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8 THE NORTHERN STAR. December 2, 1837.
SKTTLR KORTS1GHT K.UR.Jiuv.2". We hid on...
Lrkhs Cons M.iiiKirr, No* 38.—Thi- arriv...
Him, Cons Msksct. Nov. 28.—We bad only i...
W.IKKF1EL1I C.VTTI.C l\LlUKET, Nov. 28.—...
Bfeipton.—CATTLi: Mmikbt, Noiv-27.—We ha...
Bii.inpoiin Market.—There waa a good dem...
. Deivshl-rv Ci.oth M.im.ET. Hosiuv, Nov...
Rochdale Flakkki. >Iahket, .110111187, N...
-^ WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET. Fkiday , Dec. ...
MARRIAGES. On thp 25(li ult., Mr. Jolm P...
DEATHS. OnTliursdiymornmglast, Mrs, Ricb...
HUUDEHSFIE1.D ? MEETIXCi. [Coxelmkd fnm ...
GLASGOW SPINWERS. A Public Meeting was h...
3£in#cn<if i-ParJt'antent. ? —-—
LATEST INTELLIGENCE. ThtthsdAy , Tour o'...
HOUSE OF COMMONS—Thcrsdav.., .?C' S£ANEY...
^* Corn ExCHiSGE. —(Wednesday.)—The arri...
All mri-esp-m'/mee hiti-mktl f.,r hlsm-t...
iigll Water M™. TilV. Rrmi. Tide, lee. 3...
Th« iiarton ateaul packets sail daily fr...
ind four 111 the afiernoou. They sail fr...
reds:—Printed and Published for tlie Pro...
of Middlesex, by Joski'a Hoasov, «t the ...
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8 The Northern Star. December 2, 1837.
8 THE NORTHERN STAR . _December 2 , 1837 .
Markets. Liverpool Cors Exchange, Tuesqn...
MARKETS . LIVERPOOL CORS _EXCHANGE , _Tuesqny , KOV . 28 . — The ™ is ads inwfe a fair supply of Irish fluur ; bat < jf nil m'Ji _^ t _iirllrli' ; of _tUp trjtf _? . the _11111 , -r _. _rr-, are li . _'hl Tin- corn trade throughout the _^ wk _kss _btfn rauiiT _Ljojsnt ; nn-3 _dltlioilgh no _actual _pdvsnec bar , bfHm | md un \ vlu _ _TU , all ¦ _JescripiiuuB of _tliin grain h . ivu been more _dillictijt 10 _jliirfhasp . Kn _^ _lj-ili new wLii <* in _ai-llinii at _fti . 3 eJ- tu 8 fc M- ; ¦ _chuicu Irish _nniStolih , at ( fa . to & . * L : Home _uiflwl _qilid-. _ilieguf _Irwh _n-d _Imve _ivaliiyd le _. _SM . J and Hood niip fiiive brought 7 a- 3 _J- I" 7 n- IW . S _^ ral _pjfcels of _lovr Iri _^ ll nnd foreign have been taken for _sizing _nnrw _^ ' 3 at St . lo Kk . fid , per _jMb _* . Fluur has ™ mm : iit _JSi- per _SiiOIba . _Oflte _liave gone off nv : irly & a fast ufl tlity _nmtfi !< l , and nil _qualities have _aolil oti ¦ belter _; i ! m-. , ii'iic _^ huve comnmidBd zs . 104- _i good _mrffl ] - Jne _juirecls _^ s . 3 d . Lo 2 s . l _> _i't . Irish _, _ulil ran 1 _filing _alZs . _lifl . tn 3 ' .: mid _fuBvi-jii at 3 s . lip _3 J . fid . ; -it _-Kjlba . ; tif _Ibtft' -LUrr , _-. _afe Tew oti the _mnfceJM _OiitiQeal is again _rjflier dcanjr ; 2 _Jj-. fid . _ifl 25 a . _ptr _^ _lOlta . are obtainable _rateii . Thi ? _snpplv of _linai _:-.: ! ! i _| , 'l _... has _IViotiJ banrviit 87 * ' _¦¦!'' per i : nji . n ' qnarlpr , and some little lots of liish m > d S « j !< li Bailable fur ¦ r . ' ili _; i _' _-L ' j : _l-o bete _eold _Sll 1 * 4 . 6 d . to I * . _lfrl- _'jHT l _^ _lbn . I _' _ricvj of _s / _riiiujn ;; _bnH . y iiri ? tiuviirieit . Heanfl _fin- _eenenuly Is , d « j _>* Th _^ _nk , ¦ _ji _^ r quarter In * " _ljtfen _pni _3 fa * _Kntiliah . irtrl und - _&!* . to if a- _JM _^ r 4 _hlbs . lor Irish now . The _a < -r « ck & uf _iVrliny _^ peasarc rapidly raluciug ; _Iher ale _A-llijiir at _3 _te . _t-f 3 _^ . and the beet lit § 7 b- to 3 _£ a . per _iiuperial _qimTter The _rlpoctti of _bondi-d _wte . tL _eundiflt rjf 475 _rjuariiTiij samp father _rarMa of good Hultit rnl have b _(! _OD bought for th < - Uniltil _Sratffr , _i > t 4 s . 4 d- WU . Til . per _JOllis . ; tbV qiinittily nf line _uBeriig U _ligbr _. _w _* l « _a _* _l _'•* _mimulLius _Dttmoaalcv iff bi _^ Vn ¦ this jiionun . tr , and a thill fchow _i _» f _fiimples df new _whftil . Fine qti ; _i 1 _ilLPB , of whieh thr _market _wnt b _^ _ro _, nilher _eseeitded the _ratet of _l . _nl Tlieadav _, _snd the _midiflfFi _^ runs _hrjutht _» _ti _advance of ub . nu lil . per 70 _) bfl . Oiita _iviTt in _-demand i > _t an _iniproveniuu 1 . yf } d . | IM blirth _" _! _, _£ s _lOfil . _Sni-iL' the tup _i | _iLi'JiiTLon . _Datmctu w _^ sold lei quantity _y | 25 _« _. _v-hich n-ju an increase in _i-alua of M . per load .
Skttlr Korts1ght K.Ur.Jiuv.2". We Hid On...
SKTTLR KORTS 1 _GHT K . UR . _Jiuv . 2 " . We _hid only _u this _rlliow of Cattle Jit this _dny'B murkeF , tut Top Beef j ! iild _vftU _, ji ( rather an 'eu were _qoM freely at much the a good _Hhovr of priuii' _^ _hrcp _* . _- _javnjitf _* in prirp , find _fthteu _pnn . « _me-pric _^ i aB lopl l _^ itr .
Skipton Cattle Map-Ket, Kov - 27. Our-Ji...
SKIPTON CATTLE _MAP-KET , _Kov _- 27 . _Our-Jiisplr of Vat _atuek _^ - | t _< 4 nut lari _^ _e , but it _wiib t _^ usilto ¦ h _^ df tftin _^' _as Ihe I' _.-rl ¦ - ' _was : _i ! . ¦ . ¦ . one . And _raanv nf Hi ? _ii-il _^ _ln'i'f reraailHfd uiij ? fiiii . _Wtl ] _f-il _lietl _w- ; u > _imdily fold . _^ i > 'al _1 _tTBtiou ' fii ] i be _quotpdiii _piiciia-
Itoboughbuiucik Oliiin Mabkkt . N.Iv.Is....
_itOBOUGHBUIUCIK _OliiiN MABKKT _. N . _iv . iS . - _WiWil , _Wbiju , old , _SSs . lo m $ . ; _nciv , iSi . lo _SZn . _; Red , oli ] , 45 s . lo _flfic . ; _« _elt , 47 s . Up _JH-. _l _Burley . 2 Ss . U . 31 b . _pi-r i _( r . ; feana , Js . _Od . to S * . jkt _Ilulllul ; OuH , 1 _H . to 1 W . _perilous .
Lrkhs Cons M.Iiikirr, No* 38.—Thi- Arriv...
_Lrkhs Cons M . _iiiKirr , No * 38 . _—Thi- arrival of _H'Liiat Co _tb's < Uy ' s markut , if _Inrgi 1 . _lini : _somejaMiT -tilv _liaving _"hsoii _dispo _. _^^ d otl _^ Bt week , thfi _quantity _^^ _ln _^ _vD to-day is onSv _laoder _^ Ce _^ other kiirds oi ' . i , _'rain much _thtt same , 'f liens has been a Sair demand for Wiivat at lust _week's _pricm , anil in some _instances _rntherm'ire has _bt-eu nulile . The best Darlcy fuHy _mainlfiiiis its jirioe : the _spi ; _i _> iiJ ! iry _qnnlitip 9 little alteration . 0 _^ scarce , and ; ir _« _j _quillll : _d . toJd . _per stoue bi _^ htr . _Shtfllintf _raiiier _tlfrarer . _lfcau _* much tbu _shiiio . _Rnjieseei ! dull sale ,
Him, Cons Msksct. Nov. 28.—We Bad Only I...
Him , Cons _Msksct . Nov . 28 . —We bad only it thin aitoudjince at onrtau & ftct » -day , and the _Wlu'iil _H'arTe wna iitm Ibr fresh 01 : 1 : uict _-3 ry New s : _iinpl !? _t T nt : hi ndvanoe of _uboiit Is . tifr qr . over this rales of _thisdiif week . —Tbe supply ul Uarlcsy whs fully eqml to the _dpnuind _, and _taat _vr- _^ k's _prices were li ; _inliy _sniiporM . _—^ u Buans and 1 _'naa ni > _alteration . " _Oalslullj maintain their valiiP . Itauv-- ¦ _> _i ' J _"J"l I - '• _" .-r _.-,. \ .., < . ..... J > ! _.: _J- nc , _Jv _-. i _. iiij _, ial nfl ] y last _wet-k's taureney . i
W.Ikkf1el1i C.Vtti.C L\Lluket, Nov. 28.—...
W . _IKKF 1 EL 1 I C . _VTTI . C l \ _LlUKET , Nov . 28 . —We lull a fair _snjiply of Stoct at market of bolli ilescriptioiis tliis . _morjiiug , _witli a , good , alteiidance of _buyara . 'llie murltet was _lery steady hi prices _fi-nin last TQitrliet . _Ueef , _Ss . Cd , to R ? . _jior stone ; Mottou . ( id . per Id . _lirasts , oiW ; Sheep . i 5600 . _Tlitre was a food _rfiow of Luaii Cattle luiii _Calrers .
Bfeipton.—Cattli: Mmikbt, Noiv-27.—We Ha...
Bfeipton . _—CATTLi _: Mmikbt , Noiv-27 . —We had n tolerable shew of fot Slock , which _proMjd en . na ! ti , * he _demrtiid . Well-fed Jiea ? tS sold raa . Uly , nliik inferior _onpij remained unsold . Tbe demand li . Stood Mniton was not large . Pricts were much the same &* last fortnight . _( _Jouil preseut calving _-Cowd-fetched liigb pri >; _ea . r
Bii.Inpoiin Market.—There Waa A Good Dem...
Bii . _inpoiin Market . —There waa a good _demnin for all sorts of Combiu" Wool with a better price Yarns have advanced truiri _( _iij . to Is . per _gross This of conrse _cbecki the sole . More Pieces have _Jjeeiv sold to <[ jy than of lute , and the stocks o middle _iiualitities Hnd ti . v _oHnrterd are fast _dimim-iliing . Them were _BOina _uuvciiasers fjnm tin United States .
. Deivshl-Rv Ci.Oth M.Im.Et. Hosiuv, Nov...
. _Deivshl-rv Ci _. oth M . im . ET . Hosiuv , Nov . 27 . Tbia _mnrltet Wan e . _icyediiigly _vreil attended will bnyers ; _bbtokeb ; still emitjnoe to ha sold very briskly ; there was more business done in other _tiiidV of goods _tlinn lias btpii _duue tor _several wueks past . ]
Rochdale Flakkki. >Iahket, .110111187, N...
Rochdale Flakkki . > _Iahket , . 110111187 , _N _*> 27 th , _^—To-day the _clcinsind for n ' _oilTen gno _^ _s _hiia been good , and a e " - ' _« t quantity has been _disposes -of ,-at prices similar to hist week ' a . Considering [ lie lateness of the _year , we may 3 h ; it has bttn a _goni market , as _gnpds of nil descriptions were _eaycrlj _sought after , but there _appi-areil no _disposition tn mate _advimccs on the prices of the previous week although the manuiholurerti are giving advancoi prices on the taw maieriul . The wool market stil -continues to improve , « s almost any quantity 0 pick-locks _iind fine Bkins and brotus maybe dispo . _ie _^ ¦ of at an advance of from Id . to lid . per 1 b . withii the last _llireo or four weeks . Noils and low qua ] i tigs are still sought after at steady prices . ' —— *
-^ Wakefield Corn Market. Fkiday , Dec. ...
- _^ WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET . _Fkiday _, Dec . 1 , _1 S 37 . —Oar demand for all sorts of Grain kueps pace full y _ndtli the supply . New "Wheat ig 2 s . per _yr ., aud _oia fully Is . per qr , higher Hurley ts free sale and stead y in price . Oats anc Shelling rather dearer _, other articles . No alteration in Beans o
Marriages. On Thp 25(Li Ult., Mr. Jolm P...
MARRIAGES . On thp 25 ( li _ult ., Mr . Jolm _Patrick , mason , to MissHannali _BUtckbnru , both of Leeds . On the 26 th nil .. John Mann _. clotliiur , to Mis _Margiiret Barker , both of _Family . Same day , Chnrles Bromk-y , elotlulr & iser , _Ilolbeck --to Mifs Martha . _N _' _til _, of Hunslet . Snme ilav , _Wilh _' _. _-un Cbnller ; tailor , to Mrs Mary Anu Yfttefl , bu _£ b ofLeeils . On the 27 th tilt ., HicWd Arton , tlotbier , lo _iVliss _Wuuibiah fiigham , both « f Urajnley . . - Same day _Siimuel _\^ erity , to Miss Sarafe Hulliiljiy , liotli ofBeestoii . ' Same day , _Jumee HiiWsworLh , woolsorter , to _ftlifs . Mary Carter , hotli of Leeds . Ou the 28 th . ult ., Richard Cuoper , to Miss Ann _VuIIhu , both of Leeds . Same day , Thomas _ftoystuu , clolhdr _^ _sser to Miss Mary Walker , both of _j-eeds . On the SOlh ult ... William Uocbuck , _mprcbant , to _tilim Martha Gill , both 0 / Leeds , _^™ tiny , Joseph Bootb , of _M ' ragby , _mnj _^ ler . to Miss Henrietta _Dobson , of Hunslet . - Same day , Joseph _Winn . dyer , to Miss Hannah Uickshnw , both of H ' oodhouse Chit . Sitmu day , Joseph Haley , clothier , to Misa _Mhtv Ami Holliuay , twtU of _Bramley . Chapel , Halifax . SlUa _ttultby , _< _rf Oil ibe _29 _lh olt , at Ziou Mr .. _Builuloii , Bookseller , to Sr . _irtjro ' . On the 19 th nit , at _tlifi parish cl . Hreh . HaKfas , hv the fl « v-. IP . Giimev . ilr . William _W _nllate Clarke , Halifax , to Mis . s _KnKabetb Hovcj , uf n _^ arbro ' . Oit ( lie 29 lh _ult .. at the parish church , Ilud _. lers-¦ _fu-U , by Ibe Ruv . J . C . Franks , Mr . Samuel _Grt-aieS ; _fsftoef , to Hiss _HudderslirbL Mary Ladymau , of Same < _i : iy , Mr . Richard Varley , Joiner , of Shnthwaite , ( 0 Miss _Suhjin Garside , of tbe same place ,. Same day , by the [ lev . Mr . Dover , Mr . Thomas Slinw , to Mias Alice Limu , both of Slaithwiute . Same day , Jlr . Isaac _IViHdiison , of _I-ongwood , Miss _^ Mary Irodale , of _LindJw , Mr . " John Wfavil , imjkwper . of Guka . _Parkin , of tbe _jaiae plac _^ r , to Miss Hannah Ou Ihe _3 ath ulc . at St . Mark ' s , H ' oodhonBe , Mr . _Matibcw _Nuhh , _( o Miss Sarah _Brians , _taird < JaM « bterol Joseph _BriggE , _Imtb of _Hntislet . g _( fa _v ' d i
Deaths. Ontliursdiymornmglast, Mrs, Ricb...
DEATHS . _OnTliursdiymornmglast , Mrs , _RicbBrdwiu , _nife of Mr . George Richardson , of the Black Swan lun . _lu Uus town . On the Slst ult ., at Hull . Mr . William . Liddcll Of Panl , _fisEKtaTit-ni'eraeer of tbe poor . About four o dock in tbe afternoon , buying gone to flic house of Dr . _Alder-jon . rl ... _nhjmrici _^ n _Jl -i __ - 1 _ru , _^ _. _^ . _^ _.., n 1 . 1 , 111 ] pi __ _- iiad for some _tme consul fed . —he _raus tbe belt whicli was _aiiBirered h y a . servnnt who on _openiuir tliedoor . _naw him in _tlie art of _foiling , caupl ' t liim in his _armf . _unl conveyed him itiki the tonae , where ho never spoke _afterwards , _bnt in : t fe « - moments _expired . _Lnst week , at the poet's house , at Kesmck . _afwr a _louc and painful illness , Mrs . _Sotiiliev mfe of the laureate . « _r-, _i . ? _l Dlt ' S eli W i _™™ * ¦ _* « E _^» S ,, tchffe , daughter of _HTlhajit Sutclifte , Esq ., _Lflwerlaith _lodmorden , a _maaiatriite for tn « . couuty of Lantastor . > _? to _= Sp he
Huudehsfie1.D ? Meetixci. [Coxelmkd Fnm ...
_HUUDEHSFIE 1 _. D _? MEETIXCi . [ Coxelmkd fnm our _SU-th Fiige . _] gave uh _ayaio the Uaines , items ! same items , Baxer ' Wben I first read k , notice items ! thought it w ; is a nous ; I smoked another pipe , _au ( then I fancied that _Baines was _intriguing ivit _WnnjGi . E 5 _ffoBTW for b _^ rrjnd sheiv off in _Farh _' a meat—i . e . to get a Petition from El snug hole an _corner _meeting , in the Saddle _Inu , Leeds , for a l' . _icvcn Hours _Biil , go to Parliament with it , shew it up as the universal petition of the r ' acto njysicrs and Factory _hands , of the L ' nitcll King duin !! " ( _Slianie . ) 1 went to Leeds , and found tha it _h-be even so . But I discovered that the Ol Shurt-Time Committee were wide snake and yo know how they fought and conquered _BaiNBS _ese un his own dun-hill
g . Vc ; , Daises _waa chairman , m his own town , a a _meeting ; of his own enlling , * ml it . miscarried agains him . for a Ten Hour ' s Baihy twenty to one—yes , b twenty to one Whigs , hear that ,- —the Mera / ry sni by sis to one—and yet hear it , 'Whigs , ( hat yo may tell your leader , I have it at home , unde B . _Unes * own authority , that the division waa twenty to one . ( Loud ehecrs . ) ( Mr . Oastler the presented two papers lo tlie meeting . ) Look here Whigs—hew is your master ' s _siyn manual—¦ ' ¦ _EinviKD Baikes , Chairman .- ' \ oii remembe thac _Baikes once _Baiil— " If that fool Oastler _shonl cvdr persuade any member of Parliament to be s silly as to introduce the Ten Hours' TJill into th Hmise of Commons , hothhtand bis bill would b _ifcsfcmtiy laughed out of the House . " You reroein ber that , Whigs ? ( Yes , yes . ) Now , look here you know his writing P These papers are petition . l >< the Lords and Commons for a Ten Hour ' Bil _sijiued Edwakd _Bukes _, Ciiaibman . _( _Lanshte anil _chetrs . ) When this _petition ia _prtienti _d _bj Loud AsHI . ev , Oh I . what a laugh there will be and one member , _aL least , will then be" laughed out ' to Fulfil the prophecy of _BaJKEb . _( I . uud lnugtrte and cheers . ) Now , _Wliig « , who is the foul—Baine or 1 ? - ( Loud ehetvs _;) But since tbe Leeds meet Ing _BainEs has boon " _refleotiBif . ' ' Had be _heen _Wifje _, he . would _)> kvo " reflected" before— and now he ihrow . _s _Baeeh aud poor "WriooleswOrth o _\ -trhoard . They are monsters . A _ehilil of eigh yeiir _^ is too young lo work , "' and so forth , say Bain >; s _, and ' _fo say I—and so says every _fnther save BasEit aud _WRUnit . ESwnnTM , and the minority at tbe _LFeds meeting . _Baines also tell yoa that we Ten Hours ' men are ryrants , and that tht _opiiratiTBi mus ( blame ns . lbr the eitent ( if thei _labour ! Silly in an '! how can n be _blaioed for long hour * , wben it is he who forces the people to b working twelve _houra , and we are always praying for ten hours ! Bui , save lie , " Parliament wouk give us an Eleven Hours' Bill , Imt they will not _givi a Teu Hours' Hill . " What doesBAiSES , after all suppose that we shall believa him whfn he telli us ihat lie , a man ' who has _aliowti such woeft _gnoranf-e on this subject , has got into the secrets of the Queen , and of Lord Melbourne , and of the Duke of Wellington , aud of Lord John Russell , anc u £ . Sir Robert Peel , and al _] the leaders of the ( wo Houses ? Impossible ! Bainf . s has , however , setUei another question . You know how he has abusei me , and charged me " with wishing to lower your wage ? , by reducing She time of labour . Now , he _agrees that the _huura of .. labour maybe reduced , without that _t is nine fm
reducing _vrages . So _ptiitml settled . [ Jit . _Oastlur proceeded at great length to ge the people to increased exertion , aud then said , ]—but the Poor Law question is a part of tlic Factory Question . The Factory Inspectors in their eports _a-re constantly mixing them— -so now I , the " King , " proclaim , that tbe " agitation" of those two _questiunf shall be one . —{ Loud cheers : ) ¥ «; yes , I base been _dragged into the field hy _Baines , and note , 1 swear I will never leave it till I die , or till the New Poor Law ie repealed , nnd thi' Ten Hours' Bill _obt-iined . —( Thunders of applause . ) Hut " wo are to hsve wur to the knife / ' says Lobd _Jwi . v _RusgELK lie it so—Yes , lu informed thiit _Liibd John _Kl'ssblI . at the instigation of the thre ' infernal Kings , has _writnei ! to the Magistrates of _Bhaih-ord , to say , " The buttle shall be foughit tirough at Bradford . That troops to any amount shall tie inarched on that devoted town . — " Be it so , Lord John , usher in the reign of your Virgin Queen , with streams of _Knglish blond ! ! Ye _» , be it so . —That's your look out , mine , liut , if it must be so I would advise the Cankers to bury their gnlJ ; the Mill-owners to insure their mil Is ; tbe _Landlord to burn their rent rolls ; _the _Merchants to _bidanoe their _ledj _^ ers ; the Shopkeepers to shui up their shops ; the Tnnieeiiers to wipe off their scores ; and the _Lalwurers to shake bonds with Uieir _brcilireii , Lhc _Biiidicis : hnt nil of them to _mriku their v . ills and ensure their lives . " The _Ixittlt _shtill kij ' uiighf _thrtjvgh al _BbaofoBd "—says Lord ¦ _Tohn _Hussell . _" Damn tlie beggars bulivt _thon _, " says a Barnsley Whig , I think they call _hfm _Wis-Cuck . But what , says an old Soldier , a genuine English Veteran . _HtsrlnHi , yeh . _ise , Moody , and brutal Whigs . Hear him , my tittle _Loiui John . Hear him , thou silly _Uakksley Whin- My friends , _tha tale 1 now tell ynu is true . Last Tuesday , in
_liftiD-I ' _OIVD , & veteran trooper said . * Till yesterday , my courage never failed me ; I linve met luy country's enemies in many strifes—sword to sword , in foreign climes—and never feit myself to be a coward . —Unl yesterday , I wes presenting my loiidod _carbiue full cocked , wiih my _finjror on the trigger , my own countryman ; the man tore open bis waistcoat , stood fum as a rock before me and cried out , _" fire here : " 1 _' or the first lime in iny life , 1 felt mysell to he a _coward _^—I could not ( ire at an unarmed brother . ''—( Shudders and chcetK . ) What a paradox ! Hear _itLtian Jons ! Listen _yeblooiihounds of Somerset House I PowKR ., bear aud tremble ! If the battle is " to be fought through in _Bradford , " I hope the magistrates will make _Phweh lead the troops and then — — I will tell you an anecdote which will explain ray _ineauiriK .-[ once knew an officer who was hnted by his men ; he _ojio day went whole-skinned into action , and he wsts carried out of the Held , with forty bullets in _liis carcass ! ! This I was told by a soldier in the 7 th Fuselliers . Power may supply the moral . If I were a magistrate I would throw up my commission betbrii 1 would become tbe tool ol" a set ot' _barjjies and bullies who want to starve the people and to degrade their _miigiBtrstes . —( Cheers . ) I BhaU "ot sit down without making one declaration ; I have been _/ i < rm / -into the field—I will not leave it- —I u .-ll Baines now , that the present Factory Act shall be the Jaw until it is supplanted by a oud efficient workable Ten Hours' Bill , aud that we will either have the New Pour Law repealed , or witr to the knife against the triple monster .. —( Loud )
. Mr . _TEARfiUS 0 _'CONNOS who was present but did not intend speaking , was then loudly called for _und presented himself amidst thunders of applause . He said that he had been reserved , it appeared , to sum uyi the proceedings of that most glorious _meeting , as a matter-of pounds , shillings , and pence , _wliicb he did at considerable length and was fro . _quently interrupted by long continued- cheering . We _reject , however , that the state of our columns _iredudes the possibility of giving any portion of Mr . O'Connor's . speech , which gH _^ e general- untie * ction , and was a suitable winding-up of a meeting . lueh will long be remrmbered by all who were fipruinate enough to be present , many of whom declared that they would not hnve lost Hie treat for any consideration . Mr . O'Connor sat down loudl y cheered , and the meeting separated at 11 quarter dne o ' clock in the m urn ing , all _expreujing _themselves delighted with tbe proceed : n (( s .
Glasgow Spinwers. A Public Meeting Was H...
GLASGOW _SPINWERS . A Public Meeting was held at Wiulaton , on Wednesday evening , 32 nd November , 183 ? , in avour of the Glasgow Cotton S pinners , at which . following resolutions were unanimously agreed " That this meeting is of opinion that the _nrr-at ind persecution of the Glasgow Cotton S pinners uothing less than a conspiracy against the pr" - wty of working-men , and ought to be resisted by very means in our power . " ¦ " That thia meeting well-knowing that jusice cannot be obtained for the working classes unless purchased with money , this meeting resolve enter into an immediate subscription in order to assist our persecuted brethren in obtaining the best g ? . t jukiee thai can be had at the Scottish bar . ' _? 11 That a vote of thanks be given to Augustus H . Beaumont , _Enq ., Dr . John Taylor , and _Fearjrus 0 : Connor , Esq ., for the great exertion nade by them in favour of the Glasgow Cotton inners . " "That the Editors of tie Northern Liberator , Lonlon Dispatch , GlasgowNeir Liberator , and Northern Star , be requested lo enter these resolutions in their everal papers . " "EDWARD SUMMEESI , DE Nailer , Chairman . " A subscription was entered into at the close of meeting and £ 1 Js . 8 jd . collected .
3£In#Cn<If I-Parjt'antent. ? —-—
3 £ in _# cn < if _i-ParJt ' _antent . _? — - —
House Of Lokds. Thursday, Not. 23. Lord ...
HOUSE OF LOKDS . _THURSDAY , Not . 23 . Lord BROUGHAM presented a petition _fmm _Snul . _liaiiijjton , signed by 1 , ; W of tbe _iuhaliitaul _eomplainiDir of _tiie worintig of tbe _apprcntii system in the West liulia . Colonies , and _praying fo ! . ¦< ¦ _-zjiii- ' _ii _!¦¦ : immediate _emaiifipatiou ( if the _DtfgTu His Lordship referred to the Island of Antigua (¦ aci > iTulKiratii > u of the assumption of the pftiiimi that ait _iinuierfiaije- _transitimi from slavery to abso lute _frt- _"edum . _wjls as _iioeesjiary as wise- He _though they _mifiiit fiiirly call upon Jamaica , Barbarl . _je and _otiier _iKlniid _^ j to show canse whv they Uad in followed the _wiae , humane , aud noble _vxamjili 1 « e iliem by tile Island of Autifua . _KXTMSION OK Thi : StFEFaAOB . The Duke of NORFOLK pre . _* _euted a petirio fmiu Sheffield , compl _: iinin _^ of the rate-paying ant registration clauses of tbe Reform Bill ? and _pruyiu for relief . Lord BROUGHAJT .-My Lords , I _liave ueei _rqiies' _*^ _S > the gentlemen whoiave signed tti _pi . _'titioii pret ' enttd by my noble friond to stippojt it _wltich I do with much pleasure . I fuel _tliai 1 _jjho . _ib not Ijedoin _^ justice to the opininns wliich I hold di these _subjects if 1 did nut add , that 1 do not think that these corrections —( Hear , hear , )—tliat _thesi _iimenOmeuts , or _thatniiy _cotrectiousor ; my amend tnentsin the mtre details of the ReJ ' onu Act W ] _Eunice _tc render the _measnre particularly aiid _cer tainly udequnte to the ereat end— -tiie great _viei wliich was entertained by tliose who frauied—bj those who Supported—by those who adopted tha Bill , namely the securing to llie people of this eoun try a free and filll representation in the Conunu . u Ffonse _uf Parliament . T will not at present , in ; Lords , enter into tlie _detJiils of wbat 1 beliote lo hi the necessary _ataendmeuts which that Aethasheoi proved by experience to ' _reiinire—wliiib e _\] _ieriL'ni'e my " Lords , fias shown' _Ihe _alisi >! iite _iiece _.-isitv a _niiiltiuC in some of the fundamental _principles 0 _thst _Jtill . ( Cries of hear , _hear . ) I meicri _I'spfcuilly my 1 _Lijvsls , the extension of tile _eleunv tV . _nu'liiM ' My Lori's , I iim srrinusly _aw : _ue _iif the _necessity o an _extension of that rialit 10 the _iicupk . as 1 w ; is u ilit" _iifiwifity of Ihe _jli-lunn _Billiil tin- tiim . * it _» a _prtipesed : _uid y _/ _Sop _' ted . " The House then _iidjoorned .
FRIDAY , Nov . 24 . iiiPKi « o . \ iiENT ron nan _jin . i .. The Lord _CHANCKLI _. OIt .-aid that in ih _muling tb ' - ' _firtt readiug uf a bill for the Abolitiono Imprisonmeiii . _fty _DiWj . exwutia oases of ftKnd , lit apprebendeii that at tlto present stage liis _paouoii tiou would not _jiive rise to "" any _discEitsiou . l _^ as _sessiou a bill _wasorouplil from ihc CflJiinions on tin ¦ 1 th uf July , btil as the uraWgalioB tnnk _pliiL-c oi the- l " th or _tlfat iuon . th , it " _* i is _obvioEiily aa _'s _. _^^ _iM . lu proceed with it . The bill wliich he _UeW in his hand was similar to the bi - 1 _lovugltt up from tli < Coinnwns _\^ t _ti'sdon . Ai it whs desirable _llieir _Ijinlsliijis should have tiiut to coiifider it _beibre tbe - ¦ _¦ . _uii'i ri ? . _idiuf . he would p : opose _ihaiit should uo lie read s second [ line _ititil Tu .-sday , the - ; ih _••] Decewlir . He then moved that the _liill should h : read a _firsl tiin « . After _considerable discussion , ( lie _niotiun of the Lord _CluiiicelluMiiis _iijrofd w , _liid the _bbpoi I ing _Sxei for tlie first _Tuesday in _DeceEnijci . Adjouiiied . _MONUAV , Nov . 27-The house met at folir o _' _clook , when ( he Duke o _Devonshire , tlie EluI _ofHsddiogtoB , and ihe Kar _ofjliuistert _. _Kik iheoatlis . At fivii o ' clock the _Luiiii CmscELLOit _Uxit _hia teat on tlie woyls « ck . , Lord _AHINGIvH laid _n bill ou the table , which _ivas read a tirst _liiut'j lint , from tbe low tone iu _nUich he spoke , we cuuld not catcli the title of it .
VOTE BV _OALLO'V . The Earl of \ A _RBUROL'C-H _presimted a _ix-titiun rom this inhabitants of . Lincoln , in favour of vote bj _inllot in the election of _im-mbers . of ihe other _housu of _parliament . The nuble earl staled that lie coiiurred in tlie prayer ol' the _[ _iL-iitioii , and that if the subject carae _wefore their lordshi ] is'liou . _seameasure _providing for it would have his assent . The Duke of IlICHMONl _) _prfM'nted a petition iom tlie provost and magiitrattrs of Glasgow , auii rom the _cnuniillors of tlmi _fity , _praying tliat a law should be passe'i to throw open and give free idniissSiui to all _eiliticos contauiing works of art which liiilouged to tie public . 111
NATIONAL ED WAT _X . _ThcBlSHOl' Of LONDON _preaeuteda petitimi roia _Ciiellenbani which he _sMied was imiK . rtiuit , lot only iu reference !¦) ihe subji . et nfit , but also iu regard " to the number and _rtjipectability of the _'iunatiircs _attached to it . Th * subject of it w .-, m ualioniil _edpoatioii , and the number ot -ii : _niinircs juaohed to _itwas-a , U 4 _g . —( llear _. _liewr . ) An attempt v ? nn _unrr _niulsiiiff , tii _wliicJi ii v _^ .. fi _^ _'ln the _iitteiition >|[ . iV _lurhlio should be called , tn ] _,- ! .- l ! i .- way ( m lie _eatiiblialniMJnx vt & opmcra ¦ - - ' -n _iluurt compulsory , and , ns it was plirjx _/ J . purely and entirely _sucul : i . r ; that was a _sytrtcm in which _Lho ieople were _eompelleii to _purtakje , and ffum which _vas _syslsii'atJcjliy _excluded tlie word of ( _iod . _,-iili"icntire or in estr . _ict . He felt it bis duty , as a _Jersyi _""!! of thi ? _listaljlished Church , to j > rot « _st against such , u _system of education ill this country as that wliich tbe Associarieu was _weking Eo _estabish . A very p _^ _eiierul apprehensii'ii |> _rev : _ultfd iii the •• _iiuutry . thiit her Majesty ' s _Minisiers intended W _ntroduc'ja ineiLsiire ol education such as lie : illuded o . For bis part , he believed there was tio such _iitBiiliiin . It was mure politic aud _K _iao tn l _^ _a-ve the _syttem of educariun to tliose who ti >» k a lively _iiterput in the exteuaion of _educatiou _ratbur than utrodui'e any system wliicli would be compulsory mi the people ul this _countrj-. A cpinpulsnr ) ' system _nifi lit be luund to suit in Saxony or Prussia , but ¦ ertain _' y not in this free country . —( Hear , hear . ) Ae did not want the _euvt " rnu ! eilt ¦ " _^ _J "' at _reiijriou _liiould constitnte a part of the system , of . education , mt he called on them not to _briii £ f forward any _measiire _whicli would c . _tclmle religion from -uui schools . —{ Hear , hew . ) | _j > rd fe SAL'MAREZ cordially _. supported tha _letitiou . Lod _BJlOUdHAM did not believe tliat on the isrt of iier Majestv _' _s Goverament , or any oilier iSHoci _& Tjon of mun , id office or out of office , _bf they corporate or otln- 'rwise , or tliat on the part of any ndividfial who bad the _tUffusiou of education at mart , there existed anyiutention of promoting or titroducing _anv _lei : _islj . _tAe _measure of _eJueation _, _naldiig' it _compulsory oil the people , Or wMch _wiinld _exclude _relijrious instruction from _Hcbools . The Noble Lord after aline further _obscnatioiis , _uncluded liy _prrsctitin _^ r . petitiou from Sheffield ! , igued by 12 , 0 o 0 persons , _p-nying for such a national -ystem "f educaaon as would physically , morally . and intellectually elevate , the great mass of tlie rcople of tbis country . M 0 NDAY ,, _' _, Nov . 11 , I \ li' OF ttELiSO . The Earl of H 0 DEN , inla long and impassioned peeeh , dttrinij-which he _deLailefl many iij .- ¦ . _^ il _, __ -. > . -. !' utragc and murder , in Ireland , ns a contradiction to he assertion in . the K _^ _iyal Speech , about domestic _ieaee and traqriillity , moTed for a return of all ewavd ? orTured by the Lieutenant Governor fqr , _murdew and other _offooces in Ireland , _froai 1 st " anuary , _IS 3 I > , to 1 st January , 1837 , distinguished _ach month , and the number of rewards claimed ; he unmlier of persons committed by the stipendiary magistrates ; the reports of the police _uf all offences , jc _nuinbtr "f those persous y . lio h _^ vc _bi-cii _uii-d , t assizes or _ijuarftr _tteJsToni !; flu- _auKifer _ofeoBvicions , and [ he punishments awarded . Lord MULGKAVE , replied in r , speech that ¦ ould fill four columns utthc " _ftortoern Star , "' ami _aiter Jpng . spL-echcs also , froin the _Dufce of _Vfiilington nd LorJ atelhogme , the motion wss agreed to . TUESDAY , Nov . 26 . The Duk uf _NEWCASTI- ; preseiiwd a petition roin . tbe Protestant Association , praying for the _xclusiyn of Catholics from _Parliament
House Ok Commons. Mon'day, Nnv.37. N.Iti...
HOUSE OK COMMONS . _MON'DAY , _Nnv . _37 . N . ITION _. II- EnlVCiTIOJJ . ftlr . _BRO'f'HER'l'ON presented a petition from tie _borough of _Salford _, agreed to » f n public meet _^ ng of that town , pr & _ying tliat A national system of diication founded on Scriptural _knowledge , but untinged « "itb _seKUtrisn _prejudice _ihould he _estailitliwi in the country . —Hear . ) Iti the prayer of liis petitioH lie fully concurred . Laid oa the table ' . WEST _rSDIiti KLAVERV . Sir E , W 1 LM 0 T rose to present to the House a ctitioi ! whicli had been agreed to a few days since t a large nieetinsr , held , at _Exeter-linTI ; on the subject of Negro Slavery . The prayer of tbe petition was that the apprenticeship clause _tia the aWirion f tbe Slavery liill _should be _immediately repealed . Lccordjn _^ to die Apprenticeship Clause on the ie abolition of Slavery Act , the terms of _appreniX-shii ) « as lo cease ill 1 _W 0 ; hot _thu compact entered into on the part of th & owner of _rifcvea in e « peft to thin clause instead nf doing any good haiiroduced eviL poor i _. _tw . Mr . 1 VAKLKY _presentod a petition complaining f the maqaer in which . Medical Officers were _-i ; _jlointed to ( _'iiions under the Poor Lqiv Amendment tilt . POST OFFICB . Mr . FITZItOV give notice of his intention to eve fora return of tlie cumber of persons employed
House Ok Commons. Mon'day, Nnv.37. N.Iti...
nnder the Post OIKce of Great Britain , who vote at the late eleotion , —the names of the canJijate for whom tliey voted , and whether any of thoi persons were dismissed in consequence of s voting . _SI'lliiT _LICESCES , ' ' Mr . GIBSON presented _sipetltimi fromBel _& s calling the _atWntioii of the _HSliso t . > a entai _section of Ihe Excise Spirit Li : enses Act , an prayiiig ( hat the side of _spiritiluus liquors ou th Sabhatli-day might be altuj ; etlierh _) ri > liibited . Colonel _VERNEH gave notid ? that he would o H _' _eJuesday move for a return nf the currespoudi-nc which took place between _himself and . _thtf Irii _Goieniment , relative to the _dismiiual of a _coriaii niajfi . itrafe _S'orn the Comuiissiiiii of the 1 _'eac and the Deputy-Lieutenancy in ! tie _Conntv o _TyroriL-. . ' Mr . GIBSON' _presi-nted a petition from Belfas _praying for the Abolition of ( _ilatlis in certain cases . _koyal _> _jvv _. Captain _DL'XDAS moved for a retnrn of tb _iramiSer of mFites nho bait pasjJed-their examination in tha _U' > yal Navy uu llie 1 st of jiiiuary _, 183 ( , an < the _naines of the ships in which tti'y _seficd ; also , return of the names of the midshipmen and volun teers uf tlie tir _^ t class , who will have passed up v _Jie 1 st of _Jnnuarj-, 1838 , also a return _™ nonut 0 foiEht-money _received nnder the new _act b ' y"Greeu _wii-li Hospital . _Ht'HXlM ; Of THE _HOl'SEa UP" _FAHLTAHEST . Sir P . 1 _'OLLtJCK gave notice that on Tuesday nest their attention would be called lo the ruport o : he select committee on the loss _sustained by tile _lat _Speuko and the otliceiB of tlmi _liuusc in _conae _qneaaS of the tire , witli a view to effect the consider ilion af their _cluiins by that house . The report luu ¦ < _mji presented _fesl ses » on , but had not _lu'en printed ie would now move , _tlxerefore . thnt it be _priiitfd .
Ordered . J 1 LNIir . lL O 1 T 1 CKBS' _DttLAH . _lTIOK BILL . BIr . UAIXICS _bronehi up to tbis bill , which in _rcni i \ . tirst time , and ordered to be read _u _Soconi tiioe _oil'Phorsday next . . Tilt : _ELEC rOfflAL _KILANt'tllSf :. _& Ir . HUME * ijave _norice tliat on TlmrBdnyuexthi would mnv _^ fur mi alphabelioal return Jor _ui-erj comity , city , mid _boraugh _, in _Eugkind ft » _td Vt ales . < _j the _iiiiioes of elettoa _rc _^ _slered in the yenis IMS _lud li _> 37 , and n similar _return from Scotland an _< _frflnmij also a return of thp number of electors _ictii _' _idlv polled for every county , city , mid _boroud ii tbe i . " niled KiugdiiiQ . where a contested election iatf occurred . THK C . 1 _MAII . _VS . Mr . _HI'MEgave _mrfice that on the same day h would ask ministers when they meant to talce into consideration tin- _j ; _ai-ai ; rapli in thu _Queen ' s _spuecl _Native to the _Canadns . 1 LTA . Mr . HUME gave m > tica that on Thursday next he would move for the production , of tho Commix sioners' _reporl relative _tii Malla . rm-ilCH KATKS . Mr . E- BULLER presented _vnrious _pctitiojis from ilac _^ fl in _StiiHonlshire , _prayiug for the abolition o : _inrdi _rntits .
COSTtlOVKRTED _ELKCrWNS Bill ,. Mr . C . BULLER moved the second reading o he Controverted Elections Bill . Lord STANLEY though ! , in tbe first place , tha his bill ought nor tn in- _prcs _& rrl until the _HtoI bil j " thu nieiilber for Dublin was before the house . He lad other £ re at objections to tlie bill ; but , ab ore all ie thgught it began at Ihe wrung _eua , for that [ hi alteratiou thatjwas required was one which _woi _: li _iriijf ; llie facts , and not tlie I ™ , before the elcttioi caiumilfees . The Xoble Lord concluded by moving as an amendment , that the hill be read a second time on the 12 th of February .
Mr . C . BUT _. LEK said th 3 t it was always with eluctance thnt he opposed the wishes of any Large ior tion of the house , and if the Noble Lord ban riven any better reason for postjioniiig the bill than hat of time unly , he would have been ready to conede to his proposition . He ( Mr . Buller ) thought every member opposite must admit the necessity for his bill . "Whatever they did uot like they _cuult alter hereafter ; but at all _events some guarantee bould be _given to tbe public thsit they would _atler a ysteiu which he did nut _heeitali- In declare was _ilislonourable to tlie House and _nltftructive to public ustice . Another _ground urged by the _ISoblt _Loro _i'as , that they ought to wait until they had the bill efore Ihein of which the Hon . Member for Dublin ad given notice . The Noble Lord _doubtless ' ¦ _..., lie intentions of the Hon . Member , anil if he would _tssare the Housu that he _believed the Hon . Member ¦ eally iutended to bring in that bill—nay , more , bat Ihe bill w ; is in a state prepared for printing , or tea that a single line of tbe bill was written , he _vould bike the Noble Lord's _guiranti-e , and withraw bis bill , even _though it was founded on tlie _re-> ort of a committee . As it was , however , he _thouybi t was hardly f ; _tir that he should ho called upon to ut off his printed "bill , which IijjJ already } _iad _thu anctioa of _ the llouie , iu favour of a bill which lie ¦ dieted was not only nncreatM , but anrolutety nconceived and _uucnuetiTalile . H ; was < _juite satised that public opinion _Itad not changed on the _sulifct of the fitness of members of that House for lection eommiHa _.- « . Nor could ' there be any doubt whatever of the intention nf those who had sat afloat _ae Irish election petition fund . The opinion of thu ountry was different from that ftf the Noble Lord n the other side of the _Houfje : for _"Whiijs , Tories , ndBadicals bulicved thnt members judicial
upon Qv- * . I" ! -.-- involving their _iuierest _^ or the interests ol ieir [ _inriy , were persons whom honour nor oaths oulii biuil . ( Hear , _hesr , and Nn . ) He of course id not say that that opinion was just . Hut he _aikud ie Hon . Member for _MuDEgoatitfry who appeared to i _^ scnt—be asked any _iiian" _*\ vlu * her that was not ie opinion _^ vhich the country entertained P Such u opinion ought tu be _# ot rid of us speedily as posjble . _Tberefonn which he proposed was as small is possible , but be believed it would be efficient _, 'hu great feature of the amendment which he pro"ised to the Honse was the appointment of _parliamentary chairmen of committee ? . The great evil f committees wjs the want of u _knowledge of the aw and the practice of tbe administration of it . 'he members of the House of Commons were not ¦ ersnns who willingly did injustice , but having noody to inslnaci them , they decided frequently in i _( rnrance of the law , and allowed their minds to i > e _nrmencedby party consideration . He was not at all iclined to gel rid of the juri ? dictiou of the House ol ' ommons . His next proposal was that there should e a less number of members in committee , and h loped on this point to have the assistance of the tight Hoi ; . Baronet the member fur Taniworth , -ho had oace or twice very forcibly impressed on ie House the advantage of smalt numbers . The
lird improvement which he _suggested was in the node of _striking challenges . The fourth improve-. ent was the introduction of publicity in the proeeding of the committee . He proposed that the otes of members should m > t only be entered _nn eeord , hut read by the _chtiinnun wben the public ¦ o ' . _ilrl Ie _re-admirced , and then the chairman _ionld give his _dctisioh publicly . He next pro-Kised nn alteration with regard to the low of coats . n bat matter ought to be _reflated by the tribunal bca BStablisbeo ; but he proposed to give power o tbe assessors to reguUite costs until such _ruloi lould be made . The last alteration w : vs one to ¦ hi eh the Noble-Lord had givan the highest _sancoa , and he believed it would ultimately be the nost" important of , all the _iiltorati « n > proposed a ttiK bill —be ine ' snt . the' establialiment of _ourts of appeal composed _uf assessors . He auld make them the higheKt tribunal in these _laifPrK , He , _ypopoeed that these three asBcwors lould sit to , bear appeals in the same way that _leCouitof Queen ' s _Benct sat to hear appeals on ettleiriont _msck _frulii i . iagistratos . Althouuh he rive uf the of
ould dep no man power _uupeilin _^ to ie House of Commons , lie proposed that no mm lould be eutitlcd tn a double appeal , and that a ase rejected by this court of appeal should not be _^ considered bv a committee of the _Huuse of _Comiions . He believed this would relia ' ve committees ' a great portion of the _wnrlt _, without depriving the ublic of their resort to the jurisdiction of the House _, here were many evils in the present system _wliich _s bill would not remove , but at any _rato it would ot _aggravate them . He propoaed the _present plan a great measure as the machinery for future renns instead of a complete re & rm in itself . He oped , in spite of some indications which lie pereived , that the question would not be treated as » _rty one . Those gentlemen in the other side _, ad , on _former occasions , _sirongiy eoudenmed ection committees , and be _trusted that no tcmorary eonsidcratinns would induce them to oppose reform , which was _imperatively _chilled for , not nly by the interesw of _justice , but the honour nf the _ionse . If any man bad a hetter reform to pro lose , let him _bring it forward , _ibd he would assist m to carry it into effect . In . the meantime he idled upon the House to go on - # ith his bill until better _nysterri of reform shfcld be proposed _, ¦ beers . ) Mr . WYNNE concurred witb 'Hie Hon . Member _wisbinir that the question miBit not be treated as party one , Bnf one in whfch tlif- Members of the ihisi ? was deeply interested . 11 , was the interest ' Members on both sides of tl « Honse th _« t the _edsious upoi * coiitrovert _^ d _electic > ns should be ph _nt'Xceptioiiable aa _possible . 11 s bov . ei _. T agreed nth all that had lallen froni ; th" _Noble'Lord _, Stanley . After liming given the Hon . Member
House Ok Commons. Mon'day, Nnv.37. N.Iti...
fer Dultliu leave to intruduce a Bill , the H" _«> would _sruliify itself by _agreeiuR to the _scw . n readm _? of llie liill without having had an _oppi _. r _tunily of comparinj ! it witli the other . The Hoi Member had asked the Noble Lu .-d whether li _u-ould _trusrautee that tbe Member for BubHu _' ev _,. intended lo write a word of bis Bill . TLe Hun Member was more _likelv to be acquainted with _tti _iuEentious of the Hon . _Member for Dublin than th Noble Lord waa , nnd if he knew that the Hob _Mnmberdid not mean to _bringiu the Bill , heart * very _nnfairly towards file House in not opposing th mntiou for leave to brii _!^ it in . —( Hesr , hear . ) H'il respect w the Bill before the House , tli _^ re were _raa-iyy parta of it of which he appro ' eurreil with the Noble Lord in thin ; .... beginning at the wrong end ; thnx tiie first Bte should be tu remove all ambiguity with , _rosiiett t the law . The greatest portion of l . _lie _amblfruit which existed , was the result of the _iteform / Bil ! and was foretold when tti » t _meajun _; was nndi _.-dtscussioit . Mr . O'CONNELL thought it belter to discus ? th iiili before them ou its own merits , without refereuc to any other , and should . move that the order of th Iliuise for leave w be given tn him to bring in hi bill lie discharged . A long talk then followed , ii which Mr . G . F . Voung , Lord John Hus . _^ ilL Si Hubert Peel . Lord Palmurfltoii , and Mr . _Kresliiiuli took part , when the House divided . For tlie second _reading , 214 Against it ' . 1 _B 0 Majority 54 The Hill was read a . second time , and ordered to be _cumini I ted . . Mr . OCONNELL gave notice , that in committe ha would move the omission of the last clause (( fyposititin cAcerbi / r . )
TUESDAY , Nov . 3 S . Petitions ou various subjects ware _pii'sented by ; variety of Members , some . of them of publ " interest : THE UlSHOPniC OF _RODOK ASH J 1 AS \ Sir HARRY _VliRNRY _mwe tri move for leave to bring inn Hill to relieve the _Ecdiisiujtu-nl _Coiumis _sioners of _England and H ' ales . from the dnty n _layikg _beforelier Majesty in . Council , a scheme _foi uniting tlie Seeul' ( _Jarlirfeaml _^ mur aud M / m . After a _^ ood deal of c « Uiversation the mutlou _^ was _negatived by a , _majority of : JO _( j . _1 JBASO JURIES , Mr . i'RYME _roee to move for leave tn bring in . a . Hilt tor the abolition of grand juries in _linjliind am \\ ales , btlt the confusion which arose from n _groa number of Memhers leaving ihe House rendereJ muuy of hU _observnlions quite inaudible . Mr . A < iLI 0 NBY supported the motion , und Sir ROBERT PEEL opposed it . Mr . WAKLEY considered what the grand juries were a species of _star-ehuinlx- 'r , which _nnlv _served to screen magistrates . ( Criea of " No , . " ) Th manner in which his rcmurk was met only _proved how- deeply it was felt by H " rt . Gentlemen opposite . He repeated it , that grand juries were a species o _ntur-ehamber , by means of which the _delinquencies of magistrates were protected . ( Cries of "No , no . ' ] Under tbe _^ aine laws , he was prepared to _wmrni _rhm there were hundreds of committals tliat would throw _disgrace upon tlie magistrates , but they did not do so because the prrnnd juries conveniently interposed between the magistrates and the petty jurors . ' The motion was lost by a majority of rTS' . LL _^ SATICS . Mr . _BAKNEBY moved for leave to _brinj iu b _l ) iE ; o _reppalsomui _/ h of an act pn _; sed in the _331 U anil _JUtli Geo . III . as . _liithoiHsL'S _rnagisfrates to commit : o _yinpls . or nouses of correction , persons who nre _Ltppiv-heiideJ _nndyr _circumslances that denote K _IciTtngernent of mind , nnd a purpose ot ' com _nutting n crime . He proposed giving a power lo _fnajristratcs to call in a physician , and on bis certificate of a > crsoii being a _dangeruus lunatic , to _havu tho power of committing him tu » lunatic asylnm . It sucL _jeruon was a panper lie proposed thai b . u should be supported by tbe parish : bin where _lliere was pro-) erty that then , upon , the order oi' the" mvrseer . _siiflitdent should be taken for his maintenance . After a few words Irani tlie Attorxby _GcrtKnAL and Lord (* . So . ueksci _* leave was inven to bring _iu the bill .
RECOVEBY OF TENEMENTS DILI . Mr . ANGLIONBY moved for leave to bring in a bill to facilitate the recovery of possession of tenements after tbe due determination uf the tenancy . As thi 3 bill was similar to the bill which he brought iefore the House ou a former occasion , it _w"as not necessary for him tn trespass upon the House , or to enter upon any details . He would merely move for cave to bring in the bill . The motion was agreed to . POST OFFICE . Mr . _FITZltOY moved for a return of the names if all persons in llio aemce of ihe _Posi-oITjco , against whom complaints had been made , for havntg ¦ _oteU lit the htat _cMction , iind _wlicj had bevn < _tisjiissudinconsequence . J 3 urioir ( he lu .-it election at _a _& w _' bb an _individual in the employment of the _Postoflice Iiad _I'oa _^ dtbr _himself , Hild in c < _FUKe < ruence of so _iiiius In" h » d been _fTnoved _fi-om his siWiatinn . Nuw , ho hud every _tvuson tii Vlieie ( bat . thonEh his person was dismissed from his situation , tfie anie ruli : was not ninile tu apply to othurs in a _imilar situation who had voted ior _candidates iuthe _Dlercstof the Coveruuient . Until he obtained these eturus it wonld bu impossible for him to tuie _urther steps hi this ruse ; tlie only thing he could _lo was tu _iiall fnr the return , which would show whether this case was , as he believed it to be , one of extreme hardship . Jt would be a different thing ii ' t _\ _vas the _^ OTiernl practice lo dismiss all _porfions _illinp such situation ;! , if they voted for one party or be oilier . Hut he believed that there never was an _natenofi in which the authority of the _government bad eeu so _strongly and unoonstiiutioiiullv exercised as it the last , general election , —( Load cries of hear . iear , '' from , tlie opposition . ) This was liis conviction from what hu hud seen in the public papers ; _ind , ut all eventa , if the return he moved lor were Tanted , it would set the matter in its true light . Captain _E'ECHELL did not think such _impulsions should be cast upen the Government . They tad done no more at I . _;> . ¦ late election than _whs done by the Tories iu 1830 . -Mr . HUME asied wbat waa the objection to xtenuing the return to _1 _B 36 . Mr . F . BAKING replied , it was that there were no _complaints . —The returns were then ordered . COSI 9 USS 1 OK OF Till' PEACE ' ![ : - . Tho _SOLK'nOjt-tiENEKAL moved for leave to _arry ihe _Coinmissioii of the Peace Bill _throujfb all te _stages tbat _niglit , in order _tlmtil might be read a liird lime _tif-ruorruw _fthis da . yj . The _liouje were awiiru that _thuCoLrimissiousof the Peace Bill passed the _lawtreign could remain in force only six months after the demise of the Crown . These it had teen _daierrnined were lunar , not calendar months , mid therefore , unless the measure which he proposed wen ? _passed without delay , there would not be . in hu i < mroe of o few days , a siugle justice of the peace n the whole country . The bill was substantially and verbally , _wiih " _botoc immateriul _ _exceptione , imilnr to the bill passed in the last reign , and the reaaon why tlif Government luid not introduced tliis _uieajiih : _I'arli _^ r wai , becanse lbs _inquiries which hey had _eattsed to be instituted in diflerent parts of be _' _coutilry on the subject hnd not been completed . The "bill , on the uiolmn of the Hon . nnd Lenrriftd _reiitleinan-was then _riifld 8 second time . It was afterwards cunimitted , and w » s ordered to be read a hied time . Tlie _bousi ! iheu adjourned at Imlf-past eiglit _olook .
WED . _NKSDAY , _Nov . 2 » . _? ir JAMES _BL'tiRELL tool ; fte _oatla and & is > e _* _t-The SPEAKER acquainted the House ; that a _etition had been forwarded against the _i-eluru ~ tif He _sitting member for Sbafteabury . To bo taken iito _cunsidenitiun _. on the 12 th of Ijecpmber . On ibe motion of Mr . M . JOHN 0 _'COSSEIX , ie Committee to inquire _iL'sueeting manor courts I _reland ) wns nominated . On ihe tnotion of Lord G . SOMERSET , the _ommittee was nominated to inquire _respecdngficitions votes ( Ireland . ) Oh tbe motion ofthe SOLICITOR ( _JENERAL , ie Commissions of tlie Peace Bill was read a third une and _possed .
Latest Intelligence. Thtthsday , Tour O'...
LATEST INTELLIGENCE . _ThtthsdAy , Tour o'clock . Consols closed at 93 : In the foreign market Spanish Stock closed at 19 J !;¦ _Portuguese Five » r Cents . 29 j _~ i : and the Threes _8 _j 10 [ ; Mexican , 2 ? i 8 ; and Brazilian , 78 J 9 . FORBIBK VCSIW . Belgium Bonds _103 ( . _Brazilian Bouda 791 . _Clu'ljiu , 6 per cent . 32 . Columbian , 6 per cent . 25 . > utch , 2 j per cent . 543 . Ditto o per cent . 1 II 2 J . _Jreek Bonds — _Mexican Bonds _2 S . Porioguese fi ier cent . 20 _j . _Portuaaese 3 per cent . 19 ) . Peruvian _ionds 21 j . Danish ? 4 _j . _Spauinh , 6 per cent . ex . coup , I 9 j _. Spswish _, 18 _S 4 , — _Spanish _Passii'e 41 . > o . Deferred 75 . French Heuces , 5 par cent , — ' reuch , 3 per cent . — Russian 111 . _MetnTUques
—HOUSE OF LORDS . _—TmrnsDAr , Nov . 30 . The Duko of RICHMONDpresentad apetitton _om _Eli _^ in in _Murrayshire , _complaining of _certttiu rievnnces in lit .- post ollice department , such _3 S _tbi ? eteuUon . of Uieir _letters , and enormous _rnlea of _OHtagfti Lord BROUGHAM rose to give notice that to-morrow he would bring in two bilk—that is , he would divide bis bill of last year into two—one of
Latest Intelligence. Thtthsday , Tour O'...
whi . li would relate lo the promotion of _.-ducarion iu the community , : md tlie other _woulihave relurane ,- to CUnnties connected with education . Mr _BERXAL and others from tie CnimnonB iiroiiEbi up the Commission . ' ofthe Peace Bill Upon ihe motion of the LOUD CHANCELLOIt , it was read u lirst time , and ordere , ! to be _nwla _secriinl imie tn-morrow . Thu House adjourned at ( imi minutes tn sis o'clock !
House Of Commons—Thcrsdav.., .?C' S£Aney...
HOUSE OF COMMONS—Thcrsdav . ., . _? C' S _£ ANEY in a very lung speech moved , that a _beleet Committee be appointed to consider the best mode of educating the children of the lower classes . " Sir G . Strickland , Lord John Russell , and Nome others had their ! ' talk" about the motion , and then it was agreed to . . Sir H . VERNRY rose to move for leave to brinK in a bill to render the owners of small _reuenicDra liable to _Parish rates iu case of non-paymeat W the oeeujner . The bill would not effect the _parU _^ _mentai-y municipal rights of any occupation . l-AW _PATENTS . _3 Ir . _MACKINNON said , taw he understood mere would he no _. _objecdon to the intrwmetion of the bill _wlueb he intended to bring in : he should therefore _* ot trouble the House with imy observation , but . simply content , _hiuleelf with moving for leave to being iu a bill to amend the law of patents , and to fleoiire to individuals thu benefit of their _inveiuions . _j . All the orderslof the _day . haviEg heins disposed of , and notices if motions gone through , the House adjourned at ten minutes before five o ' clock .
^* Corn Exchisge. —(Wednesday.)—The Arri...
_^* Corn _ExCHiSGE . —( Wednesday . )—The _arrivals of grain "hi & . iv-eci are moderate , and _uf Flour good . The \ _Mieat . trade remains as reported on Mondav . Barley soil' meets a lie : ivy sali _; , there beintr more ' middling quality than is wanted . Beaiis aud- Peas _iu-e unvaried . The-Oat trade is firm _:. r the terina _iif-Jlonday . There is it moderate , sale for Flour at last quotation * .
To Headers * Corespondents-
All Mri-Esp-M'/Mee Hiti-Mktl F.,R Hlsm-T...
All _mri-esp-m' / _mee _hiti-mktl f _., r _hlsm-thn hi ( he _Nwtlierti Bar sl < nnt < t lie rcneivet / af Hit- Office on _i / r before i _Wctlttesrttri / night . The _hit » rx ofJvhn _Snlfft _^ jati ., John Philli ps , tnul Atniens Simplicities , lunv fees received , _aiidshfdl hum : d"K nttitntion in < t > w time . We shrill attend the _xtimtutms nf D . H . jl . Christopher Dean ' * communication s / irtft be attended to , _uiui o ji / 'in strtici out in our next . _ 'lg ,: i / i ire must request thtit ( lit letters for the Editors of the _jVeWftmi Star be post paid . We huve hud mure complaints _lAatf one ofthe _delag of _nitr flayer n ! some post _offivea . We shall make Strict _iitf _/ wry . We roiild not ant us arUtralar at any great distance from Leeds . The nno _applii-iinf far the N _. irthent Slur , front Hurnsley , _u-itl find it more hit in / ertst lo take tin-,,: _uuljer hi- may require fram our agent , us lie m / i be wared Ihe ejpeiKe of postage awl parcels . We think Ungunl ' s tiffer of t : rms eery ft ir . The _i-ivu-ded stale of our columns mil _fimiisk _xiiffifieitt apology for the _nmi'hiHerlion of many emimumcatioM , ' LEGAL QUESTIONS ANSWERED . An eighteen yriirs Radical . — -No . X . ¥ . Z . must give its _limiTto ' read the lung act he has strut _(« . The leorting men may publish the utnnesaf masters who reduce wages to E . C . 1 . C Kuehdale—it depends upon the nature of the debt . J . eeit _. i , X . Y . ' £ . — We nener interfere between nten and their wines . T . T _. has no occasion to pag the bill of his hosts , but an aetion of ( _rncer , to recover ' his trunks , would cost hint more than the amount of t / ie accornd . We cannot credit the ease stated leith reference tn the Magistrates' onlers _resjieetiiig smoking in the streets if Leeds .
Hull Tide Table.
Iigll Water M™. Tilv. Rrmi. Tide, Lee. 3...
_iigll Water M ™ . TilV . Rrmi . Tide , lee . 3 _Sunday 21 _mst 9 51 _pjst U adit . ¦ _T Monday ..... 21 10 54 ] 0 sew . 5 TuBHtay .. Si II O 13 0 ' | _M ' _ednesdhj-33 19 7 \ 7 Thur . _iIlu . y ... 3 u l _] 0 2 S Friday 4 ? 2 lj , 3 9 Sarurdiiy ... 4 >< 3 12 ... 4
Th« Iiarton Ateaul Packets Sail Daily Fr...
Th _« iiarton _ateaul packets sail daily from Hnli to _iarton at seven in _ihemorning , and liFilf-past twelve
Ind Four 111 The Afiernoou. They Sail Fr...
ind four 111 the _afiernoou . They sail from Barton to lull ot nine iu tbe _morniujr , :, nd itt half-past two ud h ; Jf-uast six in the afternoon . On _Snndajs r >> mHnllat eigbt in the _mornim / . and from Barton 11 _balf-past two in the afternoon . " An extra _passim rom Hull in made every other Monday , at a _quarter last ten from Hull , and eleven from Barton . The Horse Boat leaves Hull , every day . two hours leforp high w . _ift'r , and wl » -n tbe wind' is cnutrarv , half an hour earl u > r , and returns _fromBarton to Hull 4 t the time of high water . Tbe New Holland steam packet leaves Hull , daily , at seven , half-past eleven a . m ., and four p . m . ; _renriia from New Holland at nine a . m .. two , and half-> ast six p . m . On Tuesdays and Fridays . Hnll mar-; et liays , there 13 an extra tri p—from Ivew Holland at _tweliTi and from Hull fit One . The New Holland Horse Boat-sails _froai Hnll two lours _lieforehi _Rh water , and returns front New Holand to Hull at high water every d _: _iy in the week . Tie Stoam Packets _fi > r Gainalioroueh _, _Goifie , _Tiorne , Selhy , and Yurk , every day trom } M _\ , , aree hours and a half before high water . The York Packets leave Hull for Selb y and York very day to _tuit tbe tides—Snodays execpted . The _Yannonth Packets leave Hull every H _' _ednesay and Friday , and _reluru from Varmouti _eierj " _ui'sday and Saturday . _Thu Steam Packets for London leave Hid ! ou ' _uesdays nt right in the _moniinj ; , WedNu . days at _ighl and _ek-ven 111 the morning- , and Saturdays at ight anil eleven in the momma . Thev leave Lonon on _Tuesdays , _IVeduesdnysi and Saturdays , at _itfht in tbe momiug . The Leitb Steam Packets leave Hnll every Wedciiday aud Sunday _nt liigb water , aud Leith « _n-rr- — Saturday and Wednesday . Tim Lyun Steamers sail from H ull uvery _Wednee- ' ay and Friday , at hi # h water , and _u-oinLynn _every . ueaday and Friday moniiug . The Whitby and Newciislle Steamer sails every _Sunday , after the arrival of tlie London Packets , ind returns from Newcastle on H _' edntsJays and Vhitbv on TliuKilays , calling off Hardepool , Snnerland , and Shields . The Newcastle _Strainers leave Hull every Weii- ; 1 _t-miay , _Kriday . and Saturday _moruinj , and New . _'' _, _iistle ijivry Monday , _Wcinesdav , and _Thnrsdav iorninfr calling off ' Scarborough . _^ _Vmttly _, Hartlcool , _Slnelds , and Suuderland . The Hamburgh Packets sail ' from Hull every _" _neadnj . _Thnrsdny . and _f-aturday afternoon _] and rom HamBursh the same days . The Rotterdam Packet sails every Wednesday ftemoon , aud returns every Saturday . The Dundee Steamer leaves Hull ereiy _M ' _ednea . uy , and Du ndee every Saturday .
Reds:—Printed And Published For Tlie Pro...
reds : —Printed and Published for tlie Proprietor , _Feaiuhis O'Connor , of Hammersmith , County
Of Middlesex, By Joski'a Hoasov, «T The ...
of Middlesex , by _Joski'a _Hoasov , « t the Office , B , Market Street , Brij . 'j _; ati ;; to whom ull Communications ( _Post-pniilO mnst be addressed . ) rders uud Advertisements received by tbu undermentioned Agents : — - _BmcffbiV—J . lbbotson , Market-place ; and S . Bower , Toy of Wostgate . lalifur—B . Barter , Wade-Street ; R . Wilkinson , Cross-Field ; andW . _Ibbelsoh , Union-Street . { eiftlileit—D . _Weatherheiid . _^ _cu'sbars—T . Brooke , Mnrket-Place . _Huililersfietd—C . Tinker , Market Walk , nod E . Whit worth . Pack Horse Coach Office . _Irighnuse—E . S . Keir , Bookseller . _lighton-ii—Win . Lister , Bookseller . _faief ( M—T . Nichols , Norlb . _-3 lreel j and R . Hnrst , Postmaster . imnsley— Liugard , New Street . _'Vicffielti—Lingard , Division-Street . lull— Hi "'] _ilnii-J . Chnreh _^ ide . tanche . iter~—A . Hv _^ ywood , _Oldbajn-Street . Ashton—Joshua _Hobvon . Old / iam— . _lohn Knight ,. Lord _^ treet . _hery—Chndwick and Binns . Roehdalt— Shepherd , _Clmrch-jtile . [ _SaturdnT , December 2 , 1837 i
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 2, 1837, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/nss_02121837/page/8/