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ajr . tletcher , mr . o'connor , the convention , and the northern Star . Oke great means by which the curse of slavery Ifesteen entailed upon the people and perpetuated , & tlie crawling character and restricted objects of thejwiblic Press . KetrEpapersliavebeen thevehjeles 01 support , exclusively ~ to factions or individuals . Particular classes , —seeing the advantages to be derived _ from the possession and direction of those <* gan 3 of the pnblic mind , wherein great questions , JnrolviEg the woe or welfare of Bociety , are eo ^^ S ^^ ;» : 5 ^^ hJ
handled , moixghij andirarped oythe employment -or perversion o £ intellectual genius , as to assume ^ Vnatever form the operator pleases , —have been always careful io secure to themselves a large por Uon of those formidable weapons for factious "warfare . Individuals , se « kin £ persoiud aggrasdisenjentTinder the guise of patriotism , or mnck-woma , - eeking to enrich themselves by tossing about " the / various political shuttlecocks of the day , hare equally fonnd it necessary to take in hand this great lever , "b j the skDfbl" management of -which -wonderful -effects have beennotnufreqnenSj- produced , as if-by Jaaae .
- The powers of the Press for aiding the designs of its ^ ireciorshavebecome known to ail ; andhenceallwho look immediately to personal or party benefit , and io the subserving of the same bj practising on ihe pubKe , haTe evar manifested an eagerness of grasp after the possession of those powers , -which ahowed their estimation of their value ; -whilst strange -to ray , the people , who hare b # en the prey of all , iare permitted their interests to ba sacrificed ; their . rights io be'invaded ? and their character to be inis 1 TepreseBied , by this many-headed monster , with ¦ carce an effort to repelits continual attacks through the same medium . Many indeed are the jourcali redolent of fection aad of person , bat seldom do we £ nd one honestly maintaining principles " purely public- . " -. ' - ¦¦ - - - . -
We looked in Tain for such a journal through a painful search of many years , but not till the Nor thern Star cast forth its rays en the political hori-Km -was the object of our search discovered . 'Twas liien , in the commencement of this paper , that its proprietor , emertainiag on the subject of the press like views and actions -trith our OTrn , said
"What you'd haTe it make it " We i 3 Telaboured to do so ; and we appeal with confidence to obt whole past career for evidence ftat tba Nirthern Star has never yet swerved from ¦ principlej nor prostituted its columns to personal aggrandisement . We have noted some papers who 3 e - object leemed to be to write up their several Editors ; while others haTe as carefully kept up the form and sem-BTflTtee of their patrons , constantly new painted , and conspicuously eiiibited , for public admiration . Thishas never been our practice . Wishing rather to Tefire than stand forward , we have rather shown , to all who were concerned to contemplate it , a mirror of the public mind than an embodying of our ott o .
We have chronicled , and given form and substance to , the spirit of the times ; but seldom , and then -vviili deference , have we essayed its guidance . In public matters of discussion , when principles of right and "wrong were canvassed , wo have given onr opinions freely and fearlessly ; but in matters which were iflGs ^ xfcensrve in their character , we have ever been patented to Temaia
" Mute chroniclers of things ; non-interferinj . ' ( far colnmnsTiave ever been upon the principles of -even-handed justice , open or shut alike to all . 3 n all the squabbles and disputes vrhieh liave reeeatly or heretofore occurred amongst ike political leaders of the dav we have taken no
Preserving our own independence perfect , we have arranged ourselves under eo banner—espoused no party—Enpport&d no man , in preference -to another . "We have done what we conefived to be onr dnty , in laying facts before the public , from which their judgment may be formed ; and wo have done this , * o far as we know , with strict impartiality . Mr . CFCoxsoe , notwithstanding hi 3 connection -mlb . the Paper , a 3 Proprietor , Las formed no exception to tot general rale of dealing ; nor shall he . ever do . so . _ So long S 3 the Paper continues under onr direction , Mr . O'Goxsoa will be dealt with by it iE precisely the same form and manner as every other -TBjblic tna .-n ¦ ' .
- Qnrreader 3 will do us the justice to remember thai , in all ihe disputes between Mr . O'Cossoa and ihe Working Men ' s Association of London—between that gentleman and Mr . J . P . Cobbett— -betvr » eii Mm and the Birmingham secedcrs from the Con-reniion— -between him and tie Edinburgh TesolulSonists —and between him and bis admirers in Lancashire , ¦ who fell out with him about the three days' holiday , we remained neutraL . " ,
We do not purpose to deviate from our usual practice bow . If we interpose a word in reference to the attack of Da . Fletcher ou Ms- O ' CoxsoBjit willnoi Be io defend Mr . O'Cox-HOB—we leave that to himself—but to rebut the « OTert insinuation of Dr . Txeicheb against ourselves . WhQe we maintain that the aim of a journalist should be to approximate as nearly as possible the Divinity of Justice ; holding the scales with evenfind , and carefully avoiding that a shadow of " preerenee should warp the beam ; we cannot forget t if the duty is to be thus righteously * performed , ihe character must be as iighteonsly sn « tained ; and ieaea , -without meddling in lie personal dispute , -we
feel it necessary for onr own character to throw back ihe slanderous imputation of the Doctor on the Teracity of our reports . He is pleases to ask if Mr . 0 'Co > 30 B -would like a recital of sundry "ca 3-. ftgatioar' of which be states "himself to have been theinnietor , but which he says have been . " carefolly ouppresssd from the reports . " Nowhaa Db . PtEicHEE , in accordance with the nsual custom of Mi . O'Cossob ' s calumniators , chases to mii . up the Northern Star with his whole letter , and thus to marry ns and Mr- 0 'Cosnor together , we must presume that he here alludes to our reports ; and ia that ease we feel bound to tell Dr . Fletches that he k guilty of having grossly ' iobited the truth , in the insinuation that any castigations of Mr . O * Co > t « ok have been , by -as , " carefully suppressed . "
Tot tte greater ponion cf the sittings of the Convenfion ^^ 3 ous Tayi . 02 was etgaged as Reporter for the Northern Star ; and we are not aware that in any one instance the slightest alteration ¦ was made inhisTeports : he had certainly ao directions from us to suppress anything nor did we « ver gfre , or hint , any such direction to any Reporter . We have always employed npon the Northern Star Ehort-hand writers of talent and judgmen :: Imowing the duties of our own province , we have never interfered with theirs ; but have taken tlie reports as they were handed to to , "holding them responsible for their accuracy .
Subsequently , whsn theS :. ' ? . became the a- ^ redited organ of the Convention , we took our reports for a -ihort period from that journal ; but finding that many members complained of inaccuracies , aid mts-afaifm ents , we abandoned tie Sun ' s r < .-port = , -and employed a practised London reporter ; vrhose eommunications have never boc-n altercJ , saviag that in one or two instances ia th « latter end of H& -week ; being longer than we had room for , we shortened them by leaving out the epeech . es in tcio , aid inserting only tha resolutions and detisiou ^ come to . - Sach have been our reporting arraagements , t . , which neither tiagenor colouring of car o ^ n ta ; bee « given .
Wehave ever beea iixious to fpafe o ^ rrstivca an . * readera the pain wf per = oiiai tii-u ^ rx ^ r .:,--: uc-t ^ ?¦ ; - parties high in public esrimaiioii . tci -weli '« 'v ? ~ :: r < . r jone out of our way to suppress anything "t-Lat ui . y body might please to say n ^ aiurf Sir . O Cossoe . lior was it nevc £ ittry tfcii " ^ e sLv ^ i io * - - .- . : r CT 6 Ilhad " 5 V dCETP-i to EiJreU-e Ncrifizrn Stir s
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vehicle of personal reputation to him , tho most effectual mcaas of doing it win by simply giTing bis talent and htnestv fair play . ^ . ^? I ^^^^^^ S ^\
This wo have ever done ; this we shall ever do ; and we feel confident that all who have had any opportunity of knowing and testing the accuracy of our reports in reference to tho many matters in which the busy life of that gentleman has been engaged ; will admit unhesitatingly that we may well afford to smile at this poor fling of Dr . Fketcheb about " castigations" " earefully suppressed from the reports . "
We may observe in passing that it ia rather strange that Dr . FLrrcHBB should have discovered no paper in which those " castigations" of his are reported . Were the Sun ^ tfte Operative , ihe Charter , ihe Birmingham Journal , the Morning Chronicle , ihe Time ^ and all the other papers , which gave reports of th « Convention confederated in an holy league to touch tenderly the deputation of Pejlrgus O'Coiraon ! How is it that nous of these " castigations , " under which Mr , O'Coxxor must have -vrritbed so fiinnilj , found their way into any of the public prints ; or if ihey tlid bo , how is it . that Dr . Flbtchbr , in the eagerness of his search , ha 3 overlooked them !
We opine that the Doctor ha « reckoned a little without his host if he thinks he can persuade the public to believe that Mr . O'Coiwor could ' exercise enough of innuence over tho London journals to procura the suppression of these " castigations " whatever may have been his power at the Northern Star . Wo now again tell bim that Mr . O'Cojnroa has no such influence lieTe ; that we hare a character for public honesty and fairness to maintain , which is to us of primary consequence , and which shall never be sacrificed to the convenience of any man .
We have thought it right to say so much in reply to Dr . FletcheiTs charges against us ; and now we may claim the fair right of scrutinising , on public grounds , the motives by whieh the worthy Doctor may seem to us to have boon actuated , in this unseemly and discourteous proceeding , as Trell as in his public attack on Mr . O'Cossob . There are some minds so constituted that they can see perfection only through tho spectacles of
ruin . Destitute of material ! wherewith to build up a reputation , either for themselves or those whom they support , they seek to filch them from such rubbish as they msy be able to pick up amid the ruins of otber reputations , thrown down to furnish them a site . A process not unaptly illustrated t > y rooks in building time , who fava the labour of carrying sticks to their own edifices , by tearing down their neighbours nests .
We do not say that Dr . Fletcher ' s is a mind of this sort , but we will point hi * attention to a few circumstances , connected with this " very pretty quarrel , " and then leave him to form hia own judgment . The Dr . has grown suddenly angry with , and . furious in tbe castigation" of , almost every body Not only onr poor selves and Mr . O'Comob have been " castigated , " but tho Convention too have como in for a terrible whacking . Now , as the worthy Doctob had himself been a member of thii naughty body , -about which so many naughty tricks are
recorded by him , it is worth while to try if we can find out vhy he Ehould jump Jim Crow , and turn round upon his old associates . We imagine-that there will be little difficulty in this when wo observe that the Doctob has for his main guest , at his public dinner on the 14 th , 3 Ir . J . P . Cobbett . At the last election , Mr . J . P . CoBBirn irai the Candidate for Bury , taking his rtand upon the Poor Law and Rnral Police Questions ; an election is again expected shortly , and Dr . FuercaKtt trumpets fonb these two questions as the great
rallying point of future agitation for the Radicals ; asserting that they have lost ground by the T¢ agitation for Universal Suffrage , and are not bow in reariy so good a position m thai in which the South Lancashire anti-Poor Law Association left them . This , and the fact of Mr . Cob-EETt ' s being his main guest 011 the 14 th , seem to be the Doctor ' s tactics for tha commencement of another Election campaign ; and wo think that few people will fail to couple with this the Doctor ' * coarse and virulent attack on the Convention .
The public eye may be slow to open , but i 3 sure at last to pierce through the flimsy covering . The -effect of Dr . Fletcheii ' s denunciation of the Convention will necessarily be to cast suspicion on himself , for not having remonstrated or complained at the proper time , when censure might have cor rected abuse . Why did he wart till [ the Convention was defunot , and then pour forth the phials of hi- vrrath upon it * ashes i We do not
deem it honourable for any man to have remained to tbe last a member of a body whom he thought deserving of wholesale abuse , and in whose favour he is unable to Teserve a sicgle rodeemiug feature . This wiBEot be thought creditable to Dr . Fletcher ; but abuse of the Convention was necessary to the support of Mr . Cobuett , aod cot less so , it might be thosght , abuse of Mr . O'Cor . ior and of ourselves . Mi . Cobbktt was the first deserter from
the ranks of the ConvestioB , and , ¦ am such , might be supposed to have sacrificed a considerable portion of his popularity ; to redeem this it wa ^ necessary that the Convention should be so traduced as to give to his secession therefrom , a colour of an act of virtue ; Mr . O"Co : w > b * 8 iuflueue » was known lobe great in Bury and its neighbourhood , and it was necessary to find a counterpoise ; the influence of the Northern Star was known to be almost irresistible . Mr . Cobbett may have supposed th ^ t his previons treatment , both of its Prvprieftir and Editor , ha < l been such as to preclude roach liuj-e of its supporting Mm , and therefore it w ; u necessary that it Ehould be sapped and underui :::-:-d .
This aeems to us tohava been the process by which the Doctob wroughs himself to the limnc resolution of impaling himself upon ihe horns t ; f the < Iea-i Convention , for tbe purpose of ministerir . g support tojlr . Cobektt ; a support for which that Gentleman has certainly no cause to thank him : — " Tbe cratch moit insecurely rests , That on the dovrnfiU of another is Implanted . " Of thec-onvention : ; o \ v that itisdefanctwesay nothing ;
while it was ia existence wo praised and censured as we thought it necessary ; of Mr . G'Co . ^ . ior we can truly say . tiiat we have never heard him publicly or privately depreciate tho labours of any of his fellows , nor arc we able to divine why it should be attempted to elevate the character of others by depreciating his ; of ourselros we say only that when the present conspiracy against the Star , of whose movements , from the first , we have been fnlly cognizant , shall have been matured and hatched , we shall meet it , beat it , and expose it .
Had the Doctor confined himself to positive praise of Mr . Cobbett , we should have allowed that gentleman to stand npon his own merits , and the pabhc to decide upon them ; but when a covert object ia sought to be obtained by means so littl » creditable , wo claim the right of scrutiny . Tho cur-e of Radicalism ha * always been the jealousies of its leaders . The question has ever been—not what shall be done , but who shall do it ! Mr . O'Co . noh , as regards the personal dispute , ha * appealed to what we thiuk must be allowed to bo a
lair tribunal—a Jury of the Doctor * own townsmen . For our-elvas we hope that we have satisfied i . i : r frieuilfthat-our course has been onthiSjisonevery other pubiia mautr , straightforward , independent , 2 nd consistent ; wliilo w « promise to wnvince our * i : ^; rirt t n * t tt ? wisest course for them will be to li-i * br * : : ¦*¦ ' * " ¦ " ! > :-ir aloue .
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NOTICES TO THE PUBLIC Ok Monday next , Mr . &C 6 xsom will a . ddress tht Radicals of Middleton , in the Association Room . On Tuesday ho will address the people of Hyde , and Stalybridge . On Wednesday , the men of Aflhton and Dukinfield , at Ashton . On Thursday , le will address the tiadicals of Stockport . Oh Friday , ie will address the Badicals . of "Solton ; and on Saturday , he will hold a mseting at Manchester , in the Carpenters'Hall , the chair to bo taken eaoh night at eight o ' clock , and free admission . [ Since the above was in Type ^ we have received the following communication from Mr . O'CW . vor . —Ed . ]
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TO THE WORKING MEN OF ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND . Mt Fbie . ii > 3 , —It is now between four and five years since I established Radical Associations in England—it is nearly three tince I established them in Scotland ; ~ now I proceed to establish them in Ireland .. My visit to Ireland has been hastened by an account that I have this moment read in the London newspapers . The elections of Ireland have died a natural death . I gave political existence to many constituencies in 1832 , and I now find that the whole
of th « aristocratic influence in the county of Cork is arrayed against the people . Taeyaro afraid to renew the franchise , and complain that they have no support , I go to help them , and , in helping them , I snail not for a moment forget those brava meaof England , and Scotland , who have so nobly supported , and successfully sustainedmo , in a courso of agitation never beforo equalled . I shall lay yourfpolinga and condition before them ; I shall remove all prajudices , and shall add to you , another tower of atrength . ' 1 shall not be long absent from you ; aud , in my absence , I shall communicate all that transpires .
I take this opportunity of thanking you for many past kindnesses , and also of renewing my pledge , never to desert you , but with , my life . I did Intend to have made a rapid tour of Agita tion , through Lancashire , next week ; but I trust you will consider that 1 shall bo better employed . Defend me against my enemies , in my absence . When among you , I aisk no such favour . You shall hear from mo next week . Be united . Groan and hiss all disturbers of our harmony , and cheer on the good in the prosecution of our noble cause , I am , . Your faithful friend and Servant , FEARGUS O'CONNOR . London , Wednesday , Half-past Sixo'Clock .
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NOTICE . —AU eommunicalions addressed personally to Jit . O'Connor , mu * i remain unuhswered , as he wu * required imJan { ly io proceed to London , to \ enter into bail io recKtvo judgment next month , in the Queen ' t Bm > ch , for tft * libd for which he was eonvicled at Out York Assizes . Threo day $ noiico of bail is r&juired , and the raognixaJice taken before a Judge in chamber . XOTJCH . —AU tJtone . person * trislirig to visit the prisoners ia Chester or other GdoU , s / touUl ascertain the day npon which they are to be » cen . Mr . O'Connor pr& ctsded from Leeds to Chester on Friday last , and apon hit arrival , xeas informed that TaeMuy was the day , and that he could not xm Mr . Stephens or WDouulL
Advick . —The schoolmaster of the -endowed-School , who ha * hem threatened bytheOronian Uivines . must received regular notice ; but ICC rccom 7 rui ; ni him to cat the connection ; he it in bad company . Johk Bhaumont , nactumlt . Q . HiGGiss , nextvieek . Keighlet Female Radicals , next week , CllZSTEB Gaol , narf week . Halifax . —The Halifam news parcel eam $ , laet week , after iceirereat press . J . Do * can ' s Letter is nearly always too late . l . STTURS ikom the following A cent * uvre received last week too laic Io be attended to : —Jiucasth , Newoasiie Dttrcan , Edinburgh ; Salt , Hantey ; Edwards , Scirpori ; Ptiffha , Liverpool ; and Alcoek , Jtedditdi .
Cn . uu . Ea Deightox , EcdeshiU , near Bradfori . — Sir . IbbMvn had no order front , us further than \ sh < U apixareed in the Star , which fras that the poj-er ( tad plait- were to be charged Cd . JOHS KaTHEK . —S-iwi to Heywood , for 100 of Stephoruta portrait * . ¦ ¦' . - , Barton , CengleUm . —Tho paptr * for ihe above person , -Kcre posted at Leeds in lime far the Mail . J . VR ^ ox ^ . Staiyorid ^ e . —Mr . O'Connor is not in Leeds , andwecanmitsaywhenhewillbo .
DEFESCE FUND . - « . d-. From— ¦ -, per A . Hiywood ~* 8 S A few friends at Fulneck , near Pudsey 11 0 C'Hablus Fisheb , Liitletowji . —The portrait and paper together are sixpence . ¦ -. ' ..- '• Mr . D auk en . —The parcel was foncarded from here by wop of Lynn . Portraits . —The lalo arrival of the Portrait * at theofioe , renders it qvita impossible fa have thmai Kmecastle in tvno for delivery with the papers , Lbbds . —The Subscribers at our Office , wiib those of Mossrs . White and Ward , will receive their Portraits this week . The quantity sent tt * r # not suficwnt to supply them last Saturday . Patrick Mvbbat . —Sertwcek
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Bbavb Meh of Sheffield , —I have already explained to you , Firstly , That bo * losg * as the labour of the workmen is merged in the capital of thenionied man , the artificial price which fictitious money gives to raw material , and the consequent inducements to gambling , so long will you be ignorant of your high and dignified position in society . Seoondly , That you have been invited to transport yourselves fiom country , from family , from friends , and from home , while your own land invites to industry , and promises an oyerflowing reward for slight labour . ¦ _ " - ¦ ' ; ' i
Thirdly , That all societies which you establish for self-defence " -are but so ma ay substitutes for the laws equality , Tvhile their support , are a tax upon you ; and Fourthly , That so far from your- ' country * , being over-populated , that it ia , under wise aud just laws and regulations ,, capable of supporting , in comfort aud affluence , ten times the amount of its prcs ' eut scanty population . Having explained these things to you , I shall now explain the means by which your rulers have so long held you in servile chains . " - ; .- ' - It has been the practice of etcvy Government , that has ruled this country since it became over-
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taxcJ , ticibatue thbpooresc aiid moat desiituto , ¦ # ]! & those comparatively comforiible . fco ^ land goneraJly arises from ^ destitution ; and ddstltution , being the law's creation , merges into political vrarfsre . Those earning a pound » weekj begin to miBiutt ^^ emselreisVby / ' -tliW standard of tWae more destitute , instead x ) f by the mcasUto of their own utility ^ performance * / y Thes ^ edescendi ^^^ by those having t ^ pntyrfiveshiliingSj thirty-shillings , and so upwardsperweek ; but , by donees , the forlorn ooudition of tho increased destitute throws their share ^ p , ^«<^^
of taxation , which they can uo iongor bear or sustain , upon / the classes above them ;; and so it goes on ; the / inoriE > Jise : ' of , destitution , of one " olaaa imposing greator buydehsuponthe tttherswho sayr not Jihe o *^ ct of being partiefli" to ^ tlje Misery of their felW men ; The centralization of ( Joyernment , * widthe abaorbtipn of all profit by gamblera withifictitious money , is daily augmenting the lowest class of auffferers ; and norr poverty ia [ becoming so geheralj-and the means of laying up tho BmaUestprovisio nfor a rainy day sp difficult , that those of the hitherto comparailvoly-coiaforiable , are , ibr the first time iri their liTes . beginning to take warhin « by the fate of
those below them , jwho have been victimized for want of a timely union , a timely stand , and a timely struggle , against that system which has pauperized the majority , and promises a siniilar fa ' to to a large minority . I mention this in order to induce the hitherto backward and lagging , who hate refused to join for Universal Suffragey to do it now , from motives of self-interest j and in self-defence . The middle and upper classes , hitherto > poetically opposed to you , having lost all confidence iii the prosent GovernmeDt , as politicians , are being religiously marshalled against you . Every ? jrionied class has its distinct religion , or outward form , for Toasons which 1 shall hore explain . V
The religion of the Lanij . " . ia State-Church , becauso of its union wi | th the State—because Of the paitnership which parsons and landlords have inthe laiid , and biBcause of tho natural tendency which peculiar religions tenets have of exacting pbedien « o to cortain political doctrines , ¦ ; . !¦ * . Thercligion of Money , of Steam , and of Manl-pac TwniiS i isDifsent ; not by any means a conseiputioua dissent from tho peculiar dpctrinos of the Law Church j but a jealous rivalry for that religious support which has been so euccossful in creating Political Asceudaucy . Thereligion of Retail and the Shoi * is , gonerally , Methodism , which assumes an air of charity ,
humility , and self-denial ; all ^ requisite masks for those vrho . " buy cheap and sell dear ; " who sand the sugar , and water the brandy . , Every religion is very tolerant to its own membors , but strongly denounces all non-conformists . The Quakers confine themselves , exclusivel y ^ to their otvn order ; for this simple reason ; because they would loso by partnership . Their Charity is wholly confino ^ l to tliemselrea . Their rigid discipline overawes and forbids the approach of the
destitute . Povorty with them amounts to crime ; and producea dismissal . Tho friondloss muist cease to be a Friend . As individuals they may . posstea feelings of charity which their doctriiics oblige them to smother as communicants , They evor have been the greatest sticklers for their own libertiea , and tho greatest ecemies to the libertiea of all others . Fortunately , we ^ ha vc hot a larger number than from * 25 , 00 d- to 27 , 000 of those singlo-breastdd gentry in the Empire . -,
The fair sox have their Batural influence . ' orer those who are depondent upon them for every social comfort . Henco , we find tho delicate and guaceptible feelii ) gd . of women roused almost to madness by a sot of Infidel surplicod rufiiaiiSjWho havobeoaparadipg Lancashire in tho character of religious reformers ; by which term they mean neither more nor leas thaii Political Ascondaucy , aa tho safest road to national plunder , although at the expense of Cathplic blood . Thoso hellish monsters , SI'Neale , O'Sullivan , Stowell , Cooke , O'Neil , aad Co ., have invited the Protestants and the Wosloyan Methodists to rise and driro the Catholics from their places of worship ; to take them "by foul means , " and not to desist evcu with y \ o lo ? 8 of limb , until tho " good work " haa been accomplished .
Now , my friends , your religion being charity , the charitablo should commence exclusive religious dealing . You should refuse , except by coercion , to give ono : farthiug of tithe ; rates , or dues for the support of a set of murdering scoundf ele , who , under the mask of religion , would thus arm man against lu ' 3 fellow ; aud excite the feelings of the timid , as a religious host , to procure Political Ascendancy for the perpetuation of Social Monopoly . Do not defile yourselves by worshipping at the samo altar . Raisp your Btandard linder the canOpy of the broad blue sky , and , like the Covenanters of old j in God ' s fresh air ; and his open space , propagate the religion of charity and equality , which requires no blood to prop ; or money to support it .
; I have now explained to you the influence which religion is made to have in temporal affairs . I have before shewn why tho landlords are parties by their political influence , to a syatem which ^ ust evehtually destroy their properties ; that they have preferred to raise rents to tho standard of abuse—instead ° " levelling abuso to tho standard of rents . I shall now explain ; wliercfore the SHOPKEEPERS find it more their interest to preserve , than abolish taxation . The legitimate interest of money , in all fair speculation , has been long established at fire
percent . Thia was a fair interest when tho ; labour of every working man , formed a component part of the geueral wealth of the nation ; but when steam power and fictitious money made trade a gambling speculation , the ? mall capitalist was driven from the market , aud'had nothing-left but hia chance at the * ' little go" of " chicken hazard { " and here I come to a cprisideratipu of indirect taxation ; or tho power which direct taxa-. tion gives to thoae who pay it in the lump to the Exchequer / ; . ** , .
A man possessing £ 500 out at interest , would re-: ccive no more than £ ' 2 o per annum ; but a man who Testa £ 500 in th 0 ' . ' . establishment of a shop , will , in the first iustance , from a certainty whieh taxation affords for cheating , take credit . for 14 per cent , for his capital , I will take , for instance , a tobacconist or baker , both of whom are principally depeiidant upon the Vorking classes for support . When starting business with a capital of j £ 300 , either of those , the baker or tobacconist , will uiidortakc , £ S 0 a year r » nt , and £ 20 a . year taxes ; these sums he has to pay in ths first instance ; and afterwards he has to live
and support a family ; This is not undertaken in the fair way of business ; but from a conyictioh that the shopman will ( in consequenco of taxation forming a part of the price ) bo enabled to coinpete with all who deal in , and live upon , the same terms . He oaiinot , on Monday morning , say , that lie expects so many customers as will enable him to add tha amount of rent and taxes to the price of Btqck ; but he will take care that all mistakes shall be upon his own Bide ; He lires not upon an equitabio return from his capital , but from the profit made of rent and taxes ; and therefore he is , as a voter , iidiftereut to the question of taxation .
. This rule riina ^ from the highest to tht lowest , until all '' falis eventually upon the consumeri Wo know that a man paying £ 50 aryear rent ; and- £ 20 a-year taxes , will , to speak moderateiy , lipfend i £ 200 a-year upon'himself ^ and . family , without any diminution of capital . v Thus he bi * a return o * f i'ti / O a-year , or more than ^ p per cent , upon Ms ¦ capital . Suppose ' thofarmer raises theprioeof abagofwheit ( twenty stone ) bn ^ shilling to the factor , the factor wiUraUe it two shillings upon- the . miller ; the miller Trill raiiso it four pliilliugs' upon the baker j and the baker will raise it : twelve slviUiiifis . upon i \ ic customer : a / rtaklng caroto hare at ^^ ^ profit upon the advance mado in the price .
Lot us oonsider hoVv taxation affects the consumer or purohaser of ariieles composed of materials which are subject to tax in their raw state . Sup-
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pose aa articlei co- ^ ged parHy * of hemp , yesin , pitch , and oil ; to bo s ' oltl for ^ i 0 s . ; a ^ 4 : ftat , ; ap increased ; diity of bno shilh ' ng ii ¦ theIrequired quaintity of eaah of tho raw materials is laid on ; then the pricp of the article should be 14 s ., with a trifling remuueratioti ' . for-. ' .. th » : ihcrisa * 3 © d . . xiskV . ' . ' . Bat is it sol No ; tho pricft of ¦ " . the article would bo at onco raised to 10 a .: thus giving to the manufacturer a profit of i 00 per cent , upon the tax ; and if he turned hia : cajpital over four times in tho yearj it wbuld leave hiin a profit of 400 per ceht ^ which , added to the shopman's profit , would raise the taxed portion : of the article by 500 per cent , upon the purchaser .-, * : . - . *¦ ¦ .. . ' : •' : •/ . ' ¦ ¦ . ' ,. ¦¦" . *¦ ^ ' ¦; " ¦ ¦ '* " ; . ' ' - * . ¦ ,. •¦¦'¦ . :- ; : ^
Th » diminution in the value of , mainufactures , since the introduction of steam power , has caused a great roiactipn in wages ; while the pric » of food is so capricious that tha working clasaes , iVen when weft employed , have a mere Bubsistpneej and nothing more ; Thus thoir state has become rworse ^ while ' all those with settled incomes , salaries , and places , can purchas » thre « times the amount ef your " labour now- fpr the samo amouut of monoy wliich they ; . gaT » soino ^ years back ' ' tax ( ins third the atnount of labour . v This of itself is a great evil ; that Judges , Officers , Placemen , Pensioners , and persons with . Settled incomes ; should become rich in the same proportion as you becomo poori
¦ " I have now-shown you-how- and wheroforo R # ligious Projudiceg , Landed Power , Monied Influence ^ and Shopkeeper ^ Interest , are on » and all arrayed against you ; and , in conclusion , I shall prove that the possession of exclusive political power has lod to every grievanco of which you justly pmplaih , whileit hasalso kd to ^ tho presbrvatioh of monopoly in the hands of the represented classes . Ther » are three great interests in the State—the Landed Interest , the Monied Interest , arid the Labouring Interest . ¦ . '¦ :- ¦ ' : '¦ ' ' ¦ " . ¦' . ' ¦' .. "' ¦ ¦ ' ¦' ¦ ¦ . '¦'¦ . - ' ¦
The restoration of Peace was calculated to reduce the price of lauded produce , but the political power of the Landlorids gave ; to it a fictitious valiiey by what is calied , the Corn Laws . In four years after the Sloniod Classes , or Fundholdors , i ) egan to look for their share of the plunder ; and ; being also represented in Parliament , they were enabled to vote themselves £ SO for every £ 6 t ,: which they had : advanced upon : your labour ; arid they did this wh » n they could purchase wheat for 7 s . 3 d ! ., instead of
14 s . 5 d . a bushel . Thus the two represented parties had no difiiculty in raising property to tho amount of abuse ; whilo the third and greatest Interest , th » Labouring Internet , not being represented , IUS petitionedton tw ] entt-fivk YEARS , and yet their ease hat gone so vvamm than the support ' xchich Commissions to investigate admitted poverty have conferred upon a truckling Government'I Nothing but © qual rights can ever right you ; nothing but Universal Sulirage can ever procure them . I am your faithful Friand and Servant , FEARGUS O'dONNbR . October 4 , 1839 . P . S . —My next letter shall be upon tho Corn Laws . ' '¦ ¦ ' ' ' . " ¦ ; : ¦ ¦ ¦' .
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¦ ¦ ' . . . ' - . leess ., ' ' ; . . " :: ; ¦ " ¦ ¦; Leeds J ^ pRTiiEUN Um qn . —a numerous meeting of this society took place at their room in theSha ' mbles , pu llouday evenirig last . There never was a better feeling or more , unanimity amongst tho Radicals of this town than exists at present-Mhey are bcginuiiig to open their eyes to their , ppsition , and are weekly adding tp their ; numbers the intelligent and steady working men . At ; a quarter past eight , Mr . Joseph Jones was called : to the chair , he briefly opened the meeting by fcading a list of the business to bo transacted that evening , and that those who had anythipg to advance would bo brief . He cpucludcd byintroduiDing Mr . Booth , who spoke at some len
giu m a very Humorous and pleasingstyle on the absurdity : of the present system , defended the principles of the " People ' s Charter '' , and earnestly recommended the adoption of provisions store and co-operation aniorigst the members , and advised abstiuence froin iiitoxicating dnnksVand retired amidst the hearty cheers © f the meeting . The chairman called upon Mr . George White to address the meeting , who entered upon the Various : questions to be brought beforo tho meetibg -that ^ evening ; Ho commonted on tho necessity ot' tho working classes making use of the power they had , by . returning Radical members to the Town Council ; he stated that a central committee ; had been in existeuce some wcoks to watch over the municipal elections " that
, Ward Committees' would be formed in the course of the week , and that all Radicals in the borough were requested to co-operate with and assist them by canvassing in their neighbourhoodsahd % PfkshopS . Ho also rocommoniled the adoption of provision stores , oil the 8 aine plan at Newcastle and Suiiderland . A committee of twelve with seerotary and troasurer , wero then appointed withppwor toadd to their number . The following resolutions xteio also agreed to : " Thata coTOperative provision store be established , the committeo to draw up a plan to belaid before the next meeting . " "That tho rise Of this room be jgiveaon Tuesday evenings to those females who wish to form .-a Female Radical Association . " Notice
was given that Mr . Peter Bussey , of Bradford j would lecture on Taesday and Wediiesday next , and also that the room was occupied on ; Sunday ; .. ' as a Reform Chapel , where service is regularly performed by several friends at halt-patft ten in the morning , and six iu the ovening , for which prirposo wo understand a license has beou procured . Notice Was also given that those who thought proper to be ¦ subscribers to tho Southern Star about 10 00 estaWished by j . B P'Brieii , mi ^ ht do so by appiyicg at Air . James llhngwbrth ' s , White Horse , VicaHarie , or to Air . George White , 28 , Hanover-street j who . keeps books for that purpose . Thanks were thpnvoted to the Chairman arid the meeting separated highly satisfied 'Vidth- the eyening ' sprpceedinijs .
Leeds Female Radical AsspciATioJf . ' - ^ A . jueetihif ' of ¦ . females ' took plaeo at the Northern Union Rooni ; in the Shaiublos , on Tuesday evening last , for the purpose of forming a Womoii ' s Radical Association Tho business waa conducted with order and wcu-Iarity . Mr . George White was unanimously called to the chair , when , the fo'lpwicg resolutions were agreed to , and an addreas , written by their Secretary ' .: — * , lBt , That ail Associatiou bo now tprmcd i to be denominated ' ThoLeeds Female Radical Association . '" Proposed by Gathariho Lees , seconded by Maria Holroyd . " 'Jud . That tho objects of tins Society be the further ^ uco oftho principles coritairiod iii the People ' s Charter ^ as a means towards restoring happiness and content to ; the oppressed millions of tliis kingdom , and also the reDeal of that
inhuman / measure , miscalled the Poor Law Amendment Act . " Proposed by Mary Wood , seconded by Mary White . " 3 rd . That a Provisioijal Committee be now formed , with power to add to their riumber . " Proposed by Ann Itichardson , seconded , by Elizabeth Black . " 4 th . 'i'liat pur moetiriga bo held weekly , 011 Tuesday evenings ,, at half-past seven " Proposed by Caroline Locs , secouded by Mary .-WiU sou . " 5 th . That our Bubscriptions be made weekl y , and not exceed brio penny . " Moved by Mary \ Vbodj seconded by Caroline Lees . Mrs . Anna Pepper waa chosen Secretary , and Mrs . Catharine Lees Treasurer , and the meeting separated . It is to ; be hoped the wpmeii pf Leeds will t ' ollpw' their example . The following address has been issued by the ABSociation : —
An Addressfrom the Female Radical Association of \ . ¦ ¦ . ¦' -. ' . ¦ . " ' . % ceds . ; ' ¦¦ ¦ . : ¦ .. - . ' > - ¦ ¦ Fin ENDS ,- —Under the present cruel and atrocious system . ofQovermment , we , the women of Lueda , think it : requisite to form aUnion , tp co-opemte with our husbands , fathera , and brothers belonging to the Leeds Radical Uuioii . In order to show tho WhigsaridTeries that we sat ourselves entiiely : against their cruel oppresaion , our grievances , through their misgoyernnieut j are too ; heavy to be tolerated . We unanimously' say—Away Tvith tlio infernal Poor Law ( miscalfcil ) Amendriient Act Down with the numerous cottPh hells , and the niurclerqus transportation system / Such dreadful evils existing , We callon theremaleS of Leeds to come forward ^ antl : i > attl 6 J " or the righfa-orthosowho are dear to them-ste sho \ y ; their utter detestation of : the present
brutal "W" » j < Government , which is held l ; y niigh : — riot right ^ They ;; give you A plenty : 6 f hvvr ; but no justice . ^ Equity and justice is banished the land . A poor man , forsooth , is now iricarBetated in a dunieoii-for remonstrating with his aru « l oppressors . Tho rights of Engliahmen and EnJjlishWomen are ttariipled oh . " We are caerced on . . wery side by little Jphn ^ nd his ^ myrmidons . And we all r . gree that UuiveraalSuttrage ought juvU aliaUbe the law of tho land—please OM ! We adriiire , aud nioan to imitatiii onr friends Of Newcastle in their joint union ; of lHinds , to purchase our own stook , and deal fc out amongst bur Chartist Mends exclusively . Vfe pledt & ourselytis to deal with nono who are against the sapred cause : and we Ukewi 3 p pledge ourselves to use all our interest ; and innuencu to Obtain einancipati <> u from our cnemicfl ; :
^ JOTod i . Byotderof the Leeds ^ tjiaalo Eaaical Association , ) Catharine Lues , Maria iioiioyd , Ann Richardson , Mary Wopil , MaryWMto , Caroliuo Lccs , Elizabeth Black , ' Mary Wilson , Ansa Pkih'kr , Secretary .
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DiNKER to Mr . DowXE .--pn Wednesday lait a dinner was givpri to MrlDowneV by aparty pf n ^ admirers , on the ocoasioh of hi ^ i relinquishing tb © management of the theatre , as noticed in anothtt paragraph . The repas * : was of the most splondid description ; served up at tho Bull and Mouth Hotel ,- Briggate , in Mrs . Monkman ' s best style thirty-three gentlemen' sat down , under the abl « presidencey of Charles Cummina > Esq . Tho health of Mrv Doivne , ; tp whiphie respwded in a suitable speechrand a variety . [ at- ^ othertoasta and seritimentg were drunk , and ; a highly interesting arid featiro evening was passed : " ; - ; -V . ' •; "' . % ' . : :- : - \ ; ¦¦ ¦'¦" :, ;¦ ; Z ™** & ^^ j ^ $ !^^ £
Mb . ifACAtXLAX- ' s LecTOKES ON CHKMISTBr . ^ - —Thi « gentleman ' B third ¦ lecturp ' was attended etUImow numerously than the two preceding ones ;; arid th » Hall ^ completely filled by an attentive aad delighted audieuce . The experiments with the pxy ^ hydrogen ^ low-pipe gayp the highest satisfaction , ine tonrth and fatwi lectures were deliveredon Tuesday ao < l Thursday , with , if pos 3 iblfi , i ncreased interest on the ^ part of the ^ ^ audience ; : ^ arid the la t lector * of the course will be delivered to Light ( Saturday V when a . bumper is CoufidebtlT ariticioatad TKi « J
lectures have reflected the highest credit upon all parties concerned , whether we cpniider the talent of the lecturer j the thirst fprkhowledge arid instruction evinced by the much-abused working classes- orth « spirit ^ nd zeal for iDstructiog their fellbw-riion digplayed by the Board pf Directors of the Social Institutipri , wlio . -at their own rwk , have iepgaged a scientific chemist to deliver a coarse of six lectures illustrated by numerous and brilliant experiments ' for tho iccredibly small charge of riioepeDce th coiirse > or twp-per . ee the sipgle lecture ! Let tb » Literjary : Iristitutipn and the Mechanic ' si Institute t *> tkxA do likewise ! . -. ;¦ : - , :-
Odd Fellows Dinnek ;—Wo uriderstand that a dinner . will be giyen to the officers of the M ; TJ Odd Fellows , by the members of the Leeds district on Monday evening week , at the Red House , Meadow-lauo . Tickets : 2 s . 6 d . each . X "
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' ¦ ' ¦ .-. . . ' ' TODniORBEH . ; ' ;{¦ ¦ . _ ' ,., Bo V DRowNEb ,- ^ i > iiring the absence of Mr . and Mrs . Wrigley , of Waterstalls , Todmorden , from bome > on Monday last , Samuel , their third eon , a nne _ promising boyy eight years of age , who dev « - loped extraordinary mental powers , vvbilst playiria 0 ^ the edge of his . father ' s millrdam , in companT with acother child , accidentally fell into the waiter , and was drowned ; his companion being greatlr temned ,. ran homo without giving or making aa alarm , and left him withoritholp to perieh . -
; . ¦ - ; . ¦' , . \ . BAJ . 1 TAX . : : \ ''¦ , [ - ¦ Board oe . GijARDUNs ^ -Nine of th e elected Guardians were present at this Board on Friday week ; R . Wainhouse , Esq ., in the chair . Six notices of marriages and the minutes of the preceding meeting were read . Airs . Casson ' 3 last quarter'i account for clothirig and maintenance of the paupen m : the workhouse was presented ; and allowed , amounting to £ 17516 s . Mr . Peel , ' master of the Wlaud workhouse , presented a similar ohe , which amounted to £ 28 Ills ., also allowed . , A diaenssion
arose respecting an item of £ 3 brought forward by % auditor of Halifax , that had been allowed a witness in fhe case of an affiliation , where it Wat thpnghi he was not exactly required ; but after certarn : disputations it was allowed , as it was thoaght a similar cast was not likely to occur again . -Th * conversation then turned upon the accounts , and thi allowance Of diftereat items ; but Air . Baxter seemed to think it was * not the proper time for bringing them forward , and on another occasion he would call ^ upon : Mr . Barstow to state what items we »« legal or illegal , which are to be objected to
. J ^^ ? v ^ f " T Ou-M <» i » y ^ four min , engagedontho Manchester and Leeds ; Railway near Sowerby-bridge , whilst follotyii g their avockl tron on that line of rpad , had their Bves placed in lmineut danger ; one was killed , one brought to tb « Infirmary m suoh a state as not likely to get hotterand the other two are most seriously injured .
;¦ ¦ - . . ' . . v ' - " ' - . ¦ b « ai > p ©» d .: . ' ;• ¦ : . ¦ .. ¦ •; , ¦ . ¦; . ¦ : ;" ¦ Public Iliscrssip > f . -On \ aionday night , the discufesioa vn Universal Suffrage wasPresumed in th « lUdical Association Room . ^ The business « ommeaced by appointing Air . Joseph Brook as Chairman , who opened the business in a short speech , wherein he stated that Sfteen minutes would be allowed each speaker , _ &c . He then called jupori Mr , Arran , who proceeded by-stating that nothing short of Universal buflrage would , under existing circumstances , be of ^ J ?? n ? to , the great mass x > f the people , &c . Ihe Chaimau then said that if any person had ariy thing tosay in ^ bjcction to what had beou advanced ; ne or they Bhouldhave a patient hearing . After a lapse of five minutes , and no Pbiection rai « wl tH
Chairman called on Mr . Hodgson ,: wh 6 ; spoko at length , and expressed his sorxovr that the discussion was not opened by an opponerit , £ lc- Mjp . ^ Willi am Ihoraton was next called , who said that he wai Borrytbatthe middle classes * who had considered the ; -Chartists such dangerous fellows , should riot nave the manliness and courage to come forward arid set us right ,: if we are wrong . -Sir . T > contended for the right of Universal Suffragei and challeheed iuve 3 tigatiori > ai-i . d further , that the principle * of Umversal SufFrage would bear the strictest scrutiny Mr . Busspysficceodcd ^ and in a lengthened aDeecn ! tnat
sa ^ tjie ; peop eof Bradford , after : having been cpurteously invited ,: and the greatest respect shown tliem at the last discussion meeting , must havefairir conceded the right aud expediency , of Universal Suffrage , He said that if the Whigs ; and ToriS ^^^^ trdiscussthe iJifierMt qneatSffl of the Charter , we , the . Chartists , will beTeady at anytime to meet cither Whig or Tory , arid discus * ^ ba ^ er Wtion thVmay think tro per ^ o bring forward , ile concluded by stating thatTon ^ Monday oyen ^ g next . the ^ subject for discussion wouwS « io . i . aUot .. ^ . lIo should expect assistance from th © Wv ^ t T *? ' * l e 3 tion » * M said that we will not nave it without its accompaniments * The meetinir tnen brpko . up , ; ; . ' :. * : ; . ¦ - .. ^~ m
¦ ANNiy ^ e--pn Tnesday last ; the Lodge Pilot , SP ' - i J ^ V . the ' . ' . HotiouraJble' ^ Prder . ^ of ^ he ' - 'Pcaice ^ Dove , held tlieir fourth anniversary , and the firrt under their ; reformeii coristitiition , at the housb of Jttr . S , Reynolds , the White Lion Inn , in Kirkgite , pa wliicli occasion upwards of a hundred members s ^ t down- to an excollorit dinner provided I by tht worlhy hostess . In the ieVenirig the ; Lpdge wa » ppened for liarmpny . and the iieiribers * wives and sweethearts were admitted ,: and the evening waf passed ^ in ^ harmoiiy and peace . The Order of tl * 1 eaceful Dove is now as harmonious arid prosperous as aforetime it was -wTahgling and distracted ^ and as acoBisequence , tho number of members ia rapidly nicreasingv - ' . '•¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ "•; .. ; ¦¦ '"• ¦ : ; - : "'¦ ¦ : : '¦> ¦ •• : ¦ ,.
/ Female ? Radicals .- —On Tuesday evening a meei ^ irigof ; the 1 Female itadicals took place in tho larg » room of tli 6 Radical Association . Tho meeting waa addressed by Mr ; Biissey . We are informed another meeting . of the females will take pLicepu the even * ing .-of THesday iiextv \ the cliief object of which M getting up a tea-party 10 ;¦ ' ¦ . Dr . Taylor , as it is txpected . that that gentleman wiU : shortly visit this town . ¦ ' : ' . ¦ . ' - : ' ¦ ¦¦" ' ' . ¦ . vV- ' - 'v ; - - . '¦ ' - ' ; ¦' " ¦' ;• - ' ^ . 'Vv ^ ' . Accident ^— On : Saturday last , ait Low Moor whilst in the act of raising a box , a green Band moulderj of the name of Jx > b Nichpll , Had his leg broken . The accidci ; t happened -by the crook nol being made secure to the box . Tnis 1 is the second aftcident of this kind withiuL'thefortnight , and , ifour infofmation be cprrect , through ciarplesshess .
A United Female pHDEH pi ? the Golden Flebo * - ^ Ou Monday last , nearly .. "fifty members of the Lodj ? Saf « Rotreat . held at tbe house of > Iri Elisha Ilal ^ f sign of the Neptune , at Gopdniari ' s End , partook of" the cup-which ekhilarate 3 without intoxicating . ^ . Aft ^; parfaki « gmost excellent tea , and the greatest variety of fine cakes , the eveniug was spent with the . greatest conviviality , songs , recitation andMho . inevry ; dance concluding the night ; aft er wlMc'h they , retired to tlieir ^^ respective liorucs , lugoiJ satisfied with the evening ' s entertainment . . ' ¦ ¦ / . '
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THE HAJiVEST . : - > Onh would really auppooaa that Editors of Country Newspapers were all prophets and farmers ; they write with such confidence upon tho condition of the crops , andthe probable resuft of the harvest . One gentleman from the neighbourhood of Preston , saw a field of potatoa looking green , and reported the wheat to be in a bad condition ; whilethe Editor of one of the Journals in that neighbourhood , heard from a farmer , that he had saved two acres of oats , and that he had only one acre last year ; so , in consequence the gentleman reports the amount of tillage this year , to be nearly double that of the last , and thus reconciles us by the promise , that the failure will be mado npby increased amount . " One swallow THE HARVEST . ; ; - ; : ; | ;
doei not make a summery" and really one would suppose that a field of co rn was like a horse , or some other animal , which-had iti alternations of health and sickness . But we beg to asauro our readers , that a field of corn onto diseased , never reoovers : and little as we haviB been led to value home-produce , the promised issue of £ 1 notes , proves the great effect which a harvest has upon our banking , manufacturing , and commercial speculations , as was well observed by Mr . Wm . Begkett , in his speech at the agricultural dinner , recently given at Leeds . Wo told bur readers , from the earliest period wh » n a judgment could bo formed ^ that the crop was not one-fifth of what miflht hive been xpected in the early part of the season , Attwood wiE bo happy next week . ; '
To Readers And Correspondents.
Mr. O'Connors Second Letter To The Working Men Of Sheffield.
Leeds And West-Riding News.
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TO T 1 IK EDITOE : OP T ^ E ^ NpRTHEBJr STAR . v Sir , —Dr .. FJetcher , in m ' s rejoinder U Mr ; O ^ noor ^ letter , having , most unwarrantably , lugged In prt vote ^ ^ matter connected with the ; office of the Northern Star , to serVe his public purpose , I cainioi permit hia letter to ; go forth without entering niy protest -aeainsi the he has
course ^ adopted ; 'Tft . FJetchci' has just as much .. toI'dq with the ; " profit arid losa otft \ t Northern Star , " as T baye with ; his income as a medical practitioner . Would not Dr . Fletcher think U most lmpe > tirient in me , wero I , for the purpose of carrying a poin connected with hie duties aa a delegate 1 to ; theConvention , te assert that he has realised upwards of £ 1 OM ^ l ^ ofit " b 3 r the sale of his " 11 edical Adviser ? " . And yet , I should be as much justified in doing thfe , as Dp . Fletcher is in making the random statement he has made respecting the " Profits" arising from the Northern Star . ' ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ : .. - . - ¦ .: ¦ ¦ ¦" ¦ . , ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ : ¦ ¦ - . ! - " ¦ - . ¦ ¦ •• ¦¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ ¦ . . -. ¦ ¦*
My books ; as publisher ot ^ the Star , are open at any time for the ihspection of the curious , ; and a perusal of them will furnish the Dr . with the best answer to hia " guess '" statement of" . Proatand .-losa . " : ' .-. " ¦ ' '¦' : "' , I Cannot but express my astoiiiahment that the only Radical paper which has succeeded should he charged with success as a criiner while , the failure of othere should be rewarded with sympathy . No man , excepting theproprietor of the Northern Star , could have mad * the paper anything like what it is , or have overcorog the almost itufurmountable obstacles opposed to th « establishment of an organ so entirely opposed to all existing abuses ; and I can assort , without fear of cOritradiction , that Mr , O'Connor has not received On * Pound of individual benefit from the NorUier * Star since its commencenient . ¦" . ' : ¦ ' .- •'
I am , Sir , ¦' ; . ¦'' Yours truly , . _ ¦¦¦ ' .. Jos . HoiJSOJr , Publisher of ^^ the Northern Star StarOJRce , Leeds , . ¦ ¦ ¦ . . ; . Oct . 3 rd , 133 » . ¦ . ; .
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- ~ _ 4 ,- . ;¦ . ' : . . " ¦ . " - . : - :,- . : T ^ H ; E :-. N : O- ;^; T H ^ t eW ^^ ^^^ W ^^^ £ fc k
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 5, 1839, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1077/page/4/