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a^^^HI *Baai*S|S|SBssssssSiaiaiSSSB|s *O FSXITBEI.
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ROBERT HABRILD , ?* » po « lttoa fcoUer-Manufectarw , # ]*• , 10 4 . 11 , Gmt Distaff-lane , FriJay ^ ireet , LONDON , ¦ pSOS to inform Prixtkks , Nbwspapke Z . ^ £ * I * y * i * ° « fl connected with tht-• n at - •¦» - J ~* """ wra wim
Wt-.. $$ L £ . f " * ;!""** PBESSE 3-Columbian , **•*«* be bis receded a great Accession by thr «^^^«? Parcbw * of foor extesaive ttakru Of fif * : « wi it consequently enabled to offer tJ ttf . Tn » i « T « aiwlrich most secure tbeir Appro-^ W »^«< . « rtfiMi * f . « i » d best arranged Stock S 6 » S « ta& JS ^* "" - ** -
NJL—A 11 Kinds of nevr Material * , including , tA ??' ofeT 8 ' 7 roaie ' H * « ery Fouodrv , * " ° «*« « T « ry manufacture , constantly on hand "
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8 HALLENGE TO CUBE ; BLINDNESS . Tn ^ BAXTEB , fremHnll ( pWa « e to obmve JitjaBjMme ) who has perforrard « uch . extraor-MTCWMon person * , manj of whom bare been ton « ^ rfi ? e , ten , fifteen , twenty , thirty , and forty-• 7 *« i ** g * ^ announce to the Public , that b « - ^ C& S rtj ? keil , * " * ******** « L «* d * , "" pl « dge kimself to « re ail external Dl-^ Jf SL ? > Punn «? 8 of S 5 « K &e-, without « »*«* j Weeding , men , **»« , Or * oy rwtraat 01 iMtm Cwar * et » I ean » ot rare , a * I m * ke Bo BSe of M *** £ « t to any Eye . In e » e * of Amaurosi-s 1 « n * eH if there be any hepe * after the first Aoplie&t » I stake to the Eye . Yr
I ** following are only a few , amosgst the almost an » erabte Cases that I have nsade perfect . Tbey tre inserted at the express de-ire of the gardes ;—TM . Maib , Garden-street , Hall , Mind- ferrr-Srews of one Eje , lost from the S « ltP « , «*» rested to Sight in aix week * t « at to ** ti »* B »* * sj street . The other Eye , me Boat daagrftMw trer » an perceived was made perfect knfeftL ma-« ftytoving been an out-patient at the Btjewmsatr » r ereuferea weeks . ThU wa » scfatewle&eA 1 »\ ¦ ott ^ of the medical Faculty , a * well a » tise Intoawants of . Hull , the most woaderfal care , ey& ^ ncs tr aed , feriie could g » aboat the town bj hi * wH ! b a fortnight after having been ledl » Bwl ao mam ran . - - ; - -
M * S . Fi&he * , Short-street , Hall , bJmtiWr ~ irty years , made perfect , after all otbe * «* ffr" »' xd had failed , and eaa bow see to thread tie email aeedle . M « . Marshall , publican , Fox and Grap * - * , Pottery , Hall , b ! i » d of oae Eye for ten years , ano Ui gi * ea ap all hopes of ever being restored h » Bgkt again , was perfectly cured in two montn-. Thic gentleman hid previously been under torrr OeglLst * in Loadon , and many other medical gea-K * . ?» UCE& , Barrow , in Lincolnshire , blind , aa i fc « 4 Wen for a long time , was gi-sen * jp a * ia-«» 4 ie _ Jgrja most eoaineot Pfayaiciaa , but can no * se . towi AesmaBert priat .
H ^ . -EiT , 'VTaterhease-lane , Hull , blind , and wa > radacad to such a weak state of health , by blistr rs , « ., that he eon ! d net rise from his chair without «* R < ta . Dce ; the instrument being u * ed to one e \ e egirt times—the otber four , but all to no servier . Hot after being under Mr . B / s treatment for nx -r eek * , was able to both read and write , and walk sboat in a good state of health . MB .. XfWsoilB ' 8 Son , Shoemaker , High Church fide , HulL , blind from the measles , was perfectly erred in tbree weeks , after being under the best oi adrice for five months . BesjaMIS Haelakq , No . 2 , Sydney-cnDrt , Boami ^ srreet , Hull , blind of ae Eye , " the otbtr in a dreadful state of inflammation , perfectly cured ia cee month after other advice had failed .
ELtZABSTH Bobhtsor , Cbri 8 topher-gtreeT , &rclc * aie « , Hull , four years of age , blind , perftctlv tnred in a short t / iae . Sir . Mttddt ' s son and daugbtfT , in O * bourr ! estreet , Hull . Both perfectly cured in one week of a seTere Inflammation in tie eyes . The eldest not tiree years of age . Sabah Twidkll , Albro-srreet j Wiucemlee , Hnll , blind , and bad been declared iacurable bj a very skilful Physician . Eestored to right in a fcrtnignt ; this girl was placed under my care b \ twelve Gentlemen , the Guardians , Cbarchwardeii » , Ice ., of Seulcoates .
DiBTJi , MHDahtht , Old Dock Side , Hull , Perfectly cured in » ae week of a » eveTe iDnamraation in the Eyes , which proceeded from getticg a piece ef not iron in one eye , when working at Mr . Oldham * * , > mfth and millwright , Sculeoate * . ; Mrs . Thompson , of Newland , near Hull , blind f cue Eye tbree years , the other much afflicted , perfectly cured in oae month . "William Pawkiksos , No . 44 , Vienna-Ftreet , Tork- « treet , Le « rd * , who had been nearly blind for breucj-three years , after having been under Mr . B . ' s trtaunent oDly a fortnight , was able to read . This was not tocternal complaint , but prorecdeu from a compresijion of the nerves by redundant JicmoBrs , which , bad they not been drained oQ , woeW have ended in total darkness , that Li , Guua Serena .
Mrs . Ashton ' s son , George the Fourth Inn , Meadow Lane , Leeds . Blind of obb Eye , and affiiet * d of the otber . The one Eye made perfVci in & fortnight , and with the other can distinguish _ iaay object . % Eichasd B . IDHAN , tbe son of Pennis Bedraan . la weaver , lite of Leeds , but naw at Stanaicglej , ^ Ut L * eds , was blind and has been under Meditai jAdvjce for jears ¦ jri tbout any hope of recovery , bui hhtr being under Mr . B . ' s treatment for six weeks , , « ce eve was made perfect , and with the other he cau •** to read . ! Those cases will bear the strictest scratiny acn jfee Medicine * can be applied to tbe youngest inknu jlrita perfect safety .
I Mr . B . is sneceftor to bis Father , who stood iterivdled for forty years . Tbe ca * e last mentioned was the fim p laced under die present Mr . ¦ & ' a catc . ^ A soldier in Hull , who was blind in tbe year -1813 , was restored to Sight , and made perfect-to two Sfcnths , after having been discharged Blind froui S « Hospitals wf London , York , Leeds , aad Hull . : * thu soldier will bear out , from all that is bow stated , ^ k ex perience for twenty-five years .
• Mr . B . has now been five month * in Leei , and fka restored tbe sight of forty pereoM , made fifn , prfw t , 2 W ) others are now under Us care , whose - » provem « itiB highly satisfactory . \ For the next three months Mr . B . will attend at - ^ "J plate wben six Patients may reqmre Ms atten ] & « . Meantime be leaves an experienced pewoii B » eawge of hi * Establishment at home , by wboai § £ " Patieats will be attended as efficiently as b \ P » B »\ f . 55 . OWerre No . 4 , Memon-Street , on toe rig ht hand ^ 6 ie of Wade Lane , as thtre are two houses numleered 4 .
i- In answer to tbe numerous applications for Mr ]*« axter , he bejia to nUite tb ^ t he wil l eaJl upon th-| |« rotti tnat . have applied , in their torn * , making v JT&on a stay as possible ia each place , in order v | * eeoi 8 moda . ie ihe whole *
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Ju ^ t pnhli . * bed , 10 he cornpl eb-d in twtmty-fiur weekly number * , pr ice 3 d , or in six monthly p&rt » , price \ 8 ., Part \ , of the PE 0 PZ * E' 3 MEDICAL ACVZSZR , A TAM 1 L 1 AR TREATISE on the means of , £ X ^ rt -T-erving healib and trie dorar-tic treaLTicnt of i 3 i > ea ^ .- * , particularly adapted 10 tbe use of tiie industrious claiaftai ; BT MATTHEW PLETCHER , Member of the Roval College , of Surgeon ? , &c . Bury , Lancashire . Pablixb-d by A . CobVietr , London ; and YTilliam Willis , Manchr-crer ; and sold by J . Ho ^ son , Northern Star 0 : Tice , L (* edj > , andbv all BookiellerH and New * Agrnt- ' .
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A CERTAIN CURE . TpOPv COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMAS , INJ : TLUENZAS , CONSUMPTION . HOARSENESS , SHORTNESS OF BREATH , &c , fhv ouroerons irssTaucea in wh ch PAUL'S AMERICAN BALSAM has tff < -ctt-d a perfect cure in the »>> ore complaints-, have procured for it a very im-^ rtant place in the list of specific remedies . Dr . Turner , late Lecturer at tbe London University , remark * that hs effects are most wonderful . Sold in Bottle * at 1 * . l £ d ., 2 s . 3 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and lls . each . Likewise FOR HEALTH , CLEAR SKIN , and LONG
LIFE , PAUL'S DR . BAlLLIE'S FAMILY APERIENT PILLS , for Loth Sexe ? , an effectual remedy for inrHjrestiou , bile , f riddiney * of the head , pile >« , gont , &c ., acting mildly but eft ' eernally , with out griping the inside , they destroy v . orin " , purify the * ysvm , and eradicate all external eruptions , pimples , humour * , &f \ , and restore to the Skin a cli-ar , Wealthy , and blonmmg appearance . Sold in Boxes at 1 « . 1 ^ ., 2 ^ . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 » . each .
\^ OHT > EE . FTJli TESTiaSCKlALS . Mrs . Smith , plumber , painter , acd glazier ' i ' wife , Kin its iand rnad , bad been for maDf yearc troubled with a violfDt congh and w ?> tii « g away ot the framp , which bad confined her to her bed for a length of time . Several eminent medical men were of opnion that * be could never ret-over , as cun .- 'Jtnption had taken place . Stie had al » o been undyr tr . e Di-puDsary ibr the care of consumption and asebma . * , but without producing the least alleviation « f tbe di-ease ; the husband was informed that Paul ' * American B / iisarn baa" performed very extraordinary cures , was determined to try it ; and wonderful id relate , before fbe bad takeu tbree bottles , and uwd a * a mild aperient , Paul's Dr . Baillie's Pill * , she was ecahled to get up and eat a mutton chop , and before she bad taken fi * -e bottles , she wa * comph . ely restvrri to health and performed a day ' s ironing .
Richard Gatnes , of Upper ( jround Street , Blackfrtari , HghtrrmaB , bad been troubled with a cicst violent cough for several winters , which u ? ed to confine him to hi * bed for weft * , and he ba . « assured- tbe proprietor that he attributes it solely to tbe tffeeu of tbe American Balsam and bis Dr . BaiiSife ' s Pilln , that he has not btea conrined to bis huH this winter .
For CHILBLAINS . GOUT , RHEUMATISM , SPRAINS , BRUISES , Sec ., KING'S RUSSIAN EMBROCATION , is without exception tbe best remedy in tbe above complnints , not in ¦ a single instance has it ever been known to fail . Sold id bottles at 1 * . Od ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d . each . ' Tbe above valuable Medicines are prepared only by C . KINS , ( late Paul ) , 232 , Blaekfrkir ' s Road , LoBfioD . iind sold * wholesale and retail by the followmjj Agents—Harjrrore ' s Library , 9 , Coney-street , doftreet
York ; Barclay and Sons , Farringn- , Newbery and Edwards , St . Paul ' s , Sutton , Bow Charcb Yard Drew , H « yward , aad Co ., Trinity-lane , Hannay , 63 , San ' jrer , 150 , Oxford-street , Willou ^ nby , 61 , Bishopsftate- > 'treet , Hu ' . se and Co ., LeidenhAll-s ^ reer , and by all Wholesale and Retail medicine vender * in-Town and Country . OBSER VE—CAUTION-Unprincipled Medt-¦ ine Vender * supply Spurious Medicines , f . > r the-e adrticularlv in Dh / Baillie ' s Pills , the ^ uuine n * ve C . King , ( late Paul ; , on the Government
^ ATn - < for Leed * -Mr . J . Hobsos , _ AV . | A « v / v ' .- . T ' oftw , and M . r . »• C . Ha ^ , Medical a » il , Bo-ja-ttrect .
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^^ mm ^ m ' AD * ou&max > ftiiftftioira . ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ^ ' * ' ¦ '¦'•• * ' ''' . '' : i ¦ " ' - ^¦ - ' t .-t . TJ ,. ' ¦ . ' . , ¦¦ ¦•'• : - '' ¦¦¦ y . ' ' \— - r' \^ . 5 te .. > -: j- ; - ' : ¦ . ' > . ¦ ; .- < - ; '<¦ - ¦ ' : f Notke i * httthg aii ** y r > ¦<* ¦ . fnHAT th « 't ; h ^ iitoai ^¦ ' ^ ei ^ mi ; ¦^^; s «^ ii ll ^ , -JL of the Peace , for the ' We ** ' Riding of the Connty ef . York , wtlt be hf-tS by » ijoorom * -nt in rhe Cnmrnittfe Room , at rt » Howe irf ^ Correction , at WAKEFiKto , on Wbdnbsda * , tbe Thicte « Bth day of Febbuary n » xt , at Elfven 'Clock fa the Forenoon , for the purpose of innpeotfajfthe Rdinff Pri-inn , ( the said House of Correction , ) and for -xamiDing the Accounts of the Keqier of the said Hou « e of Correctl « n , makrng mx ^ rj i 0 to rb » con > duct of tb « Ofiiuerii and S « ri « tf& ., « belnitfdng the mm * I stdviaa 1 n tk « ^ lwwrl « ii ^' tte Pri ^ Hwra , nd tfci ^ r t-nruinun . ' At tW « 8 < f * rflSiM ( W Mmliea . V . on « f the T « wn Gnaneil of ifa > : flor 4 a ^ h . ortetdn to extend the con tract for the maintenance of tbeir Prisoners in th « Hmi !« e of Cnfr «!» i » n will be takt-n into oemxideration , the fam » pot having been tak « n into consideration at the last adjourned Sessions . C . H . ELSLEY , Clerk of the Ptace . Clerk of the Peace ' * Office , , Wakefield , Jan . 29 , 1839 .
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BLIN 1 > NESS . MR . CHILD , the Cflebrated oQCulist , who > s * performed such ti ^ traorditiary Cure * in Hul l , Bradford , and other places , many af whom had beo » , blind ten , fi teen , « nd tvrerity yearn , bfg « to aiinout : Ce bi- iiiteiition of vwitinp th « following place * , viz . SheflirW , January-26 th , for ^ reeday ^ FrWay , Saturday , anr Monday , s ^ t M . i-f T *^ n t > , jSo . | , 1 Carver Street ; BurO «( ley , . tHe-iQ ' -h , f > r . two daygat ftli *« Green ' s , Pitt SiW tJ ^ ukifield ^ iehnJtr ^ l « t , for one Hay , at the Now El ' ephitut ^ Pvb't Off o * YarJ ; Bradford , the 4 tb , for two day « , at the Whire « wan ; HaRfax , tb « - $ th , for t *> a day * , « t tbe Boa ^ rV Htad ; HuddtT » firld , the 8 ih , for oat day , at | he Cherry Tree lun . !
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. sPMi ^^ iaijBe ^ it F ° S ; r ^ ipi ^|^| i gUnd , and M ^^ . tiMi § B 0 ij ^ lw X ^ 9 m } i ^ mmWwM 3 mi ? Mti uauo , and local dehilitv- &e . , „ : . . ., , '
Jl . 1 - ^ U iV . ! ¦ m& a c < nr I W O H vt < ... o- .-:-LnoVat
. ¦¦ ¦!' , ' •;¦ - . ¦• . ' ¦• + ' . H"li ' . ) - ] i r ' -r . M ; ' ¦ : ¦ ¦>} ¦' ![ Y- -f ; .. / : ¦ ¦ , . V , 0 D O !<« Vi : 'U ! £ , > 'li ( l' / . -, ' i " -- ; f ! i it ' ll' .:: to ;•>(•>( M ,: Ul >' il \ jj " aii . r « i > £ 't : t&tstifJiw
YolandV ^ idtWon' ^^ Sftfbf &HmW& \ nV the proprietore phaUfpjpe 'iW W | b 7 e 'WBrj ^ 'S nrtS " duce a case in para'UW : , tvwtiM oti ^ 'onnte ^ a half , and is three ai )^ half inches Irr ^ n ^ h . - awd ' w four and ayJnrter ' lod 5 i % in'if tircwmft ! f ^ ifjS , ' i ? & ^ patipn t had suffered for y ears , aha ' had lifatframenVif parsed without suece .- «; but . « i « hoft contTnUuhte of ¦ YolandVSolarionrelieve ' rl ^ Wd ' finaiiy >« i ft ^ vH * WnW KonWincs . She wa « inWeruh !«\ l » ut ' i * h ' o ' wV ^ iitip . . n ^
desilres her case to he mnii ^ panli ^ 'H ^ rBAme' ^ 'i d ' - drew is Mrs . AnneSj . illane , 5 , Bedford fetrett ^ Blac ^ , wall , and tbe medical gWrirleihah ' . w ' ho ' atJc ' efppWojUie operation , Mr . CbristopherT « tham , of ^ byar , Itypii doubt , appl y to the patient ; call , or JeSre « 0 ^ friend to do so , upon the proprietOM of the ft > lurj' 6 n « t 138 , H 0 LB 0 KN , near Fnriuv ») > J ^ toridori ' who will gladly atford every fecilujr to ' enqnJ ' ry , also shew the stone , which' 1 b now in their pogsesiron YOLAND'S SOLUTION is equally efflcacwui fi } all tbe diseases forwhichttisfet « mmendi'd ~ it never fails , —read the te 8 ti ! norri » l <« j « -try ( if and you / will
; very aoon add yours to the . iJvausarirU it has already cured ; no matter how lon > r y ' < fo : nia / hive suffereii or how bad your ca < e may appear ,. for it effectuallv cures when all other nieuus jiikve failed . Tbe pro * , prietors being determined to nfo . vV it in evm wav repeatedly offered FIVE , HqKt ) & | q POITN ^ REWARD to any opB > : ho coifd iq ( uat it , but no one could . It has «» tab | ished ; jwelt ; apsn it * own mtriU alone , for the empirical method ; of puffing bas never . b « en resorted loV ^ JnoVei ); preparations ' ntrinsically valuable , rfdeh < as- YiHand ^ Soimion , do not rvauire ft . ' ' ';
¦ -TESTI ^ O ^ I ^ t . ; :. . ; : . Having trJea Y . 6 } anrf > S , eciJlb Solution in our public and private pVaetite , for uirethral discharge-, we readily Hear out t ^ stimohy ti its vt » ry superior powers , its perfect safety , and permanent effeot *; altogether , we consider it a very efficacious remedy , and far more so than any other in all urethra ! diseased . Signed by Surgeon Cooper , H , Ley , M . D . Lecturer on Midwifery , Dr . Clarke , Dr . Green , &o . Sold in bottles at 2 s ., 90 ., 4-. 6 . J ., and lla . # ach , b \ Brines & Newsome , Huaton , bookseller , Bri ^ ate , Hobwon , Northern Star O ' ftfoe , 'I ntelligencer Office .
Leeds ; Hargnxve , Library , York ; Whittaker , Shefield ; Hurnt , Wakefield ; Hartley , Halifax ; Brook , Huddersfield ; Bowman & Litw , Piccadilly , Manchester ; Gerdes 3 e Co ., Church Strt < er , Liverpooland by all chemist * . and ' patent' medicine vendeM in t 5 e kingdom , wholpcale by 'Hannfty & Co ., 63 , Oxford Street , London . Prvpsired ^ rrid unia retail b ? Messrs . GRAHAM & Co . ^ ;^ £ blborn , near Furnival ' s Inn ^ London , where ^ tn ' e phy > iciaa may be consulted , aa usual , peMonalfjitroui ' s' tili 3 dait y , or by letter , ( . post-paid ) enclosing the ^ usual fte of 10 s . aod patients-ia the country wiU : &e correnpopdtd with until cured . ¦ - ' . '" .
Onaasy aad Conaui » ptlon Cured By a physician . The new system ; triumphant !! The most extreme case « beiaj daily cured by itvtith great rapidity , as referenco to patienw vritl prove . Sopatssfied is the discoverer of the certainty ef bw imccesd , that he is willing , to forego his lee fto . aH who personally apply ) fo ? . advica dntU aftet ^ t ^ ey ^ Sre cured . Attendance from & till 3 daily !' at MMrd , ' GRAHAM & Co . ' s , 3 ^ 8 , HplbBfnVne ^ Sfep Ieji , London , where aiay be ' obtained . tbj > ' - io ^ i- # Qo ^ aumptive Linimeu t so celebrated for o , dl « tly eurypig aad preventing cnsj « HnpOon , asthma , CaW « , oougbs , and all diwases of . ' ^ lb 1 ut » h » , throat , bver ^ snd
stomacb , wliich is « ijected without tendenness , orottwr inconvonience * The remedy w petfcctlysafe ^ and is applied by gentle fmttiou , and its power i * s <* great in » tr * ngtheuinp : the che ^ t , &tr ., that all of weekly habits , ' or ^ Tedi ^ poued to pulmonary diseases , should apply to it without delay ; as jvI ^ o all vocalist * , public speakers , &c , who n''C *> Hsarily havt much exercise for the lunija . With e * ch bottle vrill beyiveu the eaxjiy lately publistu-d , on iho n ^ w method ol curing dropsy and consumption , or the Utter may be bud alone of all b , s » kseUen « , oratMeB * . Graham V a * ahove .
i he Anti-c <> r ** HmpMve T-inknent may be ohtai ' . ied of the Agents , for Yoland ' * Sotuilin , Price 4 h . ( Jd . and 10 i ,
Untitled Article
fim ' . j 1 ^ W . ' ^ m ^^ W » » ps » - , ; 1 , ' offlp ^ rtPrie ^ t ^ m « neeW t « M ;^ vat l ^ " " . ? % a WWJ ^ QQ Ihe « tt > t | ect . }!• mtmart was itf tnentioiftd to liim fhan h « cane to bit Jtmue ' Am sub ] 4 b ± rh * dMtusBed-am « k < t he » ald k » ateld he g Jftd » r mr « Mi * taucc , ano ? Would prefer a b * Sm any ottier « di « id ; nl ; W * mrtii «| that * + * £ ^ S ^ f- ^ - ^ S ^ V * and - b >* ve ^ 60 aywwv an * win and
aw nmmjpmxw W *» f 7 o » . y «^ Ife « W « udth ^ he coriW k-Mib ' iiGltBOt iot ziv vgw which , t » itetf » rr with © tfier perquaeiteit , wouLf 6 ca » income of aboot ; £ 9 d- « r £ 100 a-y ^ . We •!*» ar-. n o « ed Aat I-ahoEjld be one af hwboiKl , and * Bw »» therjof hw ahoabib « th « other . ^ T I now come in tfte next place briefly t « ¦ otic * tfisr i ^ sapnndene ^ upm m ^ . abject , ttaf $ p « ar « tH » tt *' btur of Saturday Jwt , treatinr otri * nw » tttem poroow ; to which tb *» letter doe * not aJre 3 » mnrt * L *** £ *>* $ ** * ¦ $$ i * ifw to * it «* t * 5 £ 2 m JWgJ ^^ Wi ^ v il ^^ . ^^ lto ^ aSS ^ Epf- ;'
4 ny , a * « om » of tb « Gaataiao ^ . TrSttffn ^ mSfr ^ tyuit ant mbitmce of tbe fetter ^ ifiddf tfSSST mitted t > » jfK Bmiik , thtfChtirannVa . w ^ « r ln * r j > roteiit seat t > the Co nmiMioBeris wer «»««> & ««»« m error ; * nd that if I attenditd the'B&tM'il ^ St wpow ttem aa sach . Up # ufl « r « etgr b ^ i ^ Temi ^ IbW Chairman , I c * uld not bat make domZrennMi& JiP « » ' ** ¦¦ « t- tha same tim * I was wuhfal u * - # t * am little as pntui lie , baiag an aaxioite as any onVtbs Pneatluy should be confienwd in tke office b » « s * earnestly deMireJ ; I , ttajrr towr , uUmd that althosrib I conld nAta | fn > e to the ietiwr » whole , wtnn jhf present occasion I sbonld aWiid reitiarkui «^ ow m ( -xcrpt < h Belf d -fence I aboard Be caaiu !^ aki the
do mjtn order . . that PrietfU ^ y « bikh | nav ^ b »« n *« tj ' » any comm'inicatiou htf ttimi ^ t priiuer t *> jarifc * rftfu » rtotiiii B > ir . f or the C ^ nJdl / aiidtierMOT Aa * q « tiltrmately obtained the sitoutidn 1 to whicV h « r lad been elected , but ijpon certain Guvdtaiw sfrOiiglfiHUisting n . ou th * vmcity of PrtttuWsV d ) TntiiaDic / iU ( iui , it bnc « nenecew « iry ' fer me , « tnj * h »* r luctantly , tp « uu » thearr < uijementrt hat rtairateni . place btttwtxt Prifalley aadui e . Upon thin » qowtion BP > i «» as to which of us was mo ^ t . worthy oferw-lence . Had I uny proof in mipportof my « tati ^ in « utjj |; Y «* i « aid I , thrtro is my wife . Wh . n onar of tit ** Guaruiaas . observed , that a wile ' s evidence ias ^ piKjttr , <> f-h « ir ;? . iijij « batt'l could aot be aUmittedi ^? 11 ^ uft * H ,, it i » the 60 J 7 evidence I havei a * th »
iirfiVMenK-jtitiJ w « re a » ad » at my own heuse , whom , ; »! $£ •* # W . w ** i Affluly mtu present with o »; batr MWjtW »» fe tb » t if two ot threa werw deputed irate ^ «| % ; qoJHS ( fc « wf » t «! ny wif « i , « ioedjately , and qiot&tiafa * Mr Hiiiwi » oix .. «( ay , 1 »* tliey % h nght proper , m mr '* lj * fa « S , if 1 , ; . hnd » ta t * d « hat was nutmeg «) w OftaW -ija )? " p . n }< ir > ly corroborate s * sh * tawmeBt > w W * t knoir iofr wbntMd been » aid ; but even tuwprwi ^ al ion waj >» by j ( ome obje ^ wd to . Howeteri timr i « Bji > r » jij » f the Board wrre of opinien that what I ' |> W 00 !^ : wa * fair . ' Upon thi <« , two of Prie * cier * » warmest sapponers voluuceered ft go , when a . third , VfheUad trtken ho purt in the affftir , was r . ; qott » ca < t »« Vgo alw < ji ; Biia opbrt qtt « 8 doku . g ray wife ia tha ] Wo 8 t cirrnitoli * way imaginable , Aoy ebtiiined * fiiUco «( fina * tiofl <) f all I had stated ; but wbettthe ^ fiaroe back / 1 »» the i * oardone of the two ashottr
, gave ^ rbl ^» JSoi » uoUeViclently designed to convey thafc | wH ! cH was « the wry opposite to the wal troth . 0 * poa tWjS the tuir 4 Guardian gave an impartial statement f die question * that had been put ^ wi& , th * anxwt * n giveu , which protiaced a very dilE ^ ens impre ^ iou t *» that which had been iuteuded .. As h pro if of what I am now sutiajf , 1 be » j to direct ta ^ attention of the public to ooa circuinxUncB cu ' uuected with the iuterview tie deunttuion ha I witb my wife : whea ttt « y had qaracioiiHd her in Huch wiy as they tbougat proa « r , am wifesmd that she thought it very h * rd , after ( hat"pout so m < icli time' » ial Vloue * o much for I as people , they sbnall abase nut ia thi » W 4 v ; tnai I f »« dl »« ., o « ight wo ' tHl * and had n *» t « aru <» d ' ow * * l > a .-¦
U ? e 7 * K my uvrn hu « n •/** , and- this wax my wage - but ahtf U . ipad tnat for tb ^ future , I should look m- * er . . ithoine ,- uii kt ihe public mufcrsalona . Uom li wreut 1 * thi , H to iU « garbled accimut aagwvuin tha star of lautSaturJay , which states th it mr better '» if had tnkea ni <( umt me , Wcatue I had douenot . iing at b < ime fur » coHt > i < ierabie time . No * , i-woii'l 1 appeal to a diaceraing public , as to whether a prndepl ; marriitd w-tnan ,, * iiha 7 araar . would inteiihon-Uljrmake a ^ l ^ g iS ^ i ^» l to couvey ^ j oh au ide * , J » w / mww 9 WWW « w » W 4- - to the public by sucu iuwu ^ on ^ win Jftie pobSi relieve - she would « ex ^ s « - ^ Melf lwfoj » ihn-i -traug . menV . And ^^ nt ^^ tff % ^ who can tfiiu pervest . a , lconveialidl : /^ cfe 7 SS
h t forth ? 1 « aoi t&jiMMiSi * man , that ever y stateineat m ^^ ffW ^ tbis « nipportew ,-w mx , jng but ; & ' u ^ ne of lw « . and niwe in ^ tebohs ? : 0 h :. 8 h 4 m 5 ^ Wre U ttV hloahr " : Men must be lwti 5 ^ tt sSofS , ttS au . l every principle of honoqr , wto ^ aate ^ uiifanrf such meanne ?! i ; but wmetHipi wJ ^ aSrotW spelhur- VVell , there may be errors ' ohhaFkiiWm ' uir I ' -tter- but ih-y hnwuot yet been bqrafedootTtet when-I luibrm tbe public that , T ^ ear ^ an 2 " scholnrsh p , 1 am seif tangliti , havipi' ^ en"Seiitto wwk ata cotton factory , wfien -I ^ a'liteS "ix years of age , residm * iu i yiHagf * her £ && » was so Snnd * j school ; and arrer / w ^ riiallt : !^ wsti
¦ . rytui I was tiJteenveaMoldi wtetp&tae « L withoutany stipuUttion fi » r any scaooliij ^ unriuRthS whole period , I tUiuk they will excQS ^ ^ i ^ neS * orJ or tvro now aud then * P ^ lW'irovinc hi * superiority over me in mental capa&aTty . nonntsx certam recoinuendarionsfrommoneVclubst « iwhidf He w clerk . But hu « he , I would a * k , lorgiittea t 6 e " money clnb held at the Saddle Inn , of which clno I was a member , and ; lie th , e clerk . When that chA ^ a « little m . re ti twa half eone / nw bo-j ka ami ftccouuts were in such a confused stale , that for tiitv li ! e ot him , he ci » w < i n » i make » ut a- correct report of the jjtato of tfo : clnb . That thwe book * w «» - xivnn to me to audit and correct . This I did t » tn « r entire »« atMiacUc » of ail the raemlwwprovin tfuifc
, . he accouuts of nejar twenty members were wrou& . \ WIl ? that ^ instructed Prieatley how t > ksfm club books , au'd manage club aceoauts , whic b-ii ^ structions he ha . * u » t yet forgotten v 4 s I find he still pursues the meshod I then pointed out to him . and oecauae tkis nu'thod w foun . l to answer , is Prieatlay to turn round upon me ' and gay that tab in a proof ot his tfuperiorvabtfiiiea ? IfwnaVl have stat-d ^ nftfe iufficieut to expose , the buffbbuery of Priesttej . aad hw superior abilities , I will just mention another ca . < e of a dab , of which heoainl myself ara botli members , thxj' clerk of which , in considered a very clever man vb <« the membewwrredetdron * that th « books Btiould . be exarninea aud audited : and wh « to
* as anjoittted that task ? Why , not ftiestlwrsvithalliu * Je <» rnin « aud abilities , bnt I was inawi diately applied tb , who never had any schoofiMw and this ; w the second appoiatment 11 «» hadTm thw clob ^ to aadit the apconjits . Last week ! had a similar duty to perform in another clBWofwhick lam mwaber , altUboKh . tbe gaid dub is composed of merchant * , majittfacttirers , ahupkeepen ^ S hold ra ^ ui bad estt « o * twi » ? I do not i » entio ^ toea TSZS * ^ ™* & " ^ ^ otisticalSva ^ vbS LtS ^ ^ " ^^ at Priestlej . U aothellS tMfebigh estima&m which he wouidiave the « oddT £ SSuf " W ^ *^ reflectedTapin me 1 o «
iJK ~* b ^> * H « « hiet > lame attempted ta Jl * i ^ % V « ni ^ i !^ ner * rttalL ^ hi * Jtha »» regretted , «? sBtiM » cev , Hy pti » pipal reason ia writjopf ^^ p » l 4 ; to or m h *» ««» - "l ^ 5164 . % o « 'O » ald ; -l ^ aft v « i ri « t ^ n appointed offic er ^ tb * dA ^ hKrgo o { : Ims daties . la thw aflguj , P » y ° Hf « t w »» : their overthrow , « ofar as I could effeofc it , V UieretoEe laid a tiajj , and , by battery , tned to » veigle them iuto it » however , tb . » t 6 hemBfeaed » dat my impression is , that whether I had wrate tot them - or not , they would not havv sanctioned Priestley ' s appomtment ; having had sufficieut proof it their diapuditiua in rejectiug men against whoa there is not the slightest leanble cause of objection * nave aud except their known or supposed hostility t » ibis Devil Law . . rr I remain , yours respectfully ,
. James Brooks , P . S . Should there be any further communication upon this subjret ^^ -of a character aimilar to what has ilready aj »( , e , xiea iu tiie filar , all tue favour lark i % m oppurtumty of replying thiough tiie same m& * uum ; thouga to tue 11 is a pamliil task to huve thus 1 . 0 ouiuuiaiu uf ' thtj couductot my former fneucfc *;' J . B .
A^^^Hi *Baai*S|S|Sbsssssssiaiaisssb|S *O Fsxitbei.
a ^^^ HI * Baai * S | S | SBssssssSiaiaiSSSB | s * O FSXITBEI .
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—— — - ^~^^ m ^^ mm ^ ^^^ ^» V *^^ FW ' TWi Day is PnbliAed , Price Two Shiliikos , hand-omely bowid ia Cloth , FIFTEEN LESSONS ' ¦ O » THE AKAX . OGT AK > « 7 KT £ S O ^ fBS EV GL 1 BH ZAMaV&QX , for At Use of Adult PereoBs wh « have nested the Study of Grammar . ' - . BY WILLIAM HXIX . ~ Third Edition revised and amended . ^ £ ZZsz » %£ csrx ^ sis Msr ££ 7 ^;? ma ° - » fhi - mmmmmmsm AL 8 O , BT THE 8 AMB AUTHOK , Price One Shilling , Bound in ClotA , THE RATIONAL SCHOOL GRAMMAR AND ENTERTAINING CLASS BOOK ^^ psSsa ^ 'SS'SSSB ore , that , t chuW tkx b « made *« unm ^ Hv useful as it otherw ^ e might have been For fbV ^^ S " ^ » : ;^ sa ; : sri-r ^ re wbicb they are calculate to excite a dreY int . r ^ t * od , con ^ quentlv , to rivnthe attention wbiL Tthev communicate inTormauoa which must , therefore , indelibly imprtra tbe memory . BuennoD > wnil ( it ™ y BY THX JAKE AUTHOR , ALSO , Price One Sfiillhif , found in Cloth , a Serond Edition of PROGRESSIVE EXER 0 I 3 S 3 , ELECTED FROM , THE BEST ENGLISH AUTHORS , AND SO ARRANGED AS TO ACCORD WITH T « £ RESPECTIVE LESSONS IN EACH OF THE FOREGOING WORKS 4 iSl % : !§^^ r £ i ^^^ r ^ - - -. r- i ^^ y (* ** 4 * 9 *» published , price Threepence , '; THE PECDlJA 3 St ' iL ^\ CTlTV OP THE CHRISTIAN SABBATH , A SERMON , : ; DELIVERED IN BETHEL CHAPEL , HTTLL , tT WlilOAM HIXX , MIKIS 1 EB . OP TDHS SAID CHAPZX . v ^ l ^' T ^ ' . ? ' jriUtlr < J <» ue € ti " l of ( he P ^ p Hefy of teaching writing and account * , in ^ bbAth M-hooU , „ romplrMy > rf at rt . t . Ibe authority , precepts atd practice of tbe Lonl Jesu " Lhn » t are « brwn to nave a direct tendency to tbe EstablUbro ^ t ol the . Custom . r a JiT H rl ^ * h 7 ' ° l" - }~^ ° JoFRCA Bobsok , Northern Star Office , Leeds , " o F > Hetwood , . DdlUn , . BANCKSand Co . Mancbest . r ; or of Cleave , 1 , Sho ,-Une , Hon « CK wJiVr ^ ' * ""* * M * " «^^ , St . tior , er ' i HaU Court , Lonaot ; at . d all othe
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Mil . SAMUEL LA' MERT , SURG EON , ( Licenciate of tbe Apothecaries' Hall , Lonaon . ana H . inorary Member of the London Ho . « pitaV Medical Society , &c . ) having devoted hin studies for many years exclusively to the various disease * of the Generative Organs , and to tho successful
TREATMENT OF THE VENEREAL DISEASE , IN all itsform ' , embracingponorrbcea , gleets , « em ? - nal weaVntsu , and 8 tricture « , eruption * and nocturnal fiairm , so frequently trii < takt ? n for Bcurvy and rheumatism , also , to tbe frightR )( l coneequenoes rt-su ! ting from that de * tructive pracrjee ^ V " Self Abase , "' may be personally consulted from . Nine , io ih the morning till Tc-n at night , and © n Sundays , trom Nine tiH Two , at his residence , -
Ne . 27 , ALBION STREET , LEED S , An-i country patients requiring Ws assinrance bv making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines that vrill enable them to obtain a permanent and effectualcure , when all other means have failed . "When an early application is made for the cure of a certain disease , frequently contracted in a mnmpnt of inebriety , tbe eradication ia generally completed in a few day *; and in the more advanced and inveterate xtageu of venwrpal infection , characterised by a variety of painful and distressing r < ymptorrH , a perseverance in tbeir plan , ( without restraint in diet nr exercise ., ) will insvir « to tbe patient a permanent and radical cure .
A complete Knowledge of tbe symptoms and treatment of these insidious and dangeroHs diseases , can only be acquired by those , who in addition to experience have ) jone through a regular course of medical instruction , and it eanaot be too 8 W » nsjly impre * sed on the minds of those who hav * unfortunately contracted any of these disorder ^ that hundreds tail victim * to tbe immoderate use of mercury and [ RRJTATINO balsams , administered by illiterate men , who enring to a total ignoranre of the general principle * of medicine , ruin the constitution , and cause uleerated sore throat , diseased nose , aud ¦ secondary symptoms of a roost violent character , until a melancholy death puts- a period to their dreadful sufferings .
LA' MERTS HESTOR :. TITE PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d . and Jla . pci box , Are well known as a certain and effectual " remedy for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease , wirhout confinement , loss of time , or Kin . dranee from business ; they have effected many aarprising cures , not only in recent gpnorrhcea and simple cases , but wben salivation and all other means have failed .
In those frigbtfel cases of sexual and neivooa de » bility , brought on by a . solitary indulgencB infoibiddeB practieec , and which weakens and d * streys-all the physical and mental powers , occasioning melancholy , deficiency , and the necessity of renouncing the felicities of marriage , aggravated by all the hwrTers of remorse " , Mt . La' Merr ^ can with coQUdenctr . offer as a regularly educwed member of the medical profession a safe and Bpecdy restoration to sound and vigorous health ; and fsom the peculiar nature of his . practice , embracing : every variety of difficult circumstances , tbe most timid may feel encouragement in the opportunity th . ua afforded them .
MR . LA' MERT . maj be personally consulted from Nine in the Jlormng till Ten at Nigfet * and will give advice to peasons taking the above ,, 01 any other of his preparations , w . tbout a fee . Attendance on Sundays from Nine till Two , where his Medicine can only be obtained , as no Bookseller , Druggist , or asy other Medicine . Vender is supplied with theia , Countr letter * , post-paid , contaiojtg a remittance er Median ? -, will be immediately aowered . 27 , Albion-Street . Leeds . { 5 p ° ENTRANCE IN » BS GATEWAY ,
Untitled Article
Wholesale and fyt Exportation .
TOSEPS GIL . LOVT- PATENT STEEL J PEN ^ MANUFAcfURER , » NewHalt Mreit , an * Qraham-Slrtet , BirmingAvm . .. Joseph Gillott ban been tor nearly Twenty Y « aw engage iB the Manufacture of Ste-I Peu » , and during that Time hw >» devoted his uBreauiDg Atr « ntinn to tbw Improving and jwrfectin » f Ms oseful aud D «< e « wary Arttclf ; the r * w « ilt of bte > pwn . Bverin : < efforfi * , « ud numerous experiment * » pu » the propenieM of the metal ti&d ; tu beioic t ^ -eonrtrwrtibtt iof-m-iWup , npoii * priieipl * edtSret r New , enatbtamg » rt » he ^ JW ^ nr tKe ^ ^ tJW l «« tidtiF « ui tt-aoM ^ tA » Quill wUb ^ diinm ^ mmm ^ m ^ m mm * && * th 6 ohjecnonr Wtiiob haw e ^ wfcd against the ose » f Stwi P « n »; -- ¦ .... ; TT . -- . t - ? : ¦ ¦ ,:
Tbrt Patentee U pro * i to ackuoirtMgig that * Ai * -r cerning Public b « r p * y tbe mtwt gratifying tribute to hi * hutnble , though o .-efui labour * , b ? a demuud for his Pen ^ far exceeding hit hi « h . ift < t eipectatioDM The number of Steel Pens manufaictuTed at Joseph GiHott ' * Work * , from October , itSf , ' J - ' x 6 October , ¦ ¦
1839 . ¦ . ' was 35 ; 8 ( W . fc ^ -: ; : . ' ;^) : ' '' ; ; ' /; . - ¦ ¦ . ; or . ^^ Mf ^^ feiw ,. ;; iv ' r . : •¦ .. . or Wi& 9 tiT > my % towrmlS P ' enfi ; , - Xbis atatemenc Wdlgtewitbe + sl > aaik »< Jii which the « : Peoi are held * and it- i » irikfik ^ wM * e ' - « to inducttnent to- those who l ae >! irt ' 'is friJe . ' a ' rfeath «« w > d article . dt leiiit ^ ti ' TSinaU ^^ ' ^ 'tSar-of . 'Jb ^ el ^ ailfettV ^ T ^ ib , : ' -: " " ' : ' - »«; - ^"" -. -tt V ^ ' - f ^ ih e ' uaiVe ^ 'li . eie'KrltfWtiffi , ^ Peii . ; ^ itKtaVd . . . wrwin- dwreputable l ^ u ^ rH tft , foist auuu the piibTic a ' Spurijiti * ArftiH ^ l ^ artrig , thi mi ^ awlltkl Name of the PSreutoei arfd Safe' MAiiu '
fartu ^ er ; tbu-., « * G-ILOTT y" by en »* iopthe L ; nw in Borbe instancy the ocpisxioR of thq fina \ T . i <^ fraudutently resorted tW , in prd « t V © irrtiin tU flalne ^ OUND as GILLOTT : hue observe " "
& W NONE ARE ' GENinNfeRtTt : t . HOSE S ¦ ; M ^^ - " *^/ ;|; utt ^^; bg ^ f ;;; : i : Manufacture by : Jot « ph . GHtlwti ^ at ' bfa iW » r *» v 6 Sf , - N « whaH-Str « et , ! . and G ^ aiu 8 A ^ efc ^|; ' ¦ vP . ^ -r i mLligbsiBi ' ' ' ¦ ' '• . ¦' - . r . ' - ¦•'¦¦'¦ ¦' •'*' I : * ; - >^ -L ji ^ : j ^ : j " , ; y > . ^ . ^ i f ^ W .. ^ y-pi ^ t mm ' - ' : M 4 . ^ ca 0 k ^ tA ^ ^^^^^^ t t ^^^^^^^^^ ^ Wm ^^^^^^ ZXft pcjji&tfltimiis $ in&&USMw < t # rit $ Uegfinui ; ^ am *« 9 fiheBudJeritielii ^ b ^^^ &mnBaiik ' ''
m * ^^ th &mtfmwwM'mjw s ## w ij /» h « iworaWe tr ^ u ^ ctwuf j cquitoj- ^ .- . ' wit ^ ii iVts 'iftik £% &&A ^™ rWi& ^ KS W i&wi ^ ii&i Mfaw ^ &i $ ' ^ && * ! ^^ 5 ^ ff . ^ s ^^^^^ . ^ w ^*; # jii ^^«^ . ji ^ y ^^ . ^ Vlh ^; ina ? f ^ SKiyT | tiiiv «| perfn iuriirHpresenfedit ) ' } i \\* atjair by $$ false . i » tH ? t ini-nt ^ buUh hav ^ . ajiueared in 111041 of the Idcat ¦ journals circnlatea iu t ii * < ii « tru : t .
I * tue . Star o' January 19 lh id publiahed a copy of my letter to the 0 <> mm »« i > u ^ ri * , witb tueir auawer , togetber with Ezr * Fn < ' » tl >« v' 8 petition ui the said Commi . « sioiiiTi « . Iu th ^ t petit ' iou , Pri- !« tley cpinplaiimofihe injustice done him , iucnscnuenct " ol iny letter »« ttiiis ! lorth his uimqiia . l inVatk . iis lor the office of ! W » istat > t-iver »^ er . H . iw Pri ^ t ' y ha , iUjcoVereJ [ # Och iu iusiuuatioa I hux ; tt al « s > u > coii-^^ JdiM ^^ i K ^ J ^ WlW ^ f * S * A t at l ^ t er . lUJuaMky whtrtn'T'or an it chntnnia nuyatinn lirciuju-, fWU . ; E ^ it'tn ^ t 5 »« ain ^ ii * ri »^ rs ^ isc . iven'd : iiinhiu ^ . ojtui ' riJJU , kiixuids ms tUfV were 10 catch : it » iiv-1 tKfi ^ ijl « - -l ii ' pryt'At tori : '?^ ' fejtft-ti . m ., f thf «» officer .-S «^ tHtf pi * iiinjf G . oaWiaua , f .. r , iii tUeir iette . ' lf ¦¦¦
' 7 r " ¦ f *^ FI *** 5 **«*«• * v * u- "' a * u ; 9 aNI . Mi'U til- ' ^ jtoi ^ M-Sf ^ Pci&Sify \ u& ; . lii ^ ri ., ' n .. t the sMrHtfefc ? ififtrfftj > ti ' jBr < w given d ' f'PrTeatlevV u » i > - "l **! ^ ° ^ T \ M '' ' ** # j Uot £ i » 5 s' iKtter" piibli .- < lieii j w ^ r */^ ¥ d »( r / aaran 1 iii : ; r ^ Aaion w&i nftbrwarcJ . - jOlJUH '; aTWMi ^ jS « f ' ^ M < 1 i < fit'iiiiist ' hiive been in c . » ij »« - , 4 ««^ rf W i ^ H in * yne ^ tJey * a ' ^ titioii , which , t . & % * & $ [^ " « # ft * # VmM at least , he is wrv : UniJ ,. ofjSlJni | Jr ^ het ( jnii ) n , <> r Kewoutil never-iafer t m " t 4 ^;; vM ^ 'tKeVe !;^ a ;? i \ ot tlie \ # * .-i cause , which 6 om \^ - * 6 QPi J ; Tai * wrtt ^ r / conti-m . 'd by re * din ; j ^ fet ^^» " ?^ <» lw M * ' *** ?•» ' . tlrid « aid p '« tiui » M , whw « j ( l . jW ? tajjM ; ii . trtt ^»;' : ih » t & * Ml , u ** he l ^ nnuKi « H tyrik * IKH ^ 1 * $ P ^ rJ w ' n- , ' hr- adm twa ^ iJfc ^ M ff $ 4 ii-fcb . ooT , iu cOHTMrin . ty mih tbe ruUfhitt tlte" coItectB ' r WhuUW foll 6 w m > oth ,. r i » innlo ,. in
taeirt , « Wd ' ^ Ufeh Veulitv * thi-re is no Kach rul « , nor Atty Tinffi ' clataej' jui tUS toHi Law Bill , ( bad n * it w ) , yet ^ li > re i / D ' 6 thiiigtopreveut acolWror from ( plluwiti )^ whatever occuprttioii he chunse . - * , providijie the duM . es of hi" office are efficiently perfuruied tuiUer by Tiimself or his aslsMtauts . . ¦ t / " '; * ^ i |* -1 tioil , Prwiitleyalsi . sates totheComtnii . 'aoiiet'' , that bitvly I have eviuced a strong ore-. uleetjwti for iifflte . ; Tlii * i acknowifdge-to be true so lar a * the colieotjiou ot tiie po ^ r-ratesisooacerut'd ' hut , as for any other office , I utterly deuy the aco . usution , and [ challenge eithi-r him or any other man t » the proof , which u nmre thnn be enn do , u « hf ! tiuu . hotb latb-rly and formf-rh ' evinced a s : h > uu
, pl-edilectioii fora wall-puid office ot auy kind . A lew year * ago , the rate payers or' thus tiwushi n w ,-rf culled ujwn to elect a de ^ ury-coii . iiiible with a salary , when Prioj'titty , evim-iug a . itroug ( ietermmatiou to fore * bimself upon tho public , wji-t exp-Mtulated and reanoned-with as r < j uid inability to perform tlw dutifs of the laid office , whereuu » w he became t'Xa-perared beyond all bounds * affirming tharttiere was not a man to be found belter quitlified tliun himseir ,. auii il-they did not elect him , they might expect hiB , wr Ubful iudigtiation , —wherein my wi .-h to have auytUing to do with tho offiu « j of cwj . ectnr , arose Iroin-a quite dill ' t-reut motive to tbatof getting a living , by it . In counoctioa with that
otiicc , I had a tWotulJ object in vtew ; the first was , t « S ** t the l » usiistf . « s of tue towu ^ Ulp : ilito a better state of" management thau that u ^ . u w hich it hail bneti for yeara-coudncred ; and tbe & cpnd was imperceptibly ttKsi * organize and concentrate the euergKS of the people , as they would uvur alter , with ease , be able to aeteat tneir toes , and trinuipn over all opposition ^ as the office of calJector and aa-. listant-ovirKtfer is a poweriul leant-r-to- that party into wIiosb hnn < i # it falls . Tke VVhigspf Huddersfield have l « ng seen this , and have smck to it witli a determined pertinacity paramount to its imporuuee . For years they have bad their own p . trtiZrUisiti tbisoffice , who , in goii . g . rouud the town *
sliip collecting , have b y degrees umde tht-mselve * acqiiiipted , not ouly with alt thi > teu pound teuements ia the Borough , but aL-o with tu « party diapiwitians of eactt occupant . Thosu who wera Whi ^ wero placed among the voteocracy , whilst those oi tbe . opposite pa \ ty were left » o ' contend for their rights as they best could . Th * aaiue remarks will also apply with equal forca as it respects the election ot Guardian . ^; and it-was on tliis account ' that the votes of each pariv were so winal at thv last elecuonr-w hen every V * iig vote was sought up * togetbt * r . with ali their property aad pr « jxy vuies , tbougU ijomjB ot tha parU «* a . reitid .-id thirty or forty milerf ofl , wberesuhud botUparties bad equal ( airplay the people " ^ Guardiftiis \ wuld have been returned * f ^ % * ; + 4- \ ^ . ft . ¦ - v . « ^« v \ « % iii * ., p ¥ w % A& naft tt t « I Aft . - j ^ iff ^ k ¦«« ^ U . » »** V *\ m * . - > . toyrtJiKnito oub thtM 3 tile Now thiuk
- uyer > a crew . I it will he acknowledged by all tiiat there is no one wtko ha * pall more nttBntion to thene matter * tuan 1 , hy * e { and 1 will say fcurtoer , tout I have xpeut mor » rtaie > md labour ( ami gnttuitotwly too ) tiiau ail tUe Radicals iu this borough put togeth r this last two i y * it * , 01 « oJar end «< avoiinug to improve the list q | Voters as would enable the people to return to . 8 arT liament a initu el their « wn wish . Whether that should be Oastler , Or U'Coiuior , or such an < u > e as ibey best approved of , I wn convinced there ' iii streHgih ' sufficient in this borouuh , if it was brought into action ; and to effect this waa the only desire 1 uad in wishing to tmvr anytliiug to u « witU ch ^ u / kl of collector and Uii * waa the only rea ^ tju vuv I made ap ^ lK ^ uioa t »\ Binua , Lqiiu , and Prjes ^ ev
In the urxt pinco Pnestley ^ ttb-a to tlus . cr . miI : V , xi . oners , tuat tUere . hHd iiev ^ r been any arr Aua » ? , ' .,, > r propositiow ot tue km 1 uuue to uiip res ? . evtiiii inu-aiding hiw ; or , iu other word , - * . t ' , r ' ^ , 1 ^ , agt ed uiuny tuiu S of itw' kind . Nvjn ' thu isthlt wulhe knew a to be false when hjt « ,, . £ Jf [// 'ff ' uientam . d my views MMa wevks ;^ M < i [„ bJIUM * the l u , ii » a o ^ nvut . fr , « T iLifnvrv ,. | u , at . no s , a iai . o- til .- | ir . ru-tv « f * ucJi-, , ^ ii , ^ , , M , n- « ud « h <} u it w »» mj . wtd to uv * u ' . mi . er yl tUe ' guurtiiu . 1
Untitled Picture
Untitled Picture
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 2, 1839, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1043/page/1/