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THE TORY ADVENT . 35 e Tory Ieecaer , garget yrith gore that fell Prom the devoted country they had drain'd , Grown lank with years of abstinence , irould swell Again their reptile farms ; and forfeit stain'd TTith Britain ' s dearest Wood , would see her sink Inhopeless atrcmny-i-iier glories fled j Ctetby ConfleiTStives on rain ' s brink ; Her treasure wasted , and hex freedom dead I jlethinis . I bear the dxmgeon'a captive ' s groan ; The ¦ widow'd ifires' and orphan children ' s trail For bns&ands , parents , doom'd to bondage lone : I b « the transport-vessels * ipreading sail ! £ o ! starring millions stalk in gaunt array , For famine ' s victims o'er the isles are spread ; Yet splendour ' s shining equipage looks gay . While labour toils in vain for high-taxed bread
Britain ! tfeou'rt cursed , if stern and ruthless sway Once more its withering influence extend ; j&d candidates for place and venal pay Toy hard-earn'd rights and liberties should rend ; If tiie effrct of ttieir insatiate reign — Rocrustean tyranny—sheuld mould thy laws , And glut the scnifbld with thy son ' s again , A sop for Moloch ' s sanguinary jaws ! If the fell spirit of the heartiess Pitt , The impulse of the demon CasUereagh , like hell-born incubi , should scowling sit Upon thy vital energies . Away The servile thought ! regen ' rate Britain never Will Buffer the foul race of Tory knaves To blight her hopes , or prostrate the endeavour To crash the tyrants who would make as slaves I G . 5 HEBIDAH KCSSE 1
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SONG FOR THE MILLIONS . God of the world J in mercy bead thine ear , Unto » starving natian ' a grievous prayer ; Lei not the stifled sigh and burning tear ' Be vain appeals for thy protecting care . 0 ! stretoh thy strong right arm to succour those . Who hunger ' * pangs and poverty endure . God . of the miilions crash thy people's foes , And in thy mercy save tha Bufitring poor . Thon great First Csnse , eternal , just and good , Whese attributes are charity and love ; Shall nottoy people share alike the food Which Thou hast sent in plenty from above ? Shall partial laws , made by usurped power , For ever corse the nations of the earth ? ' Stall millions of thine image ever cower , And glorious freedom never wake to birth ? Is It thy will that men shall grieve , and pine ,
And die uBsucooured , helpless , and unknown ? Thou who can'st see the slavery in the mine—Thou who can ' st hear from thenee the miner ' s groan ; Thou wiliest not that this should ever be ; In all thy works fair purity is found . The winds , the waves—all elements are free-Snsil man alone in fetters case be bound ? Perish the minion formed of basest clod , Whose dastard soul ignobly does not dare In face of day to supplicate his God , That all may eqsal privileges share . tHver of life sad light come to our aid—Soothe Thou cur anguish , listen to our call , Let the oppressors in the dust be laii , And freedom give exulting joy to all .
Thou who controI ' Et the planets in their course , And rnla » the varying seasons of the year—Whose hand can stay the lightning ' s mighty force , And stop the whirlwind in its mad career—Thou who givest time and space its breadth and length And in the justice of mankind delights , Give to tha people fortitude and strength , That they may gain their long-lost sacred rights . BBXJAMIJf SlOXT . Manchester .
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THE HJkTT ONAL GALLERY , its Pictures and Paupers . A hand-book for visitors . By Hxhbt G . Chicks , Esq ., Editor of "The Disfrtet Gallery . "—London : Clarke and Willan , 66 , Old Bailey . —1842 . THE NAYAI * GALLERY OF GREENWICH HOSPITAL ; its Pictures and their Painters . A Guide-book for visitors . By Hbkbt G . Claske , Esq . —London : H . G . Clarke . & Co . 66 , Old Bailey .-July , 1842 . THE DTJLWICH GALLEKY j its Pictures and their Painters . A Guide-book for viators . —By Hxxsj G . Clarke . Editor of the .- *• Naval Gallery , J ) &c&c . —London : H . G . Clarke , * Co ., Old Bailey . —1812 . '
These little works are evidently intended to be useful * and they are well calculated to answer the end designed , and io bs safe guides to visitors , such as visitors of bus limited information would naturally desire . They have a merit which catalogues , even when , pet forth by authority , do not always possess ; that of accuracy . Much pains has teen taken by the Editor , more especiailj in \ h& National Gallery , on tbiB point ; and it is much to the credit of the Trustees that they have permitted It to be sold at the entrance to that collection . Some of the names of the paintings are accompanied with appropriate notes . This gives additional valne to the Guide , and we hope that a similar plan will be adopted in future editions of the others as it would enhance materially their value as guide books to the public
THE LADIES' HAND BOOK OF FANCY KEEDLE WORK AND EMBROIDERY ; containing plain and ample directions wherebv to become a perfect mistress of these delightful arts . London : H . G . Clarke and Co ., 66 , Old - Bailey . 2842 . This little work ; cheap , elegant , and accurate , "will become a favourite with every fair votary of the art of needle work . The directions are so plain that any young ladj who will exercise her thinking powers upon what she reads may soon learn to excel . The author appears to have had a perfect conception of vrhat a hand book should be , and the task is executed with clearness and precision .
The work is divided into chapter ? , and embraces ample information on the preparation of frames , materials for working , instructions for working instructions in embroidery , &-3 . &c , besides whish , there are spscial instructions , explanation of stitches , suggestions as to patterns , and an introduction and conclusion full of valuable matter . The Work is , in truth , mullum in parvo , and deserves file encouragement , which we doubi not it will leceivfl .
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UNITED STATES . By the arrival of the Arcadia , which came to anchor in the Mersey , last Saturday morning , important intelligence is received relative to the boundary question , which 13 believed now to be finally settled . * The National Intelli gencer of the 20 th nit- has £ he following remarks on the negociation : — " Lord Ashburton is believed to have held out long for the entire Madawaska settlement . Bat the Maine commissioners are said to have been as immovable as
any four pine stumps on the disputed territory . So Maine , under the arrangement , goes to the river St . John ' s . It is not unlikely , we learn , that the line which the Dutch arbiter decided for , the line of the St . John ' s and the St . Francds , will be agreed to . But then Maine gets what the Dutch king did not give her , the navigation of the river ; and this trebles . the valne of all her tall pine trees . West"Wardlj of the St . Francis , England takes a tract of ttdnntain land , nntimbered , and of no earthly value 2 m $ as a boundary ; and she' relic quisles to the United States Roose ' s-point , the key of Lake Champlain , and a large territory heretofore supposed to belong to \ New York and Vermont , but which turns out to lie north of the 45 ih degree of latitude , and is
therefore a part of Canada- It is said to be , and probably is , in consequence of this cession , that the United States Government agrees to pay a sum to each . of ihe States of Maine and Massachusetts for the acres they have parted vfiih ; not mere than a Quarter as much , however , as General Jackson offered to give to Maine alone , during his administration in the year 1832 . It is though ; there are questions of boundary further up , as the secretary of Et&te has summoned here tbe commissioners , &c . who ran the line , or endeavoured to do so , under the treaty of Ghent ( bat conld not always agree ) , fnna the river of St . - Lawrence to the Lake of "Woods ; and it is supposed that all remaining questions , in that far-off world , will be settled . " The Weekly Herald of the 30 th gays— " We have J ^ oved highly important intelligence from Washington ? indicating that the new treaty with England be at the of the
r ^ mTroBawy rejected senate United - owes , and that the whole of our commercial rela-»| bbw ^ i tiuj power will be thrown open to the / u ? T ?? * " » wide ocean . The promulgation of the »»! HHW a toeaJy for the settlement of tha booHdary ' * w Wen BwcetsfuUy made by the Aa « erican execuifiTOMd tte- British plenipotentiary , h » d created ^ 6 W excitement among the political circles of Washington . We are informed , on what we eonjWB . to be competent aKihorifeyv tfc ** ihe ultras of "W senate will form « coalition , and reject the ¦ f 6 **? by * Tery considerable majority ^ This treaty » wiU be recollected , is nearly tht same which grew j ™ ef the award of the Kingof the Netherlands . If jhereiB » bj differe * ee , the terms are not deemed so ^ ararraWe a * tha * was . r 3 ? hat ; treaty was rejected Jyihe aenate daring the presidency £ Gtiwral feon—th « Whig party , then is the Minority vnBff the priwimal opponents of Us passage . We
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arenpw informed , positively , that the democratic 6 en * tor 8 ~ particnlkrly those in favonr of Mr . Van Buren—are already oat in opposition to the treaty denouncing it as anti-national and anti-American Mr . Silas Wright and Mr . Buohannan are probably both of this opinion . On the other ^ side , it is also stated that Mr . Mangum , aBd those who act with him , intend to assume a similar position . A caucus or confutation was , however , to be held on Monday , to deti . < fciiii 6 what line of conduct they would adopt . The chances were that the Ultra-Whigs would assume the same gronnds as the Ultra-Locofocos had , and that the treaty would be rejected by a large vote . This intelligence maybe relied upon . It is obvious , therefore , that our relations -with England are in a more ticklish condition than they have been for aquarter of a century past . We are assured that on the rejection of the treaty , Lord Ashburtou will immediately return homo in the Warspite , and Mr . Fox will demand his passports and follow him . " ^
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Fbatos at ihb Custom- house—An important inquiry is now pending at the custom-house , connected with fraud to a great extent on the revenue , having been committed by parties holding high and responsible situations . Already seven officers have been suspended . One of the officers has absconded . —Times . Quid pro Q , do . —An Englishman on Ian ding at Calais , called for a barber . One was speedily in attendance , and the traveller thus addressed him ; "My dear fellow , I am extremely sensitive in the
matter of the beard ; here is a guinea if yon shave me without cutting ; there is a pair of pistols ; if you cat me , I will send the contents through your brain on the instant . " Fear not , " said the barber , and away he went to work "with the utmost care , circumspection , and delicacy of operation . The task being COmpletedjthe enchanted Englishmen obsfflred , "You were not afraid of the pistols then . " M No , my lord . " ^ And why V "Because , " replied the barber , "if I had been unlucky enough to make a slip , I would have cntvour throat . "
At Weils Assizes , last week , the Reverend Thos . John Theobald , Rector of Nunney , was tried for two criminal assaults on Caroline Dornis , a housemaid at the Rectory . The prosecutrix described the assaults as having taken place , the one in Mr . Theobald ' s dressing-room , where she went to take Borne hot water one morning , and tbe other at night in her own bed-room , which she had been provided with at the defendant ' s special desire apart from the cook . She did not tell Mrs . Theobald , who was
very sear her confinement ; but she told the cook and her aunt of the first assault , who advised her not to leave her place . as Mr Theobald promised not to repeat the offence . She left the house on the morning following the second attack , and told her aunt . Cross-examination drew from the pr 03 ecutrix that she had some time back admitted one . Piper to the closest intimacy ; and before Mr : Cockburu had concluded his address for the defence , or called evidence , the Jury interrupted the trial and acquitted the prisoner .
Re-Assembling OFP . iRLUMEj . Tr . —We have heard a ramouT that it is the intention of ministers to reassemble Parliament in a short time , in order to pass a Coercion Act for the manufacturing districts . We notice the rumour , to express our entire and complete disbelief in it . Though the manufacturing population have ceased to labour , and in many cases have forced others to cease from labour , the actual outrages committed by them , taking all circumstances into consideration , have not been of an aggravated character . With tbe exception of their
conflict with the police at Manchester , they have caused no deaths , and inflicted no wounds . They have broken windows , and in the Potteries hare burned down houses ; but for these offences , particularly the latter , which is a heinous crime , the law already provides . Additional penal laws , or a Coercion Act , might exasperate the ptople , but could not prevent offences , and would injure trade . It would go far to reduce tha manufacturing districts to the condition of Ireland . Such a policy would be , indeed fatal , and we give the rumour that Sir R . Peel intends to adopt it an emphatic denial . —Sun .
IMPUDK 5 T ROBBKBY BT A DASHINGLY DRESSED Femalk . —Catttiok to Tradesmen . —On Saturday information was given at the different police stationhouses of a most impudent robbery committed on the preceding evening by a dashingly-dressed female . It appears that on Friday evening a carriage drove np to the shop door of Mr . John Metcalf , jeweller , Pall-mall , oat of which a fashionably-dressed female , about thirty years of age , alighted , and entered the Bhop . ^ She spoke in a mixture of French and Eaglish , and requested to be shown some diamond ring 3 . A variety were placed before her , out of which she selected four , of a half-heop putters , the value of which was £ 100 . She then represented herself as the wife of Count De Morel ,
private secretary to the French Ambassador , and desired that the rings with a bill should be sent to the house No . 39 , Albion-street , Hyde Park , at half-past seven o ' clock , when the amount of the latter would be paid . The rings were sent at the time named , and the Countess , who it appears took care to be close to the door , informed the shopman that she wished to show them to a lady in the house . Tbe shopman , having do suspicion in the matter , readily consented to her wish ; but the Countess no sooner got hold of the valuables than she " bolted , " and the shopman , to his great consternation , found that she had only taken a lodging in the house on the same morning , and he was obliged to return home minus the rings or their value .
Mobd £ R at Swasska . —On Tuesday morning last , the town of Swansea was thrown into a state of very great excitement , in consequence of a Teport that a poor Irishman , named John Bowling , had been murdered in cold blood early that morning by Eome five men . It appeared by the evidence adduced on the coroner's inquest , that a quarrel had taken place early on Tuesday morn ' ng between some Irish women , who lived in the same court as the deceased . The five men charged ¦ wi th the crime were attracted to the spot by the noise . Soon after those men attempted to take indecent liberties with the women—spoke of their intention of passing the night with them , which conduct some of the Irishmen resented . Blows ensued , and the Irishmen -were worsted , and two of them beaten dangerously . Soon after , the deceased , John Bowling entered the
court , and said , " What is all this noise abont J ' when the five men said , " "We will soon let you know , you Irish — - ; " and with that he was cut down with a hatchet , and fell dead at once . After he had fallen he was kicked aud subbed repeatedly , and his wife , in attempting to save him , received very dangerous injuries . An inquest was held on Tuesday , and adjourned to Wednesday , for the purpose of receiving further evidence ; but , from the evidence already produced , there cannot be the slightest doubt of the guilt of the five men , as all equally participated in the destruction of the nnfortunate deceased . Another Irishman who ran to his assistance was so severely kicked , that no hopes are entertained of his recovery . The police were most active , and apprehended all the prisoners in the course of the
morning . Extensive Forgeries by the Vestst Clerk of St . LtiKB , Middlesex .. —Considerable consternation prevails among the rate-payers of the parish of St . Lube , Middlesex , in consequence of the discovery that Mr . Joseph Barton , who for above four years has been vestry clerk , and has also occupied the situation of clerk to the trustees , had committed forgeries on . the treasurer by means of forged checks , to an amount between . £ 3 , 000 aad £ 4 , 000 . About a mon > h ago he asked permission of the board of trustees to be allowed leave of absence for a few days , with his family . The board granted him a week , when he went ont of town , as was supposed to Hamsgats or Margate , and left his son , who was his
assistant , to transact his business during his absence . Last Monday , as he was some days bejond his time , that being board-d r y , it was discovered that a forgery had been committed through the means of thfr banker ' s cheques , to which the names of persons alleged to be trustees were attached , but who did not belong to the board . It ib the practice when a cheque is drawn out , for two of the trustees to afilx rheir signatures to it , when it is countersigned by their clerk . An inquiry was in consequence made at the banker-, Messrs . Masterman and Co ., to ascertain howthesignaturesoj ' aseumedtrustees could have succeeded in having cheques cashed , when in the list of trustees which isforwarded to thebankersBuchnames were notincluded . as having beenthoseof such persons
who were returned at the antecedent Easter election , when it wa 3 found , to the surprise of the trustees , that the names had been transmitted to the banker . It was then discovered that , in addition to the autographs , which had been sent to the bankers after the Easter election of trustees , and which is always done subsequent to an election , the clerk had added the autographs of three imaginary trustees , and that in defrauding the parish he had made use of these fictitious names for that purpose . From that time to the day on which their clerk absconded , not the slightest suspicion was raised that he was acting dishonestly to the board . As far as has been ascertained , above £ 3 , 000 has been obtained bj means » f these forged checks , from the bankers , and which it is believed has been entirely changed for gold at the bank , as ,
fora fortnight previous to the 5 sh inst ., he was in the habit of sending a person there with notes , for which the person bronght Dtck gold . In one day twenty £ 10 notes were eo exchanged . Application was made on Friday to the Lord Mayor , at the Mansion houseforawarranttoapprehend him , and which wonld be placed in the hand 3 of the Forresters . ^ It is . supposed that he has gone with his family , which consists of his wife , a son , and four daughters to America . The trustees have offered £ 200 reward for his apprehension . A few weeks ago Reid , who was one of tbe beadles of St . Luke ' s , and who was previously a Eerjeant of the G division , suddenly absconded , when it wm discovered that he"lad been borrowing money of various tradesmen in the paiitb , in sums varying from £ 10 to £ 59 . '
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The Murder at Highbury . —On Friday it was ordered by government that Mrs . Daly , the widow of Timothy Daly , the murdered policeman , should be paid £ 450 from the treasury . Mott , the baker , who was wounded , £ 50 , and . Moss the policeman , £ 20 . The two latter persons are perfectly recovered , and are now at their usual vocations . Moss is performing duty in the N division . Thb tbial of Mrs . Btrne , for the murder of her husband , closed on Monday , after lasting two days . The body was found in Mr . Byrne ' s bed , in a state of great decomposition . Several medical witnesses
were examined , the general tenour of whose evidence was , that the appearance of the body indicated death by strangulation , but not with sufficient certainty to induce conviction . The arguments for the defence were , that death must have been produced by apoplexy or epilepsy , the result of exoessive intoxication ; and that Mrs . Byrne most have partaken of the intoxicating drinks to saoh an extent as to be unconscious of what was passing around her . The Jury returned a verdict of " Not Guilty , " which the prisoner heard with the 6 ameindifference that she had manifested throughout the trial .
. A Labouring man was discovered last week in the footman ' s waitiDg hall at Windsor Castled He had been lying for an hour on a bench near a staircase leading to the suite of private apartments and the Royal nursery . He was taken before the Earl of Liverpool , Lord Steward of the Household ; to whose interrogatories he replied , that he had that day walked thirty mile ?] and come to Windsor Castle for his pension , and that he bad followed a pot-boy into the Castle . When he was about to be removed , he made a slight resistance , saying , "I ' ve now got into good quarters , and here I'll stay for the night . "
He was , however , taken to ; the Station-house ; and on Tuesday to London , where he waB examined at the Home Office , before Mr . Hall , the Police Magistrate . He proved to be Thomas Quested , a native of Maidetone , who has an insane idea that he i 3 " Lord Godolphin d' Arcy " ; and he had goueBimply toask the Queen to reinstate him in his " rights . " He has a mad Bister ; and medical examination has put his insanity beyond a doubt . On Thursday , he was again examined and was committed to Bethlehem Hospital under the Home Secretary ' s warrant , there to remain during the pleasure of the Crown . :
At the Gloucester Assizes , William Dwyer , Jeremiah Dwyer , and Charles Dwyer , ( three brothers , ) James Regan , Patrick Donovan , and Dennis Callagban , were tried for tho murder of Roberts , the Policeman . Very early on the morning of the 19 th of Jane , some of the men werafoundby Roberts and another Policeman quarreling , and raising a disturbance in St . James's Baok , Bristol . In leading them off to the Station-house , Roberts was attacked by tise Dwyers : Charies Dwyer struck him on the
head and kicked him very brutally ; and he died in consequence of the in juries within eight and forty hours . The Jury returned a vardict of * Manslaughter" against Charies Dwyer , William Dwyer , and Regan ; acquitting the other three prisoners , and accompanying their verdict with a recommendation to mercy , oa tho ground that it appeared to them that Skidner , tbe other Policeman , struck the first blow . Charles Dwyer was sentenced to traBbportation for life ; and Regan and William Dvpyer to ten years ' transportation .
At Bow Street , on Wednesday and Thursday , several persons were charged with bearing or exposing at their doors placards couched in "inflammatory " language , and announcing meetings to be held on Tuesday and Thursday at Stepney Green and Islington . The bearers pleaded poverty , and ignorance or inattention to the nature of the placards : two of ihem could not read / They were let off under their own recognizances to keep the peace or to appear in answer to any future charge . Craven , a coal shed-keeper , in St . Pancras , said that the placard had bees hung at his door at the request of a customer , while he was out ; and he promised to take it down . The case -was dismissed . Jeans , a hairdresser , in Snow ' s Fields , Somhwark , had also exhibited the placard at his door io oblige a customer ; but he vindicated his right to do so , and refused to remove it : and he was ordered to find two sureties under penalties of £ 20 each , that he would answer any charge at , the Central Crimiual Court .
Temperance . —The adrant aaea of the spread of teetotalism in Ireland are strikingly illustrated in the improved condition of many of the agricultural labourers who annually visit England at this period of the year compared with the wretched state in which all lor mauy years appeared , with rags barely sufficient to cover them , and their pallid looks indicating their love of ardent drink . Articles of grocery were rarely needed ; but now ooffee and sugar hare supplanted gin and whisky . This pleasing alteration forced itself upon the notice of the prinoipal tea-dealer in Boston , to whose shop multitudes of the son ? of Erin have applied for the useful articles he vends , and a few days Bince one man purchased for himself and comrades thirty five packages of coffee and sugar at one t me . —Bravo , Father Mainew and Teeiotaiism!—Lincoln Mercury .
The Afsizs Court at Devises was occupied on Wednesday and Thursday , with an action for breach of promise of marriage , brought by MissRooke , aged twenty-six , the daughter ofa tradesman at Salisbury , * gaiust Mr . Conway a hale widower of sixty-seven Miss Rooke passed eleven mouths at Mr , Comvay ' s house in 1839 , ostensibly on a visit to the daughter ; and in that time tbe host " gained her affections . " He went eo far as to Bit on the eatno sofa with his arm round her waist , to walk with her morning and evening , and to correspond by letter j wording his effusions cautiously , however , and using a feigned name . He was proved to be worth £ 2 , 000 , or £ 3 , 000 . The Jury gave a verdict for the piainViff , witu one farthing damages .
Father Mathsw in Glasgow . —On Wednesday a serious accident occurred in the Cattle Market , during the time Father Mathew was administering the teetotal . pledge . Three lads , the better to view the proceedings , had mounted upon a chimney Black built of brick , but tbe weight was too heavy , and the stack gave way , whereby the whole three were thrown to the ground , the bricks and rubbish falling upon them , and we regret to say that ono of them has lost his life . Tho other two were very severely bruised , but not so dangerously but that hopes are entertained for their recovery . Fa ' . htX Mathewhas been engaged the " entire day in . the" Cattle Market , pledging and confirming the thousands who have flecked to his standard from all quarters . —Glasgow Chronicle .
Suicide . —Shortly after four o ' clock on Saturday morniDK , as a ballast engine was conveying some pohcemeu and excavators along the Eastern Counvius Railroad from the terminus at Shoreditch to Siratford , they noticed what appeared to them a man sitting against the paiJint ^ s which divid ed the line from the Old ford « road , Bow , apparently askep . They , thinking it a very dangerous place for . . a person to be , particularly afc that time of the morning , immediately stopped thb engine and reversed it ; aud on coming to trie spot where the man waej they soon discovered that ho was suspended by a rope , it being made fa ? t to someheoks on the top of the
pailing to prevent , persons getting over ; and to carry his design into tffVct , he was obliged , the pailing not being high enough to extend his person in a Sitting position , to tighten the ropa round hia neck and strangle himself . He is aboat forty years of age , and was dressed in a black frock coat , black waistcoat and trowders , and his hat had a piece at crape around it . No property was found in his possession , except a pocket- book and a duplicate . The ennine-drivers and stokers of the various engines , wh <» were goinu up and down the line all night , have been questioned as to whether ihoy had seen him before , but nut the slightest informauun could be obtained .
A Cheque stolen pbom the Custom House . —For some time past , private investigations by the borough magistra-eB have been going on with respect to the circumstances attending the lo ; s of a ¦ clwque , for £ 110 10 . s . lid ., from the Custom Hou'e . Io appears that on the 7 th of July a cheque for that amount , drawn ou Messrs . Madciisons , was paid into the Custom House by Messrs . Forders , spirit-merchants , and in tho course of biiMness handed ovor to Mr . Graves , of that establishment . The following day Mr . Graves mi 3 sed the cheque , an . j from the mnry of business at the time it was paid , he did not recollect whether he had put the chtque into the cashbox , or had accidentally laid it on his desk . An immediate inquiry was made at Messrs . Maddison ' t ;
bank , when it was found the cheque had been presented immediately after the opening of the bank in the morning , by a young man named Job Earle , a porter at the Vine Inn , and cashed by Mr . Maddison with twenty-five five pound notes , five sovereigns , and ten shillings and elevenpence . Earle had left the town , and irom that time to this the most active exertions have been made by P . S . Terry , who , on Wednesday last , in consequence of information he had obtained , proceeded to Havre , and there , with the assistance of two of the French police , apprehended Earle , and got him on board the steam-vessel , and brought him over to Southampton . On the voyage , the prisoner , without any promise or inducement , made the following statement " : —He said he went out one morning to fill his backets with water , and saw the old man who sweeps the long room of
the Custom House come down , and empty a tub of some rubbish , in which were some pieces of paper . He ( the prisoner ) -went and searched amongst it for some pieces of string , and amongst the papers he found a cheque . He took it to the Vine , ' and shewed it to the cook , who could read better than he could , and she told him it was not worth anything . After he had had his breakfast , he went up to Maddison ' s bank with the cheque , and Mr . Maddjgon paid him the money without a word . He give one of the £ 5 cotes to hi 3 father and two others to his sister-in-law , and then weut off to Bristol . Afterwards-he went to Rouen , in France . About a fortnight " back he got tipsy at the house of a m . au named' Fitzpatriek , stt itouea , and d \» ing the night Ho-waszobbed of sixteen of the £ 5 notes and some Frenohalyer . The prisoner was fully committed to take his trM for the Man * . - —Hampshire Independent * ' . ''¦'
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m Ttphtjs Feveb has prevailed iu Paris for thd last six weeks or two months , with an intensity equal to , if not BurpaBsinft that of the epeidemic of 1841 , The . Lord Hungerford ( EastIndiamen ) , Honourable Cdmpany' Service , has arrived off the Isle of Wight from Calcutta , having on board Lord Aackland , late <^ ern < tfi 6 enerarof India , and family ; her dates of leaving are—from Caloutta c ilarch 12 ; Algea Bay , May 27 ; and St . Helena , Junei 27 ; . The Modei . Prison at Pentonville is now completed , and it ia understood that it will be bben for
the reception of inmates early next month . In the mean time , all tho appointments will be filled up . The applications for the principal sUuationB have been / ery numerous . UpwardB of one hundred candidates for the appointment of Governor have sent m testimbnialsi most of themirespeotable and competent iwrsons . The salaries will be as follow :--^ overnor , £ 600 per airahnV ; Surgeon , £ 400 ; Chaplain , £ 300 ; Deputy . GovernorV £ 200 ; Mastermanufaoturei ' , £ 200 } with suitable residences , &c . The inferior officers , with residences outside in the angles , will have salaries from £ 120 to £ 60 .
_ There is now living in this county a mail named Kipley , who for the last eighty years ( without intermission ) has taken out a hawker ' s iicense , and has consequently plaid to goyernment upwards of £ 300 . lno patriarchal hawker still travels the country , although he is now at the advanced age of ; 103 . The above fact was related to Mr . Taylor , stamp distributor ofthis town , by a grandson of the aged Bapley , who also exercises the same calling . ^ Su ssex Advertiser . .: ;• - . ; \ . ' : . " : y . ~ ::: ; - /¦• ¦ : ' - ¦ ¦ , " -J - ' ; ' ¦' . , - ¦ A Man Gohed to Death by a Bul ^—Wednesday morning , a man , named Grooves , a glazier , residing at Feltham , whilst passing ; through a narrow meadow . belonging-to Mr . J . Parson ^ of Hyde farm , near Wallin <; field , was attacked by a bull . Grooves instantly took to his heels , btit being hard pressed by the infuriated animal ,: ho contrived to ascend a
tree growing in the meadow , from which he shouted for assistance to a party of labourers who were harvesting in anadjoiuin « field . The men accordingly entered the meadow , armed with sticks , and attempted to drive the bull away from the tree , round which theanimal continued to walk , apparently waiting tho descent of the man Grooves , but on their approach the bull made at thein furipualy , and whilst they were in the act of making fi hascy retreat , one of the party fell on his hauds aud knees , acd before ho could recover himself , the buil dvpve i * a horns completely through the unfortunate niati's body , and , shocking to relate , killod him upon the spot . The poor fellow belonged to the parish of Feltham , and has left a wife and ; seven , children to deplore his untimely fate . ; v ¦ -
. Tub CoRPOKATioN-r— -End of Mr . O'Connell ' s MAY 0 RALiTV .--MK : 0 'C 6 nncll has annouricod that ho does not again assume the office of lord- ihayor ; and thus those ; sanguine beings who culcula >« d so complacently on transferring the burthi n of his maintonarice from their shoulders to those of the citizens of Dublin ^ have that cup of consolation dashed from their lips for tho present . Ho as . ^ iims as hia reason the improprioty of holding civic office while 80 exclusively engaged in political ayitatidii a «
he says ho Mterida hencefortn to be . Wo give him every credit for assigniiig a su 8 icien ^ roaec ; n , if it bo the true one ; but £ ne truthv wo have no doub : ; is , that the several lord mayors expectant have ^ kicked against the proposal of keeping him •?' , perpetually'in office , and that ho finds it safer to retira with a . good ^ r ace than to risk ; a wore suinmary fjeotion . lie it as it may , he goes to renew an agitation , the cessation of which , he admits , has been attoha ' ed by a deoided advantage to the Gountry . — -Dubliii Evening Mail . - . - ¦ ¦ = : ... ¦ ' ¦" ' ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ; . ¦• ' -: k- -r . : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - .. ¦ \ : - '' -: ¦ ' . "• '¦¦ ¦ , ¦ .. :
Petition from Gueknssy for AN "iHPRdvf . D Constitution . " ^ At a specialsitting of the douizniers of St . Peter Pat , at Guernsey , oh Thursday last , to take into consideration the present state of affairs of that island , after a long and animated discussion , a resolution was proposed and carried , that an application be made to her Majesty for a change in the constitution of the states of that island ; and a committee was appointed to take the preliminary measures that are necessary for carrying that resolution into effect . At tho same sitting a committee was appointed to present a petition to the royal court , praying for a repeial of the ordinance of the 24 th of April , 1824 , which prohibits the importation of French cattle into that island on pain of confiscation . The revocation of this ordinance is considered but an act of justice , as the operation of Sir ; R . Peel's new tariff has removed all obstaoles for the introduction of cattle to the other branches of her Majesty ^ s dominious . - ;
An Enlightened PotiCEMAN . —David Ridge , a poor fellow literally in rags , was charged at Queen Square with being destitute ; A police constable of the P division proved that he found , the poor fallow lying in Belgrave Terrace asleep , aHe eaid ho was destitute , anid had no placo to g 6 tfl ^ Mr . BHrrell- — "Is the poor man Buffering under mental debility V " Why , yes . Sir / ' said the policeman , ' he has a shooking bad poat and waistcoaty his shirt is all in rag 3 , and he hasn't got any shoes to his feet . " This reply produced considerable laughter . Mr . Burrell directed that the poor follow should be taken to the Workhouse . v ¦' . ¦• : ¦'¦ " - ¦ : " . >¦'¦¦ . >/
Tat : Augsburg Gazetter of ' the 12 th instant publishes a letter from Canaiantinople , of the 27 th July , stating that the manifoato of the Shah of Persia against Turkey left no hopa of an amicable arrangement between those two countries . "The Porte considered the war as inevitable , be ing determined not to make any concession to the Shah , either as respected the boundary-Hue or tho required indemnity . " At one ; of its last deliberations , the Divan had resolved to appoint ss Generalissinio of the army of operations the uncle of the reigning Shah , and brother tor the late Aobas Mirza , Who lives retired in Asia , Minor , and has repeatedly applied to the European Powers for aid to enable him to re ?
cover his throne . ' The object of the Grand Vizier was not only to conquer the Shah , but to dethrone him and substitute in his place the Pretender , who issaid to baye > s powerful party in Persia ; : Zut Izzil had been compelled to abandon that project , in consequenco of the Ambassadors of Great Britain and Russia haying deolare < that the reigning dynasty was placed under the protection of their respective Courts ^ who would oppose the usurpation : of the sceptre by another branch of the Hoyal family . According to advices direct from Constantinople of the 27 oh , the general impression is that there will be no serious rapture , but that the offered mediation of Great Britain and Russia will be effectual . ¦
Chabqe of Mubdbr against a Li ^ brpool CAPrAiN . —Thames Police . —On Saturday ^ Capt ; Partridge , master of the Jarrow , of Liyerpool , was charged with tho wilful murder of three Spanish sailors on the high 6 ea . 3 , between the coast Africa and Teneriffe . Th ? prisoner waS ''' 'br 0 HKht'hoine . 'in ; con ^ finement , in her ¦ Majesty ' s steiioier Alow , which arrived on Friday at Wooiwic-h frbin Teneriffe , where Captain Partridge had been for sonic time detained by the Spanish authorities for non-payment of a fiiie of £ 400 for cruelty towards the seamen ; On being c . ' aimtd by the Koyerument . flie prisoner Was given up . The nrsli witness was Joseph Fishor , who said lie went out as a boatswain in the Jarrow , and came home as liiaio ; hofiave his evidence very reluctantiy ,
but the magistrate pressed and threatened him , saying he was determined to . get the whole ; -of the . fkct 3 onto ! him . Ho then said , the ship was bound from Africa to Liverpool , and soon after she sailed , phe became very leaky , which compelled them to pat into Prince ' s Island , where they shipped four Spaniards as able seamen , but who proved to be quite the reverse .. They ; had been takeu out of a slaver by a man-of-wai ' , and were all ill when they came oa board ) but two of them particulaTly so . Tho . first , whom they called Humbry , was flogged becau » o he could not do his duty properly ; he died six weeks after he was first beaten ; he was floge , ed repeatedly ; neither of tho Spaniards had a hammock ; they had staall matB and rugs to lie upon
the . day before he died witness found him in the scuppsr 8 i and pulled hiuv out ; ho supposed he had been' sitting oa some of the spars ; and by the rolling of the ship fell off . The eecoad , calied Marianna . was continually flogged by the captaih ; he wag beaten thirty-six hours before he died , on tho head with a double-foliiing log-slate , the frame of which broko into a dozen pieces ; the man ' s , head was cut severely a » d bled ! profusely ,: but he was , nevertheless , kept on deck Tx > r two hours . until hij time was up , and then he went to tho pump ; he either could not or would riot pump , arid the captain sent him into the riikging for four hours and a half j when he left tho rigging he was inserisible , arid never moved afterwards . The third man was calied Rosantie . ' H ^ was beaten as often as the others" : he
was flogged before he had been on board a dozsu hours , because he could not pump hard enough . This man di d not die until they ? reached Teneriffo ; witness had repeatedly seen the captain knock him down ; the man was dirtyj and he died thrdnsn that and weakness and hard wotki When the Bhip performed quarantine the man waa mustered with the others at the ;' gangway ^ but npthinj ? was said to the doctor , who ^ came alongside , about his being ill . All thres of the men went to the pumps when they could scarcely stand ; Witness had re ported to tee captain that one of the Spaniards was too ill to come on deck , and was ordered to rouse him dead or alive . The prisoner eaid he found the Spaniard asleeD at the helin . and therefore he gave him
a " Blap ?? With the slaie . ^ - Rioharcl Gerard , oarpenter of the ship , detaUed a niamber of gr # ss cruelties , and added that the Spaniards had less provisions than the Sther men . The man whtt died at Teneriffe had his armiri a sling , owing to a wound in ; tne hand he recciyed trpia the captain . They had shipped two Frenchmen at LiyeirpoolJ one ran away at Terieriffei and the other disappeared froitt the ship one morning when on the coast * f Africa . It ^ ras supposed Jie jumped overboardi and ho wai thoHghi to be but of hi ? mind . Other witnesses deposed tb the extreme cruehics practised towards tho Spaniards , aud ultimately the magistrates reaaadetl the prisoner oa thd ^ char ^ e » f murder , in order that he might consult with his fricisds , and obtain profeif-Bioaal advice , previouo t « kis boing ooamitted .
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High Life Beiow Staib ^ . —A Sckne at Crock FOaD's , and LiABitiTv ob Husbands . —Ahos « Jenmings . —In thei Secondaries' Court , CFuildfiaU , on Friday , bafore Mr . Secondary Potter and a cammen jury an action was brought by the plaintiff , Mr . T . Amoa , landlord of the Bell , Mount-street , Qrosvenor-square , to recover of the . defendant , a ^ Mr . Jennings , ^ ' night waiter , ^ at the St James ' s Club , better knawn as Grockfard's , the attmof £ 6 38 . 4 i-l , the balance of £ l « 18 s . 4 id , for meat and drink sufiplled to the defendants wife . Mr . James was counsel for the plaintiff ; and Mr . Baaly for the defendant . —From the > t « teraent of the learned gentleman it appeared that in the mpatb of September , 1838 , the defendant and his wife came to reside at No . 58 , Mount-street , next door to the Bell , and on the 3 rd
of that montk the plaintiff began to supply the wife with beer and meat for her : dinner , the husband sleeping at homo in tbe day , but dining at aeven o ' clock in tho evening , ¦ with the rest of the " waiting gentiemen " at th 6 ?¦>• club ;'' The plaintiff continued to supply meat , drinfe , &o ., to Mrs . Jeanings until the 9 th of Junein the folio wing year . —To prove the plaintiffs case , Sophia Bradley , the barmaid was called , and swore to supply ing Mrs . JtjRnings and her child , with beer , meati and vegetables , almost daily , feut did not recollect her having any spirits . Mr . Jennings was generally at home . She went through a great part of tbe bill of particulars , which consisted of five pages , to the uneasiness ef the jury , who thought they would be obliged fo hear the whole , as the counsel for the
defendant appeared determined to haveevery item properly , made out , so that hiB cHt-nt shoul ^ Tiot Ire charged for " gin . " Oflcrpss-examinntion , ahe staged Mrs . Jennings was often the worse for iiqiur , but the gin was got at the «'« Compasses , " and not at the Boll . She took the bill to Mr . Jennings after he left Mount-street , and he said if she came again he would kick her oat . — -Mr . Dann , a baker , oa ? rjing on baainesB at No / 58 , Baid he almost ( Jaiiy saw the dinaer go by bis shop : ts Mrs . Jennings ' 8 , and irom the odoriferous ; smell of the cooked meats going up sUirs , he always felt an appetite' for * his dinner ( laughter . ) . Mr . Jennings was always at hemstbeh , and if he was not aBleop , was playing the cornopean , whilst hii wifa was eating the dinner on the ataira . ( toudlaBghter . ) Never had the
felicity to coolt a joint for Mrs . Jennings .: ( She often cooked vegetables , and was preoioua fond of peas . —C ^ osa examined . Could'rit tell whether it was : always hot meat as a plate was " kiyoteti" over it . ( Langliter . ) Mrs . Jennings . was ; often drunk . Mr .: Bushy contended that the accsuas v / as a fabricated ono and that the defendant was cot liable , as there was no necessityifor suppiyfeg his wife ' with so ; mnch beer .: Ho contended that he waa nat liable , as his wife was living with him and had every thing necessary , and also that the plaintiflfhad been tolil not to let her have things . — The seoondary aaid that the Lusband was liable for any amouut of goods received at the place where he was living with his wife . —Mr . Busby « aid the credit was given to tbe ¦ woman , and not to the man ; and ,
therefore , he was not liable to be called .-r-GBorge Bryan , an attorney ^ clerk , deppserttogoing to the plaintiff ' B , and ofR ; ring £ 3 ia full , which was not accepted . He also attended at the Court of Reot'iests , where the defendant was summoned by the plaintiff , but the case was dismissed in consequence of the abseuce oif the latter . Tho plaintiff , in reply to being toid that he 6 u «? ht not to give the womait auy more Credit , replied that she was a Kood customer . —Cross-eXainined : Had known Jenniijgs five or six years and has dined with him at the " club ; " They ( the night waiters ) dined ; at seven o ' clock . Mrs . Jeiininge is now in Irelaad , having been sent there for comraitting an assault Jennings lived occasionally with her , but in consequence of her driibken habits , Fhe was often in gaol . — - William Simmonds , a
night waiter , at Crockford ' s said he had known the dbf entlant eight years . Tneir businesa began about ten o'clock , and finished at five , six , and seven o ' clock the following morning . Tlie salary is £% per week ^ and no perquisites . Tne dinner hour Was s « v < in o'dock ; had often seen Mrs . Jennings coma to Crockford ' s ia a state of drunkenneasj and threw the mon 3 y . Jennings had given her at him in the hall . ^ -Cross-ixauiined : Jennings always dined at the club . ; I have . Visited . in Mount-street , but never siivr a joint , although I ' ve been invited to dinner . Som « imes Jennings w&n asleep , sometimes playing . ' the trombone . ( Laughter . ) We ate all wide awake at Crockford's ., ( Laughter . ) The
ainner consists . of a joint and vegetabiea , and we eat at it as we like . In valae it Is worth Is . 6 "d ., and 1 call it something like a diDner . We drink sherry when we can get it , but when we cftuuot —• " heavy . " ( Laughter . ) If I get a good pull at the pewter first , I don't want auy more , I th \ nk Jennings is a heavy feeder , but : *¦"¦ don't watch his aiotions ; ( Laughter . ) We have a . *• BUcfeV-pf ten during tha ninh ' r .- ^ An ';•« undertaker" proved drinking : gin on three occasions wltti Mrs . Jenaings , while her biMand was asleep ov amusing himself with the trombone , which he procured from the BalLr-Mr . James raplied in a most huiaorous speech , and the secondary having : sumuioncd up , the jury retatuiad a verdict ' for th 6 amount claimed .
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DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN TTJDOR-PLA 0 B , ; TQT" TENHAM-CbURTrROATJ . On Sunday morning , shortly after three o ' clpclr , a fire broke out in the premises of Mr . Morgan , an extensive soap boiler and tallovf-melter , No 18 , Tottenbam-court-road , which for extent of damage will pro * bably very nearly , equal-the recent destructive conflagration in Bcrmohdsejv . ' . ; ¦' - ; . ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ' )¦ - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ? : ¦ ¦'¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦? Mr . Morgan ' s premisea are situate within one (? , ocr of Tudor : place , a narrow turning , just above ^ Hah way * yard , and the ¦ whole range , including the atables , extends back more than 309 feet , the party-wall at the extTeroity foriDisg the boundary of Black-horse-yard , through which there is a thoroughfare for foot-passengers to Rathbone-place . The width is about sixty foet , through a great part of the range , and they abut immediately on the private house and shop in Tottenhamconrt-roaA . - ' . -.. .. ' .- '¦'• ¦ . - ¦ "''• ¦ . ? .,- ' . " - '
It appears that the workmen in the service of Mr . Jones , also a tallow-melter , occupying premises in an augleof Tnclor-place , opposite to Mr . Morgan ' s , were engaged all night on Saturday in their busineft' ? , and at the house above-named one of them having occasion to goto the , otiteT door ¦ observed . a strong glare of . Mght threngh some of the windows of Mr . Morgan's warehouse . On a closer exauiination he discovered tkat a portion of the premises was- in fl vases , find ca'ling hia companions , tb a alarm was instantly given , and messehgersdespatched to the various engine stations . / Mr . Morgan employs neai ; ly forty men , and uluioat al ! of them living near the spot , a body of assistants wore soon gathered , which , under other" ciriiamstances than
those phich niifortnnately existed , might have stayed in some dsgree the devastating element ; but the contents of the aparlmentlii ¦ which it first broke put ^ 'being almost entirely tallow and unmelted fat , the fire got suclihpldi toatbefore water Wasprocart'd inanythlDg like' a sufficient quantity ' to be of 8 eryic 6 , tbe whole o £ the tailow and soap warehouse was one mass of flame . Some of the fire engines were stationed in Tottenham- ( 50 urtroad , two . in Hanway-streefc , the hose beiug carried through the houses on the Nsrth side , some in Black Horse-yard , and three in Tudor-place , where the heat was so intense that it was with the greatest difficulty the flrtiuon could stand against it . It is to be reg ; rfitted that there' ^ ir ' as a fierioas-want of wat « r . atthe early staae of the fire in some positions . ' . "
; No loss of life has taken place , although the walls have fallen ia solid masses in every direction . The following ; is a copy \ . of the official report made at a late hour on Sonday evening , and soppUed by Kr . Braid wood . The extent of damage , it will be seen , ia enOrnious : — . ' - : : ^ ¦ ' . ' , ¦ '' : ¦ : ;¦[ :: ¦¦ - ' - ¦ - / .. ¦¦' . ¦ ¦/ ¦
TOTTENHAM-POURT-ROAD . No . is , ThrsniaB Morgan , Boap-boikr and tallowmelter ; the whole of the warehouses at the back of jirivate hoose whoiiy . destroyed , and back front , of private dwelHiig inucb bornti contents insured in ; . tha Norwich IJnioa , and building in the Westminster fire * office . ¦ /¦ " . ' ;;; : " : ¦ ' . " ¦; . . ¦ '• ¦ ¦ .. ' ¦" . I- . ; - ;; ' . - - ; ¦ ¦ ' - . ¦ - ¦¦ ,. - . . ' - ¦ ¦ No ., 14 Heiiry Bare , sUy-maker ; slightly damaged ; eon tents unindurod , building insured ia the Sun fliyoffice , r - [ ' -- ¦ ¦ ;¦ ¦' ; - v "' - . -: "'¦; -: . '" . ' : ¦¦ : •¦ . ; . ¦ ¦ ' 7 ' / ' ¦ No . 16 i Louio Kyrqr , watchmaker ; stock and furniture much damaged , building scorched ; contents iusvired in the British fire-office , building uni known ; ¦ . ¦ ¦ .. ¦ . ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . . " ¦ . ; , " ¦ - ' . ; • •¦ ¦ •• ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' . ' , ' - : ¦ " - , ; : ¦ ' ' - ¦ ' ; ' " - ¦;' ; No / 17 . Jamos Johnson ,.. shoemaker ; roof and back front much damaged ; contentsuninsured ,. buildiag insured ia the County fire-ofiice .
No . 19 , S . T . Edwards , victualler ; stock ana building much damaged ; contents insured in the ; Sun fird-Olfice , building iaiiie County fire-ofiice . Na . 20 , Biily , butcher ;\ ropf mnch damaged , contents uniHsqred , building insured in the Licansscl Victuallers ¦ fire-office .: :: :- ¦/ ;¦; . . ¦ ¦ . ' . ¦' . . ; ' . ¦ ¦• ' '¦'¦ : ¦/ . : '"' .-. ' . ¦ ¦ : ' ::. ' 1 " ' : ¦ - '¦" No . 22 i Limbert and ; Co ., grocers ; Btock much damaged by removal ; uninsured . >
: TVO 0 R-PLi . es . Ifb ; 1 , : charles . Ktrslake , tin-mannfactursr j rc-nt entirely destroyed ; coutenta insured , building ditto . No . 2 , fefc ont in tonements ; windows burnt out , and furniture destroyed ; contents uninsured , buiidhig diefcb ; - '¦ ¦[ ' - ' [ - ¦ ¦ ¦; ' ¦ ;;^ . v ' ; . ' : ' \ - ' : ' - - \ .-.- ' : " '¦ - \/ --: . ; - ¦ ¦} ¦ . ¦ ¦ " '¦ ' . ' . ' ; Ne . 1 , ( in the comer ) , C . Parker , cowkeeper ; slight aawage to fatniture ; contents iusuxed in the Fhoeuix oftlce . .. ¦ ¦ : ¦ . ¦ : . ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ .. . ; ; v . ' .. ' .. ¦ ¦¦ ' ' ; ' . ¦ ¦ ' : ¦ " ¦ . - ¦;¦ . " ¦ . ; . ¦ : "' . ; No . 10 , the St . Patrick ' f Socie ^ Schools ; roof barafc off , and' otherwise much damaged ; building iasuxed ia the Alliance office ; content * unknown . : ;^' ' ; GRESsi-STBEET ,: RAIHBONE . i » tACS . : ' Mr . j . BivWflli coach and omnibus proprietor ; roof and ' skyli ^ ht btirat > and a quantify of oats and clover much damaged ; contents insured ia the Sun fire-office , building ditto .. V . ¦ ,-: ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ . v : '; - ^ ' - ' " : ' . '¦ ¦ : ' •• . ' . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦ - ' : ' . ¦ ' ' \ . ' ^ ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ ' UANWAT-TAKD . - \ :- { :- . - " ' ¦ : Mr , B ^ ldock , cabinet-Hiaker ; roof and skyliglit much daniagedj uninaured . ; '; ' ^ .: '
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¦• . /• ¦ ; COISyEyANCE OF TRQOPS . r ; The following is a return of . thei number , of troops and quantity of emmnnition conveyed by the Lon-Jon and BirmiDghamRulway within the last . eight dnya . Eight or nine hours sufficed for the joaraey from London to Manchester and Lends , ; formerly a fourteen days ' march . "' ¦ : ¦ ' : " -. y -- " ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ; ¦ ' .. - ¦ •> ' ; ¦ . ' - - ¦ ¦ . : ¦ - ' ¦" ' ¦ ¦ ; - ' . ¦ ¦ - ' •> - . -v ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦' - ¦ ¦ : ¦ - ¦ Saturday Night—Half a battalion ofGrenadier Gnards , ¦ —viz , 20 officers , 500 men , and 6 ^ hortss ;! t « oop of BbyaJ ¦ Hinwe Artillery , ' ^ -vjz ,- 3 *> fif < $ 6 « , i 6 i , men , 60 horeea ; ' ; 2 canntm , ' aid 3 siniDnnition-w&ggtajs . Sandair « b » ning ^ -Hilf ? = a » 1 batt «* of-Abi JRoyal AiHlleiy , --vit , Soffieers ,-: * 1-men , -29 ho » ba ; 2 guns , and 2 ammunition waggdM . r . ?>;?•; . ; . ;> ^ . v . v Snnflay Eyaning . ^ Partjol the 34 th F «? fr- » Tiz- » 24 < tiBLem twiiB& i ^ w ^} b ^^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦' . ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' - Tnesday Motniogi-J- ^ bimiihies ^ fOl ttte 54 ^ Foot , — vte , 4 officers . 215 meai , 63 womta ^ snd ^ 4 c « hildren , about 12 or l « tons-bf arnniftnitiWfcyi ! ro . ; k ; *^« Vv
Tflursday McrniBg . —Tiie ! d&Foot ,-r * 7 ia ,, 2 * offlcere , 633 ' men ^ fpWhor ^ : ' , ^ ^^' iQs ' ^ ^^ ¦ - *^ : 1 . s "' . - ' ' : Th ' araday Nlgbt ^ -twd toniiiltmmwrftion . ^ ' ;" . '"' . ¦ ¦ : ^ Iday ^ erninj . ^^^ 24 offlcersj ; 650 m «» , 6-hor ^ ear ; ' " : ' * - ^ . ^ 'i' ^ 'r ^ r ^ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ : " v . In addition . r to' \ 3 & fbregohi'gf » Urgfr < B » aibt ! r have been conveyed on ; from Wui&im , and ibgb ^ by tha 12 tti Fbpt brbigut » p if ^ rom thwlforth . lwg « ^ pMatitiet of baggage , &o ., have atob befeii ; tran « mitt » d . - ^ -Ra ^» wy Tvm * . ;^ •;;;; ¦ . ^^ : - ';' . ^ ^/^^ -P :: ^ > j ^ i '} ' .-- \ - •; .-. '
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' - ' ¦ ¦ . " - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ , ., ¦ * v- > - > y ^ w ^> /^ i ^^ J ^ i ^^^^ . ^>* s ^> s ** , ¦ .. . - . . " . ¦ ¦; , ¦ ANOTHER SlUCtDE ^ BY LFAPING FROM THE ;¦• ;¦> . ' : /¦;¦ ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦• ¦ ¦ MONUMENT . - ' ' ; ' ;;¦¦; . ; - v- . ;^;/ ' - ' . - ; The neighbourhood of the Monument , on Friday , again became the scene of a most painful Hensation , fey the suicide of a young womao ' from iho gaileTy of this edifice ; Soon after ten 6 " clocfc that morning she applied for admission , and was accompanied to the top of the building by one ; of the men who , for the last three years , always attend upon paraons visiting this ancient build , ing , to whom she put several minute nueationa relative to the yarioua objects that ave to be witneBsed . She appeared quite calm and colitctod , and nothing waa exhibited by ^^ which any suspicion could be entirtaiBed that she contemplated a prsciiiitation . However , she
had scarcely beea up a quarter " . ' of an hour , when ,. during a momentary suspensibn of the kteper ' d usual vigilance , she . alertly climbed over that portion of the railing facing ArthuT-streefc , opposite Fish-street Hill , whence , after hanging by the rails for a few seconds , daring which sh » was occupied in tucking in her clothing tightly between her knees ; she let go with a alight spring , descending head fosemoati aud in her fall striking the griffiu ^ t the top of the right side ; of the base . She then was precipitated forward into the open space fronting the Monument , arid reached the ground about three or four yards from the pedestal . Assistanco was promptly rendered by tha policeHia . n On duty , Rolph , -671 ; but she was a corpao , and sadjy bruised . In her descent she struck off the hat from the head of a
carman who was passing . .. by ;' . at the time , ana . then touching the horse ' s neck , rebounded . "' and . fell , liponthe erottnd . Her hefid at the back portion hppeared to be slightly fractured , her eye ,- ^ rowa avA nose discoloured , her lugs and ancles both broken , tha bones protruding thtpugU the skini and she was btbesrwisa conaiderably bruised . After she had been examined by a surgeon , her body was conveyed to St . Magnus ' s Church , and placed in a shell , to awiiit tfe Coroner ' s icquiest . Her ¦ general appearance was tbat of a' nursery-maid ; her clothing decent sM clean , but not of ; au expensive description . Her chemiso . was ' iniitked-J .: C . . She had oa a muslin lilac coloured figured gown ; straw bonnet , inside lining white mlfc , and puce ribbou ; light brown shawU fringed V 7 ith green ; and biaok ha ! f-bopts . ; She
was thick set ,, rather under firafetS ; in height had a full face , with but Uttlo colour , and " .-beautiful dark eyes ; she ¦ appeared to be abdut twenty-three years df rififd ; and in the opiinon : of a medical gentleman , was eucienle . At t ? r « o ' clock in the afternoon she itad apt been ^^ icleatined ; but one of the metropolitan police said that ha baa observed hor for ths last six or seven days walking * a ? , stree-. s of Southwark , but' had not seen her prnviousiy to tbat peri 6 d . It will be recbliected : that : immadiatoly after the last two occurrences of a similar Kind wiiicn pcaurred three years ago in September , the city authorities engaged two individuals , whose duty it was to superintend all persona visiting the monument ; one being ^ eiaplosed in the morning , and the ether in the afturuoonof the day .
^ bweyer , notwithstanding tbe ^ epiecautious . ^ :. ' thvs usual vigilance of the attendant was net kept sufficiently alive , and another death has ¦ been the unfoj-tanata consequence .. Thttunf » rtunato . deceased was the . ' . only ' inrtividual who applied for admission ^^ during the morning . Of course a great crowd . was collected aronad the spot , but ato extra supply or police was immediately forwarded by the city commiBsiuiier to keep the fitreets clean It is a nislancholy rtfliction that this is the thi / d * time that life has been sacrificed in the Barae dreadful manner withia one year and a haifc The ^ almost uaeleasneaa of appointing a eaiitlnel ia tho
gaileiy must now be apparent to every person ; and if the Monument be not altogether closed against the public , some better means of prevention niust be . adopted than at present . exists . But the Hiattar will , doubtless , be carefully discussed ; by ; the coiuiuittee , after the exottement of the catastrophe has passed i away , r : ; Mr . Bleadou , chairman , of the Commercial Steam Packet Company , who is the present responsible lessee of the Monument , states that Fletcher is a man in whom he iiad great cpnfitienco , and his -neglect on tcis occasion ia altogether : extraordinary ; -to ;' tIxbs . S whsl have known him for many years past . The deceasedf was the first person who ascended the Monument on Friday . ¦ .
iDENXiiY of IheBoby . — Shortly aftex seven ©' clock on Friday evening , a gentleaan named Robottom , who stated his address to be 64 , Buttialand Btreet , East-road , Hoxton , applied to the officers in charge of the body of the female , at St . Magnus church , for permission to see the body . He then said her name was Jane Cbopar , that she waa twenty-two years , of age , and a servant in his family . She had been ia his service twelve montius , and bad conducted herself with the greatest propristy . On Wednesday last she asked permission to be granted a holiday on the foiLowing day' ( Thursday ) , aa she « atd
she kad a dealre to see her relatives . He thought it strange at the time , inasmuch ssahe hod always previously Biated that her father and mother were both dead , and that she bad no relative ; He , however ; granted her teqaest , and she left bla house on Thursday morntog , attired in the clothes in which he now viewed her body . They were much surprised : that : » he did . flbt return homo on " Thursday nightraud ^ the afternoon hearing that a : female answeriirgt& ^ ^ BerlpUon of tha deceased had thrown herself froia the mpnume&t , lie deemsd . it advisable tw make the preaent inquiry , ; He woa jure as tb lier identity , but could Sot iac ^ uat fbra ^ TeWsbV sW'biito ' cdinniiti or tp entertain the'design of ^ < wmmltting , so dwadful sji aot" v .
¦;;;¦ ; , ; ,: ; ? /> ikqoe $ t p » » he bodt . . ' , i ; v '; v : v ; v , -: A oprbaer * 4 inquestiwas held ^ n Saturd ay afternoon , at thwe ' clo * fc Wow Ifix . Payne , the ci ^ r coroner , at tlM
Untitled Article
Swan Tavern , King WiUiam-street , when the following evidence was adduced : ^ -Bobert Fuller Rulfe , a policeman , stated that about balf-past t « n on Friday morning , when coming by Ihe Weighhouse chapei . he saw a female faUuig ; £ om thffc top of the , iBonumenfc . She struck againstene side bf the building , and rebounded into the middle of the street He assisted in raising her up , but she wm quite dead . ' Ibomas Jenkins examined : The young female came to the Monument oa Friday at a quarter-past ten o ' clock , and paid me sixpence to go to the top ; I told her to take hold of tha raUing on the left hand Jide . She replied , " Oh , jea , I know . " She dldvOot appear flurried , or at alldiatresscd . " I did not see her again until she had thrown hersfclf intotheatreet . A person of the name of Fletcher
is appointed to conduct all persons-who go to the top of the . Monument , and hl « instructions are not to leave a person alone ; if there are several at the top , he ia required to walk round , but not to interfere . Ta ' ere was no other person present wheu the unfortunate female threw herself off Nathaniel Fletcher saidV he was on duty on Friday morning at nine o ' clock . The deceased camo abeut a quarter past ten b ' cVjck , ; and asked to view the Monument . She thea went up stairs . He was with her at the top -but heating a door shut , / he > left for a Bhort time , during which ^ ahe thiew heiBelf pK Be thbnght she Lad go ;; e down atairs . The last time he saw the young woman she was standing at the flig ^ taffi This Witness appeared to have an imperfect recollection 6 j what took place . — ^
Sarath " Trimming : ' I am ^ acqaainted with the deceaBed ; she waa in service . S ^ ie called on mu on Tburs'jay ; she appeared very happy . There was no particular conversation between us . 'I do not know tli ^ t there was any trouble on her inind . She said she was going to Camber ^ ell fa ^ . ^ i ^ r . Rowbo ttom :: I liye at Eattteland-street , Hdxion . The deceased was in my Bervice . She left her employ on ^^ Thnraday morning . ShealFaya appeared in good health . I am not aware of htr beiug in low spirits . —Mrs . Rowbottom ' . ' : ¦ . When the deceased kf theme on Thursday moiniag , she Baid that sheh was going for a holiday to Vauxhall . I told-.-hies / to > at home . byeleveii o ' clock , bttt 1 ^ never saw her afwrwaids ianttttG-day . Sbme t ietteits found on the decsased j ? ere read by the Coroner , but from the BituatJon in whicli the' reporters were placed , coupled with the crowded state of tneroqm , the ^ ete not distinctly heavci . Tr ^ y * howayet 1 , relited trila Iqvb affair , wHh ; a youagmaa whose name ' Sid not transpire . ---Mr . Pullen , suweon , of
King ; Williiim- ^ treet , stated , that he saw thedecea 88 d shortly after she bad thrown herself from the IVioiiument ; she was quite dead . He did not think she was enciipte , but nb doubt existed but that she had deviated from the puths of virfeae . —Tjonisa Edwards , a married fiintsr of the deceased , said she had not seen . Let for a twelyempntn , and ; " wa « .. noii aware of any causo which led her to commit the fatal act . There were two gentlemen . . lodgers at Mrs . Rowbottbrn ' o ^ and witness wished to know ; why it -was that'they were nGt . called . r-Mr 8 i _ Rowbottbni w » 3 recalled , and , in answer SO questions by the Coroner , . said she huJ not the least idea there vras any ,. not even th 3 slightest , intimacy between her lodgera and decea 3 ' jd . —Louisa Ed wards recalled , ' ¦ - . My sister told me that she should leave Mrs . Rowbbttom ' s on account of receiving low wagea , and being kept in tha back ground . —A person in the room , whoae name : did not traB ^ piyej wud the deceased bore a most exceilent character . —Tho Coroner
summea up the evidence . There could be no doubt that the deceased met with her death by an aof . cf her own . -Ibe only question was , whether the unfortiinata female , was in a sane state of mind at tbe time . —The Jury , without leaviflg the reom , returned the following Verdict ' : —" That the deceased destroyed hers ^ if while labouring under temporary insanity , brougkt oa by indiscre'tlon . " .. ' , ¦; . ' ¦ . ¦;''¦ : '"• -: .- ; ' : . . •; . -. - — -. ¦¦ : ' .. : ' - -= ¦" ' : : ' The deceased i 8 the sixth person who has committed suicide in the same dreadful , manner . On the 26 th of July , 1750 , a youbg man , supposed to bt > a weaver , who was never owned , precipitated himself from the gallery , and was killed on the spot . On tho 7 th of July , 1788 , John Craddock , a journeyman baker . Oa the liBtli of June , 1810 , Mr . LyonLevi , a dinmond merchant , reaiding in Haydpn Square ; In September , , 1839 , Margarei : Moyes , daughter of abaker , iu Hem rnir . g ' a Row . ; and a few weeks after a youth , one of tUe pupils of St . Ann's Society's Schools . , :
Untitled Article
"• ' . - - -:- - . ... THE ' ^ C / r : T : H :. EIK ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ' ^^^^^^^^ . ^^¦^ i ^ ta ^ . ^^ . ^ ^^^^^^«^^^^^^^ v . ^^^_^ . d ^^ Bb ^^^^ bi ^ H ^^ KMW ^ . ^ b 4 ^ hHh ^ .. ^^ Mb ^^ MNMV ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ¦ ' ^—— 1 ¦ r- - -. l ¦ ' ... _ ¦ ¦ -. A . ¦ MMMff ^ MV ± ^^^^^¦¦^^^ h ^^^^^ B ^^^^^^ . ^^^^^ m ^^^ i ^ mi . i !¦¦ ¦ i '^^ a ^^ m i ¦ ^ M ^ m ^^^ li i * - — - — - ^ b- ^ flkl
Northern Star (1837-1852), Aug. 27, 1842, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1176/page/3/