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~~ " -^nv- " > ~> — MARKET INTELLIGENCE.
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rj iHEEE is hardly a single complaint amongst the JL Hundreds to which the Human Frame is liable bo distressinjj and so prostratingus Affection , of the Spine ; and Jhere is hardly another complaint so dif-Scnlt of cere . The discoverer of an almost unfailing Hemedy may therefore safely be said to confer a boon upon his species ; and jftfa Remedial Boon is proved by extensive experience to have been discovered by the Proprietor of BA 2 GHS SPINAL OINTMENT . Some of the Cases of Care effected by it are beyond telief 5 and , were not the parties lining , and per < - fectly willing , nay , anxiously ready to be Tefemjd to , and to testify to the wonderful benefits they h ? itt > xeeeiyed , flie Proprietor of the Ointment dare not mention them for fear of being chafed with an attempt to practise upon the erednlHy of the pu ' j > Kc The parties , however , are living ? they can be t eferied to ; and their testimWy is of the highest iraportance to all afflicted with Spinal affection . The efficacy of this invaluable Restorative has been again most abundantly : demonstrated : m -&b following two cases of cores effected within the last month . The names aad addresses of the parties are given ; and to the parties tkemseWes are the sceptical referred . KSCSST-taSES . L William Moss , son of Thomas Moss . Tk 1 b =, 2 forthgate , HuddersSsld , has been afflicted wi&tie spinal complaint -for nearly two ^ ears ; and daring that time has been ander the medical -treatment -of several of the Medical Profession in the neighboaihood , hut ieeefr-ed ; ao relief . . His back was « uite crooked and deformed . After using the Spinal Ointment a short fcne ,-he was completely recovered , « nd is now strong and healthy . 2 . Mary Ann flntchinson , danghter of Mr Hutchinson , Clock and Watchmaker , 32 , Eiag street , Hnddersfield , was severely afflicted with she Spmal Complaint for a long period , so much so-as to walk with-greai-diSculty . Ser Spine was ouch distorted . She had been mder thB treatment « f the Faculty for . some time , without experiencing cay Tdief . After applying a fewiexes of the Spinal Ointment , she was -completely a « stored , and is ^ new -enjoying gooi health . In addifionio the above , the fallowing -CASB 3 ( B > CUSS are al «> givEn , aaa reJerence made to the parfies . who , by means « f this invaluablo boon , havebeS re f ° re T ^* ^ rf health and nseiSness . ¦ nia a 2 ! 5 $ A P ^ n > dnbber , - Milnes Bridge , near £ SA ^^^^ Year ? ^ andaj ! > "V ^ entliad ** & the benefit of ftebest medicaladvice tkat could be proeared , but Soul ^ eck His finger nails were pateifvme , when he ^ S » to . ? PPl y ae ^ Spiaal OmtoentT ^ d £ & conrse often weeks he was perfeedy cured . Hell now in a state of perfect health . 2 . —Mrs . James Kewton , of Ashton-under-Lyne AcareoJ '/ rery long standing . Sheiad experienced a 31 imds of treatment , visited Epaa . &c withont relief ; was cured with the Spinal Oiaimeni in aboot seren months , ^^ g . __ __ - Senior , son of Januss -Senior , slubber Itewsbnry ^ aged five years . Had never walked from histoth . Was cured in about four months : and enabled to walk as well as anyone . To accommodate the distressed from this terrible aJSicdon , the Qintmeut is made np in tin boie « and sold at 2 s . 9 d . each box , stamp includeiLr * Mr J . HobsoHj Northern Star Office , Leeds , is sole agent for its sale . . The Spinal Oialment is of two kinds , and numbered 1 and 2 . No . 1 is the strongest kind , and is to "be used in the mornbu / only , for children and ; for weakadults . Stkohg adults must ose No . 1 con-1 ihraously . j . No . 2 is to be nsed according to the instructions ¦ ^^ with each boXj in the middla of the day , and at '
Untitled Ad
1 Just Published , Price 2 s . 6 d . ' ( Or sent free to the most remote parts of the King- dom , in a sealed envelope , on the reoeipt of a post-ofiice order for 3 s , 6 d . ) THE SECRET MEDICAL ADVISES . BEING a practical Treatise on the prevention and t cure of the YENEREAL DISEASE , and other ! ! affections of the urinary and sexual organs , in both . ; sexes , with a mild and successful mode of treatment , j 1 in all their forms and consequences ; especially Stric- ' j tnre , Gleets , afiections of the Bladder , Prostrate Glands , Gravel , &c . shewing also the dangerous consequences of Mercury , such as eruptions of the skin , ' i pain in the bones , &c , with plain directions for a ' [ perfect restoration : embellished with engravings . { [ An ample consideration of the diseases of women ; j also nerrous debility ; including a comprehensive I dissertation on the anatomy of Marriage , impuis-; sance , celibacy , sterility or barronness , and various ! other interruptions of the Laws of Nature . I Also some animadversions on the Secret Sin of Youth s whioh entails such fearful consequences on 1 I $ s victims . j ^ This Work is nndeniably the most interesting and important that has hitherto been published on j this subject , imparting information which ought to , be in the possession of every one who is labouring j under any secret infirmity , whether male or female . BY M . WILKINSON , CONSULTING SURGEON , « &o . 13 , Trafalgar Street , Leeds . Of whom they may be obtained , or from any of his Agents . MR . M . W . having devoted his studies for many years exclusively to the various diseases of the generative and nervous system , in the removal of those distressing debilities arising from a secret indulgence in a delusive and destructive habit , and to the successful treatment of VENEREAL AND SYPHILITIC DISEASES , Continues to be consulted from nine in the morning till ten at night , and on Sundays till two , —van country patients requiring his assistance , by making only one personal visit , will receive such advice and medicines as will enable them to obtain a permanent and effectual cure , when &U other swans have failed . In recent cases of a certain disorder a perfect cure is completed in one week , or no charge made for medicine after that period , and in those oases where other practititioners hare failed , a perseverance in his plan , without restraint in diet f or hindrance from business , will ensure to the p * X % Qnt a permanent and radical care . A complete knowledge of the sysptoms and treatment of these insidious and dangerous diseases , can only ' je acquired by those who ara in daUy practice , * nd have previously gone ihroegh a regular course of JjSxDiax . iNsrnocHON ; for , unfortunately , there the hundreds who annually fdll victims to the ignora at nse of Mercury and otfeer dangerous remedies , a Jministered by ilfiterate m « a , who ruin tha constit ution b y soffermg disease to get into the system , iraiehfcemg carried by the circulation of thablooc i » to ail parts of the body , " £ h « whole frame becomes tainted with -venereal poison , and most unhappy coaseqiieoees ensue , at one time affecting the Bkm , particulai > y * iie head aad face , with eruptions an < fileerSjClosely resembling , and often treated as scarry , at another period prodecing the mosfvioleat paiag it the limbs and bones , which are frequently mistaken for rheumatism ; thus the whole ftame becomes debilitated and decayed , and a lingvaiog death pntB a period to their dreadful sufferings .. What * grief fora young person in the verr mrime « f life , to be snatched out of time and from all the enjoyments of life , ly a disease always local at first , and which never proves fatal if preperly treated , as all its fatal results are owing < 3 i £ her to eeglect or ignorance . M ? . W . ' 8 invariable rule is to give-a-Ccrd to-each of his Patients-as a guarantoe ^ r -omte , which he pledges himself to perform , orretarn his fee . For the accommodation of « ther sex , where distance or delicacy prevents s . personal Yisit , iiiB PURIFYING DROPS , price As . 6 d . can be had ef any -ef the -following-agents , -wi& printed direetians « o plain , that theysaay cure themselves wi 9 » eut -epea the .-knowledge of a bed-fellow . They are particularly reowaaeadad to ^ e-takeu treftoe persons -enter into the m&triiasaial-s-tate , lest theiEdiscretJoas 01 a parent are the ^ eoroe of ^ vexatiea to him the remainder of Ms « sisieoce . b . T « Saict inghis innoceaSbnt nnfortoaate afisprmg-4 i& the evil j ernptions-of the malignant teadeney , * ad a vamty of other complaints , that aw most ihssaredly lntrotoced by tfee same neglect « ndieprudus « c JlGSSTS . k £ ^ J be Advertiser Gfice , L ** rgate , and Mx . Noble ' BookseBar , Market-place . Leeds . —At the Times OjE&obj and ^ rf Mr . Hae * on , 7 , Bnggate . Wakeneld-Mr . Hnrst , Beoksellet . Halifax—Mr . Hartley , Bookseller . Hnddersfield—Mr . Dewhirst , 39 . Jfew-street . . Bradford—Mr . Tayler , B * sfeellei , mear to the i ^ ost-omce . London—Mr . -Butler , No . 4 , Cheapsi € e , Bamdoy ^ -Mr . Hamson , 3 » kseUei , Maxketol . York—Mi . Hargrove ' s Iibsaiy , fl , Gcney-street . Bipon—Mr . Harrison , BookseUer , Mieket-plaae . Enaris&oro' and High Haxrogafce—Ife . Lanisd ^ e Bookseller . & l ^ acheBtsr—M « . Watikinson , JDnzgg ^ tf , Maska 4-Bereitef-Mr .-Jofanson , Bookseller . Boston—Mr . Noble , Booksellar . Lonth—Mi . Hnrton , Bookseller . Shenield—At the / r £ s Office . Mansfield—Mp . S . Dobson , News Agent , 519 . Belvedere-street . Pontefiract—Mr . Fox , Bookseller . GainsboMugh-Mt R . Brown , Bookseller . Nottingham—Mr . Snttcn , Reiieu , O * ee Newark . -Mr . Bridges , Booker . ' Mr . W ., is to be consulted every day at hia Rphi . dence , froi , Nia # in the Morniag till Ten a ? nS ; and on Sundaysfroa NinetillTwo . ^ * r J OBSERTE-13 , TRAFALGAR-ST . LEEDS . - ' , Tn ^ v *! V ' «? d « y ^ Bradford , from ! c irook ° c £ S ^ ° ^ ^^^ ^ S & £ 2 ' ; : j > ! 1 : ; '
Untitled Ad
j ' ' ' { ! I 1 j j , j - , - , - , - , , - , - - - - a , ¦ ; J , c 2 Just Published , price 2 s . 6 d ., and sent free on receipt of a Post-office Order for 3 s . 6 d . MANLY "VIGOUR : a Popular Inquiry into the CONCEALED CAUSES of its PREMATURE ' DECLINE a with instructions for its COMPLETE ; RESTORATION , addressed to those suffering from the Destructive Consequences of Excessive Indulgence in Solitary and Delusive Habits , Youthful : Imprudence , or Infection 4 with Remarks , on the j Treatment of Ghonorrhoe , Gleet , Stricture an ^ Syph-> ills . Illustrated with Cases , &o . BT C . J . LUCAS , & . CO ., CONSULTlNfi SURGEONS , LONDON ; ! And may be had of the Authors , 60 , Newman-1 street , Oxford-street , London ; and sold by Brittan : 11 , Paternoster-row ; Effingham Wilson , 18 , Bishops-; gate-st ; Field , 65 , Quadrant , Regent-street ; Huett , 141 , High Holborn , London ; J . Buckton , Bookseller , 50 , Briggate , Leeds ; T . Sowler , Courier Office , ' 4 , St . Ann ' s Square , and H . Whitmore , 109 , Market Street , Manchester ; John Howell , Bookseller , 75 , Dale Street , Liverpool ; W . Wood , Bookseller , 78 , High Street ^ Birmiogaam ; T . Fryer , 16 , We jtgatestreet , Bath , G . Davey , 1 , Broad-street , Bristol , W . and H . Robinson & Co . 11 , Greenside-st ^ eet , Edinburgh ; and by all Booksellers the Uni *^ Kingdom . " The various forms of bodily and rj 6 atgii weakness inoapacity , Bufferingand disease , ft ^ thfully delineated in this cautiously written ana . practical work , are almost unknown , generall y misunderstood , and treated upon principles correspondingly erroneous and superficial , by ^© present rac e of medical praotitioners . Hencp ^ necessity for the publication of * £ It * ^ aatd , a silent yet friendly monitor , or , where ae ^ , iity jj ^ mad e threatening inroads , the means , of escape and the certainty of restoration . Th % « rils to which the book adverts are extensive and identical in their secret ynd hidden origin , and there are none to whom , as Parents , Guardians , Heads of Families , and especially of public Schools , is confided the care of young people , who ought to remain for a moment devoid of that information and those salutary cautions this work is intended to . convey . Not only are the most delicate forms of generative debility neglected by the family physician , but they require for their safe management the exclusive study of a life entirely abstracted from the routine of general practice , and ( as in other departments of the profession ) attentively concentrated in the daily wwi long continued observation requisite for the correct treatment of sexual infirmities . * Mf we consider the topics upon either in a moral or social view , we find . the interests and welfare of mankind seriously involved . The effects of lioantious , indiscriminate and secret indulgence in certain practices , are described with an accuracy and force which display at once profound reflection and extensive practical experience . "—The Planet . * ' The best of all friends is the Professional Friend : and in no shape can he be consulted with neater safety and secrecy than in " Lucas on Manly VleouB . " The initiation into vicious indulgenceits progress—its results in both sexes , are given with faithful , but alas 2 for human nature , with afflicting truth . However , the Authors have not exposed the evil withont affording a remedy . It shows how " * ' Mxjily Vigoxjb" temporarily impaired , and mental and physical emasculation , produced by uncontrolled indulgence of the passions , can be restored ; how the sufferer , who has pined in anguish from the consequences of early indiscretion—afraid almost to encounter his fellow man , can regain the vigour of health and moral courage . The work is written in a concise and perspicuous style , displaying how often fond parents aredeceived by the outward physical appearance of their youthful offspring ; how the attenuation of the frame , palpitation of the heart , derangement of the nervous system , cough , indigestion , and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption or general decay , are often ascribed to wrong causes ; and instead of being the natural results of congenital debility or disease , are the consequences of an alluring and pernicious practice , alike destructive to the mind and body . " —Bell ' s New Weekly Messenger . " Although a newspaper is not the ordinary channel for the expression of opinion upon the merits of a medical work , this remark is open to exception in any instance where the public , and not the isolated and exclusive members of the profession , are the parties addressed . Upon that which is directed to men indiscriminately , the world will form its own opinion , and will demand that medical works for popular study should be devoid of that mysterious technicality in which the science of medicine has hitherto shrouded its own ignorance . The work before ns treatB of subjects we believe generally , yet very strangely , neglected by the medical attendant , and requiring doubtlessly ( aB in operative midwifery and the surgery of the eye ) an entire devotedness to a deeply important branch of study . The tone of this beok is highly moral , and it abounds in wellwritten , harrowing , yet correct displays of the suffering . consequent upon unbridled sensualism . No human feeing can be the worse for its perusal ; to multitudes it must prove a warning beacon , a welltold appeal to reason , a permanent blessing . It is written in juslear intelligible style , and is evidently the produefcifca of a mind long and practically conversant with iVbe diseases of the most delicate division of the htm an organization . "— The Magnet . " The secant T of hafpihess in the marriage state is the chi ' trf anxiety of all ; but many dread entering upon wecdded union , through a secret fear of tmfitness foi the discharge of matrimonial obligations . This essay is most particularly addressed to all suffering under a despondency of the character alluded to ; and adv . ice will be found calculated to cheer the drooping hi ^ art , and point the way to renovated health . ' Messrs . Lucas Jc Ct "* . are to be dail y consulted froa ten till two , and ft . om five till eight in the even-£ Bg » * t their residence , b > ° - 68 » Newman-street , Oxford-street , London . Country Patients are reqx '& ' to be as minute as passible in the detail of their v ** «« s , a 8 to the duration of the complaint , the symptom s , a ^ e » general habits fk * ing , andoccupatien in life . " > f the party , The communication must be accompli ' * ° J * h « usual consultation fee of £ 1 , without * hich no notice whatever can be taken of their apnL s <»* i ° n ; and in all cases the most inviolable aL ^ may be relied on . CC 1 Sold by Mr . Joseph Bdckton Bookseller , SfiSSV * " *•» ** V 2 K ^ ><« ' -
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LETTER FROM MR . WM . HICK , NORTHERN STAR OFFICE , LEEDS . « ' Northern Star Office , Leeds , March 17 th , 1842 . C *" rjentlemen , —You will oblige by forwarding , at II your earliest convenience , the same quantity of PARR'S LIFE PILLS as last sent . While 1 am writing I cannot refrain from communicating the nattering intelligence of the great good your pills ar » doing in Leeds and its neighbourhood . It is clearly a great error to find fault with a medicine merely 'because it is a patent one ; and more especially since its use has contributed so largely to the public health . The fact is , however , predjudice is fast giving way , as it always must where the pills are tried . A few casea in point may serve to confirm and illustrate what I have asserted . " A young female came into the shop to-day for a box , who stated that they had done her immense good . She bad been troubled with a hoarseness so bad that no one could hear her speak ; but having taken a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , sh « was completely restored , as was evident by the way she spoke . " Very many cases of extraordinary cures have occurred among the aged workpeople , both male and female . In one mill , an aged couple , enfeebled by disease and debilitated by premature old age , had become almost past work ; they were persuaded to try a few boxes of PARR'S LIFE PILLS , and in a week were restored and strengthened that they could pursue their employment with pleasure and profit ; so muoh to , that from being unable to work at their calling more than two days in the week , aid this with great physical difficulty and languor , they can now not only do a full week ' s work , but overhours besides . Bad as trade is here , the old people being favourites with the mill owner , are enabled to get as much employment as they can do , which has excited the envy of those younger persons who had been employed in their , absence ; and it is a laughable fact , that Parr ' s Pills come in for a share of their rancour . The old people continue to take the pills regularly in email quantities , and find them as necessary to their health and prosperity as their daily food . " The next and last case which I shall mention at this time , is one of a most extraordinary nature . I have not seen the individual myself , but I shall give you the fact as I have received it from his employer , and from Mr . J . Hobson , who has frequently seen him Bince his convalesence . The man is a working meohanio and had spent about thirty pounds last year on the doctor , in going to the Isle of Man and other places , for the benefit of his health , but to no purpose . His food had consisted for a long time of nothing but rice milk , the stomach refusing to take anything stronger . His body was greatl y emaciated and his temporal prospects clouded ; with a mind filled with melancholy forebodings for the future , ha returned to his friends at Leeds , where he was told by his medical adviser that should he be restored a little , his disorder would have its periodical return ; but being advised to try PARR'S LIFE PILLS , he bought a few boxes , which have completely removed his disease , and enabled him to return to his work , where be was seen a fow days ago by Mr . Hobson , ( it being dinner hour ) eating beef-steaks with great gusto ; and to whom he recited with pleasure and gratitude the cause of his then healthy condition , together with a long history of his past affliction " Should the above three cases of cures be worthy of your notice , you are at perfect liberty to make what use of them you think proper . I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " WILLIAM HICK . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , 'Fleet-street , London . " MIRACULOUS CURE FROM THE USE OF PARK ' S LIFE PILLS . Copy of a Letter just reoeived by the Proprietors from Mr . Wm . Moat , 3 , Cobbett-street , Shaw ' s Brow , Salford . " To the Proprietors of Part ' s Life Pills . 11 Gentlemen , —I have the utmost pleasure in forwarding you this my own case of cure , effected solely by the persevering use of your Parr ' s Life Pills . Before having recourse to them . I had been for upwards of five years afflicted with a moat distressing malady , which the different medical men who attended me all pronounced to be a serious case of hydrocele ( or dropsy of the scrotum ) , and declared there was no other chance of either relief or cure than undergoing & surgical operation . I was thus driven almost to despair ; and coasuUed the treatise written by Sir Astley Cooper , wherein he states that the operation is generally attended with considerable danger . I therefore determined not to risk so painful and uncertain an experiment , but rather , chose to leave the result to nature and Providence . Fortunately , I heard of the great fame of Parr ' s Life Pills , and resolved to give them a fair trial . I consequently took them for some time without perceiving any benefit , but etill kept persevering ; and I have now taken twelve boxes , and to my great joy I am perfectly well , the dropsy ia entirely removed , together with a scorbutic affection , which I had been muchi troubled with since my return from India in 1827 ; and now there > 8 not a yestige of disease left in my . whole system , as I am now in better health and spirits than I have been for fourteen years . I feel certain yon would have accounts of far more cures , if people would persevere in the use of the pills a proper length of time , as I have done . I give you my heartfelt thanks , and authority to publish this letter , and will gladly answer any applications either personally or by letter , and remain your grateful and obliged servant . ( Signed ) " W . MOAT . " Witness—John Hough , Cbeadle , carrier . " Manchester , Feb . 7 , 1842 . " FROM MR . HEATON , BOOKSELLER , LEEDS . " To the Proprietors of Parr ' s Life Pills . " " Gentlemen , —I am happy to inform you that we aTe daily hearing accounts of the good effects of Parr ' s Life Pills ; to enumerate the cases would be a task too formidable for me , and which has prevented my writing to inform you before , as I can hardly tell where to begin . One man said he wanted a box of Life Pills for Life Pills they were to him , they had done him 19 much good , in relieving him of an obstinate cough and asthma . " Another said they were worth their weight in gold ! as he was not like the same man since he had taken them . "Another said his wife had had a bad leg for years , but after taking one small box , which was recommended by his Class Leader , her leg was much better , and when she had taken the second box , it was quite as well as the other . " A very respectable female said her husband had been afflioted above two years , and had tried many things , but since he had taken Parr ' b Life Pills he was quite a new man . "You will please send immediately , by Deacon's 1 waggon , 36 dozen boxes at Is . lAd ., and 6 dozen at 2 s . 9 d . " I am , Gentlemen , yours , respectfully , " JOHN HEATON . 0 Briggate , Leeds , Feb . 9 th , 1842 . " To Messrs . T . Roberts and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London . " Another most extraordinary case of cure , communicated by Mr . Moxon , of York : —Mrs . Mathers , of that city , had for many years been affected witk a most inveterate disease , which hex medical attendants pronounced to be cancer . It originated in her breast , and continued to spread nearly all over her body , defying every effort of surgical skill . Parr ' s Life PIUb being recommended to her , she resolved to give them a trial ; and , speaking of the result , she says she cannot express the inconceiveable advantage which she has already derived from them . She further states , that Bheis now almost well , andasoribeB her convalescence solely to the persevering use ef that sovereign medicine—Parr ' s Life Pills . N . B . Any one doubting the accuracy of the above statemeat , may , through the agent ( Mr . Moxon ) , »• directed to Mrs . Mathers , who will herself authenticate its truth . —York , Nov . 17 th , 1842 . CAUTION—BEWABE OF IMITATIONS . In order to protect the public from imitations , the Hon . Commissioners of Stamps have ordered the words Pabr ' s Life Pills to ; be engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted round the sides of each box , in white letters on a rb » ground . Without this mark of authenticity they are spurious and an imposition i Prepared by the Proprietors , T . Roberto and Co ., 9 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London ; and sold wholesale by their appointment , by E . Edwards , 57 , St . Pauls , also by Barclays and Sons , FaTringdon-street , and Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Sold at 3 , Market Walk , Huddersfield ; and retail by at least one agent in every town in the United Kingdom , and by most i respectable dealers in medicine . Price Is lid ., 1 2 s . 9 d ., and family boxes Us . each . Full directions 1 are given with each box .
Untitled Ad
Just Published , the 12 th Edition , Price 4 sM and sent Free to any part of the United Kingdom on the receipt of a Post Office Order , for 5 s . THE SKLENT FRIEND , A MEDICAL WORK on the INFIRMITIES of the ] GENERATIVE SYSTEM , in both pexes ; being an enquiry into the concealed causa that destroys physical energy , and the ability of manhood , ere vigour has established her empire : — with Observations on the baneful effects of SOLITARY INDULGENCE and INFECTION ; local and constitutional WEAKNESS , NERVOUS IRRITATION , CONSUMPTION , and on the partial or tVtal EXTINCTION of the REPRODUCTIVE POWERS ; with means of restoration : the destructive effects of Gonorrhea ,, Gleet , Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained in a familiar manner j the | Work is Embellishes with . Engravings , representing the deleterious influence of Mercury on the skin , by eruptions on the head , face , and body ; with approved mode op core for both sexes ; followed by i observations on the Obligations of MARRIAGE , and healthy perpetuity ; with directions for the removal of Physical and Constitutional Bisqualifications : the whole pointed out to suffering humanity as | a"SILENT FRIEND" to be consulted without exposure , and with assured confidence of success . Bv R . and L . PERRY , and Co ., Consulting Surgeons , London and Birmingham . Published by the Authors , and sold by Buckton , 50 , Briggate , ! Leeds ; Strange , Paternoster-row ; Wilson , 18 , Bishopgate-street : Purkis , Comptonstreet , Soho ; Jackson and Co ., 130 , New Bond-street , London : Guest , St « elhouse-lane , Birmingham ; and by all Booksellers in Town and Country . 1 THE CORJDIAL BALM OF SYR 1 ACUM . Isa gentlesUmulant and renovator of the impaired functions of lift , and is exclusively directed to the cure of the Generative System , whether constitutional r acquired , loss of sexual power , and debility arising from Syphilitic disease ; and is calculated to afford decided relief to those who , by early indulgence in solitary habits , ! have weakened the powers of their system , and fallen into a state of chronic debility , by which the constitution is left in a deplorable state , and that nervous mentality kept up which places the individual in a state of anxiety for the remainder of life . The consequences arising from this dangerous practice , are not confined to its pure physical result , but branch to moral ones ; leading the exoited deviating mind into a fertile field of seducire error , — into agradual but total degradation of manhood—into a pernicious application of these inherent rights which nature wisely instituted for the preservation of her species ; bringing on premature decripitude , and all the habitudes of old age : —such a one carries with him the form and aspect of other men , but without th » vigour and energy of that season which his early youth bade him hope to attain . How many men cease to be men , or , at least , cease to enjoy manhood at thirty 1 How many at eighteen receive the impression of the seeds of Syphilitic disease itself ? the consequences of which travel out of the ordinary track of bodily ailment , covering the frame with disgusting evidence of its ruthless nature , and impregnating the wholesome stream of life with mortal poison ; conveying into families the seeds of disunion aad njnhappiness ; undermining domestio harmony ; and striking at the very soul of human intercourse . ' The fearfully abused powers of the humane Generative System require the most cautious preservation ; and the debility jand disease resulting from early indiscretion demand , for the cure of those dreadful evils , that such medicine should be employed that is most certain to be successful . It is for these cases Messrs . Perry arid Co ., particularly designed their CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM which is intended to relieve those persons , who , by an immoderate indulgence of their passions , hare ruined their constitutions , or in their way to the consummation of that deplorable state , are affected with any of those previous symptoms that betray its approach , as the ! various affections of the nervous system , obstinate ] gleets , excesses , irregularity , obstructions of certain evaluations , weakness , total itnpoteucy , barreduess , &o . As nothing can be . better adapted to help and nourish the constitution , so there is nothing more generally acknowledged to b « peculiarly efficacious in all inward wastings , loss of appetite , indigestion , depression of spirits , trembling or shaking of the hands or limbs , obstinate coughs , shortness of breath , or consumptive habits . It possesses wonderful efficacy in all cases of syphilis , fits , head-ache , weakness , heaviness , and lowness of spirits , dimness of sight , confused thoughts , wandering of the mind , vapoury and melancholy ; and all kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually removed by its use . And vett "ivhere the disease of Sterility appears to have taken the firmest hold of the female constitution , the softening tonic qualities of the Cordi&l Bairn of Syriacum will warm and purify the blood aud juices , increase the animal spirits , invigorate and revive the whole animal machine , and remove the usual impediment to maturity . j This medicine is particularly recommended to be taken before persons enter into the Matrimonial State , lest in the eNrent of procreation occurring , the innocent offspring should bear enstamped upon it the physical characters derivable from parental debility , or evil eruptions of a malignant tendency , that are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence . ; Sold in Bottles , price 11 s . each , or the quantity of four in one Family | bottle for 33 s ., by which one 11 b . bottle is saved . Prepared only by Messrs . PERRY & Co ., Surgeons , 19 , Berneru-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Charles-street , Birmingham . Observe , none are genuine without the signature of R . andJL . PERRY and Co . impressed in a stamp on the outside of each wrapper to imitate which is felony of the deepest dye . The Five Pound cases , ( the purchasing of which will be a saving of one pound twelve shillings ;) may be had as usual at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Charles-street . Birmingham ; and Patients in the country who require a course of this admirable medicine , should send Five Pounds by letter , which will entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage . j May be bad of all Booksellers , Druggists , and Patent Medicine Renders in town and country throughout the United Kingdom , the Continent of Europe and America . Messrs . PERRY expect when consulted by letter , the usual fee one pound , withont which , no notice whatever can be taken of the communication . Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their leases , as to the duration of the complaint , the symptoms , age , habits of living , and general occupation , j Medicines can be forwarded to auy part of the world ; no difficulty can occur as they will be securely packed , aud carefully protected from observation . | PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS , Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 11 s . per box , j ( Observe the sigoatjite of R . and L . PERRY and Co . on the outside of each wrapper ) are well known throughout Europe and America , to be the most certain and effectual cure ever discovered for every stage and symptom of the Venereal Disease , in both sexes , including Gonorrhaea ., Gleets , Secondary Symptoms , Strictures , Seminal Weakness , Deficiency , and all diseases of the Urinary Passages , without loss of time , confinement , or hindrance from business . They have , effected the most surprising cures , not only in recent and severe cases , but when salivation and all other means have failed ; and are of the utmost importance to those afflicted with Scorbutic Affections , Eruptions on any part of the body , Uloerations , Scrofulous or Venereal Taint , being justly calculated ! to cleanse the blood from all foulness , counteract every morbid affection , and restore weak and emaciated constitutions to pristine health and vigour . 1 It is a melancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this horrid disease , owing to the unskilfulness of illiterate men ; who by | the use of that deadly poison , ' mercury , ruin the constitution , causing ulcerations , blotches ou the head , ] face , and body , dimness of sight , noise in the ears , deafness , obstinate gleets , modes on the shin bones , ulcerated sore throat , diseased nose , with nocturnal pains in the head and li m bs , till at length a general debility of the constitution ensues , and a melancholy death puts a period t * th » ir dreadful sufferings . Messra . Perry and Co ., Surgeons , may be consulted as usual , at 19 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , London , and 4 , Great Charles-street , ( four doors from Easy-row , ) Birmingham , punctually , from Eleven in the Morning until eight in the Evening , and on Sundays from ] Eleven till One . Only one personal visit is required from a country patient , to enable Messrs . Perry and Co ., to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure , after all other meanB have proved ineffectual . I N . B . Country Druggists , Booksellers , Patent Medicine Venders , and every other Shopkeeper can be supplied with any quantity of Perry ' s Purifying Specific Pills , and Cordial Balm of Syriacum , with the usual allowance to the Trade , by most of the principle Wholesale Patent Medioine Houses n London . I Sold by Mr . Heaton , Briggate , Leeds ]
Untitled Ad
KERMAN'S . CELEBRATED GOLDEH PACKETS OF SPECIFIC MEDICINES , Under the Sanction and by the Recommendation t ] Eminent Gentlemen of the Faculty and th » Afflicted . SPECIFIC PILLS for Gout and Rheumatism , Rheumatic Headaches , Lumbago , and Sciatica , Pains in the Head and Face . —Is . 9 d . and 4 s . 6 i per Box . PURIFYING APERIENT RESTORATIVE PILLS , For both sexes . Price Is . l £ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . A most celebrated remedy for Costive and BU « raa Complaints , Attacks of Fever , Disorders of tte Stomach and Bowels , Indigestion , Dimness of Sight , Pains and Giddiness of the Head , Worms , Gravel ,. Dropsical Complaint ® , &c ANTISCORBUTIC , SCROFULA , AND LEPRA PILLS AND OINTMENT , For the oure of Cancerous , Scrofulous and Indolent Tumours , and Inveterate Ulcers ; Glandular Affections of the Neck , Erysipelas , Scurvy , Evil ,. Ringworm , Scald Head , White Swellings , Piles * Ulcerated Sore Legs ( though of twenty years standing ) , Chilblains , Chapped Hands , Burns , Scaldl , Bruises , Grocers' Itch , and all Cutaneous Disease !!! also an infallible Remedy for Sore and Disease Eyes . Price 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d . and 11 s . per package ; the Ointment can be had seperate , Is . 1 Jd . per Pot . UNIVERSAL OINTMENT , Price Is . l £ d . per Pot . These Medicines are composed of Plants which are indigenious to our own Soil , and therefore most be far better adapted to our constitutions than Medicine concocted froa Foreign Drugs , however well they may be compounded . These Preparationsare important Discoveries made in Medioine , being the most precious of Native Vegetable Concentrated Extracts , extending their Virtue and Excellency throughout the whole Human Frame . GSF Read the Pamphlet to be had of each Ageal-GRATIS . No pretensions are made that any of these Medicines form a panacea , for all Diseases ; but they ar « offered as certain Specifics for particular Disorder ^ , and for all Complaints closely allied to them ; not claimiug the merit of universality as is frequently done by all-sufficient pill proprietors . The Celebrated Golden Packets , prepared bf the Proprietor , Geo . Herman , Dispensing Chemist , &c , can be had at his Dispensaries , 25 , Winoolmlw , and 18 , Lowgate , ( opposite the Town Hall , ) HciLj . or of any of his accredited Agents enumerated } ( for which see small placards on . the-wall , ) who have each an Authority ( signed by his own hana > or vending the same ; or through any respectable Medicine Vender in the Kingdom . Each Packet bears his Name , in his own hand thus— George Kerman" to imitate which is Felony . The attention of the Public is respectfully requested to the underoited oases , and the most rigid investigation into their authenticity is courted : — A CASE OP INFLAMMATION OF THE BYES . I , William Grant , of Wincolmlee ; was cured of a serious inflammation of my eyes , ( of considerable standing ) almost to blindness , quite unable to do my work , by taking Herman ' s medicine and using the ointment that ne recommended , in a verysooj * time restored them to perfect sight , and to be awo to follow my work . This he has my consent to advertise , feeling I should be ungrateful to refuse . Wincolmlee , Hull , 1841 . I feel it a duty to state the surprising remedy that Herman ' s Universal Ointment and Purifying Aperient Restorative Pills wrought in my case . It was large discharging wound * of my knee , stiff ana unable to be moved ( a medical man had treated me some time , it was thought the end of the bones were affected , ) it soon healed up and the stiffness left it . I got the nse perfectly , and now know scarcely from appearance which it . was . I cannot apeak in suJacient terms the great opinion I have of the same . W-ncolmlee , Hull , 1841 . Wm . Ball . To Mr . George Kerman , Sir , —I have to thank you for the remedy of the serious burn which unfortunately happened to my daughter . She was taken seriously ill and fell , near the fire , and her clothes took fire and she was dreadfully burnt . She was soon mended by taking yoar Purifying Aperient Restorative Pills and using tna Universal Ointment , ( prepared by you ) according to your directions . Mart Ball . Hull , Church-street , Wincolmlee , 1841 . I was cured of a large swelling and wound of my arm , by taking Herman ' s Pills and using the Universal Ointment . A professional man had failed id succeeding with it , whom I employed in Lw * po ° L : Seeing such and hearing of my brother haying wen successfully treated of a similar complaint 01 jub kaee joint , I made my way to Hull , and P **» w « the same means and was as successfully core : This I am not only willing but wishful of being made known for the profit of the inventor and tnet © thus affected . Scott-street , Wincolmlee , Samoel BalLi Hull , 1841 . Brother to Wm . and Mary Ball , AGENTS .- £ mfc-John Heaton , 7 , Briggate ;' Joseph Haigh , 116 ; Briggate ; Edward Smeeton ., u B . Smith , Medicine vender , 56 , Beckett-street , B ^ mandtofts ; Stocks & Co ., Medicine venders , &o . 0 Kirkgate .
Untitled Ad
A CURE ! FOR ALL !! holliwat ' s ointment , holloway ' 8 pills . EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A CASE ABANDONED BT GUY'S , THE METROPOLITAN , KING'S COLLEGE , & CHARING CROSS HOSPITALS . This fact was sworn to this 8 ih day of March , 1842 i I Before the Lord Mayor , at the Manaion-houise . ! SUMMARY OF AFFIDAVIT . WM . BROOKE , Messenger , of 2 , Union-street , Southwark , London , maketh oath and saith , that he < this deponent ) was afflicted with FIFTEEN RUNNING ULCERS on his left arm , and ulcerated Bores and wounds on both legs , for which deponent was admitted an out-door patient at ihe Metropolitan Hospital , in April 1841 , whereh * continued for nearly four weeks . Unable to receive a care there , the deponent Bought relief at the three following hospitals : —King ' s College Hospital in May , for I five weeks—at Guy ' s Hospital in July , for six weeks ; and at Charing Cross Hospital ut the end of AuguBt , for some weeks more ; which deponent left , being in a far worse condition than when he had quitted ; Guy ' s , where Sir BRANS BY COOPER , I and other medical officers of the establishment had I told deponent that the only chance of saving his life was to LOSE HJS ARM ! The deponent thereupon called upon Dr . BRIGHT , chief physician of Guy ' s , who , on viewing deponent ' s condition , kindly i and liberally said , "lam utterly at a loss what to do for you ! Tnithereis half-a-sovereign : go to Mr . HOLLO WA Y , and try what effect his Pills and O ' mlment will have , as I have frequently witnessed the wonderful effects they have in desperate cases . You can let me see you again . " This unprejudiced advice was followed by the deponent , and a perfect cure effected in three weeks , by the use alone of HOLLOW A Y'S PILLS and OINTMENT , after four Hospitals had failed » 11 When Dr . BRIGHT was showa by the deponent , the result of his advice and charity , he said , " / am both astounded and delighted , for I thought that if I ever saw you again alive , it would be without your arm . 1 can only compare this Cure to a Charm !!! Swornat the Mansion-house of the City of London , this 8 th day of March , 1842 . WM . BROOKE . Before me , JOHN PIRIE , Mayor . In all Diseases of the Skin , Bad Legs , Old Wounds and Ulcers , Bad Breasts , Sore Nipples , Stoney and Ulcerated Cancers , Tumours , SwellingB , Gout , Rheumatism , and Lumbago , likewise in cases of Piles ; the Pills , in all the above cases , ought to be used with the Ointment ^ as by this means cures will be effected with a much greater certainty , and in half the time that it would require by using the Ointment alone . The Ointment is proved to be a certain remedy for the bite of mosehettoes , Sand-nies , Chiego-foot , Yaws , and Cocobay . Burns , Scalds , ChilblainB , Chapped Hands , and Lips , also Bunions and Soft Corns , will be immediately cured by the use of the Ointment . THE PILLS are not only the finest remedy known when used with the Ointment , but as a General Medicine there is nothing equal to them . In nervous affections they will be fouud of the greatest service . These Pills are , without exception , tin finest Purifier of the Blood ever discovered , aud OUGHT to be USED BY ALL 1 ! ! Sold by the Proprietor , Q 44 , Strand , ( near Templo Bar ) , where Advice may be had Gratis , and by all respectable Venders of Patent Medicines throughout the Civilized World , in Pots and Boxes , at Is l . Jd ., 2 s . 9 d ., 43 . 6 d ., lls . 22 s ., and 33 s . each . There 13 a very considerable saving in taking the larger size . N . B . —Directions for the guidance of Patients are affixed to each Pot .
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THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED , AND PEEL'S TARIFF OUTDONE . TVTICHOLSON'S BREAKEAST POWDER and ± S FAMILY BEVERAGE , prepared from British Grain , is highly nutritious , as well as the cheapest and best substitute for Coffee ever yet offered to the public . Sold at 8 d . per lb ., with a considerable rednction to those who sell again . The Proprietor will give 5 per cent of the profits to the Chartist Executive , and 5 per cent to the Victim Fnnd . The Friends of Freedom will therefore do well to avail themselves of the present opportunity of crippling the enemy ' s executive , and strengthening their own ; and by this means effect a considerable saving . AH orders addressed to William Nicholson , grocer , Ulverstone ; or to Johm Thomas Lund , 77 , Church-street , Lancaster , who is appointed Wholesale Agent , will be promptly attended to . Gite totjr Orders 1
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For children and for weak adults it will therefore be necessary to procure two boxes of No . 2 to one ofNo . i . - ; A letter addressed ( post-paid , and inclosing a postage stamp ) to Mr . Hobson , or to the Proprietor , Mr . George Haigh , Crossland ' s-buildingB , Paddock , near Huddersfield , will receive an answer pointing out the readiest mode of conveyance of the Ointment , and the cost . Parties writing had better communicate all the particulars of their respective cases ; how long afflicted ; from what cause , natural , or hurt ; and the coarse of treatment undergone . The Ointment is in Boxes , at 2 s . Sd . each , stamp indnded . Sold only by Mr . Joshua Hobson , the Northern Star publisher ; and by the Proprietor .
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JrsT Published , No . 1 . for Jannary , Price 2 d , of THE MODEL REPUBLIC , A Monthly Journal of Politics , Literature , akd Theology . Edited by JAMES NAPIER BAILEY . THIS JOURNAL is the organ of the " Society for the EncouragemeHt of Socialist and Democratic Literature . " 3 t will strenuously advocate the People ' s Charter and Social Communities , and its express object is the promulgation of Union among Chartists , Socialists , and all other Radical Reformers . Contents : —Our Introduction—Lelia ; a Tale , by George Sand—The Prospects of Physical-Force Chartism—Thoughts suggested by the Question u Ia there a God 1—Bruce—Force for Ever 1—A Novel CoDJecture . Scale of Advertisements : Half-a-Crown for Six Lines , —Twopence every line beyond . The February Number will be published on the 31 st Jannary . J . Watson : 5 , Paul ' s Alley , Paternostei-row ; and to be had of all Booksellers .
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PEEL'S TARIFF OUTDONE THE COFFEE TAX REPEALED MES SRS . CROW AND TYRELL beg to Mn the attention of the Chartist Public tn-nZ BEVERAGE prepared by them , as a Cham &m Wholesome substitute for Taxed Coffee . Its imS tious qualities are equalled by none in the Market while its mode of Preparation renders it vastly ! ' periortothe Trash offered for Sale by those Jr ?* regard not the health of the Consumer . As a me *; , of supporting the " Executive Committee of-th e ' lfa . tional Charter Association , " and as a means nf crippling the Governmental Exchequer , it may K , made a ready and powerful weapon in the hand * a # the Sons of Toil . or A single Trial will prove its superiority over o& » Preparations of like pretensions . ^ Prepared and Sold by the Proprietors , 81 , Bel grave Gate , Leicester . The Proprietors have great pleasure in annomm . ing that Mr . J . HOBSON , Publisher of T Northern Star , has become General Wholesau Agent for the Chartist Breakfast PowDEK , f ( j the District of Yorkshire . He has now a few . quantity in Stock , both at Leeds and at Hudderg . field , from which he is authorised to supply 4 * Associations and other Retail Vendors at the saaj Prices as the Proprietors themselves . Orders jj dressed to him will meet with prompt Attention .
Untitled Ad
DEDICATED , BY PERMISSION , TO HER MOST GRAOQ ^ MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA , AND HER ROYAL Hlfig . NESS THB DUCHESS OF KENT . "QLOFELD AND CO . ' s NEW MAP OF ENB--P LAND , SCOTLAND , AND WALES , com * piled from the Trigonometrical Survey of the Honourable the Board of Ordnance , and Corrected to the present time , from Documents in possession of the Commissioners of Boards , &o . Size . —5 £ feet long , by 4 feet wide , margin a « t reckoned . Where preferred , it can be had in two parts , ihe one containing the Map of Great Britain ; the other , the information round the border . With this Map are given , according to the Reform . Act , the Divisions of the Counties , the Boroughs , Polling Places , and the number of Members returned for each . Distance Tables of each County ia England , 13 well as of Ireland , Scotland , andWales , anda general one of Great Britain ; forming a vKey by which ths Distance may be found between any two Market Towns in the United Kingdom . Also various Topographical and Statistical Information respecting the United Kingdom , the English Counties individually , and the numbers of Square Miles , Statute Acres , &o . The Population of all the principal Markei Towns , and the Total Amount in each County . Tie Market Days , &c . The Rail Roads and Canals are laid down in most instances , from Plans in possession of the various Companies ; and the Iron , Coal , Lead , Tin , Copper , and Salt Mines , aa correctly as possible . Price , handsomely Coloured , Varnished , and Mounted on Mahogany Rollers , French Polished , or done up ia a Case made to resemble a Book i £ 3 3 s . The above as a GEOLOGICAL MAP , Coloured bo as to show the various Strata , &c Half-a « Guinea in addition . Published by Blofeld and Co ., Map-sellers to the Queen , 29 , Thavies Inn , Holborn , London ; and may be had at Mr . Hobson's , Publisher of the Northern Star .
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Loxdok Corm Eexcha ^ ge , Mosday , Jak . 17 . — ^ Notwithstanding the arrivals of English Wheat since this day se ' nnight , as -well as for to-day ' s marked coastwise and by land carriage , ibe samples have "been extremely-limited , and " the stands to-day ¦ were poorly supplied -with samples ; the demand fox ¦ that article * riang = cbiefly from a rather small attendance of both town and country buyers was nnusually dull , and the quotations suffered an abate ment on those noted on Monday last / of from Is . to 2 a . per quarter , and a large quantity remained even at the dose of the market . We had a fair average
supply of fine Foreign Wheat on offer , the jsale for which was so inanimate that prices were nominally unaltered . Tery little has been imported daring the week . The best Malting Barley was taken off freely , at full rates of currency , but in grinding and distilling sorts very little was transacted . Good season-made Malt was in stead ; inquiry , and other" qualities were quite as dear . Owing toiheincreased receipts of Oats from Ireland , the Oat-srade was slow , ye : the rates were unaltered Beans and Peas were in " short supply , and sluggish inquiry , at late rates . The Flonr trade wa 3 again dull , and the nominal price « f the best town-made was 43 s , per 2801 bs .
Sjtuhjteld Cattle Market , Mosdat , Jam . 16 . — Compared with that exhibited on ihis day se'nnight , the supply of beasts on sale this morning w&s but moderate , yet it proved fully adequate to meet the demands of the butchers , whose attendance wasnot to say numerous , For the primes ! qualities , we had a fair , "but by no means brisk inquiry ; also , in most instances , prices about equal to those obtained -on Monday last , bnt the middling and inferior descriptioLS were heavy , at barely last week ' s rates . However , a ' clearance was affected previously to the conclusion of bnshiess . During the past week 3 iot a single head of stock has been imported from any qnarter , and we had none here to-day ; hence , "we are compelled to omit cur usual tabular statement of imports .
-Borough Hop Mabeet . —Although our supplies of Hops continue tolerably good for the season , the demand for them rnles firm , and the quotations noted on this day se'nnight are readily supported East Sent in pocktes , £ 5 10 s . to £ 6 12 s . ; Mid . do . £ 5 . S 3 . to £ 6 2 s . ; ditto , in bags , £ 4 to £ 5 10 s . ; Sussex , £ ito £ 5 5 s . ; Farnhams , £ 8 8 s . to £ 1010 s . ; Old Hops , £ 3 to £ 4 10 s . "Wool Markets . —Since onr last , the imports of wool into London , have been about 3 , 000 bales and lags , mostly from onr Australian colonies . There as a steady inquiry for the best qualities , a t fall i » tes of currency , but in other kinds very little is passing .
Tallow Market . —During the past week , there has been a better demand than for some time past , hnt , notwithstanding , the price is rather on the decline ; this arises from a disposition on the part of ihe holders generally to realise . The price for the autumn of this year , being about 46 s to 46 s 3 d , offers them no inducement to support the present rates , and to incur heavy charges . The home supply of Tallow is good , and the price , 47 s 6 d to 48 a net cash .
Potato Mabkets , —The receipts of Potatoes in the Pool during the past week have been on a liberal scale . The demand , however , arising from ihe seasonable change in the weather , has become firm , and late rates are firmly supported t—Scotch Jeds , 45 s to 5 Ds per ton j York , ditto , 553 to 6 O 3 ; DeYons , 4 o 3 to 508 ; Kent and Essex whites , 40 s to 45 s ; Wisbeaeh , 35 s to 45 s ; Jersey and Gurnsey blues , 353 to 40 a ; Yorkshire Prince Regents , 45 s to 50 a .
Liverpool Caulk Market , Mosdat , Jas . 16 . — We have had a smaller supply of Cattle at market to-day than of late ; prices much the same . Beef , 3 jd to 6 "d , Jiutton , 5 d to 6 d per 1 b .
Lttekpool Cobs Maxket , Mosdat , Jas . 16 . — "The supplies of Grain generally have been small during the past week . On Tuesday we had a good consumptive demand for Wheat from both _ town and conntry Tnillersj the business has sines been of limited -extent , but the advance then established , of 3 d per bushel , has been firmly maintained . Flour ^ neets better Bale : 2000 to 3000 barrels of United Sates and Canadian la ? e changed hands at ' 28 = per barrel . The market is very bare of Oats , and 2 * 5 d per -iolbs is readily made of good mealing qualities . Oatmeal also is fully as dear ; good Irish manufao-* " « srid ^ on Friday in smill parcels at 21 s 9 d per 240 Ibs . Barley , Beans , andPeas , continueinjimited jeguesi , withou * ^ Iteration in prices . <
MascSesier Coss Market , Saturday , Jas . 14 . — A steady consumptive demand for Floar has been experienced thronghoat the week , folly equal to the supply ; and , the stocks being light , Factory were j enabled to realize an improvement on the previous week' s advance , 40 s per sack h&Ving been obtained for choice qualities of English whites . Oatmeal has likewise been in better request , and superior cats hare ^ onud _ buyers at 23 a per load . The supplies into this district from the interier continue scanty , i
"whilst from Ireland the imports at Liverpool and Eancprn comprises 2683 quarters of Wheat , 2737 ¦ quarters of Osts , 26 S 8 sacks of Flour , and 9467 loads of Oatmeal . There was not much passing atom market this morning , but the advance noted this day Be * na 5 ght on Wheat waa firmly supported , On FJour and Oatmeal we likewise raise our quotations 6 d to Is per sack on the former , and 6 d per load on the latter article . In the value of Oats or Beans no change can be noted .
BacHDAZB FiAiWEL Market , Monday ' , Jas . 16 . —We hate had an unusually dull market to-day . Very few buyers have attended ; and the business transacted has been very limited . The merchants haveo 2 eredles 3 money for flannels , but the manufacturers rery generally have refused to sell at reduced prices . The wool market has been still "worse j few sales have been , tffected at any price ,
~~ " -^Nv- " ≫ ~≫ — Market Intelligence.
~~ " - ^ nv- " > ~> — MARKET INTELLIGENCE .
The Spinal Complaint.
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^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ THE NORTHERN STAR .
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Northern Star (1837-1852), Jan. 21, 1843, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/ns/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1196/page/2/