' _C _¦ _1 _S _SYMONDS , formerly cif \' ,-. \ t \ _Stunliaiu anil tiyw of Bildesmne , _SutToDt , miller , Delr . 13 , at 3 . and Jan . t * , at 12 . ai the _Crmru and _Anche-r Inn , _Ipswich ] Sir . John _Mai-riotU'solidtor , Stow _, market ; nnd Mr . Hubert _Miirriott , soliciior , 7 , Red l . _iou-squMre . London . JOHN Sl . _lMiEK , of _LivHrpool , wine _merc . lmiii , J nun-street , Liverpool . CHARLES JtJAD f . _lAttRtOTT , of _Leaniinjrton , Priura , Warwickshire , grocer , Dec . IS , and Jan 5 . ut 12 , ; it the _Litns-lmvit _Hutt-1 . l _^ _eaiuiii _^ roii Priors : Mr . W . _ButtbTfii'lil , fi , _Gray ' _s-ina-square , London ; and _Messry . _Kdwards aud _\' eiiour _, solicitors . _Leal nil _i ton i ' _riors . WILLIAM _W'OXFOKjiii the 3 terton , _CHmbridseslilvci _iu : _jkL'e _^? r . T / lt . i . and Jan . lJ , nt _lo , » t Lh _« _Kiii _^ s lloyJ Inn , _GimbridKe ; Hi . _Ebenezer Foster , jnu ., solicitor , ' Cambridge ; and Mr . Edntond foster , sfilicitor , ( , Sergeants inn , London , DAVID JOHNSON , ol Birmingham , _uruKjiist , Dec . ! 1 , anil Jan . a , at 11 , at Hip _L'miiu _Idh _, _Jiiirininghaiii : Messrs . AleiaudiT and Co . T _soliBitors , tiO , Lincoln ' s inn , Loidoii ; and Mr . Samuel _Danks , _solii'itor . Wnt _^ rlon-street , Hinniii _^ _liiuv ,. _EiWAIip CLARK , of I . eaniington _Priors , _Warwieksliiri-, Dec . 13 ftuJ _1-L nnd Jan . B , at 1 , at the _Laiisiovrcie . Hotel , L _<> _amhigton Priors : Messrs . 1 ! . _( _J . and H . It . Burfoot , solicitors , 2 , King ' s _Bench- 'VLilk _, _Temjile , _l . _uudou ; and _Messrs . l ' oole and _Hiijiues , solicitors , _Lnmnincton Priora .
_IIIVIDENOI . At tbe Court of _Bniikruptcy . lVilliam Dovey , of _l-Iolland-etref-t , and nf the Albion Coal U" ! iar ) , ( . 'liristehurch , Surrey , _cual merchant , Due . 15 , at 12 . Kdwiii Cocker , of Woi _/ _d-street , City , _bj _^ _r'lwyreman , December : £ ? . at 1 . _Samuel _linidy , of _iviiigsioii-upon-Tbanies , _grocer , _Deciimber , 23 , ; _vt _li- _Robsrt Knowles , i _- ifTrnmp-street , City , _wareluioseniau , T _^ _eceuvber 2 ti , at 1 . _iidward Fermor , nf Hastings , brewer , D _.-eember 35 , at li ; , lf-piiat 13 . William _Wijlinore , _Xamiw-stj-eet , Linu'house , bL'cnit-niaker , _December J 5 , at _balfpajt 1 . Henry _SUifleil , of Strood , Kent , drH _^^ _ist , _jlecHuiber Hi , afU . Jolm Hichard Fisher , ofajB , _Reeaiit-strei _!! , _cninaman , December lli , at 12 . _IViiliam _MiirslinB , la . lv of A _^ _iiel-court , _Iliro _^ - _inurton-irti'ii't , ( Sly . anil of _Middlesex-place , and _Siewart ' a grove . _Middlesex , broker , December 15 , atl . lii the
country . William Jk . < _$ (! and _IVilliuni Thomas _Joss _^ _, _ni ; l _£ ourt £ _to , "Dorsetshire , rick-nianufiicturi'r _, . ¦ -. I tfi . _¦'¦ - ' _... ''¦ _-Vl . _flil _^ f P _. _t . rtM _.. . 1 _^ _TlTI _Jonea , "I _l _: _tnnarthen . Kroner , December , 93 , at 11 , at the Coninierei ; _il-rooms , Bristol . W _ueatley Kirk , of _liflBtU , | iiani > -fi > rt ( -niannlr . cturer , _Decem-}•!¦! 18 . : it IS , at the Court-house , Leeds . RieliarJ . Bflllbam , o ( Bafli , _oil-merchnnt , De _^ iibor 18 , at 13 , _;< t the Castle and I _' nll Hotel , Bath . Edward _Haiusn Drill , of StuDHm _( fley , Leeds , _cloth-manufrii-snrei _-. 1 _'Vbrun . ry t 4 , at 13 , at the _Court-lionse , Leeds . _-Tmncs _Ivenwortby aud John Kenv \ _Ttliv , _sfQoJck , _Sadiiteworth , _\ urkshire , _cottojwjksnufactuisri ' . _Deetmber 19 , at 11 , at the Coiniai ;> si « iels' -r 0 oms . _ftlancliester . Jolm Ricljurd Evans . of Lannartbe . i , _lium-drtipir , Deceuibet _^ H , at 12 . at the Commissioners ' -rooms , _Manchester . _IVilliam _llautley tlie elder , of ( _il . _'iagow , au . l _IViliiiun licni _?^ y the younger , of Liverpool , _merdjaiits . _December 19 , atl 2 , _; i , ttheC ! arL-ndoii-roc > nis , _Liveriniril . William _CattaraJ , of _Liverpuoi , _mercrumt , _Jjeeembor 21 , ut 1 , _fttthu _Clfurendourooms . _Liverpool . Robert ( Jakes , of _j-ivorpooL , vo _erxlumts , _December IB , atl , at the C'lare _^ Uonrooms , _LiverpooL _Tlionuu _Gro _^ son , of _Uuraley , _Lancarhire _, _cottrai-inatieKwtuier , _Deceiubar - £ 2 , at 11 , at tlie Commissioners ' _-rooins , _MaiicllBaterl John Fisli ( -r , of _MlliU'hester , _califd-Jlr inter , December _SJ , nt 3 , at the Commissioners -rooni _^ Manchester .
CEI 1 TIFICATIS—DECKS ] HER 15 . _Saimu-l _Savalter , of Great Kalin _^ _, Middlesnx , aud of _Cuinbiuok , Buckinfh ; unslure , linen-draper _, ( . 'bailc ! _Diirfield the elilirr . of _Feaoiilgs ' _-whart _Tooley-street , _luerchaiit . Hcury Greenhill , of Piull'nt-Iane , City , anJ of _Iligli- _» treet . _Gntvesend , tea-uealer . Charles Bindorson , of _Priucess-Stfciit , _Handver-square _, hot ; l-keepur . William _lleiiry _Sugik-ii , uf . Leeds , linen-draper . Johu _Grirt _' iths , ot _' Swnusea , victualler . Robert Robson and John Prudhim ( lobson , of _Nen'tastle- _-, i ] iuii-Tyae , builders . E'lward Sinclair , late of _MonkH'Jtcn , Nortliumbetlaud _, _Ininow of North _Siliylds , comiiLOTi-brt" . 7 er _. _^ 'iLi . _iin _Andlev _, of _Newcaarle-Lisle-ptnwt . _Lucestffr-squaru , _boot-iuauujaetuver . _niasoLUTioss o _> ' _paiitheiishjp , _GeorgeVi'llford and diaries Wigliton , formerly of the (¦ old ™ Anchor , _Saffrou-iiill , bicensed victuallers . Robert Hammond _Jiickson . utid Charles _LaUiam , of _BemielWl . reut , ( _ireenwicb , brev , ere . Charles _lVordm ; _iu and Joseph Roberts , of _Staaniugjey _, _Yorksliiiv , jttone masons , _itenry _CrOsileyaiiu _Frednrirltw'iiwiubV'if € _hurcli-stn . irt , _TX'iJtford , enrriur _^ . . _lamos _Slawr mi Henry Si ; _iur , uf _iJoltun-le-Movjrs , Lancashire , engineers . (> b . _ii > _s-2 _c _Hulton and Henry Hemming , or BiJIord , _Warwickrhirf-, linen drapers . Beiyainin _Shirjey and llyury . liauks , of Atierchfie , lorkshire , millers . William ITilliiim . ' .- and Thomas _Tnylor , nf _ISasI T *_ _. _J _ 3 ' 1 . „ . „ _, _ .. _ . _llr'lll : ll . _ll . _'f \ - . . _neiiurti , _*\ . _^\ ii _: . ' -i -- it i . i i li _.. i _uvwi * i _. _'imnx Farnwortli , and . _Jaines _Wulfenden , of Salliird , _Laucaslire , engravers , ( so _fayas _regards William Potts)—James Bultotntey and Jusppli Dyjon , of Kastncki _niasoi ; s . 5 _amuei _1 _' _homas Gilbert and _Daniel N _eholk _Brough , of Exeter , limni _drapers . _Jiiclwel Join's and Nathaniel Wrench , of 9 , Great _Ccram-slretft , _lliiflsell-squaj-e , _^ rocerj . Charles _jiunes and _GenrjjB Barnes , of _Hulesworth and Strailbr ; _"il _< , MnllYilk , _yrocers . _Skiieu and Roberts , 2 , Jefi ' ery ' s-sqnajte , _mahogany _brokets . James Hckeriui ! and Samnel Waters , of _Leicester , _caniera . John _Ifn _^ e ami Edward John Jone > , UCW _93 JIK 1 I . . _loloi Mills aud George Robertson , of IJverpool _, ship chandlers . Clarke Acrammia , Mazu , Co ., of _Hridlol _, aud e \ _sawhfre _fsofflra _^ _reffarJs William Edward Acroinan 1 and Alfred _Jjlm Acramaii . ) _Tboinas Chew- and aui ! _n"illiain Vwiey . Little MonrfiYMN , stuble _keeppw . _N »; _hamel _HimsUliffe and _Georefl _Cnoke , of CueWa tud Golden s _> iuare , paper _signers .
Fnojitbklokr)Ongazlittet Tirebdav,Si>V.3...
FnojiTBKLOKr ) _ONGAZliTTEt TirEBDAv , Si > v . 3 i . UKCi . iit . nios or iksiw . _vescv . _N " _ov . 2 o . —W 1 LLIA . M BEAVER WALKKH . of thu Marques of Granby public-Uonse , Drury-lune , victualler . _BAKKRUr-TS . RaBKRT SMITH _SHARMAN , late of Mineins lana , wholesale grorer , hut now of the Towev , _cumnimiou _afeni , December 8 and January 9 , at twelve , at the Conrt of _Bf- 'ikruptcy _^ Mr . James Clarfe , _nfficial aasianei , 2 _S , Swithni ' s-lane ; and Me . Juhji _W'hitelock , _soOcitor , 70 . Atdermauburv . _NATHANIEL HA 1 LES , of _J-iccadilly , ' book-
Fnojitbklokr)Ongazlittet Tirebdav,Si>V.3...
seller . December 8 and January 9 . at eleven , at tlie Court of Bankruptcy . Mr . _Jnrcies Clark , official assignee , St . Swithir _' _s-lnne ; and Messrs . Thompson aud Hewitt , soliritors , 15 , Great James-street , Bedlord-mw . JOHN DARBY . . > _f _Wflton-niewa , _Croivenerplace . builder , _Deceniber 0 atid January U , _nt one , at the Court of Bankruptcy . Mr . _Belciier , official assignee ; anil Mr . 1 J . C . WingUeld , solicitor , 3 _T Great Marlboron _^ h-sireet . THU . MAS _FLOWKK , of Conduit-street , Bondetrcet , jeweller , Deccinher a and January !) _, ai _twelve , at the _Cnurt of _Bankruptcy . Mr . l ' _eiinell . _¦'! - ¦ . -i assignee ; and Mr . C . _ISovu'ell , solicitor , _3 _K . Devnn s ! i : re > 3 treet , Qucei i _-atpi : _¦ ¦ re ' . RICHARD _PALPREYi of 126 . Ward . mr-strep ¦ . _OSford-srr _^ et . _fringe _niuiiTifaciureri December 6 an *] Janoaiy it , at twelve , at Hifi C ' uurt of Bank run ley ,. Mr . ( _Jcildsmid , qffieia ! as _^ _ij _^ iep , _Ironmonger-lime ; and Mr . Meredith , solicitor , 1 , _Hoathcote-.-irree _:. _Mecklenburgh -square . THOMAS JAMES HOWARD , late of tbo _Georgs and Dragon , Buckin _^ _haia-plHce . _Filzroysqiinrv , lieeiised _iictualler , December _e . at one , an 1 Jauimry U , at elevi-u , at ibo Court of _B-iukrwiJtcy . _irlr . JoliTison , _omcitil _assignee , _Iroiinu _^ ii _^ _er-lane : and Mr . B . E . Willonnliby , _.- _"ilidtur , Clift ' _iird ' s-Inn . WILLIAM COATES , _oTTiichokflaue , l . ombard slroet , mid of _Fpper _Julm-htjT . et , Islington , liillbroker , Dw niber D and Janaary 9 , at twelve , at tin ' Court of _Biinkruptc _}' . Mr . ( t . Gibson , ofticinl assi _^ _Tiee , 7 _^ , _Biisiap ; _ball-streer ; and Messrs Temple and Biuiuer , _solicilor _? , IU . Fnrniisl _' s-Inn . _RKillAKD _MACbONALD _SHOL'LS , of 1 , _Culluni-stMet , City , _plunllier . _Dernmher 9 and January 9 , oteleveii , ut thu Coitrt nf Bankruptcy . Mr . G , Green , ollicinl _jissiiinee _, 1 _^ . _AlJcrin-uilnirv ; and M * wrs . _Hillearv . solicitors , 43 , _LilQi > -stn ? et . JOSEPH UKARDMOREandJOHX \ VA 1 , _1 CER _WATE !{ noi ; SE , _nuivurlatoofChestPrlield . Derhysliir _<" , laci ' _-uiaoufacturersj DecejaberlValid _Jzuio & ry 9 , at twelie . at tbe _Casllu Iim , B _^ kewell . Mr . Clarkt . _soliritor , _Chesterfiuld ; nnd Mr . H . Gi Cliilton . solicitor , _Chaucery-lniiH , _Loiidon . JOHN" DAU'SO _>' , l : ite of Wnrtley , Leeds ( _iiut itoiv a _prisonurio the Castle of York , ) _clotb-jniinuiactnrer , December 7 iind JnnaarjS ) , at _eleven , . n tin ' Courthouse , Leeds . Messrs . KdwarilsanJ Wormald . solicitors . -2 , Great Jiiiiies _^ treet , London ; and Mr . _Samuel Lister _Bmith , _soliuitrirs , _Lee . ls . _iJENJAMIN WUHSW 1 CK , of Clnyton . Mancht'rtwr , _^ _ictuHller , _December 1-1 and January _% ai ten , : _tt the Commissioners' -rooms , _MonchetiWr . _Mcssvs Barrett an < l _O ., solicitor , _Manebuster . WILLIAM SHEPHARD . of _Sslford and M » bchc W , mann & clnrer of birbnimate <> f _potasU ami _leather-Jt-Uer , _December 12 and January 9 , at ten at tlie Commissioners ' -rooms , Manchester . Messrs . Bower ; uid Hack , solicitors . _Ifi , _Chimcery-laue London ; and Mi _\ Janies _Ban-att _. _jniu , solicitor _Msnchi'ster , THOMAS _TOtVXSEND , « f _Tniwliridge , Wiltaiiire , imiJ ;;*{> ty , _DeEember 5 ajid January ft , at _alevcu , at tie George _liin , Trovrbridge . Measrs . Dux and l _? : ' hkjuL ! l solicitors , Til , Lincoln _'^ _-mn-Tielde , London ; und Mr . Rowland _itoilncr , solicit ™ , 'I ' _TO-J-bridge . JOHN WOOTUX . oflilandfordFnniin , Dnrset shiri ) , coach-maker , _Dwember 7 uuil Jaimary 9 , at eleven , at tlie Greyhound ! _mi , _rllainiforJ Forum , Mr . William Cok- I- _'inciiam , solicitor , _Blnndriir-Foriini ; and Mr . Daniel Stone , solicitor , 18 , Chancery-laHU , _Lnndoii . _HILl _. lAM _H 1 TT , nf Kidderminster , grocer , December 7 aud January 9 , -it eleven , at the Black I ] " ! - _™ - inn , _KLddT'T-miflaWI . Mr . , * _ului J > itu _^ _erfIrjW _, Molieitor , 20 , Lincoln ' s-inu -fields , London ; and Mr . William . _Brintoii , solicitor , Kiddennilister .
[ _lIVlDEi'OS . Jan . 16 , W . Devey , _H'tllaiul-Sirect , Christchnreli , _Surrcv , coal-merchant . Deo . 22 . J . Viney . Cornhill , tiiilor . Dec . 2 i , V > _Jeffery . Little _Cbestoi-> _ii ; _iy _; illfr- Dec . 19 . 11 . Jeweison , Fenehurclistre « i , _niprcbant . Dec . If , T . ClnrV , Lamb ' s _Conduit-stovet and () xfi > rd-street ; boot-maker . Dec . lfl , R . Fi . _' Iron , VictHalliiig-office-srjii ; ire , Tow _^ _ihil ] . lii ; enseii-vi _< _-tualler . Deo . 19 . J . S : iitiirlprs , lFatford , _Ilertfnrdsbh-e , butcher . D . _ic . 19 , T . Malby . L aw _rru ce Pountn ey-11 il 1 , ¦ a _nd _jUpper Side Wau ? rl _tn > - _bridittf , Surrey , _leail-merchant . Boc . 19 , . Boosey , Chatham , _miilar . Uec . 20 , D . _Morphew . _Doi'er _^ _chyuast . Dec . 21 , _Alexander ajid Co .. Calcutta , merchants . Dec . IS , E . Bryant , _Georgeyaril . Luniljiird-stJVet , _inercoant . Dec _iffl _j A . Kuox , Maiaos-ntreet , _Uimtnvr-sqoare , mil" ; Dec . 20 . G . Coo [ ier , Barbican , _lictTinll . r . Due . 20 , J . _Lrvutjhton , Lissnu- . _Hroiv , liiieudraper . DeC . 21 , R- Morgan , Southamptonrow , Russell-square , f . inen-draper . Dec . 21 , J . _Willituns Cardiff , drautT . Dec . 19 . W . Hnvwnrd nnd C . Hrliier , LongJion ! . carrini _? _Bbuildws _^ -3 ) fG . 19 . 1 ' " . W . Harris , _Haltoii-gBrdpii . fpneral hardwnrK fnctor . _De-o . 31 , W . Parker , _tol-vard . Upper TliFiini _. _' _3-strdet , li-iid _nisrehan ! .. . Dec . i 9 , F .. CockLrtl , _Blacfe-heath-raad , Keui . KEocer . Dec . 19 , 11 . tlutchinsim . Cowper's-oourt , Cornliill . _jnailer-mnriiuT . Dec . 20 , I ? ,. Bcowq , J . and T . _Iliivf , Cnl ! i uiii > toiu Devon shin-, _wnoflejimnuuSit-li _^ _-1-s . IJ ™ . 32 , T . l !« idi _, _fciMnnelicster . _iiii-n-Dropcr . T > _er . 19 , J . _Chiesman , Leeds , riciniLll . r . Dec . 19 , T . Fowler , Market Beeping , Lincolnshire , _butchpr . Dec . 22 . G . _GodbtT , _Liveruool , woollen . draper . Dec . 31 , J . Coombe , _Eieter , irODmowrer . Jun . , E . Jones , Bristnl . _ulkiiH-dealer . J }" cc . _it ) , J . Hinro , Temple Bolsnll , 1 ' . " _itrwicfcsbire . farmer . _ De « . 21 , J . _T . right , jmi .. _Stoekimrt , Cheshire , _cuitjot . . Dec . 2-2 , J . ISurwell , and H . Crookes , _lluiiderattwd , _clotli-iniTcLanli . Dec . 28 _jil . V . Jose , Ri ? eds , Cornwall , eual-inerclmuts . Doc . _^ r , T , H" _' . _viird , liu ™ _ley , L . _inooshiip , _tailnr . Dec . 20 , W . H . Sugden , _liecds , _linetitlriiper . December 23 , G . Wright , Birmingham _, _mi'retimil , CfiRTH'TCATEB to lie granted , milesa cans' ! be Hhown to the coatrury i >» or before Dec . 19 . W . _ilnle , liatb , _Scriveiier . _ D _; Smith , Addle-cmn-Eccup , _Viirk . ihire , _ciim-niiller . G . S . Davenport , Chester , _woolk'a-drnper . J . _Hickmnn , All _ytrettuu , Shropslnrs , hop-merchant . P . M . Cliitiy . _SliaftesliuO' - Dorsetshire , _soriveaer . T . _Bruford . _Brislol , _coach-hoihlor . _FARTNERSIlll'S DI 8 EOLVFJ > . . and J . Hewitt , West Derby Lancashire , joiners . I . Hudson , J . Henuell , and E . C . Williams , _CliiLpel-en-ie-t'rift , Derbyshire , silk _mtuiufjjturnere . J . J . and T . Eden . _DeviKes . _coachniiikors . R . E . J . aud 3 . _Lonsdiilt , _lleirant-streeu hosiers , as far as _regards J . i _jinsdale . N . I . and E . _Rogers , _IJray Ea _^ le- street , Sp itnlfields , provisionluerchaiits ; an far _na _regards N . Uoeers . H . Biiley and Co ., Hulnie , Lajienshire , boat-bviilder-. 1 ' . P . _DickensonandJ . Fletcher , J _^ ondoii _, _gtoernl _comiiiisaiou _sgeiita . _Hatiihoni _: and Ilnncock , _Tonstal !) _StafibnlBliiri ' , china-uianurMetiirprs . linuuatyne , Miller , nnd Co ., _Manchester , calicoprinWrs . _Aspinulf , Urowne , and dp ., Sy-Juey and _Londoii , and Aspiuall , _Browne , nnd AspiuHll , Liverpool ; us far hs _reyiirds T . U . RyJer . J . Day and Co .. _Butley _Carr , Yorkshire , mi ]! -owners ; as far us _veg _.-oiis R . _MacheSli Healey and "Davis , _Brixtoa-uill , imnmonsrera . _Tomliii and Shepherd , _Leicester , eatlera . Goulstoue and Castle , Briswl i schoolma _^ tiTS . Petrie , and Co ., _Shipwriabta .
Markets. London Corn Exchange. Majlkl.An...
MARKETS . LONDON CORN EXCHANGE . _MAJLKl _. _ANE , JtONPAY , NOV . 27 . A ; inoiV-r _. _itclv _^™ a _mofiy _»* Whetft , _Bafle ) _-, V _^ _a-os , ml _"Pe ? fi _wifl on _rtjln _tliifi _inumin _^ _Irom _l-j _^ _nti , \ _* _mu &> w _^ _uilofk , _Lut tho _bptftterooB _aTHle < ii _tho _wosithji _latl _^ y _h ; _w kept bark _vivkIj _inim ( In ; _uipTtf uai ; int _oiuiitk-a of _anr _owii c _^> _it , and o _^ ll a _tfliv v _^ _aSa havi ! _Bttivwl fmm Inl-. md tinu > Fridjy . The brat nciv _W'Spat EBrt n _frw sale tliU numnnir « L full ) - t ! _imteswf Uiu _dar _™" ti _">^ bt in _sismc instances f < _ir teAW _Mlett _shliiiIuh un _udvanw ol LJ . Derilf- ™« iaM ™ i _« " _iimsnai n _.-4 _ueinTul ; _aatfflidi . r ) - _auuBtifw ' _•"" ' ¦• : < _" _"W _"" " " 5 ™ _" _mrumiwi-njenl in vnht . 0 ) 1 _twript f _»! VJhMll _( lldiiol _^ _¦ _^ _¦ _l _] _H _¦ _nll but _JiH _w ; i * lk' 1 , 1 _*! _"' _lirmpartkipiitc Ln thid _iruITn — _neassl ( "U 33 _mnch uion _^ y . flew _ivni mtliout n _) Urartu ii in value 'I'll * t !& rli : r Hade wi _^ _I » _0 _kt dull , _l _^ _iil Hl _^ _TiinriT _^ L _altMBtitin am be _qaotti iir ilic v _^ _ln-utthr W « imltiBB » _i _inttnaLiluilL-qoalilLed . _wli : _Ut _iiil « iuT _sample _^* . Te Ihe tnrn oft' _triply nt . _iait _™ mire _HHWy . Th _& e n-nit D tiioil _^ _rst _^ ¦ _l-uaiii ! ( nr _OiLlj ! . f _nboul Ibo _rStw-of Una diiy _aOTUflifhl _) i _> rj . l _dcMriptiim _^; prim _^ _1 'orn , in- ihv _ttlt _^ enc * uf thtf _lUitirninlea _nnirala , _hiia l » _an held ai alher more mmey , but _pnia _poljlormunllqiuniiillraby llio _cunauniiQ , _'i _^ _Uur _currenrr hoi altered ill consequence . Tlie _utOJUiili ftvin tho 1 nited _^ _tnrti . are _cncoiirfl"UiS , _bot the _ordi-rs for bonded Whan _tf-mi _iisni > n . lly _limilefl [ oo low . nut D" _^ ¥ * = _lca _««» _vtfoeteA ; _thm 1 ' mncin , heW on _biirher L > _-niu . _Lm-vd i < _VV
CURRENCY PJill _UU'EFliAL MICASUitE . . WHEiT . « . _d . Ess , Kiait , _Snnolk 46 ... 5 » _Whil .- _Ifi .. Bi ffurfolk _* I . iiiti . _^ aliin'J 5 .. 5 S _Whiio _, _dj . Ho 5 U .. _SS \' _irtltiihiT » -. ' Weal Con" ( ry _Red .. While , do ......... _NortlniTuWiflrLd a ad _Berwick-hircltcJ .. J 8 .. S _2 White A ) _aioray-AiifjuH und R _. _jihflluA : Heil .... While i ™ hi < c _3 , ; -v * « .. _jb 1 ) 0 . VihiU _.. 4 S .. U 3 _liARLEV . _fJrindins .......... 23 .. 27 _DtulHnj 27 .. £ 5 _MaHinj . _Nm 30 .. 3 C _CUF-val » T , Uew , Halt , llronn , S 0 .. 5 S . Mill . N _& _rfiill : Polo .. Do . _Kbw _..-. " _-.. » _i'KASK . _Hoi-sQiGiuy _. u . _w .. SI _Majl _> 35 Wkits Boik-ra _M BEANS . Small _Hsnow M Ipi m Sttu _^ _tin _« .. OATS . Kn | j ! LihfBe 4 14 _Short small ...... ! ' obmd Bi _Scotrh _, comuion .... 22 _Polatoe 24 _Eprwtck .... _»« . _«¦* Trlj _^ _i i 7 : J _^ _-jy T & e ..... IE Us . " . ¦ _•¦<> - Co ,. Black ...
Markets. London Corn Exchange. Majlkl.An...
Hay ' . 1 Sai S _? l «» rr 1 « ii 0 _Simw _] 16 n 2 0 _Cuiiiberbnif . _Har 4 10 « 5 S _Clm _^ r 6 _Osll 0 1 W 1 18 _» 2 ¦ ¦! IVrASTITIKfi nnd _AVRTIAGE _I'HICKS of _) _IHlTlSI » _CUJtN _liiiI _liSI A ] N . p -r _lnifi-ri- [[ QiEnr ] . _i . _» irl _< _l iu ih * - I .- l _^ hir _* mnrk _4 i diirine thp _^ _wk _pnilkfi _Sdv . 21 ¦ —Wh _™ t _5 _JJI on . 5 iis . Mil . _BarWin . _'ilfinlx . _SVs . M . llat » _SS _^;! l qrs . 21 n . 7 i . & _aui 1 , 620 qta . Slta . -lA _P » . l , m < _pt . Ma . id . _UjsaJ _^ _.-IJirKHIAL AVEI _1 AC _1 ES . Wwk _eadiiic 60 , Oft . lath " 2011 i " _? 7 th •¦ Bd Nnv . _lilth " 17 th " iBgr _. g _ito AviTage of the ! iwi _-ns weeks .......... Dutira pn . oti pt : _iixi _frnm _Hriii _^ h roi _^ r _, _^ _3-i [ j ] i 6 onl of Whl ii 0 « 6 _^ 1 8 51 0 11 7 5311 H * 31 8 R ; _irlnt > nM 30 2 22 j ; _w > bi b 10 j _|» 3 -40 2 iS II Rve _^ _Hi-iina » 6 « U S r _; : 21 ' , i \ i il i _ >! 1 _*> 4 _SOftSS 8 ¦ il n X 7 hi 1 _U 1 J _SiJ 31 S RIB SS 10 Phm . ss s 3 _c _whtn . » l t 3 * O ni « ; ss * 28 "J 3 S » Hi M _^ 1 _BWtlSfi l _^ E Z THE WATKRSII 1 _H _I'OTATO _MAnKKT _^ -Nuv . 2 ; ih . Th _. _t _miitket i * Itiinly _unpplieJ , » oil the _pnyela lro lotli tl > t' _» Un _^ . tMultil ihe _cinJI'EiM _Ul-l-I ftom _ncrtUkluill _arrive-Yrrii R _,-ii ( per fan ) W n 70 _Dolcl ! _liida ' . SO a 50 _Miinevn ; _o „ Ml _SntiMfl 50 u CO _3 _iiUHH ( n . T _Jun ) ....., J 0 ¦ 50 Dev . ii It ™! . 60 a _tS Jw , _kv Whiles 40-3 . _45-Olue _^ SO a m _Siuilbiield . HAY AS !) STRAW ( _pirlouilorMtriiasuB . ) _^¦ 9 . _£ h . Whftechap' _?! . J ? i- £ _r . Way i _Sa 3 _i _floiL-r 5 « if ( i _^ _U-. _»< 1 1 _MsS O _IVruuao . _Edpj-n-are _. mad . _fl- _'J- I _Ji _> S . Clover ... S Oa & tSStrjvv- 1 lOil 15 LKATBEB [ perlb . ) _WHat . _'Sfs-iOlb , _DiUi .. _Ji > iiSO ! bi _ _utthi . so _» em * ..... _li _.-. _ini ; . ' - _' _Viiriil Dmtf _EnglinhEuttE _KiTb'itEii _BiitM ........ _Kcreiffn _Hid-a-.... .. l > ivft . _Lhf _^ _Ilidea . .. _ni'l . i _. _Slmved _"•¦•¦ _StnM ! _cra'Hap » .. Kn _^ _'lvb _Hor _^ e Hids .. a . ii . IOlul 3 1 * 0 I . " . 13 : i 17 10 a 13 Ifi :. IT I . I a 21 _13 o ) 8 _WalS 10 _)^ 14 12 a 1 . 1 I 4 n ! S 9 al . 1 _Ghffimn Florw Hides . _^ _panLiii _BaKaEbdeB ... CjlfSkin « , 30 a 10 Ife . _( _Jo ? t _: iL ) _Diiw _. _w _^ _soibi ..... DHto , "M » 601 _b _5 Ditto , 70 s [ 00 Ha .... _IraHta S , _'nl Akini _Uitu , _S ; n ; . li _Knfc _llsiOa _Bcllw _SbDnbSm . -3 . _¦* _»»!! _ttmtt _Uj . _1--, . U _. ? _i Jflan _Ut 2 tl i r ,, i > 2 _O » 3 E . ! _9 ai 7 , /»«¦ . da * . 71 Kt
_aMlTHKIRLl ) CATTLR MARKBT . Kov : 27 , _HotwilnMildiin . _ih > _i . _uiijj .- of 15 ™ ia in "irr _marltei 8 b » unimjnfl wan _"^ _omriThiil ! _"Hd _lba _< _f _rxkiibif _^ _Hl here on iT _^ _K-Juk s _»' nni [; ht . no _improvement tnofc _phice in tJir _drnmind _for-Bv _^ I . ill thi . < -b ! rrencii _^ _i > rth ? primes ! _ireid \ _vM _mlppurlad ; _uhi _^ l _llirr _* ' ¦ _.:. ¦ -. - _ , _;\ I-. _: r . i . , _) ivf _.. f 1 Izn .--, ! ,:. TI .-I ] .. r .. _! -. . V _^ _tij _^ _q _^ r _^ -i ! _.-nMfi _pifvrimia > d & eShitUm , _though Ihc e » i _> ply H _^* o , _rbnii ] i'n _» l _) lyoD Tl ? _i"flecrr _&*? . 'I'kr ! . r _::::-.-i _> _'ih _1 _li'l'in-n- _^ htKvtrn : / i _rvrftbeil _hjof west's _nuilntJ _^ _neitiui a _depTt- « ijn of in \ _V 2 _ifxr ? _Ibi \ yuh _Bubmicred i » in _tlininff-inr kinds , at which ilf _iVlfla _cluaruih _.-e _^ Viisn _^ _Cen _^ cfi'dm I La _market's clone . _'I'Le _iAfinfy ft . CttrtK _ktm _taj . _iimiuij , lint Ihe _Irodu with Vcul was _iliUi * r _^ _Tvly . tin ! _at _nothing quUtbl _^ llein _^^ h bi » l _l- _' _riday _' _a _pnftBU _LiLfhiJ _. _jIoc _~ _30 _< _Nfl _" _vtllit'tiUTrivtdby 3 _' eLUn _. _^ cJ _: _ctafroiaIf . _^ _atof _^ _wtr _* _iU > i _^ rrt _* t _supply , but the qnaliiy of * _hemmiHUiri'ri"rf _nvdife id _vrliictl _thpv vxtil _uf slowly , al _ifruupfrig _pricrt ; _bul a _aiTtiJj : _huajlfnrt _^ _j _( Rir ! in ' . _icJ- ' . lilii ! _air > _. fedl _\ 'Tktfl _^ _ntfiU ! liricrt _?^' _iTieT * _- _\ _vn * V _Hliplil- i :- !!] N ; r off in tbe Utuerul _qnnlitv nf _tlxi' _s _» i (> _t _« . Wf _rcft'ived nn fr _^ ii _arriviils _v-: ]» , i- ' _* liy buji ' , ( nu Scotia i _^ - _hut _n tfiV were in liie _juarkot , for which no _purchsiAprscyuldtii i _' _"TirnJ iiw _hksE miirfcet _ibv . _M \ ' ree _^ Tved _np [ o thi _» day'a _niarkot J _JXM > _ahoH-horns _fi _^ nt Ll ,, _¦• iiL-i . > l _'; _: l'ii _jilbori-bonnundlirA-onnfrum _LeicoMorehiivv-7 _> : _« _li'iri _. hoiL _]^ .. niiili'n'f _., _i _^^' 'UiNflnhaiilp _» _n-152 _ScoUtEB _^ _NurJuUf , 100 _ahort . _humsand Herefords froiu _SiiAolk ; 22 _Sfnri Hi _> rcr . rrd _« , and Ucvuik ., from Ks * vi ; 20 _Hu-rrfin _* and _Bnati fr _^ ni L \ _inihridge 3 hiro ; _liIH-iln _. _suinlOevinmrmiii Wur _^ _ickshi _^ _r _]( i l _>'' _vLpjp 3 ! toni 0 _xfiirildhiro ; 17 _M _LlettlbrtLit ' iVNi _linetbrdsluRti _JvnovaMir irriju _Dvvi'Jprtilie _. _irfmuirtiliiiii " _-rtltoj _tff _t _» ir _?* t . mil pulled Scols _. _cmiiiTjjiird by _VtfLiik-imckttJ'flomSenltiiHl _^ _J * _5 u : _u * ex Un : ii . _Kunis , and _Lfevnn _^ . fram _^; _iwu _^ . ; Z _^ i _Cviit H _.-n-f _^ _rdi _. and _Uevojn , Iron ) Siineyi and 10 _^ ol _* iiud Ril _* . _jtiid Keal . The _remauder " 1 th _* E-ullnck _Knpph' wU _chif _^^ _duri'v-d from _taomtle _Ludy _^ _- ™ , _^ -c-, _wiUiin-Ahhoridi & _fans-iefc _tb _melropolk . _Ah-mt _Irt-o-thirda of lh _» _'mipjilv "f _shoNfn _« flre oompofiea _* _hta »* t _Hrfrja" _nqunl niunlii . T" of _SnmlliJown _* , uM _andnt'wLtlwiSts _^ _fontli _, _iLndKentLthliiilt-bri : _^^ , uiidoldLinco ] _ti _^; _Hu'JtTiLaiciflrr . _Innvca , _SomeTMcts , _pi-Wi-A _Hlnncefiterj _' . iiDd Welch _SliLiop _, _\^ fi _\ S _09 [ _roni _Buslan , _SOThMn Unit , and 10 " from _Kcollaml byar * . _FerstoJnr ¦ I' _*\ ii- . Co _aink-thBaffiiK ' 1 . il . r . i . I- d . lC _WmsDwf . . i ii I ,. * IU [ nbrin Itcef 3 4 ( o 3 6 WltoMutton 3 0 .. S 2 _MJddlmitBert .. 2 M .. 3 2 DiHoMuti ™ .... 31 » ,. 4 •¦ Lamb 0 tr .. » 0 _» Vfal .. _ 4 O _.-4 I « _JHtto _Wutlun S 4 .. S ( I Suckling Cul « cs , 17 fl . Ihi 34 k ; and quarter oM Store _Pifiv B tn _21 s . _ernii . _I'oi-luT _* , _in _^ Jt and _fiiDiilt , ii HJ' . _l to _aa _^ _jt
Nj.Wcate Aso Lliadbxuall Jiarkbt3 , (Mou...
NJ _. _WCATE ASO _LliADBXUALL JIARKBT 3 , ( _MouWJ . A eoimiderable incnM » had P _^ _iin L _.. J ; _i-ji _plaec inTli _^ _aANLc of . _if . _ili _^ liUT . 'd mpit jVom : ill I lii' _-- e , _oartefd wli . _'iice _thf _^ _SEf-- - _i' \ _. _unlived ; ini ] _vrdh _tlw _padt _veek'si su _^ jily _pT fflu . -J . ii d » dgbftrail filock lias _hri-li _tlivbr _^ c _^ l _rfhicli b _^ . _oer- 'n _rfccuM _? _litriiLC ihi _^ whol _? flf th _^ _prpw-at year . _TLini . _Ihl" _lil'ire- tf W 6 _cld nt fair _pricea _, and Wfl _ilonTu not _thif _riaijiu- _'fe will _? E > _aiq-i ia _jidt-qcate _TOIBniAeralioJi for _lln-ir _epf-BrslaTiE-Ti . There _Ibitpelif _. _bilr-n r ' _.-coivcil _hylcani-pactebi _, frcm Irc ] ui _3 _^ _noyFlr _S _^ I * _UTSe liug » uf _cerr _iufaiur _ui-ljity , _oivinff to which they _"W _^ LLiii | £ _hi'Uvily onIrand , nndHirlil ut very low pricra . lit _iIli _& ¦ - _^^ I _' r . iiii _DoLKn _^ n ' e luivu had tl _^ _nduitted to lift _abouS _* .. h ii cannot bill stale that vn do nol _rocolkct to ha _^* _imi _: _In _^ _rineat _, liifcen on _Ihn n'hule , _lIillii _liad _Iili-ii _CirJ _; _--i _^ _rAdlt » j _hew- _miu _^ lfl ( fit a Irmjr limit _pnit . Thi ? City fif -lb « _dii _,-sfltavm _^ _feBlcat _broiwht Io l ,, ui ! onl & J _( n-e _& 1 , 2 W i-. isca _^* A * » ¦ _uiitton _. _sf oak , Boreas _SL-CAH . _s . i ! . k . _WrH _$ Lumps . . Ii 'i _,, 7 :, _^ iiiill _iiite- 0 0 a 78 V | . 4 . _inI , ii , nrilishS 3 0 n 3 _J a _dcnc : _il good and Bilu 68 Hail t _ktfbudues _. _r'ini-rtS 0 « 70 0 COl'KliE . _JaluafiKi , Fine 110 _(> nl _3 t 0 _Middlinrr--. W 0 0 a 10 » 0 Jldirug _.... 78 ( 1 a V 9 0 _Of'iiii-r ; ir . uiiid _Ri-rbk'c . _aiiod _MidolilJU .. 100 0 b IU 0 Good una lino _llnliiiury .. 71 0 a 101 0 Oidin _^ rv' and Br . _) kcn ... *~ 64 0 a 7 _S 0 ¦ : -i - -. a . ' . _MJaaEuc .. ! 0 J 0 a 116 0 _CiH-odvnd _line _Oruliwry - 7 S 0 a Bfi 0 St . Doinaipo 40 0 » 42 B Mochn 611 0 s . 1 ( 111 0 d . COCOA . o * . d . m , £ . _Trinidad _fpor c » t . ) t 2 Hffl « . Cf .-iuJ .. 4 _» h « i - Hi . Lucia .... 3 S 9 i ( C * Una ! 31 list _SPICK _3-CinssmMi Ll > . 3 0 _Oout ( Am . _boyna _) .... Uo . _( li » ijrbun ) Mace i _fJutmoss ( un . _piirb . _^ .. _^ ... 5 _tapper _( Ca / - ec : i ' ' ) ...... 0 & _Piiui-nto ( _Ja- 1 2 1 1 i H _O- » t m i * ¦ i * _» t « . s m . z * _niii = _n 0 i \ m , ; X Wliile _...-... ); o _( i a _unt 1 tine _Israel JO o- a 31 l _» »¦ _HiirbiiJofa .. _^ _4 0 Enal India .. IB fi 5 & S . HIDES ( per Ib . ) _n . i Mnrkct Hides , SB a _lillb" 2 Ja 3 Klto , 6-1 ii 72 Ib » 3 n 3 ( Di : in , ' _2 » S _0 IbE 31 ; . S Dltlo , Sit » _ffliibs Sf _= i J Ditto , 88 _h . MHb 4 ulj a . _« Miiikei _HiilM , 96 1 101 lbs _«»* i UitU . 104 » 1121 ta _.--i » ig falf _Skbs [ caoh ) 5 _I & 1 Horse _HidifB , ditto ., _—» 7 _^ _9 _^ - r _* . B . _Dntch * nnndin _< J 5 fl n 55 0 _IVetrrfnirgh .... 3 S 0 a 3 » 8 San _Zuiiland 0 0 a 28 0 _jg . _** - _^ _tti-i Ric » , P . T . R . 43 0 _»< a * Biiioi _) . C . 0 0 a * 0 T , _VLX 0 W AMU _CANDLKS . _Whitcehapfl Market ir 3 _cu of _Fal , 2 a Pd . of _KllBr In q a . . 1 . _TownT * a « irfpiT . cirl ) 4 K 0 Rus _* in do ( _Cjiud-o ) .. 43 fi Whits do . ' . 0 0 _Sitiff S 3 0 l ! c ] _ngh _di > ..... 'it 0 _( ir . ivpi IS IT G _,.: ] _Dicgi , 3 > 4 _liquid _fondles * * ¦ Store do T * Inferior diuo .......... S _K M a . LEAD . It _Relish Pi s ( _netlon ) .... E 0 0 a 0 0 aheet ( _luaicd ) 2 \ 0 » 0 ftir 22 0 . 1 Pawn I _uhot , 1 a VI 24 in B MKTALS . 0 0 0 fo : a , _orMiulrun 22 10 a 0 l _.-O . While 30 n o o ft 0 _Lilhare _^ .... 22 1 ft a * 1-TIN . » . A . _b- # _- InBlo _^ ta W lla » f Ingots 91 0 r . M C Bars ... « 0 * _9 £ D _COl'PKR . _Eriit-h Caki _^^ Q 0 a _-ffSf ! - _«¦ - 3 _liepls , perUl . 0 U a •
Mverpltol Cotto.N - Mailkht. Tuksn.Iv Ev...
_MVERPltOL COTTO . _N - _MAilKHT . TuKsn . iv _EVENIKO _, NovJa _. Th & _dfmind for Crtlton _hiia Iwe _' n very _mofliTiJte fcis _l-rec _* : _^ - Jind _piCL-i of nearly all _ilaicripriona has d . _'dinfld fully flh _fv ' 1 b . i'Ue _aalea _aiiiee Friday only _amount to _abnat j , Q 00 _hogtp _jll Io thi' _trjde . —TIie' _iraporli ifported _ainCE _Krid _^ are frun _^ - _Ihe UttUod SUlM , 3 , _0 _» 2 _baRg ; _frJm _> _faoiHn , ' 3 * 1 - In 6 _^ _^ _SflfiTbasI .. Ci > nip * _rs [ ive yiew of the Importa _aol RtporU of _CobMtli into nnd from tho n-h _' _olf kin ; . 'Join , _fi-iiTO _( _htf _Utof _Janrarj In rii _.- t _^ rh injt . nnd of _l _° c Imporla and _Rtporti fox Ii * name _pttfiud _laatytar . hllo _Ihu kingdom thia vmt : _AmeriEin > Ji ; a 7 _W , o | _15 South AmFiksui .. .. " U _« , 1 S 1 W _« _t _loflicii , lleroararr ., Ac 4 , 997 _Eairtindisa -. 111 , 73 ) Kgypt , fa . J 0 , Sl > 3 Total of _nildwriptKins l , 102 , . _] 39 _EAtfir ! period last year : American .. .. .. bigs T _16 , ~ 9 S _Suuib _.-Vinerican . . .. r . 1 _S _5 , J . _^ 2 VV _' e _^ _I _Inditrc . _Ut-maram " , Ac . _ifltoi K > _hI _Inllies 1 _^ . 934 Kcvot , 4 c 81 , 912 1 _. O 08 . 12 I 6 _^ 12 _Incrnide . of _impTtA _aa compared with _saniq period laqt yjnir , ! _¦ _.- ¦ _- RXPOBTS IN _IS 37 . Anwiricun , _lOjeo—linuil , 5 , _191 ~ BHt Indira , 70 , 632 Total in 1 S 3 " 131 , 883 _buga _. Same pi-riod in _IMfi .. .. 95 _. 1 W _1 WANCHKSTE 11 C _iHN _KSCilANGB , _3 " Hndiiy , Nd « _- _£ S Thrt tnda dining the weuk huH winced a liltle mom _anim & - tion _, nnd _Ihp prc _% _-ioua _elirttfi _^* _-hssbwn _^ _em-rillyanpportcil . Oar lunrliri Ihu _ilnj is well _nlt _^ ndpd fcy buyers , and _Iherp _h an iu . _prored _inqriuy for the leading _articltffl iff the Irad . _.. There "a a fair l _. i ' in * - i _doW b _> wheat at p _ricea _rathereicifrfimr our _lafil _qiiaLulioliM . _Fliiur mel tt _l ) _ihttur demaad _^ und in _fnlty _aadefiT" . _Oalv and o- _^ _Cmeal _sro both m _VhTf _fiiir _ritual und rather _hfltei _aold . Other _nrtiefe & _withrjii I'll _oration . LIVKIIPOOL C . 1 TTLE . _MARKHT . : Uonil » v , _Sn .. _Tir-T 1 « _idmtiy of bf _? -y _. i nt market l . _i-day _ha « _tteim _Bomewhbt _kuncqr ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " li _' . n ' _.: _'' . _" _" _--kh but of _t-nrty _t \ _u-r . t hu _^ _bf-f-Ir _* _Srvai ¦' . . _,-i- — in Dumber frum one las ! _Yh-cjk ' . _a f _^ _jwul , U being r _Tnr the _amalle-it ¦ _linplY we have had _tliii _KP ¥ > n ; _ue'I ii : coniw _^ nejtco of the lfanttcd _minib'T , _miiLlmi _hba been _vtwylouch in advance , there b _. _? _ing none sold _UJldnr Od . per Ifr . Good _ifoefwaa tin ; lily _unld _jil from _Sd .-10 5 jjL _wilb . i »[ os-u { "but _! k _nuddliiig ' quiilirT nl - _'Jd _. per 3 b . Good . _weiilli-. ir _ouifctpo _^ of _"llicti Ihore _worp very ft'rt , _WHS _^ ilh _hilioIj _illrTjcLjl ' yb . _'nglil at _Td . pprlh , ; infetior and c _^ _fed _, front 6 _d . to _fijdl The _martetttenenvlly baa been n _biiifc oti _^ , _Ihere-bmno _Eiu-btfatb _, wring a _YiVf uf ve _* y interior quulit " . _Wl _linaftld , aui bnt thy tow < jril'imry ones . _NaroOvr of _b _«* la al _uwket _, 3 , 290 ; £ h _? _eyt
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 2, 1837, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/nss_02121837/page/7/