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jToretsn eato 2? ornate
Colomat sxOf iBtovmcxai
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had ioiSfcdtwelTs.'" had ioiSfcdtwelTs.'" THE SORTHEfiH STAR SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1841.
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FsANCE . —The Paris papers of Sa-ndaj havearrivcu . G-en . Schneider ' s amendment on the project of a lav ? for fortifying Paris , and proposing' to limit the works to detached forts , placed at o . OiiG yards distance from the present wall , wjts rejected late on Sa-urday , by 236 vote 3 against 175 . Thisi 3 decisive of the law , which will no doubt pass , and M . Thiers aad the King of the French will both have car-ied theijr point , of encircling Paris within * circle of about twenty fortresses , connected by an eotrcnched wall . —Chronicle . Saturday .
Nrsr Yokk . —The favourable windB hare pissed « od gone withont bringing any Colonial papers It is the first time within onr remembrance that a week has elapsed without a single paper being reeeived . At second-hand we have a scrap , of intelligence from Newfoundland ; and one of the packetthips has brought some news from New York . The latter , though scanty , is not unimportant . A panic had been caused in the money-market , by the publication of a return which exhibited "the affairs of the United States' Bank in a worse light than ever ; but Hie accoants which have reached this ranntry are from a quarter hostile to the Bank . —Colonial Gaaette .
The New York Herald of the 8 ih of January contains an account of the wreck of the fine packet-ship Garrick . She sailed from Liverpool for ] Sew York in December , with a valnable cargo of manufactured goods . On the night of the 6 ; h , or the morning of the 7 th January , she got aground about twenty ^ five miles south of Sandy Hook , on the New Jersey shore ; but how she got into that unfortunate situation had not been ascertained . When first seen , she lav about a quarter of a mile from the shore ; the sea was making a breach over her midships ; , and the
crevf ind passengers were collected on the quarterdeck . The master of the vessel which saw them was of opinion that all might land . That all did land , was deemed extremely probable , from the fact that two or three hours alter the first vessel had passed the wreck , a second also passed , when , though near enough to read her name , not a soil was seen oa board . And a pa ? = snger by the Cambridge has stated positively that the greater number of the passengers had been saved . Foot steamers left New York on the 8 tb , to offer assistance in recovering the cargo .
Relexsb op Mk . H . Yiscest . —On Sunday , at two o ' clock , Mr . Vincent was discharged from Oakham Gaol , by an order from th » Home-ofHce , and was informed at the same time , that the indictments by the Wiltshire magis ; rates were entirely se ; aside .
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The Eaxl op Cabdigas . —The committee appointed to make arrangements for the trial of " Earl of Cardigan me ; again Tuesday , in the Conference Chamber . The noble Earl has retained Sir William Follett , Mr . Serjeant Wrangham , and Mr . Adolphua to conduct hu defence . The Aitorner and Solicitor-General will appear as counsel for the Grown . O'Cokxell 15 Belfast . —A member of the Mechanics' Union in Belfast writes us as follows : — " The
mechanics of Belfast , having seen in the Btlfasl Vindicator an account of a deputation of various trades waiting upon Daniel O'Connell , at the Royal Hotel in Belfast , to tender to him the thanks of their respective trades , beg leave to state , that the individual who performed ihis ceremony on behalf of the Mechanics' Society , had no authority to do bo . The mechanics and engineers of Belfast owe Daniel O'Connell no thanks ; for , if he could prevcn ; i :, there would no ; now be a trade society in existence , "
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Canada . —The detention of Mr . M'Leod , a Canadian , on the charge of having aided in the degjruction of the Caroline , had given rise to various reports ; it was said that the British Government had demanded his release , and had been " positively " refused by the American Government . No weight , however , can be attached to these reports , until they are confirmed on more explicit authority . NrvrpousDUUTD , —The Governor ' s speech , on opening the Legislature of Newfoundland , represents
that island as torn by electioneering dissensions . It is to be regretted that accounts from Newfonndlaad are frequently so imperfect , or so strongly tinged with party feeling , that the real merits of the case are difficult to be distinguished . The Governor intimates , that if the colonists persist in their violences , they will prove themselves to be still unprepared for the self-government which has been prematurely Bubmined to them . Bat we have as yet only the accusation , without the defence which the colonists may have made to the Governor ' s aspersions .
A 5 r 3 scarPTios has been commenced for the purpose of relieving the poor of Stafford , many of whom are in distressed circumstances , owing to a scarcity « f wo * k- The safeeoriptwn oa Friday amounted to about £ 1 * 25 . Bjchaed Gopsoa , Esq ., M . P ., has remitted the fum of 100 guineas to William Boycott , Esq ., soligitor , of Kidderminster , for the relief of the poor of that borough during the present inclement sea-• on . - » . The Quees Dowageb Has forwarded , through Lord Howe , £ 20 towards the fnnd for rebuilding the parish church of Boylstofte , Derbyshire .
Thb Third A 55 IVKESABT of the Stourbridge Liteiary and Scientific Institution was celebrated on Wednesday se ' nnight , by a public dinner at the Vine Inn ; J . H . H . Foley , Esq ., president of thelnstitotion , in the chair . The report of the progress and -State of the Institution , and the whole of the proceedings on the occasion , were most £ ati ? factory . The President has given a donation of £ 20 to the fond 3 , in addition to hia usual wvnnal subscription . The South Skrspshtre Yeo ^ u > ti 7 Cataltit are expected to meet in Shrewsbury on the 4 ; h of May next , and will be trained and exercised on the new race course .
The Dcke of Sntberland and the Hon . Colone ? Alison were , on Tuesday evening , elected Fellows of the Royal Botanical Society of London .
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Tr ^ K-orr . —The colliers of Alkringtoa and Tongue have lurried ouj for more wa ^ es , their masters having reduced them to the point of starvation . Il is said that the colliers of Oldbam , Ashton , Staleybridge , and Hyde have also left off work , and are for standing true one to another , until their wages * re raised ! The mechanics of ilanchester have promised them their assistance , and other trades are expected to come forward and support them . Impartial Besbvolence . —Much distress pretailin- ' among she poor in the neighbourhood of
Burilem , a pnblic 5 nb * cription was recently set on foot in a village near that town , for the relief of the distressed , and the apportionment entrusted to the priest , a curate , who rejoices in the name of Ellis , A correspondent writes U 3 that , on the application of one poor man for his due portion of thi 3 miserable subrtiiute for more ja £ t arrangements of society , a book was referred to , in which the word " Wesley an" was found wrivien opposiie to the applicant ' s name , whereupon the man of God exclaimed , " I cannot do anything for you , 1 Best consider my own Sock , I cannot be a father to two S . jcks : open the door , and let him oui !"
Extensive Robbeet of Baxs . of Exclasd Notes , —On Tuesday , information vras received by the police of the commission of a mos ; darii . ^ robbery of bpios and securities , to the vaine oi bc ' . weea £ 1 , 500 and £ 1 . 600 . The ^ robbiry . it appears , eccurr-. d on the evening of Saturday last , about seven o ' clock , when , as a gentleman , whose name has not transpired , was proceeding along Gill-street , in the : own of Liverpool , he was accosted by two men , o ; whom he is unable to give a description , who knocked him down , and , while on ice ground , robbec him of an old reu pocket-book , containing ; Bank of England notes of the value of £ 750 , with securities to the value of about £ 8 iu more , with which ihev got clear off before Le couid raise an outcry or procure assistance . A reward of £ K > 0 ha .= been offered for the apprehension and conviction oi the thieves , and recovery of the property .
Stbakge Scekk . On-E > ancay f e nnighfc , five women converts to the ridiculous doctrines of the new sect , called Latter-day Siinu , suffered them ' selves % o be baptised , in a pool of water , near Werneth Hall , Oldham ; their persons were entirely i » - weaed , in the presence of a preacher of the see : and a few individuals . MoRKOKisit . —We understand the latter-day Saint speculation iJ likely to answer well in thia town , as far as the makiBgof proselytes goes . A number of weak-minded females were * '" dipped" in the tide , . according to the uictum of the officiating Saint , on Thursday last , near the Poor-house Slip , about the
faae © f high-water ; and in the evening of the same < I » y , we believe , « ome of the rougher sex were soused % H # ver head and ears in the same element . The imposition of hands is to follow ; and each dupe , after 5 y ing th « fee , can then lay claim to inspiration , oraon prophets are becoming as numerous in J ) ougla » aa the prophets of Baal were in the days oi Eijan ; and the former are a 3 great impostures as the f latter were—besides , the I&ormon seers art ¦ greater knaTes . We should not be surprised te heai of same of the fanatics paying the forfeit of then lire * , for being guilty of each presumptuous folly a-Dlaoxing into cold water * t the present inclement mmn ^ -nt Men * Literal .
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fboh ora london correspondent . L » ndon , Wednesday . —Gbeat Catholic Meet-ITiG , 1 > " FAVOl'B OF TOTAL ABSTINENCE . —On Monday evening , a great meeting was held in the spacious theatre of the ilechanics Institution , 8 onthamptonbuildings , Chancery-lane , in favour of the above principle or pursuit ; at which the various sectional societies attended , and the building was crammed to overflowing Six or seven priests were present , and a considerable number of the influential members of the Catholic body The speakers were the Reverend * , J . Hearne , Janch , M'Auila , and Telford ; Mesnears John Giles , M . P . Hsynes , W . Waddick , J . Corkras , W . Bnekley , J . C&Uinane , and J . F . O'Leary , ( the Duke of Norfolk ' s
steward . ) Resolutions were passed approbatory of total abstinence , and from the known influence of the parties in attendance , much good may be anticipated to result among the Irish part of the population of the metropolis . Foceth Class , National Chartbb Association . —At the weekly meeting of tha dan , oa Sunday last , at Mr . Hill ' s Coffee-rooms , Homer-street , Marylebone , & vote of confidence was passed onaaimotuly , " in that invincible champion of Universal Suffrage , Feargus O'Connor , and the meeting pledged themselves to use their best endeavours to carry on the glorious work of political redemption in his absence . "
Co-operation . —On Monday evening , Mr . Cameron delivered his premised lecture , at the rooms of the Finsbnry Working Men ' s Association , No . 9 , Little White Lion-street , Long Acre , Mr . Davis in the oha . tr The lecturer showed , that , if laboM were properly represented in this country , we should have one of the best practical heuses of legislature In Europe ; and that , whatever evils ex ^ st in Ajoerica , may be all traced to the competitive system ; as , notwithstanding the federal con&titution , the rights of labour , as compared with those of capital , are not appreciated ; he then showed the benefit to be derived from a system of
cooperation . In Clerkenwell they have been trying the plan on a small scale , which has answered beyond expectation ; they have dealt in beef , mntton , pork , bacon , butter , &c , &c ; the system is being taken up in the provinces very generally , and it will doubtless hare , as it has already had , the effect of bringing some of the shopocrocy to their senses . At the conclusion of the lecture , a csmmittee was appointed for the purpose of furthering the plan laid down ; & vote of thanks was passed to Mr . Cameron for his address , which being duly acknowledged , the meeting adjourned till Monday next , at the same hour and place .
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THE QUESTION OF DISSENT . As often as we and ourselves callsd upon to ope » oat a prreal question to- the public "view , bo often do we feel the inadequacy of our space , and the uac frequency of our visits . If the qnestion of the SaSrsge , the Repeal of the "Union- between Grsat Britain and Ireland , and the Corn laws , which are but units of the gTeat whole , have been so complicated a 3 to make us devote mach space to their deTelopement , how mueh more at a loss must >* e be ,-in thus und « rtaking , in a weekly paper , a disstc ; ion of that question , which may ( under the denomination " Church ") be said to combine the whole material of political warfare ?
We head &ur article " dissent , because that js the aane of the nerr hobby-horse ; but our objeci is to consider the question of " the Church" at larga , not a Protestant Church , but any Chnrch which , is the landlord of ihe State . The"Protestant Church is in accidental Church ; for , had the Romish Chsrch allowed Hx ^ 'ey the Eighth , King , Defender of the Faith , and , bo forth , to . commit lewdness , mcesi , and adultery , without censure , tLo Reformation might have waited upon a lesi luctv accident .
The Protestant Church , as by law established , may be fairly dated from 1658 , whea the church became the feudal lord , and the state the vassal . They had , of course , their respective rights , but then the exercise of state rights depended much more npon clerical pleasure , than did the exercise of Church rights upon States' will , or any secular rule . The Chur-: h was the active , the State the passive , organ of the whole . " The Church , ' '—that is , let it always be understood , a Church as by laic established , and by force tnainiained—me&na nothing more nor less than a strong political fetter , by which the party of that Chnrch bind all ; not only of their own creed , bai of the nation .
, " The Church" is lgnorantly supposed to mean the congregation of those professing its tenets ; but it is , in fact , no such simple or isolated thing . The Chnrch must have its army , its navy , its landed influence , its ascendant secular power , in all cases , or it ceases to be " the Church . " It is satisfied to derive it 3 influence from the state , provided that influence extends to a legalised monopoly of all patronage , whether lay or clerical . »
From the " Reformation to the glorious revolution'' of 1688 , the Church was struggling for an entirety of dominion , as -rrell secular as ecclesiastical and from 1688 till 3531 she held a complete master-
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dom over the destinies of Europe . The Dissenters , as they were called—that iB , those who found it impossible to hold political power without a splice of religions fanaticism , —the dissentients—made many onslaughts upon the monopolising Church ; bat never did any party venture upon a purely political contest . Thus matters went on ; the scenes now and then varied by the shedding of much human blood , and by cruelties and barbarisms the most revolting ; until at length , the enormities of the Church , and especially of the Irish Chnrch , so shook the whole framework of society , as to call for the reform of 1832 .
Russell , it appears , had enough of the Churchman about him to strengthen- different portions of the outworks , yet he convinced the people that t&e abuseB of the Church would be correoted along with all other abuses , but sot those Church abuses which appertain to lay , or secular sections , aad hence the trap into which the Noble Lord has fallen . He falsely imagined that he conld let the Dissent Church loose , and set its forces in full cry upon State Church abuses , while he acted the part of whipper-in , and drove the hounds from the scent of his own family possessions , as whippers drive them from othar game than th&tinehaee . He thought
that " ware Woburn , " and " go hark to Church rates , " -would intimidate the pack . But he began to learn , as early as the first session of the Reformed Parliament , that there was no means of considering the pence without lugging in some thought of the pounds ; and then Russell turns his bask upon the Dissenters and says , the Reform Bill was intended aa a Landlord ' s Bill ; and every one knowing that the Landlord ' s Church is the Protestant Church , the new-light expectants took fire , and , for eereral years , dissenters- ' wrath has been bottled , till now it ia up , and must gtt vent , or burst .
Religionists never yet were satisfied , nbc ever will be with equality . The most oppressed commenco with begging for toleration , go on struggling for equality , and , at length , when they get strong enough , are ready to fight for ascendancy . From the declaration of RussEit , we may date the decline and fall af Whig power . The large newly-enfranehised towns , pnSenteA yearly , aye , daily , the increasing signs of dissent , by the stupendous places of worship built for the * accommodation ef increasing proselytes ; : while stores , to Eupply the places of the absent , were in demand , to keep old Mother Church warm ,
in the latter end of her days . The old sentinels slept on their posts , and were seldom- visited by the officer of the guard , while the new aray of martyrs were eter oh the alert , among their Hocks , always at hand , and ever ready for attack or defence , and withal well sustained by that aJl-powerftil auxiliary called novelty . They opened new roads to spiritual comfort , andi said to the travellers , " Behold what we have dose I is it not sinful that you . should be journeying o » this new , luxuriant , cheap and pleasant thoroughfare , and yet compelled to pay toll upon , and keepin repair , those old , desolate , and unhealthy byeweys , which you aee not f "
But when th « new Reform , whioh was to representithese large-towns in Parliament , had sufficiently taken politicals root , then would the dissent tree throw its fruit a-and foliage over all that great and mighty space which has been rendered sterile by the blighting influence of Mother Church . Then would Bhe look- for her army , her- navy , hsr land , her patronage ,. snd , in fact , for the fruits « f her political asceneUutcy . Having blacked up the old rs » d , and driven the opposition ooach off , sho ^ rould then say , "O , hat we can't ke « p ,-this road in repair " without tolls , " and toilB as heavy as tie old oompany ever charged would be nut on .
Does any working man in England suppose that ihose who now » valiantly fight for the religious freedom of dissenters , would as valiantly ( had-they once the power )> confer that freedom ! No - the facility with which men reconctl * these thing * is w > oderlul . Those- who have bee » longest slaves are over the greatest tyrants , wboi'tbe ? achieye ^ Jkeir freedom ; aad abases , which th * y > kicked agab&t when subject to them , are easily reconciled when tbfcy come to admfcueter them to others .
Let uk first testttbe valueof the npesent feint-made by the old praise-God-bare-bone 3-faction in favour cf < dissenters . Doas any man suppose , for a moment , that 5 fe 88 rs . HuK « O'Co ?< NELL , E . k « HOPB , W . Elus , & * d others , care two-pence if Baims and Thobosood mre made into & Christmas pis , if such cooking cithern would sarve the political purposes of Whiggfiry better than < dressing in a n « wer and more approved Btyle for ^ th palate of raetion ! Is thaire &j love of justio « t If so , why , not devote tJ » eir o »* rboiling pataotiem to a redaess of the raore e * tensive abuses- complained of ; by the Chartists , ¦ who are in truth-suffering for conscience sake ?* Is tJtere not a mt » noble spirit zuanifested by the
poor working man , who , in defi&ace of all opposition t » tyranny , refases , without a . struggle , to pay unjust taxes upoa every mouthfal he eats , and -who aven after alJ , caoaot get justice , than can be discovered in the ¦ aefusal of a parson to pay 5 s . 6 J . ahurch-rates , <* ell knowing that he will be well backed in his obstinacy , and that his martyrdom will be converi » d into subsequent « ase and affiusace ? In the war of ; " the Chartists there is all huuo * r and consiatenej ,, while in tho-caso of John Tho-B . 0 G 00 D we discover this Eiriking inconsislwicy he denied th » authority and . jurisdiction of the Ecclesiasticai > Gourt , while he appealed to th&iuriadiction of that very Court .
Again , if the object just a » w was not to- ^ ivo a freshnets to- fadiDg Whig powes , why were so many poor Irish Catholics allowed . to pine in gaol for sums varying from 4 d . to twoor three shillings , and increased teuscorea of pounds-by costs ? Tix » e poor fellows were , in truth , manors to the political and religious aggrandisement of others , and ytt wo heard but little about their sufferings . Is ** overheated agitation , upon so reader a point , shosM not be as easily checked as roused , without producing some finite , ( which is no ^ the intention o > ahe jugglers , ) fax tie use of the Sissenter ? .
We must never Jo ^ e siyht the standing fact , that , ai the period of the Reformai > da . out of nearly ten thousand eselesiastics , not more thau fourteen bishops , tweho archdeacon ? , Sfty canons , and about eighty of the inferior clert-j ,. h . eld to the faith , and refused to barter the spirii lor the flesh . And , in those days , the consciences of the churchmen were neither so fashionable nor 30 pohticallypliaat as they are now . There is a g-ssat difference between men struggling for power , and men usiug that power . When the Whigs - * ere in the formar situation they were looked upon as guardian angels , while in the latter , they have-b ^ n the blackest devils .
it i * , then , because we are not for another transfer from the gorged leech ( who should get his sop of compensation to quit his grasp more gently ) to the hungry slugs ,, - who , though angels to follow , would be devils to meet—chat we say to the Chartists—to those who look for the universality of civil liberty , in order to ensure the universality of religious freedom , stir cot in the new criifade . It ia humbug . The eighth humbug within a very short period . Better keep the ills we have , Tha . n fly to thoiewe know not of .
We have met and conquered the H-o-u-s-e-hold Suffrage mongers , the legaliiy-mongcrs , the education-mongers , the emigration-mongers , the Corn Law-mongers , the white slave-mongerd , and all the aongers ; and now we meet the monster under his new and more seductive mask of a church-abusemonger , come to try the last prauk ^ upon the political stage . If the old hacks of Whiggery could have succeeded with any of their former professions , this new effort would have been wanting : and , if they could have sufficiently relied upon passive obedience and nan-resistance , none of tboa » shows of liberality would have been made . Let the ChaTtists , then , bear in mind that tho Government , and the
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Government hacks , are not agreed upon any one question , bat that the one party is base enough to hold office upon the support of those who absolutely denounce them upon the public stage , as the best , and indeed the only way to court popular favour and preserve patronage for themselves . There never was such a union of LAMBS and tigers as that which our rulers and their bottle-holders present . If they professed agreement upon any one question , it would inevitably prove their rain ; they could hot stand a moment ! Oar Ministers are a set of jaded old beasts , whom the hustings ' old hacks , as drivers , promise ( to the passengers ) thai they will make step out , if we only help them to find oui the raw .
Let as instance the terms , and show the features of this unnatural union . The Ministers refuse even to repeal the rate-paying clauses in the Reform Bill ; while the hacks declare for H-o-u-s-e-bold Suffrage , the Universality of the Suffrage , or any Suffrage . The Ministers consider a seven years'tenure of a fertile and productive Parliament too short ? white the hacks are for triennial , biennial , or any other duration that will do to fish with . The Ministers' won't hear of even doubtful qualification for members ; the hacks are for abolishing of qualification * . The Ministers won't hear of the Ballot ; the hads * are . above all , for ''' the honest Ballot . "
The Ministers won ' t disfranchise three corrupt and rotten Colleges , aadgfce their representation to large districts ; while the hacks are for equalising electoral districts . So much for coincidence of opinion upon the five points , and now for minor differences . The Ministers wont hear of even a fixed duty upon corn , while the backs are for a total repeal of the corn duty . The Ministers wont relieve the Dissenters from payment of Churoh rates , while the haeks are for a total abolition of Tithes , separation of Churoh and State , and God only knows what else .
The Ministers are determined to oppose a Repeal of the Union , to- the death ; while the great rough-rider of the hacks makes it a hustings- sine qua nm . The Ministers declare was , while the hacks bellow " peace . " The Ministew cry , " give , oh , give ; " vrisile the ! hacks bawl out for retrenchment , 1 The ministers augment the army ,, while th * hacks i complain of a standing army .
The Ministers imprison Chartists- for- conscience sake ; while the hacks cry " shame ! give to all liberty of speech . " In fact , upon no othes question eaeept "scratch me and * I'll scratch you , " are the hacks aad their Ministry ) agreed ; and yet- these libertyselling , juggling , humbugging ra&cals go about , denouncing the Ministers in the morning , And drinking , their health and . lauding them to the skies ia the evening , as tho only administration ever inclined to do justice .
We sincerely believe that some ofi the Minister * had an inclination to do justice , but that their good intentions have been frustrated by thevampires wholive upon abuse and fatten on the State ' s misfortunesi Don't our Ministers and thein hfceks , then , agree like Darby and- Joan ? like &rv and water ? like cat and dogi Perfect oivil equalitv , alone can insur&perfect religions fseedom . Let the Chartists , then * stick to the means ,-. while the hack » and their Minister a ride on to the e * d . It is because we are far the abolition « f Churchabuses ,. and all other abuses , that we look for the Charters as the only means of their correction . No more humbug .
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COLONEL THOMPSON AND OURSELVES . We give the f ollowing extract f rom a letter o f Colonel Thompson ' s , purporting to be a comment upon a portion of one of our leaders , in which we questioned the prudence of some of his observations in a former epistle . The Colonel says ;—" There i * no doubt of there being everywhere the danger tf befog cheated . Bat everybody ia not always cheated ; careful and intelligent men sometimes avoid it And even if cheated , tfae Chartists weald be no worse than before . What they are determtaed to do
without the middle classes now , and in soom sort ia defiance of them , they would ©» ly have to do without them afterwards , and with all the gain which would arise from the compunction of the honestar portions of them . Supposing the cheat to be ever so boldly attenptedr there caa be no doubt that a portion ot aome kind or other would be inclined to stick to the « ompact ; and by all these the Chartists would be the better . It seems impossible to defend the policy of refusing to try , when all that ca » be said is , if the worst comes to the worst , we shall « nly be where we are at present "
In this paragraph the Gallant Colonel , so fond * t old sayings , apotkegms , and maxims , sets all , even "Poor Richabdj" to one side . He appeara to forget , when he speaks of only th * " danger of being cheated , " that paet experience leads to a fair presumption of the cebtaimv ; and " a burnt child dreads the fire . " But this is not the portion of the paragraph with which we-quarrel . What we object to i » the provision against the " worst coming to the wo * si . " Now , as the Colonel is a miitary man , and fend of military phrase , let us suppose the position ef two armies , and the Colonel to be the historian ' . We give the following extra ** from his account of the middle class and Chartist campaign : —
" Altheugb the force of tho middle class was far inferior to that of the Ch » rtist » in point of humbug , this disadvantage was more than counterbalanced by recent sucoe **; while the Chartists , broken down by defeat , and weakened by disseasion , become panic stricken and > fell an easy prey t » their less numerous , but better disciplined and more uttited assailants . The effect of the victory is prodigious , and has bo scattered and distributed the chartist army a « to reader it next to impossible to- inspire them with any confidence in their own officers , to whose wank of prudence Sfaey ascribe their defeat . "
Now , we sball say not another word upon the subject , furtben than to observe ,, that if the meat wily politician-was paid for recommending the moat effectual means > of completely annihilating Chartism and disbanding * tbe Chartist arnr& he could no * , have hit upon any means more certain that that of recomnending a union , the fruits oi which were to be-the " worst coming to the worst , " " by the Chartists being again—as they have always been before— " egawED . " Let us esk the Colonel who , after thai , . would again undertake to restore them to the confident and comm& » ding position Shey now occupy V-
; We are happy > 'to perceive that we apeak not our own sentiments aUae on this matter . The letter of the people ' s friend , , O Coi » i » on , given e&ewhere , and Dtnoerous resoluticnsof the people , recorded amongst oar Chartist Intelligence of the week > cheer and invigorate us with the knowledge that tH » people are awake , and that their eyes need no rubblag .
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THE TRIUMPH . Th * enemy is vastly mistaken if he marines that vw intended such a-dish—" a dish fit foe the Gods " —tt > ' serve but for cne > repast . No , no ; . it was too eweetr : and , as " ths < nearer the bone the sweeter the * meat , " we mean to pick it to the very . bone . Dast week , in a smmsary of facts , tHi theaunkaowtt to the publio , we exposed the trick and chicane practised of Fox Stansfeld * -and his tiaMMtdiiMfoM then << m > have arrived at ihe
knowledge of more . facts , whica we now proeeed to lay before war readers , fron * the columns » f Mother Gjwtf-herself . The following conf&bHodk place upon tha-Saturday after the battle , as it- appears , at a " senmtta consuiHtm ! of such fragm * nt& of tho routed forces as could be > got together . We give the thmg as we find it . It is beadedjV ^ Zfor Rotunda Meeting ;" atxd * runs on thus : — " A \ meeting of leadings-reformers , frlends ,. and members- of > the Leeds Reform . Association , took ^ jiace yestczdajr netfk , at two o ' clock , in the Rotuada of the Cloth Hall , for the purpose of devising the best means of ^ carrying on the movement for further refenn .
" Mt \ Home was called « pon by the Chairman to state -his opinions on what he considered to > the best nifl&na- of producing a uaiom of the middle-and working classes ^ a&d carrying-on the movement . Mr . Hume romarfced that one of the- first things the Association ought to dp , was , to pub out their definitio » -ef Household Suffrage , as few were at present agreed upon what that ought to be . Mr . Huiae submitted a de 3 » ition of v / bat he considered Houtehold Suffrage ought to be , whlcb w *» to be taken into consideration b ^ tbe Association ., fie stated that , the leading men of the- working classes geaerally concurred in the definition * and had promised to give their assistance , were an agitation for Each a Household Suffra ? e-to be set on foot
" Mr . O'Connell cordially concurred in the suggestion * of Mr . Hume . Ha oonsidered it as cf- the first importance , that the reaaenable portion of the Chartists should . be-got over to th 9-aid of the ratumar * eformers . He uigedi the necessity ; , o ! some central body being established in London , for the diffusion of Sawwledge upon political subjects . TJbe public mind should be saturated -with facts bearing on the present gr * 88 defects in * the representation of the people . Mr , Roebuck said that such a body was afcspresent in ooniempktion in London , and he trusted tibab it would wry spe * t \ ily be set in . operation , so asto . actin concert with the Leeds Association . "
From thi ^ bit leaen much . We leant the disgrace , the weakness , the duplicity and knavery of | the Fox and Goose Clbb , who , it now ag » eara , were ready I * abandon "the fixed , the immutable" principles upon which they , were associated , for any clapjtrap which Mr . Hujie or any other jwrson might rueomaaend " to caijy on the mo 7 esoent" and , *' effect a union of th » middle and working classes ;" and Mr . Hume tella- them that tho 3 tit and most uecessavy thing , waa-to agree among themselves as
to the meaning and definition of Household Suffrage ; as , at present , few were agreed upoa . the question , and he submitted a plan of his Parliamentary H'O-u-s-e . ( Joe had a plan of Parliamentary bread for the Spitalfield weavers—it was bnatxn bread . We hope his electoral -jyialification is o ? as low a standard . ) The Association promised to take Joe ' s plan into consideration . What aa escape we had from these blind leaders ! They would have upset us in the very fkst ditch , and a . wet one too Wfe fear !
But let us have- the marrow ef Joe's bone ; \» said , " that the leading men of tie working classes generally concurred in the definition , and had jao mised to give their assistance ,, were an agitation for such a H-o-u-B .-e-b . old Suffrage to be set on fcot . " Here Jok uses-a , Bweepin ^ term , " geueraYSj concurred . " What , then , have the river pjratea aad the " cocktailed gingers "of th * old rump been at work ? Have there been , hole and corner me ' dtingauaon thia subject \ and who are the " working classes generally" ? Aye , aye ; we -wese aw » re that the scouts
were on the ' - 'look-oat for fragments fwaa the wreck of the good ship , Chauxsr , out of which they had in their fanciful imagiuations bu \ it a tight little bark for Whiggery to float , a little } i ^ ger on the stream ; but they have been mistake' a . We were not asleep ; we knew what was to h ? iVe been the sequal of a Whig triumph at X ^ eds . We told the people that it was to . have been i ' o > lowed by a similar side blow at Chastism , at Lei' jester , Manchester , arid Birmingham ; aud Us awhip ia London . Hence , we saw the full va . luo of our triumph at Leeds .
The Beggarcta- afoilow 3 ; and he who has made so much of Ivi' fo i ^ norauce , recommends , of all things * a kuoT , . j ge "depot" in London ; as , no
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doubt , some stray pence would be flying . Another ^ dear Raf / ' might be slipped in as secretary ^ ^ national bank , or Dam , " pro" the national , might be treasurer , and a few of the " cocktailed gingers * might be thus knowingly provided for , by the Humane Humbug Tract Society for the diffusion of blarney and Whig olap-trap . Well , "leeile" Rokbuck cornea next , and as hia speech ia very " leetle" we give it twice over . He gays , in speaking of an association in London to co-operate with the ghost of tbe defunct Fox aai Goose Club ,
" Thafr « icb a body was at present in contemplation in London , juid he touted it would Tory speedily ba set in operiftion , so as to act id concert with the Leeda Association . " We will trust Roebuck , and giro him long tick for the fulfilment of his promise , provided he trust us , that the very moment such an auxiliary branch menagerie shows its nose into London our Metropolitan Chartist Brigade will serve it jost as we have served the parent stock at Leedj ; and upon a second attempt perhaps not altogether « o unceremoniously , We threw down tbe gauntlet at Leeds , and now we throw it down for London . We dare any party
to get up a single meeting for the adoption of any definition of H-o-u-s-e-fold Suffrage—nay , we give them every Leader , aad Lord Bboughak , O'Cokreil , Hvnb , Waklet , Lbader , WARBPBtow , and the rest to select a chairman from , and w « will plaoa oor 4 tb-of-January carpenier , who took the chair at White Conduit House , or Njjesom , Spcrb , or some other working man , in the-ebair , In spite of them , and carry every ooe of onr resolutions in spite of their teeth ; and , upon the following week , we will skew to- those who are sceptical abvot the existence ! of a ** fly horse , " a correct representation of a &yvt& DKi-u-s-e , as we faithfully represented the roufcd
menagerie . How , this » bold . We challenge them—we dan them—we defy them , and we give them every maa they can crimp—every bit of" gisrger" they can purchaae r and our provincial delegates shall outnumber the H-o-Urs-eheld ambassadors . No , no ; we were not caught napping ; nor will we be so now ! London is garrisoned ; and no past servic » even tfcoagh it were half hanging , can . reconcHe the troops to one single move of a pin ' s point from the thing—the " Charter . *'
We have long since said that agitafa ' on is now too cheap aad uufashienable , in its newform , to arrest the attention and command the services of gentlemen ^ 00 idle to-work aad too poor to do without it . So much for the Rotunda meeting , projoeted alliance , aud new definition of H-o-u-s-ehold Suffrage .
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TOO FAR NORTH . DiPtoMAMCTs say that Napoleon ' s greatest blunder was in going over for north . Hisfaithfal minister Cabnot , endeavoured to dissuade him- from his Russian trip , but he was positive . We , also , and Dam ' s friends in Ireland , endeavoured to dissuade him from his-Belfast and Leeda trip , as being over far north ; but , like ' Naboleox , he permitted vanity to triumph over prudence , and he has fallen a victim to his folly . Tbe prostitute press of Ireland would endeavour to hold hi ^ head above water inn the hope
of bringing hina safe to shore ; and would foolishly persuade thei ? dupes that he was well received at Leeds : while his-friends here swear that he tried bis best to be in . time . Let us just contest this latter point . He had fhrisbed ,. and been finished , attBelfast , oa Tuesday night p and a » we have a map before ug lit us see the insurmountable obstacle * which presented themselves topreventhis punctual arrival in Leeds . We shall chalk out his journey , and sbsw that he might , without losing aa . hour ' s rest , have perfbrmed it m a much shortsr time than was at his disposal ..
Suppose he started from- Belfast at six o ' clock on Wednesday meroing to Dublin , eighty mites ; he would , without killing a p « or horse , arrive tbere at tw»—that is , ia \ eight hours . Three hours would then ' be allowed for rest and refreshment . H « could step' on board thb Liverpool packet at five ^ arrive in the usual cotose at Liverpool at seven onThursdajv morning ; one hbur to Manchester , aad four thenoe to Leeds , would bave brought him to the scratch at twehr » o ' clock o « Thursday , withmt the slightest fatigu *; allowing him seven hours' sleep on Tuesday night , and twelve hours on Wednesday night . '
Eat Dan woaJd not have shewn bis face ia > Leeds on Thursday fona year ' s " * int ; " and the Irish press know- it . TtieyUl hug him to death at last , poor wretch I \
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MOTHER GOOSE'S LAST ADDLED 3 GG . Iirvher endeavour to account for tbe phenomenon of Chartist triumph , in their first single-banded struggle , Motiitr Gotse discovered a mare's -Best , in the faot that O'Connor had done all . That foiling , she , last week > made the notable discovery tkat the Tories-supplied the sinew * * f war . This assertion we regret being compelled . to contradict . The poor Chartists never have the-good luck to botable to draw * from . a » y secrot-swvice fund . Wa . should
have much more pleasurecin avowing the fact than in being , constrained to- make an appeal to the conntiy fw sJH » pli « s to meet the expences o £ the late war- We 8 h # uld have felt bo delicacy whatever in being _ able to meet evoEj . twenty 6 hiUmg&- of Fox MAasJu . u . ' ajnoney by aJLosj pound . Majhap , her addle-headed ladyshi ^ vwuid have us receive our contributions by the 3 saell ! Well ; evsa in that case we should haven » , fea » of our olfactory nerves suffering , any inconveaioace- from Whig annificence for a * y > but Whig purppses . The question , with us is , not whence the foods-come , but how . they are
applUd ; . Bad if , £ 5 ( i ) 0 <> . had been contributed by Tories ,. and applied in . furthering the projects of the Fox-vand © oose Club ,- , would the wowhipful Secretary have cried " -Shame ! shame I" or u Bsaw > -L bravo ! " W « shall feel much obliged , and > so will the * Committee , if Whig , Tory , or " Ra 4 h ? aF (!) vrill send anytlMg . towards the- eapeaces of the bottle of brains , against brk&s . However ,-jt as oaly fair . A beaten foe , and espeoialfy a " ca # wed garrison , " s » a . j . be excused forrtrying every eKpedieot , whereby t « diminish the igacainy of diewnishiog defeat , dieaatear , and disgrace , by magnifying , the power o £ the enemy .
Thus does eaakt new fact intended ; for detraction but add to the aaportaace of our tzaumyh , of which Mi > iherG 0 ose tm&luciiinterval , is eamp&lled to speak thus , and with which we close ouxohse-rvations . Sha says , in talking . of ti » mill ' fightsr- ' tt The believars in Household Soffltaga were tongue ~ tied ; they lacked utterance ; aad enea those whom they put forth , to advocate tieir principles , conceded the main point contended , for by their obdoaenta . " ^
Now , casu ^ language furnish , stronger tera& in proof of th © --inefficiency of a body -who were to . haTe kicked the world before them , and who nevertheless , and » qoa the very first struggle , remain ia the passive aad inuniliating position of seeing themselves soldi to the parties whom they had assembled to bay ^ and ky the very brekers who cam * to value tbe goada and strike the bargain ; and above all , while ilteir party consisted of the whole , population , save and except " six oaxibusses full . ' * Apxopo , talking of omnibasses , how many would now "comprehensibly" contain tiio scattered fragments of the defunct geese , and what sized pie would the giblets make !
fB " . Since the above was in type we learn from the "Chartist Committee of Management , " that their funds fall much short of the expence they were obliged to incur . Their balance-sheet will shortly be published—with an appeal to those of their brethren who have not yet sent their mite in aid of " Dan ' s Chartist Welcome , " to do so forthwith . We will anticipate them a week or so . We make that appeal for them now , and we call upon the Chartists to respond .
The Committee also purpose , ( after collecting as much from their own friends as they can , and should there still be a deficit , ) to wait upon "the Doctor " with their bi ] Isf ahd repeat him to put them in com-
Jtoretsn Eato 2? Ornate
jToretsn eato 2 ? ornate
Colomat Sxof Ibtovmcxai
Colomat sxOf iBtovmcxai
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CITT OF LONDON NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION . SOCIAL MEET 1 KG JOR THB BEH 2 FIT OF MESSBS C . VKRIEB ANB PKDDIE . On Monday evening , a social entertainment took place at the Dispatch Coffee House , Bride Lane , Fleet Street ,- the proceeds to be devoted to the benefit of tbe ¦ wives and families of the above-named victims . The room was neatly decorated "with eveTgreezu and banners , as also with portraits of Frost , O'Connor , Owtler , Collins , ia ic . At eight o ' clock , about fifty persons sat do-srn to a substantial meal ; and on the conclusion of the repast , the following grace "was said by Mr . Parker , the Chairman : — ' Grant , O Lord , that the sons and ilaaghters of toil may be speedily put in possession of their rights , in order that they may daily partake of as g 03 d fare as thon hast been pleased to bestow oa us this evening . " On the removal of tbe cloth , and prior to the proposal of the first toast , Mr . C . Keen sang the Marseillaise Hymn with much taste , and 'vras loudly andanded .
Ihe Caairman then rose to propose the first toast" The People—the only sourc * of all legitimate poT » e » . " Tkey had met oa this occasion as the advocate * of uaiYersal right—the advt > cate 3 of the fatherless , tte poor , aad the oppressed—and though giving up ax hour or two to harmony , they -would keep in view , that there were several hundreds of their brethren now pining in dungeons , or eating the bread of bitterness in exile , ( Hear .. Vfere the people in possession ot their political rights—were the Charter carried , there would te found sufficient intelligence among the industrion * classes of this country to operate ob all the other classes , for the advancement of their social position , ami the establishment of the true prosperity of tbe-Ctsiuitry . < Lond cheers- > Be concluded by calling oa » them 10 respond to the toast , which wa » received with > all the honours . Song , by Mr . Rsinsley , " A man ' s a t&aa for a' that " Citizen Gaorge , is an animated address , proposed tha next toast : —
• " Frost , " WilliaiRS , and Jones -r and the speedy return of ill political exiles and prisoners to tike bosoms of their homes actl fajuilies . " ¦ Loud cheering . ; No cheering mj friesAs , said Mr . ( xeorge ; we mast bury our feelings- in on * own breasts for the presenv This taast mast be drooM in solemn silence , to testify our respect to tbe objects-of it ; and we'll have the cheers when they are amoogrt us . . The toast was accordingly received with an audible r iieTtce . the company upstanding . Song , by Mr . Tipper , " The Exile of Erin . "
Tbe Chairman called foi & bumper to tiK-next toast , which was , " Tha Northern Star , aad tb » . rest of the Chartist press . " ( Long continaed cheering . ) The applause showed tfc » i the Norther * . Star was mot to their hearts ; and that though its noble originator , was as a caged lion at YeA , ie was hero spiritually present among them to night / Applanse . ) In an spposite and perspicuous address , the Chairman dilated o »* i : e various topka comprehended in the scope of the toast be proposed , and the coapany simultaneously rosa to respond to it , bv three "fimes three .
The C-rrespondent of the Northern Star , briefly acknowledged the mark of respect to the proprietor and eoedactor of that paper , and expressed muck pleasure in observing the lively and heart-stirring enthusiasm with ¦ which the name ot Mr . O'Co&no ? was hail ad , by those for" whom he bad dared and endured tbe loss of liberty , fortune , aad caste ; iit was the- knowledge of tha . 3 living in Aeir memories that -swuld cheer him m the dungeons of YoTk Gastte , an * invigorate him to a- fresh deploy of his powers , whs * the period of his imprisonment shall have expired ^ - Soagbyilr . HoOgius— " With Charter flags in all our haods , to meet him we will go . " ¦ fl'&is song was very much applauded , as being-in anticipation of Mr . O'Connor's liberation in Novembernext . ani taken from Mr . Hick's book , i Mr . Scott proposed , " The Charter , and may it soon become the iaw of thaland . " Urnnk with * onsiderable cheering .
A- liberal collection was made for % h » victims and their families ; tbe chairman formally resiga » d the chair , bat -vra 3 \ manimoB * ly Te-instattd , for tt » s pnrpose of " liaraony only , " and-conviviality was maintained'with strict good order , till " the iron tonga » -of midnight had ioiSfcdtwelTs . '" had ioiSfcdtwelTs . '"
Had Ioisfcdtwelts.'" Had Ioisfcdtwelts.'" The Sorthefih Star Saturday, February 9, 1841.
had ioiSfcdtwelTs . '" had ioiSfcdtwelTs . '" THE SORTHEfiH STAR SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 9 , 1841 .
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WHO CAN TOUCH PITCH WITHOUT BEING DEFILED ? We fiad that Collins complains of being . misreported i » Mother Goose , - aud writes tht following letter in ospluiatipn of what he did say : ^~ To the Editor ofi tbe Leeds Time ** 8 ih , —Khave obsermi witn some regret tkat an error haa beeo m » de by your zeyorfan ^ or some other person ewuifefgatlte-gflnr ^ nip " m * isft ft Inserted ia ^ -j our supplement o £ Saturday last ^ . io wh ( cfimffi » leported , t ^ nave said ^ " Let Mi&middla classes proposb . axx mkasuhe of pioBulw beuetit , aad it should receive the
eupportof ta » ChartiBta . " , . I entertain n » such ideR ^ nor did I utteiwnwh a « mtence . Had I done so . ^ tue Chartiata would hare immediate ! 3 disclaimed &ueh a sentiments You will recollect that I concludeU lay remarks byjobserving , that " no union would be effitcted without a < j « b a defininition of tbe term Household Suffrage , as should include ever ; maa . of ntalure age ,, and sound niimi , etc ., who had a residence in a hou 3 # , or any part of-ia house ;" and further , that tin lei * upon such terms , a union ought net , and if 1 toulA prevent it , should not take place .
By correcting this erru , aa soon as p $ &sible , you would oblige , Sir * yours , &c , John Collins . Birmingham , January 2 & , 1841 . As to this letter , we ; can only assure our good friend Colviks that no-defiuition which he or the most ingenious architect in Europe canagjve of the term H-o-u-s-e-h 61 d Sufeage , will ever take ten supporters from the ranks of the " mental qualification " Chartists .
We hav& as great an objection to hut , ahed , or tent qualification , as wehav « to castle qualifieation ; and , upon the whole , as regards the social comfort and very sbelter of the poos , apart from its political sigmficatiau , a greater objection . A ^ ain ^ . we ask those who have been nil their lives struggling for mere toleration , if they imagine that the old enemy , —the Icag-possessed faction , who so well kaow the valueM > f the Suffrage ,-r-will put a Parliamentary hut uppn an equality with a lordly mansion . I No , no .
Again , we say , so-long as one man a property constitutes another a » n 8 title to vole ,, so long will the otoiwu : of that property have rent vand vote , or it will ramain unteiiauted ; being , even , in that condition ,, more profitable than if occupied by a man who used it to protest the one thing , of which the capitalist makea his all—labour . Doas the disfratvahisement of tb , B forty shilling freeholders not furnish precedent sufficiently strong '
or must we turn to the present debate , now pending upou . Stanley ' s Bill , which has foe its object a further disfraachistment of oven tho 3 e who hold a » , " beneficial interesi 1 " And yet , a > few hacks would . perai \ aAle the people that a House of Commouawhich can carry &uch a sweeping measure of dis » friaohisement , caa , with their assistance , be forced to put a hut upou a political equality with the most splendid mansion I
We beg leaves to assure all oar mason and carpsnr Jsr friends , th > t tf such a measure were to pase , kaving the landlords the " night to ao what they please with t \» eir own , " there would be au ond to their trades for many yeasatocome ; as the poor would be all huddled into stables , in which ,, like travellers' horses , they could only claim a baiting residence . Collins , we are Bure , will , upon coasi desation , retract his hasty concurrence in a defln ition of Household . Suffrage , which is precisely , totidem . verbi $ , the very definition of Mr . Siansfeld , with thia single exception , that Mr . St ansfeld requires , no proof ot" residence ; and this is the very principle which Mr . Collins was deputed , by the Chartists of
Birminghanii to resist . Birmingham is not going to relapse ^ Birmingham has already struck the chimuey-pot , and substituted the untainted adult . Again , then , we say , that , henceforth , man ' s person must be man's title-deed to tho representation ( by himself , or with hia consent bv his representative ) of his life , his liberty and bjs property .
To go back , for a moment , " to the working men who generally concur in HimE ' &definition , " we have this one powerful guarantee , that not one of those who were instrumental in drawing up the Charter can be meant , as such a backward move would inevitably consign them to their political tomb ; and , we are not a little struck with the faot , that O'Connkll , Hcsik , and Wjlluws , with Crawford , Roebuck , and others supporting , are appeuded to the original
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document , entitled " The People ' s Charter . " is it not ** ' -passing- strange" that the tery maroh-of-iatel * lect-progression gentlemen should be the very staff selected to strangle their own bantling , when it began to develope a mind of its own ? Is it not marvellous that these very heroes , who complain of the stand-still policy of the head of their party , should attempt such a retrogade movement themselves in the ige of quick-step policy !
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4 THE NO RTHEEN STAR , ' ' ' ' ' ., _ ' / " / ' '¦ - : : ^' .- : ' - - - - \ -- - L ¦ : ^_
Northern Star (1837-1852), Feb. 6, 1841, page 4, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1095/page/4/