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MB» O'BKIEN'b HOTlOii OS 1HE COEN ^ LAWS. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ll ^^^ ^J^ ^^^^ Wr '^ ^^ ^^^
NATIONAL CONVENTION. Wednetdajfy Febntmry 13.
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LEfcDsrwp nn^ ft y the v i» rtp r|et^^£iy|
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To ew Teasers vn& to » ar ? elr « t it most be ; gratifying "ToJearB , frcn tie oaAintms manner in-• which . Mr . 0 Bkisr ' S motion wti paved , « fcat | . they ver « not fools for reeeiviBg , neither were ire ? traitors tor ineclcatfrif , car nation * rerpectiBg the ' B * peal * if the Cora . Law * . The speech of Mr . OTJfcllN ctntaiBtfl all ibc « fact * to which % re
hate otct and over again referred in tbe Star , *» jood ebS substantial rt-apoos why tie Be " pj eal « f the Corn Laws , without "UniTer **! Salfrage , weald be iatber an lDJury than a benefit to tbm vnsee * Thus ofiT ~ totdcct has reefhfd the bat and the sanction of an hoDest , a deliberate , « o onittd ) mud a truly popular assembly ; and tbwwe ffiDg back in the face of B-iiNBS and hit colleague * all those taunts -o lavishly b * ttow , ed upon those who prefer substantial good to a visionary expedient .
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Mr . RobczEv Chairman , Wr . btttle handed in a small subscription fro » "the CJiampml ijfke . Mr . < yu > XttOK brought forward hi * motion that fh * treasur ** r » should bring lor ward their accounts very Monday and Thursday > revious to any other botdsess—iDbseqoentlj- he moved that the finance -committee Be appointed aad directed to settle aeconstg , aad to rt-port every Weuday Morning . Mr . Richa *]» ok banded in £ 5 &vm Macdet field .
ARREST OF MR . S TEPHENS . . Jrlr . ( rCovwt vu most-aaaioBs to hare made a speech and l * ad a debated the subject of the arrest of Mr . Stephens . 1 b conaequetie * of the neommejudatibn of some ot th * . best friends of Mr . Siepbt-a * . hovevtr as moat to skhdraw the sotion ( bear ); if was quite competent torhia * 4 r » Uo make * speech ' ^ ajicf ^ is opiiuflnsvawftben to withdraw ) fei » oti « eK > as toprereitanr debate , bat be did Aot' think thin & straightforward coone , end h # . wonid not . thera&re ^ partite 4 t . ffiear . fcg Be ¦ jt
gwa content anxueu by staaaf iaat among- * to » frieodeof Mr . Stephens , by wbuiftarke liaetar , ere * Doctor . WBowsii , Doctor ^ etcher , Doctor T » jkr , Mr . Bos * ey » Mr . Roe , Mr . Pitkethly , Mr . Dtogau , £ c- who nnaaimeusly concured in the propriety of the covse be wa » pnnsaisg . In order , Iherefure , to prevent toe possibility of doing prejudice to the cause of Mr . Stephen * , in cider to give so room for any angry dweasaon , or any warm ex-Hysiun on the put of himself-or other * , which mightruouager the exuuyitt * « f the Conreotien , he would a * k leave to withdraw the motion far the
pmaxu Motion withdrawn . Mr . O'&azax brought forward his motion for an interview with the Member * of the House of Com-Bias * , w follow * : — w T 4 » tia ike opinion of tbi » Contention it is desilable tbai , ^ renonsly to the presentation of the National Pt-utioB , every possible means should be adopted to disabuse the mind * of Members » f Parlia ment « f say prejudices or misgivings they may entertain touching the objects of the persons styled Chartists , aad to coo « iaee them , if postible , that we Chaitiiis ebtert&iu be niterier iecgn » which are not atric : ] y cousenmtiTe of all legitimate guarantees for Ike-protection ot life , fcbertr aad propertj . Al » o
• eam £ g , thai the meu » lo be ad » pte ? l for that end , Aonld be of a character at QBce . hosonza . bIe to onraehes , aad rtsprctml to theAtenbecsof the Lefif . iatnre , auid we therefore deem it expedientj » to ^ dt « m interTH * w with the gentlemen of the House ol Ooouaeas , is © rderi * convey- to them whattTtr in-JonnatioB •* yocsesa toocinBgtfee wants ^ nd fe ^ -lifij ; 1 « f ow coortiinrnts , and tn Wspeax thrir good-will in &ronf of the NatSonal Petition ind t ^ e People '» Char'fer . Th : Uiu accordance , with the precediag r **> lniion "We do licreby > atltori » e and iftstract oar secretary to addrtas a circakr letter to each geotlemao known «> fce-a Member of the pfthfent House of ComnKUw , indoidBg a copy of- the above renoiation * , aad re » -
pfctfniiy lutimig him to an intertiew with . the Delefaif « uf i be Cttnvmlion to i * i » eU on such -4 &y a » d -at inch place' as tkr *« jb-vmBiuee appointed to wait o » the Mrtabew of i » &riiMBeut may duect " He di 4 sot ask them h Aieabera of the Hocteof CemmsiB to meet . an . iatpcrhm . « nqoerw , he merely aAedth » qnasfeatlrH « ru , th <' « amea » if they were the memben ot any » th « r ehib . Thrm oosld be bo donbt tL ^ t -we were the repr ^ ratatm * of at Waal ttyeemitHoM of people who had ~ < ttnt& 1 brwKrd . aad Jttobabiy of ^ lth » workmg cLvset . At fcur jwrt-AfsaiDQit , onemlDMMi « a « hmdreti ' thou » aud . caa » fcrward , jib retaru \ u while iwt mace -than , aix-kaDd > " *•* iboBi « t » d remroe 4 the otbrtn . He wo » Wl » a + e to geiktUmai * ppoiat » d- «» o « doct the intmit »« i ^ feof tha ^ jfi ^ atiw ^ ib io ^ -wto A ^ rid i »
« w « « aw um eooBtry , and then would m » &ai n » « xi >* mbo » « f-tke CoavenSto «« to be t « kt-n a » . a pwx , f of the au&ety of « he eoautrr , to act legxlly , . aaa . thaaH sol be cowidered- a * an sniolL \ Hear , hear . ) We wenld appear aamedia 4 prrbet * e « -a the pei > ple and the Bouse of Common * , aad it woa& b « onr dotr to wars them , that if justice wrre . not done it would be impoMible fur sa to -pnrnA "Oie peopje from taking me law into war own hand * . W « would ahow them that it is Brcrd to » ay , that we should not tare lb # { ranchi » e nntil we hava proper ^ , while it is evident that by the existm * kw « toe ran majority oew can ka * e property . ( Hear , hear . ) Whatever toeir answer to o « r limtenon , good mo » t Tesnlt . if ther all
reruse , then uor constituent * know wbatto thuik ' of the insult ; if all » ho « ld come , ( thoojh I 'lon ' t expect iy tben we # kould hare won the battle . If « ome coept and tome refuse , we should then know who save so much of jostice and common feeling a * to anawer U » reqnest of three millions « £ their fcllewjmbjects , as for those who refused we attould . know what to ihq > y of them . Mr . ( Joluab teeoaded the morioK . Doctor FLCTCHta , of Bnry , ob » eff « d that he had been much mixed op with the question of torch fight meetings , and ne was prepared to prove evm fr om their euemk * , even from u » e depaty constable f the town , that ike meeting in quesooo was of the nest peaceable narore . In aHosion to the ord « r of
« oeoIin *»? cTetanesof Sttte te one of the ma } ii » - trates , hawked throogh some of tke contemptible p ^ persof the day , and wikfcmight b « hnrl « d at him , be made * moxtvpinted deckration , amid general cheer ** that m far from consid « rin « coca an order to ia » e the fc « e ef law , be would treat it with utter contempt . ' UfVWHXTTiz objected te the motion . He thought that ax ta « " House always acted upon precedent * , and w there was no preoedenU for this , we might anticipate a refusal—the country , too , would S&bcipatp , zaa wnat is more , would approve their jefwai j ae thooght that it wooJd hare the effiset of BlaetBg the Coownties in a fake position , ana weald therefore oppose the motion . Mr . Hob supported Mr . Whittle ' s view of Mr . Salt sad * in powwfcl fpiltk , supported the origina ioB
saajt . V fir . Wiunsfc&nw 4 . , ' . Mr . Oi *** m > * gf * to | h « ttMkiioB , be-^ hSfrVhAA - ^ BiA » ^ av ^ atf ^^ k ^ - 4 ^^^^» - ——^ ¦— — — * ^ -a ^ - * a % tsKsss «¦ Bswfr iMi' MMnpVBwnteQ -lo tke fm « f * nwb » . n «« itl »' power « i making the < hejBtmort iiiijiiirniii n ihta liusg JUa ^ fculi as setrith t , asdtketts . t thttlSepn *> khad atdstn , fcr TwtrtiBB , tnuiiBiu tfcay kaawth « t die maxrani « vote ! forw + nm * Hm * 9 t tbiati » tfteteamof I * y « cal force . 1 « Was W < te Protestants bo&f ac qnitntod with the rietfk andcharacters t £ 0 * Caxhofies that SmanopattOBWu patfed , aod i t w ill only oe by aaking oocsafanes , aad onr views , * nd the amm eter of ftase vbni t « lepresgat widdr , inlhr , and gecenfy |§ ows that we can hope to breakdown the oppositfim to them , founded as it bl » f
m » . great jneasura « n ; . ^ ejr ignorance our . ^ e ws aad object * , H * wa * glad to nave thu mpwfeauj ^ of setting himself right with regard , tettf ^• s « , aodwkb retard to plysieal force—which he warooe of those who were" held up . w recommend-SS-Z ^^ LfLTK ^ F ^^^ i " ' *» w' *» i ke M 9 > - « ffaMd thettea of any nsource to it . ( ts «« r , Jwtar . ) ^ "fe *»*• * ¦«• !«** in « pport DSctor M'Dpoiu . « s « ld say , in relation to- ? Jr » ^^ htJMttnte « f fMtiomW s ^ Sed to 15 Aa ^ wfi ^ LI ^ ! 111 ^ fen-wder-Lyn * -. £ w , lwr , > - % ewas ae * , penaitted to diTulge aB state u Id be of . a « jk a xiatare as would bow £ X ot
a » e > « aer » a « » s ^ 8 M- ( he « r , hear , haar )^ «^; wodi - } sr » TSlJohB HaiStt to ** ? r » -SL 5 * ' <^ w »» twees would be di . Mn Ciirom was ^ J that ^ queMwa of Bora ! and physu » a force had been sapennduced on the gpetivm , fat it want to atew-ftar , after all , there was wdjE ^ mrisiioop fcia * iwtWdrt tfeafaldwugh tboeghnusr ^ rewftMiabtbQh ^ i ben conndertd xjpjxwng fsrtintu ( tifHT . ~ B » iJ Im supported"the 1 ^ . T * Ti , > ms * i 4 , h » fcs ^ -promi *^ to econa-ftis » obM ¦ onie dayn ajt ^ s » d UFaA St * t ^ tjm pcwe . but cusldn « tsasck Dm ^ baanasn ^ eye . He mtiHrirtAtiMh lha i » i ¦ * --- » ¦¦ mil f-- — . _ v . n ^ w ^^^ ttv IUt
Sudir ^ Sfia ^^' ^^^ *^ - ' Mf ^ f tn . g r m » r said th » -first t or chlight merting wasiabwfcOOCrfJlr . atrahena ; the B ** ooo > jn ( Mao . * 9 ^ , in hooq ^ j-jof Mr . F ., 0 'Cona » r ; ie supported M ^ j ^ vaTwoala ' gueshe hostyearfe wafrs b # «\ e * - * ivfe i * p ^ a ^ >« jr >» pp ort'iD > 9 ty of . telling the H 9 to epT ^ t « ml < wi » J » t 6 e ^ thoo |^ t j fer'J » * M
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» ure that it ti >* y were not fcvceu to > ouQfessith « -a sehes in the wrong , they Brtret te etrLer rogues or fools . ( Hear . ) _ . . "Hr . Smart r « aa aeexti * et fro »« periodical paper * howing tb . ai > odi was the d ** titoii « n of the peopty that thry were ohMgrf te work ** en on Sundays . Mr . Baa ** , w *« ajbsiotti te explain whit the people , wbvA-he raprrsentrd , Bwstr t hy PByaiea ) Force . H * oonld awcre the Chair , that Jus « on * sdtueats did not intend to eeop with petitioning , bnt tojtoa great deal fyrthrfe - Mr . Bcmsy thupjht that M « iben of the House of Commonakuew notfcnc of the circumstances 4 > f
ibe people , pr o the i > okliags which-homed in their bosoms , and that this -oof bt to be known to them . . He . Quoted the opinion of Adam Ssaith , " That . labpurV'iitf the knmdalion of all other prosperity , had an » qual right of . pr otection with any ether kind of property . < H « ar- > Alderman Madiev thoocht speakers , had wandered Irum the subject ; he w « nld support the motion . Mes » r * . Woop , Ssbtoktox , Ncmoi , Ferkt , Ma » bdzs , Cleate , Haixtt , B-ukxs , and Habney all speie ia the Usvui $£ tbe motion . Mr . O'Bbiem sberdy replied , when the motion wag carried bv a wry great majority .
Mr . 1 ' ight ' s motion for xeoemng any communication which might be made from tL * Socialists , was negatiTed , Mr . Tight alone Tetiu / tor i ^ . Mr . O'CoM ( OB > gave cutice ihai-oa Monday week be would take au oppurUiuvty of bringing the state of Ireland under the consideration-ef the-Convention , when be would itrave that a co » mitt * e be appointed to deliberate upon and report fo tlie C ' orivemion the best mrans of i > Blucing the support of the Irish nation in furiherauoe ol the I < -ational Petition and ilie ~ PeOp 1 e '» Charter ; and that the cemmittets shocld be instructed to draw sp a document containing their views with re » pect vojuatioe lor Ireland . Tim annonncement was rroeiied with loud cheers And clappivg of bands , and * general cry ef "Monday next , ' ' to which Mr . O'Connor acceded . Mr . Vixcekt gave notice that to-Btorrow he weald ask Mr . Frost for the production of the . ccrresBundence between himself and the Secpet&rr of State .
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HOUSE 0 FL 0 RDS ~ Tiif «^ , JWr *«» yl 2 . . A long and nqt uninteresting conver ^ atituvtook f lace on the subject of Naval Scbfepls and Education , t wasi&trodooHd by Vh $ Earl of Uakswick ^ and strip *! N «> blc Lords took part i * h . Kothing te . nited from R , except the conclindon , that we are the worst educated naval people in the world , and hare the most usreientinc shipbuilders , and yet practically our natal officers are amongst the best m _ existence , and our ships beat and t * ke all others The education is the theoretical part that is under-¦ takes by Gnvercinept and is slovenly donei The actual practical part is as it were left to th » people and it is aone toWsbly well . Ko morion grew out uf this conversation , and at its conclusion the Hobs * of Peers adjourued to Thursday .
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HOUSE OF COMMONS— 7 W « fey Fei . 12 . A considerable dumber of petitions far and agaisst the Corn-law ? werepresentea . Col . Evans presented » ne from Westminster , praying the House te ecoBOmise its time , and not engage xa uselnta ducUKsioo . WiA reference to Mr . rrest , the Mpnmonthshire magistrate , and Member of the National Convention , Lord John Russell stated that the correspondence which had parsed must he produced , bat it was not anved for last night . SirR . PEEL -wished to learn from Lord John "RunieB whRt cour « e be meant to take with reference to Mr . Villier ' s morion on the Coni-lawn . Lord JOHN declined answering till Thursday . Wednudatf , Feb . 13 . There being oaly twenty-ninf Metnbern present at four o ' clock , the House adjourned till to-morrow .
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mm TO THK KD 1 T 0 RS OF THB NORTHERN STAR . Gextxcmem , —Permit me to inform youraumerona Testers that this ** are eoudacted in a carious may . ner in my natite town of Durby . There ? has been a demossiratios recently « n Chester Green , in our nvighbosrbood , u < d the manufacturers speak cf that assemblage as a failure . Now , i ruggi ^ l tkat Air , Frost , a Derby manufacturer , be arked wbeuer be shut all his work people out of bis mill aad tTopped tbeir wages , b » -can « e a few of his bauds , more determined than th « r « t , absented tliemswres , to attend the public meeting of the Chartists ? It is likewise stated—but cm it be true , mat be attended hisfeanshmenl to h » re eatrnded thropgh the whole Wfjtav , Itwb Moaday uutU SaMfiday night ? Thin is intLmidatioft with * witness ^ ani proves the &eces » * & £ ZStMlt **** 5 J ^ 22 !^^ *** ' hi
: wR ^ 5 wi » W Hsti ^ sr o ^^ iames ^ sS eycrion tiwta . Mr . 'FTO »| Vi » Les to bu inken for a Lib > r » l ; tu « i permit me to ask what must a Tjfrant be-atjiuch times of strife ? '
Belper , tbe seat of the mannfectones cf Messrs . Strutt , is reporttsi vo he governed upon pTPtty similar principle *; but Edward Strutt , Esq ., M . P . is likewise rerunied by i * e RHorm iuterest I It is i iot sufficient to exclude ike muntes from the elecure Iranchise , by tlie lyrjmny of then prvWaded Lio « - rak , but the working clashes are to be thus r » - stntined from expressing their opinieuf , although inteoded to be made pnbb ' cin a com-titutional way . Befere designating these demonitradens as failure * , Wt the maltitudes be iree fr » -m coercion ! . ; The Drrby aanofactorers have been promoting an anti-Corn Law Petition , wherein parties signed for their absent friend * . I saw thi * farce with my own ryes , snd the individual soperiateuding- the signatures to this said notable petkioo . informed
mr , . ibatksts andnaaies were brought from tke Isictori e * , and copied down by proxy on to the face of thejmitieu I When it was ebderved to Mr . Pike , ihe ej liwr of tbe Derby and Uinie ^ peld , Reporter , that lads were permitted to sign the anti-Corn Law Petition , thi * anri-pby » caWoroc Eoi . or replied , " 0 I b « t they ( the ladsjare old enough to bear arms' ! . May not ihia b * dwiguated a new species of government qualification ? Oralroold H h % ealledMr . PikrsVGairpowder Law ? 1 iLiak it right t » st . te that I did But aign their peace-making petition . If the above statements are incorrect , & # renpects the manufacturing iutimidarioB , 1 shall be glad to be corrrtjted ; but , I myjalf , am an advocate for ^ aahitarrfre ^ dom , and although a-freenum © f the borough of Derby , lam still and admirer aad promoter of th * principles" of UnhersHl Suffrage . I renuin , Sir ,
Year * , * c , Frascu Fox , M . D ~ Derby . * P . S . I write this letter at Worksop , being obliged to be absent for a few days .
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PARTIAL CONDUCT OF THE EDITOR OS THE "TKUE SCOTSMAN . " TO Tfil BDIT 0 R 3 OF THB MOItTBJKN fTAB , ^ GjprnBmr ^ rWBl yow do nrf ' Or kinanew t » innert % SSlo ^ iMvUttrr Jir Sdr-ftw * , editor ot what h ^ a ^ l ^ J to A ^ p ^^ &j&&xtm When h « efablisbed tkat piper-W pledged hiauelf thatit should represent the waataand wuhes «< the people of Scotland - _ fcr they had long bees withont aa organ—hut the Trut Scotsman should supply the deficieiMT ^ H ew iarit ha * retained that character i leave its readers to Judge ; but m lact hat jast oake under , my obserration which fully conviaeet pae it is unworth y the name it beam . Mr . Fraser nssertsletterji inhis papjrt of the 2 nd February from Mr . A . Dencan and » Thorn ** Richxrdson , Secretarr
to theC ew&ine * for Uu ; Election of Mr . A . Duncan —• lucking the character of Feargos O'Connor , E * o _ aieCarHak Radical Aseoeiatioo , and mysrlT , as Secretary of that body . 1 do not eonrfder the Eduor ef a newspaper answerable for the correct ness of cotagrotricaitinas sent to him ; bat i do conceive that if its . colnmns are "pen to letters ef indivit aab manning the characters of other men , they sbonld in iairnest be open to their defence . Mr . Fraser thinks differently ; for , 1 answered the attack made up *» enyseif a » d tbe CarKale Radical Asvo-• farioe . paklthat eommuaieatioft—and which Mr . Fnwer would receive en Wadaeadar morning , yet he -hsa found it oooresjest not to insert it You wifle » f >« nJhe 4 > ttrpaHR » f » yietto-, the nature ol theattack .
I remain , GentlabeB , Your ebe 4 ient Sfrrant , HjCHKt JBOWMAK , Secretary ef the Cariisre Radical AswdWion .
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Mr . Ricbexd-off nor MCAiDnnewi e | 6 | MinM n » . ttretfcad the LtttAr continue to to the inoant * «< tW |» 3 pi # , ^ at ^ w ^ ldhw * iOowefsoch a reaoWtwn to pa « . yth j did Mr . Rkawbca no » c oa ^ lata cf that meeting ? And whyhaskeadi dre «* 5 dhis u » plenetJc'Me 4 terto m * ? Ferth » sim-J ple > eai « o « --th » tdyiijf men' cateh' ^ t straw * , tad ii * tbe fulness of Mr . A . Duncan ' * despair , he has * in . " rtracted' this tool of bis ( Mr . RichardDoo ) to makt > ckatgea agaioit « e and the Carlisle Radical Amociation . Mr . Richardeatt « ught to -kum * being ' Secretary himself , thatny beingaodeeaaatmake me respoiMhle for the acUoJ-the soeietjb-The reselutiob which Mr . Richardson complauM . ^ f « nd , by tb
bye , which , he and Mr . A-Duacan hvw a right fe complain , of , for it rescinds the tote's appointment , and ha * roused the ire and spleen fcf , M * . Aichturd-: son , ) was passed at a public sBeeting-iand a Tefy : full meeting of the working dasew of Carlisle Mr . Richardsen saw U was either WinduJge the frplenetic temper of Mr . BowoMm , « r « r » wfcunded vanity of Fearirai O'Connor . * $ {©« , 1 caanoilnidge of Mr . Ricbwdaom except fromthw wry ilKeiupered < letter , which ^ ertaiolv ahuws * gr eater extent ef spleen than Mr . R . had a right to attribute t » oe , noc knowing anything whatever « f ene ; indeed , it appears all guess-work op the part of Mr . R ., for hedoes not knew , to whom to attribute this direful resolution . It was the resoludoaef ibe Deoble . and Mr .
RiehardKm knows well , and »* does Mr . A . Duncan , why it was pa-wed . JJecause he took a prominent part in the Calton Hill rneeUoc , and the resplutions that were pasted there ; . and that , too , alter the differences . at Birmingham had been settled . This is the reason , and no other , why Mr . A . Duncan baa been denounced , not only bjr $ he people of Carlisle , but by hi * own countrymen , in most of the principal towns of Scotland ! I shall pan over a greatpertien of Mr . Richardson ' s letter , for it u unworthy of notice , containing , as it does , false charges rae and uu gentlemanly assertions , and aparoel of tht worst ivu . *» iiing on lalse data , thai . it has ever bew » my lot to peruse . Mr . Richardson imoudentlv and « t )
DWlessly obtenes— We know very tittle that Mr . Bowman and the Carlisle Rndieaf Atssodatidn have : done lor the Radical cause . ; " and yet » thengh he kuews little , he presumes a great deal f aodcalhi us "impertinent and presunapta « us . " W «» i to follow the example of Mr . Ricbardeon , I mighj ^ sr semit o / knowledge , make bW chargM ^ an 4 aeln ^ ajuse sjf undeserved abnsejiCUw ^ iewt ^ ^[ . ^ i ^ ynn cac ; wiU be a had one , and as men lswi « M | TejCK Bat , } will tell Mr . Richardson . vtofhtJmhmMUNpj aad in the absence nfthni iTiiiiririit £ r JftLlieHliafMi proper to « rrira charges as instating a * . & * £ « fe to . justifiable . The Carlisle Radioal fmwfivt i" * has
not been in existence nx Months , yetio that time they have had a splendid dem 9 n « trMiieo « f which Mr . A . Duncan was an eyY-witne * s : > h < ty have iabscribed upwards of £ 30 Natiouai Ryat , aid though they bare not sent a member to the Convention , they are prepared to support those already ftst , and not to endeavour , te sow dissension ajooqgjit them . In regard to the character of Mr . A . Dnnc # n , I premme Mr . Richardson koowjiagreat deal taore than mvself , for 1 never knew him until he can * to Car liue ; and from an interview I then had with him , I did not form a very Jayourable opinion of huo , neither for discretion nor ability ; . and as sach I told him to bis face , and h « nce we have ^ the soleuerie
temper wf Mr . Bpwmau displayed . But , this circutnjitance would never have » fleeted in the slightest degree the character of Mr . A . Duncan , had Inn own conduct net made him unpopular . Mr . Richardson says that Feargua O'Connor mportod Mr . Duacan ' s speech with his own hand . This isrrot a feet , far 1 was on the hustings at the time , and Mr . O'Connor was op his way to Leeds when Mr . Duncan was speaking : so much for the accuracy of Mr . JUchnrdson ' s statement * . The report , which appeared-iu the Slar some time back , was , L believe , token from tbn Varlulc Journal . As tow Association " couatehancing much frothy nonsense in the shape of
speeches and resolution * , " 1 know uotto what Mr . Richardson allude * " : it u perfectly ^ euy * to . make bold flaming assertion * , bnt it wdajM-nve said fcr more for Al r . IL ' s good svnse , had *] te pauHed out the freth y nonsense , and proved thet # Vad gone far to injure the cause . 1 beg leave to correct Mr . Duncan , when he says " that Mr . Hansou moved and Feargus O'Connor reoonded , tbe resolution recomnutudin ^ the Radicals of Dumfrtes to reconsider the appointment of Mr . A . Duncan as a delegate to the Convention . " Mr . Andersoa was the mpter , an J myself the seconder , of that resolution : so that all Mr . Duncan ' s charges against Mr . O'Connor ( all to the ground . Yours , Ac . Henry Bowman , Secretary . Carlisle , Feb . 11 th , 1839 .
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- . — mwb » mm - - i TO THE WORltiJfi ^ ' MEN OF THE WEST RIDING Ofc ta ^ J ^ U ^ TY OF YORK . : i yg tU > W ^> girT > T sie » f > CwlM ky > onr snftagts hern icttfatM —tfitii | isrtta « -K » si > i «>< ik . eaafce ataitutfipu * b * ^ S ?^ L ^* gJ < a lL '^ fe g > *»* ? S * * , " * dttt ' » mat tfaw to . &SM , (« i « Mk ; nmU > m . nostisaportaat » iMo ^^ . Siti | lBo » la «< Sfcss Wwliehaepea ^ t ^ wTtt ^ m * f timimH * t \ mt OmmSiWmMktogawBT ^ We & » re m h *< its « fcsil « Wjiskr W <» to WkWtMXWrwition ef Deteg »» t » i » 1 * amijSmi 3 fi * m * * ii * j 1 : + * r * «*** Iok of SpBSB ^ MESeSs&r % toaiiW > rs »» S > JMjpJjgWJL O ? hMM ** s » cifaIian . but
iiWSm y > SW , 9 f ^ m , immm ^ € ittf * . Utf Movement : aur 9 * fcj ^* ^ ] my * # w ^ hn ^ ¥ ih 2 : r » e «<< rt «* isk Mdr « a ds > gHalin + t ** fiimtt the human i 0 iM 40 lK ^« M % 3 oeAM r « MraT ^^^ iheb 4 tfai pub : You wtU ^ Vt . d 9 ( te 9 Hb -Mtd , wife mat sarmun as « IndifT ^ dB ^ -tti neQoik Wtr fconulned in a pazampfc ol the MiaUurTttl * ellM > H . j ^ ed-the Quce n ' ia <> cecV « nthe «» poi iii ^ of PuVmifniii 2 lSmh * T M * Wy U tuaa « te i *\»* t tit- foW ^ iy ^^ sw ^ fjfcs ^ sjWtg ^ . y ^ jMtiit tt *^^ etrpigrJorU trJudk % iefb »* h wcdtibfomeparCt a / the cvunlry iXsrtiimmurul f ifCttioi&o ^ iaux and rmiiianftlo . llwlav . ai 3 ibr reemmund danb . Tfu * tt * $ jtUpl * ta&k 0 iA - Hmeire bitrr * po ~ uiTn libel I nT . ril !><^ P >> , !> r . lll l . 1 ti ) IJlVllll % UtOnnf that - ( be baa never petiowiif -gtiaerrnd any « B » cflnrU on . tbe far vLh <* i \ iiAtt& , *^ \ ii » i 4 tar 9 *\ rkTa > md § e&c fome ***
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p * J » r t ^ itotejkta « ^ Mtryk . ^«^ th . wUrcprwe .- ] tatfosjrjrf hit a 4 raMn * wao , fcjr ( heir m * l » &miai » tntuMpt I wli ^ ps id thatj— at ta « BriUdt eommttBity j a&a < k \ % \ «* , A yt >« t ^« itf 4 tWsai lie ttavlutirtn / drty m ^ ^^ ' ^ e > eti « £ l « siU < Msw * m tke Miaisun o » tbriky to « ll <» w ai 4 uaO )« ror fowfrtmi ds , in ihenMne of ikt : pto » W , teaV ear AalaeirMhatf , at Uw Harof iheHotweofZoauaosi , !! « rb * f * ta « y wWi esaju * . to prove that tke eharae wade agaiact suthVeseb i » l * b « , maiicians , and unfounded ; and . ( drtber , tka ( hef JAi ^ sty is jn «< te to *» j : — " That / or the cotin Urqction ef mil jut * ilttypu 1 dejxnd upon tMtetieacyot ( JU kmr , * hi * it * mirmy 4 ut to « t £ rc * " Why , ffWndi , 0 » e » paid V « ally teaM «» leU « &th » t tit * Qoeen ' * Uinuter ? Wei * Um most < ii « HiabIeiar « ia < nciste * eif : for skoald the qnuUtUn ja « t muirn mmmm « pf mcaninid it miwC be , th » t th « Government whidi r » l # * A « - Minrtttt Va < r » hitherto neglecteU ihf ( Sne / MbreedRkt of tfte L »»» ol the remlm . or , otherwise , that tMjinyif jwv oi BOtmiM ol the
. smn fuwj grMHon : me f"rm » ^ i ^ E ^ ecu « i » e ar « t * h :-gaUtT party ; of latter , it i > m «» wn »* Wid ' fttry- ^« ftiifyi » g . » r . thir « . But it doe » not Uy h * w : U k farther state * :- * » Tkul Sir Mdjttty will r « ly tnitoJt » 4 * iteia ml * i 9 Mi < tUpMitimert ) Ui p «> Pk < tiitoii their mtatAmtmt j * . Jtoprincnlit ff >* n < s » , ^ 4 th > , tr abhor ntux pT * # ** md ftnrdtr . * Shontd her . M » jy » ty 1 *' ra J _ ?« * * ^ t ° wilh * ¦ bu siness ,.. ¦ aad .-bs . de-UjmbuA Mi yam . herself upoa th « g < x > d ' sense and right Svpouiwo ef « wp » op ]« , opoj > , thw » tudiment to the prior cvpi *« Tjo » a ^ t - and their abbomnee »( violence wid aUordur , wedo ^ oiaTr % « nn that jwi ; the toeu ef tl » e We » t Ridinji . . wtUtMsiit i jjj 4 *< s »* berUtJeky , « vea tethe bedding « r «« w dnfcof Moodia your reins , ia the maintenunee ortke prUMslM of j « ubce , asd the repreuion of . violence oud dawsw . Touate , itUtrue , dUconuoted . mnd it is equallv H * s < i ^ t y « ur « Mwate < at arUes out of an accnmuUtioa of CC ? *""«! uiflieted upon yon by an n » jwt system of lei »» 1 a ™« -a system which ha * e * Render * d a spotiobs and
«^^« W « WW tV , " ***!*• w ' -legUJatlon , afeting diweUy in co »| n 1 « e 5 e « t 9 tke aekMwMind right * of theaubfcet , and ef « sttt «( Maal pri « i ^ g « e M the * wains , thus instigating you to act * of noleftce , Mid tkrawiag tlw country into a " Mat ^ of e *> f « ion abd ^ duurdtr . You & ' ve , it i » true , ^ eteruiined ujwa a mode of action by which you de * ire to re-e ^ tuWlahtho HW » « fJBfitiMia UwJang « ase of tke graatcharter of our snatry . Toatttaaall ' tteiuMt be sold nor deUyed to any fttn t ibat 4 hetow «« f irtxwurrr « hull be made ' equolty by fcegBwpsatef-aJVlo neeweefual protection for , and eqml p » nlskjn « atto , all . Thisws conwder to be in sceordaace w » tne eternal princip le * of ju » tie « , and trn » t tbitt yo « are wHjrMfared to maianln such right at the expense of ev « ry meni *» utte—uj to bemad * ia th « prewat trnKgle . We would not qaly urge uj »« b those who have hitherto ¦ trural ^ for ( r * ed 6 m , "» gBin « t auch fearful odd « , to go forward ; but we ' *« ip «(<« yWmia the West Riding of thx county ol \ ° ** tt *»¦» to * mr aMMtaiiee at the prewntcritidti jancture of >« Mr » , »« dJi » t ( tai « Mh kiiu * eU uvhauye * of hU coontrvnvn , by hi »» t » ce » an * infr ) i « tic devotin * to our riuhtooua ^ "Ir-k ! * * & **• ¥ ' * & ' »»»» *>»• wo'king m » n in tbe W * st RMmg did not do hi * duty ; andbe U rei « ember « d , th * t tt t » -not a swye ¦ rqui—ttixse in tbe Justice of our c » u *« th » t
Wt «* ttu « latpireeent--ii « t the outward ptofvMions of friend-¦ Wf , «« 4 tat real euwtioas of the people , leu profitMloM and * 0 » prsetjea , Think not that we , year tepret *» t » ti « M , ran ! # g * to jrou the blewing * of peace and domeMtc tntwmeut , ft **™******! . ypoto Uw ntmoet extent of , wbj « b you are taosMe . TheBftaa » twotn&n , and / eaifd , setto work in thi * smttor . You that , up te the tretem time , ha # « been mere Msrrers , become at once co-workers-with jovr fellow-menyou that b » vebeeh iaiolent , become energetin . The cause ia yo * r own j then work out your own lalvtttion—not with fear andtrwnb ! in « , tot with ibat b * ld , manl * and untiring tsrrtion whieb . wul demonsti » te , U your opprrMon that you value the welfare , * ? your children , th » cowforu of yuur own cottages , and , above all , that you value liberty as the means vSfTf v *** J » » M Messi » gs , and sre prepared to contend w » ta all the combined powers of tyranny ,-in your endeuvonra to «« tabluhtjxe right of all upon the bruad basin of poUtieal CflnftUCT * - ' . ¦ R f Jyiai upon your firmnes * in the cause of humanity , of jaitie # , ahd cf liberty , we ¦ ubaeribe ourselvei , youn iu the cauee of Democracy , Peter BiigSKY , 'WlLUAM KlDKR , FEARCUtt O'CONNOR . ; Ual « , F , b . ll . lW . V-FiwknaT .
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CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT .-Mondav . Before Mr . Justice Faughan and the Recorder . CJ 1 ARQK er CHILD MURDER . —HORRIBLE CASE . Jaue Reeve , aged 30 , was indicted for the wilful murder of her own inlaiit « hild . Mr . btfdkin ' ajtpemrearor the proeecutioo , and Mr . Clarkeon defended the pruoner . Mr . bODKlN , in itaMag the caw , obcerved that thn circum « Unce « attending it were of a feurfut and revolting nature , » nd w » u ) d require the ukinte attention of the jury-After aUting the facu deUiled in the evidence which follow « , the leaned eovnevl said that the quantum to be conaiderad wia , whether the child Mally -came into the world alive , and came by iu death in the mauaer ktated in the imluuueni , ana no circouwfarace , however ferohing it uiight jpuuar , uuconnected with thuquestion ought tocruate a pri-juiltc- againat the pruoo « r ini judging of her guilt or innocence upon & charge Tha Mlowiag witneases w » re then called for the prose cutjon : — ¦ r
Alfred William Wise examined : —I am a pot-boy at the Btockmaker'a Arm * . About one o ' clock on thn 24 th of January list , I wwpatoing along the road n « ar bhepetd <> s » » iela « , Boston , when , in aciteb bv the « iie of the road . 1 diaeoverrd the head of cbild . At a little dwuiuw IruB it 1 alto found the body of a child , with the esception of the left arm ; wrapped up in a newapaper . The head « u about two or lkrs « (« vl from the body . A gentlvman of the name ot Preedjr cuii up , and by his direction , the body was taken to the Matum Howe . 1 was n « ar the tame pla c * the evening before , and saw a female , about two or three hundred yurda from the place , proceeding in the direction or the canal . Thu wai in as « pno » ue direction from the plsce where tke budy wasloaad . Whrn tbe ww me the did not proceed to the canal , but . went toward * the tpot wh « re 1 dweovered the body of to * child . » he cairied a basket in on « h > nd , and-a blue bundle ia tke ether , t eould not see her lace dutiucUr * but boapneand to > ia » dktoctoa u « e . The basket ah * iTirMNi tautaT
e ^ ^^ . to , tb « «(>••«« . produced . . ^^^ i ^ P ^ i ^^ Citj-road . The pruon « r was ny Mk > w >* erv « itt . 1 >< huu « emaid aijd « he was cook . ' 1 'have been two tnoatha in the service ot J one * and Ghat field . 1 slept ia the » ume bed wiih the prMooer . I reuveiuber n y . ma « Ur , Mr . Chatarid , hxviitg a partr in Janiranr , but i do Sot recollect the d » y . About Jt week before the |« rty 1 tboaght the pruener w « a iu the Tamil j way , aad »» k * da » r , when « ne * tronghr denied that she w *« . Oa the Sjight « jr the * Mly th « went to bed about Ua o ' clock , audl wral abouteltven-, or half-paat eleven . ' A * aoou a * I got into bed , the roi ^ myh > f , " Oood CW , I cannot al «* u . " She skid notbiog more , aoiLj wade no n < ply . 1 h < ard her moan several tiinei , nad ahr ahVcquektly l «( t the r « om , * nd * f } ° * b * P- Previou * te tio ' inguut « he ttood eome time at the foot of the bed . and she went out m * v £ ral tlmi » lu . r » M i
went to « I « e » . i heard a cry as of a child before she left the room altogether . Mr . UUUiCIN . —Flave you ever said that you did not know « f » b * p U ;? «» rmigKthave proceeded from tbe mother or child?—Witaea * : —1 have . Mr . BODKIN : —What was your reaaon for aaying so?—Witness : — Bireauae I tuuld not be positive . Wr . JiuileeVAUUHAN : —I ' poi . yottr oath , now , do you belie * eitwai the cry of the uu > tlicr , or do you think it w » t th . tef aehild?—Vvitnta * : —1 beli # vB it wa * the cry of tht child aud the ; moining Of the ' mother , t oid not heat her tomato-bed again th »« night . Uhe wot net ia bed when 1 heard , the cry . £ he wa » not in bed in the uiorning . bh « called me at th « iuu » l hour , aeven o ' clock u * xt aiurning , ant ) tke wa * then dreMed . 1 do not think the wat in bed ufter nWgotnp the pteviout night . % Mr . BOUKtN ¦ —There watadresa of a mine banging
t& » t > . nigbt M the foot of the bed , and 1 afterward * found thai it-ira * cTained with blood . - On ( peaking t . the prisoner about 4 t , jhe said that iv muat have bran chicken'a or rabbit ' * bloud . She wsal about h * r u * ual buainet * tlte day alter tbe party . . There is a du-t-hoW on the premitet , and about two cr three o'clock on that day I taw the pritoner go there and remain kbeM" hatT an hour , turning over the athea . She aaid aho wan looking for abnuh . 1 wa * ukeu U Worihip-ttreet with the priavner , when * b » was * r » tcharged . When standing with her there , arevioua to bein ^ examined , I aaked heir if it wa * ths ' ehfld I heard' erjr on the night « f the party ? e » i tue awwered . "Ho ; it wa * me in aueh pain . " I wa * al « o in custody th «« . . ¦ ' • . . . - , '¦ - ¦ . ¦ ' ; ' CroM-cxaniined by Mr . PLARKSON : —I hare bat a very uayeWtmt-Wollecfion of what Ipataed after 1 weat to bed «»» the sight jn qneatioa . 1 sever offered to ri * e when 1 heard the pritoner moan . 8 he appeared very ill . I do not know how old ih * ia . 1 waa Ukeu into cwwlodr mvxelf
aad it wa * not until then that I said anything about the cry . I 4 o ao < know that my maater ' a dour wm open that night . I went to b < d before my master , and th * company had not gone » way whea I weat to mr room . I left them all in the mtUw . I beard the exclamation , "Good God , 1 cannot alenp , " immed ' utt « ly upon getting to bed . The parlour adjoin * bur room . By Mr . J u * ti * e VAUUHAM :-Thebed-room ha . aboarded floor , and there it no earuet upon it . There was a tireplace , but tbe pri * eetf could not get to it . There were no curtain * on the bea . By Mr . BODKIN .-It is what U called a " ttump" bedstrad , and abeut tha common height from the ar # und . Mim . Ann ChatfieM « xsaiiMd ;^ The wessaa at the bar ?** ¦ " J * ST ^* . 3 tnwfUtt . Lmppowd , from I * MMarance , ( bit she wai Jrapticatv but , . he denied that Brwas . She was five month * in out * ervice 7 » nd ex htt ) iwd | h » * Ma « ppaaniMe alt tb * time . Wo had a party ° u »« . */•¦"'« «»[ »« Uth , . o £ January , and the pri * o » r that night went to bed about teaVtfock , eleven being the usual hour . fUitabethV the hoUtfclimid , was anxi « u * aUo
W go to bed , and 1 pefmitted h « r to go about ten minute * paii eleven o ' clock , i was op . thyielf till about •»« o ' clock , a « d remnjiied in tbe parlour during tbe evening , The door of the parlour u opposite to the door of th * bedroom in which the prisoner * lept . The door * are about bur fcet from SmeL eUierj and separated by a , nan » g « . The parlour door wa * open about three quartera of an hour aHtt EUxaUth went to W > , because aome . person who bad gone uot wa * expected to return . I do not know tf anyone w « htj * to the . bed-roora after ¦ tbia . I re »» -ujber ^ S ? Y - 7 ** *•?• ¦** of a ehihjln the dust-hole ou the iota-ultimo . * ' ' ¦¦ ' 1 --. Proe ^ exiwteed byMr . < a . ARl « JON :-l got a . good chal ^ r , * itk : fte pruKmer / 8 b . | s . » kin « , h ?» r | edT hum ^ ie criuture , |» 4 I found that ahe even de «« rvU a belter ch » - rscter than I received * with her . She is kindly dunowd , and w « k' ! Lr " i * v ¦ * ^ ^ y ^ p f •«•• , Vnsedt high « piiu « a * f aer i Sto * woutd tobthave parted with her for Mnh * of ^ W eh ^^^^ IMlW ^ J **?* ** " * " * * . By th « C ^ Tt ' H »^ tVv * h * ara the err of a child if It had fflM « aitkft nlont In . nn ««« : kl h . r AH f « ,. „* . * U . !
_ My bed r # o * wa * . oil Xb * floor above the pritoner ' s bed-room ; 1 * r ? &" * $ ' % ¦ *•! ' **? ¥ fore . **• • 'dock , I would hav « h # sra it wfemWUiepafWr doorwMopen or iwt . T ^^^^^^ r ^ A ! " * ' > > Me « . » . Joaes ¦ ndCBarfieldV Chi iheaoth of January , 1 had occasion to got ? th »*»« thbl * , wUerel fi *» e the arm Cf a ehUd . I was elesnmf out pie d »* t-hole ^ I eonwrunieaud what i had * ee « to » y matter ,, and Iiupector llobinson ^ of Uto 0 < L » i » on , of polke wa » ** nt for . ^ BvMr . CLAB ^ SOSf : —The plto aer wss a good-natured , kind-hearted gtrL * e far a * 1 Bad an oppoitunity of eb-• erving . . .: "• ; ; ,, ¦ : -., - ¦ .. .. ¦¦ r " . ' , Mrs . ChatBeJd re-c « lloa , and examined by Mr . BODKIN : — I ^ lo n « t n < m * Biberif the p ruoner wen t out to the dust-hole 4 ei to
-m r ¥ ~ j *» 7 ¦ " « -H" K" » v-. »»»«»«; prouuceaDewn » me , aniwaauaedbr the KrranU ., ,, , ' ' By Mr . C 4 ARl » 0 . V :-rThe » Mastam in it , butlob » ervei that long ago . " - - - ¦ ' . ¦ ' . '¦< ' ¦ . ' '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ . ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ Ut . CUA&iUON laid . hewWieA to account for this ppear-Mee m theJ ^ et , although Mr . Bodkin had not aakK witness any que * bon about it .. / ' ; ,. ¦•¦ Joto » R *»« m :. - -J-BiB ' ijn itfpeetpr of the Q ' .. aiviatpu ' ef ^ polirt . Iwarseat lorUJou * ?** & Chatfield ^ , City-rosd . n « ie 30 th ult , and in the du * t-ho | . oa the premifchi f fo « " « the arm of « , ehiia . ., jn cojwe ^ nea oe ot wha t wm then told ^™ . ^^ t ^ ' * 1 ^^ - ^ - *»* aB « 9 ) iiiig * jirifi aiat . I said I came W ( Dealt to Wiabout a chMTanil ± L * 1 ft ? - ? " ?* *•¦*?** . ¦ - » 1 know iwihing at alt » botat it . * ' 1 went n » u n * 4 b » table towar a her , and told ¦ beribsfl charged hex with the feUful murder » f her Lant
Untitled Article
tmili «!^ 2 t ? Si * i !? «* refal * M she amid , aad told fl ^ aefisgB Sl ^ S ^ fe ^^ js b ^ owth ^ 7 a »^«^" " ^ ' - ^ P ^^ »»««>« ^ a ^ iSSP ss ^ Hiiglll
j i . I . " ' ' * ¦ " r " ime < 1 ' !•«¦ » ws » tatee being dry .. I then examined the room , and disooveridwwrwk ct Woo 4 ottU » ewaU n * arthe ( o « tof ; the wTiiwM « £ « ,. t feet eight inAse . V three feet from theground , » ud ^«« H « y-if » had dropjpiid from * omething bfoody , wbicahiSlbeen placed oft -malUde-board there . ¦ - ¦ Uicl ?^* l > e ^» . _ * ? * f r . CLARKduN : —Near tha foot or the bed ? Wita et * , » lr . Jiutice VAUGHAN :-If IbeBmoner wa . a ^ the foot f * he bed , she mu . thavekeen near the heifrth-stS ,, RfchttrdHowe : —1 am * poli « e-con * uble , audrtwrdef the , New Priaon van . Oa th « 1 st of February it waamy duty to be iBKide , whea the prisoner * were conveyed fromClerkenweU to Wor » hip- * treet . ^ hi entering the ran the priianer complained « f cold , and * aid ahe kid not been near a ftp . ainee 1 W * ***** her tb CjMkenw * ll . Somesld « omaic « he-al * o wmpjunied . had eaUed her a Grepwae , and *» i 7 th » t » he hadeut up her child . She then told me that iu thWaaxu-u of the moment ahe had pulleft her child to pieew with her hand * , bh * al * oob » erv « l thar . although it wa * of the full ttoie . ah « uppo * ed _ it wui have been dead two mon . ns betbnj it w »» nom . She then inked some question * about Meeve . which w « r « uat wnuortabt . '
The witaeiw waa not croa * examined . ' HHrrietHu > wood :-ram the wife of a eonatable oi the fl « vwion ^ and 1 search the female . pri » oner » at W « rithjp . » ir » H-t police-office . On » e » rchjng the pri » on « r , 1 found in tier w » - * . «« ion a bunch of key * and two pen kniv «» . Wh « u t toufc the peuknive , from her , the a » id , « - Y » a do not waut theaw ;" aad lauewered . "Ye * . I do . " She tlvn ~ id , « T » k . them ; I buv « done it , - and it cannot be undone . " The p > n knive * were produced . ¦ Mr . Oh » rW * Pre « dy :-l » ui » surgeon , ana reside at Pentonvilte . it » the 2 . ith . . « f Jnuuart . wy uttenlkin wwdirrct . d to the bodv uf a eluM in a ditch in th « N « w { Jorth Read , i > , » t HoxtoN . It wanted the head and Ml arm . The he » d . hwwf ^ J ^ ' f ^^ * ** $ ¦ «>»»>>«• from the boo > , and lia * tak *^ to the shop of 4 lr . Coward , surgeoa . 1 uftprw » l «* KJ ^^ If'i' " ¦ " I >»« no doubt the whole formed < me ' yfri- The body mhfht have been there afewdavM . O «« wmpentiwi eouW » of be said to h » ve comm ' i > ne « a . &ci > m . itiOTi
ww , * . 'kink doe * not go on no apeedily-in new-burn children at ut adult peraon * . Both the arm ajtfd h « sd bad , rhmy opiuion , been » upar » U ! d from tbe body by a * h * rp in-• trument . .... ¦'• . ¦* * * Mr . BODKIN :-Ia that a speculative ojinien . ' or ar *« mi p «« niveof the fact ? -Witne »* :-It U my opinion t « . rinifrt off would b »» attended with great difficulty . I am * nr > Iroro Uw appemrance * prevented by the pan * that th « y muat have been cut . 1 am | x « iive n * to th « hrad and the vrm . There wa * a divuion of the eanilegana i ( by a objtrp iiistruruent . Ati I . JP '" C # 8 fier ^ rT <> 1 * ttte » ppe * r » iic « « 1 th rnuael «* I have no doubt of tbia . 1 noticed coniu * ion * onboth Hide * of the head , which injured both the parietal bones aud "W ' «» « l _ b « n « ' , aad the temporal bone ow one side . Mr . BODKIN : —Could you form any opinion from the appearance of ihnte contnaiomt whether they had been produced dunntf life or not ?—Witnea * : —The / must have been produced daring life . * Mr . ' BODKIN ;—U that your opinion aa to all the
eoatu-• wn *?— Witne *« :-Yc * . Thpro wrre blue and black mark * upon th » body . Tb * re were ecb ymn * i * , which eould not h » ve bj-en cauwd ufter dtrath , . but only when the blood waa warm . There were bruines on ioth xid «« of the r ^ ody . Wheu 1 opened the hea . l , in preaene * of Mr . Coward , between the xculp and bone ttt « re wa * a areat extT » v » iion of b \ ood , and »\* o between thB bone and thf brain . I examined tbe b » ne * aud found that they were fractured . Both the parietal * wer « fractured and tbe temporal on the * ime nirte , and the I ' routal bone **• also ikjuivd . ft . U powible that the bone * may Eave i * en lectured by a fall when th » child w »* dalivered They runy have been fractured by tha child falling on the floor or hearthstone . AJr . Justice VAUGHAN : —Suppose it iVU twice , conld ( he boo ** on both tules be fractured ?— V > itu « w * : — ttupowible
, uiy Lord . I oDduod the ch <« l aad itwpeewd the luutra . Beiuu [ jut in water thtfy floated . Mr . hODKIN : — Whut do yo infer from that ?—Witnen * . — rrom the ajijiearanee th « y prv * euud , und > U from this eircuitutanci ) . my Ufer <> Hceiii , that they had been properly iu-H-t « d . 1 bi-heve that Uie cliiid wa * b » r « » live . The test of the lung * floating I would not abuulutely rely upon , but connected with other circumstances , I would iiiier Uim thu child was bom alive . J do not ibiagiue that any » trong prr * - » uw would produce the appearance * the body and head exhibited . Mr . BODKIN : —What do vou attribute the child d ? ath to?—Witnt-w : —Ext « rual violence . Air . BOUKIN : —That would produce the extravation of blood?—^ Vitni" » t : —Ye * .
Crt >*> rxminned by Mr . CLARKf-QN : —1 have found onoe-• ion * ul nell-delivery th « excitement proHuavd neriou » cob »« - quenr ** . 1 he mother might be aluiint drprived of reason . UecompbHitiou had nut nu . de any vrvftrtM in the hta * wheu I examined it . it exhibited slight * igo » rateraall * ef di-ci . aipomti . m . [ l'ho )« arnnd eoun ^ l reieired to Dr . Kiao ' * " W « - dical Jurmprodencu , " and asked if the marks unu d ' ucolourrd apt « nr « Mce tbe body Dretrntcd . eouM not be produced in delivery wuhuut any fx » ern 4 viutencw ? Th « wfu > e « s admitted utf 4 , and rxplaiued the citU « e of such appearances . ) b } theCOUr . T :-A child fallfng upon the heirrutone or the floor utigtit possibly f * c « U « ftucture * such aa tho * e exbi > bited m the head oC the child I Rxaminedj ?«*?? . waHw ' H «> ry , Qo ?« iJ M' remeu » be » the head of J-i .. b ? »« 'a » oarttt *' my houae , » nd i afterwards awisted . Iffie ^ ffi&a ^^ » - « w T «« a WVuabMu
r ' » ^ ~ . ~ " ^ P _^ B" ^ »^ - ^ vfuSVa ** S [ . . SSBS ^ fc « a 0 BK ^ BB ^ mUfct iftefirot / V tr « etar # > ii SStfea ^ K ^ h ^ EB ^ ^ ; Air , John MeeeuiD : —I am a auriiean , a * d wv * *« nttor bv » b « lioliee , and a » w the pruwuitr whe « * Ih > acrivrd ; She hail n > crntly been'deliveritd uf » child . I taw the arm at th >* » i . > ionhoDwf , and 1 asked if it wa * a porti .. n of the child . f which she had been deliverni ) , and ah « Mtid it was . I asked wliere ( k « uther yarU whi-rr , a * d the « ai « wtarethearm waa f ; und . ^ hti told me it had been atill-bum , and that * he auffered coni-ia » rabl > when deJirered . I do not thiuk that itII the fracture * could have beent canted on ih # heiid of the child by i'a falling , upon the floor or on the stair * . It i * piwible , buv not probabli-, that the mother might have fractured the bone , by a . llowing the child to fall and by uuinteutionAlty putt inn her foot ou its hrad . ^ Mr HODKIN obtorved that this was all the evidence he had totubmit innupjxirt otthe « eriinj » tharge again « t tliejjriiioiier ; lie , hoWKVer , had other evideuce to show th . it the accuiKil had cvnceuUd the birih ol the child .
Mr . C'LAKKSON said it wm unnecessary t * call witnesses lo thin charge , a * h « would not opp « ie it . Mr . Ju * ti « e VAUtiUAN said tUe whole case ought to go to ajury . Air . CLARKSON then made an able defe »< e f .. r thn prigoner , and xaid-tkut he would not cull any wum- - * , ?* to her character , aJtrr what her luutreu had said in i-. rr I ' uvour . 1 r . JUHtice VA ' . UGHaN aummed . ap the mriiJi-neK . The jury , after a few minutea' con * ultation , iriurntd a verdict aeqomiafr the prwoucr of the eluirg * at murder , but finding her guilty of endeavouring to conc < -al the birth u ( h > r child . ¦ The leanped JUDGE ordered the prisoner iota called up for judgment ; and , in addressing he observed that the iurv .
after a patwnt and careful attcutiun to all tbe circumstance * of the case , had returned a very proper verdict . The case wa * a very difficult one , and her life had hunrtrumbling « n the balunce . The jury , however , had found her guilty Of an of-I ' encM whwh would nut put her lit * in danger , ^> ut would gnbjewt her to two years'imprUonnient , or to a U »« r « tvrm , ' the discretion ol the Court .. But he ( Mr . Justice V » uKhanJ thought he should set an ill example to the public ii ttu iii not award the full panishment ( awtioned by ( lie law . Tfan prisoner Wa * then sentenced to be confined In the House I Correction , and kept U hard labour , fi » f two year * . The prisoner wan then removed to Newgate . The court was crowded during the trial .
Untitled Article
THB TRIUMPH OF UNIVERSAL SUP . FRAGE , AND THE UTTER AND UNMITIGATED DEFEAT OF TH £ HALIFAX CORN LAW REPEALERS . Of aH th « mortif f ing defeats experwnced ty the Whigs on tUe hainbuK aaitatiou of th < r- € orn Lawr , that at , Halifax , on Wednei ^ ay la ? t , was tbemtMt » 5 gn » l . and tLe moat vailing . At HmUfrsfielu , Bradford , Rochdale , SaddlDwerth , and many ' other places , the people have nobly d © ue their duty ' , and haw given tbe meat striking proofs of th « ir itit *? lU » f ttMaVby at one * expre * sing their detennioaddn ot
net to J ^ gQU « d asy th * sjmwiwiu promim- * ( be Corn La ' f agitators ; "b ' nf at itoplacehaieAhtoikopw ahowo themselves so truly alive to their inttreiw , and so thoroughly convinced of the Corn Law deception as did tbe people of Halifax , oh the day above mentioned . Fof some days previous to Wednesday a metting had been anuoauced to be held in tfo * Old Assombly Room , Talbot Inn , for the purp . ffe of petitiouiug Parliament , either fer » total repeal of these laws , or for some modificRtion or alteratioj of them . The town and n » ighb * nrhood were posted
with large pUicarda ann « ancingf the mevtiof , and signed b a -great nvmher •( inanufecturers . At eleven o'cIhcIj , the time appointed fur business , the doors were opened and thw room was very shortly filled with person ? anxious to witness the proceedinn . The Corn Law Committee entered the room whtn it was nearly filled , and were asgailed with a fe « r expression !! of disapprobation . Mr . 'Geoise Beaumoat then mowL . and Mr . Oatson Hectoded , that Mr , George White \ ay , chi « f cans . feb > , taW the chair on the occasion . The pioponuon ^ u receded with loud cries of no , no , OMn ^ ied . with a ¦ w Vr MmmBSCU * - ' i . . "
Mr Robeiit Wilkihson th > o rose and after renewed chvenns « ud , that he hoped it would not be whether Mr ; White ey was efetiUed to hold theohiS tew ^ KwId ^ ^ ^ ¦* *«* ¦* *> ^ i ^^ sr ^^ ^ v r ^^ Mr . W ukisbon then said ' that since It was not r matter of right that Mr . ^ mteby Sid Sid « ie chair , ha hojred he nhouli not h / WnsidSred £ E ^ S # ? S ffiSk * i ! jW i ? P » moveas an amendrnent , that Mr . WUuam IJawson do take the chair tVnZ . r ^ < ^ " 4 » A de 5 S m «? t . V ' R ™ " ^ fe otoded th » aanend-\ W £ JS ** vi <> XT then aid h « ihotigfit there was heW h ^ WK ^ ^ and rt- ' pomiWe - ofl frnot ^ i ^ i ^ r ^ Vkllt ! L' ^ « M « e iho » Mht . ti . ey eu ^ h uot w th « irm act at tiicir aswiubly to aptioiAi
Untitled Article
^ sSrWm ¥ *• %# »« 1 « W tatti sail thalhe hid alfw expma&Mi hope ikattnefm # odwnt h * s ! Tmutedt olSra ^ nlten w ^ K ^ SLSSj V , 3 £ ' b \ tof : W : onepmteouii ^ Wgtowfcrds J pablioday , ftra » neo «»* a ^/ lhal # » e 2 tine , S posed a * this wa < # hef « W « re # e « two pSferfi cwo ppmioo * -it wai'iasCTtiallynecewfr ^ that Chajrmanishopld ^ ^ # eanteete < l witTStheTBai ( Ht-ar , hear , fitom thrV tThl ^ and chwr ^ M HVl H . **^ ^ «» at ha haff S ^ rWual objection '
. iW ?^ ' «^^«« i Wm J andjie SK ^ jnfess t w did ; hw fcehnm r » ther an inj « ry SlFar « ood oppose tha etecfion of this gci&SS ; fefrS urfbHri «*^ rf ^ ^ * y * 8 »^ * y te a sens , r ^ f ^ deal of squab bling then ioo kplaVe , ^ r ^ S ^ WaU Yard , a » then were hundreds c ¦ BUI
^ SPHiFj a » ss « aii 3-ASS meeung , « Tgn&g moat kstily upon ^ to 1 & courtesT , itiiras « rvidto ; thatth * floe « ion . n ^ Iwmedagainl WW tbe «* etfdi * S ^ £ ! 2 pot , theSow « f hand * apn § M ^ fe ^ i ^ S num « rttAthari r « fnr « . JsW ?\ &J * --JWM
, an ^ ioarameht . airf WtiveWr ^ eJ tT ^ a toi . lwnJbrMri - ^^ A ^^ SSwwSl aJffc ^ d ^ emiai ^ aVp Bol ^ to adiMiai aL-T 5 ^_ 5 fl ° # W * i » ken placeprior ioi wuddlhave be » M aJte ^ her aiefaTF ^ c ^^ o »*^ P ^ wB ^ tce « o ^ gwat , a ^ thTvfi by their mcKrtnpvw jfr # BwnriwoW ^ rfcii MAD THE UeNOUR TO INfOR M THB KBrrWO M the BBBwaiToas wiTHoaiw THEia REouiarrS ™ ° ™*? ¥ - «*** T ™« ( tm K «*« dy thb no
, to TBnMm , . The u « mn * m * ttt was raceM with a tremendow bur ^ t of chmmof , miajiiH «* peali of langh ^ anf ^ aftpirig < rf hand *!^^ : The WbJg » 4 u « ire 6 r » d beinchooted . himd , a groaoei at as % y made their eziU » """• ' *»" Mr . Hesntr fUmmni then to » k the cbaliJ a was recewed with fend . ; and continued . 1 oheeri He opened the boinnesa « f the meetinjr in en < cellent « pt * ch in which he pai 4 Mr . Whitel « - * W compliment , stating that he was a femleiatti whomhepMd the highest i ^ pect . ' ThevS however ,, why he had nee declined taking the « S wa * that the 4 uettion of right might be fairtjliS He referred to a meetiugat which the ArcMeau
, had assumed t . e chair without being elected , ' a findinghe « mld not carry everything his own * iwulted ttwineetiog . He > Mr . R * # * on , was det mined that this . matter should be decided bfi people . Mr . Wilkiaaon had said that he ( theCU mau ) w a no party man . He acknewleogndthit wa * a deadea advocate for the total repeal of 1 Corn Law ; hnt he wan also an advocate tot eti man hnnng his nght as a voter . ( Load and . ee tinuedcheers ) . N . w ^ asiproof that ^ waiaol parly man , he , would state that he was uoteneu in any subBcription fw any politicalp ^ jpoiiv i stood upon hw own groond , free froi » anTUolitii party , whether Whig , Torr . or Ra&Eal ^ ttS
cheers . ) It had been aaid that tome tofcpe&l jseutlemenhad run awayandukeneffdArt 4 abioU VxF& * &i ^ oweirer i-V *" ' fcfrVMU&ri * held it ui hw hand ; and u wasgiren taWa by I Mwton . ( Hear vhear , and , cbeew , ) Th * cm * an adjaornment then became f » lonjd that H i decided W adjourn into the Yard , an ^ th * apeak ddrwwed the aswmbly from a convenient hScei At the adjoorned meeting there were coasiSa above 2000 persona , who Were t * aanuaoos iff tl oppeuiuon-fo petitioning for timeal of theft hZ ' : J ^^ v )? & * m * K «« *>* wi iu to smail in the
a room In rj , ia which tbefew not iaoi »* hs « iee « rris ) M . Whit bMineg , they tw acted op * reportccrwas unable ta asoemun . any rate , their meeting was an illegal one . a * welt * privatecrae ^ sAdccnld not by ant nwaaane eat ^ siS ^ VpiwVw ' aB ^ eSgXtpJSPS we *» » rr | W 4 | f WiU n * a ^ VuTte ^ S He gave the Whrgalfmort severe drebfcfcWfcrS cowardly condnct in leaving the laee ^ g ^ WK ing to adopt tte ahsndl plan ef wkhdfawin ^ jt rt ^ ouition . Me was Ksteued to ^ wlth the iWoi fcund attenUen ^ . and was ^ loudly and ^ Cait
_ ITie Chairmaj » Aen shortly addressed tbe met ing , after which he said he was waiting tor the ] tjumtioHMto . Theydidnot , however . appear ; ai alter calling upo » any pewon Who had ^ urmotil to nior « for pentiqaiugfor a Repeal , vr an aUeradi in the Com Laws , and , as no one aiuwenrd the call , Mr . Tetlct stepped forward , and deliver ^ sre animated speech , m which he congratulated £ meeting on the position they held , and on th « sira » mir-xpected , and unparalleled triumph they had J tuned . In ref . tehee to toe Whigi , he aWtht condnct Was exceediffgly amugirig , for When fo » m one object , they tkonght they * houfd be foiled another ; and rather than any amendment-t-hbii be earned m any meeting ef their annottneemei they would rathw take tke hoaeur and credit iSBSSUS **• ^ " ^ "Wfens ^
He that fighW and «*» awAy ; . May Hwtojiglit toother day : Btithe tint * m lU batUe sliin * WiH never live to Sg ^ tajgain . ^ ! ( Tr ^ nendoai cheers , and m « ch langhler . ) M S ^ W ^ to ¦ ddreas the meeting at ^ SSr ? - . i * lb lu " * « Ie < in «» tand anhnaWstjj and his » eul » menta liere responded to brfwwS ^ ili hatl i ? ¦ •*• <> P » nioa of thig-ljeetinVto ' ** i ?* 4 ?«* . " ^ those gemlemeu caUitw-thiiTM ^ ia
~ caumg tnemsrlves tbe rea « LTitionkt » , 1 £ «« uT « d » andlhat it U ako the opSft 4 TIP **" * * Sf . ^ 10 of whetoct purlerfcy ^ S ftntlemcn . fo this instance . Is exceedingly dimmti ful landrongentWmanly ol , Iheir part . ™ " ^ H motio ' n * W 8 T ° *< ! taWt ^ rti ' y weohded ; d Li ? % ' £ ! " * & ? ** » PP « I « d to thX » a ? fe ^ mmmmz m
W ^ m ^ mmm iSSTSI *^ j ^ jMKinsiS&S * jje , flues focOKBpnag' , driM , |« , ua Unr £ numhei for the Ret . h Rl ^ wphen ^ alW wKc ? 3 SSnt ??*^ ' « "f ^ eIigSted -I withMfl ¦«
iJ ^ w * $ g * r . <* » ir « W « fprt | i of terr M Sf ^ wr lttW 4 t «* - * * W «^ % * 5 * H »« mojfahJe meeting . Atthe . wswnsW W « hesw 3 t *^ thfgo « d * ien o / Hi ^ lax tof lnmhf-m * oift 35
Untitled Article
£ v voNKoa ,: h * q * oi H ¦ mm rria > jH ^ j fu | L ii Middlesex , by JttavA Hoas »^ , atTJj Printing Offices , Nw . IS - and 1 ^ - MalsM Street Briggate ; and Published br ^ 3 ¦ aid J « MiuA Hobson , ( for the s * aid F » UaIl O'Coriwo ^) 'it hia ^ DweUi ^^^^ fc ISPl M « k « t-rtr ^ Briggate ; an tuteraalCrtWaWal Market a ^ fee ^ tod the aa ^ -S < £ 31 ^ 3 MfAet Str ^ Urigg ^ i ^ s ^ S ^ a ^^
All Cohimnnicfti ^ ria tnort be ad ^ re ^ ed ^ VPosaJ .-it ^^ pp si
Mb» O'Bkien'b Hotloii Os 1he Coen ^ Laws. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ Ll ^^^ ^J^ ^^^^ Wr '^ ^^ ^^^
MB » O'BKIEN'b HOTlOii OS 1 HE COEN ^ LAWS . ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^ J ^ ^^^^ ' ^ ^^^
National Convention. Wednetdajfy Febntmry 13.
NATIONAL CONVENTION . Wednetdajfy Febntmry 13 .
Untitled Article
To Uu Editor * f UvTrutScoUmm * ¦ Stk r ^ XOaw » e to say a few words in answer to a letter jm yo « r puwr of Fehntary fla . addressed . Ui ^^ ? cl ^ iSr < " « C * rf 63 e Radical AMBdatron , *^* 7 ? 2 «« wcha rd * 06 , who professes to be Secret ^ a *? ^ t ? * ^ " *> conducted theiSectiou ^ 'iSS ^ S ^*™ ^ «» - Whai appeaw fe ine Safel * * £$ . £ * * »^» X head of t £ & iBtter u a ^ TO « > e « elndiog Ae : ^ MntSmni , o 1 Mr .. A . pannn a » ttember of fb * yomeation ; tab ngcf % ZZ * i S -A ^ th >??? W as ^ mbled , and i , ? S ^ -A ^ elch » ^ Wfa ^ n- New wlt 5 tW > ItKirD&s fbchardsnn ought ; tolmve beeu M . diRpi fdrJfit . lraa bih | been rJ «* H ^^ S ^ i n ; id « aun wobWo « thure Iwencarnr-dj for netther
Untitled Article
SPREAD OF RADICALISM , Cowardly Coshuct or thk Coaif Law RePBAixas . ""¦ *"* ' ¦ Bor X ' "" yj ^ f ^^ ^^ * * J 1 ^ 9 j opprcMed men sf Accriugtoa , hSmgknt addayplicauon U the Radical Association ( fijDary , for some persons to a > si » tthem in heldinf mhUcmet-tingsin the aWve plaeea , merting _ wx | 4 n couseqafhee called at the Association Romh Ha » leadfcn , on Friday evening the 8 th inst ., fs& . - -,- > Mr . Rawson aud Mr . ^ lan ^ awressedthem ia a powerful and convinosg manutl-pfbn the gtVat prii $ ciplp » ef lUdicalum and ihe n Wsedlty of neir acting iu uniavawith the determine ^ if >« n of . the newU .
ooq nnga »« nct ; ana w «* Ksnoddrd to wnli accla . mauun by the J ro ? erty-stticken ! autt aimnsimpitiea safftreru wbosp nppesrance wovld awaken patriotism and adetenouiatiwh to rednabi their wrongs , to any hr art but that of a cotton LoroVor a middle clasn Legulator . . . . ' Frgp tb « nceon the Saturday * noraing , thaaMafker returned to Iiury to attend a oteeting fof auditing theacconnuoj the inspectora-ivr lighting the town w . th uae , « fec n which bosinesa- banng been done , and a mwlution curried cbandtMthe time of meeting which had always been ten , o atook in the IsjPBnoon , a very inoonveuient h « or Jor «« rking . meni ^ o haU past svven in the evening . 1 . ¦ ' -. ' Mr . R , aw » ojj accompanied by Mr . Tomth : tprp . c ** ded amid the ** peidng-. abower" to Accringtim--coiuaderahle difl&tulty vu * juwrieaced inebtaininr ? tt&
a r » , m . ow » iv > ^ ea ta ^» hi eh the toapW held a Mr , JohrrHanirf aves , a calico printer vzaUtpxy lord—th « Inass ^ dMpotie ^ overatfr br ^ c ^ nngton —aroem la a iieer-stopwa * M last obtaiwd , ' rror t the wmdow of which th * shaken addressed the assembled thousands ' , wh * declared , with nplifted Yeiees that they would theuw off tin ) yoke , « f bondage under * hkh lh * y W •» long , gronned , - thwfh by dtugw Uwy stUld « xpo « then > f « lveato 2 * ftt dw P « w »> rf the above insolent •? nabob . " , .. .. ; , ,,, After the meeting the eao ) mittee ef the AgjSaa tion ^ tartd ^ h ^ jmette ** to their ewM ^ Mon , M ^ . ^ we . amMiMarttMl ^ -th e entrance of adespi eaWeottoalof the name of Booth ; who saidie aMhoxur f
* L « his o&m was jofficient to warrant hi » t ltHl *? em ., * * T •*• Pte »» rd-he was lectured ateotuicWrable lent ^ hyMr . Tongue , to the no * n » tt amusement « f ^* e committee , and then allowed to retire , wbtd ^ lst did with all the grace of aperSMtyasyv . . ¦ -, ¦ . ^ . ««»•• Harinf been given , crdlmg a vahb ' e » eet-% ni « the SuwwHtfad lleomTra Monday even . »^ forth * jwrposeef iWtioninf for atoiaTrfpeal of the Cem Laiu ^^ h . inkabiuuits remested the * w « U »*« H | f stefc » wstt * 1 a * d ~ MT . Toigae . Mr . THril m iWiTsfi' ' TlfJal iifiiVilhinuSiisd , bat ( biash lfiiEl » i % « a < iitjs |^ iMieVyo ^ lu < h » Lat thu muck-sproag , WW ibjtt tewiai ftictoiy lord ; ail ethersbewf « amW ^ fafoded Iry tw « bambailir ^ wh o stoed litiMamd death with , tbedoor in their handu , dosair raJanining every one . who attempted a pasaage *; Maa / ra < lel y poshing back all whdhadno * , » U » eaMBfcSaf theIwt on their fw heads . " , ' ¦ " -.. ¦ -
Nothing daunted * t Ms * the awakened patriots f Accringten heldawetkg dose to tbe School , when thf subject £ ^ c ^ peatv was ably handled by Mei-ws . Bird aniT « Mp ; Mthe ^ lose of which tbe people reared fbieddhsWpeaeeably to their homes convinced that the jjMistors were not their friends bot most deadly eiiwaisit . . ; : ' . ' ... . .. ., The greatest praij * » da * to Mr . Beealey , forhU activity aad dUifeMtf . t ' tfc * people of Acciingtbn shonl 4 eacouraf * bfesy and Protect hint from the vengeanes of « h » n > o »« y ^ Jprabhera . ^ OstTesnpn < fejti .
Untitled Article
8 THB N . a | tff % ' . KRK / ^ l . & ¦ W l ^ ^^ ^ ^|^ ^^'^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^| T ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^»^^ a ^ a ^ ¦ -. T ^* , , ** V r ' - 'J 0 Po ™ # j
Lefcdsrwp Nn^ Ft Y The V I» Rtp R|Et^^£Iy|
LEfcDsrwp nn ^ ft y the i » rtp r | et ^^ £ iy |
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 16, 1839, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1045/page/8/