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"KTOT 1 CE IS HEREBY GIYEN , th&t the 11 GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS will fee holden at PONTEFRaCT on Monday , the Eighth day of April next ; on which day the Ceort will be opened at Ten o'clock of the Forenoon , and on every succeeding day at Nine » 'Clock . Prosecutors and Witnesses in prosecutions must be in attendance in the following order , viz : — Those in Felony , from the Divisions of Stafforth and TiekhiU , Lower Agbrigg , and all places vrithm Ten Miles of Pontefract , and also those ia retpited Traverses , are to be in attendance at the opening of the Court on Monday
ilornmg . These from the Divisions of Barkstonash , Stainacross , and . Oagoldcrosi , ( except such parts of those Divisions as are . within Ten Miles of \ Pontefraci , } - are to l » e in attendance at Two o'Clock on ^ JIonday afternoon * "Those from the Divirons of Upper Agbrigg , Mor iey , and SkyracV , arete lae "firattendance at Nine cr Clock on Tuesday moraing . Tfcose from tbe Di visions of Staincliffe and Ewcros * , Claro and the Ainrty , ( being the remainder of the "West Riding , ) and those in all bases -of Misdemeanor ( except in respited Traverse ? , who are to attend on Monday , ) are to be in attendance at Twa o'Clock on Tuesdav
afternoon . After the charge to the Grand Jary has been -given , Motwas by Council will be heard / and Applications in Bastardy will be entertained , which mu 3 t be entered with the Cierk of the Peace before the Sitting of the Court . After they are disposed of , the trials of Felonies and Misdemeanors will be proceeded with , eamsaenciEg with the trial of respited Traverses . Thepublic business of the Riding will be transacted in open Court at noon on Wednesday , whea Mofiona for Gratuities will also "be entertained .
Tbe hearing of Appeals will commence , at all « reBt 5 j on Friday morning , in case they shall " not have been begun en Thursday : but parties ' in Appeals aust be in readiness on Thursday , aBd all Appeals mss ; be entered before the sitting of the Court on that day . Coroner * and Chief Constables must be in attendance at the sitting of the Court on Teesday morning . The names of persons bound over to answer in Felony or Misdemeanor , wits a description of the Offence , must be sent to the Clerk of the Peace ' s Offiee seven days a : lea > t before the Eighth day of April , together with all Depositions , Convictions , and Recognizance * . The attesdance of Jurymen will not be excused on the ground of illness , unless it be verified by affidavit or proTed by evidence in open Court , C . H . EL 5 LEY , Clerk of the Peace . " - Clerk of the Peace ' s Office , Wok' fold , ? March 12 , 1 S 39 . ' \
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LEEDS BOHOrGH SESSIONS . "JVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , that the j . 1 neit Gexxral Qcahteb Session of ihe Peace for the Borough of Leeds , in the County of " York , sill be holden before Robert Bay ' ses Abxstbosg , Esquire , Rtcoraer of the said Borough , at the Court-Honse , in Leed ? , en Monday , tee Fifteenth day of April , 1832 , at NiBe o'Ckxi in ihe Foreseen , at vrhiea Tine and Place all _ Jurors , Constables , Police-Offi-er .-, Prosecutors , Witnesses , Persons bound by Recognizance , and others having Business ar lie said " Session * are required to attend . |
And Notice is hereby also given , That entries of all intended Motions , or Application * , relative to the maintenance of any Illegitimate Child , " or Children , must be made with the Clerk of the Peace , some Day prior to the holding of the Session ? . That Application ? in Bastarcy , will be heard immediately on the opening cf the Court . Tkat all Appeals will be heard immediately after the Application ? in Bastardy ; and that all Proceeding : ? under the Highway Ac : will be taken on tke First Day of the Sessions . JAMES RICHARDSON . Clerk of tbe Peace for tie said Borough . " Leeds , "Urn M ^ rrh , 1 R 39 .
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WORD FOR WORD !! 'Together with ihe characteristic embellishment so typical of the infernal Author ' s views . mHIS is tbe PAMPHLET of infamous Celebrity Jl which was published at Two Shillings , - but which has been suppressed by Authority . The original Copies now sell for TWO GUIWEAS EACS ! ^ = Observe , " The People ' s Edition" ia tbe Real one . Price only
THREE-PENCE ! Leeds : Sold by Hobson , Northern Star Office , AeentforYorkshire . Manchester : AbelHeywood , Oldham Street . * , * Tbe Trade supplied on the London Terms .
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PEOPLE'S MEDICAL ADVISEE , i FAMILIAR TREATISE on the means ef A . preferring health and the domestic treatment of diseases , particularly adapted to the use of th ' industrious classes ; BT MATTHEW FLETCHER , Member of the Royal College of Sargeons , &c . Bury , Lancashire . Published by A . Cobbett , London j and William Willis , Manchester ; and sold by J . Hobsoo , Northern Star Office , Leeds , and by all Booksellers and News Agents .
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THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED , Nos . I , II , III , IV , $ ¦ V , Price \ % d . each , ( TO BE CONTINUED WEEKLY ) OF THE POLITICAL CHRISTIAN PTJLPIT ; OB SERMONS BY THE RET . J . R . STEPHENS . Leeds : J . Hobson , Northern Star Office ; Manchester , A . Heywood , 68 , Oldham Street . May be had ef all the Agents of tbe Star .
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INFANTILE DISEASES REMOVED . IT has been well and truly observed that "he who makes two blades of grass to grow where but one grew before , is a real benefactor to his country . " Can any eulogy , therefore , be too high for that man , who , with the blessing of G-ed , is enabled , every year of hja life , ' to rescue many thousands of his fellow-creaturesfrom an early grave ?
USE ATKINSONS INFANT'S PRESERVATIVE !!! ' Might be chalked upon every wall in town or country ; but ag this Medicine has not attained if » celebrity ( a . celebrity of Fifty Years standing , ) from puffing of any description , so neither does it seek to rest its future fame upon any other baais than the simple fact that upwards of FIFlY THOUSAND BOTTLES of it are annually sold In Great Britain
For the prevention and cure of those disorders incident to Infants , it is a pleasant , innocent and efficacious Carminative ; intended as a Preventive against , and a Cure for , those complaints to which Infants are liable , as Affections of the Bowels , Difficult Teething , Convulsions , Rickets , &c . and an admirable Assistant to Nature during the progress of the Hooping Cough , the Measles , the Cow Pox , or Vaccine Inoculation .
The superior excellence of this Medicine , which can be attested by any respectable family in Manchester , has induced several unprincipled persons , in various large towns ( particularl y St . Helens , Dudley and Liverpool ) , to vend a Counterfeit Medicine with a copy of the Bill of directions , although the Proprietor is happy to say with very little success yet great injury , no doubt , to the suffering infants , and no less pain to their anxious Parents , have been thus occasioned . To prevent which , and in order to obtain the Genuine Medicine , observe that each Bottle has upon the Stamp affixed over the cork the name of u Robert Barker , No . 1 , Marketplace , Manchester , " engraved thereon , by favor of Her Maiesty's Commissioners of Stamp Dutei . s
Prepared only by Robert Barker , ( nephew and successor to , and formerl y partner with Mr , Atkinson , ) chemist and druggist , No . 1 , Marketplace , Manchester , in moulded bottles , at la . lid 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d . each . Sold retail by most repectable druggists in town and country ' , and may be had wholesale of the proprietor , and at the usual medicine houses in London .
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Copy of a Letter from Herbert Mayo , Esq . F . R . S ., Senior Surgeon t-V Middlesex Hospital , and Professor of Anatomy and Pathology , King ' s College , London , &c . &c . To Thomas HolWay , Esq . Sir , —Will you excuse this informal answer ? The Ointment which you have sent me has been of use in ALL the cages in which I have tried it ; send me , if you please , some more in a few dayg' time ; I have enough for the present . Yours truly , H . MAYO . 19 George Street , Hasover Square , April 19 1837 .
HOL LOW AYS UNIVERSAL FAMILY OINTMENT will be found far more efficacious in the ollowing Diseases , than any other Remedy extant : —tjz . Ulcers , venereal ulcers , bad leg-- , nervous pain ? , gout , rheumatism , contracted and stiff joints , pains of the ehest and bone * , difficult respiration , swellings , tumours , &c . Its effects have been astonishing in the most setcre cases of stony and ulcerated cancers , scrofula or king ' s evil , in . nil .-kin diseases , as ringworm , scald heads , &c , and in burn . * , soft corns , bunions , &c . ; 540 medical certificates , most of which are from the first medical authorities , such as her Majesty ' s Sergeant Surgeon , Sir B . C . Brodie , bart . ; and such like eminent names must for ever . ° et at rest all doubt as to the superior efficacy of this remedy .
Sold by the Proprietor , 18 , Broad Street Buildintrs , City , London , and by all respectables wholesale and retail medicine vunders throughout the kingdom , iu pots , at Is . ljd ., 2 s . 9 d ., and 4 s . 6 d ., each . Ihe largexc the contains six of the smallest , and tbe secend size half the quantity of tbe largest .
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FOR the Cure of Scrofula , Scurvy , Scorbutic Affection , Eruptions : md Pimples on the Face , and other parts of the Body , Swelling , or Ulceratiens of the Neck , Sore Breasts , and all disorders attended with painful -swellings , or with morbid and irritating Eruptions of the Skin , open Wounds and Sores , Contraction of the Limbs , Enlargement of the Joints or Glands , Lameness , JVIerbid Secretions , General Debility , Nervous Affections , Lumbago , Loss () r Appetite , Indigestion , of where the ' constitution has been injured by excesses , or diseases of any kind , Mercury , or other injurious treatment and ia all those cases in which Sarsaparilla , er Tonic . - * are of any avail , the following Pills have invariably proved far superior to any other Medicine .
Have attained unparalleled celebrity , and are especially . sanctioned by . the Faculty , as being , without exception , tbe safest and best Alterative and Tonic ever discovered , thousands having been radically cured hy their unerring powers , after all other means had failed ; whole families , from the child to the adult , of both sexe ? , have been by them restored to Health and purity of Bjood , their strength being renewed after long sickness , and supported under the decay of nature , &c . The following Testimonials will satisfy every one of their efficacy . " "We have in our practice for many years , witnessed the unfailing powers of
C . S . CHEDDON'S Famed Herbal Tonic Pills , In all cutaneous and other diseases for which they are offered , and from their safety , certainty , and superiority over all other . Medicines , we can confidently recommend them as the very beat Tonie and purifier of the Blood e \ t ; r made public . In all cases we have seen , they have produced their effects with great rapidity , and without requiring the least restraint or alteration from the usual habits . "Signed by John Palmer , M . D ., "Walworth Dr . Thompson , Dr . Brown , Dr . Darwall , ot Birmingham ; Dr . ' Bell , R . Browne , Esquire , M . R . C . S ., and other eminent Physicians and Surgeons . "
Numerous Testimonials from persons cured' way be seen at the Agent- ' , and which accompany each Box . Agents . — Baines and Newsome , Heaton , Bookseller , Britrgate ; Hobson , Northern Star Office , Market-street ; the Intelligencer Office , Leeds : Hargreave , Library . York ; Whitaker , Sheffield ; Hurst , Wafcetield V Hartley , Halifax ; Bronk , Huddersfield ; Bowman , Shaw , Piccadilly , Manchester ; Gordes and Co ., Church-street , Liverpool ; and Sold by all respectable Dealers in Patent Medicines in the Kingdom , afl . » . lid ., 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and Us . Wholesale by Hann 3 y and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street , London . Of whom may be obtained , price 4 s . 6 d . and 10 s . the
" ANTI-CONSUMPTIVE LINIMENT , " Prepared and sold by appointment , at Messrs . Graham and Co . ' s , 138 , Holborn , near Farnival ' s Inn , London . This valuable remedy , the discovery of a Physician of eminence , is celebrated for quickly curing and preventing Consumption , Asthma , recent Chronic , and Hooping-Coughs , Wheezing at the Chest , Croup , and all Diseases of the Lungs , Liver , and Stomach , which it effects without producing tenderness or other inconveniences . It is perfectly
safe , and is applied by gentle friction , and so extraordinary is its power in strengthening the Chest , &c , that all of delicate habits , or predisposed to Pulmonary diseases , should apply it without delay ; as also all Vocalists , Public Speakers , &c , who necessarily have much exercisefor the Lungs . With each bottle will be given the Essay lately published , on the new method of curing Dropsy and Consumption , or the latter may be had alone of all Booksellers , or at Messrs . Graham and Co . ' s , as above ; and patients in the country corresponded with until cured , fee IOs . All letters pwt-paid .
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To those afflicted with SCURVY , VENEREAL , or SYPHILITIC DISEASES , RHEUMATISM , and NERVOUS or SEXUAL DEBILITY . MR . LA MERT , Surgeon , Licentiate of tbe Apothecaries' Hall , London , and Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society , &c , having devoted his studies for many years exclusively to the various diseases of the Generative Organs , to the successful ' Treatment of the Venereal and Syphilitic Diseases , a « d to the removal of those distressing nervous sensations , arising from a secret indulgence in a (' elusive and destructive habit , continues to be consi lt « d from Nine in the Morning till Ten at Night , and on Sundays from Nine till Two , at his residence , at
No . 27 } , ALBION-STREET , LEEDS , and country patients requiring his assistance , by making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines that will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual Cure , when all ether means have failed . A complete knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of these insidious and dangerous diseases , can only be required by those who , in addition to experience , have gone through a regular course of Medical Instruction , independent of the benefit oi practical experience ; for unfortunately there are hundreds who annually fall victims to the immoderate use of mercury , and other dangerous remedies , administered by illiterate menwhoowing to a
, , total ignorance of the general principles of medicine , ruin the constitution , by suffering the disease to get into the system , whare being carried by the circulation of the blood into all parts of the body , the whole frame becomes tainted with venereal poison , and the most unhappy consequences eiisue ; for it then assumes so many appearances , that the greatest'discrimination is often necessary to detect its presence , at one time affecting the skin , particularly the head and face , with eruptions and ulcers , closely resembling and often treated as scurvy ; at another period producing the most violent pains ia the limbs and bones , wkich is frequently mistaken for rheumatism ; thus the whole frame becomes debilitated and decayed , and a lingering death puts a period to their dreadful sufl ' er ings .
LA MERT'S RESTORATIVE PILLS , price 2 s . 9 d . and 11 s . per box , are well known as a certain and effectual rempdy for every stage and symptom of tne Venereal Disease , without confinement , loss of time , or hiu «! r ance from business ¦ , they have effected many surprising cures , not only in recent gonerrhcEa , and simple oases , but when salivation and all other means have failed . There is no situation in life so wretched , as when we are obliged to reveal our moral indiscretions to others , and the timidity and anxiety which so frequently haunt the minds of those who are suffering from Nervous and Constitutional Debility , arising from early and indiscriminate excesses , cannot be too earnestly deplored . For in these unhappy cases where melancholy distaste and incapacity for all
pleasures , intense debility , both mental and physical , and all the enervating imbecilities of old age , are its general attendants , the utmost endeavours should be resorted to on the part of the sufferer to overcome this baneful destroyer of his health and happiness , in order to avoid the blank despair , and certain misery , which invariably accompany these dreadful debilities , when left to the powers of nature alone to restore , and which frequently hurries its victim to the grave , in the very flower of his youth . To all who are thus afflicted , Mr . La Mert , as a regularly educated member of the medical profession , can , with the utmost coufidence , offer hope , energy , vigour , and perfect health ; and from the peculiar nature of his practice , the most timid may feel encouragement in the opportunity thus afforded them .
Mr . LA MERT may be personally consulted from Nine in the morning till Ten at night , and will give advice to persons taking the above , or any other of his preparations , witaout a fee . Attendance on Sundays from Nine till Two , whfre his Medicines can only be obtained , as no bookseller , druggist , or any other Medicine Vender is supplied with them .. Country letters , post-paid , containinga remittance for Medicine , wil . be immediately answered .
The following letter has just been received , and by request of the writer is now published , but it must be observed that no case is published unless by the express consent of the party : — " Newcastle-on-Tyne , Jan . 20 , 1839 . _ " Sin , —It has been my intention , for a length of time , to address you on a subject closely connected with your celebrity : but I must confess that a feeling of delicacy has hitherto withheld me , for we are unwilling to expose our own errors . My cure , however , has been so singularly complete , " that I felt it would be an act of gross injustice to your character and skill were I longer to withhold a case aa remarkable perhaps as any on record . Born in a polished
circle of society , I was early sent to a most respectable public seminary , whe ' re , for some yea / 8 , all went on with prosperity and happiness . Unfortunately , however , a habit was sent abroad among us , the pleasing allurement of which I was , with . many others , unable to resist . Years rolled away ' ; and left me an altered man ! Infirmities gathered around me , and at the age of twenty yeaTs I was actually dying of decay—a gradual " but certain decay . I wondered at the cause of this premature debility , nor did the truth ever flash across my mind , until an accidental perusal of a Leeds newspaper , where I saw an address of yours , which made me fully sensible of my miserable situation . The horror of my situation
increased every renewed day with the causu of misery , self-entailed , gnawing at ' my heart in my waking moments ; in seeking rest , I only sought fo ' r a change of torments—the many hours of darkness seemed awful ; those of sleep filled me with racking horrors indescribable . I longed far da }' —with day I was wearied , and I beheld the approach of ni ght with abhorrence . Under these circumstances of unqualified affliction , I journeyed upwards of ninety miles to have a consultation with you . I need not say how soon you were aware of my appalling situation , or the anxiety you manifested " in accomplishing my relief ( a circumstance which will ever have a grateful claim on ray memory ) , or of the confidence with which you spoke of my recovery .
., , 7 . ou greeted me a packet of your invaluable Medicine , and by persevering in following year directions , and with the blessing of Providence , a wonderful cure has been completely effected , and I am now m every se&se of the word become a new JIANJ I transmit this account for yow honour , and tor the benefit of otters who may , unfortunately , be placed-in a situation of similar wretchedness You may omit my residence ; but if asked for , you are at liberty to give it . Remaining , Sir , wUh every sentiment of regard , yoHrs truly , " CHARLES NEWTON "
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% : CHALLENGE TO CURE BLINDNESS . MB . BAXTER , of Leeds , late of Hull , ( plea * to observe the name ) who has restored to « ieht so many hundreds « f individuals , many of whomha . been blind for five } ten , f \ ft « n , twenty , and fortyfive jreaM , begs to announe ^^ the Public , that in consequence of the many ^ TftatioQB that he have Tec ^ eived , it is his intention , ^ fWivel , and the places he intend * to visit will he weeMyftated in this paper and hewiU pledgebimseUto puib the external Dis ' e ^ pf the Eye , \ Dfimness ot : « ight , &c , without blisters , bleeding / seton , jawfes , or any restraint of Diet . " ; . , , ;¦*•¦ •*''*' ' ¦
Cataracts I cannot cure , as I make no use of a » instrument to any Eye . In cases of Amaurosis I can tell if there be any hopes after the first Application I make to the Eye .
¦' . ' . - TESTIMONIALS . - . .-.-Mr . MARSHAtt , publican . Fox and Grapes , Pottery , Hnll , who had been blind of oae . Eyefor ten year 8 , wh 4 ch originated from an inflammation , and had been . under three Oculists Tri London and many other medical gentlemen , brit nad given ap all hopes ef ever being restored to sight again , wa « made perfect in two months .
_ William . Parkinson , No . 44 , Vienna-street , York-street , Leeds , who had been nearl y blind for twenty-five years , after having been under Mr B . s treatment only a fortnight , was able to read * This was not external complaint , but proceeded from a compression of the nerves by redundant humours , which , had they not beea drained off would have ended in total darkness , that is , Gutta Serena .
Mr . B . is successor to his Father , who stood unrivalled for forty yeaTS . The case last mentioned was the first placed under the present Mr . B . ' s care . A soldier in Hull , who was blind in the year 1813 , was restored to Sight , and made perfect in two months , rafter , having been discharged Blind from the ' Hospitalycf London , York , Leeds , and Hull . This soldier will bear put , from all that is now stated , his experience for jweaty-five year * . N . B . Mr , EL desires to inform the public that he is not m partnershi p with any individual whatsoever .
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AGENTS FOR THE NORTHERN STAR . Orders and Advertisements received by the undermentioned Agents : — - ¦ Almondiur }—Mr . Midgley , near Hnddersfield . Ashton—Jo * eph Hobson . Barmley— Lingard , New Street , Mr . Gillbank Postmaster . Bath—J . Cogswell , 5 , Chandos Buildiugg ; Crokes , Uaion Passage . . .-. Batley—J . . Fearnidde , Hair Dresser , nearDewsbury . Bingley—Mr . Harrison , Bookseller . Birstal— Mr ; J . Buckley , Grocer . Birminfhajiir— Guest , Steel-house-lane , Mr . Cooper News-Agent , Union Street ; Mr . Taylor , News-Agent , 32 , Smallbrook Street ; Messrs . Mansel and Co , News-Agents ; Mr . PlastansDate
, End ; Mr . Faulkner , Dale End . Bolton—Ainsworth , Sweet Green : LawsOn , Brad-• shaw-Gate j F . Gardner , News-Ageat . Boston—William Farrow . £ r « 4 / w 7 £ -J . Ibbetson , Market-Plage ; G . Hopkinfc Goodmaa ' s-End ; and C . Wilkinson , Southgate . Bristol—J . Chappell , No . 1 . Seuthey ' s ' Buildings G . Payae , No . 21 , Castie Mill-Street . Bnghouae—E . S . Keir , Bookseller . Burnley—Butterworth , ll , Carman-street ; T . Rickards , Bookseller , Bluctier Street . Bury—Binns ; Mr . Kay , Bookseller . Carlisle—> James Artbur , 28 , Rickergate Street . Chorley—Mr . VVoodburn , Lancashire . CollumptoH- ^\ iom&s Mitchell , Post-master . Cockermouth—R , Johnstane , Bookseller , Comber land . .
Cobie— H . Earnshaw , Printer ; Baldwin , High St . Coventry— Rushton , News-Agent , Silver Street . Darling ton—Oliver , Printer . Deicsbury—T . Brooke , M arket-Place ; S . Healers and J . Fletcher , Post-office . Derby—Mrs . Parry , News Agent ; and Mr . N . " Neale , 32 , Sadler-gate . Doncaste ) —Messrs . Storer and Stainton , White Bear lun . Edinburgh—Mx . Frazer , 65 , Princess-street . Elland— Richard Grasby and John Tong . - Frame—Mr . Hodder , Anchor Inn , Catherine Hill . weenacres Moor— Mr . Holt . Glasgow—Mr " . H . Robinson , Trongate ; Mr . Joha Frazer , 31 , Nelson Street : and Mr . John
Cumming , 16 , Hutchinson Street . Grant / iam—Hr . J Bushby , Bookseller . Ulosspp— Mr . J . Oates , Post Office . Glossop-Dale—Mr . J . Natter . r Hulijax—B . Barker , Wade-Street ; R . Wilkinson , Cross-Field ; W . Ibbetson , Union-Street ; W . M-idgley , Bni «« ll-Streetj Mr . walker , BnS Green ; Messrs . Hartley and Walker , Booksellers ; and . Mr . Philip Platts , Ripponden , near Halifax . ¦ . Hebden Bridge— -T . Dawson . Hechnondwike ^ - 'SiT . Chadwick . Beywood—A ., Smith , Brearley-street ; J . Kay Churchstreet
- ; and Mr . J . Hey wood , Bookseller , near Rochdale . nightown—Wm . Lister , Bookseller Honley—J . Horsfall . Horbury—G . Ho ' -royd . Hohnfirth—iAi . Joseph Crossland . Hudtiersjield—C : Tinker , Market Walk ; M » . N orthrop ; . Mr . Jnd . Hanson ; Mr . S . Dickinson , King Street ;¦ and Mr . Greenwood , Dalton , ne * HuddersHeld . tfKt f—Blanshard , Chnrch-side ; Mr . Joseph Noble , Marketplace ; Mr . T . B . Smith , Post Office : and Mr . T . Wild , News Agent , No . 4 , Blanket Row .
Hyde—John Rather . Hanley , Polterics-r-Mr . Pilgrim . Me—Mr . T . Jenkins , Post-master . Ireland—Arthur McCornick , Coleraine , Comity Derby . KeigJiley—Mr . Garnett . Knaresboroitgh—Hawkridge , Temperance Coflee House . ¦ . lettering— Mr . Harding . Kendal—Mr . Z . Smart , Strickland Gate . Leicester—John Seal , Town Hall Lane . Lockiiood— Jonathan Battev . i , « M—Pargitef , 32 , Kirkgate . Lees—James Greases ; and W . B . Micklethwaite Lej ^—J . Coeke , Post office . Lancaster—R .. Airey . Lindley— Edward Shaw . Liverpool—T . Smith , Scotland Place , and Murra * 43 , Great Cross Hall Street .
Loughborottgh—Thomas Eveleigh , top oi the Market Place . ,. London—J . Cleave , 1 , Shoe-lane , Fleet-rtrect Hethenngton , 162 , Strand ; andG . J . Harne-s ! 9 , Evangelist ' s Court , Little Bridge Street ! Blackfnars . -. r Macclesfield— John Stubbs , Waters . Manchester—A . Heywood , Ol ^ ham-Street Maiisfald , —Joseph Woodward , Watson ' s Yard , Church . Street ; and M . Jarvis , Lawn . Mottrmn—Oldham . Middlesbro ' . —Mete . AJiddleton—S . WM ; and W . Horsman . Aorthampton—Wm . Jones , Horse Market .
Newcastle—R . Carruthers , News Agent ; D . France and Co ., Side . . - ¦ ; Norwich—i . Darken . New Mills—R . Smith . Nottingham—Henry Ingram , News Agent ; and Mrs . Smith , Tradesman's Mart . QIcUuuh . —Mrs . Buckley , Lord-Street Oiley—T . Holmes , Post Office . ' ' ' ¦ Fais / cy—Aitken , 35 , Castle-street . Po / i ^ oo / -Mi ; Jvnes ; watchmaker , Monmontlishire Prcson-G Batenian , Observer Office ; and Air ( jnme , - Hair Cutter , 31 , Bridge Lane . Pocklingloji—J . Ingh&m , Currier . . Padiham— Pate , Bookseller . /^ c / W «/ ^ -Shepherd , Chnrch-stile ; E . Wrigley : and n . Lord .
Saddleworth— William ^ Inrgatroyd , Old Delph bhaw—T . Micklewaite . , Sheffield— Lingard ,. Division-Street ; Kelley , 19 Hartshead ; Baraclough and Pashley , Silver „ . , - M - Jv Jey , News Agent , 12 , Haymarket . btaley Bndge--John . Deegan , at the Iron Bridge ; and Tavlor .: ¦ 8 ' Stockpvrl—ftaey , Chester-gate ; J . Biackshaw , 112 , Edward-street ; and S . Bayley , 67 , J 6 hn Street . SK « rfer / a » rf-Williams and Binna , Bridge Street . button-m J * hfield ~ S . T . Hall * Post-master ; and Lewis Mallatrat , Grocer , & « y-T . B . Smith , No . 4 , Gowthorpe Street ; and »*¦ 1 ¦ j ' :. . 7 ~ -- ¦— " w ^» w * liSW WU . I > Wli MM **
5 ^ on ~ -J . Tasker , Bookseller . Stunhope-in-fFeardale—G . Tiakei Swfoough-Joha . Gillott , Post Oftce . Todmorden-J ^^ ; aWdambers . £ « 7 " *«^ . 1 S > We . News Agent , Silver Street . S ^ T ^^ i ^ John Heys ' ^ "J-r ^ gton ; J . CottereD , George Street ; : ana j . iwiat . . . , . WeUingbm '—Briant ; yorfr-Harker » 10 , Sternegate .
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y ^^ W MMH ^^ p ffjKTFffl- " ^^/'' VpwyiyaiPWBM' ^ . BEGS to announce , that in order to ascotnmoaate [ 9 ^ T JB ^ TyJ ^^^ gT ^^ rS' ^^^ iH th ° se Parients who tave v ^ ited him from Bradtord , B _« JS B- ^ -W l ^ -. ^ -f jft- i ^ fhT-J iftJi an < J l ^ ne 'g ^ ^ ° 5 ^ ^ - ° « en induced to attend jjM ^ B ^ pHW ^ Si ^ faj ^ ^^ ^^ g ^ M ^ ^ BtKflj that place , and may be consulted every Thursday , at ^^^^ 1 lj »/ Itjj ^^ iRT ^ lfcrilSB ^^ Bl *^ ' "' - ^ ^ Lane , next to the Junction Inn , from ^^ BBmiMlM ™ ¦ Aim WLn ^ Vmi&toM ^^ BMH ^ ° ' - ' ^ ^ ^ the Morning to Five in the Evening ; _^^^^ S ^ HBMBM 81 HMtUtflBS BBBHl ^^ ' ^ and during the other days of the week , as usual , at ai . * own house 2 So . 62 , Bot : om of Templar ' s Street , Leeds . He continues , with unabated assiduity , to eradicate every species of infection . In recent casts , a perfect curt is completed within a week , or no charge made for medicine * after the expiration of that period ; and in those of the utmost inveteracy , where other practitioner- have failed , a proper perseverance in his pian of treatment insures to the patient a « afe , * e ! l grounded , and lasting re-establishment . H-e hopes that tne successful , easy , and expedition ? ir . ode he ha ? adopted , of eradicating every < ymptom o : ' a Certain Disease , without any material alteration in diet , or hindrance of busines ? , aad yet preserving tbe constitution in full vigour and free from injury , will establish his claims for support . As thi * Disease is one whieh i ? likely to be contracted whenever exposure takes place , it is not like many sthcr visitor ? , osce in life , but on the contrary , one infection may jcarcelv havebeen removed , when a-notn-r may nniorrur . ? . te '; y be imbibed , therefore the Practitioner requires real judgment in order to treat each particu ' . ^ r Cas e in ruch a manner as not merely to remove the present attack , but to preserve the : on « "tircdon unimpaired , in ca » e of a repetition at ao distant peried . The man of experience can avail himself of the grrateM irBprovemects in modera practice , by bein ^ able to distinguish between discharge * of a sp ^ cinc and of a -imple or mild narare , whica can only be made by oBe in daily practice , i ! ter due eoc-idcration of all circum ^ taiice ? . In tbe same manner at birth , appearances often take ' jis . ee ' . n children , which call for a proper knowledge and ccquaintanee with the disease , in order to discriminate their real nature , and which may be the means of sowing domestic discord , unless managed ay tie Surgeon with propriety and ? kill ; but instead of possessing the proper Qualifications , so essential to the Pracuriosers in this insiduous Complaint , you often find low Mechanics vilelv pretending to have rtudied the Healing Art , and deluding tbe Unwary by their nefarious Xoitrum .-i ; it is these Men . vrho are rheinost arrogant in their pretension ? , who , by vant of still destroy more than even Pestilence and the Sword . Can Patients therefore , labeuring under this Complaint be too cautious into whose Hands they ; oamit themselves ?—the Propriety of this remark is abundantly manifest by the game Patient frequently passing tne Ordeal of several Practitioners before he is fortunate enough to obtain a perfect Cure . Were j Patients sufficiently 2 . wzre of the Risk they encountered , when they commit so serious a charge as Life to i illiterate and inexperienced Hands ; and were they to be "Witnesses of the excruciating Sufferings of too many unhappy Victims who are sacrificed to improper Treatment , they would pause before they proceed , and would inquire further than the plausible Hand-bills and Advertisements presented to their Eyes , by self-rccommeaded Xostnommongers and Emperics . The followisg are gome of the many symptoms that iistmzuish this Disease : —a general debility , eruptions on tbe head , face , and body ; nlcerated sore throat * , scrofula , nreilings in the neck , nodes on the shin bones , caneers , fistula ., ' pains in the head and limbs , which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism , &c . &c . ratient 3 in the country , by stating their cases and enclosing a remittance , may have proper remedies * ea _ t to the amount , with directions so simple and plaiD , that parties of either sex may cure themselves vuhwit even tbe incwledge of a bedfellow . i , j * ^"> 8 > inTariable rule is to give a Card to each cf his Patients , as a guarantee for Cure , which he pledges himself to perform , or to return his Fee . * , * Attendance from Eight in the Morning , until Tea iu the Evening , and on Sundays till Two . (* " For the greater convenience of hii Patients , Mr . "WILKINSON will attend every Thursday , from . Ten in the Morning to Five in the Eveniag , at No . 2 , Dead Lake , next to the Junction Inn , j V <* ll Letters mwt be Past Paid .
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A CERTAIN CURE . TTOB . COUGHS , COLDS , ASTHMAS . IX--C FLUEXZAS , CONSUMPTION . HO \ RS £ - > "ES 5 , SHORTNESS OF BREATH , &c , the numerous instances ia which PAUL'S AMERICAN BALSAM has effectrd a perfect cure in-ihe & . bove complaints , have procured for it a verv important place ia tne list ' of specific remedies . " Dr . Turner , late Leetcrer at the London Uuivcrmy , remarks that its effects sre most wonderful . Solo in Bottles at Is . Ha ., 2 s . 3 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., asd 11 s . ea . ch . Likewise
FOR HEALTH , CLEAR SKIN , and LONG LIFE , PAUL'S DR . BAILLIE'S FAMILY APERIENT PILLS , for both Sexes , an effectsaremedy for indigestion , bile , giddiness of the head piles , gout , &c ., acting mildly " but effectually , with out griping the inside , they destroy worms " , purify the system , aci eradicate ail external eruptions , pimples , humour * , &c , and restore to the Skin a clear , healthy , aad blooming appearance . Sold in Boxes at 1 « . 1 # . 2 ? . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., acd 11 s . each .
WO 2 TOE&FUL TESTIMONlAliS . Mrs . Smith , plumber , painter , and slazier "? wife , King- 'Jand road , had beea for mans- year * troubled with a -rislent coagb and wasting away of the frame , which had coined her to her bed fer a length of time . Several eminent medical men were of opinion that she couli never recover , as consumption had taken place . She bad also been under tr , e Di ? pct ! = ary for the cere of co 2 ? nmption and asthmas , » p : without prodscbj the leas : alleviation of the lisease ; the ^ busbard was informed that Pari " - Vmencan Ba . lsa . ni Lad -Deribnaed verrex-raordinanr
-res , was determined to try it : and wonderful : c elate , before she iaJ taken three bottles , and u ? ec u a m : id aperient , Paul ' s Dr . Baillie ' s Pills , s £ e *¦ !> enabled to get cp and eat a mutton chop , and ^ eiOT-e siie bad tak-n s-e Lotties , she was complete l y estored to health and ptrfarmed a day ' s irsnin ? . R : cha ? . d __ Gatne 5 , of Upper Ground Street . 3-2 .: i r . 3 . rs , ] : giiermaz , hid been troubled ' . vita . a acs ; v :-Jir- : c&- gh for set = rral winters , whica csed : o w := ; t £ : m - o Us bed for wc , k asd a- K = s wscrea tne proprietor that Le attributes it ^ elr to i ? ., f . T L . ? . f I-e American Balsam and his Dr " . - i . - Plii 5 ' ~ Z 2-t ' n 6 -as nor been conSued ta Ms j * 1 tms winter .
rifeil , &PHAIN 5 , BRUISES , ' &C ., KING'S RLS 5 IAN EMBROCATION , U wiiout « cennon tse oest remedy ia tse above complaints not in a r ingle iastaace has it ever beea known ta fail . Sold ia bottles at Is . 9 d ., 2 s . 9 d ., and is . 6 d . each . The abov- -alucble iledicines are prepared onlv by C . Eaxo , ( late Paul ) , 232 , Biackfriar ' s Road , L-in ; c . n , aai said wholesale aad retail by the followi ng Agents—Hargrove's Library , 9 , Cocey-street , 1 ork ; Barclay as . d Ssns , Farringdon-street , Ne" ; rsery aad Edwards , St . Paul ' s , Sutton , Bow Church Yard , Drew , Heyward , aad Co ., Trinity-lace , Hannay , 53 , Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street , Vfilloughby , 61 , Bishopjgate-street , Hulse aad Co ., Leadenhall-street , aad by all "Wholesale and Retail medicine Tenders in Town and Countrr .
OBSERVE—CAUTION—Unprincipled Medi-- « ine Tendm supply Spuriou ? iledicines , for the ^ e paxticulajly ii Db . Baillie's Piils , the genuine nave C . King , < late Paul ) , on the Government -Sti $ » p ^ _^ , A » nt 3 iff Leed?—Mr . J . Hobson , Northern ; Sfi ^ 0 mee , " miMr . S . C . Hay , Medieal Hall , BonikStreeL ; , \ * - . ^ ¦ ^ . - *
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COTTON XORX > S , WONET 2 SONSEKS , LAN © SHARKS , READ THE PENNY FACTORY LAD !! PUBLISHED WEEKLY . Leeds : —J . Hobson , Star Omee ; Manchester , A . Heyvrood-, Londca , J . Cleave , 1 , Shoe Lane .
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IN GASES OE SECRECY CONSULT THE TREATISE On every Stage and Symptom of the VENEREAL DISLA ^ E , in its mild and most alarming forms , just published by MESSRS . PERRY AND CO ., SITBGEONS , i , Great Charles ? reet , Birmingham ; 23 , Slater Street , Liverpool ; and 2 , Bals Street , Manchester ; and giveD gratis with each Box of PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 rf ., and Us . per Box , full desc
^^^ k / CONT AINING a ription of the above complaint , ILLCS-^¦ Rik y TRATED BY ENGRAVINGS , shewing the different stage-of M ^ Wj / SZw ^ ^^ deplorable and often fatal d seasc , as well as the dreadful effects JSf © C ^^ 3 ^ arisin g from tbe use of mercury , accompanied wkh plain and practical M $ & .- ^ K ^ k ^ bjW . direcrioEs for an effectual and speedy cure with ease , seerecy , and safety , m& ¥ tf . / lflBH \^^ . without the aid of medical assistance . - ^^ S ^ S ^ mSm W ^ i ^^ PERRT ^ S PURirTIN G SPECIFIC PILLS , price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d . ^^ B ^ ^ PmbSII & . ^^^ s . nd 1 Is ., are well known throughont Europe and America to be the most ' - ^^ K ^ HPSjM ffll j ^^^^ cert 3 ' aD ( ^ effectual cure ever discovered , for tvery atage and symptom ^ BBL Blilfi'lIPVs ^ F ° f T ^ ^ enerea ^ Disease , in both seie < , including Gonorrhaea , Gleets , ^ VrakKm $ ~ i } f vijfcw Secondary Symptoms , Strict-ares , Seminal " Weakness , Deficiency , and ^ ft » t ^ HLflK j r all Diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , ^ £ AS | J E ^ Kjr or kindraEce from business ; they have effected the most surprising cures , ^ Q ^^ y&f' not on ^ y ^ recent a- ^ severe cases , but when salivation and all other ^^^^^ B f means have failed ; and when an early application is made to these Pills ^^^ H ^ for the cure of th-j Venereal Disease , frequently contracted in a moment ^^ r of inebriety , the eradication is generally completed in a few days ; and in : he raore aivasced and inveterate stages of the venereal infection , characterised by a variety of paiaful icd distressing symptoms , a perseverance ia the Specific Pills , and to the directions fully pointed out in the Treatise , will ensure to the patient a permanent and radical cure . It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease , owins to tbe un « kilfulness of illiterate men , who , by the use of that deadiy poison , mercury , ruin tbe constitution , cause ulceration , blotches on tne head , face and body , dimness of sight , noi « e in the ears , deafness , obstinate gleet * , nodes on tne sli : n bone ? , ul .-erated sere throats , diseased nose , with nocturnal pains in the head and lunbs , till at length a aeneral debility and decay of the constitution ensues , and a melancholy death puts a period to their dreadful sufferings .
In those dreadful ca ^ es of sexual debility , brougkt on by an er . rly and indiscriminate indulgence of the passions , frequently acquired without the knowledge of the dreadful consequences resulting therefrom , and 1 which , not only enta . il en its votaries all the enervating imbecilities of old a ? e , and occasion the necessity I af renoiiEciBi ? tne ielieities of marriage t * tiosu who have given way to this delusive and destructive habit , i but weaken and destroy all tbe bodily senses , producing melancholy , deficiency , and a numerous train of ; nervous affection ? . In these aistrersing ca . se « , whether tke consequence of such baneful habits , or any other cause , a certaia and speedy cure may be relied on by taking PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC j ° ILLS , and by a strict attention to the directions pointed oat in the treatise , vrhich fully explaiHS the I dreadful results arising from tLe * e melancholy ca « es . i MESSRS . PERRY & CO ., SURGEONS , maybe consulted as usual at No . 4 , Great Charles j Street , Birmingham , and 23 , Slater Street , Liverpool . Only one personal visit is required from a country j parieut , to enable Messrs . Perry & Co . to uive such advice , as will be the means of alfeeting a permanent ! ani effectual cure , after all other means have proved ineffectual . I . Letters for advice must be post paid , and contain the usual fee of one pound . | Sold by the principal Medicine Sellers in every Market Town in England , Scotland , W « l » c , and j Ireland ; al » o on the Continent , and North and South America-: Sold at tbelnielligercer Office , and by Heaton , Townsend , Reinnardt and Son , Tarbetton , Rhodes , Iran :, Leeds : "Whitaker , Hardcastle , Ridge , Gillatt , Fisher , Wreaks , SlacV , Sheffield ; W ' oodhead oc Xail , Claughton & Co ., Chesterfield ; Simons , \ Ycrk ? op ; R . 'CoU ' nson , " \ V . Gething , Mansfield ; J . Fowler , East Redford ; G . Harrisoa , J . "Walls , Barnsley ; Adam ^ , Selby ; Greaves , Fall , Knaresbro '; Hurst , Cardweil , StanSeld , "Wakefield ; Stanneld , Kt-ighley ; Cooper , Bradford ; Hartley , Berry , Leyland Sc Son , Halifax ; Eaglaad , Jaeob , Feil , Sp ' ivey , HuJdersneld ; Brice , Parkinson , Priestly , Pontefract ; | Fojsrin , Pear , Thirst ; Dalby , Vfetherby : Stafford , Brook & Co ., Donc ? .-ter ; T . S . Bro ' uk , Dewsbury ; i Wilkinson , Skipton ; Langdale , Northallerton ; G ;> 1 J thorp . Tadeaster ; Bowman , Richmond ; Rhodes , i Snaitb ; Richardson & Son . Low Harrogate ; B . Moscn , Meynell , Ro *< & Burton , J . Haycr- > ft , Lee & . i P " err : n » , Hull ; Dennis 6 c Son , Bellerby , Deighton ^ : Moxon , T . Marsh , R . Burdekin , H . Southeran , r W . ic J . Harerove , York : Earle , Ramsden , Beverltr ; Ainsworth , S . Turcr-r , Chamley , Fox , Scarbro '; ; Aliattome , Pc / cklington ; Rrby , Market Vfeighton ; Tvirlay , Howden ; Sfeerwood , Drifneld ; Furby , i Bridiinst «! n ; Atkinson , Kirby Moorside ; Anderson , Ripon ; Yeoman , \ Yhitby ; Smith , Guisberough ; I-Flower . Malton ; Duek , Stokesley ; Chri « t . ^ pher & Cc , Stockfn ; "VN'ilson , " Rotberham ; Robinson , Soro-cjhbridse ; Collinson , Cave ; Hail , Ea / mgwoid ; Cass , Goole ; Barkers , HeJmsley ; Harrington , j Hunbauby ; Havrkin * , Masham ; Longbsitham , Middleham ; Walker , Foster , Otley : Atkinson & Son , i Pickering ; Knowlts , Thorne ; Sutton , Nottingham ; V * oodward , Leicester ; and sold by most respectable ! Medicine Venders throughout the Kingdom . i London—Barclay and Son , Farringdon-srreet , Butler , 4 , Cheapside , Edwards , St . Paul ' s Church i Yard . i N . B . —Country Druggist ? , Booksellers , Patent Medicine Venders , and every other Shopkeeper can be ! supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specific Piils , with the usual allowance to the trade , by ! Barclay and Son , Farringdon-street ; T . Butler , 4 , Cheapside : Edwards , 67 , St . Paul ' s Church Yard ; I Sutton and Co ., Bow Church Yard ; Hannay and Co ., 63 , Oxford-street ; and by all other wholesale patent Medicine Houses in LondoB .
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EMPLOYMENT . PERSONS having a little ttmfr to spare , are apprized that Agents continue to be appointed in London and Country Towns by the East India Tea Company , for the naW-of their celebrated Teas . Offices , 9 , Great St . Helen ' s Church Yard , Bishop ' sgate Street . They are packed in Leaden Canisters , from an Ounce to a Pound , and new alterations hare b ^ ea Biade corresponding with the recent great fall in Tea , whereby Agents will be enabled to compete with all rirals . The Licence is only 11 Shillings per Annum ; Excise Permiti are abolished , aad many during the last 14 years have realh « ed considerable incomes by the agency without One Shilling let or loss . Application to be made to Charles Hancock , Secretary .
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THE REV . JOSEPH RAYXEa STEPHENS . Just published , and sold by " William "Willis , Hanging Ditch , Manchester ; may be bad , Wholesale , of A . HEfwoou , 60 , Oldkamstreet , Manchester ; J . Hobson , Northern Star Office , Leeds ; and Retailed by ail Book-¦ seller * , price in octart , on fiRe paper , One Shilling ; on common paper , Eight-pence ; also , ¦ in duodecimo , a cheap edition for the People , at 'Four-pence : — THE POLITICAL PREACHER : an Appeal from the Pulpit on behalf of the Poor . By the Her . JOSEPH RAYNER STEPHENS .
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This Day is published , in royal 8 ro ., price 10 s ., PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE X CAFSES and TREATMENT of CURVATURES of the SPINE , With Hygyenic Directions for the Physical Culture of Youth , as a means of preventing the Diseage ; an Etching and Description of an Apparatus for the Correction of the Deformity •—and Engravings illustrative of the Cases . * By SAMUEL HARE , Soboeon . London : Simpkin and Co . ; and all Bootsellers .
Spring Sessions, 1839.
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RETREAT , NEAIV I / EEDg . : > FOR THE RECEPTION AND RECOVERY OF PERSONS AFFLiCTED WITH DISOR . DER 8 OF THE MINR . MR . HARE begs to announce to th « Profession and Ae Public , thatthe aijove Establishment is under his particular SnperinteBdence . and that the must strict Attention is : paid to the Medical , as well as Moral Treatment -of the ludividaals who ar& committted to his Care . ¦' . ? Applications , either Personal , or bjr LetterrPostage free , addresaed 26 , East Parade , Leedsy . will meet with immediate Atteation , and nave the mo § t satisfactory References , if required , ' » to ' Patients already discharged , or their ^ rieDds : also to Phyriciaas resident in London , Dublin , Leamington , Leedc , Sheffield , Scarborough , Wakefield , Bradford , &c , who have had occasion to visit Patients at the Retreat .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), March 30, 1839, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1051/page/2/