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' £i)Atff0t 3Ent*Ht9*tue.-
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.. ¦¦ • • —^sa Leed ,- :_Printed for the Proprietor FEABGU* '/VCONNOR, Ei*. of Hammersmith, Count/
r -'irosBUn s Cijaritst £2£xlin^.
iLocal anT> (Dfnural ^nteltfsar cc .
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A WEEKLY Miscellany , Written by Self-Edu- ; . XI cated Men and Wemen . ' .. " Price One Penny . " It abounds in amusing tales 2 nd good advice . "— - The Etvening Star . ¦¦ "'¦ . , M We wish it success . "—British Statesman . . r " The plan of The Unknown is equally novel and . ingenious , and will become popular . "—Essex and . Herts Mercury . ¦ ¦¦ - " Extraordinary exertions in the way af advertisements have given it a broad currency . " — Cleave's Gazette . - : " The Unknown is a penny paper , and bristles in every nook with opposition to things as they are L This being the case , we wish it God speed . "— Od /' i Fellow . . ; v " Thisis a new weekly penny periodical of g- ; . eat promise . Not only do the human beings of : the world contribute to it , but the " man in the r joou ¦ " and the brute animals also lend their aid . ' — Duudee Heraldk '¦ London , W , trapge , and all Bookselif rg . '
Untitled Article
J _ > i ! ON . —Mr . Gaudixkx will Ice : ere at the E ..: j .-, Cracifix-lac ^ , Bcrmoudsey , on Monday ev . :: . 2 . ' . . "¦? r . Fjirser tfHJ Jecrnre si the HsU , J , Chicaw * k . c :. Tuesday . ' - " - "Ridi-et will lec ' nre at tie Working-men ' s H ¦ - ' - Kingston , on Tuesday . Mr . ft ' HFEi / EB wOl lecture on Sunday evenji ; . at the Clock-honse , C »< nle-street , Jjeicestcr-Eq . ¦ :-., - y ? - 3 OLTTELL , froH Bun , -will lecture at the Star , G tr-iice . on Sunday r-xr . The chair to ta taken at StT- Z i'd : Ck . ' . -r . Campbell will jfcrnre at the Rock locs'rv of C-r- ' - ;; :.-rs . a ; the Bove LcSee Hr-n > e , liwa-G < " •*•• = . ¦ n W-ednesHay evenirir , December 8 th . at ei- . " o'clock . Carpeaiers especially are inviitd to -. d . ¦
ar 2 . 1
. Public Dixme . Concert . 2 nd Ball will be htid or > " . rS ^ . ij , ai H'mnirgwjy ' s Saloon , Mile-tndr 'V -FrAT ^ us U'&jr , aor , £ > q ., will pre-idc-, and « " - " ¦ . ; - ' -i : cisen and lucres ¦ w ;; l attend . Tickers to th" lj !? . 3 =. : to bail and concert cnly 8 c . D . navr a ; : e o ' clock prec := f ! y . ' tiixiST W ± u . T £ ns . — A ¦ pi !'' " : c meeting for tre e ! = on 0 ; Councillors wiil ' cebeiu onSa . urday ( : hif ) t" ; - . ai the Chanisi 11 * 11 , Grey E-aleEir-:-1 , S ^ Idds . " -t : ce—The Charti-is of Cambefwcll will in fu e i ^ d tbe . r Hj ' sij Ei-fi sgs at the & ok i
± ^ . a , . cmcerwcn u-e-n . i ; . e meE&ers ot ice lc "¦/ sr ? particularly r ? qu = s :- ~ d 10 be pHr . ctual iu ttt . i . ' . 'iicacce , as i-Uii ^ o-r 1 /* ' great imp-irianee Tf , e jaid before the rcee : ?!!^ ; the cbair to be ts ¦ ¦ ¦ ; =: - ^ ehi o ' clock in ir- ev-niug . 1 ¦ ? i > i--. B 5 iiiTH Road . —On Moncsy next , a pub'ic ffit ' ¦ i wiu be held at the Black Bull Inn , for the & •;• - _ ...- of el-. c-ting Gecersl Councillors . The ba , -.. c ^; iyei of the Execut i ve for the last quarter v » i . c brought before me mt ^ ung for us ccnaiaera- ;
Li- 1 -. K . v- . sht will lectnre s . i the" Ford TaTern , Bi :. -biiry Park , on Suniuy evening .. - ¦ . 1 r . iFFY Ridlet wij ] 'ee-. ureon Monday evenin i .. - - 5 & = Tott enham Coor ; RoatL T -. I- ' astjf . R will 1 ^ -ur-i at the Gftl-iHea ' -trs A :- _ , ula-sireefc , S :. Paiieras-roid , on Sacaa-v . ¦ - Ha : jfo . vic Mzztisg w" 3 ] i . ^ ke p lace ni the esv hvc ^ e , on Ween ?? ' 27 , the 7 ih inst ., for the be ; . ' ¦ =: of the poliiical vietinis . ? -. r . TLrBj . vz . — Mr . ii'Gr ^ ta will ] ec * ure at the W - .-. iii ; lien ' s Haii , Cf : cns-5 trect , on Sunday € T-. - ...-g next , a : half-past stTLn o ' clock . A i'rBLic Meetj > g vili be htid at the Britannia , T . t ¦ r S—apman-stiet-i , on Sunoay , at ei . s » bt o'clock in : : •• eTOLins , to choose a iresli-Coui-cii and other bu :-. - ~ o . importance .
/ . - ^ ctche will deJiTered by Mx . Gammase . cf ' . riha ^ . prcn , oa Tuessay rJxt , -at 1 , Cnina Vi' - - . LiU . L-rlh . ] vr . o . v . —A cew locality has been "formed at the Bf J ^ h / . ^ o , Great Bath-street . ' Twenty-four per- ~ , ^ hs ^ e been enrolled . The" next icseting vn ] ¦ = on Wednesday wetk . l-rv . rHcrcsE . —A geseral meeticgwiil lake place oa "W-. ; :. ^ day eTtning next , at scTen o ' clock , at the Sc . - 'i Hoom , Licarhon ? e Causeway , to elect tLe Tatar' t > of the General Council , and other important bu .-. i- -ro . i-- > Br . —The Chartists of the East and North Hi ' ¦ ¦ : , 5 will hold a I- ' ei- ^ rate nu-eting , at ths house of '• ' - . Grerge Woodal , the Temperance . 'lotel , A ' _ = -- ] -street , on _ S ! inday , ( to-morrow . ) at ten o'c . ' -k m the morning .
J- iiwcc-D . —me Ch-tTtisis of . th : s place are r < -q --ied to meet in ifceir ro ^^ in , on Sunday , ( to-& ¦ ¦ i " ' < r ) , at two o ' clcick , i . o transact business of gr ^ .: . ^ ipcrtance . - *¦ l- . i . } ii > -GHAiL—The members of the General Csi .- cil residing in Birmiiifrhsm are requested to mtv : ^ t ihe Chartisr room ,. A ^ : on-street , on Sunday ii- z . i , at aTe o ' cisck p ; recisely 3 -on important bu-- ' ! i---s . 1 " =- -Fax—Op . Sunday ( to-morrow ) ,- evening , Mr . Gr- - ¦ > Dd , of Warlcy . wi ! l Ifcttu-e in the large rcK-2 . owm Coppice , at six o ' clock . ( y > T 7- > - . —On Sunday , ( to-morrow ) , Mr . Butterley -v . il lecture in the Association-room , at two o ' cJ ^ -k in the afternoon .
i- r - all . —On Sunday , ( to-morrow ) , Mr . Bntterley wi ' .. " - - ore in the Association room , Cinder Hills , at . _ s r >' i .- iock in the erening . <) n" ! llonday erenin » , an L . - . tmj to Oppression will lecture at the aboye pk- r . 1 ¦ ^ bdex Beij > gx . —y * i . Richard tTheelwright will del . ur a lecture in the Democratic Chapel , Hebden Br .-ifc-lane , on Sunday next , at eight o ' clock in the evening . J- fwcastle . —A public mee'ing of the Chartists of 1 st - ^ d ; and G . ite > head will be holden in the Ch .-r . iats xialL Gcat inn . Cio'h Market , on the eTi : c ^ cf Moisday , Deceir . berl 2 ; h , at eight o ' clock , for r ' r . e pnrpess of nomiE ^ tins the Gensral Council £ ot ~^ -. e ei ; sa : ag year , and of hny : r ! g the balance esc ¦ submitted , prior to the General Council going ont of office .
The ArJorBxis Meiting of Belegxtes from ike ountles of Durham ana >" or : humberiand , will be r -cmed in the Charti < t ~ Hail , Goat Inn , Cloth 3 d : ¦ ket , >" ewca £ tle , on Sunday , ( to-morrow ) , ai one oV i-k in the afternoon , when it-fs exDccted that eat ~ locality in the two connpes who wish to spread tht acrid principles of Unirersal freedom , will send D-- ¦ :. ' ^ s or letters expressive of their opinions npon tht subject of the mcrtpg , addressed to James Sii'iair , S . Pipewell ^ ate , Gatjshead . I p ? eh \ Vablet . —Mr . Jr-mes Clayton will deliver j lecture on Sunday neit , at six o ' clock in the eve - iug . 3 HmsTOXLA > i ) . —Mr . "William Cniraingham will del . v r a lecmrs in the democratic chapel nere , on Siu : : iV , December the llth , at six o ' clock in the eTt -Ui 2 . ' -
EoLMPiaTH . —Mr . Wiliaa Cunningham will del T-r a lc-c ; nre in the Wortlty-hill School , on Sunda } nexr , at six o'clock in the evening , on th « true prr c Dies of liberty . A Ball will take place on . Monday , December 12 .:. ia the . Association Room , at-six o ' clock in the evt ; : r . g . Tickets , two-pence eaeh , may be had at the Association Room . >"¦ tt : > ghasl—There will be a Chartist Tea Tn - j L-a Monday , D . ^ c ^ m ber 26 th , at }>} rs . Smirh ' s Core Rotnis , Warser-gate . Addresses will be givf n in --e i-rtr .: u- and a party of glee singers will be in atti :: dnc-e .
Ci cham . —On Sundsy ( to-morrow ) a lecture wiil be ' -liT-rid in the Chartist room . Greaves-street , at sis .. i- ' . o « k in the evening . Also on Tuesday , Dec . 1-i . Mr . l > OTle of Manchester will deliver a lecture in tie above room , at eight o ' c ock in the evening for the beaclit of the political victims . Admission , one peiiiiy . PiRMH-sHAM . — "White ' s ± > ete > c « Committee — Thi ~ body are reqnested to ineei 6 d Sunday next , at two iVock , it Mr . White ' s , " 38 , Bromsgrove-street , ino- 'J ' . r io arrange the arcoucts and p . ublish a balance sLe * :, for the satisfaction of the subscribers .
Salfosd . —Mr . Jam ? Leoch wifl'deliver a lectnre in 'ut Chartist Room Great George-i-trfe :, on Monday ii ; ht nest , December theot-h , at half-past seven o ' c - ' -: k . 1 : is also 'he ir . toDticn . of th ? Saiford Chi : liis to hold a Tea Par ; y on Monday , December tc < ' 2 o : h . T .. a to be on tbe ' table at half past seven o ' clock in the cvering . Tick-. ts ninep ^ nce each may be had of Mr . Ji . hn MLauston , No . 43 . Hope-street , Olcf eld-Road , Salford ; or of Mr . "Wm . bomners . Fore street , Siil " ord . £ ar ! j application will be nee ^ sary , as the tickets are limited to one hundred . Bradford . —Mr . Clisset , o ' f _ NIill Bridge , will prcaca two sermons on Sun-Jay , at two o ' clock in the afternoon , at ihe kouse of" Mrs . Hiil , Manchester Road , and at six o ' clock in the evening , in the Chartist Chapei , Little Jlorton .
The Chartists of Ne-v Leods " will meet in their ropia , on Sunday morning , at trn o ' clock , on business of importance . A fell attendance is requested . The shaseholdees in the Co-operatiTe Store , * re requested to meet in the Council Room . Butter-Worh ' s Bniidinps , on business of importance connfcied with the rules . Oar correspondent says not when . Ma . Surra will lecture-on the "fallacy of the anti-Corn Law doctrines , in the Council Room , on Sunday evening , at sir o ' clock . Discussion invited . Tree admission . ~ LrTT * DisTEecT . —A delegate meeting of this district will be held at the Caartist Room , Wonky , at ten o ' clock to-morrow morning , when it is earnestly requested that Morky , ' Churweil , Woodhouse , Hnnskt , and all" the other places will send delegates , as very important business will be brought forward .
Du > -cox 3 e ' s Soiree Cosdottes . —This Committee will meet to-morrow afternoon , at two o'clock , at Mr . Dunn ' s Ifcmperance Hotel , Kirkg&te . Wahttick . —Mr . G . White will lecture here on Saturday evening ; and at the boose of Mr . Bromley , Eenela « h-5 treet , LeamingtoiL , the following eTemng .
Untitled Article
BuBCUBy axd Bbctai AssAtrLT . —Early in the morning of Sunday , two men , with their faces blackened , broke into the honse JJiss Jane Robinson , -a middle-aged lady , living af&ateshead Pell , and presenting themselves at her bedside demanded her money . On her evasion of their demand , one of them strnckher a dreadihlblow on the head , and inflicted a severe wound . They then obtained about SOs in silver , and decamped , being disturbed by the servant-maid . A large reward has bees offered for their apprehension . The house of Miss Robinson , adjoins that of Mr . Ferguson , of the District Bank , Ivewcastis , aud ili ^ se houses stand far apart from the Tillage .
Untitled Article
IT 2 BJGS . —Stealing Lead . — Oa Monday last , a y : uns lao j : amr d Richard Stiaw , was bronght up at the Cjurt-house , before R . Markland and Wm . ^ mith , E qrs ., on a charge of having stolen a quanri : v ofiead , from tbe dyehoase of Messrs . Chadwick , ! n Bowman-lane . The evidence went to show , that
for some time various quantities of lead had been ; missed from Messrs . Chadwick's premises , in consequence of wiiicb . the police were on the look put . Un Saturday evening , between Ley en and e'ght o'clock . Child and Stubbs , whi ' st p ;« siB 3 over Crown Pvict bridge , observed the priioner drop from the wa'l of tbe dyehon : e ; Stubbs seized him , and then ctserved something ha ^^ in ^ from the top o : the wall , which y't-erwards turned out to be about lolbr-. of sheet iead , which , on examiDation , was fourd to have bten cut iiom a gutter on tbe roof . The pri-Li-ner , wben he wt = teized , threw away a knife , w ; 4 ch T 78 i alierwsrds fqrnd in the dyehou ^ e-yard . He was commineo for tr 5 a ! . On : be same dav , two
-SiJs , Nathan Wtsternian and John Bla /; kbnrb , were comEiTtcd for trial for having stolen a quantity 0 : k-a irom an unocenpied bnilding aojoiniDK the Mar Ins , Mafegate , the property of Mr . Jackion liytr . ; AssAnTiNG a Constable . On Friday last , Richard Cuiiam was fin ^ a by the sitting magistrate ; at the C : > ur : House , £ 3 and costs , for violeatly 2 ^ sau ; ting a policeman wuli a tokdi-. In default ijz pajment , he wsi sent to WakeSeld for two iLon ^ bs . HcBBEEr bt a Tbamp . —On the nisht of Wednesday , the 23 rd nit-., an individusl said to be out of iUDloy , was brought , by ar . acquaintance , to the hvuie of Mr . James Haiiiwell , tiie Triangle Inn , We-t-Ftreet , in this town , who , af ; er relating the destitute conoiticn he was in , was promked a bed by rhe landlord , free of charge , which kindness the fel-Jow returned by decamping early the following m - > rnin 2 , taking with him wearing apparel belongi ; 2 to one of the lodgers , to tbe value of near thiriy thiliinss . Tbe name of tbe villain is Thomas
Waltcn ; he is by trade a moulder , and stands about five fc « t six inches in height , of dark complexion , sports large whiskers , and appears to be about twentyseven years of age . We gi ~ e the circumstance put > - iiciiy in order to guard others against the visits of the tiaTclling plunderer , it not bsing his first act of ihe kind , Ms own brother having suffered , some time s « o , in like EJaouer . Vagkixt Office . — . At a recent meeting of the Major and Magistrates of this boronth , held at the Court House , a deputation from the Vagi ant Office Committee , and also from the Watch Committee , stitndid , when a long discus-ion took place as to the ber-t means of making the Yagrant Office mere efficient , by the appointment of a police ofneer ; when such arrangements were made as will ensure the ^¦ 'ntiant attendance of such an officer at the Yjerant Office .
Stlalixg Butteb—On Monday bst , three men who gave their names John Hayes , John Bryen , aud John . Akeroyd , were charged before the magistrates at The Court House , with having stolen a dish , a kni . ' e , and abont sixteen pounds of batter , the prov .-rty of a shopkeeper , named Ingkson , residing on 0 ,-iarry Hill . Mrs . Ingle ^ n stated , that on the tve-ning cf Thursday last , she had left tbe shop to go into iho house , when she heard the shop door opened Mid on going back , she saw a man with a cap over h ^ face , seizj the dish containing the batter and run oS with it . She gave an alarm , and a young woman who was opposite gave a description of three men whom she had seen run off , and on their being apprehended , she swore to seeing Hayes come out ci the shop with the butter , which he handed to another , and they all ran away . The robbery was committed between seven and e ght o ' clock in the evening . The magistrates thought the identity was msAe out , and committed the prisoners for trial . The butter has not been found .
Steali > g Fu . vriturk . —On Tuesday last , a man named James Simpson , was charged at the Court-House with having stolen a quantity of furniture , the property of . H . Dresser , Esq ., manager of the Yorkshire District Bank . Mr . Dresser , it appeared , had , up to July last , resided at Barley , but had removed from thence to Leeds ; and had left a qcantuy of his furniture in the house at the former place . The prisoner had been in his employ , and was entrusted with the kejs of the premises , bv which means he had possessed himself of numerous articles which he had sold . He had , for a week past , absented himself , but no suspicion was entertained until Monday last , when he was seen going
towards the premises by Mr . Dresser ' s man servant , and in reply to a question made an evasive excuse . He was soon aiterwards seen , with two other men , carry away some chairs from Mr . Dresser ' s house , and then the premises were examined , and it was found that a number of chairs , fenders , and fire irons , and other articles , were missing . The prisoner W 33 apprehended at his lodgings , No . 1 , Stead ' s Yard , Union-street . The two young men who were with him ( with one of whom he lodged ) said ihe prisoner had sold them the things they had , and other portions of the property were found at a broker ' s shop in W est-strtet . He was committed for trial .
Chartist Beverage . —We draw attention to Mr . Finder ' s advertisement , inserted elsewhere . This straightforward liearl Chartist deserves the utmost support of our whole body , and we trnst that he will have it . There lives not one whom we believe to be more honestly and thoroughly devoted to the cause than Roger Pinder . Stealing Spoo . vs . —On Friday last , a girl named Jane Biiiiis , was committed for trial , by the magistrates at the Court House , on a charge of having stolen a number ef Eilver spoons , the property of Mrs . Kennedy and Mrs . Buckley , in West-street . QTTEESTSHEAI ) . —Hat Burning . —On Tuesday night last , the inmates of the house of Mr . J . Briggs , farmer , Queenshead , were awoke by a Etrong smell of hay burning ; they got up , and going into the barn , found their two large hay-stacks on fire . The fire was got under abont seven o ' clock . The damage done is about . £ 25 . How the fire originated ytt remains a m \ 3 terv .
CLAYTON . —The labouring population of Clayton is chitfly composed of hand-loom weavers . The trade of that branch is in a very awkward state ; some of the weavers have more than they can do , whilst others are standing idle , and what is most remarkable , some of Ihe masters in that branch are paying one shilling per piece more than the others .
Untitled Article
Manchester Bask Robber . —Edmund Burdekin , who is reported , by our foreign news to-day , a 3 having absconded with £ 90 , 000 of the funds of the . Manchester Bank of England , was seen in Albany a day or two after the arrival of the Britannia , by an English gentleman who knew him personally . Both parties met in the street without any token ot recognition . The supposition in England was , that Burdekin took passage in the Britannia for this country . { Xew York Courier and Eiiquxrer . JBurdekin , the Manchester bank defaulter , has been seen in Albanay . He cannot escape . He will be caught , and delivered up tinder the new treaty . — Xetr York Herald .
> OS-PATHENT OF CeUIfTT RaTES . —ISSUING OF Warrants of Distress . —On Thursday , the magistrates sitting in Petty Sessions at the Manchester 2 s " ew Bailey granted warrants of distress against the overseers or other inhabitants of eight townships , for the following sums due for county rates , namely : — Denton , £ 65 14 s . lid . ; Crumpsall , £ 110 03 . lid . ; Didsbury , £ R 0 10 s . 4 d . ; Gorton , £ 77 16 s . 10 J . ; Harpnrhey . £ U 14 s . lid . ; Heaton Korris , £ 522 11 s . 3 d . ; Levenr-huime , £ 50 9 s . 4 d . ; Rusholme , £ 127 7 s . ; Saiford , £ 1 , 017 15 s . lOd . Frightful Ao » dent in a Papei-Mill . —A shocking fatality occurrc d on the 23 rd instant , at t ^ e paper manufactory of Mrs . Mary Cromp ; on , at Colly hurst , Manchester . The sufferers were Eliza Jenkinson , twenty-eight years of age , house-servant
to Mrs . Crcmpton , who was killed on the spot , her body being literally torn in pieces , and Mrs . Crompton herself , who lost her left arm . It appears that Mrs . Ctompton was at the time engaged in " putting in" to one of the calendars , for Ann Horrocks , a female in her employ , who had just gone to dinner ; the deceased servant came into the room to deliver a message . The room is nearly filled with the machinery . On the ! eft of the entrance was a large waterwheel , and on the right there is the CaleLdar at which Mrs . Crompton was employed , a narrow avenue oniy sufficient for one person to pass , being left between them . Up to this avenue came two cogwheels , and in parsing the cog-wheels the deceased s clothes were raught by the teeth of the Jower wheel . The wheels going at the rate of twelve to fifteen
revolutions in a minute , the poor creature was instantly drawn into the hole under the wheel . Mrs . Crompton , perceiving her danger , ran to render what assistance she could , but she also become entangled . The assistance of some of the men being procured , the wheels were reversed , and Mrs . Crompton , who was found laid npon the deceased , was extricated . She was severely injured , and her left arm was torn from her body . She was conveyed home , and efforts were then made to release the poor girl . The bedy presented a most frightful spectacle ; she was lying under the wheel ; all her clothes were torn off ; her body was literally cnt in two , from the lower part to the head : her entrails were torn out , and lay upon
the floor : part of her face was torn away , and almost every bone in her body was broken . One of her legs was found on the opposite side of the wheel . Tbe body , thus shockingly mangled , was conveyed to the Andrew ' s Arms , where an inquest was held the same day before the borough coroner . Evidence of the occurrence was given , but there was no proof of blameable neglect , except that the cog-wheels might have been partitioned off . The Jury found that the deceased " died from lacerations and fractures accidentally received from a cog-wheel , " stating that had it not been for the injuries received by Mrs . Crompton in trying to extricate th * deceased , they should have imposed a very heavy deodajid on the machinery .
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Atrocious Modkb . —It is our melancholy duty to record the circumstances of a most atroc ous and cold-blooded murder , which wascommitteien Sunday evening last in the neighbourhood of St . Helen ' s . The victim is a young married woman , of highly respectable connexions , and the wife of a painter who has lately been employed by Mr . A . T . Woods , of St . Helen ' s . The tragedy is aggravated by the supp-sition that the miscreant who perpetrated the deed is her own husband . At present it would be highly censurable to attribute to dreadful an offence to any individual until there has been a judicial investigation ; but , from what has already transpired , we ars afraid the surmise above alluded to will prove a reality . So far as we have been able to collect the particular circumstances attendant upon this
shocking event , it is found , that on Sunday afternoon the husband of the deceased went to church , and afterwards , say about five o ' clock in the evening , took his wife a ! on with him for a walk . The direction they took from the town was up the Livernool-road ; and about ^ even o ' clock in the evening tney called at a public-house , in Eceleston and oa the Liverpool highway , where they had each a glass of rum . Nothing more was seen of them in company ; but about eight o ' clock in the evening the husband , whose name is Wilbraham Buckley , went to the house at which he had been lodging , and inquired for his wife , stating that when at the top of Comb Shopbrow , nearly half a mile from St . Helen's , he had occasion to leave his wife for a few minutes , and when he returned to where he ext > ected to find her
she had gone , and had not since been seen by him . He made inquiries for her at other places where Bhe was accustomed to cal 1 , but he could not find her , and went to bed , giving the parties with whom he lodged to understand that he imagined his wife must have gone to Ashton , where her mother lived , and he wcu'd follow her in tbe morning . This story did tot appear impobable , for his wife , whose awful end we are now recording , was very far advanced in pregnancy , and her mother , as it was known , had invited her to Ashfon , there to stop for her accouchement . Early on Monday morning Buckley left his lodgings for Ashton , and at about a quarter before eight o ' clock the body of his wife was found in a field at the top of Comb Shopbrow , with a dreadful wound inflicted in the throat—the windpipe and
veins of the neck being completely divided . Information was immediately forwarded to tbe police station , when Mr . Superintendant Storey , with his ufikers , proceeded to the place whero the catastrophe had occurred ; and the body being removed and afterwards identified , pursuit waa made after Buckley to Ashton , by Mr . Storey and two other gentlemen , in Whitechapel , and shortly before reaching Ashton they met Buckley along with his father and motb « r travelling towards Sr . Helen ' s . Mr . Storey took Buckley into Whitechapel , and on reaching St . Helen ' s he was examined , and his shirt sleeves were steeped in blood almost up to the elbows . A knife with two blades was also found in his possession , but no stains of blood could be detected , it would be unwise to give credence to ail th ? tales which are flying about respecting Buckley's guilt ; but a full investigation will be made to-day ( Tuesday ) before the coroner . Suspicion at present is attached to no other person but Buckley ,
but he _ strenuously denies his guilt , and states that the stain upon his shirt is colouring , which he had been using in his daily occupation . The excitement produced by this fearful event is very great in the neighbourhood of St . Helen ' s , and hundreds have not only thronged the place where tbe body lies , but as many have applied at the police-station for permission to see the suspected criminal . If Buckley be guilty , it is supposed by those with whom he was acquainted that jealousy had been his incentive to rid himself of hi 3 partner , while it 13 reported that she was a very temperate and pmdent woman . Such are at present all the particulars we can supply to our readers of this sad and horrible deed ; and how dreadful it is to contemplate that there is even a possibility of the devoted wife having fallen a victim to the direful malice of hfer husband , and that at one fell stroke he hurried his conjugal partner and her first offspring into a premature and untimely grave . —Liverpool Mail . 1
Fire and Loss of Life in Liverpool . —On Saturday evening last , about eight o ' clock , Mrs . Brown , wife of Mr . Brown , flint-glass dealer , Dalestreet , Liverpool , went down to the basement story of the premises , a place where a quantity of straw , old crates , and lumber of all sorts was kept , with a candle ; but for what purpose is not known . Shortly afterwards she was heard to scream , and her husband , rushing to the top of the stepladder , saw that the place was in flames . He instantly raised an alarm : the fire police were
immediately on the spot , the station being close by , but in his distraction forgot to tell that his wife was in the cellar , until after the engine had been playing for some time on the burning straw . An immediate search was commenced , but as she could not be found , it was supposed she had fouud safety in flight , la a few minutes , however , " one of the officers going to an obscure corner of the premises , there found tho poor woman severely burnt . A medical gentlentfki being sent for , he ordered her to be stripped and Xt into a warm bed , and endeavoured for a lengtWrn time to restore animation ^ h ^ U ^ bout effect , attributing her death more tcJH ^^^ Bi than tho injuries from the firewhich ^^^^^ ^ f extingtujfed
, x ^ by the active exertions of iHBnce . ^ B ^ Eclipses in 1843 . —3 Pthe course of npt year there will be three ecligs ' es , viz ., two of th / fsnn and one of the moon , of jyich only the latter will be visible in England . Mje first of these phenomena will be an annular ecHpse' of the sun , on Tuesday , 2 ? t-h June , commencii ^ at twenty mimtes past seven in the evening , and being visible chiefly in the Great Pacific Ocean and in South America . Tho second is a partial eclipse of the moon , in the night of Wednesday , 6 ih December , which will be visible in those parts , commenceing at eighteen minutes past elevln , and when two aigits of the lower disc of the moon will be eclipsed . The third and last is a total eclipse of the sun , early in the morning of Thursday , the 21 st December , and invisible here , but visibls in the Chinese Empire , Hindostan , the Islands of Ceylbn , Sumatra , Borneo , &c .
A Careful Wife . —There is in the town of Barnsley a very careful and industrious woman named Wood . She has been so careful , that although she seldom lets a day pass without using her needles , yet she is using part of the last pennyworth she bought twenty years ago , one of which she broke Ia 3 t week . She has not bought a single halfpennyworth of pins during the last forty years , nor has she had any given to her . A few days ago she gave her husband a severe reprimand for losing a packingneedle , which she said she nad bought " nobbut four years sin . "
Murderous Assault and Robbery . —On Saturday as Mr . Sheffield , of Churchover , batcher , was returning from Ru « by market , with his journeyman and apprentice , in a cart , about eleven p . m ., the man observed as he was in the act of descending from the cart , that there were two strangers standing near the gate through which the cart was to pass . The ; men no sooner heard the remark , than one of them struck the assistant a violent blow wirh a bludgeon on his knee and face , whilst the other ascended the cart and struck Shtflield a blow on the forehead , inflicting a severe wound , and another on the crown of his head , which , it is feared , has fractured his skull . Sheffield had no sooner received the blow than he fell out of the cart into the road ; the horses immediatt-ly turned round and ran away . The
assistant , being alarmed , jumped out of the cart and was pursued by one of trie assailants some distance , till stopped by his companion crying out to let him go , as he ( the second robber ) "had got the right one . " The apprentice it is supposed , jumped out of the cart as soon as he saw his master fall , as he was the first to reach the village and give the alarm . Mr . Twycross , one of the constables , accompanied by a neighbour , immediately went towards the spot , and met Sheffield staggering along the road ; the latter immediately requested Twycross to go to xhe railway station atRutby , and give instructions to the officers to stop any suspicious characters . After doing this Twycross went and obtained tbe assistance of Inspector Stanley , an active officer in the rural police , whom he accompanied to all the disreputable
houses in the town , but without being able to obtain any clue to the party . They then went to the piace -where the robbery had been committed , and found one of Sheffield ' s gloves . Upon looking further , they traced footsteps in a direction for Newton , a village notorious for bad characters , near Rugby , and in passing through a spring they found the other gloTe ; upon reaching Newton , they went into the houses of several suspicious characters , and in one they discovered a man mending his nets , ' with some blood upon his clothes , for which he accounted by saying that he had been fishing . Inspector Stanley , however , at once took him into custody , and on Monday morning he was taken before a bench of magistrates at Rugby , when sufficient evidence was adduced to justify the Court in remanding him , and strong hopes are entertained that both perpetrators of the crime will be brought to justice . It appeared that t-svo or three market vans had passed through two of the gates on the road leading to Churchover
-within a very Ihort time of the robbery , withoumeeting with aiy molestation , but upon Sheffield ' t cart coming up lo the third gate it was tied ; thers is , therefore , little doubt but the robbery was come mitted by partiep who well knew the hour at which Sheffield returned from market , and also that he was possessed ol a sum of money . On the night in question he had ^ about £ 50 about him , the whole of which was tak » n away . Upon reaching home he was immediately blea , and Mr . Bucknell , of Rugby , surgeon , sent for ; that gentleman , with his assistant , promptly attended , and , after dressing the wounds , re-bled the patient , who was then put to bed . Mr . Bucknell has since been in close attendanoe , aud this evening , we regret to state , that the opinion of the medical man is far from favourable as to the probable results of the injury . Too much credit cannot be given to the residents of the village , nearly all of whem , as soon as the alarm was given ( half-past eleven at night ) , arose , armed and mounted , themselve ? , aud raised a hue and cry in pursuit oi the villains . ,
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Highway Robbery near Manchestkr . —Durins the last forinight or three weeks , stveral highway robberies have been committed and others ' attempted on or near the New Stretford and Stretford Roads , generally attended with violence ; but we have seldom known one so daring , or accompanied with so many proofs of reckless brutality , as the one we are about to record . On the evening of Friday week , the 18 th inst ., between eight and nine o'clock , Mr . Howarth , flour dealer , Shudehill , was proceeding on horseback to his residence near Stretford , when he observed , wl } ile passing St . George ' s Church , Hulme , that several men were - following- him . Suspecting nothing , however , he continued on his wav , through the Cornbrook toll-bar , the men still" following him ; and shortly after he had passed the Northidnberland Arms Inn , while he was riding slowly alongthey made rush at himand of them ofuuK uiniio i at uiui
, a , one , moj a uau , ttua Quo Of tQPm slized the bridle of the horse , whilst the ojhers attempted to pull him to the ground . He called out "Murder J" and " Stop thief ! " and an old man , named Henry Hairop , a carrier , from Bowdon , hearing his cries , ran up immediately to his a ^ ibtanee . The moment , however , that Harrop v ?« nt up , he was knocked down by one of the robhirs , with a heavy bludgeon ; and while in a state (^ insensibility on the ground , he was robbed of a nurse containing four sovereigns and some silver . The next person who came up was Joseph Gratrix , a waiter at the Northumberland Arms ; and he also was knocked down , the blow rendering hiiu for soino time insensible . By this time a general alarm had been given at the Northumberland Arms ; and a number of people camu out , which caused tho robbers to run off towards the toll bar , before they had
succeeded in robbing Mr . Howarth . They were pursued for some distance by Mr . Barber , landlord of the above inn , and other persons ; -b ' ut ' they effected their escape . Information of the robbery was , of course , immediately communicated to the police , and Superintendent Taylor caused every inquiry to be made Hkely to lead to tbo detection of the thieves . About niueo ' ciockon Sunday evening , in consequence of 6 ome intelligence he received , he proceeded , in company with Inspector Lerry , to a beer-house kept by Samuel Nixon , in Lord-street , Hulme , where he found three men of suspicious character , named William Rogerson , Richard Painter , alias Marriott , aud Timothy Tomlinson . He ascertained from the landlord , that Rogerson had gone there about fivo o ' clock tnutevening , and had placed an old-fathioned
watch , three sovereigns , and ten shillings in silver , in his ( the landlord's ) possession , to take care of On the officers asking Rogerson what account he had to give of the money , he said , " What do you want to know for ! I" shall nor . tell you anything about it . Do your best ; and when you ' re done all you can , then I'll tell you . " Rogerson was then taken into custody ; but the other two nieh . ' were not apprehended at that time . In tho course of w xt 'day , however , further information was received , which caused the police to search for them ; and one ' of tin m was apprehended on Monday , and the other on Thursday morning iast . The two prisoners then apprehended were brought up before Mr . Maude , at the New Bailey , and the charge was stated ; but Harrop was unable to attend , in consequence of the severe injury he had received , and tho prisoners
were therefore remanded . Accident and Miraculous Escape ofr Lives . — .. An accident happened on . Wednesday morning last , ' at the premises formerly occupied by tho owner , J . P . Park , Esq ., cotton manufacturer . . Withuollj situate in Edward-street , Friargate , in this town , but- for some time past tenanted by the present occupier , Mr . Samuel Jones , iron and brass founder , and steam-loom manufacturer , which might have proved of a very fatal character . About ten o ' clock in the morning , as the workmen were following their usual employment ( no warning having previously been given ) , all on a sudden the roof and walls of the premises fell iii with a crash , burying the whole
of the workmen employed under the ruins ; but we are happy to say , thai the whole of the people employed escaped with their ' . lives , owing to tho ' very . peculiar and sloping way in which tha roof fell ; otherwise the whole ! of them must , in all probability , have instantaneously perished . As soon as possible , the poor creatures were extricated from their very perilous situation , and convpypd , with all possible haste , to the house of Mr * Westby Walker , surgeon , who promptly and humanely dressed their numerous wounds , and otherwise rendered them that assistance their complicated cases required , several of them having ; received very severe sprains , cuts , and bruises . I : We are glad to learn that they are favourably progressing . —PrestonChronicle .
Highway Robbery at Newton Heath , near Manchester . —Ou Monday last , at t ! ie New Bailey , the following prisoners were brought up , charged with robbing Dr . J ^ rrold , of Grecnheys : —Robert M'Clemon , John Jackson , John Balfe-, John Thompson , William Croylsden , and Jamss Ward . It appeared , that , on tho afternoon of the 17 th instant , about four o'clock , Dr . Jerrold was proceeding along Hulme Hall-lane , sometimes called Hyde High Halllane , near Newton Heath , when he was met by a party of men , one of whom took him by the arm , and said ho wished to accompany him ; shortly after , another came up to him , and began to rifle his pockets . Seeing them intent on robbing him , he assisted them , withdrawing from his pocket his-watch , and all the cash that he had , amounting to between
nine and ten shillings . While rifling his pockets , one of them struck him with a heavy piece of wood on the bead ; another stood at some distance , with a spade in his haud , apparently looking on , though evidently connected with the party . He ( Dr . Jerrold ) said , that , if . they did not ill use him , ho would not make any alarm ; on which , the party who first accosted him , and who appeared to be the leader of the gang , prevented the others from further assailing him . The blow he received was not a very : severe one , but such as for a short time to confuse him . The prisoner M'Cltmon wos placed in front of the bar , and Dr . Jerrold was asked if he knew him ; he ( Dr . Jerrold ) said he did , and he much regretted to say so ; he would sooner hare assisted him if in want , than appear against
him ; he was the person who first accosted him , and took hold of his arm , and prevented the others from ill using him after he had been sti'iick . At the time M'Clemon accosted him , he wore a white shooting jacket , which made him appear somewhat different to what he did then ; he ( M'Clemon ) being dressed in a velveteen coat when brought up . Police-oflicer Fletcher Btated , that the prisoner M'Clemon usually dressed in a white coat ; and he had other witnesses to prove the fact . — The prisoner said he had no other coat than that in which he then appeared . Mr . Bent , who defended the prisoners , cross-examined Dr . Jerrold , as to his being positive as to she identity of the prisoners . Dr . Jerrold bad not the slightest doubt that all the prisoners were present at the time of the robbery . When the five prisoners were first taken before Sir Thomas Porter , at the
Saiford Town Hall , on the day after the robbery , Dr . Jerrold said he could not speak positively as to tl . eir being the party ; the reason was , he did not like to be hasty , though he had then little or no doubt aa to their identity . Mi \ Bent argued that such evidence should not be allowed to deprive men of their liberty . No vestige of the stolen property had been found on tho prisoners , except it might be said that tho five shillings and sixpence was a part of it . of which there was not the slightest proof . Mr . Maude observed , that it was to be regretted that Dr . Jen old did hot give fully his impressions at the first examination of the prisoners ; but there was little or no doubt it arose from a good motive , to get corroborative evidence ; and , notwithstanding what had been said , he ( Mr . Maude ) felt it his duty to send the case before a jury at the assizes . They were all committed accordingly for trial at the next assizes .
Singular and Fatal Accibent . —On Tuesday last , about eight o ' clock , William Boworing , ostler at Hodgkinson ' s Hotel , Matlock Bath , and a man of the name of Cade , were standing on the pavement before . tho house of Mrs . Bown , when a quantity of snow fell from the roof of the house aud brought down the spout from under the eaves , the end of which struck Bowering over the head and fractured his skull in a most dreadful manner . Surgical aid was immediately procured , and tho poor man was put to bed . He lingered in great pain until a little past one o ' clock on the following morning , when death put an end to his suffrings . — . Der ^ sAire Chronicle .
State of Trade in Paisley . —By the official return issued last week by the relief committee , it appears that the number of persons on their list is again swollen up to 8 , 626 , being air increase of upwards of 604- since the issue of the last month . But , besides this increase in the list , we are aware that a great number of applicants have been off . till the committee can obtain funds that will enable them to relieve them ; and , in addition to the increase in Paisley , the villages of Barrhead and Kilbarchan have again broken down , and a considerable number of the inhabitants have thrown themselves on the county committee for support . In Kilbarchan about onehalf the weavers are at present idle , and the number of nnemployed is daily on the increase . We have made inquiry in the best-informed quarters regarding the probable effect of the China news on the trade of Paisley ; but the parties who are most sanguine of revival can see no prospect of improvement ,
but , on the contrary , a continued throwing out of 1 of hands for some weeks to corner In Paisiey the price of cotton yarn may be quoted at about £ d . per lbL higher since the news in question came to hand ; and in addition , the manufacturers' association have sold soma 7 , 000 or 8 , 000 pieces of their goods , within the last two days , at an advance of from 5 to 7 J per cent , beyond what they could previously have obtained ; but still this advance is too , little to admit of the goods being replaced ; arid the ' price they have been sold at , after paying for material and workmanship , would not leave above half tho necessary allowance for the wear and tear of machinery to work them even by the power-loom . — Glasgow Argus . 1 Fire . —An extensive and destructive fire occurred 1 at Kingswood Hill , near Bristol , on Tuesday evening , when the warehouses and retail Ehop ot Llcssrs ^ Bud ^ etl were totally burnt ,
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The town of Thetford , in Norfolk , has been thrown into a state of uupleasont ferment -durins ; the last few days , in consequence of a solicitor , hitherto considered of the highest respectability , having suddenly absconded , leaving liabilities incurred by him to the amount , it is supposed , at tho lowest , of £ 20 , 000 . He had appointed Friday last formeeting some very heavy mortgage accounts , and for handing over the amount for a farm which he had recently purchased , and . his non-appearance on that and the following days led to the above unpleasant discovery . His absence has almost created a panic in the neighbourhood , as from his extensive transactions in mortgages , conveyances , and other monetary matters , it is impossible to calculate at present the extent of his defalcations .
Suspecie » Case of Poisoning —On Sunday evening last , a man named John Hunter , employed as foreman in the works of Messrs . Fairbairn and Co ., engineers and millwrights , and living at No . 13 , Walter-street , Travis-street , took some oatmeal porridge , prepared by his wife . He observed that it had a peculiar taste , and re guested her to taste it . She tasted a small quantity ; and Hunter finished his meal . Very shortly afterwards he was taken ill ; being most severely purged , and vomiting violently . Medical aid was called in , and , from the symptoms , the surgeon suspected that Hunter had taken poison . The poor man continued to get worse , notwithstanding every attention and aid , and expired on Monday evening . His wife ' s previous conduct having been somewhat irregular , it was suspected that she
had poisoned him , and she was accordingly taken into custody , The police instituted inquiries , aud succeeded , yesterday ( Tuesday ) , in ascertaining , that about ten days ago . Mrs . Hunter went to the shop of Mr . Davies , druggist , -Travis-street ,-and asked for two ounces of arsenic . Mr . Davies refused to sell her the poison alone ; and she soon afterwards returned with another woman , and he then supplied her with that quantity . Mr . Davies , on seeing Mrs . Hunter , identified her as the party to whom he sold the arsenic ; ana he also identified the woman 8 unposed to have gone with her , who , however , refuses to admit that she did so . The inquest on the body of the unfortunate victim is to be held this day ( Wednesday ) . Wo believe , that up to last night , no post mortem examination had been made ;
and it is stated , that all the matter ejected from the stomach had been thrown away by the prisoner , before she was secured . We understand that one ot the children , who had eaten some of the meal of which thi * porridge was made , became sick and ill ; andthat Mrs . Hunter also becamo slightly sick after tasting the porridge , but not until after her husband ' s vomiting had been severe . —Manchester Guardian . — In addition to the above we have received the following from our correspondent . On Tuesday evening Mr . Harrison , surgeon , made & post mortem examination of the body , and found it to be in a state of perfect heaUh , on removing the scalp the brain was healthy . The stomach was in an inflamed state , such as would be produced by taking arsenic . The stomach was quite empty , and all the matter ejected from the stomach , and 'the ' . "remainder of the meal had been made away by the prisoner before she was secured . Au inquest was held on the
body 011 Wednesday evening at tho Bull's Head Inn , London-road , when the evidence was of such a nature as not to leave a doubt upon tho mind of any but that Hunter came by his death by unfair means . However , at tha request of Mr .. Harrison * who examined the body , the inquest was adjourned until Friday morning , as by that time he would have applied the proper testa to the contents of the stomach and bowels , and be able to say if . he had found any poison in the body . The prisoner was then removed . The deceased had the character of a . kind and affectionate husband . They have been man itd about ten years , a . id during that time .. Hunter has put upwards of £ 70 in the bank . The wife has been much given to drink , and it appears that she had taken nearly everything , out of tho house to pledge . The . 'deue ' atied was "highly , respected amongst his fellow workmen , and is much lamented by his employers .
Don ' t be too Cautiods . —On Saturday a person from Duiifermhne lost about j 680 , under circum-Btances of a somewhat peculiar character . From motives of extreme caution he bound his drawer ^ tight round his ancle with a piece of tape , with the intention of Dlacinjj his money inside of them , where he conceived there would be no possibility of abstraction . In depositing the money , however , he blunderingly placed it betwixt his trowsors and his drawers ; and while perambulating the city the treasure slipped out , it is believed , on the south side of the river , and has not since been found . The country merchants , with all their caution , sometimes commit odd mistakes . We recollect of a country aaent , to prevent his pocket being picked , placing £ 50 in his hat . He got into a great scuffle , and the end of the matter was that he lost both his hat and the £ 50 . —Glasgow Argus .
Wanton Cruelty . —A canary bird belonging to George M'Lachlan , Borland-park , near Auchtcrader , was taken by his son to the bothie of a farm where the young man was servant to a farmer in the neighbourhood . One Sunday , last summer , a person , whose feelings we do not envy , got access to it , and actually put out the eyes of the little songster . In this dark state it was restored to its owner , who , by careful attention , ta ught it to find its way to the seed-box and the water-glass . In time it became reconciled to its fate , and now it makes the cottage ringwith its melodious notes . As it cannot distinguish night from day , it continues to pour its sweet warblings till all the inmates of the house are fast locked in the arms of Morpheus , when it partakes a little of the general repose , but renews its song with the first breaking of the universal silence .- ^ Caledonian Mercurv . \
' £I)Atff0t 3ent*Ht9*Tue.-
' £ i ) Atff 0 t 3 Ent * Ht 9 * tue .-
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LEEDS . —On Sunday afternoon aud evening Mr . Bairstow delivered two discourses to crowded audiences , and en Tuesday evening he deliversd a lecture on the Fallacies of Free Trade . This was a masterpiece ; he completely routed the arguments of the Corn Law Repealers , and concluded by a most eloquent appeal to his audience to staad fast by the Charter . Discussion wasinvited , but no one appeared willing to come forward and grapple with such an opponent . Mr . West being in the room was loudly called on to speak . He said he did not Come there to say any thing , but to listen to their eloquent lecturer ; he however said a little upon the duty of the Chartist body . They
should now make it their duty to do all that lay in their power to help forward the great cause they were embarked in ; those who had the means should now make sacrifices , they must bring their pence to enable them to beat the League in their unholy design with their fifty thousand pounds . Mr . West sat down amidst applause . Mr . John Chattertori move a vote of thanks to Mr . Bairstow , for his able and eloquent lecture . Mr . West seconded it , like * wise did many others . The Chairman then put it to the . meeting ,- when it was carried unanimously . Mr . Bairstow then rose to reply , and met with an enthusiastic reception . He told them that they would thank him better by enrolling themselves as members * .
aAWORTH . —On Wednesday evening lest , Mr . Ross , of Manchester ^' delivered a lecture , in the Foresters' Hall , at this place , on the various evils which have been , and are still , afflicting tho working olasses . WARWICK—The"Magdalene Raffle" for the Defence Fund came ' off on Monday ; the winning ticket is No . 133—name unknown . This ticket was sold by Mr . G . Black in London : and the holder is requested to send it / with his or her address , to Mr . Donaldson , Chapel-street , Warwick , on receipt of which the picture shall be forwarded to the proper quarter . £ . s . d . 140 tickets were sold at Is . each ... f 0 0 Cash paid to M r . Cleave for Defence Fund £ 6 7 6 Total expenccs 0 10 6 Cash in hand .. 0 2 0 7 0 0
There was a good muster of Chartist friends at the raffle . The accounts were audited , found correct , and passed , and a vote of thanks was unanimously awarded to Mr . Donaldson ; after which Mr . Stanley presented a fuJl-length portrait of Feargus O'Connor , splendidly framed and glazed , to be added to other articles promised , and which are to be the basis of a grand lottery for . the benefit of tbe General Defence Fund . Several subscriptions were banded ; the particulars will be published shortly .
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Leeds Corn Market , Tuesday , Nov . 29 .- ^ The supply of Grain to this day's market , 13 rather smaller than last week . There has been rather a better demand for Wheat at last week's prices , also for fine Barley ; the lower qualities ' in limited demand . Oats little alteration . Beans very doll sale and rather lower .
THK AVERAGE PRICES OP WHEAT FOR THK WEEK ENDING NOV . 29 , 1842 . Wheat-. Barley . Oats . Rye . Beans . Pecz t . Qrs . Qra . Q-a . Qrs , Qrs , , 4688 / ' 1996 ' 465 566 5 £ s . d . £ a . d . £ s . d * £ s . d . £ s . d . £ 8 . d . 2 8 91 185 0 199 0 0 0 1 12 2 112 5 Leeds Woollen Markets . —There has been a decided improvement for goods at the Wnire Cloth Hall during tWe week , and some speculations are already being ' entered into for the China trade . how
There has not ^ ever , been much doing at the Coloured Hall , which almos ; seems decened . We are glad to state alst \ that some of the leading manufacturiT 3 have commencp . d running their mills fu " . timej and have put on a large number of hands . We trnst , ' for the sake of the working classes , this wi " . continue ; they have suffered severely and patiently ; we hope they will soon find the benefit of increased trade , and that no drawback on the present prospeot of improvement will occur to blight their expectation of being onco more fully employed .
; State of TKADE .- ^ -Since the market of yesterday week , a slight advance has taken place in some descriptions of goods , and also in yarn of current numbers and ready for immediate delivery . Yesterday , however , tho demand appeared to be checked by the advanco ; many foreign orders for goods , having been stnt with limits considerably below tha present rates , are necessarily lying over for further instructions ; consequently the market , though perfectly firm , did not exhibit much activity ; and the amount of business douo was comparatively limited . Manchester Guardian oj'Wednesday . ¦ York Corn Market , Nov . 26 . —We are moderately supplied with Grain to-day . Wheat is in good demand , at last week's prices , and in some instances , a trifling advance is obtained on dry lots . Fine Barley is fully as dear , but inferior qualities bad to quit . Oats are the . turn dearer ; Beans dull sale , and rather lower .
Malton Cokn Market , Nov . 26 . —There was but very little business done in the corn trade this day at our market , and that without any alteration ia prices : —Wheat , white 54 s to 583 per quarter of 40 stones ; Ditto , red , 48 s . to 56 s per ditto : Barley 25 s to . 28 a per quarter of 32 stones j Oats , fid to 10 a ptr stone . ; . ¦ " ¦ \ HuDDEKSFiFLD Cloth Markkt , Nov . 29 th . —The town appeared more lively this morning than had been seen for some weeks past . A great doniand for goods was expected , in consequence , it is said , of peacebeing declared with China . Our manufacturers ' were once more doomed to disappointment , for there was as little business transacted this day as on any previous market for some weeks past .
Manchester Corn Market , Saturday , Not . 26 . —Great inactivity continues to prevail throughout tho . ' trade , and the business done in all artioles haa been limited to tho immediate necessity of consumers for present use . . 6 , 086 quaaters of Oats , and 13 , 572 lasds of Oatmeal from Ireland form the principal amount of imports in Liverpool or Runcorn during the week ; the supplies elsewhero are only to a moderate extent . At our market , this morning , holders of . - 'Wheat firmly demanded the previous currency ; but few transactions were reported , and w . repeat the quotations ef this day se ' nnight . Fiour and Oatmeal were slow for sale , and late rates barely supported . In other articles no alteration can be noted .
Richmond Corn Market , Saturday , Nov . 26 . — We have a fair supply of Grain in our market today . Wheat sold from 5 s . 6 d . to 7 s . Oats 2 s . to 3 j . 8 d . Barley from 3 s . 6 d . to 3 s . 9 d . Beans 4 s . 6 d . to 53 . per bushel . ¦ , ' ' Liverpool Cattle Market . —Monday . Nov . 28 . —We have had a larger supply of Cattle at market to-day than last week , the principal part of second and third-rate quality , which met with dull sale , but all of good quality was very eagerly sought after , and sold at good prices . Boef 4 id to 5 id , Mutton 5 dto 6 dpor lb . Number of Cattle at market-Beasts 1871 , Sheep 5099 .
. -Liverpool Corn Market , Monday , Nov . 28 . — We have this week received from Ireland 5 . 922 qrs . of Oats , and 13 , 958 loads of Oatmeal , but of other articles of ; the trade the imports ar « of moderate amount . At Tuesday ' s market all descriptions of Wheat were 2 d per bushel cheaper than at the close of the week . There has since been no further decline ; indeed the improved aspect given to our commercial affairs generally , by the news of peace with China , ha . s imparted more firmness to holders of Grain , and yesterday , upon a limited demand , purchasers of foreign Wheat were scarcely practicable on as easy terms ; Irish how was offering without any change as ro value ; Flour met a moderate sale at 6 d per barrel advance . Choice Oata , of whioh there were few on the market , brought 2-i 5 d ; good runs were parchaseablo at 2 s 4 d to 2 s 4 A < 1 per 451 bs , and moved slowly at these rates . Oatmeal 2 » a to 20 s 6 d per 24011 : 3 , and very free of sale . The prices for Barley , Beans and Peas , are unaltered .
London Corn-Exchange , Monday , Nov . 28 th . — We were only moderately supplied last week with English Wheat , but of Barley the arrival was abundant , being equal to 13 , 380 quarters . The importation of Foreign . Wheat amounted during the week to 7 , 390 quarters . Of Oats the supply was by no means large , but fully equal-to the demand . The trade throughout the week was extremely languid of both Wheat and Barley , and sales were with some difficulty made at a decline on the rates of the former week of Is to 23 per quarter . To this morning ' s market'tho supply fresh up waa moderate of Essex Wheat , but toleraby good of other descriptions of
grain . The demand for Wheat has not been sufficiently brisk to support the prices of last Monday , and all descriptions are about 2 s per quarter lower . Barley moves off at a decline of Is to 2 s per quarter from this day week . Oats are held firmly , but little business has yet been transacted . The prices offered are fully Is under last quotations . Beans and Peas , both white and grey , are large in supply , and from Is to 2 s cheaper . The Seed trade is steady , with only a moderate demand , thn arrivals of all descriptions being very scanty . Flour and other articles find a demand only sufficient to satisfy immediate wants .
London Shithpield Marxet , Monday , Nov . 28 . —To this morning ' s market there was about twentyone head of Foreign Beasts from Portugal , and nine Sheep from Hamburgh . Of the former , two were of a particular choice description , and attracted great attention : their value may be quoted at 20 guineas each ; the others were of good quality , and worth about £ 17 each ; whilst others may be given at £ 13 to £ 15 each . Altogether this consignment was superior to many of late . In form aud other particular features they resemble the Spanish breed , but are darker in co'lour , and easily distinguishable . The attendance of butchers was large , but more ifrojn curiosity than for the purpose of buying . The mild state of tho weather contributes to limit their purchases , whilst the general supply was lartje , and
far beyond what waYrequisite to meet the demaud . English bred B ? a « ts were plentiful in supply , and generally of a better description than for some weeks past . -The Beef trade being naturally dull , however , this improvement in the quality failed to benefit , the market . There were more Yorkshire aud Herefordshire breeds on sale , with a good sprinkling of prime Scots and Runts . Leicestershire Cattle were not so numerous as for many weeks lately ; Some fine large Northampton Beasts sold at good prices , as also choice Scots ; but otherwise a decline of 2 d per stone for the best quality must bo noticed . Middling and inferior kinds were from 2 d to 4 d lower , and found a heavy sale
even at that reduction . Many head were turned out unsold , ; and will be sufficient to supply the market on Friday next , although any beasts of a better quality than in general will doubtless find a ready sale . The demand for Mutton wa 3 dull , and the supply of Sheep being large , prices also for this description of meat were lower by 2 d . per stone . Trime Southdown Wethers sold at 43 . 4 d ., and good Polled Wethers at 3 s . -3 d . to 3 i . lOd . Polled Ewea were from 3 a . 2 d . to , 33 . 4 d . Many Beasts and Sheep remained on hand when the market closed . . The demand for Ve ? , { wa 3 very limited , whilst tho number of calves 072 offer was large . No average reduction , however , in prices can be quoted .
Borough Hop- Market , Nov . 28 . —The market has been quiet F / nce the announcement of the duty . With a little bv . 'iiuess doing . The quotations" are as follows—Suss tx pockets , 70 s to 78 i ., Weald of Kent 72 s . to 82 d ., ?/ iia Kent , 84 ? . to 1203 . East Kent . 90 s . to 120 , and Farnhams , 112 a . to 130 s . The official duty is 7 en higher than was expected , being £ 162 , ? 76 , while last year it only amounted to £ 146 , 150 , , » nd in 1840 , to £ 34 , 001 . :
.. ¦¦ • • —^Sa Leed ,- :_Printed For The Proprietor Feabgu* '/Vconnor, Ei*. Of Hammersmith, Count/
.. ¦¦ • —^ sa Leed ,- : _ Printed for the Proprietor FEABGU * '/ VCONNOR , Ei * . of Hammersmith , Count /
Middlesex , by JOSHUA HUJraun , uou muring Offices , Nob . 12 and 13 , Market-street , Briggatei and Publiahed by the » aid Joshwa Hobso * , ( for the said Fear « us O"CO » HOB , ) at hifl Dwelling-house , No . § i Marfcet-rtreet , Briggate ; an internal Cemmunication existing between the said ' No . S , Market-street , and the said Nos . 12 and ' 13 , Market-street , Briggate , thus constituting th « whole of the said Printing and Publishing Offic * one Premises . All Communications must be addressed , Pcst-paid , t « Mr . T 3 . QESOH , Nwthern Star Office , Leeds . Saturday , December 3 , i »« .
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The Unknown.
: Local Markets.
Untitled Article
Northern Star (1837-1852), Dec. 3, 1842, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1189/page/8/