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S ^ ^He C Haktists Gseat Britain.
? Clares , for » wbyoa « re and satSl y ° "" ^ *» mim * -nlove oae another and do as yon would others ^ nia ao nntoyon- ^ nntS yon are united ana become 2 °£ W- * iffl ? OT sabcre ***** to 1 BleB - Wd ^>« W " sancfioned-l ) 7 yourselves—until you insist ^ tbe / Ssers in your -sea-rice do thsir duty to the > 5 et letter ofvour law—nngl yon are aa jealous of m liberty as ofyonr -wires and sweethearts—unti ! ' „ Te&ain frmn intoxicating £ qbow and low langnajje l ^ nfil von Isave off abusing each other in long r ^^ a rosedJes , both of » hicn are anti-CbsrtiBt—^ m TonafaHfimra acknoTrledse and reward virtue ^ TjJaneSy—ncffl 7 on i 310 ' better than to pass IfL jH , © a any man for d « ing Ms duty , as some of ^ ZTjocalifies nave done , —until yon know how to ^ mrecate and encourage the two protecting Sfews y « n S ^^ ot—until you insist on the rising of a Chartist ^ warm and strsngthen the said Stars—until yon We off meeting in public houses , and ' establish
reroeetsble Halls of jour own—until yon Tewara virtue « £ i " bonesrv , and leave hypocrisy and Bnmbuz to inaSb itself—until yon do all these things , and acquire f&oroaeh knowledge of your own dignity , you must Is i * svts . T > o « ii this , and you shall cave the ^^ TwOI perhaps say it is a great deal to do hnt if yon are not willing to do it , and to do it ^ earnest , lose no more tune , bend yonr neck , and ^^ rUTE ^ Txanted cut what you should io , I will tp 3 Tcnhow to go about it ; and the first thing I advise faTtbat 7 cn « anse a Chartist Sw » to rise in iondon : Sa . 1 say von cannot do it because you are poor—one -Dcfcaf beer will « o s great . wsy .
The 2 * n « nesapspar is taken in by nearly all the t oSScsbs ia Englandj the Tim « newspaper is the irrsn of despotism ,- it is toe enemy of mankind in « a « ial ,- coasrqnenfiy your deadly foe ; yet you . slaves fs yDUEre , hsveit inycur power , if nol to annihilate , to icdsr haimlfiSB that most wicked paper . Tefl the landlords if they continue to take in the Tmo yon will not spend one penny more in tturr house ¦ 1 shouldSe to see which landlord wouid take in tbeTiraa to drive his customers out . The n ^ n step is to form a committee in each locality , End isisft as gnJcEr as possible , by the best means the in to the
ssid camnniiBBcaas&opl , a sum proportion crmnifts ^ ces of the locality , the poores * not Ites than jj ? e * b 3 ! iEgs ; the most wealthy net more than five psanids ; " done " , say this committee , "hut ^ io it if yon wsnt the Ghartsr . ** While the money is collecting , 1 st 3 Gtacnrittee of five be balloted for by all Englandjet thai Committee seek and agree with some honest « na respectable person or persons , who will undertake toestsbfisb a Chartist Sim to rise dally in the greatest aij in the world , for the benefit of all men . I sfcsJl jtot trouKe yon farther fc > -dsy , bntbeg youratttntion to ih 3 following questions and answers : —
"What is it that upholds despotism ? The press as Sis"What could destroy despotism ? The press if it pleased . What could destroy despotism and the press as it is ? 3 £ e people if they piease . Why 4 on * t they do it ? Becanse thej are idle . A Political Mastyb . PS . — "When the Chartist Sun is established , I will j 5 tb tfce Editor a plan by which he shall have as many advertisements as the Times in one month after commtnernz .
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v "HE WHO IS NOT FOB US , IS AGAINST US . " Let us first endeavour to demonstrate the absolute i&cessty that exists for -as to take a decisive part in erdErtbat we may decide oners , and ensure a successful termination to ^ ur efforts in favour of a good cause . Secondly , let ns attempt to -prove that those who do Bottaie np z decisive part do no good , but harm , to Ois causa , and might as well not come amongst us . Jfotr in the first place we shonld look at the ranse in ¦* bi £ i we ^ re engaged—the Chartist cause . Will any onesay that this is not a good eause—that it is not the best cause that evtr engaged the xsal and affections of loan ? For why ? It is the ^ anse of the needy and the
oppressed , and of these who have none to help them JttSGodand the Chartist * . It is the < sanseofall that Is good and viituons against all that is had airs ! viciooi Hey must be good men whoiudte to forward this g&od esnse . It is a cause that has ranch to contend with and 3 t has met withmsay delays and drawbacks—lint with so defeat . Though some individuals engaged in this jnostlioly cause have met with defeat and with destrnefem , yet the cause itself has never heen defeated , nor one-argument in its favour answered , and the very death ;©! Chartists gives new Bfe to Chartism . Our enesries most first answer our arguments before they can dtfeat the cause .
Granting that our cause U a good one—that the arguments adduced in its behalf are unanswered and ¦ nnsaswerable—is it not the duty of every man to unite " ' in this jast and humane cause" ? Decidedly it is . Then why fire men not more fiedfi&d ? All are sgreed upon its principles—why cant s 2 nnite to carry them -out in one simultaneous and universal plan cf action . Alas I 3 H 3 Iiy 2 Deo harm many mimij amf Tnermnar-otianiarti ^ who have joined the canss not so much tocsin it , as to j gain ty it—to gain some end or © iter of their « wn- j Same wonld pursue this- ptth aad follow this . ofcj&ct— j seise that—some another—some are for themselves ] swre ttanjor fhe canse— some « e tor Paul , some for j ApoDos—bur how few for God and the cause 2 How ; few fix their ejtx on the cause , ^ neither turning to the ' , is ^ st hand nor to ihB lsft , but pressing steadilv for- ! ward to the prize , to Cie work of their high calling as " CfcarSsts , to the Charter itself J \
Our cause is too good a cause not to have met with 1 bemost £ trenucU 3 opposition from the men of the ¦» or ld—the supporters o f the present system « . f society , fee upholders of tbepressnt form of Government . 2 VI * n t £ rank and wealth are againtt us , and sll who court © . serve them— -cho seek xank and wealth— -the vain , tb * selSsh , and the malignant . And who are with us ? 2 JoS fiiose who build ships and henses , and lay iaud to faafi—ihe mDl-lerdx , the merchants , priests , lawyers , pimpj xod psrisitea— these to & man are all against us - —and those -who are for us , are with us , are the honest "rko srs poor because tisey are honest—the industrions * hoare idle beeause they have no employment—and fbfi humane who feel more for another " * woe rfrnn ior
Ifcar own . 2 * ow , as we have so many opposed to us , iD weHarmed with the weapons of this world—money , power , and passion—and as we have nothing on our afle but a just cause , and . the tongue of truth—Jfc behoves us to be numerously asB--ci&ted lad well united . Bnt are we so ?—we ~ 9 ek so once , but there were those among TU who jseeaed to be with as yet all the time wsre-agaiBstus ; they Tcere , in reality , either for thtmkJtcs or for tke enemy , thoagh with us in appearance . Th » "k Heaven , there are many with us heart and aonl ; but there are others -who have no heart and soul , and . Ssey pni on the cloak of hypocrisy to hide their srifish Merges . They came among nslike Oa ? Pawkes wife a
chik l ^ ntfepm , that thty might tee us brt that we ihuaid not see them j we did see them , hawev ^ r ; and as the xunpowder plot was discovered by a letter written iyafrknd , so was the secret conspiracy of the new movers made known " by letter , and the fritnd whowroie Jt was a member of Marylebone—yes , Msryle ^ cne had fee honour of fiiit discovering the plot—Marylebonfc Reserved Chardsm—3 daiylebone took the arcli ' vraitor . . ferk-laBtera , matches , and all npon Mm jast as he was Abont to apply the Bgbt to the train , and blow up the oes which he han undermined—yes , 2 klary ] eoone first
-leented the conspirators , started the pursuit , hunted fora the game , and was rfirst in at the death . And tiBBih when the vletim vras bound on tie altar a fcecdlyhand , a powerful hand , the hand of a giant ¦ fesstretched forwsrd to loose them and let tbem go—. filemen of Maryi « bone interposed , would noibe barred Siaiprey . were resolved that it aboald net be matched -bom . them . The holocaust proceeded—the traitors * ere sacrificed to the cause—on the altar of the godina « f liberty—a peace-t-fisaing to all those who Jiate disunion 2 nd who love lif-erty . ( To be continued J
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losses so the Charter be gained ? Let us have several strings to our bow—if one fails , another may hold—if one arrow falls short of the mark , or beside it , another may hit it . All feasible-means win « ondnce to the end . I have much f&ith . in religious Caartism as a means . and why ?—the powers that we bare to contend against are of this . world , or the nether world—and we have the weakness of onr own hearts , aye and the wickedness % oo against us . We are apt to shrink from the foe—yea io join Jim aga ! nst curatives . What can lift us above the fear of self—aad the fear of others—what can elevate ns above the dispiriting influences of the world —what bo well as religious enthusiasm ? When we look at a future life—how poor , how empty this world appears ! Shall we then refuse the aid of such a t >
owerfnl ally- The love of God will cast ou ; of onr hearts all fear oT man . Beligious eEthusiasm has always proved the best match against world iy tyranny—it animated the iron-sided troops of Cromwell and made thtm cjonquerera over the royal Charles—it inspired the indomitable Covenanters who marched to the hills with ' a srword in one baud and a bible in the other—it has made men prevail over devilB themselves . Bat let us be careful while we imbibe this glort > ns principle , that it does not sour In onr hearts and turn to fansticisB ); let as beware of bigotry ; let us avoid superstition . God and coramon sense be our guide . Finaxicism woild heat our : minds and mike madmen of ns ; b gotry won ! d narrow ourheartsand make us tyrants ; superstition would impair
our senses and make us fools . I * st us have no creedno sectarianism ; nothing among ns but snch great and general principles as even creed : sta and sectarians are agreed upoa . L * t as imitate the example of Jei-us Christ , who went about doing good , who preached cbatiiy in word and acted it in deed . As philanthropist ^ we preach lov e to man ; as patriots , we preach love to our coanSay ; as freemen , we preach love to God- Passons cf the Established Church and stciarians handle the word of God deceitfully—they pi each np themselves or some Tain or worldly notion ; let us preach God and truth . Oar worst enemies in our struggle for j jsfice have been the parsons ; they wrest scripture and turn it against us—like the Devil they can quote it to serve their own parpaits—ibsy pervert it , pollute it .
and destroy its tfikacy . We have no need to pat a ¦ falsa gloss on Ssripture—its true meaning is in onr Tsvc-ur . I ^ et us , tbertfare , take the great weipcn frc-m the unwortby hands that have wielded it against common sense and humanity , and witld it in their bebaSf . 1 have often been struck with surprise and sorrow in London , to see working men go to th « churches , there , to hear them sing and join in the blssphemoas and idolatrous worship . What do working men get at the hands of parsonB but insult ? They are told ta&tif theyEuff .-rH is for their sins ; and they must nut miiid Hiisery here fGr the sake of happiness hcretfter . Tfce parsons , I suppose , are not sinners , for they are not scficrers ; acd having tbe good things of this life the ? are not so anxious f jt those in the world to
crane . Ttasp persons forget that the sins of the people result in a great measure from their sufferings . If men had a faSr day's wa ? e for a fair day's work , they would noj want If they did not want they vonld sot be tempted to steal and to do a thousand things that they never thought of in their better day * . Tte parsons biind the- people ' s minds that thty may bind 'their bodies ; we wish to loose them and let them go . We profes 3 ourselves not Buoianists , nor Lutherans , nor C dvinists , nor Weslryans . nor anything bnt Ccristians , the chiHren of one Father in heaven . The gospel that is preached here wili be preached to the poor and by the poor ; and we call on all working men to attend and to bring their wives and daughters to aid ns in prayer and song . And may all things be done decently and in urder as becomes Christian Chartists .
-. J . W . Mr . W . had also the honour of opening the City of London Chii ; isi Chapel with & similar aadress .
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ON MAU-WORSHIP . { Published by request ) " I had aslief not be , as live to be -In awe of snch a thing as I my self . Shakspeakb . ChartiEm is pure principle—It is not the cause of an individual , tut of the community—it is the people ' s cause , not-the cause of a faction . So far from Chartism being the cause of a person or a party , ii calls on persons , on parties , to sacrifice their private or class interests lo the public good—to lay their prejudice &a a sinoficring or the altar of their country—to bury the hatchet ot hostility and to take up the caJumet of peace . We are railed npon not to consider our own interests
only—far less to consider them before , or at the fcxpens 3 of Hie interests of others ; bnt to consider the interests of othera equally with onr own ; and what should we lose by that , if others considered ow interests tqualiy wfth theirs ? Then , no ill-will would be provuted , no poverty would be produced ; but we should rcanrre the ilJ-will and poverty that now ofliict society and cnrsB-the land . By promoting the iaterests of troth and justice we should most truly promote our pitvate interests , for , were justice done en all occasions —1 do not = »«¦*»» **»» jugtU - x of torr , bnt tbe justioe of Isse ^ sataslicaon both of body and mind would accrue in the place of the wrong and suffering , the crixr ^ t and missry , that now pervade the world and pierce every human heart .
Morals are now so rtiaxed—poll lies have become so corrupt—religion itself is so perverted , that virtue , whether public or private , is a thing almost unknown —has grown so rare , that it is regarded as a proasgy and- ' treated as a monster . Men are prevented from practising it—are punished if they attempt to do sothey are deluded or driven out of their very eonvictious of right—he who stands np for justice and humanity makes himself a mark for injustice and inhumanityhe find * the law too strong for his }—the jndges will ttD him so . Yes , a Chartist , the man who is wishful to do his duiy to God and man , meets with persecntois and scamera on every hand—he is pierced on all sides like a lion surrounded by Hottentots—but let him
not blame Chartism for that—let him not , to appease the hunters , throw away the jewel of his sonj—he must not b ~ iam& Charfom but the accursed system which Cnartism will cure—the system which crashes all who refuse to Bow to it , or the idols which it has set np . I know that , while that system lasted * man's humanity will be a snare to him—Ms love of " -justice a trap—he will be betrayed into tbe hands of wicked me "—spies , with the tender notes of friendship , will lure him as the fowler lui ^ s the quail by imitating = ite pipe of love —the good will be sacrificed by the bad at the shrine of dfiified vice , while all who prostitute themselves at that shrine , all who prtfit by the system , will dance round their "victims Tfcjoicingat their sufferings .
He who loves hi * country must either mourn over it in -secret * or be banished from it for daring to Bhow his love— --tyranny will tear him from all he holes dtarbigotry will b ^ st his every hope , and all that love him , ail whom he loves , will have to lament his loss and live a life more .. dreadful than death itself—a life ; of deprivatiun , of destitution , of desolation , of distraction-Tet , is there something consoling in Buffering for a gocd cause , in sufiVriug for having laboured to do good , in knowing thai even by enr suffrrings we are furthering th . ; jrood cause . Z :-al will fortify us—will inspire us with Divide fervour . We shall be elevated by onr very Ecfi * -iiDgE as the first Christians were ; and , as they
bugged their cross of martyrdom , kissed it , worshippf d it , so will we Chartists" % e proud of cur Charter , love it € ven though we are to be imprisoned for it , banished for it , executed for it The Cuarter shall be our joy in life , our hope in death , and , by our enthusiastic devotion to is . we win prove how valuable it is in our eyes , we will show its value to others , till our bitterest entniiss shall a < fmire it , shall fcympatbise with n& , shall become converts , and be willing to suff-r with us ; yea , till all shall cry aloud with one yo . ee , with the voice of freewill strung to fate , with a voice that shall silence , that fchall drown the voice of Government , the Charter shall be tbe law of the land .
Charrifcs have suffered , they suffer now , and they will suffer yet more . They have suffered everything but defeat , and again and asrain they will suffer everything , but never yield . Oh , to give up the Charter , that would ba-iadeed to suffer 1 to lose our hopes « . f the Charter that would be despair indeed ! But Chartism was bom to conquer ; it has conquered and it wiiJ 50 on conquering anu to cotquer—conquering ignorance , coLqaenng prejudice , corquering apathy , conquering arisuKsratic priae and middle-class maliie , yea , dispersing the delusions so industriously sown among tse working classes themselves . Bigotry and superstition have fi > wn before it ; and now , having destroyed all otber enemies , having put down aQ nnder its feet , tte last « meniy t < K . be destroyed is tyranny—& tyraupical
Govemmest } Chartism has knocked at the doors of Parliament , and awakened the snprne , sottish set that sleep on the benches within . Government has risen alarmed—has armed itself with civil and military terrors ; has breathed out fi >© and smoke and horrible proscriptions ; has commenced a crnsade against Charti * m j a second era of perseeuHon , which rages with ail the fury cf the Raman Enaperers against tbe firat Christians ; and what says Chartism ? Like old Lear in ^ tbe thunderstorm , Chartism smiles and says , Pour oa i 1 -will endure V So that it is now evident that were a massacre of those good men , the Chartists , to take place , emulous of the Hngonots , it would not extirpate Chartism ; it -would but make it flourish all the more ; it would but ensure its more speedy triumph .
Chartists suffer J—bus what if they . were not Ckastists , would they be exempt from suffering ? Look around you and see 3 How many that do not know what Chartisiii is , that scoff at it , are sufferers , are ¦ without food and clothing , and knew not -where to find ¦ work 1 Ye » , the very supporters of the sv » tem—even those that thrive by it are sufferers in mind or body , if not estate , and have not the happy consolation of suffering in a good csuse ; for Government is so selfish , society but gzomi so corrupt , that ita members live in a continnal * ' interchange of wrong for wrong" —all are doomed to ** iiflict or bear" —and the only reasonable expectation which fee sufferers can have of Reform or redress is in the so much abused and derided People ' s Gharter ! Chartism has now its last and greatest enemy to combat ; H has to snsta ^ a life and death . struggle with the ApoQyon of Governmesi . JfervfJ by former conflicts—animated by fonaer victories—flehting with the priz ; in view , wilj it not * ucccta ? TrS , no external forco can stop us—csa prevail against us—only by initinal -weakness cr wickedness can we ba overcome . ' |
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In a word , nothing - can put down Chartism—nothing can prevent it from pntting down all other isms in its way—but the conduct of the Chartists themselvesnor could they , save only for awhile—the Phosaix would rise renewed from its own ashes . We are armed w : th the treble armour of a just cause—rivetted by truth and proved by experience—the enemy has none but carnal weapons , but he has authority on his side , and authority in the eyes of the world covers a multitude of sins as charity or ChaitiBm does in the eyes of heaven . 0 * virtue in the enemy will save him in spite of all his vices ; one vice in ns would prove fatal in spite of all our virtues . If , therefore ^ w © go up to this last
battle with unclean hands , if the necessary spell word , a clear conscience , be wantfed-, if we doubt , if we falter , if we faint , we shall lose the day , we shali strive in vain , we shall be compelled to retreat , to gird up our loins anew , to lay by for another opportunity , to bide our time . Now , therefore , it is of the utmost importance that we turn our = attention to ourselves , that we examine ourselves , that we prove ourselves . There is nothing amiBe in the cause , nothing is wanted in Chartism ; but is anythi g amiss in us , are we Char us ts wanting in anything ? If so , we must purge ourselves , we must purify ourselves . Let ua take a short retrospect of the causa
Chartism is the ebild of oppression , as spring is born of winter ; and , as spring clothes the earth left hare by ¦ winter , refreshes it , beautifies it , so will Chartism resuscitate , renovate , re-animate the condition of man , blasted as it now is by trampling tyranny . It is somewhat singular and worthy of remark that the Charter { founded on first principles ) was first taken from tbe parental hands of Major Caitwrigbt and adopted by the aristocracy—they failed in rearing it as perhaps they intended to do , and tbe deserted child was next taken up by the middle classes , who also failed ; but they
taught the working clasass what was wanted ; the working classes next took np the Charter ; took it . not merely by the hand , not into their homes oniy , but into their heart *! they fed it , as tbe pelican feeds her young , with her own blood ; they breathed the very spirit ef their souls into it , they gave it Promethean heat and vigour , and now it has grown a giant in the la&d . Yes , Chartism has performed many surprising libours—it has but one mere to perform , tbe crowning labour of alL What can prevent it from obtaining th : s last victory ? What but treachery or some fatal delusion ?
Like the infant Hercules , Chartism strangled the new move , when the snake crept to ita cradle to give it a mortal bite . My z al for the cause , my duty as a Chartist led me to denounce the deceived deceivers of that move in a etrmon on false brethren ; that same dnty now leads me fearlessly to expose a worse error which we are likely to fall it to—I mean man-worship ! Here let us pause awhile—let us look back at what we have gone through . ( To he continued . )
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A CLERICAL VAGRANT . BURY , SATURDAY , December 31 . A case has just keen brought beforethe Petty Sessions of this town which has excited very considerable interest in tbe minds of all classes . It consisted of two charges against the R » y . Jonathan Aokrpyd—first , for being a rogue and vagabond under the Vagrant Act ; and , second , for having obtained money under . false pretences . The evidence in sjapport of the charges was of a lengthened nature , but may be stated in a succinct form The first witness was , '
Mr . Thomas Gorton , of JTotJington-hall , who said ! : hat on Friday , the 16 th task , the prisoner called upon him , and having represented himself to be the incumbent of a church or chapel at Skircoat , near Halifax , stated that the church was in debt upwards of £ 2 , 000 . which was owing on a mortgage , " and that he was obtaining contributions to liquidate tha debt He further stated , that ha had performed the church duties aad services there , for a period of ten years gratuitously , and that the building was still iu connection with the Church of England . Witness accordingly gave him » sovereign , which he teh ' ould not have given but on the representation that the prisoner was the incumbent . Miss Hannah Woodcock , of Holcotne , dapssed that tbe prisoner bad also called at her residence on the preceding Friday week , when he represeutad himself to be the incumbent of tbe church in question , and succeeded In obtaining another sovereign .
Mr . Joshna Knowlea , of Stormer-hill , and Miss Alice Elton , of Tottington , £ who had also contributed a sovereign each , deposed that the prisoner bad called at their respective residences , and told a similar tale . To tbe former he expressed a hope that he might live ti > pay off the debt , in which case , be said , he would write word to hia friends at Bury , as he bad promised to do to several Quakers , who had assisted him . Mr . William Taylor , of King-cross , Skircoat , near Halifax , deposed that he was a manufacturer , that h « knew the prisoner , and that be also knew tbe oburch at skircoat , which was in the possession of the Wesleyan Methodists . He said that it hud been purchased iu October , conveyed in Novambar , and opened in December , 1840 , and that the prisoner bad no connexion with the church , nor any directions or authority to collect money on its bebal £ Tile trustees , of whom witness was one , had not received any mouey from the prisoner since tbuy purchased tbe church , neither did they owe him any money .
On cross-examination th € witness said , that an abso lute conveyance of the church bad been effected ; that tbe prisoner had built , and , for some time , bad preached in it ; that the purchase-money was £ 900 ; and that it ha * V been bought from Mr . Alexnndrr , a solicitor , at Halifax . Witness was not aware of what interest Mr . Alexander bad in tbe church , bat believed that tbe land , the building , and a )) together , would , probably , cost between £ 2 , 000 and £ 3 , 000 . He knew not of tbe prisoner having any private property , o * of any private ptoperty of his having been lately sold ; and he should tbiuk that it was about five or six years since tbe prisoner had any thing to do with the church .
Mr . H . Henshall , superintendent of police at Bury , stated that he had known the prisoner for a year aud a baif , asd that be bad him in custody before at Ulver-Btone on a charge of having obtained money under false pretences , upon which occasion he alleged also that be was the minister of the church ut Skircoat , and producsd books , letters , and otber documents to that effect , which were believed by the magistrates , wbe discharged him , and recominenued him to leave the neighbourhood as speedily as possible . On Christmasday witness went to Halifax , where ha saw the Archdeacon , who said that he bad received upwards of three hundred communications regarding tbe prisoner ; and from these and other ^ circumstances it appeared that tbe latter bad been receiving great numbers of contributions in tbe neighbourhood of Bo I ton and Bury . The Archdeacon farther said , that not a penny of the contributions had been paid by the prisoner to the funds of tbe church , and that he had received a large aoiou . it nut in the books .
Charles Maguire , a police sergeant , deposed that be apprehended the prisoner on the morning of Saturday , ibe 24 th inat , at the house of Samuel Coupe , a bewrseller , in Tottlngteh , and that he found a book iu his possession , entitled as follows : —* ' 1810 . —A list of the Names of Minor' Contributions towards the Liquidation of a Debt upon Christ Church , Skircoat , HiUf . ^ , Yorkshire , amounting to upwards of £ 2 . 300 . " The amount received by the prisoner , as stated in this book , was £ 792 11 s . 6 d ., but other books and letters which were also fouud in his possession stated the aggregate receipt ( including , the £ 792 11 s . 6 tl . ) to be £ 2 219 19 s . 6 d . Mauy of the signatures were known to ba genuine . That of the tail of Burlington was one .
John Smith , of the Bury Court of Requests , deposed that be was foimerly in the Manchester constabulary force , and that he bad bad the prisoner In his custody on a charge of having obtained goods by means o false bills of exchange . Witness , on ttmt occasion , found tbe acceptance to be that of a very poor man , who said , that he had allowed the prisoner to use his name . The prisoner was , however , discharged , on condUiau of giving up ibg > SQQdjj . ^ jjad luuuno-- thix town . After the evidence had closed .
Mr . Woodcock ., wh * appeared tor the difence , said he was sure it must bo piUnful to every one in court to seo a person of the station of the prisoner appearing before them on such a charge— a charge w hich might have assumed a milder form , aud been dealt with without pressing it to an extreme . He was instructed , and ha verily believed , that his client honestly thought tbat the church was in tbe Uanda of Vhe Method ' uta only for a temporary purpoBa , and tha ^ il had been let to them in order that by the rent the interest on the mortgage might b ? paid . Ha was further instructed to say tbat his c > ieut bad used exertion to ascertain the exact
situation of tbethurch , tbat ha hid mode every possible inquiry , and p tbat he had searched the registry at Wakefield for that purpose . Mr . Woodcock , who addressed the bench at considerable length , contended tbat , inasmuch as the prisoner had expended a large sum of mousy iu having the church erected , which bad never been repaid to him , he might ba considered iu the light of a mortgagee ; and though , as the church was not consecrated , he could not be its legal incumbent , yet , as he bad been licensed to officiate at it , he was better entitled than any other person to assume tbat title . Consequently , tbe two alleged false pretexts on which tho charge bad been founded were substantially true ; and , under such circumstances , he trusted tbe bench would see no cause- to go to tbe sessions . If & man acted with bona fides , though mistaken , he was not to be too severely dealt with ; aud if , in doing what he had dorw , there was sufficient integrity in the prisoner ' s conduct to amount to bona fides , he would be entitled to his discharge , [
Mr . Gmndy , who appeared on the part of the pro-Etcution , rose tu reply , but the magistrates intimate i that there was no necessity ;; and af . er having consulted for a short time , The Chairman said the bench had a very painful duty to perform , but they wera compelled to execute it , inasmuch &s the prisoner bad not lately alone been going about in tbe manner described , but had been doing so for many years . It was high time , therefore , to put a stop to such deeds . The bench were unanimously of opinion that he should be imprisoned in the House of Correction at Salford , and there kept te bard labour for three calendar months on tbe first charge , aud tbat he khould be committed to the sessions for trial on the second .
Tcerd were many clergymen present during the heariug , wbo seemed much-interested in the case ( as th < 3 prisoner bad levied contributions on some of them several ytaroago ) , and who appeared much gratified at the prospect of the profession being relieved from one 0 $ its greatest blots ,
MATCH AGAINST TIME . —BRUTAL TREATMENT OF A . HORSE . Justice Room , Newbury . —On Thursday last William North , of Monaiouth-atreet , Batb , tavernkeeper , appeared before William Mount , Esq ., Chairman , and otber magistrates , to uaswer the complaint of Mr . Henry Thomas , tka Secretary of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , which charged him with having wantonly , and cruelly abused , illtreated , aud tortured a horse , at the parish | of Weltord , in tbe county of Barks . The defendant pleaded not guilty .
Mr . Thomas said thai : be appeared on behalf of the Royal Society fur the Prevention uf Cruelty to Auimals , to prosecute the defendant for having most cruelly illtreated a horse . The charge arose out of the following circumstances : The ( Ufendant and another pereon agreed to drive their horses fromBith to Wawbury , a distance of fifty-three milbB , in four hours aud a half . They started from Bath 011 Wednesday , the 7 th ult , about nine o ' clock in the morning , and the defendant arrived at the Halfway-house , iu the parish of Welford , shortly after one o ' clock , having driven tbe poor animal forty-eight miles in four hours aud a quarter . A witness would be able to prove that the conduct of the defendant , when he passed the turnpike gate at Welford , was most wantonly cruel . Tbe landlord of the inn would be the next witness , and be would
describe the condition of the horse when put intohis stable , and that it died within twenty minutes after it had arrived , from the effects of having bean overdriven . In the evening , the animal was examined by a veterinary surgeon in the presence of the landlord , and he should be able to prove that the immediate cause of death was the violent exertion it had been compelled to undergo . When the defendant reached Hungerford , he stopped a minute or two to give the horse some " sherry . " At ttitB place , several persons remarked the condition of the horse , and advised the defendant not to proceed , as it was quite evident that the horse could not live to reach Newbury . He , however , persisted , and continued towards the Halfwiyhouae , when the death of the animal compelled him to give up the match .
Mr . Thomas then called Robert BemiDst&r , who stated that he keeps the turnpike gate at Hoe Benham , in the parish of Welford , and that on the 7 th of the present month he saw the defendant and another person , about one o ' clock , coming from the direction of Hungerford towards tha turnpike gate . The other man was on horseback , and had bold of tbe reins of another horse , which was harnessed to a light gig , aud was dragging
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it along , while the defendant was walking by tbo side of tha horse , and flogging it most violently . When they came to the gate , he particularly remarked the coudi tion of the gig horse , which appealed completely exhausted , and hardly ablft to put one leg before the other , Witness fuJy expected that if the defendant had capped to pay the toll , the horse woald have dropped down aud died . They passed through the gate , and . as far aa the witness could see , the defendant continued te fljg the poor animal most unmercifully . It was about ten minutes past ono o'clock when they passed witness . The Halfway-house is about a qaarter ot a mile further
on . Robert Atlee , tke landlord of the Halfway-house proved that the borse died in h \ s stable within a short timo after the defendant arrived , in consequence , iu the opinion of witness , of having been ojver-driven . This was also the opinion of the veterinary surgeon . The defendant , who appeared to { treat the matter with great indiffarence , did not deny that he had driven the horse the distance in the period of jtime steted ; but said that the death of the borse did not proceed from over-exertion , but because it had been fed shoetly before starting , and had been allowed to take some cold water at Marlboroneb .
The magistrates having consulted together , the Chairman told the defendant that the magistrates , were unanimous in convicting him of the < ff nee charged , and that he must pay a penalty of £ 5 6 a- 6 d . costs included ; or , in default of payment , bh imprisoned for two months , with hard labour . The penalty was paid . '
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INFANT EDUCATION . ' ( From GeorgeCruikshanKsCondcAlmanack ) Babylonian University— The j grand aim of motiera iuf . int education is to make learning very attractive , to invest Lindley Murray with ajmagnetic pjwer over the pupil's mind , an < i dress Dilwortb in an adhesive plaster , that shall cause all the little boys in the kingdom to stick to it . If Mavor ' s [ Spelliog can be converted into a magic spell , there w ' a hope that the infant population may be charmed intojan appreciation of 6 a , be , bi , bo bu and such will ba tbe progress of
education , that we may have , before the expiration of a century , universities at which th ^ wet nurso and the professor may be alike required , to attend to the physical and intellectual wants of the ) infant students . A bachelor of arts will not only be entitled to the distinction of B . A ., but may add the letters BY . to complete his description . It bas already ; been suggested that philosophy should be taught by toys , and it will be easy to give a lecture on the laws of motion , illustrated by a game at marbles , or to explain the theory of equations by reference to the pleasing pastime of ninepins , :
The Pons Asinorum , that has puzzled many of our modern youth , will be much more easily overcome when a real donkey ride is resorted to ; and the difficult process of looking for a square root wiilibe greatly facilitated by a spade , when tbe student fl . ids himself sent forth to dig in the garden of science . Already has the worthy Mr . Witderspin introduced , in many places , the agreeable system of making fun of school ; and if he would only consent to put bis infnnt pupils into the fantastical caps and gowns which are worn at the universities , the joke would be still ricber than it is at present . " To tbat complexion we shall come at last ; " and if education is to be made game of , the sooner we go " the whole bog" the better . The following is an extract from a report tbat is intended to illustrate the enormous ^ success of th «
Wildei-spm system : — " Teacher—What is this I hold in my hand ? Children—A piece of glass . Teacher—What cau you do with it ? : Children—Scrape slate pencil . Teacher—What else?—what can jeur eyas do with it ? ¦ ; Ckildren—Look at it . : Teacher—If you put it to ^ yuur eye can you see through it ? Children—Not if you shut yonr eye . ; Teacher—Can you break glass ? ; Children— We'll try lone cbild breaks ^ window . ) Teacher—Then glass is brittle ? Children—Rifcher . : Teacher—Wiil tbe shutters break ?
Children—We are not going to try that Teacher ( striking the shutter violently )—Now what havo I done . Children—Made a great noise , and hurt your own knuckles . Teacher—What is wax ? Children- A soft substance . Teacher—Is there any sort of wax that is not so't ? Children—Yes , the whacks you give us when we don't know our lessons . . Teacher—What does a cow give as ? Children ^ -Nothing . ] Teai-her—Well , what does the milkman give us ? Children—He gives us nothing ; we buy it . Teacher— What do we buy from him \ Children—Milk and water . Teacher—What ' s this ? [
Teacher—What use does your mother make of it ? Children—She sometimes beats father about the head with it . I Teucher—Has your mother got a mangle ? Children—No , she ' s sold it . \ Teacher—What colour is the orange ? Children—Orange colour . , Teacher—How large is this orange which I hold iu my band ? \ Children—As big again aa half . Teacher—How long will oranges keep in this climate ? \ Children—Not a day , when you get hold of them . Teacher—That will do ; you may go home . Children—Thankee , sir .
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APPALLING OCC&RRENCE NEAR BARRHEAD , RENFREWSHIRE . —NINE L 1 YES ioST . It ia our painful duty to record in this slieet one of the most distressing occurrences , both as regards loss of property and less of life , -which bas taken place in thiB part of the coantry for many ytars past . Last ni ^ ht , about nine o ' clock , the embankment or breast of ( Jlanderstpn Dam , near Barrhead , gave way , and tbe contents of the reservoir , accumulated at tbe time to an extraordinary txtent by tbe storm , rnshed down the channel of tbe burn with fearful snd irresistible velocity , carrying death and ce&truction in their train . Tie erSt place which enK red from tbe rfreirortion of tte flv ; c < i ^ aa tte Piiiit Works of Springfield , occupied
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by Messrs . Hardie , Stark , and Co ., where three ontsw hoasss were swept off , twe gables of two other houses , and the counting-house , or nnder flit of the master ' s house , where the water rushed in at one side , making a breach at the other , and carrying with it the whole furniture and o * . r ; er contpnts . The only hiiaaa victim was tho son o * r » person named Maxwejl , who used to drive the field cart Hia father had Sent him to baoa up bis coat to < fry at a stove in tbe works . Tbe father went into the hoarse and escaped the rnsh of water , but the boy was carried off . Thongb the youth Maxwell was the oftly persoa who lost his life at Spr-n ^ Seid , a number of other persons narrowly escaped-. Four persons in one house
were saved en the rash of the wat- * hy breikiag tceir way through the roof , aad so sudden was the rfse on them , tbat vbe watchman , the last of their number , had . to be held up by- the neck by his companions for some time before he effected his escape . In a few minutes afterwards , tte house was swept down , and tbe whole materials cf the hnildhur rendered a mass of floating rubbish . The ' works * f SpringSetd present a truly frightful appear . anca ; the whole machinery of tbe works , the goods in course of fii . isbuii ? , and the vesst Is and stock of printing materials ( including about £ 300 wunh of inrtigo ) were all carried before the devastating current , iuniotim ? a most serious , and as yet unascertained , loss on the owners .
The next place which suffered from tbe _ flood was tbe priBtworks of South Artburlie , occupied by Messrs . Hays and Sous , and situated about a quwter of a mile b ? lowr Springfield . Here the destruction of property was not so great as at Springfield , but the loss of life was far . more appalling . Two dwelling-houses , a iaige out-bhtd .,- . and a bjre , with ull they contained , were ii . stau . tener > usly carried away ; and we are sorry to rniate tbat , with one of the houses , tbe ent re family of occupants but oue child were iDStintaneously drowued and buried in tbe ruins . With the exception of tbe husband , tbe . other family shared the same fate as their neighbour . Tbe names of the unfortunate occupants of tbe first of these houses alluded to were Robert Juhmtone aud his -wife , both aged about afty , one widowed daughter " , HenrtKta , a ? ed 23 . with her child , a « irl about four years of age ; another daughter ,
Margaret , ased 15 , aad son . Archibald , agaJ . about 17 . This family bad retired earlier than nsual , with tbe intention of rising early in the morning to pay a visit during the approaching bo ! i «! ays to some relations at Cutubernauld . Tha itinmtes of ihe ether house who were drowned were Mrs . M-Intyre , aged about for ; y , and her child about four ytrars old . M'lntyre , she busband , was absent at some part of the works at the time , and with one girl belonging to the deceased family of the Jahnstenes ; he is ail that is left of tbe ten persons occupyinn the two houses referred to . Tha bodies of the \ vhole of the snfferers bad been found this forenoun but that of Robert Johnstone , but workmen were busily engaged in digging up the rubbish for his remains , and for what of tbe furniture and other articles that could be found . There were t ^ o cows in the byre swept off , bath which are dtowned filse .
Besides this riainase at the print works , the accumulated current ' also swupt down a portion of tbe garden wall at Arthurlie House , the property of Mr . Lowndea . At two farm steadings a Htt ) e furrtber down , a « ood deal of property was likewise carried , off as likewise the bri d ge at Darnley . ; . During tb& forenoon a . ereat cumber of visitors were hurrying to the fatal spot from miles round th *< neighbourhood , and a deep gloom seemed to pervade tbe countenance of every one wbo had been there , or who resided in the : vicinity . —Glasgow Saturday Post .
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The Works preparatory to the commencement of cu ing through the Isthmus of Panama are advancing rapidly . The entire lengta of this canal will be forty-nine miles ; its breadth at the surface 135 feet ; and its depth twenty feet . M , Morel , the engineer , estimates its cost at £ 560 , 000 sterling . Brkcon GAOvwhich Dr . Biseett Hawkins visited in 1837 , and reported to be dark , old , and unhealthy , and in which he found in 1839 in the same state , without any'alteration of its ua wholesome cells , was again inspected by him last year , when he found that neither the Lord Lieutenant nor Justices had since that time effected the slightest change .
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From the London Gazette of Friday , Dec . 30 . BANKRUPTS . John Gosden , Wilstead-street , New-roai , licensed vietualler , to surrender Jan . 7 , at half-past one , an < i Feb . Z 0 , at twelve , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . Norcutfc , Qieen-sqaaru , Blooniabury ; official assignee , Mr . Alsager , Birchin-lane . Benj-. mhi Hart Thorold , WiUesden , dealer , Jan . 11 , at half-past twelv . e-, aud Feb . 3 , at one at the Ccurt of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr . J Scott , LiuolnV inn-fielvis ; officftl assignee , Mr . Penneli . James Barnes ' , : Jermyn-strefct , lodg ifi « -house-keeper , Jan . 11 , at half-Oast eleven . Feb . 3 , at twelve , at the Cyurt of Bankruptcy . London . Solicitors . Messrs . Willougbby and "Jaconet , Clifford ' s-inn ; official assig . nee , Mr . Belcher .
Giles James Nawton , Laicestor-squar *? ., drar >? r , Jan . 10 , at twelve , and Feb . 10 , nt eleven , at tbs Court of Bsrifcruptcy , J , onf 1 on . Solicitors , Mes-rs . H « td aad Shaw , Frday-iitreet , Cheapside ; official assignee , Mr . Gibson , Bjsingball-street William "Morgan Senior , St . SwitbinVlor , * , bardwar « nan , Jan ., 14 . at half-pass twelve , an * l F-b . 10 , at eleven , the Ctfurt of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , Mr Fiddey , T « mple ; official assignee , Mr . Groom , Abchurch- ) ane . William Hoad , Wiciham , Hampshire , pr ^ cer , Jan . 7 , at balf-paat one , and F . b- 10 , at twelv-j , - \ t tbe Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitors , M .-ssrs . Hicks and Braikenridge , Bartletfs-buiidiigs ; and Mr . Guuner , B' -s > h" 6 p ' s' Waltham ; official assignee , Mr . Groom . Abchurchlane .
Edwin Thompson , East GHnetead , corn-dea . ^ r , Jan . 12 , at half-paBt one , and Feb . 9 , at elevea , at the Court of Bankruptcy , London . Solicitor , air Palmer , Temple ; official assignee , Mr . Graaam , BasiagLallstreet . William Fox , Gresford , Denbighshire , irfcnnjpster , Jan . 9 and Feb . 19 , at elsven , at tbe Binkiupts District Court , Liverpool . Solicitors , Mr . Lewis , Wrexham ; and Messrs . Mallaby and Townsend , Liverpool ; official assignee , Sir . Cazenove , Liverpool . Robert Smith , Leeds , fl mr-dta ' . er , Jau . 12 , at twelvft , and Jan . 31 , at eleven , at the Bankrupts' Dls * r ' . cl Court , Leeds . Solicitor , Mr . Lte , Ltieds ; official assignee , Mr . Hope , Leeds . ; William Smith ' , Leeds , ironfonnder , J .-in . 11 and 30 , at elrvcn , at the Bankrupts' District Court , Leeds , official ssignee , Mr . Younc , Leeds .
J hn Jumes , ehttJt ^ nhura , wine inercbnnt , Jan . 6 and F * . b 3 a * eleven , at the Bankrupts' Di ? » rcr Court , Bristol . Solicitor * , Mr . Lott , Bow-lane , Cfceapside ; and Mr Parneli , Biiatol ; offio ai assignee , Mr Acreman , Bristol . PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED . J . Crellin and j . Holt , Liverpool , plumbers . Leese , Kirshaw , au < l ! Co ., Manchester , as far as regards N . Birr . B , Ebrvey ann Co ., Manchester , manufacturers of mordanta . Kaignt and Al'Divitt , Liverpool , ceneral merchants . J Dent and S . Nelson , Preston , Lancashire , boncetmakjers . Smith and Booth , Leeds , merc * ra . J . Bro' -vnridge , and J . Marriot , Leeds , cernmillevs . T . aud C . Cot , Salford , wine-dealtrs .
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From the Gazette 0 / Tuesday , January 27 . BANKRUPTS . James Sweetman Eiffe , chronometer-maker . Lo ^ bardstreet , to surrender Jan . 7 , at twelve , and Fet > . 10 , at eleven , at tbe Court of Bankruptcy , BassnghaVl-s ^ reet . Solicitor , Mr . Hodgson , Bed Lion-square ; official assignee , Mr . B-Icber . WilHam Paine , baker , Stoney-Stratford , Buckinghamshire , Jan . 17 , at eleven , at the Court of Bankruptcy , BasinjjhaU-street Solicitors , Messrs Au-tin and Hobson , Riymond'B-buil < Unga , Gray ' s- ' nu ; official assi&nee , Mr . Turquand , Coptballbuildings . James Hodson , drti !? cist , Reading , Berkshire , Jan . 10 , at two , and Fcb- 15 K at twelve , at the Conrt of Bankruptcy , Basingball-sireat . Solicitor , Mr . Parker , St . Paul's Churcii-yard ; official assignee , Mr . Lackington , Oolemas-street-buildincB .
William Cock , grocer , Bangay , Suffolk , Jan . 11 , at one , and Fab 21 , at eleven , at the Court cf B «; krnptcy , Ba . ingball-Btreei . Solicitors , Messrs . G ^ ika and Co ., Lincoln ' s-inii-SslSs . ; and Messrs , Margeiaon and Co ., Bangay , oSeial assignee , Mr . Gibson , Baainghallstreet . Gvorge Foreter , butcher , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Jan . 16 . at one , and Fvb . 21 , at eleven , at tho Newcastleupon-Xyne District Court of Bankruptcy . Solicitors , Mr . Hodge , Newcastle-Bpon-Tyne ; and Crosby and Compton , Chnrch-et / urt , Old Jewry . London ; effioial assignee , Mr . Baker , Newcastle-upon-Tyne . Joseph Wilson , warehouseman , Manchester , Jan . 14 , and Fab . 20 , at eleven , at tha Manchester District Court of Bankruptcy . Solicitors , Messrs . Makinson and Sanders , Elm Court , Middle Temple , London ; and Messrs . Atkinson and Sannderu , Manchester ; official assignee , Mr Pott , Manchester .
John Crowther , corn-miller , HuddersSeld , Jan . 18 , and Feb . 6 , at eleven , at the Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy . Solicitor , Ms . Jacomb , Httdderafleld ; official assignee , 5 » Ir . Freeman , Leeds . John Lockwood , manufacturer of fancy waistcoating , Lspton , Yorkshire , Jan . 13 , at twelve , and Feb . 1 , at eleven , at the Leeds District Court of B : \ nlrrnptey . Solicitor , Mr . Overend , Kirkburton ; official assignee , Mr . Freeman , Leeds . Jobn Ray , porter-merchant , Xeeds , Jan . 20 , at three , and Feb . 6 , " at twelve , at tbe Leeds District Court of Bankruptcy . Solicitors , MeBBtB . Barr , Lefthotise , and N-lson , LetSs ; official assignee , "Mr . YouBg , Leeds . John Mayer , earthenware inannfacturer s Foley , Staffordshire , Jan . 17 , at balf-past two , and Feb . 14 , at elsven , at the Court of Bankrnptcy , Basiugball-street Solicitor , Mr . Lewfs , Wilmington-squara , Middlesex ; official assignee , Mf . Edwards , Frederick ' s-place , Old Jewry .
Jasjips T . ylor and James Bntterwrtb , patntenr , R icLdals , Lat'CTwhire , Jan . 13 , and Feb . 8 , at one , at vhe Mancbst . 'T D ' lBtrlct Court of Bankruptcy . Solic » i . r . Mr . V . 'hrtehead , Uochdate ; official assignee , M S . &L ' &ell , Manchester .
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JLEDBE 35 SPOKEN AT THE OPEJJTNG OF THE TTORKLKG XEN * S HAIL , Df MABY 1 EBOXB , AS A CHARTIST CHAPEL . 1 sm rejoiced that this piece is novr opened for Christian Chartist -worship . Six dsys in the week are . totly jtiificitnt for mere political purposes , on the , ^ Testh let us call upon that God who ia onr juitie ; * n 4 guard—without whose aid we cannot hepe to ' . testeed—let us call upon Him to bless the laboun ofi -fce ^ asi -wetfe , and to prosper those to come . T 7 e are i ^^ Tea , simJ must be men before we can become j wairfjass , A » ChartiEta we are now seeking to renew j n&slna in the image of men—as Christians , we seek ; j ° IEae'w enstStesin &ie image of God . He who is * bundsja of body cannot be so free £ b sonl as he > » jbt to be . The Israelites eould not worship in '
?" aj ; -thtrcfere , it was that they prayed to Pharoah . £ tetthem to into the very ¦ wilderness to worship . " ¦ **• s » HJty that devolves upon us as Christiana , motto , tsr ?* tiB 2 K « nbling of ourselves together , to -work ^ tt ESjton tbe salvaSon of onr souls—that duty is no j : ** HBperatrre upon ua ss Chartists to work out the j J ^^ soeEt of onr minds and bodies . The former . 5 ^^^? e with iesr and trembliBg , as bfefore G * d— ] 1 j , ^?? * o he done without fear and trembling , for ] ' ^ ' k fore men . i ^^^ ^ objected to religions ChartlKn ,-to moral ! >^^^\ ^ t * Cbarfem , and so on—they « ayi W ^^^ onliconeentrateall onr energies npon one ] - •^ aUnff ** P ° &tical Chartism- But as many ] ^ l ° ttl f ?? * era to one centre , and met * there in a *» trj xt ! T p ! erc& « it—Thy may we rot taia j * l 3 s . > S x . tbB Charter * and all meet there ] SeaB , * v _ * P art I iiwk ve sbfcnld j ^; fert 2 t- ~ iot onB aJonfij nor first one-then ano- ) ^ aterie ^^ ^ i ™*^ **— sLl sare ausDisriES , aU are Tested * , !/ . "H hfelp . I would pray for Chnrtiirn , [ fa , a i L ? ; f ** Ulre for it . "write for It , vork for it , I
3 fe 5 oael % *** ^^ that by any means we may ^ & : —ill ^ f \ t ^ to be aU , to ( Jo ail , and to ¦?* 3 iQ-E . - . T * i **« a&s a man , a Chartixt , acd a fibrri a&lLT ^ f- * tdnreal t » fi *« H . losfrsll-ao £ s ! ?*« J * rCTi j-v ' * ' lessor parents , loss of heme ,
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EXTRAORDINARY TRIAL FOR DEFAMATION . A enrions action for defamation was tried in the Episcopal Consistory Court , Bristol , on the 21 st ult ., before tbe worsbipfal the Chancellor of Bristol . The plaintiff , Mrs . Prudence Payne , a widow lady , living on her property , charged Mary Ann Rowley , the wife of a straw-hat manufacturer , of Culkge Green , witb having declared , in the presence of two credible witnesses , ta&t Mrs . Prudence Payne had been cohabiting , for two months , with her ( defendant's ) husband . Mrs . Rowley , in defence , denied tbat she bad used the word cohabit , but acknowledged having said that an improper correspondence had been going on between her husband snd Mrs . Prudence Payne , and she now produced a quantity of letters written by the widow to 5 * 1 . Kowley , which had fallen into her possession ,
both in prouf and defence of the allegation for which she had been brought before the Court . The evidence of Mercy Ware ( servant to Mrs . Prudence Payne ) stated that a considerable number out of about fifteen « sixteen letters produced were written by her mistress to Mr . Rowley ; that her mistress read over some of the letters to her ( Mercy Ware ) , and desired her to deliver them to Mr . Rowley , aad to nobody else ; Bomo of the letters were signed " Constant ; " some of them were addressed to " Forget me Net . " This witness had seen nothing improper pass between her mistress and Mr . Rowley , except that he once gave her a kiss .
If an improper intimacy had taken place at Mrs . P » yne " s house , it might be without her ( witness ' s ) knowledge of it The evidence of the Misses Rowley , yonng ladles grown np , proved the baud-writing of Mrs . Payne on some of Ihe letters ; that they had with their mother ' s consent been on visiting terms with Srs . Payne before these letters were known of ; that they had never witnessed any impropriety of conduct between their father and Mrs . Payne ; that their mother had prohibited them visiting that lady , » ud that they had not since visited her . Some of the letters to their father were addressed to " Forget me Nut , " and a few to Mr . Tatton . "
We subjoin a cample of these remaskable epistles , as read from the originals by the defendants' counsel : —I " My dear Thomas—I this day promise yon while I am on this earth , no man shall win my affections from taeej not if he were ' richrTantlng afiaongst tne-nroTrr high in this life , and if be would settle a dowry on me , 1 would spurn it , and still foDdly fix my hopes on thee ; that if God saw it was not good for me to be thine in this world , I might be thine in glory ; my witness to this now is my Heavenly Father , and on his Sabbath have I written it . Oh ! may He hear my prayer ! may 1 bo tkine . How 1 should adore and study to make you happy . > Adieu , believe me with fidelity , Ever and ever , yours , and only yours constant , " PiiCD £ NC £ Payne . ' *
" My dearest , dearest , very dear , my own Forget me N t , —Every day you are more dear to my heart , and —ben 1 leave yon it is death , for I am sure the separation of the soul from tbe body cannot be so painful , especially to thoBe who believe and die in the hope of an immortal life , sueb I trust will be our easa when we depart this Biiful world ; but you often ask me , do I pray to be yeurs : yes . insincerity , 1 do night and day , and had I worlds to give to obtain . you , I "would sacrifice them all for tbe possession of one I love so dear . Will that day ever arrive ? 1 hope . I pray it may , and
sometimes 1 am sanguine enough to believe it wilL Then , oh then , I shall , we stall be more than happy ; I fear too happy to last long , bnt again I trust the dsy will come , for if 1 have-your arm to lay my head on in tbe hour of death , painful as tbe separation may be , I should calmly resign my soul to my Maker , and my last fond look , faithful prayer , and dying words would be yours ; and should I never have the bliss of possessing you . if sensible in the hour of death , I shall send for you , and 1 bope I shall at least be heard in this piayer . I should wish you to be with me to receive my last devoted kiss * and blessing .
" I am labouring to-day under a severe sick headach-, and a bad cold , but I shall nurse myself to-day aud to-morrow , and I make no doubt I shall bo better ; you , niy dear , I bop * are well . I Jong for your note to-nigbt , tbat will do me more good ttaa medicine . God bitss , bles 3 , bless thte , my fijtbfnl dear . I hope we stall meet again on Wednesday evening ; mind you write , don't disappoiit ; let it be Tuesday ni ^ ht , if you can , as the past it bo late in tbe morning ; and if you think the Bntts the best place , I shall be waiting ( or meet you ) just as you turn to the Lea Bants , where I ¦ raited before ; there aTe so many sailors . I wish I could behold yon tonight , but I shall see some of the girls and if J do I shall kits them for you ( nay oniy love ) . My paptr teiis me I must bid adieu , but believe me I couid write to yon for ever . Oh that I -was with you for ever . Sod bless you ; God keep you for me , and may God love you as I do , fervently , fondly , and ever and ever I shall be yours in this life , Constant * * * Burn thiB . '
In another letter the enamoured widow begs an answer to her request that he would meet her , if but for ten minutes : — " Mind yon go and write , if it is only 'Yes , my dear , * bnt I shon'd lite more . " She promises to walk by the church for a quarter of an hour . " Meet me it you can , but I don't wish it witnouv you can do it safe —bnt mett Mercy , I charge you . " Sbe asks him why he was not at church last night ; she was sadly vexed ( pious souil ) and says , "though we are divided now , 1 pray God we ^ hall one day be united , if not on earth , in heaven . " The letters were about twenty in number , and were signed " Constant , " and addressed to " Forget m « Not . " They are all in the same tone , occasionally interspersed with drawings of flowers ana hearts , and poetry , as f «
in&tsnce" Forget ma not , though we may part , Perhaps , alas . ' to meet no more , Remember that theie beats a , heart Th&t loves yon to ita inmost core . " " Constant . " In another part of the same letter the lady reniinde the gentleman that " her love is not to be trifled with . " In a subsequent epistle , the platonic widow , after exhorting Mr . Rowley to burn bur notes , so that they may be safe and out of danger , adds , " I would die to save yon , fer 1 do not blush to own I love yon truly , fervently , passionately , but not lustfully , "
On the 1 st of January , 1840 , she sends him a keep-Bake , accompanied by a letter , in which she admonishes him to " remember to follow the dictates of religion , bo that at tbe last you may meet me in glory . " In the same letter , tbe amorous again gets the better of tbe religious , and the widow thus breaks forth : — " I have kissed it ( a note from Bewley ) , not twenty times , but twenty times twenty j how much wonld I rather have had them from the writer , not the writing ; I hope I shall soon . " Tbe extracts having been read , Mr . Bridges addressed the Court for the defendant , saying that the facts formed , if not a justification , such a mitigation cf the words osei as to exonerate his client from penance and from Custs . Mr . Hartley , on the other side , pressed for sentence arainst thee defendant .
The Learned Chancellor , in delivering judgment , remarked that -whether any criminal intercourse really took place between tbe plaintiff and the defendant ' s husband , he did not know , but , looking at the letters , there was every excuse to tha defendant for believing that there had . When he looked at all the facts before him , there appeared to him to be a justification of the wo . 'tis use < l He should , therefore , dismiss the parly from the Buit and from all further consequences .
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POLICE INTELLIGENCE . —MANSION HOUSE , SATURDAY . The Honeymoon . —A tailor , in a dirty shirt , and without coat or waistcoat , whose name was stated to be William R-risen , was charged by hia landlord , Michael Denny , a Cork man , in the same line of business , with having cleared away the blankets of his well furnished room , and deposited them in the room of his uncle , a neighbouring pawnbroker , for the email consideration of the loan of 3 s . { Mr . Denny said , in the genuine tone , and with the
unaffected expression of a native of the ' south of Ireland , " Upon my eowl , please your lordship , I don't desire to hurt tbe man , but be came to me to look for work , and I not anly gave him what be axed for , but I let him and bis wifo a room , and I not only let 'em a room , but I lent him tbe money to marry bis wife wud —( Laughter ) Weil , sure enough they got marrtbd , an <\ home he lugH her to my decent and respi cUvble place , and , as I must tell the truth , upon niy uoul they took liberties with my bed in a most shauiefui ai . itiner—( Laughter . )
Tbe Lord Mayor—You meaD they stripped the bed of the bed-clothes ? The Complainant—Your Lordship talks of it as if you were present , and seen ail that happened . Y < a , tfiey did take every stitch , and the devil a morsel of blanket was to be seen in tho place . And how long are tney married ? T wo months , your honour ; and to make him comfortable I gave him 1 job that I had to « Jo myself , but be was too lazy to do it , and nothing could get him out of hia bed . ( A launh . ) I Mr . Habler— What ! not at the end of two months ?
The Complainant—No , faith . A body might think that after the first mouth he might rise to attend to business , but tbe riivil a bit of him could be got np by h"Ok or by crook until the morning he tuck my blankets to his uncle , and then both him and her got up early enough to strip the whole building . — ( Laughter . ) The Lord Mayor—Is he a countryman of yours ? The complainant—No ; he says he's a jBirmingam man ; but for a ; l tbat I don ' t wish to hurt him . But yon see , my lordship , in my country , we don't think it kind to rob a man that gives another employment aad lodging , and a wife into the bargain . ( Great ; laughter . ) ; The Lord Mayor—No , it is not kind . \ The Comp ainant—I must tell the truth , your honour ; he's as Uzy and good-for-nothing ' a fellow as ever crossed a board ; but if be 11 promise i . to work it out 111 forgive him and take him in again , j
The defendant said he was willing enough to work it out , but be ceuldn't prevail upon his wifa to let him get up in proper time in tbe morning—( laughter )— -and when he arguSed with her , she said the honeymoon always lasted another month longer , and she did not see why they should be the first to break tbe rule . The Complainant-Sure I didn't want you to do so . But you might have earned twelve shillings ; a week , at any rate , and bad plenty of fun . ( Great laughter . ) The Lord Mayor ( to the complainant)—jWell , you certainly are a good-natured fellow , and I j think you may try this man once more . Let him pay you so much a week by working for you , aod if be Iperaiata in lying in bed and neglecting his business , ] bring him before me and Til curb him of his honeymoon tricks by sending him to prison , where be shall have no inducement to lie ia bed longer th&n nature requires . ( Laughter . ) j
His Lordship then gave the complainant half-a-crown to commence the new year with . ^ and received many blessings and thanks in return for his kindness from the , poor ill-treated tailor . :
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 7, 1843, page 7, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1194/page/7/