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LOCAL M^UEETS; " -"¦-- ' • ; m :' : ¦:: ¦ ' . - . . - / :. " ¦ ' '" ¦ -¦ ¦ ' -
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Leeds : r-r Printed "for the I *roprietoi, FiBAiBOWJ
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IPUGM OUR IHIfl ) EDITION OP LAST - ~ H : ¦ WEEK . ) _ .. ; . 1 fgaoU ODS mfl ) EDITION OP LAST ¦ ;; . . ¦ nrwm . ' .
: BPXSTS OT TBSL 1 SSS PZtSSS . fFJnwR rar Coniempotaritx oftMx morning J ¦ "POOR 3 OL BAINES ? AGAIN . "Poor Mr . Baines . " "We ^ trill have a starling taught to repeat these words , lest we should forget them . In the meantime , whilst the words are yet fresh uponoar minds , jls repeated with doleful TivaciiY ijy ^ FoffrBaJocs ^ himsell , we wHl endeavour still further to improve iho occasion by a more extended examination , of thai consistency for which " . Poor Mr . Baiaes ? J is so nervously anxious to claim credit . ¦ - - " - - ~ ~
A fortnight ago , "PoffrMr . "Baine 3 ' ' endeavoured to balance a his present ujipopvlarit */ " "with Ms -former supporters , hy a refarance to Ms '' nnpopalar" opjio-Btion to "the " . -violent BadTc&ls of 1817—1813- * he legitimate progcEitors . of the Chartists and Socialists f acd so the " unpopular Mr . Baines ** thinks he has made all square acd snug . It suite he , howe ver , to go a little further back in our ; reckoaiE £ ; and if we cannot show that * 'Poor Mr . Baines" has "become rich Mr- Baines by making himself all things to nil Tripm xta fhixV HreshcB at all events prove Sim io have had a remarkablcfacility for so trimming his * aiis as to suit the favouring or the adverst gale , and thus to advance hi 3 own most particular iuierest . "When '" Poor Mr . Baines" first undertook the management of tbe Leeds Afercufy . abunt the hegiri
ningof the present century , the earlier stages of the Prench Revolution had been succeeded by an apparently Jtepahliean formof Government , to the result of which the attention of Europe in general , -and of Engla-d in particular , was directed with-an intensity of interest proportioned to its importance as the rallying point of dissatisfaction and disaffection in all countries , llr . Baines was then just -estabfishiughimself as a trader in pnblic grievances , and here "was s stock-in-trade ready mad * to his liands ; he had only to hold np ihel ' reneh regenerated farm of Government to public adEiiration , and tiato nnregenerated English form of Government , became not only a grievance but a nuisance by the force of «> ntrast ; he had but to keep np the excitement of this state of feeling by the force of"
damnableltertation , and money flowed apace into the ilercurial treaarrr .: Herewas an end to be achieved ; indin * liberal , * as in Jesuitical practice , " the end ioth sanctify the means . " Bat it was not necessary that Mr . Baines should commit himself by the direct encouragement of EnglishrevohiUoafromthemoiiaTchical to the Republican form of Government , after the French model : it was the English Executive only that was always-wrong , and she French Executive that was always right . Jfapoleoa Bonaparte , tho . child of the Revolution , fras just then assuming that influence and power of command under the mere forma of the Republic , Tvhiehni&nately placed , him on the throne of Imperial despoasm ; and . Napoleon Bonaparte became not only the grand foil in the hands of Mr . Baines
for abuse of the English Government , but the neverfailing theme of his slavish adulation . ¦ : - To what extent , and in what strain of language ibis double Appeal to the passions of his readers was earned at that time , and for a dozen years after-¦ wards , Teaders"wouM form a very inadequate notion from " the comparatively tecond-childaood strain- of the Ltcds Mercury of the present < lay . Mr . Baises is now a mere Tfthig supporter through thick and thin of a WMg-patronage dfepensmg Government . What he -reas then , before the contnuations of his disciples and dupes had found their way to a SuS-< aeni extent into his own pocket to make him feel that he had something to risk by public convulsion , - we might hardly venture to descrioe ; but 3 Whig of that Civ , ihe hUo George Tierney , in his character of the Heformca-sin 1803 , tas saved us the trouble : —
"It was tnfiT ueeue to raise a popular ferment by telkiBg of abuses which often had no existence . It was tSeir pim to raise & cry by "whitJs . ihe . infoftialed yeop ! e * ti $ ht bs hurried on io their new , by hinting ^ j cor . rnpfions -Krlrich never had existence , and rousins expectations whidi aever could bs gatifiod . " Ill 1809 , ill . Baines professed himself one of itstt clas of l&e&rmers to whoca this l&r-gaage this applied ; and wail did he merit his share of the distinction . 1810 sad 1811 witnessed no abatement of his zeal , and no moderation in hi 3 tone » In-1812 , -the excitement came to its height : the privations ol the working classes , arising from general causes , ¦ were a 3 gmenKHl in this district by the introduction of Cloih-dresshig Machinery ; the " suffering parties toot the redress of their grievances into thevr own
liands : they murdered one of their employera . destroyed the property of others , and threatenea alL The ratcral consequences followed : tho ringleaders -were tried by special commission at York , and seventeen ^ lives were imominioaslv sacriScea to the offenaed majesty of the law . 2 We know very well how anxiousl y Mr . Baincs ¦ vroald now , in 1839 , xepudiats the charge made agam £ S him in 1812 , that these proceedings were ths rataral Tesah of his otth system of agitation for Tears up to that time . Wo know very well that Mr . JJainea has Jearnt sbiee 1812 to rcsognisi a distinction between the crime of-iaKrderingaTory ^ gentlexoan , and'the atrocity of charing aTRcforiEr wiih xcastinghiB Bible ; although at that time , the " Religious Intolerance " of the atrocity was held bv the JieroiTif to be just feiriy . balancea bv tho political
Justice of the crime . We can well imagine the anxiety of Mr . Jnstice Baines ^ Tvhen he mounts the bench of West-Biding magistrates in 1839 , to forget—and to make others forget : if-he conld—that &om tuai Terr Bench , Sir Joseph Radeliffe , the most active magistrate of 1812 , and ih « one most conTerant irith ihe history of these outrages , denounced the Leeds Mercury as the cause of all the mischief ; and , ** iast not least , " we cannot be surprised if the 1 LP . for Leeda , in 1839 , should stili attempt to . throw discredit cpan the dying declaration attributed to Mellor , the Luddite , at York , in 1812— "had I suecer read the Leeds J ^ fercury I should not have been Itere . " '" Poor Sir . Barnes , " M . P ^ -when you itext P&y ? occasion" to denounce Chartism and agitation in 1839 , pray do yonr very best to sink all remembrance of the Mercury and agitation in
Bat weiave not yet done with Mr . Baines in his former character of an admirer of Bonaparte—a character which he sustained just so long ^ s it was Bkelv to pay , and has since changejl for that of ultra-Puritanical defender of conscientious relipous scruple , particularly in the matter of marrfageforms . Some time about 1809—we have not the ex-» cs data ai hand—the areh-enemy of England ^ and ther € ibre arch-object of Mr . Barnes ' s most eulighteced and patriotic aduladon , got tired of his ¦ ffife Josephine , and longed for a young Princess of the Imperial House of Austria . Of course , Napoleoa had but to will and to command : Josephine vas cast 0 % and Maria Louka reigned Empress in her stead . Pretty strong practice , this , one would -thai , &t the approbation and digestion of a parti-. colarly scrcpulons and delicately sensitive cdnscienes . We quote , then , the commentaiT upon the fact which appeared in the Leeds Mercury of the
time : — *• The alleged , and we belieVe ihe real cause for ihis separation , is a wish on the part of Napoleon to have a son , that ,, educated under his paternal instroesion , may inherit all his father ' s virtues , and enter into all his views . Whether Josephine ' s surlender of the Emperor to the arms of another is a ¦ voluntary or compulsory act , we do not stop to inquire . The Emperor wills it , and the happiness of France , to whicn he is ever ready to sacrifice the aweetest affections of his heart , requires it ?' There , Reverend Mr , Ely ; yon who boast the i&ssession of this sage bell-weather amongst -your ia
^ oekl 839 ; what think you of the right liberal ftiskuess of the rampant lamb of 1809 ? And you , most Jinerend-hy-Courtesy , Mr . Giles ; is not this doctrine of matrimony of the right social order , think yon ] Holy Scripture says— "Those ! whom God hath joined together , let no man put asunder ]" but " the - Emperor wiris it , " >^» inw the good ; pious , trannael-liatlng Mr . Baines . " Poor Mr Bainesr you -were born just three centuries too late ; bhrfF Harry the EighthTV-oukl have made vou ios Alpha and his Omega , his Prime Minister , " his errerydiingj but , above all , the keeper-fit feis
Cos-It may not be amiss here , as some further test of the very -extraordinary -paritv of Mr . Bairie 3 ' s zioficns touchiDg Couxt-iiiorallly and regard for -appearances , to notice what particular Queens Tmhin our time have had the good or ill fortune to -ecape or to enioy Ms hostility or his praise . Queen Charlotte , the wife of George the Third ' , -rhatever defects might exisfrinher temper and " cha ^ ^ er ia oflier respects , no ose wilLattemptto deny TF ^ T VS ^ * ° f raking flie maraBty-of-thl ^^ n ^ ^ - standaid which ifchaa never a ^ ained be fore during any period-of Brifebr Histo-Si ^ JSflfii ^ i ^ J " ** tothewneritofshanng ^ with her-husband the continual , virulent , " -SSShS" ?^ ' ? aea ' ¦ Q *®** * the wife of fieo ^ e ihe JFourth , and companion ^ of the Italian ifef i ? ** ^ t" ?^ » herself-the distinctive ^ ? i ^ . , » ^ Mearimv snd , lived a public 0 l ^ T ^ CQ ^ Mr
ISM-iT ^* CaSc Jtedan ^ it waUn ^ advpeatein . Baines . -Queen j ^ skide , the wife of William the Fourth , noVlS jexempJary-thaa her Royal mother-in-biw in the discharge jot her £ wn domestic duties , and ^ ha t he enforcement of the " aame propriety , in others Trithin tia ° spliere of her infiwee , reigned long ei-eugh to Lave ^ ihbee cboass foe the » qtjeex" proposed to Her Hoifoa , by the delicately Joyal"Mr . Edward Baines , deson , at a pablic meetingiield in the presence / and under the immediate patronage of Mr . Baines hims&f , ihe fether trorthy of sacli a sou . -.. . SboaldL Qneen Yi&oxis , be spared long enough to iring into practical operation those lessons of virtue whicii were so carefully instilled into her whilst nnder maternal care ana tutelage , the British Court oq doubt , will again become a model of propriety and deoqraia . That Jh « Court of Qceen Victoria has feus far escaped tke honour of abnta from Mr
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Bzincs , -mart of coarse be aEcribcd ^ jwie : Teryielose and persocal . attention paidly the ^ VTerypure and exceedingly ; liberal patrcnago-diBpeusing Xord Melbourne to the Court ideMrtmcht in particular . But let not her Majesty despair ; the gallant Premier , although accustomed to figure in courts of different dcscriptiouB , is -waxing old ; and iu ^ natural course of events tho time may be not very far distant when his influence will no longer exclude tho virtuous , portion of . the British Aristocracy from the Royal table and councils . Th » u will" Poor AJr . Baines" be constrained to eschew Court-popularity by which nothing mor % in tho shape of benefit to himself- c * n , be made , and vrill liave once more to court populdity by a lib&r&l measure of Court-abuse BiinesiTOartof <» ar ^ WaEaibcd ^^ : Te ^^ and oersocal . attention oaidiv the vervDnre and
and than may her ^ Alajesty Queen \ ictoria look for her fuH share thereof throagh the manifestation of " Groans "—such ^ oans aswers epjoTcdToy her Royal Predecessor , Qnoon Adelaide . : Mr . Baines 13 particularly shocked that on a receat occjvsoa be should have been " hissed by Infidel Revolutionists ; " but he lays the ¦ flattering unction to his soul that at the last " election for the Borough of Leeds , he -nds . neTertheless and notwithstanding , returned by "a greater number of votes than any man ever bcfoi-e xeceired in this Borough , defeating the titled favourite cf the Tories by a majority of ' 269 . " "Poor Mr . Baines , " again : have joa already forgotten that your majority and . return ou-that occa « on were seetircti bv the voles of these verv
Inndel Revolutionists , '' as the price of tbe most religious and constitutional support given by yourself aud your very consistent friends to aii '" Infidel Revolutionist" candidate 2 " Unpopular Mr . ' Baiues , " to have thus early lost the confidence of a party purchased at snch a price . Why , Efau , with his savoury mess of pottage , was absolutely a Political Economist in comparison with you I For tho present , we end as we began— " Poor Mr . Baines 1 "—Init lligencer .
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THE CONDITION OF THE RADICALS . An unusual hush now stills Ho wotM of polities . On mere party qu ^ tions , the ma » y-niouthed politician—thopeople—is omiaously siient . In England , only a few dropping shots from . the retreating O'Connorites mark their whereabouts ; while in Ireland , a solitary growl to the " hereditary bos » dsmen " betimea comes out from Derrynane Abbey , to let us know that its tenant yet lives for rent and repeal . Reformers of all shade 3 are alike stilled . ** Thinp as they are , " did we judge merely from present appearances , bid fair to remain so . The questions which filled the pnblic mouth four years ago have , one by o . e , been allowed to drop out of aght—Peerage Reform , Church Reform , Irish Municipal Reform , Vote by Ballot , and many more ; they have all ceased of late to occupy any prominent share of public-: attention . Tho ohief questions whieh now aj > i > car to be interesting are Bocial or religious oaes—the Anti-Corn Law movement is an instance of the first , the pro and Anti-Catholic movement of the second .
The Tories , have vot been inattentive observers of thisappareut political suspension of parties . They perceive that the Whig cry which usod to operate eo magically—^ Kiey come ! they come !"—is now of little or ao avail with the popular party . TL « more eager of their faction shout " reaction ! " and can scarcely be restrained from rushing in upon office , and carryiag it by storm . The more wary and experienced , however , see in this very silouce somethisg extremely omiaous of danger ; and fearful of / rousing the people by a forvrard step , into action , pursue the more safe and expedient course of politicalqaie ' ude and inactivity . The truth is , a strong under current of opinion at present pervades society , of a far more portentous nature tsan the msre surface agitation of factions
aad parties , which float and sink by turns , as the tideor the eddy of events may bear thorn . There is aground -ETrell Of opinion , if we may so « peak , which is felt , more or less , by all parties , and indicates the presence throughout society of a mighty though invisible agent . Tac relative position ofpartiesrwiU not affect it , because it exists and operates independent of them . Party is its consc-quence , not its cause : it is bat one of the straws which serve as if to measure the Torse and rapidity of the current—not a ' power dtaer to direct or controul it . And whence arises this commotion—this power which so agitates society to its very centre ! It is the fruit of knowledge—of tho p ^ roce ^ s of opening the eyes of the masses , which has De « u taking place at so rapid f rate duriag th 9 last twenty years or more .
It arises from the consciousness growing upon them of their hoeing minds ; and of tiieir being entitled ' to equal rights as men , and equal rights as citizens . Tho strife that is now going on , is between the new and the old elements of power—between mind on the one hand , and wealth and hereditary privilege on the other . It is a struggle between the majority seekicg to rise i-a th « scale of society and the minority striving to keep them down , for the effectual preservation of their monopolies of wealth and power . The former are the Radicals iii society—the latter are the Conservatives or anti-Reformers . It i = a most vain notion , however , on the part of those who think that any re-action towards lVryism is takbig place , because of the present lull in
political agitation , ine producing causes ot Radicalism are every day accumulating inintenaity aud number ; and till the-ehe removed , it must of neccssirv go on a < iaing to its strength and stature . The trua mode of measuring its power io society is , to compare ihe number of the privileged with that of tho unprivileged ; and as the one or the other prepoideratc in number , so will their relative strength be . li"he unprivileged are , and will always be , tho natural Radicals of every country . Their power will be proportionate to their knowledge , and their success proportionate to both . A glanco at the cou > tituent parts of the Radical body—aJ the elements which go to form it—will sufficiently indicate the sources of its strength—a strength everpoweriug , when united , to every other party which cau be brought agaiiis-t it . Its iirsx importance element lies in the middle class . Although political agitation has left them almost undisturbed of late , it must not therefore be inferred that their inactivity proceeds from anything
like "re-action" on behalf of Conservatism . The great majority of tbe middle ranks of all degrees and conditions are on the side of Radical ClUXGE . They Lave nothing to gain by Conservatism . They have no community of interest with the privileged . Almost all of them fed uneasy . They are sensible of numerous oppressions which they -wish to get rid of , did they know how . They are conscious of the iniquitie 3 of the present aristocratic governing system ; and feel its pressure too unreinittuigly , not to be keenly alive to the necessity of a Radical Reform . But here they stop . They complain , sometimes urgently , of the abuses in Church and State : but they will not , or dare not , appl / the remedy . They are Dissenters and Voluntaries , yet will not move a peg to rid themselves of that jviammoji-nionster , the State Church . They are Badicals , yet will scarce stir a finger for the removal of those aristocratic institutions which oppress and afflict all the industrious classes of the community .
Much of this is probablv to be referred to the . novelty of their position . They are yet afraid , as it were , to exert iheir energies . They were trained to the exercise of their pre » # nt functions in slavish obse < juiency to the aristocracy ; and as yet the old fear clings to them , clogging their independence , and restraining their freedom of political action . Nor is it to be concealed that a great proportion of , the middle classes are as yet excessively ignorant , as well as superstitious . Their new notions are perpetually coming into contact with their old prejudices ; their respect for freedom clashing with their obsequieney to rank and birth ; thsir consciousness of newly acquired strength merging into their
old habits of servitude and submission ; their external liberality contrasting strongly with their conscions weakness and meanness . Tins is especially the case iu those country towns where the middle classes yet aflow themselves to serreas the mere tools of the aristocratic cmlomers' which hem them in on every side . When they perceive that profit and&bject subserriencyarepiaeedin theonescaie , and independence and pecuniary loss in the other—who heed wonder if the base consideration often preponderates , when the ingredients which go to foriniheir characters—ignorance , credulity , aristocratic superstition , and foolish vanity—are duly weighed and estknated ? " ¦ . "
..-Yet even with these drawbacks , the great body Of ihe middle classes is o j the side of the . Radicals , The thinking part of them , the really independent , the bold , and the honest , assuredly are—those who value freedom , j and are prepared to make sacrifices for it—those * who know their duty , and knowing ,, dare , to do it ; these _ are all Radical in heart and spirit . ¦ " Their fault * and errors are in a great measure . incidental to their position . They 'are in a stats . of mental asweil as political transition —frem " servitude -to freedom , from Ignorance-io knowledge . yMany of them will cure , and those who will not , will dieout—their places beinjf . ' niled . upVbj a new race ^ more ardent and hopeful ^ n behalf of the good - cause than thesiselves , ' and with Ies 3 of the old mud of class prejudice an * political
Bnbsernency clinging to their free Tsouls . y Ihat the middle dasses have already made the . most rapid progress , no one can deny . Their minds , are now just shaking themselves free of prcjndice ; unmeaning words have lost much of their wonted 'influence . over them ; and the baitedj hook of ignorance afid credulity ceases to catchvthem as it used to do . rhey have already shot far a-head of the political finality notions ") of the Whig Lord who , assumes to be their mouth-piece . ' -It is precisely because aheir opinions are . leaving the old polhical track of party and faction , " that-they are now as if luliedinto quiet and inaction . And-events vrill ere lone : prove that this is neither to be attributed to Torv reaction ,-nor political Tetrocession . Opinion 13 merely ripening , and this is necessary ere we can gather in its fruits in an abundant harvest .
But the great mass of the Radical Reformers is to be found among the Operative classes . They are , and erer will ba , the natural Radicals of er « rv —mm
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try . The necessary result of increasing knowledge among those classes , is their desire after cleration in Bociety . , This / indeed , is the great duty . of tbeir existence—to bettor their own condition , a ?* d the condPtioQ cf those ¦ dependent upon ^ em . ' iAfr pr ^ erit , those classes have reason to be deeply distvJntentod ; and till the cansea of their disconttnt SetemOTed , they will justifiably romaia bo . Tbi « disconient will increase in proportion to thejx ^ owledge ^ of tho prodncing causes of their soc ^ tsuffering . And precisely in . proportion of tl *^ knowledge wiU . be . their power , by co-o >« ration , to remove them . . So long , therefore , * all the avenues of knowledge axe free , * fle strength of this body jniist ineYitably increase . Every workman who has learnt to read , amnntr tbnsAr . lacsa .
and through reading to think , is an addition to its etrength . And thanks to the schoolmaster and the press , the number of thinkers among the working classes , increase daily . Every day they are becoming more intelligent— . morp conscious of their claim to the birthrights of men—and more capable of organization and co-operation for their mutual advancement , than before . Nature iB oh their side too ; every proclamation of the banns in church proclaims the iacrease of their strength ; orery marital engagement is a pledge to add to tho number of tho I ^ adical Reformers . Each new member added to society increases the pressnro on the mea ^ S . of subsistence , and adds another to tho forco alrcadv batteriug down the walls of restriction erected by the food monopolists around the population of this ¦¦
empire . . _ . ... ... . It is a gross error , therefore , to imagine that the present Ml among the working classesis to be attributed to any thing liko " reaction" towards Conservatism . The fawaiag toadies which form the tilings , called "Operative Conservative Associations , " are the dregs of their class—no matter what the estimation in which they are held by their Tory employers . They have all the meanness of the slave who would oifer the whip to his drivor , for the punishment of a fellow serf . They are soul-loss bondsmen , wanting in the innate nobility of ths-maa , but like the patient ass licking the tend that smites them . Not eo are the mass of tho educated artisans , else should wo blush for them indeed . Their present inaction is the very reverse of Conservatism . They are brooding in silence over their wrongs , but not in despair . Opinion is ripening among them : thev are but taking a breathing time which will avail them-when the day of trial comes . —Times .
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MONIES PAID BY MR . PITKETHLY . 1833 . " " : ¦ £ . s . d . July 3 To Mr . Guest , Birmipguam , for Priutinjf , &c , ...... ...... 5 16 8 8 Cardo ' s Balance on account of his mission to DevonKhire ..... 1 6 8 Mr . Bussey ' s do . to Scotland ... 3 16 2 : Mr . Burns's do ... ... ... ... 0 10 0 Bailie Craig ' s Expenses on his - mission to "do ...... ... ... ... 3 7 7 i Mr . Colhns ' s Balance of account . do . do ... ... ... ¦ -. ; .- ... ... 4 4 g Jlr . Frost ' s Expenses to do ...... 18 0 2 Air . Guest on Account ... 110 0 0 13 Messrs . Richards , Tilly , Fletcher . Deegau , Bus-ey , Pit-: kethly , M'Douall , Neesom , Smart , Skcvinarton , Burns , Hartwell , Ja 3 . ^ ra \ lor , Dean , Cardp , Warden , Wpodhduse , Lowry and Moir , £ L 53 . ca * h , fare from Biruiingliam to Lou ' don , vot « of Convention ... ... 23 15 0
, Mr . Guest , Birniiugham , for Printing , Sec ..,. ... ... ... 20 0 0 19 Crabtrco , l ) oorkecper ... ... 1 0 0 Mr . Lovctt , amount of three small accounts ... ... 0 10 0 22 Biiistiekcr ... . ; 0 19 0 !»\ r . Taylor , Birmingham , for Kent of . ZL ; oni .- ... 3 0 0 Det ' once Fund Cvmmittee ( as a .-. Loan / .. ; ... ... 100 0 0 25 Northcotc for Printing , &c . 0 14 6 Norlhcoto for Printing , &c ., ... 4 115 6 ' 27 Mr . Jones , Balance on account
of Mission .... ¦ : ... 0 8 6 Mr . Beck , Rent of Room at Bolt Court ; .. ... 15 7 6 Mr . Skevington two Weeks' Salary , £ 4 , Coachfare to Loughborough Ids . Fees 5 a . / ... 5- 0 0 Mr . ' Woodhouse , two Weeks ' Salary , i * 4 , Coachfaie to Nottingham 15 s . Feed 5 s . 5 0 0 Mr . Osborne , -T-wo . Weeks ' Salary £ 4 , Cpachfare to UriRhton , 123 . ... ... 4 12 Q
Mr . Marsden two Weeks' Salary , £ 4 , Coauhfaro to Preston , 45 s . ... ... 6 5 0 Mr . Stowe two Weeks'Salary , £ 4 , Coachfaro , to Manchester and Colne . 43 s . „ . 6 3 0 Air . Bichardi ? , two weeks , jt 4 Coach fare to Birmiughaza and ; Hanley , 3 ' 2 s . Ud . ...... ... 5 12 6 Mr ; AJeaHug two Weeks' Salary , £ 4 . Coachfare to Buth w 5 s . ~ - .. . - ••« * ¦•« - -- o o u Jlr . Neesom , two Weeks'
Salary , £ 4 . Coachfare to Briato ! , 2 . ? .-j . ... ...... ... ... 5 5 0 Mr . Joaes . two Weeks * Salary , £ 4 . Coacntiirf to Montgomeryshire , £ 3 , ( . but went to Northampton ) ... ... ... 7 0 0 Mr . Wolsteiiholnve , two Weeks ' Salary , £ 4 . Coaclifaro to Sheffield , 35 s . ... ... ... ... 5 15 0 Mr . Bnssev , two Weeks' Salary , £ 4 . Coachfaro to Bradiovd , 30 s . ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 10 0 Mr . Warden , two Weeks'Salary , £ 4 . Cabhiro to Station , 2 s . 6 d . Railway to Manchester , 53 s . 6 d . Fare from
Manchester to Bolton , 2 s .: 6 d . Porterage , Is . 0 'd ... ... ... ' ... 7 0 0 J ^ Jr . Dee ^ au , twoWecka'Salary , £ i . CabhirctoStatien , 2 s . 6 'd . Railway to Manchester , 53 s . &d . -Porterage there , Is . Gd . FarotoAshtoii , 2 s . 6 d ... ... 7-0 0 Mr . M 1 ) ouall , two Weeks' Sa-Jary , £ 4 . C ' abliire to Station , 2 s . " ( Jd . Railway toiVI anchestcr , 53 s . 66 ..: Porterage there , Is . Gd . FaretoA 3 htou , 2 s . Gd . 7 0 0 Mr . James Taylor ' a two Weeks ' Salary £ 4 ; Cab Hire to Station , 2 s .-Ud ; ' ¦ .-Railway to Manchester , £ ' 2 13 s . 0 "d . ;
Porterage there Is . -Gd . ; Faro to Itochdale 2 s . Cd . ... ... ... 7 0 0 Mr . Knox ' s two Weeks' Salary £ 4 ; Coach Faro to Birmingham £ 1 ; theuco to Manchester 17 s ; thence to Leeds ,-12 s . Gd . ; thence to Newcastle , ¦ £ ' 2 7 s . Gd . ; to Sunderlaud 2 s . ; £ 7 10 s ., but paid ......... a 0 0 Mr . Duncan ' s two Weeks' Salary £ 4 ; Coach Fare to Dumfries £ 4 16 ' s ; thence to Hawick , - £ 11 () 3 . ... ... ... ... ... ' 10 12 . 0 July . 37 To Mark Crabtree , door-keeper 5 0 Q Aug . 1 Mr . Woodliouse ' s Journey to London , and returning to
Nottingham ... ... ... ...... 2 0 0 Defence Fund , as loan 100 0 0 Mr . O'Brien , two weeks'salary on Council ... ¦ ¦; ,. ... ... 4 0 0 Maddely for Printing Circulars 2 1 ( J 0 3 LbwryVfor Irish Mission , £ 10 ; Hennessey for do . £ 10 ... ... 20 00 KforlhernL . il / erator , for Advertizing ... ... ... ... ...... 5 0 0 5 Mr . Smart ' s Balance , on Account of Mission to Leicester , « fec . ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 4 6 7 Mr . \ Ncesom ' s do . to Bristol ... 2 10 0 Mr . Ldwry , one Week ' s Salary a 3 one of the Council , ... 3 0 0 Mr . O'Brien ' s Balance on A « - ' count of Mission ... ... ... 0 11 0 9 Advertiziug in Dispatch ( Lon- .. " . '
don ) .. ... ... ... " ... ... 0 3 6 Ditto , same in tho Charier ' ... 0 12 0 Ditto , same in the Weekly I&spalch ............ 1 10 Mr . John M'Crae , one Weeki' . Salary , and Fare to Kihiar-. . nock ... ... ... 9 0 0 Mr . Burns , two Weeks' Salary as one of the Council ... 8 0 0 Wr . ^ Burns , Fare to Dundee ... 2 6 S Mr . Fletcher T two week ' s Salary as one of the Council £ 10 , Fare to Burj « £ 2 IO 3 . ...... 12 10 0 Mr . Smart two weeks' Salary 5 0 0 Mr . Turned Journey to GraTesend ... ... ... . ; 0 S 6 12 Mr . Carpenter , two Week ' s Salarp ^ s one of the Council ... 4 0 0 14 Mr . WaUanis , Solicitor ' s Bill 4 0 0
Mr . Hartvrell . for Advertise- ' ments £ 1 12 s Gd ... .. v 1 12 6 Messrs . Hartwell and Northcote , Printing , Posting , and - Boardmen ... ... ... 8 18 0 Mr . Hartwell , old Balance ... 0 15 16 Mr . Murdo Young , for Adverr tisements and Papers ... ... 32 5 0 12 Mr . Guest ' s Balance of Account 9 10 0 24 Mr . Smart , two Week ' s Salary when Council was not sitting 5 0 . 0 Mr . Lowry ( remitted to Ireland ) i 0 0 J 6 Mark Crabtree , Messtnjjer , four Weeks , at 30 s ... ... ... « 0 Mx . Cole , for PrintiDg ... , „ * It
Untitled Article
j ^ Mr . Jon (^ AdTerH ^ ¦ ¦¦ " in ^ misy / tibxay Newa ^ \ .. 1 8 Ibfe-vPtaethlyV ; Salary Two , ¦ ¦ ¦' . ; W ©^^^^ anACa ^ paid to the Delegates at Edinburgh . . £ 6 , m .. - ¦ ¦ .. ... : ... ia 10 o 38 Mr , Lowxy ( remitted to Ire-: .-v - ; -V ; V \; land > £% * , ' r .... ;^ v / l-. v ..: 20 0 0 Mr . Cardo , balance on account of ; Missions to Cornwall arid the _ Pottcriesi ... : ; .. 4 12 9 Sept . 2 Mark Crabtroe , doorkeeper ... 1 10 0 8 Mr . Bayly , rent pfi room at Arundel Gofiee House , 6 ix j . .- .. ; . £ x ; . - V ... ; ; - . " III aJrewsburv News . " ... 1 8
Sweets at £ 1 . ,. ;; . ^ .. 6 0 0 ^ - '^ l ^ viH ^ wolly . 'for . 'tiim ^' ai'Bir ^ - *' . ' - mitlgham on ¦; -trials' / --- ¦' , .... ' ¦ % 0 0 7 Mr . SRevingtbn , balance on his Mission to . Lougliboi-ough , &c . 0 4 & 12 . Paid : Mr , Jlonesay ' a . balance on Mission io Publin / ; V ... 3 0 0 Mr ; Youiig , por- Advertisiug : in Sun ... v ... ... 110 Mr . Mealing's bahincefor Mis- , . ^ sion ...: ' , „• ., - ¦ . ; . ...- ,.. 2 10 0 14- Mr . Cardos Additional ... 3 10 0 Proprietors , Champion for 25 i > Papers ... . * . ... ¦ 5 4 2 Do ,. - ¦ ' . tb ' v Advertising ... ... o 5 0 -Mark Crabtree , two Week ' , - . . . -. W [ agcK ... - ;¦¦ . ¦ ¦' . . . ¦ ¦ - ., - .. - ¦ ,- ¦ : ¦ . „ 300 Do . additional Allowance . ... 1 10 0 Do . Coach Faro homo to
Dewsbury ^ . ; ;¦ „'• ,- ... 1 10 0 Mr . Cleave , for one ream paper ' 0 15 0 S < iuave of-. Glass , Arundel Cof * i feo Houses .. . „ ... o 5 c 17 Kent for do ., one Week ai SOs . ^ and 10 s ., extra three Weekg 2 10 0 Postage , Parcels , minor Statiouiiryj &c ,,- ... ... 7 12 5
. ;¦ ¦ - 4 J 74 17 6 Examined and found correct , jamjes taylor , petMbussey / Audited and Found CoiToct , JOHN TAYLOR . Bahtnce ih Hand ^ £ 6 133 . 2 d ., and j ? 200 in thehands of Mr , O'Connor , which will bq speedily iuvested according to the order of tho Conveiitioii , making in hand ± 206 I 3 s . &L Therearo some few Qut-standlng Debts whichit is expected will bo settled vcri' soon . There is also eomo Rent reported , but not Paid in . As soon as Paid they shall appear . Tho ^ Treasurers AccpuntB , which includes £ 5 aQdltlonal to lylrlSmai't and other items , will also Tcry soon bQ laid beford th $ Country .
MONIES RECEIVED BY MR . PITKETHLY i 83 p . .:. ., ¦" . ¦ ¦ , ¦ ¦ ..: . - . ¦; . .. :: \ - ¦; ¦ . - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ . July , ; 1 Surrey Political Union ........ A .. 10 0 AfewFisher ^ ionatMount ' sJBay 0 ' *¦ ' 0 A fewiiuljvidualsattuo Couhtiy Girl , Navigation-street , Birmingham .. * ., ; ... ; ......:. ; ..... ; .- 0 17 0 2 A fovv Working Men , Luthermoor , Scotland .................. 0 5 0 Boy ' s Association , Newport , * Monmouthsliiro .................. 1 0 0 Womoh ' s do . Aberslianger , do , 1 6 0 iladical do . Saaquhar ............ 3 0 0 Eaglcshamdo ........ i ........... i .. ^ 3 0 0 Ciimrtock do . ..............., ; ,...... -iu .-l ' l- 3 A . C . by penny subscriptious ... 0 16 6
Returned by Mr . lloir , from tho amount paid him for his favo . to Scotland .... ; .... . vV .. .-- .. >« . .. 1 0 0 3 . A feVv Steel Toy Makers at Birmiiijjham .,...::.:... ; . / ,., ; ... ; .::. o © f Afowfriends at tho Rpjal Oak ,-Cha-le 3-6 treetj at do .:.,........ 0 7 3 A Check from Treasurers ...... 18 0 2 *• Do . 20 0 0 G « i ) o . 10 . 0 0 7 . Do . 10 0 0 « Do . 10 0 0 ^ Dp . " . 30 0 0 15 . ' Do . 20 0 0 Do . 100 6 0 17 . Lamp ManufactoryvNowhallstreet , Birminghaiii 0 17 1
A few Japanhers , epppico-row , Clerkeiiwell , JLondou . ..-. „ ... ; .. 0 10 0 A few tYicnds , Griffin Inn , Shoreditch , ; .......:,.. ; . ; ... ; ....... 0 12 6 2 G , A few Coacli Makers ..,. ....... 0 3 1 A fovv Democrats in Mitburn « Port , GlouccstOMhire . ; :....,. 013 0 27 Cash roccivod of Mr . Carpentor 7 0 0 Two Chockai -from Treasurers , £ 20 and £ 30 ......,.. ; .,......... 50 0 0 A few Stonemasons , Tcuiplo , London .............. ^ ............. 0 6 0 Aug .. 1 Check from Treasurers ... ... 100 0 0 Banbury Association ... ...... 2 10 0 , 5 Two Checks from Treasurers of £ 50 each ... ... . " ... ... ... jq . 0 0 0 9 Check from do . ... ^ .. ... . ... 150 oo 2 £ J MrvLister . ; . ......: ... . ; . . . 1 10 30 Radical Aasociation ,
Todmor-/ dea ... ... ...... ...... 13 0 0 : Afo \ v Carpenters at ¦ •( . lie Gallaut : Hussar ... ... ... ...... 0 6 3 Sept . 12 Mr , R . Lowry , towards hV : Balance ...:-.... v . ; ,. ;; .. . ; .. ; ...... g o 0 14 Chuck from Treasurers U 2 10 23 Mr . J-Woodhouse , Balance ... 0 11 4
„ ¦¦¦ . ¦ -, ¦ ¦ , ¦ * GQi io io Examined and found correct . ( Signed ) JAMES TAYLOR , PETER BUSSEY . Audited and found correct . ( Copy ) JOHN TAYLOR .
Untitled Article
I ? is . parhcu / arly requested that t / iformation of . all Radical meetings about to he held be forwarded to Mr . Vufiximny , i 4 , Lohdon-str ^ t , Glasgow , where our Reporter will attend , if ivithin twenty miles , and beyond that distance , notes of such mee ' liny are requestedlobeforwarded as above .
LANARKSHIRE .--GLASGOW . The Directors of the Universal Suffrage Association , with tho Delegates ii'om Trades , Shops , Factories , aud Districts , met on Tuesday , tho 24 th instant , in tho Hall , College Greenr ^ Mr . Garduer in tho chair . The mhiutcihiviug been icatl OA'er , Mr . Allan M'Fadyen broughtup the resplutiou formerly agreed upon , namely , that a publib . meeting ho held in this city td niemorialise her Majesty in behalf of the imprisoned Chartists . A Conversation ensued , which endbd iu the resolution being ' formally moved by Mr . Fadyen , seconded by Mr . Flockuart , and unanimously agreed to . A concert was also arranged to be given , the proceeds to eo in behalf of
the families , of Collins , Loyott , Vincent , &c , under the superiutenaoncp of a Committeei Ml \ BellcOliyenor . The chaivJnan , in an . eloquent appeal ^ mentioned that proposals 'had been made forMeeting for the purposes of public Avotship- in their own Hall , where they : cbu | d as well roceivp the gladrtitliugs of salvation as anywhere else , while they had the advantage of devoting then . " collections to their own purposes . ., After sdmo discussion , Mr . Rogers moved a resolution to the effpet , which was met by ah amendment from Mr . Bell , who moved that not
only dmno . ' service should bo performed , but that they should extend their nj ; eoting to the hearing of moral essays , &c . ' . The amendment was negatived , and th 6 ^ jnptu > n '' una ' ni'iaiib . u 8 l ' y adopted . A committee was appointed to carry the ; saroe into effect . - In announcing the receipt of Jt 2 , from tho Chartists of Packhead , and £ 1 Is . from the Association of East Wbodside , tho treasurer , Mr . Ross , propoaed a roto of thanks to that body , as ; tho females Were now showing . themselves about to bocomo what thby really were intended for by tho Deity—the helpmate of inau . > ; '
A tote / was . passed that a copy of th » resolution should be sent to tho AssociationV , : ' r v ^ Mr . Rodgers propose ^ that th e first Sabbathcoilection should be appropriated to tho usei of the Central Committee . Ho hoped that tho cdliection would be libpralj and wrnld advise : all Chartists : whose mmisters had not declared for the Charter , to johi the Chaitist epDgregation . ¦ ¦•¦ ¦ Agreed to .. . '¦' ; . ' ¦ , : ~ - > ; '¦;¦ . :-:-: " :-. '¦ .. ¦ .- - .-. ¦ ¦ . - . - .,, Deputations were appointed to lecture at the "Val * ofLeyen , Parkb . ead ^ &c . ; : :
REN ^ EWSHlRj :.--BiABRHEAP . ^ The cr ^^ frbm this quarter-forIectn ' rbn ' ' ii-mQst ' aii ] mating , aud we hope ; will be attended to . ' ;
POLLOI ^ HAWS . ; The inhabHauts of Pollokshawg mot on Monday evening , for tlie purpose . of organising the burgh . Mr . ; Robert ^ ^ Ppllwell having beeu called , tothechairj shortly addressed tlie meeting , and introduced Mr ; A . O'Neil from Glasgo \ v , ¦ mio . waa enthusiastically cheered throughout an eiceUent i ^ dress , in jyhich he insisted upon the absolute necessity , " of forming Associations to ce : oporato with the Central Co tee . for ^ the purpoBea , for which that body had been called into existence . After lucid details of Chartist frinciple % Mr . O'Neil sat down amidst loud cheers , t was then proposed arid carried , that i Radical lecture be deliver- » d , and ^ meetings heljj / once a fortnight . Thanks being tendered-to the lecturer and the Chairman , the ineetiug separated . / '¦ „ ¦ ¦
AYRSHIRE , ^ . NEW 5 iILNS . / In this place various meetings have been held upon the subject of aiding / . the ^ Central Committee , arid of more effectually organising th « r Assbciatiori , and of ^^ co-operatinu ; with the different ' . ¦ 'trp ' ions in Scot-Itai . Tha wktl « « f tbia di » tli « t ig w « U kaowm tn
Untitled Article
be amongBt tbo most Radical in Scotland , and there are many choice spirits ; eage ^ cd in the cause . \ Ir . Ypungi oif Galston , lately addressed tho ; Association , in support of agitation , and was very warmly " grecteii ; *'¦¦ '¦ - '" . •¦¦ . ¦ n > ' ? ^ - ' : .. . - ' - . ' . - ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ •" ; ' ¦" . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ; .: : / . •¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ y , - ' ; :: ^ }/'^ ; ' : ¦ : ¦ galston . ¦ >;^ - .= ¦} : ; ,. ' Messrs . YpunjBf , /' . Cameron ; .- arid others , have been labouring ; here with lnuch ^^^ success , r ' aad lecturca are ; llstcTk ' < Bd '; to ! witb ^^^^ ayidity i and most hoartilyresbohded to .. The associatidn is iu a : yOTy favourable state ; acd a . canyasS of the village has ueen commenced ^ in order to ikiiow the feeliiig of tho' middle clasa with regard to : tbe * measures adopted ' ... 'bj'the Scottish CQnveationi - : : 'Vv V ; > . " ¦ ¦ ¦ darvel . ¦¦ ; , ,: ;¦ ¦; : ; The greatest enthusiasm prevails here ; and the exertions of " tho Committee in promoting lectures , and working put an efficient orgauizatiori , are ihosit praiseworthy , All over this part of Ayrshire , \ yc are iaiiictile to tho back-boneMAVe are united ! , be tho most in Scotland , and tBere are many choice sDirMseaaescd in the cause . Air .
. ; ^ AGLESHAM . : *' . ¦ ¦¦¦ .. ' On Tuesday eveninig , a public meeting was held in this town , Mr ; Gilmour in * ; the chair , to hear a leetwo by iVlr . O'Neil , from Glasgow . , The lecturer proceeded in his usual clear aiid ~ perspicuous . mainier to point out tho evilB resultingfrom our present bad Governmentj and the existitig : inBtitutipns of the country ; and gave a cheering proepect of iho benefits . that would flow frciin sach alterations ; as the Charter pointcil oui- ^ -vvhicli were liailod with rapture by a crowded audience . " Air . d'Ncil's visit , seemed to havo .-givcu ' -i ' ne ' w impulse to Raiiicalisni in liagleshani . A liadkal Saircs ia in contemplation .
CENTRAL COMMITTEE . The Treasurer ' s Reports for the last fortnight are as follows : — £ s . d . - Alloa ............... 3 0 * Q Irvine ..,. 10 0 Thomliebauk ... 1 0 0 Pavkhcad 0 15 0 BorrowstonCBS ... 0 13 0 liawiek 0 10 0 Balfron . 0 10 6 Kirkficldbauk ... 0 10 0 Bathgatc , 0 12 . 0 East isillreide ... 0 0 0 Eaglesham ...... O 5 0 Montrose ......... 0 5 0 _ TollcroES - .....:.- .,. 0 S 0 ' Arbroath ......... 0 5 0 Galston ............ p < i . 6 ¦ -..: ' Liiilithgow . ; ..,. 0 2 1 '¦ ' *¦ ¦ ¦ £ 10 i 7
GORBALS . Tli < 3 followiug letter ^ fr ^ m the Rov . Georgo llarris , tho Unitarian Minister ^ who had been applied to , to leGturo on " \ yhat is the best form of Government for tho people , " was read by tho Secretary ^¦ v a't the meeting of Directors on Thursday , Mir . lloey ; cuairman : <— "¦¦" . ' ' "My dear . Sir , —Your letter communicating the unanimous request of tlse . Z > irect <> rs of the Gorbali Universal Suffrage Association that I should dolivor a lftctarc to thei iuhabitants of Goi-bals in tlioensuirig week , has juat . reached me . : " I feel Honoured by this mark of respect and con fideuce , audmuch regret that , from the Uatiire of my engagements , it will be out of my power to comply with the request . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' :. v . ''I You will please present my respectful ackiibw Iedgeai 3 nts to the Directors for their resolution .
" I am rcspectfiillyf your ' s , "GEORttE Harris . " 27 , Abbotsford Place , Sept . 2 J , 1039 . " Tho plan , recommeHded by the Organization Committee , appoiutecl at the . Delegato ivleetiiirj on the 3 rd ult ., was taken into review , but although admitted to be an able document , and an excellbrit p lan , if practicable , it was agreed that it would bs irijuripus to establish 6 epai-ato Trades' Unions , as recpinniended by the pia . 11 , and the following ^
resolu-110 U was adopted : — "That the Trades frequently call meetings of their body , and provide themsolves with agitatiug delegates to address them , advocate the principles of tho Ghartcryarid take other means for epreauing useful knowledge among themselves , but that , they do not interfere with tho moiiey ; Contributed , by tickets or otherwise , to the Associations iio % v iii . existence . " . It > yas also agreed to . open the Cpntmittce ; Rooms ibr Djyiue worsliip , on Sunday first . Tho riionthly meeting to be held in the hail of tho Wheat Sheaf on Monday ;
' Moj < dav . —The monthly meeting was accordmgly held in the abovo Hall , a torchrbearer indicating the entrancp . The splendid instrumental band had struck up the most : enlivening national airs , and , upon outoi'hig the large Half , -w e found thewholp Of the seatsimmediately irifront of the platform deiisely filled by elegantly dressed feniales , from : the matron ¦ with her . itUaht pii her knee to tho bioomiiig maideii of fifteen . Shortly after eight o ' clock , the ; hall was wellfillsd though riot crowded , arid the Committeo of directors took their seats on the plattorm amid load cheering . ¦ - Mr . Hoey having been called to the ehair by acclamatibu bnc'lly iiirrodueed Mr ; U . C . PattiEori from tlioGoiitral Committee .. ( Loudcheers . ) ..
ftlr . P , ArrisoN obsen-ed that it Was spine timo siiico ho had Visited this iiitie of tlie water in a public capaeity , but riothiug could givo him greater pleasui-e than to meet them among th < j scenes of his : boyhood , where recollections were called up that made hiin e >* en more aiixious in the t > iiso than / were he addressing them in tho quarter ^ wherein he now reside ^ . ( Applause . ) Iu the subjects that he was to treat of there > vas ngtiiiug new tobe said , but if he could bebutable to impress upon 'them' any more than they now felt , of the vast importance of these subjects , he should bo amply repaid . ' They must all recollect that iu the struggle for the Reform Bill that they , the tvorking classes , were all working for an important measure which could bestow upon
tliem no immediato benefit , but which they ; worked hard for as a nicasuro laying a fouri | datipn for other measures , whereby their ' ' immunities ' i would be granted aud secured , and if they had' not theso ideas of future legislation in tiieir Vohalf , then , they had boeii working for a pliaritom . ( True . ) -Had the hope 3 they then enimaincd been roalised ' l ( No . ) Had the Govcrament— the present Gpyerrimeutthe then aristocracy , fulfilled thei proriiises held ' , 6 u't by them { ( No . ) . Vet the very men wlio led . them on at that , time who told them how capable they were of exercising all civil rights , and who regretted that tho measure for their sakes did not air further , - who , while they waved their bats arid cheered for the Bill , the whole ,-Billsuid nothing but . the Bill
, , told thohi it was " not to the Bill alone they were to look , but to its nltiraate results ,, now toid the Yforkhig classes who had gained for them that Bill that it was not yet time for further extension , and that by -inakifig , a movement iVir- it , they should only entail mitevy upon themselves . ( Shame . ) : If they had had any intuition of doing anything , for the people , they would long ero this have indicated it . Let them mark , howler , that the Chartists ( for by that , name they were how known , and he liked it better thaii any others ) did riot mean to let theni rest ^ thero . ( Cheers . ) They were toM by these men ¦ Why wo $ ee no l'easpn for exteadiug thefranchise further . " He would ask whit benefit the veorkiug Deorile . or even theiiatfon at . lni-irai hnH Havivp # i + VnTr >
tho passing of the Reform Bill ? ( None . ) iN ' orie whatever . But say they " Why for one good thing we have done , we have haye emancipated the black slaves . " Well this Vvas an act in itself ' praiseworthy enough—an act which nature and humanity demanded as au act cf justico ^ and which the Sariptuves-enJOTued , but did the Government pass that act freely ? -Np . They were , forced to it ; from the pressure from' •\ vithout ,-T- ( cheers ) r-and when they did grudgingly pass the act of which they boast , they passed itby saddling ou the sh 6 uldevs of" the people new taxes to pay tho interest of twerity millions of more debt , paid to the"planters as a compensation , which ia justice should havebecia givciitw the slave
xiplace of tho slave owner , ( Cheers . ) After all they ^ had piily niude . the slaves , apprentices , au 4 they w . ould not . even have doiie this had it not been for tho o ^ ertions of Brougham in thef Lords . Then caine the wonderful boon , the paesiiig of the Penny-postage BijL That was a measure to be of invaluable benefit undoubtedly to the working people / and ^ to the > vhole peoplej ; but like tho othor did they pass it freely ! , No , with . reluctance ; First they were pressed upon / by petitions inuumerablC .. XHoar . ) Then by powerful : aud unanswerable ! argumeriti in itsfayoui-y arid how was it finally passed I By declariug that if one part of the taxation failed it must bo made : upby another ; | ( Skame , )\ It was all one , what : taxi ; was takeny bo Jbng . aa they were
compoueqtp pay tho same amount .: ( T * u $ TThere was a measure ho should have ; alluded to before , the reduction of tho Stainpi Duty ; on Newspapers , ihe greatest boon the Whig Alinistryhad conferred won the people . But did they grant it , flj : Was ii&tced fjrpnv them also \ Look at what the priss was before the roductiott ^ -unstamped newspapSra ^ v / ore pouririg forth in niyrlads , and the Stamped press to torco the ^ measure , issued theiridectaratipn , •»•• unjess yoaput down these unstamped papers / piit we cbmo unstamped ajso . " ( Cheers . )^ ^ Th ^ tho Government werev placedrm a ^ lemma and rather than pej ^ t by the reieniiar newsDaners enmino . n « t twth
^ B&ei ^ imstatnped , ^ hey . reduced thrdul ^ ( Hear ; hear . ) . To anything good they had S ^ « a ? e listened to ^ « ither remonstrftnee or petitiPn . but it theysauted a Coercion BUI for Irela » l ora pension for a mmjo ^ vthey passed the Bill without Sfe . * f ^^ -Upplanse , arid cries of . shame _) -, but to anything usetul they would yield 1 LT ^ - W f 0 r ? ' # : GPTetnment , is it it&MiV ^?^ - ; stance , ivhcn -the Lhartists selected a committw , that committeo did ? ° j ^ i * -fc * ^ "e suggestions « € thair constituents , but d ^ sed ^^ aus for ^ heir Guidance and for their benefit . Not . ip : with-our Governmeritv for : every good , plan had , tp : be suggested to them . ( Loud iaughter and ch « erB . ) He did not defend fbraer UoternmwU pj hii ^ denoua « in » tii»—they akht
Untitled Article
eyeii haw been worse , if that were V pogaibJtt ( L aughter . ) Danpg the last a ^ oiulwh eu ihrn ^ tt ! titi ori / or th » repeal of thei Corn lAwIWas " reT « c 1 ed -rduruig that agitation ; the higher and : the middk classes fished tfiewbrkirilr people to e 6 along with them . They were with them , but they > differed S theineanst&be « nployedin ^ theirrepoal . TheGhar . tiste ¦;• were of opiaioB i » hat tbJse ohnoxioM laws ^ could never be effectaally repealed until tW franchise was Universal ; for bo long as ''• ' the lariT owner ; cpuld send three fifths of the members mte-* be House of Commons , Buppose they repealed them the pne . sessioo , they coold re- ^ nact them the cext ' but were the higher a « d middle classes to come and * help them in the acquisition of the great points of Relbrm , they would repeal the Cora Laws for them most effectually . ( Loud cheers . ) : The Chartist * eveii have / been / > r ^^ ( Laughter . V Daring thn ] aafafi « m ™ . - ¦ . i « , i ..- _ fr ™ . •?•
abhorred the Corh Laws , aod it wai from informatio a from the ^ LandoWnerg ^^ tliemgelves as much a » from bitter experiaoce-they codld speak ; For instance , a farmer had said ia evidence upon th « question that the condition of the agricultural h * bPurers , through . the operation pf these laws , wa » such that after a hard day ? s toil ho was slid : to lie dowa oo-hjs rags ia a baruVor an put-house , and that such ; a state of things would never bo better until these laws were ; repealed . He ( Mr . P . ) wae cpinfortable ; enouga ; himself , but / were ho driroa to such abjecti misery , he did pot krip \ V ] iow he mfgh act . He did not approve of all that had been doneof what might yet be done ; arid , although he advised them , for thefc own sakes , to speak loudly , arid vigonrqusly , and vehemently , for a Tepcal of those laws
. still he thought that , for his . own part , werohs reduced to such a situation , and prayers and entreatiei passed by . uiLtaeded , he would act as much as he would speak ( Loud clieera ) In so saying , he . would dofino his notions of moial and physical force . To moral force alona a \ neked Qovernnient would never yield ; but when theyvclearlysawaphysicalfoirtfcbehindit , they trould grant the people ' s demand ^; --i Was the presenting a moral front then ; but having , as ti * Ooireraoient could not but inoyr , a physical arniy of ecserve ^ not nsiriit moral means ? o ( Yes , yes . ) Yes it wassoiandiiede : precated all attemptsof a ^^ revolutionarycharacter . If they move firmly on In a congtitutional manndf , they could not fail uxsecuroig their right * . The ^^ Whya taunted them with toiniorality and want of intellleerica B «
denied tho base aasertion .,- ; . The people knew , thai their strength lajjr in their moral power . . ( CBeera ) - . He had found the gerieiali £ > ' of wwlraenequal to hiriMelf in intelligence .. And ^ why did he mention himself ? BW causd he "was a Tijjj Pounder t : ( Cheers . ) And yethi found Jus opmrade-riorijdectprs to tbo full as moral arid intelligent as liimself , who had theniighty bbori of the franchise , ( Continu&d cheering . ) ; . The Clergy of tb * Establishraent said . thejf ^ rished for tlib destruction of tiie Gnttrch . JSie ^ Bad heard / some ^ one Bay that the Established GtarcU -wouia make a good police establishmeni —( laughter , ) ;^ but bo that as it riiay , they wished destruction to ' no religion . ' ? Buta ^ by their movement they were iurthering the' separatibn of Churrh arid State ,
which never would bo done until the House of Commons % vasmadetrulj ¦ their ^ representatives , he cpnterided thai they were furthering the interesta - of religibn . Th » Church ; in the early ages of Christianity had , no secular power to aid : her in her spread . Arid they might all haveread of the J 20 disciples who went preaching tb » Cross of Christ ; and who stopped not in their mission , unaided by any secular arm , until they ^ had gained the gates of the Eternal . City , and planted on the brow pf theircause the diadeniof theCtBsars .: ( Loud chcen * He contended , , therefore , that they wero prompting tiS » cause pf religion arid thefbest interestai of inari . After a nattering compliment to the females , arid- an exhoitation tor them to proceed with vigour in their unde » - taking , Mr . P , sat down , ariiid cheering which lasted several riiinutes , tho band playuig " Auld lan <* svne . "
, * £ * ? i VlD Tot ) D , iri moving the ftret resolution , was loudly cheered . Ho remarked ; that In ifornior struggle the middle classes bad rijcdformly carried ; the peopk . iwth aiem-in their ranis , was it riot time for them to come with the peoptonpw ?; (" Yes . ") .-. ijn arSpec&ot somo Jength , but which our time nor space will not permit us to give , Mr . : Todd : riiovea—'' That it is tl » decided opinion of this moeting , that the conduct of the middle classes , in atanding aloof from the preien * inovpmont for Universal Sufirage , is not only unjust , butis oppossd ' . to their o \ m intereirte , arid to the very libera . 1 profeseions madd by them during the a * itatioa fpr the Refonnv ^ fll ; and we woul d ap peal to the in . as they value their own interests , and the prpsperity an < t safety of the couritry , that they > buld come forwawi and ; take a part with the industrious classes in the
present struggle for fair andiinpartial representaUon .--Mr . Bennett , in aeconOing the : resolution recentmended to , the fair Chartists present the system of exclusive dealing ,, and concluded o neat speech anikt much applause . .: ¦ ; } ^ : - ^ Carried unanimously . ; '; ' ' : . ¦>' ¦ ' ¦" . ; Mr . WPee , in moyingr "That tiiia meetW cann * k but expresa their just indignation , at the ^ treatmea * which eonio of our feUovr-countrymen are unaergomi for the cause of universal ^^ liberty—^ pattacrilarly ^^ Messra Lpvett , Collins , Vincent , andPowcll ; and are of opinion that a subscription ahouid be raised in behalf of their wives and families ; " remarked that it had been often said that the post pf hotaoinr ^ -was the post of dangpt In tho present case the adngB had been verified , for th » w n WB ,,-tp . ensure their ; d (^ eat , bad destroyed the leadew of t&o . ChartiBts ... ( Hear , hear . ) ' ifo doubt the men Wero safe eupugh , ( A laugh . ) But what was to becoma
oi their fainMes ! Sometiiing must be done for them beyond mcmoriaUsing the Queen . What did sho ken or care about them ? Just as much as sho did about Peter th Lpyal-- ( loud laughter ) -: who -hfis vowed to have her utqxncd these twelve mbriths , though he Is as far from it as ever . ( Continued laughter . ) Ho could not help laugiung with : tttem , ^^ ''but'deed were she here , andkon't him as weU as wedp , she would belaughin ? hersel ' jMr . M'Feo moved the . resolutionamid cneers , which , having been seconded by MhPROUDFOOT , of the Glasgow Association , -in a feUckous speech , was Unanimously carried . ' ;¦ ¦ ¦' : .. AComniittee of riinfr—Messk Chkhplm , fProudfooi , Jjl'Fee , HoGy , RiddeU , Todd , Kankin ,: HamUton , and T » it , were appointed to carry it into effect .
. Thanks being voted to the lecturer , with tbre cheers , to the band . for their attendance , to the Chairtoan , and hearty cheera given for Mr . Proudfpot arid the Charter ; the meeting ; broke up about eleven o ' clock . _ Before dispersing , it was announced from the platform that the Chartist Circular , published on Saturday , had exceeded . i n its sale // arid the ' demand , all over the country , the niost san = uirie expectations of the Committee . Tho first impression of \ twixT&Jtnov SAKi ) Copies . were ; already ^ soldt' This gratifying fact was loudly cheered . , : ' : * .
Untitled Article
Leeds Corn Market , Tuesdjit , Oct 1 st —The supply ^ of . \ Vheat , Oats ; and BarleV f S day ? mack ^ aro _ hrger thanlast week ; Beans much the same . . With . tho exception ofa few- showers the weather has bcen ^ fine , and nearly all the Wheat setrtfln' ? ^ ^^^ bourhood , and -part of the Barley and Oats . The demand for Wheat to-day has been very limited , aiidneyir has been 4 s to 5 s por quarter , and old 3 s per quarter lower . Barley rather lower * new ^ making 43 s to 4 « s per Quarter . Oats and bhelhng heavy sale , and rather Tower . Beans littl * alteration . , ' . " : :. ' - .- : ' - ' ¦ :: ;¦ ¦ ' ] . - ¦ ¦ ' - ; -H ' - -: . ' : :. : - : . ' 'h Leeds Cloth MjoaKETs ^ -The busiriess on the two last market days , in our Qoth Halls , has not be « n so brisk as it was on the two preceding davs ; nor for the ^ time of the year is , trade so flourrehine as might bo expected , vKeitheir . is thereiquite so much doing in the warehouses , ; though here it is said trad * is nothing : to complain of . ^ ; ; ; y u V *""
Huddbbseielp Cloth Markjev , October 1 ^ Onr K ^^ Hi 010111 # aW to-day" has been" a i ^ Se b ^ er iu ^ e ^ Heavy Woollens , and Low lancys ; in Superfines of all descriptions there ia no alteration . Prices aro ^ mtfeh the ^ saine aslast week . ^^ SorndsSl orders , have been given for particular patterns , brit sfeS ^^ ' P . W « to have no inclination to Kw rt SFin ^ tr ade at the present prices . VmWMp ** ^ ^^ y ^ broker , 1 bot ; at ikSSS 0 * fe ^ Sfi *^ ^^ We had a iarge « mq % . of grain m bur market td-day , chiefly new wheat , but somo of'the samples were very soft . Wheat soldjfrom M to ; 11 ^ 6 d . > NeW : do ; from 7 s : tw" Pa&' ^ % ^ 5 Barley 5 s . 3 d . to 5 s . 6 d . j Beans $ s . 9 d . to 6 s . Qi , per bushel . : , -
Maijo n Corn . Market , Sept . ^ 28 . —There were a r ^** S ^ JJWtes of new : Wheat offering at our Mm Market this day , prices for ^ . per Jparte ? ¦ lower . Not many eamples were ? h ? wn pfoft Wieaty whichstopd / atabout fast week ' s Iw ^ l ! " V ^ wcre a fewiamples of new Barley shownywhicjasoldat lastweek ' sTates . Thenumbwf pt samples , and > he supply of net ? Oata , vrere very great , vfhioh went at about Jd to Id reduction ; as alep afew . samples of Old OStS i which were without alteration- in value . Mtpgether th « fe was a very goodinarket , which will , no © nbt , continue to im-P ° ye , should the ^^ present fayparable state of th « wjeather cpnfcinue . Prices ' aa follow : old Wheat , ^ 6 s . fo 82 s . ; new Wheat € 4 s . to 74 s . per . qr ; of 4 » stones . Barley , 35 a . to 3 Ss , Jper quarter , ot 32 at . Old Oats , ; 16 d . to 17 d /; new Ctet % 13 d . to 14 d . per stone . " ¦• ¦ ; ¦ ' ¦ " ; :- - ;; ¦¦¦ - ¦ . ;• ¦ '' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ' : : ¦ ¦ ¦ . - v -, : ' \ - - " --: ¦
Untitled Article
O'Gop ^ ob , Esq ., of Hammersmithj County Middlesex , : by Joshua Hpbskmj ^ j ^^ his ; Mnting OBces , Nps . 12 and 13 i l ^ k ^ -fi ^ reetjBnggate aivd Published / by ^ ihe ^ sald Joshua HpisoN , ( fo ? the said IfEiirops O'CPNNojt ^/ a ^ liojisef No . Ay M ^ et-Bfr ^;^ ng ^ te ; » ri " }' . ietnal Conununication existing between the said ; : No . 5 , llarket-street , and the kiid \; Nos . 12 and / 13 , ; Market-fitreet i f BWggate ; thus coristittitiDg ; / the v ^ ole oi ^ ¦; . ¦ . ' ... Officeone ; PremiBeK Z ¦ :- -, \ '¦ ' '¦ : ' :: ; ' : \ - ' . .. ' ; - ';¦ - ¦ /'¦/ - All C ^ mmunicatioiia ^^ muft be addressed , ( Post-pai * | ojj . Ho ^ om , Nprtherii ^ OJMri *^ < Sa ^ d » y , OftotiJt i . im >
Icr. Pztkbrhlivs Bauancs Sheet.
Local M^Ueets; " -"¦-- ' • ; M :' : ¦:: ¦ ' . - . . - / :. " ¦ ' '" ¦ -¦ ¦ ' -
LOCAL M ^ UEETS ; " - "¦ -- ' ; m ' : ¦ :: ¦ ' . - . . / :. " ¦ ' '" ¦ - ¦ ¦ ' -
Scottish Intecmgense.
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for V " ft ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - : - ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' - ; : ' ; T : HB ' * OR ;^ BE / -i N : :: [ : ^' : : y V / - _ - - " - - . - - - - - _ - - . - - - - - ' - < : " * - «¦ - - ¦ - " ""' - "' : " . - " •¦• ' •'' - r "' , ''"'"''" ' r' '" ; ' " ' : ' '" ' * ' : ' ' ' > " ' ¦ " " r ' 11 ' . ' ' ' i ' \ ... ' . ' : ¦ ' ' " ••¦• • '•¦ - •¦'•• - '' ' : , ¦ -.- ¦• ¦ -. ¦• : . ... - - - ' ¦ .. : ., - ' - __ -.- , / ; -.. . ¦ *••¦ - ¦ ; . .. .: " ¦ ¦ - ¦ - . ^ ' - ' - '" ¦ ¦ _ ,- '* " m ^^ ' w ^ . .- ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ — ¦ - ' ¦ ¦¦;" . ' . ¦¦ . . ' -.. . — . — . ——¦ t ¦¦ i m ¦ . i — m + "t T < - ¦!¦!* , if ¦ iii ^ i . i ! ¦ ¦ —i m m < i »*« i >¦¦¦ i " ¦ "¦ - " " ' ¦ -. - ¦ ¦¦¦'¦ ¦¦ -- - — ' ¦ ' —¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ . i ¦ ¦ i ¦ i — . i - ... _ . ' - ^ w ^ . ^ ^ - ¦ i .. p . M M ^ WMM ^ ik , ' - : ' . - **" ¦ " " - - ¦ ¦ ~ ~ - . -7 . --¦¦ -- ¦ .- ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ . ; . ¦ :: ¦ --. '„>¦ ¦ ¦ -. i ¦ ¦ . . -. 1 . - ' ? ' - : t » - ¦ i *" ¦ " -- ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ ; ' ¦ '¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ H ' ' ¦ '" "¦¦ ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ . * . , /¦¦ - " ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ' * ¦ .. - ; ' ¦ " ' ¦ -- .. ' ¦ . ' ¦ .. ¦* . " ¦ ¦ ' - ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ .-¦ ' . ¦ -, ¦ .... ¦ - . ¦ .. ¦ ¦ ' ' . ¦ . ' ¦ ¦ ^^ ¦ : ¦¦ " .. -- . > r—^^^ MHH | . . > . -y < - * amongBt Radical 1 *
Leeds : R-R Printed "For The I *Roprietoi, Fibaibowj
Leeds : r-r Printed "for the I * roprietoi , FiBAiBOWJ
Northern Star (1837-1852), Oct. 5, 1839, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1077/page/8/