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3f*rftt$muur Cparttgt $SltHmg
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W HEREAS; a Petition of Thomas Gbumwell, of Leeds! in the County of York, Butcher, having been filed in the District Court of Bank-
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xuiuuienofc irT ) Leeds :—Printed for fte Proprietor PE A-ttCk^-8 O'CONNOR, JEaf. o| Hammersmith, &pft :
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Ct?artt0t $nt?Rt£inc?.
SLocal ann <&cncral &nteXU%e\ue
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ON SATURDAY next , will be published , iu » neat Pamphlet Form , consisting of Sixteen PagesRoyal ' Octavo , Price 2 d ., THE MINUTES OP THE . CONFERENCE AT BIRMINGHAM , DEC . 1842 ; \ Including the whole of the . ^ ~ PEOPLE'S CHARTER , with its suggested Alterations and Emendations .., PREPARED BY THE SECRETARY TO CONFERENCE . ^* Give your Orders in time . London : J . Cleave , 1 , Shoe-lane ; Manchester * A . Hey wood , and J . Leach ; Leeds : J . Hobson . Northern Star ; Birmingham : J . Guest , and G ^ White ; Sheffield : G . J . Haxneyj Glasgow : Mesart Paton and Love . 4 . M 1 VVU UIUU ArfW V .
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. 4 . M 1 VVU UIUU ArfW V . This Day is Published , Price 6 d . mHE FACTS and FICTIONS " ofTOUT . lCAL X ECONOMISTS , being-a Review of the Princl . pies of the Science , separating the true from th& false . By John Watts . Price Is . The RATIONAL SCHOOL GRAMMAR , br Mr . Wm . Hill . * Also , Price 6 d . Part II . of Gaskeil ' s celebrated COMIC SONGS , A few copies of Part I ., Price One Shilling , may now be had , Published by Heywood , 58 and 60 , Oldhaai-street , Manchester ; Watson , St . Paul ' s Alley , Paternoster Row ; Cleave , Shoe-Lane ; Hetherington , Wine-Office Court , London ; Hobsoq , Northern Star-Office , Leeds ; and all Agents for the Star .
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FOR NEW YORK , The Line of Packet Regis . Ton . Ship Europe , Capt . Bur . Bur . To Sail . Furbtr , 610 tons , 950 tons , 19 th Jan , Her regular Day . Line of Packet Ship ' Independence , Nye , 730 tons , 1050 ton ? , ' 25 ch Jan , Her regular Day . FOR NEW SOUTH WALES . Warranted first vessel FOR PORT PHILIP AND SYDNEY , The splendid Chester-built Ship AMIGA , CAPrAiN Dalrymple ; 316 Tons per register and 500 tons burthen ; Al twelve years , and is now only two years old ; cop . p-. ir-fastened and coppered ; sails very fast , and her Cabins being arranged with a view to the entire comfort of Passengers , presents in all points a most eligible conveyance . Warranted first Vessel for SIDKEY , direct , ' The beautiful A 1 Barque ANDOVER , J . Burns , Commander , 291 ton 3 par register and 4 J 0 tons burthen ; newly coppered , and one of the fastest vessels in the portj has good accommodations , and is in all respects a very desirable conveyance for passengers . Provisions of all kinds on a very liberal scale will be provided by the Vessel 3 for New South Wales and Van Diemen ' s Land . For Passage , apply to C . GRIMSHAW & CO ., 10 , Goreo Piazzas , Liverpool .
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THE BIRMINGHAM CONFERENCE , AND THE " PEOPLE'S CHARTER . " " Resolved— That the alterations and addition proposed to be made to Hie * People ' s Charier' by thU Conference , be entrusted to Mr . Cleave for publica Hon . " Unanimous Resolution of Birmingham Conferenct Dec . 30 , 1842 . rrtHEProorietor of the ENGLISH CHARTIST X CIRCULAR has the satisfaction to announce , that he is enabled to give , in No . 101 ( now publish * ing ) of that Periodical , a verbatim reprint of " THB CHARTER /' with all the amendments ( printed % italics ) suggested for the people's adoption by tl » recent Conference . Mr . Cleave pledges himself fat the authenticity of this Edition of the Charter , il having beon printed from the copy supplied by Mr Lovett , and tbe proof sheets having been further corrected by that gentleman . In addition to the entire Charter , No . 101 of tha Circular—price One Penny only—contains articles under the subjoined heads : — The Times newspaper and Chartism- ^ -India—Her Own and Another ' s—Proposed Plau of Re-Organj zation for the " National Charter Association , " bj Mr . Cooper , of Leicester —; Cost of United States Government , No . 3 . Tae Judiciary—British Ambassadors , and their splendid Sinecures—Popular Poetry ; The "Swiss mother to her Son—Critical Notices of the' " Poor Man ' s Companion , " th / J "Annual Black Book , " and "Goodwin ' s Politioal Justice "—Interesting and Instructive Scraps , &c &o . i London : Cleave , Shoe-lane , Fleefc-street ; Lovett f 133 , Tottenham Court-road ; Watson , PaulVsllefj Paternoster-row ; Purkiss , Compton-skreet , Soboj Heywood , Manchester ; Hobson , Leeds ; Guest , Birmingham ; Paton and Lovo , Glasgow : Robinsott , Edinbro' ; and a ! l agents for the Northern Star \ m town and country . '
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Now publishing in Penny Numbers , and Fourpennv Parts , V OLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY , complete from the Original in Six Volumes . Part 13 is published this day , and Part 15 will contain the title page to Vol . I ., and a most admirable likeness of the celebrated Author , engraved on steel . The Publisher , in order to keep his word to tho public , has doubled the quantity in the last two parts , without increasing the price so . as to bring the work within tho price of Ten Shillings at which the whole will be completed . , ¦; Also , The DIEGESIS ; being a Discovery of )*» Origin , Evidences , aud early History of Christianity never yet before , or elsewhere , so fully and faithfully set forth . By the Rev . Robt . Taylor , AJi in Penny Numbers , and in Parts price FourpeBsei THE DEVIL'S PULPIT , by the Reverenl Robert Taylor . A Series of Aetronooib > Theological Leotures delivered by this celebrated Orator . In 48 Numbers , Twopence each , or in two Volume ^ Cloth , price Nine Shillings . W . DiigdaJe , Printer and Publisher , No . 16 , Holy well-street , Strand , London .
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ruptcy at Leeds , and the Interim Order for Protection from Process having been given to the said Thomas Gkunwell under the Provisions of an Act of Parliament passed in the Parliament holdeh in the 5 th year of the reign of Her present Majemy , intituled ** An Act for the Relief « f Insolvent Debtoro , " the said Thomas Grunwell is hereby required to appear in Court before M . 3 . WE 5 T , Esq ., theCouimiBsioneracting in the matter of the said Petition on the sixth'day of February next , ) at eleven o ' olock in the Forenoon precisely , at the District Court of Bankruptcy , Commercial Buildings , Leeds , for the purpose of being then and there examined touohing his Debts , Estate , and Effects , and to be farther dealt with according to the provisions of the eaid Act . , AH persons indebted to the eaid Thomas GrunwTsti ,, or that have any of his effects , are not to pay or deliver the same but to Mr . Youko , 14 , Bishopgato Street , Leeds , the Official Assignee , nominated in that behalf by the Commissioner acting in the matter of the said Petition . SAMUEL PAYNE , January 11 th , 1843 . Dbpctt Rbqisteezb f
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- ^ ( Concluded from or seventh'Page *} ' IT £ . Tbst for the purpw , e of taking the Totes of the ^ naE Sed eleelors , the j . arisi tScer in ewry parish of tt * district , lor in * , very two or jssre parishes if United for that purpor ^ stall cmse proper places to Jje provided ; so as to ^> dmlt of the arrangements described in Schedule ' A ; aad bo constructed ( either permanently or ternr jcrarily as they may tMnk proper ) that the -rotes ms ? " ^ taken -with das dispatch , a » i so as to secure t > je elector while toting from btiEg iuEpectei by any oQjer person . Y . _ Tba £ the parish officers of every parish in the district provide a saEdent number x > t balloting ixixes , made alter a model described in Schedule B , ( or made on' OM plan by personR cpi >« nted to make them , as ts as tha case "with -weights and measures ) , and none but skd *~ x *« , duly certified , sfcall be
YX . T » jat jsiBit- - c-s ! iy preceding the con * n » ncen ; ent of i"be fc iHoting , e ^ a isll&i-box shall be « - - > ' i ^ i by the deputy jietntcing cscsr { or other » r . * e t-xaminod , * s the « ase » ay-be ) , in its presence of rs agent appointed by each jandi&ate , and shall then be sealed byium sadibr the Jjgents « f -the-candidates , sod not again be cpsned "Bnfii t"be balloting -has finally closed , whsn notise shall begiTenloKichof the agents ef tto candidates ts may then be present to attend to fee opening of tha boxes , and ascertaining tte number of votes for er ^ h candidate .
"VII , 5 hat ths deputy letnnnngcmKr preside is the Jront of the ballot-box , aad see that the balloting is * oadncted Trife strict impjcrtialUy andjustice ; and that Jtba various clerks , assistants , and parish constables , Jaeperly perform their respective dnSes , and that lirfct oreer and decorum be preferred among thefrienda -of the candidates , as well ss among- al persens em-¦ ployed in conducting the electkm ; and La is hereby enthoTiEed and empoTTered to cause all persons to be fofcgtt into custody * vjho interrupt the proceedings of "the election , seek to contra-rea .-- the provisions of this -Act , orinl to obey his lawful authority .
Till . That during the time the balloting isrgowg on , "two agents of each candidate may be in the * pace fronting the ballot-box , ana immediately behead the deputy letnming officer , in order ¦ $ & % tfeey may-see that the -Section is / airly conducted ; wich persons to be ¦ provided by the deputy rttanaog eflicer 'srith cards ¦ of admission , and to J-& 3 S in * t , * . out by tise entrance assigned them . IX That the registration clerk of every parish in i [ hf > , district , "who has been appointed for the purposes of KgistMiion , be at the balloting yieoe , i n the station assigned him , previously to the commencement of the balloting , and see that no person pass ¦ on to the balloting place till he has examined his certificate and seen that it corresponds "sriih tlie regis"tration list
X-. That the parish constables an « l the cfBsers stationed at the entrance of the balloting place sfcali ust permit asy person to estrr unless he sbowBiiis voters' tjertificate , except tie peisonB employed in -conducting the election ; or those persons who have proved the loss of their voter's certificBte . XL That at the end of every year , < m whenever the xetuzning © facer is elected at the * &nse time as the member for the district , a division shall be made in the telloticg place , -and the boxes and lallotini » so arranged ss to ensure the candidates the strictest impartiality and justice , by preventing the voter from giving two voifcs for either of the candidates . XH . That -on the day of election , the balloting commence at six o ' c loc k in t he forenoon , and terminate at Eix o ' clock in the afternoon of the same day .
"Xrn . That whtn any voter ' s certificate is examined 2 ? y the registetion clerk , and found to be correct , he shall be allowed to pass on to the next barrier , where a balloting ball sb ^ n be given him by the person appointed for thai purpose ; he shall then pass on to the balloting bcx ^ and , vriih all due despatch , shall _ pnt the balloting ball into the aperture opposite the T » aTn » of the candidate he vMi&s to vote for , after "which he shall , "without delay , leave the rGom by the door assigned for the purpose . iSee Schedule A
XIT . That at the dose of fee balloting ^ the deputy letnriiiBg ofieer , in tfca . presence of the agents of the candidates and other persons present , shall break open the seals of the baUoting box , and ascertain the number of « ach candidate ; he shall then cause copies of the same to be ptfb " udy posted onbride the balloting place ; and immediately forward { by a trusty messenger ) a copy of the -same , signed by himeelf and the agents present , to the retamiag officer ef the district ; be shall t&en dsliver a similar copy to the . registration clerk , "srho shall carefully preserve the ean > e , and produce it if necessary . X . Y . That the persons employed as assistants for inspecting the cerKficatfis , an < s attending , on the balloting ^ be paid as hereinafter jneitioned .
XjFL Ukat all the expense of registratifcii , Eominatioa sad election ., as aforesaid , together -s-ith the salaries of the returning cmeers , registration clerk , ass i sta n ts , « CEBtables , and such other persons as may be necessary , as "well as the expense of all b&Ccting places , balloting boxes , hustings » nrl other necessaries for the purposes of this Act , be paid out of { an equitable-disuict rate , "Phich a District Board , composed of one parochial cfiker chesen ty each of the parishes in the district , or for any two or more parishes , if -united for the purposes of fids Act , are hereby empovrfcred sad commanded to lev ? on all householders within the district .
AVAL Tfeai all expenses necessary for the purpose - of thin Act ir-curred ¦ within the district be paid by the gb ^ Xstrict Board as sfcjresaid , or their trsssum- ; that the i ? Salaries of all officers and assistants required for tfce % purposes of this Act be fixed and paiS by tbessiil Board ^ according to the t ^ pinsea and duties of the varioas g localities . * " ?¦ XFIli . That all accounts of receipts and expenditure for . electoral p ur poses shall be kept distinct , end be audited by auditors appointed by the Dislric . S ard as aforesaid ; copies of "which aeconnts shall be printed for the use of the resoe&ive parishes in the district of
XIX . Izs . 1 iJl caavas ^ ng Members Parliament , as "well as for returning rtffj ^ rPj is hereby declared to be illegal , and meetings for that purpose during the balloting , in the day of election , are hereby also declared to be illegal—SceJPeaalusE .
DBBAH 0 N Q& PARLIAMENT . I . Be it enacted , that Qie Members of the Souse of Commons chosen as aforesaid , thall meet on the first Monday io Jnue in each , yeai , and continue their sittings from-time to tamp aslQiey rosy fieem it convenient , till the first aionday in Jane faBD ' wing , -when the next new Pariiaznentiiaa be chosen ^ they k ^« -H be eligible to be le-elected . 1 L- Thai daring an adjournment they be liable to be called togBther by && £ Xecutire in case of emergency . , III , Teat a register be kept of the dafiy attendance of each member , trhich , at -the close of the session , shall be printed as a sessional paper , showing ho-w the members have attended .
PAY 3 tE 2 TT -OF MEMBERS . L Be it enacted , that every Member of the House of CMnmona be eiAitled , at the close of the session , to a -writ of expenses on the Treasury , for bis legislative ¦ dntaes in the pubHe ^ errks , and shall be paid pex . 6 i £ nunv + ' ¦ ¦
EEaGKA « C » rS AKJ 3 DBATHS . L That any Member of the House of Commons "who may "wish to ^ resign Bis seat , shall notify theBameto the Speaker , -who is boreby authorised and commanded , "Without delay , to eiaie tha « aid notice to be delivered to thsdistrict returBJDg offtcerfo ? anew election acoording to the provisions of tbis sct-U . That onAhedeatb . of soy Member of Parliament Oiretarning ofiicsr , tie reglsSrar of deaths , Those duty 3 i is to re <» rd the same , ehaJl srithin three days after hBbAaieeeive ( J « acb notice , forward an account of such death to the Speaker ef the Hopse of Commons , -who is heeeby authorised and commanded to give bis orders a » aforesaid ; provided ilways that if such Membert 01 lefcur ^ ifig cmetra should bave died : abroad , the nect of kin of « och deceased person abalLgive notice as s £ oresasd as-eatly as possibls after , * ucii d ^ th .
TEKASmSS . X . Be U enacted , ttat if anyj > erBon , cau » e himself to fcei ^ sastexea in Bjow rlhan oae ilectaal district , ani vote tu more than one" such ^ diitrict , ipoa conviefcioa thBisof befoTB ^ anytwo ^ justk ^ s . of th&jieaco "within dther cf aaeh ; districts , he * hall incur for the first offence £ be . peoalty of three -jnonHu' imprisonment , and for the -second offence twelve incmths * imprisohmeat . _ ^ r _ ' " _ ., * IL That any person "H-ho shall i > e convic £ ed . as aforesaid of "wilfully neglecting to £ 11 ep his or hi ? notice "within the proper time , or 6 f leaving out the aame of any inmate in bia or , her nofioB , _ 8 laD ^ ^ | h «; first effeuea incur the penalty of 6 fa'povs ^ -ym ' ^ 0 ajri ftame OBuSrfjjBa 3 foTJhejsectmd tjfiaue uiztr ifiepaiaUy vf t hree nuwftj' impris&uhmt ' , and lie depdvtd of his ^ ec iive nghti for three jwwa .
HI . That any paaon "who ahaH bs" convicted -as aloreaid of forging any name , age , or Bse of residei ^ on any nobee , zhsUJsa the firrt offease incur ti » penalty of floea jnonflw' imprisonment , and for tb seeond offance three mot ^ ^ pruu * n * & , and U ^ Hvedo / Mi ^ ediotTi ^^ rjihrw ^ i ' IT . That anypsspn » bi ^ ah-be " convictodas aforesaid , of . having in _ any ; maaner ^ ^^ ai ned ^ ba- ^^ rtifieate o / MeleciQrpaia-aaniis oira , and of bavisg Toted or attempted to vote by meana of such false ce » jafleate shall for fiie . first olfeaes incur tie penalty of three months' impriaonmont , and for the second ofitiaejhree
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* The Committee having considsnd tiit , as iha ^ cBea aad expei » HLoraH fiteco ' vsrians pffioeH ^ wfll Xrafly tbtj , awonfinf to tSeir JocaBto / it vrffl b jiawise to hate a nun fixed by Parliimenfc * nd paid out ¦ s ^ the teearaj ^ BeUeving , Jnore& « r , iKtJsjjui ^ . && « iepH » sntatjoa -will « oan * pcrify tie Ideal ccwuptio * s th * t exU ^^ iqr ttOnk tia * a » nnifed expenditure * K * e ittacli , . Im anda the immediate EiperlntSBdenoa of tiu / ocal xuUiorities , -when responsible to the people , ;^ 3 » n ? n 4 er ths managemBnt of & 0 TeramenfcTand thaxr jjjgui&hB&jgeatsi'l - . : ^ Tii « - € ^ aBqiittee understand th « i Qufl dasit pay-JB « at " of-HeiBi « r « of Piriiament hai operated beoefi-. tfall ^ ia C * n * d »; but they fear that rothinode of paya » Art Iwld » out ti-jnotfve fox TBPgtb «^ T"g the sectioai Waneiiwanly- ; ' and if the tiaie of sitting is limited by Isw / TDPauty lead-to too ta ^ legislation , both of vrMch * vCw » o ^ tia ^ bjiiB BBnu » Jp » ynieBt
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montbi * impriBOBinent , and be deprived of his elective rights for three years . j T . That any person "who shall be convicted as afore- ! said , of having forged a voter ' s certificate ; or of hav-l ing forged the name of any person to any certificate ;' or having voted or attempted to vote on auch forged j certificate ? knowing such to have been forged , shall for ] the first ofietce incur the penalty tit three months' imprisonmtniand for the second tffence three months' ) imprisonment , and he deprived of his elective rights for ftrec years . VL Thss any person who ehall ba convicted as afow « - said , of having forged ,- or caused to be forged , tfae names of any voters to a requisition nominating a M' ? hjber of Parliament or a returning officer , shall for the first offence incur the penalty of three months' imp ; Jsontnent , and for the Becond ofierice three months' fmpri ~ vonment and be deprived of his elective rights for three years . ¦ )
TIL That any person -who shall be convicted as aforesaid of bribery , in order to Becore Mb election , shall be enbjeet for the first offecee to incur the penalty of two years * imprisonment , and foT the second effence sball be imprisoned two years and be deprived of his elective rights for five years . Till . That say agent of xny candidate , or any other person , "Who sball be convicted as aforesaid of bribery at any filectJoa ^ lBhaU be subject for the first offence to incur the ^^ nalty of twelve months' imprisonnseafc , and for l&e > second ofifence to twelve months ' impSsonnieHt , sad he deprived of his elective rights for five
yesTSJX That any penon who shall be convicted as aforesaid , of goini ? from bouse to honse , or place to place , to solicit is any ¦ way votes in favour of aay candidate Jar Parliament or returning officer , after the ncminatian as aforesaid , shall for the first offence incur the penalty of one mouths' imprisonment , and for the second offence two months , 35 That any person who shall be convicted as aforesaid of calling together , or causing an ejection meeting to be held in any district during the day cf election , shall for the first offence incur the penalty of three months' imprisonment , and for the Becond offence six mombs-XI . That any person trho shall be convicts * as aforesaid , of interrupting the balloting , or the business of the election , shsll incur the penalty of three months * imprisonment for the first offence , and six months' for the second .
XII . That if any messenger ¦ who may be sent with the state of the ballot to the returning- officer , or with any other notice , shall wilfully delay the same , sr in any ¦ way by his consent or conduct cause the same to be delayed , on conviction as aforesaid shall incur the penalty of s'x months' imprisonment XHL That any returning officer who shall be convicted as aforesaid ef having neglreted to appoint proper officers as directed by this Act , t o see that pr o pe r balloting places and balloting boxes are provided , and to give the notices and perform the duties herein required of him , shall forfeit for each case of neglect the sum of £ 20 . XIT . That if any returning officer be found guilty of br . bery or corrupt practicea in the execution of the duties herein assigned to him ^ be sball incnr the penauy of twelve months' imprisonment , and be de » i-ived of bis tilective rights for fite years .
XV . That if w > y deputy retnraing officer be convicteri &s aforesaid of having neglected to perform any of the duties herein assisted him , he shall forfeit for such nes ' - ^ -tA three pounds . 5 TI- That if any deputy returning efieer be convicted as aforesaid of bribery and corrupt practices in the execution of the duties of his office , he shail incur the penalty of six months' imprisonment , andlise deprivation of his elective rights for three jeara . XTIL That if any registration clerk be eonvicted as af-resaid of having neglected t <> perform any of the duties herein assigned him , he shall forfeit for each such neclect five pounds . XY 11 L That if any registration clerk be convicted as aforesaid of bribery and corrupt practices in the execution of the duties of his office , he at « wl incur the penalty of six months' imprisonment , and , the deprivation of hi ? elective rights for three years .
XIX . That if the parochial officers in any parish neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of this Act , they sball forfeit for every such neglect , or noTicompliance with the previsions of thit JLcl , the sum of £ 50 , or in default of payment twelve monttts imprisonment . : "V ^ g . That all fines and penalties incurred under the provisions of this Act bfc removable before any two jasrjees of the peace , "within the district -where the offence shall have been committed , and in default of payment , the said justices shall issue their warrant of distress against the goods and chattels of the offender ; or in default of sufficient distress , he shall be imprisoned , according to the provisions of Otis Act .
That all Acts and parts of Acts relating to registration , nominations , or elections of Members of Parliameni as yr * -& ss the duration of Parliament , and sittings of MtEvbers , are hereby repealed .
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Lo ?» don . ——Black Bdil lux , Hammebsmith Road—A meeting will be held at this piace on Monday evening , at eight o ' clock precisely , to consider the propriety of meeting for the ftunre at the Political and Scientific Instuute , Broadway , and on other important business . On Tuesday evening , Mr . Cowan will lecmre at the Political and Scientific Insiiuits , Hammersmith , on tho Political and Social Bights of Women , at half-past seven . Ciock House , Castle-Stkeet , Leicester-Square . —Mr . Preston "wiil leciuro here , on Sunday evening . Somehs Town . —Sir . Wheeler will lecture at the Gold Beaters Arms , on Sunday evening .
Totver Hamlets . —Mr . Ulingworth will lecture on Sunday evenJDg next , as eeren o ' clock , at the Chartist School Room , Grey Eagle-street , on the principles of the Charter . Mr . Kkight will leetnre on Sunday evening , at the Flora Tavern , Barnsbury Park . Subject , " What is the secret enemy thai destroys ihe people ?" Messes . Bkows a . kd Hants will visit Manchester by way of Congleton , MaccleEfield , and Stockpor t , during the ensuing week , and will lecture at the above places . | The Eigxh Coscert of lie Sonera Town Committee , for the benefit of the Political Victims , will be held on Monday evening , at the Goldbeaters Arms , Old S * . Pancras-ioad .
Oh Svxdat Evejcihg , Air . Parry will iectore at tie Hall of tie National Association , on tree Trade , the anti-Corn Law Leagne , and the Charter . On Wednesday evening , Hngh Dorethy , Esq ., will lecture on the rights of labonr . The Cle&kemvell Chartists meet for the trar ^ aciion of important bosiness , on Monday evening next , at eight o ' clock , at the Patriot Coffee House , Clerkenirell Green . Bttby . —Mr . « Jamea Leach , from Manchester , is expected to addresB lie people of Bury , on Monday eveniug ntxt , at £ igit o'clock ^ in tie Working Men ' s Hall . HoarET . —A lecture will be delivered in tio Chsrtist Jooa , Honlsy , by a , young maafrom Holmfirii , oa Sunday evening , January 22 nd , at six o ' clock .
. MoTTKAii . —The Council will meet on Sunday , at two o ' clock in the afternoon , at Mr . William Wildgoose ' s Coffee and . News Room , Mottram Moor . Idlk . —Mr . Thomas Ibbetson , of Bradford , will preach -tvro sermons in the Idle Chartist Room , on Sunday next , at two o ' clock in tie . afternoon , and at six in the evening . Leeds . —Mr . David Ross , from , Manchester , will deliver two discourses to-morrow afternoon and evening , in tie Chaniit room , Cheapside , to comzaenea at half-past two , andsix s' -elock . > WEBXKBimT . —A delegate meeting vfill take plaeain the Chartist room , Wednesbury , on Sun-4 ay , ai two o ' clock , to settle tie accounts connected wiib . lie prosecution of Mr . Join ' Mason , and the Sedgly ^ nctim 3 .
Beabfosb —The tea-party committee will meet si the council-room , oa Sanday , at twoo ' clock in tie afternoon . A fall attendance is requested . -Tss AMUSBMEKiCoiuarrrcE will meet on Sunday evenipgafc six o'clock , in the loom , Bntterworth ' sbuildiogs . Erery member is -expected to attend . Mr . Surra will deliver a lecture on the present state of Chartism to the Chartists of Little Horton , in their rwm , Park-line , on Sunday morning at ten o'clock . Mr . Si ^ ih wiD lecture at Idl e near Bradford , on Monday evening , at seven o ' clock , on tio present prospects o < Chartism , aad tie necessity of Union aa tie Chartist ranks .
. SowxBBt . — -Mr . Riciard Wheelwright will lecture here on Sund&j afternoon , at tiree o ' cloek . P . M ; Bhopht will visit tie following places in tie course of tie ensuing week;—Bacup , Monday ; Todoorden , Tnasiay ; Hebden Bridge t Wednesday ; Halifax , Thursday ; HuddersSeld , J ? ridaj ; and Dewsbary , Sunday , 28 ad . HaiBxx . -7 <) a Sanday ( to-morrow ) , a lecture will befielrreBBdin ihe Large Boom , Swari-coppice , i > y Mr . fewbewdea ; to commence a * six o ' clock in tfae fivenidg . liiKCEMHafc—On Sunday { lo-oorrow ) two leetoes ^ wjU be 4 filiyered in Carpentei f B Hall ; one in the * neTOoom- # bjaf-past two o'clock , by Mr . CJ Doyla , and tie otter in tie ereoine , at half-past aix , by Mr . James Leaci . T ° ' *^
NorasoHAlt .--Mr- John Richards , will leeiure in th « Dem . QjBr * tie Ciapel , on Monday eveninB next , ( January the If thp at eigii o ' clock . Mr . G . Harrison , of Calverton , will give an ad . dress , at Mrs . Smith ' s Coffee Rooms , on Sunday , tie 22 adin » t ^ at half-past fix in tie evening . Neitcastxb . —Mr . Beesley , of Acorington , is expe&ted here in Snaday evening .
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TODjaORBEN . —The female Chartists of this place got up a tea party and ball on Monday , the day a ' ttT Chrisimaa-day , for tie benefit of Dr . M'Doaali , ani ! after defraying all exigences , there ia a surplus of £ 3 153 . which has been made into £ 5 by ihe Female Chartist Society ; a subscription is also set on foot that is likely to raise a good sum . On Wednesday week , a meeting was got up by the Council to hear addresses from Mr . Con Murray andMr . Kidd , of Gla ^ gwpr ^ bnt they did not come , and tierefore the people ^ ere disappointed another time . Tiero has teen inbine iarm done to onr caase by disappointment than- any other tbing . The Council iave come to tho conclusion not to get up a meeting for any man unless he will be at Todmorden the day ie intends lecturing by twelve o ' olock at noon . '
LONDON . —National Association . —On Tilesday evening the members ield their weekly meeting , Mr . Crat * in . the chair . After the minutes of the previous meeting bad been confirmed , and some new members elected , tie following members were nominated to -serve on the committee for the next half year , twelve of whom to be elected on Tuesday evening , January 24 th , at the half-yearly meeting , by ballot : Messrs . Hoppey , H . B . Mailoy . Jinkmson , Simmons , Wade , Lawrence , Banfield , Bennett , Alexander , Woodward , Linton , Moore , Hetbprington , Turner , Maine , Capps , Tnring , Skelton , Vinables , Loyick , Jameson , King , Hardiag , and Barber ; Messrs . Watson and Mitchell for the office of treasurer ; and Mr . Wm . Lorett for secretary . Mr . Noesom gave notice that at the next meeting he should bring forward tie national remonstrance for discussion . Mr . Linton also gave notice for discussion , at the next meeting , the subject of the New Model Prison .
Clehkeswbll . — -The Chartists of this district held tieir weekly meeting for the transaction of business on Monday everiiDg last , when some new members took out their cards . Tnis body , which was commenced a few weeks back , by one or two individuals , now promises to become as powerful as any locality in London . Tae members intend hiring a large room for tio purposes of lectures and public meetings . Brompton . —The usual meeting of Chartists was held on Tuesday evening , at the Eaglo , Mr . Pord in tie ciair . Tie balance sheet for tie last quarter wis produced by the Secretary , and Messrs . Heath , Ford , and Budding appointed auditors . The sum of 17 s . SJ . was voted to be sent to the Victim Fand , aud considerable other business transacted . A deputation attended from the Central Hall Committee , and several shares were taken .
Flora Tavjskm , Hjlbsbury Park . —At a meeting beld here on Sunday evening , a vote of thanks was given to Messrs . O'Connor , Parry , and Lov&fc , for tieh-patriotic and uncompromising conduct at tie Birmingham Conference . 1 , China Walk , Lambeth Walk . —At a meeting especially convened to receive tie report of the Delegates to Ihe Conference held at Birmingham , after Air . Dron had given a faithful account o , f the proceedings at tie said Conference , the following resolution was carried unanimously : — "That we higkly approve of the conduct of our delegates at
the Conference held at Birmingham , and consider , by tie judicious exercise of tie trust reposed in the m , tiat they have given a decided proof that we will not for any party , or under any pretence , sacrifice principle for expediency ; and that we will use our utmost endeavours , by legal and peaceable means , to obtain onr rights ; and that tho certain means to-obtain tiem , and ensure ' prosperity , contentment , and happiness nhivorsally , is by causing the People ' s Charter to become tie law of the land . It was also announced ibafc a leotard would be given on Tuesday evening n « xt to commence at eigit o ' clock , and discussion invited .
Dorking , Subset . —Late on Saturday night a fire was discovered in a floor mill , called Westcott Mill , about a mile and a half from this town , the pro * perty of ; Mr . James Bravery , an extensive corn * dealer , miller and farmer . The person who first discovered the fire , upon entering the premises , found that tie door of tie mill had been broken open , aad tie windows been thrown open , wiich leaves no doubt but that it i& 4 been entered and wilfully set on fire ; tie windows , no doubt , were thrown open to give velocity to tie flames , and the wind blowing ;
rather strong , the whole of the mill , together with its contents , which consisted of about 200 quarters of grain and meal j were completely destroyed before assistance could be procured . The property destroyed is estimated at j ? 20 OQ , none of which was insured . ThiB is tie fourti incendiary fire ttat has occurred in the vicinity of Dorking within t ] ne last ten or twelve months , and not tbo Bligitest trace nas yet been discovered of the perpetrators , although a reward of £ 470 has been offered for the apprebension of tie offender or . offenders .
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: SaEFFiELD . —Mr . Paskes preached a sermon in the Fig Tree Lane RoQtn , on Suaday evening last , the subjoot of his discourse being , ihe Church of iChrist versus Charch Establishments . Mr . Sampbi . KroPj of Glasgow , one of tie delei gates from that city to the lato Conference , viBited Sheffield on Monday last , and . the same evening lectured in the Fi ^ Tree-lane Room , Mr , Parkes was called to the chair , aud introduced Mr . Kidd , who delivered an eloquent and soul-stirring address , whici ocenpiod two ioura in t ^ e delivery . The room was crowded by an enthusiastic audience , who testified their approbation of the eloquent lecturer ' s discourse by ioud aad repeated cheers . Mb . Com Murkay , another of the delegates from Glasgow , should have lectured on Tuesday evening ,
but did not reach Sheffield in time ; Mr . Murray accompanied by Mr . Harney , left Hull by the Thome packet , at ten o ' clock , on Tuesday morning , and ought to hare reached Sheffield at live o'clock in the eveningy but owing to tie very unfavourable weather , tie packet did . not reach Thorne till five o ' clock . As the Bight advanced , the storm increased , apd the coach did not reach Sheffield till half-past nine o'clock . Tae meeting was of course disappointed in not hearing Mr . Murray , whose place was , however , ably supplied by Mr . Kidd , who delivered a second address replete with sound argument and sterling eloquence . On the motion of Mi * . . Cartledge , the thanks of the meeting were voted to Mr . Kidd for his two able lectures . Mr . Kidd acknowledged the compliment , and the meeting dissolved .
DEWsBO&Y .- ^ Mr . Fox , of this place , has received tio sum of 45 , from Mr . O'Connor , for the defence of the Chartists of Dewsbury , for which they rcum most siuccre thanks . Leamington , —On Tuesday evening Mr . Gammage of Northampton , delivered a lecture at the Prince of Walo , 3 . A vote of thanks was given to him , and tho meeting separated highly gratified . Leeds . —On Sunday afternoon and evening , Mr . David Ross , from Manchester , delivered two very eloquent discourses , in the Boom , Cueapsjdu . Such was the jdeeire o ^ the people of this town to hear him , that ; the place was crowded to suffocation both times . He appeared to give universal satisfaction . At tho conclusion an unanimous vote of thanks was
given to him . The Chairman then introduced the business oi the Association . A motion was made " That the thanks of this meeting be given to Mr . Brook , for his Valuable services during the past year as sub-Secretary to tie Association . " Tie Chairman put it to tie meeting , and declared it carried unanimously . It was then moved and seconded , "That Mr . Brook be requested to continue his services as sub-Secretary to the Association for the ensuing twelvemonths . " This was also carried unanimously Mr . Jas . Cooke brought in for Dr . M'Douall 4 j . 3 ^ d . j this makes with the 11 s . collected at the meeting which iVlr . L * ach attended , 153 . 3 Jd . If aty other
persons have subscriptions for tho same object , they are dpsired to bring them in as soon as possible to Mr . Bcook , in order that all may ko together . On Tuesday night , at the weekly meeting , the only business of importance was the nomination of five persons as a coinomfcee to examine the books of the Executive , agroeablo to a resolution passed at a meeting of Chartists at Birmingham . Aft « r a little discussion , the follow . ng were carried : —Mr . J . H . Parry , London ; Mr . Christopher Doyle , Manchester ; Mr . Bernard M'Cartney , Liverpool ; Mr . N . Morling , Brighton ; and Mr . Richard Marsden , Pre 3 ton .
Mossley . —Mr . william Dixon , of Manchester , lectured here < m Tuesday eveniag last , on the V Principle of Total Abstinence . " After the lecture a collection was made towards the Defence Fund . Hi / ddersfield . —On Monday night last , according to arrangemeut , tho Huddersfield delegates to Birmingham met at the Hall of Science , for the purposu of giving an account oi their stewardship . Unfortunately tho weather was so boisterous that very few attended ; those who did were pleased with the account . Tne fall of snow was so great on Tuesday night that few attended the usual weekly meeting ; yet the members generally approve of tho conduct of the delegates at Conference .
S « NDERi , A . ND . ii-At a meeting of the council of the Sunderland whole hog Chartists , on Monday night last , a vote of censure was unanimously passed upon Mr . James Williams , for his conduct in the Birmingham Conference . The whole hog Chartv 3 ia have greatly increased in numbers , and still couti bue to do so , at a rapid rate , which has obliged them to remove to a large and commodious room ? No . 31 , RobinsonVlane , where the Evening and Northern Stars , are read every night , to which room all Chartists are invited .
BIR ' . YIINGHAIYI . —A lecture was delivered at the Chartist Room , Aston-street , on Sunday evening last , by Mr . R . P . Mead , Mr . Steward in the chair . The Old Commodore lashed priestcraft and hypocrisy in gallant style , and w . ia warmly applauded throughout . Mr . John Mason was loudly called for , and delivered a short and spirited address , in which he approved of the watchfulness of the people over the conduct of their leaders . He was loudly cheered on retiring . The meeting then separated . : Monday Evening . —Mr . George White addressed the meeting assembled in Aston-street Room , on Mond iy evening , on the position of the people . He also pointed out the necessity of improving tho organisation of the Chartists in Birmingham , and gave notice that printod circulars would be forwarded to each member , requiring their attendance at a meeting to be held on the following Monday evening , at which p ' ans would be brought forward to strengthen and improve the puaition of the Chartists of Birmingham .
Conference Delegates . —Ab the main portion of those who attended the late Conference as delegates for various places are dependent on their labour for subsistence , and as those resident in Birmingham attended with an understanding' that their wages would be paid by their constituents , those towns wbo have not yet forwarded the necessary means ore requested to do so as soon as possible . All letters to be addressed to Mr . George White , S 3 , Biomsgiove-atreet , Birmingham . TtfE CASE OF MRS . ROBERTS AND HER FAMILY , ¦ WHOSE HUSBA . ND W ^ S SO UNJUSTLY TRANSPORTED AX THE TIME OF TUE BIRMINGHAM FIRES .
Friends of Liberty , —We , the undersigned committee , deem it our duty to appeal to you on behalf of the wife and family of the unfortunate victim Roberts , of Birmingham , whose case excited so much comtnisaeration at the time of bis conviction . It will not be necessary now to eater into any lengthened details of the circumstances which led to bis transportation ; suffice it to say that be told the Judge on his trial " that he was most innocent of the chargeb preferred , and that be could have proved such to tbe satisfaction of tbe court , but being too poor to support bis witnesses up to that time , they bad to leave town , and therefore he must suffer . " The present situation of his wife and family is we understand most deplorable ; hence we hope this appeal will not be made in valo .
' Englishmen , reflect on the situation of this unfortunate family , who are now pining amidst want and misery ; whose home is made desolate by tne myrmidons of tyranny and oppression—the husband banished from his native land—bia wife , his family , and ail that is dear to man , to linger through a miserable existence in wretchedness and misery I and for what ? Why , because ( as he stated to the judge ) be had not the means of buying justice . Our object in thus addressing you , is to raise a sufficient fund to purchase for his unfortunate wife a M ANGLE , bo that she may obtain a livelihood by her own industry , for herself and children , and thus tender ber independent of public subscriptions .
This bumble appeal , on her behalf , will we feel fully assured , meet with immediate and favourable consideration from every humane disposition . Her hus band , herself , and family , are victims for the cause of liberty—they claim our sympathy , and surely if a small sum win procure tne above article , and render bet aad her family comparatively comfortable , it is our solemn duty' to eee they do not starve . Signed by the Committee , J . Newhouse , D . Potts , T . Welsford , J . Bentley , C . Taylor , C . Thorpe , ji A . Fuss ^ ll , Treasurer .
Subscriptions to be forwarded to the " Star Office , " and to Mr . G . White ' s , 38 , Bromsgroye-street , aad Mr . Fussell , 30 , Bardslev-street . Birmingham .
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Intelligence arrived in Wi ^ an Wednesday noon , that Whitley-hall , the residence of Mr . Alex . Fowden Hallibarton , was on fire . t The report caased & great sensation , as the hall is oue ef the finest mansions which add interest to the scenery in the neighbourhood of Wigan . The fire was occasioned by some lighted coals falling from the firegrate in the study down a black Sue constructed for the purpose of increasing the draught in the chimney from the cellar . Some straw , which was in the cellar underneath the study , caught are , and , had a timely discovery not been made , it is more tban . probable that the noble mansion would have been soon enveloped in flames , from its elevated situation and the strong breeze which was blowing at the ¦ tilM . s The damage done was trifling . ipl «§ iSl 0 » i Starvation . —Oa Monday morning , as a i > erBon named Andrews was proceeding to his
work iil ' fh 6 neighbourhood of the village ofHaf efield , Middlesex , about four miles front fhe town of Uxbridge , his attention was' attracted to something which he observed behind sonfe old houses in Harefield-l » ne , and on proceeding to the spot he found the body of a majreitfing upon an old saucepan , with his head bent between his knees , and quite dead ; From the dreadfully emaciated ' and attenuated appearance of the body , there can be no doubt that the unfortunate man died from fitarvatiotf , which is confirmed by the fact that no money or other article whatever was found upon him , except a quantity of haws , from the' hedges , in his pockets . There was something also in bis appearance that would lead to the supposition that he was some poor insane individual , who baying escaped from an asylum , had wandered about in a destitute state , and eventually had eat fumself down , where he died .
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Release of Mr . Robert Peddib . —Under the head " Bradford , " in last week ' s Siar , it la stated that Mr . Pdddieis flvae will expire on the 17 th of March . This is a mistake , Mr . Paddle ' s time commenced on the 6 th of Marco , 1840 , and will expire on the 4 th of March , 1843 . 1 Let his friends therefore look to it . TODMOEDBN .-Magistrates' Room , Friday , Jan , 6 . !—Three persons were brought before James Taylor , Esq ., whose names are John Crowther , Wm . Overend , and Thomas Stunsfield , for cutting Mr . Joseph King ' s coat . It appeared from the evidence of William Crossley , that Crowther
and Stansfield kept the complainant in talk while Overend cut his coat . Mr . Bloomley , attorney , appeared for the prisoners ; he cross-examined Crossley but without j snaking his evidence at all . Ha then called Richard Chaffer , Ash worth Earnshaw , and Thomas Smith , and they all swore that Overend was not in the room they were in that day , but his worship conV j ioted Overend and Stansfiold iu -Is . 6 d . each and expenses , and Crowther to find sureties , or in default thereof they were to go a-month to prison , but eventually he liberated Crewther , and committed the other two fourteen day 3 .
The League and the League ' s Fund . —On Wednesday week , placards appeared on the walls of Todmorden , informing the people that an anti-Corn Law tea party would take place on Monday , in the Wesleyan Association Sohool Room , after which they wonld adjourn to the Chapel , to hear addresses from R . R . R . Moore , and John Bright , of Rochdale . The charge to the tea party a ; id lectures was one shilling , or sixpence to the lecture . Wh > Mr . j O'Connor came to Todmorden , the Coun waited upon the the trustees , to try to take the b hool Room , and the answer they got was that they could not let it for & political purpose ; they informed them that the League hnd had h once for Euch a purpose . They said , " Yes , but they were not aware at the time that ther * was a rule
upon their books strictly prohibiting all such meetings . " They distinctly stated that neither the League nor any o ^ her party should have it again . The Chartists , seeing that the League wore for making money out of them , came to the conclusion to . keep away . The ] Bill stated that no tickets-would be insued after Saturday night , but when Saturday night came , jthoy had only sold about 150 ; they , therefore , on jVionday took a very good plan to get rU of the tickets ; they placed a quantity in the hands of their ? slave drivers , end sent them round the mills , stating ] to tho people that they might J have a ticket without paying for it just then , and if any one refused to hs | . ve one they looked daggers at him . They managed to get rid of about 400 with such
proceedings as these . When the meeting coinoienced there was a > tolerable good muster , to say it was called by thejLeague . Mr . R . R . R . Moore had to take tho beggjng department , and a right good cadger he is ; he told the natives that if they would only give largely they would receive a greater reward when tha Corn Law 3 were repealed . What struck me most at the time was the manner of . collecting the money . They had got cards printed and . circu lated them inj the meeting along with a pencil , aud parties had to ] write what they intended to give upon ihe cards . This was a new move , and calculated to force the people to give contrary to their opinione ; for who durHtjrefuse to give when their employers were staring ] them in the face ? They might as well have gone to each operative and said " You
must either give something to the League fund or else you must take the bag and walk . " After they had collected the | cards , Mr . Moore got up and gaid , if there was any one that after giving the thing consideration , thought be had not given enough , he requested them to speak up ; this was an arranged plan , for individuals rose from different parts of the room and altered their subscriptions , some doubling the amount ; this was done , no doubt , to show those who had not given up to the mark . Tiiero never was in Todmorden such shameful conduct''beforeeven tht ir own friends cry shame on them , and with all they could do they only got that night £ 150 They put the ] subscription they had made before ^ o it , to make the people think they had got more than they really had . —Correspondent .
XkEAZISSEN . —Mechanics' Institute .- ^—The first anniversary of the above institute , which had beeu in existence little more than one y ? ar , was held in tho large room of the Institute , on Friday night , the 6 th inst . jits founders ( three in number , ) have , during the last twelve months , been most incessant in their labours . Many and great were the obstacles they had to { encounter , but perseverance overcame every difficulty . Whatever was considered by them as requisite for the well-being of the society , measures were immediatel y taken for its obtainment . In justice to Mr ; . Taylor , one of the founders , we
should say that his individual efforts and sacrifices , including time and money , are almost unparalleled . His general character is an exemplification of the tendency of ] the acquirement of knowledge to ameliorate aad elevate the dispositions of men . These hi ^ h and pleasureable attainments , stimulate within his generous soul , a desire to see them more generally diffused and appreciated ; and up to the present time Ibis most sanguine expectations have been more thai ) realised . About 200 of both sexes , sat down to ] tea ; after which the president and other speakers delivered appropriate addresses , and the business of ; the evening passed off most asreeably .
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Thf most valuable of earthly blessings is gc od health , and this may often be destroyed by slight negligence , orjpreserved by simple means . We beg to refer our readers to Mr . Rinnan ' s advertisement , elsewhere inserted . We believe this gentleman to belong to an jaltogether d . ffurent genus from tho brood of common quacks , His opportunities of obtaining medical prescriptions from eminent practitioners have been extensive , from his own , very large and respectable practice as a dispensing chemist . ¦ Passports v ^ ere taken out on Wednesday by the Marquis of Nonnanby , for him < slf and family , Tho noble lord intends to be absent for the greater part of the year . They proceed * fr /> m Pari 9 to Sardinia , pass some time at Rome and Naples , and the autumn at the German spas .
Peace witk China . —The First Billiard-table for HoNG-KoiiiQ . —No sooner was tho peace concluded between Chiaa and England , than the officers of her Majesty's 98 th regiment sent an order to make a first-rate table for their use at Hong Kone . This has been completed and shipped on board the armed ship Pos ^ Dtiine , Capt . Valentine , which carries despatches to her Majesty's government .
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i AMERICA . By the NeW York packet-ehip , " New York , " Captain Cropper , sailing from that citv on the 20 th ult ., papers to [ that date , being four days later than those brought by the "Acadia" steam-ship , have been received , The latest dates from Europe were London , Nov . 18 ; Liverpool , 19 h ; Havre , 17 th ; and from Canton , Sept . 24 . The Royal mail-packet Britannia wasj due , and hourly expected , with 15 days later news . Tho news brought by this arrival is not particularly important ! . A bill was brought into Congress to repeal the Bankrupt Law , and was expected to bo carried . I
A Message was received from tho President of the United States , setting forth that the reason why no action was had by him ou the Bill to repeal tho distribution clause of the Land Bill , and the Bill regulating the taking of testimony in cases of . contested elections , was their presentation to him just as Congress was on the point of adjourrment , owing to which he had not time to examine , them before the adjournment took place . The Secretary of tho Treasnry had made "his report . j Since the election of the Members of the present Congress , ten deaths have occurred among them—a larger number than ever died from the Members of any preceding Congress . Tiiere is nothing decisive from either Mexico , or Texas . I
With regard to the health of Sir Charlr * Bagot , we have contradictory statements . Tha New York Sun of the 17 th . says—" Private letters from Kingston , to the British Consul , state that Sir Charles Bagot is fast recovering ; indeed , his health is so far restored th ' at he drives out ; " while in that of the 19 ; h we find the following : — " From Messrs . Pomeroy and Co . ' s express we learn that the latest advices from Kingston represent the health of the Governor-General , Sir Charles Bagot , as much worse . But slight hopes are entertained of his recovery . " J
W Hereas; A Petition Of Thomas Gbumwell, Of Leeds! In The County Of York, Butcher, Having Been Filed In The District Court Of Bank-
W HEREAS ; a Petition of Thomas Gbumwell , of Leeds ! in the County of York , Butcher , having been filed in the District Court of Bank-
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^ « Leeds Corn Market , Januaby 10 th ., 1843 . —T 6 « arrivals of Grain tb this day ' s market , are smalle * than last week . Ther 6 ha ? been a fair demand fet Wheat , and prices Is . per quarter higher . BarleJ f in good demand , and Is . per quarter dearer . OiiS and Beans little alteration . THE AVERAGE PRICES OF WHEAT , FOR THE VSM ENDING J \ N . 10 , 184 S . Wheat . Barley . Oats . Rye . Beans . Pe a %
Qrs . Qrs . Qrs . Qrs . Qrs . ft ** 3837 2182 698 — 263 . 8 £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . d . £ s . o . 2 9 14 I 7 7 | 0 18 21 0 0 0 1 9 9 £ 1 12 0 Leeds Woollen Mabkets . —W ^ e are sorry thert is no improvement to notice in the aemandfor gpoM at the Cloth Hall , nor indeed is there any bnBjnfflS doing at all in the warehouses . The present pw * pects bovh of merchants and manufacturers , * & cheerless in ih « extreme .
WAKEFIELD CORN MARKET . Fbiday , Jan , 13 . —The arrival of Wheat for $ * day ' s market being small , and the millers genersUJ lean of siock , a good extent of bnsiness has b » " » done , and aa advance of la , per quarter reww obtained . Barley has also met ready sale , at ** improvement of Is . per quarter . Oats have * # » more in 'demand than for some time past , and an advance of $ d per stone freely paid . Shelling ml * be noted Is . per load dearer , and Malt is in reaaes * at at advance of ls ^ i » er ioadV ?
Xuiuuienofc Irt ) Leeds :—Printed For Fte Proprietor Pe A-Ttck^-8 O'Connor, Jeaf. O| Hammersmith, &Pft :
xuiuuienofc irT ) Leeds : —Printed for fte Proprietor PE A-ttCk ^ -8 O'CONNOR , JEaf . o | Hammersmith , &pft :
, vj ovjon . ua . nyuaoflj « «" . ; , lngOfficea , No » . lSandl 8 , "MBrket-street , Bri « g »*»' ' and PnWliihed by the said yjrosHPA Hp »»«* { tot the jaid FJBAkfiQS 0 'Co « irOB , ) at his D *«; ling-Donae , No . 5 , Market-rtreet , Brfggafe ; •» Internal Ommunicatlon existing between the « W No . i , UtarketBtreet , and tbe said No * 13 »» ^ 13 , Marfcefcrtraet , Briggate , thus constituting »* whole of the said Printing and PabUshing QlB * one Premise * . - ... All CommunicaUons must be addressed , Po « t-pad » *»¦ Mr . HoBSttr , Northern Star Office , Leed * Saturday , Jano * ry It , UiS . [ J
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Ashjlon . —Mr . Joseph drier , of Stookport * Tfill lectar / i here on Suaday evening next . Spockport . —Tbo members of the Nations , ! Cjbar .-ter Association are recquested to attend a meeting of msinuers at the association room , at two o ' clock to-morrow evening , to oori ' sider Mr . Cooper's irew plan of organization . Dewsbtoy . —A district council meeting will be held on Sue day next , in the room over the stores , at two o ' clock in the afternoon , when delegates are requested " to attend from all parts of the district , i Birmingham . —A meeting of Chartists will be held i at the large room of the Royal Oak , Little Charlesstreet , on Monday evening next , at seven o ' clock , when the state of the cause in this town will be entered into with a view to its improvement .
Eablshbaton . —A lecture will be delivered in the Association Room , Earlsheaton , this day ( Saturday ) , by Mr . ^ i . Marsden , from Holmnrth , a young and talented advocate of the rights of man ; to commence precisely at eight o ' clock in the evening . Mossley . —Mr . Christopher Doyle , of Manchester , will lecture in the Association Room , oa Monday evening next ; snbject—war and taxation . A collection will be made towards the defence fund . Bacitp . —A publio tea party will be held in the Chartist Room , on Saturday next , in honour of Mr . Tegg and Mr . James Stott , tho Chartist advocates , being released from their confinement in Preston House o : Correction . Tickets for females , sixpence ; males , uinepeuce . Shkffieid . —Fig tbee-lane . —Mr . Peter Poden will deliver an address on Sunday evening , January 15 : h , at half-past six o'clock .
Ma . Jolian Harney wiil beliver an address on Monday evening , at half-past seven o'clock . The Albion Locality having removed from Mr . Martin ' s to Mrs . Smith ' s , Gloucester CofFee-house , Church-street , Shereditch . will hold their first meetiDg on Tuesday evening next , at eight o'clock , to hear a lecture on the People ' s Caarter . Ma . Kean will lecture at the Star Coffee-house , Union-street , Borough , on Tuesday next : Bubject —^' The causes that have produced the present amount of misery in this country , and the remedy . " Hahjstead —A lecture will be delivered on Moneay evening , at Beven o ' clock , at Mr . Nott ' s Coffeehouse , High-Btreet , wiih a view of forming a locality theie .
Ct?Artt0t $Nt?Rt£Inc?.
Ct ? artt 0 t $ nt ? Rt £ inc ? .
Slocal Ann ≪&Cncral &Ntexu%E\Ue
SLocal ann < &cncral &nteXU % e \ ue
Local Markets.
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TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STARDeaR Sir , —Oa tbe part of the Chartists of Scotland ana for the advancement of our cause in that country , I am desired to request a corner in the people ' s paper for the following resolution passed at a meuting of Scottish delegates , held in tha rooai 3 v » f tlie Mechanics' Institution , Now Hall-strefct , Birmingham , on the evening of the 30 ; h ultimo . Moved by Mr . Robert Somers , seconded by Mr . A . M'Do-ald , and passed unanimously . Rssorved— " That the Chaxti 3 ts of Scotland are bound
to see that the debt due to Mr . George R :. £ 8 , of Glasgow , as General Treasurer , should be refunded to him . And the Scottish delegates here ptese .. t pledge themselves to bring the subject before their constituents , and urge npon them the duty and necessity of getting up social meetings or any other means that may bt deemed necessary to raise funds for that purpose . And that with tbe view of recovering db much of tbe debt as possible , Mr . Boss be rtquaated to take steps to prostecute all agenta standing indebted for circulars , whose circumstances render such proceedings advisable . "
To the above resolution the following delegates have affixed their names : — Archibald M'Donald , Aberdeen . Abmm Duncan , Arbroath . Robert Cochran , Paisley . Hobsrt Somera Galloway . William Parks , Anderston . Thomas Davies . Eawick . James AdamB , Glasgow . Sainuel Kidd , Do . Thomas Ancott , Do . George Robertson , Greenock . Henry Rankin , Edinburgh . William Eniereon , L ? ith . William Davidson , Dundee . William Cotton . Kilmarnock and Aberdeen . Con Murray , Vale of Leven , and Caoapsie . Jobn Colqubeuri , Glasgow . James Moir , Dx Archibald Walker , Hamilton .
Now , Sir , the debt to which tbe above resolution refers is justly due to George Rosa , through his kindm ss in advancing rnonsy upon all occasions when the Ontral Committee for Scotland -or the cause of Chartism required it ; if those who contracted the debt as an Executive have thought proper to secede from ua without an effort to get it paid up , it is to be hoped that tbe men of Scotland far whom Mr . Rosa has done bo much , will not Allow him to be left minus of . £ 117 ; if they do , it is at variance with their general character . I remain , Sir , Sincerely yonrs , Con BIubray .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 14, 1843, page 8, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1195/page/8/