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YOL. I. No. 21. -; :;- . " :: - ¦ ¦ ;¦;- . SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1838. A> R1CE ^ ourpbnce Halfpenny , ^^—^~ ^^^ ^^ ^ —- , l- —__ : Or Five Shillings pe r Quarter "R TOSTCPTPS TTfiT /YCT PB Tni?a XTOTICE JBHEBEBY GIVEN, thata half- ' ^^« , T ^ ™™r ,, . ^ ^^T^T^^^^ 5511 BJOSEPHS OF PEIOES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a half-
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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t 0 THE INMllMlS OF IEEDS , ' ' v -A 3 O ) THE - . . - ^ NOBILITY , CLERGY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES IN THE NOKTH ¦ ¦ ¦' / . ¦ _ ; : ' , , ; .: - . OFi ^ GLANb . ' : D ^ lid ^^ lE itfSi o ^ H ^ pt ^ ^ ^ . GEST ^ ETA 1 L TBADES for -V 1 T 7 ^ ^ i ^ i - "OiiTH of EN GLAND , -by purchasing only those Arficles that were aetoowleaged ^ be- ^ of the -best otjahtt , and selling them for Read ^ Mo ^ aVSe SaSlSrt Profit on ihe C ^ Pnce ,-Terying solely on an Ertensive Trade for BimunemriJn . ****<** I now respectfnfiy announce to my numerous Friends and the Public sentrallT tbat on S ivnv - 5 ATlas ^ MABCH-3 } , i OPENED A - ' ' Wlua
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XTOTICE JBHEBEBY GIVEN , thata half- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a halfyearly Dividend , at the rate of 10 per Cent , per Annum , will be paid to all Shareholders in the Northern Star ; and the money for that purpose will be placed in the hands of the Treasurer , on Monday , the Twenty Third of April , the list of Accounts will be Published . -
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TO LET . . A BEER-HOUSE TO LET , in- Iiady Lai » , known by the Name of the New < : asi ; i . b I * y with Conveniences for Brewing , and at a moderate Valuation .
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RUN-AWAY APPRENTICE . SOLOMON ALLEN , an Apprentice , has absconded from his Master , William Boulton , Slate , Staley ^ Bridge , on the First Instant . Heir round Faced , has Black Hair , stands about Five * eet , or Five Feet One Inch high , and is Eighteen Years of Age . A Warrant has been , issued oat against him , and any Person causing him to be taken and delivered to the Constable , will receive £ 3 Reward . Staley-Bridge , April 3 rd , 1838 .
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- saaace of aoTritt-of Parffient :-made % nd passed in * tEe 6 ftfyear of ' the reign of bis fate'Majesty , King William the Fourth , entituled " An Act , to consolidate ¦ and amend the Laws relating to Highways in that part of Great Britain called England , " a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Leeds will be held in the Vestiy of the Parish Church of Leeds , on Thursday , the 12 th Day of April instant , at Twelve o'clock at Noon , for the purpose of having submitted to them ,, and taking into consideration , the propriety of agr ^ ing to , and , if thought expedient , to determine mon .
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This Day is published . Price 3 d . A SERMON against the POOR LAW ± L AMENDMENT ACT ; proving it to be Irrational , Inhuman , and Unscriptural .. By the Rev . W . V . Jackson , Minister of the Christian Society , Leigh . . ^ P rice One Penny . A LETTER ^ to the ^ SOCIALISTS on Irresponsibility . By Richard Crowther . Also , Price Twopence . Thk FIRST DISCOURSE on a NEW SYSTEM of SOCIETY , as delivered in the Hall of Representatives , at Washington , in the presence of the President of the United States , &c . By Robert : Owen . . ; ¦
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That , the Accounts of the Board of Surveyors of the Highways of the Township of Leeds / for the last Year are audited ' and passed ; and that the Abstract thereof , submitted to this Meeting , be published Once in each i of the Leeds Newspapers . STEPHEN MITCHELL , Chairman . JAMES EMMOTT , JOSEPH WOODHEAD , THOS . BLACKBURN . Abstract of the Accounts of the Board of Surveyors of the Highways of Leeds , between April . 1837 , and March , 1838 : — . ,
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« , ^ : JOHN DEEGAN , TNFORMS the People of STALEY-BRIDGE , X and the Neighbourhood , that he can Furnish them with the " NORTHERN STAR , " every Saturday Morning , upon the Arrh » l of the Mail , also with other Newspapers , and all the Cheap Publications . > A Splendid Portrait of Mr . Oastler will be given to every Purchaser of this Week ' s Northern Bowling-Green , King-Street , near Mr . Stephens ' ChapeL ' . r
Untitled Ad
, r . ^ READY MADE CLOTHES SHOP . ^ i MRS . GLEDHILL begs to Inform the Inhabitants of Huddernfield and its Vicinity , that she intends to keep by her , in Stock , a Good Assortment of READY MADE CLOTHES , in part of the Shop , No . 2 , King-street , Huddersfield , ( lately occupied by her deceased Husband , ) and hopes that the Quality of her Articles , and her strict attention to Business , will secure her a share of Public Patronage . Huddersfield , March 29 th , 1838 .
Untitled Ad
SURGERY . ptANCER in all its varied forms successfully \ J treated , WITHOUT THE KNIFE , by a system which is safe as well as effectual . All Scrofulous Swellings , Abscess , and every sort of Glandular Tumour , eradicated by a combination of new and powerful remedies , by J . LWARD , Surgeon , 18 , Trafalgar St . Leeds . The- practice of cutting , nnivemlly resorted ta &r > $ e treatnrept' of this panrfuT and darigerons : 5 » alady , i » thns happily exposed in the Doctor of May 32 / 1888 ; -- ' . $ ** > . -- , / ^ ' "Cancer has surorisinfflvincraMflfl in fKosu V ? Th £ T
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CHALLEN&E . A \ ^ f ^^ VSf Pothouse-Party Politicfefar ii . have , dunng the last two Years , most industri ously circulated the following trumped-up Story for the Purpose of injuring my Business , viz . That at Person ( without a Name ) wanted a Hat of a Size and Shape whick I had not in my Shop , and as I was to have some in a few Days , h \ ( Mr . Nameless } agreed to wait . At the Time appointed he was suited ; and on calling at the Boot and Shoe , he showed the Hat , and Mr . Baildon coming in at th& Time , he was asked his Opinion of the said Hat , and is made to reply , « Oh f it is a very good Hat , anjl was bought at my Shop yesterday for 12 s . ; " an * aa Mr . Nameless had pad to me 24 s . for the Hat , I have been held up on thia Account as a perfect Cheat . r
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WORKING MEN'S HALL . — * — T ) ROSPECTUS of the JO I N T STOCK X COMPANY for the Purpose of ERECTING a Large and Commodious PUBLIC BUILDING ; to be called the " Working Men ' s Hall . " PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE , THOMAS DOUBLEDAY . ROBERT BLAKEY . WILLIAM ELDER . WILLIAM BYRNE . RICHARD AYRE . ANDREW LEARMOUTH . JOHN CARR . ROBERT BALMBRO . ' DAVID FRANCE . JOHN RUCASTLE . T . W : CARR . JAMES ILLINGWORTH . JAMES ALLISON . JOHN TURN BULL . J ; 0 HN GRAHAMv PETER VIRTUE . robert c . elliot . James moon . ' . : ¦ ¦¦ , ' ¦ ¦ ¦ .- ¦ .: ' . ; . . -.- •¦ : ¦ : T ; l ) OUBLEDAY y Esd . Treasurer . JOHN BLAKEY , Secretary ,
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BRONTERRES NEW WORK . FRENCH REVOLUTION QF 1789 . Just Published , Nog 1 ^ 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , Price Threepence _^ eacV and . Parts 1 8 e 2 , Price One Shilling each /' T ; ^^ c 5 , , RACTER of MAXIMILIAk JU ROBESPIERRE . By BRQNTERRE > lata Editor of the ^ Poor Man ' s Guardian , " &c . Provlngbyiacts . ^ ¦ arguments , that this celebrated leader in theTPrench Revolution was not the Woo < lthirsty Murderer of the French People , but a virtuous , humane , arid enlightened Reformer . Also explaining the Reasons why " History" has Defied his characiter , vilified his talents , and blackfined hiB memory . With the Authors ; refiectiotw
Untitled Article
Untitled Article
Published by Heywood , Manchester ; Hobson , Leeds ; and sold by all Vendors of the ' < Northern Star . ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ; - V ¦¦/ . ' ••"¦'• ¦ .. / " ' - . •• - ¦ - ¦ , " :
Yol. I. No. 21. -; :;- . " :: - ¦ ¦ ;¦;- . Saturday, April 7, 1838. A≫ R1ce ^ Ourpbnce Halfpenny , ^^—^~ ^^^ ^^ ^ —- , L- —__ : Or Five Shillings Pe R Quarter "R Tostcptps Ttfit /Yct Pb Tni?A Xtotice Jbhebeby Given, Thata Half- ' ^^« , T ^ ™™R ,, . ^ ^^T^T^^^^ 5511 Bjosephs Of Peioes Notice Is Hereby Given, That A Half-
YOL . I . No . 21 . - ; : ; - . " :: - ¦ ¦ ;¦; - . SATURDAY , APRIL 7 , 1838 . A > 1 CE ^ ourpbnce Halfpenny , ^^—^~ ^^^ ^^ ^ — - , l- —__ Or Five Shillings pe r Quarter "R TOSTCPTPS TTfiT / YCT PB Tni ? a XTOTICE JBHEBEBY GIVEN , thata half- ' ^^« , ^ ™™ r ,, . ^ ^^ T ^ T ^^^^ 5511 BJOSEPHS OF PEIOES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that a half-
^^—^~ ^^^ ^^ ^ "R Tostcptps Ttfit /Yct Pb Tni?A B. Josephs Pst Of Peioes
^^—^~ ^^^ ^^ ^ "R TOSTCPTPS TTfiT / YCT PB Tni ? a B . JOSEPHS pST OF PEIOES
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 7, 1838, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1000/page/1/