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V MANAGER for a Flax Spinning Concern , - ^ an experienced Person , -who is afcle to undertake the fixing Up of the Machinery , as well as to < K ) DOBCt the Spinning in all its departments . Address by letter , post-paid , Box 540 , Post Office , Manchester .
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GR AND PUBLIC DINNER TO FEARGUS O'CONNOR , ESQ . fnHE Radicals of the North are respectfully J _ informed that a PUBLIC MEETING will be bolden on Monday the 30 th July , in the Nsw Market-Place , Keighley , to commence at Twelve o'Cloek at Neon , to take into consideration ¦ fhe best means of obtaining Universal Suffrage , Annual Parliaments , Tote by Ballot , Egual Representation , and no Property Qualification for Members of Parliament .
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IMPORTANT TO MEBCHU \ TS , slanufactubers and others tradin g , or corresponding , with FOREIGN COUNTRIES .
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Just Published , Price One Shilling , Bound in Cloth , THE RATIONAL SCHOOL GEaMMAE ASH MTESTAEJIHG- CLASS BOOK , BY WUiLlAM HIXX . Also recently Published , price One Shilling , Bound in Cloth , PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES , Selected from the "best English Authors , and so arranged as te accord with the Progressive X , essons in the foregoing "Work , BY WXLLIA&X tttt . t .-
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MIL C " ' "NELSON " , Surgeon to the Leeds Public Dispensary , and to the Eye and Ear Infirmary , is hi want of a PUPIL . He will be allowed the privilege of attending the Xectures at the Medical School . Boar Lane , Leeds , July 25 th , 1 S 3 S . tiir —~~ . ~ ~~
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pOBBETT'S LEGACY TO LABOURERS , I \ J or , what is the Right which the Lords , Baronets , 1 and Squires , have to the Lands of England ? In Six Letters , addressed to the Working People of England . Price , neatly bound , Is . 4 d . LEGACY TO PARSONS , Is . 6 d . LEGACY TO PEEL , Is . 6 d . All bound uniformly . — Agent , A . Heywood , Manchester ; Hobson , Northern Star Office , Leeds ; at Colbert's office , 11 , Bolt-conrt , and "by all Booksellers . -
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HUIi AND LONDON . NEY DAY OP LEAVING HULL . GRE ATL Y S ED U CED FARES BY THE VIYID AND WATER-WITCH . rpHE COMMITTEE of the HUMBER X UNION STEAM COMPANY beg to announce , that the Magnificent Steam Ships of the Company ( so well known for their Safety , Speed , and Comfort ) WILL LEA YE HULL AND LONDON , during the remainder of the Season , as follows , ( and will Call Off Yarmouth , to land and receive Passengers , Weather permittingJ until further Notice :
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THE OBJECT OF THIS SUBSCRIPTION IS twofold : — 1 st . TO prove the attachment which ih felt by tens of thousands of all Classes , but of the "Working C l ^^ J ®^ JUj 0 ^ r . Oastleb person . ^ lfv felFa-g * 3 fetefe ^ rana aeTrtea ^ rvic-es whfeti he has rendered to the cause of Justice and Humanity , tor many years past ; during which period , as it ' is well known , he has sacrificed everything most dear to man—health , wealth , and worldly fame , that he mightb
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srssagwst rrjMKSte tn ««»? Tu * " ? ° effectually , it is resolved Cle rS ti ^^ ^^ <* ^ -Nobles , Lan ¥ edlntfj e l \ c < " ™ cted with the SdI ( WtiS ? / , e"hants , Manufacturers , 3 . ° £ h ^ f , deLendant uP ° n Commerce , wil join with equal ardour , as the * l e « W rt ' *** to ''
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y ; ' > f $ r ^ iip ) ffliT . - PER SONS-Jii ying . a little time to spare , are _ L . apprized-that Agents continue to be appointed l TiP ' ldon » and Country Towns , by the EAST I ??^ -7 !* - COMPANY , for ' th / sale otthe celebrated Teas , ( Offices , 9 , Great St . Helen's , Bi 8 hop $ gate-8 treet . ) They are packed in Leaden Canisters from an Ounce to a Pound ( a plan found exceedingly convenient ) , and neither Shop nor Fixtures arej-equired ; the License is only 11 s . per annum , Excise permits are abolished ; and many , during the last thirteen years have realised con ' siderableliincoKiesb y the Agency , without Is . let or loss . Application to be made free to Charles Hancock , Secretary .
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TO COTOQISSEUBS . Yahtable Books , Paintings , Prints , Carvings , Corns , China , MSS ,, Rare Birds , Forelen Curiosities , fyc . ¦ ° TT \ FENTEMAN and SONS having recently o aTI ?! c ° as . ^ able Additions to th ei r Premises , and added to tbeir S ^ ck man y Articles of considerable ^ nterest and , value , especially a very pleasing and Valuable Collection of Genuine PAINTINGS by Dominico Feti , Pbnsin , Bramer , Claude , Teniers ! Dommipheno , Yanderburg , Bbll , H 9 uthor 8 t , Watteau V' ™» d i& » ( Portraits of the Rev . H . Robinson and Wife , who , having endowed Trinity Church in this Town , , certainly deserves a Place in some Public Building , ) . Pether , Carmichael , Ward , Rhodes , Ppole , & < i &c ; '
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T . M ., E 0 ¥ EI , CONSULTING OPTICIAN . JTIHE Nobility , Gentry , and all whose sight re--L quiresthe aid of Spectacles , are respectfully cautioned against the use of Spectacles with Glass Eyes . Glass , being a Conductor of Heat , readily becomes warm , and attracts the Damp , as may be observed by wearing a pair of Glass Eyes for half an hour ; they become nearly opaque , being covered with Damp , and xequire to be Wiped in Summer , in ? ha air extremel
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¦ ¦ - ^^ h ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ 8 ¦ ¦ - ¦ ^ B ^^ K ^^^ & ^^^^ a ^ H MR . W , PHILLIPS , Son of Dr . Phillips , late Surgeon in His Majesty ' s RoyaLNavy , Stjrgeon , Botanist , and Worm Destroyer , No . 19 , Top of Ivegate , BRADFORD , returns his sincere Thanks to the Inhabitants of Bradford and its Vicinity , for the liberal Encouragement he has received far the last Nineteen Years , and hopes , by strict Attention to Business , to have a continuance of the same ; and at the same time , calls their Attention to the following Facts : —
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" ^ ^ " ^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ j ^ ggjgggg ^—for two years , and several others in Bradford Harwg heard of your great success in other casei U ^ l for you , and showed you my wounds , and you sail you could make a perfect cure of me ifl would Se your medicines ; which you have done , accordine to your promise , in ten weeks , before which I had not been out of doors for near twenty months . I feave great reason to pray for you all my life . I remain , your well-wisbtrr
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In the Press , and will be published , ON Wednesday , price Threepence , Sally Bobbinwinder's " THOWTS " on Parliamentary Intelligence at a Glance , and a " Bit o * Tawk" weTomTreddlehoyle . This is a most interesting little Work , and ought to be in the hands of every Working Man in tie Kingdom j the dialect ia pleasing in . the cxtrefi ^ and the Observations of Harry Empty-Botbin , a wellinstructed Working Man , may be read with great advantage by the most learned . v
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London , Thursday Evening . On the 2 nd , a Tartar arrived here with despatches from Herat of the 17 th May , and private letter * Irom labreez to the £ tb of J une . The news from the former place is important . Previous to the arrival of the Russian Envoy , Count Simoniteh , on the 20 th April , Mr . M'Neilhad negotiated between thebchab . and the-Heratees so successfully , that he had obtained a promise from the former to sign a treatr of peace between Persia and Herat , under the gna ^ rantee of England ; but the moment the Russian , reached the camp , the tables were turnedvThe weathercock Mahommed twisted himself round , showing the back of contempt to the representative of Victoriaand the face
Queen ,, of friendship to the delegate ; of the mighty Emperor . The Persians were prohibited from going near our mission , although the Schah had not himself the boldness toshut his derbar in the face of Air . M'Neil , hMself , who consequently saw him pretty often , although , to very little purpose . M ahommed took to lying at a round Persian rate , and listened to no advice that came not direct from Simoniteh , who not only recommended that the sie ge' of Herat ' should be re-c nerved vigorously , but himself , and assisted , by two-Russian engineers , took a plan of ; the place , and . recommended that close to the ditch strong taft towers should be constructed , from the top of which the houses inside the walls could be battered . The
works were built under the superintendence of the engineersjand one of them was mounted with twenty two guns . The Heratees made , a spirited sorti ^ took seven guns , besides one of the towers , and the achah was quite in a fury about it , declaring . that if they were not re-taken the Colonel should lose his head . The besieged fought like lions , and had plenty of provisions , but were in want of firewood to cook them . . Mr . M'Neil , had been into the town during the negoti : tiona , and found it quite remarkable lor strength . If it were to fall , a fatal blow will have been struck at our Indian empire . Major Todd was shortly to set out with dispatches
for the Governor-General . The Scha was resolved to make anotherdetermined effort to take Herat , and lias ordered ei ght hundred and fifty artillerymen to be forwarded immediatel y from Tabreez alone . The Oozbecks and Turcomans had promised to assist the Heratees , but had given no aid hitherto . Trade was in . the moat dreadful state in Persia . English property was looted upon as insecure , and the future appeared anything Dut cheering . . It was expected that if the Sohah were to abandon his enterprise , and come back , things would take a most favourable turn , but in the letters I have seen , I can perceive nothing to authorise a ,-b lief that ne . will do so .
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Destructive Fire at Bow—Last night , durinff the raging of the conflagration at Deptfard , a destructive .. fare broke out in the drying rooms of the * extensive chemical ' warehouses belonging to Mr > . ^ raig , near Bbw-bridge . After three hour * ' exertioa u t * ^ succeeded in arresting the progress of the destruction , but not until a considerable less . i o £ property , had been sustained . No account could b » obtained of the origin ot the fire , but Mr . Craig is understood to be insured . No lives were lost » though several present received injuries from the foiling of pieces of burning timber from the upper part ot tb . a warehouse destroyed .
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CHELTENHAM AND COTSWOLQ RA . CES . TUESDAY , 24 th . THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE STAKES , of 25 sovs e » eh 15 ft ; and only 5 if declared ; tfe aecond horse to . a » r * his stake . About two miles . 6 & subs , 44 of whim declared . - "' ¦ . ' MrBlwea name * Barnacles , 5 yrs .. ^ .. ( Chappfc 1 Mr ramie ' s Zohrab , aged . * T » ?? pt ? j \? ardn () r ' Tootbjii , j ™ " ^ " ;"'!;;; a Mr . brjmthnamealiugwardine , 4 yrs .., „„ ...., Won by ahead EvenWrootWn , 7 to 4 » gain 3 t Zotiab , 4 to 1 against Barnacles , an 410 ta 1 against Lugwwdiae ,
' Latest Intelligence.
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II AND liEJBDS OENE ^ LL ADVERTISER . . < ' ¦ - * - - - -- - - - --- - - ¦ - ' - ¦ - ' -. -: ' . 1 jg ^ lmmm ^ mjr > ^ im ^_ __^ —; :. - '* .- . ' . , . , ' ' ' ~ ¦; ¦^ idE ^
Northern Star (1837-1852), July 28, 1838, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1016/page/1/