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LEEDS:— Printed for the Proprietor FEABGUS O'CONNOR/Esq.r of Hammersmith, County
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THE NORTHERN STAR 0 ? SATDBDAT KKXT "WILL CO . VTAIN A . FULL KEPORT OF THE PKESEKTATION OF THB NATIONAL PET 1 TIOK , On Monday , May 2 nd , descriptive of all the proceedings connected with that IMPORTANT EVENT , both in the Bouse of Parliament , and outside ; the GREAT PROCESSION ; and the bearing of the Petition into the Body of ihe Houset ET DELEGATES CHOSEN BT THE PEOPLE . Tie Star will also contain the whole of that famous Charier of the right of the Poor to a first take from the Soil , The 43 rd op Elizabeth ; or the original POOR LAW OF ENGLAND . Ageni 3 , giye yonr Orders in time !
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rpHE FIRST NUMBER of the "LEEDS J . CONSERVATIVE JOURNAL / 3 will be Pub'fsbed on Saturday , the Seventh Day of \ May , 1842 , at 23 , Commercial-street , Leeds . Orcvrs and AdTertisements receWed by the Pubr . rbers , R . Pehbing and Co ., at their General Printing Office , No . 23 , Commercial-Street ; and by all ibo Agents , of whom the Prospectus may be obtained . R .. PrEBrsobegs to present his hearty thanks t « thes ? aumBroas friends who hare thus early sent hi » oraeri for Papsr 3 , AdTertisements , and Printing . The earlier communications are made , the greater the faToar . . - 23 , Coimnercial-sfcreet , Friday , April 29 , 1842 .
. The T.Trctta Com"Seb,V£Lt1ve Jouknai,
. THE T . TrcTta COM"SEB , V £ lT 1 VE JOUKNAi ,
Untitled Article
Leeds . —Messrs . Chambers and Wilson will lectnre in the Association Room to-morrow night , at half- ps * t six o'clock . Holbeck . —Messrs . A . Smith and Newell will lecture here to-morrow night , at half-past six o ' clock . B ivslet . —Messrs . Longstaff and Ste 34 will lecture b-re to-morrow nigh ; , at haJf-past six o'clock . Wonxi-Err . —Messrs . Hobson and Beaumont will lector * .- x > morrow night , at half-past six o ' clock , .
Asmlet . —Messrs . Chambers and Stead will lecture h .-re on Monday night , at half-past seren o'clock . " Wo- dhocss . —Messrs . Fraser and Lynn will lectJiTc here on Tuesday night , at half-past seren O ' clock . Ckvuwfxl . —Messrs . Brigffs aad Westlate will lectur- ; here on Tuesday night , at half-past seyen o ' clock . Won let . —Messrs . Beaumont , Smith , and Lynn will i-.- " -ure here oa Friday ni ^ ht , at half-past seven o ' clock . On-- = treet Road . —Mr . Edmund SiaDwood * will lectv . t * :- to the Ladies * Shoemakers , at the Cannon Coff ^ House , on Sunday next . Bj - i :-i Place . —Mr . Thomason will lecture at the Aichvi / Kooins , on Sunday next .
Dc- ~ suead . —A special meeting will be held at the S ; . « J « - . u ' s- Coffee House , on Saturday evening , at half-p- - * . eight , on important business ; every member i ~ urnestly requested : o attend . Mr . Harsisox , delegate to the CenYention , will preach at ten o ' clock in the forenoon , in London Fiel-ii near the Cat and Mutton , and at three o ' clock in thv aisernocn , in "Weymoath Terrace , Hackneyroad . >!_•? . tleboxe . —Mr . Ifeirsiow will lecture at the ¦ Workr . iji Mail ' s Hall , No . o , Circus-street , 2 sew Road , oh Sunday ( to-morrov . ) . The chair to be take :: c * seven o ' clock precisely . rOLVY-STRTEI , CLEVELAND STHEET . —Mr . White of Birini : , 'ham , will lecture to the Ladies'Shoemakers , at the King and Qieen , on Sunday evening next . '
Ca-oeidge Eoad—Mr . Morgan Williams , delegate ii r-m Wale ? , vrill lecture at the Queen's Head , on Suiioay evening next . Nir-v Road . —A Member of the National" Convention of 'hi Indssirious Classes , will deliver a lecture at the Archery Rooms , Bath Place , on Sunday evening if-xt . to commence at half past seven o ' clock . The m . raheTS are particularly requested to attend . "Wa :.-wobth . —The members meet at eight o'clock ,
on Siinuay ( to-iaorr . > -w ) eTeuiae , and it ia earnestly hoprd " . hat the wholp 01 the members will be present . All m- aabers holding petition sheets will bring them in oil 5 andsy ev . rnine , or before , to the secretary , " W . Pedley , No . 5 , Southampton-s jreet , Camberwell To'Rss HaJCLEXS . —Ths friends are requested to atiecd a special general meeting , at the Carpenter's Arm ; , Brick-la'ie , oh Sunday evening next , at six o ' clock precisely , to take in hand some of the mpst impor : ^ :- business in the forthcoming demonstration
Bath . —Mr . Barilert lectures to-mcrrow evening . ^ Bktstou— The friends of Chartism in Bristol are resp :-c : Turiy informed that Bear Lane Chapel , Tem ?\ c street , is open every Sunday morning , from zhe hour 3 of ten till one , for reading and mutual in .-truc ! ion ; on Wednesday evenings , at eight o ' clock , for discussions and lectures ; and on Modost evenings , at the same hour ,, for the enrolment or members , and the general business of the Association . 2 sorn * iGHAM . —Mr . Lowe , from Bagthorpe , will preach in the Democratic Chapel , on Sunday afternoon ? cd evening , Nfr-abk . —A Chartist tea party and ball is to be held ¦•!! Whit-Mon-iay . _ Tickets , nine-pence each , to he ha < i of Messrs . Sunnitt and Sannders ,
JiornsGHAM . —Mr . Taylor will lecture at the George on Horseback , on Monday evening next ; at Old Basford , on Wednesday evening ; and -on Saturday evening , at the Noah' s Ark , CoaJpiclane . Srrr >^ -is-Ashfield —A delegate meeting will be held ii ; the Chartist Reading Room , on Sunday ( to-mor . off ) , at two o ' clock in the afternoon ,-to take iv . ' o comideraiion the forthcoming demonstration , & d io elect a delegate to attend the delegate meet : r ^ at Nott ingham , which is to beheld on the 8 ih c ! May . A i- 'jblic meeting of the female Chartists of Suttou in-A . shfield , will ba held in the Chartist Head ; : .-j Room , at three o'clock , on Monday , Mav ind .
M-b - ^ chesteb . —A lecture will be delivered in the Hal : vi Science , by Mr . Watts , on Tuesday , the 3 rd of Muy . id behalf of the sufferers , and the damage done " . ¦ ¦ ihe hail by the late outrage . It is expected ihat the friends of liberty will attend . M ^ rcLESTTEU ) . —A county delegate meeting will take p '^ cs on Sunday forenoon , at eleven o ' clock , in the Chartist Association Rooms , Watercotes , when delegates from every Association in the County are requcsied to attend , and to bring or forward their quote c- the Convention and lecturers'fund . --Sr- kpobz . —Mr . Henry Smethurst , of Oldham , ¦ mil lecture here to-morrow evening , at six o'clock . R < x :- dalb . —Mr . Dunivan , of Manchester , will lecture ticre next Sunday ( to-morrow , ) at half-past fcso : l : he &f ; e * Bo&n , and six in the evening , in the A = 5 oc ; : ; iion Room . Yorkshire-Etreet .
Br- t . —Mr . Joseph Lisxet , of Manchester , will lectur .:- here on Monday ne ^ t , ia the Garden-street Lector Room , at c-igta o'clock in the evening . Hai .: pax . —A Chartist room will >> e opened on Ssturc ; v , the 30 th . -this day . ) at seven o ' clock in . the e--: js 3 g , at iir . Henry Wormersley ' s Temperance ri ^ r ^ l , in Copper street , near Hall End , Hcm-et . —A District Delegate Meeting will be held u .: s day , ( Saturday . ) at six o ' clock , in the Association Room , Honley , when delegates from every qnai ^ -r -A ihe distri' -i are expected . Ths East axd Kobth Riding Deltgate Meetc « g w : il be held at the Temperance Hotel , Selby " , on Sunda :, (^ o-morrow . ) at half-past ten o ' clock in the foreE-H-n .
P . M . Bhopht ' s Route for the ensuing week . — At Lc > ii £ ton , in the Po teries , on Monday , May 2 nd . ; Stoke , ihe 3 rd ; Haniey , the 4 : h ; Burslem , the oth ; Tod > 'sI , the 6 tb ; sad at MaccleafieJd , on- Sunday , the Sib-Mr . Biiopht has made arrangements to be at Arnold , Basford . Ca-lverton , Siitton in-Asbfield , and Newark , during Whusun week . HiTirooD . —Mr . Isaac Burrow , of Bolton , will deliver two lecture here , on Sunday , the 8 : h of May , ssd not on the 1 st , as previously announced . Baccp . —There -wiii be held a psblic meeting on Sunday , the 1 st of May , on Derply Common , when Mr . Ta . tersall , of Burnley , wiil address the meeting , scd several other speakers from the surrounding districts axe expected to be present .
A SB toh . —Mr . James Cartledge , of Manchesier , will ;* einxe in the Chartist Association Room , on SunJay ( to-morrow ) , at Bix o ' clock in the eTenin ^ :. Binglet . —A delegate meeting will be held in the Foresters' Court , York-street , Bingley , on Sunday , the 8 th of May , at t « n o ' clock in the forenoon . MiDDisroN . —Mr . John Leach , of Rochdale , will lecture here next Sunday ( to-morrow ) at six o'clock in the eTeaiug .
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Hebdkn Bbuxjb . —A public meeting will be holden at Mount-Skip , in Wadsworth , on Monday next , at three o ' clock in the afternoon , in honour of the National Petition being presented . Mr . Bell is expected to ftddress the meeting . The various associations wDI meet at twelve o ' clock at Hebden Bridge , and march in procession through Mytholmroyd and Midgley , to the place of meeting . Rotherhak . —Mr . T . B . Smith will lecture > on Wednesday evening , on the benefits of knowledge , and the progress of society . Sheffield . —Fig-Tbse-lane . —Mr . Harney will address the Sheffield Chartists , on the alarming state of tha country and the duty of the people , on Sunday evening , at seven o ' clock .
Mr . PiWCKg will deliver a lecture , { at the request of the Female Association ) on the rights and dutieB of women , in the above room , on Monday evening , at half past seven o ' clock . The attendance ot our brother democrats is" respectfully invited . So-wkbbt . —On Sunday next , Mr . Bell will lecture in the Chartist Room , at half-past two o ' clock in the afternoon . Houjiwood . —Mr . John Bailey , of Manchester , lectures here on Sunday evening next , at six o ' clock Bhadfoed . —A lecture will be delivered at the Masons' Arms , Club Houses , this evening , on behalf of the Association . Council Room . —Messrs . Jennings and Carodus wil lecture here , on Sunday evening , at six o ' clock .
Fous-lane Ekbs . —Messrs . Smyth and Kell will lecture here , on Monday evening next , at eight . Goldek Cock . —Mr . Smyth will lecture on the repeal of the Uniou , on Sunday evening , at seven o ' clock . Eccleshill . —Mr . DewhSret will lecture on Eccleshill Moor , in the © pen air , at two o'clock , on Sunday afternoon next . Dewsbxtrt . —Mr . West will preach two funeral sermons for Henry Frost , on Sunday next , in the Large Room over the Co-operative Stores , when collections will be made for the benefit of Mrs . Frost . Servioe to commence at half-past two , and half-past six .
DEWSBUET DlITHICT . —A Council Meeting vrill be held at Birstal , en Sun 4 ay , May 8 th , in the Association room , ever the Co-operative Stores , to commence precisely at tiro o ' clock in the afternoon , when delegates from all parta of the district are requested to attend . CLECK&BArotf . —Mr . T . B . Smith frill preach two sermons at th a place , on Sunday , May 8 th , service to commence in the morning at ten o ' clock , and in the evening at six . Should the weather be favourable , Mr . T . B . Smith will preach at Little Town in the afternoon , at two o ' clock , in the open air .
Barnslby . —Mr . T . B . Smith will deliver three lectures at Barnsley , on the evenings of Saturday , Sunday ( in onnection with divine service ) , and Monday , the 30 ih of April , and the 1 st and 2 nd of May , in the Odd Fellows' School Room . Lecture first— " On anti-tobaccoism and teetotalism . " Lecture second— "On the necessity of establishing Sunday Schools , in which the children of the working classes may receive a good moral and secular education . " Lecture third— " On the great principles of Chartism . " Mr . Smith will attend and preach at the Chartist Camp Meeting , on Barebones , on Sunday afternoon .
Meeting . —There will be a meeting of the Council held in the Association Room , on Sunday , at four o ' clock in the afternoon , on business of great importance ; also a meeting at seven o'clock on Monday evening , in the same place . Mr . Jo . ves wiU visit the following places du .-in # the next week : —Hebden Bridge , Monday , May 2 d ; Halifax , on Tuesday ; Huddertfield , Wednesday ; Earnsley , Thursday ; Doncasier , Friday ; Rotherham , Saturday . Failsworth . —Mr . "William Booth will lecture on Sunday evening Dext , at six o ' clock . Newton Heath . —Mr . Ma-ssey will lecture on Sunday evening next , at six o ' clock . Craggvale . —Mr- Bell will lecture on Monday , May 2 nd .
Birmingham . —Toe Council in Aston-street will meet on Thursday night , at half-past seven o ' clock . STEELHOusK-LAJfE —The members of the Association meeting at the Ship , are earnestly requested to assemble on Tuesday evening next . Public Di . nkkr . — It is contemplated to get up a public dinner fo Feargus O'Conner , Esq . ; at which an adJre 33 will be presented to that gentleman from the Chartists of Birmingham . DcKEXprELD . —The Chartists meet in their room , Hail Gresn , to-morrow evening , at six o ' clock . Leeds District . —The committee for establishing as- * ocianoas in the surrounding villages is requested to meet on Tuesday night in the Holbeck Association Room , at half-pass 8 t ven o ' clock . Craig Bottoms . —Mr . William Bel ] , of Htyvrood , will lecture here on Monday evening .
Mosslet . —Mr . Griffin , of Manchester , lectures here ibis evening . Mb ~ West ' s Routs fot . the ensuing week : —Overton , Monday , May 2 nd ; Adwalton , Tuesday ; Wednesday , at Great Gemer ^ ll ; Thursday , at Potovens ; Friday , at Ba : l % ; Saturday , at Dawgreen . < i
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CI . ECBHEATOW . —On Wedf ^ sday evening , Mr . Plint of Leeds , attended , iu acc ^ dance with previous announcement , to deliver a I ^ ture on the Orn Laws and Machinery . The Chartists invited Mr . We > t , the district lecturer , to repigsent their views on the subject . The room , cho 3 enp 3 > y the League , was the infant school , which will pntain 400 persons . The admission was by ticfcgt ; but the vast assemblage , collected by the intent that the intended discussion created , were unable to obtain adznission , Mr . West had an inter ^ jew with Mr . Plint to arrange terms , and was coigpelled to take the foilowiBg , which were the ^ est he could get : that Mr . Plint shonld lictnre for an unlimited time , and Mr . West reply ^ or half an honr , and then it to be pnt to the meeting whether Mr . Plint should reply , "without Mr . West being allowed
the Eame privilege . If they agreeg , well and goo' * , and if not then Mr . Plint would p § ase himself . Mr Atkinson took the chair without bt-ing elected . Mr . Plint commenced , but the noiga of the people outside prevented him procewjing . Mr . Plint charged Mr . West with being a ? party to creating the disturbance . This was indignantly repelled by Mr . West . Some smart sparring took place between ths gentlemen . Eventually as adjournment was carried . Mr . Plint refusedlto come out of doors on the ground of ill health Mr . West , however , adjourned to a large openspace , and addressed the people for more than tr ? o hsurs , showing up the fallacies of tberepea ^ rs ^ and expounding the principles of the People ' s C&arter , amidst the repeated cheers of the people . £ i fact this once Whig-ridden town iB now complexly emancipated from their thraldom , and the faction is now prostrate at we feet of a powerfu-j though oppressed and insulted people . ^
LEICESTER— £ ll Saints' Opex—A sermon wss preached in tire above place on Snnday night , by Mr . Markhan ^ on the death of the lamen ted Mas : er Henry Fi-ost . A collection was made at the close of the serriee for the bereaTed widowed mother amounting to 6 ^ . Mr . Dean Taylor has been engaged . ' or a limited period by the All Saints' Association , and will commence his labours by delivering a lecture in the Town-ball , next Monday evening , which has been kindly lent by the Mayor for one moa th , oa the Monday evenings , for that purpose . An appeal has bem made by the Convention for additional aia , and the Council has voted that 103 . be sent to tnable the members to proceed with the noble work they have in hand .
londos .-Si . Pahcras Locality . —Mr . White , of Birmingham , lectured at the Archery Rooms , New Roa-i , on Sunday evening last , when he gave greax satisfaction to the whole of the meeting Several new members were entered and a great number of Ghurtist CircuUirs sold ; also rosettes for ihe procession . This locality has £ 1 iu hand as profits arising from the gale of Chartist Circulars , &c . Sietsey . —A great open air demonstration was held here on Monday evening , at six o'clock , at which upwards of rhree thousand people assembled , Mr . Hood in the chair . 3 Ir . Rouse moved the following resolution , " That this meeting is of opinion that all our evilB , whether social , moral , or political , are atmomabie to class legislation . And this meeting further believes that there is no remedy short of a fn ] J , fair , and free representation , by giving them a
voice in the making of those laws which they are called upon to obey . " Mr . Powell , in an eloqura ; address , seconded the resolution , which was carried unanimously . Mr . Fraser moved the next resolution , " That this meeting is of opinion that no safe or permanent benefit can be obtained for the country , until class legislation be abolished , and the people have a voice in making those laws they are compelled to obey ; and likewise declares its determination not to assist , or countenance , any agitation , that has not lor its basis the six points of the Charter , as we feel confident that there is no hope in any other measure . We therefore invite all classes to join with us in causing it to become the law of the land . " This was abiy seconded by Mr . Brannon , and gupported in an eloquent manner by Messrs . Bairstow , Lowery , and Morgan Williams , and carried . The greate&t enthusaism was exhibited .
Wal"Woeth . —Ten shillings have been voted to the Convention , two shillings and sixpence for the Manchester sufferers , and thirty shillings to the provisional committee , for carrying . out the Demonstration .
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Crown and Anchor Tavern , Strand . —Great Public Meeting . —Oa Tuesday evening , the proceedings commenced about eight o ' clock * - at 'which time , notwithstanding there was a charge for admission , these large and splendid rooms wore crowded to excess . Mr . O'Connor on his arri ml was greeted with anthusiftstio cheering . Mr . Cameron was unanimously called to the chair , and briefly addressed the meeting , showing that they were no longer a proscribed race . They could now assemble in the largest and most splendid room in the metropolis . They had that evening to address them delegates from all parts of the country ; they had that noble and disinterested man , Feargus O'Connor , who had endured so much in their behalf . They
were met not to eupporfc either Whig or Tory faction , but to assert their claims as the party of the people . He trusted they would soon in their organized millions overcome all opposition , that they would attain that imperishable birthright , their freedom . Mr . Cameron then alluded to the treatment of Mr . Sharman Crawford ' s motion in the House of Commons . He trusted the harmony of the meeting would be such as to maintain the high character for order and decorum which they had so deservedly obtained . —Mr . Parker then read letters of apology from Mcssers . Duncombe and Leader . From Mr . Wakley no answer had been received . — Mr . Parker moved the first resolution , "That in the opinion of this meeting , the continned evils that
afflict society , brought about by , and through , class legislation , imperatively demand increased energy on the part of the unrepresented millions . We therefore impress upon the psoplo the necessity of adhering to and agitating for , People's Charter , both by name ( tremendous cheering ) and principles , as the only means of securing to tho industrious classes their just rights en a sure and firm basis . " So many delegates being present , he should not occupy one moment of their time . —Mr . Balls seconded the resolution , and elated he should follow the example set by Mr . Park « r , and content himself with merely seconding it .. The resolution was then supported in long and floqneut speeohes by Messrs , Bj , irstow , Philf , Mason , O'Oonnoor , Moir of Glasgow Beesley , of Accrington . The resolution was then and put and unanimously adopted . —Mr . Blackmore moved the next resolution , — 1 fan this meeting pledge themselves to render the General
Convention of the industrious classes how sitting , and the ensuing demonstration iu favour of the National Petition , every support in our power ; also , that we Will Defer cease agitation until Messrs . Frost , Williams , and Jones , and all the political- prisoners are restored to their homes , their wives , and families . " —Mr . Bateman should content himself with merely seconding it . —Mr . White supported the resolution which was carried unanimously .: ; A vote of thanks was given to the Cn air man , who briefly addressed the meeting , which adjourned after giving cheers for the Charter , Convention , &c . The above is a mere outline or the proceedings . It was impossible for us to give the speeches , the whole of which , more especially that of Mr . Beesley , wore rapturously applauded , and a degree of enthusiasm was exhibited seldom witnessed in a London audience . The place was crowded , many being compelled to retire from the heat and pressure .
Islington . —A public open air meeting was held on Wednesday evening , ac Islington Green ; the members tor Fmsbury were invited , but did not attend . Mr . Nagle was called to the ohair . Mr . Fu « sell moved tAo following resolution : — * That this meeting is impressed wiih the conviction that all The misery , want , and degradation , whin * i envelope this unhaopy country , are solely to be attributed to that blood-thirsty , cruel , and prostituted system of class legislation ; we do , therefore , pledge ourselves not to cease the agiiaiicai for the People ' s Charter whoie and entire as ii now stands , the monumental record of the people ' s rights . " Mr . Martin , seconded the resolution . Mr . Powell , a delegate from Cornwall . supported the resolution , which was unanimously carried . Mr . Wheeler moved the second
resolution , denouncing t ?; e odious mockery of law under which the Welch victims were expatriated , and pledging tho meeting to continue the agitation of the three kingdoms until faction is made to bow to the people , and until these victims are resrerod to thi-ir native homes . " Mr . M'Carthy seconded the resolution , which was supported by Morgan Williams , d-jle ^ aie from Wales , and carried . Mr . Bails moved " That this meeting adopt the National Petition , as be > ng the only ono which { . ¦ numerates our social and political grievances , and ai the same time points out a final remedy . " Mr . Watts seconded the resolution , which-was-supported by Me-srs . M'Filer-on and Harrison , delegates to trie Convention , and cavriea . The meeting then dissolved .
London Chap . tist Hatters . —Mr . Leach lectured on Wednesday evening . DuKtJiFtELD . —Amteting was held in the National Charter Association Room , on Sunday evening , April 24 th , to Dtar a iectnre from Mr . William Dilkin , of Aehton ; but in consequent of M r . D . bi .-ing taken ill ,. Mr . O ' Connor ' s lecture at the Hall of Science was read by Mr . Rawboitom , which gave great satisfaction . Mojsley . —Mr . Aiikin , of Ashton-under-Line , delivered an interesting ana able ltoture on government . Pbescot . —Mr . Barnard M'Cartney , of Liverpool , delivered a hig ' . ly impressivw lecture , on Monday evening last , in tho . frinrit ^ ve Methodist Chapel , Bond-ttreet . Rochdale . —The friends here are resolved to stand by the Convention , the whole Charter , name and ali , and no mistake .
STAinnnGwr . —A frmole Chartigt Association has boon formed here . The femalrs have also , ia public meeting assembled , adopted a memorial to her Majesty for the liberation of Frost , Williams , and Jones . Liverpool . —At a meeting on Wednesday evening , confidence was voted in the honesty and unimpeachable sincerity of Mr . James Bronterre O'Brien . Todmordbn . —Mr . Wiiliam Jones gave his seventh lecture here oa Sunday , to a crowded audience ; there were many that could not gain admittance . Ho spoke upwards of two hours in a strain of eloquence that completely rivetted the attention of his audience , indeed the whole of his lectures have been delivered in a style of eloquence that does great
credit to him . There has been an increase of above a hundred members . Never before were there such in-door meetings in Todmorden upon any occasion . We now number above SOI members in the National Charier Association at Todmorden , and there are upwards of 100 m the female frociety . When the last National Petition was presented , Todmorden sent no signatures , and but very little money to the Convention ; now we have sent 7000 signatures , and £ i to this Convention , and we send regularly one-fourth of out subscriptions to the Executive . If every town iu England would do as Todmorden has done and ia doing , it would not be long before the Charter would be law . We have now
taken 350 cards , and we have sent £ 1 IS 3 2 d ainoe the las ; balance sheet oi the Executive came puti If the societies would only furnish the Executive with on- ^ -Jourth oP their subscriptions , what an efficient agitauon there would be ; instead of the Executive being in debt , as at present , they would be paying efficient leciurers to give information to the people , and to do away with tracing agitators ; and they would so arrange the routes for the lecturers that they could visit all the places , and not always be kept in one district . The people of Todmorden are almost all arousing from their apathy ; they only want a visit from our champion O'Connor , to * enlist them in our ranks .
Chaggvale—Mr . CJark , of Siockport , lectured heie on Sunday , and gave great satisfaction . Birmingham . —Mr . Mead lectured on Sunday and Moj-. day evenings , to the high gratification of numerous audiences . Steelhovse Lane . —The friends met as usual , at the S < np ; various matters of local business were transacted . A variety of subjects were introduced and discussed . Several Chartist songa were given by Messrs . Mead , Maberty , Potts and others , and the meeting dispersed highly satisfied . Six persons joined thi « association . Meetjkgs were also holden a * , the Black Horse , Prospect-row , Duddeston-rew , aud at the Britannia Inn , Peck-Line . Mr . Mead preached at Duddeston-row , last Sunday , and wiil continue > o do so all further notice .
Steelhouse-Lane . — The members of this locality met ac the usual hour , at ihi- Ship Inn . Mr . Thorp , was called to the chair . It was resolved that a person should be appointed ironi the Ship to form one of the executive council of the town ; and that notica be given to all tho members to assemble on Tuesday , the 3 rd of May . Frost ' s Committee . —A meeting of this committee was held at tho Chaniat Room , m Aston-street . Tne petition for the relea e of John Frost , Zephaniah Williams , and William Jones , which is signed by upwards ot 15 , 000 persons , will be shortly presented to Parliament by the Members of the Borough , Several extracts were read by one of the members oi the committee , from the Sun newspaper , and the meeting was adjourned to next Tuesday , at half-past seven o'clock .
Stai . y » kiik 3 k . —Lectures were delivered h&re on Sunday by Mr . Crowtlnr , and oa Monday , by Mr . Duffy . Fifteen new members were added after Mr . Duffy ' s lecture . Wolverhampton . —Mr . Mead , of Birmingham , lectnred here on Wednesday the 20 th , to a numerous and attentive audience . Confidence in the Convention was enthusiastically voted , aud after cheeisSpr O'Connor , the Welsh victims , and the Charter , the meeting separated . Yoxall . —Tho standard of Chartism was raised here for the first time by Mr . P . M . Brophy . on iuesday evening last . The . audience was both numerous and refipociable . At the conclusion of the lecture upwards of twenty put down their names as members .
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Holme Lane Ends . —A meeting was held at this place on Monday evening laBt , at the house of Mr . Abram Pickles . Mr . Alderson and Mr . Bawnsley delivered each an able lecture on the state of the oountry , and the measures that were necessary to remedy the evils under which we labour . A . discussion took place between them and a manufacturer , which euded in their opponent moving a vote of thanks to them for their able lectures /; Theroom was crowded to suffocation , and a great many were unable to gain admission , but stood round about the windows and the door .
Bbadfobd .- —Mr Smyth lectured at the ! Golden Cock , Wapping , on Sunday evening . Mr . Booth lcotured at Stanuingley , on Sunday evening . On Monday afternoon , the Chartista of Little Horton and their wives , &c , sat down to an excellent tea , in their association room . After tea , the time waa occupied With patriotic songs , glees , recitations , and speeohes . A vote of thanks was given to Mr . John Robinson ' s family , for the able manner in which they had got up the tea * and without charging anything for their trouble . The evening was spent with the greatest harmony and good will . The whole was conducted on teetotal principles ; The net produce was upwards of sixteen shillings , which will be appropriated towards furnishing the room with seats . The- company broke up at midnight , highly delighted with the entertainments of the evening . - . ' ¦ , ¦ . ¦; . - '¦ ¦ . ' . ; -- . ' -.. . ¦ ; ' . - ¦ '"• ' \ -
Thb Council met as usual on Monday evening . After other business had been done , Mr . Fletcher wag appointed delegate to the district meeting to be held in the Council Rodtn on Sunday next , at ten o ' clock in the morning . The public meeting intended to be held in Bradford was postponed till after the Convention has closed its sittings . An open air meetin <} was held on Eccleshill Moor , on buaday afternoon last . The meeting was addressed by Messrs . Dewhurst , Alderson , and Edwards .. ¦ - : " . ¦ ¦ . ;¦ . ¦; . ' .,, . . ' ' , .. ' • : - .. - ¦ . p uxVKiBK-STBEET . —^ On Sunday ^ evening last , Mr . Flinn lectured to a numerous audience at the Robin Hood Inn , on the principles of the Charter . A discussion arose between him and two members of the Reform Association . fltWTON Heath . —Mr . Massy lectured here on Sunday evening , in place of Mr . Richards , of Pendlcton , who was planned , but did not attend .
STOCKPORT— Thb New "New M 6 vE . " - ^ -Thia party has called a meeting of tho members of the Complete Suffrage Association , which took place on Monday night , in the Meal House , to hear the report of their deputies who were sent to thegreat National Conference held in Birmingham ' , Alderman Brooks Was called to the chairs He opened the business o ? the meetin K in a short speech remarkably full of soft soap ; but the working men are not to be caught with chatf , and this they fotind to be the case before the meeting ended . ; Mr . Prentioe was the first speaker ; he ran through a long preamble of the business that was transacted in the Conference . When he concluded , a working maa got up and asked leave to put a question to the speaker . He wanted to know
if it was true that when four points of the Charter were carried in the Conferenc 6 , Mr . Prentice returned to Manchester to report progress to the manufacturers , and that they immediately sent their protest against , the decision of that body 1 In reply Mr . Prentice denounced in toto the statement . Mr . Warren next addressed the meeting in a long rambling speech about nothing . At this time some of the lads got a sight of Dixon , and shouted out for him to go to the plaSform to speak . At this time tbo calls for Dixon were tremendous : with soine difficulty Mr . Dixon got to the platform , and the cheering was terrific . After order was again restored , he addressed the working men upon the necessity of
standing to their own organisation . If the middle class were honest , they would join the National Charter Association , and this would Unite the power of the people in one mighty uniou , which no Government , however strong , could withstand , and carry dismay into the citadel of corruption . He was cheered throughout the whole of his address , and concluded by calling upon the working classes to stand fast by their organ , their leaders , and their Association . He retired , and tho cheering was tremondousi A vote of thanks was moved to the depuiiea , but they dare not press it , for the Chartists were ten to one . We could not arrive at auy knowledge of their future movements .
To The Chartists Of Great Britain
Brother Chartists , —We , your representatives , in National Convention assembled , ara under the necessity of appealing to you for the purpose of being supplied with the neoessary funds to enable as sucpessfully to conclude our labours . " The reasons which have induced us to make this appeal are as folidws : ^— .-Firstly , ~ There ia no fund to defray the general expenoes of the Convention , estimated at from £ 30 to £ 50 . .- '¦¦ .- . ' ¦ ¦' , ¦ ¦ -, . ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ -. ¦ Secondly , —The fund out of which the members are paid tor iheir services , Bhows a very large deficiency ; and we regret to state , that Lancashire , Yorkshire , and Wales , are the only districts for which the full amount of contributions have been received .
Thirdly , ^ -It will be absolutely necessary for the Convention-to sit . four weeks instead of three , for the purpose of watching the result of the demand for a hearing at the Bar of the House of Commons . Brethren , we are confident We have only to call upon you to support us , and we a * e satisfied tho requisite funds will be immediately-forwarded .-from the various districts to Air . Cleave , 1 , Shoe-lane , London . Signed , on behalf the Convention . Abham Duncan , Chairman . John Campbell , Secretary . Convention Rooms , April 22 nd , 1842 .
The National Convention Of The Industrious Cl Isses To The Trades.
Fellow Countrymen , We have been elected by the suffrages of a vast body of the people , and according to their instruction we have assembled to deliberate upon the present condition and existing wrongs of the proiuciut ; classes , to decide' upon the means of placing their grievances before the country and the present government ; and to . adopt peaceful and constitutipnal m » asures to secure support , disarm prejudice , and defeat oppoaitioiu We have n ©
faith in the government , little hope of justice from Parliament , and scarcely any as-sistance from the middle class electors . We represent millions who are thrust out from the pale of the constitution , who are denied all protection to their labour , which alone has created the wealth of the aristocracy , the fortune of the capitalists , and the comforts of the middle--classes . We represent those who have been disfranchised , upon whose forehead is stamped ihe the impress of political slavery ; whom the Reform Bil has placed wide apart Trom those whose interests aro identical , but whose feelings are now aostile . ¦
We represent the working classes , who have aroused themselves to a sense of their political slavery , and who clearly perceive that there is no equal social protection to labour under the law , from the Parliament , or unions of labourers , so long aa the poJitioal franchise is withheld , and the laws , taxes , and force of irresponsible rule , constructed to oppress , defraud , and intimidate . We have met together in the metropolisi for the purpose of demanding two concessions from the government ; the first ia to permit the adyocate& of the rights of libour to describe its wrongs at the bar of the House of Common ? , the second is to adopt , and pass into law , an act conferring on all men who have arrived at the ago of twentyrone , and who are of sound mind , the right of voting for members of Parliament , as well as to enact Annual
Parliaments , Vote by Ballot , Equal Electoral Districts , no Property Qualification for Members of Parliament , and Payment for Parliamentary Services . Should the first be conceded , aa it was granted to the unenfranchised Canadians , you will , for the first time , be virtually represented in the House of Commons , and have admit ted as ju ^ t aad right , the great principle for which we have contended . Should it be refused , our excellent friend and advocate T . S . Duncombe , Esq ., will then inove the adoption of the principles in favour of which we are petitioning . Should both be refused , we may sufely consider that the aristocracy have finally resolved to rob the people of every remnant of a hope of justice , and ecnvincaas that all our struggles are to be regarded with disdain , and our prayers with contempt .
The means we propose for the purpose of effeoting the two objects stated , are , first , to carry down in procession to the House a National Petition , emdodying our grievances , and praying for the remedy ; and secondly , to support the prayer of that Petition by the personal presence of all those trades who may be induced to take part in this new but most just and constitutional proceeding ; wo have confident hopes that tho signatures of three millions will produce an impression upon the hardened heaTts of the oppressors of industry . But we have far higher hopes of tha result should the powerful and organised Trades of the Metropolis exhibit their determination firmly yet peacefully , not only to present a petition , but to be heard through those
representatives at the Bar of the House , who in justice should should sit within it . We are fully aware that the trades could make an exhibition of moral force if they were convinced of the justice of the attempt ; aud surely we may expect sympathy and supporfcfrom them in our new andgrand undertaking when so many thousands of their brethren are about to be struck downj unresistingly by the new enactments of the jGovernmenfc . This new result of irresponsible ^^ power ought to be met by anew and deter mined effort on tho part of the people . We have offered you the means . Are you , the trades of this great capita ) , to remain inactive , when your feebler associations iii the country have erected the standa rd- of tho suffrage ? Are you tu
stand idle and permit your representatives to struggle against such fearful odds , aided only by the few patriotio trades who have hitherto courageously battled against despotic power , whether it was confined to the acts of an overbearing agent or extended to the Tariff Bill of Sir Robert Peel 1 We believe better of such organised masses , who combine within themselves that machinery which has made a government tremble within its guarded offices , and am imperious press bend and admit their power . We hesitate not to admit , that 10 ; 000 men from the jealously-watched unions would create more attention on trie part of the Government , the Parliament , and tho Pres ? , than uncounted myriads without orij . Tinsation could arouse .
We ask you , then , fellow-countrymen , if you have grievances tp complam oft If so , do you desire the whole to be explained at the bar oi the H 6 ns 9 of Commons ? You have the . ' . power to make bur prayer effectual . You have the nie-m « of giving imposinsj strength to our petition . Y « u have the power to avert calamity from the cottage threshold , and command redress from the palace portal . You have the power to turn away with , a strong arm the sorrow and starvation of your weaker countrymen . You can forbid the impious hand of mifgovernmant to lessen the poor man ' s store . You have union , power , and wealth . You want but the will to secure to yonraelves that political franchise , without Which
the interests of your trades must be at the mercy of every dabbling politician aiid speculating ministerwithouc which you will bo offered up an easy sacrifice to the power of the aristocracy of laud and capital * and be made the scape goats for everyminister , and the common prey of succeeding rulers . Fel \ ow : O 0 Uiitrymen , it is your right . to be heard in your own defence , at the bar of the House ; and upon your decision depends the success of our attempt to gain the first step towards liberty or justice . On Monday , the 2 nd of . May , we go down with the petition in procession ifrom Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , at twelve o ' clock . Arouse yourselves for that important day' ¦! . — England expects every man willdooisdutyl "
Your faithful Representatives , Abbam Duncan , Chairman , Wm . Busby , Jas . M ' Pherson , Edmund StaLlwoOD , James Leach . W . P . Roberts , Geo . Habbison , J . H . Bairstow , P . M . M'DouAit , Chas . Doyle , R . K . PhILP , Ri RjDLEY , Geo . White , F . O'Connob , ftJoBGAN Williams , Wm . Wopdward , John Campbell , Secretary
Untitled Article
Bromsgbove . —A public ChartiBt meeting w .-held in the Chartist large room , BronS ^ J ^ Mr . Hitchin , of Kidderminster , aadrSgdSme ? ipg . The room was crowded . The foUowKS !" lutiohwas earned nnanimonsiy ;— "That theGfe * tists of Bromsgrove , hereby hold out the right hind of fellowship to the ^ members ? t the Complete Snf frage Associatioii , so far as they go For the principles of the People ' s Charter , at the same time the namef as well as the principles of the Charter .: ; that w « place the . most unbounded confidence in Feargna O'Connor , and the Northern Star , and farther pledge ourselves to support that paper as long as it advoca . ea the rights of the people . "
HcfDDKRSFiELD . ~ Mr . David Sykes paid the sum of five shillings into the Chartist funds , collected from a few friends at Lower Houses near this towri . . -- ¦ . ' -. ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ '¦ : ¦¦ -. ¦ 7 ¦ ' .- ' -. ' : "" ... - ' - " ' . '¦ '' Stoke upoN-TBENT .--Mr . John O'Connor has been elected sub-Secretary , in the place of Mr . G B Mant , who retires . ' " . HANLEY .--Mr . H . H . Swinglehnrst , of Preston , delivered a leoture to the Chartists of this place on Sunday last ; there was a good and attentive
audience . After the lecture , the following resolution was passed , — " That this meeting now assembled under the blue canopy of heaven , do hereby declare that we have foil confidence in the Proprietor , Editor , and Publisher of the Northern Star , and we hereby pledge them our vigorous and strenuous support , so Jong as they continue their present straightforward line of conduct in exposing all new moves , and showing up the conduct of self-interested parties ^ " - ' - '; - v ¦ .- . . ' : ' ' ¦; .
Local Markets
Leeds Corn Mabket , Tuesday , April 26 . —We liave a good supply of Wheat , and for the season a Jarge one of Barley ; of other Grain the arrivals are moderate for this day ' s market . We must quota Wheat Is . to 2 s . per quarter lower , and even at thia decliue the demand is not a « tiye . Barley hangs heavily oh hand ; inferior qualities are almost unsaleable , although Is . to 2 s . per quarter under lata prices would be taken I best descriptions are not so much cheaper , but little is now wanted . Oats , Shelling , and Beans are only dull at late rates . THE AVEBAGE PRICES OF WHEAT FOB THE WEEK ENDING APRIL 26 , 1842 . / Wheat . Barley . Oats . Rye . Beans . Peasr Qrs . Q , rs . Qrs . < $ xb . Qrs . Qw . 1961 769 1176 — 190
—£ & . d . - £ . 8 .-dv £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ 8 . d . 3 1 Q 1 10 9 1 16 0 00 1 13 10 J 00 0 Leeds Woollen Mabkets . — -There hasr been no improvement in the damahd for manufactured goods at the Cloth Halls , nor can we , at present , notice an improved feeling among the merchants who are in the habit of purchasing freely at the Halls ; on the contrary , we are sorry to be compelled to state that no inquiry whatever exists for fine goods , and this , tODf at a time when ; under ordinary circumsxances , such ought to form the staple commodity at this season of the year . There is hot so extensive a demand in the warehouses as existed a few weeks ago . . --: ' . ' . ;' . ' : ¦ '¦' . . ' . ' : .: ' . > . , . V : , - ' . ; '
York . Corn . Market , Saturday , April 23 . —The stock of Wheat in farmers' hands being small , they are again demanding rates , which from the dull accounts from the manufacturing districts , our millers are unwilling to comply with , and the business done is not great , though theprices of last week are paid for all descriptions . Barley and Oats are each the turn lower . Beans in demand , and rather advancing in value . We have had another dry- w eek , but the air ha 9 been warmar . Rain is now much needed in all quarters .
Thirsk Corn Market , Monday , April 25 .- ^ There was a good Buppiy ot Grain at this day ' s market , with demand fully equal to it ; prices rather oa the advance , ' Wheat , 7 s 9 d to 8 s 9 d ; Be » nS , 44 31 to 4 s fld per bushel . Oata , 20 i to 25 s ; Barley , 30 = r . to 34 s per qr . Potatoes were shown in large quantities , and sold at from Is lOd to 2 s . per bushel . Bbadford Market , Thursday , April 23 . —Wool —Daring the week there has been ¦ . ¦ o ' niy a limited business done , nor can we learn there ia any improved demand to-day ; prices rather on the decline . For fine Noils there are more inquiries , and very little stock on hand :. prices firm . —Yarn . —• ThereJs a slight failing bffitt the demand for Yarns since our lasi report , but we do not hear : that sales are
effected at lower ra * es ; spinners have for some time past been producing nothing to stock , choosing rather to curtail their production than accumulate . Short time working is quite as general aa durin « any period of last ; -year , and without some considerable } improvement , we fear the condition of the operatives will grow worse instead of better Piece—The purchase of goods by the merchants attending our market to-day , has been of a very cautious character , and nothing appears to be doing except to actual order . This is also met by the manufacturers , who are only delivering a limited portion of work out to their weavers , thus preventing any increase in . stocksor decline in prices ;
HUDDERSFIEDD CLOTH ftlABKET , APBIL 26 .- ^ -Onr market to-day was equally bad as any of the preceding ones , nothing done in any department worth notice , there was scarce any animation seen in any part of the Hall . Salfobd Cattle Market , Wednesday , April 27 . —The show ot' stock to-day was only moderate , either of beef or muttoh . The best beef brought last week ' s rates , and prime mutton the same . The now tariff does Dot appear to have affected prices a 3 yet iu this market . Best beef 6 d . to 6 ^ d ., mutton 6 Jd . to 7 d ., and clipped sheep 6 d . per pound .
Rochdale Flannei , Market , April 25 . —The fiaunel market is weekly growing worse , and there appears no prospect of any chaDge for the . better . There has Bcarcely been any business done to-day at any price . There has been an extremely still wool market , and manufacturers are unwilling to buy While prices continue on the decline . : Newcastle Corn Market , Apbil 23 . —The supply of Wheat from the country at market ^ his morning , was again very large , the best qualities of Which maintained last week's prices , but the inferior samples , of which the bulk was composed . Buffered
a decline of Is . to 2 s . per qr ., before a clearance was effected . Free foreign Wheat might have beeb bought at a decline of la . per qr . ; but the demand was exceedingly limited . Rye maintains its value . The best qualities of Barley are fully as dear , but other descriptions are neglected . Malt is in more demand ^ and good chevalier sa mples Is . per qr . dearer . In Beans ; and Peas no change . We had a good supply of Oats to-day which brought fully the prices of last week . The arrivala of flaur aie exceedingly light , and the prices of last week were maintained , but the demand is only limited .
LiVERPopi . Corn afARKET ? , Monday , April 25 . — With the exception of Iri 3 h Oats , of which there have arrived ab -ut 2 , 163 quarters , the week ' s imports of British Grain , Flour and Oatmeal , are of very sk « all amount ; 3 , 034 qrs . of foreign Wheat are re ported and entered under bond ; The rates of duty have advanced 19 . per qr . oh Wheat , Is . 6 d . per qr . on Barley and Kye , and 7 d . perbrl . on Flour . We have continued to experience a limited demand for free W heat : under the antioi pat ion of the Importation Bill coming almost immediately into operation , the millers arid dealers have held back as much as possible for the result , and although holders generally
have-shown no desire to press their stocks , which are in the aggregate araall , purchases have been made at fully 2 d . per bushel below the rates quoted on this day so ' nnigntv Oata have met a slow sale , and any change in their value must be noted in favour of the buyer . The currency of last week has been barely sustained for either Flour or Oatmeal . No alteration as regards Bartey , Beans or Peas . Ia the bonded market a couple of parcels of Polish Odessa . Whieat have changed lands at 7 a . to 7 a . Id . ; one of American 7 s . 6 d .: a cargj of E ^ ypt'on has also been sol d at 5 V per 70 lb . at ' . to arrive , but to W pux , iato store by the selJer ; and 10 Q 0 -brl ' s . of Western Canal Flour have been disposed of at 28 s . per prJ .
Liverpool Cattle Market Monday April 2 S . — The Ebarket to-day has been much about the same as . last week . Best Beef from 6 d . to 6 £ d . Mutton 7 d . to T . jfJ , per lb . Number of cattle at market : — Beasts 823 : Sheep 215 .
WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET . ( bykxpbess . ) ; Friday , April 29 . —Oiir arrivals of Wheat thifl week are large , aiui few buyers at market : the value of best fresh descriptions has receded Is . per quarter , and on other sorts- fully 28 . V with a limited sale . Barley is almost unsaleable , exoept very choice sorts , and these are Is . per quarter lower . Oats are quite as dear , and Shelling does not vary in value . Beans steady . No alteration in other articles :
^ Ortt)Comms Cljarlt^T ^Cctm^.
^ ortt ) comms Cljarlt ^ t ^ cctm ^ .
Cfmrtfet %Ni&Li$Ence.
Cfmrtfet % ni&li $ ence .
Untitled Article
FEARGUS O'CONNOR A TEETOTALLER . MRi Editor , —I have Mr . O'Connor ' s pormission to states through the columns of the Northern Star , that he has adopted the total abstinence pledge ; he will try it for twalve months . I am glad that Mr . O'Connor has so nobly and patriotically come forward and set such a worthy example , and I hope that the Chartist leaders generally will adopt the pledge , and prepare the minds of the people for the great political change which must and will take place , if Ihe people but remain firm to their principles . I am . Sir , Your humble servant , Wm . Beesley , M . C .
Untitled Article
THE SUPPOSED MURDER OF A MAN AT STOCKPORT . In consequence of important facts having come to light , concerning the death of Ebonezer Thomas Tallautino , upon whose body a coroner ' s 'inquest , was held on the 19 th iust ., a public meeting of the inhabitants otStuckport was held iu the lar ^ e room , in Temperance Yard , Hillgate , on the 2 Gih inst , to take into consideration the adoption of a memorial to the Secretary of State for the Home Department . The room was crowded nearly to suiFycation , notwithstanding the threats and intimidation exercised by certain parries to keep the people from attending . A number of the Stockport police were there Ipn ^ j before the time of meeting , aud remained until the whole of the bnsineaa waa concluded .
Mr . Felix M'Wade was called to the chair , and opened the business of the meeting , by calling upon all present to conduct themselves in such a manner as tho nature of tho buainess required . He trusted they would assist him in keeping order , and givo each speaker a fair and candid hearing . He would not trespass longer on their time , but call upon Mr . Carter to move the first resolution :- — Mr . Carter , in a few brief remarks , moved the adoption of the fallowing resolution : — " That it ia tho opinion of this meeting , that a memorial bo adopted to be presented to the Secretary of State for the Home Department , praying ibr a further investigation into the circumstances connected with the death , of Ebentzer Thomas Tallantine . '' Mr Taylor seconded tke resolution . Mr . Bailey from Mauohester , supported it in a short but telling speech .
The Chairman put ii to the meeting , and it was carried unanimously . Mr . Thoroaa Clark moved the Memorial in an energetic and soul-stirring speech , which called forth loud peals of applause . He concluded by reading the Memorial : — "To the Right Houourableihe Secretary of State for the Home Department . " The undersigned Memorial of the Inhabitants of Stockport , in publio meeting assembled , " Humbly sheweth ,--That on Tuesday , April 19 tb . 1842 , a coroner ' s inquest was held in Stockport , on the body of Ebenezer Thomas Tallantine , of Stockport . ' - .- ; .. ¦ ¦; ¦ : '¦' :. - ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ - . : ; . ¦' . ¦ '' That the evidence adduced on the inquest seems to your Memorialists to bo contradictory and unsatisfactory in tho extreme .
" That your Memorialists feel highly dissatisfied at the verdict given by the jury . " From circumstances that have come to the knowledge of your memorialists , and from facts that have transpired , they feel confident that the offenderor offenders may be brought to justice . " That as it ib a prerogative of the person filling your high and responsible situation to issue orders for a second inquest ,- '' on " -. 'sufficient proof being adduced of the necessity of the same . " That your Memorialists therefore pray that you will be pleased to issue orders for the exhumation of the body of deceased , "And your Memorialists will , as in duty bound , ever pray , &c . " Signed on behalf of the nteeting , Felix M-Wade , Chairman .
The memorial was eeoonded by a person in the body of the meeting and was carried without a dissentient . 1 - ' ;"';¦ ¦ ¦' - . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ''' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . ¦ . '¦ " . ' - ' . " . ¦¦ •" . Mr . Mitohell Moved the next resolution , and in in doing so ^ as oae of the persons appointed to collect evidence upon the circumstances connected with the death of the deceased said , he had to inform the meeting that the commiitee had got possession of facts that , in his opinion , would , in a short time , bring the guilty party to justice ; facts Whiohj if
made public at the present , might frustrate the ends of justice ; the whole of the evidence would be transmittLd with the memorial to the Home Secretary . Ho would say no more , but read the resolution : — " That we appoint a deputation to present the memorial to the Secretary of State for the Home Department ; and that Mr . James Tallantine and Dr . Hul . ley be the deputation . " Mr . Mansfield seconded the motion , and Mr , Dixon made a few remarks in support of the resolution , Whiohwaa carried without opposition .
The Chairman then gave notice that oh Friday night there would be a public meeting in that room , when Dr . iHulldy , of Manchester , would address them . ' ¦ ... - . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - .- ¦ . . . ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ . -- ,, - . . A vote of lhankB was sivento the Chairman : the meeting separated determined to use every exertion iu their power to protect the innocent and bring the guilty tojuBtice . A letter , in reference to this buaineas , has been received from Dr . Hulley , by Mr . O'Connor , and by him handed to us , from which wo givo the folio wing extracts : — - ' ' ¦ . ' . ' . - ¦ ; " . ¦ ' : v . . - -
" I attended yesterday , and had the body exhumed . The Coroner fetuses to have another inquiry . It is my opinioa that the man was murdered ; * * * The inhabitants of all grades ia politics are dissatisfied with the decision of the Jury , and have entered into a general subscription to totward the ends of justice . On my examination , in addition to the evidence in the newspapers , I found two bruiseB on the right shoulder , six bruises on the fore arm , each elbov ^ joinV dreadfully bruised , three bruises on the baok oi the neck , three bruises on the left part of the abdomen , oae bruise on the left hip joint , and a largA fracture on the right side of the head , above the ear . I have left out ail technical termV in order that the people may understand it , should you be desirous of publishing it in the Northern Star " ¦ :. - ¦ . ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ 'V- ' \ y- " ¦ ; v ' ' : - ¦ - : - ¦ ' . : ¦ ' ¦¦'¦ " The letter is dated « StopVport , Apr il , 22 , 1 W 2 , * and Bigned h . C Huixbt , M . D ,
Untitled Article
The Execotive . —The 1 following are the proceeds from the sale of the ChaMifll ; Beverage horn tho 9 th of April to the 23 d :- ^ ' ' •' .. " , ' - " : '' / . ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ . / ' : •¦' ¦ " . : '¦ ; S . d . : . - ¦ ' . Mr . James Leach , Manchester ... 9 0 Mr . Yates , Staffordshire Potteries ... 6 0 Mr . Sweet , Nottingham ; ... ... 1 6 Mr . Mog « s , Wolverbampton ... 16 Mr . Robshaw , Dewsbury ... ... 1 6 Mr . Saunders , Newark ... ... 1 6 Mr . Baird , Bolton ... ... .. ; 6 0 Mr . VickerB , Belper ... 3 9 Hxi . Sweet , Nottittgham ., ... 3 0 Mr . G . J . Harney , Sheffield ... ... 3 0 Mr . Hay , Hawick ... ... ... 3 0 Mr . Yates , Potteries ... ... ... 2 9 Mr . Bnley , Newcastle ... ... 1 6 Mr . Brook , Leeds ... ... ... 1 6 Mr . Jones ^ Northampton ... ... 1 0 Mr . Cooper , Leicester ... ... 1 0 £ 2 76
Leeds:— Printed For The Proprietor Feabgus O'Connor/Esq.R Of Hammersmith, County
LEEDS : — Printed for the Proprietor FEABGUS O'CONNOR / Esq . r of Hammersmith , County
Middlesex , by JOSHUA HOBSON , at his Printing Offices , Nes . 12 and 13 , Marketatreet , Briggate ; and Published by tte said Joshua . Hobson , ( for the said Feargus O'Connor , ) at hia Dwel ' ling-house , No . 5 , Market ^ atreet , Briggate ; an internal Communication existing between the said No . 5 , Market-street , and the naid N 03 . 12 and is , Market-street , Briggate , thus constituting the whole of the said Printing " and Pablisning Office one Premises . . ¦ ' ' ,. ' ; ; : /¦ ¦"¦; ¦ .- ' '¦ . '' ; : '¦ : . v " ¦' - . / -. ; , : All Communications must be addressed , ( Post-paid ) .. to Hobson , Northern Star Office , Leedt . Saturday , April 30 . 1842
Untitled Article
$ THE NORtHERN STAR , . "¦ ..: ; ,. \^ 0- ^ : V ;' ^ v 2 ffk ' -
Northern Star (1837-1852), April 30, 1842, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1159/page/8/